No. 35 1303 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ALL PUBLIC ACTS appearing in this GAZETTE are to be considered official, and obeyed as such ADELAIDE, THURSDAY, 14 MARCH 2002 CONTENTS Page Appointments, Resignations, Etc............................................. 1304 Controlled Substances Act 1984—Notice ............................... 1305 Corporations and District Councils—Notices ......................... 1333 Environment Protection Authority—Notice ............................ 1305 Federation of North Eastern Councils—Regional Charter ...... 1306 Fisheries Act 1982—Notices................................................... 1312 Geographical Names Act 1991—Corringendum .................... 1313 Land Acquisition Act 1969-1972—Notices ............................ 1313 Liquor Licensing Act 1997—Notices...................................... 1314 Local Government Act 1999—Approval of Subsidiary .......... 1320 Mining Act 1971—Notices ..................................................... 1325 Passenger Transport Act 1994—Notices................................. 1328 Private Advertisements ............................................................ 1335 Proclamations .......................................................................... 1304 Public Trustee Office—Administration of Estates .................. 1334 Real Property Act 1886—Notices ........................................... 1327 Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991—Notice ................... 1328 Transport, Department of—Notices to Mariners ..................... 1328 Unclaimed Moneys Act 1891—Notices .................................. 1336 Vocational Education, Employment and Training Act 1994— Contracts of Training ........................................................... 1329 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICES ALL poundkeepers’ and private advertisements forwarded for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette must be PAID FOR PRIOR TO INSERTION; and all notices, from whatever source, should be legibly written on one side of the paper only and sent to Government Publishing SA so as to be received no later than 4 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone 8207 1045 or Fax 8207 1040. E-mail: Send as attachments in Word format and please confirm your transmission with a faxed copy of your document, including the date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. 1304 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS ACT 1994 SECTION 5: COMMITTAL OF ACTS TO MINISTERS Proclamation By The Governor (L.S.) MARJORIE JACKSON-NELSON PURSUANT to section 5 of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1994 and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, I commit the administration of an Act referred to in the schedule to the Minister whose title appears at the head of the list in which the Act appears. SCHEDULE Acts Committed to Ministers Treasurer National Wine Centre Act 1997 Minister for Industry, Investment and Trade Industries Development Act 1941 South Australian Motor Sport Act 1984 Minister for the River Murray Ground Water (Qualco-Sunlands) Control Act 2000 Given under my hand and the Public Seal of South Australia, at Adelaide, 14 March 2002. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier DPC 50/96 CS SHOP TRADING HOURS ACT 1977 SECTION 13: ALTERATION OF SHOP TRADING HOURS—KINGSCOTE SHOPPING DISTRICT—EASTER MONDAY 2002 Proclamation By The Governor (L.S.) MARJORIE JACKSON-NELSON PURSUANT to section 13 of the Shop Trading Hours Act 1977 and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, I authorise the opening of all shops in the Kingscote Shopping District from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Monday, 1 April 2002, subject to the conditions specified in the Schedule. SCHEDULE This proclamation only authorises the opening of a shop if— (a) all relevant industrial awards, workplace agreements and enterprise agreements are observed by the shopkeeper and persons employed in the business of the shop during and in relation to the hours specified in this proclamation during which the shop is open; and (b) subject to an industrial award, workplace agreement or enterprise agreement to the contrary—a person who is employed in the business of the shop is entitled to refuse to work at the shop during the hours specified in this proclamation unless he or she has agreed with the shopkeeper to work during those hours. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of South Australia, at Adelaide, 14 March 2002. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier WKS 02/002 CS SHOP TRADING HOURS ACT 1977 SECTION 13: ALTERATION OF SHOP TRADING HOURS—KINGSCOTE SHOPPING DISTRICT, MILLICENT SHOPPING DISTRICT AND MINLATON SHOPPING DISTRICT— EASTER 2002 Proclamation By The Governor (L.S.) MARJORIE JACKSON-NELSON PURSUANT to section 13 of the Shop Trading Hours Act 1977 and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, I authorise, subject to the conditions specified in the Schedule, the opening of all shops— (a) in the Kingscote Shopping District from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday, 30 March 2002; [14 March 2002 (b) in the Millicent Shopping District from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday, 30 March 2002; (c) in the Minlaton Shopping District from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday, 30 March 2002. SCHEDULE This proclamation only authorises the opening of a shop if— (a) all relevant industrial awards, workplace agreements and enterprise agreements are observed by the shopkeeper and persons employed in the business of the shop during and in relation to the hours specified in this proclamation during which the shop is open; and (b) subject to an industrial award, workplace agreement or enterprise agreement to the contrary—a person who is employed in the business of the shop is entitled to refuse to work at the shop during the hours specified in this proclamation unless he or she has agreed with the shopkeeper to work during those hours. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of South Australia, at Adelaide, 14 March 2002. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier WKS 02/002 CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 14 March 2002 HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint Neil John McKenzie, APM, to the position of Deputy Commissioner of Police, from 20 March 2002 until 30 June 2002, pursuant to section 14 of the Police Act 1998. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier MPOL 0001/02CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 14 March 2002 HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has terminated the appointment of Christine Patricia Charles as Chief Executive, Department of Human Services, pursuant to section 12 (1) (b) of the Public Sector Management Act 1995. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier DPC 009/02CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 14 March 2002 HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has terminated the appointment of Geoff Spring as Chief Executive, Department of Education, Training and Employment, pursuant to section 12 (1) (b) of the Public Sector Management Act 1995. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier DPC 009/02CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 14 March 2002 HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint William Raymond Cossey to the position of Director of Children’s Services, for so long as he remains assigned to act in the position of Chief Executive, Department of Education, Training and Employment, pursuant to section 11 of the Children’s Services Act 1985, section 68 of the Constitution Act 1934 and section 36 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier MECS 06/02CS 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 14 March 2002 HER Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint James Birch to the position of Chief Executive, Department of Human Services, for a term of five years commencing on 18 March 2002, upon terms and conditions set out in the Employment Agreement between the said James Birch and Michael David Rann, Premier, pursuant to Part 4 of the Public Sector Management Act 1995. By command, J. W. WEATHERILL, for Premier DPC 008/02CS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT 1984 Revocation TAKE notice that on 5 March 2002 the Minister for Human Services made an order pursuant to section 57 (2) of the Controlled Substances Act 1984 in respect of Dr. Brian Reading Moore, Klose Road, Mount Torrens, S.A. 5244 that the Prohibition Order dated 13 February 1997 served on Dr Moore be revoked. K. Evans, Director, Drugs Strategy and Programs Branch, operating under delegated authority, acting for and on behalf of the Minister for Human Services ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AUTHORITY Exemption THE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AUTHORITY has issued to Wayville Speedway Promotions Pty Ltd an exemption from the Environment Protection (Industrial Noise) Policy 1994, with respect to motor racing events, including speedway or supercross events at: • Royal Showgrounds, Goodwood Road, Wayville, for three days during the period 6 February 2002 and 30 November 2002. No motor racing events shall be conducted outside the following time periods: • 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Thursday • 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday • 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. At all other times, noise emissions from motor racing events must comply with the Environment Protection Act 1993 and the Environment Protection (Industrial Noise) Policy 1994. G. SCLARE, Delegate for the Environment Protection Authority 1305 1306 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 FEDERATION OF NORTH EASTERN COUNCILS Regional Subsidiary Charter THE constituent Councils of the Federation of North Eastern Councils, a regional subsidiary pursuant to section 43 of the Local Government Act 1999, have resolved to adopt this Charter to ensure compliance with the Act. The Charter is as follows: 1. INTERPRETATION In this charter, unless the contrary intention appears: ‘the Act’ means the Local Government Act 1999; ‘administrative services’ means administrative work required by the constituent councils as follows: • preparation of agenda, reports and minutes for council and committee meetings, giving notice of such meetings and dealing with correspondence; • dealing with complaints; • preparation of documents and contracts relating to tenders and quotations for goods, services and works; • preparation of the annual report and all such other reports as may be required by the Act; • preparation of the annual budget and financial statements as may be required by the Act; • collection of rates and debts due to the council including the taking of any necessary legal action for recovery; • providing such other services, of a similar nature to the above specific matters, as are required of a Chief Executive Officer under the Act; • providing such other administrative or financial services as the Federation may from time to time approve. ‘the chairperson’ means the person from time to time duly appointed to the position of chairperson of the Federation; ‘Chief Executive Officer’ means the Chief Executive Officer of the constituent councils and includes a deputy or another person acting in the role of Chief Executive Officer; ‘constituent council’ means either the District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton or the District Council of Peterborough as the case may require; ‘constituent councils’ means the District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton or the District Council of Peterborough; ‘Federation’ means the Federation of North Eastern Councils; ‘member’ means a member of the Board of Management of the Federation as appointed by a constituent council pursuant to this Charter. 2. NAME The name of the subsidiary shall be The Federation of North Eastern Councils. 2.1 Establishment The Federation is a regional subsidiary established by the District Council of Orroroo and the District Council of Peterborough pursuant to Section 43 of the Local Government Act 1999. 2.2 Local Government Act 1999 This Charter must be read in conjunction with Schedule 2 to the Local Government Act 1999. The Federation shall conduct its affairs in accordance with Schedule 2 to the Act except as modified by this Charter and where permitted by schedule 2. 2.3 Purpose of the Federation The Federation is established to: 2.3.1 provide administrative services to the constituent councils in an effective and efficient manner; 2.3.2 undertake such other services as may be agreed from time to time by the constituent councils. 14 March 2002] 2.4 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1307 Powers and functions of the Federation The Federation shall have the following powers (in addition to and without prejudice to any other powers herein expressed or implied or by virtue of any legislation applicable): 2.5 2.4.1 to prepare, implement, monitor and review plans for the provision of administrative services to the constituent councils by Federation staff who will be under the direction and control of the Federation; 2.4.2 to enter into any arrangements with any Government or Authority that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the purpose of the Federation and the exercise of the powers and functions of the Federation; 2.4.3 to appoint, employ, remunerate, remove or suspend such officers, managers, agents and employees as necessary for the purposes of the Federation; 2.4.4 subject to the prior approval of the constituent councils, to raise revenue including subscriptions and levies from the constituent councils; 2.4.5 to accept and expend any grants, subsidies, levies donations and contributions of a pecuniary or non-pecuniary nature from Government or other sources to further the purpose of the Federation; 2.4.6 subject to the prior approval of the constituent councils, to borrow money on such terms as the Federation sees fit; 2.4.7 subject to the prior approval of the constituent councils, to give such security for the discharge of liabilities (including borrowing) incurred by the Federation as the Federation thinks fit; 2.4.8 to enter into contracts that the Federation considers necessary or desirable; 2.4.9 to do all such things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the purpose, the furtherance of the interests and the exercise of the powers of the Federation; 2.4.10 to expend moneys on all things essential and incidental to the proper management and operations of the Federation. Delegation of Authority 2.5.1 3. The Federation may by resolution delegate all or any of the powers of the Federation to the Chief Executive Officer subject to such limitations and conditions as may be determined by the Federation. Such delegation is revocable by the Federation and does not derogate from the power of the Federation to act itself in any manner. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT 3.1 Membership 3.1.1 The Federation is governed by a Board of Management consisting of six members, three elected members appointed from the District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton and three elected members appointed from the District Council of Peterborough. 3.1.2 The members shall be appointed by the constituent councils for a period of one year. Members may be removed at the discretion of the constituent council. 3.1.3 Each member may have a proxy member appointed by the constituent council who, when not acting as proxy, may attend meetings of the Federation as an observer without voting rights. 3.1.4 Casual vacancies will be filled by the constituent Council in the same manner as the original appointment. The person appointed to fill a casual vacancy will be appointed for the balance of the term of the original appointment. 3.1.5 The appointment of a member ceases if that member: ceases to hold the office of elected member of a constituent council; dies; resigns by notice in writing to the Chief Executive Officer and the appointing council; becomes an officer or employee of the Federation; is declared bankrupt; 1308 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3.1.6 3.2 3.3 3.4 [14 March 2002 is convicted of an indictable offence; is removed from office by resolution of the constituent council that appointed the member. A member, if eligible, may be reappointed as a member of the Federation at the expiration of the term of appointment. Propriety of Members of the Board 3.2.1 The principles regarding conflict of interest (Chapter 5, Part 4, Division 3 of the Act) apply to all Board Members in the same manner as if they were elected members of a council. 3.2.2 The Board Members are not required to comply with Chapter 5 Part 4, Division 2 (Register of Interests) of the Act. 3.2.3 The Board members will at all times act in accordance with their duties of confidence, confidentiality and individual fiduciary duties including honesty and the exercise of reasonable care and diligence with respect to the performance and discharge of official functions and duties as required by Chapter 5 Part 4, Division 1 (S62) of the Act and Clause 23 of Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Act. Chairperson of the Board 3.3.1 The Federation shall elect a Chairperson from amongst its members who shall hold office for a term of one year expiring at the June meeting of the Federation next following such election. 3.3.2 The Chairperson shall chair all meetings of the Federation. 3.3.3 In the absence of the Chairperson the members present at a meeting of the Federation shall elect an acting Chairperson for that meeting. 3.3.4 The position of Chairperson shall rotate annually between constituent councils. Meetings of the Board of Management 3.4.1 The Board of Management shall meet not less than four times in every year and not less than once in any period of three months. Meetings may be held at different times and different locations agreed by the Board. 3.4.2 Written notice of meetings shall be given by the Chief Executive Officer to each Board Member not less than seven clear days before the meeting and shall be accompanied by an agenda for the meeting and any written reports. 3.4.3 A constituent council or the Chairperson of the Board may by delivering a written request to the Chief Executive Officer require a special meeting of the Board to be held. Any request to the Chief Executive Officer for a special meeting must be accompanied by an agenda for the meeting. If an agenda is not provided the request is of no effect. 3.4.4 On receipt of the request the Chief Executive Officer shall send a notice of the special meeting to all Board Members at least 4 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting. The notice of meeting shall specify the date, time and place of the special meeting, be signed by the Chief Executive Officer and contain an agenda for the meeting. 3.4.5 No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Board of Management unless a quorum is present. The quorum for any meeting of the Board shall be a simple majority of the number of members in office. 3.4.6 The proceedings for meetings of the Board of Management, subject only to the extent that they are modified by this Charter shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2000. 3.4.7 Every member of the Board of Management including the Chairperson shall have a deliberative vote. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson shall not have a casting vote. 3.4.8 All matters will be decided by a majority of votes of Board Members present (and entitled to vote) except where this Charter provides otherwise. In the event of an equality of votes the matter will lapse. 3.4.9 Subject to the requirements of Chapter 5, Part 4, Division 3 of the Act (conflict of interest) all Board Members present must vote on a matter. 3.4.10 Meetings of the Board of Management shall be open to the public unless the Board orders the public be excluded from a meeting in order to enable the Board to consider in confidence any matter in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 6 Part 3 (S90) (Public Access). 3.4.11 The Chief Executive Officer must cause minutes to be kept of the proceedings of every meeting of the Board and a copy of such minutes shall be forwarded to the Board Members 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1309 and the constituent councils. The minutes must be confirmed at the next meeting of the Board and signed by the Chairperson. 3.4.12 4. 5. To the extent that this Charter, the Act and the Regulations are silent, the Board may determine its own procedures. STAFFING ISSUES 4.1 The Board of Management shall appoint as its Chief Executive Officer the person who is for the time being the Chief Executive Officer of the constituent councils. In the event that there is more than one person appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the constituent councils the Board shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer from such persons. 4.2 The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible to the Board of Management; 4.2.1 for the execution of its decisions; 4.2.2 for the efficient management of the operation and affairs of the Federation; 4.2.3 for giving effect to general management principles and human resource management principles as prescribed by the Act (Chapter 7 Part 3). 4.3 The Chief Executive Officer has such powers, functions and duties as provided for in this Charter and as determined by the Federation from time to time to ensure the efficient and effective management of the operations and the affairs of the Federation. 4.4 The Board of Management may appoint any other employee as considered necessary to carry out the business of the Federation. 4.5 In the event of any employee, who was an employee of a constituent council at the time of establishment of the Federation, becoming redundant to the requirements of the Federation, the constituent council that was the original employer shall be responsible for the payment of the proportion of the total of any compensation that is required to be paid to that employee in connection with such redundancy, that is calculated to be payable in respect of the period that the redundant employee was employed by the constituent council before the establishment of the Federation. 4.6 In the event of a winding up of the Federation all persons who are employees of the Federation shall become employees of the constituent council from which they transferred at the time of establishment of the Federation. Those employees will have the benefit of the provisions of clause 4.5 with any reference to the Federation being read as a reference to the appropriate constituent council and any reference to the constituent council being read as a reference to the Federation. 4.7 In the event of a winding up of the Federation, if an employee of the Federation did not transfer from a constituent council, the constituent councils will determine to which Council such employee shall transfer with all other provisions of clause 4.5 applying so far as applicable. In the event of a failure to agree between the constituent councils the employee shall be made redundant by the Federation. MANAGEMENT 5.1 5.2 Financial Management 5.1.1 The Chief Executive Officer shall keep proper books and accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999. 5.1.2 The Federation must establish and maintain a bank account. All moneys received by the Federation shall be paid into a bank account within seven days of receipt. 5.1.3 Withdrawals from the bank account shall require the authorisation of two persons approved by resolution of the Board of Management. Annual Budget 5.2.1 The Federation shall, prepare and adopt an annual budget relating to the revenue and expenses for each financial year. The budget must be adopted at a meeting of the Board of Management before 15 June in the preceding financial year. 5.2.2 The Federation must provide a copy of its annual budget to the constituent councils within five business days of its adoption. 5.2.3 Reports summarising the financial position and performance of the Federation against the annual budget shall be presented to the Board of Management every three months and copies provided to the constituent councils within five business days of the Board meeting. 5.2.4 The quarterly budget review shall include details of any surplus revenue and the subsequent effect on the subscriptions required from the constituent councils for the next quarter. 1310 5.3 5.4 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Audit 5.3.1 The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for the preparation of the Federation’s annual financial statements of the Federation and such statements shall be duly audited in conjunction with the financial statements of the constituent councils. 5.3.2 The Federation shall appoint an auditor in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999. 5.3.3 If the auditor appointed by the Federation is different to that appointed by the constituent councils the Federation’s auditor shall liaise and consult with that other auditor. 5.3.4 The Chief Executive Officer must at the request of the auditor produce any accounts or other financial records of the Federation for the auditor’s inspection. 5.3.5 The Chief Executive Officer must at the request of the auditor provide the auditor with any explanation or information that the auditor requires for the purpose of the audit. 5.3.6 If the Chief Executive Officer, without reasonable excuse, fails to produce any accounts or other financial records or provide an explanation or information in accordance with a request from the auditor that Officer may be subject to disciplinary action by the Federation. 5.3.7 The auditor must immediately refer to the Federation any irregularity in the Federation’s accounts or in the management of the Federation’s financial affairs identified by the auditor in the course of the audit of the Federation’s financial affairs. 5.3.8 The auditor must at the completion of the audit, give a copy of the auditor’s report in relation to the Federation’s activities to the chairperson and the constituent councils for subsequent consideration at a meeting of the Federation. Business Plan 5.4.1 6. 7. The Federation shall, in consultation with the constituent councils prepare a three year business plan including resource allocation and performance targets. The Board and the constituent councils must ensure that the Business Plan is prepared within six months of the establishment of the Federation and reviewed annually. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6.1 Each constituent council shall be liable to contribute moneys to the Federation in each financial year. 6.2 The amount of the contributions payable by each constituent council in any financial year shall be as set out in the budget for that year and shall be payable in quarterly instalments in advance on the first days of July, October, January and April. 6.3 The amount of contribution to be made by each constituent council shall be based on the estimate of the amount of administrative services required by that council for the next financial year having regard to the actual costs of administrative services provided to that council in the current financial year with any necessary adjustments required in the circumstances. 6.4 Not withstanding the provisions of clause 6.2 generally the District Council of Peterborough shall contribute 55% of the total estimated expenditure of the Federation and the District Council of Orroroo shall contribute 45% of the total estimated expenditure. 6.5 The Federation may impose a levy or levies on constituent councils for a specified purpose or purposes. ASSETS 7.1 8. [14 March 2002 All assets held by the Federation will be held by it on behalf of the constituent councils. WINDING UP 8.1 Subject to any legislative requirements the constituent councils may by resolution wind up the Federation. 8.2 A council may resign as a constituent council by giving a minimum of twelve months and a maximum of twenty-three months notice in writing to the Chief Executive Officer with the resignation to take effect on 30 June in any financial year. 8.3 The resignation of any constituent council shall not extinguish the liability of that council for the payment of all contributions towards the total estimated expenditure of the Federation for the financial year in which such resignation shall take place regardless of whether such contributions fall due for payment after the date of such resolution. 14 March 2002] 9. THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1311 8.4 The resignation of any constituent council shall not extinguish the liability of that council for the payment of all contributions towards any actual or contingent deficiency in the net assets of the Federation at the end of the financial year in which such resignation shall take place. 8.5 The resignation of any constituent council shall not extinguish the liability of such Council to contribute to any loss or liability incurred by the Federation at any time before or after such resignation in respect of any act or omission by the Federation prior to such resignation. 8.6 Subject to any legislative requirements the resignation of a constituent council shall take effect as a winding up of the Federation. 8.7 In the event of winding up and after the payment of all expenses any surplus assets shall be returned to the constituent councils in proportion to the subscriptions paid in the financial year prior to the passing of the resolution to wind up. 8.8 In the event of a winding up where there are insufficient funds to pay all expenses of the Federation a levy shall be struck to cover the deficiency, such levy being in proportion to the subscriptions paid in the financial year prior to the winding up. DIRECTION BY CONSTITUENT COUNCILS 9.1 The establishment of the Federation does not derogate from the power of the constituent councils to jointly act in any manner prudent to the sound management and operation of the Federation, provided that the constituent councils have first agreed by resolution of each constituent council as to the action to be taken. 10. THE COMMON SEAL 10.1 The Federation shall have a common seal. 10.2 The seal shall not be used without authorisation by resolution of the Board of Management. The Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer shall witness the affixing of the seal. 10.3 Every use of the seal shall be recorded in the minute book of the Federation. 10.4 The seal shall be kept in the custody of the Chief Executive Officer or other such persons as the Board may from time to time determine. 11. REVIEW OF THE CHARTER 11.1 Subject to the requirements of the Act any proposed alteration to these rules shall be made at a special meeting of the Federation called for that purpose and must be approved by an absolute majority of the members of the Federation. Any such proposed alteration shall be referred to the constituent councils before the alteration becomes effective. 11.2 The Chief Executive Officer shall give fourteen days written notice of the special meeting to all members of the Federation setting out the nature of the proposed alteration. 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 12.1 The constituent councils agree to work together to resolve any dispute through good faith negotiation. 12.2 Failing resolution of a dispute through good faith negotiations the Chairperson of the Board shall request the Executive Director of the Local Government Association of South Australia to appoint a suitably qualified person to arbitrate the dispute. 12.3 The constituent councils agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator and will endeavour to work together in good faith for the implementation of the decision. 12.4 The costs of the arbitration shall be born equally by the constituent councils. 12.5 A constituent council may initiate this dispute resolution process by resolution of the council and written notification to the Board. 