Step 11 View the available 802.11a radio settings

LP IRM – Nice Sophia-Antipolis
TP #003.1
Interfaces Configuration
Table of Contents
Configuring Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 1
Configure Bridge Virtual Interface ...................................................................................................... 3
Step 1 (Optional) Obtaining and Assigning an IP Address using IPSU ......................................... 3
Configure Ethernet/FastEthernet Interface .......................................................................................... 3
Step 2 Obtaining and Assigning an IP Address .............................................................................. 4
Step 3 Data rate speed and Duplex of the FastEthernet interface ................................................... 4
Step 4 Configure Ethernet/FastEthernet Interfaces via IOS CLI .................................................... 4
Configure Radio Interfaces through the GUI ....................................................................................... 5
Step 1 Browsing the radio Interface Information ............................................................................ 5
Step 2 Express configuration of the AccessPoint ............................................................................ 6
Step 3 Connect to the AP with a wireless NIC ............................................................................... 7
Step 4 Association Page .................................................................................................................. 7
Step 5 Advanced Radio Settings (Optional) ................................................................................... 7
Step 6 Make changes to the radio interface of the AP (Optional) ................................................... 8
Configure Radio Interface through the IOS CLI ................................................................................. 8
Step 1 Connect to the AP ................................................................................................................ 9
Step 2 View the available 802.11b/g radio settings ........................................................................ 9
Step 3 Configuring the Role in Radio Network .............................................................................. 9
Step 4 Configuring Radio Data Rates ............................................................................................. 9
Step 5 Configuring Radio Transmit Power ..................................................................................... 9
Step 6 Configuring Radio Channel Settings ................................................................................. 10
Step 7 Enabling and Disabling World-Mode ................................................................................ 10
Step 8 Disabling and Enabling Short Radio Preambles (Optional) .............................................. 10
Step 9 Configuring Transmit and Receive Antennas .................................................................... 10
Step 10 Disable the radio .............................................................................................................. 11
Step 11 View the available 802.11a radio settings ........................................................................ 11
Step 12 Configuring the Role in Radio Network .......................................................................... 11
Step 13 Configuring Radio Data Rates ......................................................................................... 11
Step 14 Configuring Radio Transmit Power ................................................................................. 11
Configuring Interfaces
Overall objective
There are three types of interfaces in an access point:
Bridge Virtual Interfaces
Ethernet/FastEthernet Interfaces
Radio Interfaces
Remember that an access point is first a bridge. So, like a switch, it does not really need
an IP address to start processing trafic. But for management purpose, just like with
switches, we usually assign an IP address to the device for ease of use.
The BVI interface was already configured in previous TP using the IOS commands on the
CLI. In the first steps, you'll investigate alternate solutions to provide a configuration IP
address to the access point.
The ethernet interface will be basically configured, like a simple switch ethernet port:
speed, duplex.
The radio interface(s) is the newest and more interesting interface to configure: power,
station-role, channel, speed, ...
Note As this is a general overview lab, it will not cover the sub-interfaces configuration
which appear when you start using VLAN for instance.
Note Detail of the two hosts below and the access point:
● Host P1 on the left
408px (where x=1,3,5,7,9 ) is a Windows 2003Svr
Host P2 on the right
AP in the middle
408py (where y=2,4,6,8,10 ) is a XP Pro
apxy is a Cisco 11XX, 12XX or 13XX access point
The student PC should be connected to the AP through an (isolated wired network or) crossover cable (red
cable on the drawing).
The AP should be set to factory defaults. See previous TP000 documents « 06_Reinit of Cisco AP 350 and
1240.doc » or Step 1 below.
P1: 408px (where x=1,3,5,7,9 ) is the server simulating the wired network to which the AP is connected.
