TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE: (845) 359-5100/ TELEFAX: (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME-17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 1 INVITATION TO BID BIDDER’S NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bids for the above referenced bid number and title will be received until 10:30 AM on: January 17, 2007, at the Town of Orangetown, 26 Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, N.Y. 10962 at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 11:00 AM. Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the same office. TERMS: PRICES TO REMAIN IN EFFECT FOR THE PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF AWARD DELIVERY: AS SPECIFIED Prices are to be quoted F.O.B. DESTINATION, PREPAID with deliveries to be made to: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING, 127 Route 303 ORANGEBURG, NY 10962 NOTE: Vendors quotations are to represent bids on the stated specifications and they shall supply materials/equipment as specified. Where a vendor quotes on a variance of the specifications, it is the vendor’s obligation to clearly identify the alternate offered in lieu of the specification on this bid; and to supply adequate information in order for the Town to evaluate the alternate offered. Where information supplied refers to manufacturer’s catalogs, vendors shall attach such catalogs to their bid sheet and include the catalog name and page number reference next to the bid item. The proposal of each bidder shall contain the certification to non-collusive bidding as set forth in section 103-d of the General Municipal Law included in the specifications. This requirement must be strictly complied with. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to accept any proposal or proposals as submitted, or as modified, which in the opinion of the undersigned will be in the best interests of the Town of Orangetown. DATED: December 15, 2006 TOWN OF ORANGETOWN ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 BY: RONALD C. DELO, P.E., DEE DIRECTOR , DEME PLEASE MAKE COPY OF BID FOR YOUR RECORDS TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE: (845) 359-5100/ TELEFAX: (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME-17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. BIDDER’S CHECK LIST Your response to our above referenced bid may be considered unresponsive and may be rejected if the following forms are not included at the time of the bid opening. Notarized Affidavit of Non-Collusion as required by NYS Law A Bid Deposit in the amount of $500.00. (See page 5). As per page 9 of the bid package, the Town of Orangetown requires a current insurance certificate, with the Town of Orangetown listed as additional insured, be on file in the DEME Department. You will be given five (5) business days from to notice of award to supply this form or the bid will be rescinded. Please note if the excess/umbrella clause is required. Experience / References form. Equipment form. Samples and/or Specifications as required. Bidders must send materials, marked with Company Name, Bid No. and Item No. on bid when bidding on or equal items. These must be received prior to bid opening. OTHER: ___________________________________________________________________ IF, AFTER AN AWARD HAS BEEN MADE TO YOU, AND YOU CANNOT SUPPLY THE AWARDED ITEM OR ITEMS SUCH THAT THE AWARD HAS TO BE RESCINDED, THERE WILL BE A $250.00 CHARGE TO COVER THE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES OF THE TOWN. 2 TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. GENERAL CONDITIONS: All proposals shall be made upon forms furnished by the Director of DEME for the Town of Orangetown and shall be contained in sealed envelopes addressed to Town of Orangetown, Director of DEME, 26 Orangeburg Rd. Orangeburg, New York 10962 Forms of proposal as issued by the Director DEME shall be completely filled in, in ink or by typing on original bid form. No photocopies will be accepted. No bid will be accepted which contains any changes, additions, omissions or erasures. The Director of DEME for the Town of Orangetown reserves the right to waive any informality and to reject any or all bids. Bidder must submit with bid detailed specifications, circulars and all necessary data on items he proposes to furnish. This information must show clearly that the item offered meets all detailed specifications herein. The Director of DEME reserves the right to reject any bid if its compliance with the specifications is not clearly evident. Bids on equipment must be on standard new equipment, of latest model, and in current production, unless otherwise specified. All supplies, equipment, vehicles and materials must meet the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). All Vendors must comply with provisions of the Toxic Waste Right to Know Law and provide the Town with any and all information as required by law. The prices submitted shall be exclusive of Federal and State taxes and must not include any tax for which the bidder may claim exemption because of doing business with the Town. Prices shall be net, including transportation and delivery charges fully prepaid by the successful bidder to destination indicated in the proposal. All bids received after the time stated in the Notice to Bidders will not be considered and will be returned to the bidder. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of mail. 3 Placing in the mail of a Notice of Award and/or purchase order to a successful bidder, to the address given in his bid, will be considered sufficient notice of acceptance of contract. The award contract shall bind the successful bidder on his part to furnish and deliver at the prices and in accordance with the conditions of this bid. The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the laws of the Town of Orangetown, the State of New York and the United States of America which affect municipalities and municipal contracts, and provide at his expense, any and all permits, licenses and registrations required for the fulfillment of this agreement, and more particularly the Labor Law, the General Municipal Law, The Workmen’s Compensation Law, the Lien Law, Personal Property Law, State Unemployment Insurance Law, Federal Social Security Law, State, Local and Municipal Health Law, Rules and Regulations, and any and all regulations promulgated by the State of New York and of amendments and additions thereto, insofar as the same shall be applicable to any contract awarded hereunder with the same force and effect as if set forth at length herein. The Town of Orangetown reserves the right to extend the contract under the same terms and conditions for up to twelve (12) months from date of expiration provided such extension is mutually agreeable to both the Town and the Contractor. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE ACT OF 1988: All Contractors providing property or services to the Town of Orangetown valued at $25,000 or more, or any Contractor participating in a project involving a grant from any federal agency must comply with all aspects of this law. The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (“Act”) takes effect on March 18, 1989. The Act applies to any federal government contractor providing property or services valued at $25,000 or more, or any establishment receiving a grant from any federal agency. A covered federal contractor must certify to the contracting agency that it will provide a drug-free workplace. Should the successful bidder fail to meet a delivery date required by the specifications, the Director of DEME may, at his discretion, cancel the order and terminate the contract. In such event the Town will assume no responsibility for any expense or loss to the successful bidder because of such cancellation or termination. The Act requires each covered contractor to provide each employee a written statement informing employees that the manufacture, distribution, possession or use of controlled substances is prohibited in the workplace. The statement must specify the actions that will be taken for violations and that as a condition of employment the employee must abide by such statement and notify the employer of any conviction under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace within five days of such conviction. An employer who learns that an employee has been convicted must notify the contracting agency within ten days of receiving notice of the conviction. In addition, the employer must discipline the convicted employee or require him to participate in a drug abuse assistance program. Covered contractors are also required to establish an awareness