Microbiology Syllabus 2015-16

Blue Springs South High School
Email address: dstotts@bssd.net
Room: 008
Instructor: Mrs. Donna Stotts
Phone: 224-1315
Plan Period: 6th Hour
Foundations in Microbiology by Talaro and Talaro
Materials Needed:
Pencil or Pen (blue or black ink only!)
Paper for notes
Composition Book/Single Subject Notebook to be used as lab book
Colored Pencils
Antibacterial Soap or Clorox Cleanup Wipes
Class Rules:
1. Respect yourself, your classmates, & the teacher.
2. Absolutely NO food or drinks.
3. No horseplay during labs.
4. No personal electronic devices may be used during
instructional time without my permission.
The Microbiology course is designed as a laboratory based course to challenge
students with activities, experiments, critical-thinking, and problem solving.
The focus of the course will primarily be on bacterial organisms and viruses
with applications for medical microbiology and food handling procedures.
Assessments will be in the form of lab reports, accurate application of
laboratory techniques, oral presentations, written tests, problem solving,
current literature reviews, and written responses.
Homework: This may be assigned daily and will be due the next day, unless
stated otherwise. Due dates may be changed per my discretion.
Labs: Labs are an integral part of this course. You will be working with
microscopes, stains, Petri dishes, propane tanks, bacteria, etc. Following all
safety rules & instructions will be very important, not only for your protection
but also for your grade. There will be no horseplay during labs. If you
choose to behave poorly during a lab, you will receive a zero for the
assignment and an 8th hour, with the possibility of losing your lab privileges.
Folders: Two folders will be used in this class. One that you will keep with you
which will hold important information that you may need access to at any
time. This syllabus should be kept in the front of this folder. These will be
graded twice a semester. Each grade will be worth 50 points. This syllabus
needs to remain in your folder until the end of the course. I will provide each
student with a second folder to be kept in your class crate, where you will
keep graded work.
Notes: Every student is required to take notes. These notes may be
used on some of our tests, so it is important to take them.
Clickers/Books: Each student will be assigned a clicker. You will need to
remember your clicker number. On the days that we will be using clickers,
you will be required to put your cell phone in your clicker slot. They will be
guarded, so there is no need to worry about the safety of your phone. As
there is only a classroom set of books, you will always use the book that has
the same number as your clicker. It will be assigned to you for your hour.
Quizzes/Tests: Quizzes vary per chapter. Quizzes will vary in points. There will
be a test after each chapter. The majority of your tests will be taken on
clickers. All tests will be worth 100 points, unless stated otherwise. Tests will
include content from your notes, handouts, and the textbook. It will be very
important that you read your textbook.
Late Work: I do not accept late work. When an assignment is due, it means
that it is due at the beginning of the assigned period. If it is not turned in,
you will get a zero.
Make-up Work: If you know you are going to be gone (due to a pre-AB), please
see me before you leave to get your assignment. It will be due the day you
return. If you are sick, you have one day for each day missed to make up
your work, as per school make-up policy. Make-up work can be picked up
from the side of the room with the recycling bin. We will also be utilizing
OneNote, a computer program similar to EDMODO, so that you can access
missed day’s assignments.
Attendance/Tardies: Make sure you are in class everyday. It will be beneficial in
your learning the content. If you are just entering the room or wandering
around without a purpose when the bell begins ringing, you will be counted
tardy. The tardy policy will be adhered to in this class.
Grades: Your grade will be determined based upon total points. There are very
few, if any opportunities to earn extra credit.
Grading Scale:
97-100% A+
93-96% A
90-92% A87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C67-69 % D+
63-66% D
60-62% D59% and below F
Course Topic
Introduction to Microbiology
Standards Covered
1.4; 1.7; 2.7; 4.7
Chemistry of Cells
Science 1
Culturing & Viewing Microbes
1.3; 4.7
1.3; 1.8; 2.1; 4.7; Science 3
Science 3
Microbial Nutrition, Ecology, & Growth
Science 3
Microbial Genetics
Science 3
Science 3
Control of Microbes
Science 8
Medicinal Control of Microbes
Science 8
Microbe Human Interaction
Science 8
Unknown Project
1.3; 1.5; 1.8; 3.5
Course Description/Units Covered: In this class, we will learn about the history of
microbiology, tools of microbiology lab, prokaryotic cells, viruses, microbial
growth, genetic engineering, microbe-human interaction, treatment of
microbial diseases, introduction to epidemiology, portals of entry & exit, and
an introduction to identification techniques in medical microbiology.
If you are struggling with any concept, I am available before and after school by
appointment for help. If your parents need to contact me, they can either call
me here at school or send me an email.
By signing this paper, I agree that I have read & understand Mrs. Stotts’ policies.
Student’s signature:
Parent’s signature:
Parent’s Daytime Phone Number: _____________________________
Parent’s Email Address: ____________________________________