Name ______________________ LAPTOP ACTIVITY: ONION ROOT TIP MITOSIS Go to “Useful Websites” and click on “Onion Root Tip – Mitosis” Growth in an organism is carefully controlled by regulating the cell cycle. In plants, the roots continue to grow as they search for water and nutrients. In order to examine cells in the tip of an onion root, a thin slice of the root is placed onto a microscope slide and stained so the chromosomes will be visible. The cells you'll be looking at in this activity were photographed with a light microscope and then digitized so you can see them on the computer. Although slicing the onion root captures many cells in different phases of the cell cycle, keep in mind that the cell cycle is a continuous process. Scientists have divided the process of cell division into three parts: Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis. Mitosis is the divided into four phases; Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Briefly describe each below: 1. Interphase: _________________________________________________________________ 2. Mitosis- Prophase: ____________________________________________________________ 3. Mitosis- Metaphase: ___________________________________________________________ 4. Mitosis- Anaphase: ____________________________________________________________ 5. Mitosis- Telophase: ___________________________________________________________ 6. Cytokinesis: _________________________________________________________________ Go to the Onion Root Tip website Look at the image of the onion root cell. Which phase of the cell cycle do you think the cell is in? Click on the phase you think the cell is in. If you are wrong, guess again. Use the clues provided! After you have categorized all the cells, fill in the chart below. Interphase Mitosis: Prophase Mitosis: Metaphase Mitosis: Anaphase Mitosis: Telophase Total Number of Cells: Number of Cells Now, calculate the percent (%) of root tip cells in each phase and fill in the chart. Show your work below. Use the following equation Number of Cells x 100 = ___% 36 Interphase Mitosis: Prophase x 100 = ___% 36 x 100 = ___% 36 Mitosis: Anaphase x 100 = ___% 36 x 100 = ___% 36 Mitosis: Telophase x 100 = ___% 36 Mitosis: Metaphase Onion cells have a 24hr cycle. The percentage you calculated also represents the amount of time onion cells spend in each phase of the cell cycle. Make a pie chart showing the amount of time onion root tip cells spend in each. Calculate the number of hours that an onion root tip goes through each part of the cell cycle. Use the percentage from the front page to carefully estimate how much space each phase should occupy on the pie chart. Use color pencils to color in each section of the chart. Fill in the key to the right to show which phase is indicated by each color. Fill in the Figure 1. box below by creating a caption for your chart. Key: Interphase Mitosis: Prophase Mitosis: Metaphase Mitosis: Anaphase Mitosis: Telophase Figure 1: Question: What does the data and the chart show about the cell cycle? (Hint: Which cell cycle lasts the longest? How can you tell?) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________