Disaster Management Working Group Meeting Date: Friday, June 17, 2011; 14:00 – 17:00 Venue: NGO-RC Meeting room Chair: Yen, HFHV - Notetaker: Phuong, HFHV (Habitat for Humanity Vietnam) Meeting Agenda No. 1 Time 14:20 – 16:30 Key Points Update on work plan tasks Discussions UNDP (Miguel) Refresher session on contingency plan o Presentation contents: objective of plan, table of contents of contingency plan, 6 general protocols for DMWG members, scenarios and actions to be taken, preparedness for interagency joint rapid needs assessment, preparedness action, annexes o Plan was reviewed last year and approved in November 2010 and has not been tested in an emergency yet. Plan is to be updated annually. o Comment: Annex 2: DMWG members list needs to be updated annually o Comment: During next DMWG meeting, members to share how they use and integrate the plan into their organization Oxfam Refresher on DMWG joint rapid assessment o Presentation contents: Objectives, Joint rapid assessment – What?, How – tools and methodologies, JRA – When?, Achievements, Challenges o In addition to government reports, NGOs provide more comprehensive picture (humanitarian needs): detail on vulnerable groups and gender issues o Question: Has anyone been designated for security and safety for JRA? Suggest someone from team to be nominated to manage safety of team. Answer: No specific guidelines or person. Need to consider accessibility and safety of location. o Question: do we need to update the tools and templates? Answer: check with the members of the JAT/DMWG core Actions forward UNDP: to send contingency plan to DMWG members Chair: to circulate JAT member list to DMWG so this can be updated CARE (Richard): to get input from JAT member list for items to be included in planning training session Oxfam/UNDP: draft TOR for sphere working group translation Chair: send email to DMWG asking for interest, commitment, financial support, and number of copies required for sphere handbook Vietnamese translation o Chair - members Comment: UNDP can finance a small planning/orientation training session for JAT members (including safety and security). Aim for training in July Coordination for implementation of DMWG/CCWG joint advocacy strategy o More than 60 participants during workshop o Workshop notes, policy analysis, action plan, draft strategy, capacity assessment and report to be finalized in end-July o In July there will be a meeting between core members of the two working groups to discuss outputs and coordination of advocacy strategy implementation o Potential joint advocacy group to coordinate quarterly joint meetings between CCWG/DMWG o Some key themes: Capacity of local government, voice of civil society, integration of DRR/CCA o Discussion: Merging between DMWG/CCWG: Some overlap between group, but also clear differences (i.e. emergency response, REDD) Could have quarterly joint meetings Need to consider the different agendas Oxfam/Chair Joint initiative for Sphere handbook o New 2011 sphere handbook has been released o 1st step is for literal translate sphere handbook to Vietnamese, then do advocacy work o Small core group has been set up and first meeting 6th June o Need permission from sphere project to translate the handbook, but this should not be an issue o Need to hire external translation team 4-5 members. UNDP can finance the translation. Need input from DMWG members for proof reading and final editing o Recommend UN NDE help to launch the handbook o Comment: Mr Tao, IFRed Cross. Need to validate and assess the need to translate the handbook in Vietnamese. Ideally, o o o would like the government to take the lead and own the process. Comment: UNESCO and MOET will meet next week. Someone from DMWG could join this meeting and share with them about the sphere handbook translation Comment: provide literal translation first, then do context specific translation later – particularly for the technical guidelines Comment: Vietnamese translation is still useful for field staff of INGOs. Do advocacy work at a later stage, so translation process is not delayed Plan - 2 16:30 – 17:00 Sharing session Cash transfer programming workshop o 1st or 2nd week August: national workshop will be organized to share lesson learnt World Vision AADMER Presentation o ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management & Emergency Response (AADMER) is a legally-binding agreement amongst ASEAN ’ Members States o Contents: Objectives, key components of AADMER, what has been done so far, legal documents in Vietnam, training and knowledge needs assessment, results of TKNA in Vietnam, observations and other remarks, o Vietnam lead in these Flagship projects: EWS, integration of DRR and CCA, safe education facilities o ASEAN Partnership Group (APG) – consist of 7 NGOs to work with ASEAN Secretariat. Focus on regional level and 4 countries: Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam o Over 200 legal documents related to disaster management in Vietnam o Key area: capacity building. Two instruments development – training and knowledge needs. o The most needed training topics in Vietnam from last TKNA Survey: DRR/CC, AADMER, SASOP, CBDRM, Training of Trainers, hazard mapping, community-based disaster o 3 17:00 – 17:00 Updates on organisations - monitoring, early warming system, search and rescue, DALA/DANA, post disaster lessons Building of ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA center) – could assist Vietnam during disaster season World Vision: o New DRR/CCA project in October Hoang Hoa, Quang Xuong, Thanh Hoa Attendees Total: 15 attendees No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name Ashton Davis Le Thi Hoa Mai Nguyen Thi Yen Phuong Tang Amos Doorosos Robert Franois Garcia Miguel Coulier Duong Van Hung Le Van Duong Vu Xuan Viet Tran Thai Binh Dang Van Tao Phan Thu Ha Richard Wrecker Nguyen Trong Ninh Organisation ADRA Habitat for Humanity Vietnam Habitat for Humanity Vietnam Habitat for Humanity Vietnam World Vision Oxfam UNDP Freelaweer Wv Oxfam Jani / Care IFRC NGO Rc Care International Plan Email address ashton@adravn.org.vn Mai.le@habitatvietnam.org Yen.nguyen@habitatvietnam.org Phuong.tang@habitatvietnam.org Amosefacesofanotheworld.com rgarcia@oxfam.org.uk miguelcaulier@ccfsc.gov.vn duongvanhung@gmail.com le_van_duong@wvi.org Vietvx@ohk.org.vn ttbinh@care.org.vn Taovandangngo.yrc.org haphan@ngocentre.org.vn Richard@care.org.vn ninh.nguyentrong@plan.international.org