Public Service Announcement

Speak Public Service Announcement
Overview: Over the past few weeks, you and your classmates have been reading Speak. As you now know,
one of the main themes of this novel is the importance of speaking up when there is a problem and reaching out
for help when you need it. For this assignment, you and a partner (or alone if you choose) will choose a topic
that affects teens and create a public service announcement informing your audience of the problem/issue as
well as offering solutions/ways to receive help.
At the end of this project you will present your information to your classmates. Everyone will be expected to
include the same types of information but the format of your presentation is up to you. You can choose to do:
 A 3 fold pamphlet – You should have appropriately structure text balanced by pictures. This needs to be
typed or I will not take it.
 A PowerPoint or Prezi – You need to keep in mind good “PowerPoint etiquette” when creating this.
Your slides should have an appropriate amount of text balanced by pictures. You will need to have a
minimum of 10 slides/moments for either option.
 A video or Animoto – Not to exceed 90 sections. This will need to be story-boarded and shown to Mr.
Bondy prior to filming. If you chose this option, it is my expectation that you have your own equipment
and will use your class time wisely. I do not have equipment for you to use, so please don’t ask.
Your final product will be graded on the information presented, visual appeal (pictures, spacing, color choices,
etc.), and conventions. Whatever format you choose should look professional. If it helps describe what I am
looking for, I would like you to design something that we could display in the Guidance Office or show on the
TV during announcements.
Your final presentation must have all of the following elements:
 Establish that your topic is a problem for teens
 Explain any associated warning signs or symptoms
 Provide information for teens to seek help to deal with the issue (all of these must be real)
o Reliable people
o Local and national organizations and phone numbers to contact
 Effective and professional presentation skills
Neglecting any of the above will have a negative impact on your grade
Over the course this project you will be expected to:
 Generate an idea and narrow that topic down to a manageable topic
 Research effectively to find four valid sources – these may be books, databases, or internet sites
 Annotated and own your sources to Mr. Bondy
 Create a correctly formatted annotated bibliography
 Write note cards
 Create and give a presentation to your classmates
 Turn in a typed MLA style Works Referenced page
Name: _________________________
Directions: Take notes on your topic. You should include SEVERAL things in each box.
Definition of Topic:
Key Facts/Statistics & Signs/Symptoms:
How it relates to teens/young adults:
Suggestions for Assistance:
Public Service Announcement Checklist
Directions: Your goal is to complete the following tasks in class today. Check them off after you have
completed them. Any tasks not completed by the end of the hour will become homework for you and your
partner in addition to completing the project over the weekend.
1. ______Choose your presentation format:_____________________
2. ______Define your topic and how it relates to teens
3. ______State at least three things you learned that you plan to use in your presentation.
Additional information:
4. ______Begin writing a script or outline for your presentation or skit (this depends on the specific
requirements for the format you have chosen). This should be done on a separate piece of paper and then
attached to this piece of paper.
5. ______*Videos only: Draw a 3-picture diagram or write about what you plan to do for the beginning, middle
and end of your video/skit. Complete this below:
Public Service Announcement Topics
Religious persecution
Bipolar Disorder
Teen Suicide
Death of someone close
Sexual assault
Physical abuse
Verbal abuse
*Face to Face
Financial Crisis
Drug Abuse
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Hate Crimes
Teen Sex
Grade/School Issues
Dating Violence
Teen Pregnancy