Interpreation of John Halloran's sumerian lexicon

Interpretation of John. A. Halloran’s Sumerian Lexicon - version -3.
-Part – 2.
Ref- pages
41- 80 .
While interpreting John – A. Halloran’s Sumerian Lexicon - I have used the following –Dravida
-Egyptian magical- sacred letters. They are;
1. Aa- Aakayam- sky- at a distance ; ka- Aakayam- sky / hot ; vaa- vaanam - sky ; va> Ka ;
ka>vaa ; ki- kayam - earth; vai - vaiyakam – earth; sae/ sa - Saeyon- Suriyan –red sun; saChandran - moon; su – pachha -- water ; Ra- Orai-- sun; pa- puvi - earth- or ocean- nether
world ; an- andam - the universe - suffix for men ; Ankh- ankham part; Akh- aakku- to
create; am / ma - om - the primordial sound- great- big; thee - -Aa- thee-- fire/ heat ; da idi - thunder ; the -- thanni- water / cool .
2. Add – letters - ‘an’- and – ‘am’ –
as prefix and suffix while interpreting the words apart from using vovels - a – e- i- o- uoowhile reading the Sumerian Tamil suththiram words .
3. Add other Tamil magical letters like - sa - Ra- ka - the- sa -and- la - then and there while
reading the Sumerian Tamil siththiram words .
4.Remember -- ka >va ; va>ka .
My attempt to interpret the Sumerian lexicon strongly suggests that the
Sumerian words are words of pure Tamil - language - which is currently in vogue in Tamil Nadu
- India. The letters are jumpled in a given word . Hence the words are actually formulae – called
as suth’thiram or word puzzles and we have to find out the exact- correct -intended meaning
depending up on the context. Since the Tamil people used the suth’thiram -words to
communicate, both in writing and speaking, the Tamil language was called as suththira pasai by
the Sanskrit scholars in the ancient times.
Intrepreting the Tamil suth’thiram words; examples.
1.tol or tal in Sumerian language means language; tal is actually a suththiram word or formula
; tol has the basic composition-the- la- and the meaning of the suth’thiram word is Tamil
Mozhi ; hence the the name of the language of Sumeian people is Tamil language ; Mozhi
means language.
2. Sumerian god Marduk- has the composition- ma –Ra- the- ka—and the meaning of the word
is Thiru Murugan- Dravidian sun god.
* Positive correlation.
S- Sanskrit.
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*gàr, kàr: knob, pommel; hair lock on the back of the head (sign of a slave); cake; filled sack (of
?) = purse; used for round and high objects ('circular' + 'to send forth; to protect').
kar - has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is karumai - dark; karufoetus; karumi- miser; karmaiyana mayir - black hair ; uchchi mayir [ missing letter- sa-] .
*gar4[GUD/GUÐ]: early (the 'bull of the sun', Mercury, can only be seen right before sunrise;
cf., gu4-ud).
gar has the composition – ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is vaikarai - early morning;
*gara2,9,10, gar2,9,10,11,12: thick milk, cream; cheese (cf., ga-àr-ra) [GARA2 archaic
frequency: 106;
concatenation of 2 sign variants] .
gara - has the composition - ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is karavai [ maadu]- giving
more quantity of milk of quality; kaaram pasu- the cow breed that gives more milk ; karaka
- milking .
*gir, kir: cow or mare of intermediate age; a fish, possibly a carangid (ki,'place', + ir(2), 'fluid
secretion') [GIR archaic frequency: 28; concatenation of 4 sign variants] .
kir- has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is vansiram meen[ missing
letter- sa-]- king fish/seer ; karuvaadu -- salted dry fish ; kari meen- tilapia ; keerai meenyellow tuna.
kir- has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is siru neerakam- kidney [
missing letter- sa-] ; siru neer- urine.
kir- has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is karavai maadu - milk
yielding cow [ missing letter- the -] .
kir- has the composition - ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is keeri- mongoose ; kaarampasu - a cow breed which gives more milk .
*gir4, kir13: kiln (for lime or bitumen); oven (cf., udun) (ki,'place', + ara4, 'to shine, blaze') [GIR4
archaic frequency: 1].
kir- has the composition - ka - Ra - and the meaning of the word is kari mun – black soilkarisal mun- agricultural land.
*gir10, gi9, ge9[NE]: anger, fury (compare bir9).
ge ne - has the composition - ka - an- and the meaning of the word is kanivu- kind;
naguka- smile .
giri11, *gir11[KEŠDA]: to be tidy, neat (cf., hir) (gi4,'to restore', + ri, 'to sweep away').
giri- has the composition- ka – Ra – and the meaning of the word is karai- dirty; karai yaei
neekkka- remove the dust ; neekkuka - to remove.
gir11[KEŠDA] has the composition – ka - Ra - - ka - the- sa- the- and the meaning of the word
is Kaarai- saanthu Kattidam - lime stone building.
gir11[KEŠDA] has the composition – ka - Ra - ka - the- sa- the- and the meaning of the word is
sattai karai yaei thanni uooththi neekkuka-remove the stain from the shirt by washing in
the water ; sattai- shirt; karai- stain; thanni- water; uooththi- to pour ; neeekuka- to remove.
(urudu)*gur10,14; ur4: n., copper sickle (semi-circle + flowing motion).
v., to reap, harvest; to pluck; to shear (sheep); to gather in; to catch (in a net); to gather
together; to join in
assent (probably reduplication class) (cf., saña11[KIN]).
gur has the composition- ka- Ra- and the menaing of the word is urikka- to peel / to shear ;
saeruka - to join to gether[ missing letter- sa -]; aruvaa - sickle; aru vadai - harvest [
missing letter- the -] ; ner aruvadi - harvesting rice grain[ missing letter- the -] .
*gar ; n. storeroom; form; appearance .
gar has the composition- ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is uruvam - figure/ appearance.
gar has the composition- ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is kuthir- store room [ missing
letter- the -] ; kaai kari vaikkum arai - the store room for keeping vegetables ; arai- room;
kaai kari- vegetables; vaikkum- to keep .
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*gíri, gír: n., knife, dagger, sword; thorn; scorpion; lightning flash; road; expedition, trip (giš,
'tool', +
ra, 'to strike, stab, slay' with vowel harmony) [GIR2 archaic frequency: 114].
v., to stab; to fulgurate, lighten, flash.
giri- has the composition- ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is keeri- a kind of knife ;
keeru- to injure; aruvaa- sickle ; uoor kaana - to go the village .
*gìri, gìr: n., foot, feet; step; way, path (giš, 'tool', + uru9, 'support'; úr, 'leg(s)'; cf., gidri and
gušur for similar and different phonetic developments).prep., via.
giri -has the composition- ka - Ra - and the meaning of the word is karam- hand; karimountain .
*giri16, gir16 [GÌR×KÁR]: fortress, refuge.
giri- has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is giri- mountain .
GÌR×KÁR- is the Kara Koram / kariya - ko Aran-dark blue mountain as the natural fortress .
*har, àr, ur5: n., millstone; ring; link (in a chain); coil or spiral of silver or other precious metal
can be worn as a ring or bracelet and was used as money (cf., kín, kikkin, hara,
ara3,5, ur5) (many small explosions + sliding motion) [UR5 archaic frequency: 34; concatenation
of 2 sign
variants] .
v., to chew.
adj., small; young.
har- has the composition - ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is aravai- mill stone ;
aravam- snake; arai- room; arai- half.
har- ar - has the composition- ka- Ra - Ra - and the meaning of the word is arai-- gnankaiyuru - waist belt [ made of silver or gold] ; thanka arai gnan kayiru- waist belt made of
gold; thankam- gold .
*hara, ara3,5: n., miller (reduplicated þar/àr, 'millstone').
v., to pulverize (in a mortar); to destroy; to make groats.
adj., ground, milled, crushed, pulverized.
hara has the composition - ka Ra - and the meaning of the word is aravai – mill ; aravaanaravaani - snake god and snake goddess.
*hur, ur5[hAR]: n., hole; limb, stem, handle (hù, ten, + ra, 'to impress into clay', where a round
was the symbol for 10).
v., to scratch, draw, sketch, inscribe, outline; to grind; to dig (many small explosive sounds + ùr,
'to drag').
hur - has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is karam- arm .
hur - has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is araikka- to grind.
hur - has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kar vettu [ missing letterthe -] - stone inscription.
hur - has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is keeru- to scratch; keeru to inscribe; kuri- genitals [ opening ] ‘ ‘1’ is the phallus and ‘0’ is the vagina .
*kar: n., embankment; quay-wall; mooring-place; harbor; marketplace; port authority (place +
water + to
flow, send, take, drive away; cf., kur9, 'entrance') [KAR archaic frequency: 7].
v., to take away; to steal; to raid, capture, pillage; to escape, run away; to avoid.
kar - has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is karai- pier- harbor;
kaarai- lime stone; viraika - to go with speed; vaaruka - to take .
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*kìr[LAGAB]: to nip off (clay) (ki, 'earth', + ur4, 'to shear, reap'; cf., kud, kur5; and kid2,7, 'to
kìr- LAGAB - has the composition- ka- Ra - la – ka – pa - and the meaning of the word is
muththiya nel kathirai aruvadai pannum kaalam -[ missing letter- the -] the time to reap
the rice grain ; nel kathir- rice grain; aruvadai- harvest ; kaalam- time.
kìr- LAGAB - has the composition- ka- Ra - la – ka – pa - and the meaning of the word is killu
keerai yena enneai nee enni paarkaathae [ missing letter- the -] do not look me down/ do
not underestimate me.
kìr- LAGAB - has the composition- ka- Ra - la – ka – pa - and the meaning of the word
is paluththa koopplaththai aruvai kaththi kondu keeri viduka [ missing letter- the -]
cut open the pustule with the knife .
*kiri3,4, kir4, giri17: nose; muzzle (of an a nimal); hyena (cf., kir6,4) (ki, 'place', + ir, 'smell').
giri- has the composition - ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is keeri - mongoose.;
kurangu- monkey.
*giškiri6: orchard, garden, palm grove (ki, 'place', + ru5, 'to send forth shoots, buds, or
giškiri has the composition - ka - [- sa- ]- the - ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is thennai /
panai mara thoppukku pokum paathai [ missing letter- pa -] - the way to go the coconut
grove / palam grove; santhanamara kaadu- sandal wood forest ; thaekku mara kaadu - teak
wood forest .
giškiri has the composition - ka - sa- the - ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is kari kattai burnt word ; keerai kaadu - garden of greens ; keerai kattu- bundle of greens; sakkarai
katti- sugar cubes.
giškiri has the composition- ka-[- sa -] -the- ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is kaai kari
thottam - vegetable garden; kaai kari- vegetables; thottam- garden.
*kur: n., mountain; highland; (foreign) land; the netherworld (ki,'place', + ùr, 'roof, mountain
pass'/úr, 'root,
base') [KUR archaic frequency: 145; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
v., to reach, attain; to kindle; to rise (sun).
kur - has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kuru- shoot; kooru- to
say; kari- mountain ; kunru - hill; koorai - roof.
*kur9, ku4: n., entrance (ki,'place', + ùr, 'entrance').
v., to enter; to bring; to deliver (-ni- specifies delivery location); to enter before someone (with
prefix); to let enter (with -ni-); enter into the presence of (with -ši-); to turn round, turn into,
(with -da-) (singular [?] reduplication class stem; cf., sun5).
ku- has the composition - ka - and the meaning of the word is vaai- mouth ; vaai- yil –
*giš/urudu)mar, gar7: n., wagon; winnowing shovel; spoon (ma(3); gá,'to go', + flowing motion;
marru "shovel; spade"; Orel & Stolbova #1738 *mar- 'hoe') [MAR archaic frequency: 117;
concatenates 2 sign
variants] .
v., to sow, scatter; to coat, apply; to don; to immerse; to enclose, lock up.
giš/urudu has the composition- ka - ta/sa- Ra - the- and the meaning of the word is urutu
kattai- -well shaped wood of good length; kaattu siruthai - wild cheetah; Dravida Kottai;
Dravida Kodi- the flag of Dravidan people; veerathi kattu- prove your courage ; varanda
kaadu- dry land ; kaetta varam.
giš/urudu has the composition- ka - [-sa -]- the - Ra - the- and the meaning of the word is
kuthirai vandi - the vagon drawn by horses ; kuthirai- horse; vandi -wagon .
giš/urudu has the composition- ka - [-sa -]- the - Ra - the- and the meaning of the word is
thaer odum veethi - the temple car street ; thaer - temple car; odum- to run; veethi- street
giš/urudu has the composition- ka - [-sa -]- the - Ra - the- and the meaning of the word is sirai
koddaththai mooduka/adaikka - close the prison ; sirai koodam- prison; mooduka - to close
giš/urudu has the composition- ka - [-sa -]- the - Ra - the- and the meaning of the word is
thanneeril moozhka adikka - to drown in the water [ missing letter- la -] ; thanneer- water;
moozhka - to immerse/ drown .
giš/urudu has the composition- ka - [-sa -]- the - Ra - the- and the meaning of the word is
thaekku mara sedi yaei tharaiyil naduka - plant the teak wood plant; thaekku maram- teak
wood; sedi- plant; naduka- to plant[ missing letter- la -] .
giš/urudu has the composition- ka - [-sa -]- the - Ra - the- and the meaning of the word is
veettu suvaril vanna saaayaththai thadavuka - to apply colour to the wall of the house[
missing letter- la -] ; veettu suvar- wall of the house; vannam- color; thadavuka - to apply.
mar; mur: worm; earthworm.
mur -has the composition- ma- Ra- and the meaning of the word is erumai- buffalo.
*mer(2), mir(2); gùr: n., storm wind; violent storm; north(wind); anger; belt, waistband; an
encircling snake (var. of gùr) (me3,6,7,9,'battle', + to flow / circle + ur, 'to surround') [MER
frequency: 48; concatenates 2 sign variants] .
v., to blow fiercely; to get angry.
adj., fierce, angry, furious.
mer - has the composition -ma -Ra -and the meaning of the word is maari- furious rain/
shower; aravam- snake[ missing letter ka-]; mani yaaram- necklace .
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*mur10, mu4: to clothe; to dress oneself (reduplication class [?]) (mu10,'woman', + ur, 'to
mur- has the composition ma- Ra- and the meaning of the word is marai - to cover; to
conceal .
*muru5[MÍ.U4.RU6 = SAL.UD.EDIN]: brother-in-law (mu10,'woman', + rù, 'equal in rank').
mura- has the composition- ma- Ra- and the meaning of the word is marumaan - son –inlaw;
manthiri - minister - next in rank to the king; munthiri - cashew.
*muru9: fog, mist, haze (mi,'to be dark', + to flow).
muru - has the composition ma- Ra and the meaning of the word is mari- to block ; maraiconceal; marai - not clear to the eyes; mari- sheep; muri- to break .
*muru--x [GI.KID.MAH]: reed mat.
GI.KID.MAH- has the composition - ka - ka - the - ma - ka- and the meaning of the word is maeka kootam koodi – dark clouds have come to give maari - maru- furious rain.
GI.KID.MAH- has the composition - ka - ka - the - ma - ka- and the meaning of the word is
keeththu kottakai kondu mudainthta maadi veedu - reed house; keeththu kottaki- read
tent ; veedu- house.
muru has the composition- ma- Ra - and the meaning of the word is muram - reed plate .
*nar: singer; musician (loan from Akkadian naaru II, "musician", which derives from Akk. naaru
I, "river" in
the same way that Sumerian *nab means both "ocean" and "musician") [NAR archaic
frequency: 69].
nar- has the-composition- an- Ra- and the meaning of the word is arignar - scholar.
nab has the composition- an -pa and the meaning of the word is paanan- the musician.
*sar, šar: n., vegetable(s) [SAR archaic frequency: 102; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
v., to insert, enter; to begin; to write; to pay, deliver punctually; to disturb someone; to drive
(with -ni-); to
drive, chase away (with -ta-); to make hurry, run (to be skilled, precise + flowing motion; for 'to
away', cf., ús, 'to follow, drive', but meaning probably derives from the act of chasing vermin
from the
vegetable garden, cf., kar for such a progression from the noun to the verb).
sar -has the composition- sa-Ra - and the meaning of the word is sariyaana naeram- correct
time ; surai [ kaai]- a vegetable; virika- to make fast[ missing letter- ka-] sara sara - - adj for speedy writing or the speedy moving of the snake; saeru clay; saeru to have sex; saeru
- to unite ; saaru- juice; Rasan- king; rasam- soup; rassiyam- kingdom; suriyan- sun; rusitaste ; sura – saaraaym- alchoholic beverage.
*sír: n., density.
adj., dense; weak, feverish (si; su; sa; sa5,'to be full; to grow weak', + ir(10), 'sweat').
sir- has the composition -sa – Ra - and the meaning of the word is suram- fever.
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*šár, sár: n., totality, all; world; horizon; ball, counter, token; the number 3600 = 602 (many,
much + àr,
'ring, coil').
v., to be many; to multiply or mix (with -da-); to make abundant; to slaughter; to request,
(reduplication class).
adj., numerous; innumerable.
sar - sar- has the composition- sa -Ra -sa-Ra- and the meaning of the word is sara saram –
anda - sara saram- universe - all- total ; saram- beads of hanging stars [ garland] ; saarai
snake; rasan- king; arasai- queen ; arasu- state, government; sirai- prison; sarai- to shave;
suryan - sun- sooran- sun.
*lúšár: a military officer = commander of 3600.
lúšár- has the composition - la - sa- Ra – and the meaning of the word is - arasalum Rasa Rasan- king of the sovereign state.
*šar8 [NI]: to interpret, explain.
šar8 [NI]- has the composition -sa- the -Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is rasaathi
rasan- king of kings; chanthiran- moon ; sariyaana arththam enna - what is the right meaning
; sariyaana - right one ; arththam- meaning ; enna - what .
šir, sir4: testicles (many + to go out + to flow; cf., hir, nir, and giš2,3) [ŠIR archaic frequency:
24;concatenates 2 sign variants] .
šir has the composition- [- sa-]- the - Ra- and the meaning of the word is neer odai- stream .
*šìr[EZEN]; šur: n., song; lament (Orel & Stolbova #2258 *sir-/*sur 'sing').
v., to sing.
šìr[EZEN] - has the composition – sa- Ra- sa –an- and the meaning of the word is EsanSaeyon- in--- swaram – the musical Ragam .
*tar: v., to cut; to decide; to determine; to inquire; to smoke; to break, destroy (ta, 'from', +
ur4, 'to shear,
reap'; cf., dar and nam...tar) [TAR archaic frequency: 56; concatenates 2 sign variants]
tar -has the composition -the -Ra - and the meaning of the word is aruthu - cut; uruthidefinite.
*tir: forest, grove, thicket (ti, 'arrows' + ùr, 'beams, rafters'; early example of asyndetic
tir has the composition- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is mara vittam - wooden beam
tir has the composition- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is thaekku mara kaadu-[
missing letter- ka -] teak wood forest; kathir- sun ray .
tir has the composition- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is thennai mara thoppu [
missing letter- pa -] coconut grove .
*tur: n., child; young (of herd animals); second in rank (tu, 'to be born', + ùru, 'to watch, guard,
[TUR archaic frequency: 272].
v., to be/make small; to be insufficient; to reduce.
adj., small, little, young.
Addition of the letter – sa- to the word -tur -will give the meaning sirithu- small.
tur -has the composition- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is erandamm nilai - 2nd rank
/position[ missing letter- la -]; eranddam sthannam [ Sanskrit]- false interpretation .
tur -has the composition- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is manthiri - minister- 2nd
rank to the king.
*tùr; tur5: birth-hut; byre; sheepfold, pen; stable; a frequent metaphor for a temple, sanctuary
tur) [TUR3 archaic frequency: 121; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
tur- has the composition- the Ra - and the mea ning of the word is thuram- distance ;
menstrual period –[ hut] .
Addition of the letter- ka to the word -tur - will give the meaning thurikai – pen.
*tur5, tu: n., newborn; weakness; sickness.
v., to be or become sick.
adj., weak; sick.
tur- has the composition -the – Ra and the meaning of the word is varuth’tham- -- to feel sad.
*zar, zur4, sur8: to tap, pour; to spout, flow; to exude; to spin (a cocoon) (cf. the graphically
similar sign, sug8) (repetitive motion + to flow) [? ZAR archaic frequency: 15; concatenates 4
sign variants] .
zar has the composition- sa – Ra- and the meaning of the word is sar-nnu - adj- for the
speedy running/ - flow -- of water – or of a person- the speed as that of the Rasan- the
Suriyan- the sun .
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*(giš)zar: wagon shaft (cf., za-ra) (Akkadian loanword from ,serru(m) II).
(giš)zar: has the composition ka - [-sa-] -the- [-sa-] - Ra - and the meaning of the word is siriya
raasaudaiya kuthirai vandi - horse cart of the king .
(giš)zar: has the composition ka - sa-the- sa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is sakkari katti
- sugar cubes; soora Kottai- the fort of the sooran; Sakkara kattai- the wagon shaft .
*zara5, zar5; sir5; sur: to spin, twine (yarn or thread); to roll up (repetitive motion + to flow).
zara is the - adj – for speed - sarrnnu .
*dusu: transportation basket, used in working at the lower levels in excavating a canal; corvée
(du, 'to walk',
+ si;su, 'to fill up').
dusu- has the composition - the - sa- and the meaning of the word is sum-matti -- sat’tibasket- pot used for constructions of buildings. .
*dúsu [ANŠE.LIBIR]: an ass or equid used as a draft animal in front of plows and wagons (du,
walk', + usu, 'strength').
dúsu - ANŠE.LIBIR has the composition- the- sa- an -sa -the- la pa- Ra - and the meaning of the
word is Saeyon in simmaasana
meththai- siruththai puli - the throne mattress of the sun god - panther; siruththai pili panther .
dúsu has the composition- the -[-sa-] - and the meaning of the word is maadu - cow.
kisi: chamber pot (kàš, 'urine', + si14, 'a small pot').
kisi - has the composition ka - sa- and the meaning of the word is - kanji – rice porridge .
kisi - has the composition -ka - sa- and the meaning of the word is sokka paanai [ missing
letter- pa -]
kàš has the composition- ka -sa- the - and the meaning of the word is chinna kudam- small
pot; chinna- small ; kudam- pot.
kàš has the composition- ka -sa- the - and the meaning of the word is siru neer kudam- urine
pot; siru neer- urine ; kudam- pot [ missing letter- Ra -] .
*mes, mèš: young man; prince; son; hackberry tree in the elm family (me, 'endowment', + usu,
Akkadian loanword - meesu I, 'hackberry tree'; cf., Orel & Stolbova #1766 *mi’es- 'tree') [MES
frequency: 32].
mèš has the composition- ma- sa- - and the meaning of the word is machhan- brother- in law;
Sem- Maadan - red bull- Maadu- duma- the son; aasami- person ; samy god. .
*sisi (ANŠE.KUR.RA): horse (reduplicated si, 'to stand upright').
KUR.RA - has the composition - ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is kurungu - monkey.
ANŠE.KUR.RA means Esan- Saeyon - in- Aasanm- ‘ throne- kurunku .
*giš, geš: n., tree; wood; wooden implement; scepter; tool; organ; plow; natural phenomenon
(describes a trunk that goes out into many branches and leaves) [GIŠ archaic frequency: 381].
adj., describes an animal assigned to the plow (sometimes giš-šè).
geš- has the composition - ka - sa /ta and the meaning of the word is kattai- wood; senkattai- red wood; sen –kottai - red fort.
*giš2,3, geš2,3, &uš: penis; man (self + to go out + many; cf., nitaþ(2) and šir) [GIŠ3 archaic
16; concatenation of 2 sign variants; UŠ archaic frequency: 101; concatenates 2 sign variants] .
giš- has the composition- ku- an -sa- and the meaningof theword is kunji – male genitals.
uš- has the composition - sa- and the meaning of the word is sunni - penis.
*gáš; gaš4: lower abdomen; loins; back; thigh (numerous + foundation, base).
gáš; has the composition - ka - [-sa-]- the- and the meaning of the word is adi vayiru - lower
abdomen; adi- low; vaitru- abdomen ; missing letter- Ra-]; muthuku - back; kattidaththin
adimaanam - base of the building ; kattidam- building ; adimaanam - base.
*huš: v., to be angry (compare guz, þuz).
adj., furious, terrible, awesome; wild (said of animals); fiery red (Akk. ruššû).
huš- has the composition ka - sa- ans the meaning of the word is kaa-chu - to boilsymbolically it means angry mood.
*kaš, kás: beer; alcoholic beverage (ka, 'mouth', + áš, 'to desire') [KAŠ archaic frequency: 261;
kaš, has the composition - ka - sa- the- and the meaning of the word is kallu kudikka
yaenakku aasai - i have a desire to drink liquor; kallu- a kind of liquor ; kudikka- to drink;
enakku- for me; aasai- desire.
ka has the composition- ka and the meaning of the word is vaai- mouth.
*kàš: urine (an etymology involving še10, 'excrement', would have to be forced so much, that
the homophone
kaš, 'beer', with its similar appearance, probably replaced the use of a, 'water', to mean 'urine'
at some
kàš has the composition - ka -sa- the- and the meaning of the word is thanni yae soodukkaboil the water ; thanni yae kaachchi kudikka- drink the boiled water; kassayam kudikka drink the medicated water ; kusu vittan - he has passed flatus; thanni- water ; soodakku- to
heat; kaachchi- to boil; kudikka- to drink; kusu- flatus .
kàš has the composition - ka -sa- the- and the meaning of the word is siru neer kudam chamber pot [ missing letter- Ra -];
saaraththai kudikka- to drink arrack [ missing letter- Ra -]; saarayam- arrack; kudikka- to
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kiš, keš: totality, entire political world (name of the powerful city in the north of Sumer that
bound together and defended the cities of Sumer) (places + many) [? KIŠ archaic frequency: 46].
kiš, keš- has the composition- ka- sa/ta – and the meaning of the word is kottai kattubuilding the fort.
*kúš: to be tired; to be out of breath; to worry; to calm (kúš-(ù) in marû) (aka, 'to do, act', + úš,
kúš - has the composition -ka - sa/ta- and the meaning of the word is sukam kettu - bad
health; sukam- well being; asukam- illness. .
*kuš7: devastation, destruction; groom, valet, esquire, body-servant, boy (ki, 'place', + úš, 'to
kuš- has the composition- ka -sa/ta – and the meaning of the word is senkottai - the red fort;
kattai- wood ; sukam kettu- bad health; kottai- nut; kae’tta- came through the ears; kaeduketta- bad ; kitta- near by ; kuttan- boy.
*kúšu: turtle (cf., ŠIM×KÚŠU, where 'whale' must be meant) (ku6, 'fish', + šú, 'to cover') [? UÞ3
frequency: 14; concatenates 2 sign variants] .
kuš - has the composition- ka - sa/ta-- and the meaningof the word is mosa- kutti- harerabbit .
ŠIM×KÚŠU, is the mosa kunju - small- hare- rabbit .
*máš; maš: kid; he-goat [MAŠ2 archaic frequency: 60].
máš - has the composition- ma- sa /ta - and the meaning of the word is Sem/seemai - maaduthe red bull - the red sun.
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*peš: n., womb; palm frond; three [GIR archaic frequency: 28; concatenation of 4 sign variants]
(moist container +
páš - has the composition- pa -sa – and the meaning of the word is pochhu - vagina ; paesu-to
talk; pasu- cow; pasai- gum ; pachi- bird; paachi- breast.
*peš(7): child; son.
peš - has the composition - pa- [-sa-]- the - and the meaning of the word is peththu eduththa
paiyan - son who was delivered ; peththu- delivered; paiyan- son .
peš - has the composition - pa- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is petti- box; pottaibling; pettai- female ; patti- village- cattle yard; patti- strap ; pattinam- city; paattu- song;
pachha pattu- green color silk.
péš, píš: a type of edible mouse (probably derives from pèš, 'fig').
péš - has the composition – pa –[-sa -]– and the meaning of the word is pachha - green- Siva ;
pasu- cow; panni- pig .
giš pèš: fig; fig tree (moist container + šè, 'portion').
giš pèš - has the composition - ka - sa-the- pa - sa-the - and the meaning of the word is
sappai kattu- to rationalize; sappu kottu - lip smacking; pochhca kaattu- to expose the
genitals ; paesi kaattu- to tell ; patti kaadu- village; pasum- kattai- green wood ; sevappu [
saeppu] - kattai-- red wood; pasu koottam- cow herd; kitta paesu – to talk very near to
the person; kottai pattinam - walled city .
*peš4,13: n., river pebble .v., to be pregnant; to conceive.
peš has the composition- pa- sa- and the meaning of the word is pachha mani - dark greenshining stone ; pasu Mani - Siva; paesu- to have intercourse .
*peš5,6: n., deep breathing; scent; spider; combed wool, fluff (cf., aš(5), 'spider'). v., to breathe
deeply; to make an incision; to pluck apart; to comb and clean wool.
peš - has the composition- pa – sa- and the meaning of the word is pae-chhu - speech;
moocchu paechu – breathing and speech sippi ; shell; sembu- copper; seppu- to tell;
poochi - insect; aš is the attai poochi - insect .
piš10, peš10; peš x(KI.A): shore, river bank.
piš- has the composition - pa –sa/ta - and the meaning of the word is pattinam- city ;
peš x(KI.A) is the kaya[l ] pattinam - the city on the banks of the river or the sea shore.
*púš: pain; tightness; difficult circumstances (derives from peš4, 'to be pregnant').
peš- has the composition pa – sa- and the meaning of the word is paesu- to have sexual
relationship; subam- happy ending .
*šeš, šes: brother; brethren; colleague [URI3=ZATU-595 archaic frequency: 77; concatenates 2
sign variants] .
šeš- has the composition sa – ta - and the meaningof the word is chaettan- elder brother.
šeš, ses: n., myrrh (reduplicated eš, 'to anoint').
*šuš(2), šu2,4: to overthrow; to throw down; to go down; to set, become dark, be overcast
(said of the
sun); to cover (with -da-) (reduplication class) (reduplicated šu, 'hand'; cf., šub) [ŠUŠ2 archaic
šu2 - has the composition -sa- and the meaning of the word is veesu =- to throw down.
*téš[UR]: n., sexuality, sex; shame, modesty; all kinds, all sorts; each of them (te, 'to approach',
+ áš, 'to
desire'; cf., ašte).
v., to feel ashamed.
adv., together (often with suffix -bi, -ba or -e).
téš[UR]- has the composition- the - sa/ta- Ra – and the meaning of the word is saernthu united/ intercourse ; chirantha- superior quality .
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nita: (cf., nitah).
nita - has the composition- an- the - and the meaning of the word is naattiyam; natanam –
dance .
nitah - has the composition- na -the – ka- and the meaning of the word is Naatakam - drama.
*šita, èšda: clean; bathed; a priest (eš, 'to anoint', + ta, dá, 'by means of'/dé, 'to pour, water')
archaic frequency: 373; concatenates 7 sign variants] .
šita, has the composition – sa- ta - and the meaning of the word is thooimai- clean/pure ;
chuth’tham [S] - clean [ wrong interpretation of the original Tamil word thooimai .
*(giš)šíta, ešda: mace (úš, 'to kill', + ta, dá, 'by means of') [EŠDA archaic frequency: 26].
úš, is the word -sudu- to fry ; to kill .
(giš)šíta, has the composition- ka - sa-the - sa- the- and the meaning of the word is
thandaayuththai kondu avanai adikka- to beat him with the mace ; thandayutham- mace;
adikka- to beat .
(giš)šíta, has the composition- ka - sa-the - sa- the- and the meaning of the word is kaththi
sandai ittu avanai saakadikka vaendum - kill him in a sword fight ; kaththi sandai- sword
fight ; saakadikka - to kill .
*šita5, šit, šid, šed: n., measure; number (šè, 'portion', + ta, dá, 'nature, character').
v., to count; to consider; to calculate, figure out; to memorize; to recite; to read aloud.
šita- has the composition- sa – the- and the meaningof the word is saththamaaka vaasi [
missing letter- ka-] - read aloud; saththammaka - loudly; vaasi- read.
šita- has the composition- sa – the- and the meaningof the word is saththamaaka othu recite loudly ; othu- to recite.
šita- has the composition- sa – the- and the meaningof the word is manapaadam sei - to
memorize [ missing letter- pa -].
šita- has the composition- [-sa-] – the- and the meaning of the word is ettu - eight.
šita- has the composition- sa – the- and the meaningof the word is sitti - a measure for
quantifying grain ; sitta- land registration document; thachhan- carpenter.
*gaz(2): n., powder; break, fracture; war (chamber + repetitive motion; cf., [giš]naga3,4,
nagX[GAZ, KUM]).
v., to crush; to kill, slaughter (with -da-); to vanquish, defeat.
gaz- has the composition- ka- sa- and the meaning of the word is kasakku - to crush.
*gazi: a spice - cassia, used on meat ('let it breathe'; Akk. kasû II) [GAZI archaic frequency: 14].
gazi- has the composition- ka –sa and the meaning of the word is kasa kasa- poppy seeds.
*nuz, nus: egg (na4,'pebble', + uz/us,'goose', cf. also, nunuz).
nus - has the composition - an- sa- and the meaning of the word is sinai- pregnant animal;
karu muttai in Tamil is ovum /egg.
*meze: a type of drum (function + repetitive noise).
meze could be - mele - and the meaning of the word is Maelam- drum.
*ziz: moth (Akk. loanword from saasu , 'moth' and ašaašu , 'moth', cf., Orel & Stolbova #1034
*‘açuç- 'insect').
Addition of the letter - pa- to the word - ziz— will give the meaning- poochhi- insect.
*zíz[ÁŠ]: emmer (wheat) (reduplicated zé or zi).
zíz[ÁŠ] has the composition- [-sa -] - the -[-sa-]- and the meaning of the word is kothumai wheat [ missing letter is ka -].
*zìz: a crop-devouring insect (see etymology for ziz).
Addition of the letter- pa -with the word -zìz- will give the meaning - poochhi - insect .
*abgal(2): sage, wise man, wizard (abba, 'elder', + gal, 'great') [ABGAL archaic frequency: 31].
abgal- has the composition- - pa- ka – la- and the meaning of the word is perum arivaali [
missing letter- Ra-] - wise man .
abgal- has the composition- - pa- ka – la- and the meaning of the word is pakalavanMurugan- Marduk - sun god ; Kabali - lord Siva; kalappai- plough .
*abrig: a purification priest (a, 'water', + barag, 'ruler; throne') [ABRIG archaic frequency: 9].
abrig - has the composition- - pa- Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is kovil poosaari temple priest[ missing letter- sa and- la -] ; kovil- temple; poosaari- priest .
abrig - has the composition- - pa- Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is Abraham –
Murugappan- name of the priest for the god Murugan- Marduk .
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*abzu: the 'sentient' sea - the sea personified as a god (aba/ab, 'sea' + zu, 'to know') [ABZU
archaic frequency:
abzu has the composition - pa- sa-- and the meaning of the word is Pachhai Appan - lord
Siva- pachhai. Pachhai appan had corrupted to become the Greek- Poseidon- god of sea.
*adamen(2,3): argument; fight.
adamen- has the composition -–the- ma- an- and the meaning of the word is maanithan-man;
Aathi- manithan- human being; aththai maaman- uncle and aunt; Athiya maan - name;
Manmathan- Siva - god of love .
adamen- has the composition -–the- ma- an- and the meaning of the word is muththina
vaakku vaatham-[ missing letter- ka -]- full blown argument ; vaakku vaatham- arguement
agam: swamp (a, 'water', + gam, 'to decline, incline').
agam- has the composition - a- ka- ma – and the meaning of the word is- maegam- clouds;
akam- inner- mind .
*agar(2,3), ugar: field; commons [AGAR2 archaic frequency: 16].
agar(2,3), ugar: has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kaani karaifarm lands .
agar(2,3), ugar: has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is akkarai- ikkaraithis side and that side of the river or the agricultural land .
*agarin(2,3): father; mother; womb.
agarin has the composition - –ka- Ra -an - and the meaning of the word is makanai
undaakkiyavar - the one who has produced the son ; makan- son; undaakkiyavar- one who has
agarin has the composition - –ka- Ra -[-an ]- and the meaning of the word is karuka mani- black
colored necklace;. Karuvakam /karuvarai - womb; mani karu- abnormal foetus .
*agar x[IM×IM; IM.DUGUD]: heavy rain shower, cloudburst (a, 'water', + gar, 'to accumulate;
to deposit').
agar- IM×IM; has the composition- –ka- Ra - ma- and the meaning of the word is kaar maegam - dark clouds filled with water drops.
*agrig: steward, superintendent (ága, 'to measure; to check', + rig7, 'to deed, grant').
agrig- has the composition- -ka –Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is uyar athikaari higher official [ missing letter - the -] .
agrig- has the composition- -ka –Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is muriyaana kanakkai
kooruka- tell the correct account .
agrig- has the composition- -ka –Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is vaelai kaaran servant [missing letter- la-].
agrig- has the composition- -ka –Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is kaarikai- woman.
*akani, akan: udder.
akani- has the composition - ka- an- and the meaning of the word is munda kanni- the
goddess; Mukkani- three fruits; mukkannan- Siva; kanivaai- sweet and pleasant; kanavaaimoutainpassage; kan- eye; konkai- breast .
*akkil: lamentation, ritual wailing.
akkil- has the composition - ka -la - and the meaning of the word is alugu - to cry ; kavalaisorrow ; alukku- dirt; akilam- universe; akil- a kind of aromatic wood ; kalagam- riot.
alad: a life force; a male protective spirit.
alad - has the composition – la-the - and the meaning of the word is thozhan - friend[ male
form] ; thozhi is the female form.
*alag, alan, alam, ál: image, statue; figure, appearance [ALAN archaic frequency: 51;
concatenates 6sign variants] .
alag, has the composition- la- ka - and the meaning of the word is alagan- handsome youthMarduk- Thiru Murugan; alagu- beauty; azhaku silai - beautiful statue ; azhaku- beautiful ;
silai- statue .
alag, has the composition- la- ka - and the meaning of the word is veli uruvam [ missing letterRa -] - external appearance .
*alal: pipe, conduit, gutter; pipe for making libation offerings to the deceased (a, 'water', + lal,
'lift, carry').
Addition of the letter- ka – to the word -alal- will give the meaning - kulal – pipe; allal difficulty; vallal- philanthropist.
*alim: wild ram; bison; aurochs; powerful [ALIM=ZATU-219 [GIR3] sign per P. Steinkeller,
archaic frequency: 73;
concatenation of 3 sign variants] .
alim -has the composition – a- la- ma - and the meaning of the word is - Eaelu malai ;
Malaiaali ; malai eli- wild rat .
*allal-x, alla: net, seine; crab.
alla - has the composition - la - and the meaning of the word is valai- net [ missing letter- ka
-] .
amagi(2,3),* mabi(2,3): ice.
mabi- has the composition- ma -pa – and the meaningof the word is pani boomi – Iceland.
*amar: calf; young animal (áma, 'wild cow mother', + re7, 'to accompany, plural') [AMAR
archaic frequency: 297].
amar - has the composition –ma- Ra – and the meaning of the word is –mari- sem mari- sheep.
*amaš: sheepfold, cattle-pen (é, 'house', + maš, 'goat').
amaš has the composition – - ma- sa-the – and the meaning of the word is maattu santhai cattle market ; sem/seemai maadu- the red bull. ‘Maadu’- is the bull and ‘aadu’ is the goat
. Samy- Maadu and Maada samy are related words.
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*ambar, abbar: marsh; reeds, canebrake (imi/im, 'clay, mud', + bar, 'to obtain').
ambar - has thecomposition – ma- pa--Ra - and the meaning of the word is panai mara
keetthtu - palm tree reed[ missing letter- ka- and -the -] .
ambar - has thecomposition – ma- pa--Ra - and the meaning of the word is pirambu- cane reed.
anše: male donkey; onager; equid; pack animal (an,'sky; high', + šè, terminative postposition =
'up to' =
'to raise up, carry') [ANŠE archaic frequency: 48; concatenates 4 sign variants;? KIŠ archaic
frequency: 46].
anše - has the composition - an- sa- the- and the meaning of the word is Esan- SaeyonAchhan- Aasaan- Sadayan- Aandi- Anjaa –nenjan-in Aasanam- throne or vandi- vehicle - the
animal or the bird being the throne or the vehicle of the sun god .
*anzalub: reed pulp.
anzalub has the composition - an - [-sa- ]- la - pa- and the meaning of the word is manja /
saeppu vaazhai pazham ; Paanchaali – proper name ; Solaiappan- proper name ; china
pazham - small fruit; china pillai; chaan pillai ; palani Malai cholai ; Palani Malai - saalai ;
anzalub has the composition - an - [- sa-]- la - pa- and the meaning of the word is thennam
paalai -bunch of tender coconut buds.
*anzud(2), anzu(2)-(d)[dIM.MI/DUGUDmušen]: a mythical giant bird; vulture, eagle [ANZU2
archaic frequency: 1].
anzud - has the composition – an- sa -the - and the meaning of the word is sadaiyan- the
giant bird - the sun god - jadaaiyu of Ramayanam
*gišapin: n., seeder plow (a, 'seed', + bun, 'to blow') [APIN archaic frequency: 181;
concatenates 3 sign variants] .
adj., describes a plow animal (also apin-šè).
gišapin- has the composition- ka –sa-the - pa -an - and the meaning of the word is vilai
/nansei nilaththai uzhuva uthavum kalappai kattai - the plough to plough the farm land .
gišapin- has the composition- ka –sa-the - pa -an - and the meaning of the word is panam –
kottai; panama – kattai ; punnai kaadu ;pannai kaadu ; kattap- pana- name of a place ; pani
katti- ice cube.
uarad(2), *urdu(2), ir3,11: (male) slave; servant; subordinate (Akk. loanword from *wardum,
slave, man-servant') [IR11 archaic frequency: 10].
urdu - has the composition- - Ra- the- -and the meaning of the word is theeran- warrior- a
man of courage.; uruthi- definite; virothi- enemy; varunthi- worried; Aathira- primordial fire ;
uthiram- blood; rath’thiri- night; marathi- forgetfulness; marunthu- medicine; virunthufeast; urundu- roll over; urundai- rounded; thuram- distance; tharun- name ; tharani- earth;
eruthi- final; arithu- rare.
wardum has the composition- va- Ra- the- ma - and the meaning of the word is raasavin
adimai - the slave of the king [ missing letter- sa -] ; raasa- king ; adimai- slave.
arala, arali: the netherworld (hara/àra, 'to pulverize', + la, 'youthful freshness and beauty').
arala, has the composition- Ra- la – and the meaning of the word is - malai aran- rock fort ;
arali- flower; aralai- stone; yaeral- water; urulai- roller; arul; erul- darkness; erul nilamdark land; Marulan- Marduk‘s priest; urulai -roller .
*arhuš: n., womb; compassion, pity (úr, 'base; root', + háš, 'lower abdomen').
v., to be sympathetic.
arhuš has the composition- –Ra- ka- sa- the and the meaning of the word is Thiru Muruganin
sannathi - the shrine of Marduk.
arhuš has the composition- Ra- ka- [-sa- ]-the- and the meaning of the word is karuvarai
koodam -the sanctum sanctoram ; karuvarai- womb; koodam- hall.
arhuš has the composition- Ra- ka- [-sa- ]-the- and the meaning of the word is thayavu
seithu karunai kaattuka - please be compassionate ; thayavu seithu - please ; karunai
kaattuka- be compassionate.
arhuš has the composition- Ra- ka- [-sa- ]-the- and the meaning of the word is adi vayeiru lower abdomen.
