SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MODELING OF SEMICONDUCTOR PHOTODETECTORS STUDENT SUPERVISOR PROJECT CODE : LIM RENJUN LOUIS (Z0706712) : YEE MUN CHUN MARCUS : JAN2010/ENG499/2010 A project report submitted to SIM University In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (or Bachelor of Electronics) November 2010 ABSTRACT This project involves MODELING OF SEMICONDUCTOR PHOTODETECTORS with Multiplication measurements on GaAs, InP, InGaAs, GaInP, p+-i-n+s with –region thicknesses, with investigation of applicability of the local ionization theory. Local expressions for multiplication can predict the measured values surprisingly well in p+-i-n+s with thicknesses, as thin as 0.2 m before the effect of dead-space, where carriers have insufficient energy to ionize, and causes significant errors. Only a very simple correction to the local expressions is needed to predict the multiplication accurately where the field varies rapidly in abrupt one-sided p+-n junctions. A local ionization coefficient to be increasingly unrepresentative of the position dependent values in the device as is reduced below 1 um. The success of the local model in predicting multiplication is therefore attributed to the dead-space information already being contained within the experimentally determined values of local coefficients. This suggested that these should therefore be thought of as effective coefficients, which, despite the presence of dead-space effects, can be, still be used with the existing local theory for efficiently quantifying multiplication and breakdown voltages. i ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would sincerely express his thanks to the following people for their continued help, support and guidance throughout this project. The work presented in this report would not been possible without them: DR YEE MUN CHUN MARCUS, author’s project for all his immensely useful suggestions, ideas, and time. His encouragement, guidance and advice were invaluable in keeping the project on track. I also wish to thank Dr Marcus for constantly giving me encouragement, which have lead me in building positive attitude towards learning this new technological research project and also understanding. The author’s friends for the sharing of their knowledge and guidance for the improvement for this project throughout the duration of this project. Finally, author’s biggest thank you goes to his parents for their unlimited understanding, guidance and support. Words can never describe how grateful the author is to those mentioned above. ii ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii LISTS OF FIGURES iii - iv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1 1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVE 2 1.3 OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVE 2 1.4 PROPOSED APPROACH 2 1.5 SKILLS REVIEW 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Semiconductors 4 2.2 Semiconductors materials 4 2.3 III-V semiconductor materials 5 2.3.1 Intrinsic semiconductors 5 2.3.2 Extrinsic semiconductors 6 2.4 Band gap 7 2.5 Gallium arsenide (GaAs) 9 2.5.1 9 GaAs advantages and disadvantages 2.6 Indium phosphide (InP) 10 2.7 Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) 11 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.8 Gallium indium Phosphide (GaInP) 12 2.9 Merits and Limitations of Local Impact Ionization Theory 13 2.10 Physics of Impact Ionization 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3 2.10.4 2.10.5 2.10.6 Introduction Impact Ionization Gain Mechanism Ionization Threshold Energy Ionization Coefficients and Gain Equations Impact Ionization Coefficient Measurement Impact Ionization Response 15 16 17 20 23 25 CHAPTER 3 SIMULATION AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Impact Ionisation Coefficients and Multiplication of electrons and holes for GaAs 29 3.2 Impact Ionisation Coefficients and Multiplication of electrons and holes for InGaAs 31 3.3 Impact Ionisation Coefficients and Multiplication of electrons and holes for InP 34 3.4 Impact Ionisation Coefficients and Multiplication of electrons and holes for GaInP 36 3.5 Discussion 38 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED AND SOLUTIONS 42 CHAPTER 4 4.2 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 FUTURE WORK 44 5.2 SUMMARY 46 5.3 REFLECTION 47 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT REFERENCES 48 APPENDIX A - Gantt chart FOR PROJECT PLANNING 50 APPENDIX B - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Gallium arsenide (GaAs) 51 APPENDIX C - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Indium phosphide (InP) 52 APPENDIX D - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR GaInP 53 APPENDIX E - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) 54 APPENDIX F- PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Multiplication of electrons and holes function 55 APPENDIX G- PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Voltage breakdown versus thickness 57 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: impact ionization Figure 2: Semiconductor band structure Figure 3: Gallium arsenide. Figure 4: Indium phosphide. Figure 5: p n n diode layer structure Figure 6: Energy Band diagram of a reverse biased PIN structure where impact ionization process occurs as the electrons travels through the high electric field region. Figure 7: Energy band gap versus lattice constant for III-V compound alloy system Figure 8: Silicon energy band structure. Notice that due to the large separation between the Г and X valleys, the inter valley transition shown here is only possible when a high electric field is applied. Figure 9: Schematic view of a semiconductor used to calculate current gain. The electric field direction, current flow, and boundary conditions are also shown. Figure 10: Multiplication gain M versus αL for pure electron injection. Various α/β value are used to demonstrate its effect on avalanche breakdown curve Figure 11: (a) Schematic view of a p-i-n diode used for measuring the electron ionization coefficients. High energy light illumination is used to ensure that photocurrent is created very close to the surface. (b) Hole ionization coefficient measurement using the same setup but illuminating the diode from the n+ side. Figure 12: Representation of impact ionization process. (a) Only electron initiated impact ionization. (b) Both carriers initiated impact ionization. Figure 13: Calculated bandwidth versus gain in a P-I-N photodiode for various values of β/α. Plot indicates that the bandwidth will not be limited by the gain as long as M< α/ β[49]. Figure 14: Frequency Response of a P-I-N photodiode with 1m thick multiplication layer. Notice that parameter k is define as β/α Figure 15: Measured M e for a w 0.48m device as a function of temperature Figure 16: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for GaAs versus inverses electric field Figure 17: simulated of multiplication w 0.48m device as a function of temperature from 20K to 500K ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Figure 18: Measured (symbols) and calculated (lines) multiplication characteristics of 1.3 and 1.9 um thick InGaAs p-i-n diode (filled symbols) from 20–400 K [18] Figure 19: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for InGaAs versus inverses electric field Figure 20: Simulated of multiplication characteristics of 1.3 and 1.9 um thick InGaAs p-i-n diode from 20–400 K Figure 21: Measured Me (symbols) Calculated Me (solid lines) using bulk ionization coefficients for InP Figure 22: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for InP versus inverses electric field Figure 23: p n n diode layer structure and the measured results of Mn and Mp as a function of reverse bias Figure 24: p n n diode layer structure and the measured results of Mn and Mp as a function of reverse bias Figure 25: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for GaInP versus inverses electric field Figure 26: Simulated of multiplication characteristics of 0.24 um thick for GaInP p-i-n diode from 300 K Figure 27: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for GaAs Figure 28: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for GaInP Figure 29: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for InP Figure 30: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for InGaAs Figure 31: Silicon Avalanche Photodiode Figure 32: Schottky Barrier diode Iv ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Photo detectors are used primarily as an optical receiver to convert light into electricity. The principle that applies to photo detectors is the photoelectric effect, which is the effect on a circuit due to light. Max Planck In 1900 discovered that energy is radiated in small discrete units called quanta; he also discovered a universal constant of nature which is known as the Planck’s constant. Planck’s discoveries lead to a new form of physics known as quantum mechanics and the photoelectric effect E = hv which is Planck constant multiplied by the frequency of radiation. The photo electric effect is the effect of light on a surface of metal in a vacuum, the result is electrons being ejected from the surface this explains the principle theory of light energy that allows photo detectors to operate. Photo detectors are commonly used as safety devices in homes in the form of a smoke detector, also in conjunction with other optical devices to form security systems. A photo detector operates by converting light signals that hit the junction to a voltage or current. The junction uses an illumination window with an anti-reflect coating to absorb the light photons. The result of the absorption of photons is the creation of electron-hole pairs in the depletion region. Examples of photo detectors are photodiodes and phototransistors. Other optical devices similar to photo detectors are solar cells which also absorb light and turn it into energy. A similar but different optical device is the LED, which is basically the inverse of a photodiode, instead of converting light to a voltage, or current, it converts a voltage or current to light. Impact Ionization is the process in a material by which one energetic charge carrier can lose energy by the creation of other charge carriers. For example, in semiconductors, an electron (or hole) with enough kinetic energy can knock a bound electron out of its bound state (in the valence band) and promote it to a state in the conduction band, creating an electron-hole pair. Figure 1: impact ionization ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 1 1.2 Project objective Objective of this project is to develop a modelling of semiconductor photo detector. In order to do so, an assembly language is being use to write a code to calculate the impact ionization. So as to derive the gain equation for impact ionization process, we need to define impact ionization coefficient & breakdown voltage. The secondary aim is to improve the equation to calculate avalanche photodiode. 