Unit 1-Migration Name:______________ 1.Identify factors that influence people to move to another place (push, pull, barriers) 2.Factors that affect migration(urbanization, globalization) and how cultures are affected by migration 3.Describe how technology has improved mobility Movement- people travelling, goods are shipped from factories to stores, information passes from person to person. Migration-people, animals or things moving to a new area Push Factors-forces which encourage you to leave a place Pull Factors-forces which draw you to another place eg. To escape: War/ violent conflict Poor living conditions, unsanitary conditions Persecution and find freedom from slavery Hunger and lack of clean water(drought/starvation) Natural disasters- hurricanes, floods Allergies, Disease Climate Lack of health care High cost of living Pollution, loudness of City, traffic Racism Terrorism Lack of employment Abuse Forced migration (many black African were captured and transported to the Americas) eg. Good jobs Money-looking for wealth-gold rush To start a new life Better living conditions for raising a family Better educational opportunities To obtain free or cheap land(in the past) Adventure, change, challenge, excitement For a quieter location, away from traffic, trains Attractions- proximity to recreation and entertainment Better climate Lower cost of living Health Care- ideal conditions for health care, allergies, arthritis Safety To be closer to family Transportation Movements Transportation has made it much easier for people to relocate. (Globalization) Bikes-for short range, Cars-short and long range-they caused roads to be built Large Transport Trucks-transport a lot of stuff, Trains-move people and large loads long distances Ships-move large quantities, long distances at low cost (Ships are the cheapest way to move cars, wheat and iron) Planes-move people, mail and cargo Barriers-things that make it difficult to move eg. Family ties, Finances Physical Barriers-distance, oceans, mountains, deserts Political Barriers-laws prohibiting, some countries make citizens pay an exit tax if they want to leave the country Legal Barriers-limits the number of people the new country will let in Economic Barriers-finances, travel costs Personal Barriers- family ties Procedural Barriers-getting passports, visas Cultural/Language Barriers-not being able to speak the language in the new country Forced Migration-With sea levels rising, many people will be forced to move to higher grounds Three billion people are expected to live in countries without enough water by 2025, they will need to move Illegal Migration-When people are desperate, they may resort to illegal action. Families forced out of one region and not allowed into others often have no choice but to try and sneak into another country. Thousands of “illegals” pay people thousands of dollars to be taken into other countries. Culture-a way of life share by a group of people and is composed of a number of things, the way the people obtain their food, bring up their kids, and the values they believe in Migration-Chapter 11 What do you know about Monarch Butterflies? Know Want to Know (factors that affect migration, what can be done to help them) Learned (factors that affect migration, what can be done to help them)) Activity #1-Paragraph Purpose: 1. Identify factors that affect migration, describe patterns and trends in migration After watching the video on the life of the Monarch Butterfly write a paragraph describing why monarch butterflies are endangered and what can be done to help their situation. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Category Knowledge Communication Level 1 Many points are missing related to the environmental and human factors that affect the monarch butterfly (1 clear point) Not written in paragraph format. Missing a clear introduction, middle and/or conclusion. Too short, needs proofreading. (3-4 sentences) Level 2 Some knowledge of the environmental and human factors that affect the monarch butterfly, information missing (2 clear points) Missing a clear introduction, middle and/or conclusion. (5-6 sentences) Level 3 Good knowledge of the environmental and human factors that affect the monarch butterfly (3 clear points) Level 4 Excellent knowledge of the environmental and human factors that affect the monarch butterfly . Wow! (4 clear points) Expresses and organizes information into a paragraph. Contains an introduction, middle and conclusion. (7 sentences) Expresses and organizes information into a well written paragraph. Interesting introduction, middle and conclusion, fun to read. (8-9 sentences) Movement- people travelling, goods are shipped from factories to stores, information passes from person to person. Migration-people, animals or things moving to a new area Over the last 250 years the most common movement of people has been from the country(rural) to the city(urban), since the Industrial Revolution. Fewer jobs were available on farms, so people left for the towns and the cities to get work in the new factories that were opening. There are many reasons people move. eg. Poor living conditions Our