Associated Students of the University of Portland

Associated Students of the University of Portland
Senate Minutes
April 6th, 2009
Opening Called to order 4:30
Call to Order: President Able
Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum: Secretary Coughlin
27 Senators Present; Quorum Established
Reading and Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved
Motion by Senator Schmidt-Carr, Second by Senator Riofta
Voice Vote All Aayes; No Nayes; No abstentions; Motion Passes
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Taketa: General Budget $67,041.71, Upper Budget $65,194.51, CPB $33,206.38, Capital
Improvements $19,500.
Guest Speaker-None.
Visitor’s Open ForumUP Crew-Representative
Accounting Associate- Representative
Dance Club- Representative
Ecology Club- Representative
SLUG- Representative
Student Activities- Representative
BSU- Representative
Open Senate Position-One Non-traditional spot, one junior, and one business.
Executive Board: ASUP President BunchThere hasn’t been that much this week. I did go with Secretary Coughlin and met with Fr. Bill. We are
working on all of the money transfers. The cross walk is happening. I am trying to get a quote for the Villa
basketball court. I am working with the Espresso UP director. Thank you for all of your work.
Campus Program Board: Director McCurdy
Last weekend was fantastic! We had a total of 622 students and pre-freshmen attend Pilotpalooza! One
hundred ninety-five out of 250 pre-frosh were there. Everyone seemed to be having a great time with all the
different activities. It was super successful.
Although this event went well, we had some difficulties with the movie. We were unable to play 'Yes Man'
this weekend because of a miscommunication with Swank Motion Pictures when ordering the movie for that
date. We did not play a movie on Friday night, even though there were around 65 students in attendance. We
played 'Zoolander' on Saturday night, and there were 40 students and pre-frosh in attendance. We are currently
trying to figure out where the miscommunication took place and how to resolve the problem. 'Yes Man' will
play before the school year is over.
There is not a CPB movie this weekend. Next week, 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' will be playing on Friday,
April 17 and Saturday, April 18 @ 10 pm in BC Auditorium.
Our last event of the year is Senior Party, and it is on Sunday, May 3 from 9 pm to 1 am at the World Trade
Center. Tickets go on sale next week on Tuesday, April 14. Seniors will get 3 free tickets – one for themselves
and 2 guests tickets. Any additional tickets for guests or non-seniors are $5.
There is not a CPB meeting this week due to Holy Thursday, but we will be having our last meeting on
Thursday, April 16 @ 7 pm in Franz 223.
3. Advantage and Elections: Secretary Coughlin
Nothing new to report.
4. Senate Standing Committees:
Academic Concerns: I met with Br. Donald and asked about the poly science internships. Right now there are
internship opportunities abroad. The Registrar is also open to suggestions for registration.
ASUP Oversight: Nothing new to report.
Athletics: Nothing new to report.
External Affairs: We had the Service Project yesterday. It was a success. There were 9 of us and we picked
up quite a bit. There was a lady out that said she used to live near Concordia and that the students there were
always doing stuff, but she said that she only saw UP students party. I have an article here that describes how
businesses are coming together and naming themselves. I thought that it was interesting that they are
considering the University District. Also if you have an idea to improve your neighborhood better you can
apply for a grant. Also, there is going to be an Earth Day clean up at Cathedral Park. Snacks and drinks are
Campus Affairs: Nothing new to report.
Food: Nothing new to report.
Technological Affairs: I met with the IS staff, the internet speed will be improving. Also they said that before
the year is over the email will be going over to gmail. We will still have the same email address.
Club Recognition: The Portland Stillness Project was recommended. Tomorrow is our last meeting.
Campus Security and Maintenance: We had our last meeting with P-Safe and P-Plant. We talked with
Harold. The blue lights are getting put on hold due to the rain. The crosswalk is happening and the
skate boarding policy we had is getting passed. It starts next fall. There will be members of the staff
going to the Neighborhood Association meeting. They will be talking about parking and partying.
Harold brought up the Off Campus guide to living and said that is what should monitor students.
Harold said that Jim Kuffner could help find funding for that.
ASUP Awareness: Nothing new to report.
Sustainability: Nothing new to report.