1.3 Overall objective Overall objective is able to understand the physics of semiconductor photo detectors as well as able to use an assembly language to write a program able to calculate the impact ionizations coefficients with ease. 1.4 Proposed approach Proposed approaches are to research and study impact ionization theory and understand the concept of it. Learning the process and the principle to detect and amplify very low light signals and still used as the most sensitive detectors. Choosing an assembly language suitable for writing a code for this equation is taken into consideration. Most important factor is to study and understand with is the correct equation to implement in which able to use the equation using an assembly language. 2 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 1.5 Skills review Skills Methods / Sources Articles and journals from the internet Exploring of ideas and gathering information Reference books and technical papers from library Brainstorming of ideas Literature review Project tutor Assessing and evaluating project progress Targets and goals Management of project Data review Developing of codes Software development Codes testing and debugging Final codes developments Final assembly and testing Final assembly of software Evaluation and test out Report writing skills Presentation Oral presentation skills Collecting and organizing of data and diagrams Computer literacy Microsoft office and other applications proficiency 3 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Semiconductors Semiconductors have bulk resistivity in the range of 10-4 ohm-cm (heavily doped) to 103 ohm-cm (undoped, or intrinsic). That's seven orders of magnitude! Semiconducting elements include silicon and germanium, it is no coincidence they are both from group 4 of the period table. Semiconducting compounds include gallium arsenide, indium phosphide, and gallium nitride, from groups 3/5 or 2/6 of the period table. Semiconductor materials have electrons in their outer shell. When bonded together in a crystal lattice, atoms share electrons such that they each have eight electrons in the outer shell. Electrons are somewhat loosely bound so they can become carriers in the presence of an electric field. 2.2 Semicondictors materials Semiconductors materials are materials, which are insulators at absolute zero temperature but which conduct electricity at room temperature. Property of a semiconductor material that can be doped with impurities that alter its electronic properties in a controllable way Because of their application in devices like transistors and lasers, the search for new semiconductor materials and the improvement of existing materials is an important field of study in materials science. Most commonly used semiconductor materials are crystalline inorganic solids. These materials are classified according to the periodic table groups of their constituent atoms. Semiconductor materials are differing by their properties. Compound semiconductors have advantages and disadvantages in comparison with silicon. For example gallium arsenide has six times higher electron mobility than silicon, which allows faster operation; wider band gap, which allows operation of power devices at higher temperatures, and gives lower thermal noise to low power devices at room temperature; its direct band gap gives it more favourable optoelectronic properties than the indirect band gap of silicon; it can be alloyed to ternary and quaternary compositions, with adjustable band gap width, allowing light emission at chosen wavelengths, and allowing e.g. matching to wavelengths with lowest losses in optical fibres. GaAs can be also grown in a semi insulating form, which is suitable as a lattice-matching insulating substrate for GaAs devices. Conversely, silicon is robust, cheap, and easy to process. On the other hand, GaAs is brittle, expensive, and just growing an oxide layer cannot create insulation layers; GaAs is therefore used only where silicon is not sufficient. 4 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Some materials are tuneable by alloying multiple compound semiconductors, e.g., in band gap or lattice constant. The result is ternary, quaternary, or even quinary compositions. Ternary compositions allow adjusting the band gap within the range of the involved binary compounds; however, in case of combination of direct and indirect band gap materials there is a ratio where indirect band gap prevails, limiting the range usable for optoelectronics; e.g. AlGaAs LEDs are limited to 660 nm by this. Lattice constants of the compounds also tend to be different, and the lattice mismatch against the substrate, dependent on the mixing ratio, causes defects in amounts dependent on the mismatch magnitude; this influences the ratio of achievable radioactive / non radioactive recombination and determines the luminous efficiency of the device. Quaternary and higher compositions allow adjusting simultaneously the band gap and the lattice constant, allowing increasing radiant efficiency at wider range of wavelengths; for example AlGaInP is used for LEDs . Materials transparent to the generated wavelength of light are advantageous, as this allows more efficient extraction of photons from the bulk of the material. That is, in such transparent materials, light production is not limited to just the surface. Index of refraction is also composition-dependent and influences the extraction efficiency of photons from the material. 2.3 III-V semiconductor materials Three-five materials refer to compound semiconductors made from one element from Group III on the periodic chart (arsenic in the case of GaAs) and one from Group V (gallium in the case of GaAs). Other three-five (or III-V in Roman numerals) semiconductors include indium phosphide and gallium nitride. 2.3.1 Intrinsic semiconductors A semiconductor in which the concentration of charge carriers is characteristic of the material itself rather than of the content of impurities and structural defects of the crystal is called an intrinsic semiconductor Electrons in the conduction band and holes in the valence band are created by thermal excitation of electrons from the valence to the conduction band. Thus an intrinsic semiconductor has equal concentrations of electrons and holes. The carrier concentration, and hence the conductivity, is very sensitive to temperature and depends strongly on the energy gap. The energy gap ranges from a fraction of 1 eV to several electron volts. A material must have a large energy gap to be an insulator. 5 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.3.2 Extrinsic semiconductors An ordered bonding of the individual atoms to form the crystal structure forms typical semiconductor crystals such as germanium and silicon. The bonding is attributed to the valence electrons, which pair up with valence electrons of adjacent atoms to form so-called shared pair or covalent bonds. These materials are all of the type; that is, each atom contains four valence electrons, all of which are used in forming the crystal bonds. Atoms having a valence of +3 or +5 can be added to a pure or intrinsic semiconductor material with the result that the +3 atoms will give rise to an unsatisfied bond with one of the valence electrons of the semiconductor atoms, and +5 atoms will result in an extra or free electron that is not required in the bond structure. Electrically, the +3 impurities add holes and the +5 impurities add electrons. They are called acceptor and donor impurities, respectively. Typical valence +3 impurities used are boron, aluminium, indium, and gallium. Valence +5 impurities used are arsenic, antimony, and phosphorus. Semiconductor material “doped” or “poisoned” by valence +3 acceptor impurities is termed whereas material doped by valence +5 donor material is termed n-type. The names are derived from the fact that the holes introduced are considered to carry positive charges and the electrons negative charges. The number of electrons in the energy bands of the crystal is increased by the presence of donor impurities and decreased by the presence of acceptor impurities. At sufficiently high temperatures, the intrinsic carrier concentration becomes so large that the effect of a fixed amount of impurity atoms in the crystal is comparatively small and the semiconductor becomes intrinsic. When the carrier concentration is predominantly determined by the impurity content, the conduction of the material is said to be extrinsic. Physical defects in the crystal structure may have similar effects as donor or acceptor impurities. They can also give rise to extrinsic conductivity. 