交通大學 電子工程學系 電子研究所 「磐石課程」課程綱要 課程名稱:(中文) 計算機組織 (英文) Computer Organization 學分數 3 必/選修 選修 開課單位 電子工程學系 永久課號 DEE4641 開課年級 大二 先修科目或先備能力: 計算機概論與程式設計/邏輯設計 Introduction to Computers and Programming/Logic Design 課程概述與目標: 本課程介紹什麼是、為什麼需要、如何設計處理器/計算機以及當今計算機其硬體與軟體的概念。 To learn what, why, and how processor/computer are designed and developed as well as the hardware and software concepts of current computers. 課程大綱 單元主題 內容綱要 Computer Abstraction and Technology Introduction of computer and the measure of a computer performance. Learning the continuing rapid change in speed and capacity of hardware and some of the history of computer development, as well as the sea change of the computer, i.e. the switch from uniprocessors to multiprocessors. Instructions: Language of the Computer Built on the knowledge to derive the language of the computer and discover the secret of computing: the hardware/software interface of the stored-program computer by introducing the instruction set of a real RISC. Arithmetic for Computers To unravel the mysteries of the instruction set, including representation of numbers, arithmetic algorithms, hardware that follows these algorithms, and their implications. The Processor: Datapath and Control The principles and techniques used in implementing a processer by introducing a realistic example of a pipelined and nonpipelined (simplified) RISC in detail. Understand the structure hazards, data hazards, control hazards, the controls of exceptions and interrupts, as well as the meanings of instruction-level parallelism and multi-issue processors. Exploiting Memory Hierarchy The principles of memory hierarchies, focusing on the commonality between virtual memory and caching. Storage and Other I/O Topics The dependability, reliability, and availability of the I/O systems. Introduction of the disk storage, flash storage, buses, and RAIDs (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks). Multicores, Multiprocessors, and Clusters Introduction of shared memory multiprocessors, clusters, messagepassing multiprocessors, and hardware multithreading.