Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 1 Response and coordination Section A : The detection of environmental conditions 1. The skin There are several types of sense organs in the skin. Some of them are simply the free nerve endings, while the others are in capsular forms, the corpuscles. They are responsible for the perception of pain, touch, pressure and temperature. 2. The eye Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 2 a) Structure and function of the eye Structure Special features Functions Sclerotic coat 鞏膜 Tough and fibrous. To give shape to the eye. To protect the eye. Cornea 角膜 The front part of the sclerotic coat. Transparent. To allow light to pass through. To protect the front part of the eye. Pigmented. To prevent the reflection of light inside the eye. Choroids 脈絡膜 With rich blood supply. To supply oxygen and nutrients to the eye. Retina 視網膜 Contains two types of light-sensitive cells : rods and cones. Rods for vision in dim light; cones for vision in bright light and for color vision. Lens 晶狀體 Convex. To focus the image on the retina. Suspensory ligament 懸韌帶 To hold the lens in position. Ciliary bodies 睫狀肌 For accommodation. To control the size of the pupil and hence the Iris 虹膜 amount of light entering the eye. Pupil 瞳孔 An aperture for light to pass through. Aqueous and vitreous humour 水狀液及玻璃 狀液 To maintain the shape of the eye. To help to refract light on the retina. To transport oxygen and nutrients to the lens and cornea. Eye muscles 眼肌 To move the eyeball in the orbit. Conjunctiva 結膜 To protect the front part of the eye. Fovea 黃點 Blind spot 盲點 This region contains the highest density of cones This is the region which gives the clearest vision. This is the region where nerves from the rods and cones leave the eye. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 b) Accommodation (focusing) for distant object : The radial ciliary muscle contracts (the circular ciliary muscle relaxes) Suspensory ligament is stretched 3 for close object : The circular ciliary muscle contracts (the radial ciliary muscle relaxes) Suspensory ligament becomes slackened The lens is pulled and becomes less convex The lens becomes more convex under its own elasticity. Focal length of the lens increases Focal length of the lens decreases Image of distant object falls on the retina Image of close object falls on the retina The changes which take place in the eyes when watching a near object. The circular ciliary muscle contracts, thus suspensory ligament become slackened. The lens becomes more convex under its own elasticity. Focal length of the lens decreases. Image of close object falls on the retina. The above changes involve reflex actions. c) Rods 視桿 and cones 視錐 There are two types of light sensitive cells, the rods and the cones. The rods are stimulated by dim light while the cones are stimulated by bright light. Cones can detect colours while rods cannot. Cones have high visual acuity while rods have not. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Compare and contrast the structures and functions of a cone and a rod cell. Similarities : 1. Both are light-sensitive cell / photoreceptors located on the retina. 2. Both have photosensitive pigments. 3. Both synapse with bipolar neurons to the optic nerve connected to the retina. 4. Both have mitochondria in the inner segment. 5. Both have outer segments containing lamellae. Differences between rods and cones Rods 視桿 Cones 視錐 Outer segment is rod-shaped Outer segment is cone-shaped. More numerous Less numerous Distributed more or less evenly over the retina Much more concentrated in and around the fovea centralis Arranged in functional units, each unit being served by one bipolar neurone. Each cone is served by its own bipolar neurone. Give poor visual acuity because many rods Give good visual acuity because each cone share a single neurone connection to the has its own neurone connection to the brain brain. Sensitive to low-intensity light, therefore mostly used for night vision Sensitive to high-intensity light, therefore mostly used for day vision One type of rod, stimulated by most wavelengths of visible light except red; therefore provide black and white vision. Three types of cone, each selectively responsible to different wavelengths of visible light; therefore provide colour vision Contain the visual pigment rhodopsin 視紫紅質 which has a single form Contain the visual pigment iodopsin 視紫藍質 which occurs in three forms Rapid regeneration of the visual pigment rhodopsin Slow regeneration of the visual pigment iodopsin 4 Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 5 Cone cells are better than rod cells at distinguishing objects close together. The closely packed cones in the fovea show no convergence because each cone is connected to its own optic neuron. Therefore more cones are exposed to the focused image and the eye is able to see objects clearly which are close together. Rod cells are more sensitive than cone at very low light intensity. Rods show convergence. About 300 rods synapse with one optic neuron. This provides increased collective sensitivity under conditions of very low light intensity through the process of summation. The mechanism of photoreception in rods Rods contain many photosensitive pigment rhodopsin 視紫紅質(visual purple). When exposed to light, rhodopsin will break down to produce a generator potential. This will generate an action potential along the neurons leading from the cell to the brain to produce a sensation of sight. Rhodopsin is reformed immediately in the absence of further light stimulation. This resynthesis is carried out by the mitochondria inside the rod cells. Resynthesis takes longer time than the splitting and is more rapid at low light intensity. A similar process occurs in cone cells except that the pigment here is iodopsin 視紫藍質. This is less sensitive to light and so a greater intensity is required to cause its breakdown and so initiate a nerve impulse. Rhodopsin 視紫紅質 is a light-sensitive pigment in the rod cells of the retina. pigment which is sensitive to low levels of illumination. Iodopsin 視紫藍質 is a light-sensitive pigment in the cone cells of the retina It is a violet It occurs in three forms and is sensitive to high levels of illumination. Colour vision There are 3 types of photoreceptors 光感受器 for red, green and blue colours. The various colours are detected by different combinations of the 3 types of photoreceptors. The changes which take place in the eyes when you walk into bright daylight after working in a dark room. 1. In daylight, the pupils become smaller to reduce the amount of light incident on the retina. It is under autonomic nervous control and is a reflex action. The sensor is retinal photoreceptors and the response is the relaxation of radial iris muscle and contraction of circular iris muscle. 