
My Fight for the People Power
Program/ PPP:
My Primal Fight for Truth, Freedom,
Beauty, Utopia, Fairness & Justice 1
We live in bondage to our governments
even though we’re taught that we’re free.
They make the rules. They tell us what to
do. They make us pay taxes. They violate
our inherent rights as free individuals by
telling us to do things that have no effect
on anyone else but ourselves.
They tell me to wear a seatbelt in a car.
I have to wear a helmet when I ride a bike.
I used to do long bike rides. I don’t
anymore. I got a $128 fine. The next time
it will be $300.
I can’t help a Christian friend with
Parkinson’s Disease let go to be with the
Lord even though he’s in constant pain and
wants to die. He says he has served his
purpose in life. He should be allowed to
take a drink that will put him to sleep
where he’ll pass. He says there is nothing
wrong with that if there is nothing left of
your body that feels strong and good.
We are not allowed to pay money for
organ donations, sperm donations, egg
donations or baby adoptions even though
this would greatly help these processes.
I want to use anti-aging drugs to help me
feel better because I’m a middle-aged guy
who wants to maximize my life. I’m not
allowed to buy them over-the-counter
because some government bureaucrat
decided he knew better about managing
my life than I do.
They say I can’t use recreational drugs in
my own house in private.
I like sex but I’m an old man. I can offer
money for a beautiful young adult woman
to have sex with me in a friendly way but
the government says I’m not allowed to do
this. It’s really sad. I’m a friendly old guy
who wants to feel the beauty of a young
woman close to my body abd soul. I don’t
have the vital charisma to attract young
women anymore but I feel my sensuality
coarsing through my veins all the time.
It’s a great tragedy that some assholes
called my government tell me that I can’t
offer a nice, beautiful young woman
money to help her out while she offers me
the sensual pleasure that every man dreams
of. It’s insanity when the government
interferes with the private, personal lives
of people doing whatever they do naturally
by nature.
If I want to bake cakes in my kitchen and
sell them to neighbors, I’m not allowed
unless I follow a bunch of business and
health regulations.
Tax agents routinely accuse hard-working
people of tax evasion.
The government spends loads of money
spying on its own citizens.
Governments routinely spend loads of
money on a military force when there is no
enemy in sight. Is that the will of the
Why are people still poor in wealthy
Why do some people feel like the
government is an evil force that is trying to
control us?
Why do some of us feel that we have no
say in government even though we
supposedly live in democracies?
We were taught that democracy is the
process of electing representatives who go
to some chamber where they supposedly
create ideas for the betterment of
The truth is that they set crazy salaries and
pensions for themselves. They only work
about half a year for a few hours a day
when they’re in-session.
They do what rich, powerful people want
because they fund their election campaigns
then further compensate them to pass laws
their way.
One measly vote every four years to elect a
bunch of people out for themselves has not
solved our problems as a society so far
simply because as soon as you separate
some people from everybody else, treat
them special and give them the power to
“manage” your life, you’re inviting the
corruption of greed, power and money.
Every religion in the world warns us of the
darkness in the soul of the human beast.
There are a few saints around but most
people think they much better morally than
they actually are.
Small groups of people can easily delude
themselves into thinking they’re righteous,
good, just and loving even when they’re
selfish to evil. The proof is in all the
atrocities and immoral acts committed by
governments throughout history.
The typical scenario in partisan politics is
that the people in any political party think
they’re the noble, righteous ones and the
people in the other parties are vain, stupid,
petty, greedy and even evil.
The lesson of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
from the Middle Ages is that you can’t
trust anyone in a position of power.
Corruption is normal. Almost everyone is
a hypocrite. Morally good philosopherkings are the exception.
I studied Machiavelli’s The Prince as a
young man. I’ve been in enough groups to
know ego reigns supreme in Modern
Western Society. It’s the way we’re
brought up; to compete, beat everybody
else and stand on the podium alone.
Because of this, people always fight within
groups not because they’re fighting for a
cause where they sincerely want to help
people but because they have big egos.
They want to look witty and win the
oneupmanship games.
Ego is a person’s image, the way they
want to appear to other people. Vain
people want to be seen as the coolest and
the most advanced person wherever they
are. They’re legends in their own minds.
They want others to see them as more
special and multi-dimensional than
everybody else.
People who live by soul aspire to do the
right thing no matter what. They have
their own inner standard. They could care
less what other people might think of
Parliaments are geared for ego. Political
parties are structured to fight each other
for power no matter what. The morality or
goodness of any issue is usually irrelevant.
It’s all about a fight to beat the other guys
no matter what.
The entire Parliamentary Chamber as a
group is insulated from the rest of society.
They give themselves way too many
benefits to be morally good and virtuous
by any standards of righteousness.
The only few people who control the
power in any representative government
1.) the party leaders and their top few
2.) the people who own the political
parties behind the scenes;
3.) the people who fund the political
parties which are big companies and
4.) the shadow elements that run the big
government agencies.
Watch any elected chamber in the world.
They’re all well-fed, fashionable, wellgroomed and leisurely about whatever
they are supposedly doing to help the
people. I don’t see any sense of love,
intensity, passion or urgency anywhere in
any politicians. Anybody who is truly
good would be fighting endlessly and
tirelessly to help end poverty and
homelessness but all I see is comfortable
politicians living the good life.
There is a saying that politics is the
playground of the rich. It’s where people
go to hobnob with socialites and
celebrities, play games of wit and attend
some of the many social events going on in
any capital city. It’s a fun life funded by
taxpayers while regular citizens struggle
and get no help from their federal
I’m not interested in the petty fights
among political parties and individuals for
oneupmanship status that I see reported on
the news all the time. That’s got nothing
to do with helping the nation. What are
they doing to help people versus what is
theatrics done for ego sake?
My Primal Fight for Truth & Justice 2
The problem with the progress of the
human race is that we have allowed
ourselves to be brainwashed by the lie that
so-called representative government is
democracy. We gave our power away to
politicians who are basically selfish to
greedy to evil people who spend most of
their time fighting each other for total
control of the government.
So-called modern-day representative
democracies are run by big political
parties. They aren’t run by politicians.
They’re the front people picked by the
party owners to do their bidding.
Politicians have to brown-nose them to get
the nomination then after being funded to
win an election, they owe allegiance to the
people behind the scenes running their
The political parties are monster machines
run by people with motives similar to the
profit motive of for-profit corporations.
The few political parties that exist in any
nation have all the power. They take turns
running the country.
After they win an election, the people
behind the scenes who run the big political
parties pass laws for their corporate
sponsors. This is serial temporary
Their mentality is to expand the wealth
and power for themselves even if it means
plundering the natural resources and
polluting the land. Big business almost
always wins even when the majority of
people are against something like bailing
out bankers, a pipeline, fracking, military
spending, etc.
The parties pretend to have different
ideologies. It’s all about winning an
election by any means necessary as
opposed to trying to help people because
they supposedly care about them. There is
no sincere love. I can watch a candidate’s
speech and easily pick out the points fed to
him or her by a market research team.
This clinical approach takes the soul out of
any humanity that might have once existed
during the Golden Age of politics where
politicians tried to be great men doing
great things. That’s long gone. Big
corporations run politics now. Slick
politicians with a smooth, sculpted style
win way more elections than good people
who don’t have a public relations firm
managing them.
They use the Constituent Information
Management System (CIMS) to try to find
emotionally hot issues that will get them a
lot of votes. They’ll do big surveys paying
several hundred people about $20 each to
answer 50-400 questions then analyze the
results to see what the people seem to be
interested in as a group. From this, they
will develop their campaign issues and
target the people they think will vote for
them if these voters were to hear
something beneficial about a specific issue
directed at them as an election promise.
They also look for sweeping issues that
everybody seems to be concerned with.
The soul of the people is generally:
1.) National prosperity, jobs, equal
opportunity, a bountiful society
2.) health, medical services, housing, food,
care of the poor, old and disabled
3.) a sense of meaning and vision,
optimism for a better future, this is not
just about jobs, it’s about clean air, a
peaceful nation, low crime
4.) the desire for good relationships with
other people one-by-one and feeling
like a part of society, kind of like
workers feel who all own a company;
they’re all united to work together for
the betterment of all.
A philosopher-king sees what’s going on
then thinks up ideas to help people and
improve society in a pure way for the good
of everybody, not just for the good of a
few elitists in the upper class.
A great president would get rid of 90% of
the military, the CIA and the NSA and use
all that money to rebuild the country. It
seems like common sense to eliminate
these big bureaucracies that don’t do
anything to help the people directly and
use that money for big social and
economic programs but it doesn’t happen.
Under the People Power Program/ PPP,
we can put anything up for a vote by the
people. A majority of the people could
vote to get rid of the military, the CIA and
the NSA.
We don’t have to vote to get rid of the
entire military. We can vote on options to
reduce the budget by a certain percentage
like 70, 80 or 90%. My preference is to
keep about 10% of the military as a search,
rescue and emergency help service.
One man’s terrorist is another man’s
freedom fighter. You can stop terrorism
by not being one. Tend to your own
garden and mind your own business. We
can be great peaceful, prosperous nations
but the people running our governments
choose war for their own selfish motives
then pretend they don’t understand why we
have enemies attacking us.
Nowadays being elected is almost like
winning the lottery. It’s usually a step up
in salary, the pension is incredible if you
win two elections and it’s great for
networking connections. Politicians
created their own salaries and pensions
that go way beyond what value they
actually have in helping the people.
We, the people, have to get rid of most
politicians then go after the people behind
the scenes running the government
because they are selfish to evil people out
for themselves.
It doesn’t matter which political party is in
power. The system is structured so that
the same set of elitists rule regardless of
which party wins the election.
We are so beaten down that we’re like
helpless sheep looking to the Big Brother
father-figure to see what he is going to
give us but we, the people, are the
government not some mysterious band of
elitists in the capital city.
The founding fathers would have wanted
us to revolt when the elitists got too
Our nations are screwed right now because
of all the greedy people using the
government to serve their own ends.
