July - Blackburn Cathedral

The Dean:
The Very Revd. Christopher Armstrong
Residentiary Canons:
The Revd. Canon Andrew Hindley
(Canon Sacrist)
The Revd. Canon Dr. Ian Stockton
(Canon Chancellor)
The Revd. Canon Dr. Susan Penfold
(Diocesan Director of Ministry)
The Revd. Canon Dr Shannon Ledbetter
(Community Canon)
The Revd. Canon Michael Wedgeworth
The Revd. Dr. Mike Kirby
Honorary Assistant Priest:
Cathedral Curate (SSM)
Dean’s Secretary:
Cathedral Secretary:
Finance Officer:
Events Assistant:
exChange Dialogue Development Officer:
Education Officer:
Cathedral Under 18’s Co-ordinator:
Communications Officer
Mrs. Pauline Rowe
Mrs. Lynne Trudgill
Mrs. Janine Brown
Mrs. Alison Feeney
Mr. Maurice Maguire
Mr. Philip Hunwick
Ms. Anjum Anwar MBE
Mrs. Joanna Booth
Mrs. Denise Sanderson
Mr. Alec Stuttard
Catering Manager:
Mr. David Riley
Cathedral Gift Shop Manager:
Mrs. Kate Fulwell
Dean’s Virger:
Canons’ Virger:
Choir Virger:
Hon. Assistant Virger:
Cathedral Churchwardens:
Mr. Mark Pickering
Mr. Alex Barnes
Mr. Joe Kennedy
Mr. Brian Newton
Mrs. Ann Frankland
Mr. Stuart Rothwell, Mr. Philip Carr
Mr. Michael Emery and Mrs Kath Atkinson
Mrs. Rowena Hargreaves
Mr. Jonathan Cave
Deputy Churchwardens:
Director of Music:
Assistant Director of Music:
Music Administrator:
Organ Scholar:
Mr. Michael Emery (Chairman)
Mrs. Maureen Wood (Recorder)
Mr. Samuel Hudson
Mr. Shaun Turnbull
Mrs. Linda Bruce
Miss. Karen Au
Ringing Master:
Mr. Ray Hutchings
Cathedral Chapter:
Membership includes: Mr. Stuart Rothwell,
Mrs. Jean Duerden and the Residentiary Canons
Cathedral Council:
Membership includes: Mrs. Parnal Rothwell and Mrs.
Barbara Robb
Mr. Philip Milloy-Robinson, Mr. Gary Wignall,
Mr. David Robinson and Ms Jane Hollins-Gibson
Deanery Synod:
Friends of Blackburn Cathedral:
Judge Jeremy Duerden (Chairman)
Friends of Blackburn Cathedral Music:
Ms. Kate Thompson (Chairman)
(01254) 503090
JULY 2014
The Dean’s Post Script
1. The needs of the homeless and hungry just will not go away. As
Jesus said, ‘The poor you will always have with you’ (Mt. 26.11). It is a
fact of life that some are well off; others are in need. It is our Christian
duty to do what we can for those in need – and we do! In a towncentre location such as Blackburn, the needs of the deprived will
always be more concentrated. We are not talking about Foodbanks
here: these are the needs of the homeless or badly housed and
certainly those who are hungry. Thanks to the generosity of so many of
you who bring dry goods on a Sunday (mainly), we can feed some folk
who come to us for sustenance. However, our supplies are still not
enough to meet the demand so do please continue to support the very
vulnerable by your contributions, however small.
2. Mission! Did you know that The Cathedral had a Mission Group? It
was established by The Chapter 2 years ago when we found ourselves
in The Doldrums. Attendance figures had plateaued and several
significant omissions in our life together began to emerge. The group
has conducted some research into these barren areas and made some
suggestions as to what the community could do to address them. One
outcome is the ‘Hot Potatoes’ initiative, to help people talk about their
faith in a safe environment. Now they are planning a nurture course
called, ‘Pilgrim’ which begins in the autumn. However, there is a date
for your diary! On Friday 5 September, a short walk has been arranged
starting at 7 pm from The Ribchester Arms, Ribchester to Stydd Church
for a candlelit service. We shall then walk back to the pub! I do hope
that a large crowd will be with us. This pilgrimage has no direct bearing
on the nurture course but I hope it will whet the appetite in more ways
than one!
