Mid semester quiz/test (word version)

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Question #1: The smallest usable unit of data such as a letter, number or
special symbol is called a ___________________.
A) bit
B) character
C) address
D) variable
Question #2: True or False: inv Ans + 20 is a valid memory variable
T) True
F) False
Question #3: You want to keep the social security number, name, job code
and pay rate for your employees. What is the data hierarchy name for each
of these data items?
A) field
B) file or table
C) record
D) character
Question #4: Looking at the data in the problem above: you want to store
all of the information about a specific employee together. What is the
data hierarchy name for storing these fields together as a unit?
A) field
B) file or table
C) record
D) character
Question #5: Looking at the data in the problem above: you want to store
all of the information about all of employees in your company together.
What is the data hierarchy name for storing your employee data?
A) field
B) file or table
C) record
D) character
Question #6: True or False: In most languages you can code a calculation
in either of the following ways:
ansWork = numIn -15
numIn - 15 = ansWork
T) True
F) False
Question #7: Errors in the use of the programming language such as word
usage and grammar are called ____________ errors?
A) logic
B) data
C) development
D) syntax
Question #8: Common tool(s) for planning the logic involved in developing
a solution to a programming problem are ______________________.
A) flowchart
B) compiler
C) pseudocode
D) both flowchart and
Question #9: Data that is stored in locations in memory are called
______________ ? An example would be storing the result of a calculation
in memory.
A) alpha
B) instructions C) variables
D) variables and instructions
Question #10: The program that is actually run or executed is the
________________ program.
A) high-level language
B) object
C) executable
executable or machine language all apply
D) object or
Question #11: The software that translates a high – level or source
program into machine language is ___________ ?
A) compiler
B) interpreter
interpreter apply
C) executer
D) both compiler and
Question #12: When you test a machine language program with data, you are
looking for _______ errors?
A) syntax
B) logic
C) compilar
D) both syntax and logic apply
Question #13: A database is made up of a group of ______________ that
hold the collection of data. For example, there might be one holding
inventory information and one holding customer information.
A) tables
B) columns
C) variables
D) none of the answers apply
Question #14: Calculating an answer and storing it to a named memory
location is using ____________ ?
A) comparison
B) equal
C) assignment
D) compiling
Question #15: True or False: You cannot execute a program to produce
output if it has critical syntax errors.
T) True
F) False
Question #16: A variable name can also be called a(n) ________________
B) record
C) identifier
D) assignment
Question #17: True or False: This structure processes and then tests to
see if the processing should be done again. The processing will always be
done at least once.
INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\BCCCISwebsite\\cis17\\onlinequiz\\decision1.gif" \*
T) True F) False
Question #18: You use quotation marks to enclose ____________________ .
A) string or character constant
B) numeric constant
D) string or character or numeric constant
C) variable
Question #19: In the example below, the = is called a(n)
ans = a
+ b
A) equal sign
B) assignment sign
an equal sign or an assignment sign
C) comparison operator
Question #20: The case structure is an alternative to a(n) _____________
A) series of calculations
D) while loop
B) series of assignments
C) series of
Question #21: True or False: This structure tests and then processes.
Processing continues while the condition is true. The processing will
always be done at least once.
INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\BCCCISwebsite\\cis17\\onlinequiz\\decision2.gif" \*
T) True
F) False
Question #22: The three structures that define all programming logic are
_____________, _____________, _________________.
A) selection, process, loop
B) sequence, selection, loop
iteration, loop
D) sequence, repetition, case
C) sequence,
Question #23: When a structure contains another structure, it is called
A) stacking
B) repetition
C) selection
D) nesting
Question #24: Which of the following is NOT an acceptable name for the
structure that allows you to do the same set of instructions multiple
A) repetition
B) iteration
C) decision
D) loop
Question #25: In structured programming, the first data input statement
or read is separate from the data input statement or read statement for
all of the other records. The first data input statement or read is
called ______________.
A) priming read
B) priming input
C) initializing read
D) all of the
Question #26: A(n) _____________________ is used to show the relationship
between modules.
A) logic flowchart
B) data dictionary
C) hierarchy chart
D) print
Question #27: True or False: calc Reorder() is a valid name for a module
according to the rules in your text.
T) True
F) False
Question #28: When one module causes another module to execute, the first
module is ___________ the second module.
A) defining
B) reusing
D) calling
Question #29: True or False: Once you have designed the output, you need
to look at the available input and see if you have the data available to
produce the output.
T) True
F) False
Question #30: Which of the following is NOT a reason to use
A) abstraction
B) reusability of code
C) encourages one programmer
to develop all the code
D) easier to identify structures
Question #31: True or False: In a printer spacing chart, each box
represents a field that will be printed.
T) True
F) False
Question #32: The part of documentation that lists all variable names in
the program along with their type, size and description is called a
A) data dictionary
B) hierarchy chart
C) user documentation manual
Question #33: True or False: The program is written before the output is
T) True
F) False
Question #34: You have 100 records on your file or table and you are
writing a report that is printing out the information from all 100
records. On the printer spacing chart, the line representing the data on
the record is called the ______________________.
A) constant
B) heading line
C) detail line
D) summary line
Question #35: True or False: You should not use embedded spaces in a
variable name.
T) True
F) False
Question #36: True or False: After reading an input record, the
programmer should always check and see if the read was successful or
whether EOF was encountered.
T) True
F) False
Question #37: True or False: A good programming technique is to store
modules separately and use code to include them in appropriate places in
your program.
T) True
F) False
Question #38: True or False: Some languages require you to specify the
length of all variables, other languages assign a predetermined size
depending on the type for some types of variables.
T) True
F) False
Question #39: True or False: Giving a starting value to a variable is
known as initializing the variable. The value in the variable can be
changed as the program executes.
T) True
F) False
Question #40: The modules of the mainline logic of a typical procedural
program are ________________, __________________, _____________________.
A) housekeeping, setup, initialization
B) housekeeping, processing,
C) housekeeping, processing, wrapup
D) setup, initializing, looping