NA221014 - Parliament of South Africa

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The House met at 14:01.
The Speaker took the Chair and requested members to observe a
moment of silence for prayers or meditation.
(Draft Resolution)
move the following motion in the name of the Chief Whip of the
Majority Party as it appears on the Order Paper, as follows:
That the House, notwithstanding Rule 29, which provides for the
sequence of proceedings, limits the business for today to the
tabling of the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement and the
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introduction of the Adjustments Appropriation Bill and related
Agreed to.
The MINISTER OF FINANCE: Hon Speaker; Mr President; Deputy
President; Cabinet colleagues and Deputy Ministers; Governor and
Governor-Designate of the Reserve Bank; MECs of Finance; hon
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members; fellow South Africans; it is my privilege to present
the 2014 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement and the Adjustments
Appropriation Bill, the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill - all
for 2014-15 - and this year’s Tax Bills.
Mr President, we are calling upon Parliament to consider our
budget proposals at a difficult time. In many countries, growth
has slowed and the economic outlook is uncertain. Across the
world, tough questions are being asked about how to generate
growth, and how to reduce inequality. Governments everywhere
face difficult choices because the gap between what is required
and what can be afforded is very wide - and so, we have to be
steadfast in our resolve to do more, together, with less.
Economic Outlook
When we tabled the 2014 Budget in February, we expected the
economy to grow by 2,7% this year. The revised estimate is now
1,4%. [Interjections.] The Treasury projects that growth will
reach 3% only in 2017. [Interjections.]
This downward revision is partly because of a weak global
environment, including the slowdown in our trading partners,
Europe, China and other emerging economies. However, it also
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reflects challenges to our own development, ranging from energy
constraints, labour market disruptions and skills shortages, to
administrative shortcomings and difficulties in our industrial
transformation. [Interjections.]
We have achieved much over the past 20 years. We have expanded
education and health care. We have broadened economic
participation and extended income support to the most
vulnerable. However, we are not making enough progress in
raising incomes or reducing poverty. Far too many people are
unemployed, which deepens inequality and heightens
vulnerability. We import considerably more than we export.
As a result of slow growth, tax revenue is below our budget
projections. Government’s debt continues also to rise as a
percentage of the gross domestic product, GDP. Increased debt is
not, in itself, a bad thing, if it finances investment in future
productive capacity. However, we are not investing enough, and
our expenditure on public services achieves less than it should.
So, the budget framework we table today is focused on restoring
balance to the nation’s finances, bolstering investment, and
achieving better value for money in public expenditure. We want
to improve our export performance and shift away from
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consumption-led, debt-reliant expansion. These changes are
fundamental to our economic transformation, because they are the
foundations on which our social progress and human development
goals will be achieved.
National Development Plan
Our National Development Plan is about both growth and
redistribution – expanding output and incomes, and building a
more inclusive and more equal society. As emphasised by
President Zuma in the opening of the Fifth Parliament, we need
economic growth of around 5% a year to decisively reduce
unemployment and poverty, and to transform our social and
economic order.
There are many aspects to this transformation challenge, and I
want to take you through a few of them:
The first is how we utilise land and our mineral resources.
The second is how we organise transport, energy and
communication networks.
How we manage cities and local government;
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How we improve education and health services;
How we reform our social security and welfare services;
How we broaden ownership and enterprise development; and
How we engage with Africa and the rest of the world.
We cannot achieve this vision if we remain on our present
economic path. We have to navigate a definite change of course,
taking all South Africans with us.
Medium-Term Strategic Framework
The budget framework we are proposing for the period ahead
signals this change, but economic development is much more than
a schedule of taxes and spending plans. The success of our
Budget is defined by our contribution to building a more equal
and prosperous society, as envisaged in the National Development
Plan, NDP.
Government’s actions over the next five years to achieve this
vision are set out in the Medium-Term Strategic Framework. It
highlights the need for a compact between a capable
developmental state, a thriving business sector and strong civil
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society. It identifies employment, education and enhancing the
capacity of the state as central policy objectives.