Here are the PCI slot configuration and connections:
● NIC on motherboard: Realtek8139
straight cable on RJ45 to the switch/hub
fixed @IP on IUT network
● slot1: SMC network interface card
crossover cable connecting to the AP with RJ45
fixed @IP in 10.0.....0/24
● slot2: --- empty slot --● slot3: 3Com 3CRDW696 or Cisco 21AG wireless PCI adapter with external antenna
will connect the AP using WIFI
It will use a fixed IP address (ask instructor) and proabably run a DHCP-TFTP-SYSLOG set of servers to
simulate the destination wired network.
P2: 408py (where y=2,4,6,8,10 ) is the client who will connect to the AP. It will only use its wireless
connection (all other NIC will probably not be used). IP address can be static or leased via DHCP.
Team x= y=
AP Name
AP address
408px address
408py address
Note 408px is the Windows 2003Svr located on the left of the table with SMC NIC (10.0.xy.x/24) cross-
connected to the AP(10.0.xy.100/24); while 408py is the Windows XPPro located on the right of the table
with the Cisco Aironet Wireless NIC (10.0.xy.y/24)
Tools and Resources
Each team will need:
• One AP (with all antennas plugged-in !!!!!!)
• The AP power supply or source
• A PC that is connected to the same wired network as the AP (with one crossover cable)
• A wireless PC or laptop as a client
Additional Materials
See your instructor for: for this kind of documents for networking and performance tools for Cisco, NetGear and 3Com softwares, drivers, docs, ...
Configure Bridge Virtual Interface
Step 1 (Optional) Obtaining and Assigning an IP Address using IPSU
Instead of using the console, reset the AP to the factory default. Download from the IPSUv....exe file and then
run the software from 408px.
This software allows to set the initial configuration to a factory default directly linked access point. You select
the target access point by entering its MAC Address. Whence run, you can log on to the web server and
continue the configuration.
1. What is the Mac Address of the access point ?
2. What protocol is used (use a sniffer like Wireshark)and will it work in a routed environment ?
Configure Ethernet/FastEthernet Interface
In this lab, the student will use the AP setting pages to enter speed and duplex information for the ethernet
interface of the AP.
This section describes how to configure the AP radio Ethernet and FastEthernet interfaces to lock in speed
and duplex settings.
Step 2 Obtaining and Assigning an IP Address
a. If not done in previous step, console into the AP and configure the BVI IP address to 10.0.XY.100/24.
Set the hostname as well according to the Preparation table. Make sure the wired PC TCP/IP settings are
configured according to the Topology. A wireless connection to the AP can also be used.
b. Open up a browser on 408px and browse to the AP's Home page
Browse to the EXPRESS SET-UP Page and verify the settings previously configured.
Step 3 Data rate speed and Duplex of the FastEthernet interface
a. Go to the NETWORK INTERFACES>FastEthernet Page and click on the settings tab of the AP.
b. The Enable Ethernet: setting should be set to Enable.
Note If the FastEthernet settings are modified while connected via the wired network, the connection may be lost.
These will actually be modified in Step 4 via the Console.
c. The Requested Duplex Setting should be set to Auto by default. In a production environment, the duplex
should be locked into the optimum setting of the connected switch.
1. Why should it be locked ?
d. The Requested Speed Setting should be set to Auto by default. In a production environment, the speed
should be locked into the optimum setting of the connected switch.
1. Why should it be locked ?
Step 4 Configure Ethernet/FastEthernet Interfaces via IOS CLI
Typically, an IP address is configured on the BVI interface only. However, there are some other settings
which should be set on the FastEthernet interface. Below is a command table which will be used in this step.
Console into the AP
a. Beginning in configuration mode. Follow these steps to set the AP Ethernet/FastEthernet settings:
apXY(config)#interface fastEthernet 0
b. Now see what duplex settings are possible.
apXY(config-if)#duplex ?
c. Set the duplex to full (Check that 408px NIC adapter is also configured according to this following setting).
1. Which command line should be used in this aim?
d. Now see what speed settings are possible.
apXY(config-if)# speed ?
e. Now set the speed to 100 Mbps (Check that 408px NIC adapter is also configured according to this
following setting).