program informing employees of the dangers of workplace drug use, the employer’s drug-free workplace policy, services available for dealing with drug problems and penalties for drug abuse violations. (A covered contractor who is an individual as opposed to a partnership or corporation need only certify in the contract that he will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution or use of a controlled substance.) Should any material or equipment delivered fail to meet the specifications, the Town Director of DEME may, at his discretion require the vendor in writing to replace the same with material or equipment which does meet the specification and, at the vendor’s expense, to remove the rejected material or equipment from wherever delivered or stored and in the event that such proper replacement and removal is not made by the vendor within 30 days, to cancel the order and terminate the contract, in which event the Town will assume no responsibility for any expense or loss to the vendor because of such cancellation or termination. A government agency may terminate a contract if the contractor fails to comply with the Act or has so many employees criminally convicted for workplace drug violations that the agency believes the contractor is not making a good faith effort to establish and maintain a drug-free workplace. As used in this Act, the term “contractor” means the person responsible for performing the contract. Since there are presently no regulations on this Act, it is not clear whether the Act will apply to subcontractors and suppliers of federal contractors. The Drug Abuse Policy Office has stated that the contracting agency will determine whether the Act applies to subcontractors. The Town of Orangetown reserves the right to terminate any contract or award which arises as the result of this bid, for any reason, that is in the best interest of the Town. Delivery must be made as ordered and in accordance with the proposal and specification. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM: Vendor agrees to participate in the Town of Orangetown’s Quality Assurance Program. Vendor agrees to meet with the Director of DEME within 72 hours notice to address problems related to product and/or service. Failure to meet with the Director and outline corrective actions will result in repeal of award. The right is reserved to award bids on individual items or on total sums. Awards will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, as will best promote the public interest, taking into consideration the reliability of the bidder, the quality of the materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished, their conformity with the specifications, the purposes for which required, and the terms of delivery. No contract hereunder shall, either in whole or part, be assigned, transferred, conveyed, sublet or otherwise disposed of to any other person, company or corporation unless approval is first obtained in writing from the Director of DEME. VENDORS NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 4 NON-BIDDER’S RESPONSE For the purpose of facilitating your firm’s response to our invitation to bid, the Town of Orangetown is interested in ascertaining reasons for prospective bidder’s failure to respond to “Invitations to Bid”. If your firm is not responding to this bid, please indicate the reason(s) by checking any appropriate item(s) below and return this form to the above address. We are not responding to this “Invitation to Bid” for the following reason(s): _____ Items or materials requested not manufactured by us or not available to our company. _____ Our items and/or materials do not meet specifications. _____ Specifications not clearly understood or applicable (too vague, too rigid, etc.). _____ Quantities too Small. _____ Insufficient time allowed for preparation of bid. _____ Incorrect address used. Our correct mailing address is: _________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Our branch / division handles this type of bid. We have forwarded this bid on to them but for the future the correct name and mailing address is: ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ OTHER: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your participation in this bid. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 5 AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION The undersigned, having a principal place of business at: NAME OF BIDDER:_______________________________ PHONE NO.: __________________________ EXT.:_______ BUSINESS ADDRESS: ___________________________ TELEFAX NO.: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ and being experienced and responsible for the performance of the same, agrees to furnish and deliver F.O.B., Inside Delivery to locations as specified, at the prices set forth by bidder in the specifications hereto annexed. The amount of the bid deposit, accompanying this bid is: $500.00 5% of Total Bid Waived Other: _____________ in the form of a Certified Check or Bid Bond. CERTIFICATION AND SIGNATURE FORM I hereby attest that I am the person responsible within my firm for the final decision as to the prices(s) and amount of this bid or, if not, that I have written authorization, enclosed herewith, from that person to make the statements set out below on his or her behalf and on behalf of my firm. I further attest that: 1. The price(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement with anyone for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder. 2. Neither the price(s), nor the amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to bid opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause or induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 4. The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from any firm or person to submit a complementary bid. 5. My firm has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any other firm or person, or offered, promised or paid cash or anything of value to any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by an firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. 6. My firm has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any firm or person, and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any project, in consideration for my firm’s submitting a complementary bid, or agreeing to do so, on this project. 7. I have made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of my firm with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or submission of my firm’s bid on this project and have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this affidavit. The person signing this bid, under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof. _________________________________________ Signature & Company Position SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS _________________________________________ Type Name & Company Position ____________DAY OF 20____ _________________________________________ Company Name ___________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC _________________________________________ Date Signed _________________________________________ Federal I.D. Number TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 6 Receipt Confirmation Form Please complete and return this confirmation form within 5 working days of receipt of bid package to: RONALD C. DELO, P.E.,DEE Director of Environmental Management and Engineering Town of Orangetown 26 Orangeburg Road Orangeburg, New York 10962 Tele: (845) 359-5100 Fax: (845) 359-5126 Failure to return this form may result in no further communication or addenda regarding this Bid. Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ______ _ Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________ _ Phone Number: _____________________________EXT: ____ Fax Number: ___________________ _ Email: _____________________________________ I have received a copy of the above noted Bid. ______ We will be submitting a Bid ______ We will not be submitting a Bid I authorize the Town of Orangetown to send further correspondence that the Town deems to be of an urgent nature by the following method; Courier Collect: _______________________________ Mail _________________________________ Signature:_____________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________________________________________________________ If a bidders meeting has been arranged for this Bid, please indicate if you plan to attend: rectconf.frm Yes / No TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 7 INFORMATION TO BIDDERS OBLIGATION OF BIDDERS Before submitting a bid, bidder must become fully familiar with the work to be done. Prior to submitting bid, each bidder is encouraged to visit site: A Contractor shall not plead misunderstanding or deception because of estimates of quantities, character, location, or other conditions surrounding the same. Permission will not be given to withdraw, or modify, or explain any proposal or bid after it has been opened. The proposal shall specify the costs, in the manner hereafter described for which the items will be supplied according to the specifications, together with a unit price for each of the separate items as called for. Any proposal shall be deemed informal which does not contain prices set opposite to each of the several items for which there is a quantity exhibited in the itemized proposal. BID SECURITY Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Town of Orangetown in the amount indicated on the attached Bidders Chest List. In lieu of such check, the bidder may furnish a bid bond in the same amount, and having as surety thereon a surety company licensed to do business in the State of New York and approved by the Town Attorney. Checks or bid bonds of all formal bidders will be returned after the contract has been executed. AWARD OF CONTRACT Award of contract will be made to the lowest responsible qualified bidder whose proposal shall comply with all of the provisions required to render it formal. The Town or the Director of DEME reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all proposals and may advertise for new proposals, if the best interest of the Town will be served. The Town or the Director of DEME may require any or all bidders to present evidence of experience, ability and financial standing as well as a statement as to the equipment which the bidder will have available for the executing of this contract. The Town reserves the right to award this contract either on an item-by -item basis or as a total award of all items in combination. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT The bidder whose proposal is accepted will be required to execute the contract and furnish bonds and evidence of insurance within five days from date of Notice of Award, if required. In case of failure or refusal on the part of the bidder to enter into contract or to furnish bonds, if required, within the set period, the amount of deposit may be forfeited to the Town and the contract may be awarded to the next lowest responsible bidder. Upon the execution of the contract and approval of the bond, the deposit will be returned to the proposer. The deposit of persons other than the one to whom award of contract is made will be returned to the person or persons making the proposal immediately after the contract and bonds have been executed. NONRESTRICTIVE USE OF BRAND NAME OR EQUAL SPECIFICATIONS The use of a brand name is for the purpose of describing the standard of quality, performance, and characteristics desired and are not intended to limit or restrict competition. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 8 GENERAL CONDITIONS FORM OF PROPOSAL All proposals shall be made upon forms furnished by the Director of DEME of the Town of Orangetown and shall be contained in sealed envelopes addressed to the Director of DEME, Town of Orangetown, 26 Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, New York 10962, The sealed envelope shall be clearly labeled with the Bid Number and Name and the Name of the Proposer. Form of proposal as issued by the Town shall be completely filled in, in ink or typing. No bid will be accepted which contains any changes, additions, omissions or erasures. EXPERIENCE & EQUIPMENT Bidder shall submit with the proposal a Certificate of Experience for the past three (3) years. Bidder shall list equipment owned or leased necessary for the execution of this contract. Certificate of Experience and Certificate of Equipment are included in these documents, if applicable. BONDS The Contractor shall furnish a performance bond in a sum equal to { }% of the annual contract, renewable annually for the term of the contract. If this box is checked, a performance bond IS REQUIRED. CONTRACT EXECUTORY This contract shall be deemed executory only to the extent of moneys appropriated and available for the purpose of the contract, and no liability on account thereof shall be incurred by the political subdivision beyond the amount of such moneys. The contract is not a general obligation of the Town of Orangetown. Neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Town of Orangetown is pledged to the payment of any amount due or to become due under such contract. It is understood that neither this contract nor any representation by any public employee or office creates any legal or moral obligation to appropriate or make moneys available for the purpose of the contract. ASSIGNABILITY OF CONTRACT The Contractor is prohibited from assigning, transferring, conveying, sub-contracting or disposing of this contract, or of any part thereof, or any payment to become due thereunder, or of his right, title or interest therein or his power to execute such contact to any other person or corporation without the previous consent in writing of the Town awarding the contract. If the Contractor fails to comply with this clause, the owner may immediately declare breach of contract. USE OF PREMISES The Contractor shall confine his equipment and the storage of materials, if any, and the portion of his employees to the limits directed by the Town and shall not encumber the premises or any part thereof with his materials or equipment. All work shall be accomplished in such a manner as not to interfere with the orderly conduct of the business of the Town of Orangetown. Since the buildings are occupied, personnel shall be instructed to refrain from unworkmanlike conduct while on the job. FAILURE TO PERFORM Should the Contractor fail to perform as required by the specifications, the Town may cancel the order and terminate the contract. In such event, the Town will assume no responsibility for, nor will it reimburse the contractor for any expense or loss to the contractor because of such termination or cancellation. Town will then purchase products/service on the open market and charge back the difference to defaulting vendor. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 9 INSURANCE: THE BID NUMBER IS TO APPEAR ON ALL INSURANCE CERTIFICATES INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The CORPORATION / CONTRACTOR/ AGENCY / CONSULTANT (CONTRACTOR), is an independent contractor and covenants and agrees that it, its agents, servants and/or employees, will neither hold itself/themselves out as, nor claim to be an employee, servant or agent of the TOWN, and that it, its agents and employees will not make claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the TOWN including, but not limited to, Worker’s Compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, Social Security coverage or retirement membership or credit. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: GENERAL LIABILITY: The CONTRACTOR shall, at its/his/her own cost and expense, procure and maintain insurance to cover his/her/its work, services, employees, agents and servants under the terms of this agreement which shall include, but not be limited to: A. Comprehensive general liability insurance in a minimal amount of one million dollars, combined single limit (CSL). B. Comprehensive general liability insurance in a minimal amount of one million dollars, combined single limit (CSL); with two million dollars excess of one million dollars. or WORKERS COMPENSATION: The CONTRACTOR shall procure, pay for, and maintain during the entire term of the contract such insurance as will protect both the Town and the contractor from claims under worker’s compensation acts and amendments thereto and from any other claims for property damage and for personal injury including death, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations by contractor or by any other party directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor. Copy of Certificates shall be provided to the Town of Orangetown. COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE: The CONTRACTOR must procure, pay for, and maintain Comprehensive Automobile Insurance during the entire term of the contract in an amount no less than $300,000/$500,000 for each occurrence for bodily injury, and $100,000 for each occurrence of property damage. DISABILITY INSURANCE & UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: The Contractor shall procure, pay for, and maintain during the entire term of the contract any disability benefits and unemployment insurance as required by law. Copy of Certificates to be provided to the Town of Orangetown. MALPRACTICE INSURANCE: ($1,000,000.00) dollars. (I.E. professional liability) in the amount of no less than one million and 00/100th If this box IS CHECKED, malpractice insurance IS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR TO HAVE ALL OTHER INSURANCE REQUIRED BY LAW. When the CONTRACTOR signs and returns this agreement, contractor shall provide the Town (Department of DEME) with a policy endorsement showing the above required insurance. The Town of Orangetown shall be named as additional insured on all insurance policies and policy endorsements, and the policies and policy endorsements shall provide that the insurance shall not be canceled or terminated without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Town of Orangetown. Unless and until CONTRACTOR obtains such insurance and provides a policy endorsement to the Town, this agreement shall not be effective and no moneys shall be paid or given to the CONTRACTOR. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 10 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions of laws in the Town of Orangetown, County of Rockland, the State of New York and of the United States of America which affect municipalities and municipal contracts, and provide at his expense, any and all permits, licenses and registrations required for the fulfillment of this agreement, and more particularly the Labor Law, the Immigration and Naturalization Laws and Regulation, the General Municipal Law, the Workers’ Compensation Law, the Lien Law, Personal Property Law, State Unemployment Insurance Law, Federal Social Security Law, State, Local and Municipal Health Laws, Rules and Regulation, and any and all regulations promulgated by the State of New York and of amendments and additions thereto, insofar as the same shall be applicable to any contract awarded hereunder with the same force and effect as if set forth at length herein. The bidder’s special attention is called to those laws which are set forth in detail below: A. NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION The attention of the bidder is called to Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, which reads as follows: 1. Every bid or proposal hereafter made to a political subdivision of the state or any public department, agency of official thereof where competitive bidding is required by statute, rule, regulation or local law, for work or services performed or to be performed or goods sold to be sold, shall contain the following true non-collusive bidding certification. (a) By submission of this bid each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the vest of knowledge and belief: (1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; (2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor and (3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or no to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. (b) A bid shall not be considered for award nor shall any award be made where (a) (1) (2) and (3) above have not been complied with; provided however, that if in any case the bidder cannot make the foregoing certification, the bidder shall so state and shall furnish with the bid a signed statement which sets forth in detail the reasons therefore. Where (a) (1) (2) and (3) above have not been complied with, the bid shall not be considered for award no shall any award be made unless the head of the purchasing unit of the political subdivision, public department, agency or official thereof to which the bid is made, or his designee, determines that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. The fact that a bidder (a) has published price lists, rates, or tariffs covering items being procured, (b) has informed prospective customers of proposed or pending publication of new or revised price lists for such items, or (c) has sold the same items to other customers at the same prices being bid, does not constitute, without more, a disclosure within the meaning of subparagraph one (a). TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 11 A. NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION continued...... 2. Any bid hereafter made to any political subdivision of the State or any public department, agency or official thereof by a corporate bidder for work or services performed or to be performed or goods sold or to be sold, where competitive bidding is required by statute, rule, regulations, or local law, and where such bid contains the certification referred to in subdivision one of this section, shall be deemed to have been authorized by the board of directors of the bidder, and such authorization shall be deemed to include the signing and submission of the bid and the inclusion therein of the certificate as to non-collusion as the act and deed of the Corporation.” The form of non-collusion bidding certification included as part of this bid package must be executed by the bidder and submitted with the proposal. The Town of Orangetown or the Director of DEME reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all bids. The bid prices submitted shall be exclusive of Federal and State taxes and must not include any tax for which the bidder may claim exemption because of doing business with the Town. B. DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT The contractor will abide by the pertinent provisions of Sections 291-299 of the Executive Law and of the Civil Rights Law of the State of New York relating to unlawful discriminatory practices insofar as they may apply to this Agreement. C. SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES: The Contractor for the agreed consideration promises and agrees to pay the taxes measured by the wages of their employees required by the Federal Social Security Act and all amendments thereto, and to accept the exclusive liability for said taxes. The Contractor further promises and agrees to indemnify and hold the owner harmless on account of any tax measured by the wages aforesaid of employees of the contractor assessed against the owner under authority of said law. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 12 HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, save & hold harmless the Town of Orangetown, it’s agents, officers and employees from and against all suits, or claims, which may be based upon any injury to or death of any person or persons or damage to property or any other cause of action, which may occur, or which may be alleged to have occurred in the course of the performance of this agreement by the Contractor, whether such sum claimed shall be made by an employee of the contractor by a third person, or their representatives, and whether or not it shall be claimed that the said injury, death, or damage were caused through a negligent act, or omission, of the Contractor; and the Contractor shall, at its own expense, defend any and all costs and other expenses, arising therefrom, or incurred in connection therewith, and if any judgement shall be rendered against the Town in any such actions, the contractor shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. EXCULPATORY CLAUSE The Contractor agrees to make no claim for damages for delay in the performance of this contract occasioned by any act or omission to act of the Town or any of its representatives, and agrees that any such claim shall be fully compensated for by an extension of time to complete performance of the work as provided herein. GUARANTEE Upon completion and acceptance by the Town, the Contractor shall guarantee, in writing, to the Town that all items supplied by contractor are free from any and all defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one Year, and that all items will develop capacities and characteristics as specified. If, during a period of one year from date of certificate of completion and acceptance of work, unless a longer period is specified, any such defects in workmanship, material or performance appear, the Contractor will remedy them without cost to the Town. Should Contractor fail to remedy such defects within a reasonable length of time, to be specified in notice from the Town, the Town may have such work done by others and Contractor shall be responsible to pay to the Town reasonable costs incurred by the Town in paying for such other entity to perform this work or remedy the defect or defects. RIGHT TO KNOW LAW “The successful bidder at the time of delivery of any toxic substance, which is defined as any substance with is listed in the latest printed edition of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances or has yielded positive evidence of acute or chronic health hazards in human, animal or other biological