6 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.4 Band gap Energy gap or band gap is an energy range in a solid where no electron states can exist. In graphs of the electronic band structure of solids, the band gap generally refers to the energy difference (in electron volts) between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band in insulators and semiconductors. This is equivalent to the energy required to free an outer shell electron from its orbit about the nucleus to become a mobile charge carrier, able to move freely within the solid material. In conductors, the two bands often overlap, so they may not have a band gap. In semiconductors and insulators, electrons are confined to a number of bands of energy, and forbidden from other regions. The term "band gap" refers to the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band. Electrons are able to jump from one band to another. However, in order for an electron to jump from a valence band to a conduction band, it requires a specific minimum amount of energy for the transition. The required energy differs with different materials. Electrons can gain enough energy to jump to the conduction band by absorbing either a phonon (heat) or a photon (light). A semiconductor is a material with a small but nonzero band gap, which behaves as an insulator at absolute zero but allows thermal excitation of electrons into its conduction band at temperatures, which are below its melting point. In contrast, a material with a large band gap is an insulator. In conductors, the valence and conduction bands may overlap, so they may not have a band gap. The conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is strongly dependent on the band gap. The only available carriers for conduction are the electrons, which have enough thermal energy to be excited across the band gap. Band gap engineering is the process of controlling or altering the band gap of a material by controlling the composition of certain semiconductor alloys, such as GaAlAs, InGaAs, and InAlAs. It is also possible to construct layered materials with alternating compositions by techniques like molecular beam epitaxy. These methods are exploited in the design of heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), laser diodes and solar cells. The distinction between semiconductors and insulators is a matter of convention. One approach is to think of semiconductors as a type of insulator with a narrow band gap. Insulators with a larger band gap, usually greater than 3 eV,[citation needed] are not considered semiconductors and generally do not exhibit semiconductive behaviour under practical conditions. Electron mobility also plays a role in determining a material's informal classification. 7 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT The band gap energy of semiconductors tends to decrease with increasing temperature. When temperature increases, the amplitude of atomic vibrations increase, leading too larger inters atomic spacing. The interaction between the lattice phonons and the free electrons and holes will also affect the band gap to a smaller extent. The relationship between band gap energy and temperature can be described by Vishnu’s empirical expression, E g T E g (0) T 2 T , where Eg(0), α and β are material constants. In a regular semiconductor crystal, the band gap is fixed owing to continuous energy states. In a quantum dot crystal, the band gap is size dependent and can be altered to produce a range of energies between the valence band and conduction band. It is also known as quantum confinement effect. Band gaps also depend on pressure. Band gaps can be either direct or indirect, depending on the electronic band structure. Figure 2: Semiconductor band structure. 8 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.5 Gallium arsenide (GaAs) A compound of the elements gallium and arsenic it is an III/V semiconductor, and is used in the manufacture of devices such as microwave frequency integrated circuits, monolithic microwave integrated circuits, infrared light-emitting diodes, laser diodes, solar cells, and optical windows. Figure 3: Gallium arsenide. 2.5.1 GaAs advantages and disadvantages Advantage GaAs is a direct band gap semiconductor, while Si is an indirect band gap semiconductor. Direct bandgap semiconductors can be used to make semiconductor lasers and light emitting diodes (LED's). Form high-quality hetero junctions with a large number of alloys, such as InGaAs, AlGaAs, GaAsP, and GaAsSb. These heterojunctions can be used to construct quantum wells, which are used for semiconductor lasers. Also it has a peak saturation velocity of 2x107 cm/sec (twice that of Si) and an electron mobility of 8000 to 9000 cm 2 /Vsec (10-20 times that of Si). These properties suggest that GaAs devices could switch faster than their Si counterparts. GaAs has a larger band gap than Si, so it is more immune to the radiation effects present in space and military applications. Disadvantage No high-quality insulators (counterparts to silicon dioxide) grow on GaAs. The insulator/GaAs interfaces have high levels of defects called "traps" that make GaAs MOSFET's impossible. This is probably the main reason that GaAs will never supplant Si as the semiconductor-of-choice for integrated circuits. GaAs transistors are usually either MESFET's or HEMT's. These transistors have some advantages over MOSFET's but their disadvantages outweigh the advantages. It is extremely brittle. For this reason, GaAs wafers are typically smaller than three inches in diameter, as opposed to silicon wafers, which commonly have diameters of eight or more inches. Since the area on a wafer is proportional to the square of its diameter, Si has a huge cost advantage over GaAs. The hole mobility in GaAs is 15-20 times smaller than the electron mobility, which makes CMOS-like circuits unattractive 9 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.6 Indium phosphide (InP) A binary semiconductor composed of indium and phosphorus. It has a face-centered cubic ("zincblende") crystal structure, identical to that of GaAs and most of the III-V semiconductors. Figure 4: Indium phosphide. InP is used in high-power and high frequency electronics because of its superior electron velocity with respect to the more common semiconductors silicon and gallium arsenide. It also has a direct bandgap, making it useful for optoelectronics devices like laser diodes. InP is also used as a substrate for epitaxial indium gallium arsenide based opto-electronic devices. Indium phosphide also has one of the longest-lived optical phonons of any compound with the zincblende crystal structure. Semiconducting material used as a doping agent in production of microchips. Originally investigated by DARPA and NASA, this technology is now being integrated by corporations. Carriers move through it faster than any semi conducting material known to man, also at lower power consumption. It is also one in a small number of photonic semiconductors. According to Aaron Bond, the chief technology officer at T-Networks, among one of the properties of indium phosphate is its unique ability to generate, modulate, amplify, and receive light at Telco wavelengths (1.55 - 1.3 microns). This wavelength is used by the telecommunications industry in its single-mode optical fibres. This is to be the next step in the computing industry between the transistor, and the carbon Nan tubes. 10 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.7 Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) is a semiconductor composed of indium, gallium and arsenic. It is used in high-power and high-frequency electronics because of its superior electron velocity with respect to the more common semiconductors silicon and gallium arsenide. InGaAs band gap also makes it the detector material of choice in optical fiber communication at 1300 and 1550 nm. Gallium indium arsenide (GaInAs) is an alternative name for InGaAs. The indium content determines the two-dimensional charge carrier density. Properties Energy gap versus gallium composition for InGaAs The optical and mechanical properties of InGaAs can be varied by changing the ratio of In and Ga, InxGa1-xAs. The InGaAs device is normally grown on an indium phosphide (InP) substrate. In order to match the lattice constant of InP and avoid mechanical strain, In0.53Ga0.47As, this composition has a cut-off wavelength of 1.68 μm. By increasing the ratio of In further compared to Ga it is possible to extend the cut-off wavelength up to about 2.6 µm. In that case special measures have to be taken to avoid mechanical strain from differences in lattice constants. GaAs is lattice mismatched to Ge by 0.08%. With the addition of 1.5% in to the alloy, InGaAs, becomes perfectly latticed matched to Ge. The complete elimination of film stress reduces the defect densities of the epi InGaAs layer compared to straight GaAs. 11 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.8 Gallium indium Phosphide (GaInP) GaInP, a wide band gap semiconductor lattice matched to GaAs, is of interest for a variety of device applications such as heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) And heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) The advantages of GaInP over GaAlAs for GaAs-based HBT applications include its large energy band gap (1.9 eV), lower conduction band offset, reduced deep-level concentration, and easier selective etching. GaInP-emitter HBTs with high current gain and good microwave performance have been reported. The use of GaInP in the collector region of HBTs is also attracting attention because of its high breakdown voltage potential. For the collector material of high-voltage microwave HBTs, an important figure of merit is the product of breakdown electric field and carrier saturation velocity Which is roughly proportional to the product of breakdown voltage and current gain cutoff frequency attainable in the transistor GaInP has a potentially higher breakdown field saturation velocity product than other materials lattice matched to GaAs. To design structures for high-voltage or high-power applications, an accurate knowledge of impact ionization coefficients in GaInP is necessary for calculating breakdown characteristics of junctions. In the work reported here, photocurrent multiplication was used to measure the electron and hole ionization coefficients in ~100 GaInP by illuminating p n n diode structures from either side with above band gap radiation.6 The results show that GaInP has significantly lower values of a and b than those of GaAs or InP, a promising indication for high-voltage applications. Figure 5: p n n diode layer structure 12 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.9 Merits and Limitations of Local Impact Ionization Theory Accurate determination of the electron and hole ionization coefficients, and respectively, is important, since these are used to determine avalanche multiplication characteristics and breakdown. Conventionally and are assumed to depend only on the local electric field, and the mean multiplication due to an electron-hole pair generated at position is given by M x0 W exp dx x0 W x 1 exp dx dx 0 0 As described by Stillman and Wolffe [7] where W is the total depletion width. The electric field exists between x=0 and x=W causing electrons to move from left to right. This expression is also traditionally used to derive the values of, and from photo multiplication measurements performed with carrier injection from the depletion region edges. [7]-[8] For electron multiplication, M e x o =0 and for pure hole multiplication M h , x o =W. However, carriers entering the high field region with energy much less than the ionization threshold must traverse a dead space, distance d e , for electrons or d h for holes, before they acquire sufficient energy to impact ionize. With estimation this dead space distance is given by equating it to the ballistic distance a carrier requires to reach the ionization threshold energy, Eth i.e. d Eth / qF . For a device where electrons are injected at x 0 , these corrections usually disallow electron ionization in a dead-space region from 0 x d e and hole ionization in the region from W d h x W . Okuto and Crowell [9] presented an approximate expression relating multiplication to the ionization coefficients while accounting for the reduced multiplication by these regions. Bulmanet al[10]. simplified their expression to interpret the measured multiplication results from p -n-n junctions by assuming no electron-initiated ionization occurs within a distance d e from their injection point. 