13. Circumstances not provided for 13.1 If any circumstances arise about which this Charter is silent, incapable of taking effect or being implemented according to its strict provisions, the constituent councils shall have the power to determine what action may be taken to ensure the effective administration of the Federation in accordance with its objects. Dated 11 March 2002. T. D. BARNES, Chief Executive Officer 1312 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE note that the Notice No. P001/02 made under section 43 of the Fisheries Act 1982, and published in the South Australian Government Gazette, page 1298, dated 8 March 2002 being the fourth notice on that page, referring to the Spencer Gulf prawn fishery, is hereby revoked. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries R002/02 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE note that the Notice No. P002/02 made under section 43 of the Fisheries Act 1982, and published in the South Australian Government Gazette, page 1298, dated 8 March 2002 being the fifth notice on that page, referring to the Spencer Gulf prawn fishery, is hereby revoked. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries R003/02 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE note that the Notice No. P003/02 made under section 43 of the Fisheries Act 1982, and published in the South Australian Government Gazette, page 1299, dated 8 March 2002 being the first notice on that page, referring to the Spencer Gulf prawn fishery, is hereby revoked. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries R004/02 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE notice that it is hereby declared that it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the class of fishing activity specified in Schedule 1 during the periods specified in Schedule 2. SCHEDULE 1 The act of taking or the act preparatory to or involved in the taking of western king prawn (Penaeus latisulcatus) in waters of Spencer Gulf north of the line commencing at position latitude 3407.00S, longitude 13735.00E then to position latitude 3407.00S, longitude 13655.00E then to position latitude 3401.00S, longitude 13655.00E then to position latitude 3350.00S, longitude 13643.00E. SCHEDULE 2 2000 hours on 11 March 2002 to 0070 hours on 21 March 2002. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries P004/02 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE notice that it is hereby declared that it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the class of fishing activity specified in Schedule 1 during the periods specified in Schedule 2. SCHEDULE 1 The act of taking or the act preparatory to or involved in the taking of western king prawn (Penaeus latisulcatus) in all waters of Spencer Gulf. SCHEDULE 2 From 0700 hours to 2000 hours from 12 March 2002 to 20 March 2002. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries P005/02 [14 March 2002 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE notice that it is hereby declared that it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the class of fishing activity specified in Schedule 1 during the periods specified in Schedule 2. SCHEDULE 1 The act of taking or the act preparatory to or involved in the taking of western king prawn (Penaeus latisulcatus) in all waters of Spencer Gulf. SCHEDULE 2 From 0700 hours on 21 March 2002 to 2030 hours on 31 December 2002. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries P006/02 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 59 TAKE notice that pursuant to section 59 of the Fisheries Act 1982, Garry Overton, holder of Miscellaneous Fishery Licence No. Y067, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘exemption holder’) of Mulka Station, Birdsville Track, via Port Augusta, S.A. 5710, is exempted from the provisions of Clause 30 of Schedule 1 of the Fisheries (General) Regulations 2000, but only insofar as the exemption holder shall not be guilty of an offence when using a fish net in the waters of the Cooper Creek system flowing over the Mulka Station, as defined by Pastoral lease 2339 (Mulka) and Pastoral lease 2447 (Lake Hope), subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 1, from the date of gazettal of this notice until 30 June 2002, unless varied or revoked earlier. SCHEDULE 1 1. The exemption holder may only use fish nets which are endorsed on Miscellaneous Fishery Licence No. Y067, pursuant to the condition of the licence. 2. While engaged in the exempted activity, the exemption holder shall carry or have about or near his person a copy of this notice which must be produced to a PIRSA Fisheries Compliance Officer upon request. 3. The exemption holder shall not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Act 1982, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 59 TAKE notice that pursuant to section 59 of the Fisheries Act 1982, Garry Overton, holder of Miscellaneous Fishery Licence No. Y067, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘exemption holder’) of Mulka Station, Birdsville Track, via Port Augusta, S.A. 5710, is exempted from the provisions of Clause 60 of Schedule 1 of the Fisheries (General) Regulations 2000, but only insofar as the exemption holder shall not be guilty of an offence when taking undersized Lake Eyre callop (Macquaria n.sp) from the waters of Cooper Creek, its anabranches and lakes, subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 1, from the date of gazettal of this notice until 30 June 2002, unless varied or revoked earlier. SCHEDULE 1 1. The exemption holder may only take Lake Eyre callop (Macquaria n.sp) using gear which is endorsed on Miscellaneous Fishery Licence No. Y067. 2. All fish taken pursuant to this notice must be delivered to the South Australian Research and Development Institute and must not be sold. 3. Within 14 days of the collection of fish pursuant to this notice, the exemption holder must provide a report in writing to the Director of Fisheries, (Attention: Sean Sloan, G.P.O. Box 1625, Adelaide, S.A. 5001), giving the following details: • the date and time of collection; • the description of all species collected; and • the number of each species collected. 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4. While engaged in the exempted activity, the exemption holder shall carry or have about or near his person a copy of this notice which must be produced to a PIRSA Fisheries Compliance Officer upon request. 5. The exemption holder shall not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Act 1982, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 59 TAKE notice that pursuant to section 59 of the Fisheries Act 1982, Pang Quong or his agents (hereinafter referred to as the ‘exemption holder’), PQ Aquatics, 4 Burrawong Avenue, Seaford, Victoria 3198, is exempt from the Fisheries Act 1982, but only insofar as the exemption holder shall not be guilty of an offence when taking and possessing one egg-bearing male leafy seadragon (Phycodorus eques) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘exempted activity’) subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 1, from South Australian coastal marine waters from the date of this notice until 31 March 2003, unless varied or revoked earlier. SCHEDULE 1 1. The egg-bearing male leafy seadragon (Phycodorus eques) taken pursuant to this notice must be returned to the water as near as practicable to the area of collection once the eggs have been released. 2. The exemption holder shall provide a written report with details of each collection trip, and also the details of the return of the leafy sea dragon to the area of collection, to the Director of Fisheries at the completion of the exempted activity. 3. At least 24 hours prior to engaging in the exempted activity, the exemption holder must contact the PIRSA Fisheries Compliance Unit on 1800 065 522 with the following information: • the name of the person who will be conducting the exempted activity; • the intended location for conducting the exempted activity; • the method of conducting the exempted activity; and • if using a boat to conduct the exempted activity, the description of the boat and the intended area of launching and retrieval. 4. Whilst engaged in the exempted activity the exemption holder must be in possession of a copy of this notice and must be produced to a PIRSA Fisheries Compliance Officer if such an officer requests that it be produced. 5. The exemption holder shall not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Act 1982, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice. Dated 12 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE notice that it is hereby declared that it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the class of fishing activity specified in Schedule 1 during the periods specified in Schedule 2. SCHEDULE 1 The act of taking or the act preparatory to or involved in the taking of western king prawn (Penaeus latisulcatus) in all waters of the West Coast north of a line from position latitude 3311.50S, longitude 13419.00E, then to position latitude 3320.50S, longitude 13435.60E, then to position latitude 3322.30S, longitude 13443.00E, then to position latitude 3330.50S, longitude 13446.00E, then to position latitude 3336.00S, longitude 13446.00E. 1313 SCHEDULE 2 2000 hours on 10 March 2002 to 0630 hours on 23 March 2002. Dated 8 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries D006/02 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE notice that it is hereby declared that it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the class of fishing activity specified in Schedule 1 during the periods specified in Schedule 2. SCHEDULE 1 The act of taking or the act preparatory to or involved in the taking of western king prawn (Penaeus latisulcatus) in all waters of the West Coast prawn fishery. SCHEDULE 2 Between 0630 hours and 2000 hours between and including 11 March 2002 to 22 March 2002. Dated 8 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries D007/02 FISHERIES ACT 1982: SECTION 43 TAKE notice that it is hereby declared that it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the class of fishing activity specified in Schedule 1 during the periods specified in Schedule 2. SCHEDULE 1 The act of taking or the act preparatory to or involved in the taking of western king prawn (Penaeus latisulcatus) in all waters of the West Coast prawn fishery. SCHEDULE 2 From 0630 hours on 23 March 2002 to 31 December 2002. Dated 8 March 2002. J. PRESSER, Director of Fisheries D008/02 GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1991 NOTICE TO ASSIGN BOUNDARIES AND NAMES TO PLACES Corrigendum IN Government Gazette of 7 March 2002, page 1152, fifth notice appearing, the text should read as follows: proposal to assign the name Browns Beach, on Rack Plan 801—Part 1. Dated 12 March 2002. P. KENTISH, Surveyor-General, Department for Administrative and Information Services 04/0068 LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE Commissioner of Highways (the ‘Authority’), 33 Warwick Street, Walkerville, S.A. 5081, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising the fee simple of that piece of land situated on Fifth Street, Carrieton, S.A. 5432, being allotment 254 in the Township of Carrieton and being the whole of the land contained in certificate of title register book volume 313, folio 115, now converted to certificate of title register book volume 5835, folio 946. 1314 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE This notice is given under section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Brenton Wilkinson P.O. Box 1 Walkerville, S.A. 5081 Telephone (08) 8343 2460 Dated 12 March 2002. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by direction of the Commissioner of Highways in the presence of: D. WOODS, Manager Land Acquisition and Disposal, Transport SA LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE Commissioner of Highways (the ‘Authority’), 33 Warwick Street, Walkerville, S.A. 5081, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising the fee simple of that piece of land situated at 259 Portrush Road, Norwood, S.A. 5067, being the whole of allotment 54 in the plan lodged in the Registrar-General’s Office and numbered Deposited Plan 58030, being portion of the land contained in certificates of title volume 5836, folio 441, volume 5836, folio 442 and volume 5853, folio 984. This notice is given under section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Charles Bertram P.O. Box 1 Walkerville, S.A. 5081 Telephone (08) 8343 2453 Dated 12 March 2002. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by direction of the Commissioner of Highways in the presence of: D. WOODS, Manager Land Acquisition and Disposal, Transport SA LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE Commissioner of Highways (the ‘Authority’), 33 Warwick Street, Walkerville, S.A. 5081, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising the fee simple of that piece of land situated on Main Street, Carrieton, S.A. 5432, being allotments 260 and 261 in the Township of Carrieton and being the whole of the land contained in certificate of title register book volume 314, folio 94, now converted to certificate of title register book volume 5810, folio 675. This notice is given under section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. [14 March 2002 Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Brenton Wilkinson P.O. Box 1 Walkerville, S.A. 5081 Telephone (08) 8343 2460 Dated 12 March 2002. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by direction of the Commissioner of Highways in the presence of: D. WOODS, Manager Land Acquisition and Disposal, Transport SA LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 AND GAMING MACHINES ACT 1992 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 and section 29 of the Gaming Machines Act 1992, that GDG Hotels Pty Ltd (ACN 099 769 641), c/o Piper Alderman, 167 Flinders Street, Adelaide has applied to the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner for the transfer of a Hotel Licence and a Gaming Machine Licence in respect of premises situated at 63 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide, S.A. 5006 and known as Lord Melbourne Hotel. The applications have been set down for hearing on 16 April 2002. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 6 March 2002. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 AND GAMING MACHINES ACT 1992 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 and section 29 of the Gaming Machines Act 1992, that Hairybear Pty Ltd (ACN 099 747 887), as trustee for the Beros Family Trust, c/o Fisher Jeffries, Level 15, 211 Victoria Square, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 has applied to the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner for the transfer of a Hotel Licence and a Gaming Machine Licence in respect of premises situated at Daranda Terrace, Milang, S.A. 5256 and known as Pier Hotel. The applications have been set down for hearing on 16 April 2002 at 10 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 6 March 2002. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1315 NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Cafken Pty Ltd (ACN 008 025 849), Smartz Pty Ltd (ACN 007 949 251) and Pacor Pty Ltd (ACN 099 671 244), c/o Wallmans Lawyers, 173 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 have applied to the Licensing Authority for the transfer, removal, variation to conditions and Extended Trading Authority in respect of the Special Circumstances Licence from premises situated at 145-155 Hindley Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 and known as Cartoons Nightclub to premises situated at 118-120 Hindley Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. The application has been set down for hearing on Friday, 5 April 2002. Conditions The following conditions are sought: 1. An order deleting existing condition 1 from the licence which reads: ‘Other than Tuesdays or such other day approved in writing by the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, a minor may not enter or remain on any part of the licensed premises between 9 p.m. on any day and 5 am the following day whilst the premises are open and trading save and except when, during any of that time span the licensee is providing entertainment on the licensed premises whilst all liquor serveries on the premises are closed. During any such accepted time the licence shall not authorise the consumption of liquor on the licensed premises. In respect of Tuesday or such other day as approved as aforesaid a minor may be present on the licensed premises until midnight of that day whilst in the company of a parent and whilst attending or participating in a function namely Line Dancing approved in advance in writing by the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, such notice to be given whenever reasonably practicable within 14 days prior to the function and otherwise subject to the conditions of such approval which may be imposed by the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner after consultation by him with the Commissioner of Police’. 2. An order to deleting existing condition 2 from the licence which reads: ‘That the maximum noise emanating from the licensed premises shall not exceed 75dB (A) as defined in the Noise Control Act and Regulations’. 3. Hours of operation (including entertainment consent) to apply as follows: Sunday to Thursday—8 a.m. to 5 a.m. the following day. Friday and Saturday—8 a.m. to 6 a.m. the following day. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicants at the applicants’ address given above, on or before 1 April 2002. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 28 February 2002. Applicants Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 20 November 2001. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Kinena Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Restaurant Licence in respect of premises situated at Shop 3004, 297 Diagonal Road, Oaklands Park and known as Hocus Pocus Family Play Cafe. The application has been set down for hearing on 12 April 2002 at 9 a.m. LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Stephen M. Grealy, P.O. Box 359, Clarendon, S.A. 5157 has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Producer’s Licence in respect of premises to be situated at 50 Tebbutt Road, Clarendon, S.A. 5157 and to be known as Clarendon Ridge Vineyard. The application has been set down for hearing on 12 April 2002 at 9 a.m. LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Paul Alvaro, c/o David Watts & Associates, Liquor Licensing Consultants, 1 Cator Street, Glenside, S.A. 5065, has applied to the Licensing Authority for an Entertainment Venue Licence in respect of premises situated at 167 Hindley Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. The application has been set down for hearing on 12 April 2002 at 9 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 7 March 2002. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Annandale Vineyards Pty Ltd, Steven James Wilson and Debra Joylene Wilson have applied to the Licensing Authority for a Producer’s Licence in respect of premises to be situated at Lot 33, Old Bethel Road, Williamstown, S.A. 5351 and to be known as Annandale Vineyards (SA). The application has been set down for hearing on 12 April 2002 at 9 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicants at the applicants’ address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 7 March 2002. Applicants 1316 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 8 March 2002. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Grant Leslie McKinnon and Tracy Adela McKinnon have applied to the Licensing Authority for the transfer of a Residential Licence in respect of premises situated at 93 Gray Street, Mount Gambier, S.A. 5290 and known as Avalon Motel. The application has been set down for hearing on 15 April 2002. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 21 February 2002. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Australian Selected Vineyards Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for the transfer of the Producer’s Licence in respect of premises situated at 15 Nicholas Court, Lyndoch, S.A. 5351 known as L. G. and L. J. Stanley and to be known as Australian Selected Vineyards. The application has been set down for hearing on 15 April 2002. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. [14 March 2002 Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 1 March 2002. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Neil Richard Barnes and Cindy Kregar Barnes, Block 228, Thiele Road, Loveday, S.A. 5345 have applied to the Licensing Authority for the transfer of a Hotel Licence in respect of premises situated at Overland Corner, Barmera, S.A. 5345 and known as Overland Corner Hotel. The application has been set down for hearing on 15 April 2002. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicants at the applicants’ address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 5 March 2002. Applicants LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Desuka Pty Ltd (ACN 099 712 839) has applied to the Licensing Authority for the transfer of the Liquor Licence and Gaming Machine Licence in respect of premises situated at Harley Street, Blyth and known as Blyth Hotel. The application has been set down for hearing on 15 April 2002 at 11.30 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Licensing Authority, and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address given above, at least seven days before the hearing date. Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 6 March 2002. Applicant 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1317 IMPORTANT NOTICE Government Gazette Publication ******************** Anzac Day Holiday Week Publishing Information Government Gazette Notices Publishing Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2002 Closing date for notices for publication will be 4 p.m. Monday, 22 April 2002 ******************** 1318 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ADVERTISEMENT RATES To apply from 1 July 2001 Agents, Ceasing to Act as .................................................... Associations: Incorporation ................................................................... Intention of Incorporation ................................................ Transfer of Properties ...................................................... Attorney, Appointment of .................................................... Bailiff’s Sale........................................................................ 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Notices by Colleges, Universities, Corporations and District Councils to be charged at $2.30 per line. Where the notice inserted varies significantly in length from that which is usually published a charge of $2.30 per column line will be applied in lieu of advertisement rates listed. South Australian Government publications are sold on the condition that they will not be reproduced without prior permission from the Government Printer. All the above prices include GST GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICES ALL private advertisements forwarded for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette must be PAID FOR PRIOR TO INSERTION; and all notices, from whatever source, should be legibly written on one side of the paper only and sent to Government Publishing SA so as to be received no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone 8207 1045 or Fax 8207 1040. E-mail: Send as attachments in Word format and please confirm your transmission with a faxed copy of your document, including the date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1319 MISCELLANEOUS LEGISLATION AND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PRICES AS FROM 1 JULY 2001 Acts, Bills, Rules, Parliamentary Papers and Regulations Pages Main Amends Pages Main Amends 1-16 17-32 33-48 49-64 65-80 81-96 97-112 113-128 129-144 145-160 161-176 177-192 193-208 209-224 225-240 241-257 258-272 273-288 289-304 305-320 321-336 337-352 353-368 369-384 385-400 401-416 417-432 433-448 449-464 465-480 481-496 1.85 2.60 3.35 4.25 5.00 5.75 6.60 7.40 8.30 9.10 9.95 10.70 11.50 12.30 13.00 13.90 14.80 15.60 16.30 17.10 17.90 18.80 19.60 20.40 21.10 21.90 22.90 23.60 24.50 25.00 26.00 0.80 1.65 2.40 3.20 4.10 4.80 5.60 6.45 7.30 8.05 8.90 9.75 10.60 11.30 12.10 12.80 13.60 14.60 15.30 16.10 16.90 17.80 18.60 19.50 20.20 20.90 21.80 22.60 23.40 24.20 24.90 497-512 513-528 529-544 545-560 561-576 577-592 593-608 609-624 625-640 641-656 657-672 673-688 689-704 705-720 721-736 737-752 753-768 769-784 785-800 801-816 817-832 833-848 849-864 865-880 881-896 897-912 913-928 929-944 945-960 961-976 977-992 27.00 27.75 28.50 29.25 30.00 31.00 31.75 32.50 33.25 34.00 34.50 36.00 36.75 37.25 38.50 39.00 40.00 40.50 41.25 42.00 43.00 43.75 44.50 45.25 45.75 47.25 47.75 48.75 49.50 50.25 51.25 26.00 26.50 27.50 28.50 29.25 29.75 30.75 31.75 32.25 33.00 33.75 34.50 35.50 36.50 37.00 38.00 38.50 39.75 40.50 41.00 42.00 42.75 43.50 44.50 45.00 45.75 47.25 47.75 48.25 49.25 49.75 Legislation—Acts, Regulations, etc: $ Subscriptions: Acts ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 166.90 All Bills as Laid ..................................................................................................................................................................... 398.60 Rules and Regulations ............................................................................................................................................................ 398.60 Parliamentary Papers.............................................................................................................................................................. 398.60 Bound Acts............................................................................................................................................................................. 184.25 Index ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 89.20 Government Gazette Copy ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4.40 Subscription ........................................................................................................................................................................... 220.20 Hansard Copy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11.90 Subscription—per session (issued weekly) ................................................................................................................................ 345.35 Cloth bound—per volume .......................................................................................................................................................... 148.30 Subscription—per session (issued daily) ................................................................................................................................... 345.35 Legislation on Disk Whole Database ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 551.00 Annual Subscription for fortnightly updates .......................................................................................................................... 784.30 Individual Act(s) including updates ....................................................................................................................................... POA Compendium Subscriptions: New Subs ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 513.50 Updates .................................................................................................................................................................................. 540.25 (All the above prices include GST) All Legislation, Government Gazette, Hansard and Legislation on disk are available from: Counter Sales Information SA (State Government Bookshop) and Mail Orders: Ground Floor, 77 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Phone: (08) 8204 1900. Fax: (08) 8204 1909 Online Shop: S.A. Country Customer Free Call: 1800 182 234 TTY (Hearing Impaired): (08) 8204 1923 Subscriptions and Standing Orders: Phone: (08) 8207 0908, (08) 8207 0910. Fax: (08) 8207 1040 Box 9, Plaza Level, Riverside Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. 1320 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 DOCTOR’S HOUSE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Notice of Approval of a Subsidiary THE District Council of Tumby Bay has resolved to establish a subsidiary pursuant to section 42 of the Local Government Act 1999, to construct and maintain a dwelling at Tumby Bay for a doctor’s residence. Pursuant to clause 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Local Government Act 1999, I approve the establishment of the Doctor’s House Management Authority. The charter of the Doctor’s House Management Authority is set out below. Dated 19 February 2002. MARK BRINDAL, Minister for Local Government DOCTOR’S HOUSE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY RULES 1. INTERPRETATION In these Rules, unless the contrary intention appears: ‘the Act’ means the Local Government Act 1999; ‘Subsidiary’ means the Doctor’s House Management Authority; ‘the chairperson’ means the person from time to time duly appointed to the position of chairperson of the Subsidiary; ‘constituent body’ means either the Tumby Bay Hospital and Health Service or the District Council of Tumby Bay as the case may require; ‘constituent bodies’ means the District Council of Tumby Bay and the Tumby Bay Hospital and Health Service; ‘member’ means a member of the Subsidiary appointed by a constituent body pursuant to these Rules; ‘secretary’ means the person duly appointed to the position of secretary of the Subsidiary. 2. NAME The name of the Subsidiary is the Doctor’s House Management Authority. 3. ESTABLISHMENT The Subsidiary has been established as a Subsidiary under section 42 (b) of the Local Government Act 1999, by the District Council of Tumby Bay. 4. OBJECTS The objects of the Subsidiary shall be: 5. 4.1 to construct and maintain a dwelling on Lot 38, Morialta Drive, Tumby Bay for the constituent bodies in an effective and efficient manner; 4.2 to undertake such other services as may be agreed from time to time by the constituent bodies. POWERS The Subsidiary shall have the following powers (in addition to and without prejudice to any other powers herein expressed or implied or by virtue of any legislation applicable): 5.1 to prepare, implement, monitor and review, plans for the provision and maintenance of a dwelling for the constituent bodies; 5.2 to enter into any arrangements with any Government or Agency that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Subsidiary and the exercise of the powers of the Subsidiary; 5.3 to appoint, employ, renumerate, remove or suspend such officers, managers, agents and employees as necessary for the purposes of the Subsidiary; 5.4 subject to prior approval of the constituent bodies, to raise revenue including subscriptions and levies from the constituent bodies; 14 March 2002] 6. 7. THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1321 5.5 to accept and expend any grants, subsidies, levies, donations or contributions of a pecuniary or nonpecuniary nature from Government or other sources to further the objects of the Subsidiary; 5.6 to purchase, sell, hire, rent or otherwise acquire or dispose of any furniture and fittings or interest therein; 5.7 to open and operate bank accounts; 5.8 to invest the funds of the Subsidiary in accordance with the Act and to use the interest earned to assist in carrying out the objects of the Subsidiary; 5.9 subject to the prior approval of the constituent bodies, to borrow money on such terms and conditions as the Subsidiary sees fit; 5.10 subject to the prior approval of the constituent bodies, to give such security for the discharge of liabilities (including borrowings) incurred by the Subsidiary; 5.11 to enter into other contracts that the Subsidiary considers necessary or desirable; 5.12 to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects, the furtherance of the interests and the exercise of the powers of the Subsidiary; 5.13 to expend moneys on all things essential and incidental to the proper management and operations of the Subsidiary; 5.14 to insure the assets of the Subsidiary; 5.15 in the event of any conflict or resolution of any decision the Subsidiary is subject to the direction and control of the council. Any direction given by council under this clause must be in writing. MEMBERSHIP 6.1 The Subsidiary shall consist of six elected members with three being appointed by each constituent body. 6.2 The members shall be appointed for a period of one year by the constituent bodies but may be removed at the discretion of the relevant bodies. 