3. Wills and Legacies. I have just attended a presentation about
these matters and was fascinated to learn about the various ways in
which I can bequeath my money! There is something for everyone
here and I know some of you have already stated your intention to
leave something to The Cathedral. We owe our existence to such
generosity of past generations. There will be a similar free presentation
for anyone who wishes to attend on Wednesday 9 July at 1.30pm in
The Cathedral. Please make a note of the date. Further details will
emerge shortly.
4. The Bishop of Burnley retires this month. His final service in The
Cathedral will be at 11am on Saturday July 19th. I know many of you
will be there. I have known Bishop John for many years. We served
together in the Diocese of York where his dynamic theological and
pastoral gifts came to the fore. John served in very difficult city centre
deprived parishes where he and Vivienne were wonderfully supportive
to so many needy folk and even more folk who needed to see the
confidence in Christ which the Goddards have always exhibited. We
shall miss them both and wish them well for this next chapter in their
5. Barbeque! I know it is a long way off but we hope to kick off our
autumn programme with a BBQ at The Deanery with food, drink,
fellowship and the inevitable Bouncy Castle! Please book the date:
Sunday 14th September at 6pm. Please bring a bottle!
6. Stewardship Giving for May 2014:
Monthly Giving for May 2014
Target for April
Total Received.
April Below Target
Thursday 10th
 Sunday Services
 Weekday Services
8.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
9.00am Parish Communion (Young People’s Choir)
4.00pm Choral Evensong
Daily Morning Prayer 8.40am (Saturdays 9am)
Holy Communion is celebrated at the following times:
Mon: 12.30pm; Tues: 7.30am; Wed: 11.00am; Thu: 8.10am
Fri: 12.30pm; Sat: 9.30am
Daily Evensong 5.15pm (3.30pm Saturday)
(Sung on Tuesdays to Fridays in Term Time and
occasionally on Saturdays)
* The Café in the Crypt is open Tuesday to Saturday as follows:
9.00am – 11.00am
Breakfast, Drinks & Light Bites
11.30am – 2.00pm
Full Lunch Menu
2.00pm - 2.30pm
Drinks and Cakes
Friday 11th
Saturday 12th
Dialogue: Srebrenica Memorial, in the Nave
Cathedral Chapter Meeting in the Chesters Room
Choral Evensong sung by Schola Cantorum
Choral Evensong sung by The Cathedral Consort
Cathedral Walking Group: Hurstwood Circular –
Leader: Russell Dyson
Sunday 13th
Holy Communion (BCP): Canon Ian Stockton
Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Andrew Hindley
Celebrant: Rev’d Dr. Mike Kirby
Preacher: Canon Shannon Ledbetter
Thursday 17th
Saturday 19th
Sunday 20th
Holy Communion (BCP): The Dean
Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Sue Penfold
Cathedral Eucharist with Baptism of Isobelle Amanda
Garner. Celebrant: The Dean
Project Palimpsest in the Crypt
Preacher: Canon Sue Penfold
Saturday 26th
Sunday 27th
Holy Communion (BCP): Canon Andrew Hindley
Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Ian Stockton
Cathedral Eucharist sung by the Oriel Singers
Celebrant: Canon Andrew Hindley
Choral Evensong sung by the Oriel Singers
Preacher: Canon Ian Stockton
Guided Tour for Clergy New to the Diocese
(Canon Hindley)
Farewell Eucharist for Bishop John
* The Cathedral Shop is open Tuesday to Saturday 10.30am to 3.00pm
Tuesday 1st
Wednesday 2nd 1.00pm
Thursday 3rd
Friday 4th
Saturday 5th
Sunday 6th
Tuesday 8th
Wednesday 9th
Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir
Lunchtime Recital by the Cathedral Choral Scholars
Evening Prayer in the Jesus Chapel
The Cathedral is in use all day for the Lancashire
Business Summer Summit
Choral Evensong sung by The Cathedral Consort
Summer Gala Concert: Mascagni’s Cavalleria
Holy Communion (BCP): Rev’d Dr. Mike Kirby
Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Ian Stockton
Celebrant: The Dean
Preacher: Canon Andrew Hindley
Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir
Lunchtime Organ Recital by Jonathan Dimmock from
Financial Planning Seminar in the Chesters Room
Choral Evensong sung by the Boys of the Cathedral
Tuesday 29th
Cathedral Walking Group: Leader – Tony Snape
Strawberries & Cream Day at Clover Cottage
Open Guided Tour with George Kirby
The Canon Sacrist writes:
Dear Friends,
I have just come back to my office following a wander around the
building site on the South side of the Cathedral. As you know, work
commenced on 22nd April and is moving on at quite a pace.