13 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Hole dead-space effects in the region from W d h to were ignored since the electric field there was small so its contribution to the multiplication was assumed negligible. In recent years, several groups have suggested that the effect of dead-space is to reduce the mean value of multiplication below the prediction of a local model [11]-[14]. To account for dead-space regions within the local framework, Di Carlo [15] and Lugli [16] and Wilson indicated that they should be included in the electron and hole current multiplication equations, which are then solved numerically. They concluded that the simple modifications to one of the type implemented by Bulman et al.[10] do not fully correct for dead-space and lead to an overestimation of the high multiplication values and thus to an underestimation the breakdown voltage. However, the validity of their comparisons is unclear since coefficients, which enter the theories of, describe carriers, which have already travelled the dead space and so are generally different to those in the conventional local theory described or used by Bulman et al.[10] As the size of devices continues to shrink leading to higher electric fields, impact ionization will become increasingly important in device design. In submicron devices it would be expected that nonlocal aspects of carrier transport would have to be considered. However, practically all published ionization data to date have been in the form of local coefficients. Moreover, the complexity of the alternative methods of analysis make it difficult to interpret multiplication measurements especially where structures are investigated where the field varies rapidly, as argued in G. E. Bulman, V. M. Robbins, and G. E. Stillman[10], It is therefore important to understand both when nonlocal effects become important and their effect on the multiplication characteristics and breakdown voltage. From this understanding, the limitations on the applicability of the local model can be identified 14 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.10 Physics of Impact Ionization 2.10.1 Introduction The impact ionization process in semiconductors has been observed and studied since 1950. In the past several decades, there has been more widespread interest in its applications due to the rapid progress in optical communication systems. Avalanche photo detectors (APDs) use the impact ionization principle to detect and amplify very low light signals and they are still used as the most sensitive detector for most systems. It is found that to have a highgain, low-noise APD, the ionization rate for electrons and holes needs to be very different. Efforts to find the best material to perform impact ionization reveal that silicon has the largest ionization rate difference between electrons and holes among all semiconductors. Due to its cut-off wavelength around 1 μm, however, silicon has rarely been employed for today’s optical communication systems that use 1.55 μm wavelengths light. Suitable materials using combinations of binary and ternary/quaternary III-V semiconductors such as InGaAs on InP substrates have provided solutions for longer wavelength detection. It is very important to note that most III-V semiconductors have similar ionization rate for electrons and holes. Therefore, they create much more noise than silicon for equivalent gain regions at equivalent gains. Because the SIM can operate with arbitrary photodiodes, silicon of course is the ideal material to enhance detector sensitivity and amplification for minute signals which cannot be obtained by other materials. In this chapter, we start with a brief discussion of the gain mechanism for impact ionization. Threshold energy and impact ionization gain equations will then be derived. Methods used for measuring the impact ionization coefficient will also be discussed. At the end, the noise associated with the impact ionization process will be addressed. 15 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.10.2 Impact Ionization Gain Mechanism The impact ionization gain mechanism can be demonstrated by using a thermally generated electron, or an electron created by an absorbed photon, travelling inside a semiconductor where a depletion region is formed. Figure 6 illustrates the impact ionization process in a reverse biased PIN. As shown in the figure, electrons can gain sufficient kinetic energy while travelling in a high electric field. If the electric field is high enough, this high-energy electron may initiate the electron-electron scattering so that an electron in the valence band can be excited to the conduction band. As a result of this, another electron-hole pair is produced by promoting an electron from the valence band into the conduction band. Due to the strong electric field, the subsequent electron and hole will continue to collide with the lattice and create more electron-hole pairs. Therefore, numerous carriers are generated and the result is a multiplied current output. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the avalanche breakdown. Figure 6: Energy Band diagram of a reverse biased PIN structure where impact ionization process occurs as the electrons travels through the high electric field region. The energy required to initiate impact ionization depends on the band gap of the material. The reason for this can be found in Fig. 6 where an electron transition from valence band to conduction band is necessary for carrier multiplication. In low band gap semiconductors, such as InAs, an electric field of 104 V/cm is required. For wide band gap materials, such as GaP, the field required is greater than 105 V/cm. 16 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT The energy band gap diagram and lattice constant for various III-V compounds semiconductors is shown in Fig. 7[2] addition to these, the band gap of silicon is 1.12 eV which is not shown in the plot. Figure 7: Energy band gap versus lattice constant for III-V compound alloy system[2] 2.10.3 Ionization Threshold Energy The minimum energy required to excite an electron from the valence to the conduction band is equal to the band gap energy of the semiconductor. Impact ionization, however, is more than just freeing an electron from the valence band. In order to decide the ionization threshold energy, various methods including parabolic, non parabolic, realistic, and non local pseudo potential band structure have been utilized. It is found that the threshold energy differs for most semiconductors. It is a function of the band structure, effective mass ratio between electron and hole, density of state, phonon interaction, and spin-orbit splitting energy. 17 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT The best way to estimate the ionization threshold energy involves a simple two parabolic band model. In this model, we consider one conduction band with effective mass me and one valence band with mass m h . As shown in Fig. 6, prior to the collision, the electron travelling from the left-hand side has a kinetic energy of 1/2 me vi2 and a momentum of m e vi , where vi is the initial velocity of the electron. After collision, three carriers exist: a new electron-hole pair plus the original electron. Electrons continue travelling to the right and the hole to the left. Assuming that the collision is elastic, the conservation of energy and momentum must be satisfied these two assumptions are summarized as 1 1 1 2 2 2 me v t E g me v e 2 m h v h 2 2 2 2.1 And me vt me vi mh vh 2.2 Where E g is the energy band gap of the semiconductor, ve is the electron velocity, and vh is the hole velocity after the collision. Note that when me mh and ve vh vi , (2.1) and (2.2) can be derive that the required initial electron energy for ionization process as Ei 1 2 m e v i 1 .5 E g 2 2.3 This is the well-known 3/2-band-gap rule for ionization threshold energy in semiconductor [1]. 18 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT It is found that for wide and indirect band gap materials such as silicon, the calculations for the conduction band in the high energy regime become more complicated. Lots of research has been devoted to this area. An overriding principle is that the ionization process must always satisfy the energy and momentum conservation. It is found that for silicon, the ionization threshold energy is 3.6 eV for electrons and 5.0 for holes. The reason why they are both greater than 1.5 E g ( E g = 1.12 eV) is because of the indirect band gap nature of Si which requires extra energy for electrons to transit from the Г valley to the X valley. This type of transition is called inter valley scattering. The Si energy band diagram using a non local pseudo potential calculation is shown in Fig 8 [3] to illustrate the process. Figure 8: Silicon energy band structure. Notice that due to the large separation between the Г and X valleys, the inter valley transition shown here is only possible when a high electric field is applied. There is no simple explanation for why electrons ionize much more readily than holes in silicon. One major reason for this is because the minimum energy of the second conduction band in the X valley located very close to the main conduction band effectively increases the total density of states for the conduction band. The energy difference between these two bands is calculated to be only ~ 0.1 eV which allows electrons to transfer between these two with little resistance. 