Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ACRONYMS .................................................................................................III-ii 1.0 III-INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................III-1 2.0 III-ADAPTATION METHODOLOGY ..................................................................III-3 2.1 III-Review of NIA Top-Level Logical Architecture ............................................III-3 2.2 III-Review and Selection of Lower-Level Processes .......................................III-5 2.2.1 III-“Manage Traffic” Process Tree.............................................................III-7 III-Traffic Surveillance ...........................................................................III-7 III-Device Control ..................................................................................III-9 III-Incident Management ..................................................................... III-11 2.2.2 III-“Manage Emergency Services” Process Tree .................................... III-14 2.2.3 III-“Provide Driver and Traveler Services” Process Tree ........................ III-16 2.2.4 III-“Plan System Deployment and Implementation” Process Tree........... III-18 3.0 III-ROC LOGICAL ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION ..................................... III-21 3.1 III-ROC Context Diagram ............................................................................. III-21 3.2 III-Top-Level ROC Processes ....................................................................... III-23 3.3 III-“Monitor Regional Traffic” Child Processes............................................... III-24 3.3.1 III-“Gather and Display Traffic Data” Child Processes ............................ III-25 3.3.2 III-“Monitor Incident Data” Child Processes ............................................ III-26 3.4 III-“Coordinate Multi-Agency Incident Response” Child Processes ............... III-29 3.5 III-“Coordinate Traveler Information Dissemination” Child Processes ........... III-31 3.6 III-“Provide Incident-Response Training” Child Processes ............................ III-33 4.0 III-SUMMARY .................................................................................................. III-35 November 1998 III - i Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture LIST OF ACRONYMS DFD - Data Flow Diagram DPW&T - Department of Public Works and Transportation (Prince George’s County) DPWT - Department of Public Works and Transportation (Montgomery County) ECC - Emergency Communications Center ERU - Emergency Response Unit ETP - Emergency Traffic Patrol FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Administration HAZMAT - Hazardous Materials ISP - Information Service Provider MDE - Maryland Department of the Environment MEMA - Maryland Emergency Management Administration MSP - Maryland State Police NIA - National ITS Architecture OEP - Office of Emergency Preparedness P+R - Park-and-Ride (as used in the NIA) ROC - Regional Operations Coordination SHA - State Highway Administration SOC - Statewide Operations Center TAR - Traveler Advisory Radio TM - Traffic Management TMC - Traffic Management Center (in a general context) TMC - Transportation Management Center (the center in Montgomery County) TMS - Traffic Management System TOC3 - Traffic Operations Center in the SHA District 3 TRIP - Traffic Response and Information Partnership VDOT - Virginia Department of Transportation VMS - Variable Message Sign WMATA - Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority November 1998 III - ii Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) 1.0 Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture INTRODUCTION The National ITS Architecture (NIA) provides a common structure for the design of Intelligent Transportation Systems. It is not a system design nor is it a design concept. It is, however, a framework around which multiple design approaches can be developed and each one specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of the user. The NIA defines the functions needed to implement a given User Service (e.g., gather traffic information or respond to an emergency assistance request). It also defines the physical entities or subsystems where these functions reside (e.g., the roadside or the center). It specifies the interfaces and information flows between the physical subsystems, and the communication medium for the information flows (e.g., wire-line or wireless). In addition, the NIA identifies and specifies the requirements for the standards to support national and regional interoperability, as well as product standards needed to support economy of scale in deployment. Since the NIA is the guideline for ITS implementation at regional and local levels, it is important that the Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) systems architecture for the Maryland National Capital Region is consistent with the NIA to ensure interoperability. To achieve this purpose, an approach was employed to adapt the NIA for the ROC architecture. In this approach, the requirements and vision1 identified by representatives of the ROC agencies were used as a basis for tailoring the NIA elements (refer to Figure 1-1). The result of the tailoring is a ROC Logical Architecture and a ROC Physical Architecture. This document describes only the ROC Logical Architecture while the ROC Physical Architecture is described in a separate document. ROC Requirements and Vision National ITS Architecture ROC Logical Architecture ROC Physical Architecture Figure 1-1. ROC Systems Architecture is an Adaptation of the National ITS Architecture To provide a background for understanding the ROC Logical Architecture, below are the high-level functional requirements that the ROC system will address: 1 Refer to another Working Paper that describes the ROC Goals, Objectives, and Functional Requirements. November 1998 III - 1 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture a. The ability to monitor the traffic and travel conditions in the region. b. The ability to coordinate incident responses with other agencies and jurisdictions. c. The ability for the appropriate ROC agencies to coordinate the dissemination of travel information. d. The ability to support interagency incident-response training. With these requirements as a guideline, the methodology to adapt the NIA for the ROC is described in Section 2.0 while the ROC Logical Architecture is presented in Section 3.0 of this document. Section 4.0 concludes the document with a brief summary. November 1998 III - 2 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) 2.0 Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture ADAPTATION METHODOLOGY The process to adapt the NIA Logical Architecture for the ROC Logical Architecture includes a review of various elements of the NIA and an assessment of the relevance of those elements to the ROC requirements. Since the NIA was developed using structured methods to describe the functions of the intelligent transportation systems, the adaptation process employed here followed the same structure to ensure completeness and consistency. This process began with the review of the NIA top-level Logical Architecture from which the relevant functional processes were identified. The lowerlevel elements of these identified functional processes were then reviewed and the relevant ones selected for the ROC Logical Architecture. The following sections describe the results of the review and assessment of the NIA functional processes. 2.1 Review of NIA Top-Level Logical Architecture The NIA Logical Architecture contains eight processes at the top-level, as illustrated in the simplified data flow diagram (DFD) in Figure 2-1. A DFD is a tool that depicts functional requirements of a system. It partitions the requirements into smaller component functions, or processes. (These processes are shown as rectangles in Figure 2-1.) All the relevant processes of a system are shown in a DFD as a network interconnected by data flows into or out of each process (i.e., input data flows and output data flows, respectively). A process, thus, shows the function to be performed by a system to transform input data flows into output data flows. A process may be broken down into lower-level functions to more accurately describe what it does in the system – this action is called decomposition. The lowest level of decomposition is a Process Specification. (The NIA documents have a complete set of Process Specification.) Because all the top-level functional processes of the NIA contain many lower-level functions, they may be referred to as functional process trees. Another element of a DFD is the terminator (shown as oblong shapes in Figure 2-1), which represents an external entity that interfaces with the system by providing data to or receiving data from the system. Many classes of terminators have been defined in the NIA but are not shown here in this simplified DFD. Based on the review of the NIA Logical Architecture and its lower-level processes, the following four top-level processes have been determined to be relevant to the ROC requirements (see Figure 2-2): a. Manage Traffic b. Manage Emergency Services c. Provide Driver and Traveler Services d. Plan System Deployment and Implementation November 1998 III - 3 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Vehicle Status Basic