King Abdulaziz University Jeddah Community College BIT 222 Course Syllabus Intermediate Accounting II Spring 2007 Instructor: Class: Class Location: Office Hours: E-Mail: Phone: Prerequisites: Abdulaziz Altheban S.M.W 11:00 – 11:55 am. 106B Sat 9-10, Sun 11-12, Mon 12-1, Tues 11-12, Wed 10-11 287-0026 (410) BIT 123 Continuation of intermediate accounting one. The course describes the theory and practice applicable to asset values, liabilities and owner’s equity; special problems and financial reporting using excel spread sheet. Course Objectives: Upon completion this course, students will be able to demonstrate skills of the Following: Apply generally accepted financial accounting principles to the annual report. Demonstrate flexibility in analyzing and reporting financial information. Address needs of various “publics” who rely on statements of the reporting entity Apply professional and ethical judgment to conflicting positions of the various accounting “publics”. Write supplemental information in notes to financial statements, supplying full and detailed disclosure. Balance conflicts between generally accepted accounting principles. Apply present value and compound interest techniques. Solve problems via T-account and worksheet techniques. Measure income accurately and make adequate disclosure of financial position for both public and private entities, including maintenance of reciprocal accounts. Integrate economic phenomena and consequences in financial reporting. Demonstrate familiarity with publications constituting authoritative accounting opinion. Textbooks / Required Materials: Required text: Intermediate Accounting, Weygandt, Kieso, Kimmel, 11th edition 2005 1 Attendance: Students are required to attend all classes. Students must be in class on time. Students will get first verbal warning from his faculty member after missing cumulative classes’ equivalent to one week in a course. After missing cumulative classes’ equivalent to two weeks in a course he must get second warning in written from the faculty member. Similarly if a student misses cumulative classes’ equivalent to three weeks in a course (9) absents, he’ll be given DN (Denied) from that course. DN can not be removed. If a student arrives late(1-15 minutes) in a class he’ll be marked as LATE and two lates will be considered as one absent. If a student arrives after 15 minutes he’ll be marked as absent. It’s responsibility of the student to keep the record of his absences. Special Accommodations: If there is any student in this class who has special needs because of learning disabilities or other disabilities, please discuss these needs with me. E-Mail: All students will be required to have an e-mail account to be used for messages and as part of selected assignments. One or more announced assignments may be required to be submitted via computer. During the first week of class, e-mail me a message so I can record your address. All e-mail sent to me MUST have the following message in the SUBJECT: line: BIT 222- "Your Real Name" This will allow my e-mail software to route the message to the appropriate mailbox. In general, I won't reply if I can't identify who you are. Evaluation Policy: Item Class participation/Attendance Term Papers Exam I Exam II Final Exam ( Comprehensive ) 2 Mark 10 10 20 20 40 Grading: Students must obtain at least 60 % of the total possible points. The official grades in this course are: Marks 95-100 % 90-94 % 85-89 % 80-84 % 75-79 % 70-74 % 65-69 % 60-64 % 0-59 % Grade A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Students obtain 59 % and below are failed (F). Denied students will earn DN. Students who do not attend at all will be considered AF (absent fail grade). Course Procedures: Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason. Assignments are due on the day of class as shown on the schedule. Do not wait until the last minute to start an assignment. If you have questions, do not hesitate to send me an e-mail or call me. I will be happy to help you. If a student must miss a class, he is expected to contact the instructor in advance regarding make-up work before the next class meets. Keep all graded papers to verify grades. Cell phones, pagers, and electronic entertainments devices must be turned off during all class times. Students violating this policy may be asked to leave the class. The term papers will be graded on: Subject Form (mechanical) Organization (paragraphing, titles, subtitles, etc.) Content (substance of the presentation) Clarity Use of Quotations (research reference; minimum is 5 different sources) 3 10 15 15 35 15 10 100 Important Links: Saudi Organization for Certifies Public Accountants Saudi Accounting Association Gulf Cooperation Council Accounting and Auditing Organization American Institute of Certified Public Accountants American Accounting Association The Institute of Internal Auditors The Institute of Internal Auditors UK and Ireland International Federation of Accountants Financial Accounting Standards Board International Accounting Standards Board Governmental Accounting Standards Board Wall Street Journal 4 Course Schedule Week # 1 Topic Feb. 17 Introduction to the course Feb. 19 Bonds payable Feb. 21 Long term notes payable Feb. 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reading Assignment Date What is Due? Buy Book Chapter 14 Reporting and analysis of long-term debt Feb. 26 Exercises Feb. 28 Exercises Mar. 3 The corporate form Mar. 5 Corporate capital Mar. 7 Preferred Stock Dividend policy Mar. 10 Exercises Mar. 12 Exercises Mar. 14 Exercises Mar. 17 Retained Earnings Mar. 19 Retained Earnings Mar. 21 Exercises Mar. 24 Exercises Mar. 26 Investments in debt securities Mar. 28 Investments in debt securities Mar. 31 Investments in equity securities Chapter 15 Project I Apr. 2 Other reporting issues Apr. 4 MIDTERM I 20 % Apr. 7 Exercises Apr. 9 Exercises Apr. 11 Exercises Apr. 14 Revenue recognition Apr. 16 Revenue recognition Apr. 18 Revenue recognition 5 Chapter 17 Chapter 17 MIDTERM Chapter 18 Week # 10 11 12 13 Topic Apr. 21 Exercises Apr. 23 Exercises Apr. 25 Exercises Apr. 28 Dilutive securities Apr. 30 Computing earnings per share May. 2 Exercises May 5 Exercises May 7 Exercises May 9 Exercises May 12 Full disclosure in financial reporting May 14 Full disclosure in financial reporting May 16 14 15 16 Reading Assignment Date What is Due? Project II MIDTERM II 20 % Comprehensive May 19 Exercises May 21 Exercises May 23 Financial statement analysis May 26 Exercises May 28 May 30 Exercises Exercises June 2-6 Preview all the Chapters June9 Final Exam 40% Comprehensive Chapter 16 Chapter 24 MIDTERM Important note: This schedule and the assignments during this course are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Any such changes will be discussed during class, and communicated to students via email. 6