2. Which command line should be used in this aim?
f. Check the running configuration.
g. Display the FastEthernet interface status
2. Which command line should be used in this aim?
h. Quickly verify all the interfaces are up
apXY#show ip interface brief
Complete this command's output according to your configuration:
Method Status Protocol
other up
i. Now check the detailed status of all the interfaces
apXY#show interfaces
Configure Radio Interfaces through the GUI
The student PC should be connected to the AP through an isolated wired network or crossover cable. The
Radio 802.11b/g page will also be accessed to enter basic settings for the transmit power, antennas, and
operating thresholds on the AP.
This section describes how to configure the AP radio. Use the AP Radio interface pages in the management
system will be used to set the radio configuration.
Step 1 Browsing the radio Interface Information
Note The factory default behaviour of access points is different from one vendor to another, from one product
to another, even from one firmware release to another. Former Aironet products used the default SSID
named « tsunami » and radio were enabled by default.
With Aironet 12XX products, behaviour recently changed with the update of the latest IOS releases.
The current behaviour in IOS 12.3(8) is: no default SSID, Radios are disabled.
First browsing of these web pages is done in order to become familiar with the features of the product and
compare them to what we've learned during lectures.
a. Open a browser and type in the IP address of the AP (http://10.0.XY.100) that was assigned in the
Preparation section of this lab. Log into the AP (default password "Cisco").
This should open the AP HOME page.
b. Obtain the AP information or available features from this page.
c. Are there any stations (Clients or Repeaters) connected to your AP ?
d. What is the IP Address of the AP?
e. What Network Interfaces are available?
f. What is the Ethernet/FastEthernet MAC address?
g. If available, what is the Radio 802.11b/g MAC address?
h. If available, what is the Radio 802.11a MAC address?
If available, click on the NETWORK INTERFACES>Radio0-802.11G.
Next, click the SETTINGS tab. Record the following settings from the Radio Interface page:
a. What is the Enable Radio setting and Current Status?
b. What speeds are available for the data rates?
c. What is the role of this AP?
e. What are the different possible role of an AP? Try to explain according to what you learned during
Notice the automatic changes of supported data rates when clicking on « Best Range » versus « Best
Throughput » button.
Scroll down the Network Interface Settings page to view more information.
g. What is the Transmitter Power setting? (give it in mW and dBm)
h. What is the Default Radio Channel?
i. What are the other settings on this page?
j. How many channels are available ? Does it complies with the ARCEP regulation rules ?
k. What is the meaning of « Least Congested Frequency » ?
Repeat the Network Interface Settings steps for the Radio1-802.11A.
Step 2 Express configuration of the AccessPoint
There are several ways to configure this access point.
We will set the basic features of the access point via the web interface using the minimum configuration
information and time.
Note Some features are not available through « Express » wizard pages.
a. Using 408px computer, go to the EXPRESS SET-UP Page on the AP using the web connection
b. Enter the Hostname s408apXY
c. Leave IP configuration unchanged
d. On the « Radio0-802.11G » section, select:
- Role in Radio Network: Access Point
- Optimize Radio Network for: Default
- Aironet Extensions: Enable
e. Click the Apply button.
f. Go to the EXPRESS SECURITY SET-UP Page and select:
- 1. SSID equals to s408tpXY with X and Y replaced by appropriate values
- Select Broadcast SSID in Beacon
- 2. VLAN configured with option No VLAN
- 3. Security configured with option No Security
g. Click the Apply button
Step 3 Connect to the AP with a wireless NIC
Using the two workstation with a wireless adapter enabled on each, connect to the correct AP: the one you
just configured.