19 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.10.4 Ionization Coefficients and Gain Equations To derive the gain equations for impact ionization process, we need to first define the impact ionization coefficient. For most semiconductor materials, the impact ionization process is asymmetric to some degree for electrons and holes. For example, the ionization rate for electrons is about 5 times greater than holes in Germanium. For silicon, however, electrons can ionize 50 times to 1000 times more readily than holes depending on the electric field amplitude. The probability for initiating impact ionization is quantified as the impact ionization coefficient. It is defined as the reciprocal of the average distance travelled by an electron or hole to produce an electron-hole pair. Therefore, its unit is cm 1 . For electrons, the coefficient is denoted as α. For holes, it is denoted as β. Materials with very different value for α and β, such as in silicon can create less impact ionization noise because only one type of carrier is dominant during the ionization process. With these definitions, we are ready to derive the gain equations in the following paragraph. Figure 9 shows a schematic geometry for a semiconductor region. We will use this simple structure to explore the gain equations. In this figure, the current density for holes and electrons is denoted as j p and j n . All current flows in the same direction as the electric field. The electron current increases with increasing x while hole current decreases with increasing x. Under dc conditions, the total current J is the sum of the electron current and hole current, j j n ( x) j p ( x) = constant. Figure 9: Schematic view of a semiconductor used to calculate current gain. The electric field direction, current flow, and boundary conditions are also shown. 20 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Prior to the gain derivation, several assumptions need to be made. First, the length of the semiconductor is long (L >1 μm) such that non-local theories [4] are not considered. Secondly, the current density is low to avoid the space charge effect which may screen the electric field and lower the gain. A differential equation can be used to describe the multiplication process in terms of ionization rates α and β. If β is much smaller than α, (2.4) can be rewritten as Mn Mp Mn 1 1 exp x 1 exp L exp L 2.4 exp L exp L 2.5 L 0 1 exp x exp( L ) 1 exp( L ) L 0 2.6 A positive feedback factor (β/α) in (2.6) shows the effect of ionization coefficients on multiplication gain. As β gets bigger, but still much smaller than α, M n can reaches breakdown in a shorter distance. 21 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT If we consider an extreme case, β = 0, (2.6) can be further simplified to L M n exp dx exp L 0 2.7 From (2.7) we observe that when β = 0, there is no avalanche breakdown because M n just continues to increase exponentially with L . A plot is given in Fig. 10 using (2.6) to demonstrate the gain versus L for various value of (α/β): Figure 10 - Multiplication gain M versus αL for pure electron injection. Various α/β value are used to demonstrate its effect on avalanche breakdown curve 22 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.10.5 Impact Ionization Coefficient Measurement The discussion above reveals the relation between carrier multiplication gain and ionization coefficients. In order to find out the ionization coefficients for electron and hole, experimental measurement is necessary because there is no good model for calculating these values. We know that α and β are strong function of electric field in the multiplication region. Electric field, however, also depends on the bias voltage, doping profile, and the device geometry. In this section, we will explain how to measure the ionization coefficients accurately for different device structures including p-i-n diodes. For p-i-n Diode is the best one to measure α and β because the electric field is very close to constant due to the lightly doped intrinsic layer as shown in Fig. 11. Figure 11: (a) Schematic view of a p-i-n diode used for measuring the electron ionization coefficients. High energy light illumination is used to ensure that photocurrent is created very close to the surface. (b) Hole ionization coefficient measurement using the same setup but illuminating the diode from the n+ side. In measurement, a very high energy light is used to illuminate the diode. Due to the high energy of the photons, electron-hole pairs can be created very close to the surface to obtain the pure electron or hole injection condition. Electron ionization is measured by shining light from the p+ side. Photon-excited electrons are injected into the intrinsic layer while holes are swept to the left. Hole ionization is measured by illuminating light from the n+ side, injecting holes into the intrinsic layer. 23 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT The electron gain M n can be calculated by dividing the total current measured for a given electric field by the photocurrent created by the light. The photocurrent can be precisely measured when the diode is operated without avalanche gain. The hole gain M p can be obtained through the same process. Once M n and M p are known, we can use equation (2.4) and (2.5) to derive formulas related α and β to M n and M p . They are calculated to be 1 M n 1 L M n M p Mn ln M p 2.8 1 M p 1 L M p M n Mp ln M n 2.9 And 24 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2.10.6 Impact Ionization Response The carrier build-up time in the multiplication process depends on the contribution of carrier feedback as illustrated in Fig. 12. In the ideal condition, Figure 12(a), where only one type of carrier is capable of initiating impact ionization process (electrons for β = 0), the output current pulse increases with the transit time for the initially injected electron. The output current decreases to zero as all the ionized holes arrive at the negatively biased electrode. Thus, the current pulse lasts about twice as long as the transit time. Since the pulse width is independent of the multiplication gain, there is no gain-bandwidth product limitation when β or α = 0. Figure 12: Representation of impact ionization process. (a) Only electron initiated impact ionization. (b) Both carriers initiated impact ionization. In the other extreme case when β = α, the build-up of the impact ionization process is shown in Fig. 12(b). The gain of the process can be very high which may cause the output current pulse to become very long too. There is a gain-bandwidth product limitation for this case. The detailed derivation for the gain bandwidth product as a function of β/α was given by Emmons. It is found that the avalanche multiplication process does not affect the device bandwidth as long as the dc multiplication gain M is less than α/β. On the other hand, if M > α/β, the multiplication gain becomes a function of frequency and is expressed as M ( ) M 0 /( 2 M 0 1 ) 2 2 1 2 2.10 Where τ1 is an effective transit time and is approximately τ1 = N(β/α)τ. N is a number varying slowly from 1/3 to 2 as β/α varying from 1 to 10 3 , and τ is the transit time equal to L / v s where L is the length of the avalanche gain region and vs is the saturation velocity. 25 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Simulation result based on (2.10) is shown in Fig. 13. Clearly we see that the 3dB bandwidth decreases as β/α value increases, and the decreasing rate is greater for higher multiplication gain. Figure 13: Calculated bandwidth versus gain in a P-I-N photodiode for various values of β/α. Plot indicates that the bandwidth will not be limited by the gain as long as M< α/ β[6]. The gain-bandwidth product for M > α/β can be obtained using (2.10) for high frequencies and is expressed as M ( ) M 0 ( 2 M 0 1 ) 2 1 2 1 1 1 N ( ) 2.11 Equation (2.11) indicates the basic requirements for an impact-ionization based device to obtain a high gain-bandwidth product. These requirements include a small β/α value and short intrinsic time. Therefore, a correct choice of material, multiplication layer thickness, and carrier transport velocity are essential. 26 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Using (2.10), the calculated frequency response for a P-I-N structure with 1m thick gain region when operating at M=50 is given in Figure 14. Figure 14: Frequency Response of a P-I-N photodiode with 1m thick multiplication layer. Notice that parameter k is define as β/α 27 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT CHAPTER 3 SIMULATION AND DISCUSSION In Chapter 3, simulation results using Matlab to create a program are indicated in this chapter. It also explains the methodology used in this Capstone project, simulation study and results obtained working on materials from III-V compounds. Using Matlab to simulate the both the measure of α and β since Bulmanet al [10]. found that β > α, these two sets of parameters for the coefficients since they enable the data to be more accurately quantified over the wide field range the coefficients are parameterized in The impact ionization coefficients can be fitted into an exponential form: ( E ) Ae exp( Be / E ) ( E ) Ah exp( Bh / E ) eH AeH exp[ ( Beh / ) C eH h A exp[ ( B / ) C For the local calculation the values of α and β were taken from Bulmanet al.