Our Medium-Term Strategic Framework includes programmes aimed at
improving our competitiveness, particularly in new areas, such
as oil and gas development, renewable energy and green
technology. It recognises the need to support job creation
through sector-based interventions, employment incentives, the
Expanded Public Works Programmes and the Jobs Fund. The MediumTerm Strategic Framework also acknowledges the importance of our
social grant programmes and welfare services in combating
poverty, and the role of public health services and childfocused programmes in reducing vulnerability.
There are structural shifts under way in our economy that need
to be accelerated. Allow me to highlight just a few:
In manufacturing, we are helping companies to enhance their
competitiveness and upgrade equipment through the
Industrial Policy Action Plan. A new framework for special
economic zones has been introduced, which allows for
targeted incentives, logistics improvement and active
partnerships between business, municipalities and
development agencies.
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In agriculture, better links between emerging farmers and
produce markets need to accompany an improved alignment
between land reform and agricultural support programmes. We
have seen strong increases in maize and livestock
production this year. There has also been notable growth in
exports of citrus, wine and horticultural products.
In sub-Saharan Africa, South African firms are expanding
investment and business partnerships, giving impetus both
to regional development and our own export growth. Africa
is the fastest-growing region in our trade portfolio, and
offers many opportunities for domestic producers to
In the energy sector, we have one of the largest renewable
energy programmes in the world, with over 60 wind and solar
power projects underway. The independent power producer
programme will be extended to include 2 500 megawatts of
coal projects and 800 megawatts of cogeneration projects to
be connected to the national grid.
In mining, we recognise the need for a new accord between
producers, organised labour, government and local
communities. Modernisation of mining is not just about
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technology. It also involves housing investments, social
development and improved processes for dispute resolution.
In our financial sector, the twin-peak reforms to improve
consumer protection and safeguard investments are under
way. These will include attention to unfair lending and
debt-recovery practices. We are working with our Nedlac
partners to promote retirement reforms, and initiatives to
encourage savings are also in progress. The shift away from
exchange controls to more appropriate prudential standards
will continue, including simpler administrative
In transport and communications, we are in the early stages
of major transformative investments. The Passenger Rail
Agency of South Africa has concluded a R53 billion contract
to replace over 500 commuter trains over the next 10 years.
Transnet is expanding and improving its infrastructure and
services. New public transport systems are being
constructed in our cities. Telecommunications investments
are steadily improving the quality and coverage of
broadband networks.
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These are areas of structural transformation that involve
investment and change across the economy, as a whole, bringing
together the public and private sectors, civil society and local
I need to highlight the key aims of our Medium-Term Strategic
Framework that have substantial implications for our Budget.
The first is that the quality of our education system and
our health services needs to be improved. These will remain
the top priorities of government spending.
Building capacity and strengthening accountability of the
public sector is critical, particularly at local government
level and in state-owned companies.
South Africa’s spatial landscape has to be reshaped,
including investment in dynamic city development,
integrated housing and transport programmes and support for
business activity and job creation in both urban and rural
The Medium-Term Strategic Framework will guide the budget
decisions that contribute to making the NDP a reality. The
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required increases in investment and productivity will not be
easily achieved. There will be difficult short-term adjustments
to achieve a sustainable long-term development path.
As the NDP says, we must work together as partners to revive
investment, avoid lengthy production stoppages, improve public
services, strengthen local accountability and generate
confidence in our economy.
The recent Operation Phakisa review of our oceans economy is an
excellent example of the kind of co-operation that we need. We
had intensive engagement, over several weeks, under expert
guidance. This has deepened our understanding and generated
practical ideas for further development.
On Friday this week, Mr President, you are, again, meeting
business leaders to discuss measures to increase investment in
our economy. On 4 November, Deputy President, you are also going
to be leading a consultation between social partners on
challenges in the labour relations environment. Through forums
of this kind, we make progress in implementing the National
Development Plan and in addressing specific challenges that
confront us.
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We have responded to two such challenges in recent months. Let
me comment briefly on those.
African Bank
It became clear earlier this year that African Bank was in
difficulty. After consideration of the implications for the
wider financial system, it was resolved that African Bank should
be placed under curatorship. The intervention was led by the
Reserve Bank and the national Treasury, and included
participation by other banks, private investors and the Public
Investment Corporation.