Vehicle Traf fic traff ic control inf ormation NA 3 Provide Vehicle Monitoring & Control NA 1 priority request Manage Traf fic incident inf ormation NA 4 incident notif ication Manage Transit Financial Institution traff ic inf ormation traff ic inf or request transit schedules emergency acknow ledge NA 5 Manage Emergency Services NA 7 transit requests Provide Electronic Payment Services NA 6 payment request Incident data Provide Driver & Traveler Services payment emergency notif ication E911 NA 2 route request Manage Commercial Vehicles route information NA 8 congestion inf ormation Plan System Deployment & Implementation route information Commercial Vehicle ITS Planners Figure 2-1. Top-Level National ITS Logical Architecture Intelligent Transportation Systems NA 1 NA 2 NA 3 NA 4 NA 5 NA 6 NA 7 NA 8 Manage Traffic Manage Commercial Vehicles Provide Vehicle Monitoring & Control Manage Transit Manage Emergency Services Provide Driver & Traveler Services Provide Electronic Payment Services Plan System Deployment & Implementation Top-Level Processes that are relevant to ROC Figure 2-2. Three NIA Processes Relevant to ROC Requirements November 1998 III - 4 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture The other processes were deemed not relevant to the current ROC requirements because of the following reasons: a. The process to Manage Transit deals mainly with managing the operations of a transit system, which is intra-agency and does not fit the context of ROC. There are, however, three interfaces that the ROC system must have to support transit operations. The first interface is the signal priority request/response operation, which is accounted for in the Manage Traffic process (whose specific “child process” is Provide Device Control). The second interface is to support transit emergency management, which is accounted for in the Manage Incidents process of Manage Traffic and in the Manage Emergency Services process. The third interface is with the Provide Driver and Traveler Services to support traveler information dissemination. b. The process to Manage Commercial Vehicles is not needed given that similar initiatives are being conducted at the State and Interstate levels in this region. c. The process to Provide Vehicle Monitoring and Control is more appropriate for the private sector in that automated functions are developed for the vehicle. d. The Provide Electronic Payment Service process addresses the various fee collection functions of an intelligent transportation system and is not currently within the scope of ROC. In the following paragraphs, the review and selection of the lower-level processes of the relevant top-level processes is presented. 2.2 Review and Selection of Lower-Level Processes The approach to tailoring the selected process trees of the NIA (i.e., Manage Traffic, Manage Emergency Services, Provide Driver and Traveler Services, and Plan System Deployment and Implementation) for the ROC architecture is shown in Figure 2-3. In this approach, all elements of each process tree were assessed, and only those relevant to the ROC functional requirements were selected for the ROC Logical Architecture. Because the ROC architecture is an adaptation of the NIA, which addresses many hierarchical levels of a transportation system (from the field equipment to a control center), it is important to identify the NIA elements that belong to the appropriate hierarchical levels for incorporation into the ROC architecture. To achieve this purpose, a ROC organizational hierarchy along with the appropriate functions in each level were defined and used as a guide to select the elements of the NIA’s process trees (see Figure 2-4). As shown in Figure 2-4, the system functions that are appropriate at the ROC level are: a. Maintain Regional Awareness b. Select Coordination Plans c. Identify Mutual Support Needs November 1998 III - 5 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Construction A gencies S tate/County Traf Mgt S ystems local traffic data local incident data local parking data local road network data construction information Manage Traffic Manage Traffic 1.1.2 local transportation data 1.1.1 E xchange data with Other Traffic Centers P rocess Traffic Data for S torage Provide Traffic Surveillance Provide Traffic Surveillance local transit data traffic & sensor static data current data Transit Mgt S ys Process Traffic Sensor Data Process Traffic Sensor Data Process and Store Traffic Data long-term data Process and Store Traffic Data Generate Predictive Traffic Model local transit static data 1.1.3 Maintain Traff & S ensor S tatic Data link data update, new sensor static data Generate Predictive Traffic Model regional info request Display and Output Traffic Data Exchange Data With Other Traffic Functions Display and Output Traffic Data Collect Vehicle Smart Probe Data Data for Link Calculations Process Traffic Data for Storage Provide Traffic Ops Personnel Traffic Data I/F requested traffic data Retrieve Traffic Data Collect Vehicle Tag Traffic Operation P ersonnel parameter updates, information request Provide Traffic Ops Personnel Traffic Data I/F Collect Vehicle Smart Probe Data Process Traffic Data Process Traffic Data Provide Media Operator Traffic Data I/F Update Data Source Static Data traffic data retrieval parameters traffic information display 1.1.6 P rovide Traffic Ops P ersonnel Traf Data I/F request traffic map display update Update Data Source Static Data Update Traffic Display Map Data regional traffic data retrieved traffic operations data Process Traffic Data for Storage Provide Media Operator Traffic Data I/F 1.1.5 P rovide Traffic Data Retrieval Interface Retrieve Traffic Data Process and Store Traffic Data Retrieve Traffic Data traffic data request 1.1.4 Display and Output Traffic Data Exchange Data With Other Traffic Functions Process and Store Traffic Data Collect Vehicle Tag Data for Link Calculations request traffic operations data Display and Output Traffic Data 1.1.7 Update Traffic Display Map Data Monitor HOV Lane Use Update Traffic Display Map Data Monitor HOV Lane Use Provide Media System Traffic Data I/F Provide Media System Traffic Data I/F Process AVI Data for Link Time Data map data update Process AVI Data for Link Time Data Provide Traffic Data Retrieval I/F map data for traffic display Provide Traffic Data Retrieval I/F Process Collected Veh Smart Probe Data Process Collected Veh Smart Probe Data National Architecture Adaptation for ROC Map Update P rovider ROC Logical Architecture Figure 2-3. ROC Logical Architecture Development Process ORGANIZATIONAL HIERARCHY PRIMARY FUNCTIONS Maintain Regional Awareness Select Coordination Plans Identify Mutual Support Needs ROC SHA MSP MC SOC College Pk TMC TOC3 Forestville ECC ECC Rockville • Police • Fire • Police • Fire Police Veh. Signals Signals CCTV CCTV CCTV Port. VMS Port. VMS Port. VMS VMS Police Veh. Police Veh. ERU/ETP Fire Veh. Fire Veh. Signals PGC TIC Gather Jurisdictional Information Implement Coordination Plans Control Field Assets Execute Plan Elements Figure 2-4. Guidelines for Identifying Relevant NIA Elements for ROC These functions were the primary focus for identifying the appropriate processes in the NIA. Furthermore, functions at the agency level that support the ROC-level functions were also considered as levied requirements. These include: a. Gather Jurisdictional Information. b. Implement Coordination Plans. November 1998 III - 6 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture c. Control Field Assets. Many elements of the levied requirements already exist; therefore, only their interfaces to the ROC system were considered for the ROC Logical Architecture. Finally, the system functions at the field level are performed by the individual agencies. They were not considered as parts of the ROC Logical Architecture; only the necessary interfaces to those functions were identified. 2.2.1 “Manage Traffic” Process Tree The Manage Traffic process includes traffic surveillance, traffic control, incident management, travel-demand management, emissions management, and highway-rail intersection management functions. It also includes an interface to the Manage Emergency Services process to facilitate emergency responses to detected incidents. Only the traffic surveillance, device control, and incident management functions are relevant to the ROC as described below. Traffic Surveillance The Traffic Surveillance process provides the functionality for traffic monitoring, data storage, predictive modeling and communication with other Traffic Management Centers (TMC’s). In the context of ROC, the Traffic Surveillance process gathers and integrates traffic and roadway monitoring data from the appropriate agencies. It also stores and classifies the data as current or long-term for use by the ROC agencies and other system functions. “Current data” pertains to events that occur within a few minutes from the current time. “Long-term data” pertains to historical records that may be used for planning and/or projecting future traffic conditions. The relevant elements of the Traffic Surveillance process are shown in Figure 2-5 and described below. The Process Traffic Data for Storage (an element of Process and Store Traffic Data) function receives traffic monitoring data from individual agencies, combines this data into regional data, and stores the regional data in the current and long-term data stores. The data includes processed traffic monitoring data, parking lot occupancy data, traffic control device status data, and current and planned incident data (including road construction). The Display and Output Traffic Data process provides interfaces that allow regional traffic data to be “exported” for display by an operator or for use by other ROC functions. It includes the following relevant elements. a. Retrieve Traffic Data, which retrieves data from the data stores on request. b. Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic Data Interface, which provides the interface for traffic operations personnel to obtain traffic, weather, and equipment-status data stored in the system. It also allows traffic operations personnel to set up the parameters governing data availability to other users (e.g., the media). Where appropriate, the process overlays the requested data onto the road network map. November 1998 III - 7 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Manage Traffic Provide Traffic Surveillance Process Traffic Sensor Data Process and Store Traffic Data Generate Predictive Traffic Model Display and Output Traffic Data Exchange Data With Other Traffic Functions Display and Output Traffic Data Process and Store Traffic Data Collect Vehicle Tag Data for Link Calculations Collect Vehicle Smart Probe Data Retrieve Traffic Data Provide Traffic Ops Personnel Traffic Data I/F Process Traffic Data for Storage Process Traffic Data Provide Media Operator Traffic Data I/F Update Data Source Static Data Update Traffic Display Map Data LEGEND: Monitor HOV Lane Use ROC Process Provide Media System Traffic Data I/F End process (no further decomposition) Non-ROC Process (potential functions of Individual agencies) Process AVI Data for Link Time Data Provide Traffic Data Retrieval I/F Process Collected Veh Smart Probe Data Figure 2-5. Relevant Traffic Surveillance Processes for ROC November 1998 III - 8 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture c. The Update Traffic Display Map Data function updates the store of digitized map data upon the request of traffic operations personnel. This process will obtain the new map data from either a specialized data supplier or a designated data source. d. Provide Traffic Data Retrieval Interface provides customized sets of traffic data for broadcast, advisories, or media dissemination. This process will use predefined parameters to determine the data to be retrieved for each request type. The Exchange Data with Other Traffic Functions process transmits data to and receives data from other Traffic Management Systems (TMS's) that can be adjacent geographically or under control of a different jurisdiction. The exchange of data can be triggered either by a request from a remote TMS or by a pre-determined command to supply the data to other TMS’s. The exchanged data may pertain to traffic conditions, incidents, traffic management strategies, or emergency vehicle preemption/priority operations. Device Control In the NIA, the Device Control process enables the remote operations and remote monitoring of traffic control devices in the field (e.g., VMS, TAR, and traffic signals). Such functions are performed by agencies that own the devices and, therefore, should not be considered as a part of the ROC Logical Architecture. However, the Device Control process contains a few elements that have regional implications and are deemed relevant to ROC. Figure 2-6 shows these elements. Their consideration for ROC is described below. The Select Strategy process helps the operators to select the appropriate traffic control strategy (e.g., adaptive control, fixed-time control, or local operations) to be implemented for a given traffic situation. Although the NIA defines this process for selecting local traffic control strategies, it is used in the context of ROC for selecting regional transportation management strategies. These strategies will deal with traffic incidents and special events, and will involve multiple agencies as well as multiple type of transportation services (e.g., traffic, transit, and parking). The selected strategy will be communicated to the appropriate agencies for implementation. For the ROC system, the Manage Parking Lot State process will determine the current conditions of parking lots within the ROC area based on data supplied by agencies that operate those lots. Where Park-and-Ride (P+R) services are provided, the P+R lot monitoring data may be used to adjust the transit service frequencies to accommodate the demand. The following functions in this process tree are deemed relevant to ROC: The Determine Parking Lot State process will determine the vacancy level (or the state) of the parking lots in the ROC area so that this information can be disseminated to the travelers and other agencies. The state of each individual parking lot (as well as the parking occupancy data) is determined by its operating agency and supplied to the ROC system. November 1998 III - 9 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Manage Traffic Provide Device Control Select Strategy * “Implement Roadway and Freeway Control Strategies” is more accurate Determine Roadway and Freeway State* Determine Ramp State Output Control Data Manage Parking Lot State Maintain Static Data for TMC Provide Roadside Control Facilities Provide Roadside Control Facilities Collect and Process Indicator Fault Data Collect and Process Indicator Fault Data Process Indicator Output Data for Roads Monitor Indicator Operations for Faults Collect Indicator Fault Data Maintain Indicator Fault Data Store LEGEND: Provide Traffic Ops Personnel Indicator Fault I/F Provide Intersection Collision Avoidance Data Non-ROC Process (potential functions of Individual agencies) Provide Static Data Store Output I/F Process In-Vehicle Signage Data Process Indicator Output Data for Freeways End process (no further decomposition) Maintain Traffic and Sensor Static Data Manage Indicator Preemption** Provide Indicator Fault Interface for C and M ROC Process Maintain Static Data For TMC Process In-Vehicle Smart Probe Data for Output ** Manage Signal Preemption Figure 2-6. Relevant Device Control Processes for ROC November 1998 III - 10 Manage Parking Lot State Determine Parking Lot State Provide Parking Service Provider I/F Provide Parking Lot Operator I/F Determine P&R Needs for Transit Management Calculate Parking Lot Occupancy Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Determine P+R Needs for Transit Management, which estimates the demand for transit services at P+R lots. For ROC, this demand will be determined based on the historical parking-lot occupancy data. The Maintain Traffic and Sensor Static Data process (an element of the Maintain Static Data for TMC process) stores, updates, and retrieves sensor static data (e.g., type and location) and road network link data for the region. The data will be used by other processes within the ROC system and provided by the pertinent ROC agencies (e.g., transportation agencies). In the context of the ROC system, the Manage Indicator Preemption process (an element of Provide Roadside Control Facilities) will gather information on signal preemption and priority requests submitted to traffic operations agencies. It will use this information to provide signal preemption coordination across multiple jurisdictions. The Maintain Indicator Fault Data Store process (an element of Collect and Process Indicator Fault Data) collects and updates data about faults of traffic signal systems. The data (including fault clearance) is supplied by traffic operations agencies in the ROC area. This process also maintains a store of the current operational status of all signals, and allows traffic operations personnel to review the signal status at the ROC level. (Any update to the traffic signal status will be performed by the agency that operates the signals.) The current status of signals will be made available to the traffic control strategy selection process described earlier. Finally, the Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Indicator Fault Interface process allows traffic operations personnel at the ROC level to review and/or monitor all signal equipment faults so that appropriate traffic control strategies may be selected for implementation. Incident Management The Incident Management process of the NIA supports the detection, recording, and management of both planned and current incidents. It also initiates responses to current incidents. Incident responses may be generated automatically from a library of preplanned responses, which are based on experiences and lessons learned from previous incidents. For user interfaces, the process provides capabilities for traffic operations personnel to monitor and, if necessary, override the automated operations, particularly for incidents that do not have a pre-planned response. Incident management at the ROC level will have similar functions except that of incident detection. Instead of detecting incidents, the ROC system will receive incident notifications from member agencies and use this information to coordinate incident responses with other agencies. ROC incident responses may be pre-planned or ad hoc. A part of the ROC incident management responsibilities will also be to maintain interagency pre-planned responses and to provide data for creating new, pre-planned responses. Figure 2-7 shows the relevant elements