*giš-ásal, ásar: Euphrates poplar tree [ASAL2 archaic frequency: 16].
giš- ásar- has the composition- ka - [-sa -]-the- -[-sa-] - Ra - and the meaning of the word is
ven thaekku mara kattai - teak wood.
giš- ásar- has the composition- ka - -sa- the- -[-sa-] - Ra - and the meaning of the word is
santhana mara kaadu- sandal wood forest .
giš- ásar- has the composition- ka - sa -the- -sa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is sem
mara kattai- red wood or rose wood; ciru kootam- small assembly .
giš-ásal, has the composition - ka - sa-the -[-sa-]- la- and the meaning of the word is chola
kaadu - corn field.
*asilal(3,4,5): joy, gladness.
asilal- has the composition- -sa- la -la- -and the meaning of the word is ullasa ulla - merry
round ; ullaasam- joy .
*ašag, aša5 [GANÁ]: field, plot (cf., a-šà-(g)).
aša5 – has the composition- - sa- and the meaning of the word is nan sei nilam - farm land [
missing letter- la -] .
aša5 – has the composition- - sa- and the meaning of the word is esai- music.
GANÁ- has the composition ka – an - and the meaning of the word is kaanam- song .
Meaning of the word -ašag,- is esaikka - to play the music .
*ašgab: leather-dresser, currier (kuš, 'leather', + gúb, 'to cleanse').
ašgab- has the composition- sa- the - ka- ba- and the meaning of the word is thole aadai
seipavan[ missing letter- la -] - leather dresser ; thole aadai- leather dress ; seipavan- one
who does;
ašgab- has the composition- sa- the - ka- ba- and the meaning of the word is kasappu kadai- Butcher’s shop - meat shop. kaapu- kattu and kuppai kooti are related words.
ašgab- has the composition- sa-the - ka- pa- and the meaning of the word is aadu
maattunudaiya thole kondu vaelai seipavan - [ missing letter- la -] - one who does his work
with the skin of goat and cow; aadu- goat ; maadu- cow; thole- leather/skin ; seipavanone who does.
*aškud: wedge (as a device to bar a door); ramp (?).
aškud has the composition – sa-the - ka- the- and the meaning of the word is sankathiinformation; sakathi- mud; aattu kutti- young goat ; Sen kottai- red fort; kuchhi- kudisaihut ; katta vandi wooden cart; keda maadu - bull .
aškud has the composition – [-sa-] -the - ka- the- and the meaning of the word is maadi
padikattu- stair case [ missing letter- pa -] .
aškud has the composition – [-sa-] -the - ka- the- and the meaning of the word is kathavukku
muttu kodukkum kattai - wooden piece to bar a door ; kathavu- gate; muttu- to hold; kattaiwooden piece.
*ašte: need; necessity; desirable or beloved
object (áš, 'to desire', + te, 'to approach'; cf., téš).
ašte- has the composition- sa - the - and the meaning of the word is seithi- news; saathicaste; suudam- camphor; satte- pot; sutti- naughty ; sudu- to kill; suttu- to fry; saedi- plant;
daesam- contry ;dasi- follower; thisai- direction ; thachhan- carpenter; thoosi - dust.
ašte- has the composition- [-sa -]- the - and the meaning of the word is avasiamaanathu necessary [missing letter- ka -] ; thaevaiyaanathu - needy [ missing letter - ka -].
*lúazlag(2,3,4,5,6), ašlag: fuller, felt-worker; launderer (a, 'water', + zalag, 'to cleanse').
lúazlag has the composition- la -sa- la -ka – amnd the meaning of the word is odum aaththu
thanniyilae kaada thiniyae adiththu thuvaiththu azhukkai neeki thooimai aaki veiyalil
kaaya vaiththu velukkum vannan [ missing letter- the -] - the washer man who washes the
cloth in the flowing water of the river and dry in the hot sun ; aaththu thanni- river water;
thuni- cloth; thuvaiththu- to wash ; azhukkai neeki- to remove the dirt; thooimaiaakki- to
make it clean; veiyal- sunny; vannan- washer man .
lúazlag has the composition- la -sa- la -ka – amnd the meaning of the word is silai alagubeauty as that of the statue; meluku silai - wax- statue; kala saalai - school.
zalag has the composition- [-sa]- la- ka -and the mening of the word is azhukkai neekkuka remove the dust.
*babbar(2): bright; white; the rising sun (reduplicated bar6, 'bright, white') [UD archaic
frequency: 419].
babbar- has the composition- pa- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is purappadaum
suriyan - rising sun [ missing letter- sa -] ; purappadum- rising ; suriyan- sun ; pirappubirth; parappu- to spread out; parambu- high land; pirambu- cane – reed; appuram- later app- puram- other side.
*báhar: potter [BAÞAR2 archaic frequency: 50; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
báhar - has the composition- pa -ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is paanai seikira
kusavan - the potter [ missing letter- sa-]; paanai- pot; seikira- making ; kusavan- a name for
báhar - has the composition- pa -ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is kopparai- big pot/
vessel ; kooppu arai- documents room; karuppu- black.
*balag: lyre (?); drum (?); funeral song [? BALAG archaic frequency: 20].
balag- has the composition- pa -la -ka - and the meaning of the word is pullankuzhal - flute .
balag- has the composition- pa -la -ka - and the meaning of the word is manam kavalai kollum
pothu paadum paattu - [ missing letter- the -] - a song sung when the moond is dull - sad
song ; manam- mind; kavalai- sad; paadum- singing; paattu- song.
balag- has the composition- pa -la -ka - and the meaning of the word is palinku kal- alabastermarble; palagu- to move with; Balagan- Marduk- the boy; koppalam- pustule; kalaba mailwhite pea cock- the sun god; kallli paal; kulappam- confused; kulambu- gravi; kolambuhorse heel; pali makku- to sacrifice; kilambu - to start.
*bànda(da): young; junior; vigorous; impetuous; fierce; proud.
bànda - has the composition- pa- an –the- and the meaning of the word is en thambi - my
younger brother ; en - my; thambi- younger brother.
bànda - has the composition- pa- an –the- and the meaning of the word is pandam- things;
pantham- relationship; pindam- rice food; thin pandam- snack ; punitham- sacred ;
mandapam-sassembly hall’ panthi- feast; poonthi - sweet; Aandiyappn- lord Murugan .
*giš -banšur(2,3): table; container [? BANŠUR archaic frequency: 7; concatenates 5 sign variants
giš –banšur - has the composition- ka - sa- the- pa- an- sa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is
ven thaekku maram kondu seiya patta azhakaana vatta vadiva maesai - a beauiful rounded
white teak wooden table ; ven thaekku - white teak ; maram- tree/ wood; azhakaanabeautiful; vatta vadivam - circular in shape; maesai- table.
giš –banšur - has the composition- ka - sa- the- pa- an- sa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is
pancha sara katti - sugar cubes.
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*bappir(2/3): beer bread (a sweet and possibly pungent bread made from barley dough - mixed
with malt
[munu4] to make mash [titab] for beer); brewer [BAPPIR archaic frequency: 28; concatenates 6
variants] .
bappir – has the composition- pa- Ra- pa - and the meaning of the word is paal paniyaaram- a
sweet milky snack [ missing letter- la -] ; paal- milk.
bappir – has the composition- pa- Ra- pa - and the meaning of the word is poorippu - inner
joy; marippu- [screen] to conceal ; maaraappu - cloth to cover the chest; param porul- the
god; parambari- hereditary; parampariyam- ancient cultural habits or rituals; pirappubirth .
*barag, bára, bár; bara5,6: throne dais; king, ruler; cult platform; stand, support; crate, box;
sack; chamber, dwelling (container plus ra(g), 'to pack') [? BARA2 archaic frequency: 69;
concatenates 2 sign
variants; ? ZATU-764 archaic frequency 21].
barag has the composition- pa- Ra – ka- and the meaning of the word is upakaaram- help ;
nirkka paaru - try to stand ; perukum aatharavu- growing support [ missing letter- the -] ;
perumakan- royal person ; perukum- growing; aatharavu- support; paravai- bird; parakkato fly; kubaeran- Siva; por koburam- golden temple tower ; karuppu- black ; karpakamuterus; karpam - pregnant ; varappu- foot path in between the fields; veeraappu – silly
/anger; parikaaram- undoing ritual .
bara - has the composition- pa -Ra - and the meaning of the word is parani- star ; paran; high
land; parai mun- rocky land; para - to fly; paaram- heavy; paraman- god; perumaan- lord ;
perumai; famous; porumai- patience; pura- pigeon; puyram- side - outer area ; pari- to
snatch; puri - to do; pari- horse; paeru/ pae-yar - one’s name ; perum paeru - gifted.
*bárag, bàra, bàr [DAG]: nest [BARA3 archaic frequency: 13].
bàr [DAG] - has the composition- pa -Ra - the - ka-- and the meaning of the word is paravai
koodu - bird’s nest; pura koodu - pigeon’s nest; perum kudam- big pot; perum koottam- big
crowd ; perum koothu- great drama; perum kattidam- big building; parai katidam - stone
building perm kaathu- strom .
*barzil (AN.BAR): (meteoric) iron (ba r6, 'to shine', + zil, 'to cut, peel').
barzil -has the composition- pa- Ra - sa –la - and the meaning of the word is para sillu- rock
pieces- stone blocks.
bar6 has the composition- pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is irumbu - iron ; arumbuerumbu - parambu are related words.
*bibad[UZ.TUR]mušen: duck.
bibad[UZ.TUR]- has the composition- pa- pa- the - sa- the -Ra- and the meaning of the word
is pidi patta/ adi patta siruthai- ‘the cheetah which was captured or wounded ’ .
*billuda, biluda[PA.AN]: worship, cult, rite; ordinance.
billuda - has the composition- pa- la- the- and the meaning of the word is vazhi paadu worship[ missing letter- ka -] .
billuda - has the composition- pa- la- the- and the meaning of the word is pali aadu- the black
sheep to be sacrificed; pali yidu - to sacrifice; pathil - answer; pathiyila - in the middle;
paluth’tha - ripe; puluthi- dust; puluth-thi - the one who masturbates .
*giš-bugin: basket; trough.
bugigx, búgin: basket (for carrying food) (cf., bunig).
giš-bugin- and the meaning of the word is- ka –ta - pa- ka- an - and the meaning of the word
is en- poo koodai - flower basket; kaattu panni kutti- wild boar ; kaattu- anai pakanelephant trainer. kuttai pen kutti- short girl; an poth’thi kakka - protect others as one ;
protects one’s eyes; kan poth’thi kaattu- close your eyes; kambu katta- sticks and wood ;
kambu kaadu - corn field; panam- kaadu - palm field.
*bulug: shoot, sprout; barley malt; needle; awl; drill; seal pin; boundary post; border (bul, 'to
sprout', +
aka/ag, 'to do') [BULUG archaic frequency: 4].
bulug has the composition- pa- la- ka- and the meaning of the word is vaikol pull ; palinku kal alabaster; marble; pullaaki- from the shoots; pallan- guli- board game; kulambu - gravi ;
palakka- valakkam – habits and customs ; kuppai malai- dirt mound; palai vanam- desert
land; Palani Malai Palakan- Marduk; Gopalan; pulangu- to use; poo vaali ; vaalai poo .
bùlug: n., pupil, novice; foster child [BULUG3 archaic frequency: 19].
v., to grow; to grow big; to rear, make grow.
bùlug - has the composition- pa- la- ka- and the meaning of the word is Balagan- boy ;
palakku- to make it as a habbit; palagu- to move with; paallaaku - to damage; kabalam
cephalus; kalappai- plough ; koppalam- blister; pallakku; pulukkam - hot and humid;
pulukkai- excrete of the cattle; palukka- ripe- palukka- to burn as the thing gets red color;
kalabam ;kala pani- field work.
*buluh: to worry; to be nervous, frightened; to hasten, hurry; fright.
buluh- has the composition- pa- la- ka - and the meaning of the word is kulappam- to
confused; anxious .
*bunig x, punig x, bunin: bitumen-coated reed container (for carrying liquids), vat, tub
*(bún/buñx, 'blister; to be swollen', +* níg, 'valuables').
bunig- has the composition- pa –na- ka – and the meaning of the word is punnakai- beautiful
smile ; pon nakai- gold jewel ; panika- to obey ; kanippu- opinion- kanippu- cough ;
punnakku- food for the cattle; nakku – pun- blister of the tongue; paenuka- to save or to
protect ; pannuka - to do; kaali pani- morning dew; kalai pani - service to the arts;
Nagappan- name; kuppai mun - dirty soil .
nig is the nagai- the jewels ; bún is the punnu - blister.
buranun: Euphrates river (bu5, 'to rush around', + ra, 'to flood, overflow', + nun, 'great, noble').
buranun- has the composition- - pa- Ra- an- and the meaning of the river is porunai- RiverThamira parani - nathi - pari poorani nathi .
*dabin [ZÌ.ŠE]: coarse (?) barley flour.
dabin-[ ZÌ.ŠE ] has the composition- the- pa- an –and the meaning of the word is kothumai
maavu pandam- [ missing letter- ka-]- wheat flour snack ; kothumai- wheat; maavu- flour;
pandam- thing.
dabin-[ ZÌ.ŠE ] has the composition- the- pa- an –and the meaning of the word is thin pandameatables - snack ; echham - thin pandam- sei - make the snack from date fruit; echhi thin
bandam- the food handled by someone already.
*dadag [UD.UD]: v., to clean, clear (redupli cated dág, 'brilliant, clean').
adj., brilliant; pure; sacred.
dadag - has the composition- the- the- ka – and the meaning of the word is thooimaiyaana
thuni - clean cloth ; thooimai- clean; thuni- cloth .
dadag - has the composition- the- the- ka – and the meaning of the word is viduthi- hostel;
uduth’thi - to dress ; mun kattidam- building ; thadakam- pond.
dadag [UD.UD]- means aadai / udai uduth’thi -to dress oneself. ud- is udai - dress; veeduhouse.
*dagrim: fields, vicinity, precinct (cf., garim) (dag, 'resting place', + rim4, 'to run fast'; cf., barrim4).
dagrim - has the composition- the –ka- Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is kaaviri
aaththuoramaana maettu karai - near the banks of the river kaveri ; kaveri- river; aaru- river ;
oram- border; maettu karai - raised bank ; kamma karai oramaaka nadanthu vara - to walk
near the bank of the pool .
dagrim - has the composition- the –ka- Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is marakattaiwood ; kattu maram- kattu maran- boat ; marakkaathae- do not forget; marukkathae- do not
deny; marikaathae- do not conceal; Thiru murugan – Marduk ; kathir kiramam- place name;
karu mathee- remembering the dead ;
*dagal: n., width, breadth (da, 'side', + gal/gal, 'big') [AMA archaic frequency: 241; concatenates
2 sign variants] .
v., to widen, enlarge; .
adj., wide, broad; copious.
dagal - has the composition- the- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is akalam konda- broad
dagal - has the composition- the- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is valithakkuka - to
make it big .
dagal - has the composition- the- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is kollidam- wide place to receive the extra storage of things - like water. River kollidam of Trichy - receives the
extra water from river Kavery to prevent flooding; kaaladi- foot steps; kai adi - stone
throwing ; kal thoon- stone pillar; thakkali- tomato ; kalaithu - tired; kalith’tha- destroyed;
kalainthu- removed ; kalai edu- to remove the unwanted ; kaali edu- take your legs ; kalai
veedu- arts house.; veluththa- udai white cloth; athi kaalai- early morning; kalavathi- name
*dakkan, daggan: harem, living quarters, chamber (dag, 'dwelling', + gan, 'to bear').
dakkan- has the composition- the- ka- an- and the meaning of the word is veettin koodamthe hall of the house; veedu- house; koodam- hall
dakkan- has the composition- the- ka- an- and the meaning of the word is kandamcontinent ;’ kanda thundamaka vettu’- to cut the body in to head and body separately
theekannan - thakkan – kaathakan- kaathan- Ankathan- lord Siva ; kanhan- Murugan ;
kadukkan- ear ring ; vanthaan- he came; vaanthi vomiting ; thunika -to decide and go
forward with courage; kanthai thuni - damaged clothes. ; thanikai - the name of the
mountain of lord Marduk- Thiru Murugan ; than kai- one’s one hand.
*dalhamun: tornado; violent storm; duststorm; whirlpool; riot, revolt (dal, 'to fly', + þa-mun,
opposing or contrasting').
dalhamun has the composition- the- la – ka ma- an – and the meaning of the word is ka
Kamandalu , kamaṇḍalu
or kamandal or kamandalam is an oblong water pot made of a dry gourd (pumpkin)
or coconut shell, metal, wood of the Kamandalataru tree, or from clay, usually with a handle
and sometimes with a spout. Hindu ascetics or yogis often use it for storing drinking water. The
water-filled kamandalu, which is invariably carried by ascetics, is stated to represent a simple
and self-contained life.
The kamandalu also used in Hindu iconography, in depiction of deities related with asceticism
or water. It is, thus, viewed as a symbol of ascetism in Hinduism. The kamandalu is also used
by Jain monks and in depictions of some bodhisattvas.
Water in a kamandalu represents Amrita—the elixir of life—thus a symbol of fertility, life and
wealth . The kamandalu is often depicted in hands of gods, who appear as ascetics, like
Shiva and Brahma and also water deities like Varuna, Ganga (the goddess of the Ganges river)
and Sarasvati. Adi Shankaracharya’s ashtotaram hymn praises Shiva whose hand is adorned
with the kamandalu. Other deities like the fire-god Agni and the preceptor of the
gods,Brihaspati, are depicted carrying the kamandalu. The goddess Karamgamaladharini is
described as wearing a garland of kamandalus. The text Devi Mahatmya describes
goddess Brahmani slay demons by sprinkling holy water from her kamandalu. A 183–165 BC
coin depicts the god Krishna holding a kamandalu.
*dalhamun- confusion , disorder.
dal hamun has the composition - the- la- ka ma- an- and the meaning of the word is mandai
kulappam- confused mind- mental disorder. Thalai- means head and kulappam means
Page - 53.
danna, dana: road-length measure, 'march' = 30 UŠ = 21600 cubits = ca. 6.7 miles/10.8
double hour (twelfth part of a full day) = the time it takes to march a length of 1 danna
etymology from 'place of strength or safety') [DANNA archaic frequency: 2].
danna - has the composition - the- an- and the meaning of the word is adi kanakku - Tamil land length measurement ; adi- one foot- 30 cms; kanakku- measurement [ missing letterka -] .
danna - has the composition - the- - an- and the meaning of the word is anna danam - food
given as the gift; Thaanam- cool place/ gift; theenam - hot place ; thanam- breast .
*didila: very small, young.
didila- has the composition- the- the -la- and the meaning of the word is vidalai- youngadolescent[ missing letter- ka -] ; viduthalai- independence; thalai yidu- to interfere; vittu
tholai - leave it .
*didli: assorted, various; separate, individual, single (reduplicated dili).
didli- has the composition- the- the -la - -and the meaning of the word is thalai thalaiya [counting ] individual- single heads ; thalai means head.; thaliyil adi- hit on the head .
*digir, dingir: god, deity; determinative for divine beings (di, 'decision', + gar, 'to deliver').
dingir- has the composition- the- an- ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is Thiru muruganMarduk ; thinakaran - sun god .
*dilib - hair locks ( cf- dalla- beam dalla- needle and dul ; dal- to cover; clothe hide).
dili b- has the composition- the- la- pa - and the meaning of the word is thallippu - head .
dili b has the composition - the- la - pa- and the meaning of the word is pinniya thalai mudi
- plaited scalp hair.
dili b has the composition - the- la - pa- and the meaning of the word is parattai thalai uncombed hair [ missing letter- Ra-] ; parattai thaliyan - sun god .
*dilim , del- spoon [ dal- to fly- remove, + eme - tongue.
dilim - has the composition- the- la -ma - and the meaning of the word is Tamil - mozhi .
del- has the composition- the -la - and the meaning of the word is thol Mozhi - primordial –
oldest- ancient language; thiol- primordial; mozhi- language.
del- dilim means - thol mozhi yana - Tamil mozhi- classical language- Tamil.
*dilim- bun- funnel shaped bowel containing seeds for the drill plow .
dilim- bun - has the composition- the- la -ma - pa- an - and the meaning of the word is
vellaanmai [ vilai ] nilaththai kalai eduththa pinnae vithai nellai thoovam munnae uzhava
uthavum mmadu poottiya kalappai kattai- the plough drawn by bulls used to plough the farm
land before seeding [ missing letter- ka -]; vellaanmai- agriculture; nilam- land; uzhava- to
plough ; maadu poottiya -bull drawn ; kalappai- plough; kattai- wood ; vithai nellu- rice seed .
dilim- bun - has the composition- the- la -ma - pa- an - and the meaning of the word is
painthamil - eternally youthful language - Tamil.
*dilmun--ki: the island of Bahrain, noted for its sweet water springs (cf., tilmun) [DILMUN
frequency: 35].
dilmun—ki- has the composition- the- la –ma- an - ka - and the meaning of the word is nalla
kudi thanni kudikka kidaikkum theevu - the island where there is good drinking water; naal
thanni- drinking water; kidikka- to drink; theevu- island .
dilmun—ki- has the composition- the- la –ma- an - ka - and the meaning of the word is- ka
dimgul: mast (dim, 'to bond, tie', + gul, 'enormous').
*dimgul- has the composition- the -ma - ka – la - and the meaning of the word is malai
kal- thoon- stone pillar; kaaali maadu- buffalo ; kola/ kula/ kalai mathi- propername –
moon; adimai- kulam – slavery castes ; kal -maedu - mound; muttu kole - supporting
stick ; muttu kaal- knee joint; kaalay madi - fold your legs; kaaly mithi- press the legs;
kole moottu - to talk ill of others.
*dinig[KI.NE]: potash; salt; crucible, kiln, brazier; air vent (dè, 'ashes', + naga, 'potash').
dinig- has the composition- the- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is kanthakam - sulphur
dinig- has the composition- the- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is senka katti- brick
stone[ missing letter- sa]
dinig- has the composition- the- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is kaaththu ottaththin
vaendi - for air ventilation ; kaaththu- air; ottam- flow.
dinig- has the composition- the- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is naka devan - snake
dinig- has the composition- the- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is kannika-thanam giving the bride as the gift ; kanitham- maths ; kannadam- kannadika- the people who speak
kannadam language; kannadi- blink your eyes; Naga devan/deivam - snake god; thee
naakku - fire flame; thakanam – cremation; thaen kinnam- honey cup ; thekkanam- southern
naga, has the composition- an- ka -and the meaning of the word is agni- fire; nagam- snake;
naakku- tongue/ flame .
dirig, *diri, dir [SI.A]: n., addition; excess; overdraft; trouble; amount by which credits
of an account tablet exceed debits - appears in the credits section of the succeeding period's
tablet; intercalary month after either 11th month or 12th month (based as much on whether
the winter
crop will be ready for the harvest month as on the need to reconcile the lunar year with the
solar year,
which required an average of 7 intercalary months in 19 years) (cf., (gi)ušub).
v., to go over; to float (with the current); to exceed, stand out; to be extra; to be darkened,
eclipsed; to be
erased; to be greater than, to surpass, to be supreme over (with dative/locative).
adj., superior, outstanding; surplus; superfluous; additional.
diri- has the composition- the- Ra- and the meaning of the word is theernthu- exhaustedover; theera theera - till it’s over.
diri- has the composition- the- Ra- and the meaning of the word is uyarntha ondru- superior one.
diri- has the composition- the- Ra- and the meaning of the word is meetham ura- surplus.
diri- has the composition- the- Ra- and the meaning of the word is aaththu neerodu
neenthu - to swim with the river flow ; aaththu neer- river water; neenthu- to swim.
dir [SI.A] - has the composition- the- Ra - sa- and the meaning of the word is aasai theera‘till you wish’
*giš dubšik[ÍL], dupsik: basket.
giš dubšik- ÍL- has the composition- ka - sa-the- -the- pa- sa- ka - la- and the meaning of the
word is thennam/ panam keeththu kondu pinniya / mudaintha pachchai vanna / sivappu
vanna saayam poosiya pookkudai- the green and red colourd reed basket; thennm keethu coconut tree reed ; panm keeththu- palm tree reed; mudintha- made ; pachchai vannamgreen color; sivappu vannam - red color; pookkudai- flower basket.
*dubur(2): testicles (dub, 'to store; to pour', + ir(2), 'tears or any bodily secretion').
dubur- has the composition- the- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is - adi uruppugenitals/ testicles.
*dugud: n., weight; cloud [DUGUD archaic frequency: 2].
adj., massive; heavy; difficult, hard (du7, 'complete', + gud, 'bull').
dugud- has the composition- the- ka - the and the meaning of the word is kattai maattu vandibullock cart .
dugud- has the composition- the- ka - the and the meaning of the word is kanamaanthuheavy weight .
dugud- has the composition- the- ka - the and the meaning of the word is kadinamaanthuhard.
dugud- has the composition- the- ka - the and the meaning of the word is kadinamaanthu difficult ; kastamaanathu [ addition of the letter-sa-] is a wrong interpretation .
dugud- has the composition- the- ka - the and the meaning of the word is kuntha kudi
veedu/ idam- dwelling place ; koottu kudithanam - joint family; kantha kottam- the palace of
Marduk; kudu kudu - adj - to describe old age ; kidu kidu- - adj- for speed ; kadu kaduadj- for irritable mood.
*IM- dungu: cloud, cloudbank.
im- dungu - has the composition- ma- the- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is
vaanaththae kaanum maeka kootam - gathering of clouds in the sky ; vaanam- sky; kaanumseeing; maekam- clouds; koottam- crowd .
*durah, dàra, dàr: mountain goat buck; ibex (dur, 'bond, tie', + áhi, 'arm') [DARA3 archaic
11; concatenation of 4 sign variants] .
durah has the composition- the- Ra – ka - and the meaning of the word is kuthirai- horse ;
karadi- bear .
*duruna, durun, dúru, dúr; durunx [DÚR.DÚR]: n., buttocks; anus;
dwelling [DUR2 archaic frequency: 52].
v. plural, to sit; to be seated; to break wind; to dry out; to occupy, dwell; to set down, place
(objects) (plural,
cf., singular tuš) (èd, 'to bring down (or up); to exit, drain' + úr, 'root, lap, thighs', + ùga/un,
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is manitharpeople.
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is naan kudi
irukkum idam - the palce where i live [ missing letter- ka -] ; naan- myself; kudi irukkum
idam- dwelling place.
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is kaaththu
varathavaaru kathavai adikka vaendum - close the gate to block the wind[ missing letter- ka ] ; kaaththu- wind; varathavaaru- can not enter; kathavu- gate; adikka - to close.
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is neerodai stream .
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is madai yaei /
kan maai thiranthu Cavery aatru neerai kaani karai niriya vida vaendum[ missing letter- ka ] ; open the dam of the cavery river to fill the farm lands .
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is aruvadai yaana
ner kathirai nandraaka kaaya vaikka vaendum [ missing letter- ka -] - the reaped rice grain has
to be dried; aruvadai- harvest ; ner kathir- rice grain ; kaaya - to make it dry .
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is siruthu naram
soothtai vaichchu utakaara/amara vaendum- sit down for some time[ missing letters- sa -and
-ka -] ; siriuthu naeram- short time; utkaara- to sit; amara- to sit; sooththu- buttocks.
duruna- has the composition- the – Ra - an – and the meaning of the word is marunthumedicine; arunathaeyam- rising sun; Enthiran-Indiran - Thirumaaran, Darun, Annadurai proper names.
*ebir(2), epir(2): small pot; beer mug.
epir - has the composition- - pa -Ra -- and the meaning of the word is panai maraththu
pathaneer - a light refreshing drink from palm shoot [missingletter- the -] ; panai marampalm tree ; pathaneer- a drink ; English word beer is the wrong interpretation of the
Sumerian Tamil Suththiram word ‘ ebir’ or pathaneer .
epir - has the composition- - pa -Ra -- and the meaning of the word is siriya mun paanai small clay pot; siriya - small; mun- clay ; paanai- pot.
epir - has the composition- pa -Ra - and the meaning of the word is nirappu- to fill.
*ebla: a watery type of beer - 'light beer' (íb, 'waist', + lal/lá, 'to lessen').
ebla- has the composition- –pa- la—and the meaning of the word is pana[g] kallu - a drink
from palm tree [ missing letter- ka -] ; kallu- a kind of liquor; panai- palm.
ebla- has the composition- –pa- la—and the meaning of the word is Upplam- salt field;
appalam- fried rice snack; Balan- boy; malai vaalai - pazham- banana from mountain ; pala
pazham – jack fruit; palani – Malai – baaln- Marduk- Thiru Murugan ; puzha - small river;
paal- milk; pallu- tooth; palli- lizard; paalai nilam- desert land; paelai- box; palaiya - old ;
pulli- dot; puli- tiger; pazhi- vengeful; pali- to sacrifice; malaipu; poo malai- garland ; pazha
malai- name .
*edakua(2): fish bones (adda, 'skeleton', + ku6/kua, 'fish').
edakua - has the composition- the –ka- and the meaning of the word is koduvai meenfish/seabass.
Page -54
edim- x, edin: earthenware vat for oil and fats.
edim- has the composition- –the- ma – and the meaning of the word is mun kudam - clay pot[
missing letter- ka -]; nei / ennai vaikkum mun kudam- the clay pot to keep ghee/oil .
edim- has the composition- –the- ma – and the meaning of the word is adi mun- foundation
soil; adimanam- foundation .
*edin, eden: n., steppe, plain; grazing land between the two long rivers; back, spine (éd, 'to
forth', + in, 'straw') [EDIN archaic frequency: 5].
prep., on; against.
eden has the composition- - the- anand the meaning of the word is maithaanam- plains /ground .
eden has the composition- - the- anand the meaning of the word is muthuku thandu vadam [ missing letter- ka -] spinal cord
/back bone .
eden has the composition- - the-[ an ]and the meaning of the word is ethiraana- against[missing letter- Ra -] .
eden has the composition- - the-[ an ]only
and the meaning of the word is edaiyan- shepherd; thaanam- land ; thanam- breast; thannewater; thaen- honey; edai - in between / hip .
*egir2,3, egi(2): princess.
egir - has the composition- ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is maka raani- queen.
egir - has the composition- ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is elavarasi - princess [
missing letters- la -and- sa-].
egir - has the composition- -ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is raasvin manaivi-[
missing letter- sa-] wife of the king.
egir - has the composition- -ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is kaarigai- woman .
*egir, eger: n., back; stern (of a ship); end; limit; future; inheritance.
prep., behind.
adv., afterwards.
egir -has the composition- ka -Ra – and the meaning of the word is ethir kaalam - future[
missing letters- the -and -la -] .
egir -has the composition- ka -Ra – and the meaning of the word is mudiuttrathu - the end[
missing letter- the -] ; mudivaana ondru .
egir -has the composition- ka -Ra – and the meaning of the word is kurukku - back .
elam-kuš(2,3,4): bladder (éllag, 'kidneys', + kuš, 'skin').
elam- kuš - has the composition- a- la –ma- ka- ta - and the meaning of the word is kulam
kuttai – pond and pool ; ealam katta- youthful body ; maelam kottu- beat the drum ; kaattu
malli .
éllag: kidneys.
ellag- has the composition ––la- ka- and the meaning of the word is elakku - aim; aelakaai cardamom; kilangu- kalangu- worried; kal malai ; kallalai - swelling; kalli- lover girl; kaali goddess; al gul - vagina ; kolai kolaiyaka- bunches .
*emedu(2): house/estate-born slave (eme, 'mammy', + tud/dú, 'to be born').
emedu- has the composition - -ma -the- and the meaning of the word is thotta adimai - farm
emedu- has the composition - -ma -the- and the meaning of the word is mottai maadi - the
terrace of the house; madamai- foolishness.
*émeš: summer.
émeš - has the composition - –ma- [-sa-] the- and the meaning of the word is kodai
maatham - summer month[ missing letter- ka- ] ; kodai- summer; maatham - month.
émeš - has the composition - –ma- sa- and the meaning of the word is sem- meen .
*endub, endib: cook (en, 'lord', + dub, 'to move in a circle, shake') [ENDIB archaic frequency: 6].
endub- has the composition- an –the- pa –and the meaning of the word is adupadi pani
seiyum manithan- the man who does work in the kitchen[ missing letter- sa-] ; adupadikitachen; pani- work; seiyum- doing; manithan- man.
endub- has the composition- an –the- pa –and the meaning of the word is thin pandam- snack
*engar: irrigator, farmer (en, 'lord', + agar, 'field'; Akk. 'ikkar from Semitic "to hoe, cultivate").
engiz [ME.EN.GI]: cook (en, 'lord', + gaz, 'to fracture, crush, slaughter') [ENGIZ archaic
engar - has the composition- an- ka -Ra and the meaning of the word is vivasaayam sikiravanthe one who does farming [ missing letter- sa-] ; vivasaayam- agricultural work; seikiravanone who does.
engar - has the composition- an- ka -Ra and the meaning of the word is kuravan- gypsy- sun
*engur: subsoil water; abyssal sea of fresh water (a, 'water', + nag, 'to drink', + úr, 'floor; root';
cf., an-gur4).
engur - has the composition- an -ka -Ra- and the meaning of the word is Cavery aattrum
karai oram maanukku adiyae uoori varum uooththu thanmni / kudi neer- the sub soil water
of the river Cavery bed[ missing letter- the -]; Cavery- the name of the river; aattru- the
river; karai- bank; adiyae- underneath; kudi neer- drinking water .
engur - has the composition- an -ka -Ra- and the meaning of the word is kari munagricultural land ; Murugan - god; kuravan- gypsy- sun god; karan sun; karunakaranMurugan .
*giš---enkara: a weapon.
giš---enkara has the composition- ka -the- an- ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is mannai
kuththi thonda uthavum irumbu aauthamae kadappaarai aakum - the iron tool used to
dig ground; maanai thondi - digging the ground; irumbu- iron ; kadapparai - the name of the
tool .
giš---enkara has the composition- ka -the- an- ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is kari
mun kaadu - agricultural land.
*enku: fishing overseer (en, 'lord', + ku6/kua, 'fish'; same signs (ZAG.ÞA) as ešsad).
enku - has the composition- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is meen vikkiravan- one who
sells fish [ missing letter- Ra -] ; meen- fish; vikkiravan- seller.
enku - has the composition- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is van’nan - laundry man .
*enkux [ZAG-ÞI-A]: tax assessment official.
enku---has the composition- an- ka – and the meaning of the word is kanakkan - accountant.
*enkum: temple treasurer; guardian deity of the foundations [ENKUM archaic frequency: 14].
enkum has the composition- an- ka- ma- and the meaning of the word is kovil kanakkan temple accountant [ missing letter- la-] ; kovil- temple; kanakkan- accountant.
enkum has the composition- an- ka- ma- and the meaning of the word is Mookan- Maakkankamukan- ko – makan- lord Siva ; vaanakam - sky ; vanakkam – salute .
*enmen, emmen, immen, immin, emma, imma: thirst (en, 'time', + mun, 'salt').to drink beer.
enmen- has the composition- an -ma- an- and the meaning of the word is en Annan - en
Mannan- my lord is my king.
emmen- has the composition- –ma- an- and the meaning of the word is Ammani- - motherlady - queen ; Ammaan- lord .
emmen- has the composition- –ma- an- and the meaning of the word is mani- time.
emma- has the composition- - ma - and the meaning of the word is ammai- mother - emmaipresent life; Maamani - great lord / star- the sun .
imma - has the composition- ma - and the meaning of the word is mami- uncle’s wife;
immi- minute size; min mini- sparkling insect .
immen- has the composition- –ma- an - and the meaning of the word is Mani Ammai- moon
*ensi(3): dream interpreter (en, 'enigmatic background' + sig7, 'to dwell; to complete' ?) [ENSI
frequency: 8].
ensi- has the composition- an –sa- and the meaning of the word is sosiyan- palmist;
énsi(-k): city ruler (Old Sumerian); city governor (post-Sargonic) (en, 'lord, manager', + si,
+ genitive; cf., nísag, 'governor') [ENSI2 archaic frequency: 1].
énsi(-k) has the composition- an- sa- ka- and the meaning of the word is naattai kaakkum
arasan - the ruler of the state [ missing letters- Ra -and- the -] ; naadu- country; kaakkumprotecting/ ruling; arasan- king; ariyanai yaeri naattai aatchchi seiyum mannavan/ manathi
mannan ; ariyanai- throne; maanavan- king; maanathti mannan- king of kings.
énsi(-k) has the composition- an- [-sa-]- ka- and the meaning of the word is nan sai kaani farm land.
énsi(-k) has the composition- an- [-sa-]- ka- and the meaning of the word is maanavan- king.
énsi(-k) has the composition- an- sa- ka- and the meaning of the word is kasi mannan- saeyonmakan- sahu.
*enten(a): winter (en, 'time', + ten, 'cold', + a(k), 'of').
enten(a)- has the composition-[- an -]- the -[-an-] -and the meaning of the word is uootha
kaaththu adikkum aadi maatham - cold wind flowing in the Tamil month of Aadi uootha
kaaththu- cold wind [ missing letter- ka- ]; aadi maatham - Tamil month Aaadi .
enten(a)- has the composition- an- the -an -and the meaning of the word is naeram ettu mani
[ missing letter- Ra -] - time is 8 -o ‘clock ; ettu- eight; mani- time.
enten(a)- has the composition- an - the -an -and the meaning of the word is enthan- nathananaathai aananthan - the sun god.
*ereš, ereç ?[NIN]: queen, lady.
ereš- has the composition- - Ra -[-sa-]- and the meaning of the word is arasi- queen; Raaniqueen ; Raasan Raani - king and the queen .
*ereš5[GAL-AN-ZU]: knowing, intelligent.
ereš5-GAL-AN-ZU - has the composition- -Ra- the- ka- la- an -sa - and the meaning of the
word is ellam yooraiyum ulkamum valm vanthu [ sutri vanthu] aaya kalaikal arupaththi
naankaiyam katru thaerntha thiramiyum arivum konda veeran- azhakan - arignan only
kalignan - maethai- arivaali - the scholar who has traveled around the world and learnt all
arts and science; ellam ulakam- all worlds; sutra vanthu- going round; kalikal- arts and
sciences; katru- learnt ; thiramai- talent; arivu- knowledge; veeran- soldier; azhakanhandsome man; arignan- scholar ; kalignan- artist; arivaali- intelligent man .
ereš5-GAL-AN-ZU - has the composition- -Ra- the- ka- la- an -sa - and the meaning of the
word is manja kaalai - virattum kaalaiyan – chasing the bull- ‘ kaalai manju virattu ‘.
erib: daughter-in-law.
erib has the composition- - Ra- pa – and the meaning of the word is murai pen- furure
daughter in-law.
erib has the composition- - Ra- pa – and the meaning of the word is erappu- death; erappai stomach .
page – 55.
erim, érin, *éren: man, servant, soldier; troops, army; gang of workers; people, folk [ERIM
frequency: 175; concatenation of 3 sign variants] .
éren - has the composition- Ra- an – and the meaning of the word is oruvan- a man-[ missing
letter- ka-]
éren - has the composition- Ra- an – and the meaning of the word is veeran- soldier; Maran/
Murugan - warrior.
*(giš šim) -- erin, eren: cedar; to anoint with cedar-oil [ERIN archaic frequency: 105].
giš šim –has the composition- ka- sa- the – sa- the- ma- Ra- an and the meaning of the word is
santhana mara kattai saanthai udampilae poosuka- apply sandal wood paste over the body
[ missing letters- pa- and -la -]; santhana katai- sandal wood; maram- tree ; saanthu- paste;
udampilae- over the body; poosuka- to apply .
érin, rín: balance scale (cf., erim).
érin- has the composition- –Ra- an – and the meaning of the word is nan neri- ethics.
erum2,3, eru2,3: slavegirl.
eru- has the composition-- Ra - and the meaning of the word is aeru- to mount- erum- moist;
eru- fertilizer; erumai- buffalo ; eri- throw; eri – fire; marumai- after death ; marumaan- son
in law .
*esag: heir son (a/e4, 'seed, offspring', + sañ, 'first, prime').
esag- has the composition- a – sa- ka - and the meaning of the word aasai makan – the son
you like most.
ésag[ÑÁ׊E]; esagx[É׊E; É.ŠE; É.SAÑ]: granary, storeroom (é, 'house,
temple', + sañ, 'first, prime').
Esag ÑÁ׊E has the composition -[- sa-]- ka -an-[- sa -]-the -and the meaning of the word
kothumai thaaniya kidanku - store room for wheat ; kothumai- wheat ; thaaniyam- grain;
kidanku- store room ; sinna veedu - small house.
Wheat [E] has the composition- va- the - and the meaning of the word is kothumai - wheat .
*(na4)esig, esi: good, fine; solid, strong; ebony; diorite; olivine-gabbro.
esi - has the composition- sa- and the meaning of the word is esai- music.
na4)es^ig- has the composition- na - the- ka- and the meaning of the word is kadinamaanthustrong and hard .
na4)es^ig- has the composition- na - the- ka- and the meaning of the word is natakamdrama- nadikai- actress; nadikan- actor; nadikka- to act; nadakka- to walk.
*esir(2): crude bitumen (usu, 'strength' or esi, 'strong', + ir(2), 'liquid secretion').
esir - has the composition-- [-sa-] - Ra – and the meaning of the word is thaar [ missing letterthe -]- tar .
esir - has the composition-- sa- Ra – and the meaning of the word is saeru- mud . The other
interpretations are saaru- juice; nirasai- disappointment; rasi- lucky- auspicious; Rasa- king;
sirai- prison; sura- whale; sari- o.k; saeri- dwelling place; sara sari- average; rusi- taste.
* kušèsir: sandal; shoe.
kušèsir- has the composition-ka -the – -sa- -Ra - and the meaning of the word is santhana
mara kattai - sandal wood ; katti soru - rice food prepared for long travel. ; koottaam soru mixed rice food. soru means boiled rice food; sirai koodam- prison; seruppu kattai wooden foot wear [ missing letter- pa -] .
ešda: (cf., šíta).
ešda - has the composition- a- ta- the – and the meaning of the word is ettu adi- 8 feets;
thodai- thigh; thoti - scavenger; thotti- tank . .
èšda: (cf., šita).
ešda - has the composition - e -ta – the – and the meaning of the word is ottadai- wall dust/
cob web ; thachhan- carpenter; dasan- worshipper; sath’thtam- noise; suth’thamcleaniness; soodam - camphor; soodi - dressed; sadai- hair lock; suthan- sun god / son /
child ; sutha- moon goddess; sith’tham- ‘as you wish’ ; sattam- law.; chaettan- brother.
*ešemen(2,3): jump rope; play; celebration (éše, 'rope', + men, 'both, two').
ešemen- has the composition- –[-sa-]-the –ma- an - and the meaning of the word is vilaiyaattu
maithaanam- play ground [ missing letters- ka -and- la -].
ešemen- has the composition- –[-sa-]-the –ma- an - and the meaning of the word is
kondaatta thinam - a day for celebration [ missing letter- ka-] .
ešemen- has the composition- –sa-the –ma- an - and the meaning of the word is ettu- mani- 8
o’ clock ; sooda mani- sun.
