Open Source Software Options for Any Library

Open Source Software Options for Any Library
Jackie Wrosch, Eastern Michigan University
Perhaps in your last meeting or conversation with your library's technical staff, the words
“open source” came up as you discussed how to proceed with your latest implementation
or upgrade. When you heard those words, did they conjure up visions of bleeding edge
projects only the largest libraries with extensive technical staff could support? In a time
when libraries of all types and sizes are continually looking for the best ways to address
budget cuts while still providing services that meet the expectations of their patrons, open
source solutions are becoming more of a viable alternative than they were in the past.
Academic libraries provide a robust research and curriculum support environment that
requires a suite of systems to work together. These systems may not be offered by a
single vendor and may include software such as: integrated library systems (ILS),
electronic reserves, interlibrary loan, federated searching, link resolvers, portals, online
subject guides, institutional repositories, digital library collections, proxies, and
electronic resource management systems (ERM). As libraries consider commercial
versions of these systems, they may find that there is not a single product that offers the
features that are important to the local community at a price they can afford. Open source
options for all of these types of systems are available and should be considered as a
possible alternative.
What is open source?
The traditional model for acquiring and using software is the executable program itself is
purchased and by using it, the end-user agrees to a proprietary software license. Releases
to patch or upgrade the purchased version of the software may be available as long as
your continue to pay annual maintenance fees. The underlying source code that
determines how the software operates is not distributed and the license may expressly
prohibit any modifications. Any changes to the program's functionality must be
addressed by the vendor. If a bug is discovered, the vendor is the only entity that can fix
it. If they do not have the resources to do so, or choose not to allocate resources, the bug
can remain in perpetuity
Conversely, open source software is distributed with the source code and, under a license,
(typically the GNU Public License) allows others to modify and re-distribute their
changes with the appropriate notifications. Continued development of the software is
done by others using the product. Support for it is not necessarily provided by a specific
vendor, but there may be a community that can help answer your question. One of the
most successful open source software initiatives is the Apache web server.
Why use open source?
Libraries should consider open source alternatives for many reasons, the primary reason
being that it eliminates dependence on a vendor to fix a bug or implement a feature. Even
if a library does not have the in-house expertise to do the development themselves,
because the underlying code is available, it may be possible to hire a consultant or
another vendor to extend the product in needed ways. Most importantly, it gives libraries
more control over their software in a way they have recently relinquished to their
Another reason to consider an open source alternative for library systems is that it may
extend support available to you. Instead of relying technical support from the vendor,
your support comes from the software community of developers. Depending on the how
extensively the product has been distributed, you may actually have more support
available to you. There are also companies that you can hire to help support open source
products. For example, LibLime distributes and supports open source ILS systems.
The cost of acquiring and implementing open source solutions may be less than
traditional proprietary software. Consider what you paid your vendors in the last
maintenance contract and compare that to the “free” cost of the open source software.
There are still costs associated with open source software. Providing the hardware
necessary to run the product and investment in the staff needed to support an open source,
while still costing the library money, may be much less than the total cost of running a
proprietary software system.
Why not use open source?
Of course with each of these realized benefits of open source comes a new set of issues.
Perhaps the library does not have the in-house expertise to support the product. Or they
have the expertise but not the time to devote that some open source solutions require.
Paying a vendor to help you support an open source product may be a possibility and will
still give you the flexibility to move your software and support to another vendor should
the need arise.
Would the library be comfortable relying on a community of volunteers as the primary
means of support? Is the community large enough and responsive enough to meet your
needs? This model of support may not meet the needs of all libraries that prefer specific
support hours and staff made available through a support contract.
Each open source solution should be carefully evaluated to determine whether it will
integrate with the current technical infrastructure. If it requires additional hardware or
other integration tools you are not prepared to add, then the product will not be a good
choice. If the product cannot be easily altered to fit into your current environment or
extended to add features you require, it may not be an appropriate option. You should
also determine if it uses the same standards the other systems use. Just as you would
evaluate the purchase of proprietary software, open source software should be vetted the
same way.
Steps for Implementation
Determining if an open source solution is the right option for your library follows a
similar path to evaluating proprietary software. The first step is to research what options
are available and what the capabilities are. The oss4lib community is a great place to
start. Through you can learn about open source software options
specifically tailored for libraries.
After identifying a potential open source candidate, you should visit its web site, forum or
listserv devoted to its implementation and support. To gain a broader perspective of how
the software will work, take the time to read any documentation, FAQs, list archives or
installation notes. This part of the process can help determine if there are any other issues
that would prevent you from successfully implementing the software. Do you have the
right hardware and technical environment currently available? Does it use a technology
that is unfamiliar to you? Are there other things you can do to prepare yourself for the
actually implementation? You may also find other institutions that have versions you can
test before setting up your own and help answer any questions you may have.