Wipe them all out. Use the PPP to
generate tons of new ideas and a new spirit
of renewal.
It’s time for us, the people, to take our
government back. We rule. They can’t
throw anything in our face that trumps
what a fair vote by the people says, not
even the Constitution. It’s meant to
change as society changes.
We should be creating our own ideas and
voting on them rather than electing big
corporations masquerading as political
parties that do whatever they want while
lying to us during election time, promising
everything then going right back to their
elitist ways right after the election.
We have to break this system. If we don’t
do it now, it will continue to get more
dictator-like until the government security
machine is so powerful that it shuts up
activist voices before they ever get a
chance to reach the people in a big way.
Look at Snowden, Manning and Assange
at wikileaks then look at the big companies
that cut wikileaks off. It’s a horrible time
for freedom.
The politicians, the shadow government
and the big companies are all united as the
elitists trying to keep everything exactly
the way it is right now.
Citizens have no power to easily run for
the leadership of the country if they think
they have good ideas. I think that I have
more good ideas than the big two political
parties put together which are in ebook #4
but I can’t run against them because I’m an
average citizen with no money or bigshots
backing me up. It’s spozed to be about the
best ideas.
We have no legal way to get our ideas
heard on the floor of the Senate or
Parliament/ Congress.
We have no way to stop the politicians if
they pass some bill that the vast majority
of people would vote down if they were
voting on it.
All backbencher politicians in the chamber
must do as their party leader says. The
leader answers to the party elite behind the
If some citizen goes to his or her local
representative with a complaint or idea,
they are routinely blown off with a form
letter saying, “Thank you for your input.
We receive many ideas, tips and
complaints. We do our best to address
them all.” That’s the depth of the typical
“representative” encounter between
politician and constituent.
The parties spend virtually all their time
fighting each other for dominance. They
waste taxpayer money by their very
existence because they don’t do much to
help people. They are only “in-session”
less than six months a year. When they’re
there, if you watch the sessions on TV,
there are a lot of empty seats most of the
time except for when there is something
big that is going to be on the national
We, the people, are funding this easy
lifestyle for people who happen to win an
election, not because of any special
abilities they have, but because they
belong to one of the two big political
parties that control the government.
They do a bunch of theatrics with their
debates then send issues to committee
supposedly for further scrutiny to make it
seem like they’re doing profound
analytical, advanced, complicated work
but at the end of every year, you can
cleanly write out whatever bills they
passed that are important to the people on
one page.
We, the people, should get the guts to
change our governments to the PPP.
We, the People, Have the Right to
Choose the Type of Democracy We
Want: Representative Democracy is
Archaic, People Power is Now
Way back in the old days of Athens,
during the time of the Acropolis, Plato
wrote a book called The Republic where
he mused about an idealistic, utopian kind
of government ruled by a philosopher-king
who is a kind, wise leader dedicated to
helping the people no matter what, even at
his or her own personal expense if
Several hundred years later, Paul in
Ephesians 6:12 in the Bible says we must
fight the evil spiritual forces of the world
which includes our governments.
Throughout the Middle Ages to the
modern world, we developed the idea of
representative government. We, the
people, vote in elections to choose a
representative who goes to some central
chamber to represent our interests.
The problem with representative
government is that our representatives are
all united in a chamber where they are an
entity unto themselves separate from the
people. They fail to help us because they
want to help themselves, their political
party, friends, families, lobbyists and
business partners first before they focus on
helping the people as society in general.
They set their own salaries and pensions.
Most of them do almost nothing. There
are no accountability standards. The only
ones that really work are top few insiders
of the big political parties and that’s
because they have the power. The rest of
them present an illusion pretending that
they’re busy, busy, busy, working hard to
do the advanced creative work in building
the nation.
What exactly do they do as a group that
helps the people or the nation in a concrete
way? The few leaders are the only ones
with the power to create ideas and make
them happen. The chamber culture for the
backbenchers is to shut up, collect your
nice paychecks and play along with the
illusion of democracy.
What exactly does your Congress person
or Member of Parliament do for you in
your local area? The only thing mine does
is send me literature every year paid for by
the taxpayers which is nothing more than
campaign propaganda for the next election.
I’m not judging them personally. They’re
just people taking advantage of the system
that offers them a good life if they get
elected. I’m saying we don’t need them.
Get rid of all of them.
The civil servants run the country.
Politicians are spozed to create new ideas.
The system is so screwed that it’s not even
about new ideas anymore. It’s about doing
what the lobbyists, campaign contributors,
contractors and their business partners
want. By business partners, I mean that
politicians do favors for big companies
then get rewarded somehow with a job
when they leave politics, a stock tip, a job
for a relative or maybe even straight cash
under the table.
Life in every capital city on the planet is
fun, wealth and excess. The capital city is
the cultural and social heart of any nation.
The problems of the people back home are
very distant when you’re surrounded by
loads of people living high off government
The term “representative democracy” is an
oxymoron. A real democracy doesn’t have
representatives. Everybody sits at the
table equally. Anybody can suggest an
idea. Everybody else votes on it. If
somebody suggests an idea the others
don’t like, they vote on it and strike it
In a representative democracy, the Prime
Minister with a majority government can
do anything he or she wants. In a minority
government, he or she shares the power
with one or two other party leaders and
that’s it. The other several hundred
politicians are irrelevant.
We, the people, do not have the power to
say “I have a good idea” or “That’s a bad
idea, we want to vote it down.”
We need a change in the way our societies
operate. Replace politicians with the
People Power Program/ PPP.
I’m here to tell the people of the world you
have the power to change these corrupt,
fake governments we have now called
representative democracies by uniting and
demanding to exercise your right to change
your government structure by all voting
online on the four questions of the PPP.
That’s the big revolution. It’s simple to
do. Everybody votes online on four
Your politicians were elected by you to
serve you. They are supposedly
democratic. They got their jobs by a
democratic vote. Now you’re telling them
that you want them to set up an e-voting
system so you can all vote on whether you
want to get rid of them and create a new
form of government where all the people
rule through creating ideas and voting on
them over the internet.
It should be easy because politicians
supposedly respect democracy. I’m
betting that many politicians will fight
tooth and nail against an online vote to
change the structure of government. This
will reveal who they really are, selfish
people out for themselves.
I want all the activists and people angry at
the corruption in politics to step up, unite
and demand the right to vote on the PPP
then once it’s on, campaign for the people
to vote yes, yes, yes, yes on the four
I implore you to not just give up your
power to the elected politicians running
your government now. Wipe them out by
voting the PPP in then you will have direct
control of every issue and what the money
is spent on. That’s true democracy.
A wise leader feels the pain and suffering
of his or her subjects and urgently tries to
help them. Why do we still have poverty
and homelessness while some people live
in excess including politicians who get
paid way more than they’re worth?
Why does any nation need 300 or more
politicians to make decisions? The
decisions are always the same, do the right
thing to help the most people possible.
Always help poor, old and disabled people.
You do not need to pay hundreds of
politicians to supposedly give you insights
into the pulse of the people. We have the
internet for that now.
If you want new ideas, go straight to the
people. Get rid of all those overpaid
politicians in the Senate and Parliament/
Congress with all their speech writers and
other staff who waste money spinning stuff
to the masses for public relations sake.
We set up two websites. The people
recommend ideas that we vote on to
become laws at,,, etc.
The website,,, etc. is a running
commentary of what people are thinking.
They post up ideas, comments, etc. If our
President is wise, he or she looks in from
time to time and gets the pulse of the
nation from there. Journalists look at it
and create stories from the ideas there. It’s
the nation’s consciousness.
I Feel Ashamed of this Joke Called
Representative Democracy: The Human
Race Can do Much Better Than That
Somewhere along the way, our leaders
have become corporate entities
representing big political parties with goals
of power and wealth for themselves.
For me, it’s about the excessive
institutionalization of big government. It’s
the big buildings, all that paid staff, all the
pomp and ceremony. It’s all a big waste of
money next to a few wise people sitting in
a small room thinking up new, fresh big
ideas for the progress of a nation.
The soul of any nation is gone. It has been
taken over by a massive entrenched
bureaucracy. You can’t have a loner
visionary or a small team of enlightened
visionaries thinking up ideas like the
founding fathers did when they wrote up
the Declaration of Independence because
all the petty people with a financial interest
in the government are right there
controlling them in some way.
A great government is a small team of
philosopher-kings in a participatory
relationship with the people.
Government is not some separate
impersonal machine that rules us and tells
us what to do. Government is we, the
people, creating just and fair societies for
ourselves all together. It’s easy to do in
the age of the internet where we can vote
on anything we want anytime we want.
Our countries are screwed because most of
us have been brainwashed to think that the
charade where we elect a bunch of people
to go sit in some national elitist chamber is
a democratic government.
Politicians are not my celebrities. I don’t
see them as cool people. I see them as
parasites pretending to care about people
but all they care about is to win the next
election to keep the fun life going for
I don’t need all that drama on TV with
them putting each other down or getting
caught in some scandal stealing public
money one way or another.
In my hometown of Halifax, NS, Canada, I
see huge military ships in the harbor. A
mile away at the Salvation Army Shelter
on Gottingen St., I see a hundred or so
homeless people hanging around waiting
to get in every night. What’s wrong with
our country? We waste billions of dollars
on useless military junk we don’t need
considering Canada has not been attacked
since the War of 1812 when some ragtag
Americans staged a half-assed invasion
looking for adventure which didn’t amount
to much.
Canada has never really been attacked by
anyone yet I see all those military
helicopters flying overhead and think to
myself I just saw a homeless guy
rummaging through the garbage looking
for bottles. It’s wrong for a government to
use taxpayer money on things that don’t
help people live better lives day-by-day.
They’re coming out with all these
gimmicks like proportional representation
and multi-party committees. It’s just
playing musical chairs with the real
problem which is that politicians waste
taxpayer money and rarely do anything
much to help the people. It’s time for us to
make our own decisions for our own good.
