602 Pecan Street
P. O. Box 367 Bastrop, Texas 78602
(512) August 6, 2006
Larry Foster, Minister Curtis Fleming, Involvement Minister 581-8448
Inspired Reading
Elders: For spiritual needs call:
Ted Bowers
Home 830-839-4403
Mobile 512-988-0541
Jimmy Copeland
Home 512-303-0084
Mobile 512-284-1492
Bill Carrasco
Home 512-303-0325
Mobile 512- 284-0448
Deacons: For ministry needs call:
Bruce Bearden / Worship
John Donnell / Finance
Allen Gann / Negotiation on Finance
Mark Klym / Missions
Howard Livengood / Benevolence
Wayne Miller / Communications
Ozie Monroe / Teens
Ron Morris / Elders’ Secretary
Ken Parker / Worship
Pete Serna / Building & Grounds
Juan Vinton / Teens
I Timothy 6:19 NIV
CHOSEN TO SERVE – August 6, 2006
Sunday A.M. Bible Study
In this way they
will lay up
treasure for
themselves as a
firm foundation
for the coming
age, so that they
may take hold of
the life that is
truly life.
9:45 a.m.
Sunday A.M. Worship
10:45 a.m.
Sunday P.M. Worship
6:00 p.m.
Wednesday P.M. Bible Class
7:00 p.m.
Visitors and members—we are glad you are
We welcome you and appreciate your presence!
Visitors, if we do not pick up your information
card, please put it in the collection plate. We
are glad you are here to worship God! We aim
to worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:13).
Ronnie Morris
A. M. Welcome & Prayer
Kenneth Staples
Lord’s Table A.M.
Head—Max Proctor Sr.
Max Proctor Jr.
David Waldron
Vincent Bush
James Smith
Lord’s Table P.M.
Bill Johnson
Larry Cowfer
Prayer A.M.
Jimmy Copeland
Ozie Monroe
Prayer P.M.
Rex Mays
Pete Serna
Families of Curtis Fleming & Rex Mays
Singing A.M.
Bruce Bearden
Singing P.M.
Please contact Bruce Bearden if you are unable to serve.
Job descriptions of some of these tasks are on the bulletin
board if you are not familiar with what to do.
August 8
August 12
Not So Secret Brothers
August 13
Teen Parents’ Meeting
Teens To Taco Bell
September 12
Ladies’ Class Begins Fall Quarter
October 1
Brainstorming Session
October 15
Friendship Sunday
Prayer List
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
Remember our shut-ins: Nancy Carrolyn Friedrich
(Houston), Veda Hemphill (Austin), Frances Hornsby
Jack & Ollie Small and Charlie & Lois Morris.
Michelle Moore was baptized into Christ on
Sunday morning.
She was concerned about her
baptism when she was very young and decided that she
wanted to be sure she had obeyed God. We are happy
for her decision to put God first.
Sonya Burson’s father, Wayne Hodnett, had a
stroke. Sonya flew to Florida to be with him.
Continue to remember Sammy Miller, the six-yearold nephew of Leslie Leach.
Mary Helen Bowie is having a test Monday.
Praise & Thanksgiving To GOD
Patterson as he now has a green belt in
Tonya Neal is doing very well and out
and about one week after her hysterectomy.
She had been hurting so much before her
surgery that she felt better immediately afterward.
Mary Monroe will have an MRI this week and if all
goes as planned will have surgery on her other knee on
Friday, August 11.
Larry Cowfer’s mother, Harriet Cowfer, entered
Clearfield Hospital in Pennsylvania for heart problems
on Saturday. The doctors got her stabilized, but Larry
and Caren requested prayer from their church family
that she might continue to improve.
Micky Turner’s husband, Dewey, has been
diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The doctors have
put him on medication and are working to find the best
Tamara Schoonmaker is scheduled for a
C-section on Wednesday, August 9, if the baby does not
arrive before then.
Leslie Leach requested prayer for her sister
Candy who is having custody problems.
Evelyn Johnson is undergoing radiation and to
date, not having many problems.
Mark and Nancylynn Klym requested prayer for
Nathan and Jennifer as they move into a house and a
new job.