of the Incident Management process tree. These elements are described below. November 1998 III - 11 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Manage Traffic Manage Incidents Traffic Data Analysis for Incidents Review and Manage Incident Data Respond to Current Incidents Provide Operator Interfaces for Incidents Manage Possible Pre-planned Response Store Manage Pre-planned Incident Response Data Provide Operator Interfaces for Incidents Review and Manage Incident Data Retrieve Incident Data Store Possible Incident Data Analyze Incident Response Log‡ Provide Traffic Ops Personnel Incident Data Interface Provide Media Incident Data Interface LEGEND: Update Incident Display Map Data ROC Process End process (no further decomposition) Mange Resources for Incidents Non-ROC Process (potential functions of Individual agencies) Review & Classify Possible Incidents Review & Classify Planned Incidents* Provide Planned Incident Store Interface* Provide Current Incidents Store Interface * Planned Incidents are referred to as Predicted Incidents in the NIA ‡ For ROC Training Figure 2-7. Relevant Incident Management Processes for ROC The Review and Manage Incident Data process receives data on incidents from other sources and classifies each incident as planned or current (via the Review and Classify Planned Incidents process). It also provides interfaces to the incident data stores November 1998 III - 12 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture through the Provide Planned Incident Store Interface process and the Provide Current Incident Store Interface process. When a current incident is confirmed, the Respond to Current Incidents process attempts to find a pre-planned response that is appropriate for that type of incidents. If a pre-planned response is not available, this process will send the incident details to the traffic operations personnel so that a new response can be formulated. Otherwise, it will send pre-planned responses to other appropriate functions. When a current incident is clear, this process will provide information to update the current incident data store. The Provide Operator Interfaces for Incidents process allows traffic operations personnel to review and update data about incidents, data defining the responses to each type of incident, and data about a system-suggested response (when a pre-planned response does not already exist). It also provides a means to filter out incident data that is not appropriate for dissemination to the media or to the public. The following child processes of the Provide Operator Interfaces for Incidents process are relevant to ROC. a. Retrieve Incident Data from the stores of predicted and current incidents. This process will retrieve data upon a request from traffic operations personnel or a media operator and then send it to the requesting source. b. Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Incident Data Interface, which allows an operator to request and obtain incident and incident-response information (including video images) and to re-classify incidents as needed. It will also display to the operator the details of an incident that has no pre-planned responses; and will accept input for a new response from the operator. Whenever appropriate, this process will display information on a map. c. Provide Media Incident Data Interface to allow the media to request incident information as well as to provide information to the media. The media can also contribute traffic and incident data to the ROC system through this process. d. Update Incident Display Map Data using the digitized map data supplied by predetermined ROC agencies. e. Manage Resources for Incidents, which generates and receives requests for resources from participating agencies to respond to incidents (e.g., equipment and personnel). There are two other processes in Incident Management process tree that are relevant to ROC. First is the Manage Pre-planned Incident Response Data process, which provides and updates pre-planned incident response data. Second is the Analyze Incident Response Log process, which identifies from the incident log any pre-planned incident response that can be standardized. In the NIA, the analysis results are kept in the system as “possible responses” to be considered when a pre-planned response does not exist. For ROC, such real-time applications may be difficult because of the large number of agencies involved. This process is therefore used for planning and training, instead. November 1998 III - 13 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture “Manage Emergency Services” Process Tree 2.2.2 In the NIA, the Manage Emergency Services process includes the dispatch and control functions of emergency services in response to incidents, and the activation of law enforcement resources against violators (e.g., pollution emissions). The emergency service dispatch and control functions are relevant to ROC. And in this context, this process needs to interact with the Manage Traffic function to coordinate incident management (including resource coordination between traffic management and emergency management) and to provide priority for emergency vehicles at signalized intersections and freeway ramps. This process also provides coordination supports to incident commanders in the field, emergency services, and allied emergency management agencies. The relevant elements of the Manage Emergency Services process tree are shown in Figure 2-8 and described in the following paragraphs. Manage Emergency Services Provide Emergency Service Allocation Provide Operator I/F for Emergency Data* Manage Emergency Vehicles Identify Emergencies from Inputs Select Response Mode Determine Coord’d Response Plan Dispatch Vehicle* Communicate Emergency Status Track Vehicle* Manage Emergency Response Assess Response Status Manage Emergency Service Alloc. Store Provide Emergency Personnel I/F Update Emergency Display Map Data* Provide Law Enforcemt Allocation Maintain Vehicle Status LEGEND: ROC Process * Partially applicable to ROC End process (no further decomposition) Non-ROC Process (potential functions of Individual agencies) Figure 2-8. Relevant Emergency Service Management Processes for ROC November 1998 III - 14 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture The Provide Emergency Service Allocation process helps the operator to determine the type and level of emergency services to be assigned to an incident-response request. This process will use a set of pre-defined criteria for service assignment. It will also allow the operator to set up and override these criteria. If there are no allocation criteria that would meet the needs of an incident, the operator will determine the required allocation and provide the necessary input to the system. The following functions under this process are relevant to ROC. a. Determine Coordinated Response Plan, which will classify and prioritize the incident notified by a ROC agency. It will use the information contained in the incident notification to determine an appropriate response plan (many of which may be pre-planned). A detailed description of the incident and the suggested response plan will be sent to other pertinent agencies for coordination of response operations and implementation. b. Communicate Emergency Status, which will receive the emergency-service response plans and the status of their implementation. It will screen this information according to pre-defined rules and then disseminate the information to other ITS functions. c. Manage Emergency Response, which will enable emergency centers to receive emergency management data (e.g., response plan, vehicle dispatch status, etc.) and route response status information to agencies or vehicles. It will also store the current status of all emergency service responses in a log. d. Manage Emergency Service Allocation Store, which will retrieve and update the store of data (e.g., type of emergency, time of day, location of the emergency, etc) that is used in the resource allocation process. The second relevant element in the Manage Emergency Services process tree is to Provide Operator Interface for Emergency Data. This process is only partially relevant to ROC because it is intended to help the operators in an Emergency Communications Center (ECC) to manage all type of emergency responses, not only traffic-related responses. It will allow an operator to review and update the emergency service allocation data, to override the pre-defined emergency service allocations to suit the specific needs of a current incident, and to monitor the status of emergency dispatches. The third relevant function in the Manage Emergency Services process tree is to Manage Emergency Vehicles when they are dispatched to an incident. In most situations, this function will be performed by the agency responsible for the vehicles. Only when vehicles are dispatched to other jurisdictions, as in the case of ROC, this functionality is needed at the regional level to provide continuous communications and support to the response personnel (e.g., route guidance information). Following are the lower-level functions of the Manage Emergency Vehicles process. a. Select Response Mode, which will determine the type and number of vehicles to be dispatched based on the emergency vehicle status. Once the vehicle types and units are determined, this process will update the emergency vehicle status