We need one leader with a small team in
an ongoing relationship with all the people
online with reciprocal voting.
Our leader presents ideas that everybody
votes on online.
Everybody can contribute ideas that we all
vote on. Once a year, we give our top 20
ideas to our leader who decides if they
should become laws.
The people vote on his or her ideas.
He or she votes on their ideas.
It’s not a good enough standard of
democracy to cast a vote once every four
years then let some guy or some political
party do whatever they want for four years.
A month before the next election they do a
media-blitz, promising the stars and the
moon then go back to doing what they
want for another four years.
We, the people, have to run our nations
ourselves like a big commune or a big
family where everybody sits at the table,
presents their ideas if they want then we all
cast a vote on the issues at hand.
Millions and millions of people have died
throughout history fighting for freedom
and democracy. We must honor their
spirits by demanding that our elected
leaders post four questions online for us to
vote on.
Say you want to exercise your democratic
right to vote to decide on whether you
want to change the structure of your
government from a representative
democracy to a People Power Democracy.
If your leader tries to ignore you or
otherwise stall, ask him or her straight out,
“Are you a dictator or are you for
democracy? Do the right thing. Set up the
electronic voting system. Hook it up to and we’ll vote to decide
if we want to get rid of politicians and run
the country ourselves issue-by-issue.”
The Founding Fathers Would Have
Demanded that We Revolt When Our
Current Leaders Become Like Dictators
We supposedly live in governments of the
people by the people so by logical
implication we have the right to vote to
change our government structures if we
Politicians do not have some special,
superior power to stop us from doing this.
They will try to bring up the Constitution
as the defining factor of government.
They will bring up the founding fathers
and say they created the Charter or
Declaration. They will say this is sacred.
You can’t change this.
When they do that, you say, “This is a
revolution right here, right now for these
times. Whatever they did in the past was
fine for then but they were enlightened
revolutionaries for their time. They would
have wanted future enlightened people to
change the government as society changed.
We are their kindred spirits. We’re talking
about a revolution to get rid of all that
corruption that we got that doesn’t work.”
Our founding fathers wanted us to be
vigilant of our representatives in case they
got too corrupt and took too much power
for themselves. That time is now.
We are the new founding fathers for these
times. This is our Declaration of
Independence from the politicians and
senators that we pay to run our
government. We want the right to vote on
whether we should fire you right now.
You, the people everywhere in every
country, must not ask them for the PPP
Vote gently like pacified sheep intimidated
by their suits and big, shiny Parliamentary
You must boldly say that you are tired of
the current government system and you
want to all vote online on whether you
want to change it to a new system.
You have to tell your President or Prime
Minister to his or her face through
journalists, internet video uploads and
multi-thousands of emails to his or her
email address, “A great leader would do
the right thing to help the people by letting
us vote on the PPP even if it costs you
your job. Are you that noble philosopherking or are you a weasel intent on holding
onto your power even though millions of
us want to vote on the PPP?”
If he tries to weasel out of it then you’ll
know his real character and you will know
you have the moral right to remove him
from power because he is not acting in a
democratic manner to help the people.
This is our fight to win because it’s right
and good. We can’t lose unless we let
them intimidate us with their lies.
Politicians can’t hold onto their archaic
institutions if we unite and fight for our
natural, inherent right to simply vote on
whether we want to change the
government to rule ourselves through the
We, the People, Must Not Outsource our
Money & Power to “Representatives”
The first thing I learned when I went out
into the world is don’t trust anyone with
your money. They’ll steal it. Human
nature is not good or evil. It’s selfcentered. Most people can be easily
swayed to evil with seduction and
temptation. If you give someone control
of your money, the vast majority of people
will eventually plunder some of it
Do you, the people, trust politicians with
your money or would you rather decide
how to spend it yourselves?
I don’t want some father-figure pretending
to know what’s right for me spending my
taxpayer money then making silly
speeches telling me how much he’s
helping me. This is the system we got
now. They’re robbing us blind on
Government Hill while pretending to know
what’s best for us better than we know
I want to cast a vote on every decision and
not outsource it to some phony wise
The governor-general of Canada gets an 80
acre park as his yard with lots of Do Not
Enter signs around.
The Speaker of the House gets a farm with
a fulltime staff of ten people.
The Prime Minister gets a lakefront
summer house. Why should our leader
deserve a second house as long as there are
homeless people in our country? It’s a big
cesspool of excess all on the taxpayers’
I don’t blame the mainstream media
because they have to play nice in order to
get repeat interviews. If a journalist
criticizes the system, they shut him out.
The journalists have a comfortable life.
They’re part of the system too. Their job
is to report not to criticize.
The system is screwed, they’re all out for
themselves, we don’t need the politicians
or the senators, let’s run the country
ourselves through the People Power
Political parties are a bunch of corrupt
gangs who spend their time putting each
other down rather than helping the people.
It’s a constant game between them. Wipe
them out. Let’s move the focus to running
the country with good ideas.
We can run the country ourselves with one
leader and his or her small team who
answer to us on every idea they get plus
we create ideas that they think about and
decide on. It’s a simple two-way
relationship between the people and the
one leader.
The government is an industry unto itself.
There are several thousand people earning
a good living working for the several
hundred politicians that exist in any
representative democracy chamber. This
costs a lot of money for fake democracy.
A couple of wise leaders plus all the
citizens contributing ideas through the
Townhall and Open Forum on the internet
can easily generate more quality ideas than
all these people put together that cost
nations hundreds of millions of dollars a
year. We, the people, should not passively
accept this state of affairs.
Government salaries and perks are about
20% higher than the salaries and perks in
comparable jobs in the private sector.
Politicians, government employees and
contractors make a good living from the
tax money you pay. They claim to manage
it well to provide you with government
The truth is that politicians promise
anything to get elected then once they get
into power, they waste a lot of that money
on seemingly inane projects which do not
help the majority of the people. Some
examples are the military, national
security, the overbloated bureaucracy,
bilingualism schools, gathering statistics
that no one uses and the political
institutions themselves that waste loads of
money for what they yield in terms of
ideas to move the nation forward to a great
new future.
If we have no military, terrorists can’t
accuse us of being imperialist pigs so they
won’t attack us.
Have you ever heard of a terrorist saying
he wants to attack Costa Rica? They have
no military. They’re doing fine.
Somebody tell me what great secrets do
we have that we need to protect with two
national security agencies, CSIS and
CSEC. We’re just a bunch of peaceful
people living ordinary lives in a cold place.
What do we need spies for? We need to
help people with the normal problems of
life like help poor people with free eye
tests or dental extractions. That’s real. A
lot of government spending is on fantasies.
We have poverty and a dearth of social
services. Some countries have free college
tuition, free daycare, free dental services
and free housing for seniors and disabled
All government employees including
politicians are looking out for their own
financial security first before anything
else. They are separate from us, the people
who make up society. The silent conflict
nobody ever talks about is them against us
for the money.
The politicians, government employees
and anyone else making money from the
government are all united in keeping the
money flowing for themselves before they
ever care about you, the average citizen
outside of this group.
We, the people, have to break this system
of politicians controlling the money and
take control of the money ourselves
because if we don’t, the politicians,
employees and contractors will continue to
take what they can get while neglecting
what we need to build up our society.
Don’t trust politicians. They see the
money flowing both through the big
projects funded by taxpayers and the
wealthy business people who are there
soliciting favors. They want some for
If politicians were out to help the people,
we would be living in prosperous countries
by now with everybody at a reasonable
standard of living but they neglect the
people and focus on trying to get rich for
themselves. That’s why we have to
eliminate all politicians from government
except for one leader who we watch
Federal government employees are united
with the politicians in keeping things the
way they are so they get to enjoy the good
life on the taxpayers’ dime. They call it
the status quo. Don’t change anything.
We like it just the way it is.
The most basic rule of life with people is
that you cannot trust anyone including
politicians to manage money without daily
accountability. Right now they make up a
budget and that’s the final authority.
There is no public scrutiny. Nobody can
stop them from wasting money on things
that most of the people might not agree
Under the PPP, we, the people, vote on the
articles in the budget that our one leader
and his or team create. If we vote
something down, they have to change their
We, the people, must take control how the
taxpayer money is spent. We can’t let the
government machine do what they want
We have to run the government ourselves
through the People Power Program
1.) We can’t let “representatives” waste
our money to fund meaningless
projects that help their friends or help
them get re-elected.
2.) We can’t let the government create
oppressive laws that take away our
freedom and keep us down.
Fake Democracies Can Easily be
Dictatorlike Behind the Scenes
There is a spirit of oppression in the air.
The government as a big invisible machine
is chipping away at our freedoms little by
little. Some of it is in the name of national
Ultimately we’re all individuals living
alone in our heads. We can’t let the
government get powerful enough to do
what it wants while we, the people, watch
them, powerless to do anything because
we’re all a bunch of loners and they’re
united as the central machine.
We, the people, have to unite and destroy
this oppressive invisible machine in the
capital city to make the government ours.
This oppressive invisible government
machine is all the government agencies
and bureaucrats that can swoop in on any
citizen anytime they want, accuse them of
some wrongdoing then take them away.
I was watching a fracking protest on the
news. People say that once water is
poisoned, it’s gone forever. The
government says it will create jobs. The
police move in with heavy-handed tactics
and arrest the protesters. The next day the
police say they found guns and explosives
on these people. The Justice Minister of
the country said they were thugs breaking
the law.
What started out as a group of people
trying to protect the purity of their own
water where they live ended with the
police and the government spinning it
around to make these people look like the
bad guys.
It’s the government machine versus a
small pocket of people somewhere in the
nation. They go on TV and denounce
these people as violent, terroristic thugs.
They say they’re bringing order back and
opening the road up to traffic. People
watching this are spozed to be relieved that
everything is back to normal but the point
is that the government does what it wants.
The people can’t fight unless you can get
50,000 people to unite all in one place and
stay until they get their rights (like the
Ukranian and Egyptian revolutions) which
is very hard to do because people in
general are pacified.