[10] for electric fields, F, This investigation involved measuring both the multiplication and excess noise characteristics of several samples with overlapping field regions and represents the most extensive and rigorous to date. By developing a model for the ionization coefficient that was independent of the multiplication-region width, each carrier and each material, a single electric-field-dependent model for the ionization coefficient was developed that was suitable for devices of all thicknesses. 28 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 3.1 Impact Ionisation coefficient and Multiplication of electrons & holes for GaAs Impact Ionisation Coefficients for GaAs ( E ) 1.89 10 7 [(exp( (5.75 10 7 ) / E )1.82 ]cm 1 ( E ) 2.21 10 7 [(exp( (6.57 10 7 ) / E )1.75 ]cm 1 Figure 15: Measured M e for a w 0.48m device as a function of temperature [17] Measurements of M e (M h ) were carried out at temperatures between 20 and 290 K on p in (n ip ) diodes of all thicknesses, and also between 290 and 500 K on the w 0.48m p in diode. Fig. 15 shows a diode at temperatures between 20 and 500 K. As expected, increasing the temperature causes the multiplication characteristic to shift to higher voltages, since higher electric fields are required to offset the increase in carrier cooling by phonon scattering and maintain multiplication. it also shows that the temperature dependence of multiplication is not uniform, since the multiplication curves crowd together at low temperatures. This is probably due to the saturation of the phonon emission (~n+1) and absorption (~n) scattering rates at low temperatures where n approaches zero. Figure 16: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for GaAs versus inverses electric field 29 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Multiplication of electrons and holes for GaAs Simulation of calculate Electron and hole multiplication factors for a range of ideal p-i-n s with from 1 um down to 0.48um for GaAs with temperatures of 20K to 500K Figure 17: simulated of multiplication w 0.48m device as a function of temperature from 20K to 500K Shown in figure 17 increasing temperature causes the multiplication of electrons and holes to shift to higher voltage therefore higher electric fields are required to offset the increase in carrier cooling by phonon scattering and maintain multiplication. 30 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 3.2 Impact Ionisation coefficient and Multiplication of electrons & holes for InGaAs Figure 18: Measured (symbols) and calculated (lines) multiplication characteristics of 1.3 and 1.9 um thick InGaAs p-i-n diode (filled symbols) from 20–400 K [18] eH AeH exp[ ( Beh / ) C eH h A exp[ ( B / ) C Impact Ionisation Coefficients for InGaAs (narrowband gap semiconductor) great importance in the case of an ionization coefficient which increases with temperature that can result in an unstable positive power dissipation feedback which the voltage breakdown can be obtained by extrapolating the multiplication curve For alpha AeH 7.2597 10 4 (24.204T ) (0.3259T 2 )cm 1 BeH 5.9988 10 5 (3.4763 10 2 T ) (2.4768T 2 )V / cm C eH 1.783 (7.2548 10 4 T ) For beta A 6.1026 10 5 (9.6637 10 2 T ) (1.1384T 2 )cm 1 B 1.3394 10 6 (1.0699 10 3 T ) (20.4507T 2 )V / cm C 1.0910 (2.3505 10 4 T ) 31 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Figure 19: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for InGaAs versus inverses electric field Fig. 18 shows the temperature dependence of electron multiplication characteristics of the 1.3 and 1.9 um InGaAs p-i-ns from 20–400 K and the temperature dependence of the hole multiplication for the 3.0 um InGaAs n-i-p from 20–300 K. The results from all the layers investigated show a very limited increase in photocurrent initially and then the sudden and clear onset of the avalanche multiplication process 32 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Multiplication of electrons and holes for InGaAs Simulation of Electron multiplication factors that depends on temperature with the thickness of 1.3um and 1.9 um for InGAas p-i-ns from 20K to 400K and hole multiplication with thickness of 3.0um as n-i-p from 20K-300K. Figure 20: Simulated of multiplication characteristics of 1.3 and 1.9 um thick InGaAs p-i-n diode from 20–400 K The results from figure 20 show a very limited increase in photocurrent initially and then the sudden and clear onset of the avalanche multiplication process. The avalanche multiplication of all the p-i-n and n-i-p structures clearly decreases with increasing temperature, indicating a negative temperature dependence of electron and hole ionization coefficients respectively 33 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 3.3 Impact Ionisation coefficient and Multiplication of electrons & holes for InP The electron and hole ionization coefficients can be extracted from the measured multiplication results if both electrons initiated and hole initiated multiplication results are available for the same structure When an electron (or hole) initiates the multiplication process, an electric current is induced by the moving electrons and holes within the multiplication region InP has high electron peak velocities resulting from large inter valley separation and good breakdown properties owed to a relatively low electron impact ionization coefficient. Figure 21: Measured Me (symbols) Calculated Me (solid lines) using bulk ionization coefficients for InP [19] Compared to the data of GaAs and InP illustrated in Fig.16 and Fig. 22, GaInP has the lowest values of α and β, signifying a higher breakdown voltage. Moreover, the slopes of the curves of α and β vs 1/E for GaInP shown in Fig. 20 are steeper than for the others. Impact Ionisation Coefficients for InP ( E ) 2.93 10 6 [exp( (2.64 10 6 ) / E ]cm 1 ( E ) 1.62 10 6 [exp( (2.11 10 6 ) / E ]cm 1 34 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Figure 22: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for InP versus inverses electric field Multiplication of electrons and holes for InP Figure 23: Simulated of multiplication characteristics of 0.24 and 2.40 um thick for InP p-i-n diode from 20–400 K The results from figure 23 show that the temperature dependence of multiplication is not uniform, since the multiplication curves with thickness of the materials from 0.24 to 2.40um respectively. Simulation of Electron multiplication factors for a range of ideal p-ins with from 0.24um down to 2.40um for InP with temperatures of 20K to 500K 35 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 3.4 Impact Ionisation coefficient and Multiplication of electrons & holes for GaInP As a test of the parameterized coefficients, test shows for all the materials, the predicted multiplication for an ideal diode, compared with the measured characteristic. It can be seen that the agreement is good, both at low and high multiplications using matlab for these simulations for wideband gap semiconductor and narrowband gap semiconductor. The structures for high-voltage or high-power applications, an accurate knowledge of impact ionization coefficients in GaInP is necessary for calculating breakdown characteristics of junctions. In the work reported here, photocurrent multiplication was used to measure the electron and hole ionization coefficients from either side with above bandgap radiation. The results show that GaInP has significantly lower values of α and β than those of GaAs or InP, a promising indication for high-voltage applications. Figure 24: p n n diode layer structure and the measured results of Mn and Mp as a function of reverse bias.[20] Impact Ionisation Coefficients for GaInP(wideband gap semiconductor) ( E ) 3.85 10 6 [exp( (3.17 10 6 ) / E ]cm 1 ( E ) 1.71 10 6 [exp( (3.19 10 6 ) / E ]cm 1 The electron and hole multiplication factors, Mn and Mp, are defined as the total output photocurrent divided by the electron or hole current injected at the contacts. Results for Mn and Mp from respective measurements are shown in Fig. 24. In these results, slight corrections were made to the injected currents due to slightly voltage-dependent intrinsic reverse currents. Because the widths of the depletion regions depend on bias, the number of thermally generated minority carriers that diffuse into the depleted n region also varies. This leads to a slight increase of the injected current as the reverse bias is increased 36 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Figure 25: Impact Ionisation Coefficients for GaInP versus inverses electric field Multiplication of electrons and holes for GAInP Simulation of Electron multiplication factors for a range of ideal p-i-n s with from 0.24um down to 2.40um for GaInP with temperatures of 300K Figure 26: Simulated of multiplication characteristics of 0.24 um thick for GaInP p-i-n diode from 300 K 37 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 3.5 Discussion Voltage breakdown due to avalanche multiplication, also defined as the reverse bias voltage where multiplication rate goes to infinity naturally of great practical interest. The voltage VB is defined as the reverse-bias voltage across the multiplication region at which the mean gain becomes infinite. In doing so rather then testing with hands on materials in fab or clean room physically testing the materials, with this simulation we can create a model and simulate any materials first with respect to their voltage breakdown versus thickness (width) without wasting unnecessary time and cost for testing of materials. Case 1 Figure 27: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for GaAs GaAs wide band gap, highly resistive which makes it a very good electrical substrate therefore makes it a very good material for ideal material for microwave and millimeter wave integrated circuits. It can also be operated at higher power levels because they have higher breakdown voltage. 