Career Development Program

Career Development Program 2003
Assistance in Job Search / Career Advice
“Confident + Well prepare + Presentable + Energetic + Positive thinking = Secure a job that
you want!! This is the key formula that I get after participating in the Career Development
Program! Through joining this program, I can not only acquire useful information on how to
prepare for my career, but also the attitude and positive thinking that I should have in the job
searching process and in my workplace! Besides, the speakers and consultants of this program
are all successful men, who carry the same characteristics: confident and presentable, which
are so important to an applicant to win in an interview. Thus, I am confident that you can also
benefit from the career advice and become successful in your future! I would also like to
show my sincere gratefulness to Management Department for supporting us by organizing
this program, and also all the assisting parties, especially our Instructor, Mr. John Lai, whose
energetic style and the positive attitude can really change me a lot!”
Yuki LAU (BBA – HRM, 2003), Human Resources Assistant,
Miramar Hotel & Investment Co. Ltd
This program provided me the opportunity to explore my career goals and create a life long
plan in developing my career. The workshops and activities were extremely informative and
the guest speakers helped me to have deeper insights of the business environment. They also
gave me the hints to develop myself so that I could gain the confidence to compete with other
candidates in the job market. I also learnt a lot of practical interviewing techniques and built
up a positive attitude in seeking a job. When I started my first job after graduation, I really
faced a lot of confusions with my work but my career adviser provided me with close support
and encouragement in developing my career. When I considered changing my job, the career
development officer also gave me lots of valuable advice. Moreover, he successfully referred
many students and me including to get a job in Human Resources. I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to Mr. John Lai for his invaluable support in my career development.
Yuki YEUNG (BBA – HRM, 2003), Human Resources Assistant,
Hotel Nikko Hongkong
It is obvious to say that Career Development Program is an on-going program which not only
providing lots of useful knowledge for career planning to me during university study, but also
giving many valuable job advices for career path after my graduation. In this program,
different trainings and workshops trained me up to be well-prepared before I got into the
workplace. As a fresh graduate, it was true that I have encountered many confusions and
frustrations in work situation. Nevertheless, I felt an immense gratitude to my career
counselor, Mr. John Lai, who gave me different positive opinions when I felt lost in my career
path. Even though with a little sharing, I still can feel that kindness and support. I know that I
am not alone in the career battle, advices and assistance is always standing by once I need.
Mandy YIU (BBA-HRM, 2003), Assistant Supervisor,
SOGO (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd.
I found my first job without a long job searching period after my graduation. The summer
internship program has generated an opportunity to me to meet my prospective employer.
Instead of starting my career in HR field, I chose to join the catering industry. My instructor,
Mr. John Lai, has shared his experience and advice to me in identifying my career path. Many
thanks to the career advice from the Department of Management!
Sathena CHUNG (BBA-HRM, 2003), Manager Trainee
McDonald’s Restaurant (H.K.) Ltd.
“Great! The program is a really excellent program for our management students. It includes
several well-designed and prepared workshop / activities which provide a good vehicle for
helping us strengthen our skills plus tuning our beliefs and attitudes for our job searching and
career planning. Most importantly, these solid and powerful soft skills can strongly cultivate
our self-management and self-development in long term! It seems that I am exaggerating……
but what I am describing is the truth! You will not easily get distracted or feel alone while
you are making strides towards your future life. Our professional veterans, such as John Lai,
are surely accompanied with you in giving hundreds and thousands of advices! I’m sure you
are going to harvest a lot by investing your time on the program.”
Housman IP (BBA-HRM, 2003), Human Resources Assistant,
Asia Airfreight Terminal Co. Ltd.
In the past, many people thought that when you graduated from university, it would be very
easy to find a high pay comfortable job. They would not have any career planning. Since at
that moment, it was really easy to find an optimal job. But during the economic recession in
these few years and the outbreak of SARS, the previous statement will not be true again. It
makes all the fresh graduates frustrated in career searching. Also, during the period of
searching jobs, it really made us disappointed, since it would not have any response from the
employer. Luckily, with the help of Career Development Program, it increases my
confidence; it provides me a lot of valuable job advice. I still remember that I have
participated residential workshop, all the speakers encouraged us that we must not be
feel sad and disappointed when finding jobs in this recession, they taught us how to
equip ourselves.