Make sure the wireless equiped device is not connected by way of the wired network.
a. Configure and select a profile to connect to the AP. Make sure the SSID is configured in the profile to
match the AP.
b. Configure a unique Client Name in the profile, such as Client408px and Client408py
c. Make sure to check or configure the TCP/IP settings to connect to the proper IP network.
d. See the effect of having selected or not the Aironet Extensions on the AP when the 408py client tries to
If Aironet extensions are enabled on the AP, then the AP name is displayed on the ACU. Also, if you do not
wish to see the AP name, you can disable Cisco Aironet extensions to the IEEE 802.11b standard (no dot11
extensions Aironet under the radio interface). Cisco Aironet extensions are enabled by default in the AP.
Step 4 Association Page
a. To check which clients are associated to this AP, go to the ASSOCIATION page and click
on the Association button.
Step 5 Advanced Radio Settings (Optional)
Scroll to the bottom of the Network Interface Settings page to view the information displayed in the figure for
this step.
For additional help, browse this file
or the Cisco Web Site:
1. What is the Reliable Multicast to WGB (WorkGroupBridge) setting?
2. What is Public Secure Packet Forwarding setting? Why would this be enabled?
3. What is the Beacon Period? What are the advantages and disadvantages of lowering or raising the value?
4. What is the Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)? What are the advantages and disadvantages of lowering or raising
the value?
5. What is the Max Data Retries setting? What are the advantages and disadvantages of lowering or raising
the value?
6. What is RTS Max Retries setting? What are the advantages and disadvantages of lowering or raising the
7. What is the Fragmentation Threshold? What are the units for this value?
8. What is the RTS Threshold setting?
Step 6 Make changes to the radio interface of the AP (Optional)
Make changes to the radio interface.
Perform the setting changes through the web browser interface.
As changes are made, use several of the Cisco Aironet client utility tools to test various settings on the radio
interface. Take care to make one change at a time and monitor the performance change in either of the site
survey or link status meter tools.
a. Make a change to the APs receive and transmit antenna settings.
By default they are set to diversity. Change the setting to left or right. Have your lab partner move about the
site with the antenna or use a pringles can and see if there is any degradation or improvement in the radio
1. Which antenna setting had the best performance?
2. Which antenna setting had the worst performance?
Note If there is only one antenna on the AP, do not try using diversity.
3. Which channel setting had the best performance?
4. Which channel setting had the worst performance?
5. Change the Transmitter Power settings and make note of any data rate performance or range. Was there
any enhancement or degradation in the performance of the AP?
6. If there was, which Transmitter Power setting gave the furthest range or strongest signal?
7. Which Transmitter Power setting gave the fastest data rate?
Configure Radio Interface through the IOS CLI
In this lab, the student will enter basic channel and data rate information for the access point (AP) radio.
This section describes how to configure the AP radio. Use the AP Radio interface pages in the management
system will be used to set the radio configuration.
Command List:
In this lab exercise, the following commands will be used. Refer to this list if assistance or help is
needed during the lab exercise.
Step 1 Connect to the AP
Connect to the AP using the console or telnet.
Enter global configuration mode with the following command:
apXY#configure terminal
Step 2 View the available 802.11b/g radio settings
The AP radio has many available settings.
Enter interface configuration mode for the radio interface. The 2.4-GHz radio is radio 0, and the 5-GHz radio
is radio 1.
Use the following commands to view the available commands for the 802.11g radio:
apXY(config)#interface dot11radio 0
Notice that there are many configuration settings available and reconnect them to the previous lab.
Step 3 Configuring the Role in Radio Network
To configure the access point as a root device that is connected to the wired LAN or as a repeater (non-root)
device that is not connected to the wired LAN.
View the available station roles. Then configure the access point as a root access point:
apXY(config-if)#station-role ?
repeater Repeater access point
root Root access point
apXY(config-if)#station-role root
Step 4 Configuring Radio Data Rates
To use the data rate settings to choose the data rates the access point uses for data transmission.
The rates are expressed in megabits per second.
View the available speeds.
apXY(config-if)#speed ?