2. Eyelid closes in response to bright light. 3. After staying in a dark room for an hour, almost all visual pigments in photoreceptor cells of the retina are regenerated. Visual pigment is sensitive to light. When acted upon by light, visual pigment is bleached. This breakdown process of visual pigment triggers the excitation of photoreceptor cells. This will produce an action potential then goes to the brain to produce a sensation of sight. 4. Exposure of a dark-adapted retina to bright light will over-run the above change. Thus a brief period of poor vision will be experienced. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 6 The structure and the function of the human retina. Retina is composed of three layers. The outermost layer is the photoreceptor layer containing rods and cones. Rods are for night vision while cones are for colour vision and day vision. The next layer is the bipolar neurone layer. The inner most layer contains ganglion 神經結 cells. The mechanism of photoreception : Rod and cone cells contain much visual pigment. When exposed to light, this visual pigment will break down to produce a generator potential. This will generate an action potential along the neurones leading from the cell to the brain to produce a sensation of light. The visual pigment is reformed immediately in the absence of further light stimulation to maintain its ability to respond to light. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 3. The ear Structures Pinna 耳殼 Functions To collect and direct the sound waves from the environment into the external auditory canal. External auditory canal 外耳道 To transmit sound wave to the tympanum. Tympanum 耳膜 Middle ear ossicles 中耳骨 (malleus, incus, stapes) To convert the sound wave into the vibration of the ossicles. To amplify the vibration. To conduct sound wave to the inner ear. Eustachian tube 耳咽管 To equalize the pressure on either side of the eardrum to avoid bursting of eardrum. oval window 卵圓窗 To transmit the vibration from the stapes to the cochlea. To damp the vibration of the perilymph 外淋巴 in the round window 圓窗 cochlea. To prevent excess pressure in the perilymph. Cochlea 耳蝸 For hearing, converting sound waves to nerve impulses which will be interpreted as sound at the cerebrum 大腦. Cochlear nerve 耳蝸神經 Carry impulses from the cochlea to the cerebrum. Semi-circular canal 半規管 For balance. Vestibular nerve 前庭神經 Carry impulses from the semi-circular canals to the cerebellum. 7 Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 8 Hearing The outer, middle and inner ear are all involved in the hearing process. Pinna helps in collecting and directing the sound waves-from the environment into the external auditory canal which is just a passage for sound. Tympanic membrane then changes the sound waves into mechanical vibrations which are then transmitted and amplified by the 3 ear ossicles into the inner ear. An air-filled canal, called the Eustachian tube, connects the middle ear with the pharynx. This tube equalizes the pressure on either side of the eardrum to avoid the bursting of eardrum. The innermost ossicle, the stapes, is connected to another membrane called oval window which is part of the inner ear. The oval window transmits the vibrations into a coiled, fluid-filled tube, cochlea which contain 3 canals separated by 2 membranes. The upper vestibular canal 前庭管 is connected to the oval window. Between the vestibular canal and the median canal is Reissner’s membrane. canal from the lower tympanic canal 耳蝸管. The basilar membrane separates the median Vibrations of the oval window generate pressure waves in the fluid of vestibular canal. The waves bring about vibration of Reissner’s membrane, then pressure waves in fluid of median canal, then vibration of basilar membrane and finally pressure waves in fluid of tympanic canal. The sensory region of cochlea is the organ of Corti 哥蒂氏器 in the median canal. Vibrations of basilar membrane cause hair cells to move against the tectorial membrane 覆膜, deflecting the sensory hairs. As a result, nerve impulses are generated and transmitted to the brain along auditory nerve 聽覺神經. Sound with high frequency stimulates hair cells near the oval window. Hair cells at the tip are stimulated by low frequency sound. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 9 The flow chart of hearing Sound (air vibration) pinna ear drum – vibration peri-lymph and endolymph – vibration basilar membrane – vibration stimulation of sensory hair cells of Organ of Corti when touching the tectorial membrane auditory nerve cerebrum The discrimination of different sound frequencies by the ear. The cochlea of the inner ear contains sensory cells for the appreciation of sound. The cochlea is a spiral tube divided into three canals. The organ of Corti is the structure where the sensory cells for perception of sound are located. The stiffness of the basilar membrane gradually decreases from the base to the apex of the cochlea. Vibrations initiated by the ear ossicles pass along the basilar membrane for a certain distance and then die out. High frequency waves travel only a short distance; low frequency waves travel much further. Furthermore, the sensory cells in different parts of the organ of Corti respond to different