*ešgar: (cf., zeþ) [? EŠGAR archaic frequency: 12].
eškiri, ešgiri: nose rope, halter, bridle; jumping rope (éše, 'rope', + kìri, 'nose, muzzle').
ešgar- has the composition- sa- the - ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is kayiru
mudichchu - knot of a rope ; thookku kayiru - nose rope[ for hanging] ; kayiru- rope;
mudichhu - knot; thookku- to hang / to lift .
ešgar- has the composition- sa- the - ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is pachcha
kuthirai - adaththavar muthukil kai vaiththu thaandi kuththikkum siruvarkal vilaiyaadum
oru vakai vilaiyaattu ; a kind of children’s play wher one jumps over the back of the other boy
- called pachcha kuthirai[ missing letter- la -and -pa -] .
ešgar- has the composition- sa- the - ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is sengar- sutta
sem mun – brick; aattu kari- mutton; kirai kuttu- ; keerai kaadu; keerai kattu; karai vaettiwhite dhoti- with a colured border; vaetti karai- the smeared dhoti; korattai- snoring;
ešsad: fisherman (éše, 'rope', + sud, 'to immerse, sink'; same signs (ZAG.ÞA) as enku).
ešsad - has the composition- – the- sa – the- and the meaning of the word is edai saathi- the
caste of shepherds.
eštub -- ku6: a river carp: binnî.
eštub- has the composition- [- sa-] - the –[- pa-] - and the meaning of the word is aaththu
meen- river water fish; aaru- river; meen - fish .
fish [E] has the composition- [-pa-]-[- sa -]- and the meaning of the word is meen- fish ; pachcha
meen - fresh fish .
eštub- has the composition- - sa- the – pa - and the meaning of the word is pattu sattai- silk
shirt ; puthiya sattai- new shirt.
eštub – ku- means kottai pattinam- the city of forts; pattu kottai- place .
ezem: (cf., ezen).
ezem— has the composition- –la- ma- and the meaning of the word is yaelmai- poverty;
elimai- simplicity; elamai- youth.
*ezen, ezem: festival, feast (uzu, 'cut of meat', + en, 'time') [EZEN archaic frequency: 114;
concatenation of 3
sign variants] .
ezem- has the composition-- sa- ma - and the meaning of the word is masi masam- Tamil
month Masi - which is full of celebrations; anju mani- 5 o’clock ; unu- is meat; unavu is
ezem- has the composition-- sa- ma - and the meaning of the word is samayam- time
*ezinu: grain, cereal; the deity Ašnan [EZINU archaic frequency: 24; concatenation of 4 sign
variants] .
ezinu has the composition- - la -na - and the meaning of the word is nellu mani - rice grain .
ezinu has the composition- - la -na - and the meaningof the word is naalai - nalla naalauspicious day ; aelu mani- 7o’clock.
*gagar [KI]: area.
gagar- has the composition- ka –ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is kaani karai- farm
land .
gagar- has the composition- ka –ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is kaai – karivegetables; kara koram.
*gagig: to lament; to wail (gù, 'to exclaim', + gig, 'illness; injury').
gagig—has the composition- ka- ka- and the meaningof the word is kankal azhuka - eyes
weeping [ missing letter- la -] ; kankal- eyes; azhuka - to weep.
wail [ E] has the composition- va- la - and the meaning of the word is azhuka/azuva - to weep.
gagig—has the composition- ka- ka- and the meaningof the word is - kaaikka- ; kaai kani –
vegetables and fruits ; kovaikaai; kayagan; kaaika- vengeful .
*gakkul: clay brewing-vessel, mash tun.
galam: n., stairs.
v., to ascend, climb.
adj., ingenious, clever, artistic, complicated, elaborate; tall, high.
gakkul has the composition-ka -ka -la-- and the meaning of the word is kali mun kudaththil
ulla thennm kallai uooththi kudikka - drink the liquor in the clay vessel ; kali mun kudamclay vessel; thennm kallu- liquor from coconut tree; kudikka- to drink.
gakkul has the composition- -ka -ka -la-- and the meaning of the word is mikka arivu ullahighly intelligent ; mikka- high; arivu- intelligence; ulla- having.
gakkul has the composition- -ka -ka -la-- and the meaning of the word is kalai ullam kondaartisitic mind; kalaikal - arts .
gakkul has the composition- -ka -ka -la-- and the meaning of the word is sikkalaana complicated[ missing letter- sa -] ; sikkalaana vaelai - tough time .
gakkul has the composition- -ka -ka -la-- and the meaning of the word is akalamaaka - wide
one .
gakkul has the composition- -ka -ka -la-- and the meaning of the word is vaalai kulai- banana
bunch; kaalai vaelai- morning time; koolangal - rounded stone – pebble; malai -kaalamreainy season ; kaamalai kan- jaundiced eye; Malai kalvan- son god; komala valli- moon
goddess; kalakkam- worried; kolu kattai- a sweet; gokulam- cattle yard; akkul- arm pit;
kilakku- east; valakku- legal case; vaalai kaai ; kovil - temple; malai kovil; mullaikkasprouting ; malaikka – ‘taken back’; kalaikka- tired; valaikka - to bend; kola- kalamaka - adjfor great celebration; kalam kalamaka – traditional.
*gamar: to be overwhelming (gam, 'to kneel', + mer, 'violent storm').
gamar- has the composition- ka -ma -Ra - and the meaning of the word is kadum kaatru violent strom[ missing letter- the -] ; kadum- violent ; kaatru- wind .
gamar- has the composition- ka -ma -Ra - and the meaning of the word is manaum uruka deep emotion .
gamar- has the composition- ka -ma -Ra - and the meaning of the word is – maraikka- to
cover; maaruka- to move away ;muraikka- angry look; kumara- young woman ; kumari –
kumari-- adj - for weeping ; karu maari- goddess; Murugan- lord Marduk; Ko- Mari- heavey
rain / a kind of illness for sheeps ; karumi- miser; karumai- black ; varumai- poverty ;
verumai- emptiness.
*gamun: cumin; caraway seed.
gamun- has the composition- ka –ma- an - - and the meaning of the word is kaduku mani cumin seeds [ missing letter- the -] .
Cumin [E] has the composition- ka- ma -an- and the meaning of the word is kaduku mani cumin seeds [ missing letter- the -] .
Caraway[ E] has the composition- ka- Ra -va- and the meaning of the word is kurum seerakam
- small fennel[ missing letter- sa-] ; kurum- small; seerakam- fennel ; sav varasi; varaku- a
millet .
gamun- has the composition- ka –ma- an - - and the meaning of the word is Kaman- love god;
maankaai- mango; vanmai- violent ; venmai- white; kan - mai- black cream for eye lid
decoration .
ganam4, gana4: (cf., us5, u8).
ganam- has the composition- - ka –an- and the meaning of the word is ganam- song; kanamweight; kanakam- forest; vanam- forest –garden; vannan- washerman.
Page- 56
ganam6, gana6 [DARA4]: ewe.
ganam- has the composition- ka- an- am – and the meaning of the word is kaanam- land tharai ; kannam - cheek; kaanom - not seen.
*ganba: market place; price equivalent.
ganba- has the composition- ka- an –pa- and the meaning of the word is ankaadikku poka
vaenum - should go to market [ missing letter- the-] ankaadi- market ; poka - to go .
ganba- has the composition- ka- an –pa- and the meaning of the word is panku- share;
paankku- style; pankam-to destroy ; paanakam- drink ; paeni kaakka- to look after;
anpakam- home; kannappan-name- Siva; vanappu- beauty ; poovan - banana .
*ganzer(2,3): darkness; the netherworld (cf., ga-an-zír).
ganzer - has the composition- ka- an –[-sa-] - Ra - and the meaning of the word is ankakaara
irul - primordial darkness [ missing letter- la -] ; irul- darkness.
ganzer - has the composition- ka- an –sa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kan neer surakka ‘- tears flowing from the eyes; vangera meen- fish ; seeraka mani ; siruka mani ;
Rasa kannu- name; Kasi Rasan Sivan makan Sahu.
*garadin(4,5), karadin(4,5): shock, pile of sheaves (on a harvested field) (guru7, 'grain heap',
+tun(3), 'to constrict').
garadin- has the composition- ka- Ra – the- -an - and the meaning of the word is nila
athirvu - earth quake ; nilam- earth; athirvu- shock .
garadin- has the composition- ka- Ra – the- -an - and the meaning of the word is aruvadai
seuthu katti vaiththa thaaniya kathir -pile of reaped cereal plants after harvesting ; [
missing letter- sa -] ; aruvadai- harvest ; katti vaiththa - bundled; thaniya kathir- cereal
plants after reaping ; thaniya kuthir - granary.
garadin- has the composition- ka- Ra – the- an - and the meaning of the word is Maka nathi
/aaru - karai oram- by the side of the Tigris river bank; Thina karan- sun god.
*garaš - straw; supply master.
garaš- has the composition- ka- Ra- sa- the-– and the meaning of the word is thaaniya kathirai
aruvadai seitha udan michchamaana vai kole - the remains of the harvested cereal plants
is the straw ; thaaniya kathir - cereal plants; aruvadi- harvest ; vaikole- straw [ missing letterla -] ; santhai kku / ankaadikku kaai kari kani kondu selkiravar- the one who carries
fruits and vegetables to the market [ missing letter- la -]; santhai- market ; kaai karivegetables; konu selkiravar - one who carries.
garaš- has the composition- ka- Ra- sa- the-– and the meaning of the word is karaichu kudi ‘make it as a drink and then take’; koorai kottakai; siru keerai kattu.
*gáraš, karaš: military encampment; catastrophe.
gáraš- has the composition- ka - Ra- [-sa-] - the - and the meaning of the word is raanauva
koodaaram - military camp/tent ; raanuvam- military ; koodaaram- tent .
gáraš- has the composition- ka - Ra- [-sa-] - the - and the meaning of the word is kaedu vara catastrophy is coming ; kaedu- catestrophy ; varukirathu - coming .
gáraš- has the composition- ka - Ra- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is siriya – karum
siruthai- small- black cheetah; surankam vettu - dig a mine; Thanka surankam- gold mine.
*gàraš -- sar: leek(s).
gàraš – has the composition- ka –Ra- sa- the- sa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is oru
vakai yaana kaai kari - siriya venkaaya keerai kattu - small bundle of leafy onion ; siriya small; venkaayam- onion ; keerai- leafy ; kattu- bundle; siriya vakai [ oru vakai kaai kari ]
raakkuchchittam - small leaks ; raakkuchchittam- leek; sivarai keerai kattu- celery .
*garaš3,4: decision; oracle.
garaš- has the composition- ka- Ra – sa- - and the addition pf the letter -la - will give the
meaning kuri sollu- oralcle.
The other interpretations are sathikaari- cunning woman; karum sattai ; kari satti;
*gašam: craftsman, artisan; skilled person; job, work; office holder; wisdom.
gašam has the composition- ka -[-sa-] - the -ma - -and the meaning of the word is mathi udai
yavan - one with wisdom; mathi- wisdom; udaiyavan- one who has .
gašam has the composition- ka -[-sa-] - the -ma - -and the meaning of the word is kalai
gnanam kondavan - skilled artisan- [ missing letter- la-] ; kalai gnanam - skill; kondavan- one
who has .
*gašan: lady, mistress; queen (cf., ga-ša-an) (Emesal dialect word, in which nin becomes šan).
gašan has the composition- ka- [-sa-] - the -an -and the meaning of the word is vanithai - lady
gašan has the composition- ka- [-sa-] - the -an and the meaning of the word is kanni thaai - virgin mother; kanni- vergin; thaai- mother .
gašan has the composition- ka- [-sa-] - the -an -and the meaning of the word is sengodan;
senkodi- red flag; kaasi vaenthan - king of kaasi; kasantha mani- proper name of women ;
konkai nathi- River Ganges .
*gaššu: intelligent.
gaššu - has the composition- ka- [-sa-] - the -and the meaning of the word is arivu udaiya being intelligent [ missing letter- Ra -]; arivu - knowledge; udaiya - having .
gaššu - has the composition- ka- sa- the -and the meaning of the word is sutta kottai- fried
gazinbu, gazimbi, gazibu: pole; stake; beam.
gazinbu - has the composition - ka- la- an- pa - and the meaning of the word is nembu kole.
gazimbi- has the composition- ka- la -ma -pa –and the meaning of the word is kulambu- gravi;
kulambi- cnonfused; kalimbu- ointment kolambu- horse heel.
gazibu - has the composition- ka- la -pa and the meaning of the word is kalipppu- joy; kalaippu
- tiredness; pook- kollai- flower garden; kaali pani -- morning dew.
*gibil(4): new; fresh; renewal; to renovate (gúb, 'to purify, cleanse', + ul, 'to shine') [GIBIL
frequency: 77].
gibil- has the composition- ka- pa- la- and the meaning of the word is kuppai illai- no rubbish
/dust ; kuppai- rubbish ; illai- nil ; alukkai pokka- to remove the dust ; alukku- dust; pokkato remove ; velu paakka- to make it white ; pala palakka- to shine ; palingu kal- marble
stone; koppalam- blister; kabalam- head; palikku pazhi- vengeful; kalappai- plough;
pukazh- famous; kaalai vaelai- morning time - .
*gíbil: to burn; burning (gu7, 'to consume', + bil, 'to burn').
gíbil- has the composition- ka -pa- la and the meaning of the word is palukka [ -- kaachhu ] burn it until it turns red brown .
*gidim(2,4,7): spirit, ghost (gig, 'to be sick', + dìm, 'sickness demon', or gi6, 'black', + dim4, 'to
gidim- has the composition- ka- the- ma –and the meaning of the word is seththavaudaiya
aavi [ aaththma/manathu ] - the spirit of the dead one [ missing letter- sa -] ; sethththavanone who is dead ; aavi- spirit
gidim- has the composition- ka- the- ma –and the meaning of the word is kadumai- harsh;
kodumai - punitive ; kadamai- duty; Ganthi mathi; komathi- kaantha mani ; Mani kanthannames; mani kattu - wrist; mani kodi - flag; maekam vidum thuthu - clouds as the
gidim6, *gidi6: eclipsed, darkened (gíg/gi6, 'black', + dím, 'to make').
gidi - has the composition- ka - the- and the meaning of the word is karuththaka aakku - to
make it dark [ missing letter- Ra -].
gidi - has the composition- ka - the- and the meaning of the word is kaath’thu- air; protect;
kudi kaadu- dwelling place; kaathai kodu- listen to me; kaathu- ears; kaedu- bed
happenings; kadu kadu- adj - for angry mood; kaththu- to shout; kath’thi- knief ; kooth uroad side drama ; kadugu- mustard; kadi- to bite; ketta - bad ; katta- to show; kudi to
drink; thaakam- thirst ; koodi- united; kutti- small- kutti- small girl; kaatan- koothan- Siva
koothi - vagina ; makudi- musical pipe [ originated from the Tamil word- pe -pee ] of the
snake charmers .
*giš -- gigir(2): wheel(s); chariot; wagon; coach (reduplicated gur4/gir8, 'to turn, roll') [PU2
archaic frequency:
giš – gigir- has the composition -ka- sa/ta - ka- Ra -- and the meaning of the word is karichu
kottu- to curse one ; kirangum - kattai sakkara vandi - vehicle revolving wooden wheel;
vandi is vehicle; kattai- is wood - sakkaram is wheel; kirangum- revolving ; sakkarai katti –
sugar cube; kari saatham- meat rice; sutta kari- fried vegetable or fried meat ; Sutha karansun god- name.
*gilim-(b), gili, gil, gi16: n., reed bundle; dancer; bride crown (gi, 'reeds', + lam,
'abundance') [GIL archaic frequency: 1].
v., to twist; to bend, bow; to cross, bar; to fence off; to lie athwart; to go across; to cross plow;
to mess up.
adj., to be twisted, tangled; opaque; to be corrupted; destroyed.
gilim - has the composition- ka- la -ma - and the meaning of the word is malai kaalam;
maekalai- waist ornament; maaligai- palace; mallikai- jasmine; kalagam- riot; kazhagamassociation; valangai maan- place; kalai maan- deer; kalai magan- kalai magal - goddess of
arts and science; velli malai- snow mountain; velu mani- name; yaelu malai- name; kala
magan - time keeper of the universe; mankalam- auspicious- clay pot; maankalyam- thali ;
mankal- name; maekla - name; kamalam- lotus; kamala- name; komalavalli – name;
kaalaiyan makan velan- Murugan- the sun of lord Siva.
gili- has the composition - ka- la- and the meaning of the word is kalai- arts; kalli- lover
girl; kaali- morning; kulai- bunch; kolai- murder ; kulam- pond; kilamai- day ; kalam- pot;
kaalam- time; valai- net; vallum- boat; valli- moon goddess; velan- Murugan- velli- white;
vellam- flood; vellam- sweet; kili- parrot; kili- fear; kali- play; kaali- goddess ; kuli- bath;
kaeli - tease.
*girim, girin, gir8: piece of clay; to detach a piece of clay; to creep or glide on the ground
(gur5, 'to separate, divide', + imi/im, 'clay'; cf., gurun).
girim- has the composition – ka- Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is kari mun- black clay;
kari - black; mun- soil
girim- has the composition – ka- Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is kari- mai - and the
meaning of the word is black colored cream for eye lid and eye brow beautification- anti
mony .
*giriš: butterfly; moth.
giriš - has the composition- ka- Ra- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is karuppu ,
sivappu, vellai , uootha , pachchai manja ena pala vanna nirankalai konda azhakana
pookalil ulla thaenai paruka varum parakkum paattam poochchi yaei paaru - [ missing
letters- la -and- Pa -] ; ‘see the flying beautiful butterfly which is having white ,red , black,
green, yellow and blue colors coming to drink the honey from the flowers; karuppu- black
color; sivappu- red; vellai- white; pachchai- green; manja - yellow; uootha- blue ; vannamcolor; azhakaana - beautiful ; pookkal - flowers; thaen- honey ; parakkum- flying; pattam
poochchi - butterfly ; paaru- see.
giriš - has the composition- ka- Ra- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is siru karadi- small
bear; sutta- karuvaadu- fried / dried fish; Rasa- kriridam- crown of the king.
*gitlam(2,3,4), nit(a)lam(2,3,4): lover; honeymooner; first husband; spouse (nitah, 'male,
man', + lam, 'luxuriance').
gitlam- has the composition- ka- the- la- ma- - and the meaning of the word is manam oththa
kaathalar - lovers with similar thinking ; manam oththa- of same thinking ; kaathalar- lovers.
gitlam- has the composition- ka- the- la- ma- - and the meaning of the word is thaen nilavu
kondaadum kaathalar - the honey mooner ; thaen nilavu- honey moon; kondaadumcelebrating; kaathalar- lovers.
gitlam- has the composition- ka- the- la- ma- - and the meaning of the word is maelam- kottubeat the drum; kuthalam; kaathal malai- malai kottai; maalai kattu .
nit(a)lam- has the composition- na- the- la –ma- and the meaning of the word is Malai naduhill station ; maelai nadu- foreign country; naatiyalayam - place to learn dance.
nitah has the composition- an- the - and the meaning of the word is naathan- husband .
*gúdibir: war (gud(2), 'warrior', + bir, 'to wreck, murder').
gúdibir - has the composition- ka –the- pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is poridum
veeran - the fighting warrior ; poridum- fighting; veeran / veera maravan - soldier .
gúdibir - has the composition- ka –the- pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is pore kodideclaration of war; por- war; kodi - flag.
*gudug, gudu4, gúda: a ritually pure, linen-clothed priest who cares for and feeds the gods;
divinely anointed.
gúda – has the composition- ka- the – and the meaning of the word is kaath’than- kooth’thanlord Siva.
gudug- has the composition-ka –the- ka – and the meaning of the word is kaathakan- Siva;
kadugu- cumming seeds; kathavu- door; vithavai- widow; kadukkan- ear ring; kuduvai- mug
; kidangu- godown ; kudagu- place.
gukin(2): entire inhabited world.
gukin-- has the composition- -ka- ka -an – and the meaning of the word is kanakam- forest;
vaanakam- sky ; munnum vaanakamum- earth and the sky .
gukkal [KUN.GAL]: (cf., kungal).
KUN.GAL has the composition- ka -an – ka- la- and the meaning of the word is kilangu ; kalangu
; vilangu - animal; vilungu - swallow; vazhangu- to offer; vilankki- to make it understand;
kan valayam- orbit; venk alam - brass ; kalai kan- artistic look; kamala kannan- name; mun
kalam- clay pot.
Page- 57
gunni: kiln; stove.
gunni has the composition- ka -an – and the meaning of the word is kanni - young girl ;
nangaki- young girl ; kanikai - woman ; kan mani - pupil; kanni- rotten ; vaani- moon
goddess; vannam- color ; kanakam- forest ; vaanakam- sky; kanavan- husband; kaan- to see
; kan - eys.; nagai - jewel ; kani - fruit; kaeni - well; kuni- to bend down; kunni- shame;
kaani - land .
*gurdub: reed basket.
gurdub-- has the composition- ka- Ra- the –pa-and the meaning of the word is thennai mara
keethum panai mar keeththum kondu mudaintha koodai- the basket made from
coconut/palam tree reed ; thennai maram- coconut tree; panai maram- palam tree;
keeththu- reed; mudaintha- done; koodai- basket .
gurdub-- has the composition- ka- Ra- the –pa-and the meaning of the word is kuraipidu- to
mark it; kuripaedu - note book ; kuripita idam - the place that have been marked; Paari
Vaenthan- name; korai padaku- reed boat ; padaku thurai ; kuripita varai; karu patti- palm
sugar; kaariya patti- place name; varai padam- drawing ; koorai pattu- slik saree for the
wedding ; kuruthi- pun- bleeding ulcer; karuth’tha pen – a girl with black complexion; karai
patta karam; kuru peedam- alter; Thiru Murugan- Marduk; Thiru Muruka- aatru - padai
veedu ; paravai koodu - bird’s nest .
*gurud(2): to throw.
gurud- has the composition- ka- Ra- the- and the meaning of the word is thoora erika- throw
at a distance; erika- throw; thooram - distance.
gurud- has the composition- ka- Ra- the- and the meaning of the word is karudan - eagle;
kurudan- blind man; karuth’thu – opinion ; kuruthi- blood; kurathee- gypsy woman- kora thee- fast moving fire; kuthirai- horse; kuruth’thu- sprout; koorai veedu- thatched house;
varanda- dry; varunthi- guilty feelings; Thiru Murugan- Marduk; karuth’thu urai - speech .
*gurum[GAM]: n., heap, pile; arched beam; bending.
v., to be bent; to subdue.
gurum- has the composition- ka- Ra -ma - and the meaning of the word is veettin mara
vittam- wooden beam of the house ; maram- wood ; vittam- celing/beam; veedu- house ;[
missing letter- the -] .
gurum- has the composition- ka- Ra -ma - and the meaning of the word is karumai- dark;
koormai- sharp ; mara kari- vegetarian food; Aarumugam- lord Murugan ; ragam- tune;
varman ; karumaari; varumai- poverty; verumai- emptiness; vakkiram- perversion; kumarayoung girl ; kumaran- Murugan; karmam- deeds.
*gúrum: inspection.
gúrum- has the composition- ka- Ra – ma- and the meaning of the word is aaivu
maerkolluka- [ missing letter- la-] - to inspect ; aaivu- insepection; maer kolluka- to do .
gúrum- has the composition- ka- Ra – ma- and the meaning of the word is murunga maramdrumstick tree; varam; vaaram- week; kai maaru- gratitude; karmam- deeds;
*gurun, gurin; girin, girim; gìrim, gírin: fruit; berry; flower (cf., girin)
(gúr, 'sphere', + an, 'high'; cf., kurun).
gurun has the composition- ka- Ra -an - and the meaning of the word is aani vaer - main
root[ of the tree] ; murungai kaai- drum stick ; karunai kizhanku - elephant yam[ missing
letter- zha -] ; kani maram- fruit tree ; kani - fruit; maram- tree.
*guruš, guruš: sledge (archaic pictogram); adult workman, laborer (human sledge); young man
'wheels' [cf., gigir], + uš, 'to stand upon') [? GURUŠ archaic frequency: 68; concatenation of 2
sign variants] .
guruš has the composition- ka –Ra- sa-the - and the meaning of the word is siru vayathu
konda oru manithan -a person of young age ; siru - small; vayathu- age; oru- one;
manithan- person .
guruš has the composition- ka –Ra- sa-the - and the meaning of the word is cooli vaelai
seikiravan - laborer ; cooli vaelai- daily wager ; seikiravan- one who is doing; [ missing letterla -] .
guruš has the composition- ka –Ra- [-sa-]-the - and the meaning of the word is yaezhunthu
nirkka- - to stand upon; [ missing letter- zha-] ; yaezhunthu - to get up ; nirkka- to stand .
guruš has the composition- ka –Ra- sa-the - and the meaning of the word is kari saathammeat food; kari satti; koratti- snoring ; ‘sirithu naerum korattai vidama urungu vaaya’ ‘can you please, sleep for while without snoring’; kattai Sakkara vandi- the vehicle with the
wooden wheel; sakkarai katti- sugar cubes; siruthai kutti- young cheetah; varuth’thu kottufry it and put it down; siriya sen kuruvi ; sattai kari- smear on the shirt; sittu kuruvi- bird ;
sirangu katti- impetigo .
*guruš3,4, guru5, gur5; kur5: to circumcise (?); to trim away, strip; to cut, clip (a part of
the body); to notch, incise; to fell trees; to be parted, relieved of (gur10, 'sickle', + gìš/uš,
guru5 - has the composition- ka- Ra - and the mening of the word is kuravan- gypsy; karansun; kiran- sun; keeri- to incise; kari- burnt wood; kari- vegetables; kari- mutto; kooru- to
say; koormai – pointed; karumai- dark; varuka- come on; varakan- Siva; kuru- small ;
kunru - small hill; kurungu- monkey; karam- hand; kaaram- spicy ; varam; vaaram- week;
aan kuri - male genitals ; kuri – symbol; kurukku- back; guru- teacher; aruvaa- sickle ; vari
line ; vaari- water / to lift; urai- speech; varai - draw; varaiarai - to make a decision pr
conclusion .
uš,-- as the composition- sa- the - an and the meaning of the word is sunni ya vidu – insert the
penis ; sunni- penis.
gìš - has the composition- ka- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is kunja thooku- kunja
kaattu - to show your genitals - penis[ kunju- genitals] ; kachhai kattu- to dress; kattu
gurušda: (cf., kurušda).
gurušda- has the composition- ka- Ra- sa- the- the- and the meaning of the word is sittu
kuruvi in sath’tham . Sittu kuruvi is the house sparrow. Saththam means noise.
*guzza: throne; chair.
guzza has the composition- ka- sa - and the meaningof the word is kaachhe- boiled; kuchhistick; sekku - indigenous machine run by cows- to extract oil from grains/ oil press ; sinkamlion ; sinka aasanam - lion throne .
*gadub: tablet container (gar;gá, 'to store', + dub, 'clay tablets'; cf, lúša13[ÑÁ]-dub-ba).
gadub - has the composition- ka-the- pa -and the meaning of the word is pattayaththai
kaaththu vaikkum petti - the safty box for tablets ; pattayam- tablet ; kaaththu - protect ;
petti- box.
gadub - has the composition- ka-the- pa -and the meaning of the word is poo kooda- flower
basket; koodai pai; kabothi ; vibuthi; padaku- boat ; padukkai- bed; kooth’thum –
paattum- dance and songs; vaan padai; ven padai- white patch of the skin - vitiligo; gudu
gudupai- drum .
gargá, has the composition- ka –Ra- ka –and the meaning of the word is karakam- kirakamplanet; kirakanm- eclipse; karuvakam- uterus; kurikka- to note it down; verukka- to hate;
karukka- to blacken ; karu vakka- induction of fertilization; uruvaakka- to make it.
gagia: cloister; reed basket; a measure of fish.
gagia has the composition—ka- ka- a- and the meaning of the word is akayam - sky ;
vaanakam - sky ; vaiyakam- earth ; kuvaiyam - earth ; kayagan / Malayalam - singer; kakam
- crow; kakam- arm pit; aekkam- longing for; vaikam- place; vaakanam- vehicle; kakkaoyster/ mussle ; vaekam - speed; kukai- cave .
galga, malga: advice, counsel; wise one; reflection, consideration (loan from Akkadian milkum;
Orel & Stolbova #1791 *mulak-/*mulik- 'stranger, chief') [GALGA archaic frequency: 16;
concatenation of 2
sign variants] .
galga has the composition- ka- la -ka and the meaning of the word is kalai vaanan - scholar/
artist .
mulak has the composition- ma- la- ka - and the meaning of the word is muthalvan - the chiefthe first one [ missing letter- the -].
gansis, gasis --x: darkness; the netherworld; eclipse.
gansis- has the composition- ka –an- sa – sa - and the meaning of the word echhi kani - the
fruit eaten by someone partially.
gasis – has the composition- ka- sa - sa - and the meaning of the word is echhi- kai- or echhi
kaai .
ganun: barn, storehouse, granary (gar;gá, 'storeroom', + nun, 'great') [GANUN archaic
frequency: 3].
ganun has the composition- ka- an-an - and the meaning of the word is kannan- name;
naangu- four - 4; nangu- good; nongu- palm fruit; van’nan- washer man; kanavanhusband.
garim: pool, pond (cf., dagrim) (gar, 'storeroom', + imi/im, 'clay, mud').
garim -has the composition- ka -Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is kani maram- the tree
which gives fruit; maram murikka- to break down the wood ; marakka- to forget ; kari maieye brow cream .
*garza, garzu[PA.DIÑIR]: custom(s); rite(s); divine or royal orders (gar, 'form, appearance'
or gar, 'to deliver', + zu, 'to know').
gar has the co mposition- ka-Ra - and the meaning of the word is uruvam - form/
appearance; saerkka- to deliver [ missing letter- sa-] .
garza - the composition - ka –Ra- sa- and the meaning of the word is sunka theervu - customs
[ missing letter- the -].
garza - the composition - ka –Ra- sa- and the meaning of the word is arasu [ arasaankam ]
uththiravu - government order [ missing letter- the -] ; arasu- government / state;
uththiravu- order
garza - the composition - ka –Ra- sa- and the meaning of the word is Rasan- sankaran makanveera saekaran ; kachaeri - office; sarakam- division of a place; surankam - mines ;
sakkaram- wheel; sakkarai- sugar; virasam- filthy – ugly; varisai- row; seer varisai- bridal
gift; karisanam -; siraku- feather; seerakam- Cumming seeds; sarakku - goods; Murugaesanname; sengar - brick .
garzu[PA.DIÑIR]: has the composition- ka- Ra –sa- pa- the- an- Ra - and the meaningof the
word is ‘nirai masa karpini –pennukku thinamum thunai avasiyam vaedum’ –‘ full term
pregnant woman needs assistance everyday’.
*gárza, gárzu, girza[PA.LUGAL]: office, duties; rules.
gárza has the composition- ka-Ra- sa- and the meaning of the word is arasaankaththin
kadami - the duty of the government/state[ missing letter- the -] ; arasaankam- government;
kadami- duty ; arasaanka sattam- government law ; sattam- law.
gárza has the composition- ka-Ra- sa- and the meaning of the word is sarakam divisional office; karichhan kuruvi- sparrow.
girza[PA.LUGAL] has the composition- ka- Ra -sa- pa- la- ka- la - and the meaning of the
word is ‘ ulakaalum Rasa Rasan Kasi mannan - Sivan - Sankaran- makan- Balakan- namkulam kakkump palani Malai Vel Murugan’- ‘ Murugan- the son of Sivan - the king of the
universe’ .
gešbu, gešba, gešpa[ÑIŠ-ŠUB]: boomerang; throw-stick.
gešbu, has the composition- ka- sa /ta- pa - and the meaning of the word is sappai kattu- to
rationalize; sabai koodam- assembly hall; koottu sabai- joint assembly ; satta puth’thtkam law book ; pochha kaattu- show the genitals; pasu koottam - cow herd; kutti pasu - calf ;
pachha kottai; pachha kattai ; pachha kodi- greeny creeper; seppu kudam- copper vessel.
*gešta, geš2,3,4, giš2,3: sixty (giš, 'tool', + tar, 'to cut; to determine' ?).
giš has the composition- ka -[-sa-]- the -and the meaning of the word is theermaanikka- to
determine[ missing letter is- Ra -].
giš- has the composition- ka -[-sa-]- the -and the meaning of the word is kattai kuchhi - pole;
rod; stick; vettu- cut.
gešta- has the composition- ka -sa- the - and the meaning of the word is kastam- difficult ;
kaattu sath’thtam – unruly noise ; ‘kaasu kodu ‘– ‘give me cash’; ketta sakavasam- bad
friendship; sakattu maenikku- ‘just like that’[ telling lies] ; soodum kaattu- ritual camphor
fire; koottu sathi- joint sabotage; sen – kottai- red fort; sutti kaattu- to point out ; koottu
saatham- mixed rice; sath’thtam kaettu - heard the noise ; kattu saatham- rice food for long
travel ; kustam- leprosy.
giš2 has the composition- ka -sa- the -and the meaning of the word is suga kaedu - illness.
*geštin: vine; wine; grape juice; bunch of grapes (giš, 'tree', + tin, 'life; wine') [GEŠTIN archaic
42; concatenation of 2 sign variants] .
geštin- has the composition- ka- sa-the - the –an- and the meaning of the word is naan
thayariththa thiraachchi kani rasththai nee arunthuka - drink the grape juice i have prepared
; [ missing letter- Ra -] naan- me; thayariththa- prepared; thirachchci- kani- grape fruit;
radsam- juice; arunthuka- drink
geštin- has the composition- ka- sa-the - the –an- and the meaning of the word is suth’tha
- thanka - katti- pure gold biscuit ;sen thaenai kodu- ‘ give me the red honey ‘; sen- thaen
koodu-; bee- hive ; thaen kudam- pot filled with honey- breast; ketta saathakam
unakku - problematic horoscope for you; ‘ketta santhaekam unakku’ –‘you have bad
suspicion’ .
*geštug(2,3), geštu(2,3)[PI]: n., ear(s); hearing; understanding, intelligence (giš, 'tool', +
tuku/tug, 'to receive') [GEŠTUG archaic frequency: 108; concatenation of 5 sign variants] .
v., to hear; to understand.
geštug has the composition- ka -[-sa-]- the -ka - and the meaning of the word is kaathukku
suka kaedu - hard of hearing ; kaathu - ears; kaathai kodu- to hear .
geš'u: (cf., géš×u in compound section).
geš'u - has the composition- ka- sa/ta -u - and the meaning of the word is Singa kutti- lion
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*giš -- gidru, gidri[PA]: stick; staff; scepter; stick used to measure the height of a pile of grain
'wood', + dúru, 'low end, base' where stick was thrust to the base of a grain pile; cf., duru6
reading of PA and še giš-è-a).
giš – gidru- has the composition- ka – sa-the- ka- the –Ra- - and the meaning of the word is
maattu / kuthirai vandi ottunarin saattai kuchchi - the whip of the driver of the bullock cart /
horse cart ; maattu vandi- bullock cart ; kuthirai vandi- horse cart ; ottunar- driver; saattai
kuchchi- whip .
giš – gidru- has the composition- ka – sa-the- ka- the –Ra- - and the meaning of the word is
siruth’thai kootam- group of cheetahs; sundra vana kaadu- mangrove forest; sithariya
thaengaai kottai - broken coconut shell ; senthoora katti ; sathuryam kaattu- ‘be clever’;
suththenthira vaetkai - urge to have independence; .
gidri-PA- has the composition- ka- the- Ra – pa- and the meaning of the word is kathiri poovubrinjal flower; pen kuthirai - female horse; poo- kathir- flower- bouquet; paravai koottamgroup of birds.
*giš---gisal: oar; rudder (giš, 'wooden tool', + sal, 'thin, wide') [GISAL archaic frequency: 3;
concatenation of 2
sign variants] .
giš---gisal - has the composition- ka - sa- the - ka –sa- la- and the meaning of the word is
aaththu/ kadal neerilae thoni yaei /padakai seluththu uthavum thuduppu kattai [m issing
letter- pa-] - the oar which is used to row a boat in the sea or in river water.
giš---gisal - has the composition- ka - sa- the - ka –sa- la- and the meaning of the word is
salankkai kattu - wear the anklet [ for the dance] . ‘kattu’ means ‘to wear’; Sali kattu- upper
respiratory tract infection; saelai kattu- to wear the saree.
giskim, giškim, iskim, izkim, gizkim: sign, signal; omen (giš, 'tool', + kíñ,
giškim - has the composition- ka -sa/ta- ka –ma- and the meaning of the word is mocha kottai
.’ kottai ‘ means ‘nut’ ; sinka koottam- group of lions; ketta sakavasam- bad friendship; maeka
koottam- clouds .
iskim- has the composition- -i -sa- ka –and the meaning of the word is kaama ichhai ;
masakkai - pregnancy sickness; kasayam- medicated water; vasiyam - mesmerism.
*gišbun: (cultic) feast.
gišbun has the composition- ka- [-sa- ]- the – pa- an – and the meaning of the word is
pandikai naera virunthu - feast of the festival time[ missing letter- Ra -] ; pandikai- festival;
naeram- time; virunthu- feast.
gišbun has the composition- ka -sa- the – pa- an – and the meaning of the word is sivaththa
pen kutti- fair girl; seth’tha panni kutti – dead pig ; ketta soppanam - bad dream; panam
kottai- palm seed .
*gišgal: chair; throne; station (giš, 'wooden thing', + gal, 'big, great') [GIŠGAL archaic frequency:
gišgal - has the composition- ka- sa -the - ka- la- and the meaning of the word is ven thaekkal
seitha mukkaali - the three legged stool made from white teak ; ven thaekku- white teak;
seitha- made; mukkaali- three legged stool.
gišgal - has the composition- ka- sa -the - ka- la- and the meaning of the word is ‘ kasta kalam
kathevai thatta’- ‘bad omen knocking the door’; sembu kalasa- kudam - copper vessel put on
the top of the temple tower; senkal kattidam - house built by baked red bricks ; senkal soolai
koodam - the place where baked red bricks are made; kaal kattu- to tie the legs[ to arrange
for a marriage] ; ketta kalam - bad time .
*giš-- giš- immar: date palm; trunk of a date palm tree (cf., gišnimbar) [GIŠIMMAR archaic
frequency: 55;
concatenation of 5 sign variants] .
giš- immar- has the composition - ka- sa/ta – i- ma- Ra- and the meaning of the word is
eechha marakaadu- palm grove; kattu maram .
*gizzal: attention; intelligence (giš,'tool', + zal,'to pass time') [? GIZZAL archaic frequency: 1].
gizzal- has the composition- ka –[-sa-]- la – and the meaning of the word is mulu kavanam full attention; mulu- full; kavanam- attention .
gizzal- has the composition- ka –[-sa-]- la – and the meaning of the word is arivaali- intelligent
person [ missing letter- Ra -]
gizzal- has the composition- ka –sa- la – and the meaning of the word is salankai - dance
anklet; alagu silai- beautiful statue .
guruš: (cf., guruš).
guruš has the composition- ka -Ra -sa- the - and the meaning of the word -is sem mara kattai red wood - rose wood; santhana mara kattai- sandal wood; santhana mara kaadu- sandal
wood forest; sirangu katti- impetigo; korattai - snoring; karu vaadu- dried fish .
guškin: (now read as kù-sig17).
guškin - has the composition- ka- sa/ta -ka -an – and the meaningof the word is santhaeka
kannu- suspecting eyes; singa kutti- lion cub; sankatam- feeling sad.
gušur: rafter beam (giš, 'wood, tool', + ùr, 'roof; beam').
gušur – has the compostion- ka -[-sa-] - the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is mara kattai
kai pidi konda aruvaa- the billhook with wooden handle[ missing letter- pa -] ; mara kattaiwood; pidi- handle; aruvaa- bil hook /sickle.
gušur – has the compostion- ka -sa- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is siruthai kutti young cheetah; sura koodu; sem mara kattai .
*habrud: cesspit; pit, hole; cave, cavern (hab, 'to stink', + bùru(-d), 'hole').
habrud - has the composition- ka- pa- Ra- the – and the meaning of the word is kar paarai yaei
kudainthu seithitta kukai - cave made by carving the rock ; kar paarai- rock; kudainthu carved ; kukai- cave.
habrud - has the composition- ka- pa- Ra- the – and the meaning of the word is kar paarai
yaei kudainthu seithitta kaudai varai kopuram - the tower made by carving the rock ;
kopuram- tower.
habrud - has the composition- ka- pa- Ra- the – and the meaning of the word is naatram
edukkukum kuppai - stinking rubbish ; naatram- stink; kuppai- rubbish.
Cave[ E] has the composition- ka- va - and the meaning of the word is kukai- cave.
habrud - has the composition- ka- pa- Ra- the – and the meaning of the word is paravai koodupura koodu - pigeon’s hole; kopparai thaengaai - big coconut ; kuppura padu- to lie down
with face looking the ground.
*halba(2,3), halbi(2,3): frost, freezing.
halba has the composition- ka- la- pa – and the meaning of the word is pani yaal aana kal- ice
cube/ frost ; pani kaalam- winter; panai - ice; kal- stone.
halba has the composition- ka- la- pa – and the meaning of the word is pallankuli palakai board game.
*(giš)hašhur: apple (?); apricot (?) (haš, 'to break off (twigs or branches)', + gurun;gúr, 'fruit;
[hAŠhUR archaic frequency: 101].
(giš)hašhur- has the composition- ka- sa/ta – ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is surakkaikuduvai – kamandalam - a vessel to carry water- made from dried suraikkai- a vegetable.
*(gi)henbur(2): (green) reed shoots, stalks (he, 'abundant', + in, 'discrete individuals', +
(gi)henbur- has the composition- ka –an- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is vevaeru
vakai patta manitharkal - different types of people ; vevaeru - different ; vakai - kind/ type;
manitharkal- people[ missing letters- the- and - la-].
(gi)henbur- has the composition- ka –an- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is muththiya
thaaniya kathir aruvadai yaei naeram paarththu aarampikka vaendum - the harvest
should be started at a right time [ missing letter- the -] ; muththiya thaaniya kathir- the cereal
plant ; aruvadi- harvest ; naeram paarththu- seeking the right time ; aarampikka vaendumshould start .
(gi)henbur- has the composition- ka –an- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kan puraicataract of eyes; panai mara kee-[ t- ]ru - palm leaves; vaan paravai- sky bird.
*henzer: weakling; cripple; infant.
henzer has the composition- ka -an -sa -Ra – and the meaning of the word is siruvan - small
boy .
henzer has the composition- ka -an -[-sa-] -Ra – and the meaning of the word is edathu kai
kaar ankam thuvandu - paralysed arm and leg of left side [ missing letter- the -] ; kai- arm;
kaar- leg; ankam- body part; thuvandu - paralysed ; edathu- left side.
henzer has the composition- ka -an -sa -Ra – and the meaning of the word is rasikan- fan ;
vasikaran- name.; vana sarakam- forest range.