In support of the restructuring, the Treasury has provided a
R7 billion assurance to the Reserve Bank. Our expectation is
that the new African Bank will relist on the stock exchange
early next year, and that curatorship will be concluded without
the use of taxpayer money.
Eskom and other state-owned companies
We have also taken steps to safeguard Eskom’s financial
sustainability. The support proposed for Eskom will allow its
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build programme to continue without an unduly steep increase in
electricity prices.
Eskom will borrow a total of R250 billion over the next
five years, supported by existing guarantees from
Government will provide at least R20 billion of funding,
raised through the sale of nonstrategic assets. This will
be deficit-neutral: the capitalisation of Eskom will only
occur once these funds are realised. If necessary,
consideration will also be given to a partial equity
conversion of the R60 billion loan that has already been
Financial assistance to municipalities for free basic
services will continue, ensuring that the poorest
households are protected against rising electricity
Electricity supply will remain tight until the first units of
the new Medupi power station come on line and the capacity of
existing plants improves. Even then, it will require several
years of substantial public and private investment in power
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generation before a satisfactory balance between supply capacity
and demand is achieved.
Stepped-up investment in distribution infrastructure is also
required by municipalities, alongside investment in demand
management and energy efficiency improvements by both business
and households.
In addition to Eskom, several other state-owned companies are
under Cabinet’s very close scrutiny. A new framework is
envisaged that will distinguish commercial activities from
development mandates, accompanied by more stringent financial
reporting requirements. Following the successful restructuring
of the Development Bank of Southern Africa, steps to address
financial risks and improve governance are being undertaken at
SA Airways, SA Express, the SA Post Office and the Land Bank.
Adjustments Appropriation: 2014-15
I now turn to the Adjustments Appropriation for the current
financial year. Details are set out for each Vote in the
Adjusted Estimates, and I invite members to go through that
document. As in the past years, however, there are various
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shifts of funds and minor adjustments. I will highlight just a
Additional allocations for unforeseeable and unavoidable
expenditure include:
R157 million on the Co-operative Governance Vote to repair
infrastructure damaged by natural disasters, and
R35 million for emergency water and sanitation
R32,6 million for the Department of Health for Ebola
control and prevention measures, including support for
affected countries; and
R350 million for International Relations and Co-operation
to compensate for the depreciation of our currency.
The Adjustments Appropriation also includes R620 million for the
digital broadcast migration programme, as indicated in the
February Budget Speech. [Applause.]
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After taking into account the unallocated reserves, declared
savings and projected underspending, total expenditure in 201415 will be about R6 billion less than the February estimate.
Elements of the MTBPS
In tabling the 2014 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, allow
me to emphasise, once more, that investment and initiative by
both the private and the public sectors are required for our
economic growth and fiscal sustainability. The National
Development Plan calls for private and public sector investment
to reach 30% of GDP.
Progress has been made. Among others, public sector spending on
infrastructure has doubled over the past five years. However,
there is still a long way to go if we are to achieve investmentled growth, which is the centrepiece of our development
Two years ago, we pointed out that if the economic and fiscal
outlook were to deteriorate, expenditure and revenue plans would
be reconsidered. In the 2013 Budget, government reduced its
spending plans to cut the unallocated contingency reserve. The
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2014 Budget indicated that additional measures would be required
if the economic outlook were to worsen.
Members of the House, we have reached that turning point. Fiscal
consolidation can no longer be postponed. By proposing measures
to reduce the budget deficit, government will stabilise public
debt and ensure the sustainability of our critical social
programmes. The proposals being tabled today complement reforms
under way to encourage lower consumption, higher savings and
increased productive investment.
Re-establishing a sustainable foundation for the public finances
will lower the cost of capital across the entire economy and
open the way for investment-led growth. It also means that
government will play its part in moderating the wide deficit in
the current account and correcting our external imbalance.
Together, these fiscal measures will complement job creation and
skills development initiatives. These include government’s
flagship reindustrialisation programmes, projects of the
Presidential Infrastructure Co-ordinating Commission and support
for our expansion of higher education and vocational training.