Ken Parker got good results on one of his tests
and is waiting on the results of his sleep apnea test.
Wayne Miller has been undergoing more tests.
Mary Bess Harkins reported that Veda Hemphill
has gone back into the nursing home in Schulenburg.
Becky Grau asked for prayer for her niece
Jennifer Simpson who had major surgery.
Please remember Eloise Barrington’s nephew,
Dave Graybill, who has Addison’s disease and
Bill Carrasco and Ken Parker continue to travel
for work, as is Jim Leek.
Aline Gilbert’s mother has cancer.
Aubrey Barrington’s aunt, Emma Jones, has
cancer again. She is 81. This is the third time that she
has had cancer and each time it has been in a different
place. She lives next door to them.
Bruce Bearden’s dad is traveling in India for
several more weeks.
Continue to remember Charlie and Lois Morris.
Charlie wants to repair some areas of his house and
some fences. They need our prayers and our help.
They have new phone numbers. Call to check on them
if you can. Charlie is 923-8176 and Lois is 923-8177.
Terri Wiginton is home from the hospital after
treatment for throat problems with medication. The
doctors ruled out problems with her heart.
Mary and Harold McDonald appreciate your
prayers for their health so much!
From Curtis Fleming: Thanks to all who
made the day a success. I really appreciate the
willingness of this congregation to jump in and do what it
takes to get the job done (all with a smile on your face,
even if you don’t mean it!!!). Thanks again for all the
help, encouragement and selfless sacrifices that made
the day what it was.
From Mary McDonald: Thanks to each of you
who had any part in the VBS we just experienced. My
grandson Seth said it best, “Now that was fun and
Jesus is my treasure.”
Sew Bee It. Peacemakers who
sow in peace raise a harvest of
righteousness. James 3:18
If you have been
thinking about coming to
quilting, this is a great time.
We are starting a block of the
month. The pattern comes from
Thimbleberries, but you can
choose your own fabric. The
plan is to have one month to
complete your block, which is
for you made with your own
fabric. If at all possible, we
would like you to make same
block again for our group
quilt, so that at the end of
the year we will have 12 new
quilt tops for a group project
that we will donate. You are
welcome to use the group’s
stash for the block you are
going to donate. This will
teach us something new each
month. Gerline’s in Giddings
has some Thimbleberries fabric
if you are interested in going
that route and many quilt
stores carry that fabric.
Help is available.
Thanks to those of you who
brought food for lunch Tuesday,
including but not limited to
Evelyn Johnson, Elfreida
Carrasco and Sharon Parks.
Evelyn went to radiation
therapy with her pineapple
upside down cake in her car and
then Sue motored her over to
We hope you can
join us on Tuesday at 10 a.m.
You might also want to look at
the info about the Shop Hop in
September if you get a change.
It is on the bulletin board.
The elders have put the name forward of
become an elder. We
are thankful that we all
have the opportunity to
appointment and prayerfully evaluate this
work of service.
If anyone has an
objection, please put it in writing and turn
it in to the elders.
Our Bible Day Camp was Saturday
and we are all survivors!!! Our theme
this year was “Treasure Hunt—Jesus
is our greatest treasure.” Our
attendance was 44 kids. We had 40
adults helping—and it took all of us!
We have many moments from this special time to
treasure. One teacher said that when nine three-yearolds walked in with eight parents and helpers she knew
that she had an adventure on her hands! Thanks to all
of you parents who made the extra effort to sign up
ahead of time! The T-shirts were awesome.
There are way too many people to name to say thanks
with the risk of leaving someone out, but special thanks
are due to Curtis and Keri Fleming as they spent
hours and hours on top of hours planning and working.
When Mary McDonald became ill, they took the ball
and ran with it. Also as you can see, Peggy Gray
designed the decorations and set the scene along with
the help of Charlie who would probably say something
like she was the brains and he was the brawn! She
outdid herself! Lisa Whitt organized the lunch and
cookie time. The cupcakes even had a treasure inside.
What was really great with so much help is that each
person had just a small part relative to the whole so that
part could be a jewel—just like the diamonds, emeralds,
rubies and the other jewels that shone all around the
So many of you reflected the treasure of God’s love
both inside and out! We give God the praise for so
many willing helpers, organizers, volunteers and
children. You can see how good the decorations
looked, but only if you were here could you see the
smiling, curious, adventurous faces of our children,
grandchildren and visitors!!! They are treasures!
Sunday, October 15, is our date for
"Friendship Sunday."
Please be thinking
about whom you can
invite and pray for
these efforts.
Parents of
teens: please
mark your
calendar for
August 13 in the
evening for a
"Teen Parent
Night.” While the
adults meet, the
teens will eat
supper at Taco
Bell. Kids,
bring some money
for your food.
You are welcome
to go if you are going
into the 7th grade and up.
The Sunday, October 1,
evening service is to be a
short devotional followed
by a Brainstorming
Session on evangelism
and growing the church
with God’s help.
For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21 NIV
Sunday A.M
Last Week
Contribution $ 5035.00
Previous Week $2277.00
Sunday P.M.
Wednesday P.M.
Goal $4,000
Bulletin: Please send info to Mary Helen Bowie at 3039733, 470-6698 or, or
Mary McDonald at
or 303-1401 or Heather Proctor at It is wise to send
your message to two people who are doing
the bulletin to make sure your message is
Toddler’s Bible Hour
children from age two
every Sunday during the
consider being part of this
Vinton are teaching for the
month of August.
We really
month, but it would really be
nice to have different people
take a month once a year so
that couples would only miss
worship services 1/12th of a
Debra writes:
are on Unit 5: Jesus is God’s
Son. The first lesson will be
“Jesus Grows Up” (Luke 2:4052). We are making a bulletin
Please send a baby picture of
your child to class next week.
The children will have their
pictures taken in Toddler Bible
Hour today.
Brothers, pray for us.
I Thessalonians 5:25
Kris Bacon, sister of Frieda Mundine
Kevin Barrington, nephew of Aubrey & Eloise Barrington
Paul Chambers, Army, Tina Chambers’ brother
Mateo Gomez, Marine, Debra Vinton’s cousin
Nathan Dennis, Air Force, grandson-in-law of Rex & Jeanne Mays
Justin Stuart, Air Force, grandson of Earl & Jeanette Hawk
Tim Klym, Navy, son of Mark & Nancy Klym
John Michael Ornelas, Army, Juan Vinton’s nephew
O.J. Ornelas, Air Force, the Vinton’s nephew
Candace Russo, Army, Ft. Eutis, VA, granddaughter of the Hawks
Mark Saldana, cousin of Frieda Mundine
William Von Langehannig, grandson of Ollie & Jack Small
Young man, if God gives me four years more to rule this country, I
believe it will become what it ought to be—what its Divine Author
intended it to be—no longer one vast plantation for breeding human
beings for the purpose of lust and bondage. But it will become a new
Valley of Jehoshaphat, where all the nations of the earth will
assemble together under one flag, worshipping a common God, and
they will celebrate the resurrection of human freedom.
The next meeting is Saturday,
August 12, from 7:30 until 8:30 a.m.
for breakfast, fellowship and Bible
Please put this on your
calendar. Remember that the men plan
to meet on the second Saturday each month.
As iron sharpens iron, so one man
sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
Attention Ladies:
Ladies Class will resume September 12. We will
be meeting starting September 12 for the
following 10 weeks on Tuesday from 7:00-8:30 at
the church building. I know all of you that have
been part of the class are looking forward to class
beginning after a nice long summer break. If you have
not been part our Ladies’ class I want to encourage you
to mark your calendars and join us for study,
encouragement and fellowship. More details will follow
in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please
contact me.
Becky Grau
…from a Woman’s Heart, the
Community of Women for Christ:
The ladies are invited to a community-wide nondenominational program October 21-22 at the Hyatt
Regency Lost Pines Resort in Bastrop. The early bird
cost is $25 until August 15; add $100 if you wish to
stay at the Hyatt Resort (includes lunch). General
admission is $40 after August 15. You may reserve
your ticket online at
or reserve your ticket by calling Courtney Cooper at
332-2111. If mailing payment, postmark by October 6 th
and send to Foundation Christian Ministries c/o Melissa
Pena, P.O. Box 387, Bastrop, TX 78602. If you
have questions, please talk to Becky
Copeland. The invitation is on the bulletin
board. It says this is a retreat and conference
bringing together a community of women in
worship to unveil God’s design, purpose and
plan for a Woman’s Heart…from a Woman’s
Abraham Lincoln
Not So Secret Brothers
Meets This Week
You are encouraged to join the
Bastrop church of Christ email
group through YahooGroups.
This is the BEST way to
keep informed about the
cares and concerns of our
church family. If you would like to be
included, please send your email address
It would be considerate to kindly turn your
cell phone ringer off before services start.
Greg Crump said that he appreciated so much
your prayers and expressions of care and concern after
his surgery, especially all those who stayed with Rachel
during his surgery. He continues to do well and went
back to work a week after his surgery.
Exodus 4:13 Moses
Let somebody else do it.
James Goss
1972 Hwy. 2204
Smithville, TX 78957
The Healthy Weight Support Group
is not meeting
until further notice on Sunday
nights after services unless we
have another volunteer to lead
the group. Mary McDonald is still
ill and would like someone else to lead the group.
Jana Diebel
volunteered to coordinate the Christmas party.
Please collect metal lids from frozen juice cans
to use in Vacation Bible School.
FYI, from now until July 31, teens can log on
to to submit essays
on various driver safety issues for an
scholarships, new laptops, sets of tires and
$500 gas cards. The newsletter with more
information is on the bulletin board.
things like that.
Alot of the kids loved Austin
(Ashlee, Jamie, Austin and I all
taught our own Class.. the rest of the
Bastrop people were with Johnnie) In
Toas (I think that's how it is spelled)
we met some really funny dudes with
Mohawks. We did see some Aliens
in roosewell(I spelled that wrong I
know) We went swimming and
jumped off cliffs.
Over all that's all I can think of right
now but I know there is a lot more. I
just can't think of it off the top of my
We would like to encourage all of our
teachers and helpers to attend the
workshop at Cameron Road, Friday, July 21 to
Saturday, July 22. Tony Ash is the keynote
speaker. Don’t forget!!!
We want to know who to expect as we plan VBS.
We are trying to get T-shirts and need sizes. If you
want to register online send an email to with the following:
Child's name, age, t-shirt size, parent's name and
phone number and Mary McDonald will fill out
the blue form. TODAY would be a blessing for us.
“I CAN” Cans…
Please continue to put your change
in one of the cans for mission work.
The money will go to the work in
India. One thing this ministry does is help the
widows who are destitute. A few pennies to
them is a great deal. A little bit adds up and
goes a long way… halfway across the world!
Well we had fun. lots of it.. We
taught VBS to the kids
Who sometimes were a bit too crazy
and some of them
even gave us messages.. We went
hiking in the beautiful mountains.
Although, Jamie, Laura(From
smithville), Ashlee and I..
Went the wrong way and ended up
being chased by over
100 cows.. Normally (From
smithville) Katie, Sarah, Laura,
Maria (From Bastrop)
Anthony, Jamie, Ashlee and Me
would get up and help Tom and Bill
do the song leading and motions and
Bring your food to
donate to the Sunny
Glen Children's Home
today!!! Sunny Glen is a children's
home in the Rio Grande Valley.
They have a truck coming to Bastrop
to pick up the donated food this week. They
can use anything, but non-perishable items
are best. If you prefer to make a cash donation and
let the home administrators shop as they buy in bulk
and sometimes get special discounts, you can give a
check payable to “Sunny Glen Children’s Home” to
Mark, Larry or Curtis.
August Birthdays & Anniversaries
Bruce Bearden
Tim & DeeAnna Atkinson ‘86
Mackenzie Glenn
Jack Small
Tim Atkinson
Haylee Breanna Diebel ‘03
Allen & Susie Gann
James Smith
Amanda Copeland
Ollie Small
Dewey & Micky Turner
Austin Atkinson
Vonda Bearden
Brad Burson
Mary Donnell
Rocky & Janice Hernandez
Fay & Max Proctor
Mary Monroe
Chris Lentz
John & Lisa Whitt
Jana Diebel
Frances Hornsby