data and send the dispatching information to the agency responsible for the actual dispatch function. November 1998 III - 15 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture b. Dispatch Vehicle, which will notify the personnel of the dispatched emergency vehicles of their assignments, receive assignment acknowledgements, and provide the location and details of the incident to the vehicles. Where applicable, this process will also request emergency vehicle routing information and coordinate signal preemption requests for those vehicles. c. Track Vehicle, which will track the location of all emergency vehicles for dispatching, arrival-time estimating, and signal preemption/priority support. It will store the vehicle tracking data as part of the emergency vehicle status. d. Provide Emergency Personnel Interface, which will allow emergency-response personnel in the field (or en route) and at central to communicate with each other. It will support both audible and manual forms of input, and audio and visual forms of output. The interface mechanisms shall in no way affect the driver's ability to operate the emergency vehicle in a safe manner. e. Maintain Vehicle Status, which will retrieve and update a data store of current vehicle locations, operational conditions, availability to respond to emergencies, and emergency-response status. Below is a list of possible emergency vehicle status: At the emergency location. Disabled (possibly involved in an incident itself). En route to an emergency. Not available. Requires additional support (more resources needed). Returning from an emergency, which may be divided into “mission capable” or “mission incapable.” Requires maintenance/repair. At station house. The fourth, also the last, relevant function in the Manage Emergency Services process tree is to Update Emergency Display Map Data. This process updates the store of digitized map data used in displaying incident locations and other emergency-response information to the operators. 2.2.3 “Provide Driver and Traveler Services” Process Tree This functional process tree provides multi-modal trip planning, route guidance, and advisory services to travelers and drivers. Among the elements of this process tree, only the Provide Information Services process is relevant to the ROC requirements. Furthermore, only the Provide Advisory and Broadcast Data element of the Provide November 1998 III - 16 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Information Services process is relevant to ROC as shown in Figure 2-9 and described below. The Provide Advisory and Broadcast Data process gather the regional traffic and transit information from other ROC system functions to create data for broadcasting. The data may be disseminated to the media or to designated points for access (e.g., via the Internet). The functions included in this process are: Provide Driver & Traveler Services Provide Information Services Provide Advisory & Broadcast Data Prepare & Output In-Veh Displays Provide Advisory & Broadcast Data Provide Transit User Advisory I/F Collect Traffic Data & Advisory Messages Collect Yellow Pages Data Provide Traffic & Transit Advisory Messages Provide Driver Interface Provide Yellow Pages Data & Reservations Collect Transit Data & Advisory Messages Provide Traffic & Transit Broadcast Messages Provide ISP Operator Broadcast Param I/F LEGEND: ROC Process End process (no further decomposition) Non-ROC Process (potential functions of Individual agencies) Figure 2-9. Relevant Driver and Traveler Service Processes for ROC November 1998 III - 17 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture a. Collect Traffic Data for Advisory Messages, which will collect and fuse traffic data. The fused traffic data will be used to create broadcast or advisory messages to travelers. The input data will consist of historical and current traffic data; and historical, current, and planned incident data. b. Collect Transit Data for Advisory Messages, which will collect and fuse transit data. The fused transit data will be used to create broadcast or advisory messages to travelers. The data will be provided by the transit agencies in the ROC area. c. Provide Traffic and Transit Broadcast Messages, which will extract traveler information messages from the traffic and transit data stores at pre-determined intervals and send it to the processes that broadcast these messages. 2.2.4 “Plan System Deployment and Implementation” Process Tree This functional process tree provides a capability to analyze the system performance, and to identify changes that will improve the operation and benefits of ITS. It obtains data from other functions and allows engineers and planners to construct and evaluate scenarios for system improvements. The ability to construct and evaluate scenarios is relevant to the requirement to support training and evaluation of ROC operational procedures. The processes selected for the ROC Logical Architecture are illustrated in Figure 2-10 and described in the following paragraphs. The Import Static and Historical Data process will collect static and historical data (including video images) from other functions of the ROC systems. The collected data may be used as a source of input for simulation and evaluation of the ROC network. The Provide Storage and Processing Functions process will store the static and historical data and will perform the evaluation and simulation tasks as commanded by the users. This process will also allow the user to generate documents from the contents of the data stores. Below are the lower-level elements of the Provide Storage & Processing Functions process. a. Update Data Stores, including both historical and static data stores. b. Communicate with Transportation Planner, which provides a means to receive the user’s commands allow the users to obtain the required information from the system. It should be noted that, in the context of the ROC system, the users of this process are not limited to only Transportation Planner. The frequent users will probably be the incident-response personnel (such as police, fire, and traffic operations personnel). c. Evaluate System, which will perform the evaluation of the performance of the network of roads and freeways served by the ROC agencies. This evaluation will take into account factors that may affect the ability of the transportation systems to move people and goods and the efficiency that these systems can achieve. The process will be driven by the evaluation parameters provided by the users. November 1998 III - 18 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Plan System Deployment & Implementation Import Static & Historical Data Provide Storage & Processing Functions Export Static Data Provide Transp. Planner I/F Provide Map Update Provider Deployment Interface Update Data Stores Communicate with Transp. Planner Generate Static Data Evaluate System LEGEND: ROC Process Simulate System End process (no further decomposition) Non-ROC Process (potential functions of Individual agencies) Document System Figure 2-10. Relevant System Deployment and Implementation Processes for ROC d. Simulate System, which provides a means to simulate the way the road and freeway network would operate under various incident scenarios and/or traffic management actions. The simulation process will be used to train personnel on incident-response procedures, and to serve as a tool to develop more effective, coordinated incident responses. The simulation process will be linked with the evaluation process for assessing the feasibility of candidate procedures. e. Document System, which provides capabilities for generating documentation in electronic and printed forms. The users will have the ability to specify the parameters of documents to be generated (e.g., type, format, form). The last process of the Plan System Deployment and Implementation process tree that is relevant to the ROC requirements is the Provide Transportation Planner Interface process. In the context of the ROC system, the users of this process are not limited to only transportation planners; the frequent users will probably be the incident-response personnel. This process will receive a user’s commands and allow the user to obtain the required information from the system. It will also allow the user to control the processing parameters of and the input data to the simulation, evaluation, and generation of scenarios. The user can obtain documentation on the simulation and evaluation results, and import and export data through this process. November 1998 III - 19 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture The above elements of the NIA are the last ones that are relevant to the ROC Logical Architecture. In the next section, the way in which all the identified elements are used to construct the ROC Logical Architecture is described. November 1998 III - 20 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture 3.0 ROC LOGICAL ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION 3.1 ROC Context Diagram Although the ROC Logical Architecture is a subset of the National ITS Architecture as described earlier in Section 2.0 of this document, the ROC system will operate in an environment that is specific to the Maryland National Capital Region. To describe this environment, a Context Diagram is used as shown in Figure 3-1. The Context Diagram provides a precise definition of the ROC ITS