*hilib: netherworld (possible foreign loanword).
hilib- has the composition- ka- la- pa –and the meaningof the word is paathala kukai - the cave
to the underworld[ missing letter- the -] ; paathalam- under world; kukai- cave .
hilib- has the composition- ka- la- pa –and the meaningof the word is kalappai- plough; pakalday time; kabalam- cephalus; kulappam- confusion; palinkku kal -- marble ; polaikka- to live ;
palaka- to move with; paal- vali- milk way; kuli pal-cavity tooth ;palakkm- habits; pulukkamhumidity; paalaakka- to destroy; veluppan kaalam- early morning; koppali- to goggle;
kalippu - happiness; poo- kolam- floor drawing with flowers ; pukal- famous; kapali- name Siva ; poon- kulam- pond with flowers; pankalai- siblings; palakan- son –boy; palukka- ‘[to
burn] it till it get’s red color’ ; palukka- to ripe; kilambu- set ready to go .
hirin, *hirim: the root stalks of the spikenard, imported from India, and used in perfumes; a
grass (he, 'abundant', + ir, 'perfume', + in, 'straw').
hirim - has the composition- ka- Ra- ma - and the meaning of the word is murungai kaaidrumstick ; murungai maram- drumstick tree.
hubur: netherworld (hab, 'to rot, stink', + úr, 'root; base').
hubur has the composition- ka -pa - Ra - and the meaning of the word is karupai- uterus;
karpam- pregnancy; koppari- big vessel; kurippu – notes; karippu- sour; karuppu- dark;
paravai- bird ; varappu- narrow pathway in the fields; Veerappan- name; parikka- to snatch;
purika- do; pirikka- to separate; karappan- insect; koburam- temple tower; kuppura- [ velu] to fall with face touching the floor; koorai paai- reed mat.
*huluh: to tremble; to be terrified; to terrify.
huluh- has the composition- ka- la- ka and the meaning of the word is kalangu- apprehensive;
kalakkam - anxious; koolam kal- pebble; kaluku- eagle; kulukkal- draw ; kolakalamaka great celebration; kalam kalamaka- from ancient time; vilakku- lamp; vilangu- animal;
vilakkam - explanation .
*ibila: son; heir, successor; inheritance (íb (subj. prefix) + íla, 'he carries it').
ibila- has the composition - i –pa- la – and the meaning of the word is pillai - child ; pen pillaidaughter.
idigna: the Tigris river (ída/íd, 'river', + ì, 'impersonal verbal conjugation prefix' , + ñin, 'to go', +
nominative a, "the river that goes", the Tigris was a faster-moving river than the Euphrates; it
was less
likely to overflow because, not depositing as much silt, it did not built up its bed as high) [?
archaic frequency: 25].
idigna - has the composition- - i- the- ka- na - and the meaning of the word is Maka Nathi /
thanni .Nathi means river.
*idim: n., spring, underground water; weight, mass *(ída, 'river', + mú, 'to sprout, appear').
adj., wild, raging, mad; considerable, distinguished.
idim - has the composition-i - the- ma- and the meaningof the word is niththam- daily;
mathiyam- afternoon ; Inthu mathi- moon goddess; madamai/ mathiyeenam -- foolishness;
matham- religion; matham - rage; thanimai- seclusive. ; thanmai - nature- character.
ída, has the composition- i-the and the meaning of the word is idam- palce; idu- to place; idithunder; nathi –river; thanni- water ; thanni becomes nathi because of letter reversal;
theeni; snack ; thani thaniyae- individual ; maadi- terrace.
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*ígira: heron (igi, 'the eye', + ra, 'to strike').
ígira- has the composition-– ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is kuruvi- sparrow.
*giš--- ildag(2,3): a species of poplar tree (íl, 'to be high; to shine', + dág, 'brilliant').
giš--- ildag - has the composition- ka- [-sa-] -the –la- the- ka- - and the meaning of the word is
aalam vizhuthil thonka- hanging on the branches of Indian banyan tree; aalam vizhuthubranches of banyan tree; thonka- to hang .
giš--- ildag - has the composition- ka--sa--the –la- the- ka- and the meaning of the word is
entha seyalai seithaalum athil vaekam muttum illathu vivaekamum vaendum - in every
act should have intelligence apart from speed; entha seyal- in every act; athil - in that;
vaekam- speed; vivaekam- brilliance.
giš--- ildag - has the composition- ka- sa-the –la- the- ka- - and the meaning of the word is
sutta kadali kottai - fried ground nuts; kadali kaadu is another interpretation- ground nut
fields .
ilduma(2,3),* ildum(2/3), ildu(2/3): crowd [ILDUM archaic frequency: 5; concatenation of 2 sign
variants] .
ildum- has the composition –la –the- ma - and the meaning of the word is alai mothiya
manitha koottam [ missing letter- ka -]- waves of human crowds ; alai- waves ; koottamcrowd .
ildum- has the composition –la –the- ma - and the meaning of the word is muthalaicrocodile; maathulai- pomegranate; mazhalai thanne- rain water; muthaliya ; muth’thalam drum; thalaimai - head [ of the nation] ; moottu valai - roof beam ; metti valayam- toe ring ;
mottai thalai- shaved head ; Aathi mozhi- nam thaai mozhi; en annan thantha mozhi; thol
mozhi;nam Tamil mozhi.
*ilimmu: nine (ía/í, 'five', + limmu, 'four').
ilimmu has the composition- – la –ma- and the meaningof the word is naalum - all the four ;
naalu- four ; naalum- daily .
ilimmu has the composition- – la –ma- and the meaningof the word is velli malai- snow
mountain; malaiaali- mountain dweller ; elimai- simplicity; elamai- youth; ellam- all; malai
eli- wild rat ;Mullai- flower; malai- mountain; maalai- garland; maalai- evening; malae- above
; maelam- drum.
*giš --- illuru, illulu, illar: throw-stick; javelin; bow; arc (íla, 'to lift', + ru, 'to send').
giš --- illuru has the composition- ka- sa- the- la -Ra - and the meaning of the word is nalla
tharamaana ven thaekku mara kattai yaal seithe villu - the bow made from good quality
white teak wood ; nalla- tharamaana - good quality ; ven thaekku- white teak; mara kattaiwood ; seitha- made; villi- bow.
giš --- illuru has the composition- ka- sa- the- la -Ra - and the meaning of the word is mara
kattai yaal seitha vael- the wooden spear ; mara kattai- wood; vael- spear .
giš --- illuru has the composition- ka- sa- the- la -Ra - and the meaning of the word is mara
kuchchi yaei thooraththil thookki erika - throw away the wooden stick at a distance; mara
kuchchi - wooden stick ; thooraththil - at a distance; thookki erika- to throw away .
giš --- illuru has the composition- ka- sa- the- la -Ra - and the meaning of the word is sev arali
kaadu- flower garden. Urulai kattai - rounded stick ; urulai kaai kaadu- potato fields ; arul
ozhi kaattu are other interpretations.
imgaga(2,3): husked (?) emmer wheat.
imgaga - has the composition-–ma- ka- ka – and the meaning of the word is vaar kothumai emmer wheat [ missing letter- Ra -].
imgaga - has the composition-–ma- ka- ka – and the meaning of the word is ‘ kannai imai
kakka’- the eyelids protecting the eyes ; imaikka- blinking.
imin(2,3): seven; totality; innumerable; all (ía/í, 'five', + min, 'two').
imin has the composition-–ma- an – and the meaning of the word is moonu- three.
imin has the composition-–ma- an – and the meaning of the word is min mini - sparkling insect;
Maniyan .
immal(2): milk cow (cf., im-ma-al).
immal- has the composition- ma- la - and the meaningof the word is mulai- breast ; mattu
mulai [ missing letter -the -] - udder .
immal- has the composition- ma- la - and the meaningof the word is Ma mulai- big breastAmmalaiyam- Malai / Himmalayam- Himmalaya - Malai . Himmalayas is purely a Tamil word
based on the word Ma mulai- Amma mulai - big breast of my great mother goddess [ Malai
ammai ] from where the river Ganges flow.
*immindu: roasting, baking oven (imi/im, 'clay', + ninda, 'bread').
immindu has the composition- i -ma- an- the- and the meaning of the word is munnai nondudig the soil ; Thaai mannai mathi- love your nation; Mannathi Mannan en Annan- king of the
kings – my lord – sun god; mun maedu- mound; mun maedai; mana maedai – marriage stage .
mmindu has the composition- i -ma- an- the- and the meaning of the word is mun aduppu oven ; mun- clay; aduppu- oven [ missing letter- pa -]
imhur[IGI.A]: foam.
imhur has the composition- ma- ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is nonkum
nuraiyumaaka - foamy .
imhur has the composition- ma- ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is makaram; koormaisharp; karumai- dark; varam; varumai- poverty; verumai –emptiness.
*inim: word; statement; command, order, decree; oath, agreement; matter, affair, concern,
subject (in, 'one
discrete individual', + eme, 'speech').
inim has the composition- i –na- ma – and the meaningof the word is inimai- sweet [ talk –
music ] ; mani mania - ‘letters written beautifully as the letters look like that of the shining
stars’; Maniyan- Murugan- Marduk; Muniyan- lord Siva; Ma maniyan - sun god ; Maniammaimoon goddess; maani- genitals; Mannan -in aanai - order by the king .
*isimu2,3, isim2,3: shoot, sprout; offspring, descendant (i, 'sprout', + si, 'straight, long, narrow',
mú, 'to grow').
isimu has the composition- [-sa-] -ma - and the meaning of the word is mottu - bud.
isimu has the composition- -sa -ma - and the meaning of the word is imsai – torture ; Masi
Masam- Tamil month; semmai- healthy - red .
*isiš2,3: n., moaning; laughter.
v., to weep; to laugh.
isiš - has the composition-- [-sa-]- [-sa-]-the- and the meaning of the word is thukkammoaning [ missing letter- ka -].
isiš - has the composition-- sa- sa-the- and the meaning of the word is istam- like ; ista
daevathai ; one’s own goddess .
*išib: n., priest who performs exorcisms, incantations, lustrations and purification.
adj., clean; anointed.
išib - has the composition - sa-the- pa and the meaning of the word is paei ottum poosari - the
priest who performs exorcisms[ missing letter- the- and -Ra -] ; paei- ghost ; ottum- to drive
away ; poosari- priest .
išib - has the composition - sa-the- pa and the meaning of the word is poosai- paattu - songs
for the ritual prayer.
išin [PA-ŠE]: stalk.
išin - has the composition- sa-the- an –and the meaning of the word is sediyin thandu - stalk;
sedi- plant; thandu - stem .
išin - has the composition- sa-the- an –and the meaning of the word is sannithanam- alter;
nadu nisi – midnight .
išin [PA-ŠE] has the composition- sa- the- an- pa -sa- the - and the meaning of the word is
pachchi sediyin thandu- the stalk of the green plant ; pachchai- green .
itima, itim, idi: cella, chapel.
idi- has the composion- the- and the meaning of the word is idi- thunder; madam- mut ;
maedai- stage; thee- fire ; thee idam- the place for the fire.
itim- has the composition- the-ma- and the meaning of the word is adimai- slave.
*itud, itid, itu, iti, id8; it4,id4: moon; month; moonlight (te, 'to approach,
meet', + ud, 'sun').
itud -has the composition- the- the- and the meaning of the word is thuni uduth-thu- dress
yourself; thaen mathi .
itu - has the composition – the- and the meaning of the word is intha/ ithu - this; inthaa- have
it; mathi- moon ; Inthumathi - Moon goddess.
id - has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is nathi- river; thanni- water;
naadi- pulse; nithi -wealth; ninthi- to curse; nanthi- bull; nitham – daily; thanimai alone;
thaniyam- grain ; thaenee – bee; thuni- cloth. l
izkim: (cf., giskim).
izkim has the composition- – sa- ka -ma - and the meaningof the word is kama ichhai - sexual
desire; Kamakshi- goddess of love .
*kabar, kapar[PA.DAG.KISIM5×GAG]: shepherd boy (ká, 'gate', + bar, 'to open').
kabar has the composition – ka -pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is aadu maadu maeikira
paiyan - the shepherd boy ; aadu- goat; maadu- cow; maeikira - looking after; paiyan - boy .
kabar has the composition – ka -pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is karuppan; kubaeran .
*kadra(2): gift, bribe (kad4, 'to tie together', + ru, 'present, gift').
kadra - has the composition- ka - the –Ra- and the meaning of the word is thirumana thandru
mana makanukku thara vaendiya nan kodai - the gift to be given to the bride groon on
wedding day; thirumanam- marriage ; manam makan- bride groom; nan kodai- gift .
kadra - has the composition- ka - the –Ra- and the meaning of the word is kathiravan - sun;
varuththam- feeling sad; Rakavaenthiran - name; kuthirai horse; kurathee - moon goddessgypsy woman; koth’thiram - caste; kaaththiru- wait; karuth’thu- opinion; kuruth’thu- sprout.
*kalag, kala, kal: v., to repair, mend (kal, 'excellent', + aka/ag, 'to make').
adj., strong; swift [GURUŠ+2-N14 (wagon pictogram) archaic frequency: 7; concatenation of 3
sign variants] .
kalag- has the composition- ka- la- ka –and the meaning of the word is valimaiyaaka- strong.
kalag- has the composition- ka- la- ka –and the meaning of the word is ozhunkaaka vaelai yaei
kavani- concentrate on the work.
kalag- has the composition- ka- la- ka –and the meaning of the word is vaekamaaka sellum
vazhi - way to go quickly ; vaekam- spped; sellim- going; vazhi- way; vaekamaaka vaelai
seika - do the work quickly .
kalag- has the composition- ka- la- ka –and the meaning of the word is nalla vaelai aaka good time .
kalag- has the composition- ka- la- ka –and the meaning of the word is kavalai - sadness ;
valaikka- to bend; kaluku malai - eagle mountain ;kolai kalam – place for sacrifice; kalakam riot; valakkam - customs; vaalkkai- life; valukkai- baldness ; velukka- to wash; to beat; to
whiten ; kalaka- to mix; kalaikovil- temple for arts and science .
kala- has the composition- ka- la- and meaingof the word is kaalai- morning; kali- arts and
science; kulai- binch; kilamai- date; kovil - temple; kalai kovil; mallikai- jasmine; Maekalaname; makal-daughter; kalai maan- deer; kovil kaalai- temple bull; kalai makal- goddessof arts
and science; kollai- field; koali- murder; vaelai- work; valai- net; kalai- to destroy ; Velan –
name; vellai- white; vellam- flood; vellam- palm sugar .
*kalam: the land (of Sumer); nation [KALAM archaic frequency: 91; concatenates 6 sign
variants] .
kalam - has the composition- - ka- la- ma- and the meaning of the word is kalam -land ;
kaalam - time; kulam - pond; kullam - short ; kaevalam means shame ; kilamai day; kallam –
cunningness; makal- daughter ; valamai- fertile; malai kalvan- sun- Siva; malai kaalam- rainy
season; kalai makal - goddess of arts and science; Kolamakal- beautiful woman; kula makal;
Malai makal- Parvathi - wife of lord Siva; Velammal- Parvathi ; Mayil Velan- Murugan ; kolli
malai- mountain ; maalai vaelai- evening time .
*kankal: hard soil; uncultivated land (ki, 'earth, place', + nu, 'not', + kal[-l], 'excellent, valuable').
kankal - has the composition- ka- an- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is kallum
munnumaaka ulla nilam - the land of rocky soil; kal- rock; mun - soil; nilam- land .s
kankal - has the composition- ka- an- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is kankal- eyesplural ; kan= eye- singular ; kalai kankal- artistic eyes; venkalam- brass; Kaalaiyan makan
Velan- Murugan- son of Siva; kan valayam; kali vannam ; vaan vali- the path way of the sky ;
vin veli- sky.
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* kaskal: expedition, caravan; road; journey (kaš4/kas4, 'to travel fast', + kalag/kal, 'swift')
archaic frequency: 35].
kaskal has the composition- ka- sa- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is vaekamaaka
vakanaththai sellum vazhi nokki seluththuka- drive the vehicle fast on the path way [ missing
letter- the -]; vaekamaaka- speedily ; vaakanam- vehicle; seluththuka- to drive.
kaskal has the composition- ka- sa- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is velli salangai silver anklet ; sakalakala vallavan- Murugan- sun god ; senkkal - brick ; sakalai –brother inlaw; saklam- every thing; salangai- anklet; sangili- chain; kilinjalkal- oysters; kovil kalsam sacred vessel over the temple tower ;Kovil vaasal- temple entrance; Senkamalam- lotus; veli
vaesam – ‘ just acting’ .
*kašbir: small beer; sweet beer (kaš, 'beer', + bír, 'to sniff').
kašbir - has the composition- ka -sa-the -pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is pattai
saarayaththai kudikka- drink arrack ; saarayam - arrack; kuidikka- to drink
kašbir - has the composition- ka -sa-the -pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is serruppu
kattai- wooden chapel ; siriya paravai koodu; small bird’s nest ; sirippu kaattu - ‘ give a
smile’; paruppu vadai- dhal snack;
*kešda, kešdr?, kéš-(d): n., knot; taboo; inhibition (ki, 'place', + šita4, 'to bind') [KEŠ2
archaic frequency: 6].
v., to bind, wrap, tie; to join; to fasten; to harness; to snatch.
kešda has the composition- ka- sa-the-the- and the meaning of the word is mudichchu idukato make a knot ; mudichchu- knot ; iduka- to make.
kešda has the composition- ka- [-sa-]-the-the- and the meaning of the word is adakkam
udaimai- being humble ; adakkam- humble.
kešda has the composition- ka- [-sa-]-the-the- and the meaning of the word is inaiththiduka make it united.
kešda has the composition- ka- sa-the-the- and the meaning of the word is santhana kattaisandal wood; vadichha saatham- cooked rice; sempu kudam- copper vessel; soodi kodu ;
sediyae vettu - cut down the plant; kattu saatham- koodai saatham- basket full of cooked
rice ; soodam kaattu ; ketta saathi- lower caste ; sadaiyaei kattu- comb your hair.
kešdr – has the composition- ka- sa- the- Ra - vaana sasthitam- astronomy ; sundara
vathanam- beautiful lips; sundra vana kaadu- mangrove forest;
*kíbir: firewood, kindling.
kíbir - has the composition- ka- pa -Ra- and the meaning of the word is aduppu erikka
uthavum viraku kattai- the fire wood used to make fire in the oven [ missing letter- the -] ;
aduppu- oven; erika- to make fire; virakau kattai- fire wood .
kíbir - has the composition- ka- pa -Ra- and the meaning of the word is paakku maram- areca
nut tree ; karappam- pregnancy ; karu pai- uterus; paai virippu - floor mat; paravai - bird;
pirambu koodai- cane basket; karuppu- black.
*giš- kíbir: pitchfork.
giš- kíbir has the composition- ka -sa-the- ka- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is
muththiya thaaniya kathirai aruvadai seitha pinnar vaikolai thaniyaaka piriththu
eduththu kuviththu vaikor poar undaakkuka uthavum oru vakai karuvi [ missing letter- la ] - a stool used to separate the straw from the reaped cereal plants to make a heap of straw.
giš- kíbir has the composition- ka -sa-the- ka- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is paakku
mara kaadu - areca nut fields.
na4---kikkin [hAR]: mortar.
na – kikkin - has the composition- an – ka- ka- an- and the meaning of the word vanna
kinnam- color cup ; vannam- color; kinnam- small cup .
na – kikkin - has the composition- [-an -]– ka- ka- an- and the meaning of the word vedi
vedikka vaenum [ missing letter- the -] - to ignite fire ; vedi- fire/crackers ; vadikka / to ignite
na – kikkin - has the composition- an – ka- ka- an- and the meaning of the word is en annai
kannaki- moon goddess.
kìlib,* kìli: totality; star(s).
kìlib- has the composition- ka- la -pa – and the meaning of the word is palnkku kal- marble;
pakal- day time; pal kalai kalagam- university.
Kili -has the composition- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is ellaam- total/all .
Kili -has the composition- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is- kili- parrot; velli- silvermoon- star ; kalam- planet ; vali- path way; vaali- bucket; vaazhi- long live; vaelicompound; vellai- white; valai- ney; vaalai banana ; kaali- morning; kaali- bull; kalai- arts
and science; kovil - temple; kalai - destroy; killi - to pinch; makal- daughter; valli- moon
goddess. .
*kilim, gílim, gilili: group of (wild) animals; rodents or other very small mammals.
kilim has the composition- ka –la- ma - and the meaning of the word is velammai - valli
makalin - alagu mayil - beautiful pea cock; velan- in- mayil vakanam- pea cock as the vehicle
of Marduk.
*kinbur: bird's nest or perch (ki, 'place', + an, 'high', + bùru/bùr, 'receptacle').
kinbur- has the composition- ka- an- pa -Ra - and the meaning of the word is paravai in
koodu - bird’s nest [ missing letter- the -] ; pura vin koodu- pigeons hole; paravai- bird;
koodu- nest .
kinbur- has the composition- ka- an- pa -Ra - and the meaning of the word is kan paravai –
vision; kan purai- cataract of eyes; paravai inam; paravaiyin kan koormai – the eyes of the
birds are very sharp ; periya vanna/vaan paravai – big colored bird .
*kinda: barber.
kinda has the composition- ka- an -the - and the meaning of the word is naavithan- barber.
*kínda [URI]; kindax[LAK-419]: a type of vessel for measuring barley or holding water.
kínda - has the composition - ka- an- the – and the meaning of the word is kundan - copper
vessel for cleaning rice with water before cooking .
*kindagal(2): overseer of a group of (five) slaves.
kindagal has the composition- ka -an – the- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is aeinthu
adimaikalukku vaelai thanthu kooli kodukkum mael athikarai - the overseer who gives work
and wages for five slaves; aeinthu - five ; adimakal- slaves; vaelai- wotk; kooli- wages; mael
athikari - supervisor .
kindagal has the composition- ka -an – the- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is kaalai
vandi – bullock cart; vandi kaaali; kendai kaal- leg ; kaali unthu – push the legs; kaanth;tha
kal- magnet; kal kandu – sugar cube .
*kingal: commander, director (kíg, 'to order', + gal, 'big, great') [KINGAL archaic frequency: 39].
kingal- has the composition- ka- an- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is aanai idum
vallamai kondavan - one who has the capacity to give orders[ missing letter- the -] ; aanaiorder; vallamai- capacity ; kondavan- one who has ; vallavan- one who is capable;
kingal- has the composition- ka- an- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is vin kalam- air
craft; planet; venkalam- brass ;kalaignan- artist; vanna kalavai- paint ; vanna kalai- painting;
vaanaka vill – rain bow; kalai vaani; kalai makal – goddesss of arts and science.
*kingusili: greater part; five-sixths (5/6) (kíg, 'task', + sílig, 'hand [of five fingers]').
kingusili has the composition- ka- an- ka- [-sa-]- la -- and the meaning of the word is
manithanin kaikku aeinthu viralkal - human hand has five fingers[ missing letter- the- and -la
-] ; manithan- man; kai- hand ; aeinthu- five; viralkal- fingers .
kingusili has the composition- ka- an- ka- sa- la -- and the meaning of the word is alakiya
venkala silai- beautiful bronze state; vanaka salai- milky way .
*kiraši emmer wheat for making beer.
kiraši - has the composition- ka- Ra- sa/ta - sittu kuruvi- yae- un sirakai viri ; ‘siru kurani arisi
/ raghi -yaei – kaachhi – karachhi kudi . siru kurani arisi- broken rice; rakasiyam kaattu- be
secret ; saraayam kaachhi kodu-- give me the arrack prepared from rice .
kišib, k*iši5,10: mouse.
kiši- has the composition- ka -sa- [-the-] – and the meaning of the word is sinka kutti- lion cub ;
kouseekam - mouse .
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*giš----*kišik(2), kiša(2), kiši16/17[Ú.GÍR]: a thorny bush [? KIŠIK archaic frequency: 21;
concatenates 3 sign variants] .
kišik has the composition- ka- sa/ta- ka – and the meaning of the word is kuchi – katta-thorny bush used as fire wood.
[Ú.GÍR] has the composition- u- ka- Ra and the meaning of the word is kari viragu - fire
*kúkku [MI.MI]: dark.
kukku has the composition- ka- ka – and the meaning of the word is karukka- darkening [
missing letter- Ra -] .
kukku has the composition- ka- ka – and the meaningof the word is vaeka vaeka maka - quickly
; kaamukan- lover; vaakku- statement; vakai vakaiyana- kaai kani- all sorts of vegetables
and fruits ;kanavan- husband; kanakam- forest ; vaanakam- sky; kanakku- maths’; vanakkam
kukkuš, kukkuz ? [IŠ]: a type of flour.
kukkuš- has the composition- ka-ka -sa/ta –and the meaning of the word is kadai SangamSangam, the last one ; kasa kasa kaadu - poppy seed garden .
*kunga[ŠÚ.MUL]; kúnga[BAR.AN, ŠÚ.AN]: donkey; onager; mule.
kunga has the composition-ka -an -ka – and the meaning of the word is vaenkai- tiger;
vanakam - forest.
ŠÚ.MUL means solai malai/ malai solai- mountain grove.
kúnga[BAR.AN, ŠÚ.AN] means Paraman Esan Saeyon in aasanam Vaengai .
*kungal, gukkal [LU.HÚL]: fat-tailed sheep (kun, 'tail', + gal, 'big') [GUKKAL archaic frequency:
36; concatenation of 4 sign variants] .
kungal means Vaan kozhi- Wild Turkey .
gukkal [LU.HÚL] has the composition- ka –ka- la - and the meaning of the word is kaalai –
vaelai –la koovum kozhi’- the cock that makes sound in the morning time [ welcoming the
sun god].
kunig--x, kúnin: refined asphalt, bitumen (ku, 'to build', + *níg, 'assets').
kunig-- has the composition- ka –an- ka- and the meaning of the word is Kan’nikai - nagaithe gold jewel offered to the god .
nig has the composition- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is nagai- gold jewel.
*kurku(2): bounty, abundance (reduplicated kur9, 'to deliver').
kurku has the composition- ka- Ra – ka- and the meaning of the word is ‘kari vaikka - vakai
vakai yana –kaai kari’- ‘ all kinds of vegetables and fruits- to make curry’ .
kurku also means kurukku- back; karuukku/ varrkku- to fry until it turns dark ; kiragamplanet ; karakam- folk dance; kiragam- eclipse; viraku- fire wood; varaku- millet.
kurum6, kur6: a basket of food-rations; share(s).
kurum means kaai- kari kuruma- vegetable – kuruma/ vegetable curry masala/ gravi .
kurum means karumai- black .
karum means mara kari - vegetable food.
karum mean varumai- poverty .
karum means verumai- emptiness.
*kurum7,* kuru7, kur7: n., lookout, spy (ki, 'place', + ùru(-m), 'to watch, guard').
v., to watch.
kuru kur - has the composition- ka- Ra – and the meaningof the word is ‘ kuru kuru vena kan
nookka’ – ‘scanning eyes/anxious eyes/ fearful eyes ’ ; kan koormai- sharp eyes.
kurun(2,3): sweet red wine; wine grape, grapevine, or grape cluster (cf., gurun).
kurun has the composition- ka ra –an - and the meaning of the word is kari unu – non
vegetarian food- meat food; Maan kari- deer meat .
*kuruš, kuš6, ku7: sweet; plump, fat; honey (cf., kurušda).
kuruš- has the composition- ka- Ra- sa/ta - and the meaning of the word is sakkarai - katti sugar cubes. English word Sugar had originated from the Tamil word Sakkarai.
kuš6 has the composition- ka- sa/ta- and the meaning of the word is ‘shema kundu’ –‘ very
kurušda, gurušda, kuruza ?: sweet fodder (for fattening cattle); fattener (of cattle);
stock-breeder (kuruš, 'sweet; fat', + da(5), 'side; to surround' ?) [GURUŠDA archaic frequency:
kurušda has the composition- ka -Ra – sa-the- the – and the meaning of the word is –
‘varruththa kari yum- sudu saatham-mum kodu’- ‘serve the fried meat and the boiled rice
Kurušda has the composition- ka -Ra – sa-the- the – and the meaning of the word is aadu
maadu/erumai matrum kuthiraikku tharum maattu theevanam - the food given for cattle
and horse; aadu- goat; maadu- cow ; erumai- buffalo ; kuthirai- horse; theeevanm - food.
*kušum: to scorn, reject, hurt; to abandon (ki, 'place', + ušum, 'solitary').
kušum has the composition- ka- sa/ta- ma- and the meaning of the word is kan - simittublinking of the eyes - to say no .
kušum---x, kušu[U.PIRIG]: herd of cattle or sheep.
kušum has the composition- ka- sa/ta -ma and the meaning of the word is mosa kutti – hare.
kušu[U.PIRIG] means paravai kunju- new born/small bird.
*lagab: block, slab (of stone); trunk (of tree) (cf., kilib) (lag, 'clod, piece', + gub, 'to stand')
archaic frequency: 84; concatenates 2 sign variants] .
lagab- has the composition- la- ka- pa- and the meaning of the word is Palinku kal palagaimarble stone slab ; kalappai- plough wood ; pazha kulai- bunches of fruit.
*lagar: temple servant who pronounces invocations to the god [LAGAR archaic frequency: 51;
concatenates 4
sign variants] .
lagar has the composition- la – ka –Ra - and the meaning of the word is Kurukkal / Gurukkal temple priest.
*lagar---x[SAL.HÚB]: (divine) viziera high ranking cultic functionary.
lagar--- has the composition- la- ka –Ra - and the meaning of the word is ‘kovil kala kaarankala kaari’ – male and female artists / temple dancers; kovil vaelai kaaran- temple servant .
SAL.HÚB- has the composition- sa – la – ka – pa - and the meaning of the word is kaalai valei
kovil poosai - morning time ritual prayer of the temple.
lahtan(2): beer vat [LAHTAN2 archaic frequency: 7].
lahtan has the composition- la- ka- the –an- and the meaning of the word is kaathani vizhaear piercing cermony; kalani thanni- water for the cattle; ‘velli malai- thaen’- ice water[
honey] from the snow mountain .
*lahtan---x, lahta: a washing vessel (luh/làh, 'to wash', + tán, 'to become clean').
lahtan--- has the composition- ka -la- the -an – and the meaning of the word is ‘kuvalai thanni’
– a cup of water. kuvali- in Tamil means tumbler; kuvalayam means earth.
*libir: n., old age [LIBIR archaic frequency: 1].
v., to last long; to live long.
adj., old, ancient; traditional; used, worn (la, 'youthful freshness', + bír, 'to shrivel up').
libir has the composition- la- pa- Ra – and the meaning of the word is palaya murai - old
method/ traditional way .
libiš, lipiš: courage; anger; core, heart; family (Akk. libbu 'heart').
libiš - has the composition- la- pa- sa-the—and the meaning of the word is palichidum- sem
pavalam- shiny red ruby stone; palaichidu- to tease one ; sabalam thatta- oscillating mind
seeking for lust ; sutta pazham- dried fruit/hot sun ; Palani malai Palan- in sutta pazham Marduk- Murugan- the sun god.
lidim: to receive (in charity) (la, 'abundance', + dim4, 'to beg').
lidim has the composition- la –the- ma - and the meaning of the word is thalai mudi- scalp hair;
thalamai- head [of the meeting/ department]; muthalai- crocodile; muthal; principle;
muthal- first; Thamil mozhi - Tamil language; Thaai Mozhi - nam Thamil mozhi- Tamil is our
mother tongue; Thani Thamil- Tamil - a language on its own; Thol Mozhi—Sumerian tongue Tamil- oldest language is Tamil mozhi ; thaen mazhai- shower of honey; Thaen Mozhi- Tamil
language is very sweet like that of the honey; Muthan Muthalana Mozhi- nam Thaai mozhi
Tamil ; Tamil is the first language ; Thala [mai] Mozhi - head of all languages; Amutha Mozhi Tamil is sweet that of the milk rice - elixir .
lilib[IGI.IGI]: to steal.
lilib has the composition-la -la -pa and the meaning of the word is polla’ppu – being accused;
Palani malai Palan- Marduk; Mappillai – bride groom.
lilib[IGI.IGI] has the composition- la- la –pa- ka - and the meaning of the word is ‘pala
palakkum palinku kallu’ – shining marble stone;
lilib[IGI.IGI] means kai - kaal- valippu novu - epilepsy .
liliz: a drum.
liliz - has the composition- la- la- sa- and the meaning of the word is ‘chinna maelam’- 2nd rank
drummer; jil jil - adj -for musical notes; malai solai- mountain grove; malai saali- gut road.
lillan: stalk with ripe ear of grain.
lillan has the composition- la- la- an- and the meaning of the word is analil- under the hot sun;
in the kitchen near the hot oven .
lirum, liru, liri: n., physical strength.
lirum has the composition- la -Ra -ma- and the meaning of the word is malar- flower; mala
maalai- flower garland ; miliru- to shine; marulan- priest of Marduk ; marulamai- bold/ not
fearful; irulamai- ignorant; arulamai - not giving to others / stingy .
liru - has the composition- la- Ra- and the meaning of the word is ozhiru - to shine.
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* lugal: king; owner, master (lú, 'man', + gal, 'big') [LUGAL archaic frequency: 80].
lugal has the composition- la- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is ‘ulagalum Kaalaiyan Kaalan- makan – kavalan – kallan - velan’- ‘ Marduk -Thiru Murugan- the sun of the ruler of
the universe – the sun god’.
lugud, lugud(?): pus; serous fluid (lúg, 'fault, error' + éd, 'to emerge').
lugud has the composition- la –ka- the- and the meaning of the word is vadi kaal- drainage;
kulam- kuttai- ponds and pools ; thilagam--; pottu over the fore head ; vidalai - adolescence ;
kadalai- ground nut; kadal- sea; koodal- union; alukum kulanthai- weeping child; theevaliDeepavali festival; mala kudal- large intestine; mala kutham - anus ; kalavathi- name;
kalaavathi- expired; velli kudam- silver pot; vaathil[ Malayalam ] - door; veethiyil- on the
road; thakkalai- tomato; kudikka kool kodu - ‘give the porridge drink’; vellai kodi white flag;
Kuth’thalam - plave name; kaththalai- aloe vera ; kaluthai- donkey; kaluththu- neck; mullai
kodi- flower.
*lúgud: short; short person (lú, 'person', + gud8, 'short').
lugud has the composition- la- ka -the -and the meaning of the word is’ kuttai/ kattai aal’ ‘short person’; all kuttai – person is short. .
*lukur: chaste priestess, nun; courtesan (?) (lú, 'grown man', + kúr, 'hostile').
lukur has the composition- la- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kurukkal – temple
*lulim: stag, hart (male of the red deer; cf., máš-lulim) (Akkadian loanword).
lulim has the composition- la – la- ma - and the meaning of the word is velli/ vellai maan –
*luhummu[ÑIŠ-MI]: mud (cf., lu-hu-um).
luhummu - has the composition- la ka ma - amd the meaning of the word is kali munnu- mud.
lunga(2,3), lumgi(2,3): (cf., lúningi(2,3)).
lunga has the composition- la- an -ka – and the meaning of the word is kalingan-; Kalai
vaanan- names; vellaiyan- name - sun god; vaenil kaalam- season ; vana vilangu- wild
animal; valangu- to offer; olungu- orderly; vilungu- swallow; kilangu- root; kallan- theif;
kalvan- theif- lover boy; kaalan – god of death; kollan- gold smith; villan; Velan- Murugan ;
kalani; angulam - measurement- one inch; mun kalam- clay pot.
lungal means ‘alanka malanka’ – means to make someone [ in need of a help] to sweat by
making him to loiter.
*makkaš(2): wailing; clamor (mah, 'great',? + kuš7, 'devastation').
makkaš has the composition- ma- ka- sa- the -and the meaning of the word is manathu kavalai
kondu azhuka - weeping because of sad mood in the mind ; manathu- mind; kavalai- sad
ness ; azhuka - to weep [ missing letter- la -] .
makkaš has the composition- ma- ka- sa- the -and the meaning of the word is saamangi sedi –
flower plant; ‘aadi maasam thaedi vithai- ‘sow the land in the month of Aadi’ – Tamil month
Aadi; sem mun kaatti/ sem mun kaadu red soil; saami maadu kannu kutty-seemai maattu
kannu kutty; sumugam kaattu- be friendly; ketta samugam- bad culture; sekku maadu- the
bull used for oil pressing .
mangaga: palm fiber, bast (man, 'partner', + gag, 'peg, nail', + a(k), 'genitive').
mangaga means manam kakka- save our prestige.
mangaga means mun’ nai kakka- save our land.
mangaga means ‘ mannan kakka’- our king is there to save us.
mangaga means mano vaegam - the speed of imagination.
mangaga means maangaai kaaika- ‘ the mango tree has started yielding fruits’.
mangaga means vagai vagaiyana mani - different kinds of stones.
mangaga means nammai Ma Muni /Ma Mani Ma Munivan / kakka- - ‘our sun god will save
mašda: drawing; gazelle (máš, 'to scrutinize', + dù, 'to make, apply') [? DARA3 archaic
frequency: 11; concatenation
of 4 sign variants] .
mašda has the composition- ma – sa/ta-the and the meaning of the word is maattu santhai bull market.
mašda(2): commoner; destitute.
mašda has the composition ma -sa/ta- the- and the meaning of the word is sandi maadudisobedient bull.
maškim: inspector, monitor, sheriff, commissioner (máš, 'to inspect', + kíñ, 'work').
maškim has the composition- ma- sa-the- ka- ma- and the meaning of the word is saamy
maadu komiyam - urine of the temple bull.
megida(2), megidda(2): sow (female pig).
megida- has the composition- ma- ka- the- and the meaning of the word is ‘keda maadu’ - bullson.
megida means ‘maan kutti’- young deer.
mezem [ÚMBISAG]: maintenance, support (?).
mezem has the composition- ma- sa –ma- and the meaning of the word is maasi masam Tamil month maasi .
mezem [ÚMBISAG] has the composition- ma- sa- ma- pa- sa -ka – and the meaning of the word
is ‘maasi maasam ‘ makam’ poosai seika’ - in the month of Maasi is the celebration of
Makam festival-- Maasi Makam.
middu(2), mitum(2): mace (the weapon).
middu has the composition- ma- the-the- and the meaning of the word is thadi maadu - fat
bull; maattu thadi - bull whip- the stick to control the bull; Thadi in Tamil means stick / mace.
meththai- mattress; mooththam- total / wider; muth’tham- kiss.
mitum has the composition-[- ma-] - the- ma - and the meaning of the word is aayutham weapon .
mudla, madlu, mudul: pole; stake (mud, 'a right-angled tool', + lal/lá, 'to hang').
mudla has the composition- ma- the –la—and the meaning of the word is thalai maadu/ maedu
- head rest.
múdru: fuller; launderer (mur10/mu4, 'to clothe oneself', + duru5, 'moist, fresh').
mudru- has the composition- ma- the- Ra –and the meaning of the word is Maruthai- farmer
; Tharuman- philanthropist ; maattu - mooththiram- urine of the bull; muththtaraamnecklace; mathuram- sweet; eri maedu – cremation ground; Mathurai- city; maaruthi ;
munthiri- cashew; manthiri- minister; thirumanam- marriage.
mudru means – manthiram- Manthira vaathi – magician .
*muhaldim [MU]: baker, cook (mù, 'to mill, grind', + hal, 'to divide; portion', + dím, 'to fashion,
Muhaldim has the composition- ma- ka- la- the- ma - and the meaning of the word is
kaalaiyan makan Velan – in- kaalai- maattu- vandi - the bullock cart of Marduk- son of sun
god; kovil kaalai maattu – komiyam - urine of the temple bull .
Muhaldim has the composition- ma- ka- la- the- ma - and the
meaning of the word is adaukalai yil samaiyal vaelai seiyum samiyal aal - the one who
does cooking in the kitchen ; adukalai- kitchen ; samaiyal- cokking ; seiyum- doing; samaiyal
aal - cook .
muhaldim means ‘Kaalam kaatti’-[ calendar]/ kaalam kaattum kanitham [ panchangam] -vinaadi / mani/ naal[ thinam ] / kilamai/ maatham / aandu – minute/ hour/ day / week/
month/ year.
Tamil word ‘ thinam’ [- the- an-] was the root word for the English word ‘day’[ absence of
suffix ‘an’] .
mudru - muhaldim - means -manthiram = ‘mathi mukkaal- manthiram kaal’; Magic= ¾
brain and ¼ trick .
*mùnsub: shepherd.
Addition of the letter -Ra - to the word- mùnsub- will give the meaning Subra maniyanShepherd; Marduk- Thiru Murugan.
*munšub(2): hair; hairy skin; pelt, hide; barber ('it falls down oneself') [? MUNŠUB archaic
frequency: 3;
concatenates 2 sign variants] .
munšub has the composition- ma- an -sa- the - pa- and the meaning of the word is mudi
vettum pani seiyum manithanae - naavithan enappaduvaan [ missing letter- ka -] - one who
does hair cutting is called as barber; mudi- hair; vettum- cutting; manithan- person;
naavithan- barber .
munšub has the composition- ma- an -sa- the - pa- and the meaning of the word is Pichhu
mani Sadayappan - Lord Siva; Inthumathi-yin pachhai maeni- moon goddess exposing her
bare body .
*munus[SAL]; nunus[Emesal]: female; woman (this pronunciation found in absolute inflection,
cf., mí) (mí, 'woman', + nuz/nus, 'egg') (cf., mí/mu10, nunuz, and etymology of nitah).
munus has the composition- ma- an -sa- and the meaning of the word is manusi - woman;
sammanasu- angel; manasu- mind ; sem mani - red stone / red star .
munus- [SAL]-- means manusal - general public - a person .
úmunzur[KI.AN.ŠEŠ.KI]: bitter plants.
úmunzur has the composition- ma- an -sa – Ra- and the meaning of the word is siru manja –
small turmeric .
KI.AN.ŠEŠ.KI has the composition- ka- an- sa/ta sa/ta – ka and the meaning of the word is un
mukam kana kaana -en - kan sivakka- nenjam thudi thudikka - manja saanthu kannam
sivakka - kai nadu nadunga – maeni viraikka- seiyu-thuda- ‘whenever i see your face my
heart beats faster; my eyes goes red ; my turmeric applied yellow face turns red; my hand and
body tremble!
murgu: dung (sheep).
murgu: has the composition -ma -Ra –ka- and the meaning of the word is murunga marammoringa tree- drum stick tree; murunga kaai- moringa seed pods/ drumsick ; Kumaran
Murugan-sun god.; kaar maegam- dark clouds; karumai- black ;
*murub(2): vulva; woman; sexual charm [MURUB2 archaic frequency: 4].
murub - has the composition- ma- Ra – pa and the meaning of the word is marma uruppu genitals.
*murub4, múru: central, median area; middle; waist, hips; in-between terrain; interval; battle
(mur10, 'to
dress oneself', + íb, 'middle; loins'; cf., itimurub4).
murub- has trhe composition-ma- Ra – pa and the meaning of the word is maarbu – chest.
muru means maaru - chest or breast.
muru means maaraappu- blouse / clothe to cover the chest .
