Advertisements and Public Service Announcement Project What is a Public Service Announcement (PSA)? A public service announcement is a type of advertisement featured on television, radio, print or other media. Whereas the objective of a standard advertisement is to market a product, a PSA is intended to change the public interest by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes and potentially stimulating action. The Assignment – Working in Pairs Part 1: Find an advertisement (one) from the media and describe how it is dangerous for teenage girls and / or boys in a response paragraph (4-5 sentences). In your response, reference body image, objectification of the female/male form, eating disorders and the “culture of toxicity.” Make sure you include a copy of the advertisement along with your paragraph. Part 2: Find an advertisement (one) that you think is safe or free from any of the aforementioned negative influences on body image and / or self-esteem. Explain in a response paragraph (4-5 sentences) how you think this advertisement conveys a positive message. The message should not put pressure to look a certain way or show rewards that come from having an unrealistic body type. Was it hard to find one of these advertisements? Again, make sure you include a copy of the advertisement along with your paragraph. Part 3: Create your own Public Service Announcement to raise awareness about a specific eating disorder. The four types of eating disorders you may choose from are: a) Anorexia Nervosa b) Bulimia Nervosa c) Binge-Eating (Compulsive Over-Eating) d) Anorexia Athletica (make sure you reference Calorie counting and exercise) Your PSA should be creative enough to grab people’s attention plus be informative and accurate! All facts should be reported correctly (meaning you must reference the website / other media). PSA Requirements: 1. PSAs must be a minimum size of 8.5 x 11. This is a print PSA only (no audio, video). 2. Include an illustration / photo / representation. 3. Include at least 2 accurate facts about the eating disorder. “Facts” can include dangers, physical / mental effects, statistics, and any of the facts from the Eating Disorders Cycle Handout from Health Class. Make sure the facts are relevant and accurate. Resources: National Eating Disorders Association - National Association of Anorexia Nervosa - Academy for Eating Disorders - - 4. Give your PSA a creative title or slogan. 5. Use PowerPoint, SMART Notebook, Photoshop or any other means you feel necessary. Public Service Announcement Project Rubric NAME: _______________________ CLASS: ________ SUBMITTED ON TIME (BEFORE / ON THE CLASS DUE DATE)? CATEGORY L4 L3 OVERALL MARK: ________ YES L2 NO L1 – R Graphics / Images All graphics used Most graphics used Some graphics used Few graphics used reflect a high degree of reflect a high degree of reflect a high degree of reflect a high degree of creativity / thought. creativity / thought. creativity / thought. creativity / thought. Title / Slogan Title / Slogan is Title / Slogan is Title / Slogan is Title / Slogan is exceptionally engaging, adequately engaging, somewhat engaging, minimally engaging, relevant, and visible on relevant, and visible on relevant, and visible on relevant, and visible on the PSA. the PSA. the PSA. the PSA. Content At least 4 accurate facts Three accurate facts are Two accurate facts are Less than 2 accurate are displayed on the displayed on the PSA displayed on the PSA facts are displayed on PSA and have a source and have a source and have a source the PSA and have a citation. citation. citation. source citation. References / Citations Design / Layout Grammar All information on the Most information on PSA is referenced by a the PSA is referenced reputable source and is by a reputable source current and is current (after 2007). (after 2007). Some information on Little or no the PSA is referenced information on the PSA by a reputable source is referenced by a and is current reputable source and is (after 2007). current (after 2007). The PSA is The PSA is The PSA is adequately exceptionally somewhat organized, organized, informative, organized, informative, informative, and and appealing. and appealing. appealing. The PSA is minimally organized, informative, and appealing. There are no There are 2 There are more than 2 There is 1 grammatical grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes mistake on the PSA. on the PSA. on the PSA. on the PSA. Good -dove body image ads -Nike/Fitness Bad - -