38 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Case 2 Figure 28: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for GaInP GaInP wideband gap semiconductor exhibits high breakdown voltage characteristics indicating that it is a good choice of material for high power applications. This suggests that the ideal electric field distribution assumption is valid and that edge effects are not important in this material system for mesa geometry structures. Note that since these punches through devices have a low carrier concentration in the n region and high breakdown voltage, the effects of dead space could be ignored. And data were used to calculate the expected breakdown voltages for p-i-n diode with various thicknesses 39 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Case 3 Figure 29: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for InP InP wideband gap have an advantage compared to GaAs for many applications when used in high-field regions of the device profile, can significantly improve device performance. These applications include high performance power amplifier for cellular phones, ultraefficient ultra-linear power amplifiers ideally suited for digital communication systems and satellite networks ICs, and highly integrated mixed signal and high-speed fiber-optic circuits. Wide bandgap semiconductors are associated with a high breakdown voltage. This is due to a larger electric field required to generate carriers through impact mechanism. 40 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Case 4 Figure 30: Simulated of voltage breakdown versus thickness for InGaAs InGaAs with narrow band gap is also a popular material in infrared detectors and some short wave infrared cameras. It also has lower multiplication noise than germanium when used as the active multiplication layer of an avalanche photodiode. Also has a low breakdown voltage 41 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT CHAPTER 4 4.2 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED AND SOLUTIONS Problem 1: Do not have the basic knowledge about semiconductor? Solution 1: Research on books and internet to get more information and understand it Problem 2: Do not know what is impact ionization? Solution 2: Research on books and internet to get more information and understand it and also approach my project supervisor for guidance Problem 3: Do not have the basic knowledge on diode, photodiode? Solution 3: Research on books and internet to get more information and understand it Problem 4: Do not know how to use what program to do the design and simulation portion? Solution 4: Go online to search for the software manual and spent some time on exploring the features of the software. Problem 5: During the design and simulation portion of using matlab, found out need to have a lot more information to design the simulation. Solution 5: My project supervisor requests me by searching some information on the internet. Problem 6: Do not have strong programming skills in matlab? Solution 6: Research on books and internet to find examples and understand it Problem 8: During the designing portion, not able to achieve the desired output out as per required. Solution 8: Due to the values of the impact ionization formula written wrongly in matlab code 42 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Problem 9: Spending too much time on the researching for solutions to get it work on the simulation? Solution 9: Find experimental papers and research papers to find the correct materials information to work on the simulations base on them. Problem 10: After simulating for 1 material then try to simulate for 4 materials Solution 10: 1 material is not enough to satisfy the need of modelling the materials therefore need to do more research for 4 different materials both narrowband gap and wideband gap materials Problem 11: Multiplication of electrons and holes with a fixed temperature Solution 11: Multiplication of electrons and holes with a fixed temperature does not prove that temperature of the materials will affect the voltage breakdown of the materials therefore need to create a function with various temperature to prove. 43 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.4 FUTURE WORK For this 1 year project materials are simulated base on p-i-n diodes therefore very little studies on Avalanche Photodiode (APD) and Schottky Barrier diodes. Another project can be done with Avalanche Photodiode (APD). The device operation works as following: Arriving photons pass through thin n+p junction. The carriers are absorbed in a π- region. The absorption leads to the generation of electron-hole pairs in this region. The electric field in the π-region is high enough to separate the carriers. The electric field across the π-region is not high enough for the charge carriers to gain enough energy for multiplication to take place. The electric field, however, in the n+ p- region the electric field is significantly higher so that the charge carriers (in this case electrons only) are strongly accelerated and pick up energy Figure 28 shows a silicon based avalanche photodiodes. It is of interest to mention that the carrier mobility of holes in silicon is significantly lower than the electron mobility. Furthermore, the impact ionized holes have to travel all the way from the n+ p- region to the right p+-region, whereas the electron only have to travel to the n+- region. The probability of having electron multiplication is much higher than the probability of having hole multiplication. Therefore, the electrons mainly contribute to the overall current. Figure 31: Silicon Avalanche Photodiode 44 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Also for Schottky Barrier diodes a thin metal layer replaces either the p- or the n- region of the diode. Depending on the semiconductor and the metal being involved a barrier is formed at the interface of the two materials. This barrier leads to a bending of the bands. Due to the applied voltage the bands can be bended more or less. In the region of the band bending electron hole pairs can be separated. Figure 32: Schottky Barrier diode Lastly, using matlab to simulate the simulation where there is a certain level of limitations. Many other programs are able to simulate and model materials for realistic usage. Detail values can be shown with the output for the simulation which can eliminate issue like values not accurate or running a few matlab programs for different usage. Another thing is that we can achieve much more stable readings. It would enhance better understanding of the whole project going on. 45 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 5.5 SUMMARY Generally for this project, it enhances me with a lot of knowledge and exposure in the designing of software simulation. And also creating a chance in allowing me to have hands on experience on how to manage a project, improving my research skills and learn more skills. The main portion of the project is to model semiconductor photodetector. With minimum knowledge and experience on the designing of software programming, I faced difficulty in the designing portion, also in the selection of the program to use and different equations for materials with the necessary requirements needed for the simulation. In addition, I have no experience in using semiconductor topic that made me have to start from scratch to learn how to use matlab to create the simulation. Pin-diodes with the depletion region extended across the intrinsic or lightly doped layer and therefore more photo-generated carriers contribute to the photocurrent. The pin-diode can be realized as a homo-junction or a heterojunction. If the structure is realized in silicon the device will be usually a homojunction. Under such conditions all three layers (p-,i- and n-region) have the same optical bandgap. Depending on the application the thickness and thin dividual layers can be adjusted. For each of the four materials (InP, In GaAs, GaAs, and GaInP) we were able to satisfied the exponential model provided in independent of the multiplicationregion width. This enabled us to estimate the electron and hole ionization coefficients, and, respectively. Since the impact-ionization rate for holes in InP is greater than that for electrons, the carriers were reversed in the recurrence equations, as discussed earlier. The optimized sets of width-independent parameters, and that yielded the best fit in the universal exponential model, for both electrons and holes. 46 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT REFLECTION I personally feel that the project was not very successful even I have completed the project on-time, but at least I have met the main objectives. I am able to achieve the simulation and compare to same as the experimental result to prove for all 4 materials. As the model is always assumed as an ideal case with fixed variable temperature and electric field, where there is no noise distortion which will mean a change in the simulation. During the 10 months and the time that I spent in UniSIM, a lot of valuable skills and knowledge are being picked up along the way; I become more confident in handling problems of my project and also improved my management skill. 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Asbeck Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 49 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT APPENDIX A - Gantt chart FOR PROJECT PLANNING 50 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT APPENDIX B - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Gallium arsenide (GaAs) Ionisation coefficient for GaAs clc; clear all; close all; %CARRIER DIFFUSION LENGTH a=1.899*10^5%alpha d=5.750*10^5%alpha f=1.82%alpha g=2.215*10^5%beta h=6.570*10^5%beta i=1.75%beta e=1/(1*10^-6) %e1=1*10^-6 c=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(1.5*10^-6) %e1=1.5*10^-6 c1=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b1=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(2*10^-6) %e1=2*10^-6 c2=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b2=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(2.5*10^-6) %e1=2.5*10^-6 c3=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b3=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(3*10^-6) %e1=3*10^-6 c4=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b4=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(3.5*10^-6) %e1=3.5*10^-6 c5=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b5=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(4*10^-6) %e1=4*10^-6 c6=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b6=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(4.5*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c7=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b7=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) % alph=alpha value in/cm alph=[c