*murum5,11, muru3,5, urum: brother-in-law (mí, 'woman', + ùru(-m), 'to watch, guard' or
murum 5 has the composition- ma- Ra -ma and the meaning of the word is marumaan- son
inlaw; marmum- secret; maru manam - 2nd marriage .
mušen: bird (muš, 'reptile', + an, 'sky') [MUŠEN archaic frequency: 178].
mušen has the composition- ma- sa/ta- an – and the meaning of the word is Esan Sayon in
simmaasanam- Samy/ sem Maadu –‘ the red bull is the throne of the sun god’.
Birds and animals are the throne or the vehicles of the sun god.
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muššagana: voracious hunger.
muššagana has the composition- ma- sa-the- ka- an - and the meaning of the word is mada
saamy –yae- vaendi vanangu - ‘worship the red bull - the sun god’; Sengannan-in samy
maadu ; machha kanni- mermaid.
muššagana has the composition- ma- sa-the- ka- an - and the meaning of the word is enakku
athikamaaka pasi edukkuthu[ missing letter- pa -] - i have excessive hunger ; enakku- for
me; athikam- excessive ; pasi - hunger .
muššagana has the composition- ma- sa-the- ka- an - and the meaning of the word is enakku
athikamaaka visakkuthu [ Malayalam ] ; visakkuthu [ Pasi - Tamil ] - feeling hunger [ wrong
interpretation of the Tamil suththiram word -muššagana - with falilure of adding the paas
word -pa-] .
*nagar: adze, wood-chisel; carpenter; craftsman (na4, 'stone', + ñír, 'knife') [NAGAR archaic
frequency: 168;
concatenation of 2 sign variants] .
nagar has the composition- na- ka- Ra – anf the meaning of the word is- kaai - kari aryum- ,
arvaa manai - vegetable cutter/ kitchen knife.
*nagga, niggi [AN.NA]: tin, pewter (níg, 'valuable thing', + gar;gá, 'to store').
nagga has the composition- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is nagai - jewel - gold jewel .
niggi [AN.NA] has the composition- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is En Annai - En
Annannin manaivi – Naga Kanni - ‘the great mother - wife of my lord - the sun god- Naga
kanni/ Nagini - snake goddess’.
namešda[ŠITA.GIŠ.NÁM]: top warrior, king (lit., 'the power of the mace').
namešda has the composition- an- ma- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is Sinthaa mani;
soda mani- sun god.
ŠITA.GIŠ.NÁM has the composition- Sa- the - ka – sa – an- ma – and the meaning of the word
is Sinthaa mani sangu- sun / the hanging star that never falls; Sangu mani sath’tham - the
sound of the conch shell .
nanam: n., true measure (na4, 'token, counter', + nam, 'destiny' or just reduplicated nam).
adj., reliable, true; honest, decent.
nanam has the composition- an -an -ma –and the meaning of the word is naa’nam- shyness;
mannan- king ; maniyan- star; muniyan- Siva; munnin - manam- the smell of the soil;
ennam- thought; ann’am- swan; en manam- my heart/ my psych; en maanam- my prestige.
*d--nanna: the moon as a god [NANNA archaic frequency: 49; concatenation of 2 sign variants]
d--nanna has the composition- the- an- an- and the meaning of the word is En Annai –
Thaenammai - moon goddess; En Annan - Thina Mani- sun god ; En Annan- Naatha Mani sun god ; thinam thinam - every day ;anna daanam- free food[ for the poor] .
nidba(2): (cf., nindaba).
nidba has the composition- an- the- pa- -and the meaning of the word is pidi mun- bitumun ;
pidimaanam- the strength of the base of the building ; pith’than- Siva ; puthan- puth’than ;
paattan- grand father ; Poottan- great grand father ; nin paaththam- your feet; mun paathai
– pathway ; munna-nin munnani padai- the front troops of the king; manthi padai- monkey
army; thanai padai- special protection force; panthi- feast; poonthi - sweet; Thaenappanproper name; mandapam- assembly hall ; panththam- relationship; antha pantham - not
coming out properly .
nindaba has the composition – an- an- the- pa – and the meaning of the word is thin pandameatables / snack .
nigida[PI]: (cf., ni-gi-da ;bariga).
nigida has the composition- an –ka- the –and the meaning of the word is nadikan/ Kooththan
– actor; kadan – loan; kanthan - name ; kaanthan- name’ Kaath’than – name; vaanthi
mayakkam - vomiting and giddiness; ‘avan than manithan’- ‘ he is the man’; kanitham- maths;
thanikai; mani kodi ; vannath’the - washer woman. vathanam- lips; vaiththiyian- doctor;
vaedan- hunter, uth’thtaman- good person.
nigida[PI]- has the composition – an- ka- the-pa -and the meaning of the word is poonkoth’thu - flower bouquet ; Naga padam- hood of the cobra ; Naga theebam ; Naga pattinamplace name.
nigida means nakaithu- smiling.
nigida[PI]- means pun nakaithu- smiling .
nigida[PI]- means pon - nagai petti- gold jewel box box.
bariga - has the composition- pa –Ra- ka – and the meaning of the word is paarkka- to see/ to
watch; paravai- bird ; varappu; paruka- to drink ; paeruka - to get; parrikka- to snatch .
ni-gi-da - bariga means ‘ kooth’thadi- nadikanai paarkka koodiya koottam vehu athikam
paaru’ – ‘ there was a big crowd to see the actor'.
ni-gi-da - bariga - means ‘kanitha paadam padikka enakku uyir’-‘ i love mathematics’ .
ni-gi-da - bariga means kai yae- kanith’thu paarrkka – palamistry .
ni-gi-da [pi] - bariga means ‘nagai petti-yae parrikka’- snatch the gold box.
*nigar[NI9.GAR]: a dark room; premature or monstrous fetus (ni9,'premature birth', + gar,'to
nigar -has the composition- an- ka -Ra – and the meaning of the word is kari mun - black soil;
mani karu- Muththu pillai- molar pregnancy; karumani- dark pearl .
nigin(2): n., enclosure, circle; capacity; whole (cf., kilib and gur4-gur4) [NIGIN archaic
frequency: 11].
v., to halt, turn away; to turn round; to surround; to assemble; to pen up cattle; to wander
about; to circle;
to make the rounds (usually nígin[LAGAB] for hamtu form and nigin or ni10ni10[LAGAB.LAGAB] for marû form) (ní;ne4, 'fear', + gin, 'to go').
nigin -has the composition- an -ka –an-and the meaning of the word is kan mani- pupil/ lover
girl ; Naga mani ; naangu mani- 4 -o- clock/ four hours; nongu- palm fruit; vin mani- ; vaan
mani- ven mani- sun .
nigin(2,3): vertigo (as a disease); faintness, dizziness; thirst.
nigin has the composition- an- ka- an – and the meaning of the word is nuni naakku- nunu
naavu- tip of the tongue .
nigin means ‘ginnu’ - adj - for head ache and giddiness
*nigin5,7,8,9, nimen(3,4,5); naga: district, province.
naga means maganam- district ; province; state.
nigir(2), *migir(2): a bride's male attendant; herald, night watchman, town crier; bailiff
conflation of separate words: mí,'woman' and nim,'morning', + gar,'to deliver') [NIMGIR archaic
frequency: 62].
migir- has the composition- ma- ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is marumakan- son
inlaw; nakaram- town; ma nakaram- city narakam- hell.
*giš--nimbar: date-palm (nim, 'to be high', + bar;bur 'to release; meal').
giš—nimbar has the composition- ka- sa/the - an -ma- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word
is panai mara [ nimbar ] kaattu saththam- the sound from the palm grove.
nimgir(2): (cf., nigir(2)).
nimgir has the composition- an -ma- ka –Ra- and the meaning of the word is Vaira Manidiamond star- sun; veera mani- brave one ; varaku mani- millet; raaki mani- millet; kari
mun- dark soil; karu mani; karuka mani - black pearl; Marakkaayan- Murugan .
nigir has the composition- an- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is veeran- soldier; varan;
karan- sun.
nimin, nin5: forty (niš, 'twenty', + min, 'two').
nin5 has the composition- an -an – and the meaning of the word is onnu- one; ennu - to
count ; annaan- elder brother.
nimin- has the composition- an- ma- an - and the meaning of the word is min mini – sparkling
fly; maniyan- sun ; maaman - uncle.
nimur[KI.NE]: kiln; potash.
nimur Hs the composition-an -ma -Ra – and the meaning of the word is ‘ man- nu- yir’ worldly livings; Nan Maran- sun; Mani Maran - sun .
nimur[KI.NE] has the composition- an –ma- Ra – ka – and the meaning of the word is ‘ maarru
kan’ - squint; Aaru kanni maar/ six sisters - pleiades .
nimur --- x*[PIRIG.TUR]: leopard, panther (from Akk. nimru(m) I).
nimur- has the composition- an- ma- Ra -- and the meaning of the word is Raman/ Ramanisun god/ moon goddess ; Maran- Marduk ; murai maaman- ; aravu mani [ Harmonia]- snake
necklace; maniyaram- necklace ; neer more- butter milk; niram- color; narumanam- good
smell ; ner mani- rice grain ; neri murai- ethics .
PIRIG.TUR- has the composition- pa -Ra -ka - the -Ra – and the meaning of the word is periya
kattu karadi - big wild bear ; periya big; kaadu- forest ; karadi- bear .
PIRIG.TUR- has the composition- pa -Ra -ka - the -Ra – and the meaning of the word is periya
varikuthirai- big zebra ; vari kuthirai- zebra .
PIRIG.TUR- has the composition- pa -Ra -ka - the -Ra – and the meaning of the word is periya
kaattu siruththai- [ missing letter- sa -]- big wild leopard ; kaadu- forest ; siruththaileopard .
PIRIG.TUR- has the composition- pa -Ra -ka - the -Ra – and the meaning of the word is –
‘karuththa - periya kaattu panri kutti’ – big wild ‘black pig’.
PIRIG.TUR has the composition- pa –Ra- ka- the –Ra- and the
meaning of the word is ‘ parakkum kuthirai paaru’- ‘see the flying horse’- the sun.
PIRIG.TUR - has the composition- pa –Ra- ka- the –Ra- and the meaning of the word is thoora
paarvai- long sight .
nimur- PIRIG.TUR means ‘ner mani- yae - porrukki- tharai yae perrukki- thooru varru’ ‘pick up all the rice grains and clean the floor’.
*ninda: bread; bakery good; food (níg, 'valuables', + dar, 'to slice') [GAR archaic frequency:
ninda has the composition- an- an -the - and the meaning of the word is thin pandameatables - [ missing letter- pa -].
ninda has the composition- an- an -the - and the meaning of the word is thaenum thinai
maavum - millet mixed with honey .
nindan, *ninda: a length measure, rod = 12 cubits (kùš) = 6 meters; one side of a sar/šar,
'garden plot' square measure (from Akk. middatu, mindatu, 'to measure').
ninda- has the composition- an –the- an – and the meaning of the word is - adi mun - one
foot of the ground; adi= one foot.
mindatu [ ma -an - the ] means adi mun – one foot of the ground.
nínda, inda;* índa: hopper or seeding apparatus of the seeder plow; funnel, tube; flower;
bushel; pure-bred breeding bull; fish roe; milt; ancestors (from Akk. middatu, mindatu, 'to
[NINDA2 archaic frequency: 20].
índa has the composition- an- the - and the meaning of the word is thaaniyam- grain/ millet;
thinai - millet; thoon – pillar ; thuani- companion; manithan- human being; manudanhuman being ; maanthan- human being; thani manithan- individual person ; manthi- monkey ;
thanni water; nathi river; thandam; thondai- throat; thandu - stem .
índa has the composition- an -the – and the meaning of the word is ‘nandu’- crab.
inda has the composition -an- the - and the meaning of the word is ‘moothon’-- elders /
nindaba(2), *nidba(2): food offering (ninda, 'food', + ba, 'to give').
nidba has the composition- an- the- pa and the meaning of the word is- thin pandameatables; thaen pandam- honey food; thinai pandam- a kind of millet food; thae appamhoney bread; thinai appam- millet bread’ thin pandam padai - food offering[padai] to the
god .
lú---ningi(2,3),* lunga(2,3), lumgi(2,3): brewer (nag, 'to drink'; lum, 'to be satiated, full'; 'a small
lú---ningi has the composition- la- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is Mani Vilaaku- the
sun, the lamp of the world.
lú---ningi has the composition- la- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is kallu unna - to
drink liquor ; kallu- liquor ; unna- eat; kallu kudiyan - drinker [ missing letter- the -] .
lunga - has the composition- la- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is Mun kalam- clay pot.
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ninindu, nindu, *inda4: oven; stove (cf., immindu).
inda has the composition- an- the - and the meaningof the word is mun aduppu - clay oven [
missing letter- pa-]; mun - clay ; aduppu- oven .
inda has the composition- an- the - and the meaningof the word is Aathi’than - sun god;
anthanan- sun ; mooththan- ancestors; muthiyon- old man ; mathiyon- one with wisdom;
mathiyam- afternoon; mathiyanam- after noon ; thanthai- father; Aandavan- the ruler/ god;
manithan- human being; thina mani- sun ; Naatha muni; Naatha mani -Siva , nitham;
nith’tham - daily ; thianm- day ;naatham- music; andai nadu- neighboring states; aathi
manithan .
ninindu - has the composition- an –an- the – and the meaning of the word is thandayutha
mani -Murugan .
ninkum[NIN.PAB.SIG7.NUN.ME.UBARA]: temple treasurer; guardian deity of the
foundations [NINKUM archaic frequency: 11].
ninkum -has the composition- an--ka –ma- and the meaning of the word is Maka Muni/
Muniyan - sun god – lord Siva.
NIN.PAB.SIG7.NUN.ME.UBARA- has the composition- an – pa- sa –ka- an - ma - pa- Ra baand the meaning of the word is Senkannan- Siva Kasi- Siva perumaan- makn- sahu- Siva
naesan -nukku – maasi maasam- makam- sirrappu poosai seika- in the month of Maasi –
celebrate the Makam- festivel - with special prayer to god Murugan- son of Siva.
*nisag(2), nesag(2): first fruits (offering); spring time (month); dough; wine cellar ?; foremost;
governor (ní, 'self; vigor', + sag, 'first') [NISAG2 archaic frequency: 94; concatenation of 2 sign
variants] .
nisag has the composition-an- sa – ka and the meaning of the word is ‘ suvai yaana
vaasanyaana kaai kani [ siva naesanukku ] kodai - ’ offering of delicious fruits and vegetables
of good flavors’; Siva naesan- Murugan; sengani - red fruits .
nesag has the composition- an -sa – ka and the meaning of the word is vai kasi maasam- sani –
Tamil month - vaikasi - Saturday.
*nisig, nisi, nissa: n., greens, vegetables (níñ, 'valuables', + sig7, 'green, yellow').
adj., beautiful; blue; green.
nisig has the composition- an- sa – ka- and the meaning of the word is suvai- yaana vaasani
yaana kaai kani vakai- delicious fruits and vegetables of good flavors; sengani red fruits .
nisi- has the composition- an- sa- and the meaning of the word is manja – turmeric/ yellow ;
inji- ginger; saeni- a kind of root .
nitadam, *nitalam: wife.
nitadam has the composition- an -the –the- ma – and the meaning of the word is ennudaiya
manaivi thaan - she is my wife only ; ennudaiya - myself/ mine ; manaivi - wife.
nitadam has the composition- an -the –the- ma – and the meaning of the word is ennudaiya
thaai ammai - my mother ; thaai ammai- mother.
nitadam has the composition- an -the –the- ma – and the meaning of the word is ennudaiya
thirumathi - my wife[ missing letter- Ra -]; ennudaiya - mine; thirumathi- better half .
nitadam has the composition- an -the –the- ma – and the meaning of the word is naattiyam –
aadum madanthai- dancing girl; nadanamaadu- to dance.
nitalam has the composition- an- the- la -ma - and the meaning of the word is naattiyaalayam
– dance school; malai nadu- hill town .
*nitah(2), nita(2): male; man; manly (ní,'self', + tah,'to multiply') [GIŠ3 archaic frequency: 16;
concatenation of 2 sign variants; UŠ archaic frequency: 101; concatenates 2 sign variants] .
nita- has the composition – an- the- and the meaningof the word is manithan- maanthan- man
/ human being ; natan- dancer;naathan- god/ husband ; natanam- dance; naatiyam - dance.
nitah- has the composition- an- the -ka-- and the meaning of the word is kudimakan- citizen;
naatakam- drama; nadikan- artist; kooth’than- Siva/ dancer.
numun, *nugun--x, nigun----x: n., seed; sowing; cornfield; offspring, progeny (níg, 'thing', +
'dots, speckles') [NUMUN archaic frequency: 22].
v., to produce.
nugun--has the composition- an- ka- an and the meaning of the word is aan makan- male
nigun- has the composition- an ka an and thre meaning of the word is vanna mani - colorfull
star/ colorful stone; ven mani -white star; white shiny stone.
nundum, *nundun: lip (reduplicated tùn, 'lip').
nundun has the composition- [-an-] - the- [-an -] -and the meaning of the word is uoothadu lip; vathanam- lip [ missing letter -ka -] ; sundu[ Malayalam ] - lip [ missing letter- sa-] .
nundum has the composition- an –the- ma - and the meaning of the word is mun maedu –
mound; nanthanam - garden .
*nunuz, *nunus: egg(s); offspring; female (reduplicated nuz, 'egg') [NUNUZ archaic frequency:
concatenation of 5 sign variants] .
nunus has the composition- an- -sa- and the meaning of the word is sinai- pregnancy.
nunuz - has the composition- an- sa - and the meaning of the word is manusi - female woman .
*palil(2): advance troops, shock troops, leader (bala, 'to cross over', + lú, 'men').
palil has the composition- pa- la -la – and the meaning of the word is muthalil sellum padai the front line troops[ missing letters-the -and -sa-] ; muthalil- first ; sellum- going ; padaitroops .
Troops [ E] has the composition- the -Ra -pa - and the meaning of the word is padai veerar soldier [ missing letter- ka-]; munnaerum padai - advancing troops; munnaerumadvancing ; padai- troops .
palil has the composition- pa- la -la – and the meaning of the word is paalai nilam- desert land
; pala pala - shiny ; palani malai palan- Murugan ; mulai paal- breast milk;malai pazhammountain fruit; malai vaazhai pazham - banana ; pull veli - meadow; paal veli- milky path;
vellai puli- white tiger; puli paal- milk of the tigress; alaippu- invitation; pollaappu .
lú means aal- person/ man .
bala means paalam- bridge - to cross over.
*parim: arid land; dry land (as opposed to marsh land or water) (cf., bar-rim4).
parim has the composition- pa -Ra- ma- and the meaningof the word is Paarai mun- rocky
ground- dry land.
English word -arid- has the composition- Ra- the -and the meaning of the word is mun
tharai – - arid .
*pirig(3): lion (poetic); light (bar6/7, 'to shine', + níg, 'thing') [PIRIG archaic frequency: 103;
concatenation of
5 sign variants] .
pirig has the composition- pa-Ra- ka – and the meaning of the word is paravai - bird;
koburam- temple tower; karppam- pregnancy; virippu; varappu; kurippu; pura kari- pigeon
meat ; paruvam ; season; puruvam- eye brow ; paarvai- vision; vaeppa maram- neem tree ;
perum vaenkai - big tiger; periya sinkam- big lion [ missing letter- sa -] ; veera pulicourgeuous tiger [ man ]-[ missing letter- la -] .
pírig: bright.
pírig has the composition- pa –Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is ven nira poovu - white
flower- ven niram- white; poovu- flower.
pírig has the composition- pa –Ra- ka- and the meaning of the word is karuppu- black;
karippu- sour .
*pirig (2/3), pisan(2/3): (open) basket; box, chest; frame (bad/be, 'to open', + sag, 'head').
pirig- has the composition- pa –Ra- ka - and the meaning of the word is karu pai- uterus .
pirig- has the composition- pa –Ra- ka - and the meaning of the word is pirikka- to open / to
pisan – has the composition- pa- sa- an – and the meaning of the word is sinai pai- ovary ; pai
means bag .
punig--x: (cf., bunig---x).
punig has the composition- pa- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is pun nakai – smile;
pon nakai - gold jewel ; panivu- humble; paanku- style; pangu- share; vanappu- beauty;
anbakam; kannippu- prediction .
bunig- has the composition- pa- an -ka and the meaning of the word is vaanipam – business.
puzur: (cf., buzur).
puzur- has the composition- pa- sa-Ra - and the meaning of the word is sirippu- smile; pun
srippu- smile; suruppi- gland; siraaippu- scratch; sirappu poosai seyyum poosaari - special
prayer; poosari- priest ; paraichi ; para saathi .
buzur has the composition- pa- sa- Ra – and the meaning of the word is sarppam- snake.
sabad(2,3), *sad2,3,4 [GÁ×U, GÁ×BAD, GÁ×SIG7 ]; šab, sab [PA.IB]:
hips, loins; middle (su, 'body', + bad, 'to open').
sabad has the composition- sa- pa- the – and the menaing of the word is saappaadu – padai offering of meals to god ; sapatham podu- swear .
sabad means sadai podu - hair plaiting ; sapatham- swear; sempadam- vessel; puthisunewone; sampantham- alliance/ relationship .
sad2- has the composition- sa – the- and the meaning of the word is sooth’thu – buttocks;
saa’tham- boiled rice.
*sagdul -- x[U+SAG]: hat, headdress (sag, 'head', + dul, 'to cover, protect').
sagdul – has the composition- sa –ka- the- la –and the meaning of the word is thalai kavasam helmet .
sag means kaasu-- coin; vasam- to possess ; vaasam- smell ; vasanam- prose ; kaesam scalp hair; kavasam- helmet.
Thalai- means head.
sagga(2,3,4), sanga(2,3,4): a sprinkler, used for ritual cleaning; economic director of a temple
oroccupation (such as all the smiths) (sag, 'head', + gar;gá, 'to store') [SANGA archaic frequency:
concatenates 3 sign variants] .
saga has the composition- sa- ka -and the meaning of the word is vasanai saamaan- [aromatic
things for the ritual prayer].
*sagšu: helmet, cap, headdress (sag, 'head', + šúš/šú, 'to cover') [SAGŠU archaic frequency: 14].
sagšu has the composition-[- sa -] –ka- [-sa-] -the - and the meaning of the of the word is
muka moodi - facial mask ; mukam- face; moodi- mask.
sagšu has the composition-[- sa -] –ka- sa- -the - and the meaning of the of the word is thalai
kavasam- helmet [ missing letter- la -]; thalai- head; kavasam- armour .
sagšu has the composition- sa –ka- sa-the - and the meaning of the of the word is vasantha
manam/ santhana manam veesum kaesam- aromatic smell from the scalp hair.
sagtag, santak(2,3,4): triangle; (written) wedge; single (sag, 'head', + tag, 'to hold').
sagtag has the composition- sa -ka- ta- ka- and the meaning of the word is santhana kattaiveesum vaasam - the aromatic smell of the sandal wood; ketta vaasani- bad smell; ketta
sakavaasam- bad friendship.
*sagtuš---x[U+SAG]: hat, headdress (sag, 'head', + tuš, 'to reside, sit').
sagtuš -as the composition- [-sa-] - ka –the-[- sa- ]- and the meaning of the word is vaeyil ,
kaaththu adikkum samyam thalaiyil aniyum thalai paakai - the cap to wear at the time of hot
sunny or windy day ; [ missing letter- la -and- pa -] ; vaeyil- sunny ; kaaththu- wind ;
thalaiyil- over the head; aniyum - to wear ; thalai paakai- cap[ -ka - pa -- paakai] .
sagtuš has the composition- sa- ka –the-sa- and the meaning of the word is santhana manam/
sukantha manam - veesum kaadu- the aromatic smell of the sandal wood forest.
*giš---sahab(2), suhub3,4: bar, bolt (of a door).
giš ahab has the composition- ka -sa- the - sa- ka -pa –and the meaningof the word is
kathavai saaththi adaiththu thaappa poda uthavum kattai - bolt of the door ; kathavugate; saaththi adikka - to close and lock ; thaappa - bolt; kattai- wooden piece.
giš sahab has the composition- ka -sa-the- sa- ka -pa –and the meaningof the word is
kassappu kadai- butcher’s shop.
suhub has the composition- sa- ka- pa- and the meaning of the word is sivappu- red color;
seppu kambi - copper rod ; sivappaaku- make it red; seppu kaappu- copper ring/ anklet .
*sahar: silt, dust, sand, earth, mud, loam; rubbish; sediment (cf., kuš7) (sa5, 'red-brown', +
hara, 'crushed, pulverized').
sahar has the composition- sa- ka-Ra – and the meaning of the word is karisal mun [ missing
letter- la -] - dark soil.
sahar has the composition- sa- ka-Ra – and the meaning of the word is sengar- brick; sakkaraisugar; sarakku- goods; surangam- mines; virasam- sexy; visaranai- enquiry; seerakam- cumin
seeds; varisai- row; karisanam- concerned.
sa means semmai- red ; fertile; kari means dark .
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*dug--sáhar [SAR]: clay pot.
dugsahar has the composition- the -ka -sa -ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is kari mun
kondu seitha siriya kudam - a small pot made from dark clay; kari mun- dark clay; siriya small; kudam- pot.
dugsahar has the composition- the -ka -sa -ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is - surakkai
kodi; surakkai koottu - surakkai kari; sakkarai katti- sugar cube; sirangu katti- impetigo; sauonly
varusi kodu ; urichhi kodu- peel it off and give; thaekku- mara kuchhi- teak wood ; sem mara
kattai- red/ rose wood; karaichi kudi; siruka kudi; usirai kodu- give me tour life ; kutti mun
suvar- low level mud wall; kattai suvar- thich wall ; sirunkara kutti- beautifully attaired girl;
savara kattai- shaving kit .
*saman(2,3): yoke, leash, or rope (for an ox).
saman has the composition- sa -ma- an- and the meaning of the word is saenam [of the
kuthirai] - horse saddle.
*santana, šandana, šandan: herbalist, horticulturist, date orchard administrator (sag,
'head, human', + tin, 'to cure'; cf. also, šeñ4, 'chills' and šeg6, 'to be hot') [ŠANDANA archaic
frequency: 3;
concatenates 2 sign variants] .
santana has the composition- sa –an- the- an – and the meaning of the word is santhanamsandal; santhaanam- proper name ; thina santhai- daily market; Saeyon sannathi – sun god Siva’s shrine ; santhana mathi moon goddess.
*sidug: ravine; pit; pitfall; trap (si, 'to be straight, narrow', + dug, 'vessel').
sidug has the composition- sa- the -ka – and the meaningof the word is kudisai- hut; kasduwastage; sadu kudu- a play ;kastam- suffering ; kaaththu - saettai- evil ;vadichha saatham;
vasathi- comforet; vasantham- spring; sathi kaedu – trap- pit fall; sekku maadu- bull used for
oil pressing; uchhi maedu - hill top; sankadam- worries .
*sikil: v., to be/make clean, pure (siki, 'hair' ?, + ul, 'to shine'; cf., suku5, 'to shine brightly', sig7,
create; to make beautiful') [SIKIL archaic frequency: 7].
adj., clean, fresh, pure, virginal.
sikil has the composition- sa- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is –velichham- light; vaasalentrance ; alakku seelai- used saree; kalai saevai- service to arts and science; kilinchalshells; kaaichal – fever; kalasam- sacred vessel over the top of the temple tower; sae val- cock
; selavu- expenditure; siluvai- cross; sakalam- all; velaichhal- agriculturai yield; salankaianklet used while dancing; Vaelu samy - name; kosalai- name; visalam- broad; kalisaldiarrohea; juvaalai- fire flame; sakali- brother inlaw; malai uchhi- mountain top; velli silaisilver statue.
*silag, sila11: to knead (dough or clay); to slay.
silag has the composition- sa- la -ka – and the meaning of the word is maavu salikka –
removing the dust and other big particles from the finely grinded dough .
silig: (cf., šilig).
silig - has the composition- sa- la- ka - and the meaningof the word is sallaikkama - not getting
tired; salikka- getting bored; sillaakku- small pieces.
*sílig: hand.
sílig has the composition –[-sa-] - la- ka and the meaningof the word is kaal- leg .
sílig has the composition –sa- la- ka and the meaningof the word is solluka- tell ; vaai salamsalaiva[English word saliva had it’s origin from the Tamil word vaai salm]; vaai jaalam- oratory
skill ; selluka- go away; vali sollu- tell the route; veliyae sellu- go out; salavai kal- white /
marble stone; kala saalai- school; sol/ mozhi aakkam- creation of words .
*silig3,4: sin.
siulig has the composition- sa- la- ka - - and the meaning of the word is pali paava saeyal - sin
ful acts [ missing letter- pa -] .
siulig has the composition- sa- la- ka - - and the meaning of the word is kolai seyal- the act of
murdering; kaeli sei- to tease ; kal silai- lime stone statue ; silai seiyum - kalaignan sculptor ; salavai kal silai – marble statue; senkal- backed brick; sakala kala vallavanMurugan- the sun god; kaalai vaelai la- koovum saeval kozhi - the cock that makes noice in
the morning time; Saeval kozhi- cock ; savaal- challenge; sakkilian- leather worker; saalukiyan;
kosalam ; malai vaasam ; sakalai ; kalai sol- special words related to science and technology ;
kilai sol- the word branched into other word. sol valimai- the power of the words/ speech ;
vaai mozhi sol – oral statement .
*silim[DI]: to be/make in good shape, healthy, complete (usually considered Akk. loanword,
means 'peace' in 18 of 21 Semitic languages, but Sumerians used word in greeting and root not
in Orel &
Stolbova's Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary; cf., sil5, 'pleasure, joy', + lum, 'to grow
silim has the composition- sa –la- ma – and the meaningof the wored is selumai – healthy;
fertile; good growth .
silim means nalla mozhi sollu- ‘speak some good words’.
silim means senthalam- flower.
silim[DI] means selumai thanmai - fertile nature.
silim[DI] has the composition- sa- la- ma –the- and the meaning of the word is semmozhiyana Tamil mozhi- classical landuage is the Tamil language ; selumaiyana Tamil mozhi nam thaai mozhi- our mother tongue is a rich one ; thol samayam muthal ulla mooth’ha
mozhi - ancient / oldest language; muthan muthalana – sem mozhi nam Tamil mozhi - Tamil
mozhi is the first classical language .
simug: metal-sculptor, smith (si4, 'red', + mug, 'to engrave') [SIMUG archaic frequency: 13].
simug has the composition- sa- ma- ka –and the meaning of the word is mun vaasanai - smell
of the soil.
simug means Siva Kasi- makan- Sanmugam.
simug means singa mugam - lion’s face.
simug means samugam- society.
simug means visayam- matter.
simug means visamum – silly; ‘something fishy’ .
simug means vamsum - generation.
simug means samam aakku- to make equal.
*sipad, sibad, sipa; šuba; sub2,3: n., shepherd; keeper [SIPA archaic frequency: 4].
v., to pasture, tend (si, 'to keep in order', + bad, 'to let out', or pàd, 'to find').
sipad has the composition- [-sa -] -pa- the -and the meaning of the word is idaiyan enappadum
aadu maadu maeippavan - the shepherd [ missing letter- ka -] - the keeper of sheep and
cattle; idaiyan- shepherd; aadu- goat; maadu- cattle .
sipa has the composition- sa- pa- - and the meaning of the word is pasumai - fertile .
sipa means pachhai - mun - fertile land .
sipa - has the composition- sa –pa- and the meaning of the word is nansai poomi - dry
agricultural land where some millets can be cultivated with well water.
sipa has the composition- sa -pa - and the meaning of the word is pun sai mun- wet
agricultural land .
sipad means pasumai deasm- fertile country .
sipa means pasum pon – pure gold.
sipad -has the composition- sa- pa- the- and the meaningof the word is Saeyon – ukku - poosai
saappaadu padai - offering meals to the lord during the ritual prayer ; padai means offereing;
saappaadu means meals.
sipad means – ‘paatha poosai sai’ – ritual cleaning of feets of the parents with water by the
bride groom - a custom which is still in vogue in Tamil Nadu; Poosai means ritual prayer;
paatham means feet.
sipad means sadai podu – sadai pinnittu po - ‘have your hair well combed’ – ‘hair plaiting’.
sub has the composition- sa –pa – and the meaning of the word is suppan- Murugan-the
*siskur(2), sizkur(2): n., offering, sacrifice with entreaties, prayers, rites.
v., to pray; to sacrifice (isiš2,3, 'to weep', + kur9, 'to bring, deliver').
sis kur has the composition- sa- sa- ka- Ra-and the meaning of the word is ‘seer varisai ‘ – the
ritual of offering plates full of valuble materials, gold jewels , silver vessels, differnt kinds of
fruits, house hold articles, variety of silk sarees to the – bride by the her parents at the time
of marriage celebration- the custom still in vogue in Tamil Nadu .
*subar: slave; Northerner (su, 'body', + bar, 'foreign').
subar - has thecmposition- sa- pa- Ra – and the meaningof the word is raasaudaiya adimai
pen - the slave girl of the king[ missing letter - the-] ; raasa- king; adimai- girl; pen - woman .
subar - has thecmposition- sa- pa- Ra – and the meaningof the word is then thisai / then
naattai saerntha adimai pen - a slave woman from south side[ missing letter- the -] ; then
thisai- south side; then naadu- southern country ;pen - woman .
subar - has thecmposition- sa- pa- Ra – and the meaningof the word is pachhai maram- green
tree; mara poochhi- insect ; parisu- prize [ Englih word prize had it’s origin grom the Tamil
word Parisu ]; Raa- poosai- night prayer; sirappu poosai- special prayer; arruppu samayamharvest season; rasa poo- rose[ the English word roja had it’s origin from the Tamil word Rasa
poo ] ; parisam - betroth’thal; rasam poosu; sirpam- statue; paasarai- den; arisi pori– fried
rice; paer echham- date fruit; serruppu- slippers; sirruppu- smile; paraichi- mkon goddess;
Rasappan- sun god .
bar means puram- side or outer area.
d-suena, d-suen[EN.ZU]: the moon (sú, 'knowledge', + en(2,3), 'time', + -/ak/, 'of').
d-suena, has the composition – the- sa- an –an- and the meaningof the word is en Annan –
Saeyon – Dana saeyan- Santhaanathin - dasi en Annai- Santhi – Santhi- the moon goddess,
wife of the sun god .
*sugsin, sumun, sun, šum4[BAD]: n., rot, decay; something rotten; the past (su, 'body',
+ gin, 'to go') [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65; concatenation of 2 sign variants] .
v., to decay; to ruin.
adj., old, ancient.
sugsin - has the composition- sa- ka- sa – an –and the meaning of the word is makkiya saanamrotten /dried - dung; makkiya saana vaasam - the smell of the rotten dung.
Sumun means sem mun - red soil/ ground.
šum4 [BAD] means sem mun paathai- the red soil road- not a tarred road .
*suhirin[SU7.SUM]: the threshing floor with the piles of grain and straw (su7, 'threshing floor',
hirin, 'sweet smelling grass').
suhirim has the composition- sa- ka- Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is sem mun
tharaiyil poar addiththa pinnae vaikolayim thaniyaka piriththu thaaniyaththai kuvilaaka
saeru[ missing letters- the - la -and- pa - ] ; thresh and separate the straw and the pile of
grain ; poar adi- thresh ; vaikol- straw ; thaaniya kuviyal- piles of grain ; sem mun tharaisoil / floor .
suhirim has the composition- sa- ka- Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is sem mun suvar –
the wall made by red soil/ mud; mun - in Tamil means soil or floor or ground; suvar means
wall; sem means semmai- red .
*suhur: n., hair, scalp; tree top; crest (su6, 'beard', + þe, 'abundant', + ùr, 'roof'; cf., suhuš)
[SUhUR archaic
frequency: 239].
v., to trim or comb the hair; to scratch; to make an incision.
suhur has the composition- sa- ka- Ra – and the meaning of the word is chakkaram- wheel;
sakkarai- sugar; mara uchhi - tree top; uchhi mayir- scalp hair.
*suhur---ku6: giant carp, barbells.
suhur has the composition- sa- ka- Ra - and the meaningof the word is vanjaram meen- salmon
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*suhuš: roots; support, foundation; to lift; support (su4, 'to grow, multiply', + he, 'abundant', +
uš, 'to
support'; cf., suhur).
suhuš - has the composition- sa- ka –sa- /ta –and the meaningof the word is senka katti- otta
- vaikka- sem mun saanthai - edai edaiyae- kuchhi vaich’hu kuth’thu-- use the stick to push
the clay/ mud in between the bricks so that the individual bricks are pasted together well
and evenly layed .
suhur means usaramana suvar- wall which has good height .
*sukkal: messenger, courier, envoy, representative; minister, vizier (su, 'body', + kalag/kal,
swift') [SUKKAL archaic frequency: 130].
kal has the composition- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is valimai - strong .
sukkal has the composition- sa- ka- la –and the meaning of the word is kadaitham kondu
sellum vaelai all - the servant who carries the letter[ missing letter- the -] ; kaditham- letter;
kondu sellum- carrying ; vaelai all- servant .
sukkal has the composition- [-sa-] –ka- la –and the meaning of the word is kalai saevakan- a
person dedicated himself to arts- dance and music; kochhu kallan- lover boy; kochhu kalliloover girl ; kalai saevai- service to arts; kala salai- school ; koil vizha saevakan- temple festival
worker; vilasam- address; ullaasam – joy; koil silai - temple statue; sellum vazhi ; senkulamred pond/ the sky ; kavalaali - watch man ;. kalavaani - theif .
sukkal means Kaalaiyan- Kaalan - Siva Kasi makan- Siva Naesan - Kalvan Velan- AlaganMurugan -son of Siva.
sukud; zugud: n., height; depth (su, 'body', + gíd, 'long') [SUKUD archaic frequency: 15].
v., to be/make high.
adj., high; tall.
sukud - has the composition- sa –ka- the- and the meaning of the word is senguth’thaka
kichhi –yae- nattu kodi yae yaeththu - make the pole to stand erect at right angle and hoist
the flag ; uchhi mudi- top of the peak ; uchhi mudi - scalp hair .
*súkud, suku5: to measure, distribute; to flash, shine brightly (cf., zú...kud/ku5).
sukud -has the composition- sa- ka- the -and the meaning of the word is sevaai thosam ;
theevasam; theevasam kodu ; thee kuchhi- fire stick; sevittu kaathu- deaf ears ; usithampossibility ; Sivan adi- the shrine of lord Siva; Aathi Sivan makan Siva Naesan -ukku – kodu/
kodai- offering to the sun god ; Kadichhu kodu- bite and give ; kaasai kodu- give me the
money ; saaka vidu allow [him ] to die ;kanchi kodu- give the rice porridge;kaachhi koduboil and give ; kanjavai kudi - smoke the cannabis; usathi – prestigious ; vasathi- comfort;
sukanthi name; vasanthi- name; sev vanthi- flower; kachha theevu ; vaikaasai maatham Tamil month Vaikaasai; suvadi; suvadu .
suku has the composition- sa- ka- and the meaning of the word is veesam- a measurement for
oil , ghee etc.
sulummar [KI.SAG.DU]: disgrace (cf., su(11)-lum...mar).
sulummar- KI.SAG.DU- has the composition- sa- la –ma- Ra –ka -sa- ka- the - and the meaning
of the word is Dravidar tham - kalyana sadankila - athi kaalai nalla naerathilae- kaathalan –
manamakan – kaathali -manamakal - kaluththila- vanna malar maalai maatry - thaali kayiru/
mankala naan kattum samayam - senda maela mulakkamum – mursu oil- yum –ketti maela/
math’thala sath’thamum –Natheswara esai -yum – koodiyulla anaivarin - kaathkalil olikka –
seivathae- kalam kalamaka varum valakkamakum—‘it is the custom of the Dravidian families
to have drum beats and pipe music during the marriage ceremony while the bridegroom ties
the sacred thread around the neck of the bride in the auspicious morning time’.
*sumaš: a common marine fish [SUMAŠ archaic frequency: 3].
sumaš - has the composition- sa- ma- sa/ta – and the meaning of the word is sutta sem meen
– fried prawns.
*sumug(3,4,5), samag(3,4,5): mole; birthmark (su, 'flesh', + mug, 'to engrave; sty').
sumug has the composition- has the composition- sa –ma- ka- -and the meaning of the word
is muka machham mai vai - draw the mole over the face with antimony ; machha kanni mermaid; moksam- heaven; mookku – machham- mole over the nose; muka machhammole over the face; naakku- machham- mole on the tongue.
machham in Tamil means- mole, fish ; vaan machham is the sky fish- stars .
su - has the composition- sa - and the meaning of the word is mamisam- flesh .
sumur, *šúr, súr: n., fierceness (Akkadian loanword - šamru, 'fierce, enraged, wild') [ŠUR2
frequency: 17; concatenates 2 sign variants] .
v., to be enraged (against someone: -da-).
adj., fierce; furious; stubborn.
súr - has the compositioon -sa- Ra- an--and the meaningof the word is sooran- sooriyanSurya Rasan- the sun god.
šúr has the composition- sa /ta-Ra - and the meaning of the word is sooraathi sooran – furious
warrior- the sun god –Rasaathi Rasan – the king of kings- the sun god .
šúr has the composition- [-sa -] -ta-Ra - and the meaning of the word is and the meaning of
the word is uruthiyaana - firm /stubborn .
šamru has the composition- sa/ta- ma- Ra and the meaningof the word is saramaariya adi - uthai- -continous – non stop – slapping – and
beatings ; Thiru senthur Thiru Maaran- the sun god – Marduk- Thiru Murugan - the fierce
warrior god of Tamil people.
*susbu: clean, bathed; a priest.
susbu has the composition- sa -sa-pa-and the meaning of the word is poosai pani seivon- the
man who does the prayer/ mass; poosai saamaan- the special articles for the ritual prayer ;
masam masam poosai - monthly ritual prayer; poosai pani seiyum achhan/ soosai appan the priest .
šabra, *šapra [PA.AL]: temple administrator; commissioner (šab, 'to gather up', + ru, 'to give')s
[ŠABRA archaic frequency: 1].
šabra-PA-Al - has the composition- sa /ta- pa- Ra – pa- la - and the meaning of the word is
sirappu thiru pali poosai prasaatham – special pooja – sacramental rice food / special holy
mass sacramenatal bread ; Palani Malai sirrappu poosai santhanam; Palani malai paalanpara daesi ; Palani Malai – Aaru Padaiyappan - paranjothi; Thiru Palani Malai – Aatheena
sirrappu- poosai seiyum Matathipathi - sannithanam – poosari – the Head Priest –Arch
Bishop of the Palani Malai Mut .
*šagan, šakan: a large jar for oil; god of wild creatures (šag4/šà, 'stomach, container', + gan, 'to
forth') [? ŠAGAN archaic frequency: 55].
šagan- has the composition- sa/ta –ka- an- and the meaningof the word is santhana kinnamcup for sandol wood paste; suththamana ennai yae kodu - give the pure oil ; nei saatha kodaighee rice offering; santhana kaadu- sandal wood forest; sivantha kannam- blushed face.
šaggina, šaggin, šagina: military governor (šag4, 'guts', + gi-na, 'steady, reliable') [?
ŠAGINA archaic frequency: 1].
šaggina- has the composition- sa/ta- ka -an – and the meaning of the word is kantha sasti
kavasam - devotional song of the Dravidian Warrior god Murugan .