At this point, it should be possible to download the software and see what it can do for
you. This is a step that may be very different than purchasing proprietary software. You
will be downloading and evaluating a full version of the software. Many times when
looking at proprietary software, we get an evaluation version that does not include all of
the features turned on or made available. Or the vendor comes and does a demonstration
of canned examples designed to accentuate what works and avoids what features do not
work. Even trial versions of the software may be populated with demonstration data, so
it is difficult to see what will happen when that is replaced with in-house data and
workflow. Those new to open source software may find the full version of the software
frustrating. It may be the first time that there is not a support phone number to call when
you run into problems. Use whatever documentation and other types of help are
available. Try searching the listserv archives or other support mechanisms for
You may find there are customizations needed to adapt the open source to suit your
needs. Other libraries may have already discovered ways to do these and take advantage
of any of these that have been published. Potential customizations may be identified as
you introduce your implementation to a broader audience. Because you now have access
to the underlying code, satisfying your audience may happen more quickly than waiting
for a response from your vendor.
Open source software for libraries
In 2002, only a "handful of libraries" had adopted an open source ILS and experts noted
that the trend did not seem to be more than a small blip on the radar. At that time,
Nelsonville Public Library in Ohio became the first U.S. library to move to an open
source ILS when they selected Koha (, developed by the
Horowhenua Library Trust (HLT). On September 5, 2007 over 250 public libraries in
Georgia's PINES consortium went live on Evergreen (, a locally
developed open-source ILS. Both Koha and Evergreen represent two of the most
promising open source ILS systems available and are supported by the vendors LibLime
( and Equinox (
Two Java-based software packages used for establishing Institutional Repositories are
open source products. DSpace ( was developed by MIT Libraries
and Hewlett Packard. Over 200 organizations are using DSpace to archive and organize
digital objects. Fedora ( was originally developed by Cornell
University and the University of Virginia and is also used by many institutions.
An open source Electronic Reserves system is available form ReservesDirect
(http::// Originally developed by Emory University, version 2.2.2 was
released in December 2006. ReservesDirect runs on the open standards PHP, Apache and
MySQL. It also allows you to integrate it with your library catalog and allows you to
access both physical and electronic reserves in one location.
Released in January 2007, LibraryFind ( is an open source
federating searching tool developed by Oregon State University. It is built with Ruby on
Rails. LibraryFind includes a built in OpenURL resolver or it can be currently configured
to work with SFX.
CUFTS ( is an open source OpenURL link resolver developed by
Simon Fraser University Library. It is written in Perl and uses PostgreSQL for a database
and Apache as a web server. It is currently used by over 30 members of the Council of
Prairie and Pacific University Libraries consortium. In addition, it includes basic resource
level ERM information for subscription license management.
Digital library collections can be built and distributed by Greenstone Digital Library
Software ( Distributions are available for Windows,
Unix/Linux and Mac OS. Greenstone is available in four core languages, English, French,
Spanish and Russian and includes interfaces in 41 additional languages.
Although not exhaustive, these open source solutions are a few examples of the types of
software that may meet your library’s needs. The next time you are considering
replacing current software or adding to what you offer, consider what open source
options are available. There are advantages to controlling how the software is developed
and improved, as well as potential cost savings in a time when budgets are tight. As a
trade off, you will likely have to invest staff time to implement and customize a version
for your library. You will also have to adjust to a different support model, one of a
community of volunteers. However, the investment and adjustment may deliver a better
service for your local community.
Breeding, M. (2002). The open source ILS: Still only a distant possibility. Information
Technology and Libraries, 21(1), 16-18.
Breeding, M. (2002). An update on open source ILS. Information Today, 19(9), 42-43.
Breeding, M. (2007). An update on open source ILS. Computers in Libraries, 27(3), 2729.
CUFTS. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
Darby, A. (2006). Implementing an open source application in a college library: ECU's
pirate source. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 13(1), 41-52.
DSpace federation. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
Equinox - home. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
Fedora. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
Hardin, S. (2006). The open source movement gains ground. Bulletin of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology, 32(3), 12--13.
Koha - open source integrated library system. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
The leader in open source solutions for libraries - LibLime. Retrieved May 26, 2007,
LibraryFind -- a one-stop search service for library users. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
Main page - ReservesDirect: Open source EReserves system. Retrieved May 26, 2007,
from | home of evergreen ILS. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
Pace, A. K. (2006). Giving homegrown software its due. American Libraries, 37(10), 5051.
Stranack, K. (2006). CUFTS: An open source alternative for serials management. The
Serials Librarian, 51(2), 29-39.
Tennant, R. (2007). Dawn of a new era. Library Journal, 132(3), 27.
Zhang, A. B., & Gourley, D. (2006). Building digital collections using greenstone digital
library software. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 11(2), 71-89.
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