frequencies. Those near the base respond to high frequencies, while those towards the apex respond to low frequency vibrations. Different parts of the cochlea therefore respond to different frequencies. A given frequency moves a specific distance along the basilar membrane and stimulates a specific part of the organ of Corti, and so can be discriminated. More about hearing The most sensitive frequency range of the ear is 3000-4000 HZ. Higher or lower sound frequencies are more difficult to detect. That means auditory threshold intensity (dB) is affected by the value of sound frequency. high sound frequencies. Aged adults have less sensitive sense of hearing at Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 10 Maintenance of balance The inner ear is concerned with balance. Two parts of the inner eat are responsible for body balance, vestibular apparatus 前庭器管 and semicircular canals 半規管. Semicircular canals consists of 3 fluid-filled canals which are oriented at right angles to one another. They detect the head movements. The ends of the canals are enlarged to form an ampulla 壺腹 inside which are ampullary hairs projecting into a gelatinous mass called cupula 蝸頂. The cupula is suspended in the endolymph 內淋巴. Any movement of the head moves semicircular canals in the same direction. The endolymph inside the canals lags behind due to its inertia and push the cupulae in the opposite direction. As a result, hairs are bent and nerve impulses are sent to the cerebellum along the vestibular nerve. Vestibular apparatus 前庭器管 consists of 2 lymph-filled sacs called saccule 球囊 and utricle 橢 圓囊. They tell us about the head position with reference to gravity when we are stationary. The horizontal utricle and vertical saccule contain receptors called masculae which are sensitive to gravity. Small hairs project from the receptor cells into the lymph. The hairs are attached to calcium carbonate granules called otoliths 耳石. Gravity causes otoliths to distort the sensory hairs in a direction dictated by the position of the head. In response to distortion, nerve impulses pass along the vestibular nerve to the brain. If the head is tilted to a different position, the otoliths distort the sensory hairs in a different direction. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Section B : Nervous coordination 神經協調 The functions of the nervous system 1. The nervous system senses changes within the body and in the external environment. 2. It interprets the changes. 3. The nervous system responds to the interpretation by initiating action in the form of muscular contraction or glandular secretions. 4. It integrates body activities in multicellular animals. 5. It acts as a storehouse of information. There are three types of neurons : 1) Sensory neurons : carry impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system. 2) Motor neurons : carry impulses from the central nervous system to the effectors. 3) Association neurons (intermediate or relay neurons, interon) : link up sensory neurons with the motor neurons. Myelin sheath : This is a fatty tissue acting as an insulating layer to prevent the nervous impulses from leaking out. 11 Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 12 Why the rate of conduction of a nerve impulse is greater in a myelinated axon 有鞘神經 than in an unmyelinated axon? Nerve impulse in unmyelinated axon is propagated as a continuous spread forming a smooth progressive movement. But in myelinated axon, due to the high membrane resistance in the myelin sheath, nerve impulses can occur only at the node of Ranvier 郎飛結. Thus action potential propagates as discontinuous spread hopping along the fibre from one Node of Ranvier to another. 1. Basic arrangement of the 3 types of neurons In the nervous system, the 3 types of neurons are arranged in a basic pattern : the sensory neuron carries impulses from the receptors to the association neurons inside the central nervous system while the motor neuron carries impulses from the association neurons to the effectors. The neural pathway involved when a man voluntarily bends his right arm. Motor nerve impulses are initiated from the somatic motor area of the left cerebral cortex, a region of grey matter in the cerebrum. Motor nerve impulses are transmitted down the axons which pass directly to the spinal cord through two large pyramidal tracts via the medulla (brain stem) to synapse with the motor neurones at the grey matter of the spinal cord. Motor nerve impulses are relayed to the motor neurones which emerge from the right ventral root of the spinal cord and innervate the biceps muscle of the right arm by motor end-plate / neuromuscular junctions. 2. The properties of the membrane in the excited and resting regions of a neuron The cell membrane of a resting neuron is more permeable to potassium ions than to sodium. However, the permeability to sodium is greater than that of potassium in an excited neuron. The resting neuron has negative membrane potential inside while the excited one has positive inside. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 13 3. The nature and mechanism of nerve impulse conduction along a nerve fibre In its resting state, the membrane of a neuron is negatively charged internally with respect to the outside. This potential difference is known as resting potential 靜止電位 and in this condition, the membrane is said to be polarized 極化. The concentration of potassium ion is much higher inside the neuron and thus rapidly diffuse out. The concentration is maintained by the sodium-potassium pump which actively transporting in potassium ions and removing sodium ions. This is a kind of active transport and requires ATP. The sodium-potassium pump 鈉-鉀泵 of neuron breaks down when excited. The permeability of the membrane to sodium at the point of stimulation increased. As a result, sodium ions pour into the neuron and potassium ions move out of the neuron. This brings about a reversal of potential – the inside of neuron changes from negative to positive. This is called depolarization 去極化 and the resulting potential is called action potential 動作電位 because it can cause depolarization of other region and can therefore move along the neuron. Some time later, at the point originally stimulated there is a decrease in the membrane’s permeability to sodium and an increased permeability to potassium. Potassium ions rapidly move outward, again making the outside of the membrane positive in relation to the inside (repolarization). Sodium and potassium pumps transport Na+ back out of and K+ back into the cell. The area would repolarize to resume the resting potential. 