architecture boundary. It consists of a functional process that represents the ROC system and, more importantly, a number of external entities known as “terminators.” Each terminator represents an external entity that communicates data to, or receives data from the system being designed (as described earlier in Section 2.1 of this document). The terminators for the ROC system have been grouped as follows. User Terminators. These are personnel at the operations centers in the ROC region and travelers who use the ROC system (e.g., to gain access to traffic information). The User Terminators of the ROC system are: Traffic Operations Personnel, including operators at the TOC3, SOC, Montgomery County TMC, and the future Prince George’s County TRIP (Traffic Response and Information Partnership) center. Emergency System Operators, including County Police and Fire & Rescue Dispatchers, and State Police Dispatchers. Travelers who access the system for traffic and travel information (for example, through the Internet). System Terminators. These are the systems that are not parts of the ROC system but interact with it. They include: Other Traffic Management (TM) systems such as the traffic signal control system operated by the Montgomery County TMC or that by the SHA. Emergency 911 and #77 systems operated by the County Emergency Communications Centers and the State Police, respectively. Transit Management Systems (such as dispatching systems), including the Montgomery County’s Ride-On, Prince George’s County’s The BUS, WMATA, and the MTA’s MARC. Emergency Response Vehicle Onboard systems such as data communication. Media systems that can request and receive traffic information (data and images). Planning systems that can receive historical traffic and incident data. November 1998 III - 21 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Pr. George’s Co. Veh MSP Dispatcher Montgomery ECC Montgomery Co. Veh. Co. F&R Dispatcher Pr. George’s ECC MSP Co. Police Dispatcher Emergency System Operator Montgomery State 911& #77 Centers Emergency Response Veh incident response, coordination data incident response, coordination data incident response, coordination data Pr. George’s MSP Barracks ETP/ERU Planning incident notification planning data request historical data travel information request Travelers local traffic data Media travel information request regional information Montgomery TMC Pr George’s TRIP Radio TV Other TMs travel information regional traffic data traffic info display ROC SYSTEM Traffic Operations Personnel commands SOC TOC 3 transit information incident response, coordination data VDOT SHA Operators MC Operators DC DPW regional information planning & coordination data Other EM OEP construction information MDE Transit Management parking occupancy travel information request MEMA FEMA Ride-On regional information Construction & Maintenance Parking Service Provider ISP Partners In Motion Pr George’s DPW&T AAA PGC Operators Pr George’s DPW&T Montgomery DPWT Montgomery DPWT MTA SHA The BUS Event Promoters WMATA MTA-MARC Kemper Open JKC Stadium US Air Arena FUTURE INTERFACE OR TERMINATOR Figure 3-1. ROC System Context Diagram showing current and future interfaces Construction and Maintenance systems at Prince George’s County DPW&T, Montgomery County DPWT, and the SHA to exchange current and planned construction schedules and road closure information. Information Service Provider (ISP) systems that can exchange information with the ROC. Other Emergency Management systems operated by the County Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP), Maryland Emergency Management Administration (MEMA), Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), and the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). Parking Service Providers of public parking facilities (e.g., Park-and-Ride lots). Event Promoters systems that can exchange data with the ROC system for event planning and traffic management activities. The interface to these systems is envisioned to be available in the future. The above definitions encompass most of the terminators defined for the ROC logical and physical architectures. However, additional terminators may be required in the development of the physical architecture because of the potential need to represent very specific entities. November 1998 III - 22 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Recall that the Context Diagram illustrates the external environment within which a system operates. The logical architecture, however, shows the internal functional processes that the system must have in order to satisfy the intended requirements. In the following subsections, the ROC Logical Architecture is described according to the “parent” and “child” relationship of each process. 3.2 Top-Level ROC Processes At the highest level, the ROC system consists of the processes that directly address the needs identified by the participating ROC agencies. These needs include: a. The ability to monitor the traffic and travel conditions in the region. b. The ability to coordinate incident responses with other agencies and jurisdictions. c. The ability for the appropriate ROC agencies to coordinate the dissemination of travel information. d. The ability to support interagency incident-response training. The functions that will satisfy the above needs are contained in the four processes shown in Figure 3-2 and described below. 1. The Monitor Regional Traffic process will first gather traffic condition data, transit operations data, parking data, and construction data from all appropriate agencies. It will then integrate the data into regional travel information. This process will also group the received data into current data and long-term data, and will supply the data to other processes as needed. 2. The Coordinate Multi-Agency Incident Response process will receive incident data and facilitate the coordination of incident management activities and information exchange among all appropriate agencies – public safety, traffic operations, and emergency management, etc. 3. The Coordinate Traveler Information Dissemination process will maintain the regional transportation data and facilitate the dissemination of travel information to the media and the travelers. 4. The Provide Incident-Response Training process will help the users to access the historical traffic and incident data to create scenarios for training and developing pre-planned incident response procedures. This process is not explicitly identified in the NIA, but it is composed of various elements of the NIA as described later in its child processes. November 1998 III - 23 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture traffic info display State/County T raf M gt Syst Operati ons Personnel local data device fault data update, response veh status Police archived incident data selected strategy M ap Provider com m ands regional traffic data Construction Agenci es 4 map data update Provi de Inci dentResponse T rai ni ng Inform ati on police dispatch info construction information 1 2 commands Coordi nate M ultiAgency Incident Response M oni tor Regional T raffic historical incident data incident data & status incident data & status fire dispatch info long-term data current data regional information request regional traffic data Fire M edi a/ISP travel information for media 3 Coordi nate T raveler Inform ati on Dissem ination request from media advisory data, broadcast data T ravelers request from user inci dent response log Figure 3-2. Top-level Processes of the ROC Logical Architecture 3.3 “Monitor Regional Traffic” Child Processes This process is composed of two child processes (see Figure 3-3): 1. Gather and Display Traffic Data is the process that will receive “local” data and map data from individual agencies, integrate the data into “regional” data and display the data upon request. It will also store the current traffic condition data (including incidents) in a database for use by other processes. 2. Monitor Incident Data is the process that will examine the current data to determine whether or not there is any current incident that would require incident management responses. On the other hand, this process will also determine if the status of a current incident should be changed because it is already cleared by an incident-response team. November 1998 III - 24 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture The above two processes were further decomposed, as described in the next few paragraphs, to more clearly show the functions to be performed by the ROC system. incident response data regional traf f ic data regional info request, local data 1.1 1.2 Gather & Display Traf fic Data Monitor Incident Data map data update incident data current data Figure 3-3. Child Processes of the “Monitor Regional Traffic” Process 3.3.1 “Gather and Display Traffic Data” Child Processes Figure 3-4 shows the child processes of the Gather and Display Traffic Data process. These include: 1. Exchange Data with Other Traffic Centers. 2. Process Traffic Data for Storage. 3. Maintain Traffic Sensor Static Data (e.g., type and location in the ROC network). 4. Retrieve Traffic Data. 5. Provide Traffic Data Retrieval Interface. 6. Provide Traffic Operations Personnel (with) Traffic-Data Interface. 