Fiscal framework
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Our fiscal framework set out in the MTBPS is as follows. In
order to reduce the budget deficit from 4,1% this year to 2,5%
over the next three years, the expenditure ceiling will be
lowered by R10 billion in 2015-16 ... [Applause.] ... and it
will also be lowered by R15 billion in 2016-17. [Applause.] To
effect the lower ceiling, national government will do the
Firstly, we will freeze budgets of nonessential goods and
services at 2014-15 levels, which means it is not a cut,
but we will keep them at the levels that we had them in
The second measure is that we will withdraw funding for
posts that have been vacant for some time;
... [Applause.] ...
and we will also go on to:
Reduce the rate of growth of transfers to public entities,
particularly those with cash reserves of their own.
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Across national departments, planned expenditure on travel and
subsistence, conference venues and catering has been cut.
[Interjections.] Advertising and communications budgets have
been reduced. [Interjections.] [Applause.] Allocations for
consultant services have been capped. [Applause.] These steps
will contribute to savings of about R1,3 billion over the next
two years. They supplement the cost-containment measures adopted
at the start of this year, which have already achieved
substantial savings.
Lower government consumption also requires prudent management of
the public sector wage bill, while maintaining the real value of
public service salaries. New posts will also have to be funded
from existing allocations and natural attrition. Posts that
remain vacant will also be reviewed.
Our consolidation path, thus far, has relied mainly on
containing expenditure growth. Revenue measures will also come
into consideration in the period ahead. If we are to avoid
reducing expenditure in real terms, about R15 billion a year in
additional revenue will need to be raised. Details will be
announced in the 2015 Budget. The revenue measures will be
designed to limit, as far as possible, any negative impact on
growth and job creation.
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Acting now to re-establish a sustainable foundation for public
finances will enable government to rebuild fiscal space in the
years ahead. Once debt has stabilised, spending growth will be
aligned with long-term economic growth trends. In the final year
of the MTEF period, an unallocated reserve is retained to allow
for future shocks to the fiscus or allocations to new
Government will place greater emphasis on longer-term planning
and efficient resource allocation. There will be a comprehensive
assessment of baseline estimates for 2017-18, emphasising value
for money and alignment with policy priorities.
Capital injections for state-owned companies will be allocated
without impacting on the budget deficit over the next two years,
and on condition that a sound business plan is in place.
Medium-term expenditure priorities
Over the past decade, we have increased public spending in the
main Budget from 26% to 31% of our GDP. Much of this increase
has gone to programmes that contribute to the social wage,
including schools, roads, hospitals, housing and municipal
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Our medium-term objective is to ensure that public spending
promotes growth and creates an environment for greater private
sector investment. To this end, we are targeting three priority
spending areas:
Firstly, we will support cities to improve living
conditions, modernise transport and communications
infrastructure, expand the urban economy and promote trade
and investment. Government will work with development
finance institutions to increase investment in the urban
landscape and expand the municipal debt market.
Secondly, we will reinforce support for export
competitiveness and job creation. This includes over
R18 billion for manufacturing incentives, the establishment
of special economic zones and the employment tax incentive.
Thirdly, we will expand the skills base: we have allocated
R800 billion, which we propose over the MTEF period for
education and skills development. Post-school education and
training also has received the fastest-growing share of the
budget over the past three years, and will continue to
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Alongside these priorities, there will be real growth in
spending on local development and social infrastructure. As in
the past, the largest allocations will go to education, health
and social protection.
This year, one-third of allocated expenditure will go to
compensation of employees. Over the period ahead, we have
budgeted for nominal wage bill growth in line with consumer
price inflation. In the present economic circumstances, it is
especially important that we maintain a careful balance between
personnel spending and other resources required for public
service delivery. [Applause.]
Division of revenue
A national appropriation of R1,2 trillion in 2015-16 is
proposed, rising to R1,3 trillion in 2016. The proposed division
of revenue allocates 48% to national departments, 43% to
provinces and 9% to local government over the MTEF period.
Allocations to national departments will total R495 billion in
the current year and will increase to R585 billion in 2017-18.
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Provinces will receive R469 ... R469 billion next year ...