6.3 Each member may have a proxy member appointed by the constituent bodies who, when not acting as proxy, may attend meetings of the Subsidiary as an observer without voting rights. 6.4 If a casual vacancy occurs in the membership of the Subsidiary the constituent body which appointed the member in respect of whom the vacancy occurs shall, prior to the next meeting of the Subsidiary, appoint another representative to fill that vacancy for the unexpired term of the member originally appointed. 6.5 Each member will not be required to submit a return under Chapter 5, Part 4, Division 2 of the Act. 6.6 The appointment of a member ceases if that member: 6.6.1 ceases to hold the office of elected member of a constituent body; 6.6.2 dies; 6.6.3 resigns by notice in writing to the Chief Executive Officer of the appointing body; 6.6.4 becomes an officer or employee of the Subsidiary; 6.6.5 is declared bankrupt; 6.6.6 is convicted of an indictable offence; 6.6.7 is convicted of an offence under Chapter 5, Part 4, Division 3 (Conflict of Interest) of the Act; or 6.6.8 is removed from office by resolution of the constituent body which appointed the member. RESIGNATION AND WINDING UP 7.1 Subject to any legislative requirements the Subsidiary may be wound up upon application by the constituent bodies to the Minister for Local Government or failure to comply with a requirement of the Minister for Local Government under section 275 of the Act. 7.2 In the event of a winding up and after payment of all expenses any surplus assets shall be returned to the District Council of Tumby Bay. 1322 8. 9. THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 7.3 In the event of a winding up where there are insufficient funds to pay all expenses of the Subsidiary a levy shall be struck on the District Council of Tumby Bay to cover the deficiency. 7.4 Subject to any legislative requirements a constituent body may resign as a member of the Authority by giving a minimum of six months notice in writing of such resignation to the secretary. 7.5 Subject to any legislative requirement the resignation of a constituent body shall take effect as a winding up of the Subsidiary. MEETINGS AND PROCEEDINGS 8.1 The Subsidiary shall elect a chairperson from amongst its members who shall hold office for a term of one year. 8.2 The chairperson shall chair all meetings of the Subsidiary. 8.3 In the absence of the chairperson the members present at a meeting of the Subsidiary shall elect an acting chairperson for that meeting. 8.4 The position of chairperson shall be filled in succeeding years by a member of a different constituent bodies such that the position of chairperson rotates annually between constituent bodies. 8.5 Seven days written notice of every meeting and of the business to be transacted at such meeting shall be given to each of the members of the Subsidiary by the secretary. 8.6 The members of the Subsidiary shall meet in general meetings for the dispatch of business and such meetings may be held at different times and different locations as agreed by the Subsidiary. The Subsidiary shall meet not less than four times in every year and not less then once in any period of four months. 8.7 No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Subsidiary unless a quorum is present. 8.8 The members of the Subsidiary present at any meeting may from time to time adjourn such meeting to a date and time to be fixed. 8.9 The secretary shall cause minutes to be kept of the proceedings of every meeting of the Subsidiary and a copy of such minutes shall be forwarded to the constituent bodies. The minutes must be signed by the chairperson as a true record at the next meeting of the Subsidiary. 8.10 The general provisions of the Regulations (Proceedings of Councils) made under the Local Govern-ment Act 1999, relating to the conduct of the meetings of a committee, shall insofar as the same may be applicable and not inconsistent with these Rules, apply to the proceedings at and conduct of all meetings of the Subsidiary. 8.11 Meetings of the Subsidiary shall be open to the public unless the Subsidiary resolves to exclude the public in accordance with the provision of the Act. 8.12 The Conflict of Interest provisions of the Act apply as if the Subsidiary were a body pursuant to the Act and the members were members of bodies pursuant to the Act. 8.13 Any questions as to the inconsistency of the Regulations referred to in Rule 8.10 or whether it would be appropriate for a particular provision of those Regulations to apply to any meeting of the Subsidiary shall be determined by the chairperson whose decision on any such matter shall be final. QUORUM 9.1 A quorum at any meeting will be constituted by the personal attendance of not less than the prescribed number of members of the Subsidiary. 9.2 A reference of the prescribed number in Rule 9.1 is a reference to the number of total members of the Subsidiary at the time being in office, divided by two, ignoring any fraction resulting from the division and adding one. 10. VOTING 10.1 Questions arising at all meetings of the Subsidiary will be decided by the vote of the majority of the members present. 10.2 Every member of the Subsidiary including the chairperson shall be entitled to a deliberative vote. In the event of an equality of votes the chairperson shall have a second or casting vote. 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1323 11. MANAGEMENT 11.1 The Subsidiary shall appoint a secretary. 11.2 The secretary shall be responsible to the Subsidiary: 11.2.1 for the execution of its decisions; 11.2.2 for the efficient management of the operations and affairs of the Subsidiary; 11.2.3 for giving effect to the general management objectives and principles of personnel management prescribed by the Act. 11.3 The secretary has such powers, functions and duties as provided for in these Rules and as determined by the Subsidiary from time to time to ensure the efficient and effective management of the operation and affairs of the Subsidiary. 11.4 The Subsidiary may appoint any other officer or employee as considered necessary to carry out the business of the Subsidiary. 12. THE SEAL 12.1 The Subsidiary shall have a common seal upon which its corporate name shall appear in legible characters. 12.2 The seal shall not be used without the express authorisation of a resolution of the Subsidiary and every use of the seal shall be recorded in the minute book of the Subsidiary. The affixing of the seal shall be witnessed by the chairperson and the secretary. 12.3 The seal shall be kept in the custody of the secretary or such other person as the Subsidiary may from time to time determine. 13. ASSETS All assets held by the Subsidiary will be held by it on behalf of the constituent bodies. 14. BANK ACCOUNTS All moneys received by the Subsidiary shall be paid into a bank account within seven days of receipt. Withdrawals from the bank account shall require the authorisation of any two persons approved by the Subsidiary. 15. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT 15.1 The secretary shall cause adequate and proper books of account to be kept in relation to all the financial affairs of the Subsidiary. 15.2 The Subsidiary shall appoint in writing a duly registered local government auditor. 15.3 The auditor may inspect the books of account at any time in order to conduct an audit and must conduct an annual audit of such books of account. 15.4 The secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of the Subsidiary’s annual financial statements and such statements shall be duly audited in conjunction with the financial statements of the con-stituent bodies. If the auditors appointed by the Subsidiary are different to the auditor appointed by the constituent bodies the Subsidiary’s auditor shall liaise and consult with those other auditors. 15.5 The secretary must at the request of the auditor produce any accounts or other financial records of the Subsidiary for the auditor’s inspection. 15.6 The secretary must at the request of the auditor provide the auditor with any explanation or information that the auditor requires for the purpose of an audit. 15.7 If the secretary without reasonable excuse fails to produce any accounts or other financial records or provide an explanation or information in accordance with a request from the auditor that officer may be subject to disciplinary action by the Subsidiary. 15.8 The auditor must immediately refer to the Subsidiary any irregularity in the Subsidiary’s accounts or the management of the Subsidiary’s financial affairs identified by the auditor in the course of the audit of the Subsidiary’s financial statements. 15.9 A copy of the auditor’s report in relation to the Subsidiary’s activities must, at the completion of the audit, be given by the auditor to the chairperson, and the constituent bodies, for subsequent consideration at a meeting of the Subsidiary. 1324 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 15.10 The Subsidiary shall prepare a budget relating to the Subsidiary’s revenues and expenses for each financial year. The budget shall be adopted at a meeting of the Subsidiary before 31 July in that financial year. 15.11 The subsidiary shall prepare and adopt a business plan consistent with its charter and the plan shall be reviewed on an annual basis. 15.12 The subsidiary shall furnish each constituent body with a report on the work and its operations for the preceding year along with a copy the audited financial statements. 16. ALTERATION TO RULES 16.1 Subject to the requirements of the Act any proposed alteration to these Rules shall be made at a special meeting of the Subsidiary called for that purpose and must be approved by an absolute majority of the members of the Subsidiary. Any such proposed alteration shall be referred to the constituent bodies for approval before the alteration becomes effective, with a copy of the alteration to be forwarded to the Minister for Local Government and a copy of the amended charter published in the Gazette. 16.2 Fourteen days written notice of the special meeting shall be given by the secretary to all members of the Subsidiary setting out the nature of the proposed alteration. 17. CIRCUMSTANCES NOT PROVIDED FOR If any circumstances arise to which these Rules are silent, incapable of taking effect or being implemented according to their strict provisions, the constituent bodies shall have the power to determine what action may be taken to ensure the effective administration of the Subsidiary in accordance with its objects. In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have executed these Rules of the Doctor’s House Management Subsidiary. The Common Seal of the Tumby Bay Hospital and Health Services was hereunto affixed in the presence of: (L.S.) A. J. HALL, Chairman J. SOUTHERN, Chief Executive Officer The Common Seal of the District Council of Tumby Bay was hereunto affixed in the presence of: (L.S.) I. PEARSON, Chairman E. A. ROBERTS, Chief Executive Officer 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Avoca Resources Limited Location: Port Pirie area—Approximately 240 km north of Adelaide, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3315S and longitude 13800E, thence east to longitude 13805E, south to latitude 3325S, east to longitude 13810E, south to latitude 3328S, west to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Spencer Gulf (eastern side), thence generally northerly along the said parallel line to latitude 3321S, east to longitude 13758E, north to latitude 3310S, west to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Spencer Gulf (eastern side), thence generally north-easterly along the said parallel line to longitude 13800E, and south to the point of commencement, all the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 422 Ref.: 131/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Southern Cross Resources Australia Pty Ltd Location: Yarramba area—Approximately 90 km north-east of Olary, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3135S and longitude 14035E, thence east to longitude 14040E, south to latitude 3138S, east to longitude 14050E, south to latitude 3151S, west to longitude 14040E, north to latitude 3140S, west to longitude 14035E, and north to the point of commencement, all the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 452 Ref.: 043/2002 H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Modern Exploration Pty Ltd Location: Pinda Springs area—Approximately 55 km southeast of Copley, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3044S and longitude 13849E, thence east to longitude 13854E, south to latitude 3050S, east to longitude 13900E, south to latitude 3055S, west to longitude 13854E, north to latitude 3051S, west to longitude 13853E, north to latitude 3049S, west to longitude 13849E, and north to the point of commencement, all the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year 1325 Area in km2: 168 Ref.: 105/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Avoca Resources Limited Location: Port Broughton area—Approximately 160 km north-west of Adelaide, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3340S and longitude 13810E, thence east to longitude 13811E, south to latitude 3350S, west to longitude 13809E, south to latitude 3357S, west to longitude 13807E, south to latitude 3359S, west to longitude 13806E, south to latitude 3401S, west to longitude 13805E, south to latitude 3402S, west to longitude 13804E, south to latitude 3403S, west to longitude 13758E, north to latitude 3357S, east to longitude 13802E, north to latitude 3350S, west to longitude 13758E, north to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Spencer Gulf (eastern side), thence generally northerly along the said parallel line to latitude 3328S, east to longitude 13810E, and south to the point of commencement, but excluding Clements Gap Conservation Park, all the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 1 062 Ref.: 128/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Avoca Resources Limited Location: Minlaton area—Approximately 90 km west of Adelaide, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3419S and longitude 13742E, thence south to latitude 3428S, west to longitude 13736E, south to latitude 3437S, east to longitude 13739E, north to latitude 3435S, east to longitude 13750E, south to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Gulf St Vincent (western side), thence generally southerly and westerly along the said parallel line to longitude 13723E, north to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Hardwicke Bay, thence generally northerly along the said parallel line to latitude 3419S, and east to the point of commencement, but excluding area reserved (see G.G. 1 June 1978), all the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 2 264 Ref.: 129/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar 1326 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Avoca Resources Limited Location: Ardrossan area—Approximately 70 km north-west of Adelaide, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3409S and longitude 13752E, thence east to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Gulf St Vincent (western side), thence generally south-westerly along the said parallel line to longitude 13749E, north to latitude 3435S, west to longitude 13739E, south to latitude 3437S, west to longitude 13736E, north to latitude 3428S, east to longitude 13742E, north to latitude 3417S, east to longitude 13746E, north to latitude 3410S, east to longitude 13752E, and north to the point of commencement, all the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 1 265 Ref.: 138/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Avoca Resources Limited Location: Hesso area—Approximately 50 km north-west of Port Augusta, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3200S and longitude 13700E, thence east to longitude 13730E, south to latitude 3222S, west to longitude 13724E, south to latitude 3230S, west to longitude 13718E, south to latitude 3231S, west to longitude 13715E, north to latitude 3229S, west to longitude 13700E, and north to the point of commencement, all the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 2 439 Ref.: 136/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Avoca Resources Limited Location: Bookaloo area—Approximately 120 km north of Port Augusta, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3115S and longitude 13721E, thence east to the western boundary of Lake Torrens National Park, thence generally southerly along the boundary of the said National Park to latitude 3145S, west to longitude 13730E, south to latitude 3152S, west to longitude 13718E, north to latitude 3141S, east to longitude 13719E, south to latitude 3143S, east to [14 March 2002 longitude 13720E, south to latitude 3144S, east to longitude 13722E, south to latitude 3145S, east to longitude 13725E, north to latitude 3142S, east to longitude 13726E, north to latitude 3138S, east to longitude 13729E, north to latitude 3137S, west to longitude 13728E, north to latitude 3136S, west to longitude 13727E, north to latitude 3134S, west to longitude 13723E, north to latitude 3132S, west to longitude 13722E, north to latitude 3131S, west to longitude 13719E, north to latitude 3129S, west to longitude 13718E, north to latitude 3123S, east to longitude 13721E, and north to the point of commencement, but excluding the area bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3137S and longitude 13730E, thence east to longitude 13732E, south to latitude 3139S, west to longitude 13730E, and north to the point of commence-ment. All the within latitudes and longitudes being geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 2 068 Ref.: 141/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Minerals and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Avoca Resources Limited Location: Whyalla area—Approximately 200 km north-west of Adelaide, bounded as follows: Area ‘A’—Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 3233S and longitude 13736E, thence east to a western boundary of Cultana Army Land, thence generally southerly along the boundary of the said land to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, False Bay, thence generally westerly along the said parallel line to the eastern boundary of BHP Indenture Act land, thence generally westerly along the boundary of the said land to the eastern boundary of Whyalla Conservation Park, thence generally northerly, south-westerly and south-easterly along the boundary of the said Conservation Park to a western boundary of BHP Indenture Act land, thence generally south-easterly along the boundary of the said land to a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Spencer Gulf (western side), thence generally south-westerly along the said parallel line to longitude 13728E, north to latitude 3255S, east to longitude 13736E, and north to the point of commencement. Area ‘B’—All that portion of land bounded by a line parallel to and 800 m inland from high water mark, Spencer Gulf (western side) and the southern boundary of Cultana Army Land. All the within latitudes and longitudes are geodetic and expressed in terms of the Australian Geodetic Datum as defined on p. 4984 of Commonwealth Gazette number 84 dated 6 October 1966 (AGD66). Term: 1 year Area in km2: 414 Ref.: 134/2001 Dated 14 March 2002. H. TYRTEOS, Acting Mining Registrar 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1327 REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE WHEREAS the persons named at the foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name at the foot hereof brought under the operation of the Real Property Act: Notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar-General by some person having estate or interest in the said lands on or before the expiration of the period herein below for each case specified, the said several pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of land may be inspected at the Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide, and in the offices of the several corporations or district councils in which the lands are situated. THE SCHEDULE No. of Application Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged Description of Property Name Residence 30941 Section 162, Town of Goolwa, County of Hindmarsh, more particularly delineated as allotment 162 in Filed Plan No. 40862 Warren Dean Lawrence and Gordon Leith Lawrence 15 May 2002 30948 Portion of pieces 708 and 809 in Deposited Plan No. 53415 of section 234, Hundred of Yatala Portion of Town Acre 127, City of Adelaide, more particularly delineated as Allotment 92 in Filed Plan No. 42247 TransAdelaide 3 Garnet Street, Coogee, N.S.W. 2034 and 73 Thomas Street, Minnipa, S.A. 5654 respectively Adelaide, S.A. 5000 P.O. Box 332, Fullarton, S.A. 5063 15 May 2002 31009 MKC No. 1 Pty Ltd Dated 14 March 2002, at the Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide. 15 May 2002 T. ZACCARIA, Deputy Registrar-General REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE WHEREAS the persons named in the schedule appear to be entitled to the land set forth and described before their names, notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with me at the Lands Titles Registration Office, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, by some person having an estate or interest in the said land on or before the date specified, it is my intention to bring the said land under the provisions of the Real Property Act 1886, as amended, pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Real Property (Registration of Titles) Act 1945. Plans of the land may be inspected at this office, and in the office of the Corporation or District Council in which the land is situated. THE SCHEDULE Search No. 2876 Name Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged Corporation of the Town of Walkerville 15 May 2002 Description of Property Portion of section 476, Hundred of Yatala, more particularly described as Allotment 93 in Filed Plan No. 207215 Dated 14 March 2002, at the Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide. J. ZACCARIA, Deputy Registrar-General 1328 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PASSENGER TRANSPORT ACT 1994 Appointment NOTICE is hereby given that the following person has been appointed by the Minister for Transport and Urban Planning under section 53 of the Passenger Transport Act 1994, to be an Authorised Officer under that Act: Michael King H. WEBSTER, Executive Director, Passenger Transport Board PASSENGER TRANSPORT ACT 1994 Appointment PURSUANT to section 57 of the Passenger Transport Act 1994, the following person has been authorised by the Passenger Transport Board to act as a Prescribed Officer: Michael King H. WEBSTER, Executive Director, Passenger Transport Board ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Sea Parade and Pascoe Road, Port MacDonnell (READVERTISED) NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT COMMISSION proposes to make a Road Process Order to close portions of the unnamed public road between Sea Parade and Pascoe Road adjoining section 898 in the Hundred of MacDonnell and allotment 781 in Filed Plan 195393, more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ (respectively) in Preliminary Plan No. PP02/0002. Closed road ‘A’ and ‘B’ is to be retained by the District Council of Grant and closed road ‘C’ is to be transferred to JEAN MUNRO HOPGOOD. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the offices of the District Council of Grant, 324 Commercial Street, Mount Gambier and the Adelaide office of the Surveyor-General, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide during normal office hours. Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons. The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Development Assessment Commission, 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, WITHIN 28 DAYS OF THIS NOTICE and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General, P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Where a submission is made, the Development Assessment Commission will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered. Commission Contact: Simon Howes, Phone 8303 0560. Dated 14 March 2002. P. M. KENTISH, Surveyor-General [14 March 2002 NOTICE TO MARINERS NO. 9 OF 2002 South Australia—Southern Ocean—RAAF Missile Firing Exercises MARINERS are advised that the RAAF will be conducting missile firing exercises in the Southern Ocean from 18 March to 29 March 2002. This will involve firing and jettisoning of inert air to air missiles from F/A-18 aircraft over the southern restricted area R 281. The inert non-guided missiles (no warhead, guidance or control systems) will be dropped from aircraft during daylight hours only. The inert shapes will impact the Southern Ocean and hence mariners are advised to proceed with caution. R 281 is bounded by the following co-ordinates: Latitude 3545S, longitude 13820E Latitude 3540S, longitude 13900E Latitude 3705S, longitude 13937E Latitude 3652S, longitude 13705E Latitude 3615S, longitude 13730E Latitude 3610S, longitude 13810E Navy Charts affected: Aus 34, 346, 444 and 780. Adelaide, 11 March 2002. M. WRIGHT, Minister for Transport NOTICE TO MARINERS NO. 10 OF 2002 South Australia—Investigator Strait—Cape Borda— Defence Trials MARITIME Operations Division of Defence and Technology are conducting a buoy based Radio Telemetry trial from 23 March 2002 to 26 March 2002, approximately 5 nautical miles off Cape Borda throughout the day and night. Two catamaran-type surface buoys tethered together will radiate RF signals to a shore based station at Cape Borda in the 2400 Mhz to 2463 Mhz frequency band. The buoys will be located as follows: Buoy No. 1: Latitude: 354220S Longitude: 1363134E Buoy No. 2: Latitude: 354510S Longitude: 1363010E They will be fitted with twin yellow cross marker/radar reflectors and two non-synchronised yellow flashing lights (Fl.3 secs.). The surface craft Falie will be used in deployment and recovery and will remain in the vicinity within 20 nautical miles for the full trial period. Mariners are advised to keep well clear of the site when navigating in the area. Navy Charts affected: Aus 343, 345, 346 and 444. Adelaide, 11 March 2002. M. WRIGHT, Minister for Transport PART 4 - CONTRACTS OF TRAINING Pursuant to the provisions of the Vocational Education, Employment and Training Act (VEET Act), the Accreditation and Registration Council (ARC) gives notice that it has determined the following: 14 March 2002] VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ACT 1994 Occupations that Constitute Trades and Other Declared Vocations The following schedule is additional to the gazettals of: 24 April 1996 (pg 2045) 31 October 1996 (pg 1544) 5 December 1996 (pg 1818) 6 February 1997 (pg 830) 17 April 1997 (pg 1571) 29 May 1997 (pg 2758) 12 June 1997 (pg 2984) 3 July 1997 (pg 33) 7 August 1997 (pg 311) 18 December 1997 (pg 1677) 22 December 1997 (pg 1776) 23 April 1998 (pg 1959) 18 June 1998 (pg 2594) 6 August 1998 (pg 339) 24 September 1998 (pg 990) 1 October 1998 (pg 1038) 15 October 1998 (pg 1150) 12 November 1998 (pg 1389) 19 November 1998 (pg 1583) 3 December 1998 (pg 1742) 10 December 1998 (pg 1870) 17 December 1998 (pg 1954) 23 December 1998 (pg 2039) 11 March 1999 (pg 1359) 25 March 1999 (pg 1480) 1 April 1999 (Errata) (pg 1605) 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 22 April 1999 (pg 2219) 29 April 1999 (Errata) (pg 2381) 6 May 1999 (pg 2482) 13 May 1999 (pg 2595) 27 May 1999 (Errata) (pg 2723) 17 June 1999 (pg 3123) 24 June 1999 (pg 3261) 1 July 1999 (pg 22) 29 July 1999 (pg 602) 30 September 1999 (pg 1364) 14 October 1999 (pg 1973) 11 November 1999 (pg 2327) 6 January 2000 (pg 1169) 30 March 2000 (pg 1921) 6 April 2000 (pg 2047) 13 April 2000 (Errata) (pg 2167) 4 May 2000 (pg 2416) 18 May 2000 (pg 2606) Errata (pg 2609) 15 June 2000 (pg 3282) Errata (pg 3285) 29 June 2000 (pg 3490) 6 July 2000 (pg 22) Errata (pg 24) 20 July 2000 (pg 267) 10 August 2000 (pg 467) 24 August 2000 (pg 643) 14 September 2000 (pg 2002) 12 October 2000 (pg 2475) Errata (pg 2480) 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 16 November 2000 (pg 3208) Errata (pg 3211) 7 December 2000 (pg 3461) Errata (pg 3467) 15 February 2001 (pg 641) Errata (pg 647) 5 April 2001 (pg 1561) 19 April 2001 (pg 1645) 31 May 2001 (pg 1914) 28 June 2001 (pg 2416) 12 July 2001 (Errata) (pg 2610) 19 July 2001 (Errata) (pg 2713) 26 July 2001 (pg 2785) 16 August 2001 (pg 3091) 20 September 2001 (pg 4268) 27 September 2001 (pg 4316) 11 October 2001 (Errata) (pg 4466) 15 November 2001 (pg 5041) 29 November 2001 (pg 5227) 13 December 2001 (pg 5385) 20 December 2001 (Errata) (pg 5646) 10 January 2002 (pg 19) Errata (pg 20) 14 February 2002 (pg 861) Errata (pg 869) 1329 which set out the occupations that constitute trades and other declared vocations and the terms and conditions applicable to such declared vocations. THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 1330 SCHEDULE - DECLARED VOCATIONS, REQUIRED COURSES OF INSTRUCTION AND ASSOCIATED CONDITIONS Changes to courses and conditions determined by ARC for existing Declared Vocations appear in Bold. Occupation/Occupation Levels Declared Vocation * Trade # Other than trade Course code National / State and expiry date Approved Course of Instruction and Stream Nominal Term of Contract of Training Nominal hours of attendance at approved course Probationary Period Financial Services Training Package ARC June 2000 ARC June 2000 ARC June 2000 FNB40199 FNB40299 FNB40399 ARC March 2002 FNB40401 ARC March 2002 FNB40501 ARC June 2000 ARC June 2000 ARC June 2000 ARC June 2000 ARC June 2000 ARC March 2002 7628 SABCS 31 Dec 01 FNB50199 FNB50299 FNB50399 FNB50499 FNB50599 FNB50701 ARC June 2000 ARC June 2000 FNB60199 FNB60299 Certificate II in Financial Services Certificate III in Financial Services Certificate III in Financial Services (General Insurance) Students may be enrolled in above new courses from 14 March 2002. Certificate IV in Financial Services Certificate IV in Financial Services (Personal Trust Administration) Certificate IV in Financial Services (Credit Management & Mercantile Agents) Certificate IV in Financial Services (General Insurance) Students may be enrolled in above new courses from 14 March 2002. Certificate IV in Financial Services (Assessment Services) Students may be enrolled in above new course from 14 March 2002. This course replaces the below qualification, which was previously available under the Declared Vocation of Conveyancing. No new students to be enrolled in old course after 1 Jan 03: 12 months 24 months 12 months 230 hours 680 hours 395 hours 1 month 2 months 1 month 24 months 24 months 24 months 1080 hours 965 hours 895 hours 3 months 2 months 2 months 24 months 575 hours 2 months 24 months 535 hours 2 months Certificate IV in Conveyancing 24 months 600 hours 2 months Diploma of Financial Services Diploma of Accounting Diploma of Financial Services (Insurance Broking) Diploma of Financial Services (Distribution) Diploma of Financial Services (Loss Adjusting) Diploma of Financial Services (General Insurance) Students may be enrolled in above new courses from 14 March 2002. Advanced Diploma of Financial Services Advanced Diploma of Accounting 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 36 months 1245 hours 1200 hours 820 hours 1005 hours 865 hours 780 hours 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 48 months 48 months 1305 hours 1500 hours 3 months 3 months [14 March 2002 FNB20199 FNB30199 FNB30201 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE # Customer Servicing (Financial Institutions) ARC December 1999 ARC October 2000 ARC March 2002 Course code National / State and expiry date Approved Course of Instruction and Stream Nominal hours of attendance at approved course Probationary Period 48 months 48 months 912 hours 912 hours 3 months 3 months 48 months 912 hours 3 months Metal and Engineering Training Package * Engineering Tradesperson (Electrical / Electronics) MEM30498 MEM30498 MEM30498 ARC March 2002 ARC March 2002 ARC March 2002 UTE30199 UTE30899 UTE30999 ARC March 2002 ARC March 2002 ARC March 2002 UTE31199 UTE40999 UTE41199 ARC March 2002 UTE41299 Certificate III in Engineering - Electrical/Electronic Trade Certificate III in Engineering - Electrical/Electronic Trade (Refrigeration) Certificate III in Engineering - Electrical/Electronic Trade (Air Conditioning) Electrotechnology Training Package Certificate III in Electrotechnology Assembly and Servicing Certificate III in Electrotechnology Instrumentation Certificate III in Electrotechnology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Certificate III in Electrotechnology Systems Electrician Certificate IV in Electrotechnology Instrumentation Certificate IV in Electrotechnology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Certificate IV in Electrotechnology Systems Electrician * Hours shown are in addition to Certificate III Students may be enrolled in above new courses from 14 March 2002. 