Even though politicians are democratically
elected, I don’t think they’re gonna readily
say the People Power Program is a great
idea for the evolution of democracy.
The people in every country in the world
are gonna have to unite somehow to create
some kind of momentum to get it online to
vote on it. You’re probably gonna have to
fight for it by creating a massive online
presence then meeting in real life for big
protests. I don’t think the government
machine will listen until it sees masses of
people too big to arrest.
Under the PPP, there would be a national
vote on fracking. The PPP would filter
down into local governments.
In an oppressive regime masquerading as a
democracy, the police can pretty well do
what they want as long as they do it in
secret and the people don’t seem too
concerned with these oppressive tactics
when they are exposed.
I was talking to a right-wing kinda guy
who said that it’s good that the NSA
monitors people because the crime rate has
gone down. I was tempted to tell him it’s
only good as long as you’re not targeted by
them. As soon as that happens everything
changes but then it’s too late.
I didn’t say anything to him because I
knew he was living in his fantasyland of
being an elitist with loads of money. He
might go through life unscathed but the
government can swoop in on him anytime
they want and accuse him of income tax
They tell us we have to follow a bunch of
complicated rules to pay income taxes.
We have to wear seatbelts, we can’t smoke
marijuana, we can’t make food and sell it
unless we follow a bunch of regulations,
we can’t buy anti-aging drugs, we can’t
hire a foreign musician to perform unless
we pay a steep tax for doing it, etc.
I’m not allowed to pursue my personal
relationship and sexual preferences which
I talk about in my sex book. That should
be my choice as a free individual with the
inherent right to pursue my destiny the
way I see fit as long as I don’t bother
anyone else. I don’t exploit anyone. I
want the right for anyone to have multiple
spouses and the right to for adults to buy
and sell sex services. We think we live in
free countries but we don’t when they have
all these laws that limit our freedom.
The list of oppressive laws is very long.
They would all be wiped out if the people
ruled the country.
In a PPP government, there is only one
leader so that makes him or her easy to
We, the people, must unite to end the big
invisible government machine that does
what it wants and replace it with us voting
on all big ideas for the nation.
Everybody on the planet with the guts to
fight against big oppressive governments
pretending to be representative
governments, demand the People Power
Program right now. Fight until you get the
vote for it then campaign for the people to
vote yes, yes, yes, yes.
We, the people, must shed this layer of
masters we created called politicians and
take the power ourselves to make our own
decisions. There are too many rules for
everything. We have to stop the madness.
We cannot defeat evil elements of the
government alone. We have to unite to
vote in the PPP then we’ll start wiping out
the crazy, oppressive laws keeping us
In a True Democracy, Anyone Can Run
for President, not Just Two Political
All of us were told as kids that you could
grow up to be the President or the Prime
Minister but it’s a lie. I, as a citizen feel I
have good ideas to run a country which is
what my fourth ebook is about but I can’t
come forward and present them as a
feasible candidate in a national election for
the leadership of the country because I’m
an average citizen with no money, no
media interest in me, no connections, no
It’s spozed to be about anyone with ideas
having the right to run for President
getting equal coverage by the media not
just the two or three big political parties.
Let the best ideas win not the guy with the
most money to saturate the media with ads
or the guy whose friends own media
empires which bias the news his way.
I heard it costs $50,000 in Canada just to
get your name on the ballot but it doesn’t
mean the media will cover you.
In the United States, you have to get a
certain number of signatures in every state
and present it to the Elections Committee
just to get on the ballot along with the
Republican and the Democrat.
In the United States, they stopped
Libertarian candidate Ralph Nader from
being part of a Presidential Candidate’s
In Canada, they tried to do it to the Green
Party leader, Elizabeth May.
The system is set up so that only a few top
political parties run in an election. Even if
other people or groups get on the ballot,
they get virtually no media coverage from
the big news outlets which are owned by
Real democracy is a whole bunch of
people and groups with all kinds of
different ideas stepping up to run in an
The brainwash of partisan politics is that
there are only two or three sides. They
present it as a game where you, as the
stupid citizen, are spozed to pick one side
and develop an emotional attachment to it
like you would do with a sports team.
The problem is that these two or three
sides are exactly the same, out to win
elections to build power and wealth for
Elections are not about a candidate who
shows up because he or she feels an
inherent need to help the people. They’re
business ventures. The voter is the
consumer. The political party is looking
for a way to sell themselves to the
consumer. They do market research to
find the people likely to vote for them then
target them.
They call it CIMS, Constituent
Information Management System. For the
party in power, they do the research to find
the people likely to vote for them then do
something for that group of people and
publicize it. They all create their policy
and sound bytes to target the people most
likely to vote for them.
When you elect a Republican or Democrat
to be your President, you’re electing a
bunch of rich people in a backroom who
paid for all the ads, the signs, the
transportation, the food, the image
consultants, etc. The President or Prime
Minister is united with them with a vision
to make themselves more money and get
more power.
As the front man or woman for these rich
guys and gals in the backroom, the
President or PM gets fame, celebrity
status, networking connections, selfbranding and a book deal at the end if he
does exactly what they say day-by-day. If
he doesn’t, they can easily isolate him,
embarrass him, make him look
incompetent and get rid of him. They have
loads of footage. They can release video
of him stammering, stumbling and
bumbling which the media can play over
and over to brand him as weakling.
By the time you vote for either the
Republican or Democrat or the
Conservative or Liberal candidate, you’re
voting for some brown-nosing clone who
already sold his or her soul hundreds of
times to get there.
You have to be a yes man in order to
befriend all the party insiders who decide
if you’re the one they will nominate for the
party leadership. If you’re some radical
with your own ideas, they’ll say screw
you. Your ideas are not our ideas. We
will not support you. Go away.
With all the practice at brown-nosing, the
party leaders cultivate the art of smooth
public speaking. They can give eloquent
speeches that are often a pack of lies.
True democracy is a bunch of ordinary
concerned citizens stepping up with their
ideas to run in the elections to lead the
country. That would be real democracy, a
level playing field where established
political parties and groups of ordinary
citizens all run in the elections equally
These little gangs or groups can brand
themselves with a name if they want.
They can be a political party that continues
on in future elections or just a onetime
group of friends and allies who get
together to make a pitch to lead the
Under the People Power Program,
anybody or any group can come forward in
any election to run for the leadership of the
nation for a modest fee of around five
hundred dollars which is just enough to
weed out pretenders, comedians and
people looking to promote a business.
A candidate signs up to run, pays the fee
then presents 20 ideas on a list. The
people will vote on these leadership
candidates partially on their charisma and
partially on these ideas.
Every candidate’s profile goes on the
website with his or her
list of 20 best ideas. It’s all there for
everyone to see.
Individuals can run to lead a country with
their list of 20 Best Ideas.
Some people are naturally loners or at least
they created their vision alone but running
a country takes a team. The way I see it is
that somebody declares themselves as a
candidate and presents their team of one to
ten people running to lead the country. It’s
not gonna be a political party with 300
candidates in 300 local ridings. It’s just
gonna be small teams with their 20 ideas.
Immediately after the election, the people
will vote online on each of the winner’s 20
ideas. Whatever the majority votes on
becomes law or is rejected.
It’s just one leader at the top with his or
her ten advisors and the citizens of the
country overseeing what they do by voting
on their ideas online.
There are Hidden Forces in Most
Governments that do whatever they
Want Sometimes Called the Shadow
As long as we have representative
democracy, the issue in the mainstream
news is all those irrelevant politicians
fighting each other on trivial matters for
ego sake while the most devious
oppressors go about their business quietly
running the government and controlling
the people behind the scenes.
We have to get rid of representative
democracies so we can control the
government so that we can get at these
power brokers behind the scenes and
eliminate their agencies and offices. I’m
talking mostly about the military, the
security agencies, the federal police
agencies and the financial regulators.
Politicians are only one part of a deeper
problem. After we get rid of them, we
have to get rid of the elitists hiding in
deeper levels of government, controlling
peoples’ lives behind the scenes.
The deeper level of government is called
the shadow government. Some people
claim it doesn’t exist. There are people at
high levels in the modern Western
governments that do whatever they want
and don’t listen to anyone. They will lie
publicly if they have to talk to the
President, the media or some committee
but that’s part of the game. Lie then go
back to your shadow operations.
There are people in the United States
government obsessed with power and
control, hiding out in big agencies like the
military, the CIA, Homeland Security, the
NSA, ICE, NASA, DARFA, etc., doing
weird, evil things to try to control the
world that most of us have no idea about.
President Eisenhower, a former military
general, in his farewell speech in 1961
before President JFK took over, warned
about not letting the military-industrial
complex run amuck and take control of the
government. The original draft of his
speech read “the congressional-militaryindustrial complex” but his advisors told
him take the word “congressional” out of
Politicians and political parties run the
public face of government but these
shadow elements have their own agendas.
Some have intentions to control the entire
human race as much as they can.
The most basic rule of Machiavalleanism
is to control as much as you can by any
means necessary. If they’re out to help the
people, they would not be not hiding.
Is there a group within the government
financial agencies that manipulates the
economy at will to serve their own ends?
Can they shrink the money supply to cause
economic depressions?
Is there a group within the government
military-security agencies that wants total
control over the people, not just with
surveillance but with weapons to control
us en masse like the Voice of God weapon
that can beam voices into people’s minds?
Does anybody have the technology to
create droughts and famines?
Can any government agency control the
weather and use it to serve their own ends
as with HAARP?
Are there people who believe they have
the power to make life-and-death decisions
for the good of the human race as they see
Can somebody kill a lot of people in an
indirect way by sterilizing them through
the water supply or releasing disease
viruses into the environment?
Does somebody have weapons that can kill
a lot of people quickly as with biological
disease weapons or a big electro-wave
machine that can kill anything in its path?
We, the people, must take it upon
ourselves to find rogue independent
agencies operating on their own in secret
with nobody really knowing what they’re
doing. The military, the security agencies
and the banking agencies are good places
to start.
