Syllabus of Evaluation I 2011-2012

Syllabus of Evaluation I 2011-2012
Subject- English
Communicate in English- L-1 The Friendship, L-2 A Country Childhood, Poem-Asking Questions,
L-3 Robots Don’t Lie
Learner’s Grammar and composition- 1-The Sentences,2-Nouns, 3-Nouns:Gender,4-Adjectives,
5-Adjectives for comparison 6- A,An and The, 7- Pronoun, 8-Reflexive Pronoun
Literature ReaderL-1 Oliver Finds a Home, 2-The Land of Storybooks, 3- Buck Returns to the wild
Speak English Green –Page no 1 to 20
Value EducationThink Again- 1-Time to Pray, 2-Three cheers for the Brave, 3-Joseph’s Coat of many colours, 4-Enjoy Good
Health-one, 5- Why Disturb Nature
Subject – Evs
Learn well environmental Studies- L -1 The Food Eat, 2- Growing Food,3-Recreation and Health,
4- Migration and Relations,5-Diseases and their Prevention,6-In Emergency Situations
Subject- Maths
The joy of Mathematics- Unit 1- Large Number,Unit 2-Roman Numbers, Unit 3-Factors and Multiples
Unit-4 Fractions, Unit-5 Decimals
Practice Book-Ex 1 to 29
G kScholar book of knowledge- Page no 5 to 22
Syllabus of Evaluation II 2011-2012
Subject- English
Communicate in English- L-4 The Balloon Seller L-5 A Robbery, L-6 The Angry Gragon,Poem-The Sea,
L-7 The Story of Ice Cream
Learner’s Grammar and composition- 9- Interrogative Pronoun & Interrogative Adjectives,10-Auxiliary
Verbs,11-Modals,12-Modals,13-Phrasal-verbs,14-Time and Tense
Literature ReaderL-4 Curious Town, 5- The magic shop, 6- On a Saturday Morning,7- Miss Rottenmeier Has a Hard day
Speak English Green –Page no 20 to 30
Value EducationThink Again- 6-Are you Safety Conscious?,7- Mother India, 8- Tiny Tales of Long Age, 9- Are you an Ideal
Child ?,10- Is Happiness for sell, 11- Big Body Small Body, 12- Dear Dairy, 13- The Deadly Demons
Subject – Evs
Learn well environmental Studies- 7- Reproduction in Plants,8-Amazing Senses in animals, 9-Interdependence
Of Living and Non- Living Things,10- Adaptation in Living things,11- Waste Management, 12- Pollution
13- Deforestation and Urbanisation
Subject- Maths
The joy of Mathematics- Unit 6- Simplifications,7-Percentage, 8-Bills, 9- Profit & Loss,10-Simple Interest,
11-Average,12-Ratio And Proportion,13-Speed
Practice Book- Ex no 30 to 39
G kScholar book of knowledge- Page no 22 to 44
Syllabus of Evaluation III 2011-2012
Subject- English
Communicate in English- L-8 Daddy Dickens and his chickens, Poem- The World Form a Railway Carriage,
L-9 Robert’s magical clocks,L-10 Our Wonderful Brain,L-11 Tenali Paints a House, L-12 Uncle Ken at the
Wicket, Poem – Thomas Alva Adison
Learner’s Grammar and composition- 15-Simple Present & Past, 16-Present & Past Continous,
17- future Time Presentation, 18- adverbs, 19- Preposition,20- Conjunction, 21- Comprehension,
22- Composition
Literature ReaderL-8 A Moonbeans comes , 9-The Happy Prince, 10- The White Elephant, 11- A Sound of Thunder
Speak English Green –Page no 20 to 30
Value EducationThink Again- 14-Animals Friends, 15-cheers them up, 16-Working children, 17-Darling Daddy,
18-Great People and Great sayings ,19- True Stories, 20- Enjoy Good Health, 21- Take Twenty one
Subject – Evs
Learn well environmental Studies-14- Our Resources,15- Water,16-The Story of Clothes, 17-Fuel for
Vehicles,18-My Country and Me,19- Rich Heritage of India,20- Taking Care of Public Prperty,
21- Dignity of Labour
Subject- Maths
The joy of Mathematics- Unit 14- Time Tables,15-Tempreature,16-Geomatry,17-Area,18-Volume,
19-Pictorial Representation of Data
Practice Book- Ex 39 no 51
G kScholar book of knowledge- Page no 44 to 66