48 months 48 months 48 months 1000 hours 1000 hours 1000 hours 3 months 3 months 3 months 48 months 48 months 48 months 1040 hours 380 hours * 380 hours * 3 months 3 months 3 months 48 months 400 hours * 3 months Certificate II in Rural Operations Certificate III in Rural Operations Students may be enrolled in above new courses from 14 March 2002. 12 months 36 months 510 hours 850 hours 1 month 3 months Certificate II in Farmstay Operations 12 months 400 hours 1 month Horticulture Training Package – Rural Operations Sector # Farm Operation ARC March 2002 ARC March 2002 RUH20901 RUH30901 ARC February 1998 7797 VI2211ANB 31 Dec 01 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Nominal Term of Contract of Training 14 March 2002] Occupation/Occupation Levels Declared Vocation * Trade # Other than trade 1331 1332 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 FAXING COPY? IF you fax copy to Government Publishing SA for inclusion in the Government Gazette, there is no need to send a Confirmation Copy to us as well. This creates confusion and may well result in your notice being printed twice. Please use the following fax number: Fax transmission: Phone Inquiries: (08) 8207 1040 (08) 8207 1045 Please include a contact person, phone number and order number so that we can phone back with any queries we may have regarding the fax copy. NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy (either fax or hard copy) is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Government Gazette notices can be E-mailed. The address is: Documents should be sent as attachments in Word format. When sending a document via E-mail, please confirm your transmission with a faxed copy of your document, including the date the notice is to be published. Fax transmission: (08) 8207 1040 Enquiries: (08) 8207 1045 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE CITY OF ADELAIDE Intention to Declare as Public Roads NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 210 of the Local Government Act 1999, that at a future meeting council intends to declare the following roads to be public roads: 1. Cardwell Lane in Town Acre 362 delineated as private road in LTO plan C-2339 and contained in partially cancelled certificate of title volume 333, folio 14. 2. Kenton Street in Town Acres 351 and 362, which is delineated as Kenton Street on LTO plan C-2339 and contained in certificate of title volume 575, folio 182 and partially cancelled certificate of title volume 581, folio 181. 3. Cardwell Street in Town Acres 350, 351, 362 and 363, which is delineated as Daly Street on LTO plan A-5894 and includes certificate of title volume 176, folio 90. 4. The unnamed road in Town Acres 363 and 364 contained in certificates of title volume 5483, folio 330 and volume 4085, folio 513 plus that part of partially cancelled certificate of title volume 209 folio 114 delineated as allotment 2 on LTO plan FP 12970. 5. That part of Cypress Street in Town Acre 367 contained in certificates of title volume 5513, folio 313, volume 5493, folio 354, volume 3825, folio 19 and volume 4008, folio 203. 6. Saunders Place in Town Acres 600 and 601, which is delineated as Saunders Place on LTO plans DP 38986 and DP 16165. 7. Stephen Street in Town Acres 566 and 601, which is delineated as Stephen Street on LTO plan DP 16165. 8. Travers Place in Town Acre 948, which is delineated as certificate of title volume 5813, folio 809. 9. That part of Fenchurch Street in Town Acres 906 and 919 delineated as Fenchurch Street on LTO plan B-2071. 10. Lombard Street in Town Acres 905, 906, 919 and 920, which is delineated as Lombard Street on LTO plan A-7900. 11. Tower Street North in Town Acres 905 and 920, which is delineated as Tower Street North on LTO plan A-4518. 12. Margaret Street in Town Acres 868 and 873, which is delineated as Margaret Street on LTO plan DP 18991. 13. That part of Beviss Street in Town Acre 872 delineated as Beviss Street on LTO plan DP 18991 and contained in partially cancelled certificate of title volume 254, Folio 214. 14. Newlands Lane in Town Acres 965 and 992, which is delineated as Newlands Lane on LTO plan C-3380 and includes certificate of title volume 5838, folio 194. 15. East Pallant Street in Town Acres 1009 and 1012, which is delineated as East Pallant Street in LTO plans A-5488 and FPX 26759 and includes the intersection with Sussex Street. 16. Sussex Street in Town Acres 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017 and 1018, which is delineated as Sussex Street on LTO plans A5488 and A-1949. 17. West Pallant Street in Town Acres 1006 and 1015, which is delineated as West Pallant Street on LTO plans A-5488 and A-1949 and includes the intersection with Sussex Street. SUSAN LAW, Chief Executive Officer A copy of the plan and statement of persons affected is available for public inspection at the Council Office, 12 James Street, Salisbury, and the office of the Surveyor-General, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide during normal office hours. Any application for easement or objections must be made in writing within 28 days from 15 March 2002, to the Council, P.O. Box 8, Salisbury, S.A. 5108 and the Surveyor-General, G.P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, setting out full details. Where a submission is made council will give notification of a meeting to deal with the matter. Council contacts for enquiries are Elisa Perry, phone 8406 8451 or Julie Bond, phone 8406 8306. S. HAINES, City Manager CITY OF SALISBURY Proposed Declaration of Public Road NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Salisbury pursuant to section 210 (2) (b) of the Local Government Act 1999, that at its meeting to be held on 24 June 2002, the City of Salisbury intends to declare allotment 1 in Field Plan 142341 being the land currently identified as Wright Street, Salisbury, to be a public road. S. HAINS, City Manager CITY OF WEST TORRENS Periodical Review of Elector Representation NOTICE is hereby given that as a result of the number of voters in Thebarton Ward exceeding the quota for voter representation by 10% the City of West Torrens is required under the Local Government Act 1999 to carry out a review to determine whether a change of arrangements in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of Council, will result in the electors of the city being better represented. Information regarding the review is available from: • The Council Offices, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton; • The Hilton Library, Brooker Terrace, Hilton; • The Thebarton Library, 166 South Road, Torrensville, or by contacting James McKay on telephone 8416 6362 during normal business hours. Written submissions are invited from interested parties to be received no later 5 p.m. on Friday, 26 April 2002 at the Council Offices, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton or can be e-mailed to or faxed to (08) 8416 6362. Person(s) making a submission will also be invited to appear before council to be heard in respect of their submission, if they so wish. T. STARR, City Manager CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WALKERVILLE Result of Supplementary Election for Councillor conducted on 25 February 2002 Quota: 403 [REPUBLISHED] CITY OF SALISBURY ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Quarry Road, Para Hills NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that council proposes to make a Road Process Order to close, and retain the unused portion of Quarry Road adjacent to Bellevue Circuit and Seahaven Court, shown marked ‘A’ on Preliminary Plan No. 01/0697. 1333 First Preference Votes Result After Distribution of Preferences Eady, Patricia .............................. Kneebone, Heidi .......................... Informal ....................................... 501 303 3 Elected Total ........................................ 807 Candidates S. H. TULLY, Returning Officer 1334 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE THE COORONG DISTRICT COUNCIL Resolution Excluding Land from Classification as Community Land NOTICE is hereby given that on 11 December 2001, The Coorong District Council resolved, pursuant to section 193 (4) of the Local Government Act 1999, to exclude the following land from classification as community land: Lots 22, 23 and 24, Hundred of Seymour in L.T.O. Filed Plan 170079. W. R. PATERSON, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE COPPER COAST Periodical Review of Elector Representation NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of section 12 (5) of the Local Government Act 1999, the District Council of the Copper Coast is to carry out a review to deter-mine whether a change of arrangements in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of council, will result in the electors of the area being more adequately and fairly represented. Information regarding the nature of the public review is available at the Council Office, 51 Taylor Street, Kadina or by contacting Phil Brand on 8821 1600. Interested persons are invited to make submissions to the Chief Executive Officer, 51 Taylor Street, Kadina, S.A. 5556 by the close of business on Friday, 26 April 2002. Any person who makes a written submission will be afforded an opportunity to appear before council to be heard with respect to their submission. J. W. SHANE, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ELLISTON Alteration of Meeting Date NOTICE is hereby given that the monthly ordinary meeting of council will be held on Monday, 25 March 2002, commencing at 9.30 a.m. in the Elliston Council Chambers, Beach Terrace, Elliston. D. E. HITCHCOCK, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF FRANKLIN HARBOUR Result of Supplementary Election for Area Councillor conducted on 25 February 2002 Quota: 365 Candidates First Preference Votes Jackson, Gavin F. ........................ Udy, Robert ................................. West, James ................................. Informal ....................................... 287 318 124 1 Total......................................... 730 Result After Distribution of Preferences Elected S. H. TULLY, Returning Officer KINGSTON DISTRICT COUNCIL Periodical Review of Elector Representation and Ward Boundaries NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 12 (5) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Kingston District Council is conducting a periodical review of its elector representation and ward boundaries. The review is required to be conducted due to the ward representation quotas remaining outside the required tolerance stipulated by the Local Government Act 1999 and aims to correct the tolerance discrepancy by investigating changed arrangements in respect to elector representation. As part of the review, investigations will be made as to: [14 March 2002 • whether the composition of the council should be altered (number of elected members); • whether wards should or should not exist and if so, where the boundaries should be. An initial consultation process on the periodical review is being conducted from 15 March 2002 to 3 May 2002, during which period written submissions are invited. Interested persons are requested to gain a copy of the Periodical Review, Elector Representation Ward Boundary Report from the Council Office. Any person wishing to make a written submission in relation to the review may do so by addressing it to the Chief Executive Officer, P.O. Box 321, Kingston SE, S.A. 5275, by the close of business on Friday, 3 May 2002. Any person who makes a written submission will be afforded an opportunity to appear before a committee of council to be heard in respect of their submission. S. RUFUS, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MOUNT REMARKABLE Appointment of Building Fire Safety Committee NOTICE is hereby given that council has revoked the appointment of Des Packer as the SA Country Fire Services Representative on the District Council of Mount Remarkable Building Fire Safety Committee. The following persons have been appointed by the District Council of Mount Remarkable Building Fire Safety Committee. W. T. Murphy—Building Surveyor; Max McAlister—SA Country Fire Services; Noel Modystach—Council Building Inspector and Trevor Roocke as Chairman of Council. Des Packer is appointed proxy delegate for Max McAlister. P. J. MOORE, Chief Executive Officer IN the matter of the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons: Bailey, Richard Ernest Garnaut, late of 36 Lachlan Avenue, Murray Bridge, electrical contractor, who died on 14 November 2001. Brettig, Paul Leopold, late of 26 Crouch Street South, Mount Gambier, retired timber worker, who died on 29 December 2001. Clarke, Christine Caroline Margaret, late of 49 Holly Rise, Hackham West, home duties, who died on 29 January 2002. Doyle, Agnes Eileen, late of 112 Hampstead Road, Broadview, widow, who died on 27 November 2001. Evans, Marlene Ivy Leigh, late of 2 Maple Avenue, Klemzig, retired computing supervisor, who died on 1 January 2002. Foggo, Freda Isobel, late of 1 Madras Street, Oaklands Park, home duties, who died on 5 December 2001. Folland, Charles Gilbert, late of 13 Ayling Street, Willaston, retired postal officer, who died on 29 December 2001. Franklin, Pearl Louisa, late of 15 Wavell Road, Port Lincoln, home duties, who died on 7 January 2002. Groves, Joan Ethel, late of 11 Grayson Street, Kilkenny, home duties, who died on 29 January 2002. Hickman, Eileen Phyllis, late of 52 Dunrobin Road, Hove, home duties, who died on 6 December 2001. Homewood, John William, late of 155 Edward Street, Melrose Park, retired naval officer, who died on 3 December 2001. Hoskins, Herbert Charles, late of 288 Seaview Road, Henley Beach, retired medical orderly, who died on 1 January 2002. Jasper, Robert Murray, late of 170 Hart Street, Ethelton, retired seaman, who died on 1 January 2002. Jones, Marjorie, late of 57 Maesbury Street, Kensington, home duties, who died on 19 December 2001. McNeil-Cook, Bienvenu Violet Austin, late of 20 Norseman Avenue, Westbourne Park, of no occupation, who died on 30 January 2002. McPherson, Kenneth John, late of 330 Railway Terrace, Osborne, retired railway guard, who died on 17 January 2002. 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1335 Pallant, Donald James, late of 1 Harrison Street, Magill, retired public servant, who died on 19 December 2001. Pretty, Elsie Maud Dee, late of 110 Strathfield Terrace, Largs North, of no occupation, who died on 1 November 2001. Pyatt, Lilian Rose, late of 5 Bradford Court, Enfield, home duties, who died on 12 January 2002. Samuel, Mary Ellen, late of 15 Elizabeth Street, Wallaroo, of no occupation, who died on 24 December 2001. Williams, Heather Margaret, late of 29 Cochrane Terrace, Prospect, of no occupation, who died on 16 January 2002. Wilson, Grace Arline, late of 2 Jelley Street, Woodville, retired bookkeeper, who died on 15 December 2001. Zweck, Helene Esther, late of 24-34 Avenue Road, Glynde, of no occupation, who died on 14 December 2001. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act 1936, as amended, the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972, and the Family Relationships Act 1975, that all creditors, beneficiaries, and other persons having claims against the said estates are required to send, in writing, to the Public Trustee, 25 Franklin Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, full particulars and proof of such claims, on or before 12 April 2002, otherwise they will be excluded from the distribution of the said estate; and notice is also hereby given that all persons who are indebted to the said estates are required to pay the amount of their debts to the Public Trustee or proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof; and all persons having any property belonging to the said estates are forthwith to deliver the same to the Public Trustee. Dated 14 March 2002. C. J. O’LOUGHLIN, Public Trustee SOUTH AUSTRALIA—In the Supreme Court. No. 1449 of 1995. In the matter of Power Hotels Pty Ltd (ACN 007 557 717) and in the matter of the Corporations Law. Notice by a Liquidator of His Intention to Seek His Release and Dissolution of the Company Take notice that I, Austin Robert Meerten Taylor of Grant Thornton, 67 Greenhill Road, Wayville, S.A. 5034, the liquid-ator of the abovenamed company, intend to make application to the Supreme Court of South Australia for my release as the liquidator of the abovenamed company and for the company to be dissolved. And further take notice that if you have any objection to the granting of my release and dissolution of the company you must file at the Supreme Court and also forward to me within 21 days of the publication in the Gazette of the notice of my intention to apply for a release a notice of objection in the form laid down by the Corporations (South Australia) Rules 1993. A summary of my receipts and payments as liquidator is available from my office. Dated 4 March 2002. A. R. M. TAYLOR, Liquidator Note: Section 481 of the Corporations Law enacts that an order of the Court releasing a liquidator shall discharge him/her in the administration of the affairs of the company, or otherwise in relation to his or her conduct as liquidator, but any such order may be revoked on proof that it was obtained by fraud or by suppression or by concealment of any material fact. SOUTH AUSTRALIA—In the Supreme Court. No. 1368 of 1995. In the matter of ACN 003 678 831 Pty Ltd (in liquidation) (formerly CJR Manufacturing Pty Ltd) and in the matter of the Corporations Law. Notice of Release of Liquidator and Dissolution of the Company Take notice that by order of the Supreme Court of South Australia dated 22 February 2002, I, Austin Robert Meerten Taylor, 67 Greenhill Road, Wayville, S.A. 5034, the liquidator of the abovenamed company was granted my release as liquidator and that the company be dissolved. Dated 5 March 2002. A. R. M. TAYLOR, Liquidator SOUTH AUSTRALIA—In the Supreme Court. No. 309 of 1997. In the matter of Riverina Produce Echuca Pty Limited (ACN 060 461 529) and in the matter of the Corporations Law. Notice by a Liquidator of His Intention to Seek His Release Take notice that I, Peter Ivan Macks, 26 Flinders Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, the liquidator of the abovenamed company, intend to make application to the Supreme Court of South Australia for my release as the liquidator of the abovenamed company. And take further notice that if you have any objection to the granting of my release you must file at the Supreme Court and also forward to me within 21 days of the publication in the Gazette of the notice of my intention to apply for a release a notice of objection in the form laid down by the Corporations Law (South Australia). Dated 7 March 2002. P. I. MACKS, Liquidator Note: Section 481 of the Corporations Act enacts that an order of the court releasing a liquidator shall discharge him/her in the administration of the affairs of the company, or otherwise in relation to his or her conduct as liquidator, but any such order may be revoked on proof that it was obtained by fraud of by suppression or by concealment of any material fact. SOUTH AUSTRALIA—In the Supreme Court. No. 545 of 1997. In the matter of Joycourt Pty Ltd (in liquidation) (ACN 057 727 509) and in the matter of the Corporations Law. Notice of Release of Liquidator and Dissolution of the Company Take notice that by order of the Supreme Court of South Australia dated 27 February 2002, I, Austin Robert Meerten Taylor, 67 Greenhill Road, Wayville, S.A. 5034, was granted my release as liquidator and that the company be dissolved on that date. Dated 5 March 2002. A. R. M. TAYLOR, Liquidator 1336 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 UNCLAIMED MONEYS ACT 1891 Register of Unclaimed Moneys Held by K. & S. Corporation Limited (formerly Scott Corporation Limited) in Respect to Dividends Name and Address of Owner on Books Total Amount Due to Owner $ Description of Unclaimed Moneys Date of Last Claim Suzanne Lock, 23 Jensen Street, Colyton, N.S.W. 2760 .......... Michael Kalc, 10 Palmerston Road, Ferntree Gully, Vic. 3156 Graeme Mendoza, 21 Irving Road, Dandenong North, Vic. 3175 ...................................................................................... Jamie Scott Hall........................................................................ Lemma Elizabeth Purdey .......................................................... Darren Lindsay Saul ................................................................. Jonathan Neall Baxter, 48 Johnson Parade, Blackwood, S.A. 5051 ...................................................................................... Penelope Murray ...................................................................... Graeme Mendoza, 21 Irving Road, Dandenong North, Vic. 3175 ...................................................................................... Micheal David Bye ................................................................... Susan Elefsen, 2 Power Street, Mount Gambier, S.A. 5290 ..... Russel Jones, 34 Pleasant Drive, Albany Creek, Qld 4035 ...... Jonathan Neall Baxter, 48 Johnson Parade, Blackwood, S.A. 5051 ...................................................................................... Anthony Cranley....................................................................... 43.75 70.00 April 1993 dividend on 1 250 shares April 1993 dividend on 2 333 shares 24.4.91 — 35.00 10.50 52.50 17.50 April 1993 dividend on 1 000 shares April 1993 dividend on 300 shares April 1993 dividend on 1 750 shares April 1993 dividend on 583 shares 25.10.92 — — — 23.10 83.32 April 1993 dividend on 660 shares October 1993 dividend on 2 777 shares 24.4.92 — 40.00 16.68 31.24 20.00 October 1993 dividend on 1 333 shares October 1993 dividend on 556 shares October 1993 dividend on 1 041 shares October 1993 dividend on 666 shares 24.4.92 — — — 26.40 35.00 October 1993 dividend on 880 shares October 1993 dividend on 1 166 shares 25.10.92 24.4.92 Total of Unclaimed Moneys .......................................... $504.99 UNCLAIMED MONEYS ACT 1891 Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by Origin Energy Ltd, (ACN 30 000 051 696) (formerly the, S.A. Gas Company) for the year ended 31 December 1993 In order to make a claim, please contact Origin Energy on Telephone No. 132 461. Please provide full details including the Register Year. Name and Address of Owner on Books ABBOTT, C, 34 GRUNDEL STREET, WHYALLA NORRIE, S.A. 5608 .................................................................................. ABRAHAM, AE, 23 HAMLET STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... ABRAHIMZADAH, M, 19 COCHRANE TERRACE, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 ............................................................ ACKLAND, CJ & PRIDEAUX, SJ, 12/51 ADELPHI CRESCENT, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 ........................................ ADAMS, MJ & WILLIAMSON, SL, 38 LIGHT ROAD, COROMANDEL VALLEY, S.A. 5051.................................... ADAMS, R, 251A SEAVIEW ROAD, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022 .......................................................................................... AGNEW, M & MC GREEVY, B, L3 WELLS ROAD, CHELSEA HEIGHTS, VIC. 3196 ............................................ ALBERT, MH, BRIGHTON COURT, 2/2 CROSBY STREET, SOUTH BRIGHTON, S.A. 5048 .............................................. ALLAN, SJ, 5 OLIVER STREET, CHRISTIE DOWNS, S.A. 5164 .......................................................................................... ALLEN, J, 5/51 WATTLE STREET, FULLARTON, S.A. 5063 ALLPORT, P, 12 ASHBY AVENUE, BLACKWOOD, S.A. 5051 .......................................................................................... AMBLER, A, 23 LINCOLN AVENUE, WARRADALE, S.A. 5046 .......................................................................................... ANDARY, N, 6/10 HENRY STREET, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 ANDERS, FH & MA.................................................................... ANDERS, FRANK HILTON (DECEASED), & ANDERS, MURRAY ALLAN & ANDERS, RALPH CHARLES ........... ANDERSON, JM, 96 EVE ROAD, BELLVUE HEIGHTS, S.A. 5050 .......................................................................................... ANDERSON, KL, 194 TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, SEATON, S.A. 5023 .................................................................................. ANDERSON, JB & IL ................................................................. ANDERSON, JP........................................................................... ANDERSON, J, 4 MILLWOOD CRESCENT, STURT, S.A. 5047 .......................................................................................... Description Total Amount Due $ Cheque No. Date REFUND 53.76 290851 10.5.93 REFUND 66.09 282432 12.2.93 REFUND 11.60 307783 24.11.93 REFUND 12.80 296075 6.7.93 REFUND 10.00 294739 26.6.93 REFUND 32.82 280757 29.1.93 REFUND 12.75 296319 8.7.93 REFUND 54.70 309445 7.12.93 REFUND REFUND 44.00 54.15 307097 304608 12.11.93 14.10.93 REFUND 53.65 307192 16.11.93 REFUND REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 11.05 37.37 85.50 299873 294491 060430 19.8.93 23.6.93 1993 4 360.50 8 1993 REFUND 35.40 304367 12.10.93 REFUND SHARES REFUND 27.50 56.10 23.99 302067 056457 288886 13.9.93 30.6.93 27.4.93 REFUND 14.20 301339 1.9.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books ANDERSON, TC & LAZARE, MM, 32 UNIVERSAL ROAD, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108 ........................................... ANDERSON, B, 2/9 HENRY STREET, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .......................................................................................... ANDONAS, N, 2/29 KYLE STREET, GLENSIDE, S.A. 5065 ... ANDREWS, GI, 5/35 TIM HUNT WAY, PETERHEAD S.A. 5016 .......................................................................................... ANDREWS, P, 8 NORRIE AVENUE, CLOVELLY PARK, S.A. 5042 .................................................................................. ANSELL, RF, 2/28 WELLINGTON STREET, GLANDORE, S.A. 5037 .................................................................................. ANSPACH, CD, 7/23 NOBLE STREET, OVINGHAM, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... ANTILL, PW................................................................................ APPLETON, ROAD, 14 BERYL STREET, WOODVILLE WEST, S.A. 5011 ..................................................................... ARMSTRONG, C, L2146/134 BROADMEADOWS DRIVE, FLAGSTAFF HILL, S.A. 5159 ................................................ ARTIS, LV, 23 FIGTREE CRESCENT, HACKHAM WEST, S.A. 5163 .................................................................................. ATKINSON, KN, 1/62 BEAUCHAMP STREET, KURRALTA PARK, S.A. 5037 ..................................................................... BAIRD, LM, 2/7 JERVOIS STREET, TORRENSVILLE, S.A. 5031 .......................................................................................... BAK, M, 1 COX TERRACE, NORTHFIELD, S.A. 5085 ........... BAKER, A, 19 HIGHLAND AVENUE, REYNELLA, S.A. 5161 .......................................................................................... BAKER, JE, 12 BRENTWOOD ROAD, FLINDERS PARK, S.A. 5025 .................................................................................. BAKER, PD, 47 WILLIAMS ROAD, HILLBANK, S.A. 5112... BALDRY, FV .............................................................................. BALFORD, CJ, 35 McKENZIE CRESCENT, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 ...................................................................... BALL, J & COLEMAN, I, 19 BARTON TERRACE EAST, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .............................................. BALLA, AL, 12 TURNBULL ROAD, ENFIELD, S.A. 5085 ..... BARBER, E, 9/197 ANZAC HIGHWAY, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .......................................................................................... BARCLAY, D, 4/25 VERONA AVENUE, NEWTON, S.A. 5074 .......................................................................................... BARILLAS, BR, 1/4 BERKLEY STREET, CHELTENHAM, S.A. 5014 .................................................................................. BARRETT, FA ............................................................................. BARRETT, FELICITY ANNE, c/o COMMONWEALTH HOTEL, ST ARNAUD, VIC. 3478 .......................................... BARRON, H, 75 PORTER STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 .... BARTON, ER, 11 GOODALL AVENUE, KILKENNY, S.A. 5009 .......................................................................................... BATES, D, 3/11 DAVAAR PLACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .... BAYET, E, 62 BLUE GUM ROAD, COCKATOO VALLEY, S.A. 5351 .................................................................................. BEARE, CI, 7/12 WEST STREET, EVANDALE, S.A. 5069 ..... BEINKE, C, 38 PORTER ROAD, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 ......... BELL, MJ, 1/208 LONSDALE TERRACE, MILLSWOOD, S.A. 5034 .................................................................................. BELL, K & WHITE, N, 19 READING STREET, CLEARVIEW, S.A. 5085 ......................................................... BELLFORT CO LTD—PAGANAS RESTAURANT, 101 HINDLEY STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .................. BENNETT, CL, L604/60 CANTERBURY DRIVE, SALISBURY HEIGHTS, S.A. 5109 ........................................ BERGIN, LA, 16 HAWKER STREET, BOWDEN, S.A. 5007 ... BERTOSSA, MP, 3/17 HUGHES AVENUE, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022................................................................... BESWICK, LM, 12 GONDOLA GROVE, PARA HILLS, S.A. 5096 .......................................................................................... BIALEK, M S, 3 KINGS COURT, QUEENSTOWN, S.A. 5014 BIAS, MS, 1 HAMPSHIRE CRESCENT, VALLEY VIEW, S.A. 5093 .................................................................................. BILNEY-PEEL, S, 1 WRIGHT STREET, RIDLEYTON, S.A. 5008 .......................................................................................... BIRCAN, M, 2/4 BEVERLEY STREET, CLOVELLY PARK, S.A. 5042 .................................................................................. BLACKFORD, KM, 10 YARNBROOK STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5112 ............................................... BLAIR, J, 28 FLORA TERRACE, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 ........ Description Total Amount Due $ 1337 Cheque No. Date REFUND 53.85 306883 10.11.93 REFUND REFUND 43.23 11.29 282917 287722 18.2.93 7.4.93 REFUND 44.45 297423 27.7.93 REFUND 38.11 280528 25.1.93 REFUND 28.15 290894 11.5.93 REFUND SHARES 21.35 51.04 302783 058437 24.9.93 30.9.93 REFUND 46.68 293279 4.6.93 REFUND 31.84 283461 24.2.93 REFUND 83.12 280216 18.1.93 REFUND 44.44 288261 15.4.93 REFUND REFUND 32.15 24.70 306721 307183 5.11.93 16.11.93 REFUND 22.35 286438 2.4.93 REFUND REFUND INTEREST 48.12 51.85 103.50 292084 310194 060451 27.5.93 17.12.93 1993 REFUND 31.50 303842 30.9.93 REFUND REFUND 38.05 40.18 307775 285051 24.11.93 11.3.93 REFUND 52.35 300258 26.8.93 REFUND 45.25 310174 17.12.93 REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION REFUND 29.90 45.00 282165 060456 9.2.93 1993 2 295.00 18.05 33 282925 1993 18.2.93 REFUND REFUND 16.55 31.65 302345 297517 17.9.93 28.7.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 81.36 22.65 31.80 285052 297092 301754 11.3.93 20.7.93 8.9.93 REFUND 33.45 296376 9.7.93 REFUND 37.90 310694 23.12.93 REFUND 248.28 279573 11.1.93 REFUND REFUND 50.00 19.85 285579 296383 18.3.93 9.7.93 REFUND 11.06 290759 7.5.93 REFUND REFUND 24.40 35.50 306324 280750 1.11.93 29.1.93 REFUND 44.57 287636 7.4.93 REFUND 45.55 300062 24.8.93 REFUND 11.06 284752 8.3.93 REFUND REFUND 21.54 43.35 280287 292018 19.1.93 26.5.93 1338 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books BLAM, CR, 52 HASTINGS DRIVE, RAYMOND TERRACE, N.S.W. 2324 ............................................................................. BLISS, KG, 44 WARRANDA DRIVE, MODBURY NORTH, S.A. 5092 .................................................................................. BODIROGA, N, 16 BAYLY STREET, FINDON, S.A. 5014 ..... BODSHWORTH, A, 53/6 LOADES STREET, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .................................................................................. BOGDANOVIC, L, 57 MAPLE AVENUE, ROSTREVOR, S.A. 5073 .................................................................................. BOND, CA, 8 MAGDALEN STREET, COLLEGE PARK, S.A. 5069 .......................................................................................... BORDERTOWN BUS AND TRUCK STOP, DUKES HIGHWAY, BORDERTOWN, S.A. 5268 ............................... BOURNE, K, 34 SIDDALL ROAD, ELIZABETH VALE, S.A. 5112 .......................................................................................... BOYDON, D & LEURS, J, 127 WILLIAM STREET, BEVERLEY, S.A. 5009 ........................................................... BOYLE, EC & ROBERTS, PJ, 1/1 FIELDING ROAD, CLARENCE PARK, S.A. 5034 ................................................ BOYLE, EC & ROBERTS, PJ, 1/1 FIELDING ROAD, CLARENCE PARK, S.A. 5034 ................................................ BRAUND, RH, 15 TREBBIANO STREET, WYNN VALE, S.A. 5127 .................................................................................. BREALEY, PJ, 24 NETHERBY AVENUE, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .......................................................................................... BRENNA, PA, 3/78 FIRST AVENUE, ST PETERS, S.A. 5069 . BRENTON, F, 11/30 SIMCOCK STREET, WEST BEACH, S.A. 5024 .................................................................................. BRIGGS, S, 14 McKAY CRESCENT, PARAFIELD GARDENS, S.A. 5107 ............................................................. BRODERICK, J, 203 PROSPECT ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... BROOKER, A, 7 GALWAY AVENUE, MURRAY BRIDGE, S.A. 5253 .................................................................................. BROOKS, ROAD, 4 VIENNA PLACE, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108.................................................................. BROWN, JM, 34 HENDER AVENUE, KLEMZIG, S.A. 5087 .. BUCKINGHAM, G, 1/32 WEHL STREET NORTH, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .............................................................. BUCKLAND, AM, 4/1 QUEENS ROAD, CAMDEN PARK, S.A. 5038 .................................................................................. BUCKSKIN, A, 225 HANSON ROAD, BLAIR ATHOL, S.A. 5012 .......................................................................................... BUGESS, DW & KING, LJ, 25 ILLARA STREET, SALISBURY NORTH, S.A. 5108 ............................................ BUKOWSKI, AK, 68 FRANCIS STREET, CLARENCE PARK, S.A. 5034 ..................................................................... BUKVIC, G, 8 HISPANO DRIVE, WOODCROFT, S.A. 5062 .. BURAPACHAISRI, A, 27 LEILA STREET, BEDFORD PARK, S.A. 5042 ..................................................................... BURDA, E, BRIGHTON COURT, 6/2 CROSBY STREET, SOUTH BRIGHTON, S.A. 5048 .............................................. BURG, RE, 63 COONDOO AVENUE, INGLE FARM, S.A. 5098 .......................................................................................... BURKE, PD, 14/46 ESPLANADE, SEMAPHORE, S.A. 5019 .. BURLINSON, DM ....................................................................... BURNARD, ER, 5/2 GROSVENOR STREET, GLANDORE, S.A. 5037 .................................................................................. BURNS, S & LIEKEFETT, K, 3/6 COMMERCIAL ROAD, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .......................................................... BURNS, RJ, 1/29 KIRBY TERRACE, LARGS BAY, S.A. 5016 .......................................................................................... BURR, RJ, 50 MANUEL AVENUE, BLAIR ATHOL, S.A. 5084 .......................................................................................... BUTLER, ROSEMARY ANN, 14 HENRY STREET, OAKLEIGH, VIC. 3166 ........................................................... BUTTON, AC, 604 GREENHILL ROAD, BURNSIDE, S.A. 5066 .......................................................................................... CALTEX TORRENS PARK, 219 BELAIR ROAD, TORRENS PARK, S.A. 5062 ..................................................................... CAMERON, D, SCOPACASA 5/12 YORK TERRACE, FERRYDEN PARK, S.A. 5032 ................................................ CAMERON, DJ, 1/105 SPRING STREET, QUEENSTOWN, S.A. 5014 .................................................................................. CAMERON, PR, 44 CORCONDA STREET, CLEARVIEW, S.A. 5085 .................................................................................. Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date REFUND 33.25 308062 26.11.93 REFUND REFUND 36.98 37.55 285375 303951 16.3.93 5.10.93 REFUND 34.82 288610 20.4.93 REFUND 138.60 310192 17.12.93 REFUND 12.85 310199 17.12.93 CREDIT BAL. 36.80 295457 30.6.93 REFUND 37.70 287898 14.4.93 REFUND 17.25 294097 16.6.93 REFUND 23.00 288918 28.4.93 REFUND 28.80 287694 7.4.93 REFUND 74.30 304381 12.10.93 REFUND REFUND 64.24 35.85 290528 296998 5.5.93 19.7.93 REFUND 20.32 293756 10.6.93 REFUND 59.40 294982 29.6.93 REFUND 40.85 307493 19.11.93 REFUND 15.00 287781 7.4.93 REFUND REFUND 13.55 31.56 309474 285200 7.12.93 12.3.93 REFUND 52.59 285842 23.3.93 REFUND 48.85 304935 21.10.93 REFUND 25.11 291637 24.5.93 REFUND 34.35 284180 26.2.93 REFUND REFUND 33.25 28.00 310165 299623 17.12.93 16.8.93 REFUND 21.00 301864 9.9.93 REFUND 50.19 282605 15.2.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 20.64 25.40 14.08 280444 301858 288889 22.1.93 9.9.93 27.4.93 REFUND 11.00 299633 16.8.93 REFUND 13.43 284587 4.3.93 REFUND 17.46 288419 19.4.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 25.65 308123 29.11.93 2 295.00 65 1993 REFUND 10.40 309955 14.12.93 CREDIT REF. 33.00 308548 30.11.93 REFUND 44.33 293884 15.6.93 REFUND 41.73 281631 28.1.93 REFUND 22.45 309107 3.12.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books CAMERON, RJ & HARDAKER, AP, 5/532 SOUTH ROAD, KURRALTA PARK, S.A. 5037 ............................................... CAMPBELL, D, 4/415A CHURCHILL ROAD, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 .................................................................................. CAO, HS—AUSSIE FISH ‘N’ CHIPS, 36 DOROTHY STREET, BRAHMA LODGE, S.A. 5109 ................................ CARCY, BT, 1/72 HILLIER ROAD, REYNELLA, S.A. 5161 ... CARLAW, SK, 8/17 THORNTON STREET, KENSINGTON, S.A. 5068 .................................................................................. CARLYON, SJ, 19A MARION ROAD, TORRENSVILLE, S.A. 5031 .................................................................................. CARRICK, JH, 75 PRATT AVENUE, POORAKA, S.A. 5095 .. CARSON, JW, 8/6 ILFORD ROAD, CLARENCE GARDENS, S.A. 5039 .................................................................................. CARTER, PR, 2/643 LOWER NORTH EAST ROAD, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 ............................................... CARTLEDGE, PA, 10 MALTARRA ROAD, MUNNO PARA, S.A. 5115 .................................................................................. CASSEN, W, LANCELOT TERRACE, MOONTA MINES, VIA MOONTA, S.A. 5558 ....................................................... CAVANAGH, PM, 9/383 CROSS ROAD, EDWARDSTOWN, S.A. 5039 .................................................................................. CHAMBERS, N & GOODWAY, M, 5 PARK TERRACE, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 ................................................................. CHAMBERS, D, 20/2 TARLTON STREET, SOMERTON PARK, S.A. 5044 ..................................................................... CHAMPS, R, 11 TAYLOR ROAD,WATERLOO CORNER, S.A. 5110 .................................................................................. CHAN, V ...................................................................................... CHAN, VERONICA ................................................................... CHANDRAN, B—MADRAS CAFE, 142 HINDLEY STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ............................................................ CHASE, S K, 13 MARLESTON AVENUE, ASHFORD, S.A. 5035 .......................................................................................... CHAU, TC, 7/2 EMERSON ROAD, BLACK FOREST, S.A. 5034 .......................................................................................... CHAU, TV, 3 WATTLE STREET, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 .......................................................................................... CHEESEMAN, P, 2/86A HEWITT AVENUE, TOORAK GARDENS, S.A. 5065 ............................................................. CHEN, S, 1/16 MEADOW AVENUE, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 .................................................................................. CHENEY, B, 5/27 MILITARY ROAD, WEST BEACH, S.A. 5024 .......................................................................................... CHETCUTI, A, 10 GASKIN ROAD, FLINDERS PARK, S.A. 5025 .......................................................................................... CHEUNG, TX, 12 SAMUEL STREET, TRANMERE, S.A. 5073 .......................................................................................... CHILDS, J, 12 BLENHEIM STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000.. CHIN, M, 31 BARRY ROAD, OAKLANDS PARK, S.A. 5046 . CHOI, H, 4/33 STURT ROAD, BEDFORD PARK, S.A. 5042 ... CHOW, Y, 2/6 HOLLARD STREET, FREWVILLE, S.A. 5063 CIERPICKI, A & NELSON S, 6 DILSTON COURT, KLEMZIG, S.A. 5087 .............................................................. CLARK, STREET, 2/1 MURRAY STREET, FULHAM, S.A. 5024 .......................................................................................... CLARKE, JC, 21 MITCHELL STREET, EAST SEATON, S.A. 5023 .......................................................................................... CLARKE, CM, 1/36 LANTERN DRIVE, SEAVIEW RISE, S.A. 5169 .................................................................................. CLAXTON, JR, 18/39 HOLMAN ROAD, CHRISTIES DOWNS, S.A. 5164.................................................................. CLOSE, AL, 5/37 TORRENS ROAD, OVINGHAM, S.A. 5082 COLE, GJ ..................................................................................... COLLINS, S & PHILLIPS, D, 7/698 LOWER NORTH EAST ROAD, PARADISE, S.A. 5075 ................................................ COLLINS, T, L5/7 POST AVENUE, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .. COLQUHOUN, DJ, 3 ARGYLE TERRACE, KLEMZIG, S.A. 5087 ......................................................................................... COMAN, C, 7/108 SYDENHAM ROAD, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 .......................................................................................... COMATAS, M, 14/1 RAMSGATE STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .......................................................................................... COMLEY, P, 2 ANGUS STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 ... CONNOLLY, CR, 3/8 ROWELL CRESCENT, WEST Description Total Amount Due $ 1339 Cheque No. Date REFUND 11.70 284439 2.3.93 REFUND 35.75 280332 20.1.93 REFUND REFUND 30.00 24.10 287855 299854 8.4.93 18.8.93 REFUND 30.94 279722 12.1.93 REFUND REFUND 20.68 54.20 280143 289043 15.1.93 23.4.93 REFUND 10.20 299237 10.8.93 REFUND 13.60 310407 20.12.93 REFUND 47.45 302664 23.9.93 REFUND 35.27 282677 16.2.93 REFUND 13.68 285307 15.3.93 REFUND 21.90 311034 30.12.93 REFUND 31.27 285019 11.3.93 REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 63.30 140.40 310153 060508 17.12.93 1993 7 160.40 83 1993 REFUND 34.81 287271 30.3.93 REFUND 24.40 307072 11.11.93 REFUND 54.28 287791 8.4.93 REFUND 11.45 304023 6.10.93 REFUND 59.40 299172 9.8.93 REFUND 13.20 302027 10.9.93 REFUND 17.45 304910 20.10.93 REFUND 63.30 309769 13.12.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND 52.80 15.44 13.15 60.56 53.78 287796 282587 302318 280701 281636 8.4.93 12.2.93 16.9.93 27.1.93 28.1.93 REFUND 19.45 298314 31.7.93 REFUND 37.38 279396 7.1.93 REFUND 61.61 287726 7.4.93 REFUND 51.45 304036 6.10.93 REFUND 12.99 290275 4.5.93 REFUND REFUND 12.55 11.85 300018 292230 24.8.93 1.6.93 REFUND REFUND 27.00 15.42 293255 290154 4.6.93 30.4.93 REFUND 50.57 284987 10.3.93 REFUND 61.70 284292 2.3.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 31.90 14.35 64.90 297068 307527 304207 20.7.93 22.11.93 7.10.93 1340 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books CROYDON, S.A. 508............................................................... CONTOR, TB, 15/36 STURT STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .................................................................................. CONWAY, I, 4/4 JOHN STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 ......... COOK, SA, 41 THIRD AVENUE, KLEMZIG, S.A. 5087 .......... COOK, HB (ESTATE OF) ........................................................... COOK, HILDA BLANCHE (ESTATE OF)................................. COOPER, S, 2/32 BOORD STREET, SEMAPHORE SOUTH, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. CORSTEN, DR, 7/2 COVENTRY STREET, OAKLANDS PARK, S.A. 5046 ..................................................................... COS,, S.A. & O’LEARY, MC, 95 HIGH STREET, KENSINGTON, S.A. 5068 ....................................................... COULTHARD, D, 15/176 TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, ROYAL PARK, S.A. 5014 ..................................................................... COVACEVICH, ED, 9 PRIDMORE ROAD, GLEN OSMOND, S.A. 5064 .................................................................................. COX, DJ, 77 OSMOND TERRACE, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 .... CRABB, J, 2/11 MEATH AVENUE, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108 .................................................................................. CRACK, DA, 40 OSLO CRESCENT, HACKHAM WEST, S.A. 5163 .......................................................................................... CREBER, JR, 115A NEW STREET, QUEENSTOWN, S.A. 5014 .......................................................................................... CREMASCO, N, 6 BRITTON AVENUE, TRANMERE, S.A. 5073 .......................................................................................... CROFT, A, 12 NEPTUNE CRESCENT, WEST BEACH, S.A. 5024 .......................................................................................... CRUSE, SL, 34/19 SMART ROAD, MODBURY, S.A. 5092 ..... CURRY, D, 201 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORT NOARLUNGA SOUTH, S.A. 5167 ......................................... CUTTING, PJ, 89 DEVITT AVENUE, FIRLE, S.A. 5070 .......... CZUBAK, P, 3/20 WESTERN PARADE, BROOKLYN PARK, S.A. 5032 .................................................................................. DANG, AT, 40/22 KILFOYLE CRESCENT, NAKARA, N.T. 0810 .......................................................................................... DAVID, GM, 8/156 CHURCHILL ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... DAVIES, BL, 8 SCHINCKEL STREET, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .................................................................................. DAVIES, K, 66 BAGOT AVENUE, MILE END, S.A. 5031 ...... DAVIS, S, 6/65 GAWLER STREET, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108.. DAVIS, SE, 6 BOMBAY STREET, OAKLANDS PARK, S.A. 5046 .......................................................................................... DAVISON, C, 6/57 SEVENTH AVENUE, ST PETERS, S.A. 5069 .......................................................................................... DAY, FK, 1/7 WATERMAN TERRACE, MITCHELL PARK, S.A. 5043 .................................................................................. DE HEER, R, 86 SHACKLETON COURT, MAWSON, N.S.W. 2607 .......................................................................................... DEBS, A—PHOENICIAN RESTAURANT, 39 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................... DECKERS, J, 2 RAILWAY TERRACE, BLACKWOOD, S.A. 5051 .......................................................................................... DEER, A, L/62 GEORGE STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 .... DEERE, DH ................................................................................. DEGOTARDI, PJ, 33 ROSSALL ROAD, SOMERTON PARK, S.A. 5044 .................................................................................. DEW, SA, 492 SQUADRON ARMAMENT SECTION, WEST AVENUE, EDINBURGH RAAF, S.A. 5111 ........................... DIAMOND CONTRACTORS, 27 SCARBOROUGH TERRACE, DOVER GARDENS, S.A. 5048 ........................... DIDCOTE, M, 27 TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, HENDON, S.A. 5014 .......................................................................................... DILLON, GUY JAMES .............................................................. DILLON, MONICA VICTORIA ................................................. DINH-MYNGOC, A, 5/27 CHURCHILL ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .................................................................................. DOBSON, T, 43A BYRON STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .... DODD, MK, 33 CAPPER STREET, CAMDEN PARK, S.A. 5038 .......................................................................................... DORWARD, Q, 4/13 GROSVENOR PLACE, WYNN VALE, S.A. 5127 .................................................................................. DOUGHTY, K & TALMET, E, 117 GEORGE STREET, [14 March 2002 Total Amount Due $ Cheque No. Date 29.92 19.43 29.10 455.40 290156 283062 304458 060522 30.4.93 22.2.93 13.10.93 1993 23 225.40 100 1993 REFUND 44.52 279560 11.1.93 REFUND 14.91 279811 13.1.93 REFUND 66.90 310350 20.12.93 REFUND 16.15 307580 23.11.93 REFUND REFUND 10.58 36.15 282458 285995 12.2.93 25.3.93 REFUND 37.50 309717 11.12.93 REFUND 31.76 287434 2.4.93 REFUND 35.58 280628 26.1.93 REFUND 15.83 287869 8.4.93 REFUND REFUND 20.01 23.30 280563 298377 25.1.93 2.8.93 REFUND REFUND 34.86 42.95 279400 309627 7.1.93 10.12.93 REFUND 49.90 307394 17.11.93 REFUND 42.25 286495 6.4.93 REFUND 63.05 285988 25.3.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 16.40 17.29 15.01 302349 282606 284004 17.9.93 15.2.93 25.2.93 REFUND 10.25 293740 10.6.93 REFUND 56.12 279385 7.1.93 REFUND 10.90 294143 17.6.93 REFUND 57.77 284562 3.3.93 REFUND 339.60 302892 28.9.93 REFUND REFUND SHARES 24.89 39.67 8 000.00 280460 280258 051261 22.1.93 19.1.93 15.4.93 REFUND 46.47 287445 2.4.93 REFUND 15.80 302555 21.9.93 CREDIT BAL. 80.00 300991 31.8.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 29.62 284747 8.3.93 3 729.38 115 1993 3 729.38 116 1993 REFUND REFUND 24.95 19.25 284188 303878 26.2.93 1.10.93 REFUND 18.50 310518 21.12.93 REFUND REFUND 17.57 31.20 279144 290325 4.1.93 4.5.93 Description REFUND REFUND REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books THEBARTON, S.A. 5031 ........................................................ DOUGLAS, AJ & MYER, N, 487 PORT ROAD, CROYDON, S.A. 5008 .................................................................................. DOYLE, S, 10/17 ROSELLA STREET, PAYNEHAM, S.A. 5070 .......................................................................................... DOYLE, TJ, 4/304 NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... DUBON, M, 16 PEMBROKE AVENUE, NETLEY, S.A. 5037 . DUFFY, R, 8 ROMSEY COURT, SALISBURY NORTH, S.A. 5108 .......................................................................................... DUGGIN, TE, 65 TENTH STREET, RENMARK, S.A. 5341 ..... DUNN, M ..................................................................................... DUNSTALL, T, L63/7/17 NORTON STREET, ANGLE PARK, S.A. 5010 .................................................................................. DUNUAN, M, 2 DOONSIDE CRESCENT, BLACKTOWN, N.S.W. 2148 ............................................................................. DUPUY, SE, 6 SCOTT STREET, CAULFIELD SOUTH, VIC. 3162 .......................................................................................... DYKE, PJ, 82 PORTRUSH ROAD, PAYNEHAM SOUTH, S.A. 5070 .................................................................................. EAST, TJ, L311/4/5 HOOPER STREET, PARALOWIE, S.A. 5108 .......................................................................................... EASTON, C, 6 GAMBIA AVENUE, HAMPSTEAD GARDENS, S.A. 5086 ............................................................. ECKERT, J, 76 CEDAR AVENUE, ROYAL PARK, S.A. 5014 EDWARDS, J ............................................................................... EDWARDS, V, 3 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ST PETERS, S.A. 5069 .......................................................................................... ELLIOTT, S, 22 BRASSINGTON AVENUE, REDWOOD PARK, S.A. 5097 ..................................................................... ELLIS, DD ................................................................................... ELLIS, T, L9/22 DIANTHUS CRESCENT, MODBURY NORTH, S.A. 5092 .................................................................. ELLIS, AD, 28 TARAKAN AVENUE, BROADVIEW, S.A. 5083 .......................................................................................... ELLIS, PA, 53 FULLARTON ROAD, KENT TOWN, S.A. 5067 .......................................................................................... ELVEY, AR, 1/68 GEORGE STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 EMERY, WC, 36 FRONTENAC AVENUE, PANORAMA, S.A. 5041 .................................................................................. EMIL, I, 4/67 REYNELL STREET, KILKENNY, S.A. 5009 ..... ENRIGHT, RJ & PENGILLY, J, 3/603 SOUTH ROAD, EVERARD PARK, S.A. 5035 .................................................. ETTON, J, 1/302 NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 . EUSTICE, MO, 41A ALBERT STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 .......................................................................................... EVANS, AA, L94/4/33 HEWITT AVENUE, ROSE PARK, S.A. 5067 .................................................................................. EVANS, CL, 10 THIRD AVENUE, ST PETERS, S.A. 5069 ...... EVANS, YA, 21 BOWER STREET, SEMAPHORE PARK, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. EVANS, DJ, 14 SHIPSTERS ROAD, KENSINGTON PARK, S.A. 5068 .................................................................................. EVANS, J, 5/380 MORPHETT ROAD, WARRADALE, S.A. 5046 .......................................................................................... EVANS, ME, L243/332 BURTON ROAD, PARALOWIE, S.A. 5108 .......................................................................................... EVANS, D, 28 CRABB ROAD, SMITHFIELD PLAINS, S.A. 5114 .......................................................................................... EVANS, SB, 21 SALTER STREET, KENSINGTON, S.A. 5068 EVANSON, CS, 1/33 BARNES AVENUE, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 .......................................................................................... EVORA PTY LTD—WRAPPS CLOTHING, 280 UNLEY ROAD, HYDE PARK, S.A. 5061 ............................................ FEESOO, L, 32 MALBANA AVENUE, PARA VISTA, S.A. 5093 .......................................................................................... FEHLBERG, KE & DRYSEY, J, 14 SHIPSTERS ROAD, KENSINGTON PARK, S.A. 5068 ........................................... FEJO, R, 3/41 EXETER TERRACE, DEVON PARK, S.A. 5008 .......................................................................................... FEKETE, MK, 3/35 NILE STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 ...... FERGUSON, PM & REED, A, 74 MAIN SOUTH ROAD, MORPHETT VALE, S.A. 5162 ............................................... FERRARO, A—THE CRESCENT CHICKEN & CHIPS, 42 AMSTERDAM CRESCENT, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108 .................................................................................. FETHERSTONHAUGH, MADELEINE (ESTATE OF), Description Total Amount Due $ 1341 Cheque No. Date REFUND 35.05 296474 13.7.93 REFUND 45.92 280673 27.1.93 REFUND REFUND 29.86 10.00 285212 284812 12.3.93 8.3.93 REFUND REFUND SHARES 58.85 32.75 73.18 310337 309236 056891 20.12.93 6.12.93 30.6.93 REFUND 26.90 289341 28.4.93 REFUND 54.64 279382 7.1.93 REFUND 49.20 311031 30.12.93 REFUND 22.95 293729 10.6.93 REFUND 10.67 284850 9.3.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 13.95 41.05 11.02 304359 304909 288913 12.10.93 20.10.93 28.4.93 REFUND 48.85 307104 12.11.93 REFUND SHARES 22.27 100.00 285682 060279 20.3.93 12.11.93 REFUND 85.00 287813 8.4.93 REFUND 21.19 286162 26.3.93 REFUND REFUND 42.09 36.74 284997 288013 10.3.93 14.4.93 REFUND REFUND 35.75 11.83 304974 279859 22.10.93 14.1.93 REFUND REFUND 51.76 37.51 286146 294347 26.3.93 21.6.93 REFUND 19.90 310855 29.12.93 REFUND REFUND 53.82 46.95 285235 309952 12.3.93 14.12.93 REFUND 35.07 288745 21.4.93 REFUND 14.45 309243 6.12.93 REFUND 21.20 299351 11.8.93 REFUND 34.44 282658 15.2.93 REFUND REFUND 21.99 18.02 287207 284481 30.3.93 2.3.93 REFUND 13.88 284919 9.3.93 REFUND 22.68 280346 20.1.93 REFUND 52.52 287657 7.4.93 REFUND 18.65 297022 19.7.93 REFUND REFUND 36.30 25.75 298359 307809 2.8.93 25.11.93 REFUND 54.20 310547 22.12.93 REFUND COMPULSORY 18.91 940.95 291341 146 18.5.93 1993 1342 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books C/O GREIG, WEATHERLY & CO, 520 SWIFT STREET, ALBANY, N.S.W. 2640 ........................................................... FIDGE, JP, 7/15 DUNBAR TERRACE, GLENELG EAST, S.A. 5045 .................................................................................. FIELD, RJ, 6 MARATHON COURT, HACKHAM WEST, S.A. 5163 .......................................................................................... FIELD, KE, 16 CURRAWONG AVENUE, GLENALTA, S.A. 5052 .......................................................................................... FIFE, A, L817/32/22 CAMBRIDGE STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ FINDLOW, AG, 28 WHITMORE SQUARE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... FINEARTY, R, 39 GALWAY STREET, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 FIRTONEA, N, 3/131 GREENHILL ROAD, UNLEY, S.A. 5061 .......................................................................................... FISCHER, C & STEPHENSON, P, 1/31 BURT AVENUE, HILTON, S.A. 5033 ................................................................. FISHER, RM, 6 POST AVENUE, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 ....... FITZPATRICK, TW, 2/11A JETTY ROAD, LARGS BAY, S.A. 5016 .................................................................................. FLAY, P, 354 LADY GOWRIE DRIVE, TAPEROO, S.A. 5017 FLEMING, AJ, 2/19 DUDLEY ROAD, MARRYATVILLE, S.A. 5068 .................................................................................. FOK, E, 2/5 WATER STREET, KENSINGTON PARK, S.A. 5068 .......................................................................................... FOONG, K—CANTON NOODLES 2, 17 LOWER TERRACE, FELIXSTOW, S.A. 5070 .......................................................... FORBES, NA, 63 THE GROVE, LOWER MITCHAM, S.A. 5062 .......................................................................................... FORRESTER, K & A, 13 TAIT AVENUE, MARION, S.A. 5043 .......................................................................................... FOX, N, 12 CHARDONNAY CRESCENT, WYNN VALE, S.A. 5127 .................................................................................. FOX, NANCY JANE, 22 EATON STREET, NEUTRAL BAY, N.S.W. 2089 ............................................................................. FOX, NJ ....................................................................................... FRANCIS, DJ ............................................................................... FRANCIS, AC, 13 HEATHER AVENUE, WINDSOR GARDENS, S.A. 5087 ............................................................ FRASER, L, 10/1A WINSTON AVENUE, CUMBERLAND PARK, S.A. 5041 ..................................................................... FRASER, IJ, 1/622 ANZAC HIGHWAY, GLENELG EAST, S.A. 5045 .................................................................................. FRASER, IJ, 1/622 ANZAC HIGHWAY, GLENELG EAST, S.A. 5045 .................................................................................. FRAZER, KD, 34 BALLARD ROAD, SMITHFIELD PLAINS, S.A. 5114 .................................................................................. FRY, DF, 26 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE, S.A. 5081 .......................................................................................... FULLARTON, K, 19 EASTON ROAD, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. FULLBROOK, B, 2 BARWON CRESCENT, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .............................................................. FULLER, AJ, 326 PORTRUSH ROAD, HEATHPOOL, S.A. 5068 .......................................................................................... FUNTWHISTLE, S, L6/9/43 SCOTT STREET, POORAKA, S.A. 5095 .................................................................................. FURNEAUX, M, 118A PORT ROAD, HINDMARSH, S.A. 5007 .......................................................................................... FURNESS, SG, MITCHAM LODGE, 25/8 WEMYSS AVENUE, HAWTHORN, S.A. 5062 ....................................... FURY, A & NEWBERRY, AJ, 21 GERTRUDE STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 ........................................................... GALAVODAS, S ......................................................................... GARTELMANN, S, 269 GILLES STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... GASSON, CI, 5 BUCKLE STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .......................................................................................... GATTI, L, 1 MAYALL AVENUE, KENSINGTON GARDENS, S.A. 5068 ............................................................. GAY, MISSES SM & JL, 22 WHYSALL ROAD, GREENACRES, S.A. 5086 ...................................................... GEEN, AR, 3 AURIEL WAY, VALLEY VIEW, S.A. 5093 ....... GELENCSER, J, 43 LOCK CRESCENT, POORAKA, S.A. 5095 .......................................................................................... GEORGE, DR MJ, 30 HILL STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 .. Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date ACQUISITION REFUND 23.68 281634 28.1.93 REFUND 12.71 280165 15.1.93 REFUND 46.23 280157 15.1.93 REFUND 38.35 296059 6.7.93 REFUND REFUND 13.05 22.62 309216 290900 6.12.93 11.5.93 REFUND 21.05 283051 22.2.93 REFUND REFUND 49.90 31.35 304273 309251 8.10.93 6.12.93 REFUND REFUND 16.65 45.05 288433 308933 19.4.93 1.12.93 REFUND 51.55 309254 6.12.93 REFUND 33.50 284440 2.3.93 REFUND 26.51 304284 8.10.93 REFUND 32.95 285217 12.3.93 REFUND 96.49 284883 9.3.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST INTEREST 34.81 286506 6.4.93 1 308.15 25.65 15.00 155 060572 060574 1993 1993 1993 REFUND 15.43 280697 27.1.93 REFUND 14.95 294329 21.6.93 REFUND 19.68 282111 8.2.93 REFUND 42.60 296325 8.7.93 REFUND 55.01 284918 9.3.93 REFUND 50.20 304335 11.10.93 REFUND 53.75 304834 19.10.93 REFUND 14.00 296904 16.7.93 REFUND 15.35 306754 5.11.93 REFUND 28.13 286319 29.3.93 REFUND 48.30 306434 2.11.93 REFUND 48.30 293789 11.6.93 REFUND INTEREST 47.35 150.00 285962 060576 24.3.93 1993 REFUND 31.69 287924 14.4.93 REFUND 44.05 309213 6.12.93 REFUND 18.58 280610 26.1.93 REFUND REFUND 31.10 62.95 310471 308860 21.12.93 30.11.93 REFUND REFUND 42.80 42.01 304233 284779 7.10.93 8.3.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books GEORGE, KM, 4 GRIGG STREET, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .......................................................................................... GEORGE, B, L153/12 OTAMA STREET, CRAIGMORE, S.A. 5114 .......................................................................................... GIANG, L—YORKTOWN RESTAURANT, SHOP 6 110 YORKTOWN ROAD, ELIZABETH PARK, S.A. 5113 ... GIANONNE, F, 25 TAIT STREET, RENOWN PARK, S.A. 5008 .......................................................................................... GIBBONS, TM, 17 MILNE ROAD, PARA HILLS, S.A. 5096 .. GIBBS, LA, 6/1A MELLOR AVENUE, LOCKLEYS, S.A. 5032 .......................................................................................... GIBSON, GN, YOUNG COURT, 4/71 YOUNG STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 ............................................................. GIBSON, PW, 21 NARVIK CRESCENT, HACKHAM WEST, S.A. 5163 .................................................................................. GILES, W, 17 FLOCKHART AVENUE, VALLEY VIEW, S.A. 5093 .......................................................................................... GILL, BL & TEE, BA, 46 SPORTSMAN DRIVE, WEST LAKES, S.A. 5021 ................................................................... GILLAM, CA & WILLIAMS, TC, 338 CARRINGTON STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ............................................ GIPPS, EL .................................................................................... GIPPS, EVELINE LAVINIA, 21 GREEN STREET, BRIBIE ISLAND, QLD 4507................................................................. GIRVAN, PS, 2/8 CROSSLEY STREET, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .......................................................................................... GOLDSWORTHY, AK & SHORT, SD, 1/28 MELTON STREET, GLENELG EAST, S.A. 5045 ................................... GONZALES, HM, 9/99 BUXTON STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ GONZALEZ, B, 1/770 MILITARY ROAD, OSBORNE, S.A. 5017 .......................................................................................... GORRINGE, MJ, 8/42 EXETER TERRACE, DEVON PARK, S.A. 5008 .................................................................................. GOURLAY, TD, 21/260 ANZAC HIGHWAY, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .................................................................................. GRAHAM, J, 253 PORTRUSH ROAD, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 .......................................................................................... GRAYSON, B, 7 GABRIELLE COURT, HAMPTON PARK, S.A. 3976 .................................................................................. GREEN, B, 4A ELIZABETH COURT, BURNSIDE, S.A. 5066 . GREEN, D, 34 PAVLICH STREET, PORT PIRIE WEST, S.A. 5540 .......................................................................................... GREEN, JD, L332/1/36 CHATHAM ROAD, KESWICK, S.A. 5035 .......................................................................................... GREEN, AL, 35 BRADLEY COURT, MITCHELL PARK, S.A. 5043 .................................................................................. GREER, MARGARET BETH (ESTATE OF) ............................. GREER, MB (ESTATE OF) ........................................................ GREEVES, S, 11 DOROTHY STREET, BRAHMA LODGE, S.A. 5109 .................................................................................. GREGORY, S, TANDANYA 9/150 STRANGWAYS TERRACE, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .......................... GRIFFITH, MA, 57 JONES STREET, ULTIMO, N.S.W. 2007 .. GRIFFITHS, J, 3/18 NOBLE STREET, OVINGHAM, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... GRIGSON, SL & CRUICKSHANK, LJ, 16 WATER STREET, KENSINGTON PARK, S.A. 5068 ........................................... GRILLIO, M, 89 LONG STREET, QUEENSTOWN, S.A. 5014 GUEST, ME ................................................................................. GUEST, MURIEL EVELYN ...................................................... GUTHRIE, CC ............................................................................. GYNELL, GEOFFREY & KAYE, 8 ALFRED ROAD, RIDGEHAVEN, S.A. 5097 ...................................................... HACKER, KJ, 405 ESPLANADE, MOANA, S.A. 5169 ............ HAINES, SL, 367 BRIGHTON ROAD, HOVE, S.A. 5048 ........ HAINES, AS, 28 WILLIAM STREET, HAWTHORN, S.A. 5062 .......................................................................................... HALL, AJ, 21/40 CHATHAM ROAD, KESWICK, S.A. 5035 ... HALL, P, 21/23 GRANDVIEW GROVE, STURT, S.A. 5047 .... HAMILL, W, 1/7 MARTINDALE AVENUE, TOORAK GARDENS, S.A. 5065 ............................................................. HAMMAT, KJ & THOMPSON, RJ, 5/68 ROSE STREET, PROPSECT, S.A. 5082 ............................................................ Description Total Amount Due $ 1343 Cheque No. Date REFUND 85.00 294123 17.6.93 REFUND 34.15 294385 22.6.93 REFUND 113.17 285031 11.3.93 REFUND REFUND 43.35 54.95 300309 302662 27.8.93 23.9.93 REFUND 45.40 310379 20.12.93 REFUND 29.44 280336 20.1.93 REFUND 34.40 292128 28.5.93 REFUND 17.65 309249 6.12.93 REFUND 70.73 279905 14.1.93 REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 49.30 60.00 307436 060588 18.11.93 1993 3 060.00 172 1993 REFUND 23.00 300263 26.8.93 REFUND 35.95 304213 7.10.93 REFUND 17.10 305604 28.10.93 REFUND 29.60 310847 29.12.93 REFUND 28.15 292010 26.5.93 REFUND 18.42 294328 21.6.93 REFUND 46.85 307178 16.11.93 REFUND REFUND 58.05 35.05 280417 309475 21.1.93 7.12.93 REFUND 29.55 306317 1.11.93 REFUND 28.25 292987 31.5.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST 10.20 290329 4.5.93 3 213.00 63.00 181 060598 1993 1993 REFUND 32.20 279878 14.1.93 REFUND REFUND 27.95 28.25 299542 300479 12.8.93 30.8.93 REFUND 34.82 284851 9.3.93 REFUND REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION REFUND REFUND 19.16 51.38 84.15 285208 284926 060600 12.3.93 9.3.93 1993 4 291.65 32.15 182 299133 1993 6.8.93 68.85 64.05 45.22 184 299189 280677 1993 9.8.93 27.1.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 22.35 25.37 32.70 296759 282074 309271 15.7.93 8.2.93 6.12.93 REFUND 55.10 282649 15.2.93 REFUND 18.20 309554 8.12.93 1344 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books HAMMOND, NF, L5 MILLAR ROAD, LOWER HERMITAGE VIA HOUGHTON, S.A. 5131 .......................... HAN, K, 48 YORK STREET, CAULFIELD SOUTH, VIC. 3162 .......................................................................................... HANCOCK, VR, 10/38 WELBY AVENUE, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 ...................................................................... HANNA, D, 37 EATON STREET, CUMBERLAND PARK, S.A. 5041 .................................................................................. HANNAGAN, WILLIAM TERENCE, 12/12A CORELLA STREET, HARBORD, N.S.W. 2096 ........................................ HANNAGAN, WT ....................................................................... HANNAH, K, 26/49 LEADER STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 .......................................................................................... HANSEN, IK, 97 TORRENS ROAD, BROMPTON, S.A. 5007 . HANSOM, MJ, 183 FIRST AVENUE, ROYSTON PARK, S.A. 5070 .......................................................................................... HAOUCHAR, M, 6/10 GORDON STREET, KURRALTA PARK, S.A. 5037 ..................................................................... HARDING, KJ, 30 PINE AVENUE, WARRADALE, S.A. 5046 HARDING, BM, 54 FIRST AVENUE, WOODVILLE GARDENS, S.A. 5012 ............................................................. HARDY, MR, 445 VICTORIA ROAD, TAPEROO, S.A. 5017 .. HARRIS, RA, 28 HILLTOP AVENUE, FELIXSTOW, S.A. 5070 .......................................................................................... HARRIS, S & STAPEL, J, 14 MILBURN STREET, OTTOWAY, S.A. 5013 ............................................................ HARRISON, GM ......................................................................... HARRISON, LM, 32 BARTLEY TERRACE, SEMAPHORE PARK, S.A. 5019 ..................................................................... HARRISON, LJ, 16 CLARENDON STREET ............................. HARTLEY, RW ........................................................................... HARTLEY, RW ........................................................................... HARTLEY, RW ........................................................................... HARTLEY, RW ........................................................................... HARVEY, ANTHONY & JUDITH, 12 ARKABA ROAD, ALDGATE, S.A. 5154 ............................................................. HARVEY, AO & JM.................................................................... HAUFE, V & ANDERSON, MJ, 4/69 VALLEY ROAD, HOPE VALLEY, S.A. 5090 ................................................................ HAWTHORN, DF, 8 STEVENS AVENUE, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 .......................................................................................... HAYNES, LJ & WHITE, CJ, TEMPLAR COURT, 4/7 WELLINGTON SQUARE, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .......................................................................................... HEATH, BJ, 1/287 GOSSAN STREET, BROKEN HILL, N.S.W. 2880 ............................................................................. HEINRICH, G, 1/2 MILITARY ROAD, SEMAPHORE SOUTH, S.A. 5019 ................................................................... HENDERSON, ME ...................................................................... HENDERSON, J, 101 COURTNEY STREET, NORTH MELBOURNE, VIC. 3051 ....................................................... HENDERSON, D, 33 LORD HOWE AVENUE, HILLCREST, S.A. 5086 .................................................................................. HENDERSON, I, 5 CUMBERLAND AVENUE, CUMBERLAND PARK, S.A. 5041 ......................................... HENDERSON, SJ, 1 DOWNER AVENUE, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 ............................................... HENDRICKS, S, 4/28 HASTINGS STREET, GLENELG SOUTH, S.A. 5045 ................................................................... HEPWORTH, L, 44/87 MARY STREET, UNLEY, S.A. 5061 ... HERBERT, DA, 3/7 INVERELL AVENUE, NORTH PLYMPTON, S.A. 5037 ........................................................... HERBERT, RP, 6/50 FLETCHER ROAD, BIRKENHEAD, S.A. 5015 .................................................................................. HERITAGE, RN, TREVU FLATS, 1/2 TORRENS SQUARE, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .............................................................. HERON, DR, 10 PENOLA STREET, KILKENNY, S.A. 5009 ... HEWETT, PW, 3/295 BURBRIDGE ROAD, BROOKLYN PARK, S.A. 5032 ..................................................................... HIBBARD, A, 15 MARINER STREET, LINDEN PARK, S.A. 5065 .......................................................................................... HICKEY, KF, L4/1/666 BURBRIDGE ROAD, WEST BEACH, S.A. 5024 .................................................................................. HICKEY, J, 40 BLIGHT STREET, ELIZABETH FIELD, S.A. 5113 .......................................................................................... HICKS, JD, 3/26 WELLINGTON STREET, GLANDORE, S.A. 5037 .......................................................................................... Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date REFUND 23.95 298961 4.8.93 REFUND 39.14 281782 3.2.93 REFUND 25.05 306891 10.11.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST 41.55 294191 17.6.93 4 131.00 81.00 188 060606 1993 1993 REFUND REFUND 38.69 49.36 287793 285195 8.4.93 12.3.93 REFUND 16.51 289020 23.4.93 REFUND REFUND 22.45 10.40 307087 304471 12.11.93 13.10.93 REFUND REFUND 60.00 51.10 284889 306381 9.3.93 2.11.93 REFUND 29.35 309276 6.12.93 REFUND SHARES 15.85 1 400.00 301669 051323 7.9.93 15.4.93 20.49 36.84 170.87 164.14 163.10 157.21 286354 293890 049852 057109 059066 061919 29.3.93 15.6.93 31.3.93 30.6.93 30.9.93 31.12.93 1 009.80 19.80 193 060611 1993 1993 REFUND 71.25 296501 13.7.93 REFUND 45.84 285346 16.3.93 REFUND 74.07 280136 15.1.93 REFUND 59.04 296337 8.7.93 REFUND SHARES 22.50 228.41 308103 061952 29.11.93 31.12.93 REFUND 21.18 279455 8.1.93 REFUND 73.47 281660 28.1.93 REFUND 26.41 279496 8.1.93 REFUND 51.40 291146 13.5.93 REFUND REFUND 16.10 11.92 301837 287539 8.9.93 2.4.93 REFUND 51.20 308095 29.11.93 REFUND 18.30 306877 10.11.93 REFUND REFUND 48.11 18.26 280183 289021 18.1.93 23.4.93 REFUND 24.64 290550 5.5.93 REFUND 32.00 302100 14.9.93 REFUND 31.85 294678 24.6.93 REFUND 52.13 282041 5.2.93 REFUND 38.35 295937 2.7.93 REFUND REFUND SHARES SHARES SHARES SHARES COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books HILL, ML, 96 GLYNBURN ROAD, HECTORVILLE, S.A. 4073 .......................................................................................... HILLMAN, L, 6/1 NORMAN STREET, UNDERDALE, S.A. 5032 .......................................................................................... HIND, BJ, 6 KINGSBURY STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. HIRSCH, K, 394 SEAVIEW ROAD, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022 ......................................................................................... HO, CS, 8/42 EXETER TERRACE, DEVON PARK, S.A. 5008 HO, PB, 19 YARNBROOK STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. HO, WK, 1 FIFTH AVENUE, BILTON, W.A. 6157................... HOAD, W, L185/15 PHILIP HIGHWAY, ELIZABETH, S.A. 5112 .......................................................................................... HOCKING, PA, 4 CARLTON STREET, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108.................................................................. HODGES, PJ ................................................................................ HODGES, PJ ................................................................................ HODGETTS, JR, 189 ELIZABETH ROAD, MORPHETT VALE, S.A. 5162 ..................................................................... HODGSON, RT, RENMARK AVENUE, RENMARK, S.A. 5341 .......................................................................................... HOLDER, K—WINDSOR PARK BAKERY, 432 NORTH EAST ROAD, WINDSOR GARDENS, S.A. 5087 .................. HOLDER, JL, 2/264 MAIN SOUTH ROAD, MORPHETT VALE, S.A. 5162 ..................................................................... HOLDING, G, 6/12 EDWARD STREET, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .................................................................................. HOLMES, JM, 28 BALLARA STREET, MILE END, S.A. 5031 .......................................................................................... HOLTZ, A, 16/587 SOUTH ROAD, EVERARD PARK, S.A. 5035 .......................................................................................... HOOD, I P, 7/109 SPRING STREET, QUEENSTOWN, S.A. 5014 .......................................................................................... HOPPO, S, 3/22 SYDENHAM ROAD, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 HORNER, MJ, 10 JENSEN STREET, PORT PIRIE SOUTH, S.A. 5540 .................................................................................. HORNER, MARJORIE LAURA (ESTATE OF), c/o STATFORD & CO, 20 KING WILLIAM STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ............................................................ HOSKING, W, 4/63 MILNER ROAD, RICHMOND, S.A. 5033 HOUSTON, W, 4 PORCHESTER AVENUE, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 ............................................... HOWE, GA, 87 PENFOLD ROAD, ROSSLYN PARK, S.A. 5072 .......................................................................................... HOWITH, RP, 56 SHIPSTER STREET, TORRENSVILLE, S.A. 5031 .................................................................................. HSU, MS, 63 FINDON STREET, WOODVILLE SOUTH, S.A. 5011 .......................................................................................... HSU, MS, 63 FINDON STREET, WOODVILLE SOUTH, S.A. 5011 .......................................................................................... HUANG, XD, LA/2/32 RICKABY STREET, CROYDON PARK, S.A. 5008 ..................................................................... HUDSON, GP, 7/15 CASTLE STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... HUI, SK, 1/10 CALIFORNIA STREET, NAILSWORTH, S.A. 5083 .......................................................................................... HUMMEL, J, 18 HINSLEY ROAD, SMITHFIELD PLAINS, S.A. 5114 .................................................................................. HUMPHREY, CS, 4 MATILDA STREET, GILBERTON, S.A. 5081 ......................................................................................... HUNT, SJ, 217 MORPHETT ROAD, SEACOMBE GARDENS, S.A. 5047 ............................................................. HUNTER, JC & LAUDER, JM, 5 HARRIET STREET, WOODCROFT, S.A. 5162 ....................................................... HURNALL, GS, 7/205 LADY GOWRIE DRIVE, LARGS BAY, S.A. 5016........................................................................ HUSSEIN, KD & N...................................................................... HUSSIN, F, 12 GILBERT STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 . HUTCHINSON, M, CENTREPOINT APARTMENTS HOTEL, 69 LEICHARDT STREET, SPRING HILL, QLD 4000........... HUTSON, P, 68 WINDSOR AVENUE, WOODVILLE PARK, S.A. 5011 .................................................................................. INGLEBY, LMR .......................................................................... INGLEBY, LOLA MARJORIE RICHARDSON ........................ Description Total Amount Due $ 1345 Cheque No. Date REFUND 49.00 301558 6.9.93 REFUND 24.61 293256 4.6.93 REFUND 59.67 288317 15.4.93 REFUND REFUND 14.65 33.95 291470 306773 19.5.93 8.11.93 REFUND REFUND 41.00 59.28 288384 293817 16.4.93 11.6.93 REFUND 19.08 283465 24.2.93 REFUND SHARES INTEREST 21.21 700.00 112.50 284902 051336 060621 9.3.93 15.4.93 1993 REFUND 12.87 283122 22.2.93 CREDIT BAL. 110.00 304573 14.10.93 REFUND 93.15 309113 3.12.93 REFUND 22.68 291206 14.5.93 REFUND 67.70 304685 18.10.93 REFUND 58.73 284246 2.3.93 REFUND 14.70 280152 15.1.93 REFUND REFUND 17.55 39.88 307057 293372 11.11.93 7.6.93 REFUND 43.26 288587 20.4.93 2 868.75 13.38 212 284030 1993 25.2.93 REFUND 35.06 290164 30.4.93 REFUND 67.45 291571 21.5.93 REFUND 21.05 296726 14.7.93 REFUND 49.95 286353 29.3.93 REFUND 23.83 288655 20.4.93 REFUND 10.61 290417 4.5.93 REFUND 37.30 309704 11.12.93 REFUND 42.76 280373 21.1.93 REFUND 30.04 285843 23.3.93 REFUND 26.45 290846 10.5.93 REFUND 29.67 291563 21.5.93 REFUND 68.00 302789 24.9.93 REFUND INTEREST REFUND 34.11 37.50 13.05 294277 060632 308941 18.6.93 1993 1.12.93 REFUND 13.75 309770 13.12.93 REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 19.40 42.75 299627 060635 16.8.93 1993 2 180.25 220 1993 COMPULSORY ACQUISITION REFUND 1346 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books IRANI, N, 13 FOX AVENUE, CHRISTIES BEACH, S.A. 5163 JABLONSKA, D, L38/34 LEXCEN DRIVE, NOARLUNGA DOWNS, S.A. 5168.................................................................. JACKMAN, RT & STEPHENS, D, 1 DAVIS STREET, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .......................................................... JACKSON, J, L9/11/107 FENDEN ROAD, SALISBURY PLAINS, S.A. 5109 .................................................................. JACKSON, MW, 2/29 GOLFERS AVENUE, SEATON, S.A. 5023 .......................................................................................... JAMES, A, 4/33 HOWARD STREET, BROADVIEW, S.A. 5083 .......................................................................................... JAMES, K, 9 POMPOOTA ROAD, HOPE VALLEY, S.A. 5090 .......................................................................................... JAMHUR, M, ARIANA COURT, 3/591 SOUTH ROAD, EVERARD PARK, S.A. 5035 .................................................. JANSEN, H, 22/3 FERGUSON STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .................................................................................. JANSONS, M, 59 HURTLE SQUARE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 JEFFREY, RH, 2/117 OAKS AVENUE, DEE WHY, N.S.W. 2098 .......................................................................................... JEKIC, S, 8/587 SOUTH ROAD, EVERARD PARK, S.A. 5035 JENKINS, M, 4 STURT STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .......................................................................................... JENNINGS, WENDY LAUREEN, P.O. BOX 7, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 .......................................................................................... JENNINGS, WL ........................................................................... JIN, P, 4/10 GORDON STREET, KURRALTA PARK, S.A. 5037 .......................................................................................... JOARGENSON, DH, 4/360 HENLEY BEACH ROAD, LOCKLEYS, S.A. 5032 ........................................................... JOBSON, B, 10/45 THORNTON STREET, KENSINGTON, S.A. 5068 .................................................................................. JOERDENS, K, L78/46 JUDITH CRESCENT, MORPHETT VALE, S.A. 5162 ..................................................................... JOHN CHARLES & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD ........................... JOHNCOCK, RG, 4/378 REGENCY ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... JOHNSTON, CA, 12 WYATT ROAD, BURNSIDE, S.A. 5066 . JOHNSTONE, A, 21 MELBURY STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 ..................................................................... JONES, DT, 17 WHEADON STREET, OSBORNE, S.A. 5017 .. JONES, RF ................................................................................... JUKES, K, 2/22 CHAPEL STREET, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 .......................................................................................... JUMONONG, J, 51 BOUCAUT AVENUE, KLEMZIG, S.A. 5087 .......................................................................................... JUVONEN, MP, 14/185 TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, SEATON, S.A. 5023 .................................................................................. KAKAMANOUDIS, G, 4/46 GLADSTONE ROAD, MILE END, S.A. 5031 ........................................................................ KAKOSCHKE, R, 34/24 PONTON STREET, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .................................................................................. KALANTARIZADEH, S, 26 PEREGRINE CRESCENT, CHRISTIE DOWNS, S.A. 5164 ............................................... KAROUNOS, K, 7/15 AUSTRAL TERRACE, MORPHETTVILLE, S.A. 5043 ............................................... KARPANY, L, 3 CONRAD STREET, PORT LINCOLN, S.A. 5606 .......................................................................................... KARTINYERI, LG, 24/66 FESTIVAL COURT, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .................................................................................. KATHREPTIS, E, 118 BEAULAH ROAD, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 .......................................................................................... KEENAN, RL, 33 LEICESTER STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 .......................................................................................... KEIL, ME, 5 GROSVENOR STREET, GLANDORE, S.A. 5037 .......................................................................................... KELLY, KM ................................................................................ KELLY, B, 10/21 STURT STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .......................................................................................... KELLY, DG, 8/17 FOUNDRY STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 .......................................................................................... KEMPF, JE, 11 EVANS STREET, WOODVILLE SOUTH, S.A. 5011 .................................................................................. KEMP-TRAEGER, T, 8 WILLISTON AVENUE, EVANSTON, S.A. 5116 .................................................................................. KENNEDY, GW, 25 MOUNT CROSBY ROAD, MT CROSBY, QLD 4306 ........................................................ Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date REFUND 10.15 288224 14.4.93 REFUND 38.10 290161 30.4.93 REFUND 30.20 307770 24.11.93 REFUND 21.52 285592 18.3.93 REFUND 52.45 309682 11.12.93 REFUND 13.15 309742 13.12.93 REFUND 70.66 287714 7.4.93 REFUND 12.38 293741 10.6.93 REFUND REFUND 21.95 50.75 282505 299580 12.2.93 13.8.93 REFUND REFUND 30.00 27.46 287753 290386 7.4.93 4.5.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST 54.15 305175 25.10.93 2 295.00 45.00 227 060642 1993 1993 REFUND 18.64 279802 13.1.93 REFUND 18.45 287444 2.4.93 REFUND 19.15 296072 6.7.93 REFUND INTEREST 51.06 67.50 285972 060644 24.3.93 1993 REFUND 32.15 301385 3.9.93 REFUND 58.80 289330 28.4.93 REFUND REFUND SHARES 30.95 27.41 28.36 299735 285984 062044 17.8.93 25.3.93 31.12.93 REFUND 11.50 304681 18.10.93 REFUND 20.50 287764 7.4.93 REFUND 25.65 280138 15.1.93 REFUND 10.69 282073 8.2.93 REFUND 32.97 279919 14.1.93 REFUND 17.20 282106 8.2.93 REFUND 41.55 302300 16.9.93 REFUND 15.44 284830 8.3.93 REFUND 49.31 290315 4.5.93 REFUND 49.45 297432 27.7.93 REFUND 16.32 280758 29.1.93 REFUND SHARES 33.22 400.00 279830 060297 13.1.93 12.11.93 REFUND 27.11 285947 24.3.93 REFUND 33.77 279838 13.1.93 REFUND 33.40 287551 2.4.93 REFUND 41.50 297054 19.7.93 REFUND 11.30 308807 30.11.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books KERR, ME, 1/3 LAND CRESCENT, PASADENA, S.A. 5042 .. KERR, WR, 5/491 ESPLANADE, GRANGE, S.A. 5022............ KILLICK, T, 1/64A WINSTON AVENUE, MELROSE PARK, S.A. 5039 .................................................................................. KIRN, TANIA JOAN .................................................................. KIRN, TJ (C/O R D COLLINS) ................................................... KIRTLAND, DG & MJ—LEVI PARK GENERAL STORE, 69 LANDSDOWNE TERRACE, VALE PARK, S.A. 5081 ......... KISS, J, 50 KINTORE AVENUE, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 ........... KITCHING, DM, 1/389 TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, SEATON, S.A. 5023 .................................................................................. KLEASE, WA, 27 MILTON STREET, TEA TREE GULLY, S.A. 5091 .................................................................................. KLEMETTILA, DP, 26 KINGSBURY STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 ..................................................................... KOOLMATRIE, AM, 2/152 CHURCHILL ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 ............................................................ KOOLMATRIE, TL, 12/23 NOBLE STREET, OVINGHAM, S.A. 5082 .................................................................................. KOSTARAS, SC, 183 ROBIN ROAD, SEMAPHORE SOUTH, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. KOVACS, T, 27/66 FESTIVAL COURT, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .......................................................................................... KRIEG, K, 33 NEEDLEBUSH STREET, WHYALLA STUART, S.A. 5608 ................................................................. KWAN, LK, 34/129 ANZAC HIGHWAY, KURRALTA PARK, S.A. 5037 ..................................................................... LABUC-SPOORS, M, L88/14 MERTZ COURT, GREENWITH, S.A. 5125 ......................................................... LACH, DD, 3/393 REGENCY ROAD, PROPSPECT, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... LAGANA, G, 3/22 ALABAMA AVENUE, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... LAM, NT, 55/401 ANZAC HIGHWAY, CAMDEN PARK, S.A. 5039 .................................................................................. LAMB, S, 7/103 HIGH STREET KENSINGTON, S.A. 5068 ..... LAMPARD, AL, 435 MILITARY ROAD, GRANGE, S.A. 5022 .......................................................................................... LANAWAY, MW, 2/31 ROSE STREET, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... LANDORF, ND, 7A QUEBEC STREET, PORT ADELAIDE, S.A. 5015 .................................................................................. LANE, D, 70 HECTORVILLE ROAD, HECTORVILLE, S.A. 5073 .......................................................................................... LANG, JH, 32 SOUTHERN AVENUE, PASADENA, S.A. 5042 .......................................................................................... LANGE, GP, 291 CARRRINGTON STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .................................................................................. LARRITT, KJ, 1/447 MORPHETT ROAD, OAKLANDS PARK, S.A. 5046 ..................................................................... LAU, KS, 2/5 LOCH STREET, STEPNEY, S.A. 5069 ............... LAVERTY, LA, 4/80 WATTLE STREET, FULLARTON PARK, S.A. 5063 ..................................................................... LAWLOR, TM, 75 GERTRUDE STREET, PORT PIRIE, S.A. 5540 .......................................................................................... LAWRENCE, JA, 7 ORMOND GROVE, DULWICH, S.A. 5065 .......................................................................................... LAWRIE, B, 17 WORDEN STREET, PORT PIRIE SOUTH, S.A. 5540 .................................................................................. LE, LT, 50 LACHLAN STREET, FERRYDEN PARK, S.A. 5010 .......................................................................................... LE, V, 3/420B GRAND JUNCTION ROAD, CLEARVIEW, S.A. 5085 .................................................................................. LEAN, DA, 277 ESPLANADE, ALDINGA BEACH, S.A. 5173 LEATHER, TD, 38 SHEPHERDS HILL ROAD, BEDFORD PARK, S.A. 5042 ..................................................................... LEE, AS, 3/27 CHURCHILL ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 ... LEE, Z, 127 HANSON ROAD, WOODVILLE NORTH, S.A. 5012 .......................................................................................... LEE, E, L34 SYMES ROAD, WATERLOO CORNER, S.A. 5110 .......................................................................................... LEE, AK, 86 MILITARY ROAD, SEMAPHORE, S.A. 5019 ..... LENNON, C, 8 LURLINE AVENUE, GILLES PLAINS, S.A. 5086 .......................................................................................... LEONARD, S, BLOCK C, 1/11 GUERIN STREET, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 .......................................................... Description Total Amount Due $ 1347 Cheque No. Date REFUND REFUND 12.25 28.52 309546 279434 8.12.93 8.1.