The only way to wipe them out is to
change the structure of government to the
PPP, identify these shadowy agencies then
send honest people to investigate them and
do detailed forensic audits on their
operating expenses.
Once you get the People Power Program in
your country, get the top forensic
accountants to audit the entire federal
budget and start cutting all the hidden
money you find for programs that don’t
help the people directly.
In Canada, we can easily wipe out our
military, CSEC and CSIS (security
agencies) because we’re not that big or
powerful. We haven’t been attacked since
the War of 1812. There are no mongol
hoardes lurking at the borders threatening
us even though politicians and military
generals act like there are. We don’t need
a military force or a security agency. We
are supposed to be a peaceful nation and a
leader of peace in the world.
Our Canadian military and security
agencies do not have the power to
manipulate politicians and take our
government over. They pretend there’s a
big threat out there in order to protect their
jobs but they can be easily wiped out with
a quick vote by the people through the
The United States is a big megalith next to
Canada. What would happen if an
enlightened President said we’re going to
eliminate the military, the CIA and the
NSA and use all that money and energy to
rebuild our country’s infrastructure?
Would the shadowy people in these
agencies let this happen or would this
President die in his or her sleep of some
inane, typical medical condition like a
heart attack?
The only way I would trust the American
government would be if the people voted
through the People Power Program to get
rid of 90% of their military force (except
for search and rescue capability), eliminate
the CIA and the NSA.
That would be a great positive
revolutionary victory, to have the People
Power Program eliminate the American
military, the CIA and the NSA.
I Want to Change the World from Fake
Democracies to Real Ones
Throughout history, a bunch of peasants
died trying to free themselves from kings,
tyrants and colonial masters.
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution
right up until today, workers get arrested,
beaten and killed trying to strike for better
working conditions.
In the 1950s and 60s, Black people rioted
for civil rights.
Hippies held peace protests to try to stop
Women marched for equal rights.
On a hot August night in 1968, gays
fought back against bullying cops who
tried to arrest them for lewd conduct at the
Stonewall bar on Christopher St. in New
York City even though they were inside,
out of public view.
Latino farm workers are still fighting for a
living wage.
All these fights eventually end up in
government chambers controlled by
politicians whose interests we can’t trust.
The women didn’t get their Equal Rights
There is still no peace.
Gays still can’t marry legally in half of the
The minimum wage is still too low.
Corporations get free trade laws to trash
manufacturing industries here at home so
that they can hire peasants in poor
countries to work in sweatshops.
We need the spirit of these freedom
fighters of the past to fight right now to get
rid of the politicians and take power for
ourselves through the People Power
Program/ PPP.
All activists with different causes should
unite because after we demand the right to
vote on the PPP then vote it in as the new
structure of government, every activist
with an agenda or cause can present it
online and everyone will vote on whether
it’s worthy to become a law. That’s as
good as it gets, everybody at the table
presenting their ideas equally which we all
vote on.
I see injustice, evil, poverty, homelessness
and oppression everywhere while I see
elitists and fatcats acting like everything is
fun and fine. This is the great fight of
humanity, greedy, selfish people with
power and money trying to keep it all for
themselves by controlling the 99% who
sometimes fight back but most have
learned to be helpless.
Our governments supposedly exist to help
everyone but there still so much inequity
and poverty in so-called representative
democracies. Why haven’t they figured
out how to create fair and just societies
after hundreds of years running our
It’s because of greed. Our representative
governments are made up of selfish people
out for themselves. I want to get rid of
them and replace them with a better
system where the people run the
government directly issue-by-issue.
The Occupy Movement failed because
they did not have a clear, simple specific
demand of what they wanted to change
about society that was actually feasible and
could work.
Right now in our so-called representative
democracies, citizens have no power to
walk into Parliament or Congress and say I
have a good idea, I want you to vote on it.
The citizens cannot gather in Congress and
say we don’t like that law you just passed.
Let’s all of us citizens in the nation vote to
see if a majority of the people are against
it. The people have no legal power to
change what Congress does.
Don’t be so scared that you would rather
stick with the familiar old corrupt system
than set up a new system based on faith.
The only way to move forward is to boldly
take action and do it. Almost everything
in life is a leap of faith, even marriage and
Some people live comfortable lives with
the system the way it is right now but
many millions suffer because of bad
government policies. You could be one of
those people someday.
Personally, I’m anti-military and antinational security. I believe a peaceful
nation doesn’t need these things. I think
all that money spent on them would build
up our infrastructure enough so that every
citizen lives at a decent modest standard of
living. My idea to get rid of the military
and national security agency will never be
entertained by the existing system of
government because the big political
parties get loads of money from military
lobbies and votes from military personnel
plus it seems unpatriotic.
We need a new system like the People
Power Program to clean everything up.
It’s simple. We elect one leader and his or
her team of five to ten advisors. They set
the budget and some big ideas. We vote
on those big ideas. Our vote is the final
authority. If we reject something they
want or accept something they don’t want,
they have to accept it, revise their budget
and make it part of their big plan. We are
the masters, not them.
We also create our own ideas and vote on
them in the Cyber-Townhall. Every year,
we present our 20 best ideas to our leader
who decides on whether they become laws
on Live TV.
There are four certainties:
1.) Politicians, political parties and the big
companies who fund them are out for
themselves. They will always be
passing laws for their own profit while
pretending to try to help you, the
people. Look at those crazy salaries
and pensions they give themselves that
are way out of whack with what
normal people make for doing
comparable work.
They get at least half of every year off.
There’s no sense of urgency to help
you. It’s a waste of taxpayer money.
2.) We can’t just elect someone and let
them do what they want for four years
as a temporary dictatorship. It’s very
common for the government to pass a
law that over 50% of the people would
vote down if they were voting on it.
3.) It doesn’t matter if you have 100 or
500 politicians in a chamber. The
leader and his or her few insiders run
everything. The backbencher
politicians are not necessary. They
have no say in anything. They can’t
disagree with their political party. If
some constituent goes to some
politician to protest something like
fracking but that politician’s political
party is for it, he or she must tow the
party line otherwise be kicked out.
4.) Politicians interfere with progress by
bickering with each other, not because
they want to help the people but
because it’s an ego game for status,
power, oneupmanship, wit and
popularity. It’s a sport for them. The
mainstream media presents it that way,
as entertainment with the two teams
battling each other in a game of wits.
I sometimes watch the so-called debates
and question periods on TV. It’s done in a
carnival-like atmosphere. They ask
questions. The other side answers in a
defensive way trying to be witty then they
move on to the next question. It happens
quickly. There is no lingering, penetrating
debate. Nothing gets done as far as
passing laws go. It’s just empty talk.
I think the questions are prepared
beforehand. Everybody goes through the
script which looks good on TV. It looks
like they’re doing their jobs as politicians
but nothing gets done for the people. It’s
like a bunch of overpaid adults acting like
school kids.
The camera lingers on them as they pick
up their papers and shuffle out. They’re
chuckling and socializing. It looks like
they’re all goin’ off to the bar together.
It’s not right because they’re having fun in
this elitist chamber while people are
suffering. They’re spozed to be helping
those people. They talk for awhile about
nothing much. They collect their
paychecks and pensions and make
networking connections with the bigshots
of society. That’s what it’s really about.
The bottom line is great ideas for the
betterment of the nation. The PPP focuses
on new ideas by the leader and the people
with both of these groups voting on each
other’s ideas. Focus on the ideas.
The People Power Program is the simplest,
best solution to improve the world because
it will give the people the power to decide
on everything.
The world has to change. There’s no way
around it. These fake representative
democracies have to give one way or
another. We can’t go on like this because
it’s pure dictatorship and corruption. Just
because the parties who run the
government change, everything else stays
the same. The elitists rule. They are the
two or three big political parties.
Everybody else is kept down.
Be bold. Get the guts to go to your
government any way you see fit and say,
“I don't like the government the way it is
now. Give me the right to vote on whether
I want to change it. My revolution is to
vote for the PPP. I am the people. You
serve me. Let us change our structure of
government peacefully in a fair vote by the
people. If you don’t set this up, we will
fight until we get it.”
Enough is enough. It’s time to change the
The People Power Program will
Eliminate Almost all Political
Under the PPP, the one leader is the
statesman, cheerleader and minor problemsolver for the country. He or she hires
their own team like a money guy who
creates the budget, an energy guy, a
foreign relations girl, a few bigshots from
business and anybody else he or she thinks
is genius enough to have great ideas for the
visionary development of the nation.
Every time our leader has a big idea, it
goes on a list which all of us, as citizens,
vote on once or twice a year online.
Put a hundred or more people in any room
supposedly representing the people. First
of all, they’re all overpaid for what they
do. They almost triple what the average
citizen makes in their jobs. They can
afford to be leisurely. There’s no pressure
to help anyone. They’re not feeling any
pain. They’re comfortable.
Most regular citizens are too busy
struggling to get by to pay much attention
to them.
Wealthy business people are seducing
them to get laws passed their way.
Politicians belong to political parties
which get their campaign money from big
business. They want to get elected then reelected. They see the lifestyles of the rich
and famous through the corporate bigshots,
lobbyists, government contractors,
socialites and celebrities hanging around
any capital city bubble.
They want a piece of the action. They’re
minor celebrities who get on TV with their
sound byte opinions. They attend social
functions as VIPs/ very important people.
In reality, there is nothing necessarily
unique, advanced or special about them.
They just won some election. It was
probably due to their political party, not
anything about them personally but they
let it go to their heads. They’re suddenly
in the land of elitists.
Very few people can resist the allure of
glitz, glamor and greed. Forget about
helping the people who elected them.
They can fake it with them at around
election time. They want to make money
for themselves right now. This is what is
really going on.
In Canada, our Prime Minister is a
temporary dictator who has the absolute
power to do what he wants with 39% of
the popular vote. Nobody has any power
to stop him. He raised the old-age pension
age from 65 to 67 which is about $900 a
Canadian politicians get pensions after six
years in office. They collect it at any age.