[Laughter.] ... that would be a major cut! ... [Laughter.] ...
increasing to R527 billion in 2017-18. Efficiency improvements
will be prioritised in the core areas of service delivery, like
basic education, health, roads and social development – and I
keep on repeating this, hon members.
National Treasury will work with provincial departments to
improve human resource management and supply chain processes.
Special attention must be paid to containing personnel
expenditure, which now accounts for close to 61% of the total
provincial spending.
Local government
The division of revenue allocates R91 billion to local
government next year. This will increase to R110 billion in
2017-18 to support the Medium-Term Strategic Framework outcome
of responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local
Support will also be provided to municipalities to improve
revenue collection and management of infrastructure financed
from both own revenue and grants. The local government equitable
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share continues to finance the provision of free basic services
to poor households, but municipalities must work a little harder
to broaden access to these services.
Service delivery impact
What do all the proposals being announced today mean for service
delivery? Let me be absolutely clear. We will not balance this
budget on the backs of the poor. [Applause.] This means that
intensive effort has to be focused on achieving the intended
savings and maximising efficiency.
This will include a focus on procurement costs. In
November, we will release a public procurement review,
which clearly will outline reforms to be implemented over
the next five years.
... [Applause.] ...
Cost-containment measures will be reinforced to identify
goods and services expenditure that can be eliminated
without affecting service delivery.
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A culture of doing more with less is required. For example,
Treasury is working with municipalities to link the
disbursement of infrastructure grants more tightly to the
efficient delivery of capital projects.
We will continue to fight waste and corruption, supported
by our audit institutions and stringent monitoring and
reporting requirements, and that will require the oversight
of Parliament.
[Interjections.] [Applause.]
More details of these measures will be provided in the 2015
Budget Review.
South Africans rightly expect efficient, reliable delivery of
basic government functions: water supply, sanitation, refuse
removal, teachers in classrooms, medicines in clinics, postal
delivery – postal delivery! [Laughter.] - visible and effective
policing. These essential services come first. Where they are in
disrepair, they must be fixed. [Interjections.]
To meet the cost of these services, taxes have to be paid and
municipal bills must be collected. [Interjections.] So, let me
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again express appreciation to the many South Africans who pay
their taxes and bills on time. [Applause.] Our thanks also go to
the officials whose duties are to enforce these laws.
[Interjections.] [Laughter.]
In concluding, allow me to acknowledge the guidance and support
of President Zuma ... [Interjections.] ... and Deputy President
Ramaphosa in these difficult times. [Applause.] [Interjections.]
Cabinet collectively owns this Medium-Term Budget Policy
Statement. [Interjections.] Its support and understanding for
tough measures is highly appreciated. Thank you, colleagues.
My appreciation also goes to colleagues in the Ministers’
Committee on the Budget for their continuous and vigorous
engagement with the challenges before us, and thank you,
Ministers in the Committee of the Minister. [Interjections.]
A heartfelt thank you ... [Interjections.] ... a heartfelt thank
you ... [Interjections.] ... a heartfelt thank you ...
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Mr G A GARDEE: Order, Madam Speaker, can we have security remove
that person there? [Interjections.] [Laughter.] There is a
problem with that one!
The SPEAKER: I think they’ll do it. [Interjections.] [Laughter.]
Go on, hon Minister. [Interjections.]
THE MINISTER OF FINANCE: I’m not going to miss this opportunity!
[Interjections.] I am not going to miss this opportunity to
thank Deputy Minister Jonas for his sound advice. [Applause.]
[Interjections.] My greatest appreciation also goes to the MECs
of Finance, who play a critical role as guardians of 43% of our
spending. [Applause.]
Our appreciation also goes to the following:
The outgoing Governor of the SA Reserve Bank, Gill Marcus,
who is in the gallery ... [Applause.] ... who has so wisely
steered the Reserve Bank during stormy financial times,
Governor-Designate Lesetja Kganyago and the other Deputy
... [Applause.] ...
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Auditor-General, Mr Kimi Makwetu, and the audit teams who
keep us under scrutiny;
... [Applause.] ...
