APUSH Unit 5 Objectives

Imperialism/ World Wars I and II,
The Boom to Bust Economy,
APUSH UNIT 5 objectives
Based on material presented in class and in the text the APUSH student will…..
1…Read the following documents regarding American Imperialism and answer the questions
provided: The Rough Riders in Action – Theodore Roosevelt (1899), “Hawaii Under
Annexation” – Sanford Dole (1900), Some Anti-Imperialist Sentiments – The Anti-Imperialist
League (1900), and State of the Union Address – William H. Taft (1912)
2…Road to WWI documents: American Neutrality Policy, Wilson and Lansing on the U.S.
Invasion of Mexico, The Zimmerman Note to the German Minister to Mexico
3…Complete guided reading questions about America’s role during WWI and the aftermath.
4…Answer questions related to Boom to Bust from ‘The Century’ series.
5…Complete the readings detailing the conflicting philosophies between Hoover and FDR and
then fill in charts concerning Hoover’s response to the Depression and New Deal programs.
6…. complete a series of questions about the aggressive tactics of totalitarians and appeasement
during the pre-war period and America’s eventual involvement in WWII.
7…Fill in a WWII theatres of war chart and define the bold terms.
8…Compete in the WWII scavenger hunt for APUSH class supremacy for the second semester.