ancestors moved to find food, shelter, fresh water and security. Globalization has caused an increased amount of business executives moving around the world as part of their career training. Push Factors-forces which encourage you to leave a place Pull Factors-forces which draw you to another place eg. To escape: War/ violent conflict Poor living conditions, unsanitary conditions Persecution and find freedom from slavery Hunger and lack of clean water(drought/starvation) Natural disasters- hurricanes, floods Allergies, Disease Climate Lack of health care High cost of living Pollution, loudness of City, traffic Racism Terrorism Lack of employment Abuse Forced migration (many black African were captured and transported to the Americas) eg. Good jobs Money-looking for wealth-gold rush To start a new life Better living conditions for raising a family Better educational opportunities To obtain free or cheap land(in the past) Adventure, change, challenge, excitement For a quieter location, away from traffic, trains Attractions- proximity to recreation and entertainment Better climate Lower cost of living Health Care- ideal conditions for health care, allergies, arthritis Safety To be closer to family Barriers-things that make it difficult to move eg. Family ties Finances Travel costs Transportation Movements Transportation has made it much easier for people to relocate. Bikes-for short range Cars-short and long range-they caused roads to be built Large Transport Trucks-transport a lot of stuff Trains-move people and large loads long distances Ships-move large quantities, long distances at low cost Ships are the cheapest way to move cars, wheat and iron Planes-move people, mail and cargo Pipelines Many of us are unaware of how much we rely on pipelines. Every time you get water from a drinking fountain or flush a toilet, you use a pipeline. We use pipelines to move water, wastes, oil, gas, chemical and coal. Foods such as grains (mixed with a liquid) can be pumped through pipelines. Pipelines move materials continuously with little labour. In Canada, our larges pipeline is the Interprovincial from Alberta to Ontario. It moves the crude at speeds averaging nearly 16 kilometres per hour. In cities, there are networks of water, storm sewers and sanitary sewers running under our cities. Needs Drive Movement We don’t grow all our own food or produce the electricity that runs our lights and appliances. These products are shipped to us. The high quality wood used to make a clarinet grows in Central America. The wood is taken to Los Angeles to be cut, and then moved to Indiana where the clarinet is made. Finally, the clarinets are shipped to stores all around North America. Trading Trading happens because resources are not equally distributed around the world. eg. Jamaica-has a lot of aluminum Canada-has a lot of electricity They trade with each other. A tomato’s journey to the tomato sauce on your pizza (or to a fast food outlet) from a source outside Ontario in winter. This journey has hidden costs, to people and to the environment along the way. three. Mexico to Ontario: Hidden Costs-pollution from truck, depletion of soil, plastic/cardboard containers, exploitation of workers(women and children), wear and tear on the highways Electronic Movement The Internet has made it possible for things to happen instantly. Activity #2-Questions Purpose: 1.To learn and understand the term Migration 2.Identify and explain factors that influence people to move to another place(push, pull, barriers) 3.Describe how technology has improved mobility * Please print neatly and use complete sentences. (We will use questions 3-7 in a Debate) 1. What would it take (pull factor) to make you want to leave your home, family, and country to start fresh somewhere else? Explain your choice. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the current migration trend for people? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Should migration be a fundamental right? Explain ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Should a person have the right to leave his/her own country if he/she wants to? Explain. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Should a person have the right to enter into any country? Explain. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Should a person be able to buy his/her way into another country? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Should a country be able to close its borders to people coming in? Going out? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. What are some of the barriers that may prevent us from being able to move. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9.Explain how technology has improved mobility. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10.Three critical factors which affect choice of transportation type are time, distance, and environmental impact. Create a chart to show which is the best choice in the following situations: coal being moved 2000km; an important parcel going 700km; cars made in Italy to sell in Canada; students going to school 3km away. Method Time Distance Environmental Impact Coal-moved 2000km Important parcelgoing 700km Cars- made in Italy to sell in Canada Students- going to school 3km away 11. What new ways of moving people and goods do you think will have developed a hundred years from now? How do you think technology will continue to improve mobility? Describe one new way in detail. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Activity #3-Debate Purpose 1.Identify and explain factors that influence people to move to another place(push, pull, barriers) Participation: Limited Fair Good Excellent Activity #4-Story Purpose: 1.Identify the push and pull factors that influence people to move After having discussed push factors and pull factors, create a fictional character who decides to move to a new location. Write a paragraph outlining what pull factors made them decide to move there and what if any push factors caused them to want to leave where they were living. Plans: Push Factors that caused them to move (eg. Poor living conditions, lack of work) Pull Factors that caused them to move (eg. A good job, education, for a better life) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Using the paragraph create a short story, skit or series of drawings to demonstrate your knowledge of push and pull factors. Category Knowledge Level 1 Missing information, only mentions 1 or 2 push & pull factors (identifies 1 or 2) Level 3 Good understanding of push & pull factors (identifies 5 or 6) Level 4 Has a clear understanding of push & pull factors (identifies 7 or more) Doesn’t flow or is difficult to follow Level 2 Some understanding of push & pull factors, needs to list more or explain them better (identifies 3 or 4) Lacks flow, ideas need to be organized Organization Ideas flow in an organized manner Difficult to understand or follow, the terms push and pull factors are not used. Needs to be edited. Some sentences are hard to follow, more use of vocabulary would help (eg .push, pull factors) Communicates to inform and entertain nice work. Uses vocabulary accurately. Ideas flow and make the story/ play/drawings with captions interesting Communicates to inform and entertain with a high degree of effectiveness, fun to read or watch. Uses vocabulary appropriately to help with explanation. Communication/Vocabulary Activity #5-Decision-Making Model & Presentation Purpose: 1.Use a decision-making model to select an ideal place to live, and present this decision to other members of the class Use a decision making model to help you select the ideal place to live by filling in the graphic organizer or using Inspiration (what does it have to offer, recreation, opportunities, weather, crime rates, healthcare) Once you have complete have completed the map including appropriate illustrations. Category Level 1 Application More time needs to be spent selecting criteria for an ideal place to live (eg. weather, opportunities, family (2 opinions or alternatives) Organization/Research Lacks detail and organization, more time needs to be spent researching and planning. Voice/Eye Contact Presentation Method (concept map) Speaker can be heard clearly a limited amount of the time, student reads from notes, lack of eye contact Concept map lacks much detail and care, more attention is needed in order to be considered a final product. Lacks illustrations and is not spread evenly over the page. map on inspiration, use your information to create a large mind Level 2 Uses decision making model somewhat for selecting an ideal place to live (3 opinions or alternatives) Level 3 Good use of decision making model, good criteria for selecting an ideal place to live (4 opinions or alternatives) Level 4 Excellent use of decision making model, excellent criteria for selecting an ideal place to live (5 opinions or alternatives) Lacks some detail and organization, more time needs to be spent researching and planning. Speaker can be heard clearly some of the time, student reads from notes, some eye contact Concept map covers some of the criteria, doesn’t fill up the page and/or lacks illustrations Uses planning skills to create an organized concept map using research from the internet, good detail Speaker can be heard, some memorized, eye contact with audience Uses planning skills to create an organized concept map using research from the internet, contains lots of detail Detailed concept map, spacing is good, illustrations are present. Highly detailed and beautifully visually appealing concept map. It fills the page and has many illustrations, very detailed. Very easy to hear the speaker, memorized, good eye contact with audience Barriers to Migration-Chapter 12 Barriers-things that make it difficult to move eg. Physical Barriers-distance, oceans, mountains, deserts Political Barriers-laws prohibiting, some countries make citizens pay an exit tax if they want to leave the country -the Berlin Wall kept the citizens in and foreigners out Setting quotas(maximum number of immigrants that can enter the country) is one way government set limits on immigration. Legal Barriers-limits the number of people the new country will let in Economic Barriers-finances, travel costs Personal Barriers- family ties