testing, shall submit the following information to the Director of DEME: ï‚· The name or names of toxic substance(s), including the generic or chemical name ï‚· The trade name of the chemical and any other commonly used name ï‚· The level at which exposure to the substance(s) is determined to be hazardous, if known ï‚· The acute and chronic effects of exposure of the toxic substance(s) at hazardous levels ï‚· The symptoms of such effects of exposure of the toxic substance(s) at hazardous levels ï‚· The potential for flammability, explosion and reactivity of such toxic substance(s) ï‚· Appropriate emergency treatment for over exposure of the toxic substance(s) ï‚· Proper conditions for safe use and exposure to such toxic substance(s) ï‚· Procedures for cleanup of leaks and spills of such toxic substance(s) The successful bidder shall be required to comply with the provisions of Article 48 of the Public Health Law and Article 28 of the Labor Law, and as amended, at the time of delivery of any goods and material.” TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 13 ALL QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO THIS SOLICITATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. (PLEASE USE THIS FORM AND TELEFAX TO (845) 359-6951 TO THE ATTENTION OF RONALD C. DELO, DIRECTOR OF DEME. WE WILL RESPOND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.) DATE: ____________________ Vendor Name: __________________________ Fax No.: ____________________ Telephone No.: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 14 CERTIFICATION OF EXPERIENCE (THIS FORM MUST BE FILLED IN BY VENDOR) I _____________________________________________ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT (COMPANY) _____________________________________ ______________________________________________ HAS PERFORMED THE FOLLOWING WORK WITHIN THE LAST THREE YEARS: NAME OF BUSINESS: _____________________________________________ CONTACT NAME: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: _________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________________ TYPE OF WORK: __________________________________________________FAX NUMBER: ______________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF BUSINESS: _____________________________________________ CONTACT NAME: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: _________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________________ TYPE OF WORK: __________________________________________________FAX NUMBER: ______________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF BUSINESS: _____________________________________________ CONTACT NAME: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: _________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________________ TYPE OF WORK: __________________________________________________FAX NUMBER: ______________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF BUSINESS: _____________________________________________ CONTACT NAME: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: _________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________________ TYPE OF WORK: __________________________________________________FAX NUMBER: ______________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME OF BUSINESS: _____________________________________________ CONTACT NAME: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT OF CONTRACT: _________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________________________________ TYPE OF WORK: __________________________________________________FAX NUMBER: ______________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME OF BIDDER: _____________________________________________ BY: ________________________________________________ TITLE: ________________________________________________________ WITNESS: __________________________________________ TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 15 General Scope: The Town of Orangetown is seeking bids for an industrial grade vacuum vehicle for removing sewage, septage, water, grease, sludge, rags, and debris from manholes, pits, and tanks, and transporting same to disposal facilities in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with applicable codes, rules, regulations, and laws. As part of the bid the Town is requesting a trade-in value for the below vehicle as an option at the sole discretion of the Town. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder will be based on the price bid for the vacuum vehicle not including the optional trade-in. Trade-In Vehicle: 4000 gallon septage tank vehicle, 1990 Ford L-8000, standard transmission, approximately 40,569 miles TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 16 SPECIFICATIONS COMPLY YES NO 1.0 INTENT: It is the intent of this specification to provide for the purchase of one (1) new and unused Industrial Vacuum, as manufactured by CUSCO or equal, mounted on a heavy duty truck chassis, as specified herein. The Town of Orangetown has evaluated different types of equipment and has determined that this product is best suited for its needs in safety, quality, performance, and standardization. This specification is not to be interpreted as restrictive, but rather as a measure of the safety, quality, and performance against which all equipment bid will be compared. In comparing proposals, consideration will not be confined to price only. Contract will be awarded for the product which best serves the interests of the Town of Orangetown when cost, product, safety, quality and delivery are considered. The Town of Orangetown reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof, and to waive any minor technicalities. A contract will be awarded to the bidder submitting the lowest responsible bid meeting the exact requirements of this specification. 2.0 EQUIVALENT PRODUCT Bids will be accepted for consideration on any make or model that is equal or superior to the equipment specified. Decisions of equivalency will be at the sole interpretation of the Town of Orangetown. A blanket statement that equipment proposed will meet all requirements will not be sufficient to establish equivalence. Original manufacturer’s brochures of the proposed unit are to be submitted with the proposal. All modifications made to the standard production unit described in the Manufacturer’s brochures must be certified by the manufacturer and submitted with the bid, or the bid will be deemed “non-responsive” and rejected without further review. 3.0 INTERPRETATIONS In order to be fair to all bidders, no oral interpretations will be given to any bidder as to the meaning of the specification documents or any part thereof. Every request for such a consideration shall be made in writing to the municipal clerk of the Town of Orangetown. Based upon such inquiry, the Town of Orangetown may choose to issue an Addendum in accordance with public contracts law. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 17 COMPLY YES NO 4.0 GENERAL The specification herein states the minimum requirements of the Town of Orangetown. All bids must be regular in every respect. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions shall be cause for rejection. Any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the bid document and specification, or any bid lacking sufficient technical literature to enable the Town of Orangetown to make a reasonable determination of compliance to the specification will be considered as “non-responsive” and rejected without further review. It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to carefully examine each item of the specification. Failure to offer a completed bit or failure to respond accurately to each individual item of the technical specification will cause the proposal to be rejected without further review. All variances, exceptions and/or deviations shall be fully described in the appropriate section. Deceit in responding to the specification will be cause for rejection. 5.0 5.01 STANDARD EQUIPMENT 3600 USG + 3% Outage shall be provided. Design shall withstand 15-PSI internal pressure and full vacuum. Head material 0.250 44W, shell material 0. 250 44W shall be provided. All welding is to be performed with certified welders to the same ASME code standards as DOT Code tanks but without the rollover protections and self-closing rear valves. Hydraulically driven from airshift PTO shall be provided. One anti surge half baffle mounted on reinforcing pad shall be provided. Suction valve 4” brass valve with 4” standpipe / deflector plate assembly, aluminum kamlok shall be provided. Discharge valve 6” brass valve with alum. kamlok fittings shall be provided. 