7. Update Traffic Display Map Data. Because the ROC system does not own or operate any traffic monitoring devices, it will create the regional traffic and travel condition information by receiving input from all appropriate agencies through the Exchange Data with Other Traffic Centers process. The “local” data is processed and stored by the Process Traffic Data for Storage process.2 To establish the spatial references and other attributes of the agency-provided data, the ROC system needs a process to Maintain Traffic Sensor Static Data. When another process of the ROC system requests the regional data, the Retrieve Traffic Data process will be activated through the Provide Data Retrieval Interface process. The latter will provide pre-determined parameters for data retrieval (e.g., data type and data format) based on the type of request it receives. 2 Although the NIA uses the word “Traffic” in these processes, the correct word, in the ROC context, should be “Transportation.” This change was not made to the diagrams to allow the opportunity to trace the ROC architecture to its origin the National ITS Architecture. November 1998 III - 25 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Regional data requests from an operator will be submitted to the Retrieve Traffic Data process by the Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Traffic-Data Interface. The operator (or system administrator) can also update the pre-defined data retrieval parameters and submit display map data requests through this interface. The Update Traffic Display Map Data process (the last child process of the Gather and Display Traffic Data process) will receive the operator’s request and perform the necessary functions to update the map data. 3.3.2 “Monitor Incident Data” Child Processes The Monitor Incident Data process has five child processes as shown in Figure 3-5 and described below. 1. Review and Classify Current Incident Data. 2. Review and Classify Stored Incidents. November 1998 III - 26 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture Construction Agencies State/County Traf Mgt Sy stems local local local local construction inf ormation local transportation data 1.1.2 traf f ic data* incident data* parking data* road network data* 1.1.1 Exchange data with Other Traf f ic Centers Process Traf f ic Data f or Storage local transit data* traf f ic & sensor static data current data Transit Mgt Sy s long-term data local transit static data* 1.1.3 Maintain Traf f & Sensor Static Data link data update*, new sensor static data* regional inf o request request traf f ic operations data traf f ic data request 1.1.4 1.1.5 Prov ide Traf f ic Data Retriev al Interf ace Retriev e Traf f ic Data requested traf f ic data regional traf f ic data retriev ed traf f ic operations data Traf f ic Operation Personnel parameter updates, inf ormation request 1.1.6 traf f ic data retriev al parameters traf f ic inf ormation display Prov ide Traf f ic Ops Personnel Traf Data I/F request traf f ic map display update 1.1.7 Update Traf f ic Display Map Data map data update map data f or traf f ic display Map Prov ider * Elements of the "local data" data f low Figure 3-4. Child Processes of the “Gather and Display Traffic Data” Process November 1998 III - 27 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture current data current & planned incidents (f rom local TMCs) 1.2.1 Rev iew & classif y current incident data new, planned incidents planned incident data update new, current incidents planned incident data 1.2.2 incident data Rev iew and classif y stored incidents 1.2.3 current incident data update Retriev e Incident Data current incident data* stored current incident data retriev ed incident operations data incident operations data 1.2.4 request incident operations data Prov ide Traf f ic Ops Personnel Inc. Data I/F map display update incident data request request incident map display update map data f or incident display 1.2.5 Update Inc. Display Map Data * Consists of responded incidents and unresponded incidents Figure 3-5. Child Processes of the “Monitor Incident Data” Process 3. Retrieve Incident Data. 4. Provide Traffic Operations Personnel (with) Incident-Data Interface. 5. Update Incident Display Map Data. November 1998 III - 28 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture As the current traffic condition data becomes available, the Review and Classify Current Incident Data process examines each data record to determine if a new incident is recorded for the ROC region. A recorded, new incident will then be classified as “current” or “planned” and then stored in the appropriate data stores. The Review and Classify Stored Incidents process will then review these incident records periodically and update their status accordingly. If a “current” incident is cleared, this process will remove it and then update the “current” incident data store. If a “planned” incident (e.g., a construction road closure or a sport event) is due to occur at the current time, this process will transfer it to the “current” incident data store and will then update both data stores. Other processes of the ROC system (e.g., those related to incident response or traveler information) may obtain details of the “current” incident data through the Retrieve Incident Data process. An operator may also retrieve incident data through the Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Incident-Data Interface process. This operator interface process will also provide a means to Update Incident Display Map Data. 3.4 “Coordinate Multi-Agency Incident Response” Child Processes The primary functions of multi-agency incident response coordination are to select an appropriate response plan, allocate resources to manage the incident, and communicate the status of the response operations to all responsible agencies. The following eleven child processes (see Figure 3-6) describe these functions. 1. Respond to Current Incidents. 2. Determine Coordinated Response Plan. 3. Select Response Mode, which will determine the type and number of vehicles to be dispatched based on the emergency vehicle status. 4. Maintain Vehicle Status (data). 5. Manage Emergency Service Allocation Store, which helps the operator to determine the type and level of emergency services to be assigned to an incident-response request. 6. Communicate Emergency Status, which receives response-plan information and implementation status, and screens information for dissemination. 7. Manage Emergency Response. 8. Select Traffic Management Strategy. 9. Maintain Device Fault Data Store. 10. Manage Pre-planned Incident Response Data. 11. Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Incident-Response Interface. November 1998 III - 29 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture 2.4 f ire v eh status Maintain Vehicle Status Police Barracks/ Stations Fire Stations f ire dispatch inf o police dispatch inf o police v eh status emerg v eh status data current incident data Select Response Mode Other Emerg Mgt Agencies f ire v eh status incident details incident data emerg resp v eh status emergency serv ice allocation criteria emerg serv alloc criteria incident details emerg serv alloc criteria update updated response status 2.1 emergency serv ice allocation request 2.2 identif ied emergency Respond to Current Incidents emerg v eh dispatch status 2.3 2.5 Manage Emerg Serv ice Allocatn Store Determine Coordinated Respone Plan emergency serv ice allocation data incident response log emerg response data f or communications emerg response data f or mgt 2.6 incident details, emerg response plan Communicate Emerg Status emerg response status, emerg response plan selected strategy detailed emerg status 2.8 Select Traf f ic Mgt Strategy ** State/County TMs dev ice f ault data update 2.7 Manage Emergency Response Operators pre-planned inc. response updates dev ice f ault data pre-planned inc. response data* pre-planned inc. response commands 2.9 2.10 Maintain Dev ice Fault Data Store Manage Preplanned Inc. Resp. Data* pre-planned inc. response data* NOTE: * Known in the NIA as "def ined responses" ** May include signal priority /preemption pre-planned inc. response data pre-planned inc. response updates 2.11 Prov ide Traf f ic Ops Personnel Inc. Resp. I/F requested pre-planned inc. response data Figure 3-6. Child Processes of the “Coordinate Multi-Agency Incident Response” Process When there is an incident that would require regional coordination (e.g., one that has the potential to impact traffic in another jurisdiction, or one to which the local jurisdiction has not been able to respond because of a lack of resources), the ROC system will activate the Respond to Current Incidents process. This process will receive details of the incident from the “current” incident database and then provide this information to other processes for response coordination. The response information is also logged in the Incident Response Log for future reference and evaluation. Once the Determine Coordinated Response Plan process receives the incident information from the Respond to Current Incidents process, it will request emergency response resources from the Manage Emergency Service Allocation Store process; and November 1998 III - 30 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture it will then provide the incident details to the Select Response Mode. The response mode will consist of the type and number of vehicles to be dispatched to the incident based on the incident type and resource availability. An input to the resource dispatch