Constitution of the Materials Science & Engineering Club Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, University of Toronto April 5, 2004 This Constitution was officially adopted as an amendment to its precursor by the council & membership at a general meeting, April 5, 2004. Table of Contents Chapter 1: General 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Page Club Name .....................................................................................................3 Affiliation .......................................................................................................3 Membership ...................................................................................................3 Fees ................................................................................................................3 Quorum ..........................................................................................................3 Chapter 2: Officers’ Responsibilities 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 Membership Requirements ..........................................................................4 Executive Officers .......................................................................................4 Other Officers ..............................................................................................4 Financial Authority ......................................................................................4 Chair.............................................................................................................4 Treasurer ......................................................................................................4 Vice-Chair ....................................................................................................5 Secretary ......................................................................................................5 Industrial Liaison .........................................................................................5 Festivities Director .......................................................................................5 Sports Director .............................................................................................5 Webmaster ...................................................................................................5 Chapter 3: Terms of Office 3.1 Terms of Office ............................................................................................6 Chapter 4: Election Procedures 4.1 4.2 4.3 Determination of time and place of elections ..............................................7 Announcement of elections..........................................................................7 Election procedures ......................................................................................7 Chapter 5: Constitutional and By-Law Amendments 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Calling a general meeting ............................................................................8 Announcement of general meetings.............................................................8 Voting Privileges .........................................................................................8 Passage of motions .......................................................................................8 Chapter 1: General 1.1 Name of Organization The organization governed by this constitution shall be known as the Materials Science & Engineering Club of the University of Toronto, the MSE Club, or hereafter in this document, the Club. 1.2 Affiliation The MSE Club is an affiliate of the Engineering Society of the University of Toronto 1.3 Membership Any Engineering Society member who is an undergraduate engineering student at the University of Toronto with a valid student card who has paid tuition fees may become a member of the MSE Club, upon payment of the club fee. 1.4 Fees The fees payable to the club shall be those set by the club at the beginning of each school year, for the purpose of subsidizing club facilities and events. 1.5 Quorum A quorum shall consist of at least five of the eight executive officers of the MSE Club, including at least the Chair or Vice-Chair, with at least one representative from each of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years. It is encouraged and advisable that the Club make efforts to involve any interested 1st year students. Chapter 2: Officers’ Responsibilities 2.1 Membership Requirement Members of the MSE Club Council must be members of the MSE Club while in office. 2.2 Executive Officers The Chair, Treasurer, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Industry Liaison, Festivities Director, Sports Director, and Webmaster make up the MSE Club Council. 2.3 Other Members Excecutive officers may send other MSE Club members to council meetings in their place, to a limit deemed reasonable by council. Representatives from EngSoc and the Faculty Council are also welcome at meetings. 2.4 Financial Authority The Chair and Treasurer have veto and signing privileges in monetary matters. 2.5 Chair The Chair shall lead executive and general club meetings. This individual shall have final responsibility for the daily business of the club and is responsible to the MSE department at the University of Toronto for all club actions. The chair shall have the deciding vote in any general or council meeting votes resulting in a tie. The Chair must be a member of the fourth-year class of the MSE undergraduate program. 2.6 Treasurer The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial transactions by the club and for the keeping of Club account records. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the upkeep and management of the Council refreshment machine (located in the common room), though they are free to appoint any willing member of the MSE populace to manage the machine in their place. This appointee must be approved by council at an Executive meeting. 2.7 Vice-Chair The Vice-Chair shall assume the same responsibilities of the Chair in the Chair’s absence, except that he or she lacks signing authority and the veto privilege. The Vice-Chair is also responsible for the management (organization and delegation) of the Club’s annual Dinner/Dance event. 2.8 Secretary The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of the decisions made at meetings, and for any correspondence with the department and constituents. 2.9 Industrial Liaison The Industrial Liaison is responsible for the compilation and maintenance of contacts at companies relevant to the MSE field, with the goal of producing at least one “Industry Event”, at which companies’ representatives speak to and interact with the students. 2.10 Festivities Director The Festivities Director is responsible for the organization and conduct of social events hosted by the club. This includes smokers, movie nights, and barbecues. The Festivities Director must also be available to assist the Vice-Chair in the organization of the Dinner/Dance. 2.11 Sports Director The Sports Director is responsible for the organization of any sporting events hosted by the club, including (but certainly not limited to) the Wallberg Cup (competition vs Chem Eng) and the Torstein A. Utigard Classic Ping-Pong Tournament. 2.12 Webmaster The Webmaster is responsible for the design and maintenance of the Club website, located at Chapter 3: Terms of Office 3.1 Terms of Office The term of office for every officer lasts from their election to the following year’s election or until they vacate their position, at which point a by-election should be held in no more than three weeks. Chapter 4: Election Procedures 4.1 Determination of time and place of elections The time and place of an election shall be chosen by the council, outside of normal class hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm), but at a time as convenient as possible for all MSE students. 4.2 Announcement of Elections & Nomination Period Upcoming elections must be announced by the council to the students no less than three weeks in advance, at the very least by ecf massmail. The Nomination Period lasts from the time of announcement to one week before Election Day, to be decided by council. 4.3 Election Procedures On the day of the election, a general meeting is held, requiring quorum as outlined in section 1.5. Speeches will be heard by willing candidates in the order set out in Chapter 2, from Chair to Webmaster. Voting occurs on paper ballots, with nominees separate from the rest of students. Nominees must not campaign after speeches have begun. In the event of a tie, the outgoing Chair has the deciding vote. Each club member shall cast one vote per position per election. Chapter 5: Constitutional and By-Law Amendments 5.1 Calling a General Meeting Any club member may require the executive to call a general meeting in order to amend the constitution or introduce a By-Law. This shall be achieved by contacting the Club Chair with the necessary concerns. 5.2 Announcement of General Meetings General Meetings must be announced to the MSE Club constituents by at least ecf massmail. 5.3 Voting Privileges Any person who is an undergraduate MSE student and in attendance at an MSE Club meeting may vote on a motion. 5.4 Passage of Motions The passage of any motions put forward at an MSE Club meeting requires the majority of votes. A two-thirds majority is required to pass any Constitutional amendments.