*šagar: hunger (cf., šà-gar).
šagar- has the comopossiton- sa/ta- ka -Ra –and the meaning of the word is ‘seekiramaka
enakku varuththta meen kari-yae-yum sudu saathathi-yum samaithu kondu vaa- enakku
athikamaka vesukunnu[Malayalam –hungry] ‘- ‘ iam hungry ; bring me the fried fish and
boiled rice immediately’!
*šákan: official in charge of expenditures - comptroller (šu, 'portion', + gan, 'to bring forth'; cf.
šákan has the composition- sa /ta- ka -an and the meaning of the word is saetha- kaasau
kannakku attai - expenditure note book; ‘saetha kanakku attai -yae kanakkan kodukka
vaendum’- ‘the expenditure note book has to be surrendered by the accountant’ .
*šakar: milk jug (šag4/šà, 'stomach, container', + kir, 'cow').
šakar -has the composition- sa/ta –ka- Ra - and the meaningof the word is - ‘uri satti thayirai
maththu kondu kadai’ – ‘churn the butter in the pot with the stick’.
*dug--šakira(3), šakir(3): butter tub, churn; churning; pitcher (šag4/šà, 'stomach, container', +
'cow' + /ak/, genitive) [ŠAKIRA3 archaic frequency: 56; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
dug—šakira – means ’ thayir saath’thai kaai kariyudan thattil vaith’thu kodu’- ‘give me the
curd rice and the vegetables in a plate’.
*úšakira(2), šakir(2): henbane.
úšakira - has the composition- sa/ta- ka- Ra – and the meaningof the word is kaattu- visa/
nanju mara / saedi / kodi/ keerai vakai - poisonous plants of the forest .
šandana: (cf., santana).
šandana has the composition- sa/ta - an -the an - and the meaning of the word is anna daana
saatham- ‘the cokked rice for the ritual offering’.
*šaran; šarin: tick, bedbug (šár, 'to be numerous', + in, 'straw').
šaran – has the composition- sa /ta- Ra- an – and the meaning of the word is arusi vandu –
weevil/ the small pest/ insect found in the rice grain/ pantry pests/ grenary bug .
šardiš, šargeš[ŠÁR×DIŠ]; šargal---x[ŠÁR×GAL]: '216000'.
šardiš has the composition- sa/ta- Ra- the- sa/ta – and the meaning of the word is oru mootai
[ 96 padi ] suththaman thaniyam arisi thanamaka kodu- give good quality of 96 padi [ Tamil
unit of measurement of grains ] rice - as a donation.
šargeš has the composition- sa/ta- Ra –ka- sa /ta- and the meaningof the word is suththamana
arisi thaniyam oru kottai [ 21- marakkal] arusukku variyaka kodu- give twenty one marakkal
of good quality of rice to the government as the tax.
šargal---has the composition- sa/ta –Ra- ka- la and the meaning of the word is suththamana –
arisi oru kalam [48 padi ] kovilukku thanamaka / kodaiyaka kodu –give 48 padi good quality
rice to the temple as a donation.
šassuk[SAÑ-GÍN]: registrar of deeds.
šassuk has thecomposition- sa/ta- sa- ka - and the meaningof the word is kaasu kanakku /
kaanikkai kaasu thanikkai sevakan- auditing clerk.
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*šedur: caterpillar cocoon (éše, 'rope', + *dúr, 'dwelling').
šedur has the composition -sa/ta- the- Ra- and the meaning of the word is sem-mari aattu
roma -thuni - woollen/silk cloth; semmari aadu means sheep; rasham/romam/masirumeans wool/silk/ hair ;thuni means clothes .
šedur has the composition- sa/ta- the- Ra – and the meaning of the word is
rasham/masiru’/romam thari thuni tharum mosu marath’thu siru mutta ; mosu marammulberry tree; siru mutta- small egg- cocoon; rasham/masiru – woolen/–silk ; thuni- cloth;
rasham is actually a Tamil word - masiru [Ra-sa-ma].
šedur has the composition- sa/ta- the- Ra – and the meaningof the word- neth’thi senthooram
mai idu- have the kumkum over the forehead; siru vandu saththamida- the small fly making
noise; sithirai maasam; thoora deasam - far away place/ foreign country;Indira daesam- the
land of Indiran; thaer saththam- the sound of the temple car ; thaer sarathi - the driver of the
temple car ; theru saththam- the sound from the street ; Thiruthirastiran – name ; Rasaathi
Rasan- king of the kings ; Santhiran- moon god ; soothiram - formula; Sath’thiram - hostel ;
suth’thira- Dravidan- the Dravidan people who used suththiram - formulae to speak and write
; suthanthiram- independence .
dur - has the composition- the –Ra- and the menaing of the word is mun tharai – land/ floor/
ground ; veettu tharai- the floor of the house.
*šembi: kohl; antimony (as makeup).
šembi has the composition sa/ta- ma- pa- and the meaningof the word is neth’thi pottu
saanthu masi/mai – kohl for beautifying the eyes.
Etymology of the word kohl ;
The Arabic name ‫ ك حل‬kuḥl and the Biblical Hebrew ‫ כחל‬kaḥal (c.f. modern
Hebrew ‫" כחול‬blue") are cognates, from a Semitic root k-ḥ-l. Transliteration variants of Arabic
dialectal pronunciation include kol,kehal or kohal.
The Persian word for kohl is sorme. It is known as either surma/sirma or kājal/gājal in South
Asia. In West Africa, it is also known as tozali or kwalli.
The Russian word for antimony, сурьма, is a loan from the Persian term.
The Greek and Latin terms for "antimony", stibium, στίβι, στίμμι, were loaned from the
Egyptian name sdm.
kohl has the composition- ka- la -and the meaning of the word is vizhi mai – the antimony for
the eyebrows.Kohl is a pure Tamil word;vizhi means eye ; mai means antimony.
kajal has the composition -ka –sa- la- and the meaning of the word is vizhi anjanam - the eyes
beautified with antimony ;vizhi means eyes; ansanam means antimony
sdm has the composition- sa -the- ma and the meaningof the word is ‘saanthu mai’ –
‘antimony paste’.
*šenbar: a type of wild boar (?); Mesopotamian fallow deer (?) (šeg9, 'boar', + bar, 'foreign').
šenbar has the composition- sa/ta- an- pa- Ra - and the meaningof the word is sutta pandri[
panni] eraichhi- oven fried pork meat.
*giš---šennur: a fruit tree, quince or medlar [ŠENNUR archaic frequency: 11; concatenates 2
sign variants] .
giš---šennur hsthe composition- ka-sa/ta – sa/ta- an- an- Ra - and the meaning of the word is
siru narrangaai sedi thottam- lemon garden
*šerim(2), šerin, sérim: a part of the loom - either the harness or the heddle [TAG archaic
frequency: 48 ?; concatenates 7 ? sign variants]
šerim has the composition- sa/ta- Ra -ma – and the meaning of the word is nesavu thuni
thari maedai – hand loom table; nesavu means weaving ; thuni means cloth; thari means hand
loom ; maedai- table.
*šerimsur: caterpillar cocoon (šerim, 'part of a weaving loom', + zar/sur8, 'to exude; to spin [a
šerimsur has the composition- sa/ta- Ra- ma sa-Ra-and the meaning of the word is sem-marai
aattu [ aadu] masiru thuni – woollen clothes.
šerimsur means rasham – masiru thuni neyya thuni tharum mosa maraththtu siru muttamulberry tree cocoon .
*giššibir, sibir: n., shepherd's staff ending in a curved end, i.e., a crook; also such a staff used by
god or king as a scepter (sipad; šuba, 'shepherd', + re7, 'to lead; to bear').adj., slanted, crooked.
Giššibir - has the composition- ka -sa- the -[-sa-] - the -pa- Ra - -and the meaning of the word is
aadu maadu maeipavarudaiya neenda periya thadi kuchchi -the shephers’s staff ; maattu
vandi ottupavarudaiya saattai kuchchi - the whip of the bullock cart rider ; aadu - goat;
maadu- cattle; maeipavar- shepherd; neenda- lengthy ; thadi kuchchi- staff ; maattu
vandi - bullock cart ; ottupavar- rider; saattai kuchchi - whip.
šidim, šitim,* šidi[GIM]: architect, mason (šid3,4,5, 'to bind', + dím, 'to build, make')
[ŠIDIM archaic frequency: 35].
šidim- has the composition- sa/ta- the- ma- and the meaning of the word is suthamathi moon goddess; thoosi munnai thodai – clean the sand dust; sammatti adi- beaten by the
vessel to cary the mud used for construction purposes .
šidi[ gim ]- has the composition- sa/ta –the- ka- ma- and the meaning of the word is kattidam
kattum koth’thanum adimatta saevakanum - construction mason and worke/helper ;
kattidam- building; kattum- to build; koth’thu[koth’than- koth’thanaar ] – masan ; adimatta
saevakan- basic worker/ helper .
*šikin2,3: a jar for body oil, ointment, salve.
šikin has the composition- sa/ta- ka- an - and the meaningof the word is santhana kinnam –
cup for sandol wood paste .
šilam: milk-producing mother cow (šu, 'to pour', + lam, 'abundance').
šilam has the composition- sa/ta- la -ma – and the meaningof the word is soolai maedu - the
place where bricks are backed; malli saedi - jasmine palnt; thavil maela sath’tham =- the
sound of the drum beats; maettu salai; saathi maattu mulai madi - the udder of the cowlocal breed ; santhana maalai- garland of sandal wood beads .
*šilig(5), silig(5): v., to cease, stop; to lay aside one's work.
adj., extremely powerful, strong(cf., ñiššilig and nam-šilig).
šilig has the composition- sa/ta- la- ka –and the meaning of the word is salaikaathu vaelai sei ‘do not stop the work because of fatigue’
*giš-- šilig: axe.
giš---šilig has the composition- ka -sa/ta- sa/ta- la –ka - and the meaning of the word is entha
kodalai kondu antha kattayae sinna sinnathaka vetti kodu- ‘with this axe cut the wood in to
small pieces’ ; kodali – axe; vettu- to cut; kataai[yae]- wood.
šilig has the composition- sa/ta- la –ka- and the meaning of the word is sinna kodali kattai axe with the wooden handle.
šilig has the composition- sa/ta- la –ka- and the meaning of the word is ‘ kailum kaalilum
vilangai maatti salai valiyae kondu vaa avanai’ - bring him hand cuffed through the road ‘ kaihand; kaal- foot; vilangu – hand cuff; salai- road; ‘kondu vaa’ - bring him .
*giš---šinig: tamarisk.
giš---šinig - has the composition- ka -sa/ta -sa/ta- an -ka - and the meaning of the word is sinna
sinna - vanna vanna- kaattu - sedi kodi – small colorful plants/ shrubs; sinna sinna - adj- for
small ; vanna vanna- adj - for colorful; kaattu sedi kodi- forest plants/ shrubs.
*šiten: course of march; passage (šìta, 'channel', + un, 'people').
šiten has the composition- sa/ta- an - and the meaning of the word is ‘nadantha vantha adi
suvadu’ – foot steps.
šiten has the composition- sa/ta- an - and the meaning of the word is ‘saenai vantha thadam’
- ‘the pathway used by the army.’
šiten has the composition- sa/ta- an - and the meaning of the word is ‘suththamaan sunai
thanni’ – pure spring water.
*šubur: earth; slave, deprived person [ŠUBUR archaic frequency: 181].
šubur - has the composition- sa/ta- pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is para daesam- the
sky ; para daedsi – the wanderer who eats by begging others .
*šudug(2), šutug(2): a reed hut for purification rites; basket.
šudug has the composition- sa/ta-the- ka – and the meaning of the word is ‘ keeththu kudisai
veettai suth’thamaakku - ‘clean the reed hut’; saatha koodai- basket full of cooked rice ;
keethu- reed; kudisai- hut ; suththammakku- clean .
giš---šudun(2,3,4,5), giš--šudul(2,3,4,5), giš--uštil: yoke, crosspiece (šúš/šú, 'to cover', + dun(4),
'warp yarns connecting opposite sides of a loom frame' and dul, 'to cover').
giš—šudul has the composition- ka- sa/the- sa/the- the- la -and the meaning of the word is
kizhintha satttai thuni yaei uoosi noolai kondu thaeiththu kodukka vaendum - stitch the
torn shirt with a needle and thread ; kizhintha - torn; sattai - shirt ; thuni- cloth ; oosineedle; nool- thread; thaeiththu- to stitch; kodukka - to give .
giš—šudul has the composition- ka- sa/the- sa/the- the- la -and the meaning of the word is
sudali aandi kadavulai/ davanai ella nodiyum – maniyum thinamum/ thevasa- mum/ masa
masa-mum nalla naal kilamai-yum vaendi vanagu – every minute – every hour - every dayevery month and all auspicious days pray to the god lord Siva ; Sudali Aandi – lord Siva;
kadaul – god; thinam- day; nodi- minute; masam- month; naalum kilamiyum- auspicious days ;
vanangu- pray.
(kuš) *šuhub(2), *suhub(2) [MUL]: n., boots (šúš/šú, 'to cover', + gub, 'to stand').
v., to step; to feed by grazing; to trample.
šuhub has the composition- sa/the- ka- pa – and the meaning of the word is paatha suvadu foot steps ;paatham suduvathai thadukka – paatha kattai idu - to avoid foot burns use
wooden slippers; paatha kattai osai- the sound of the wooden slipper; paatha kattai osai
koodathu- do not make noise with your wooden slipper ; paatham means foot; suvadu means
steps; kattai means wood/ wooden slipper; sudu means heat [ heat burns] ; thaddukka - to
avoid; osai- noise.
suhub(2) [MUL ] means ‘ mellama nada –paatha kattai saththam/ osai koodaathu – walk
slowly to avoid the noise coming from the wooden slippers ; mellama – slowly ; nada- walk .
*gišukur: fence.
gišukur has the composition- ka- sa/ta- ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is kattai suvar wall; kutti suvar; veettu suvar; oru veettukku oru veedu idaiyae kattai suvar kattu - build the
boundry wall / fence in between the houses; kattida suvar- the wall of the building; kaarai
kattida suvar- wall built by lime stone; suvar means wall/ fence; kattu means to build;
idaiyae means inbetween ; veedu means house; kutti suvar means wall of small height ; kattai
suvar means wall with good breadth; kaarai- lime stone plaster/ burnt lime .
*urudu/*giššukur: spear, lance (šu, 'hand', + kúr, 'enemy').
giš--šukur has the composition- ka- sa/ta- sa/ta -ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is ‘karum
siruththai- yum- sinka- mum kottaanum irukkum kaattai / kanakathai kadakka kattu
saathtathudan eetti -yae- yum uruttu kattai yaeyum kondu vaa’- to cross the forest
inhabitated by black panther, owel and lion you should bring a good stick and lance apart
from travel food pack; karum siruthai- black panther; sinkam- lion; kaaddu- forest ; uruttu
kattai- good stick; eetti - lance.
kur has the composition- ka- Ra- and the meaning of the word is veeran – soldier ; veeramcourage; karam – hand.
urudu has the composition- u- Ra -the and the meaning of the word is urunda thadi – stick;
thirudan- theif.
*šurun, šurim: animal excrement, dung; stable (šur, 'to flow, drip', + imi/im, 'clay, mud').
šurun - has the composition- sa/ta- Ra- an- and the meaningof the word is -‘maattu saani raatti’
- -dried cow cakes’; maattu /maadu- cow/bull ; saani- dung; raatti- dried dung cakes. .
šurun4,5, šurin4,5: cockroach; cricket.
šurun has the composition- sa/ta –Ra- an – and the meaningof the word is siriya –
suththamaana neer/ tharai naththai- small snail inhabitating land and pure water; neer means
water; tharai means land; nath’thai means snail ; siriya means small; suththtamaana means
*šušana: one third (part).
šušana has the composition- sa/ta -sa/ta -an – and the meaning of the word is santhana
saanthu - sandal wood paste; santhanam means sandal; saanthu means paste.
šušana means ‘sata sata yena’- adj -for falling trees.
šušana has the composition- [-sa-] -the -[-sa-] -the -an – and the meaning of the word is
moondril ondru - one third [ missing letters -Ra -and- la-] ; moondru- three; ondru- one .
šušur(2): stove grill (šúš, 'to cover', + ùru, 'hot, luminous metal').
šušur - has the composition- sa/the- sa/the- Ra –and the meaning of the word is santhana mara
daesam- the land of sandal wood; sada sada yena maram murinthu saaya ---- - adj - for
falling trees .
šušur –has the composition- sa/ta- sa/ta –Ra and the meaning of the word is ‘thanuth’tha
thayir /more arisi saathamum/ arisi sorum - -sutta sem- meenum –varuththa mutta yum
thaa’- bring the cold curd/ butter milk mixed rice food with fried prawns and eggs;
thanuth’tha- cold ; sudu/ sutta – hot / oven fried; arisi- rice;saatham/ soru- rice food ;
varruththa -oil fried; sem - meen- prawns; thayi- curd; more- butter milk;mutta - eggs.
šušur - has the composition-[- sa-]-the-[- sa-] -the- Ra –and the meaning of the word is
raththinam- diamond.
Page- 68
*šutum [GI.NA.AB.UL]: lizard.
šutum - has the composition- sa-the- ma - and the meaning of the word is santhai maadu or
sem maadu or pasu maadu- cow- [ missing letter is - pa -] ; maadu- cow/ cattle ; santhaimarket; . sem maadu - red bull ; pasu maadu- cow.
šutum Gi na abul- has the composition- sa- the- ma - ka -an- pa- la- and the meaning of the
word is paal kodukkum pasu maadu - the cow that gives milk-[ missing letter- the -] ; paalmilk; kodukkum- giving; pasu maadu- cow/Ko; pasu maatu paalum saniyum komiayamum the milk, dung and urine of the cow ; paal- milk; saani- cow dung; komiyam- urine ; palli
saththam poduvathuu nalla sakunam - the sound of the lizard means ‘ good fortune’ ; pallilizard; sakunam- good time.
*tabira, tibira: metalworker (tab, 'to hold, clasp', + ùru, 'luminous object').
Tabira - has the composition- the - pa -Ra - and the meaning of the word is irumbu pattarai metal work shop ; irumbu- iron metal ; pattarai- workshop .
taltal: knowledge, experience, wisdom (reduplicated tál, 'understanding').
Taltal - has the composition- the - la- the- la - and the meaning of the word is thol
mozhiyaana Tamil mozhi - the ancient Tamil language ; thella thelintha- clear [ mind] ;
aazhnthu thelintha manathu - a mind that has a deep and clear thinking; thol mozhiancient language; thazhintha manathu- clear mind; muthal muthalaana- the first and the
formost .
gištaškarin, *taskarin[TÚG]: box shrub or small tree (or its heavy, hard wood) (may be
Akk. loan).
Taskarin has the composition- the -sa- ka- Ra -an - and the meaning of the word is santhana
mara kaadu - sandal wood forest .
*temen[TE]: perimeter; foundations; foundation-charter; foundation platform; a figure on the
made of ropes stretched between pegs; excavation (often written te-me-en) [TE archaic
frequency: 199].
Temen has the composition- the- ma- an- and the meaning of the word is adimaanam foundation; kattumaanam- construction-[ missing letter- ka -]; pidimaanam- to hold
something ; pidimun - petu mun /asaphalt -[ missing letter- pa- ]; munnai thonda - to dig the
soil/ excavation ; mun - soilo; thonda - to dig.
Tešlug: small young animal, fledgling.
Tešlug has the composition- the- sa- la -ka - and the meaning of the word is kutti thavalai yin
saththam - the sound of a small frog; seththa vilangu - dead animal ; kozhi sandai- cock fight
; sinna siriya kilikku siraku / rakkai mulaikkavum athu thun thayin koottai vittu paranthu
ponathu [missing letter- pa- and - Ra -] - when the small parrot got fledged it flew out of
the nest; kutti- small; thavalai- frog; saththam- sound; seththa- dead; vilangu- animal ;
kozhi- cock; sandai- fight; sinna siriya - small; kili- parrot; siraku - feathers; rakkai
mulaikka- fledged; koodu- nest; paranthu- flew; ponathu- gone.
tibir: carving knife.
Tibir has the composition- the- pa- Ra -and the meaning of the word is paarai kal sirpam
vettum uli [ missing letters- ka and la - and -sa- ] - the chisel used for making lime stone
images; paarai kal- lime stone; sirpam- statues; vettum- carving/ breaking; uli- chisel.
*tibir(2,3,4,5): hand; palm; blow, strike (*'life' + 'open, release' ? 'the beggar's open palm').
Tibir has the composition- the- pa -Ra - and the meaning of the word is paer idi- big blow /
thunderous blow; paer adi- big blow; paer idi- thunderous blow; idi- thunder; purankai
yae kaattu -[ missing letter- ka -]- show the other /dorsal side of the hand; puran- kai - dorsal
side of the hand ; kaattu- show; puram kai yae kondu kaakkai yae virattum karumi- the
miser who uses the dorsal aspect of the hand to make the crow to go away ; puram- kaidorsal aspect of the hand; kaakkai- crow; karumi - miser.
Miser- [ E]- has the comp[osition- -ma- [-sa-] - Ra - and the meaning of the word is karumi -[
missing letter- ka -].
Life - has the composition- la -pa- and the meaning of the word is pila - to spilt .
*tíbira, ibira: merchant, tradesman (Proverb 3.108 describes how the peddler 'flays' or 'skins'
open hand of the customer).
Tibira has the composition- the- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is thaaniya viyapari -[
missing letter- ka-]- grain merchant; thaaniym- grain ; viyapari- merchant .
*tidnum[UG-UG or ÚG-ÚG], midnum: tiger ?, leopard ? [? TIDNUM archaic frequency: 1].
Tidnum has the composition-- the -the -an -ma - and the meaning of theword is kaattu maanwild deer- [ missing letter- is -ka -]; kaadu- forest ; maan - deer.
Ug- ug- has the composition- ka- ka - and the meaning of the word is vaenkai - tiger.
*tilhar: cloud.
Tilhar has the composition- the- la- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is mazhai tharum
kaar maekam ; rain giving dark clouds; mazhi- rain; tharum- giving; kaar- dark; maekamclouds .
*tilmun: distinguished, respectful (same sign as *dilmunki).
Dilmunki- has the composition- the- la- ma- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is thalai
makan ; leader; first born son.
titab(2): beer mash - bappir mixed with munu4 and allowed to ferment (tìl/ti, 'life', + tab, 'to
Titab - has the composition- the- the -pa - and the meaning of the word is pattai .
*tugul: hip, thigh (*túg, 'cloth garment', + íla, 'to lift, carry').
Tugul has the composition- the -ka -la - and the meaning of the word is kaal thodai- thigh;
kaal- leg; thodai- thigh.
Tug- has the composition- the- ka - and the meaning of the word is thokai- peacock feathers;
kaada thuni- the cloth; thukkuka- to lift .
*(giš)tukul: mace (thigh bone ?); weapon.
(giš)tukul has the composition- ka -sa- the- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is aalai
kolai seiya koodiya kodiya ayuthankallaana vettu kaththi , koduvaa , vaal , kattai - the
weapons for killing a person are knife , sword and wood stick; aal- men; kolai - kill;
ayuthankal- weapons; vettu kaththi- knief; vaal- sword; kattai - wood.
*tukum, tukun: if, in case; at once.
Tukum has the composition- the- ka -ma - and the meaning of the word is udanukkudanimmediately / at once.
tukumbi: if, in case; please; certainly (usually followed by hamtu verb form).
Tukumbi has the composition- the- ka- ma- pa- and the meaning of the word is thayavu panni
enakku panam kodukka vaendum- please kindly give me money ; thayavu panni- please;
panam- money ; kodukka - to give; kandippanna manithan - strict person; kandippaaka
panam kidaikkum- surley [you will] get the money ; kandipaaka- certainly ; panam unakku
kidaikalam allathu kidaikaamavum pokalaam-[ missing letter- la -] - you can get the money or
you may not.
*túkur[KA׊E]: to gnaw, nibble; silence.
Tukur- has the composition- the- ka -Ra - and the meaning of the word is kadiththu kutharu severe bite; maunam kaaththiru /kodiru- keep silence; maunam- silence; kondiru- to keep.
*ubara[EZEN×KASKAL]: patronage, protection.
Ubara - has the composition- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is rachchi paa yaa -[
missing letter- sa -]- protect [ us ]; kaapptru vaayaa - safeguard us-[ missing letters - ka -and the].
*ubilla(2): soot (ú, 'plant', + bil, 'to burn', + lal/lá, 'to be deficient, light, high').
Ubilla has the composition- pa- la - and the meaning of the word is paal- milk ; pazhamfruit; pala pala - shining; ellam poei- all has gone; saampal - soot -[ missing letter- sa -];
neruppil idu - burn it / throw it on the fire [missing letters- Ra- and- the ]; neruppu- fire;
thennam pillai-[ missing letter- the -] - palm plant; pillai- son .
*ubur: female breast, teat (ub4, 'cavity', + ir(2), 'liquid secretion').
Ubar has the composition- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is maarbu - chest ; marma
uruppu- genitals.
*udug, utug: pitfall; a demonic being.
Udug- has the composition- the- ka - Aand the meaning of the word is kaaththu- a demon;
kaaththu karuppu- demon -[ missing letters Ra and pa -]; koottu sathi- pitfall/trap-[ missing
letter- sa -]- .
údug, útug: a weapon.
Udug- has the compositin- the- ka - and the meaning of the word is kodiya aauthamdestructive weapon; aautham- weapon.
*udul/utul(3,4,5,6,10): herdsman (*udu, 'sheep', + *lú, 'man') [UDUL archaic frequency: 32;
concatenates 4 sign
variants] .
udul has the composition- the- la- and the meaning of the word is vell aattu manthai yin
thalaivan - the leader of the sheep herd , vellaadu- sheep; manthai- herd ; thalaivan- leader-[
missing letter ka -] .
udu- has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is aadu - sheep .
lu has the compoasition - la - and the meaning of the word is aal- person/man; Dravidian
magical/ sacred letter la = light; aal- baniyan tree.
*udun[GIR4]: kiln (for pottery and bricks); oven.
udun has the composition- the- an -and the meaning of theword is pidi mun - pitumen/
asaphalt; mun aduppu - oven-[ missing letter- pa-].
*ugnim: crowd; army; troops; workgang; campaign.
ugim has the composition- ka- an- ma- and the meaning of the word is manitha koottamhuman crowd -[ missing letter- the -] ;
Troops[ E] has the composition-the Ra- pa - and the meaning of the word is por padai - army
*ugra: reed bundle.
Ugara- has the composition- ka- Ra and the meaning of the word is keerai kattu/koththu spinach/greens bundle; koorai veedu- house with a reed roof or thatched house ; koorairoof ; koarai - reed; veedu- house[ missing letter- the-].
*ugula [PA]: overseer; captain; foreman (loan from Akkadian waklu where Christopher Ehret's
Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic has *wax "to look at").
ugula has the composition- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is kava laali - watch man ;
vaelai aal- worker; kavalan - police man.
Page - 69.
ugun*[U.DAR/GÙN]: adorning speckles and lines; inlaid decoration (u, 'ten, many', + gùn, 'to
with colors' may be popular scribal etymology; cf., *ug, 'lion, any deadly cat' + n, 'discrete
U. dar gun has the composition- the- Ra- ka- an - and the meaning of the word is aniyum /
uduththum pattu saelai munthaani yilo kaada thuni /pattu vaetti yin oramaakavo
vanna vanna nirankalil thaeikka padum poo vaelai padaal aana sarikai patti -[ missing
letters- sa - la -and -pa-]; the decorated cloth piece attached to the border of the silk saree or
silk or kadda dhothi .
Ug- has the composition- ka- and the meaning of the word is sinkam - lion- [ missisng lettersa -]
*úgunu, úgun[GAŠAN]: lady, mistress, ruler; ointment, application.
Ugunu has the composition- ka -an - and the meaning of the word is kanni- virgin girl ;
Elankovan - prince-[ missing letter- la -]; kan mai- anti mony.
ùgun, ugu(4): n., progenitor.v., to beget, bear.adj., natural, genetic.
Ugun has the composition- ka- an- and the meaning of the word is aakkiyoncreator/ancestor .
*ukum: dust (devil).
Ukum has the composition- ka- ma - and the meaning of the word is avanai madiya vidu allow him to die; avan- he; madiya - to die; vidu- to allow.
Dust [E] - has the composition- the- sa - and the meaning of the word is thoosi -dirt;
seththavanin meethi - the remains of the dead .
*úkur: butcher (ug5, 'to kill', + kir, 'cow').
Ukur has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kari arivon - butcher; kari
- meat ; arivon- one who cuts; kaai kari - vegetables.
*ukur3,4, uku2,5: n., poor man; poverty.
v., to be or become poor.
Ukur has the composition-ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is varumai - poverty .
Úkuš: cucumber.
ukuš has the composition- ka -sa - the -and the meaning of the word is muttai kosu cabbage.
ulul(2): binding; harness; leash, chain (u, 'ten, many', + lal, 'to strap, harness').
Ulul has the composition- la- la- and the meaning of the word is kovil kaalai -[ missing letterka -]- temple bull ; kovil- temple; kaalai- bull; nilaththai uzhum kaalai maadu - the bull
used for ploughing the land [ missing letters- ka -and- the] ; nilam- land; uzhva - to plough ;
kaali maadu- bull.
ulušin: emmer beer.
ulušin has the composition- la- sa -the -an - and the meaning of the word is suththamaana
thenna [g] kallu-[ missing letter- ka -] - pure kallu - an alcoholic beverage made from palm
*úlutin: attractive, attention-getting.
Ulutin has the composition- la -the- an - and the meaning of the word is manathai alla ;
manathai kollai kolla -[ missing word- ka -]- stealing the mind/heart ; manam- mind; kollai
kolla - to rob.
umah: marsh, swamp (u, 'plant', + mah, 'high').
Umah has the compodition- ma-ka - and the meaning of the word is mun kuttai - stagnant
water in a low land .
*umbin: nail; claw; talon; hoof; nail impression (on a clay tablet); hair pin; wheel (of a chariot,
[UMBIN archaic frequency: 34; concatenates 4 sign variants] .
Umbin has the composition- ma-pa - and the meaning of the word is kaal kuolambu - hoof ;
puvi/poomi kolam - earth ; puvi- earth; kolam-planet / rounded one [ missing letters - ka and- la -].
Hoof has the composition- ka -pa- and the meaning of the word is kuolambu- hoof [ missing
letter- la -].
Claw[ E] -has the composition- ka- la -va - and the meaning of the word is kaal nakam - foot
nail .
umbisag: scribe (umbin, 'nail impression [on a tablet]', + sag, 'individual human').
Umbisag has the composition- ma- pa- sa -ka - kavi paesiya / kavi paadiya paadal
anaiththai yim yaettil/ oaliyil suvadiyil pathivu seika -[ missing letter- the and -la -] - what
has been sung by the poet has to be recorded in a palm leaf book; kavi- poet; paadiya sung; paadal- song; olaiyil- palm leaf ; pathivu seuika - to record .
*ummeda(2), éme: wetnurse; mammy (umu/um, 'nurse', + da, 'to hold, protect').
Ummeda has the composition- ma- ma- the- and the meaning of the word is thaai ammai /
thaathi ammai - wet nurse.
kušummud, *ùmmu[EDIN.LÁ]: (goatskin) water bag.
Ummu edin la - has the composition- ma- the- an- la - and the meaning of the word is aattu /
mattu thole lil aana thanni pai -[ missing letter- pa -]- the water bag made from goat skin
or cow skin ; aadu- goat; maadu- cattle; thole- skin; thanni- water; pai- bag.
*umun: title of respect; Emesal dialect form of en.
Umun has the composition- ma -an - and the meaning of the word is Amman- the lord/ sun
god ; mani ammai - moon goddess.
*úmun, umum: mold; raw form or material; idea; knowledge; scholarship [UMUN2 archaic
frequency: 114].
Umun has the composition- ma- an - and the meaning of the word is ennam - idea / thought ;
gnanam- wisdom.
*ùmun: flea; louse.
Umun has thecomposition- ma- an -and the meaning of the word is maeni unni - body louse
; maeni- body; unni- louse.
*umun5,6,11: (stagnant) pool; swamp; a swamp plant.
Umun has the composition- ma -an - and the meaning of the word is mun kuttai-[ missing
letters- ka- and- the-]- stagnant pool.
*umuš, uš4: discernment; intelligence; reflection, consideration; decision (u6, 'to be impressed'
+ máš, 'to
examine, inspect').
umuš has the composition- ma- [-sa -] -the -and the meaning of the word is mathiintelligence; muduvu- decision ; manathin sothanai - introspection; manathu- mind;
sothanai- test .
unkin, ukkin: communal assembly, folkmoot (ùña/un, 'people', + kíñ/kin, 'to seek, fetch'; cf.,
*unkin-gar-ra) [UKKIN archaic frequency: 108; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
Unkin - gar-ra has the composition- an- ka- an - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is
nakara avai - the city assembly ; nakaram- city ; avai- aasembly.
Kin has the composition- ka- an- and the meaning of the word is kaanka - to see.
*unug(2), unu(2): dwelling; fortress; jewelry, adornment; cheek; the city of Uruk (ùña/un,
'people', + ig,
'door') [UNUG archaic frequency: 206; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
Unug has the composition- an- ka- and the meaning of the word is nakai - jewel; kannam cheek;
ùnug, unu6 [TEMEN.ÈŠ = TE.AB]: elevated shrine, temple; living room; sanctuary.
Unug has the composition- an - ka - and the meaning of the word is vaanakam/vaanam sky ; kaanakam- forest .
*uraš [IB]: earth; loincloth; secret.
uraš has the composition- Ra- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is sem mun tharai - the
land of red soil ; sem mun- red soil; tharai- land; theetu/thooram/ maatha vidai samayam /naeram --- moondru thinaththirkku katti thookki eriyum uthiram/ raththa karai
konda kaada thuni -[ missing letter- ka -]-stained disposable menstrual cloth used for three
days of period ; theettu- mensus; naeram- period; moondru thinam- three days; uthiram
/ raththam- blood; karai- stain; kaada thuni- kaada cloth ; deva rakasiyam -[ missing letterka -]- top secret .
úrgu: ferocity, rage (ur + gù, 'barking dog').
Urgu has the composition- Ra- ka - and the meaning of the word is veri - rage; kuraikkum
veri naai- the ferocious barking dog; kurikkaum- barking; very- rage ; naai- dog .
Page- 70 .
urim2,5, uri2,5: doorpost (cf., ùru(-m)) [URI5 archaic frequency: 21].
Uri has the composition- Ra - and the meaning of the word is uri -a hanging cloth strap to
keep oil, butter etc .
urin,*ùri [ŠEŠ]: eagle; standard, emblem, banner; blood [ŠEŠ ZATU-523 archaic frequency: 25;
concatenates 2 sign variants
Uri has the composition- Ra - and the meaning of the word is tharam- standard; raththamblood ; thirai- screen ; muththirai - emblem-[ missing letter- the -]; karudan- eagle-[ missing
letters- ka -and -the -]; parunthu- eagle- [ missing letters - pa -and -the-] .
urudu, uruda, urud: copper; metal (ùru, 'luminous object', + dù, 'to mould, cast') [URUDU
frequency: 61; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
Urudu has the composition- va-Ra- the - and the meaning of the word is thaamiraththai
urukkui uooththuka urugal: the netherworld (uru, 'city', + gal, 'big').
urugal has the composition- Ra- ka- la- and the meaning of the word is maru ulakam another/ next world- heaven ; vaeru ulakam- different world ; maru- next ; vaeru different; ulakam- world.
Uru has the composition- Ra - and the meaning of the word is uoor- village/ city .
Kal- has the composition- ka -la - and the meaning of the word is ulakam - world.
urum, *uru6, ur7: spawn, fry.
Uru has the compoaition- va- Ra- and the meaning of the word is karu ura - to get pregnant;
karuvarai- womb; varukka - to fry.
*úrum, uru7: relatives, kin.
Urum uru is the Tamil word uoorum uravum - the relatives and the people of the village ;
uoor- village; uravu - relatives/ relation .
usan(2): evening (cf., ú-si4 an).
Usan - has the composition- sa- an - and the meaning of the word is saeyon saayum naeramthe time for sun set [missing letter- Ra -]; saeyon- sun ; saayum- setting; naeram- time.
ùsan: whip.
Usan has the composition- sa -an - and the meaning of the word is saenam- saddle.
ušar(2,3,4), ušur(2,3,4), usar: (female) companion, neighbor (uš, 'to support', + ára/ár, 'to
praise') [UŠUR3 archaic frequency: 3; concatenates 3 sign variants] .
Usar has the composition- sa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is sarsa naeram - the time to
make love.
*Ušbar: weaver.
Ušbar has the composition- sa -the- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is pattu thuni
yae thariyil nei yum munnae pattu nool thunuikku vakai vakai yaana vanna poochchu /
saayam koduppavar - the one who gives different colours to the silk threads before
weaving .
*ušbar(3/7): father-in-law; mother-in-law (gìš/uš, 'man; penis', + bar, 'outside; foreign').
Ušbar has the composition- sa- the- pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is siththappanum ,
periya appanum, aththai yum maama num - father’s younger brother, elder brother, aunt
and uncle.
uš has the composition -sa- the - and the meaning of the word is sunni thanni- semen ;
sunni- penis; thanni- water.
ušera: reed bundle (ú, 'plant', + šár, 'to be many').
Ušera has the composition- sa- the- Ra- and the meaning of the word is siru keerai kattu bundle of spinach; siru keerai - greens; kattu- bundle.
*(gi)ušub[SI.A/DIRIG]: basket (uš, 'to support, lift', + ub4, 'cavity, hole').
(gi)ušub has the composition- ka- [-sa-]- the -pa - and the meaning of the word is sapattu
koodai - meal basket; sappaadu - meals; koodai - basket; poo koodai- flower basket ; pooflower.
*Ušum, ušu: n., dragon, composite creature (uš11, 'snake venom', + am, 'wild ox').adj., solitary,
Ušum has the composition- va - sa- ma - and the meaning of the word is ‘visam ‘- poison .
Venom[ E] has the composition -va -an- ma - and the meaning of the word is visa unavu poisoned food -[ missing letter- sa -] ; visam- poison; unavu- food.
Poison[ E] has the composition- pa -sa -an - and the meaning of the word is paasanam poison.
*ušumgal: lord of all, sovereign; solitary; monster of composite powers, dragon (ušum,
'dragon', + gal,
'great') [UŠUMGAL archaic frequency: 21].
ušumgal has the composition- sa- the- ma- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is Yaelu
ulakaththai yum aalum Aaththian - Maka devan - Aathi Sivan- Aathi Saesan - Siva kasi Kaaliyan makan Saku/ Kanthan/ valli kanavan / vaelavan - the Dravidian sun god Marduk Thiru Murugan- son of Siva - the ruler of the seven worlds .
*utah, útu: dried, powdered milk; sky.
Utah has the composition- the- ka - and the meaning of the word is kaaintha - dried.
*utua(2): breed ram; breed bull (*udu, 'sheep', + a, 'semen; father') [UTUA archaic frequency:
74; concatenates 2
sign variants] .
Utua has the composition- the - va - and the meaning of the word is vellaadu - sheep[missing letter- la -] .
Udu has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is aadu - goat .
Ram has the composition- Ra- ma- and the meaning of the word is sem mari [ aadu ] - sheep.
*utul2,7: pot, kettle, cauldron (ú, 'food', + tal, 'large jug').
utul has the composition- the- la - and the meaning of the wor is thavalai - a large vessel for
making hot water.
*uzalag, uzalak[GE22]: area measure, = 1/4 of an iku (= 25 sar).
uzug, usug: tithe, tenth-part set aside (hà/u, 'ten', + zag, 'outside of').
uzalag has the composition- [-sa-] - la -ka - and the meaning of the word is aallakku / ulakku Tamil unit of measurement of grain volume; kaal kaani - 1/4 of a kaani /1.32 acre.
*uzug2,3,4,5: menstruating woman; woman isolated after birth; person under a taboo (cf., úsug4) (úš,
'blood', + zìg, 'to expend, go out').
Uzug has the composition- sa- ka -and the meaning of the word is maasa kuli -[ missing letterla -]- menstrual period/ monthly bath; maasa vidaai-[ missing letter- the -]- menstrual period.
(giš)zabalam: juniper (cf., za-ba-lum) [? ZABALAM archaic frequency: 45; concatenates 2 sign
variants] .
Zabalam has the composition- sa- pa- la-ma - and the meaning of the word is echcham
pazham- date fruit.
*zabar[UD.KA.BAR]: bronze (zil; zi; zé, 'to pare, cut', + bar6, 'bright, white'; Akk. siparrum,
'bronze' borrowed before vowel harmony changed Sumerian word; cf., barzil, 'iron') [ZABAR
frequency: 1].
Zabar- has the composition- sa- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is seppu/sempu rasam
- copper.
Page- 71
*zalag(2); zal: n., light, brightness; the light before dawn, early morning. v., to shine, gleam; to
illuminate; to cleanse, purify (often reduplicated).
adj., bright, luminous, radiant; pure.
Zalag has the composition- [-sa]- la- ka - and the meaning of the word is saayum kaalam - the
time of sun set; evening ; kaalai vaelai- morning ; maalai vei yil- sunny evening ; kaalai ozhimorning light .
*zanbur: prowling, roaming; foraging (said of animals).
zanbur has the composition - sa -an- pa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is para parapana
manasu - restless/apprehensive mind.
Forage [E] has the composition- pa -Ra- ka - and the meaning of the word is para para nnu
manm irukka- restless mind; para para - restless ness ; manam - mind; irai yae kandathum mirakaththin manamum udampum para parapu kondathu- on seeing it’se prey the
animal became restless- [ missing letter- the -] ; mirukam- animal; irai- prey; manammind; udambu- body; para parappu- restlessness .
zibin(2): chrysalis, pupa; caterpillar (zi, 'life', + bun, 'blister').
zibin has the composition- sa- pa- an- and the meaning of the word is min mini poochchiglitter bug .
*zilulu*[PA.GIŠGAL]: peddler; vagabond (zil, 'to flay, pare' ? , + lú-ùlu, 'people').
zilulu has the composition- sa- la -la - and the meaning of the word is ullasa ula - merry
PA.GIŠGAL has the composition- pa- ka -sa- the- ka- la -and the meaning of the word is
thanam thani yae ulakaththai kaal nadai yaaka suththi payanam sei pavan - the one who
goes around the world all alone on foot; thanm thaniyae alone; ulakam- world; kaal nadaion foot; suththi- making a round; payanam- travel; sei pavan- the one who does.
zipah, zapah[*ŠU.BAD]: half; a length-measure, span = 1/2 cubit = 15 fingers = 25 cm. (ŠU.BAD:
'open hand' - approx. distance measured by span of outstretched thumb and little finger).
Šubad has the composition- [-sa-]- pa- the - and the meaning of the word is paathi - half.
zizna: fish roe; abnormal growths on a fetus.
Zizna has the compositin- [-sa-]- sa - an - and the meaning of the wordis sem meen - cod
fish .
*zugud, zubud: a kind of club; a fish (cf. also, sukud).
zugud has the composition- [-sa-]- ka -the- and the meaning of the word is koduvaa meen bara cuda fish.