20” diameter manway located top of tank shall be provided. Primary shutoff to be 12” heavy-duty internal shut-off with 6” SS float ball / cage assembly and neoprene rubber seat top front of tank. Moro PM100 air cooled vacuum/pressure pump 460 CFM free air rating, 28” Hg maximum vacuum. Gearbox driven from airshift PTO comes with mounting frame, pump located on driver’s side on truck chassis. Single 4” diameter piping, vacuum pump flush port and wire reinforced rubber hose. 3-5” diameter sight bowls, located on rear head for visual liquid level indicators. Tank diameter to 78” O.D.; Tank sloped to rear for positive drainage. 2” brass pressure relief valve, 15 PSIG setting mounted top of tank. Glycerin filled stainless steel vacuum / pressure gauge, hydraulic pressure gauge shall be provided. Full length steel side boxes for hose storage/fender assembly with anti sail mud flaps shall be provided. Boxes shall be 10 gauge steel (full 1/8” thick) and be modular in design and readily replaceable, i.e. bolted. 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 18 COMPLY YES NO 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 6.0 6.01 Ladder assembly to be located on driver side, two rear spotlights and Arrow board shall be provided. DOT lighting with amber rotating beacon at rear, two rear spotlights and Arrow board shall be provided. Standard rear bumper shall be provided. The entire tank and body of the vacuum system shall be sandblasted and primed with two (2) coats of primer and painted with two (2) coats of single stage Sherwin Williams paint. Omaha Orange paint shall be provided. All other non-body parts shall be painted in with the same paint but black in color. Rear cleanout to be 20” diameter rear clean out assembly located bottom center of rear head. Secondary shutoff to consist of exterior moisture trap assembly with drain valve, 2” diameter sight glass assembly, filter screen, safety shut-off with float ball. Moisture trap and muffler combination are both to be mounted at ground level for easy cleaning and servicing. Both shall have full opening quick release covers for access to the internal filter screens and secondary ball and seat shut off (moisture trap only). They are also to be made of full ¼” thick material and have Hydraulically dumping waste tank with 50 degree minimum dump angle and full hydraulic opening rear door. This item in lieu of rear opening manway. 6.02 ACCESSORIES DOT lighting three lamp rear module assembly, clearance lamps, reflectors, three in a row clearance markers, two rear work lights, all wiring in plastic tubing. Dual heated jacketed valve assembly for 4” and 6” rear valves. 7.0 7.001 7.002 7.003 7.004 7.005 7.006 7.007 7.008 7.009 7.010 7.011 7.012 7.013 7.014 7.015 CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS Sterling Model LT8500 Cat C9 350 Hp @ 2100 Rpm 1100 Lb/Ft @ 1400 Rpm Allison 3000 Rds Automatic Transmission with PTO Provision Meritor Rt-46-160 R-Series Tandem Rear Axle @ 46,000# Hendrickson Rt463 Rear Suspension @ 46,000# Meritor Mfs-20-133A Fl1 20,000# Single Front Axle 20,000# Flat Leaf Front Suspension 113” Bbc Conventional Steel Cab No Sleeper Box/Sleeper Cab 6050mm (238”) Wheelbase No Firth Wheel 7/16” X 3-9/16” X 11-1/8” Steel Frame (11.11mm x 282.6mm/.437” x 11.13”) 120 Ksi 2275mm (90”) Rear Frame Overhang 1/4”(6mm) C-Channel Inner Frame Reinforcement Vehicle Configuration TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 19 COMPLY YES NO 7.016 7.017 7.018 7.019 Sterling Lt8500 Chassis Set Back Axle – Truck Straight Truck Provision Lh Primary Steering Location 7.020 7.021 7.022 7.023 7.024 7.025 7.026 7.027 7.028 General Services Truck Configuration Domiciled, USA 50 States (w/ California) Utility/Repair/Maintenance Service Utility Business Segment Liquid Bulk Commodity Terrain/Duty: 10% (Some) Of The Time, In Transit, Is Spent On Non-Paved Roads Maximum 8% Expected Grade Maintained Gravel Or Crushed Rock – Most Severe In-Transit (Between Sites) Road Surface Sterling 7500/8500 Basic Warranty Expected Front Axle(s) Load: 20,000.0 Lbs Expected Rear Drive Axle(s) Load: 46,000.0 Lbs Expected Gross Vehicle Wgt Capacity: 66,000.0 Lbs Tank Body Engine Cat C9 or equivalent 350 Hp @ 2100 Rpm 1100 lb/ft @ 1400 rpm 2004 EPA/Carb Emission Certification Engine Mounted Oil Check & Fill Dual Air Intake Through Lh and Rh sides w/ Donaldson Air Cleaner, Firewall Mtd. Dr 12V 145 Amp 22-Si Quadra Mount Pad Alternator (2) Alliance 1131 Grp31 12V Mf 1900 Cca Threaded Stud Batteries Battery Box Frame Mtd Single Battery Box Frame Mounted Lh Side Back of Cab 291-028 Frame Ground Return For Battery Cables With Add’l 5 Feet for Positive, Negative, And Ecu Wires Non-Polished Battery Box Cover No Jump Start Post No Clutch Bw 15.9 Cfm Model Ba-921 Single Cylinder Compressor Standard Air Compressor Governor Electronic Engine Integral Warning And Derate Protection System Stationary Cab Mounted Single Right-Hand Vertical Exhaust 7.029 7.030 7.031 7.032 7.033 7.034 7.035 7.036 7.037 7.038 7.039 7.040 7.041 7.042 7.043 7.044 7.045 7.046 7.047 7.048 7.049 7.050 TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 20 COMPLY YES NO 7.051 7.052 7.053 7.054 7.055 7.056 7.057 7.058 7.059 7.060 7.061 7.062 7.063 7.064 7.065 7.066 7.067 7.068 7.069 7.070 7.071 7.072 7.073 7.074 7.075 7.076 7.077 7.078 7.079 7.080 7.081 7.082 7.083 7.084 7.085 7.086 7.087 7.088 7.089 7.090 Flexible Stainless Steel Exhaust Piping 10’ 06” (126” +0/-6”) Exhaust System Height Vertical Curved Tailpipes), Rh (Single Exh) Or Rh & Lh Sides (Dual Exh) Stainless Steel Muffler/Tailpipe Shield Horton Drivemaster On/Off Fan Drive Automatic Control Without Dash Switch Omit Primary Fuel Filter Full Flow Oil Filter 266-028 1200 Sq-In Radiator – Aluminum Remote Mounted Surge Tank Antifreeze To -34F, Ethylene glycol Pre-Charged Sca Heavy Duty Coolant Gates Blue Stripe Coolant Hoses Constant Tension Hose Clamps for Coolant Hoses Aluminum Flywheel Housing Air Intake Warmer Delco 12V 39Mt Hd Starter Transmission Allison 3000 Rds Automatic Transmission with PTO Provision Wtec Calibration – 6 Speed Rd (Package 150) 353-024 Transmission Vehicle Interface Connector Wired To Transmission Ecu, Located Under Rh Dash Near Fuse Panel Magnetic Plugs, Engine Drain Transmission Drain, Axle(s) Fill & Drain Push Button Electronic Shift Control, Dash Mounted Water to Oil Transmission Cooler – Frame Mounted Transmission Oil Check And Fill With Electronic Oil Level Check Front Axle And Equipment Meritor Mfs-20-133A Fl1 20,000# Single Front Axle Meritor 16.5 x 6 Q+ Cast Spdr Cam Frt Brks, DBl Anchor, Fab’d Shoe Non-Asbestos Front Brake Lining Conmet Cast Iron Front Brake Drums Front Brake Dust Shields Chicago Rawhide Scotseal Front Oil Seals Stemco Aluminum Vented Front Hub Caps w/ Window And Side Plug - Oil Standard Spindle Nuts For All Axles Gunite Automatic Front Slack Adjusters TRW Thp-60 Power Steering w/ Rh Ram Power Steering Pump 2 Quart See Through Power Steering Reservoir Oil/Air Power Steering Cooler 20,000# Flat Leaf Front Suspension Front Shock Absorbers TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 21 COMPLY YES NO 7.091 7.092 7.093 7.094 7.095 7.096 7.097 7.098 7.099 7.100 7.101 7.102 7.103 7.104 7.105 7.106 7.107 7.108 7.109 7.110 7.111 7.112 7.113 7.114 7.115 7.116 7.117 7.118 7.119 7.120 7.121 7.122 7.123 7.124 7.125 7.126 7.127 7.128 7.129 7.130 Graphite Bronze Bushings w/ Seals – Front Suspension Rear Axle And Equipment Meritor Rt-48-160 R-Series Tandem Rear Axle @46,000# 5.38 Axle Ratio Iron Rear Axle Carrier Housing 1810Hd Dana Spicer Main Driveline w/ Half Round Yokes 1710 Dana interaxle Driveline w/ Half Round Yokes Petroleum Based Lub Eng/Trans/Axle Code 423-020 Meritor 16.5 x 7 Q+ Cast Spider Rear Breaks Non-Asbestos Rear Brake Lining Conmet Cast Iron Rear Brake Drums Rear Brake Dust Shields Chicago Rawhide Scotseal Rear Oil Seals Haldex Long Stroke 2-Drive Axle Spring Parking Chambers Gunite Automatic Rear Slack Adjusters Hendrickson Rt463 Rear Suspension@46,000# Hendrickson Rt/Rte – 6.00” Saddle None 54” Axle Spacing Steel Beams And Bronze Center Bushings w/ Bar Pin Adjustable End Conn. 623-005 Fore/Aft Control Rods Brake System Wabco 4S/4M Abs w/o Traction Control Enhancement Reinforced Nylon, Fabric Braid & Wire Braid Chassis Air Lines Standard Brake System Valves Relay Valve w/ 5-8 PSI Crack Pressure No Rear Proportioning Valve Bw AD-9 Brake Line Air Dryer w/ Heater Air Dryer Frame Mounted Steel Air Brake Reservoirs Provide 2 Wing Tanks And 2 Hn80 Styletanks In Front Of 565 Petcock Drain Valves On All Air Tank(S) 485-045 Metallic Air Manifold mtd. to Boc C/M w/ Six ¼” Fittings & 70 PSI Prot. Valve Engine brake of either exhaust or compression release type. Specify