c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7]; % e=inverse electric field in terms of cm/v e=[1*10^-6 1.5*10^-6 2*10^-6 2.5*10^-6 3*10^-6 3.5*10^-6 4*10^-6 4.5*10^ 6] bet=[b b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7]; figure(1); semilogy(e,alph,'b'); hold on grid on semilogy(e,bet,'g'); hold on legend('alpha','beta'); xlabel('1/E(10^-6)cm/v'); ylabel('Ionisation Coefficients/cm'); title('Impact ionisation coefficients versus inverse electric field'); 51 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT APPENDIX C - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Indium phosphide (InP) Ionisation coefficient for InP clc; clear all; close all; %CARRIER DIFFUSION LENGTH e=1/(1*10^-6) a=2.93*10^6 %alpha d=2.64*10^6 %alpha g=1.62*10^6 %beta h=2.11*10^6 %beta %e1=1*10^-6 c=a*exp(-(d/e)) b=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(1.5*10^-6) %e1=1.5*10^-6 c1=a*exp(-(d/e)) b1=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(2*10^-6) %e1=2*10^-6 c2=a*exp(-(d/e)) b2=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(2.5*10^-6) %e1=2.5*10^-6 c3=a*exp(-(d/e)) b3=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(3*10^-6) %e1=3*10^-6 c4=a*exp(-(d/e)) b4=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(3.5*10^-6) %e1=3.5*10^-6 c5=a*exp(-(d/e)) b5=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(4*10^-6) %e1=4*10^-6 c6=a*exp(-(d/e)) b6=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(4.5*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c7=a*exp(-(d/e)) b7=g*exp(-(h/e)) % alph=alpha value in/cm alph=[c c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7]; % e=inverse electric field in terms of cm/v e=[1*10^-6 1.5*10^-6 2*10^-6 2.5*10^-6 3*10^-6 3.5*10^-6 4*10^-6 4.5*10^-6] bet=[b b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7]; figure(1); semilogy(e,alph,'b'); hold on grid on semilogy(e,bet,'g'); hold on legend('alpha','beta'); xlabel('1/E(10^-6)cm/v'); ylabel('Ionisation Coefficients/cm'); title('Impact ionisation coefficients versus inverse electric field'); 52 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT APPENDIX D - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR GaInP Ionisation coefficient for GaInP clc; clear all; close all; %CARRIER DIFFUSION LENGTH e=1/ (1*10^-6) a=3.85*10^6 %alpha d=3.71*10^6 %alpha g=1.71*10^6 %beta h=3.19*10^6 %beta %e1=1*10^-6 c=a*exp(-(d/e)) b=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(1.5*10^-6) %e1=1.5*10^-6 c1=a*exp(-(d/e)) b1=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(2*10^-6) %e1=2*10^-6 c2=a*exp(-(d/e)) b2=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(2.5*10^-6) %e1=2.5*10^-6 c3=a*exp(-(d/e)) b3=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(3*10^-6) %e1=3*10^-6 c4=a*exp(-(d/e)) b4=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(3.5*10^-6) %e1=3.5*10^-6 c5=a*exp(-(d/e)) b5=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(4*10^-6) %e1=4*10^-6 c6=a*exp(-(d/e)) b6=g*exp(-(h/e)) e=1/(4.5*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c7=a*exp(-(d/e)) b7=g*exp(-(h/e)) % alph=alpha value in/cm alph=[c c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7]; % e=inverse electric field in terms of cm/v e=[1*10^-6 1.5*10^-6 2*10^-6 2.5*10^-6 3*10^-6 3.5*10^-6 4*10^-6 4.5*10^-6] bet=[b b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7]; figure(1); semilogy(e,alph,'b'); hold on grid on semilogy(e,bet,'g'); hold on legend('alpha','beta'); xlabel('1/E(10^-6)cm/v'); ylabel('Ionisation Coefficients/cm'); title('Impact ionisation coefficients versus inverse electric field'); 53 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT APPENDIX E - PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) Ionisation coefficient for InGaAs clc; clear all; close all; %CARRIER DIFFUSION LENGTH t=300 a=(7.2597*10^4-(24.204*t)+(0.3259*(t^2)))%alpha d=5.9988*10^5+(3.4763*10^2*t)+(2.4768*(t^2))%alpha f=1.1783-(7.2548*10^-4*t)%alpha g=6.1026*10^5+(9.6637*10^2*t)+(1.1384*(t^2))%beta h=1.3394*10^6+(1.0699*10^3*t)+(0.4507*(t^2))%beta i=1.0910-(2.3505*10^-4*t)%beta e=1/(4*10^-6) %e1=1*10^-6 c=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(5*10^-6) %e1=1.5*10^-6 c1=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b1=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(6*10^-6) %e1=2*10^-6 c2=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b2=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(7*10^-6) %e1=2.5*10^-6 c3=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b3=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(8*10^-6) %e1=3*10^-6 c4=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b4=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(9*10^-6) %e1=3.5*10^-6 c5=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b5=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(10*10^-6) %e1=4*10^-6 c6=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b6=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(11*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c7=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b7=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) % alph=alpha value in/cm alph=[c c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7]; % e=inverse electric field in terms of cm/v e=[4*10^-6 5*10^-6 6*10^-6 7*10^-6 8*10^-6 9*10^-6 10*10^-6 11*10^-6] bet=[b b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7]; figure(1); semilogy(e,alph,'b'); hold on grid on semilogy(e,bet,'g'); hold on legend('alpha','beta'); xlabel('1/E(10^-6)cm/v'); ylabel('Ionisation Coefficients/cm'); title('Impact ionisation coefficients versus inverse electric field'); ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 54 APPENDIX F function PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Multiplication of electrons and holes Multiplication of electrons and holes function w=10*10^-6; a=(1.899*10^5-(24.204*t)+(0.3259*(t^2)))%alpha d=5.750*10^5+(3.4763*10^2*t)+(2.4768*(t^2))%alpha f=1.82-(7.2548*10^-4*t)%alpha g=2.215*10^5+(9.6637*10^2*t)+(1.1384*(t^2))%beta h=6.570*10^5+(1.0699*10^3*t)+(0.4507*(t^2))%beta i=1.75-(2.3505*10^-4*t)%beta e=1/(1*10^-6) %e1=1*10^-6 c=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(1.5*10^-6) %e1=1.5*10^-6 c1=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b1=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(2*10^-6) %e1=2*10^-6 c2=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b2=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(2.5*10^-6) %e1=2.5*10^-6 c3=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b3=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(3*10^-6) %e1=3*10^-6 c4=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b4=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(3.5*10^-6) %e1=3.5*10^-6 c5=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b5=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(4*10^-6) %e1=4*10^-6 c6=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b6=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(4.5*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c7=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b7=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(5*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c8=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b8=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(5.5*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c9=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b9=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) e=1/(6*10^-6) %e1=4.5*10^-6 c10=a*exp(-(d/e)^f) b10=g*exp(-(h/e)^i) 55 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT % alph=alpha value in/cm alph=c;bet=b; M1=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh1=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c1;bet=b1; M2=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh2=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c2;bet=b2; M3=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh3=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c3;bet=b3; M4=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh4=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c4;bet=b4; M5=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh5=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c5;bet=b5; M6=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh6=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c6;bet=b6; M7=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh7=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c7;bet=b7; M8=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh8=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c8;bet=b8; M9=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh9=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-(exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))) alph=c9;bet=b9; M10=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh10=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-exp(-(alph-bet)*w))) alph=c10;bet=b10; M11=1/(((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))) Mh11=1/(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-exp(-(alph-bet)*w))) % e=inverse electric field in terms of cm/v % bet=beta value in/cm %Formula for Mh %Mh=(1+(bet/(alph-bet))*(1-exp(-(alph-bet)*w)))^-1 %Formula for Me %Me=((1+(alph/(alph-bet))*exp(-(alph-bet)*w)-1))^-1 v=[1 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10] %v=[0:0.0001:10]; figure(3) Mh=[Mh11 Mh10 Mh9 Mh8 Mh7 Mh6 Mh5 Mh4 Mh3 Mh2 Mh1]; Me=[M11 M10 M9 M8 M7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1]; plot(Me,v,'b-'); grid on; hold on; xlabel('V'); ylabel('Me&Mh'); title('Me&Mh versus V Characteristics'); end 56 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT APPENDIX G- PROGRAM DESIGN FOR Voltage breakdown versus thickness clc; clear all; close all; %t=thickness in mm %vbd=breakdown voltage in volt t=[0*10^-6 1*10^-6 2*10^-6 3*10^-6 4*10^-6] %ev= charge of an electron in eV ev=1.424*10^6; %N=doping concentration in /cm3 %Formula for breakdown voltage in volt %Vbd=(60*(E(in eV)/1.1)^3/2)*(N(cm^-3)/10^16)^-(3/4)) for N=1:5 vbd(N)=(37.5*(ev))*((N)) end figure(4); plot(t,vbd); grid on; ylabel('break down voltage vbd(volt)'); xlabel('thickness t(um)'); title('Plot for Vbd Vs width'); 57 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT