Rec_brosh_engl - Institute of Microbiology

The Institute of Microbiology was founded on March 7,
1947 as an institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
(BAS) by the world-famous Bulgarian scientist Professor
Stephan Angeloff, Member of BAS, who had been its first
director for 15 years.
Acad. Stephan Angeloff
The foundation of the Institute of Microbiology realized the
necessity for a formation of a research center with national
importance, which to carry out contemporary investigations in
rapidly developing
microbiological science. The initial period in the development
of the Institute (1947 - 1962) was connected with the studies
of the actual after the Second World War infectious pathology
of domestic animals and humans. The achievements in the
study of the etiology and the development of diagnostic
methods and immunoprophylactic preparations for different
infections were significant. Investigations in the field of
infectious immunology was set by Prof. Vladimir Markov,
Member of BAS.
Industrial microbiology started with the studies of Prof. Ignat Emanuilov, Member of BAS,
on the microbiology of milk and dairy products, biochemistry and physiology of lactic acid
bacteria and the application of bacterial enzymes (proteinases) in cheesemaking. Along with
bacteria as producers of biologically active substances filamentous fungi were investigated.
In the field of microbial morphology since 1964 electron microscope studies of bacteria,
filamentous fungi, yeasts and cells of the immune system of the macroorganism were
performed. The investigations in the field of microbial biochemistry after 1973 aimed the
elucidation at modern biochemical level of the main peculiarities in the physiology and
biosynthetic capabilities of the microbial cells: various enzymes, proteinase and nuclease
inhibitors, microbiological transformation of steroids, protein-lipid interactions in bacterial
membrane. Systemic investigations carried out by Prof. Simeon Galabov and his collaborators
on the relationship between antigenic structure and biological properties of bacterial
endotoxins resulting in development of diagnostic kits and vaccines, as well as data on
interferon-inducing activity. The research work in the field of microbial genetics was
connected with the problem of prophage interference, genetic transfer in Bacillus
thuringiensis and Streptococci from group A, hybridization of Actinomyces sp. in order to
increase their productivity, construction of gene maps of Streptomycetes - producers of
antibiotics, molecular identification of microorganisms by the use of PCR, as well as genomic
differentiation by M13 DNA fingerprinting and ribotyping. The Institute of Microbiology has
always played a leading role in applied microbiology. Microbial producers of a wide spectrum
of biologically active substances were isolated: enzymes, aminoacids proteins, carotinoids,
and various antibiotics with different spectrum of activity were isolated. Physiology and
biochemistry of microbial producers, including extremophilic bacteria as well as the
properties of the synthesized products were studied. A wide spectrum of methods for
immobilization of enzymes and microbial cells, producers of biologically active substances,
were elaborated. The investigations in infectious bacteriology after 1962 were pointed on the
changes provoked in the pathogen during the course of infectious and immunizatory process.
Later, studies were focused on the factors and mechanisms of bacterial virulence and bacteriahost interactions. At the beginning of 60th years started investigations in the field of the
experimental chemotherapy of viral infections. Systemic studies on the creation and
characterization of some new effective antivirals, on the combined effects of viral inhibitors
and their mechanisms of action. Iinvestigations on cell immunity and L-forms of bacteria and
a wide-spectrum immunopharmacological screening was performed aiming the selection of
new active substances.
The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) is
national research center in microbiological sciences. It is one of the leading institutes in the
field of microbiology for South-Eastern Europe. By its wide research area the Institute is
unique among the other institutes from the Pasteur family. The institute is recognized in
Europe and worldwide for its modern research tendencies. Ever since its foundation 60 years
ago, the Institute’s strategic lines have been: (1) investigations on problems implicated in
public health and biotechnology; (2) teaching activities and training of PhD students. In 2004
the Institute of microbiology was associated with Institut Pasteur, Paris and a member of the
International Network of Pasteur Institutes (INPI). This is a great recognition of the activities
of our institute by this world centre of microbiology and molecular biology, a leader in the
struggle against infectious diseases.
The Institute comprises 11 departments and a staff of 171 including 6 professors, one of them
Corresponding Member of BAS, 34 associate professors and 52 research scientists. The
expertise areas are: morphology and ultrastructure, genetics, biochemistry, physiology and
ecology of microorganisms, mycology, virology, infectious microbiology and immunology.
The efforts are currently concentrated on some key practical problems of public health, drug
design, food safety, biotechnology, and environmental protection.
Experimental chemotherapy of emerging and re-emerging viral infections (influenza,
enteroviral, flaviviral and others)
Pathogenesis of some infectious diseases and additives in complex therapy
Oncogenic and oncolytic viruses
Balkan Endemic Nephropathy
Virucidal agents
Tuberculosis – molecular characterization of drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium
Bacterial zoonosis
Bacterial virulence
New antiviral and antimicrobial agents
New approaches for bacteriological monitoring of food products
Vaginal lactobacilli
Resistance to antiviral and antimicrobial agents
Mechanisms of autoimmune diseases
New vaccines technologies
Microbial biosynthesis of steroids and other biochemicals
Galantanamin (nivalin) production technology
Molecular taxonomy of microorganisms
Molecular genetic of microorganisms of biotechnological and medical significance
Ultrastructure of saprophytic and pathogenic microorganisms
Regulatory mechanisms of microbial metabolism
Cell response against different type of physiological stresses and mechanisms of
adaptation of bacteria and fungi
Biological activity and potential of lactic acid bacteria as bioprotective starters for
dairy products and their probiotic properties for human health.
Microbial surfactants (biosurfactants) – biosynthesis, isolation, mechanism of action
and application
Novel microbial antibiotics
Microbial biosynthesis of biological-active compounds: enzymes, amino acids, growth
factors etc.
Microbial transformation of steroid compounds
Ecological biotechnologies
Purification of water and soil from heavy metal
Microbial degradation of aromatic compounds
Production of biogas
Biosynthesis of biological active compounds by plant suspension cultures
Biodiversity, ecology and biotechnological potential of extremophilic microorganisms
The research work of the Institute is funded on project principle. Current research projects are
supported by foreign and Bulgarian grants: a total of 35 projects by foreign institutions (2 by
FP6 of the EC, 9 by NATO grants, 1 by UNESCO, 3 by ACIP program of INPI, 1 by the
French governmental foundation, 1 by the Swiss governmental foundation, 2 by Deutsches
Krebsforschung Zentrum and 6 by research and development centers of foreign companies),
and 40 - by the National Science Research Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science,
The Institute’s activities are widely based on international cooperation, with projects between
two or more institutions. We are searching for new projects as part of the international
research programs. Scientists from the Institute are respected partners for different scientific
organizations abroad, companies, institutes and laboratories. During 2007 the Institute has
been involved in 40 international projects and joint studies, 15 of which were financed
through EC, NATO, UNESCO and other programs, 18 of them were developed within the
frames of academic and institute cooperation, and 7 were financed from companies abroad.
New scientific bridges have been created between the IMSA and the Saint-Petersburg
Institute Pasteur and Institute Pasteur of Guadeloupe (drug-resistant Mycobacterium
tuberculosis), Institute Pasteur Paris (human papillomaviruses, genetics of primary
HBV/HCV-induced liver carcinoma), German Center of Cancer Research (DKFZ,
Heidelberg) (oncolytic viruses), University of Leipzig and the Technical University of
Dresden (plant cell cultures and biotechnologies), University of Viterbo and University of
Pavia (new enzymes of Antarctic microorganisms), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
(biotechnologies of eukaryotic microorganisms), University of Naples (enzymes from
thermopile bacteria) and Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Fishery, Ghent (control on
food products), etc.
Some of the dissertation works are part of the international partnership, which finalize as
dissertation theses supervised by scientists from the Institute of microbiology and from RIIP,
CNRS (France) and others.
During 2007 the scientists from our institute took part in 79 scientific forums abroad, 25
foreign scientists have visited the institute; 7 specializations and workshops were taken from
students from our institute abroad. Researchers from our institute had 22 business trips related
to organization and scientific work and lecturing. Our young colleagues specialized in foreign
institutes in Germany, France, Spain and others.
Tables below shows the participation of our staff in projects, funded by Bulgarian and foreign
institutions for the last ten years.
European commission
4 Framework Program
5 Framework Program
6 Framework Program
Program Leonardo da Vinci
Program ACIP of IPPI
Institutes from the network of Pasteur’s Institutes
German center of cancer research
Foundations in Germany
Ministry of education, science and culture, Austria
Ministry of science and culture, Белгия
Total number
1997 - 2007
R. Macedonia
Check R.
Projects with companies from Bulgaria and abroad
Total number
Total number
projects financed by the ministry of education, science and culture
universities and other institutions
Average per
Joint projects with Bulgarian companies
There is a stable tendency of raising the number of projects.
Years Projects,
financed by
Ministry of
and science
in Bulgaria
in Bulgaria
and abroad
and institutes
The IMicB has opened an Innovations office, which provides information, ideas, and
workshops for the proper use of EC funds, help to prepare applications in EC program’s calls,
etc. There are materials available for everybody who has interest.
The institute of microbiology has participated to the International fair in Plovdiv on
the advertising table of BAS, where we have presented achievements in the area of microbial
biotechnology. A new catalog came out to the interested in this area about the created novel
technologies of extracting biologically active substances and possibilities for expertise
(supplementary 1).
National innovation fund is financing development of technologies, associated with
national mile stones and related to the production of energy from biogases, new biomaterial
products with application in farming, immunostimulation reagent for treatment of tumors on
animals and diagnostic and therapeutic bioproducts.
The group of innovation achievements includes also the ones financed by Ministry of
education, science and culture on the national scientific programs Genomic, New technologies
in the power supply and Nanotechnologies. Main priority of these programs is achieving new
knowledge and creation of modern technologies in important areas.
As an associated member of Institute Pasteur, IM participates in modern research of 4
different areas, which is one of the most important health problems of our time – tuberculosis,
papiloma and hepatit viruses – factors, which provokes cancers and infectious arthritis.
There are also projects, financed by Ministry of education, science and culture ЕС,
NATO and the partnership associated with the innovation problems – isolation of new
producents of biologically active substances of extreme territories, isolation and
characterization of probiotic products, new technologies for obtaining energy and electrical
power from organic matter, obtaining new drugs to treat sepsis based on biological weapons;
new methods and strategies in the treatment of bacterial and virus diseases, biodegradation of
toxic pollutions, isolation and use of biosurfactants, etc. Projects related to the production of
Bulgarian yogurt deserve special attention, which is due to the achievements of the IM to
obtain patent certificate.
The IMicB is also a partner in agricultural work, which has been ordered in
cooperation with foreign companies and such ones from Bulgaria. There are many examples
where our institute is a solo scientific organization, which works on problems created directly
from thing the effect of imodin in experimental infection with flue virus, estimation of the
protection effect of substances against pseodotuberculosis, microbiological analysis of
chemical predrugs and final drug products and its trade packages.
As a result of the scientific projects development number of achievements was obtained.
Some of them during last 5 years are the following:
Infectious Microbiology
 Characterization of bacterial-host interactions (invasion, persistence, intracellular survival,
as well as the bioenergetic mechanisms ensuring these processes) at experimental
melioidosis, lysteriosis, yersiniosis and salmonelosis.
 Application of Yersinia outer membrane proteins in improved ELISA and immunoblot tests
for diagnosis of yersiniosis in humans, pigs and rabbits.
 Development of new generation of live carrier vaccines by using genetically constructed
mutants of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
 Elucidation the role of Yersinia LPS antigen in induction of reactive arthritis in
experimental models.
 Molecular epidemiological analysis (population structure included) of the incidence and
transmission of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in Bulgaria by using
a complex of molecular bioiological methods and population structure analysis. The
multidrug resistant and hypervirulent Beijin strain was not found in Bulgaria. The results
contributed to the control the global spread of multidrug tuberculosis worldwide.
 The photoinhibitory effect applicable in the practice for photosterilization of contaminated
with enterobacteria water ecosystems.
 Optimization and application of PCR-DGGE for direct detection and typing of
Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in caecal samples of broilers without
preliminary enrichment. This method allows reliable and fast detection and identification of
pathogenic Campylobacters infections in humans.
 Development of a lectin-based approach for differential labeling of Escherichia coli
exopolysaccharide, O and K antigens and its application for complex characterization of
antigen variations by microagglutination, ELLA, ligand blotting, immunoelectrophoresis
and lectin-gold.
 The Pomorie mud as an inductor of enzyme neuraminidase secretion at pathogenic genera
Vibrio and Aeromonas.
 Original newly isolated lactobacillus strains with biological activity and potential to both
preserve the healthy homeostasis of the vagina, and as gastrointestinal probiotics.
 Characterization of uridine-monophosphate kinases of Streptococcus pneumoniae and
Escherichia coli as potential targets for development of specific antibacterial agents.
Discovery of new original antiviral substances effective in the treatment of viral infections
in humans:
- Guanidine derivative - chemotherapeutic agent, inhibiting replication of adenoviruses,
effective in the treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis and other adenovirus
conjunctivitides (widely spread viral infections of the eye). It is the first known
antiadenoviral chemotherapeutic agent.
- Dipyridamole - a large spectrum antiviral agent, acting via induction of endogene
interferon, used for prevention of flu and other acute viral respiratory infections.
 Clearing-up of the mode of antiviral action of mopyridone on influenza A virus replication
(binding to the structural M1 protein).
Discovery and characterization of the antiviral effect of cycluridine towards flavivirus
infections, the first chemotherapeutic agent efficacious in the mucosal disease-virus
diarrhoea in cattle.
Establishment of synergistic combination effect of rimantadine and oseltamivir against
influenza virus A (H3N2) experimental infection.
Clearing-up of the drug-resistance phenomenon in enterovirus replication inhibitors
interacting with the viral capsid protein VP1 – problems of the development of highly
effective anti-enteroviral chemotherapy. Phenotype and molecular genetic characteristics of
disoxaril resistant and dependent mutants of Coxsackie virus B1.
Discovery of a series of highly efficient synergistic combinations of enteroviral replication
inhibitors – a perspective approach for dissolving the drug-resistance problem.
Discovery of oxoglaucine: a highly effective and large-spectrum inhibitor of enterovirus
 Establishment of the anti-influenza virus effects of novel protease inhibitors from Streptomyces.
 Determination of the role of the oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of flu and the influence
of certain antioxidants of natural and synthetic origin and antivirals on this process.
Determination of the antiviral spectrum of the highly effective and broad-spectrum virocidal
composition of new type (Manorapid Synergy®), implemented in the clinical practice as
hand disinfectant.
Characterization of the immune state and the role of hantavirus infections in
etiopathogenesis of the Balkan endemic nephropathy.
Molecular epidemiological study of the role of human papillomaviruses in etiology of CIN
and cervical cancer in Bulgarian population.
Establishment and characterization of the cancerolytic effect of some parvoviruses.
 Establishment of the ability of the opportunistic yeast Candida albicans to induce reactive
arthritis in normal and in predisposed individuals. Analysis of the relationship between
infections and rheumatic diseases contributed to the development of new therapeutic
 Establishment and characterization of the immunomodulatory properties of coumarin, 7hydroxycoumarin, yeast superoxide dismutase and molluscan hemocyanins. They have
therapeutic potential as antitumor agents as well as for the prophylaxis of infectious
 Discovery of previously unknown mechanisms of the immunomodulatory activity of pooled
IgG (IVIg) in autoimmune patients.
 Development of experimental improved “next-generation” pooled human immunoglobulin
preparation with an improved therapeutic effect in systemic inflammatory diseases.
 Describing of the immunomodulatory potential of normal pooled human IgM in
autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
 Development of a novel approach for silencing selectively autoreactive disease-associated B
cells in autoimmune diseases.
 Describing of the phenomenon of inflammation-induced enhancement of IgG antigen
binding polyreactivity.
 Development of DNA vaccines with a new type of build-in adjuvanticity.
General and Applied Microbiology
Original evidence about the fine structural changes of model Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria under the action of rhamnolipid-biosurfactant with surface-active
 Ultrastructural peculiarities, the growth and reproductive capacity of producers of
thermostable exo-inulinase and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase immobilized on different
 Ultracytochemical localization of acid phosphatase in nongerminating and germinating
conidia of the fungus Humicola lutea. Development of a simple and rapid test for
differentiation of aerobic from anaerobic bacteria applicable for determination of the
respiratory type of pure cultures isolated from different areas of the environment.
 New evidence for the relationship between oxidative stress and various environmental
challenges (heavy metals, heat- or cold-shock, cell immobilization).
 Evidence for unusual existence of Cu/Zn-SOD in mitochondrial intermembrane space
 Microbial transformation of the steroid compounds sitosterol and androstenedione was
performed by resting cells of Mycobacterium sp. and Rhodococcus sp., respectively, in a
single phase organic solvent based medium.
 Isolation and characterized of biosurfactants of microbial origin applicable in biomedicine,
bioremediation and biotechnology.
 Identification of catabolic genes, coding enzymes with phenol-hydroxilase activity at the
original yeast strain Trichosporon cutaneum R57 possessing high activity in degrading
aromatic and aliphatic compounds
 Original approaches to the molecular-taxonomic characterization of lactic acid producing
bacteria and the rapid monitoring of Lactobacilli from different ecological niches.
 The genetic, physiological and other factors, controlling the sexual process of the yeast
Hansenula polymorpha.
 A method for production of extra cellular α-galactosidase by submerged cultivation of
Aspergillus niger M47 , Penicillium chrisogenum LN33 and Humicula lutea 1205 on the
medium, composed by wastes from food industry.
 Technologies” for production of L-lysine and L-valine.
 Preparation of starters for fermented milks with health benefits by the bacteriocin producers
Lactobacillus bulgaricus BB18 and Lactobacillus lactis BCM5 and their compatible strains
Streptomyces thermophilus 11A and Lactobacillus bulgaricus LX1
 Genetic identification of Streptomyces iakurus DSM 41873., producer of antibiotic
complex, composed of 5 chemically characterized new components.
 Characterization of phytase isolated from Antarctic yeats.
 Technology for galanthamine production by Leucojum aestivum shoot culture
 Determination of genome size of Beta vulgaris cells by flow cytometry.
 Development of immobilized system for removal of Cu (II), Co (II) and Fe (III) ions from
ternary mixed aqueous solutions using fungal biomass entrapped in hydrophilic organic
 Development of high effective technology for biosynthesis of naturally glycosylated Cu/ZnSOD by the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103. The novel enzyme demonstrated protective
effect against Graffi tumor and influenza virus infection, as well as improves fertility of ram
and bull spermatozoa during liquid storage and cryoconservation.
 Isolation from Bulgarian hot springs and characterization of novel bacterial species
biotechnological potential.
Isolation of thermophilic Bacillus strains with potential for application in chemical synthesis
or various detoxification processes, used as biocatalyst in the synthesis of cyclodextrin
glucanotransferase and producers of thermostable gellan lyase.
 Optimisation and control algorithms and laboratory biogas technologies for the anaerobic
digestion of organic wastes (specific and in mixtures), accompanied by biogas yield.
The educational activities of the Institute include: PhD tuition (35 PhD students within the
last five years); training courses for young scientists from the Balkan countries at the Atelier
Pasteur on modern methods in microbiology with lecturers from INPI; participation in the
Leonardo da Vinchi Programme of EC. Thirteen scientists from the Institute give lectures at
nine Bulgarian universities.
Scientists from the Institute participate in scientific councils of academic and other research
institutions, editorial boards of international and national scientific journals, in the boards of
international and Bulgarian scientific societies, members of advisory board of WHO. IMicB
was the initiator of the establishment of the Balkan Society for Microbiology, and is the head
quarter of this society and the Bulgarian Society for Microbiology. Consultancy is provided
for many institutions (governmental, university, private etc) about public health, agriculture,
food industry, ecology and environment. Scientists are included in the work of many expert
groups among which Expert Council for Biological Defence at the governmental Committee
for Prevention of the Population from Natural Disasters and Catastrophes, Expert Council for
Epidemiological Control of Infectious Diseases and Immunoprophylaxis, Commission for
Eradication of Polyomyelitis at the Ministry of Public Health, Expert Group on Countering
the Effects of Biological and Chemical Terrorism at EC, National Agencies of
Standardization and Authorization, etc.
Scientists from the institute are involved in academic activities at:
 Medical university
 Faculty of biology, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”
 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry
 Technical University of Sofia
 New Bulgarian University
 Technical University – Gabrovo
 University “Asen Zlatarov” – Burgas
 University of Food Technology – Ploviv
During 2007, a total of 22 PhD and 12 MS theses are prepared at the Institute;
Form of education
Number of PhD
Number of
Graduated PhD
MS thesis’s during 2007 prepared on request from:
 Faculty of biology, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” -10
 Faculty of chemistry, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” – 2
 Technical University of Sofia – 3
Short synoptical collection (Scientific Report) in English is annually published. Recently is
reestablished the journal of Institute of Microbiology “Stephan Angeloff” – Acta
Microbiologica Bulgarica. Efforts have been done for participation to Bulgarian Information
Consortium. The Institute’s library is registered at the Conference of European National
Libraries – CENL, and joined the National Educational Forum.
Research results are extensively published in scientific journals, monographs and meeting
Articles in Journals
Published - 58
Accepted- 28
Articles in proceedings
Published - 9
Accepted - 13
Articles in Journals
Published - 26
Accepted - 6
Articles in proceedings
Published books abroad – 3
Textbooks and manuals- 1
Scientific articles – 27
Published - 9
Accepted - 8
Total – 161/27
Averages – 1, 9
Abrashev, I., G. Dulgerova, P. Dolashka-Angelova, W. Voelter. Purification and characterization of a novel
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Abrashev, I., P. Orozova. E. rhusiopathiae neuraminidase and its role in pathogenicity. Z. Naturforsch., 2006, 61c,
Abrashev, R., P. Dolashka, R. Christova, L. Stefanova, M. Angelova Role of antioxidant enzymes in survival of
conidiospores of Aspergillus niger 26 under conditions of temperature stress. J. Appl. Microbiol., 2005, 99, 902909.
Aleksieva, Z., Ivanova, D., Godjevargova, T., Atanasov, B. Degradation of some phenol derivatives by
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Angelova B., Avramova T., Stefanova L., Mutafov S. Temperature effect on bacterial azo bond reduction kinetics:
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Angelova, M., P. Dolashka-Angelova, E. Ivanova, J. Serkedjieva, L. Slokoska, S. Pashova, R. Toshkova, S.
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Atanasova N., Petrova P., Ivanova V., Yankov D., Vassileva A., Tonkova A. Isolation of novel alkaliphilic Bacillus
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Avramova T., Sotirova A., Galabova D., Karpenko E. Effect of Triton X-100 and rhamnolipid PS-17 on the
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Chamroo, A., Simeonov, I., Vasseur, C., Christov, N., Piecewise continuous control of a methane fermentation
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Christova, N., B. Tuleva, B. Damyanova. Enhanced hydrocarbon biodegradation by a newly isolated Bacillus
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Danova, S., Stoyancheva, G., Manasiev, Y., Miteva, V. Development and application of random DIG-labelled
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Derekova, A., Sjøholm, C., Mandeva, R., Kambourova, M. Anoxybacillus rupiensis sp. nov., a novel thermophilic
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Derekova, A., Sjoholm, C., Mandeva, R., Michailova, L., Kambourova, M. Biosynthesis of a thermostable gellan
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Dimitonova, S., Danova, S., Serkedjieva, J., Bakalov, B. Antimicrobial activity and protective properties of vaginal
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Dimitrov J.D., Ivanovska, N.D., Lacroix-Desmazes, S., Doltchinkova, V.R., Kaveri, S.K. and Vassilev, T.L. Ferrous
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Dimitrov, J., Roumenina, L., Doltchinkova, V., Mihaylova, N., Desmazes, S.-L., Kaveri, S. and Vassilev.T.
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Dimitrov, J.D. Lacroix-Desmazes, S., Kaveri, S.K., and Vassilev, T.L. Transition towards antigen-binding
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Dimitrov, J.D., Roumenina, L.T., Doltchinkova, V.R. and Vassilev, T.L. Iron ions and heme modulate the binding
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Dolashka-Angelova P., Stevanovic S., Dolashki A., Angelova M., Pashova S., Krumova E., Serkejieva J.,
Zacharieva S., Voelter W. Structural and functional analyses of glycosylated Cu/Zn-SOD from the fungal strain
Humicola lutea 103, cultivated in copper stress conditions. Biochem. Biophys Res Com, 2004, 317, 1006-1016.
Elena Kovacheva, Milen Georgiev, Svetlana Pashova, M. Angelova, and Mladenka Ilieva Radical Quenching by
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Galabova D., I. Simeonov, D. Dalev, D. Karakashev, Research and optimization of the anaerobic digestion of
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Gerginova, M., Manasiev, J., Shivarova, N., Alexieva, Z. Influence of various phenolic compounds on phenol
hydroxylase activity of a Trichosporon cutaneum strain. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of
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176 778. 00
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507 850. 00
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46 700. 00
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30 968. 00
Total incomes:
2 189 296. 00