4. The structural characteristics of neurons and the conduction speed of a nerve impulse The greater the diameter of the neuron, the faster would be the speed of transmission. Further, presence of myelin sheath 髓磷脂鞘 would increase the speed of transmission. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 14 5. The synaptic transmission 突觸傳遞 axon When an action potential arrives at the synaptic knob, the presynaptic membrane 突觸前膜 would be depolarized. As a result, calcium ions enters the synaptic knob 突觸小結. Then, vesicles containing neurotransmitter 神經遞質 will fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release the neurotransmitter (acetylcholine). Consequently, the postsynaptic membrane 突 觸後膜 will be depolarize to produce an action potential in the neuron on the other side of the synaptic cleft 突觸間隙 if the depolarization is above a certain threshold 臨界. The neurotransmitter will be destroyed immediately. Acetylcholine 乙醯膽鹼 is produced by the presynaptic knob of a synapes. It depolarizaes the post-synpatic membrane by affecting membrane permeability, which in turn generates and action potential. The unidirectional (one way) transmission of nerve impulse between neurons. The unidirectional transmission is mainly determined at synapse. Since only the presynaptic portion (the axon terminal) can produce neurotransmitter, and the post-synaptic membrane possesses receptors to specifically combine with the neurotransmitter, leading to post-synaptic depolarization and propagation of nerve impulse. Impulses can therefore travel in one way only, i.e. from axon to dendrite, but not the reverse. The unidirectional conduction of nervous impulses along the axon. There is a short refractory period 不應期 after the action potential. At this period the axon will not respond to another stimulus. The axon has to recover first. The membrane has to be repolarized and the normal distribution of ions restored before another action potential can be transmitted. It means that the action potential can only be propagated in the region which is not refractory, ie. in a forward direction. The action potential is thus prevented from spreading out in both directions while travelling along the axon. The function of synapses 突觸. 1. Ensuring unidirectional transmission of impulses from receptors to CNS and from CNS to effectors . 2. Allowing great flexibility in the integrative function of the nervous system. 3. Involved in the mechanism of learning and memory. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 15 6. The effect of the strength of the stimulus on the size of the action potential. The size of action potential is not related to the strength of the stimulus. Nerve and muscle cells obey the all-or-nothing law, which states that a threshold stimulus evokes a maximal response and a subthreshold 低於臨界 stimulus evokes no response. 7. Spinal reflex 脊髓反射 A reflex is an automatic response which follows a sensory stimulus. It is not under conscious control and is therefore involuntary. Any reflex arc 反射弧 which is localized within the spinal cord and does not involve the brain is called a spinal reflex. eg. 1 : Knee jerk reflex 膝躍反射 The sequence of events in knee jerk reflex : 1. Hit the tendon of thigh muscle at a point just below the knee cap (patella). 2. The stretch receptor in thigh muscle is stimulated to generate an action potential. The action potential propagate along the sensory nerve fibre to spinal cord. 3. In the grey matter of spinal cord, action potential goes across the synapse to motor neuron. 4. Motor neuron then generates an action potential. This goes across motor end plates to thigh muscle. The muscle contracts causing the lower leg to jerk. The cerebrum is not involved in this response. eg. 2 : The withdrawal reflex 退縮反射 when a barefooted person steps on a sharp nail Pain receptors are stimulated to produce a generator potential. If above a threshold, an action potential will be produced in the sensory neuron. This potential is a propagative wave of depolarization. It travels along the neuron towards the central nervous system or spinal cord. Here, it has synapses with a number of intermediate neurons. A postsynaptic potential will be produced in the intermediate neurons, which then synapse with motor neurons. The motor neurons for the flexors of the ankle, knee and hip will be excited to produce action potentials. These potentials travel towards the flexors where they generate end-plate potentials to produce contractions. On the other hand, motor neurons for extensors will be inhibited. As a result, the extensors relax. Finally, the leg will withdraw. The above response is inborn, stereotyped and independent of cerebrum for initiation. However, the sensory neuron may also send off nerve impulse through ascending tract to the cerebrum for sensation. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 16 8. Division of the nervous system It is divided into three parts. 1. Central nervous system 中央神經系統 (CNS) : brain and spinal cord. 2. Peripheral nervous system 外圍神經系統 (PNS) : spinal nerve and cranial nerve 3. Autonomic nervous system 自主神經系統 (ANS) : sympathetic and parasympathetic system. 