Commissioner Tom Moyane and the staff of the SA Revenue
Service - thank you, Commissioner;
The executive heads of the Development Bank of Southern
Africa, the Land Bank, the Public Investment Corporation,
the Financial and Fiscal Commission, the Financial Services
Board, the Financial Intelligence Centre and the Government
Pensions Administration Agency;
The managing director of Nedlac and its constituency
The Chairs of the Standing and Select Committees on Finance
and Appropriations, the hon Yunus Carrim, Charel de Beer,
Paul Mashatile and Seiso Mohai, who ensure that Parliament
remains a vibrant forum for accountability and public
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... [Applause.] ...
Director-General Lungisa Fuzile and the management and
staff at the National Treasury and the Ministry; and, last
but not least,
My very supportive family, who tolerates an absent father.
[Applause.] [Interjections.]
Finally, I must express sincere gratitude to all South Africans
who offer words of encouragement, as well as criticisms and
concerns. This is what keeps us accountable and drives us
constantly to improve.
I hereby table for consideration by the House the Medium-Term
Budget Policy Statement; the Adjusted Estimates of National
Expenditure; the Adjustments Appropriation Bill; the Division of
Revenue Amendment Bill; the Rates and Monetary Amounts and
Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill; the Taxation Laws Amendment
Bill; and the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill.
Our global icon, uTata Nelson Mandela, set the tone for us in
November 1994, when he said:
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Our primary objective is to address the basic needs of
especially the poor. We have to reconcile this with South
Africa’s resource constraints. We must consequently shift our
priorities, accept financial discipline and create a climate
conducive to sustained economic growth.
I table this budget framework at a watershed moment in our
country’s history. This year, we have been able to celebrate our
collective achievements of the past 20 years: creating a more
prosperous and inclusive nation, and the maturing of our
institutions of democracy and accountability.
Surely, we also share a determination to protect these gains, to
deepen our capacity to meet the needs of our people and to place
our future on a firm foundation. We, Mister President, together
with all South Africans, are joint trustees of this compact. God
bless Africa and its people. Thank you. [Applause.]
Debate concluded.
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Mr G A GARDEE: Hon Speaker ... [Interjections.] ... can I be
recognised? [Interjections.]
The SPEAKER: Please take your seat, hon Gardee. [Interjections.]
Please take your seat.
Thank you, hon Minister of Finance. Hon members, the Medium-Term
Budget Policy Statement will be referred to the Standing
Committee on Finance and the Standing Committee on
Appropriations to consider, in accordance with their respective
The Revised Fiscal Framework will be referred to the Standing
Committee on Finance for consideration and report.
The Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws
Bill will be referred to the Standing Committee on Finance for
consideration and report.
The Taxation Laws Amendment Bill will be referred to the
Standing Committee on Finance for consideration and report.
The House adjourned at 14:42.
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National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Agreement to the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC),
tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996.
The Convention for the Conservation of the Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT), tabled
in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Port State Measures Agreement to
Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing,
tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996.
Explanatory Memorandum to the Agreement to the Establishment of the Indian
Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), The Convention for the Conservation of the
Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) and The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
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Port State Measures Agreement to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported
and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing.
The Minister of Economic Development
Report and Financial Statements of the Competition Commission for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 149-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the International Trade Administration
Commission of South Africa (ITAC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 201314 [RP 144-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Competition Tribunal for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
information for 2013-14 [RP 267-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Small Enterprise Finance Agency SOC
Limited (SEFA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 166-2014].
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Report and Financial Statements of the Industrial Development Corporation of South
Africa Limited (IDC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Labour
Report and Financial Statements of the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) for
2013-2014, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 87-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Productivity South Africa for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 257-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and
Arbitration (CCMA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 270-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Economic Development and Labour
Council (NEDLAC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements for 2013-14.
National Assembly
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The Speaker
Reply from the Minister of Public Service and Administration to recommendations in
Report on Budget Vote 12: Department of Public Service and Administration, as
adopted by the House on 29 July 2014.
Referred to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration as
well as Performance Monitoring and Evaluation.
National Assembly
September 2014
The Defence Amendment Bill (‘the Bill’), tabled in Parliament and referred to the
previous portfolio committee on 2 October 2013, was revived for consideration by
the Committee on 21 July 2014.
