Redevelopment of In House Services

Reablement in Walsall
Redevelopment of In House Services
 Part of a 3 million pounds SCI savings
programme with Assessment services.
 Mapped against the TOM (Target Operating
 Delivering transient services (Throughput)
 From PMLD to employment experience and
placements (LINKS to WORK) as well as 65+
 Response/Reablement/Opportunities and
Reablement : Philosophy not a service
Increasing independence
Any can last between 1 minute and 6 weeks
Although this will be focused on the individual
Focused reablement not just reducing care packages but
refining them
 Will manage call timings with Response and Brokers
 Fusion of bed-based and community services, bringing
people back to borough and resettling them, through
HR Issues
 Single Reablement JD
 Lone Worker Training and support from the lone worker
 Cutting out double ups where it is not necessary, through
 All driver service
 Contracted hours for 3 on 3 off 8 week rolling rota.
 Culture, from home help to enabler
 Thousands of options to help people live independently,
not just call alarms and smoke detectors.
 Visit the ILC
 To deliver simpler solutions to outcomes, more cost
effective packages
 Universal Offer, the over 80s offer from 2012
 Telehealth, the monitoring of vital signs will expand to
ensure people do no re-admit
 Close work with ICES/Links to Work/ILC; Front to back
end ordering to delivery.
 Lone Worker Monitoring.
Traditional Equipment
Epilepsy sensors
Low temperature sensors
Falls detectors
Carers pages alert which can be linked to a community alarm system
Pressure mats
Smoke detectors
Flood detectors
Medication dispensers
Lamp and light controls
Movement detector
Bed or chair sensors
Carbon monoxide detectors
Bogus caller button
Gas detector and shut off valve
Prompting call
Home exit sensor
Radio sensor
Door bell intercom
Memo reminder
Thinking Outside of the electronic box
Little less expensive but prevents falls and bad backs
Equipment for the sensory impaired
Future developments
 Co-location of therapists at Hollybank and with teams
 Synergy between the re-modelling of community health,
community social work and the in-house model
 MDT: Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Nurse,
Senior Reablement Officers working across the health and
social care economy
 In reach for dementia into the Swift step down facility and
the Manor
 Strong links with Neighbourhood Managers, community
 Further links via NCOs GP surgeries and Health Centres