Procedural Barriers-getting passports, visas Cultural/Language Barriers-not being able to speak the language in the new country Forced Migration -With sea levels rising, many people will be forced to move to higher grounds -Three billion people are expected to live in countries without enough water by 2025, they will need to move Illegal Migration When people are desperate, they may resort to illegal action. Families forced out of one region and not allowed into others often have no choice but to try and sneak into another country. Thousands of “illegals” pay people thousands of dollars to be taken into other countries. Activity #6-Questions Purpose: 1.Identify the different types of Barriers involved with Migration * Please print neatly and use complete sentences. Questions 1.If our climate warms an average of 2degrees to 5degrees Celsius, where will people tend to move in Canada? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.Why do you think any country would want to keep some immigrants out? Do you think it is right? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. List what you think are the top four qualities immigrants should have to enter Canada. Give a reason for each. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Which Barrier listed on the previous page to you think would be the hardest to deal with? Explain. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Choice Activity #7-Drawings or Treasure Box Purpose: 1.Identify barriers to migration 1.Using your notes create a series of drawing with captions that demonstrate your knowledge of the various barriers related to migration. OR 2. Collect items, pictures and/or make objects to put into a box that symbolizes the various types of barriers. Use the space below to brainstorm ideas for this task: Category Knowledge Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Missing information, more time needed to improve this task (barriers) (1-2 points) Some knowledge of the factors that affect movement (barriers) (3-4 points) Good knowledge of the factors that affect movement (barriers) (5-6 points) Excellent knowledge of the factors that affect movement(barriers) (7+ points) with details Choice Activity #8-Letter or Interview Questions Purpose: 1.Identify barriers to migration 1.Read the newspaper article below. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper expressing your feelings about the situation. OR 2.Look at the photographs of the young woman from Kosovo and the soldier at the Berlin Wall. Suppose you could interview one of these people about his or her life and feelings about conditions in his or her homeland. Make up eight questions that you would ask. Some of your questions should deal with feelings about migrating and why or why not that is something he or she would do. p.245letter pic of lady 228 or solider p.230 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Category Communication/ Organization Writing Format (letter/question) Level 1 Doesn’t flow or is difficult to follow, lacks information. Needs to be proofread Many misspelled words and/or grammatical errors. Not written in letter/question format. (3-4 sentences) Level 2 Some sentences are hard to follow or lack clarity and has areas of interest Level 3 Easy to read and understand and enjoyable to read A few misspelled words or grammatical errors. Missing components of a letter or question format (56 sentences) Only one or two misspelled words or grammatical errors. Expresses and organizes information into a letter or question format. (7 sentences) Level 4 Very easy to read and understand, excellent word choice and vocabulary, very interesting No misspelled words or grammatical errors. Expresses and organizes information into a well written paragraph. Interesting letter, questions. (8-9 sentences) Activity #9-Bitstrip Comic Purpose: 1.Describe how technology has improved human mobility Use your knowledge of types of movement (foot or by beast, wagon and coach, ship, steamboat, railway, automobile, air and internet) as well as the skits on how the postal services have changed. (Movement is the flow of people, goods and information) Please fill in the chart: How has technology improved movement of people, information, goods? Now, use the information in the chart to create a comic using bitstripsforschools.com. Be sure to include as main points as you can, aim for 5 points. Category Knowledge Level 1 Missing information, more points are needed (2 points) Comic Needs shorter sentences, not in comic format and/or lacks visual appeal and details Writing More editing required, many misspelled words and/or grammatical errors. Level 2 Some knowledge of how technology has improved movement of people, information and goods (3 points) Too wordy or some panels are not in comic format. Lacks visual appeal, few details present. Level 3 Good knowledge of how technology has improved movement of people, information and goods (4 points) A few misspelled words or grammatical errors. Only one or two misspelled words or grammatical errors. In comic format fun to look at with some details and consistent background. Level 4 Excellent knowledge of