Some of them get $150,000 a year pension
which means that every month, they get
more money than the average senior
citizen gets for the entire year on their oldage pension.
To me it’s evil to deprive poor old people
of the basic money to survive while you’re
living an elitist lifestyle of material excess.
Our Prime Minister allocates $50 billion
for new military ships and planes when we
have no enemies. I could create a national
preschool daycare program and an online
university with free tuition for every
citizen for a year or two with that kind of
money. If the people had a free vote issueby-issue, they would never vote to waste
all that money on useless military
equipment we don’t need. There is no way
that anybody can righteously say that we
live in a democracy. It’s a big farce.
We, the people, must take action to rule
ourselves now because if we don’t, there
may come a time when our governments
can squash free speech and dissent very
quietly, quickly and discreetly while
pretending to be democratic. Most of the
people will go about their lives oblivious
to this until and unless they’re targeted as
liabilities to the government.
You can take a simple test to prove that
your government does not do the will of
the people. The big national TV news
networks everywhere can easily set up an
online poll for this test then announce the
results on the news:
Have the people vote online on 20 bills
your government passed into law in the
past year and see how many of them
the majority of people vote against.
The results will show that the
government does not do what the
people want.
The only way to solve political corruption
is to get rid of politicians. This will get rid
of the lobbyists who will have no one to
bribe and seduce anymore.
Most of the time the politicians are
fighting each other in tit-for-tat
oneupmanship games where they’re trying
to put each other down to get brownie
points with the people.
It’s a big waste of energy, these political
gangs jostling for position to get the power
for themselves while the homeless people,
poor people and college students looking
for a break in tuition all continue to suffer.
Election campaigns are the same old fraud
repeated over and over again. All these
generic people come out putting up signs
and ads saying I’m cool, I’m advanced and
fresh. I’m better than everyone else, I’m
gonna change everything, I’m gonna wipe
out corruption.
The politicians, volunteers and paid staff
have fun socializing as they go around
saying they’re better than the other guys,
bashing each other as part of the game.
If you look closely, every political gang is
exactly the same. There are no ideological
differences. Read the campaign pamphlets
they leave in your mailbox or go on their
websites. It’s the same old garbage
everywhere regardless of political party.
They’re all shooting the crap. I say get rid
of this scam of political parties and
The people who run the political parties
behind the scenes are the real powerbrokers. They pick the politicians. The
politicians are interchangeable generic
people. These invisible people tell them
what to do. Political parties with the most
money usually win. Whoever owns a
political party has the real power.
Big corporations buy political parties.
That’s who is really running the world
country by country, the people with big
money. The problem with this is that
money does not necessarily equal
goodness. Most of the time, money means
do what I say to protect my interests even
if those interests are against the well-being
of the people en masse.
All you poor, homeless, activist and
oppressed people out there who feel angry
that the politicians betrayed you one way
or another with either a bad law or simply
neglect as with ignoring the plight of
college students and young workers, this is
a good time to unite and demand the right
to vote for a change in the structure of
government from representative
democracy to the People Power Program.
I’m telling all you angry, activist citizens
out there, this is your chance to unite under
one cause that will help us all.
Do you have the guts to rise up and
demand a change in those fake
governments we call representative
Read my third People Power ebook and
use those ideas to stage a relentless barrage
of mini-revolutions day-after-day to force
your government to let you vote online on
the four questions that will determine if
you, the people, want to change your
government to the PPP.
How We Create the People Power
Your country will not cave in just because
you eliminate several hundred politicians.
The exact opposite will happen. It will be
a breath of fresh air, a freeing effect of
ideas, goodness, vision, freedom and
action in your country.
All those lowlife politicians pretending to
be honorable people will be gone.
There will be no more lobbyists or
corporate bigshots buying politicians one-
There will be no more political scandals.
All the politicians will be gone except for
one leader. If he or she tries to sell his or
her soul, everybody will know because
they will be accountable for everything
under a microscope all the time. It will be
hard to be corrupt. There will be nobody
to blame anymore like they do now. The
Senate, House and President all blame
each other for the failings of the nation
while getting what they can for
themselves. That will be all gone.
The people must vote on these four ideas
to see if a majority of them are fed up
enough to vote for a change in the
structure of government, to throw all
politicians except for one leader out then
vote on all this leader’s big bills online
from now on through the People Power
My vision for goodness, prosperity, light,
beauty and greatness is that the people in
every representative democracy in the
world go online and vote on my four
simple questions for their country.
If less than 50% of the people in any
country vote against changing the structure
of government then they will stick with the
old way that’s going on now.
If your President or Prime Minister is a
great person out to do the will of the
people, he or she will set up an electronic
voting system right away and hook it up to
your National ID Number database (Social
Security Number, Social Insurance
Number) to establish the pool of eligible
You, the people, will log into the website, or
something like that.
Give the people a two-week voting period.
Many can vote on their cellphones.
Have public libraries set up computers so
people without internet access can come in
to vote.
If over 50% of the people vote yes, yes,
yes, yes then the Senate and Parliament/
Congress are immediately abolished.
The ombudsman system is immediately set
up for local representation.
There is an election for the new leader
within eight to twelve weeks which will be
done totally online to avoid the expense of
a traditional election at physical polling
offices which will cease to exist.
The new leader will rule by the People
Power Program and the Cyber-Townhall.
If your government refuses to set up the evoting system to enable you to vote on
these four questions, then, you, the people,
have the inherent and moral right to do
whatever is necessary to get true
If you vote to change the structure of
government to the PPP then you have just
won a great revolution that will give you,
the people, almost all the power to vote on
every big idea online that you and your
leader come up with.
This is a huge shift away from elitists
running the government to the people
running the government. It’s like the
board of directors of a company being
replaced by all the workers owning it and
voting on every big decision.
The senior citizens, the college students,
the unions, the business owners, the
unemployed young people and all the
different activist groups with all their
different agendas can change the
government so that we, the people, control
it bill by bill if we all unite and demand the
People Power Program/ PPP.
We need unification and solidarity. Get a
million people in any modern so-called
democracy on the steps of our government
buildings demanding that we want the
right to decide if we’re tired of the current
government system called representative
democracy and want to change it to a new
system called the People Power Program.
Read People Power ebook #3 which has
lots of activist ideas in it on how to force
an unresponsive government to give you
the right to vote on whether you want to
change your government to the PPP.
Are You, The People, Willing to Fight
for a Better World?
If a million citizens in any country show
up at their Parliament Building and each
throw a dozen eggs and milk & honey in
glass bottles at them, it would be a great
easy, nonviolent way to let the world know
they want True Democracy now.
You don’t even need to damage a
Parliament Building. Just create a huge
40’ by 40’ canvas with your leader’s face
on it, drape it from the roof of your
Parliament Building and start your egg
revolution on his face. Televise it live to
show all the people in real time throwing
eggs at his face.
A picture of twelve million eggs dripping
off his or face should be enough for the
leader of any nation to know he or she had
better do what the people want or get lost.
I have other ideas on how to conduct a
maximally effective, peaceful big-time
protest but I will wait until the situation
happens in real life to reveal them.
In our modern capitalist societies, it’s not
that hard for a bunch of angry citizens to
symbolically castrate some pompous ass
who thinks he’s above the people. All you
need is enough people to show you got
people power on your side. That will get
us True Democracy in all the countries
now that are operating by that fraud we
call representative democracy.
Why I Think Politicians are Disgusting
Wise, noble people generally don’t run for
politics. If they do, they get beat by the
more cunning Machiavallean types
because they’re good people. They don’t
have the heart to fight dirty to get elected.
Truly good people will not sell their souls
so they usually lose elections to the loud
scheming types running manipulative
negative ads.
Some politicians might start out with good
intentions but the road to hell is paved with
good intentions. It’s easy to be seduced by
money and power while you think you’re a
good person doing righteous things even
after you slide into the cesspool of
It’s very rare for any politician to stay out
of the cesspool where all the other
politicians, lobbyists and government
contractors are. I’ll give you a simple
example from my Native Canada. There
were two journalists who worked at a
national TV Network for at least 20 years
each. They were appointed to the Senate.
Within a few years, Mike Duffy and
Pamela Wallen, two former government
watchdogs by virtue of their profession
were both accused of stealing money
through excessive charges on their expense
accounts. We’re talking $90,000 for one,
$500,000 for the other. They paid the
money back. The average citizen would
have been criminally charged for grand
theft. The point is how quickly these
guardians of the free press got corrupted. I
don’t trust any politician. Once they get
that ticket to the easy life with no
accountability, all urgency in helping
people is gone.
I want to change the structure of
governments in all so-called representative
democracies to eliminate the following
negative things that slow progress at the
very least and could ultimately destroy our
1.) Politicians, who make way too much
money for what they do in their parttime jobs. They set their own salaries,
pensions, expense accounts and
vacation time. I don’t know exactly
what they do that’s so important, wise,
advanced, unique or original to justify
their existence.
Politicians are ego, entitlement and
self-interest. They are not out to help
people even though their job is to
pretend to. Somebody once called
politics the playground of the rich. I
don’t want anybody to play around
with the decisions that affect my life.
That’s why we have to get rid of them
and replace them with a new system
where the people rule.
The political parties play a power game
always trying to look good and make
the other political parties look bad with
little regard for helping the people.
The game is if some bill passes that
they support, they take all the credit. If
the bill doesn’t pass, they blame the
other political party for its failure to
pass. It’s all about getting power and
leverage over the other guys, not about
helping people.
Politicians are the reason societies
aren’t prosperous. They waste money
on useless things that don’t help people
thereby depressing many citizens who
should be happy and highly-motivated
to work hard for the betterment of all.
They kill our spirits by not creating
opportunities for us. If we run our
country ourselves through the People
Power Program, the spiritualpsychological pulse of the people
would go way up just like at workerowned factories. Workers love to
work at factories that they feel they’re
a part of. This is the x factor nobody
ever talks about, how the people feel
about being a part of their country. As
long as there are politicians running
my country, I will feel they’re all
selfish bums in their elitist chamber,
having a fun time while most people sit
back and let it happen because they’ve
learned to be pacified.
