Agenda for Children's Area Partnership

STREETLY Children's Area Partnership
Minutes of a meeting of the Streetly Children's Area Partnership held on:
Tuesday 6 October 2009 at 1.00pm at Streetly Community Centre.
Simon Griffiths (Chair)
Alan Swift (Vice Chair)
Janice Clews
Keith Henney
Marian Charlton
Maureen Robinson
Carl Britton
Fiona Campbell
Rob Laird
Matthew Gough
Jodeigh Pearce
Nargis Khanom
Headteacher, Lindens Primary School
West Midlands Fire Service
Development Officer, PLS, Tameside Tower
Streetly Community Association
Streetly Community Association
Headteacher, St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
Walsall CS-Serco
Youth Opinions Unite, Walsall Youth Service
The Streetly School
Walsall Youth Service
Senior Extended Services Development Consultant, WCS-Serco
Walsall Family Group Conference Service
Simon Griffiths, Chair, opened the meeting at 1.00pm and welcomed everyone.
John Morris
Roy Smith
Aaron Holmes
Senior Neighbourhood Partnership Officer
District Youth Worker, Aldridge Manor House
Local Neighbourhood Partnerships Officer
 Walsall Family Group Conference Service
 Vice Chair
 Chairs/Vice Chairs Meeting
 30 June 2009
The minutes of the meeting, having been circulated, were confirmed as a true record.
Children’s’ Centre:
Carl reported that the Centre would probably be completed before the deadline set.
Governor Representation:
Simon reported that there had been no response to date.
BBQ in the Park:
Alan reported that this had been very successful and another had been arranged.
 8 CSIAs had been appointed. 2 half day training sessions had been arranged and a
protocol for working with CAPs is being developed.
Carl reported:
 The site had been agreed at the last meeting.
 Draft plans had been developed.
 The plan had been taken to Cabinet.
 Approval would be agreed at a meeting in December 2009.
 The cost is more than anticipated – a budget of £290.000 had been agreed.
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Keith circulated the draft plans. Carl advised that, because of building control requirements, the
rest of the building would need to be brought up to standard – electrics, plastering, decoration etc.
The pram store floor level would be raised so that the site is on one level. The ramp and toilets
would need to be modified.
Keith said that the training room could be made available to the Children’s’ Centre. He thought
that the Centre should be multi-purpose.
Maureen asked about security. Keith said that the Centre is always supervised. No one could get
in without having booked or having keys. Reception would ensure that only people with legitimate
business would have access. Staff would be located in the reception area. There is a secure door
on the community room.
Carl thought that security would be needed for the reception desk. This level of detail, however,
would be worked on by the project consultant who has been employed to manage the project.
Simon agreed that the entrance at the front was a good idea, as was the idea of incorporating all
parts of the building.
Keith said that there was a need to consider the commitment to existing users and the need for
facilities for confidential discussion.
Alan asked if the addition of a moveable screen in the community room would add more flexibility.
Janice noted that keep fit activities take place in the hall and would this create a noise problem?
Keith said that the architect has sound proofing in mind. However, there is often loud music played
in the hall and this has not presented any problems.
Members agreed the plans and that, subject to planning approval, the project should then move on
to construction.
Carl presented the options for Governance of the Centre:
1. Through an existing school Governing Body.
2. Commission an organisation to manage and govern the Centre.
Carl reported that because the Centre will be on the Community Association site it is suggested
commissioning the Community Association directly. Keith had agreed in principle to this, but will
need more detail in order to put it to his Board of Governors.
Carl thought that an Advisory Board, with appropriate stakeholder representation, including the
schools, could advise the Community Association.
Members agreed in principle to this proposal.
Jodeigh Pearce, Senior Extended Services Development Consultant, WCS-Serco, suggested that
Extended Services becomes part of CAP meetings. Members agreed and that it should be an
agenda item in future.
Alan thought that there should be youth involvement in the design. Fiona reported that the
Aldridge Youth CAP had School Council representation which was better for information flow. A
Walsall Youth Cabinet is to be formed.
Alan asked if schools could help with the design. Keith reported that there was an imaginative logo
in the Brownhills Children’s’ Centre. Carl said that this had been developed when the Centre was
built. Fiona thought that the logo should represent the children and young people of Streetly.
Janice said that any CAP logo must incorporate the Children’s Trust logo.
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Maureen thought that representatives from Schools Councils could work together. Simon agreed
and that the schools could organise this. Keith also agreed to send a representative. A meeting
would be arranged at the Streetly School in November and the date will be sent out to schools.
Janice thought that it should represent the things that the CAP is trying to achieve and would act
as a badge for the projects.
Data is to be sent out to schools. Alan reported that Streetly CAP is to be used as a pilot for data
Alan reported that another BBQ in the Park event has been planned. The Night Club visit had
been cancelled.
Keith reported that the Woodlands camp event had been held. Young people from Birmingham
had attended too. Health and Safety issues and late notification had been problems.
Fiona thought that there was a need to meet with workers to discuss planning and to develop a
calendar of events. At the moment events are too ad hoc – more structure and planning are
Roy was not present. He has collated Job descriptions, costings etc.
Simon reported that he had canvassed his Governing Body. His Governors work during the day
and would find it difficult to attend. Other schools should be asked.
Walsall Family Group Conference Service:
Nargis Khanom described the Walsall Family Group Conference Service and circulated details.
This provides an opportunity for Walsall families to find their own solutions to their problems and
achieve better outcomes for their children. Referrals can be made. An Independent Co-ordinator
will work with the family. A meeting will take place and a plan drawn up and agreed.
Keith asked if there was any specific age group of the children. There are none – even families
with unborn children can attend. Anyone working with the family or children can refer.
Tel: 01922 650497
Vice Chair:
Alan reported that changed work commitments do not allow him to continue as Vice Chair and he
wished to resign. Members thanked him for his work as Vice Chair.
Members proposed Keith who agreed to be Vice Chair.
Chairs/Vice Chairs Meeting:
Janice reported on a recent meeting:
 Folders had been presented which included the Children and Young People’s Plan, a map
of the Walsall CAPs and a CAP booklet. These were circulated to each member.
 A poster had been presented, identifying priorities and a space for the CAP to identify what
it is doing to forward them.
 CSIAs – a presentation regarding their work. Appointments are to be made by January
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Commissioning – a sum of money is to be made available to all CAPS and proposals for
allocation is in draft form.
Tuesday 12 January 2010
Streetly Community Centre.
There being no further business, Simon thanked members for their attendance and closed the
meeting at 2.20pm.
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