decision is the status of emergency-response vehicles. This information is provided to the Select Response Mode process by the Maintain Vehicle Status process, which in turn receives the information from the police and fire/rescue stations, and traffic operations agencies. A part of the response plan coordination is to inform other agencies and other ROC processes of the plan’s contents and implementation status. The Communicate Emergency Status process is responsible for this function. It receives details of the selected response plan from the Determine Coordinated Response Plan process, and the response status from the Manage Emergency Response process. In addition to the processes that allocate and dispatch resources to the incident, the ROC system will also Select Traffic Management Strategy from a set of pre-planned strategies. To aid in this selection, equipment fault data will be provided by the Maintain Device Fault Data Store process. The slelected strategy will be transmitted to the appropriate traffic operations agencies for implementation (i.e., the Montgomery County TMC, or the Prince George’s future TRIP center, or the SHA’s SOC or TOC3). The pre-planned incident response strategies will be continually evaluated and updated to account for changes in incident response procedures and/or technologies. These functions are performed by the Manage Pre-planned Incident Response Data process (which may employ expert-system technologies) and the Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Incident-Response Interface process. The latter allows incident management personnel to review, override, and update incident response plans. 3.5 “Coordinate Traveler Information Dissemination” Child Processes This Coordinate Traveler Information Dissemination process will gather and maintain the regional transportation data, and facilitate travel information dissemination to the media and travelers. The travel information will include the current and planned incidents, transit services (e.g., schedules, routes, etc.), and parking availability. The seven child processes of the Coordinate Traveler Information Dissemination process are as follows (see Figure 3-7): 1. Collect Travel Information 2. Provide Current Incident Store Interface 3. Provide Planned Incident Store Interface 4. Determine Parking Lot State 5. Provide Traffic and Transit Broadcast Messages 6. Provide Media Traffic and Incident Data Interface 7. Determine Park-and-Ride Needs for Transit Management November 1998 III - 31 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture parking lot transit request State/County TMs parking guidance f or VMS 3.4 static data f or parking lots, parking serv ice-prov ider input data 3.7 parking lot ocupancy Determine Parking Lot State adv isory data, broadcast data parking lot occupancy conf irmed inc., congestion, & parking data output inci., congestion, & parking data output 3.5 3.6 parking av ail. data request Prov ide Traf f ic & Transit Broadcast Msgs adv isory & broadcast data request Prov ide Media Traf f ic & Inc Data I/F 3.1 Collect Trav el Inf ormation** current transit data* inci., congestion, & parking data output trav el inf o to media current inc. data request planned inc. data planned inc. data request current inc. data 3.2 3.3 planned-incident new data* Determine P&R Needs f or transit Mgt Prov ide Planned Incident Store Interf ace planned incident store Prov ide Current Incident Store Interf ace current data current inc. new data* current inc. data update* current incident store * Elements of "Regional Traffic Data" ** including travel conditions & advisory info. Figure 3-7. Child Processes of the “Coordinate Traveler Information Dissemination” Process The process to Collect Travel Information will periodically send requests to the Provide Current Incident Store Interface process, the Provide Planned Incident Store Interface process, and the Determine Parking Lot State process for updated information. The received information is then fused and disseminated to the media through the Provide Media Traffic and Incident Data Interface process according to pre-determined criteria. The same information will also be used to formulate broadcast messages (by the Provide Traffic and Transit Broadcast Messages process) to be displayed by other systems such as TAR, VMS, or the Internet. To facilitate multi-modal coordination, parking lot occupancy information for the region will be used to determine transit service needs at park-and-ride facilities. This function November 1998 III - 32 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture will be performed by the Determine Park-and-Ride Needs for Transit Management process. Parking occupancy information may also be displayed along major roadways to help inter-modal users to make informed choices for their travel. “Provide Incident-Response Training” Child Processes 3.6 To effectively support incident-response training, the ROC system must have the capability to record and replay past incident scenarios and the responses to those incidents. It must provide a means for the trainers and the trainees to review past events, critique response actions, identify shortcomings, document lessons learned, and create new response procedures. For new and/or modified response procedures, the ROC system must be able to help the users to evaluate their effectiveness and, if possible, their benefits. This evaluation capability inherently requires a capability to simulate incident events, their impacts on traffic, as well as the effects of the intended response actions. The simulation capability may also be used to develop responses to anticipated incident scenarios (e.g., those related to domestic terrorism) and to analyze “what if” situations. The above functional needs for ROC incident-response training may be described by the following six processes (see Figure 3-8). 1. Provide Incident Management Training Interface 2. Retrieve Historical Incident Scenario Data 3. Analyze Incident-Response Log 4. Update Data Stores 5. Simulate Scenario 6. Evaluate Scenario An incident training session may begin with a user (either a trainer or a trainee) entering a scenario search command to the ROC system through the Provide Incident Management Training Interface process. This search command will be transmitted to the Retrieve Historical Incident Scenario Data process, which will search the long-term data store for the requested incident scenario and its identification. The Analyze Incident-Response Log process will then search the log for data on the responses to this incident and/or other responses to similar incidents. At this point, the Update Data Stores process refreshes all training databases. The users now can perform a number of training functions as follows: Replay the incident for review and critique. Simulate the incident scenario with new or modified responses (through the Simulate Scenario process). Evaluate traffic impacts of response procedures (through the Evaluate Scenario process). November 1998 III - 33 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) long-term data Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture historical inc. impact data scenario search command inc. response training data pre-def ined inc. resp. update inc. scenario data 4.2 Retriev e Historical Inc. Scenario Data historical inc. scenarion data 4.1 scen. ev al results scen sim results 4.4 historical inc. identif ication 4.3 inc. scenario training data scenario sim parameters Update Data Stores Prov ide Inc Mgt Training I/F scenario ev al. parameters historical inc. resp. data 4.5 Analy ze Incident Response Log 4.6 Simulate Scenario potential, pre-planned inc. response data simulation data Ev aluate Scenario incident response log Figure 3-8. Child Processes of the “Provide Incident-Response Training” Process View the simulation and evaluation results, or create documentation from these results (through the Provide Incident Management Training Interface process). The above training functionality may also be used to create potential incident scenarios (e.g., HAZMAT and terrorist incidents) and develop pre-planned responses accordingly. The users may also use this functionality to evaluate and refine existing response procedures or to access the historical database for planning purposes. November 1998 III - 34 Regional Operations Coordination (ROC) 4.0 Task 3, Vol. 1 - ROC Logical Architecture SUMMARY Based on the ROC functional requirements identified by the participating agencies, the ROC Logical Architecture has been developed. To ensure that the ROC architecture is consistent with the National ITS Architecture while preserving the regional needs and requirements, an adaptation process was developed and applied to the ROC Logical Architecture. The details of the adaptation methodology are described in Section 2.0 of this document, and those of the ROC Logical Architecture in Section 3.0. In this architecture, all the process names and almost all data flow names are kept the same as those of the NIA for cross-referencing purposes. This ROC Logical Architecture provides a framework for tailoring the NIA Physical Architecture to create the ROC Physical Architecture, which is described in another document (Volume II of Task 3 of this Project). Both of these architectures were used to identify and define the needed initiatives to fulfill the ROC requirements. November 1998 III - 35