type proposed. Wheelbase & Frame 6060 mm (238”) Wheelbase 7/16” x 3-9/16” x 11-L/8” Steel Frame (11,.11 mm x 282.6 mm/.437” x 11.13”) 120ksi 1/4” (6mm) C-Channel Inner Frame Reinforcement 2275 mm (90”) Rear Frame Overhang Square End Of Frame Standard Midship #1 Crossmember(s) TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 22 COMPLY YES NO 7.131 7.132 7.133 7.134 7.135 7.136 7.137 7.138 7.139 7.140 7.141 7.142 7.143 7.144 7.145 7.146 7.147 7.148 7.149 7.150 7.151 7.152 7.153 7.154 7.155 7.156 7.157 7.158 7.159 7.160 7.161 7.162 7.163 7.164 7.165 7.166 7.167 7.168 7.169 7.170 Standard Rearmost Crossmember Standard Suspension Crossmember No Lh Or Rh Back Of Cab Access No Deck Plate Standard Front Steel Bumper No Mud Flap(s) Brackets No Rear Mud Flap (Skirts And Rear Mud Flaps Supplied With Body) Grade 8 Threaded Hex-Headed Frame Fasteners 60 Gallon / 227 Liter Aluminum Fuel Tank – Rh 60 Gallon / 227 Liter Aluminum Fuel Tank - Lh 25” Diameter Fuel Tank(S) Aluminum Fuel Tank Bracket (S) Plain Aluminum/Painted Steel Fuel/Hydraulic Tank(S) With Painted Bands Fuel Tank(S) Forward Alliance Fuel/Water Separator With Indicator Light Equiflo Inboard Fuel System Reinforced Nylon Fuel Hose No Fuel Cooler In Tank Fuel Level Sender(S) Tires Goodyear G286 425/65R22.5 20 Ply Radial Front Tires Goodyear G167A 11R22.5 14 Ply Radial Rear Tires Conmet Iron Front Hubs Conmet Iron Rear Hubs Motor Wheel 10035 22.5 x12.25 10-Hub Pilot 4.75 Inset 5-Hand Steel Disc Front Wheels Motor Wheel 90262 22.5 x 8.25 10-Hub Pilot 5-Hand Steel Disc Rear Wheels Cab Exterior 113” Bbc Conventional Steel Cab Rh Cab Door w/ 55 Degree Door Stop Lh Cab Door w/ 55 Degree Door Stop No Sleeper Box/Sleeper Cab No Air Shield or Brackets Air Cab Mounts 2” Pass Through Hole in Lh Side of Firewall 5” Fender Extensions Lh/Rh Exterior Grab Handles and Rh Interior Grab Handle Mtd to “A” Post Hood Mounted Chromed Plastic Grille Fiberglass Hood Dual Round Air Horns, Single Base, Cab Roof Mtd. Single Electric Horn TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 23 COMPLY YES NO 7.171 7.172 7.173 7.174 7.175 7.176 7.177 7.178 7.179 7.180 7.181 7.182 7.183 7.184 7.185 7.186 7.187 7.188 7.189 7.190 7.191 7.192 7.193 7.194 7.195 7.196 7.197 7.198 7.199 7.200 7.201 7.202 7.203 7.204 7.205 7.206 7.207 7.208 7.209 7.210 7.211 All Locks Keyed the Same Single Rectangular Halogen Headlights Aerodynamic Marker Lights – Small Daytime Running Lights LED style Stop/Tail w/ Separate Back-Up Lights Grommet Mounted Standard Front Turn Signal Lamps Dual Stainless steel West Coast Mirrors Door Mounted Mirrors 102” Equipment Width Lh/Rh 5.5” Bright Finish Convex Mirrors Mounted Under Primary Mirrors Fiberglass Exterior Sun Visor (2) 15” x 26” Tinted Rear Windows Tinted Door Glass Lh & Rh w/ Tinted Operating Wing Windows Manual Door Window Regulators Tinted Windshield 8 Liter Windshield Washer Reservoir w/o Fluid Level Indicator Cab Interior Base Oasis Tan Interior Molded Plastic Door Panel Molded Plastic Door Panel Dark Taupe Vinyl Mats w/ Single Insulation Dash Mounted Ash Trays & Lighter Map Pocket, Left Door Coat Hook(s), Cab Sahara/Ash Trays & Lighter Heater, Defroster and Air Conditioner Main Fresh Air Inlet & Main Recirculation Filters Main HVAC Controls w/o Recirculation Switch Standard Plumbing w/ Shutoff Valves Sanden Compact Air Conditioner Compressor Radiator Mtd A/C Condenser Binary Control, R-134A Cab Insulation Circuit Fuses Center Mounted Dome Light and Lh/Rh Courtesy Light in Kick Panels Cab Door Latches w/ Manual Door Locks Bostrom 915 High Back Talladega Driver’s Seat Bostrom Mid Back Non-Susp. Pass Seat Vinyl w/ Vinyl Insert, Driver’s Seat 3 Point Adjustable D-Ring Retractor Driver and Passenger Seatbelts Fixed Steering Column TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 24 COMPLY YES NO 7.212 7.213 7.214 7.215 7.216 7.217 7.218 7.219 7.220 7.221 7.222 7.223 7.224 7.225 7.226 7.227 7.228 7.229 7.230 7.231 7.232 7.233 7.234 7.235 7.236 7.237 7.238 7.239 7.240 7.241 7.242 7.243 7.244 7.245 7.246 2-Spk 450 mm (18”) Black Steering Wheel(s) Driver/Passenger Interior Sun Visors Instruments & Controls Sterling Electronic Gauge Cluster – Icu3 No Clutch Pedal w/ Non-Adjustable Floor Mounted Brake Pedal and NonAdjustable Suspended Accelerator Pedal Black Gauge Bezels Multiplex Instrument Panel Dark Taupe Centre Instrument Panel w/ Flat Gauge Insert Low Air Pressure Light and Buzzer 2” Primary and Secondary Air Pressure Gauges Intake Mounted Air Restriction Indicator w/ Graduations Custom Backup Alarm Preco Model 230 Cruise Control-Electronic, Controls on Steering Wheel Spokes Key Operated Ign. Switch & Integral Start Position; 4 Position Off/Run/Start/Acc Odo/Trip/Hour/Diagnostic/Voltage Display 1X7 Char, 26 Wrng Lamps, Data Linked Icu3 Diagnostic Interface Connector, 9 Pin, Sae J1587/1708/1939, Located Below Dash 2” Electrical Fuel Gauge Rpm Increase/Decrease Switch Interface w/ Engine Compartment Wires, Park Brake and Neutral Interlock and 4-Way Weatherpack #12010974 on Firewall. Add’l. Tach Signal from Engine Ecm w/ Two-Wire Weatherpack #12010973 Mtd Near Fast Idle Connector Electrical Engine Coolant Temp Gauge Transmission Oil Temperature Indicator Light Engine and Trip Hour Meters Integral Within Driver Display Electric Engine Oil Pressure Gauge Sterling AM/FM Stereo Radio (2) Radio Speakers (Cab Only) Custom AM/FM Radio Antenna 30” Mtd In Rh Cowl No Cb Radio/Provision No Cb Antenna, Bracket or Lead Electronic Mph Speedometer w/ Secondary Kph Scale, w/o Odometer Standard Vehicle Speed Sensor Electronic Tachometer 3000 Rpm Omit Standard Hand Control Brake Valve Digital Voltage Display Integral w/ Driver Display Single Electric Windshield Wiper Motor w/ Delay (3) Pos’N Rotary Headlamp Sw w/ Sep Mkr Lt Interrupter Sw, Dimmer w/ Int. Dome One Valve Parking Brake System w/ Warning Indicator and 60 PSI N/O N/C Switch w/ 3-Way Weatherpack at Center Dash Support 882-042 TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 25 COMPLY YES NO 7.247 7.248 7.249 7.250 7.251 7.252 7.252 7.254 7.255 United Technologies Self-Canceling Turn Signal Switch Heavy Duty Mechanical Flasher Design Paint: One Solid Color Cab Color A: Omaha Orange Black, High Solids Polyurethane Chassis Paint Vendor White Front Wheels/Rims Vendor White Rear Wheels/Rims 559-001 Standard Weight Front Engine C/M 20E-004 Aux Fuel Supply and Return Ports Located on LH Fuel Tank 8.0 8.01 WARRANTY Bidder shall attach a copy of manufacturer’s warranty and all drawings, certifications and technical information for model being bid. The Town of Orangetown reserves the right to request a demonstration of specific model bid prior to award of contract. Unit demonstrated shall have all systems and equipment required by the bid specifications, without exception. Manufacturer’s warranty shall be not less than one (1) year on entire vehicle, including all parts and labor. The truck cab and chassis, with all components, shall have a factory warranty of one (1) year including all parts and labor. The body and all components of the body manufacturer shall have a factory warranty of one (1) year including all parts and labor. Water tanks shall be warranted against cracking, distortion, oxidation, and corrosion, full replacement to the original owner, including all parts and labor, for ten (10) years. The debris body shall be warranted against any failure in material workmanship, including all parts and labor for five (5) years. All warranty parts are to be F.O.B. the Town of Orangetown and installed on the vehicle. Shipping and transportation charges shall be absorbed by the bidder. 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 9.0 9.01 9.02 10.0 10.01 10.02 10.03 SERVICE AND TRAINING Vendors shall have a full parts and service facility within a reasonable distance from the Town of Orangetown’s garage. State location and distance. A qualified technician shall provide complete training to Town of Orangetown’s personnel at its garage. Training shall include safety, operation, maintenance and service. DELIVERY Vehicle shall be delivered F.O.B. to the Town of Orangetown in first class operating condition. Acceptance shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Town of Orangetown. Bidder shall state delivery time after receipt of order. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 26 PROPOSAL FORM TO: TOWN OF ORANGETOWN The undersigned hereby declares that they have carefully examined the requirements of the specifications contained herein, and propose to furnish and deliver to the Town of Orangetown the vehicle listed below. ONE (1) NEW AND UNUSED INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS BODY MAKE:________________________________ MODEL:______________________ CHASSIS MAKE:_____________________________ MODEL:______________________ PURCHASE PRICE: $_______________________ (PURCHASE PRICE WRITTEN OUT)___________________________________________ OPTIONAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR $_________________________ 4000 gallon septage tank vehicle, WORDS 1990 Ford L-8000, standard transmission, approximately 40,569 miles $_____________ NUMBERS DAYS TO DELIVER AFTER RECEIPT OF PURCHASE ORDER______________DAYS SIGNED:________________________________ DATE:________________________ BIDDER:_____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________ TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 27 APPENDIX I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this____________day of_____________, 20___ , between the TOWN OF ORANGETOWN, a municipal corporation located in the County of Rockland, State of New York, party of the first part, hereinafter called the “TOWN”, and________________________________, a domestic corporation having its principal place of business at_____________________________________________________, party of the second part, hereinafter called the “CONTRACTOR” (Include contact name and telephone number). Whereas, the Contractor has submitted a Proposal to supply _______________________ _________________ to the Town of Orangetown, Department of Environmental Management and Engineering, in accordance with the Specifications and other Contract Documents for Bid Number DEME-17-06 attached hereto and made part hereof for the following price: ITEM Industrial Vacuum Mounted On A Heavy Duty Truck Chassis PRICE $_________________________ WORDS $_____________ NUMBERS Less Trade In (Town’s Option): $_________________________ WORDS $_____________ NUMBERS Net Purchase Price $_________________________ WORDS $_____________ NUMBERS Make_____________________ Model_____________________ TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 28 And WHEREAS, the Town of Orangetown is desirous of purchasing said industrial vacuum mounted on a heavy duty truck chassis at the price indicated above, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Contractor agrees to furnish and the Town agrees to purchase the above described item at the price indicated above. 2. All deliveries shall be subject to examination by the Town and where it is found that they do not comply with the Specifications or are found defective in any manner, they shall be rejected and returned to the Contractor at his expense. 3. The prices listed herein shall remain firm for a period of one (1) year from the date of this Agreement. 4. No sales tax or other taxes will be charged to the Town. The Town will furnish to the Contractor such proof of tax exemption as may be required by law. All invoices and claims for payment shall be sent to the Orangetown Department of Environmental Management and Engineering, 127 Route 303, Orangeburg, New York 10962. 5. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this contract or any subcontract hereunder, no contactor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on his behalf of such contractor or subcontractor, shall by reason of race, color or sex discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person on his behalf shall, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee for the performance of work under this Contract on account of race, creed, color, sex or national origin. 6. Upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contact had with the State, any political subdivision thereof, a public authority, or with any public department, agency or official of the State or any political subdivision thereof, or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership, or corporation TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 29 of which he is a member, partner, director, or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards form or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or fire district, or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five (5) years after such refusal and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof on or after the first day of July, nineteen hundred fifty-nine, or with any fire district or any agency or official thereof, on or after the first day of September, nineteen hundred sixty, by such person, and by any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be canceled or terminated by the municipal corporation or fire district without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any moneys owing by the municipal corporation or fire district for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. 7. The Proposal and Non-Collusion Statement made pursuant to Section 103d of the General Municipal Law, and the Specifications provided for in the Contract Documents herein are made a part hereof, as though set forth at length herein. 8. The Contractor has complied with all conditions precedent hereto required to be complied with by him. 9. The Contractor shall promptly comply with all Federal, State, Local Laws concerning the subject matter herein. 10. By the acceptance of the labor, materials and supplies delivered pursuant to this Agreement, the Town does not waive any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 11. No contract is deemed to have been created until approved by a Town Board Resolution and the Town Attorney, and until after it has been executed by the Supervisor of the Town of Orangetown, at the direction of the Town Board. All contracts are subject to appropriations approved by the Town Board, after having been provided for in the Town Budget. TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 30 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective parties have hereto executed this Agreement and caused same to be signed by the proper officers of said parties and their respective seals affixed, the day and year first written above. ATTEST: TOWN OF ORANGETOWN _____________________ TOWN CLERK (SEAL) BY____________________ SUPERVISOR DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING ATTEST: ____________________ SECRETARY (SEAL) BY_____________________ DIRECTOR _________________________ CONTRACTOR AND/OR CONTRACTING FIRM/ CORPORATION BY________________________ STATE OF NEW YORK ) : ss.: COUNTY OF ROCKLAND ) On the_______________day of______________, 2005, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared _______________________________, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. _________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 31 STATE OF NEW YORK ) : ss.: COUNTY OF ROCKLAND ) On the______________day of____________________, 2005, before me, the Undersigned, a Notary Public in and or said State, personally appeared ___________ __________________, the subscribing witness(es) to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she/they reside(s) in____________________________________________________ that he/she/they know(s)____________________________________ to be the individuals(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that say subscribing witness(es) was/were present and saw said______________________ executed the same; and that said witness(es) at the same time subscribed his/her/their names(s) as a witness thereto. ________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF ROCKLAND ) On the _____________day of_____________________, 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Thom Kleiner, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which individual acted, executed the instrument. ________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC TOWN OF ORANGETOWN – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING 26 ORANGEBURG ROAD, ORANGEBURG, NEW YORK 10962 TELEPHONE (845) 359-5100 / TELEFAX; (845) 359-5126 BID NUMBER: DEME- 17-06 TITLE: INDUSTRIAL VACUUM MOUNTED ON A HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHASSIS. 32 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF ROCKLAND ) On the _____________day of_____________________, 2005 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Ronald C. Delo, P.E., personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which individual acted, executed the instrument. ________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC CERTIFICATION OF TOWN ATTORNEY I, TERESA M. KENNY, town Attorney of the town of Orangetown, hereby certify that all conditions precedent to the execution of this contract have been complied with and it is in all respects, a valid and binding obligation upon the parties thereto. Dated:_________________________________ _________________________________ Teresa M. Kenny, Town Attorney