5. University Committees: Advisor Koffler Nothing new to report.
6. Constituency Reports:
Senator Olberding-I had a complaint that the new coffee cups leak in the Cove.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-There were some complaints at Pilotpalooza, from lines and lack of water. Also the
blue lights are out.
Senator Stocking-Could there be a snowboarding club?
Senator Imfeld-Could you fix the lights, and some guys didn’t enjoy the Pilotplaooza.
Senator Scheumann-The grass wasn’t mowed for the perspective students.
Senator Tenzin-Fr. Bill wasn’t answering emails.
Senator Ruffin-There is problems with Advising and there was a complaint about the education courses.
There are only 14 spots for a course that all sophomores have to take.
Senator Brox-Some copy machines don’t give you change in the library.
Senator Berning-There were complaints about the west side quad. There were many mixed reviews with
Old Business:
1. Budget
Senator Schmidt-Carr-Time to Bethany.
Bethany-Last week there was a club interested in using our funds, and I wanted to say that the event was a
very popular event. We get about 300 people every year. This is usually funded from multiple groups. There
are many programs to attend and I have emails from many faculty members expressing how they think Day of
the Dead is very important. It should continue to be funded because it educates UP students truly benefit from
this. I just wanted to make sure that you have the proper information. This is a good way to acknowledge
Hispanics that work here. It is a great way for the Spanish department to incorporate themselves in another
way. I support it.
Treasurer Taketa-The side notes are from student activities from last year, they were from last year.
Senator Kirk-Time to UP Crew.
UP Crew-I just wanted to say that we need much more money to survive. I want you to find another club that
fund raises as much as we do. We usually get funded 50% and fund raise 30%. The rest is paid out of pocket.
Again I just want you to look at what clubs can pay for themselves as much as we do. This semester we won’t
have money to pay for any breakages. Next semester we won’t have any cushion to pay for anything. Please
look at the other clubs and see what they are requesting. Look at percentage of total cost requested. We need
$5000 for boat house rent and $1250 for insurance.
Senator Brox-You say that your cost is $11,000?
UP Crew-The total cost could vary.
Scally-Is there a rep from social work? Does Social work club fund raise?
Finance Committee-They clean Chiles and charge dues.
Senator Scally-Is there women’s soccer here? They need uniforms because they were stolen.
Senator Brox-We have given you 59% of your costs and you fund raise 30% of your costs.
Senator Crew-There are other outside costs.
Senator Berning-Could Student Activities say something about the Cultural Fest?
Bethany-It is a time for multicultural clubs to get together. Last year it was at Espresso UP, it is a time for
them to do some requiting. It does cost $1500 for the Salsa band. It is an entertainment type of event.
Senator Vuppuluri-Time to SLUG.
SLUG-I just wanted to ask money for the green house. It will help us to become more sustainable.
Senator Scally-What would be the minimal amount of money you need?
SLUG-Anything could help.
Senator Van Bruggen-Is there a rep from kappa delta pi? Can anyone say that that does?
VP Able-The Education Club.
Senator Van Bruggen-There is a line item for the children book fair. What have they done to fund raise for
that event?
Treasurer Taketa-They go to the bookstore.
Senator Van Bruggen-Also the Operations Management Association. I was looking at the dinner, what is that
VP Able-I know they do dinners with Professionals.
Senator Van Bruggen-How many students participate?
Treasurer Taketa-About 40 or more students.
VP Able-We are back in discussion.
Senator Van Bruggen-I move to place the budget into discussion.
Senator Dorwart-Second.
Voice Vote, All Ayes, No Nay, No abstentions, Motion Passes
Senator Scally-$150 from social work club, $150 from ASUP finance committee, $100 from CPB sound, $200
from CPB river run for band and move it to Rec. Services.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-Second.
Senator Scally-We think that this is the best thing that we can do. I think that his is one of our best options.
Rec. Services needs these, and if we don’t help them then they will move money from other places.
Senator Regan-I don’t think that the money should not go there. We should look to other clubs.
Senator Burrelle-I think that this is the greatest number of students. Donating the money to smaller clubs
goes to fewer clubs.