9. The brain Structure of the brain Functions of the brain : a) Medulla oblongata 延腦 It contains many important centers of the autonomic nervous system. These centers control reflex activities like breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure. b) Cerebellum 小腦 It coordinates muscular movement and control of the body posture. c) The cerebral cortex 大腦皮層 is folded. This increase its surface area for containing more neurons to increase its efficiency. It control the voluntary muscular movements. It receive and interprets sensory impulses from various parts of the body. For higher mental activities such as memory, learning, imagination and reasoning. 10. Spinal Cord 1. Continuous with the medulla of the brain. 2. Protected by the vertebrae. 3. Consists of an inner layer, the grey matter (the cell bodies of the neurons) and an outer layer, the white matter (the nerve fibres of the neurons). 4. The central canal is filled with a cerebrospinal fluid. 5. Fibres of the sensory neurons enter the spinal cord as the dorsal root and the fibres of the motor neurons leave the spinal cord as the ventral root. A short distance from the spinal cord, the two roots join up to form a spinal nerve. 6. The spinal white matter contains many nerve tracts, some descending to convey information from the brain to the spinal cord, other ascending to transmit information from the spinal cord to the brain. Chapter 16 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response 17 Functions of the spinal cord : 1) Responsible for reflex actions. 2) For the transmission of impulses to and from the brain. 11. Comparison of the functions of the cerebrum and the spinal cord Cerebrum Spinal cord 1. Responsible for voluntary response 2. The organism is immediately conscious of the response initiated in the cerebrum. 3. The voluntary response is not stereotyped. 4. Voluntary responses are generally slower and acquired after birth. Responsible mainly for reflex action Not immediately conscious of the response initiated in the spinal cord. The spinal reflexes is stereotyped. Reflex actions are quick and inborn. 5. Contains many sensation areas. None. 6. Has many areas for association of neurons None. responsible for higher mental activities like learning and imagination. 12. Hypothalamus 下丘腦 This is the main regulatory center of the body. A regulatory system is composed of many components shown in the following diagram. Input (stimulus) detector regulator effector output (response) (corrective mechanism) This generally involves a negative feedback system. The hypothalamus can act as detector itself in addition to being a regulator. Take some examples, change in core temperature, osmotic pressure, metabolite and hormone level in the blood. On the other hand, hypothalamus may need input from other detectors, eg. cutaneous thermoreceptors, tactile sensors in nipples 乳頭, and almost all parts of the brain, eg. taste, smell and visceral 內臟 receptors. After receiving input, hypothalamus will initiate corrective mechanisms if necessary. The information may be sent to the effectors through the following pathways: Chapter 16 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response 18 1. Sending nervous impulses to appropriate effector organs : The effectors may be sweat glands, skin arterioles, pili erector muscles 豎毛肌, skeletal muscles and adrenal gland. 2. Secretion of hormones to target effector organs : (impulses are sent to pituitary 腦下垂體, pituitary then secrete hormones) Hormones Effector organs anti-diuretic hormone Kidney tubules oxytocin Uterus, milk gland follicle stimulating hormone ovary 3. Release of trophic hormones to target endocrine glands: e.g. Release of adrenocortico trophic hormone 促腎上腺皮質激素(to adrenal cortex. (Adrenocortico trophic hormone initiate the secretion of aldosterone 醛固酮) Conclusion : The hypothalamus is a very important regulator as shown above. It regulates a wide variety of parameters of the body. It receives inputs itself and from many types of receptors. It also gives information to many effectors through both the nervous system and the hormone system. 13. Autonomic nervous system 自主神經系統 (ANS) The general functions of autonomic nervous system (SNS & PNS). The autonomic nervous system takes an important role in regulating the internal environment of the body. By increasing or decreasing its activities, it helps to maintain a steady internal environment in response to the changing physiological conditions due to the change of demands at a particular time. The autonomic nervous system is a motor system innervating the viscera (internal organs) which are under involuntary control. Sympathetic 交感神經(SNS) and parasympathetic 副交感神經(PNS) nervous system Sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 19 Comparison of some effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system Increases cardiac output Decreases cardiac output Increases blood pressure Decreases blood pressure Dilates bronchioles Constricts bronchioles Increases ventilation rate Decreases ventilation rate Dilates pupils of the eyes Constricts pupils of the eyes Contracts anal and bladder sphincters Relaxes anal and bladder sphincters Contracts erector pili muscles, so raising hair No comparable effect Increases sweat production No comparable effect No comparable effect Increases secretion of tears Organs that are innervated by both the SNS and PNS: heart, blood vessels, lung and eye. Comparison of the structure and functions of the SNS and PNS Similarities : Both systems are autonomic, emerging from the CNS. Both are efferent system consisting of motor neurons. Differences : 1) Location The SNS emerges from thoracic and lumbar region of the spinal cord while PNS from cranial nerves and sacral region of spinal cord. Numerous post-ganglionic and pre-ganglionic nerves are present in SNS over a wide area. The condition is opposite in PNS. The ganglia of SNS lie alongside the vertebrae close to the spinal cord while the ganglia of PNS embedded in the effector. 2) The ganglia of SNS are joined while that of the PNS are not. 3) In SNS, the pre-ganglionic nerve fibre is short and the post-ganglionic fibre is long. The situation is opposite in PNS. 4) Neuro transmitter Both pre-ganglionic fibres produce acetylcholine. Post-ganglionic fibre of SNS produces nor-adrenaline while that of PNS produces acetylcholine. 