Agresso HR and Payroll Service Definition

ROC Agresso HR and Payroll Pricing Schedule
G-Cloud 4
September 2013
ROC Agresso HR and Payroll Pricing Schedule
UNIT4 Subscription Licenses – Agresso HR and Payroll
Professional Services
Application Management
Service Credits
System Availability Calculation
System Availability and Credits
Ordering and invoicing process
Invoices and Payment
Late Payment
Dispute of Invoices
Contract Term
Termination Terms
Subject to Contract
March 2013
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ROC Agresso HR and Payroll Pricing Schedule
1 Introduction
This document provides details of the Agresso HR and Payroll Software pricing available from ROC.
The offering available is extensive and will require a detailed dialogue between the client and ROC to
determine the most appropriate combination of solution and services to meet specific requirements.
ROC would be delighted to enter into such dialogues and provide services as are outlined in this Agresso ERP
HR and Payroll pricing schedule document.
Subject to Contract
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2 Pricing
This section provides pricing details for the Agresso software and services as included in this Service
2.1 UNIT4 Subscription Licenses – Agresso HR and Payroll
The UNIT4 Agresso Subscription License is charged according to the number of employees (total of
permanent and temporary employees) in the organisation – subject to a minimum volume of 5,000
The costs detailed below are a charge per employee per month.
The charge includes UNIT4 standard software support and maintenance. Additional higher level support
services are available at additional cost.
The charge per employee per month is determined according to volumes of employees being licensed with a
reduced / discounted rate applying for increased volumes of licensed employees.
As indicated in the tables below the customer may select in addition to the core ERP solution options –
should these be required.
Guideline Subscription License costs for the Agresso HR and Payroll solutions are as follows:
Number of Employees
Agresso HR and Payroll
5,000 to 10,000
10,001 to 25,000
25,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 75,000
75,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 125,000
125,001 to 150,000
Over 150,000
In addition to the above modules further solutions can be added as detailed in the following tables:
Number of
5,000 to 10,000
10,001 to 25,000
25,001 to 50,000
Subject to Contract
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Number of
50,001 to 75,000
75,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 125,000
125,001 to 150,000
Over 150,000
Number of
Industry Solution
- HR / Payroll
5,000 to 10,000
10,001 to 25,000
25,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 75,000
75,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 125,000
125,001 to 150,000
Over 150,000
2.2 Professional Services
ROC provides a range of Implementation and Project Management services to install and configure the
Agresso HR and Payroll solution for the customer.
The standard rates are as follows:
Role Description
Daily Rate
Project Management
Senior Consultant
Reduced rates can be agreed for high volumes of days ordered.
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2.3 Application Management
Under the UNIT4 Public Cloud delivery model, UNIT4 manage the technical delivery of the application
including the underlying operating system, database and technical application environment. Configuration
within the client such as administering client user accounts and interfaces would be the responsibility of the
In the event that Application Managed Services are required, UNIT4 would be happy to discuss bespoke
services around this area.
2.4 Hosting
Guideline hosting costs for hosting Agresso HR and Payroll under the UNIT4 Public Cloud delivery model are
as follows –
Mandatory Standard Hosting Charge
£1,000 per calendar month
Hosting Charge per Smart Client (Windows) user
£55 per calendar month
Hosting Charge per Self-Service (Web) user
£5 per calendar month
Option Hosting Charge per Test environment
£650 per calendar month
Storage Charge per Gigabyte per month
£1 per GB per calendar month
It should be noted that the following conditions apply to this pricing –
Costs are assuming hosting within the UNIT4 Cloud within one of UNIT4’s European datacentres. For
a specific datacentre, this would be subject to a premium.
The charges are for hosting to ISO27001 standard. An additional charge would apply for IL-2/3
hosting services
Costs assume a shared instance of the software – specific localisation and software products will
require a “tailored” environment with a higher Standard Hosting charge
Costs assume a 1 year minimum contract term
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3 Service Credits
Note that as the hosted service is being run by UNIT4, everything in this section relates to UNIT4 services.
ROC will provide an overall management of services between UNIT4 and the customer but will not actually
carry out any of these services.
The Customer shall receive credits from UNIT4 in the event of the system being unavailable for extended
periods during UNIT4’s Normal Working Hours (as detailed in section 7) for reasons under the control of
3.1 System Availability Calculation
System Availability will be calculated at the end of each month as follows:
(Normal System Availability Time - System Downtime) x 100% / Normal System Availability time
Normal System Availability Time = total of UNIT4’s Normal Working Hours during the month
System Downtime = total hours during which the system is totally unavailable to all users during the month
EXCEPT where such downtime is due to any of the following exclusions:
during the regular maintenance windows which are the third Saturday of each month 12:00 until
during unplanned upgrades and maintenance where UNIT4 has provided five (5) calendar days’
notice to the Customer in writing;
force majeure incidents including the unavailability of bandwidth over the internet due to lack of
bandwidth or over use;
any problems or malfunctions as a result of the actions or omissions of the Customer or its end
the unavailability of the Customer or its end users when UNIT4 calls for assistance from the
Customer in determining or isolating the problem or malfunction and to test the solution;
failure of circuits provided by telecommunications providers or carriers or the failure of any external
internet service provider or internet exchange point;
third party software faults;
customer’s hardware failure.