Senator Imfeld-I oppose the movement of money for CPB sound. I don’t think that we should cut that money.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-Each group pays for CPB sound to come to and work.
Director McCurdy-The money goes to the workers, not to the equipment.
Senator Vuppuluri-We should not think these are regular t shirts. Everyone has a chance to get these shirts.
Senator Dorwart-I would like to friendly amend to move $50 back to CPB sound.
Senator Scally-I agree.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-I agree.
Senator Brox-I would like to friendly amend and take $740 from Bullwinkels.
Senator Scally-I do not agree.
Voice Vote, Most Ayes, A few Nays, 1 abstentions, Motion Passes
Senator Dorwart-I make a motion to move $1000 from capital improvements to the SLUG green house.
Treasurer Taketa-We are not allowed to do that.
Senator Dorwart-Do you have your finance policy?
VP Able-It says that you have to have a certain percentage to put towards.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-Didn’t you do that this semester?
VP Able-We did it with another capital improvemt.
Senator Olberding-I make a motion to move $750 from Bullwinkels to SLUG green house.
Senator Regan-Second.
DebateSenator Olberding-We think that we could charge $5 for each student and then it would generate money.
Senator Brox-It is just to charge $5 for the event and still fund the green house.
Senator Imfeld-I support the green house, but I think that Capital Improvements could help this out.
Bullwinkels is a big event.
Senator Vuppuluri-We should look at the benefit of these two activates. When you go to the event it is done,
but the green house lasts. Think of the time value of money. If we can help start the process it will help. It
has long term implications.
Senator Dorwart-Can we go back to the last topic.
Advisor Koffler-In the 06-07 there was a resolution stating how the funds are to be used.
Senator Dorwart-So…
VP Able-We are back in debate for the motion.
Senator Scally-Friendly amend the amount to $750 instead of $1000.
Senator Dorwart-I agree.
Senator Olberding-I do not think that we should go this way. This compromises what we have been doing.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-I feel this is going towards a green thing that we usually want.
Senator Ruffin-I think that this is a good point, I don’t think that we should pass this motion because it is an
excuse against the past motion.
Senator Vuppuluri-Let’s look at what the CI does, we are not using the CI as a crutch, we are doing this.
Senator Bonilla-I understand what you are saying. It won’t hurt to keep this for next year. We have policies
to reallocate money responsibly. Please respect what past senates have established.
Senator Van Bruggen-Previous Question to end debate.
VP Able-Those who are in favor of ending debate on this topic.
Hand Vote, 26 Ayes,0 Nay,1 abstentions, Motion Passes
Those in favor of moving $750 from CI to SLUG green house.
Hand Vote, 26 Ayes,0 Nay,1 abstentions, Motion Fails
Senator Brox-I think that charging $5 for Bullwinkels is a good idea.
Senator Burrelle-If we are saying to leave the funds for the SA outing. We don’t need the money for the
green house.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-We could reallocate the money we were going to spend on Bullwinkels.
Senator Ruffin-I would like to friendly amend the move $750 from SLUG to Rec. Services t-shirts.
Senator Vuppuluri-There is no guarantee that this will happen next semester. This has good potential for
good returns on our investments.
Senator Klemz-I am concerned that $750 is not enough to have a good green house.
Senator Olberding-I don’t think that there is anything including the $750 in the CI. There is also fund raising
Hand Vote,8 Ayes,19 Nay, No abstentions, Motion Fails
Senator Scheumann-Move $500 from International Club sound production and move it to Intramural t-shirts.
Senator Brox-Second.
DebateSenator Scheumann-These t-shirts are what we want to fund, and there were many debates for where this
club gets their sounding form.
Senator Regan-I actually think that International Night will benefit just as many students. We have already
tried to compensate these t shirts.
Senator Filler-Remember they were in here saying that CPB sound wasn’t enough. They require more sound
then that.
Voice Vote1 Ayes, All Nay, No abstentions, Motion Fails
Senator Tenzin-I make a motion to move $400 from Dance Club to Intramural T-shirts.
VP Able-No Second.
Senator Regan-I make a motion to pass the budget at is.
Senator Scally-Second.