2.) Political corruption, under my system
there would be only one politician left.
All lobbyists will be wiped out because
they will have no politicians left to
bribe or buy.
They’re making a big deal about how
to keep politicians accountable to the
people on their expense accounts.
Opposition politicians are trying to act
like good people who want to force the
governing side to do some kind of
expense account reform. It’s all bull.
It’s supposed to be about helping the
people, not about playing tit-for-tat
games among politicians. There is a
very easy way to solve expense
account accountability. Get rid of all
politicians except for the leader of the
3.) The seductive elitist lifestyle in
politics. Once anybody is elected to be
a federal politician, they are
immediately living an elitist lifestyle.
It takes less than a year for the average
politician to go from naïve person with
good intentions to seduction by the
privileged lifestyle. There is no sense
of urgency to help anyone anymore.
They’re making around fifteen grand a
month plus they got an expense
account. That puts them in the top two
percent of all salaries. They are
insulated in this uppity bubble. Name
one politician in your federal chamber
who is urgently, passionately trying to
help the poor, disabled and homeless
people. You can't. They don’t exist.
4.) The cult of celebrity and air of sport
surrounding politics. Running a
government is the serious business of
helping people. Journalists treat
politics as a leisurely, entertaining
sport. They’re making good money
covering national politics for the big
networks. For them, it’s a big barrel of
fun too.
For people in general, politics is
supposed to be a fun social topic of
conversation. It’s kind of like picking
a sports team. I’m supposed to pick
one party or leader from among the
few options available who do not
represent the general population. It’s
so hard to be a leader of a political
party that by the time anyone gets
there, at the very least, they have
learned to be slick, smooth operators.
They make it really hard for outsider
political parties to even get in the
mainstream news. What if I don’t like
any of the leaders of the political
parties? I say get to the business of
helping people and creating a great
nation. Get rid of the celebrity
treatment of politicians by getting rid
of the whole bunch of them.
5.) Political scandals. There are always
politicians doing questionable to evil to
immoral things then there is a feeding
frenzy by the media which is good for
their ratings and the sale of
newspapers. This wastes time and
energy that should be spent working on
bettering the nation. When we get rid
of politicians, we won’t have to deal
with their personal lives or criminal
acts anymore.
6.) Elections are fun and exciting for the
politicians and their teams but they’re
cost a lot of money which the
taxpayers pay for. The political gangs
put up their signs and have a bunch of
social events in a carnival-like
atmosphere but elections are rigged
because it’s always about the top two
or three political parties. They make it
really hard for outsiders to get in on it
because it’s expensive to run for office
and the mainstream media has no
obligation to cover outsiders. To me,
the entrenched political parties are all
elitist gangs with their own networks
of business people who all help each
other. Business people give them
campaign money. Politicians pass
laws that favor them.
Running a country is not just about a
bunch of elitists in the top two political
parties getting together for the cult of
celebrity and character assassination in
negative ads, it’s supposed to be about
the best ideas to run a country.
In Canada, the federal election is
basically about two people taking turns
running the government, the Liberal
Party leader and the Conservative
Party leader yet they elect over 300
politicians who will be clones of these
two people. Why don’t we get rid of
these 300 or so politicians and have
elections for one leader only, totally
online? I heard that the cost of an
election is two-hundred million dollars.
This would save a lot of money on the
election alone and eliminate all those
useless politicians who don’t do
anything except to be clones for the
Prime Minister. We don’t need them.
We just need one leader that we, the
people, control.
I was looking at the election signs for
an election. The signs all had the
colors of the two main political parties
on them. In every different riding of
the ten or so ridings I went through,
there was a different face and name on
the sign. These are all generic,
unnecessary people who will be paid a
lot of money to do nothing. You could
run Donald Duck and Howdy Doody.
Get rid of these politicians because
they waste loads of money on their
salaries alone not to mention the
destruction they cause with their trivial
bickering and passing laws for their
corporate buddies that go against the
will of the people. We can hire
ombudsmen for every riding at half the
cost who are always there unlike
politicians who claim to always be so
busy making laws rather than helping
the people one-on-one.
7.) Pork-barrel spending which happens
when a politician gets money to spend
on something in his or her riding that’s
usually useless to buy votes like a
politician getting a bridge built to an
island that has about a hundred
summer cottages on it owned by
wealthy people.
8.) Some political leaders have big egos.
Fighting poverty, homelessness or
creating a daycare program is not sexy
enough for them. They are looking for
big projects or a big war that they think
are glamorous and will make them
enter the rarified category of great,
legendary leader. As a result, lots of
money is wasted on questionable,
frivolous ideas.
9.) Spending on evil causes like a military
that goes way beyond basic defense or
a security agency that operates like a
police state, trying to do extensive
surveillance on the people. It’s easy
for politicians to start wars. They
don’t get their hands dirty fighting
them. I think that if the people voted
on whether their nation should go to
war, we would reduce wars by at least
80%. That’s True Democracy.
10.) I think anything that wastes
massive amounts of taxpayer money
while making some politicians and
corporate bigshots rich is evil. To me,
it was evil to spend money bailing out
the rich people running the financial
services corporations because money
should be spent helping people get out
of poverty, get good schooling,
daycare, medical care, etc. not helping
arrogant capitalists. They all lied and
said there would be a great negative
effect on the economy if these financial
corporations failed. The truth is that it
would have been good for capitalism to
wipe out excessive corporations that
aren’t necessary. The other finance
companies would have simply taken up
the slack but the corrupt politicians and
their corporate buddies had to waste
your money to bail themselves out.
11.) Politicians sticking their noses into
others nations’ affairs while neglecting
to help their own people. I don’t
understand all these G8 and G20
meetings that are very expensive. The
world leaders get their pictures taken
together then go home. It seems like
they do nothing to help the world.
Meanwhile, we still have ghettos with
kids desperately trying to get out to go
to college. I’m saying focus on your
own country within your own borders.
12.) Spending on causes that hurt
people like the many taxes on business,
a recent tax on foreign artists that hurt
bar owners trying to fill their bars,
recent voter laws that make it harder to
vote, etc.
13.) Useless laws created for reasons
that defy logic to me like they’re trying
to build a fence on the Mexican border
to keep poor Mexicans out of the
United States who simply want to do
low wage jobs that nobody else wants
to do. It’s a waste of money that could
be used to help people with real needs.
14.) Useless projects that do not add
anything to the quality of life for the
average citizen. In another era, NASA
created spaceships that went to the
moon. President Nixon declared a
battle on poverty in 1969. NASA and
poverty are still here. An honorable
government would focus on helping
the people first. Open-ended scientific
exploration without a definite purpose
for curiosity sake is fun if you have the
wealth and leisure to do it but a
philosopher-king leader would focus
on the practical problems and cut the
leisure projects.
15.) Laws bought and paid for by
corporations and organizations who do
favors for politicians to get what they
want like allowing oil drilling in places
that people live so the groundwater
gets polluted.
There are many laws that corporations
lobby hard to get passed so that they
can get the government contracts to do
the work these new laws require. I saw
a documentary where some company
lobbied to get an education law passed
so it could sell tests and software to all
the schoolboards for the standardized
tests they wanted to create.
16.) Laws that go against the will of the
people. Many laws are passed for
some hidden agenda known only to the
people in power that do nothing to help
people. They do things for what they
call “sovereignty” or “our interests”
which are vague terms that don’t
explain anything. Government is
supposed to exist to help people. What
do they need the CIA for?
How many laws exist that the people
would vote down if they were to vote
on them as individuals one-by-one? I
bet 75% of the people would vote
down seatbelt laws for riding in a car.
That’s a landslide. Many laws have to
I listen to the news and hear laws that
the people are against being passed all
the time. Most people just take it. We
have to get over learned helplessness to
take control through the PPP.
17.) All the parties, social events and
fun times the taxpayers currently pay
for going on in the Capital City
18.) All the lavish perks that exist for
politicians like their expense accounts,
their own gym, their own social club,
free social events, some get cars, etc.
The offspring of bad political
decisions must be eliminated. Right
now, there are huge shiny new security
buildings being built and outfitted for
this nebulous concept called national
security or homeland security. All
these government security employees
got nice new offices, nice expense
accounts and new cars. They’re
partying every night while real people
need real jobs in real industries. If
you’re a peaceful, honorable nation,
you do not need loads of national
20.) They say anybody can grow up to
become the President or the Prime
Minister. It’s not true. If you want to
be a President or a Prime Minister, you
have to join a political party then be a
good servant for at least ten years
before they give you a chance. Some
average citizen who decides he or she
has good ideas can’t compete with the
money the political parties have to
advertise. Chances are the mainstream
media won’t even give him any free
airtime. They just cover the two main
political gangs and that’s it. They
often won’t let them into the leadership
debates. That’s not democracy when
only two people are given any serious
airtime by the media.
I Fight for the PPP Because the Divine
Force of the Universe Told Me That I
am the Instrument of His Power
Through the Spirit Flowing Through
My Veins
One night about 30 years ago, I was doing
magic mushrooms and got a vision that
seemed to come from beyond me because I
had never had those thoughts and images
before and I was sure I had never seen
them on TV or in a movie.
In my mind’s eye, I saw the story of man’s
inhumanity to man unfolding throughout
history. It was about rich, greedy tyrants
enslaving and exploiting peasants, many
who fought against them, losing their lives
in their fights to free themselves from
oppression. It was about the pain and
suffering evil, greedy bastards and bitches
caused and the people who fought them
because they decided they would rather
die fighting than to live in bondage to
I saw it all, from the Ancient Greeks to the
Middle Ages, the storming of the Bastille,
right on up to archetypes of freedom
fighters like Joan of Arc, Martin Luther in
Wittenburg, George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, Louis Riel, Guy Fawkes,
Margaret Sanger, Mahmat Gandhi, Pete
Seeger, Nelson Mandela, Luc Wolensa and
Martin Luther King Jr.