3.2 System Availability and Credits
At the end of each month, System Availability will be calculated and credits due to be paid to the Customer
by UNIT4 will be calculated as follows:
System Availability
Credit to be paid to the
99.6% – 100%
98.1% - 99.5%
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System Availability
Credit to be paid to the
Less than 98%
The credit is the stated percentage of the equivalent monthly charge for the UNIT4 Public Cloud Services.
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4 Ordering and invoicing process
This is designed to be as simple as possible; the steps are as follows;
1. Completion of Framework Agreement and Master Schedule
2. Issue by customer of Purchase Order (if required)
3. Invoice(s) raised by ROC according to agreed schedule
4. Payment received in accordance with agreed schedule
4.1 Invoices and Payment
Unless otherwise specified in the Agreed Order(s), the Customer will make payments to ROC in accordance
with this clause.
The invoice date for the Licence Fees for Software and licence fees for Third Party Software shall be the date
of the Agreed Order(s). In addition in the case of Software provided as a service the invoice date for annual
Licence Fees thereafter shall be thirty (30) days or more prior to each Renewal Date
The invoice date for Services (including Localisation work) shall be the end of each month in respect of
Services delivered in such month.
The invoice date for Support Services shall be the date of the Agreed Order(s) and annually thereafter thirty
(30) days or more prior to each Renewal Date.
The Customer shall pay to ROC the sums detailed in the Agreed Order(s) together with VAT and any other
tax or levy which may be imposed by a statutory authority.
All invoices are due within thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date (save in relation to invoices for the
Annual Support Fees, the first invoice for such Annual Support Fees being due for payment on the first day
of the calendar month following the date of successful completion of the Installation Tests or Installation of
Bespoke Software and Partner Software and all subsequent invoices being due prior to the relevant Renewal
Expenses are charged in addition at the rates set out in the Agreed Order(s).
4.2 Late Payment
Subject to clause 17.5, in the event of late payment:
ROC reserves the right (in addition to its other rights) and after notice to the Customer to charge
interest from the due date at the statutory interest rate on the outstanding balance until payment is
received in full by ROC and to recover from the Customer all costs and expenses incurred in the
recovery of the overdue money from the Customer; and
ROC will be under no obligation to supply Software, Services, Managed Services or Support Services
while any invoice remains unpaid thirty (30) calendar days after the due date until all outstanding
sums due to ROC from the Customer have been paid to ROC by the Customer; and
in the event that the Customer fails to pay any correctly submitted invoice for a training course by
the due date, then the training course booking will be cancelled.
Subject to Contract
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The use of the Software may require a temporary password which will disable the Customer's use of the
Software after the password end date if the Customer fails to pay the Licence Fee in accordance with these
Terms and Conditions, ROC will issue a permanent password when ROC has received the Licence Fee in full.
Unless specifically stated otherwise in an Agreed Order or these Terms and Conditions, all Annual Support
Fees and Managed Service fees are non-refundable.
4.3 Dispute of Invoices
Any dispute regarding the content of an invoice submitted by ROC to the Customer must be raised in writing
by the Customer within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the invoice date. For the purposes of the payment
of invoices (subject always to any subsequent disputes which may arise during the period set out in the
statute of limitations, invoices will be deemed to have been properly submitted and due for payment where
an invoice has not been disputed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the invoice date.
If all or any part of any invoice is the subject of a genuine and reasonable dispute, the Customer shall
provide written details of the amount disputed and the cause of the dispute and shall pay to ROC any
undisputed amount(s) as these undisputed amounts become due. The parties shall in good faith attempt to
resolve the dispute as to the unpaid amount in accordance with the procedure set out in clause 5.25.1 of the
Framework Agreement during which time, if the Customer has complied in full with this clause 17.10.2, ROC
shall not have the right to charge interest or to withhold Services in respect of that disputed amount.
4.4 Contract Term
The minimum term for provision of the Services is one (1) years from the date of the relevant Agreed Order
(“Minimum Term”). The provision of the Services thereafter shall be on an annual basis terminable by either
party on at least 3 months’ notice prior to the expiry of the Minimum Term or any anniversary of the expiry
of the Minimum Term.
ROC shall also be entitled to increase the charges for any Service following the expiry of the Minimum Term
at any time by serving not less than twenty-eight (28) calendar days’ written notice on the Customer. In the
event that the Customer does not wish to pay the increased charges then it shall within twenty-eight (28)
calendar days of receipt of the relevant notice from ROC serve three (3) months written notice to terminate
the provision of the Service in question. During that notice period, the charges for the Service in question
shall not include the increase proposed by ROC which resulted in the Customer electing to terminate the
provision of that Service.
Subject to Contract
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5 Termination Terms
On termination if the Customer wishes to retrieve any data stored by it using the UNIT4 Public Cloud Service
the Customer shall by written notice to ROC on or before the date of termination elect for retrieval of the
data to be carried out by ROC using a portable disk in which case the Customer must pay immediately all
charges for the provision of such retrieval via portable disk. ROC shall have no obligation to permit the use
of the UNIT4 Public Cloud Service beyond the termination date so that the Customer may retrieve its data.
Subject to Contract
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