Roll Call Vote, All Ayes, No Nay, No abstentions, Motion Passes
New Business:
Resolution 09-11
Van Bruggen- This resolution asks for the campus bookstore to provide students with more information on
classroom textbooks when searching the university bookstore website, specifically, calling for providing
students with the ISBN number of the book. This information would assist in a search significantly when
accessing other routes than the campus bookstore.
Reallocation Request: FISH
FISH would like to reallocated $395 from “Leadership Retreat Housing and gas” to create a new line item,
“Women’s Event Housing.”
Andy-Sorry for the changes. There will be over 20.
Senator Scally-How many girls do you have in your club?
Andy-Probably 80.
Reallocation Request: College Ecology
They would like to move $100 from bike day to Earth Week for movie night/t shirt making.
College Ecology-For sustainability week we will have out first event, it is “bring your own t shirt and decorate
Reallocation Request: UPSNA
They are requesting to move $10 from advertising from mock interviews and resume workshop, $75 from
interviewer gift, $50 from workshop leaders to speaker honorarium.
Senator Van Bruggen-It already happened.
Reallocation Request: Men’s Ultimate Frisbee
They would like to allocate $450 from the combination of food, hotel, and gas to sweatshirts.
Reallocation Request: GSP
They would like to move $619.25 from the remaining balance to ice cream social for their day of silence.
Senator Regan-There is a possibility that they still haven’t turned in their receipts.
Reallocation Request: O LE
Due to lack of time we can’t have a guest speaker, we wanted to reallocate the $200 to Latin American night.
Senator Olberding-I make a motion to pass FISH, College Ecology, and O LE.
Senator Van Bruggen-Second.
DebateSenator Olberding-These are all good uses of money except of the ones I did not ask to pass.
Senator Regan-I think that this is something that they requested money towards this, so we should help out
some. I make a motion to give GSP $30 for the ice cream social.
DebateSenator Regan-I think that this is a reasonable amount.
Senator Scheumann-I don’t think that we should do this because all clubs could come in and do this.
Senator Regan-I think that they could still have receipts to bring in.
Senator Schmidt-Carr-Since I don’t know where to take this from, I feel like it is hard to decide where to
take it from.
Senator Bonilla-Are we in debate?
Senator Bonilla-There is lots of debate for this, and I do not think that it is fair for a club to come in and ask
for their unspent funds.
Voice Vote, No Ayes, All Nay, No abstentions, Reallocation Fails
Senator Schmidt-Carr- I make a motion to pass 09-11.
DebateSenator Schmidt-Carr-I think that the bookstore should do this for students.
Voice Vote, All Ayes, No Nay, No abstentions, Motion Passes
Resolution 09-14
Senator Dorwart-It is asking for ISBN numbers for all text books.
Senator Van Bruggen-I heard that the bookstores contract has a renewal for their contract.
Senator Olberding-I make a motion to past 09-14
DebateSenator Olberding-I think that it would help to have this.
Senator Vuppuluri-I had to come into the bookstore and get these. It would be helpful for people that don’t
live in Portland. This would make it easier.
Voice Vote, All Ayes, No Nay, No abstentions, Motion Passes
VP Able-Committee Chairs-I need your reports before school ends. Inventory Committee needs to be set in
stone and then we will send it out to all the Senators. I am really excited and proud of you. At this time we
will be leaving and the new people will be coming.
Open Forum:
President Bunch-Even though tomorrow there are no classes – there are presentations all day– I am
presenting at 10:15am
President Coughlin- Relay for Life – Anyone want to help plan it? Make some plans for the event. Allison is
the team captain.
Relay for Life-April 18th
Senator Ruffin-Help Chris Quit is a fundraiser you can be part of.
Nicaragua immersion, Senator Collins – fundraiser. 50 stop smoking for a day, 150, semester. Bring donations
to Shipstad donation. Save Chris’s Lungs
Advisor Koffler – Orientation Applications available in the Student Activities office. Congratulate outgoing
exec board. Awards ceremony, free dinner, April 20, St Mary’s.
PM Adjournment- 6:32 PM
Respectfully Submitted by: ASUP Secretary Coughlin