Our Anti-bullying Policy links with our school behaviour code which is based on the following principles: Students, staff and visitors within the school, learning, working and playing are in a safe environment where bullying and violence are unacceptable. Individuals behave in a manner that demonstrates respect for others, themselves and property. Individuals are responsible and accountable for their behaviour. Verbal: Bullying ...What is it? Bullying is repeated harmful behaviours that deprive individuals and groups of their rights, jeopardise physical and emotional safety and undermine the wellbeing of our school community and society. (Based on a statement from the Bullying. No Way! Website.) Bullying can take many forms. We consider the following behaviours as some examples of bullying Physical: Dominating others physically due to size, strength etc Hitting, kicking, punching, or pushing or other unwanted contact. Making rude gestures. Taking or damaging something that belongs to someone else. Forcing others to give over food, money or something that belongs to them. Making someone do something they don’t want to. Name calling. Sarcasm. Teasing, spreading rumours. Threatening; Intimidation. Threatening to use violence or objects as weapons Making fun of someone because of physical characteristics, individual or family, religious, sexual preference, cultural background or appearance. Making fun of someone’s actions or abilities. Emotional: Using popularity to manipulate or control others. Using status in a group for example, excluding, tormenting, humiliating, mimicking. Cyber/other technologies: All areas of internet, such as using social media as a means of bullying another. Mobile phone threats by texting messages and calls There are many situations that may be seen as bullying and many differing factors that contribute to these situations. For this reason we have deliberately avoided stating individual specific consequences and outcomes regarding incidents. Strategies we will use to deal with Bullying At Craigmore South Schools we will: Openly talk about bullying – what it is, how it affects us all and what we can do about it. Use Program Achieve as a vehicle for discussing and developing the positive habits of the mind as well as emotional resilience and getting along skills. Teachers to use Child Protection Curriculum to teach students skills empowering them to recognise prevent, and/or manage bullying Regularly review our policy with students, staff and school community. Responsibility of Staff: To model appropriate behaviour To record and deal with all reported and observed incidences of bullying. To protect the victim from further harm. If a witness reports the bullying this will be handled sensitively so that the safety and welfare of the person making the report is maintained. Responsibility of Parents: To watch for signs that their children may be being bullied inside and outside of school To speak to someone on staff at Craigmore South Schools if their child is being bullied or they suspect that this is happening. To instruct their children to inform if they are bullied. To monitor the ongoing welfare or wellbeing of their child. To work with the school to resolve incidents of bullying and create permanent change. Responsibilities of Students: To not bully others. To help someone who is being bullied e.g. by telling the bully to stop, getting the other person away from the situation and informing a teacher. To inform others if they are being bullied or if they see someone else is being bullied– both at school and on the way to and from school. To be a witness and not be a bystander To persist … if you tell someone and action hasn’t been taken to help you, then tell someone else. Reporting DO NOT IGNORE BULLYING To whom: Immediately report to staff, parents or friends How to: Tell where and what is happening, who is involved and what you have done to try and prevent it. What will happen? The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying will be investigated. This will include Documentation of the bullying issue The victim will be supported and involved/informed of progress to resolving the bullying issue In serious cases parents will be informed and participate in resolving the problem Police will be consulted if necessary Students will be supported to change bullying behaviour After the incident has been dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place More information: DECD Parent Helpline 1800222696 Kids Helpline 1800551800 www.bullyingnoway.com.au For information on cyber bullying www.cybersmartkids.com.au www.netalert.net.au Craigmore South Schools Anti-Bullying Policy Craigmore South Schools are committed to providing an environment that fosters our school values of: Collaboration, Diversity, Integrity, Respect & Responsibility. Issue date 07/2012 Review date 07/ 2013