Use the following commands to set up the access point for requiring 11-Mbps service :
apXY(config-if)#speed basic-11.0 1.0 2.0 5.5
Step 5 Configuring Radio Transmit Power
The power level on client devices that associate to the access point and the AP radio power can be manually
set. Use the help to view the power settings which can be configured.
apXY(config-if)#power ?
client Client radio transmitter power level
local Local radio transmitter power level
See which power levels are configurable on the AP.
1. What are the available power levels?
2. Which command line will configure the access point radio power to 5mW?
3. Which is the side-effect of this command concerning the link status?
Step 6 Configuring Radio Channel Settings
The default channel setting for the access point radios is least congested. At startup, the access point scans
for and selects the least congested channel. For the most consistent performance after a site survey, it is
recommended that a static channel setting for each access point be assigned. The channel settings on your
access point correspond to the frequencies available in your regulatory domain.
See what channels are available
apXY(config-if)#channel ?
1. What are the available channels?
Now assign a least congested channel setting for the access point.
apXY(config-if)#channel least-congested
Step 7 Enabling and Disabling World-Mode
When world-mode is enabled, the access point adds channel carrier set information to its beacon.
Client devices with world-mode enabled receive the carrier set information and adjust their settings
automatically. For example, a client device used primarily in Japan could rely on worldmode to adjust its
channel and power settings automatically when it travels to Italy and joins a network there. World mode is
disabled by default.
To enable world-mode on the access point, follow the steps below:
To disable world-mode on the access point, follow the steps below:
apXY(config-if)#no world-mode
Step 8 Disabling and Enabling Short Radio Preambles (Optional)
The radio preamble (sometimes called a header) is a section of data at the head of a packet that contains
information that the access point and client devices need to synchronise serial clocks when sending and
receiving packets. The radio preamble can be set to long or short:
● Short—A short preamble improves throughput performance. Current Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN
Client Adapters support short preambles while early models may require long preambles.
● Long—A long preamble ensures compatibility between the access point and all early models of
Cisco Aironet Wireless LAN Adapters.
Follow these steps to disable short radio preambles:
apXY(config-if)#no preamble-short
a. Using netperf toolset, evaluate throughputs effects when using short or long preambles.
Step 9 Configuring Transmit and Receive Antennas
The access point can be set to select the antenna the access point uses to receive and transmit data.
There are three options for both the receive and the transmit antenna:
Diversity—This default setting tells the access point to use the antenna that receives the best signal. If your
access point has two fixed (non-removable) antennas, you should use this setting for both receive and transmit.
● Right—If your access point has removable antennas and you install a high-gain antenna on the access
point's right connector, you should use this setting for both receive and transmit.
● Left—If your access point has removable antennas and you install a high-gain antenna on the access point's
left connector, you should use this setting for both receive and transmit.
View the available antenna settings
apXY(config-if)#antenna ?
1. What are the available directions ?
Follow these steps to set the access point back to receive and transmit to diversity:
apXY(config-if)#antenna receive diversity
apXY(config-if)#antenna transmit diversity
2. Which of the right and the left antenna is the primary one and the secondary one
Step 10 Disable the radio
If the PC is connected via wireless, it is important to switch to a console connection.
Use the shutdown command to turn off the radio. Afterwards, re-enable the interface.
apXY(config-if)#no shutdown
Write down what you see happening in the console logs
Step 11 View the available 802.11a radio settings
The AP radio has many available settings.
Use the following commands to view the available commands for the 802.11a radio:
apXY(config)#interface dot11radio 1
a. What command is needed to see the available commands in the interface mode?
Step 12 Configuring the Role in Radio Network
Configure the AP as a root access point:
a. What command is needed?
Step 13 Configuring Radio Data Rates
View the available data rates for the 11a radio.
a. What command is needed?
b. What speeds are available?
Step 14 Configuring Radio Transmit Power
View the available power settings which can be configured.
a. What command is needed? What power settings are configurable?
Configure the access point radio power to 10 mW.
c. What command is needed?
Configure the client radio transmit power to 40 mW.
d. What command is needed?
Now lower the setting to 5mw.
e. What command is needed?