The hole for the car park and foundations of the building are almost
complete, following two weeks of sheet piling (with a machine which
pressed the 12 metre piles into the earth), and the removal of 700
truckloads of earth (25 loads per day!). In addition to this, 200 loads of
crushed stone have been brought in to form the ‘piling mat’ on which
the auger piling rig will sit to drill, in readiness for over 170 concrete
piles which support the car park slab to be poured.
Needless to say I am in my element with this! However, it is not without
its challenges. This week we have enjoyed the company of Graham
and Kathy Keevill – our Archaeologists – who have stared into the hole
and recorded anything of interest. It has been great for me on a
personal level as I married Graham and Kathy to each other 28 years
ago. Graham at that time was a member of Huddersfield Parish
Church Choir, where I served as I curate.
In the next few weeks and months the concrete shell of the basement
and the foundations will rise to podium level (the slab on which the
cathedral garden will sit). These foundations are critical to wellbeing
and longevity of the building and great care is being taken by the
contractors to get this right, under the watchful eye of the architect and
structural engineers.
As I reflect on this weekend – the 32nd anniversary of my ordination to
the Diaconate – I look back and reflect on the experiences in my
ministry which have led me to this place. Of course it is no accident
that the Spirit places us in the right place at the right time, though I
sometimes think back with fond memories of other times with perhaps
less pressures and anxieties.
Thankfully that lasts only for a moment, until I remind myself what a
huge privilege 18 years at the Cathedral has been and continues to be,
not least working alongside a devoted lay staff and committed
Cathedral Community. Another reminder of the blessings of a long
ministry in one place came just two weeks ago when I married James
Twigg Jnr (a former Choir Prefect) to his lovely wife Rose, in Taunton.
That service led me to muse, as these young people stood before the
Altar of God, on what a huge blessing it is to be a priest in the Church
of God. I wouldn’t change that for the world.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Hindley
Cathedral Sunday School: (for age 4 – 11years) - During the Cathedral Eucharist
– Co-ordinator: Felicity Ackroyd
Mothers’ Union:
Monthly Thursday afternoons
Enrolling Member: Mrs. Parnal Rothwell
Cathedral Ringers:
Thursday from 8.00pm
Ringing Master: Mr. Ray Hutchings
Cathedral Choir:
Friday evenings & Sundays (Men)
Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays (Boys)
Director of Music: Mr. Samuel Hudson
Cathedral Handbell Choir: Tuesday mornings, 10.00am – 10.45am Chesters Room
Leader: Mrs Ruth Watton
Cathedral Girls’ Choir:
Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Director of Music: Mr. Samuel Hudson
Young People’s Choir:
Thursday evenings & Sundays
Assistant Director of Music: Mr. Shaun Turnbull
The Renaissance Singers: Thursday evenings
Director of Music: Mr. Samuel Hudson
Children’s’ Choir:
NB. ‘Lantern Voices’:
Thursday afternoons: Helen Burton and Jeff Borradaile