
Checklist for Microcomputer Courseware
Program Name: BioInteractive
Subject Area: Science
Vendor/Author: HHMI
Grade Level: High School
Instructional Integrity
Is the content relevant to the instructional needs of the students? ...................................................... X
Is the program organized and presented in a sequential manner and in appropriate developmental
steps? .................................................................................................................................................. X
Is the content presented clearly? ......................................................................................................... X
Are the use of graphics, sound, and color appropriate? ...................................................................... X
Does the program provide meaningful interaction for the students?................................................... X
Does the program provide for used self-pacing? ................................................................................ X
Does the material require the purchase of accompanying printed material, or is it self-sufficient? ....
Does the material provide direct instruction? ..................................................................................... X
Does the material provide immediate feedback? ................................................................................
Does the material provide a variety of built-in reinforcements? .........................................................
Technical Adequacy and Utility
Are the teacher's instructions well organized, useful, and easy to understand? ..................................
Does material require extensive preparation or training on the teacher's part? ...................................
Is the material of high quality? ........................................................................................................... X
Is the size of the print clear and well spaced? ..................................................................................... X
Does the speed of presentation match individual learning styles? ......................................................
Does the student need typing skills to use the program? ....................................................................
Is it "kid-proof?" .................................................................................................................................
Can a student use the program without supervision? .......................................................................... _X_____ _____
Is a printout of student performance available, if desired? .................................................................
Can the program be used in a regular classroom, resource room, media center, agency, or
institution? .......................................................................................................................................... X
Date September 25, 2008
Evaluator _______Beth Richards
Open-ended Courseware Evaluation
Program Name: Inspiration
Vendor/Author: Inspiration Software
Subject Area: Science, LA, Social Studies
Grade Level: Secondary
How appropriate is computer use for this activity?
Concept maps can be hand drawn, however, this software package constructs excellent concept maps that can be
edited and additional concepts added easily and efficiently. I also think the computer method of developing
concept maps is more engaging for students and has a more professional look for teacher led discussion and
lecture. I envision developing whole class, small group, and eventually individual concept maps for each unit of
science instruction. This will help students connect factual information to the broader scientific concepts.
Are the goals of the program clear? (What are they?)
The goal of the program is to help students and instructors create concept maps. Curriculum Packets provide
integrated materials for specific content areas. These include suggestions for classroom application including
templates and exemplars of high-level student work. Science standards are also referenced in the curriculum
packets. This is very useful to the instructor in lesson planning and in meeting district benchmarks and state
standards. I think the goals of the program are met and supported.
Does the activity in the program focus on these goals?
Yes, and specific examples are provided. The Ecosystem Dynamics Unit, for example, provides an overview and
resources to teach population equilibrium, environmental factors, biogeochemical cycles, and human influence.
Are the instructions clear? (If not, why?
The instructions are clear and tutorials are provided.
Is content relevant to instructional needs of students Why or why not?
The content is relevant to science instruction. The newer version of Inspiration includes content categories with
examples of concept maps for a variety of topics. I think these examples are very useful to students and teachers
as they learn to use the program. Inspiration is also a tool for teachers to organize and present instruction in an
integrated way, relating concepts to each other.
How well is the program organized and presented in a sequential manner and in appropriate developmental steps?
The design of the software is developmentally appropriate in that Inspiration is designed for older students, high
school and college, and Kidspiration is designed for elementary students.
How does the program respond to input mistakes?
The program only responds to spelling errors; the content is not monitored. The teacher is required to monitor
How appropriately is reinforcement used?
Reinforcement is not integrated into the software.
Does the program provide for user self-pacing? Yes X__ No__
10. Is a printout of student performance available if desired? Yes__ No X__
11. What is your overall evaluation of program?
Inspiration is an excellent tool for connecting and visualizing concepts in science. Inspiration provides a pictorial
method of teaching and learning for students who are visual learners. Inspiration provides a concise way of
summarizing main concepts for instruction, review, and as a study aid for students. Concept maps help students
connect supporting factual information to main instructional concepts. This is also an excellent tool for teacher
lecture presentations.
Date 9/29/08
Beth Richards
MicroSift Courseware Evaluation
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
Package Title: Balancing Combustion Reactions Producer: Dr. Yue-Ling Wong
Evaluator Name: Beth L. Richards
Organization: C&T 770
Evaluator's Level and Subject Taught: Secondary Life Sciences
Date: 10/06/08 Was your evaluation based in part on student use? Yes_X_ No__
Reviewer Statement of Non-Violation of Copyright
The producer's copyright was respected during this evaluation, and I did not copy any
portion of this package. Signature:
Date: 10/06/08
SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; D= Disagree; SD=Strongly Disagree; NA=Not Applicable
Please include comments on individual items on the reverse page
Content Characteristics (indicate with an x after your selection)
1. SA x_A_ D_ SD_ NA The content is accurate.
2. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA The content has educational value.
3. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA The content is free of racial, ethnic, sexual and other
Instructional Characteristics
4. SA x_ A _ D_ SD_ NA The purpose of the package is well-defined.
5. SA x_ A _ D_ SD_ NA The package achieves its defined purpose.
6. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Presentation of content is clear and logical.
7. SA_ A x_ D_ SD_ NA The level of difficulty is appropriate for the target audience.
8. SA x_ A _ D_ SD_ NA Graphics/color/sound are used for appropriate instructional
9. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Use of the package is motivational.
10. SA_ A x_ D_ SD_ NA The package effectively stimulates student creativity.
11. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Feedback on student responses is effectively employed.
12. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA The learner controls the rate and sequence of presentation and
13. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Instruction is integrated with previous student experience.
14. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Learning can be generalized to an appropriate range of
Technical Characteristics
15. SA_ A x_ D _ SD_ NA The user support materials are comprehensive.
16. SA x_ A_ D _ SD_ NA The user support materials are effective.
17. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Information displays are effective.
18. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Intended users can easily and independently operate the
19. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA Teachers can easily employ the package.
20. SA x_ A_ D_ SD_ NA The program appropriately uses relevant computer
21. SA x_ A _ D_ SD_ NA The program is reliable in normal use.
Write a number from 1 (low) to 5 (high) which represents your judgment of
the quality of the package in each division:
Content Characteristics
Instructional Characteristics
Technical Characteristics
I highly recommend use of this package
I would use or recommend use of this package with little or no change (Note
suggestions for effective use below)
I would use or recommend use of this package only if certain changes are made
(Note under Weaknesses or Other Comments)
I would not use or recommend this package (Note reasons under weaknesses)
Describe the potential use of this package in classroom settings:
This website offers additional practice and visualization of balanced chemical equations.
This is an excellent source for student support at home, in the classroom, and potentially
as assigned homework.
Estimate the amount of time a student would need to work with the package in
order to achieve the objectives: (Can be total time, time per day, time
range or other indicator.)
A student can work through the tutorial and several problems in one evening homework
session or within ½ to 1 class period.
Strengths: Very good graphics. The program walks the student through each step of
balancing a chemical equation with explanations for each. It also corrects the student on
errors. Several types categories of problems are given including balancing equations,
dimensional analysis, redox, acid-base titration, periodic table games, organic chemistry,
and some general physics topics.
Weaknesses: I haven’t found any weaknesses yet.
Other Comments:
Website URL: http://www.wfu.edu/~ylwong/chem/orgfgid/index.html
The organic chemistry section is especially relevant for life science students.