Besides, I need to have a sincere thank for the kindness and
helpful of the Career Development Officer, when I’m confused with my job. He is a
very good listener; he gives me a lot of assistances and valuable advises. By the
way, thanks to Mr. John Lai again.
Susanna CHIU (BBA-HRM, 2003), Personnel Assistant,
Microware USA Limted.
I’m sure the Career Development Program organized by the Department of Management is
one of the most all-rounded career programs in City University. There are lots of activities,
coordinated by the most helpful tutors in Department of Management, which help the students
be well-equipped before stepping in the challenging career market. Graduates from year 2003
had to face much hardships than ever when they started searching jobs, due to the fact that our
economy had just been trampled by SARS. Nevertheless, this program provides us much
assistance, in which we could seek beneficial career advice from our advisors, meet HR
talents who shared their successful stories, as well as improving our job search skills through
various workshops and internship program. At last, I would like to extend my heartfelt
gratitude to our career advisor, John Lai, who is always beside me whenever I’m frustrated.
The most important is the positive attitude we learnt from him which is much crucial
throughout our life.
Jacky NG (BBA-HRM, 2003), Project Assistant (HR),
TNT Express Worldwide (HK) Ltd.
Difficult time always makes us stronger. Can you still remember the hard time we were
suffering from SARS in Hong Kong last year? During that time, the situation worried a lot of
fresh graduates. Nevertheless, as the fresh graduates last year, having been trained a variety of
personal development skills at City University, we got our first but satisfying job
unexpectedly within a short period of time. Undoubtedly, our effort put in job hunting and our
enthusiasm in the professions was a prerequisite for job opportunities but without the help of
the career development program, we could not have achieved a successful career. Not only
did this program assist us in our job seeking and improve our job interview skills, it also
boosted our self-confidence in many ways. My fellow schoolmates, to find your way to
improve your job prospects, do not hesitate to engage your Career Development Officer! You
will surely benefit a lot from our experienced practitioners and advisers.
Carol KWOK (BBA – HRM, 2003), Training Assistant
Business and Professional Training Unit
Enterprise Enhancement Services Division
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Feeling frustrated after sending an application but with no reply? Getting lost in planning the
career path? Having insufficient knowledge on your own strengths and weaknesses? Such
mixed feelings did exist before I stepped into the business world; perhaps they were common
to you too. Building a career path does not as simply as making a project plan. After all, each
steps being chose affects our future. That’s why we concern and worry much. Career
Development Program was helpful for me in understanding my career interest, enhancing my
knowledge in the business world as well as developing me with a positive attitude in the jobsearching process. Particularly the Residential Workshop, where successful business people
were there to share their experience, which helped to widen my horizon and enhance my
business sense. Besides, the career advices provided by John were always being an excellent
insight when I was getting lost. Indeed, the kind assistance and advices really gave me brave
and courage and make me insist to what I’m really looking for. Thanks John!
Sheena CHENG (BBA – HRM, 2003), Human Resources Assistant
Zung Fu Company Limited
What I learnt from the course? It’s not just only knowledge & the integrity of being a person
what I am grateful for is the prolong support and career advise from John even after my
graduation. At the very beginning, I THINK I was well prepared to get into the battlefield to
take up the challenges because we’re so well equipped & taught during class. However,
there’s divergence between reality & imagination, after the long searching process for a job, I
start losing confidence. Thanks John, he really does me a great favor in rebuilding my
confidence; still remember what he said, “It’s all about attitude!” No one can make you feel
inferior without your permission. BEING POSITIVE!!! It helps me a lot to override many
obstacles every now and then. It’s important to have that belief in yourself – the feeling of
certainty!!! Anyway, many thanks of not being alone in the battlefield because we know
where our shelter is ~
Connie CHIANG (BBA-HRM, 2003), Human Resources Assistant
Best Western – Rosedale on the Park