*zukum: to trample; to walk on; to step on (súg, plural 'to stand', + kum, 'to crush').
Zukum has the composition-[- sa-]- ka- ma - and the meaning of the word is miththikka - to
stamp on /to step on.
zurzub(2), ursub(2), urrub(2): a container provided with teat-shaped protuberances
(zur4, 'to spout, flow', + sub, 'to suckle').
Urrub has the composition- Ra -pa- and the meaning of the word is muka paru varum
paruvam - the age for facial pimples [missing letter- ka -]; mukam- face; paru- pimples;
paravam- age .
a-a: father (reduplicated 'offspring').
Aa has the compoaition- aa - and the meaning of the word is aan- male/man .
a-ab-ba: (cf., aba).
Abba- has the composition - pa and the meaning of the word is appan - father.
a-ba-al: 'dry' asphalt (Akkadian loanword - abaalu, 'to be dry; to mourn', may be Orel &
a-ba-al has the composition -[- pa-] - la - and the meaning of the word is manal- sand; azha to weep .
a-bala: drawing of water (a, 'water', + bala, 'turn, duty').
Abala has the composition- pa- la - and the meaning of the word is paazhum pazhamum- milk
and the fruits; paal- milk; pazham- fruit; pani malai- snow mountain; pani- snow ; malaimountain; pani mazhai - ice rain ; mazhai- rain .
*a-da-ab: a type of song (also written as a-tab, 'burning tears' ?).
Adaab has the composition- the - pa- and the meaning of the word is paattu - song ; thappu
thappa paadaathae - ‘do not make errors while singing’ .
*a-da-al-ta: from now on ('now' + 'from').
a-da-al-ta hs the composition- tha- la - the -- intha naazhi muthal - from this moment
onwards ; naazhi [ kai] = 24 seconds.
*a-da gub-ba: water duty ('water' + 'near' + 'to stand' + nominative).
a-da gub-ba has the composition- the- ka -pa -and the meaning of the word is thanni puka
/poka mudiyaatha idam - the place where water can not enter/go out .
*a-da-mìn: contest ('when' + 'with' + 'an equal').
a-da-mìn has the composition- the -ma- an- and the meaning of the word is panthayam contest -[ missing letter- pa -] .
*a-da-mìn...aka: to compete (with someone: -da-) ('contest' + 'to do, make').
a-da-mìn...aka- has the composition- the- ma- an- ka -and the meaning of the word is
panthayam katta vaa- come for the contest -[ missing letter- pa-].
a-da...tuš: to live near the water ('water' + 'near' + 'to dwell (singular)').
a-da...tuš - has the composition- the -the -sa- and the meaning of the word is thanni odum
idam- the place where water flows.
*a-dar-túnku6: a fish ('water' + 'to slice' + 'to smash').
a-dar-túnku has the composition- the -Ra -the- an -ka -and the meaning of the word is odum
aaththu / river thanni yila neerila / kadal thanni yil / sea water kaanum meeen/fish
vakai kalaana/ uyir inankalaana - kendai meen; maththi meen- sardines fish; iraal meen prawn ; kola meen- saw fish ; kodu vaa meen - sea bass; kelluththi meen-cat fish; kanavaai
meen- cuttle; vilangu meen- ele ; vaalai meen- ribbon fish; nandu - crab ; neththili meen anchovies; kaanageluththi- mackerel; vavaal meen- pomfret ; keerai meen- yellow tuna [
missing letter- la -] .
*a...dé: to pour out water; to irrigate; to flood ('water' + 'to pour').
a...dé has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is thaani odum idam- the
place wher water is flowing; thanni- water; odum- flowing; idam- place; thanni yae
uooththu - pour water.
*a-dé: fresh.
a-dé- has the composition - the- and the meaning of the word is puthiya - new [missing
letter- pa-] .
Page- 72.
*a-dé-a: the yearly spring flood ('water' + 'to pour' + nominative).
A-dé-a has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is aadi maatha aaththu
thanni - the river water of Tamil Aadi month; aadi maatham- addi month; aaththu/of the
river ; thanni- water.
*a-dùg: freshwater ('water' + 'sweet, fresh').
Adug has the composition- the- ka - and the meaning of the word is thanni kudikka - drink
water; kudiukkum thanni- drinking water.
a...dug4/e: to irrigate ('water' + 'to do').
Adug has the composition- the- ka - thanni viduka - give watr; vivasayathirkku thaevai
yaana kaveri aththu thanni /neer yae madai /anai Aadi maatham thiranthu viduka only
open the Cavery River dam water for cultivation during the aadi month - [ missing letterssa- and- Ra -]; vivasayam- cultivation; thaevaiyaana - needy; kaveri- Cavery River ; aaththuof the river; thanni- water ; neer- water; aadi - Tamil month ; anai/madai - dam;
thiranthu- opened .
Dam[ E] has the composition- the - ma - and the meaning of the word is madai - dam .
*a-dun-a: inshore fisherman (?) ('water' + 'lowly student' + nominative).
Aduna has the composition- the -an -and the meaning of the word is aaththu thanni meen river water fish.
A.EN-da-urudu: a type of copper.
A.EN-da-urudu has the composition- an- the -Ra- an- the - and the meaning of the word is
anthu urundai - naphthalene mothballs .
*a-eštubku6: high tide, early flood ('water' + 'river carp').
a-eštubku has the composition- sa-the- pa- ka- and the meaning of the word is aaththila
thanni athikamaaka pokuthu - high tide in the river[ missing letter-la-] ; aaththula- in the
river; thanni- water; athikam- excess; pokuthu- going.
a-ga: back, backside; after; back room (cf., eñir).
A-ga- has the composition- ka- and the meaning of the word is akam- heart/mind/inner/
house; muthuku - back [ missing letter- the -].
*a-ga...gur: to turn back ('back' + 'to return').
A-ga...gur has the composition- ka -ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kurukkai kaami show your back ; kurukku- back; kaami- to show.
*a-ga-am, a-ga-àm, a-ga-mu-um: artificial pond - a large, marshy, and permanent or semipermanent lake used as a reservoir to dispose of flood waters (prob. Akk. loanword).
a-ga-am has the composition- ka- ma- and the meaning of the word is mun kuttai - pond[
missing letter- the -] .
*a-ga-aš-gi4: the most awkward one ('in back' + 'the one' + 'to send, reject').
a-ga-aš-gi has the composition- ka- sa - ka -and the meaning of the word is asinkamaaka - ugly
; asinkanmaana mukam - ugly face .
a-ga-bi-šè: afterwards ('after' + adverbial force suffix + 'towards').
a-ga-bi-šè has the composition- ka -pa - sa- the -appramaaka kaariaththai seithu mudikka -do
the work later ; appuram- later; kaariyam- matter; seithu- done; mudikka- to complete.
a-ga-zu-ta: behind you ('back' + 'your' + 'from').
Agasuta has the composition- ka- [-sa-]- the -and the meaning of the word is muthukai kaatushow the back; muthuku- back; kaattu- show; sooththai kaattu - show the buttocks;
sooththu- buttocks; muthuku thandu vadam- spinal cord; muthuku thasai- muscle of the
back; thasai- muscle.
*a-gal: overflow of flood waters ('waters' + 'big').
a-gal has the composition - ka- la and the meaning of the word is vellam- flood.
*a-gàr: irrigated field ('water; seed' + 'cake' ?).
A-gàr has the composition- ka -Ra -and the meaning of the word is kaani karai - agricultural
fields; karai- bank [ of the river/aaru karai or field/kaani ].
a-gar5: lead, the metal.
A-gar has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kari- lignite.
a-gig: bitter tears ('water' + 'pain').
A-gig has the composition- ka- ka - and the meaning of the word is kannai kasakka- wiping
the tearful eyes.
*a-gin7: as (= when) ...; in that way; how! ('if, when' + 'like').
A-gin has the composition- ka -an - and the mening of the word is yenavae - so .
a-e...gu7(-a): eroded by the water ('water' + ergative agent marker + 'to consume' ( +
nominative)). has the composition- ka - and the meaning of the word is karai yae neer arikka river bank is eroded by the water ;karai- river bank; neer- water; arikka- to erode.
*a-gúb-ba: holy water ('water' + 'to purify' + nominative).
a-gúb-ba has the composition- ka- pa- and the meaning of the word is kumpam ; kumpa neer[ missing letter- Ra- ] ; maarpaka neer- breast milk ; karpaini pen in pani kuda - neer - the
amniotic fluid -[ missing letters- the -and- Ra -]; karpini- pregnant woman; pani kudamamniotic sac; neer- water.
*kuša-gá-lá: leather sack (for flour) ('water' + 'to store' + 'to lift, carry').
kuša-gá-lá has the composition- ka -sa- the- ka- la -and the mening of the word is vilangu
udaiya thole lal aana saakku - the leather sack ; vilangu- animal ; thole- skin; saakku- sack.
a-gá-ri-in: a flat area (measured in sar) (cf., garim).
A-gá-ri-in has the composition- ka -Ra- an - and the meaning of the word is kaani karai agricultural land .
a-gi6(-a): flood ('water' + 'to be black' + nominative).
a-gi has the composition- ka - and the meaning of the word is agni- fire; kaani - agricultural
land; kan- eye ; kanni- virgin ; kaai - unripe fruit ; kani- riped fruit ; naakku- tongue;
naagam- snake; vellam- flood-[ missing letter- la- ]; makan- son; kaamam- libido; vekkaihumid ; vakai- type; kanavan- husband; kaamukan- lover; kannan- proper name; konamangle; koone - cone ; mukam- face; mookku - nose; kaakai- crow; kakka - to save; kovai
kaai ; maekam- cloud ; mokam- libido.
a-šè...gin/gub: to go to fetch water ('water' + 'to the' + 'to go').
a-šè...gin/gub has the composition- sa- the -ka- an- ka -pa - and the meaning of the word is
nee poei aaththu thanni yae suththamaana kundaan paaththiram niraiya kondu vaa - go
and fetch river water in a pure vessel ; po- go; aahthtu thanni- river water; suththamaana pure; paaththiram- vessel.
a-ia10-lum: stag (Akkadian loanword).
a-ia-lum has the composition- la -ma - and the meaning of the word is vellai maan- white deer
-stag[ missing letter- ka -]; velai- white ; maan- deer.
*a...íl: to carry water ('water' + 'to lift, carry').
Ail has the composition- la - and the meaning of theword is thanni yae mollu/alla - to take
water-[ missing letter- the -].
*a a-kúm-hot water ('water' + 'hot').
a a-kúm has the composition- ka- ma - and the meaningof the word is kothikum thanni boiling water[ missing letter- the -] ; kothikka - to boil; thanni- water.
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*a-la, a-la-la: exclamation, often of joy; exuberance ('tears' + 'happiness').
a-la has the composition- la- ma - and the meaning of the word is olam- loud cry in a state of
fear / screaming; azha - cry;
*a-lu: adjective for small cattle.
a-lu has the composition- la and the meaning of the word is aadu thulla; aadu- sheep; thulla
- gentle jump .
*a-lum: adjective for sheep.
a-lum has the composition- maadu thulla; maadu- coe; thulla - gentle jump .
*a-ma-ru: destructive flood ('water' + 'to go' + 'to send'; cf., u 18-ru).
A-ma-ru has the composition- ma -Ra -and the meaning of the word is maari - rain .
a-mah: flood, overflow, bursting of a dam ('water' + 'high, mighty').
a-mah has the composition- ma- ka -and the meaning of the word is madai thirakka - to
open the dam [ missing letters- the- and -Ra -]; madai- dam ; thirakka- to open .
*a-maš: sheepfold (cf., amaš).
a-maš has the vomposition- ma- [-sa-] the - and the meaning of the word is aattu manthai sheep fold ; maattu santhai - cattle market.
*a-na: what (a,'to', + ni,'he, she', + a,'the').
A-na has the composition- an - and the meaning of the word is enna- what.
*a-na me-a-bi: as many as they are; all of it ('what there is of it').
a-na me-a-bi has the composition- an- ma- pa - and the meaning of the word is panmaiplural /many ; penami- feminine.
Femina[ E] - pa -ma- an - and the meaning of the word is penmai/ feminine; feminine penmai manam - feminine mind .
*a-na-àm: thus; why ('what' + enclitic copula).
A-na-àm - has the composition- an- ma - and the meaning of the word is ennam- thought;
yaenaam- why ; anumaanam- thinking/ guess .
a-na-àm...aka: what (will/did) X do?.
a-na-àm...aka- has the composition- an- ma- ka -and the meaning of the word is anumaanikka
- mana uookam - guess; enna vaakaum - what will happen .
a-na-aš(-am): why? (why is it that ...?) ('what' + 'one'[ + 'to be']).
a-na-aš(-am) has the composition- an -sa- the- ma- and the meaning of the word is yeththinai
maasam - how many months .
a-na-gim, a-na-gin7-nam: how ('what' + 'like'[ + abstract process]).
A-na-gim has the composition- an- ka -ma -and the meaning of the word is enkanam[
Malayalam ] - how .
*a-nir: lamentation, dirge ('tears' + 'to raise high').
A-nir has the composition- an - and the meaning of the word is kan neer - tears[
missingletter- ka-] .
Dirge[ E] has the composition- the- Ra- ka - and the meaning of the word is kan neer vida shedding tears .
*a numun-sag-gá: water of the first seeds = watering of seeds just planted ('water' + 'seeds' +
'first' +
A numun-sag-gá has the composition - an -ma -an- sa- ka -ka - and the meaning of the word
is vivasaaya mannu -agricultural land ; manja sedikku konjam thanni kaattu -[ missing letter
the-] - watering the turmeric plant ; manja sedi - yellow plant- turmeric; thanni kaattuwatering .
*úa-númun: reeds, rushes ('water' + 'grass, rushes').
úa-númun has the composition- an- an- ma- an -and the meaning of the word is aaththu
manalil naanal - the reeds on the river sand [ missing letters- the- and- la -]; aaththu- of the
river ; manal - sand; naanal - reed.
*a-pa 4: funerary pipe (a clay pipe through which water and beer were poured into the grave)
('water' + 'small
A-pa has thecomposition- pa -and the meaning of the word is paanai - pot.
*a...ra: to ejaculate ('seminal fluid' + 'to strike, overflow').
A...ra has the composition- Ra - and the meaning of the word is yaeru- to climb; to fuck .
*a-ra-zu: prayer, rite ('tears' + 'to overflow' + 'to inform').
A-ra-zu has the composition- Ra- sa - and the meaning of the word is arsunai - ritual prayer
with offering god with flowers , fruits and coconuts .
*a-ra-zu...e: to say a prayer [often introduces direct, quoted speech in the texts].
A-Ra-zu...e: has the composition- Ra- sa - and the meaning of the word is arsuanai sei - make
rital offering with prayer .
*a-rá: way, road; times (multiplication) ('where' + 'to go, carry [plural]'; cf., a-ri-a).
a-rá has the composition- Ra -and the meaning of the word is mun tharai- land; tharai- floor;
naeram- time; oru- one ; aru- to tear; aaru- river; yaeru- to climb ; maara - change .
a-rá-bu mušen: duck ('water' + 'to go [plural]' + 'to pull, tear out').
a-rá-bu mušen has the composition- Ra -pa - ma- sa- the- an - and the menaing of the word
is Saeyon in simmaasanm parunthu - eagle , the throne of the lord; Aadi maasam
pathinettam thaethi Cavery aathhtu thanni yil addi perukku kondaattam/ pandikai -[
missing letters- ka- and- la -]; celebration on 18th of the Tamil month Aadi when the cavery
river is full flow ; aadi maasam- addi month; pathinettam thaethi- date 18 th; Cavery
aaththu thanni -water of the River Cavery; perukku- good flow/multiply; pandikai- festivel;
Tamil aadi maasam pathinaankaam thaethi aadi pooram pandaki kondaatam- the
celebration of aadi pooram festival falls on Aadi month 14 th [ missing letters- ka -and- la
];Tamil aadi maasam paththam thaethi aadi ammavaasi pirappu [ missing letters- ka and- la
-]-aadi maasa new moon day falls on the Tamil month addi on 10th..
a-ri-a, a- ru-a: district; desert, waste land ('where' + remote demonstrative affix + nominative).
A-ri-a has the composition- ra - and the meaning of the word is mun tharai - land / ground [
missing letter- the -].
a...ri: to engender ('semen' + 'to pour into').
A...ri has the composition- Ra- and the meaning of the word is aria oru - rare one .
* to dedicate; to give as a votive gift (with dative) ('water' + 'to send').
Aru- has thecomposition- Ra - and the meaning of the word is arppanam - dedication [ missing
letter- pa -]; neerai vaari iraikka [ missing letter- ka -]; theertham - sacred water[ missing
letter- the-] .
a-sa-ga: propitious water ('water' + sa6-ga, 'to win fortune').
A-sa-ga has the composition- sa - ka - and the meaning of the word is vivasayam agriculture; sakunam- fortune.
*a-sal-bar: architrave ('water' + 'to spread' + 'to distribute, remove').
A-sal-bar has thecomposition- sa- la -pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is sannalin mael
ulla paaram- the weight over the window ; sannalin mael puram- over the window; sanalwindow; male - above ; paaram- weight; puram- side. to be filled with water ('water' + 'to fill up'). has the composition- sa - and the meaning of the word is echchi- saliva; uchchitop/peak .
a-silim: potion ('water' + 'health').
A-silim has the composition-[- sa-]- la- ma -and the meaning of the word is mala salam motion and urine; malam- motion; salam - urine; mana nalam - mental health ; manmmind; nalam - health .
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a-šà-(g): field; area ('seed' + 'womb'; cf., a-gàr; ašag).
A-šà-(g): has the composition-[- sa -] -the- ka - and the meaning of the word is vithaiseed; kaadu- forest / agricultural land.
a-šà-dib(-dib)-ba: the act of trimming the fields and levees of vegetation in preparation
fordrainage and irrigation ('fields' + 'to seize, bind, take away' + nominative).
*a-še-ra: lamentation.
A-še-ra: has the composition - sa- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is sinthum neer water drops ; sinthum kan neer- weeping [ missing letter- ka -]; kan neer - tears.
*a-šed12: cool water ('water' + 'cool').
a-šed has the composition- [-sa-]- the -the - and the meaning of the word is sudu thanni- hot
water; sudu- hot; thanni- water; aaththu thanni - river water; aaru/ aaththu - of the river;
pachcha thanni - cool water [ missing letter- pa-] .
a-(IM)šèg-gá: rainwater ('water' + 'rain' + genitive).
a-(IM)šèg-gá: has the composition- ma -[-sa-] - the- ka- ka- and the meaning of theword is
vaanaththu kaar maekam thantha suththamaana thanni/neer - the pure water from the
dark clouds of the sky [ missing letter- Ra -] ; vaanam- sky; kaar maekam- dark clouds;
thantha - given; suththamaana - pure; thanni- water .
a-šeš: bitter, brackish water ('water' + 'bitter, brackish').
a-šeš has the composition- sa- the- [-sa -] -the -and the meaning of the word is aaththu thanni
odum saththam - the sound of the river water flow ; aaththu thanni- river water; odumflow; saththam- sound.
Sound[E] has the composition- sa -an -the- and the meaning of the word is mani saththam bell sound; mani bell; saththam- sound .
*a-ta: after ... ('when' + 'away from').
Ata has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is munthaiya - before ; pinthaya after[ missing letter- pa- ].
* to hold or block water ('water' + 'to hold'). has the composition- the - pa - and the meaning of the word is thanni yae pidi - to
hold the water; thanni- water; pidi- to hold .
*a-tar...aka: to play; to mock ('water' + 'to cut, break' + 'to do, act').
A-tar...aka has the composition- the- Ra- ka -and the meaning of the word is mada yae
thirakka- to open the dam; madai- dam; thirakka- to open; kathara - shout .
a...tu5: to bathe ('water' + 'to wash').
A...tu has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is thanni yae thudai- wipe out
the water; thanni- water; thudai- to wipe.
*a-tu5-a: lustration ('water' + 'to wash' + nominative).
A-tu-a- has the composition- the - and the meaning of the word is aaththu thanni yila thalai
kuliththu manthai yim udalai yim thooimai yaakki vaa - take a head bath in the river and
come with a pure mind and pure body - [ missing letters- la- and- ka -]; aaththu thannai river
water ; thalai- head; kulikka- to take bath; manathu- mind; udal- body; thooimai- pure .
*a...tùm: to flow with water ('water' + 'to bring, carry').
A...tùm has the composition - the - ma - and the meaning of the word is aaththu mun- riversand; munmaedu- mound; aaththu thanni ottaththodu mundi addiththu neenthu - to
swim along with the river water flow; aaththu thanni- river water; thanni ottam - water flow
; neenthi- to swim .
*a-tur-ra, a-tùr, é-tùr: hollow (of the furrow) ? ('water' + 'birth-hut' for a plant seed ?;related to
Orel & Stolbova #1323, *hadar- "darkness" ?).
A-tur-ra has the composition- the -Ra - and the meaning of the word is thooram - menstrual
period taboo .
Taboo[ E] has the composition- the -pa - and the meaning of the word is thappu- wrong .
Hadar has the composition- ka- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is karuththa niram dark color ; karuththa- dark; niram- color; karuththa vaanam- dark sky .
*a-ù: high water, spring flood ('water' + 'high').
A-ù has the composition- -u- and the meaningof the word is uooththu- spring.
*a-u4-te-na: at the cool of the day ('when' + 'day' + ten,'coolness').
a-u4-te-na has the composition- the- an - and the meaning of the word ia anthi naeramevening time [ missing letter- Ra -]; thanami- cool; thinam- day .
*a-u5-ba...gál: to be at its high tide ('when' + 'on top' + bi,'its', + a,nominative, + 'to be').
A-u-ba...gál has the composition- pa- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is ponkum alai kal
- rising waves; pongum- rising; alai- wave .
*a-ugu4[KU]: the father who begot one ('semen' + 'to procreate').
A-ugu has the composition- ka - and the meaning of the word is aakkiyon- the creator/
author .
*a úš-a: to dam up water ('water' + 'piling up an earthen dam').
A úš-a has the composition- sa -the - and the menin gof the word is madai yae saaththu close the dam ; madai- dam; saaththu- to close.
a-zi-ga: rising waters ('water' + 'to rise up' + nominative).
a-zi-ga has the composition- sa- ka- and the meaning of the word is thanni kasiya - water
dripping [missing letter- the -]; thanni- water; kasiya - dripping.
a-zu; a-zu5; a-su: physician (cf., azu).
A-zu has the composition- sa - and the meaning of the word is saamy- god; Saeyon- sun god
*á...ág: to command; to instruct (someone: -da-) ('strength' + 'to check').
A...ág has the composition- ka- and the meaning of the word is aakkinai - order.
*á-ág-gá: instructions, orders ('strength' + 'to check', + a, nominalizer).
A-ág-gá has the composition - ka- ka - - and the meaning of the word is vaakku - surety /
boon .
*á-an-zú-lum-ma: date clusters; raceme ('arm, wing' + 'sky, high' + 'date fruit').
A-an-zú-lum-ma has the composition- an- sa- la -ma- ma -and the meaning of the word is
echcham pazham - date fruit[ missing letter- pa- ].
giš - á-apin: part of a seeder plow ('arm' + 'plow').
Giš - á-apin has the composition- ka -[-sa-]- the- pa- an -and the meaning of the word is
panam kottai - the palm seed.
*á-áš: what one needs ('strength' + 'to wish, desire').
A-áš has the composition- sa- the- and the meaning of the word is manathin aasai - the desire
of the mind; manathu- mind ; aasai- desire.
*á-bi ba-ma-ta: at one-half its hire price ('wages' + 'its' + 'to divide' + 'to go' + 'from').
A-bi ba-ma-ta- has the composition- pa- pa- ma- the-and the meaning of the word is paathi
panam - half money ; paathi - half; panam- money .
Half[E] has the composition- ka- la-[- pa -]- and the meaning of the word is kaal- quarter ;
kaal panam- one fourth money .
*á...búru: to open the wings ('wings' + 'to spread out').
A...búru has the composition- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is para - to fly .
*á-dab5: hirelings ('wages' + 'to hire').
á-dab has the composition- the - pa - and the meaning of the word is vaadaki panam - money
for renting [ missing letter- ka -]; vaadakai- rent; panam- money.
*á-dah: help; ally ('strength' + 'to add').
á-dah has the composition- the - ka - and the meaning of the word is uthavi- help.
*á-dam: settlement; levy ('wages' + 'spouse').
Adam has the composition- the - ma - and the meaning of the word is idam- place; madammonastery ; thaai ammai - mother; thirumathi- spouse-[ missing letter- Ra -] .
Madam [ E] has the composition- ma- the -ma - and the meaning of the word is Thaai ammai mother.
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á...dar: to confiscate ('wages' + 'to split').
Adar - has the composition- the-Ra - and the meaning of the word is thirai- tax money.
*á...dúb; á-dúb...aka: to flap one's wings (with -šè and -ši-, to fly towards) ('wings' + 'to
flap' + 'to do').
á...dúb; á-dúb...aka has the composition- the- pa - the - pa- ka - pada padakka- fluttering ;
manathu padapadakka - palpitations of the heart .
*á-ní-za...dúb: to be (supported) on your own ('wings' + 'self' + 'your' + 'to flap').
A-ní-za...dúb has the composituion- an-[- sa-]- the -pa - and the meaning of the word is thun
nambikai - self confidence [ missinh letter- ka-] ; thannai thanae paathu kaaththu kondu to
be on one’s own .
*á-gàr: embrace (?) ('arms' + 'something round and upraised').
A-gàr has the composition- ka -Ra -and the meaning of the word is aravanaikka- to
*á-gi4-a: reimbursed wages ('wages' + 'to return, restore' + nominative).
Agia - has the composition- ka - and the meaning of the word is kooli paakki - the balance
wages [ missing letters- pa -and -la -] ; kooli- wages; paaki - balance amount .
*á-gú-zi-ga: early morning ('arms' + 'necks' + 'rising', + a, nominalizer).
A-gú-zi-ga has the composition- ka-[- sa-] -ka - and the meaning of the word is vai karai early morning; [ missing letter- Ra -].
*á...gur: to bend the arm ('arm' + 'circular motion').
A...gur has the composition- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kirakkam- kiranku giddiness; kirakanam- eclipse; karanam- to roll over; karan- sun ; kaaranam- cause/reason;
kaariyam- effect ; koormai- sharp ; karam - hand ; karumai- black ; veeram- courage; varamboon; marumakan/varan[S] - son inlaw ; kari- elephant; kaar maekam- dark clouds;
varumai- poverty.
*á guruš-bi: workmen's wages ('wages' + 'workers' + 'its').
A guruš-bi has the composition- ka- Ra -sa -the- pa - and the meaning of the word is vaelai
kaaranukku kodukka vaendiya panam kaasu [ missing letter- la-] - the money to be given to
the servant ; vaelai kaaran- servant; kodukka vaendiya - to be given ; panam kaassumoney ; kaasu panam vaikkum pattu/ thole surukku pai- money purse.
á...gar: to act strongly; to oppress; to resist; to reinforce ('strength' + 'to establish').
Agar has the composition - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is marukka- to say no / to
deny ; verukka- to hate ; varukka- to fry; varuka varuka- welcome ; nakaru- to move;
karumai- dark; varumai- poverty; vaaram- week ; veeram- courage; maravan- soldier;
ethirkka- to resist [ missing letter- the -] ; athikarikka - to increase[ missing letter- the -];
koduramaaka - aggressively [ missing letter- the -]; varam- boon ; kaaram- spicy ; karamhand ; arukka- to tear ; maaraka- on the other hand; kooruka- to tell; Murugan/karan - sun
god .
*á-ge6-ba-a: at night ('side' + 'dark' + 'to divide' + locative).
Agebaa has the composition- ka- pa - and the meaning of the word is pakkam- side ;
karuppu pakkam- dark side ; pirika- to divide-[ missing letter- Ra-] ; karuppu- black .
*a-KAL: strength; plow extension ('arm' + 'strong').
Akal has the composition- ka- la- and the mea ning of the word is valimai - strength ; kai
kaala valimai - strength of the hands and legs; kai- hand; kaal- legs.
*á kaskal-la: migrant harvest workers ('arms, work performance' + 'road, caravan, journey' +
A kaskal-la has the composition- ka- [-sa-] - ka- la -and the meaning of the word is vilai nila
veli vaelai aall - agricultural worker from outside ; vilai nilam- agricultural lands; velioutside ; vaelai- work; aall- person .
*itiá-ki-ti: calendar month 7 at Ur during Ur III; month 6 at Drehem through year 3 of Šu-Sin;
month 7 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3.
Itiá-ki-ti has the composition- the ka the - and the meaning of the Tamil month is aadi maatha
kodai - the festival of Tamil Aaadi month.
Month- [ E] has the composition- ma -[-an-] -the- and the meaning of the word is maatham month.
*á-kúš-ù: to prevail ('strength' + 'to be tired').
Akuš-u has the composition- ka- sa- the- and the meaning of the word is asathi kondu tiredness.
*á-lá: fettered legs; paralyzed arms ('arms' + 'to bind').
Ala has the composition- la - and the meaning of the word is kaal kai veela - paralysis of leg
and arm [missing letter- ka- ] ; kaal- leg; kai- arm ; vela - to fall .
*gišá-lá: a device for moving irrigation water, involving a water bucket hanging from a
swinging beam
('arm' + 'to hang').
Gišala has the composition- ka -sa- the- la - and the meaning of the word is nan sei
nilaththukku thanni uooththa kinaththu thanni yae kaiththu vaali yae katti ezhukka - to
have water from the well for the agricultural land use the bucket tied with the rope ; nansei
nilam- wet land ; kinaththu - from the well ; thanni- water; kaiththu- rope; vaali- bucket.
*kušá-lá: drum ('side' + 'to bind').
kušá-lá has the composition- ka- sa -the- la - and the meaning of the word is ketti maelam
kottum saththam- the sound of the brum beats ; ketti maelam- a kind of drum; kottumbeating; saththam- sound .
á-ná-da: bed chamber ('side, wing + 'bed').
á-ná-da- has the composition- an- the- and the meaning of the word is thinnai- verandah .
Verandah has the composition- va -Ra- [-an-]- the- and the meaning of the word is veettin
nadu koodaththin mun tharai - the mud floor of central hall of the house ; kattam tharai stone/mud floor; veedu- house; nadu- center; koodam- hall ; mun- mud; tharai- floor .
Center [ E] has the composition-[- sa-]- an -the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is nadu
tharai - center of the land ; nadu- center; tharai- land; nadu thirai naadu- Mediterranean
country; nadu thirai- Meditrranean sea; thirai- sea; naadu- country .
á-nu-gi4-a: irresistable ('strength' + 'not' + 'to answer, return' + nominative).
A-nu-gi-a has the composition- an- ka -and the meaning of the word is kavanm- attention/
careful; ankam- part ; kavanikka- to watch ; kovanam- loin cloth; vaanakam- sky; kaanakamforest ; vannam- color; anuka - to approach .
*á-sàg[PA]: disease; sickness demon ('strength' + 'to scatter').
A-sàg[PA]: has the composition- sa- ka -pa - and the meaning of the word is seekku pinidisease .
*kušá-si: whip ('arm' + 'antenna-like').
kušá-si has the composition- ka - sa- the -sa- and the meaning of the word is saattai kuchchi
- scepter.
*á-sikil(-la): pure, undiluted strength ('strength' + 'pure' + nominative).
A-sikil(-la) has the composition- [-sa-] -ka- la -and the meaning of the word is vellai vannam white color; ozhi vellam- bright light ; valiamai ulla allu - a man of strength .
*á...sud/sù: to move [intransitive] (reduplication class) ('arm' + 'to stretch').
á...sud/sù has the composition- sa- the - sa - and the meaning of the word is saththam
podathu seithu mudi [ missing letter- pa- ] - do it without making noise.
á...sud/sù has the composition- sa- the - sa - and the meaning of the word is kai yaei neettuka
- stretch the arm ; kai- arm ; neettka - to stretch [missing letter- ka -].
*á-suh: elbow; bolt, bar ('arm' + 'to relocate').
A-suh has the composition- [- sa- ]- ka and the meaning of the word is kakkam - arm pit.
(urudu/zabar)á-sur: a type of ax ('arm' + 'to divide').
Urudu asur has the composition- Ra- the - sa -Ra -and the meaning of the word is arisi
urundai - rice ball .
á-še: attention-getting exclamation: 'hey now!'.
Ase has the composition- sa -[-the-]- and the meaning of the word is chae chae - adj - for
denial - no! no! ; chei chei - adj - for seeing or hearing or asking bad things; ichu ichu the sound of kissing ; chu chu - go away ! go! ; aachhu -aachhu- sneezing; aachcha ? - isit
done ?; uchchu uchchu- grumbling . .
á-šita4, á-šu-du7: parts, components (of the plow); equipment ('arm' + 'to join'/'to complete').
šu-du has the composition- [-sa- ]- the - the -and the meaning of the word is thaaththa
thacha sattai - the shirt stitched by grand father; thaaththa- grand father ; thacha - stitched;
sattai- shirt; sudu saatham- hot cooked rice; suththtamaana thanni- pure water; thodaithigh; thaadai- jaw.
á...-ta: at the prompting of; by means of the strength of ('strength' + instrumental suffix) .
Ata - has the compoaition- the -and the meaning of the word is eduththu kodu - to give for
picking up/ prompting [ missing letter- ka -] .
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á...tál: to have broad arms; to spread wings or arms ('arms; wings' + 'to be broad; to spread').
Atal has the composition- the- la -and the meaning of the word is thalai- head ; aadal- dance
; udal- body ; thaedal- to seek; madal- leaflet; laddu- a kind of sweet ; thulai- hole; thallaimother; thaazha - below ; azhutha- wept .
*á-tuku: strength; able-bodied; mighty man ('arms; strength' + 'to have').
Atuku has the composition- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is kaattan - barbarian /
mighty man.
*á-u4-te-en: in the evening ('side' + 'daylight' + 'to extinguish, cool down').
Auteen has the composition- va- the- an - and the meaning of the word is anthi vaanam evening sky .
*á-úr: limb, limbs, extremities ('arms' + 'legs': Sumerian example of asyndetic hendiadys).
Aur has the composition- va - Ra - and the meaning of the word is karam- arm.
*á-zi(-da): right arm; with hitting, violence ('arm' + 'good, firm, right' + 'with').
Azida has the composition- sa- the - and the meaning of the word is saaththa- to beat heavily
; saaththa- to close ; asainthu nadanthu - walking slowly .
*ab-ba: father; elder; ancestor (Akk. loanword).
Abba has the composition- pa- pa and the meaning of the word is appan- father ; papa- baby
; mooppan - elderly man .
*ab-ba-uru: city elder ('elder' + 'city').
Abbaurau- has the composition- pa- pa- va-Ra - and the meaning of the word is uoor
periyavar ai poei paaru - visit the the city elderly man ; uoor- city /village; periyavarrespectable man / elderly man ; po- go; paaru - to see .
*itiab(-ba)-è: calendar month 10 at Nippur during Ur III.
Iti ab ba e has the composition- the -pa- pa - and the meaning of the word is thai/aadi
maatha pirappu -[ missing letter- Ra -] - the birth of the Tamil calendar month Thai / Aadi;
maatham- month ; pirappu- birth .
ab-ki-iz: clean furrow, unobstructed by weeds ('niche' + 'trimmed').
abkiiz has the composition- pa- ka- sa- and the meaning of the word is pun sei kaani- dry
agricultural land .
*ab-sín; ab-si-im-ma; ab-sù-na: furrow ('niche' + 'to sift').
Absin has the composition- pa- sa - and the meaning of the word is pochchu - cunt; punsei
poomi - dry land ; nan sei poomi - wet land .
*ab-sín-gilim-ba/ma: crossing, transversal furrow, possibly for drainage ('furrow' + 'to cross
( + 'its') + nominative).
absin gilim ba ma has the composition- pa- sa- an- ka- la -ma pa -ma - and the meaning of
theword is pun sai nilaththai aazhamaaka uzhutha pinnae vithai vithikka vaendum - the
dry land has to be deeply ploughed before seeding ; pun sai poomi- dry land; aazha maaka deeply; uzhuthu- to plough; pinnae- after; vithai- seed ; vithaikka- to plant.
áb-ama: mother cow ('cow' + 'mother').
Abama has the composition- pa- ma - and the meaning of the word is ammai appan - mother
and father ; poomi- earth ; pasu maadu- cow-[ missing letters- sa -and- the -]; poom poom
maadu [ missing letter - the -]- the cow is the fortune teller .
áb-amar: mother cow ('cow' + 'calf').
Abamar has the composition- pa- ma-Ra - and the meaning of the word is panni yum erumai
yum - pig and the buffalo ; panni- pig; erumai- buffalo ; paamaran- an ordinary man; murai
pen- uncle’s daughter and the future bride ; panai maram- palm tree; porumai- patience ;
perumai- glory; paraman- god of the sky .
*áb-gir15/gi7[KU]: domestic cow ('cow' + 'domestic').
Abgirgi has the composition- pa -ka- Ra -ka - and the meaning of the word is karaam pasu vai
karaka [ missing letter- sa-] to milk the [ kaaram breed ] cow ; kaaraakm pasu- a breed of
cow ; karaka- to milk .
áb-gud-há: herd ('cow' + 'bull' + 'assorted, mixed').
Abgud ha has the composition- pa- ka- the - ka -and the meaning of the word is pasu maattu
kottakai - stable for the cow-[ missing letter- sa-]; pasu yudaiya kannu kutti - the calf of the
cow; pasu- cow; kottakai- cottage/ reed tent ; kannu kutti- calf.
Cow[ E] has the composition- ka- and the meaning of the word is ‘ko’ - cow.
Cottage[ E] has the composition- ka -the- ka - and the meaning of the word is kottakai cottage.
áb-máh[AL]: cow in 3rd year of life that has calved ('cow' + 'calf').
Abmahal has the composition- pa- ma- ka- la -and the meaning of the word is pasuvum kaalai
maadum - cow and the bull ; pasu- cow; kaalai maadu- bull.
áb-sag: a piece of tableware (?).
Ab-sag has the composition- pa -sa- ka - and the meaning of the word is panam kaasu vaikkum
petti - cash box; panam / kaasu- money ; petti- box.
áb-úr: a piece of tableware (?).
Abur has the composition- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is aabaranam - ornament.
ad...gi4-gi4: to give counsel; to converse (confidentially) (cf., ad...gi4).
Adgigi has the composition- the- ka -ka- and the meaning of the word is koottaththai koottuka
- to begin/ arrange the meeting ; kaathai kodu - listen; koottam- meeting; koottuka- to
start ; kaathu- ear .
*ad-kub4[KID]: reed weaver; wicker-worker; maker of reed mats, boats, and containers.
Adkub has the composition- the- ka- pa - and the meaning of the word is padaku kattupavanboat maker; keeththu paai kattupavan/mudaipavan/ pinnupavan - maker of reed mat ;
koodai pinnupavan - maker of basket ; paanai seiyum kusavan -[ missing letter- sa-] - pot
maker; padaku- boat ; kattupavan- one who makes ; keeththu pai- reed mat ; koodai- basket;
paanai- pot .
*ad-kíd: reed mat plaiter ('father' + kid, 'reed mat').
Adkid has the composition- the- ka- the -and the meaning of the word is keeththu kottakai reed roof/tent ; keeththu- reed; kottakai- tent/roof /cottage .
*ad...ša4: to wail; to resound; to sing ('song' + 'to mourn').
As.ša has the composition- the- sa- the -and the meaning of the word is paattu saththam- the
singing sound [ missing letter- pa -] ; saththam podu - make noise ; aatta saththam- the
dancing sound; paattu- song; saththam- noise; aattam- dance.
Weil [ E]- has the composition- va- la - and the meaning of the word is Azhuka- to weep ;
kavalai kondu azhuku - weep in sorrow/lament [ missing letter- the -] ; kaval i- sorrow.
*ad-tab: rein(s) ('shout' + 'to hold; to be double').
Adtab- has the composition- the- pa -and the meaning of the word is pidi- to hold; adipadaibasics ; erattai padai- even numbers ; saththam podu - to shout [ missing letter - sa-] ;
saththam- noise .
*aga(3)-ús: policeman; companion, attendant; soldier ('crown' + 'to follow').
agaus has the composition- ka- sa - and the meaning of the word is saevakan - attender/
servant; kavasam- helmet .
*ah-du11-ga: spittle (of sorcery) ('spittle' + 'utterance').
Ahduga has the composition- ka- the- ka - and the meaning of the word is koddanki - black
magic ; koodu vittu koodu paaya -[ missing latter- sa -] soul travel [ out of body experience
] ; sevittu kaathu- deaf ears [ missing letter- sa -] ; kaathodu kaathaka -ear to ear ; sevidan
kaathila sangu uootha-[ missing letters- sa -and- la -] blowing the conch shell on the deaf
ears; kaathu kittae kaththu- shout near the ears .
*ah...uš7[KA×LI]: to spit ('saliva' + 'spittle').
Ah uš has the composition- ka -sa- the- and the meaning of the word is siventha kannam blushing; siventha - reddening; kannam- cheek ; sivantha naakku - red tongue.; sivantha
kan- reddeing of eyes ; kan- eye.
ah...uš7[KA×LI]: has the composition- ka- sa- the- ka- la -and themeaning of the wotrd is vaai
vazhi yae salam vadiya - salaiva coming out of the mouth ; mookku /naasi thulai vazhi
yae Sali vadiya - sputum coming out of the nose; kaathu vazhi yae seel kotta- pus pouring
out of the ears ; vaai- mouth; vazhi yae - thorugh/ way; salam- water/pus ; mookkunose/naasi ; Sali- sputum; kaathu- ear ; seel- pus
Salaiva [E]- has the composition- sa- la- va-and the meaning of the word is vaai salam- saliva;
vaai- mouth; salam- water/secretions .
Nose[ E]- has the composituion- an- sa-- and the meaning of the word is naasi- nose.
Spit[E] has the composition- sa -pa -the- and the meaning of the word is echhi thuppu - spit
the saliva ; echhi- saliva; thuppu- to spit.
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*-/ak-eš/: because (genitival suffix + adverbial suffix) .
Ak eš has the composition- ka- [- sa-] - the -and the meaning of the word is santhaekamsuspicion ; athu kondu - because of that .
*al...aka: to work at hoeing ('hoe' + 'to do').
Alaka- has the composition- la- ka - and the meaning of the word is nilaththil kalai koththu
kondu kalai edukka-[ missing letter- the-]- to do weeding ; vilai nilaiththil - agricultural
land ; kalai eudkka - to weed ; kalai koththu- hoe .
*al...di/dug4/e: to desire, pray, demand, insist (often with -ni-) ('hoe' + 'to make the motion
Aldiduge has the composition- la- the- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is azhuthu adam
pidikka -[ missing letter- pa -] to force one by weeping ; azhuthu- wept; adam pidikkademanding .
Aldiduge has the composition- la- the- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is thaeivaththin
kaalai thittu vanangu- pray the god by touching his feet ; theaivam- god; kaal- leg; thottutouch ; vanangu - worship /pray .
Aldiduge has the composition- la- the- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is kalai koththu
kondu kalai yae edukka - weed with the help of the hoe ; kalai koththu- hoe; kalai- weed;
edukka - to remove.