This story of humanity came from a force
inside of me that was beyond me. I
couldn’t explain why it unfolded in my
mind as I sat there that night. It was like I
was watching a movie. There was no
conscious, active thinking on my part. I
just watched it happen.
I intuitively knew that my purpose in life
from that point on at the appropriate time
when I was ready would be to tell the
world you’re fucked. Listen to me. I’m
the voice of wisdom given to me by the
Great Spirit that lives inside of me. If you
don’t listen to me, evil will take over.
I had a vision quest vision without seeking
one. I wasn’t looking for anything. I was
living a fun life as a carefree young man.
A friend of mine got a hold of some
mushrooms somewhere and gave me some
to get high. I crossed into another realm of
consciousness. I spent almost a decade
exploring altered states of consciousness
through the likes of books by John C. Lily,
Carl Jung, Terence McKenna, Wade Davis
and Timothy Leary. I even bought some
morning glory seeds, crushed them, drank
it, got sick but had another weird
supernatural experience through it.
I bought some ayahuasca but it didn’t
work. At some point, I discovered my true
nature and realized that my purpose in life
is to honor the natural inspired energy
inside of me by releasing it everyday with
intensity, love and gusto for the process. I
don’t need to use drugs anymore.
About 20 years later, I was listening to talk
radio while jogging one day. Quite often I
would get ideas based on what I was
listening to which I would forget about but
I kept getting what I thought were good
ideas so I figured I should start writing
them down.
Now it’s ten years later. I created four free
ebooks that state the case for the next
quantum leap in the evolution of humanity
towards true democracy where everyone
has a direct say in how the government is
run idea-by idea.
I had that vision because my soul, which is
a part of the greater collective soul of
humanity and the Creator-God that created
us that is housed somewhere in my DNA,
was telling me you were born to fight
against elitism, oppression and injustice.
You must honor the great spirits who
fought these same battles before you.
I have one agenda to do the right thing and
that’s it. I’m saying get rid of all those
superficial, egotistical politicians in all
those chambers and give yourselves the
power to vote on the issues one-by-one.
It doesn’t matter what else I do that might
question my integrity like my pursuit of
hedonism that I discuss in the sex book
I’ve written. I was born to be a full human
being. I answer to everything I feel inside
of me. I never exploit or abuse other
people but I study everything I feel
including the bad and the ugly.
I am a pure activist-rebel-radical fighting
the corruption and injustice that exists in
the fake representative democracies we
live in right now that pretend to be doing
the will of the people but are really
temporary dictatorships and oligarchies
with their selfish agendas, a part of which
is to control the people and manipulate
them with lies to keep them pacified.
True democracy is a spiritual sense of
community where almost everybody feels
like they’re a part of society and have a
direct say in the big decisions that the
government makes to help all of us live
better lives.
This is not the way we’re living these
days. Representative democracies do not
include the people. They give us the
illusion that we have a say in government
by letting us pick a few hundred elitists
every four years or so from several gangs
called political parties that are out for
themselves, not out for the people.
The art of politics in representative
democracies is the art of fooling the people
into thinking you care about them and
want to help them while trying to get all
the power you can for yourself so you can
do whatever you want with a fake veneer
of sincerity.
Politicians shut themselves off in an
exclusionary chamber where the people
cannot contribute ideas.
They develop arrogant attitudes thinking
they know what’s right better than the
people know.
Politicians as individuals and political
parties as groups use whatever power they
have to network with corporations and
organizations with deep pockets to make
money for themselves.
This informal trade-off of power and
money among these people creates this
elitist group of insiders who feel superior
to the common masses. They think they
can do pretty well whatever they want as
long as they shroud themselves in an air of
fake civility, modesty and love for their
fellow man when out in public.
The problem is not just that politicians are
greedy, selfish people out for themselves.
The bigger problem is that politicians are
willing to betray the people to the point
where they endanger their lives by selling
favors to corporations that do evil things in
the name of profit.
If the citizens of any nation had the power
to vote on whether to let oil companies do
oil drilling off their coasts without
stringent safety rules, would they have
allowed BP to drill in the Gulf of Mexico?
The result was an oil spill that continues to
destroy many people’s lives despite those
slick TV ads BP is putting out about how
they cleaned it all up and are moving
forward. Some politicians allowed this oil
drilling to happen.
The guy at says the Pacific
Ocean is a big radiation cesspool because
of the destroyed Japanese nuclear plant.
There is really only one ocean on the entire
planet. Politicians allowed this to happen.
If the people voted one-by-one, maybe
they would have voted to go for solar
energy, tidal or wind energy rather than
nuclear energy.
Right now, lobbyists and politicians are
working hard to get fracking rights in
many areas around the world. I say let the
people vote on whether they want fracking
in their country.
I’m big on the waste of having a military
force both in the United States and
Canada. We’re alone here separated from
everybody by three big oceans. If we
minded our own business and didn’t send
troops to foreign lands, we could be living
great lives using all that military money to
build up our nations.
Get rid of politicians and lobbyists because
they’re out for themselves and not the
people plus we don’t need them.
The people can vote easily online on any
issue quickly. That’s real democracy.
We, the people, have to stop the politicians
and corporations from destroying
everything for their own short-term gains.
The only way that can happen is if we get
rid of all politicians except for one highly
transparent leader on a short leash then
control all the big decisions by all voting
on them online.
My personal problem with politicians is
that they waste money on useless issues
like the military and homeland security
while they ignore the people who really
need help like:
homeless people
disabled people
poor seniors
sick seniors
working families needing daycare
young people paying for schooling
young children in archaic grade schools
I don’t trust mainstream TV because it’s a
public relations front for the big
corporations that own the TV networks
and advertise on them. These people have
the power to elect the politicians they want
that favor them by saturating the air waves
with their agenda.
I don’t care what politicians say. I don’t
trust any of them. All I trust are the people
en masse as a group voting on the issues
Even if a lot of people get brainwashed by
the way the issues are portrayed on
mainstream TV, at least we, the people,
have a shot that all of us, as a group, will
vote the right way on every new issue. It’s
not like we give all our power to one
politician for four years then he or she
does whatever they want.
We, the people, must break this hold these
few elitists have on controlling our lives,
pretending we live in democracies.
There are just three questions every citizen
has to ask themselves to know I’m telling
the truth:
1.) What have your federal politicians
done to help improve your life lately?
2.) How often do your federal politicians
do things that you personally don’t
agree with?
3.) How often do your federal politicians
pass laws that the majority of people
would probably vote down if they were
to vote on them?
The fight is always between good and evil.
Virtually everybody thinks they’re good
people fighting the good fight for truth,
justice, honor and prosperity for all. The
road to hell is paved with good intentions.
There are many shades of evil. It’s pretty
easy to pick out who is truly good and who
is not.
Selfishness, vanity and material excess
reveal a person’s true character. I see
many more well-fed, well-heeled,
comfortable-looking, arrogant politicians
than urgent, passionate ones fighting
intensely to help the oppressed.
If a party doesn’t win an election, they
don’t particularly want to work with the
gang in charge for the good of the nation.
They try to do anything they can to smear
that gang and topple them so that they can
get the power for themselves.
This fight never ends. The people always
lose. Nothing gets done to help them.
The People Power Program will change
everything but only if the people unite and
demand it.
The greedy bastards and bitches that are
running your country are gonna dismiss
the PPP as a naïve dream and say
government is serious business. It’s much
more complicated than the way I’m stating
it here.
All the righteous revolutionaries
throughout history started off with what
other people called naïve dreams. I’m
honoring all the freedom fighters
throughout history who spilt blood for the
cause of True Democracy before me. I
must fight. I cannot be a pacified mook
satisfied with junk food and video games.
The trivial people in grey flannel suits who
work for the government don’t want to
disrupt the cute little bureaucracies they
created for themselves that give them nice,
comfortable lives but there comes a time
within the affairs of people when some of
them get too powerful, exclusionary and
complacent so we have to clean out the
old, bring in the new and regenerate.
This is your fight to create true democracy
all around the world in every country if
you want it.
If we unite, we can’t lose because even
though politicians can hold dictator-like
power, it’s ultimately temporary power.
We are the final authority but we have to
wake from this slumber we’ve been in
allowing ourselves to have been
indoctrinated to think that politicians
represent us because they really don’t. It’s
a big sham. They live elitist lives with
their lobbyist buddies, corporate donors
and senior civil servants in every capital
city bubble in the world. Look at those
paychecks and pensions they give
themselves for their part-time jobs.
All you angry people out there that know
what’s going on but don’t know what to do
about it and all you activist groups with all
your egos and your different agendas have
to unite under the People Power Program
banner in order to change the structure of
government. It’s the only way we’re
gonna do it.
If we stay as a bunch of loners howling our
rage out at the world with solitary voices
like we do now, the elitists are just gonna
laugh at us and say we’re a bunch of
disgruntled misfits who are jealous
because we’re not rich like them.
Elitists typically live in delusionary
bubbles. They think everything that
happens outside of these bubbles are the
unwashed masses living their trivial lives.
They won’t bat an eye at all the lone
voices preaching the injustice in the world
through the alternative media until you get
large numbers of people coming at them
like the Occupy movement which failed
because it was a bunch of people without a
clear, simple demand.
The People Power Program is the one
simple idea that can overthrow the elitists
that run the world.
The time is now because if we don’t act,
we don’t know what these elitists are
plotting in back rooms to control the
masses as in building up a huge homeland
security infrastructure. We don’t know
how far along they are in being able to
enslave all people to do their will.
I’m not saying they’re all evil people.
Many politicians and corporate bigshots
start out as regular people with good
intentions but as soon as they get a taste of
the elitist lifestyle, they sell their souls and
forget about the people. That’s why we
have to get rid of them and take power
through the People Power Program.
Ask yourself why your President doesn’t
deal with the most urgent problem in
society which is homelessness. There is
something seriously wrong with a
government that ignores the plight of the
most helpless, desperate people in society.
Publish this ebook anywhere you want.
Just acknowledge that you got it from
Tony Kel at