5) Functions The two systems are antagonistic to each other. SNS usually prepares the body for emergency while PNS for relaxed state. The effect of SNS is usually diffuse while that of PNS is localized. Chapter 16 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response 20 An example of coordination by the autonomic nervous system (the control of heart beat) The heart rate is coordinated by the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems have opposing effects on organs, and this enables the body to make rapid and precise adjustment of heart beat in order to maintain a steady state. An increase in heart rate due to release of noradrenaline by sympathetic neurons is compensated for the release of acetylcholine by parasympathetic neurons. This action prevents heart rate becoming excessive and will eventually restore it to its normal level when secretion from both systems balances out. Emergency Inhibit the activities of Parasympathetic nerve stimulate the activities of sympathetic nerve Heart rate increases Calm down from emergency Stimulate the activities Of parasympathetic nerve inhibit the activities of sympathetic nerve Heart rate decreases The response of sympathetic nervous system during emergency (stress) At emergency, cerebrum sends off nerve impulse to sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nerve endings then release noradrenaline. Adrenal medulla will then secrete adrenaline. The effects of these hormones are : 1. It increases heart beat and stroke volume. 2. It increases breathing rate. 3. It causes vasodilation in skeletal muscles and vasoconstriction in muscles of the skin and alimentary canal. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 21 Section C: Hormonal coordination The nature of endocrine gland : The endocrine glands are ductless glands which secrete hormones directly into the blood stream. The characteristics of a hormone : Hormones are chemical messenger produced from endocrine glands in minute amount, transported by blood stream to a specific target organ where it exerts its effect. Undersecretion and oversecretion of a particular hormone results in a specific disease. Chemically, hormones can be amino acid derivatives (eg. thyroxin, adrenaline), short peptides (eg. oxytocin, anti-diuretic hormone), long peptides (eg. insulin, glucagons), proteins (eg. growth hormones) or steroids (eg. sex hormones). Position of the major endocrine glands 內分泌腺 1. Pituitary gland 腦下垂體 Most endocrine glands work under the influence of a single master gland, the pituitary gland. In this way the actions of individual glands can be coordinated. The pituitary depends upon information received from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus plays a dominant role in collecting information from other regions of the brain and from blood vessels passing through it. This information passes to the pituitary gland which, by its secretions, directly or indirectly regulates the activity of all other glands to bring about coordination and homeostasis. The anterior pituitary secretes somatotrophin (1)or growth hormone which regulates growth. It also secretes TSH(2) which controls the secretion of thyroxin from thyroid gland. Thyroxin also regulates growth and metabolism. Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 22 The anterior pituitary also secretes gonadotrophins, FSH(3) and LH(4). FSH stimulate the ovary to secrete estrogen which helps the development of female secondary sexual characteristics. LH also induces ovulation and initial progesterone secretion. Progesterone helps to maintain the thickness of uterus for pregnancy. In male testosterone 雄激素(5) stimulates spermatogenesis and development of secondary sexual characteristics. Prolactin (6) is also secreted by anterior pituitary. Prolactin 促乳素 initiated the production of milk from mammary glands. The posterior pituitary releases 2 hormones ADH 抗利尿激素(7) and oxytocin 催產素(8). Oxytocin causes contraction of uterus and ejection of milk. ADH leads to an increase in permeability to water of collecting duct so that water is reabsorbed into plasma. What will happen if the posterior pituitary of a man is removed ? The posterior pituitary is source of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). The hormone will increase the permeability of the collecting ducts in kidneys to reabsorb water from urine before it leaves the medulla of the kidney. Removal of posterior pituitary will eliminate ADH supply. Kidneys would fail to reabsorb water at the collecting duct. As a result, a large volume of dilute urine produced at a high rate. 2. Thyroid gland 甲狀腺 It is a H-shaped gland lying in front of the trachea at the neck region. hormone, thyroxin 甲狀腺素. It secretes a Functions of thyroxin : 1) It controls the basal metabolic rate, especially the rate of respiration. 2) It promotes growth in young mammals. Hyposecretion 過少分泌 : a) In children, causes physical and mental retardation. b) In adults, decrease of metabolic rate, thickening of skin, physical and mental sluggishness. Hypersecretion 過多分泌 : This leads to goitre 甲狀腺腫, ie. Swelling of the thyroid gland and the protrusion of the eye balls. There is a great increase in body metabolism, loss of weight, nervousness, physical and mental restlessness. Feedback control of the thyroid gland (endocrine feedback) : The secretion of thyroxin from thyroid gland is stimulated by a hormone, thyrotrophin (thyroid stimulating hormone), secreted from the anterior lobe of the pituitary. However, the secretion of thyrotrophin (TSH) is in turn regulated by the thyroxin level in blood: an increase of thyroxin level in blood will inhibit the anterior lobe of the pituitary to secrete thyrotrophin (TSH), and this will then reduce the activity of the thyroid gland, leading to a drop in thyroxin level. This method of control is known as feedback control (endocrine feedback, not *negative feedback) which keeps the amount of thyroxin in blood constant. The secretion of thyrotrophin by pituitary is also influenced by environmental factors, eg. a low