*al...dù: to hoe ground that is already broken ('hoe' + 'to mould, shape').
Aldu has the composition- la- the - and the meaning of the word is nilaththai uzhuthu ploughing the land ; nilam- land; uzhuthu- to plough .
*al-gazumx [ZUM+LAGAB]: an exotic spice.
Al-gazumx has the composition- la- ka -sa- ma -and the meaning of the word is
samaiyalukkaana milaku - pepper for cooking ; samaiyal- cooking; milku- pepper.
Cook[ E] has the composition- ka- ka and the meaning of the word is aakkuka - to make .
*gišal-gar: musical instrument ('hoe' + 'form, appearance').
Gišal-gar has the composition- ka- sa -the- la- ka- Ra- naathaswara isai yum ketti maelam
kottum saththamum thiravidarin / Tamilar kalin veettu kalyaanaththil / thiru mana
sadankil manja kayiru thaali [ thanka thalli ] yae [ maankalyam] manamakan
manamaklin kazhuththil kattum naeraththil olikka vaendiyathu kaalam kaalamaaka
nadakkum ondraakam - in Dravidian Tamils marriages during the time of bride groom tying
the ‘thalli’ round the neck of the bride - the will be ceremonial blowing of pipe and drum
Gišal-gar has the composition- ka- sa -the- la- ka- Ra-and the meaning of the word is kovil il
kudi irunthu maelam kottum muthaliyaar kulaththai saerntha aandavanai kalyaanam seitha
thaeva thaasi aadal makalir - the temple prostitutes belonging to the caste ‘maelam
kottum muthaliyaar; kovil- temple; maelum kottum- drum beating ; muthaliyaar- a caste;
kulam- a clan; aandavan - god; kalyaanam- marriage ; thaeva thaasi- temple prostitutes ;
aadal maklir- dancing women.
Gišal-gar has the composition- ka- sa -the- la- ka- Ra-and the
meaning of the word is vilai nilaththil valarnthu irukkum sedi kodi yae kalai edukka
uthavaum kalai koththu - the agricultural tool used for weeding ; vilai nilam- agricultural
land; sedi kodi- plants and creepers ; kalai edukka- to weed; kalai kotthu - hoe.
*gišal-gar-sur9: musical instrument (gišal-gar, + 'to hang, suspend' [suru5 ?]).
gišal-gar-sur has the composition- ka- sa- the- ka- Ra -sa- Ra- and the meaning of the word is
mara kilaiyil surukku kayiru kondu adaiyaalam theriyaatha oruvan thar kolai seithu
kondaan - an un known person has hanged himself on a tree branch[ missing letter- la -] ;
maram- tree; kilai- branch; kayiru- rope; adaiyaalam- identity ; oruvan- some one ; thar
kolai- suicide.
*gišal-la-an: oak tree (Akk. loanword from allaanum, 'oak', cf., Orel & Stolbova #31 *'alan/*'alun'tree').
Gišal-la-an has the composition- ka -[-sa-] -the - la -an-and the meaning of the word is aalam
vizhuthu- the branches of the baniyan tree ; aal - baniyan tree; vizhuthu- branch .
*al-la-ha-ru: a tanning agent used to produce a white color.
Al-la-ha-ru has the composition- la -la- ka -Ra - -and the meaning of the word is thuni yae
velukka uthavum savukaaram -[ missing letters- the and -sa-] the soap used to wash the
clothes ; thuni- cloth; velukka- to wash; savukkaaram- soap .
*al-lu5: crab ('digger' + 'to deceive').
Allu has the composition -la- and the meaning of the word is izhu- to pull ; valaiyil vila - got
into the net / to trap [ missing letter- ka - ]- valai- net ; vizhu- to fall; nandu valai-[ missing
letters - the- and -ka -] - the hiding hole of the crab; nandu - crab; valai- net / crevice /small
hole .
*al-lub/lu5: a type of ax (phonetic harmony variant of al-šub ?).
Allub has the composition- la -la- pa -and the meaning of the word is vilai nilaththai uzhuva
uthavam uzhavanin kalappai - the farmer’s plough used to plough the agricultural land [
missing letter- ka -] ; vilai nilam - agricultural land ; uzhuva- to plough ; uhavan- farmer;
kalappai- plough .
Plough[ E] has the composition- pa- la- va -and the meaning iof the word is kalappai - plough ;
vilai nilaththai uzhavum uzhavanin kalappai - the farmer’s plough to ploughthe agricultural
land .
*al-lu5-háb: a type of net (for crabs ?) ('crab' + 'to stink').
Alluhab has the composition- la- la- ka -pa -and the meaning of the word is vilai nilaththai
kalapai kondu uluka - plough the land ; vilai nilam- agricultural land; kalapai- plough;
uluka- to plough; valai kondu vaalai /vilaangu kozhuva meenai pidikka- with the net catch
the fish ; valai- net; meen- fisg ; pidikka- catch ; nandu valaikkullae poei vittathu- the crab
has gone in to it’s hole[ missing letter- the -] ; nandu- crab; poei vittathu- gone .
gišal...ri/ra: to demolish with the hoe; to punish ('hoe' + 'to break open; to strike').
Gišal...ri/ra has the composition- ka- sa- the- la- Ra - and the meaning of the word is vilai
nilaththil ulla sedi kodi ilai thazhai yae kalai yaedukka- weeding the agricultural land ;
suththiyal uli kondu kal sirpam sethukuka - with help of hammer and chisel make the stone
statue ; aduththavarin saamanai / udaimai yae kalavaadamal / thirudaamal irkka - do not
steal otherman’s things ; uooyir r kolai seiyaathirukka - do not murder any one ; aduththa
veettu kaaranin illaalai / manaivi yaei sirthu alavum kooda kan kondu nokkathirkka - do
not look at other man’s wife ; aduththavarin manathai kaaya paduththaamal irukka - do
not injure other man’s heart ; kuththam paarkin sutram illai -[ missing letter- pa ] ; poi
saatchi sollathirkka- [ missing letter- pa- ] - do not give false witness ; thaeva thaasi
makalirudan uravu kollathirkka; do not have relation hip with prostitutes ; kallu , saaraayam
matrum kanja vai ut kollathirkka - do not take liquor and cannabis ; ayalaanin vilai
nilaththai kalavaada muyarchikkathae - do not take away other man’s lands ; kaasi makan
Thiru Murugan thantha paththu kattalaikal -[ missing letter- pa -] - ten commandements
given by Marduk ; maththiya thirai kadal oddiyum thiraviyam thaedu - do not hesitate to
go to the Mediterranean sea to seek wealth ; sisu kolai seiyaathirukka- do not do infanticide;
Thamil mozhi suththiram kondu saaththira kalvi karkka - learn literatures in Tamil language
; kasutam / sankadam / thuyaram varum naeraththilum naermai yae kai vidaathae - even
in difficult situations one should be honest ; vayathukku varaatha siru pennidam udal uruvu
kollathae - do not indulge in sexual relation ship with girls who have not attained puberty ;
penkalidam van punaichhi kollaathae - [ missing letter- pa- ] do not rape women ; orae
paalinarudan paal uravu kollaatrhae - do not indulge in homosexuality; muthiyorai
ikazhanthu paesaathae - [ missing letter- pa -] do not mock at old people ; kulanthai
thirumanathai seiyaethae- do not indulge in child marriages -----.
gišal-šub: ax-like hoe ('hoe' + 'to throw; to fell').
gišal-šub has the composition- ka- sa- the-la- sa -the- pa - and the meaning of the word is kalai
koththu kondu sedi kodi yae ilai thazhai yae kalai yaeduththu kalapai kondu kaadu kaani
yae uluthu vaelaenmai seithiduka - after weeding - plough the land for farming ; kalapaiplough; kalai koththu- hoe; sedi kodi- weed/plants ; vaelanmai - farming; kaadu kaaniagricultural lands .
*al...tag: to hoe ('hoe' + 'to handle').
Altag has the composition- la- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is kalai koththu - hoe;
kalai koththu kondu kalai edukka- to hoe .
*gišal-tar: demolishing tool (?) ('hoe' + 'to cut, break').
Gišal-tar has the composition- ka- sa- the -la- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is kallai
suththi kondu udaiththu uli yaal sethukki kar silai seiya vaendum - break the stone with
hammer and make the stone statue with help of chisel ; kaal- stone; suththi- hammer ;
udai- break; uli- chisel ; sethukki - to make in to a shape ; kar silai- stone state ; seiya - to
Chisel[ E] has the composition- ka- sa- la - and the meaning of the word is kal lai sethukkum uli
- the chisel to shape the stone ; kal - stone; sethuka- to make into a shape; uli- chisel.
*am-si: elephant ('wild ox' + 'horn, ray, antenna'; cf., šu-si, 'finger').
Amsi has the composition- ma- sa - and the meaning of the word is simmam- lion.
ama-ar-gi4: freedom ('mother' + 'to shine' + 'to restore').
Amaargi has the composition- ma- Ra- ka - and the meaning of the word is Karumaari Ammai
- goddess of fertility ; karuvakam- uterus; urimai mikka maakkar - the people having the
rights .
*ama-gan; ama-ugu: natural or birth mother ('mother' + ùgun, ugu(4), 'to beget').
Amagan has the composition- ma -ka- an - and the meaning of the word is ammai yin makan
- mother’s son; ammai- mother; makan- son .
*itiamar-a-a-si: calendar month 10 at Lagaš during Ur III.
Iti amaraasi - has the composition- the- ma- Ra- sa- and the meaning of the word is Tamil
calender month - Chittirai maasam.
*amar-kud: separated, weaned young animal ('calf' + 'to cut away from').
Amar kud has the composition- ma- Ra- ka- the - and the meaning of the word is karavai
maadu- milk giving cow ; karavai- milk giving ; maadu- cow .
an-ba: refuse; litter; dirt ('open air' + 'to give up').
Anba has the composition- an- pa - and the meaning of the word is pani - mist /ice ; anpulove ; maanpu- honorable ; panbu- character; pannai- farm ; panai- palam; punnai- a tree ;
pini- sick ness; paanai- pot; pani- ice; pinnae - later; punnu- blister ; pani pen- servant maid ;
pon mani- gold ; pen mani- woman ; paen - louse; pinam- dead body; panam- money ;
punn- song .
AN.BAR: (cf., barzil).
Anbar has the composition- an- pa- Ra and the meaning of the word is irumbu - iron .
Barzil has the composition- pa- Ra- sa- la -and the meaning of thewordf is paarai sillu - blue
metal ; paarai- rock ; sillu- small pieces .
*an-bar7[NE]; an-bar: noon; midday ('sky' + 'to be bright').
Anbar has the composition- an -pa-Ra- and the meaning of the word is nan pakar naeram noon [missing letter- ka -]; anpar- devotee; nanpar- friend ; irumbu- iron; erumbu- ant ;
paraman- lord of the sky ; paruman - big; perumaan- lord of the sky .
*an-bir8[A-SUD]: noon; midday rest ('sky' + 'to be hot' ['WATER' + 'TO SIP']).
Anbir asud has the composition- an -pa- Ra-sa- the -and the meaning of the word is nan pakar
naeram soottai thanikka thanni paruka [ missing letter- ka -] - during hot afternoon drink
water ; nan pakar naeram- after noon ; soodu - hot ; thanni- water; paruka- to drink.
*an-dùl: shade; protection ('sky' + 'to cover, protect').
Andul has the composition- an-[- the-]- la - and the meaning of the word is nizhal - shade ;
nizhal tharum niraiya ilai thazhai ulla maram - [ missing letter- Ra -] the tree with many
leaves that gives shadow ; nizhal - shadow; niraiya - many ; ilai thazhai - leaves; maramtree .
an-edin: high plain ('high' + 'steppe').
Anedin has the composition- an- the-[- an -] - and the meaning of the word is [thani]
maithaanam - [separate] ground; anu thinam / thinam thinam- daily.
*an-ga-àm: likewise (cf., in-ga-na-nam).
Angaam has the composition- an- ka- ma-and the meaning of the word is avvannamae /
ankanamae [M] -like wise.
*an-gá: and yet (affirmative prefix? + 'exists').
Anga has the composition- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is vilanka - exist [missing
letter- la -]; kavanikka - to look after; kavani -watch .
an-kára: (cf., enkara).
Ankara has the composition- an- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is - vivasaayam
seikiravan- one who does agricultural work ; vivasaayam- agriculture ; seikiravan - one who
does .
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*an-ki: universe ('sky' + 'earth').
An-ki has the composition- an- ka - and the meaning of the word is vaanakam/ vaanam - sky;
avani - earth.
Sky [ E] has the composition- [- sa-] - ka - and the meaning of the word is vaanam - sky ; sev
vaanam - red sky .
AN.MUL: starry sky (verify than AN is not the rare sign ŠÚ; cf., kunga[ŠÚ.MUL]).
AN.MUL has the composition- an- ma- la - and the meaning of the word is mani maalai - stone
neck lace.
*an-na...dug4/e: to say yes ('yes' + 'to say').
An-na...dug has the composition- an -an- the- ka - and the meaning of the word is nee
sammathikka vaenum [ missing letter- sa -]; you should give consent .
*an-nisig(-ga): beautiful sky, blue sky ('sky' + 'beautiful, blue').
an-nisig has the composition- an- an- sa- ka- and the meaning of the word is azhakaana sev
vanna vaanam- beautiful red sky ; azhakaana - beautiful ; sev vannam- red color;
vaanam- sky .
*an-sig7-ga: the beautiful sky ('sky' + 'to be beautiful' + nominative).
An-sig-ga has the composition- an- sa- ka- ka- and the meaning of the word is sev vaanam
kaanka - look at the red sky ; sev vaanam- red sky; kaanka- to see .
an-ša4-anki: Anshan - place name for powerful city in Elam - Tall-i Malyan near Persepolis in the
province of Iran.
An-ša4-anki has the composition- an -sa- the- an- ka -and the meaning of the word is anjaatha
nenjam kondavan - the man with brave heart .
*an-šár(-ra): all of heaven, the whole sky ('heaven' + 'totality, horizon').
An-šár(-ra) has the composition- an- sa -the -Ra - and the meaning of the word is anda
sarasaram- all of the universe .
*an-še: ear of grain ('grain ear' + 'grain, barley').
An še has the composition- an-[- sa-] - the- and the meaning of the word is saamai thaaniyamlittle millet .
*an-ta: above ('heaven' + locative with remote deixis).
An-ta has the composition- an- the- and the meaning of the word is andam- universe;
thandum - spear; mundam - body without head; maanda- dead .
an-ta-gál: high, superior ('sky; high' + 'from' + 'to be').
an-ta-gál has the composition- an- the- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is anda veli - the
space of the universe; anda kolam- universe ; anthi maalai vaelai- evening time ; veluththa
vaanam- white sky ; vaanththilae mazhai maeka koottam - dark rain clouds over the sky ;
kantha vaelan; thanikai malai ; vaanaththu kaaval kaakkum kaavalan- the ruler/keeper of the
sky ;muthalvan- the first man - the sun god; thamil kudi makan ; saeval kodiyon - lord
Murugan ; ulakai aalum thanthai kaalaiyan makan- vaelan .
an-ta...gi4: to meet ('heaven' + 'from' + 'to return'). has the composition- an- the - ka -and the meaning of the word is vaanaththae
koodiya maeka koottam- the assembly of clouds of the sky .
*an-ta-sur-ra: a stone ('heaven' + 'from' + 'boundary marker' + nominative).
An-ta-sur-ra has the composition- an- the- [-sa-] - Ra - and the meaning of the word is anda
sarasaram - universe [ suriyan , santhiran , mun tharai /tharani ] and the other beads of
hanging stars of the sky ; raththinam - diamond ; senthooram ; santhana maram- sandal
wood ; anthi saayum naeram - evening time ; maththiyaana naeram - after noon ; ; mun
tharai- earth ; antharam- in between the sky and the earth / in the air ; suriya chanthiran the sun and the moon ; surian - sun; chanthiran - moon ; tharaa mani ; tharani- world ; thiru
neer - sacred ash ; Sundra moorthi- sun god ; Saundrya - moon goddess ; Senthaamaraimoon goddess/ lotus .
an-ub-da: regions; "quarter" ('sky' + 'corners' + 'with').
An-ub-da has the composition- an- pa -the - and the meaning of the word is pattinam - city /
harbor city ; poomi thaanam- land gift ; poomi - land/earth; thaanam- gift ; pan naattuinternational ; pan- many ; naadu- nation; man paaththi - small parts of the farm land ; mun
paathai- ungravelled road .
an-úr: horizon ('sky' + 'base, floor').
An-úr has the composition- an- Ra - and the meaning of the word is aran- fort .
*an-uraš: heaven and earth; universe ('heaven' + 'earth').
Anuraš has the composition- an- Ra - sa- the- and the meaning of the word is anda sarasaram universe .
*an-usan: evening ('sky' + 'evening').
An-usan has the composition- an - sa- an - and the meaning of the word is anthi saayum
naeram - sun set time [ missing letter- the -and- Ra-] .
*an-za-kàr: tower, fort ('heaven' + 'stone' + 'round, high thing').
An-za-kàr has the composition- an-[- sa-] - ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is maka
raasanin aran manai/ kottai - the palace / fort of the king ; aran manai- palce; kottai- fort -[
missing letter- the -] ; raasa- king; maka rasan- king of kings ; senkundram - red hills-[
missing letter- the -] ; Thiru Murugan in Raasankam- kingdom of Marduk ; senkathiron[
missing letter- the -] ; Sahu vasikkem idamae’ kirakamae sorkkamaakum - heaven is the
place where the god Sahu- Marduk lives [ missing letter- the -] ; Sahu- Egyptian / Sumerian
Tamil sun god - Thiru Murugan - Marduk ; vasikkum- living ; idam- place; kirakam- planet ;
sorkkam- heaven ; Suriya kirakanam - solar eclipse; vaan uyaramaana sikaram - the tower
which touches the sky ; vaan uyaram- height as that of the sky; sikaram- peak; Saekaranevening sun ; sankaran- sun god; vairaa mani -diamond ; vairavan- sun god ; karu mani- dark
stone; suriyan vaanin uchchikku varum naeram- the time at ehich the sun comes to the
center of the sky ; karnan ; kaar maeka vannan ; Siva kaasi makan Murugan- Sahu ; Sakkara
vaakanan - the sun god; sakkaram- wheel; vaakanan- the one who drives the vehicle ; saevar
kodiyon- the sun god whose flag has the rooster symbol [ missing letter- the -]; saevar kodithe flag with the rooster; anthi saayum naeram - evening time [ missing letter- the -];
karunakaran; kiruttinan / Krishnan ; varunan ; Dhana saekaran ; Kathiravan ; Maara varman ;
etharkkum anjaatha nenjam kondavan- the one with brave heart; saaraiyum karu
naakamum koodi sarasam seivathai kaanka [ missing letter- the -] - the serpent and the
cobra mating together ; Sivanin moondraavathu kan sivakka - the third eye of the lord Siva
getting red; suriya vanakkam- wordhip the sun god ; suriyanai namaskaaram sei [S] - worship
the sun god. .
an-zag, an-zà: where heaven ends ('heaven' + 'side, boundary').
an-zag has the composition- an-sa-ka-and the meaning of the word is uchchi vaaanam zenith ; uchchi- top/peak; vaanam- sky .
*an-zah: heated or fused lead (an, 'tin' + 'to be calm').
an-zah -has the composition- an -sa -ka -and the meaning of the word is sev vaanam - red sky ;
kan sivakka- reddening of the eye ; kannam sivakka - blushing ; naakku sivakka - tongue
becoming red ; vaanam sivakka- sky becoming red ; kanimaththai sivakkum vannam
kaachuka - heat it until the metal turns red ; kanimam- metal; sivakkum vannam- to make it
red ; kaachchuka - heat /boil .
anše-bala: pack-ass ('equid' + 'to cross over, deliver').
Anše-bala has the composition - an -sa- the- pa- la - and the meaning of the word is Saeyon in
simmaasana meththi - puli - tiger - the throne mattress of the sun god ; saeyon- sun god ;
simmaasanam- throne ; meththai - mattress; puli- tiger .
Tiger[ E] - has the composition- the- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is karadi - bear;
kuthirai - horse .
anše-bar-an-mi2: female donkey ('equid' + 'foreign' + 'high' + 'female').
Anše-bar-an-mi has the composition- an- sa -the -pa- Ra -ma - and the meaning of the word is
Saeyon in simmaasana meththai mani pura - spotted dove - the throne mattress of the sun
god ; mani pura - spotted dove .
anše-bar-an-nita2: male donkey ('equid' + 'foreign' + 'high' + 'male').
Anše-bar-an-nita has the composition- an- sa- the- pa- Ra- an the -and the meaning of the
word is Sayonin simmasana meththai parunthu - eagle , the throne mattress of the sun god ;
parunthu- eagle.
Eagle[ E]- has the composition- kala- and the meaning of the word is kazhuku- eagle .
anše-bìr: ass yoked in a team ('equid' + 'team').
Anše-bìr: has the composition- an- sa- the- pa- Ra - and the meaning of the word is Saeyon in
simmaasana meththai- pura - pigeon - the throne mattress of the sun god ; pura - pigeon .
anše-dub: ass registered on a tablet ('equid' + 'tablet').
Anše-dub has the composition- an -sa -the- the- pa - and the meaning of the word is Sayonin /
Aathi Saesanin simaasana meththai parunthu paambu / saarai punithai /
paambu/sarpam [ missing letter- Ra -] - the snake [ or the crested serpent eagle ] - the
throne mattress of the sun god ; paambu /sarpam ; saarai punithai- the snake - moon goddess
; parunthu - eagle.
anše-du24-ùr: (cf., dur9[ŠUL]).
Anše-du-ùr has the composition- an- sa- the- the- Ra -and the meaning of the word is Saeyon in
simmasana meththai- siruththai - panther - the throne mattress of the sun god ; siruththaipanther.
anše-edin-na: wild ass ('equid' + 'steppe' + a(k), genitival postposition).
Anše-edin-na has the composition- an- sa- the- the- an-an - and the meaning of the word is
anjaatha nenjathinan - one with brave heart ; anjaatha- brave ; nenjam- heart .
anše-giš: workass ('equid' + 'tool').
Anše-giš has the composition- an- sa- the -ka- the- Saeyon in simmasana meththai sinka
kutti - lion cub - the throne mattress of the sun god ; sinka kutti- lion cub .
*ANŠE-ka: one of the best groups of people.
ANŠE-ka has the composition- an- sa- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is anjaatha
nenjaththai konda manithan- a man of brave heart ; anjaatha- fearless; nenjam- heart;
manithan- man.
*anše-kunga(2): mule ('horse' + 'donkey').
Anše-kunga has the composition- an- sa -the- ka- an- ka -and the meaning of the word is
Saeyonin simmaasana meththai vaenkai - the throne mattress of the sun god - tiger ; vaenkaitiger .
*anše-mar: chariot or wagon ass ('equid' + 'wagon').
Anše-mar has the composition- an -sa- the- ma-Ra - and the meaning of the word is santhana
maraththal seitha thaer - the temple car made from sandal wood [ missing letter- la-] ;
santhana maram- sandal wood; seitha - done; thaer - car .
Anše-mar has the composition- an- sa -the -ma- Ra - and the meaning of the word is Saeyonin
simmaasana meththai arima- the throne mattress of the sun god - lion ; arima - lion .
*itiapin-dug-a: calendar month 8 at Nippur during Ur III.
Itiapin-dug-a has the composition- the- pa- an- the- ka - and the meaning of the word is
pankuni maatham - Tamil calendar month pankuni ; pankuni maatha kodai .
*APIN-lal: cultivating leasehold land ('plow' + 'to pay').
APIN-lal has the composition- pa- an- la- la - pokkiya nila panam - the money from the
leasehold land; pokkiym- leasehold; nilam- land; panam- money.
*gišapin-numun: plow fitted with seeder attachment ('plow' + 'seed').
Gišapin-numun- has the composition - ka- sa- the -pa -an -an- ma -an -and the meaning of the
word is mazhai kaalaththil nan sei allathu pun sei vilai nilaththu mannai maadu poottiya
kalapai kondu uzhatha pinnae vithai yae mannilae thoovi vithaikka vaendum [ missing
letter- la ]- during the rainy season after ploughing the land one should do seeding .
apin-ús: plowman's helper ('plow' + 'to follow; to be next to').
apin-ús has the composition- pa- an -[-sa-] -and the meaning of the word is pannai - farm .
*ar(2)...de6/túmu: to praise ('praise' + 'to bring').úmu has the composition- Ra- the - the -ma -and the meaning of the word is
mariyaathai thaa- give respect ; thani maraiyaathai- special honor .
*gišar-ga-nu-um: a coniferous tree (Akkadian loanword ?).
Gišar-ga-nu-um has the composition- ka- [-sa-] - the- Ra- ka- an- ma -and the meaning of the
word is thaekku mara kannu- the teak plant ; thaekku maram- teak wood; kannu- plant.
ár...e/i: to praise ('praise' + 'to speak; to send forth').
Arei has the composition- Ra - and the meaning of the word is mariyaathai -[ missing letterthe -]- to respect / to honor .
aš-me: sparkle, glimmer; sundisk; star symbol; rosette ('unique' + 'function, power').
Aš-me has the composition an- sa- the -and the meaning of the word is nachchithram - star [
missing letter- Ra -] .
áš á-zi-ga...bal: to curse with violence ('curse' + 'raised arms' + 'to deliver').
Aš á-zi-ga...bal has the composition - sa- the- -sa- ka- pa- la - and the meaning of the word is
veenaaka avanudaiya pazhi paechukkum thittukkum yaechhukkum nee aalaaka
vaendaam - you need not bear his curse /scoldings ; pazhi paechchu - curse; yaechhu - curse;
thittu- to scold .
Aš á-zi-ga...bal - has the composition- sa- the- sa- ka- pa- la - and the meaning of the word is
mukaththil kadum kopaththudan kankal sivakka kai yaei uoosaththi saththam pottu
avalai avan vasai paadinan/ yaesinaan - with a terrible face , red eyes and raised arm he
shouted at her .
*áš...bal: to curse ('curse' + 'to deliver').
Aš...bal has the composition- sa- the -pa- la - and the meaning of the word is pazhiththu
paesu - to tease.
*áš...dug4/e: to curse ('curse' + 'to speak/effect').
Aš...dug/e has the composition- sa- the- the- ka - and the meaning pf the word is
saththamaaka avanai thittu - scold him in loud voice; saththam- loud noise; thittu- to scold .
*áš...gi4: to answer with a curse ('curse' + 'to answer').
Aš has the composition- sa- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is kadinthu ; kadinthu
paesuka - to answer angrily [ missing letter- pa-] .
áš...mú: to curse ('curse' + 'to blow, speak').
Aš...mú has the composition- sa- the -ma -and the meaning of the word is saththama thittu /
yaesu - scold loudly .
áš...sar: to curse ('curse' + 'to write').
Aš...sar has the composition- sa- the -[-sa-] - Ra and the meaning of the word is saramaariya yaesi thittu- continous scolding.
*gišaz-gú: neck-stock ('fetter' + 'neck').
gišaz-gú has the composition- ka - sa- the- [-sa-] - ka-and the meaning of the word is
kazhuththu sangili - neck chain [ missing letter -la -] ; kazhuththu - neck ; sangili - chain .
ba-al: to dig (a canal); to channel ('to divide' + 'digging stick').
Ba-al has thre composition- pa- la -and the meaning of the word is pallam - furrow/ pit .
*gišba-an: a container.
Gišba-an has the composition- ka - sa- the- pa- an - and the menin gof the word is panam
kaasu nakai yae paathukaapaaka vaikkum petti / paaathu kaappu pettakam - safty box
for money and jewels ; panam kaasu - money ; nakai - jewel; paathukaappu - safty ;
pettakam/ petty- box .
ba-ba: pudding, malt-sweetened porridge.
Pa-ba has the composition- pa pa and the meaning of the word is appam- baked rice snack .
ba-da-ra: poniard (Akk. patarru , pattaru ).
Ba-da-ra has the composition-pa- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is mara pidi wooden handle ; mara pattai ; periya koormaiyaana patta kaththi - a sharp big knife [ missing
letter- ka -]; koormaiyaana - sharp ; patta kaththi - knife .
ba-lá: it is less (conjugation prefix + 'light, deficient').
Ba-lá has the composition -pa- la -and the meaningof the word is paezhai - box .
*ba-rV: to fly, flee (cf., bad, bar).
Ba-rv has the composition- pa -Ra -va and the meaning of the word is parakka - to fly ;
parakkum paravai - flying bird.
*ba-ra(-g): to spread out (cf., bara4).
Ba-ra(-g) has the composition- pa-Ra- ka - and the meaning of the word is parappuka - to
spread out .
gišba-rí-ga: bushel; square-based measuring vessel = 6 bán in all periods (= 36 liters in Old
Sumerian period and 60 liters in Old Akkadian and Neo-Sumerian period) (cf., bariga).
gišba-rí-ga has the composition- ka -sa- the- pa- Ra -ka - and the meaningof the word is palani
malai Thirumurugan kovillukku kaal nadaiyaaka payanam sendru vara thayavu seithu
erupathi erendu maakani [ 100 grams] arisi kodai koduthtu uthavi seika - to go to Palani
Malai temple by road to worship Lord Murugan , please give me 100 grams of rice[ missing
letter- la -] .
ba-ta-tur; ba-ra-tur: it is short (conjugation prefix + earlier/later ablative case prefix + 'small,
Ba-ta-tur has the composition- pa- the- the- Ra - and the meaning of the word is
peruththa/paruththa ondru - a big one; adi peruththa maram - wide based tree .
Page -80
*ba-zi: dispersed ('to divide' + 'to go out').
Ba-zi has the composition- pa- sa -and the meaning of the word is pirichchu - to divide[
missing letter- Ra-] .
*bàd-nigin: circular city wall ('city wall' + 'enclosure, circle').
bàd-nigin has the composition- pa- the - an- ka- an - and the meaning of the word is
vattamaana kottai yae konda naadukku/ pattinaththukku pokum paathai - the path way to
the state which has a circular fort; vattamaana - circular; kottai- fort; pattinam- city ;
naadu - state; pathai- path way ; panam thoppukkum thennam thoppukkum
maankkattukkum pokum paathai .
bàd-si: parapet, battlement ('city wall' + 'long, narrow').
bàd-si has the composition- pa -the [-sa-] -and the meaning of the word is paathai - path way
; sem mun paathai - dirt road; panam thoppu- palm grove .
bàd-si-an-na: high battlements ('parapet' + 'to be high' + nominative).
Bàd-si-an-na has the composition- pa- [-sa-] -the- an- an- and the meaning of the word is
panam thoppum thennam thoppum - palm grove and coconut grove .
*bàd-šul-hi; bàd-sìl-hi: outer wall ('city wall' + 'invader'/'path' + 'numerous').
bàd-šul-hi; has the composition- pa -the -sa- the- la -ka- and the meaning of the word is malai
kottaikku/ palani malai kovilukku sellum kaattu paathai - the gut road to the temple of
Palani malai ; pattinaththai / naattai suththi ulla vattamaana kallaal aana kottai - the stone
fort going round the city; pattinam- city ; suththi- encircling; vattamaana - circular ; kalstone ; kottai- fort .
*Sbala-šè...aka: to transport ('goods delivery' + 'towards' + 'to do').
Bala-šè...aka has the composition- pa- la- sa- the- ka -and the meaning of the word is vandi /
vaakanaththai vaadakaikukku pidiththtu intha pala sarakku saamanai / vaazhai pazha
thaarai kadaikku/santhaikku kondu poei viththu panam kaasau kondu vaa [ missing letterRa -] - rent a vehicle and take this goods / banana to the market and sell them to make
bala-dab5-ba: worker hired to work for a bala' period ('term' + 'to hire' + nominative).
Bala-dab-ba has the composition- pa- la- the- pa- pa - and the meaning of the word is pazha
thottaththil / pannai nilaththil / vilai nilaththil / maattu pannaiyil panikku vantha thina
kooli pannai aal - [ missing letter- ka -] the farm worker came to work for daily wages in
the farm land/ fruit garden/ agricultural land / diary farm; pannai aal - farm worker; thina
kooli- daily wages; pani - work; maattu pannai- diary farm; vilai nilam- agricultural land;
pannai- farm; pazha thottam- fruit garden.
bala éš-kàr: fraction of an assignment ('term, portion' + 'work assignment').
Bala éš-kàr has the composition- pa- la- sa -the- ka- Ra - and the meaning of the word is oru
periya vilai nilaththai/ pannai yaei sedi kodi yaei neeeki kalai yaeduththu uzhuthu payir
idum vaelai yae pannai aalkalukku priththu / pakirnthu kodukka - the work of ploughing
and seeding a big farm has to be shared by many farm workers; periya vilai nilam- big
agricultural land ; uzhuthu - to plough; payir ida - to seed ; vaelai- work ; priththu- to
divide; pakirnthu- to share.
bala-gub-ba: worker stationed to work for a bala' period ('term' + 'to stand' + nominative).
Bala-gub-ba has the composition- pa- la -ka -pa- pa - and the meaningof the word pakal vaelai
yil paal pannai yae kaval kaakkum kooli aal - kavalali - the day watch man for the diary
farm ; pakla vaelai- day time; paal pannai- diary farm; kaaval kaakkum- to watch ; kaavalaaliwatch man .
*gišbala...sir5: to spin with a spindle ('spindle' + 'to spin').
Gišbala sir has the composition- ka- sa- the -pa- la - sa Ra - and the meaning of the word is
saaya thanniyilae nanaiththu vannam thoikkaapatta paruththi / pattu noolai vaiyalil
nandraaka kaaya vaiththa pinnar raattai yil noolai sutrai nool noorkka vaendum - after
coloring the cotton / silk fibres , they have to be dried and then later made in to threads
using spinning wheel ; saaya thanni- coloring water; vannam thoikkapatta- colored;
paruththi- cotton/ pattu- silk; nool- fibre/thread ; raattai- spinning wheel ; nool noorkka - to
balag-íl: harp or lyre carrier ('harp' + 'to lift').
Balag-íl has the composition- pa- la- ka- la -and the meaning of the word is pullankuzhal - flute.
balag-ír-ra: lamentation harp ('harp' + 'lamentation' + genitival a(k)).
Balag-ír-ra has the composition- pa- la- ka- Ra- Ra- and the meaning of the word is mika
periya pullankuzhal kalignar - great flute artist ; periya - big; pullankuzhal- flute ;
kalaignar - artist .
*bar...aka: to choose; to examine ('to open; to see; to select' + 'to do').
Bar...aka- has the composition- pa- Ra -ka - and the meaning of the word is porukku - to
choose ; thiranthu paarkka- open and see[ missing letter- the -] ; thira- open ; paarkka- to
see .
*bar-tam...(ak): to choose ('to open; to see; to select' + 'polished, shiny' [ + 'to do']).
Bar-tam...(ak) has the composition- pa -Ra- the- ma- ka- and the meaning of the word is
thirantha puththakam - open book; thiranthu - opened; puththakam- book;
puththtakaththai / kadiththaththai thiranthu paarkkama - not opening the book/letter;
kaditham- letter; thaevam/devan porukkiya manithan- the man chosen by the lord ; devanlord; porukkiya - chosen; manithan- man .
(giš)bar-bar: part of a weaver's loom (shuttle ?).
(giš)bar-bar has the composition- ka -sa -the- pa- Ra- pa Ra -and the meaning of the word is
paruththi / pattu noor kandai raattinaththai kai kondu sutri nool noorkka- with the help of
a spinning wheel make the cotton/silk fibres in to threads ; paruththi- cotton; pattu- silk;
raattinam- spinning wheel; nool noorkka- to spindle.
*gišbar-bé-da: a tool.
Gišbar-bé-da has the composition- ka -sa- the- pa- Ra- pa the -and the meaning of the word is
maamisa kari arukka uthavum periya koormai yaana patta kaththi - big and sharp bladed
butcher’s knief ; maamisam- meat; arukka - to cut; periya - big; koormaiyaana - sharp;
kaththi- knife .
Gišbar-bé-da has the composition- ka- sa- the- pa- Ra- pa -the - and the meaning of the word is
periya kadappaarai yaei kondu sem mun poomi yaei thondi / pariththu thaekku mara
sediyaei/kannu naduka - with the help of the iron rod [kadappaarai- iron tool ] - dig the soil
and plant the teak wood plant ; periya kadappaarai - big/ lengthy iron rod; sem mun
poomi- red soil ; thondi- dig; thaekku maram- teak wood; naduka - plant [ v] ; sedi - plant[
n] .
*bar...dab5: to escape ('outside' + 'to take away').
Bar...dab has the composition- pa- Ra- the- pa - and the meaning of the word is thappiththu
uyirodu uoor poei saeru -[ missing letter- sa-] - escape to your place/village saving your life;
thappiththu- esacape ; uyir - life; uoor- village .
*bar...dag: to wander far away ('outside' + 'to roam about').
Bar...dag has the composition- pa- Ra- the- ka - -and the meaning of the word is puraththae
kiranki vaa - roam outisde ; puraththae- outside; kiranki- to go for a round.
*gišbar-dil: a type of plow (rare outside of lexical lists).
gišbar-dil has the composition- ka- sa -the- pa- Ra- the- la - and the meaning of the word is
aadi maasam nalla mazhai peiyum naeram Caveri aatrilae vellam karai purandu odum
vaelai yilae kaalai maattai kalapai yil pootti - vilai nilaththai [ pun sei /nan sei nilaththai]
nandraaka uzhuthu kalai eduththa pinnarae vithai vithaikka vaendum - when there is full
water in Cavery river during the month of Aadi - plough the land and then do seeding ;
kalapai- plough .
bar-dúb-ba: a good price ('to split, distribute' + 'to knock down' + nominative).
Bar-dúb-ba has the composition- pa-Ra- the- pa-pa- and the meaning of the word is piriththu
padiththu/pottu paaru - open and read; piriththu- open/ divide ; padi- to read.
*gišbar-e11-dè: rope braiding lever ('outside' + 'to descend' + participial ending).
Gišbar-e-dè has thecomposition- ka -sa -the- pa- Ra- the - and the meaning of the word is
kayiru kattiya vaaliyae kinnaththilae irakki vilai nilaththirkku/ vayalaukku thanniyae
iraikka/ paachchuka -[ missing letter- la -] - with the rope tied bucket get the water from the
well for the land ; kayiru- rope; vaali - bucket; kinaru - well; vayal- farm land; thanniwater; paachchuka- to let.
bar-edin-na: edge of the desert ('side' + 'steppe' + genitival a(k)).
Bar-edin-na has the composition- pa- Ra- the- an -and the meanin ngof the word is perum
manar parappu tharai oram - edge of the desert ; oram- edge; perum manar parappu
tharai - big sandy land .
*bar-ég-ga: outer side of the levee ('outer side' + 'levee' + genitival a(k)).
bar-ég-ga has the composition- pa-Ra -ka -ka -and the meaning of the word is Cavery aaru
karai ora pakkamaaka irukkum uoor karur ; vaikai aatram karai ora pakkamaaka irukkum
uoor Madurai [ missing letter- the -] ; near the banks of the cavery river is the city karur /
woraiyur [Ur]; Cavery aaru- river cavery; karai oram- near the banks ; pakkamaaka - near by
; uoor[ ur] village/city .
*bar...gub: to step outside ('outside' + 'to stand').
Bar...gub has the composition- pa- Ra- ka- pa - and the meaning of the word is periya kopuram
- big tower; periya - big; kopuram- tower. puram pookku - waste land/ un used government
land ; ap puramae nee pokuka - go to the other side
*ar-ta...gub: to withdraw from ('side' + 'to stand aside').
Bar-ta...gub has the composition- pa- Ra- the- ka- pa- and the meaning of the word is poer
padai thanthiramaaka uyir saetharaam thadukka vaendi pin vaankiyathu - it was a tactical
move to withdraw the army to avoid loss of lives ; poer padai - army; thanthiram- tactics ;
uyir saetham- loss of lives; thadukka- to avoid; pin vaankiyathu- withdraw .
*bar-gùn-gùn-nu: chameleon ('sides' + reduplicated 'to be multicolored' + nominative with
Bar-gùn-gùn-nu has the composition- pa- Ra- ka- an- ka an -an - and the meaning of the word
is vaanaththae parakkum karum pachchai vannamum sivappu niramum konda paravai
koottaththai kaanka- [ missing letter - sa -and -the -] - see the dark green and red colored
birds flying in the sky ; vaanam- sky; parakkum- flying; karum pachchai- dark green; sivappured; paravai- bird; kaanka- to see.
Bar-gùn-gùn-nu has the composition- pa- Ra- ka- an- ka
an -an - and the meaning of the word is maraththu malae yaerum than niraththai
maatrikollum pachchonthiyae nee kaanka [missing letter- sa-la- and- the-]- see the
chameleon which changes it’s color climbing on the tree ; maram- tree; yaerum- climbing;
pachchonthi- chameleon ; kaanka - to see.
*bar...gál: to be outside; to be extra ('outside' + 'to be').
Bar...gál has the composition - pa- Ra- ka- la - and the meaning of the word is poer kalambattle field ; periya kulam - big pond; perum kalai - special arts; porutkal- things ; kovil
puram- near/outside the temple ; perum kavalai- big worry ; veli puramaaka irukka - be
outside .
*bar-gál-la: unsheared ('fleece' + 'to be in place' + nominative).
Bar-gál-la has the composition- pa- Ra- ka- la- la - and the meaning of theword is vellai nira
palinku kal- white marble stone ; vellai niram- white color; palinku kal- marble stone.
Bar-gál-la has the composition- pa- Ra- ka- la- la - and the meaning of theword is pattai
theetta padatha vaira kal - un sheared diamond[ missing leter- the -] ; pattai theta padathaun cut; vaira kal- diamond stone.
Bar-gál-la has the composition- pa- Ra- ka- la- la - and
the meaning of theword is oru vellaattin tholil irunthu / udampil irunthu vetti edukkapatta
mayir kondu neiyappatta vannam theettapatta azhakiya kali nunukkum koda kampali nool
aadai / poervai - a colorful decorated wollen bedsheet/ cloth made from a sheep skin[
missing letter- the -] ; oru- single; vellaadu - sheep; thole- leather/ skin ; udampu- body;
vannm- color; azhakiya - beauriful ; kampali nool- wollen ; poervai- bedsheet.
*bar-lá: part of an irrigation system ('outside' + 'to lift').
bar-lá has the composition- pa- Ra- la -and the meaning of the word is periya kaalvaai
/vaaikaal - big canal [missing letter- ka-]; peirya - big; kaalvaai - canal ; perum mazhai heavy rain ; periya puzha - big river ; paer alai- big wave ; malai puram - hill side ; porulthing ; paalaaru- milk river ; iru paalar- both sexes ; purali- rumour; palar- many persons;
paalar- children .
*bar-LU: one of the best wool blends.
Bar-LU has the composition- pa-Ra- la- and themeaning of the word is paruththi nool - cotton
thread ; paruththi- cotton; nool- thread.
*bar-rim4[KAŠ4](-ma): dry land ('to uncover' + 'to travel fast'?; cf., parim).
bar-rim has the composition- pa- Ra -ma- and the meaning of the word is paarai mun - rocky
land /soil ; paarai - rock; mun- soil .
Part 2 [ pages 40 - 80 ] ends here.