how technology has improved movement of people, information and goods (5+points) many details Written in a fun way with humour, comic format. Visually appealing, consistent background. No misspelled words or grammatical errors. How Culture is Affected by Migration-Chapter 13 Human Characteristic: religion, language, culture Culture-a way of life shared by a group of people and is composed of a number of things, the way the people obtain their food, bring up their kids, and the values they believe in When cultures were thrown together suddenly, many cultures were altered or destroyed. Cultural Isolation Japan, Korea, China and Mongolia were not influenced by outsiders until recently because they had policies designed to keep foreigners out. Cultures may change: -if their living conditions change(change in climate) -they get new ideas from another culture -if a group try to take the rights away from another group -young people change to fit in with more modern culture Immigration Helps -Give Canada a good reputation-this is positive when we travel to other countries -Our economy-new immigrants need to buy all sorts of products to furnish their new home-factories have to create more of their products and that creates more work -Add to our Culture-Immigrants bring wealth, new foods, music, literature, dance, and ideas with them Activity #10-Questions Purpose: 1.To learn and understand the terms Culture and Migrate 2.Factors that affect migration(urbanization, globalization) * Please print neatly and use complete sentences. 1.Name three high profile migrants. Tell where they came from, where they went and what their professions are (or were). ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.Would you like to migrate? Explain. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.Explain in your own words what culture means. Why do many people want to keep their culture from changing? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.List, in point form, how TV could influence immigration decisions, such as “Should I leave?” and “Where should I go?”(Globalization) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Some governments are passing laws to limit the number of American movies that will be allowed into their countries. Why do you think this is so? Do you agree with such laws? Explain. (Globalization) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is the increase of population to Canada due to immigration a good thing or not? Give reasons for your answer. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ How Migration Affects Canada-Chapter 14 Many immigrants choose Canada because of: -Job opportunities -Environmental factors -Political stability -Democratic Elections Canada has a Multicultural Policy that supports people of different races, religions, and ethnic groups that settle in Canada. This policy protects everyone from racial prejudice and hate * Please print neatly and use complete sentences. Activity #11-Question Purpose: 1.To understand the term Culture and how it is affected by migration 2. Identify factors that influence people to move to another place (push, pull, barriers) 1.How does the spread of cultural traits, such as U.S. based fast-food franchises, the popularity of Chinese foods, or the use of English as a business language in many world regions assist the process of cultures coming together? Does spreading material goods and trends from our society to others around the world really change other people’s cultures? Explain your answer. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Choice Activity#12-Poster, Presentation or Diary Purpose:1. Use a variety of resource tools and technologies to gather, process, and communicate information about migration and its effects on people and communities Imagine a family from a different country recently moved next door. Create the character of who they are and why they have moved to this new location. How would you make them feel welcome in your neighbourhood? What would you do, say? Chose the best way to present your answer, poster, presentation, idea web, diary Category Communication/ Organization Level 1 Difficult to understand, needs further organization, more editing required Difficult to hear student, reads from notes. Level 2 Some organization, some areas are not clear Level 3 Good organization and easy to understand Level 4 Well organized, easy to understand and enjoyable Speaker can be heard clearly some of the time, student reads from notes. Presentation Method (poster) Lacks detail and neatness Some detail, captions, unclear, a little messy Presentation is enjoyable, speaker can be heard most of the time and notes aren’t used frequently. Detailed which meets criteria. Captions included Presentation Method (poem or diary) Information is difficult to follow or lacks information Information is somewhat easy to follow and has areas of interest Presentation is fun and engaging to watch. Easy to hear all the speakers, and mostly memorized. Wow! Highly detailed and beautifully visually appealing with clear captions. Wow! Information is clearly presented easy to follow and very entertaining. Wow! Presentation