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST 29.98 287457 2.4.93 4 590.00 90.00 251 060662 1993 1993 REFUND REFUND 12.86 30.32 307081 285776 11.11.93 22.3.93 REFUND 23.10 279844 13.1.93 REFUND 15.05 302358 17.9.93 REFUND 36.31 294081 16.6.93 REFUND 27.95 305602 28.10.93 REFUND 17.18 285834 23.3.93 REFUND 15.82 279843 13.1.93 REFUND 40.77 291580 21.5.93 REFUND 45.75 284846 9.3.93 REFUND 68.81 294349 21.6.93 REFUND 22.02 285184 12.3.93 REFUND 46.20 310576 22.12.93 REFUND 49.20 283431 24.2.93 REFUND REFUND 19.15 42.36 298318 282565 31.7.93 12.2.93 REFUND 19.30 310571 22.12.93 REFUND 22.65 285188 12.3.93 REFUND 42.45 299754 17.8.93 REFUND 31.16 282482 12.2.93 REFUND 39.88 287916 14.4.93 REFUND 37.37 290394 4.5.93 REFUND REFUND 44.69 14.47 279507 293575 8.1.93 9.6.93 REFUND 42.69 287712 7.4.93 REFUND 35.10 287968 14.4.93 REFUND 70.95 310568 22.12.93 REFUND 16.15 296493 13.7.93 REFUND 32.23 290298 4.5.93 REFUND REFUND 22.46 20.00 291626 293720 24.5.93 10.6.93 REFUND REFUND 48.75 41.70 301756 304357 8.9.93 12.10.93 REFUND 14.34 285289 12.3.93 REFUND REFUND 15.46 29.60 288456 280706 19.4.93 27.1.93 REFUND 37.60 293246 3.6.93 REFUND 13.55 310090 16.12.93 1348 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books LEUNG, D, DEEPACRES, 9/287 MELBOURNE STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .............................................. LEWIS, K, 1/1 EMILY STREET, WOODVILLE WEST, S.A. 5011 .......................................................................................... LINTON, DG, 4/630 SEAVIEW ROAD, GRANGE, S.A. 5022 . LOGAN, J, 8/6 SUNRISE COURT, WEST LAKES, S.A. 5021 . LOMAX, D, 86 EAST TERRACE, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022 .......................................................................................... LONGMIRE, J, 6 BALRANALD AVENUE, LARGS BAY, S.A. 5016 .................................................................................. LONSDALE, TA, L13/1 KORONG STREET, HOPE VALLEY, S.A. 5090 ................................................................ LOOYESTYN, M P, 2/2 CHETWYND STREET, WEST BEACH, S.A. 5024................................................................... LOQUET, CAC ............................................................................ LOTUS DEVELOPMENT ........................................................... LOVEC, D, 11/2 KAROOMBA AVENUE, GREENACRES, S.A. 5086 .................................................................................. LOWE, R—CHICKEN PLUS, 118 COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORT ADELAIDE, S.A. 5015 ................................................ LOY, NE, 330 HODSON AVENUE, WAGGA WAGGA, N.S.W. 2650 ............................................................................. LUNSTEDT, AJ, 4/432 SEAVIEW ROAD, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022 .................................................................................. LY, CR, 70 WILLIAM STREET, BEVERLEY, S.A. 5009 ......... LYNCH, MP, 10 NEWCASTLE STREET, ROSEWATER, S.A. 5013 .......................................................................................... MacDONALD, C, THE WILLOWS 3/695 MAGILL ROAD, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 ................................................................ MADDEN, GL, 10 ELLIS STREET, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 ......... MADDIONS, S & SCHOFIELD, JA, 25 HOLBROOKS ROAD, FLINDERS PARK, S.A. 5025 .................................................. MAGROW, A, 307 WHITES ROAD, PARALOWIE, S.A. 5108 MAHON, LA, 21 GEORGE STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 . MAHONEY, C, 6/589 GREENHILL ROAD, BURNSIDE, S.A. 5066 .......................................................................................... MAHONY, PHYLLIS MARJORIE ............................................ MAHONY, PM ............................................................................ MAIDEN, J .................................................................................. MAIDEN, JACK ......................................................................... MAIN, PETER HUGH ................................................................ MAKER, GA & HOLT, L, 26 MANN TERRACE, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ MAKER, GA & HOLT, L, 26 MANN TERRACE, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ MAMMONE, D & GOEVAERS, J, 2/64 RESEVOIR ROAD, MODBURY, S.A. 5092 ............................................................ MANDECKA, M, 19 FATCHEN STREET, ELIZABETH GROVE, S.A. 5112 .................................................................. MARALDO, L, 218 MAIN ROAD, BLACKWOOD, S.A. 5051 MARROQUIN, MA, 1/69 NELSON ROAD, VALLEY VIEW, S.A. 5093 .................................................................................. MARTIN, K & GLASSON, K, 35 SUZANNE AVENUE, MORPHETT VALE, S.A. 5162 ............................................... MARTIN, D, L51/5 MARABOU STREET, SEMAPHORE PARK, S.A. 5019 ..................................................................... MASCIA, C, 16 CORRYTON STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... MASON, P, 709 SOUTH ROAD, BLACK FOREST, S.A. 5035 MASSEY, J, 1/33 NORTHCOTE STREET, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 .......................................................................................... MATALAVEA, SSH, 5/49 LEADER STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 .................................................................................. MATHESON, PM & SIMPSON, RS, 39 CHATHAM ROAD, KESWICK, S.A. 5035 .............................................................. MATTHEWS, RJ, L20/17 SHANNON CRESCENT, COROMANDEL VALLEY, S.A. 5051 .................................... MATTHEWS, RJ, 61/3 PHILIP HIGHWAY, ELIZABETH, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. MAY, SJ, 4 TRIM AVENUE, NORTH BRIGHTON, S.A. 5048 McALLISTER, C, 221 BURBRIDGE ROAD, COWANDILLA, S.A. 5033 .................................................................................. McCORMICK, T .......................................................................... Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date REFUND 15.40 296381 9.7.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 21.18 58.15 49.70 280420 307561 291624 21.1.93 23.11.93 24.5.93 REFUND 28.60 285534 17.3.93 REFUND 30.13 285839 23.3.93 REFUND 15.15 296028 5.7.93 REFUND INTEREST CREDIT BAL. 48.00 75.00 95.00 308054 060683 286389 26.11.93 1993 30.3.93 REFUND 34.65 294493 23.6.93 REFUND 95.55 284582 4.3.93 REFUND 43.50 293728 10.6.93 REFUND REFUND 34.25 41.50 301859 310550 9.9.93 22.12.93 REFUND 33.85 310704 23.12.93 REFUND REFUND 40.11 18.65 291225 309929 14.5.93 14.12.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 10.29 41.95 28.40 289309 310575 311016 28.4.93 22.12.93 30.12.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 24.43 280774 29.1.93 2 295.00 45.00 56.25 285 060692 060694 1993 1993 1993 2 868.75 287 1993 481.95 288 1993 REFUND 68.80 297515 28.7.93 REFUND 15.40 310563 22.12.93 REFUND 30.75 301871 9.9.93 REFUND REFUND 26.45 33.10 294484 302303 23.6.93 16.9.93 REFUND 29.35 304896 20.10.93 REFUND 21.95 282075 8.2.93 REFUND 38.05 289071 23.4.93 REFUND REFUND 59.60 28.80 306334 296884 1.11.93 16.7.93 REFUND 17.87 282678 16.2.93 REFUND 42.93 284710 5.3.93 REFUND 36.65 281775 3.2.93 REFUND 60.24 290438 4.5.93 REFUND REFUND 14.05 42.89 308092 294387 29.11.93 22.6.93 REFUND REFUND 27.81 27.30 288605 295771 20.4.93 30.6.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books McCOSKER, G, 22/36 STURT STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .................................................................................. McDONALD, DC, 790 ALICE STREET, SEFTON PARK, S.A. 5083 .................................................................................. McDONALD, SJ, 40 WHINNERAH AVENUE, ALDINGA BEACH, S.A. 5173................................................................... McDONNELL, JM, 5/124 BUXTON STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ McDONOUGH, D, 25 KINTORE AVENUE, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 .......................................................................................... McENTEE, SL, L10/13 HARKNESS STREET, WILLSTON, S.A. 5118 .................................................................................. McGANN, J, 2/40 TRAVERSE AVENUE, SALISBURY NORTH, S.A. 5108 .................................................................. McINTYRE, F, 8/12 REDMOND STREET, COLLINSWOOD, S.A. 5081 .................................................................................. McKEE, K, 45 BYRON STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .......... McKELLAR, D, 1 BINNSWOOD STREET, HECTORVILLE, S.A. 5073 .................................................................................. McKENDRICK, M, 8 REIBY PLACE, GOLDEN GROVE, S.A. 5125 .................................................................................. McKENZIE, J, 28 WATSON AVENUE, BROADVIEW, S.A. 5083 .......................................................................................... McKENZIE, KJ, 4/555 LOWER NORTH EAST ROAD, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 ............................................... McKINNON, RM, 21 HECTOR STREET, OSBORNE PARK, W.A. 6107 ................................................................................ McLEAN, SN, 90 FEDERICK STREET, WELLAND, S.A. 5007 .......................................................................................... McLEOD, B, 58 KIEKEBUSCH ROAD, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 .................................................................................. McMAHON, G, 8 BALMORAL AVENUE, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 .......................................................................................... McMANUS, MD, 1/2 LASSIE AVENUE, WINDSOR GARDENS, S.A. 5087 ............................................................. McNAMARA, TD, 94 WINZOR STREET, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108.................................................................. McPHEE, KA, 3/73 PHILLIPS STREET, MAYLANDS, S.A. 5069 .......................................................................................... McPHILLIPS, H & KERBER, D, CNR TARGET HILL ROAD, 2/2 ANZAC STREET, SALISBURY HEIGHTS, S.A. 5109.... McQUADE, M, 2 LAMBERT STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. McRAE, LJ, 3/3A HUGHES AVENUE, KENSINGTON, S.A. 5068 .......................................................................................... MELENGRAFF, HVD ................................................................. MELLOWSHIP, B, 196 WRIGHT STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... MELVILLE, JD, 12 SIESTA CRESCENT, MASLIN BEACH, S.A. 5170 .................................................................................. MENSFORTH, BP, 5 HALL STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 MERCER, D, 25 ELIZABETH AVENUE, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .......................................................................................... MERCURI, F, 56 RAGAMUFFIN DRIVE, HALLETT COVE, S.A. 5158 .................................................................................. MERRITT, AF, 5 COROMANDEL PLACE, MODBURY HEIGHTS S 5092 ..................................................................... MIANO, NA, 8/184 JUBILEE HIGHWAY WEST, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .............................................. MILKOVIC, T, 2 HARDY STREET, CROYDON PARK, S.A. 5008 .......................................................................................... MILLARD, KELVIN MAXWELL, 257 GREENHILL ROAD, DULWICH, S.A. 5065 ............................................................. MILLER, DJ, 7 HINTON AVENUE, PARA HILLS, S.A. 5096 . MILLER, JD, 4//20 GARFIELD COURT, PARALOWIE, S.A. 5108 .......................................................................................... MILLKIEN, K, 7/2 DAVIS STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 .. MILLS, T, 21/61 QUEEN STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 .... MINTARO INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, 43 NORTH ESPLANADE, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 ...................... MITCHELL, CJ, 30 ESPLANADE, SOMERTON PARK, S.A. 5044 .......................................................................................... MITCHELL, JL, 15A VASSALL STREET, SEMAPHORE, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. MIYAMOTO, S, 5/315 SOUTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .......................................................................................... Description Total Amount Due $ 1349 Cheque No. Date REFUND 20.85 308832 30.11.93 REFUND 70.05 310572 22.12.93 REFUND 62.90 299146 6.8.93 REFUND 41.15 282466 12.2.93 REFUND 18.53 290330 4.5.93 REFUND 44.74 294251 18.6.93 REFUND 10.45 306728 5.11.93 REFUND REFUND 34.65 12.25 287806 297352 8.4.93 23.7.93 REFUND 78.05 296450 12.7.93 REFUND 36.10 290409 4.5.93 REFUND 29.52 284892 9.3.93 REFUND 18.60 309730 13.12.93 REFUND 25.70 310833 29.12.93 REFUND 39.39 285705 20.3.93 REFUND 38.38 290822 10.5.93 REFUND 42.68 290307 4.5.93 REFUND 14.20 302540 21.9.93 REFUND 26.15 302513 21.9.93 REFUND 59.60 296390 9.7.93 REFUND 24.59 280154 15.1.93 REFUND 34.94 293862 15.6.93 REFUND INTEREST 34.00 15.00 297175 060856 21.7.93 1993 REFUND 38.10 299233 10.8.93 REFUND REFUND 37.60 28.05 302097 308839 14.9.93 30.11.93 REFUND 46.75 296432 12.7.93 REFUND 13.00 299872 19.8.93 REFUND 52.65 310693 23.12.93 REFUND 11.46 279350 6.1.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION REFUND 57.98 288285 15.4.93 191.25 14.98 314 292999 1993 31.5.93 14.42 43.67 26.78 282404 293105 292996 12.2.93 2.6.93 31.5.93 7 650.00 317 1993 REFUND 37.90 302860 28.9.93 REFUND 31.60 280471 22.1.93 REFUND 42.91 285041 11.3.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 1350 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books MO,MR PM, 1/149 LIPSETT TERRACE, BROOKLYN PARK, S.A. 5032 ..................................................................... MOCILAC, JL, 13 AMARINA COURT, SEMAPHORE PARK, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. MONTGOMERY, E, 8/147 STEPHEN TERRACE, WALKERVILLE, S.A. 5081 .................................................... MOON, S, 5/11 YORKTOWN ROAD, ELIZABETH PARK, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. MOORE, GE ................................................................................ MOORE, GERTRUDE ELIZABETH ......................................... MOORMAN, T & WOLTER, C .................................................. MORGAN, DK, 3/642 GRANGE ROAD, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022 .................................................................................. MORRISON, M, 4 BRISTON STREET, EASTWOOD, S.A. 5063 .......................................................................................... MORRISS, E ................................................................................ MORTON, SV, 13/3 DOUGLAS AVENUE, REYNELLA, S.A. 5161 .......................................................................................... MOUNT, S ................................................................................... MUELLER, AR, 26 MENDEZ STREET, PARALOWIE, S.A. 5108 .......................................................................................... MULLENS, M, 5/56 HENLEY BEACH ROAD, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022................................................................... MULLIGAN, K, 2/88 BEACH ROAD, CHRISTIES BEACH, S.A. 5165 .................................................................................. MURATORE, MF, 6/144 SEMAPHORE ROAD, EXETER, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. MURRAY, SA ............................................................................. MUTTON, BRUCE ROBERT, BOX 443 WENTWORTH BLDG, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, N.S.W. 2006 ................ N E SHEPPARD & CO PTY LTD ............................................... NAGLE, J, 20 GARDNER STREET, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .. NAGY, JA, 16/25 PARTRIDGE STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .......................................................................................... NAKOV, G, 50 STANLEY STREET, WOODVILLE PARK, S.A. 5011 .................................................................................. NARA, K, 5/113 TORRENS ROAD, BROMPTON, S.A. 5007 .. NARA, H, 5/113 TORRENS ROAD, BROMPTON, S.A. 5007 .. NE SHEPPARD & CO PTY LTD ................................................ NEILL, JP, L315/2/298 MAIN NORTH ROAD, MORPHETT VALE, S.A. 5162 ..................................................................... NELSON, J, 3/38 CHILDERS STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .................................................................................. NEO, H, 5/137 ANZAC HWAY KURRALTA PARK, S.A. 5037 .......................................................................................... NEUBERGER, M & HARPER, L, 28 ADELAIDE STREET, MAYLANDS, S.A. 5069 .......................................................... NEWBURY, CHRISTOPHER JAMES, 785 MARION ROAD, PARKHOLME, S.A. 5043 ....................................................... NEWBURY, PJ, CNR LEEDS STREET, 1/17 BALMORAL ROAD, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 .................................. NEWTON, AJ & NICHOLLS, N, L744/3/28 LINWOOD COURT, WYNN VALE, S.A. 5127 ......................................... NGA, KL, 4/25 LEICESTER STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 . NGUYEN, T, 2/55 HOPETOUN AVENUE, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 .......................................................................................... NGUYEN, C—CHINESE CANTEEN TAKE AWAY, 505 BRIGHTON ROAD, BRIGHTON, S.A. 5048 .................. NGUYEN, CV, 7/18 PANMURE PLACE, WOODVILLE NORTH, S.A. 5012 .................................................................. NGUYEN, P, 61A PALM AVENUE, ROYAL PARK, S.A. 5014 .......................................................................................... NGUYEN, T, L42/3/8 EDWARD STREET, OTTOWAY, S.A. 5013 .......................................................................................... NGUYEN, TH, 3/19 HENNESSEY TERRACE, ROSEWATER, S.A. 5013 ........................................................ NGUYEN, V, 5 RUSHWORTH STREET, BLAIR ATHOL, S.A. 5084 .................................................................................. NGUYEN, VP, L1 GAWLER ROAD, VIRGINIA, S.A. 5120 .... NGUYEN, VT, 1/56 ROBERT STREET, WEST CROYDON, S.A. 5008 .................................................................................. NICHOLLS, KA, 3/50 CAPPER STREET, CAMDEN PARK, S.A. 5038 .................................................................................. NICHOLS, G, 1/723 BURBRIDGE ROAD, WEST BEACH, S.A. 5024 .................................................................................. Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date REFUND 13.45 303945 5.10.93 REFUND 17.58 284816 8.3.93 REFUND 19.31 285321 15.3.93 REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION REFUND 29.38 112.50 287465 060719 2.4.93 1993 5 737.50 15.62 319 279751 1993 13.1.93 REFUND 11.60 309255 6.12.93 REFUND SHARES 10.53 2 014.49 287698 060199 7.4.93 9.11.93 REFUND INTEREST 35.90 45.00 294508 060722 23.6.93 1993 REFUND 40.75 300041 24.8.93 REFUND 47.75 306372 2.11.93 REFUND 38.99 280186 18.1.93 REFUND REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION COMPULSORY ACQUISITION REFUND 16.49 35.85 280672 299140 27.1.93 6.8.93 1 422.90 325 1993 5 737.50 49.10 329 301672 1993 7.9.93 REFUND 39.25 279438 8.1.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND INTEREST 13.20 51.79 59.40 112.50 306374 286466 309045 060729 2.11.93 6.4.93 2.12.93 1993 REFUND 52.40 294487 23.6.93 REFUND 17.75 304349 12.10.93 REFUND 24.25 293875 15.6.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 11.75 307590 23.11.1993 382.50 331 1993 REFUND 22.50 283100 22.2.93 REFUND REFUND 11.92 64.18 285385 284472 16.3.93 2.3.93 REFUND 44.26 290915 11.5.93 REFUND 110.82 280459 22.1.93 REFUND 10.95 307377 17.11.93 REFUND 40.45 302314 16.9.93 REFUND 16.18 290523 5.5.93 REFUND 44.80 307124 15.11.93 REFUND REFUND 15.12 15.15 281648 282093 28.1.93 8.2.93 REFUND 26.55 309547 8.12.93 REFUND 19.09 291623 24.5.93 REFUND 41.70 300308 27.8.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books NICHOLSON, M, 4/380 MARION ROAD, PLYMPTON, S.A. 5038 .......................................................................................... NISBET, LA, 20 TOOMA STREET, O’SULLIVAN BEACH, S.A. 5166 .................................................................................. NOACK, E, 12/32 BOORD STREET, SEMAPHORE SOUTH, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. NORA, N, 1/18 SHEPHERDS HILL ROAD, BEDFORD PARK, S.A. 5042 ..................................................................... NOYE, J, L83/7 ROTTERDAM ROAD, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108.................................................................. OAKSWOOD PTY LTD—PLYTO’S, 102 HINDLEY STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ............................................ O’BORN, AW, 29 BARRY STREET, PORT PIRIE SOUTH, S.A. 5540 .................................................................................. O’BRIEN, RA, 11/27 HILLIER ROAD, MORPHETT VALE, S.A. 5162 .................................................................................. O’CONNOR, K, 3 NEED STREET, ENFIELD, S.A. 5085 ......... O’CONNOR, M, 4/3 SOVEREIGN STREET, HALLETT COVE, S.A. 5158 ..................................................................... O’DONNELL, S, 3 GRAHAM STREET, GLANVILLE, S.A. 5015 .......................................................................................... OFFINDELL, EMMA GWENDOLYNNE (ESTATE OF) .......... O’GRADY, ML, L91/2/18 WATTLE AVENUE, DRY CREEK, S.A. 5094 .................................................................................. OLIVER, DJ, 31 MARLBOROUGH STREET, MALVERN, S.A. 5061 .................................................................................. O’LOUGHLIN, DH...................................................................... ORMSBY, DR, 1 HIGHT STREET, PORT GERMEIN, S.A. 5495 .......................................................................................... PAGET, GM, 101A WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE, S.A. 5081 .................................................... PAPAS, C, 2 ALLAWAH AVENUE, GLEN OSMOND, S.A. 5064 .......................................................................................... PARKIN, C, 2 MARLBOROUGH STREET, FULLARTON, S.A. 5063 .................................................................................. PARSONS, G & GW, 29 ALBANY AVENUE, PORT NOARLUNGA STH, S.A. 5167 ............................................... PATERNOSTER, MW ................................................................. PATTERSON, NB, 6/112 HIGH STREET, NORTH SYDNEY, N.S.W. 2060 ............................................................................. PAVY, IG ..................................................................................... PAYNE, KM, 5/68 TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .................................................................. PEARCE, WR, 3/54 EAST AVENUE, BLACK FOREST, S.A. 5035 .......................................................................................... PELHAM, J, L103/F3 PORTRUSH ROAD, ST GEORGES, S.A. 5064 .................................................................................. PENGILLY, L & SMITH, K, 8 EDNA COURT, HACKHAM, S.A. 5163 .................................................................................. PENMAN, GF, 3/41 THOMAS STREET, UNLEY, S.A. 5061 ... PENNEY, CH, L4/38 BAROONA STREET, POORAKA, S.A. 5095 .......................................................................................... PEPPER, M, 5/2 FERGUSON STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .................................................................................. PETERS, R, 2/94 BEACONSFIELD TERRACE, ASCOT PARK, S.A. 5043 ..................................................................... PETERSON, MD, 2/17 FINNISS STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ PETHERICK, BP, 1/2 AUDREY CRESCENT, VALLEY VIEW, S.A. 5093 ...................................................................... PETRY, VM, 3/9 JUNE STREET, MANSFIELD PARK, S.A. 5012 .......................................................................................... PETTIGREW, R, 108 PRATT AVENUE, POORAKA, S.A. 5095 .......................................................................................... PFEIFFER, DA............................................................................. PHAN, H, 11 PORTER CRESCENT, ENFIELD, S.A. 5085 ....... PHAN, NV, L7/17 ASHLEY CRESCENT, DEVON PARK, S.A. 5008 .................................................................................. PHELAN, G, 2/208 ST BERNARDS ROAD, HECTORVILLE, S.A. 5073 .................................................................................. PHELAN, MJ, 1/63 WALLALA AVENUE, PARK HOLME, S.A. 5043 .................................................................................. PHILIP, MA & BUIK, KL, L80/3/27 KERRY STREET, ATHELSTONE, S.A. 5076 ...................................................... PHILLIPS, E, 13 KIANA STREET, SEAVIEW DOWNS, S.A. Description Total Amount Due $ 1351 Cheque No. Date REFUND 12.28 293572 9.6.93 REFUND 17.60 309195 6.12.93 REFUND 17.89 285937 24.3.93 REFUND 35.59 288330 15.4.93 REFUND 33.15 291643 24.5.93 REFUND 31.20 304954 21.10.93 REFUND 35.29 293744 10.6.93 REFUND REFUND 20.02 20.10 285024 284817 11.3.93 8.3.93 REFUND 31.60 304020 6.10.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 54.80 302643 23.9.93 1 422.90 464 1993 REFUND 15.26 291193 14.5.93 REFUND REFUND 29.76 13.15 288316 299139 15.4.93 6.8.93 REFUND 33.00 306503 4.11.93 REFUND 18.96 282491 12.2.93 REFUND 34.75 302273 15.9.93 REFUND 66.20 290832 10.5.93 REFUND SHARES 29.90 26.82 294753 050400 26.6.93 31.3.93 REFUND SHARES 27.95 600.00 306762 060307 5.11.93 12.11.93 REFUND 20.50 304221 7.10.93 REFUND 20.75 309199 6.12.93 REFUND 18.30 282423 12.2.93 REFUND REFUND 45.10 14.05 299334 304823 11.8.93 19.10.93 REFUND 25.56 289327 28.4.93 REFUND 55.68 285951 24.3.93 REFUND 19.90 282912 18.2.93 REFUND 55.03 285926 24.3.93 REFUND 30.42 290287 4.5.93 REFUND 14.20 302021 10.9.93 REFUND SHARES REFUND 51.37 176.56 42.80 280129 050433 302350 15.1.93 31.3.93 17.9.93 REFUND 10.01 287826 8.4.93 REFUND 29.37 281779 3.2.93 REFUND 54.40 308836 30.11.93 REFUND REFUND 10.87 11.15 282477 301867 12.2.93 9.9.93 1352 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books 5049 .......................................................................................... PHILLIPS, B, 14/184 JUBILEE HIGHWAY, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .............................................................. PIENING, J, 19 DINWOODIE AVENUE, CLARENCE GARDENS, S.A. 5039 ............................................................. PILL, CA, 261A GOUGER STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ... PINCOMBE, G, 11 WASHINGTON STREET, HILTON, S.A. 5033 .......................................................................................... PINDER, D, 2 MARKEY STREET, EASTWOOD, S.A. 5063 ... PINNINGTON, B, 11 EDISON ROAD, BEDFORD PARK, S.A. 5042 .................................................................................. PINSON, DC, 13 SCHAEDEL STREET, NURIOOTPA, S.A. 5355 .......................................................................................... PIRES, N & RINALDI, M, 46 SHELDON STREET, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 ........................................................... PISTOLA, VG & JE, L899/8 STEADMAN STREET, NORTH HAVEN, S.A. 5018 .................................................................. PLANE, TK, 23 FLORENCE STREET, HAMLEY BRIDGE, S.A. 5401 .................................................................................. PLATTEN, SD, 18 HAROLD STREET, HIGHBURY, S.A. 5089 .......................................................................................... PONTER, CL, 10 BARLOW COURT, ST AGNES, S.A. 5097 .. POVEY, T, 4/38 GORDON STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .... POWELL, BL, L53/6 DUNNE CRESCENT, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 ...................................................................... POWER, KM, 9 LAVERTON STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. PRAN, LT, 39 BALRANALD STREET, FERRYDEN PARK, S.A. 5010 .................................................................................. PRICE, J, 6 AYLING STREET, SMITHFIELD PLAINS, S.A. 5114 .......................................................................................... PRICE, NJ, 16 FOURTH AVENUE, ST PETERS, S.A. 5069 ..... PRIGENT, W, 1/447 CHURCHILL ROAD, KILBURN, S.A. 5084 .......................................................................................... PROSSER, MJ, 32/180 SEAVIEW ROAD, HENLEY BEACH SOUTH, S.A. 5022 ................................................................... PRYKE, NC, 1 ALCOCK WAY, HAPPY VALLEY, S.A. 5159 RADCLIFFE, RN, 2/9 SIMPSON STREET, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 ...................................................................... RADICEVSKI, B, 15/2 TARLTON STREET, SOMERTON PARK, S.A. 5044 ..................................................................... RAHE, A, L3/2/1 DOUGLAS AVENUE, REYNELLA, S.A. 5161 .......................................................................................... RANDJELOVIC, M, 22 EAST AVENUE, NORTHFIELD, S.A. 5085 .......................................................................................... RANKIN, D, 2 KARU CRESCENT, MITCHELL PARK, S.A. 5043 .......................................................................................... RAYMOND, AM ......................................................................... RAYMOND, M, UNLEY PARK LODGE, 3/6 KING STREET, UNLEY PARK, S.A. 5061 ....................................................... RAYNER, GJ, 16 LORAL STREET, MODBURY, S.A. 5092 .... RAYNER, S, 2/203 PROSPECT ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... REALLY, TC, 1/75 DEW STREET, THEBARTON, S.A. 5031 . REES,. FH, 192 PROSPECT ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 .... REID, AJ, 3/9 FISHER STREET, SALISBURY, S.A. 5108 ....... REID, P, 69 GLADSTONE ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 ...... REID, S, 60 PARK STREET, HYDE PARK, S.A. 5061 ............. RENFREY, P, 14 CLARENCE STREET, EXETER, S.A. 5019 .. RICE, LM, 3/150 CHILDERS STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .................................................................................. RICH, T, 12 THIRD AVENUE, ST PETERS, S.A. 5069 ............ RICHARDSON, RL, 9 SANDISON TERRACE, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .................................................................. RICHARDSON, TK, 13/38 CHILDERS STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ RISTIVOJEVIC, Z, 269 SOUTH ROAD, CROYDON PARK, S.A. 5008 .................................................................................. RITCHIE, GJ, 31 EAST AVENUE, MILLSWOOD, S.A. 5034 .. ROACHE, D ................................................................................. ROBBINS, R, 16/12 JEFFREY STREET, BROOKLYN PARK, S.A. 5032 .................................................................................. ROBERTS, KM............................................................................ ROCHOW, A, 8/4 CROYDON ROAD, KESWICK, S.A. 5035 .. RODDA, L, 5/87 CROUCH STREET SOUTH, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .............................................................. Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date REFUND 25.60 297015 19.7.93 REFUND REFUND 18.40 40.58 306354 282011 1.11.93 5.2.93 REFUND REFUND 48.60 49.35 282480 300468 12.2.93 30.8.93 REFUND 39.00 293900 15.6.93 REFUND 44.05 310689 23.12.93 REFUND 59.90 309223 6.12.93 REFUND 57.81 282205 9.2.93 REFUND 14.25 290521 5.5.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 42.45 43.50 17.80 309618 309583 298946 10.12.93 8.12.93 4.8.93 REFUND 53.81 284583 4.3.93 REFUND 27.40 283187 23.2.93 REFUND 24.50 307146 15.11.93 REFUND REFUND 22.13 48.90 282547 294743 12.2.93 26.6.93 REFUND 19.52 282914 18.2.93 REFUND REFUND 10.00 13.90 296510 297049 13.7.93 19.7.93 REFUND 17.03 279473 8.1.93 REFUND 38.25 310039 15.12.93 REFUND 57.95 294708 24.6.93 REFUND 143.18 282572 12.2.93 REFUND AMADEUS 59.31 79.68 280705 1823 27.1.93 13.7.93 REFUND REFUND 49.70 32.45 307481 294388 19.11.93 22.6.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND 24.21 42.15 12.75 17.34 11.65 36.25 15.47 282548 294361 296457 291449 307589 304939 296104 12.2.93 21.6.93 12.7.93 19.5.93 23.11.93 21.10.93 6.7.93 REFUND REFUND 21.25 47.00 304210 289325 7.10.93 28.4.93 REFUND 66.79 282946 18.2.93 REFUND 21.30 309124 3.12.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 47.55 53.55 33.02 284309 304912 283199 2.3.93 20.10.93 23.2.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 41.90 43.88 14.80 304435 293422 298384 13.10.93 7.6.93 2.8.93 REFUND 25.20 303101 29.9.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books RODRIGUEZ, MJ, 3/7 TORRENS ROAD, OVINGHAM, S.A. 5082 .......................................................................................... ROES ELECTRONIC SALES & SERVICE, 26 TASMAN TERRACE, PORT LINCOLN, S.A. 5606 ................................ ROGERS, JL, 139 MAIN NORTH ROAD, NAILSWORTH, S.A. 5083 .................................................................................. ROGLIANO, D, 55 TALLAI ROAD, TALLAI, QLD 4213 ........ RONCEVIC, PS, 13 ELMWOOD AVENUE, FULHAM GARDENS, S.A. 5024 ............................................................. ROPATA, T, 7/17 FLORENCE STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 .......................................................................................... ROPER, AB & FORD, A, 4/13 STREET, JOHNS ROW, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .............................................................. ROSARIO, K, 17 KANBARA STREET, FLINDERS PARK, S.A. 5025 .................................................................................. ROULEC, M, L11/4/74 McDONNELL AVENUE, WEST HINDMARSH, S.A. 5007 ........................................................ ROWNTREE, M & PRITCHARD, A, 22 GEOFFREY AVENUE, PORT NOARLUNGA, S.A. 5167 .......................... RUBINO, NR & BAIN, AJ .......................................................... RUSSELL, GM ............................................................................ RUSSELL, GWENDA MARIE ................................................... RUSSELL, W ............................................................................... RYAN, AJ, 235 GRENFELL STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 RYAN, MP, 13/184 JUBILEE HIGHWAY WEST, MOUNT GAMBIER, S.A. 5290 .............................................................. SABINE, TERENCE MURRAY ................................................. SABINE, TM................................................................................ SABRANSKY, GM, 9 MILLER STREET, STURT, S.A. 5047 .. SALIN, P, 113 RIDLEY GROVE WOOODVILLE GARDENS, S.A. 5012 .................................................................................. SALVEMINI NOMINEES, 1/83 LONSDALE DRIVE, WEST LAKES, S.A. 5021 ........................................................ SANSBURY, VY, 6/109 SPRING STREET, QUEENSTOWN, S.A. 5014 .................................................................................. SANSOM, S, 3/141 CROSS ROAD, WESTBOURNE PARK, S.A. 5041 .................................................................................. SAVILLE, JA & ARNOLD, SD, 5 WILLIAM STREET, CLARENCE PARK, S.A. 5034 ................................................ SAVILLE, JA & ARNOLD, SD, 5 WILLIAM STREET, CLARENCE PARK, S.A. 5034 ................................................ SAWICKI, K, 3 KEEL COURT, NOARLUNGA DOWNS, S.A. 5168 .......................................................................................... SCHERBAKOFF, L, 60 FOXFIELD DRIVE, ONKAPARINGA HILLS, S.A. 5163 ..................................................................... SCHILLING, B, 18 HOBART AVENUE, WARRADALE, S.A. 5046 .......................................................................................... SCHMIDT, JA, 2 PEACEMARSH ROAD, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 ..................................................................... SCHOLFEILD, A, 3/4 PIBROCH AVENUE, WINDSOR GARDENS, S.A. 5087 ............................................................. SCHUTT, WC, 109 BRADLEY GROVE, MITCHELL PARK, S.A. 5043 .................................................................................. SCUTTER, GM ............................................................................ SEAGRIM, ML, OCEAN VISTA, 5/1 ESPLANADE SOMERTON PARK, S.A. 5044 ............................................... SEARLES, SC .............................................................................. SECKER, CA, 43 WOODFORDE ROAD, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 SELAMIS, S, 10/1A WINSTON AVENUE, CUMBERLAND PARK, S.A. 5041 ..................................................................... SETON, KV, 2/4 BERKELEY STREET, CHELTENHAM, S.A. 5014 .......................................................................................... SHARP, M, 78 THE STRAND, REYNELLA, S.A. 5161............ SHELTON, GC, 1/3 EYRE COURT, ROXBY DOWNS, S.A. 5725 .......................................................................................... SHEPHERD, AG .......................................................................... SHIBLY, K, 95 HINDLEY STREET, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ... SHINE, R, 9 THIRD AVENUE, FORESTVILLE, S.A. 5035 ...... SHORT, BM, 17 CEMENT TERRACE, CHRISTIES BEACH, S.A. 5165 .................................................................................. SIFOUNAS, C, 547 SOUTH ROAD, ASHFORD, S.A. 5035 ..... SIMPSON, WR, 7/10 GORDON STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .......................................................................................... SIMS, GS, 14 ELLIOTT STREET, WHYALLA PLAYFORD, Description Total Amount Due $ 1353 Cheque No. Date REFUND 49.60 308951 1.12.93 CREDIT BAL. 500.00 295670 30.6.93 REFUND REFUND 17.20 30.61 288226 296005 14.4.93 5.7.93 REFUND 22.80 302862 28.9.93 REFUND 11.74 280759 29.1.93 REFUND 15.20 279874 14.1.93 REFUND 40.60 310685 23.12.93 REFUND 25.36 284757 8.3.93 REFUND REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION SHARES REFUND 36.35 54.60 16.65 299840 293075 060797 18.8.93 2.6.93 1993 849.15 200.00 20.35 406 051451 298958 1993 15.4.93 4.8.93 23.75 301389 3.9.93 5 737.50 112.50 29.85 410 060800 294270 1993 1993 18.6.93 REFUND 24.55 294802 28.6.93 REFUND 149.62 302370 17.9.93 REFUND 30.31 292976 31.5.93 REFUND 21.60 279481 8.1.93 REFUND 47.61 284980 10.3.93 REFUND 17.13 287645 7.4.93 REFUND 12.85 301850 8.9.93 REFUND 18.35 304285 8.10.93 REFUND 39.60 294276 18.6.93 REFUND 49.71 291572 21.5.93 REFUND 30.65 306759 5.11.93 REFUND SHARES 36.05 123.45 307199 062524 16.11.93 31.12.93 REFUND SHARES REFUND 30.54 160.15 28.60 294109 051465 300486 16.6.93 15.4.93 30.8.93 REFUND 21.51 287696 7.4.93 REFUND REFUND 40.30 45.60 282796 310338 17.2.93 20.12.93 REFUND SHARES REFUND REFUND 35.81 13.56 15.00 40.84 279262 050633 287831 287580 5.1.93 31.3.93 8.4.93 2.4.93 REFUND REFUND 16.40 47.80 288415 299588 19.4.93 13.8.93 REFUND REFUND 65.30 14.20 296371 294283 9.7.93 18.6.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST REFUND 1354 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 Name and Address of Owner on Books Description Total Amount Due $ Cheque No. Date S.A. 5600 .................................................................................. SINCLAIR, RA, 39 EASTON ROAD, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. SINCOCK, LM............................................................................. SINGH, J, CNR FROME ROAD & NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ............................................................ REFUND SHARES 33.22 406.43 294976 060222 29.6.93 9.11.93 REFUND 18.67 282540 12.2.93 REFUND REFUND 38.33 13.95 288190 291367 14.4.93 18.5.93 REFUND REFUND 12.07 64.02 290391 293485 4.5.93 8.6.93 REFUND REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 32.56 27.00 281816 296332 3.2.93 8.7.93 413.10 425 1993 REFUND 24.88 284008 25.2.93 REFUND REFUND 10.80 25.10 307472 298984 19.11.93 5.8.93 REFUND 48.24 281826 3.2.93 REFUND 44.15 306758 5.11.93 REFUND 13.64 282418 12.2.93 REFUND 10.90 309038 2.12.93 REFUND 46.78 287904 14.4.93 REFUND 16.67 291634 24.5.93 REFUND 65.00 293835 11.6.93 REFUND REFUND INTEREST 23.21 38.80 67.50 283118 306740 060828 22.2.93 5.11.93 1993 REFUND REFUND SHARES REFUND 23.56 22.60 3 000.00 10.87 287977 296281 051479 287905 14.4.93 7.7.93 15.4.93 14.4.93 REFUND 17.95 304948 21.10.93 REFUND REFUND 19.47 14.85 285583 293874 18.3.93 15.6.93 REFUND REFUND 21.74 30.84 285022 285379 11.3.93 16.3.93 REFUND 18.30 293092 2.6.93 REFUND 52.14 284003 25.2.93 REFUND 27.50 311032 30.12.93 REFUND 11.60 291661 24.5.93 REFUND 45.79 287976 14.4.93 REFUND REFUND 42.49 51.90 289027 304288 23.4.93 8.10.93 REFUND REFUND 26.23 15.06 282028 282989 5.2.93 31.5.93 REFUND REFUND 24.20 29.00 309188 297441 6.12.93 27.7.93 REFUND 12.01 280426 21.1.93 REFUND 11.95 306881 10.11.93 SINGLETON, A, 683 GRANGE ROAD, GRANGE, S.A. 5022 . SIOW, W, L81// FREDA STREET, NETLEY, S.A. 5037 ........... SIVIOUR, BF, L29/2/2/ MacDONALD ROAD, CHRISTIE DOWNS, S.A. 5164.................................................................. SIZE, KN, 9 WHITE STREET, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5027 ... SKEWES, VK & COOPER, A, 1 LA JOLLA AVENUE, FULHAM, S.A. 5024 ............................................................... SKINNER, NJ & S, 59 IVEY STREET, OTTAWAY, S.A. 5013 SLANEY, RICHARD ARMSTONG, 47 PRATTEN STREET, PETRIE TERRACE, QLD 4000 ............................................... SMART, JA, 2/59 NORTH STREET, HENLEY BEACH, S.A. 5022 .......................................................................................... SMETAK, K, 6 BAY STREET, SEACOMBE GARDENS, S.A. 5047 .......................................................................................... SMITH, JB ................................................................................... SMITH, S & TORQUATI, L, 3/459 PORTRUSH ROAD, GLENSIDE, S.A. 5065 ............................................................. SMITH, AJ & LESLIE, J, 16 BARBARA STREET, MODBURY, S.A. 5092 ............................................................ SMITH, N, L5/9 O’CONNELL STREET, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108.................................................................. SMITH, SA, 11/194 SEAVIEW ROAD, HENLEY BEACH SOUTH, S.A. 5022 ................................................................... SOPPITT, GG, 4/25 COMPANY STREET, SEMAPHORE, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. SQUIRE, RJ, 54 THE TERRACE, PORT PIRIE WEST, S.A. 5540 .......................................................................................... STANTON, P, 2/28 NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, TUSMORE, S.A. 5065 ............................................................. STANWAY, PJ & DARKIN, SP, 162A PROSPECT ROAD, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 ............................................................ STAPLETON, H, 11 EXMOUTH ROAD, EXETER, S.A. 5019 . STEINBARTH, AM ..................................................................... STEINBORNER, T & E, CNR DORIS STREET, L11/22 SHARON CRESCENT, COROMANDEL VALLEY, S.A. 5051 .......................................................................................... STEINER, B, 2 BRITTON AVENUE, MODBURY, S.A. 5092 .. STEVENS, JM ............................................................................. STEVENS, JR, 37 SQUIRES AVENUE, SEATON, S.A. 5023 .. STIFFLE, M & SHEN, D, 30 ESSEX STREET SOUTH, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 ........................................................ STONE, J, 73 WILLIAMSON ROAD, PARA HILLS, S.A. 5096 .......................................................................................... STONINSKI, R, 2 TAIT AVENUE, MARION, S.A. 5043.......... STOREY, DG, 60 SMITH STREET, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 .......................................................................................... SULTANA, S, 3/27 BURT AVENUE, HILTON, S.A. 5033 ....... SUMMERS, DE, L33/2/3 MELVILLE GROVE, HECTORVILLE, S.A. 5073 ..................................................... SUMMERS, J, 65 SECOND AVENUE, SEFTON PARK, S.A. 5083 .......................................................................................... SUYADI, Y, 11/1A STEPHENS AVENUE, TORRENSVILLE, S.A. 5031 .................................................................................. SZADZOEWOCZ., K, L31/24 SHEPLEY CRESCENT, BURTON, S.A. 5110 ................................................................ TABONE, DA, 25 WELLINGTON STREET, GLANDORE, S.A. 5037 .................................................................................. TAIT, AL, BUCKINGHAM CL 4/11 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON, S.A. 5081 ...................................... TAIT, R, 24 SHERBOURNE ROAD, MEDINDIE, S.A. 5081.... TALBOT, K, 4 HAMBRIDGE ROAD, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. TANNER, CA .............................................................................. TAYLOR, CA, 2/6 KAPOOLA AVENUE, FELIXSTOW, S.A. 5070 .......................................................................................... TAYLOR, RJ, 4/2 JETTY ROAD, GRANGE, S.A. 5022 ........... TEAKLE, A, 35 GWENDER TERRACE, PARA HILLS, S.A. 5096 .......................................................................................... TEPELIDIS, A S, 14 WEAVER AVENUE, RICHMOND, S.A. 5033 .......................................................................................... 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books TEREBUH, PLACE, 16/19 ELLEN STREET, NAILSWORTH, S.A. 5083 .................................................................................. TETHERSTONHAUGH, M (ESTATE OF)................................. THE PARKS COMMUNITY CENTRE....................................... THEODOSSIOU, DR K, 26 ELM STREET, HAWTHORNDENE, S.A. 5051............................................... THILAKARATNE, KC, 76 AYERS AVENUE, DAW PARK, S.A. 5041 .................................................................................. THOM, DL, L604/9 HERMIT STREET, ROXBY DOWNS, S.A. 5725 .................................................................................. THOMPSON, MA, 343 PROSPECT ROAD, BLAIR ATHOL, S.A. 5084 .................................................................................. THOMPSON, S, 78 LANE STREET, RICHMOND, S.A. 5032 .. THOMSON, P, 49 WELLER STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 .......................................................................................... THOMSON, DJ, 40 ANGLEY AVENUE, FINDON, S.A. 5023 . THOMSON, C, 2/43 BROOKER TERRACE, RICHMOND, S.A. 5033 .................................................................................. THURTELL, R, 22 RENOWN AVENUE, CLOVELLY PARK, S.A. 5042 .................................................................................. TICEHURST, R, 6/8 REDMOND STREET, COLLINSWOOD, S.A. 5081 .................................................................................. TIRRI, FC, 19 CHRISTIE AVENUE, CHRISTIES BEACH, S.A. 5165 .................................................................................. TOBIN, SC, 35 WINDSOR AVENUE, MAGILL, S.A. 5072 ..... TOH, J, 30/22 CAMBRIDGE STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .................................................................................. TOMAZ, R, 7/63 MILNER ROAD, RICHMOND, S.A. 5033..... TOOLE, L, 10/35 NILE STREET, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 .......... TOPCU, C, 1 HILLTOP AVENUE, FELIXSTOW, S.A. 5070.... TORNEAN, GS, L31/18/22 BROAD STREET, MARDEN, S.A. 5070 .................................................................................. TORREALBA, SA, 64 ROBSART STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 .......................................................................................... TRAEGER, JL, 4/105 SPRING STREET, QUEENSTOWN, S.A. 5014 .................................................................................. TRAMA, M, 118 MAIN BEACH PDE, MAIN BEACH, QLD 4217 .......................................................................................... TRAMARCHI, D, 2 PROSPECT ROAD, FITZROY, S.A. 5082 TRAN, C ...................................................................................... TRAN, H, 91/3 NOBLE STREET, FINDON, S.A. 5023 ............. TRAN, PT, 12 DOWN CRESCENT, SALISBURY DOWNS, S.A. 5108 .................................................................................. TRENCH, A, 8 ELLIS AVENUE, MORPHETTVILLE, S.A. 5043 .......................................................................................... TROJAR, M, 4/10 GRENFELL STREET, KENT TOWN, S.A. 5067 .......................................................................................... TRUDGEN, P, 1/7 MATILDA STREET, EASTWOOD, S.A. 5063 .......................................................................................... TSUGITA, H, HURTLE SQUARE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 ...... TUTTY, ED, 14 RINTOUL ROAD, SALISBURY EAST, S.A. 5109 .......................................................................................... TYRRELL, DW, 19 TOLLERDOWN STREET, ELIZABETH WEST, S.A. 5113 ..................................................................... UFFINDEL, EG (ESTATE OF) ................................................... VALENCIA, BA, 2/770 MILITARY ROAD, OSBORNE, S.A. 5017 .......................................................................................... VAN DE MUELENGRAAF, HANK, 25 REGENT STREET NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .............................................. VAN RHYN, M, 33 HERBERT ROAD, WEST CROYDON, S.A. 5008 .................................................................................. VARDAS, SA, 3 EDUCATION ROAD, HAPPY VALLEY, S.A. 5159 .................................................................................. VARLEY, MC, 3/13 LASSIE AVENUE, WINDSOR GARDENS, S.A. 5087 ............................................................. VARMA, S, 9/7 FINDON ROAD, WOODVILLE, S.A. 5011 .... VEKONY, M, 2/51 AIRLIE AVENUE, PROSPECT, S.A. 5082 VERAGITH, A, 18 HILLRIDGE DRIVE, BELAIR, S.A. 5052 .. VERCO, DR RL, 4/10 KELVIN AVENUE, HECTORVILLE, S.A. 5073 .................................................................................. VERCOE, T, 71 DRAYTON STREET, BOWDEN, S.A. 5007 ... VERRALL, CJ, 8/4 BRISTOL PLACE, GLENELG, S.A. 5045 . VINCENT, D................................................................................ VINCENT, J, 30 ROSE STREET, MILE END, S.A. 5031 .......... 1355 Description Total Amount Due $ Cheque No. Date REFUND INTEREST CREDIT BAL. 24.25 18.45 120.00 309192 060564 284632 6.12.93 1993 5.3.93 REFUND 35.97 283099 22.2.93 REFUND 39.56 282124 8.2.93 REFUND 59.06 281710 3.2.93 REFUND REFUND 17.21 12.15 282612 299758 15.2.93 17.8.93 REFUND REFUND 42.45 47.30 297090 301563 20.7.93 6.9.93 REFUND 60.67 282530 12.2.93 REFUND 30.35 309656 10.12.93 REFUND 20.45 307576 23.11.93 REFUND REFUND 35.50 22.15 301863 305606 9.9.93 28.10.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND 22.35 16.41 25.95 15.99 308025 279864 309101 284797 26.11.93 14.1.93 3.12.93 8.3.93 REFUND 45.88 284024 25.2.93 REFUND 20.50 306346 1.11.93 REFUND 37.80 285515 17.3.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND 34.40 50.05 89.16 27.52 286163 309037 289147 293781 26.3.93 2.12.93 28.4.93 11.6.93 REFUND 61.40 306486 3.11.93 REFUND 47.70 307437 18.11.93 REFUND 40.88 288373 16.4.93 REFUND REFUND 26.00 52.63 306311 285584 1.11.93 18.3.93 REFUND 25.80 304661 15.10.93 REFUND INTEREST 48.18 27.90 284617 060851 4.3.93 1993 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 27.65 301874 9.9.93 765.00 469 1993 REFUND 66.10 310827 29.12.93 REFUND 11.65 297705 29.7.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND REFUND 10.36 67.22 24.92 45.97 280553 284220 279824 287872 25.1.93 26.2.93 13.1.93 8.4.93 REFUND REFUND 11.81 14.77 288465 288278 19.4.93 15.4.93 REFUND REFUND REFUND 29.50 52.81 16.85 297394 292203 296890 27.7.93 1.6.93 16.7.93 1356 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books VO, MRML, 35 MONIER ROAD, DARRA, QLD 4076 ............. VULIN, Z ..................................................................................... WADE, BW, 5 WURLIE COURT, PORT VICTORIA, S.A. 5573 .......................................................................................... WALES, MARGARET MARY ................................................... WALES, MM ............................................................................... WALKER, RM, 18 MANSFIELD STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ WALTON, M ............................................................................... WALTON, SJ, L31/26/22 BROAD STREET, MARDEN, S.A. 5070 .......................................................................................... WANG, C, 30/22 CAMBRIDGE STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ WANG, JH, 10/2 FIFE STREET, KLEMZIG, S.A. 5087 ............ WANGANEEN, PA, 1/8 GRAY STREET, ROSEWATER, S.A. 5013 .......................................................................................... WARD, MA, 40 GLYNVILLE DRIVE, HACKHAM WEST, S.A. 5163 .................................................................................. WARD, J, MAYFAIR COURT, 11/329 KENSINGTON ROAD, KENSINGTON PARK, S.A. 5068 ........................................... WARD, S, L47/1/6 TINGARA PLACE, SEMAPHORE PARK, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. WARNE, A, 8/147 TOLLEY ROAD, ST AGNES, S.A. 5097 .... WARRATENE, TR, 45 DUNDEE AVENUE, HOLDEN HILL, S.A. 5088 .................................................................................. WASS, A, L16/ PAGE COURT, POORAKA, S.A. 5095 ............ WASTELL, RH, 9/14 FIRST AVENUE, WOODVILLE GARDENS, S.A. 5012 ............................................................. WEBSTER, DJ, 9/2 FERGUSON STREET, GLENELG NORTH, S.A. 5045 .................................................................. WEETRA, M, 6 CYPRESS STREET, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 .................................................................................. WEST, VR, 2/52 ARGYLE AVENUE, MARLESTON, S.A. 5033 .......................................................................................... WESTLY, K, 2/96 SOUTH ROAD, TORRENSVILLE, S.A. 5031 .......................................................................................... WHITE, CR, 20 JENSEN STREET, PORT PIRIE SOUTH, S.A. 5540 .......................................................................................... WHITLOCK, BE, 3 WHITTINGTON ROAD, ELIZABETH FIELD, S.A. 5113 ..................................................................... WHITWORTH, AJ, 16/412 BURBRIDGE ROAD, BROOKLYN PARK, S.A. 5032 ............................................... WILLETT, IG, 2/28 LINWOOD COURT, WYNN VALE, S.A. 5127 .......................................................................................... WILLIAMS, CA, 27 GORGE ROAD, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 .................................................................................. WILLIAMS, RJ, 8 BRIAN GROVE, PARADISE, S.A. 5075 ..... WILLIAMS, AC, 9 BARKER STREET, PARA HILLS, S.A. 5096 .......................................................................................... WILLIAMS, GM, 5 DENIAL AVENUE, SEAVIEW DOWNS, S.A. 5049 .................................................................................. WILLIAMS, NE, 5/23 GERMEIN STREET, SEMAPHORE, S.A. 5019 .................................................................................. WILLIAMS, PT, 1/14 PACIFIC PARADE, WEST BEACH, S.A. 5024 .................................................................................. WILLIAMS, SG, 34 LAIDLAW PARADE EAST, BRISBANE, QLD 4169 ................................................................................. WILLINGTON, C ........................................................................ WILLINGTON, CHRISTINE ..................................................... WILSON, J, 64 ALBERT STREET, CLARENCE GARDENS, S.A. 5039 .................................................................................. WILSON, AM, 1/55 GRAVES STREET, NEWTON, S.A. 5074 WILSON, K, 16 DUTTON AVENUE, HECTORVILLE, S.A. 5073 .......................................................................................... WILSON, MP, 4/74 WARD STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .................................................................................. WILSON, PA, 7 KENNEBERRY CRESCENT, ROXBY DOWNS, S.A. 5725.................................................................. WINDER, RP, 3 ADULANA CRESCENT, SMITHFIELD, S.A. 5114 .......................................................................................... WOLLASTON, NA, 12/315 SOUTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 .................................................................................. WONG, CM, 4/19 FLORENCE STREET, GOODWOOD, S.A. 5034 .......................................................................................... WOOLMAN, K, 13 O’BRIEN STREET, ELIZABETH FIELD, Description Total Amount Due $ [14 March 2002 Cheque No. Date REFUND REFUND 52.26 15.64 282531 290460 12.2.93 5.5.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION INTEREST 22.87 290336 4.5.93 5 737.50 112.50 474 060862 1993 1993 REFUND INTEREST 41.50 45.00 291998 060866 26.5.93 1993 REFUND 19.05 284253 2.3.93 REFUND REFUND 54.95 65.00 298370 287908 2.8.93 14.4.93 REFUND 33.89 279105 4.1.93 REFUND 58.10 291576 21.5.93 REFUND 40.34 282945 18.2.93 REFUND REFUND 14.11 11.80 287535 297504 2.4.93 28.7.93 REFUND REFUND 12.30 24.50 306291 291751 29.10.93 25.5.93 REFUND 30.79 285589 18.3.93 REFUND 37.40 309648 10.12.93 REFUND 30.95 291763 25.5.93 REFUND 24.60 302615 22.9.93 REFUND 17.90 307792 24.11.93 REFUND 67.44 282551 12.2.93 REFUND 11.25 293872 15.6.93 REFUND 47.60 282920 18.2.93 REFUND 37.05 308842 30.11.93 REFUND REFUND 18.20 15.30 299263 304592 10.8.93 14.10.93 REFUND 54.09 286312 29.3.93 REFUND 24.14 288007 14.4.93 REFUND 24.35 307383 17.11.93 REFUND 53.05 282558 12.2.93 REFUND INTEREST COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 12.50 56.25 291779 060884 25.5.93 1993 2 868.75 498 1993 REFUND REFUND 24.10 13.85 297021 296044 19.7.93 6.7.93 REFUND 40.15 294069 16.6.93 REFUND 34.87 282795 17.2.93 REFUND 61.15 309641 10.12.93 REFUND 14.56 294804 28.6.93 REFUND 24.93 280530 25.1.93 REFUND REFUND 22.01 30.00 296340 306789 8.7.93 8.11.93 14 March 2002] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Name and Address of Owner on Books S.A. 5113 .................................................................................. WORLEY, MD, L328/5 HESSING CRESCENT, TROTT PARK, S.A. 5158 ..................................................................... WORONIAK, L, L98A/7 HOLTON STREET, GLENSIDE, S.A. 5065 .................................................................................. WRIGHT, S, 28 EXMOUTH ROAD, GLANVILLE, S.A. 5015 . WRIGHT, DM, 3/287 RICHMOND ROAD, RICHMOND, S.A. 5033 .......................................................................................... WYATT, DS ................................................................................ WYATT, P, 12/35 SUSSEX STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 .................................................................................. WYNROE, D, 3/50 GOSFIELD CRESCENT, HAMPSTEAD GARDENS, S.A. 5086 ............................................................. YAMAHATA, S, 6/186 JEFFCOTT STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, S.A. 5006 ............................................................ YANINEN, D, 9/1 NORMAN STREET, UNDERDALE, S.A. 5032 .......................................................................................... YEATES, JW ............................................................................... YI, C, 18 JAMES STREET, ROSEWATER, S.A. 5013 .............. YOUNG, CS, 1/150 ST VINCENT STREET, PORT ADELAIDE, S.A. 5015 ............................................................ YOUNG, L, 44 HEYSEN AVENUE, HOLDEN HILL, S.A. 5088 .......................................................................................... ZAPPIA, G, 3/8 LENNOX STREET, CAMPBELLTOWN, S.A. 5074 .......................................................................................... ZHANG, L, 1/25 LEICESTER STREET, PARKSIDE, S.A. 5063 .......................................................................................... ZISIMOPOULOS, NICK, 14 HERBERT STREET, HIGHETT, VIC 3190 .................................................................................. ZUBRINICH, CC, 8 EDWARD STREET, PORT PIRIE SOUTH, S.A. 5540 ................................................................... Description Total Amount Due $ 1357 Cheque No. Date REFUND 32.17 285194 12.3.93 REFUND REFUND 11.20 69.37 287963 290756 14.4.93 7.5.93 REFUND SHARES 30.56 500.00 280132 060343 15.1.93 12.11.93 REFUND 14.34 291442 19.5.93 REFUND 19.95 305241 26.10.93 REFUND 38.80 296021 5.7.93 REFUND SHARES REFUND 10.45 162.26 52.00 309676 058153 297237 11.12.93 30.6.93 22.7.93 REFUND 19.25 309609 10.12.93 REFUND 45.63 280537 25.1.93 REFUND 47.66 282604 15.2.93 REFUND COMPULSORY ACQUISITION 18.65 285740 20.3.93 38.25 510 1993 REFUND 17.49 288814 22.4.93 In order to make a claim, please contact Origin Energy on Telephone No. 132 461. Please provide full details including the Register Year. 1358 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [14 March 2002 ATTENTION CUSTOMERS requiring a proof of their notice for inclusion in the Government Gazette, please note that the onus is on you to inform Government Publishing SA of any subsequent corrections by 10 a.m. on Thursday, which is our publication deadline. For any corrections to your notice please phone 8207 1045 or Fax 8207 1040 before 10 a.m. on Thursday. If we do not receive any communication by 10 a.m. on Thursday (day of publication) we will presume the notice is correct and will print it as it is. Remember—the onus is on you to inform us of any corrections necessary to your notice. NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy (electronically, fax or hard copy) is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone 8207 1045—Fax 8207 1040. Email: Printed and published by authority every Thursday by J. D. 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