temperature will stimulate the secretion : thus the constant level of thyroxin can vary to meet the need of the environment. Chapter 16 *negative 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response feedback : see the control of blood glucose level by insulin. Note : this example can be used to explain the inter-relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system. The interrelationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system The inter-relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system in controlling the release of thyroxin is illustrated by the following diagram. Hypothalamus of brain (nervous system) TSH releasing factor + _ anterior lobe of pituitary gland (endocrine system) thyroxin (thyrotrophin) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) thyroid gland + “ + ” means stimulating effect “ - “ means negative feedback e.g. if concentration of thyroxin is too high, the hypothalamus will be inhibited to initiate the increase of thyroxin concentration. The explanation of the five basic components of the coordinating system by thyroxin secretion Thyroxin secretion in response to cold environment is hormonal co-ordination. Stimulus : prolonged period of cold Receptor : thermo-receptors of the skin and hypothalamus. Controller : hypothalamus will detect the drop in blood temperature and inform the effector thyroid gland with thyroid-stimulating hormone. Effector : thyroid gland Response : increased secretion of thyroxin will increase basal metabolic rate. 3. Adrenal gland 腎上腺 They are a pair of glands located anterior to the kidney. Each gland has two components distinct in their functions but closely fused together : a) The outer part is called adrenal cortex which secretes aldosterone 醛固酮 (increase reabsorption of water at kidney tubules 腎小管) that control salt and water balance of the body. b) The inner part is called adrenal medulla which secretes a hormone called adrenalin. 23 Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 24 Adrenalin 腎上腺素 Adrenalin is secreted as a result of the stimulation from the sympathetic nerves of the autonomic nervous system under the condition of fright or anger. Functions of adrenalin : a) It increases blood pressure, rate of breathing and heart beat. b) It converts glycogen to glucose and hence increases the blood glucose level. c) It causes the capillaries of the skin and gut to contract so that more blood will flow to the brain and the skeletal muscle for faster response. d) It causes the pupil to dilate. The overall effects of adrenalin is to make the animal become powerful and alert so as to deal with the emergency. For this reason, adrenalin is also known as the hormone of freight, flight and fight. 4. Insulin 胰島素 and glucagons 高血糖激素 They are secreted from islet of Langerhans 胰島. Each islet is made up of two types of cells : α cells secretes glucagons and β cells secrete insulin 胰島素. Action of the hormones : Functions of insulin : a) It converts glucose to glycogen which is stored in muscles and liver. b) It increases the uptake of glucose by the cells especially the muscle cells. c) It facilitates the oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and water. Consequently, it lowers the blood glucose level. The functions of glucagons are opposite to those of insulin : a) It decreases glucose oxidation. b) It stimulates glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen) in the liver. As a result, it elevates the blood glucose level. Relation between insulin and glucagons: Insulin and glucagons are a pair of antagonistic hormones having opposite effects on the inter conversion of glucose and glycogen : a) When energy is needed during starvation, the insulin-glucagons ratio is low, favouring glycogen breakdown and glucose utilization. b) When the need for energy is low, the insulin-glucagons ratio is high, favouring the deposition of glycogen. If glucose level is too high Insulin secretion increases Increase utilization of glucose Drop in glucose level Chapter 16 Response 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 25 If glucose level is too low Sympathetic nervous system secretes more adrenalin and glucagons insulin secretion decreases Glycogenolysis increases Increase in blood glucose level Diabetes 糖尿病 : Diabetes is a result of insulin deficiency. It is characterized by loss of large amount of water and loss of weight. These symptoms are a) A reduced entry of glucose into various tissues. b) An increased liberation of glucose into circulation from the liver. As a result, the extracellular glucose is in excess but the intracellular glucose is deficient. When the blood glucose level has exceeded the renal capacity for glucose reabsorption, glucose is excreted in the urine. Since glucose is osmotically active, excretion of it results in the loss of large amount of water. Positive feedback and negative feedback. Positive feedback intensifies the stimulus and therefore the response, that is, an increase in one factor reinforces and increases the first factor. In negative feedback an increase in one factor decreases the production of the first factor, this is important in the maintenance of homeostasis. Example of negative feedback : the control of blood glucose level by insulin. 1. The pancreas detects the concentration of glucose in the blood. 2. Increased concentration of glucose in blood, eg. after a meal stimulates the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas to secrete more insulin. 3. Insulin increases oxidation of glucose and conversion of glucose into glycogen and fat, especially in liver and muscle cells. 4. Glucose level in the blood falls. 