Method (presentation) Information is easy to follow and entertaining Activity #13-Chart Purpose: 1. Connect the real experiences of Canadians to information about the causes and effects of migration ****Use Push and Pull Factor Chart to fill in the causes of migration and then reflect on how that has changed Canada’s culture and society Causes of Migration on our Canadian Society and our culture Effects of Migration on our Canadian Society and our culture Past Present Future Category Communication Application Level 1 Further explanation needed (56 points) Missing information on past, present and/or future Level 2 Some points are unclear (6-7 points) Missing some information on past, present and/or future Level 3 Easy to read and understand(8-9 points) Makes connections between past, present and future with considerable effectiveness Level 4 Easy to read and understand, much detail(10+ points) Makes connections between past, present and future with a high degree of effectiveness. Excellent points. Activity #14 –Radio Ad Purpose: 1. How the components of culture can be affected by migration After listening to radio ads on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFrWODRzVgY&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr8e6sj_pcs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm1_VmRfhFQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es63wNte3jQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCcepzFL66o&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHIo4VruGZY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd_nfpkpN-Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjlpPQKiUKE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLHniDKadHI&NR=1 Create a radio on how the components of culture can be affected by Migration 1.Research how culture can be affected by migration to better understand the problems related to it and what can be done to help. Problems related to Immigration What is positive about Immigration? Write your radio ad: Inform the adult audience about the positive effects of immigration and the challenges. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Record your radio ad using Photostory or perform it orally for the class Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Organization/Research Lacks detail and organization, more time needs to be spent researching and planning. Lacks some detail and organization, more time needs to be spent researching and planning. Uses planning skills to create an radio ad using research from the internet, good detail Uses planning skills to create an organized and interesting radio ad using research from the internet, contains lots of detail Communication Not in radio ad format or lacks information Some parts sound like a radio ad, informative Communicates to adults with the purpose to inform in a radio advertisement, sounds like a radio ad Application Doesn’t mention connections between past, present and/or future Presentation MethodUsing Photostory Uses Photostory to create ad with limited effectiveness Briefly mentions connections between past, present and future Uses Photostory to create ad with some effectiveness Communicates to adults with the purpose to inform in a radio advertisement, mostly sounds like a radio ad Makes connections between past, present and future Uses Photostory to create ad with effectiveness Presentation MethodPresentation in front of class Speaker can be heard clearly a limited amount of the time, student reads from notes. Speaker can be heard clearly some of the time, student reads from notes. Uses Photostory to create ad with a high degree of effectiveness (includes music or sound effects) Presentation is fun and engaging to watch. Easy to hear all the speakers, and mostly memorized. Wow! Presentation is enjoyable, speaker can be heard most of the time and notes aren’t used frequently. Clearly makes connections between past, present and future Activity #15 Culminating Task–Decision Making Chart & Summary Purpose: 1. Identify factors that affect migration and mobility, describe patterns and trends of migration in Canada, and identify the effects of migration on Canadian society 2. Use a variety of geographical representations, resources, tools, and technologies to gather, process, and communicate geographic information about migration and its effects on people and communities 3. Connect the real experiences of Canadians to information about the causes and effects of migration Task: Select a country of origin and take the role of a potential immigrant to Canada, then investigate the push and pull factors that might have an impact on his or her family’s decision on whether to stay where they are or to emigrate to Canada. 1. Select a country to compare to Canada ______________________ 2. Complete the decision making chart looking at the positive and negative points related to staying and moving by researching the country you have chosen. 3. Write a summary that includes your recommendations to your families explaining the reasons for those recommendations. ***Use the samples demonstrating each level to guide your work. Rubric page 104 exemplar