5. This decreases the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Chapter 16 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response 26 Question : The concentrations of glucose and two pancreatic hormones (A and B) in the blood of a mammal were monitored before, during and after a normal carbohydrate rich meal. The following table shows the typical changes in the levels of blood glucose and these two hormones during the experiment : Concentration in blood Time (min) Glucose hormone A Hormone B (10 g/ml) (10 international units/ml) (10-12g/ml) 89 16 127 0 87 17 125 30 60 125 134 100 140 103 92 120 180 240 300 105 94 89 88 89 38 19 18 77 114 126 125 -5 60 minutes before meal Meal After meal -6 a) Plot the results in the form of a graph. b) How do the two hormones differ in their response to changes in blood glucose level? Name the two hormones. Hormone A is ___________. Its level increases and decreases with the _____________ ___________. Hormone B is _______________. Its level _______________when glucose level decreases and vice versa. Chapter 16 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response 27 c) Draw a flow diagram to indicate the relationship between the increase in blood glucose level and the secretion of hormones A and B. Indicate in your diagram, for each hormone, its site of secretion and one major effect on the target tissue concerned. Increase in blood glucose level __________ secretion (hormone ____ ) will increase. Site of secretion : ____________ ______ cells effect : __________ will change to __________ ___________ secretion (hormone ____ ) will decrease. ____________ ______ cells ___________ will change to ____________ d) if, instead of the carbohydrate meal, an equivalent amount of glucose is administered directly into the bloodstream, how would this affect the observed changes in blood glucose level? Give a reason for your answer. All the curves would shift to the ________ for _______ minutes. It is because the blood glucose level will be (give value)__________________ immediately and cause subsequent changes in the __________ levels. Diet carbohydrates take time in _____________ ___________________ to get into the blood. e) In a similar experiment, the blood glucose was monitored as in the above experiment. Three hours after the meal, the adrenal medulla of the animal was briefly stimulated to secrete a large amount of an adrenomedullary hormone, the effect of which disappeared within an hour. Sketch a curve in your answer book based on the curve plotted in (a), but modified to show the possible changes in blood glucose level after the stimulation. f) Name this adrenomedullary hormone. What is the biological significance of the change in blood glucose level caused by the secretion of this adrenomedullary hormone ? Chapter 16 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response 28 This hormone is ________________. During emergency, this hormone will be secreted. This hormone will bring about an increase in __________________________ level. Glucose is an important raw material for release of energy for quicker muscular response, increased rate of _____________________ ______________________________. 5. Sex hormones a) Testosterone 雄激素 Source : testis Its function is to stimulate the development of male secondary sexual characteristics, such as development of bread, muscle and deepening of voice. It also controls sperm production. b) Progesterone 孕酮 Source : ovary It prepares the female for gestation by stimulating the development of uterus. It also maintains the thickened uterus and foetal development. On the other hand, it also inhibits ovulation. c) Oestrogen 雌激素 Source : ovary It is responsible for sexual characters and repairing of uterine lining. Section D : Miscellaneous (1) The control of lactation by endocrine system and nervous system Diagram to show the endocrine and nervous control of lactation (milk production and milk secretion). (Endocrine control) (Both nervous and endocrine control) Milk production Low level of oestrogen and progesterone after birth milk secretion suckling by baby Hypothalamus nipple receptor Pituitary gland sensory neurone Secretion of prolactin Development of mammary gland increases Milk production hypothalamus posterior pituitary secretion of oxytocin milk secretion Chapter 16 港九潮州公會中學生物科主任楊祐添編 Response 29 (2) The various ways in the regulation of the secretion of hormones There are several mechanisms in the body which regulate the secretion of hormones : 1. Negative feedback mechanisms, eg. insulin and thyroxin. 2. Releasing factors and inhibiting factors, produced by the neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus, e.g. growth releasing factor. These factors pass through the vein to the anterior pituitary, where they control the secretion of specific anterior pituitary hormones, such as luteinizing hormone, growth hormone and adrenocorticotrophic hormone. 3. Inhibitory action of certain hormones, e.g. progesterone inhibits the secretion of follicle releasing factor from the hypothalamus. As a result the secretion of FSH from the anterior pituitary is inhibited. This favours foetal development in the uterus and prevents unnecessary production of eggs. 4. Chemical stimulation, e.g. acidic chyme from the stomach stimulates the release of secretin and cholecystokinin 膽囊收縮素 from cells of the duodenal mucosa 中黏層. Secretin 胰泌素 causes secretion of pancreatic juice from the pancreas, cholecystokinin stimulates the gall bladder to contract and release bile. (3) Comparison of nervous and hormonal control Nervous control Hormonal control 1. The message is nervous impulse which travels along nerve fibre. The message is hormones which travel by blood. 2. The nervous impulse is electrical in nature. The hormone is chemical in nature. 3. The effect is localized. The effect is more generalized. 4. Faster in action. Slower in action. 5. The effect is comparatively short-termed. The effect is comparatively long-termed. (4) Comparison of animal hormone and phytohormone 植物激素 Similarity : Both influence growth and metabolic activities. Differences : Phytohormone Animal hormone Transported by diffusion and active transport Diffuse into the blood Target organ not very specific Target organ very specific Produced at tips of shoots and roots Produced by specific glands (endocrine glands) Secretion triggered by environmental factors Secretion can be triggered by nervous stimulation