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The legislative proposal seeks to amend the Defence Act (No 42-2002) in order for
Parliament to receive defence procurement quarterly reports and for it to be notified
of delays and any escalation of costs associated with a procurement project.
Guided by the National Assembly rules governing the parliamentary committees’
consideration of private members’ legislative proposals, the Committee was
briefed by the Bill’s initiator, considered legal advice from Parliamentary Legal
Services and considered the Department of Defence’s comment on the legislative
On 3 September 2014, the Committee thoroughly debated the merits and demerits
of the Bill and formally considered its desirability: the majority of members
present were not in favour of the Bill.
Having concluded its deliberations, the Committee is satisfied that the current
legislative framework (that includes the Defence Act and Public Finance
Management Act No 1 of 1999) together with the relevant Parliamentary rules
and procedures, provides sufficient mechanisms for parliamentary defence
committees to maintain strict oversight of the Department of Defence and the
South African National Defence Force (SANDF).
Report to be considered.
22 OCTOBER 2014
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National Assembly
Report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on the Legal
Aid Bill [B8-2014], dated 10 September 2014:
The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, having considered the Legal
Aid Bill [B8-2014], reports the Bill with amendments [B8A-2014].
The Committee reports further as follows:
The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services (the Committee) welcomes
the Legal Aid Bill which seeks to repeal the Legal Aid Act (Act No 22 of 1969). The 1969
legislation predates South Africa’s democracy, and was therefore not aligned with our
Constitution. We believe that the proposed legislation will in defining Legal Aid South
Africa’s powers, mandates and functions, and in formalising the establishment of the
institution, accelerate the delivery of legal services (advice and representation) to all South
Africans who cannot afford such services. Given the above-mentioned focus of the proposed
legislation, we have recommended that the title be amended to read ‘Legal Aid South Africa
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The Committee has noted with growing concern the increased incidence of communities
taking the law into their own hands, in defence of victims of crime who are considered to
have had their rights disregarded in favour of those of the ‘criminals’ accused of having
perpetrated crimes against them. We believe that this is the consequence of the perceived
uneven implementation of sections 34 and 35 of the Constitution. This imbalance appears to
have skewed the scale in favour of accused persons, while seemingly disregarding the rights
and needs of victims of crime.
The Committee understands that limited resources constrain the type and extent of the
services Legal Aid South Africa is able to provide. At present, Legal Aid South Africa
provides professional legal advice and representation to those who cannot otherwise afford
it, in criminal matters and, to a limited degree in civil matters. The focus has been on the
Constitutional imperative to provide legal representation in criminal matters, while the
obligation to ensure access to courts for ‘any dispute that can be resolved by the application
of law’ (in section 34), also a Constitutional imperative, has been severely neglected.
That Legal Aid South Africa has in recent years embarked on a process of progressively
expanding its civil work has been noted. The Committee however is acutely aware of the
potential hardship the inability to afford legal services can cause those who require civil
legal assistance. In order to increase access to justice for victims in particular, the allocation
of additional resources for the expansion of civil work must receive the necessary attention.
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The Committee is of the view that paralegals, and community law and advice centres play a
major role in the area of public interest law by providing legal assistance to those who would
not otherwise be able to access legal services. These structures assist in making legal
services available to those in black townships and rural communities in particular, but their
role is constrained by the lack of statutory recognition and the need for financial assistance.
We believe that to ensure greater access to legal services, paralegal services and community
law and advice centres should be recognised, and regulated. In addition, organisations that
provide such services should be provided with the necessary support in order for them to
complement services provided by Legal Aid South Africa. If access to the legal profession,
and to justice generally is to be improved, the statutory recognition of paralegal services has
to be expedited. We recommend that legislation to this effect be prioritised, and emphasise
that all relevant parties should be consulted during that process.
The promotion of legal assistance through, amongst others, the recognition and adequate
resourcing of paralegal services and community law and advice centres, and reaching a
balance between legal aid for civil, as well as criminal matters, will contribute to
establishing a less adversarial, and more inquisitorial approach to conflict resolution. The
Committee believes that such an approach is integral to the success of restorative justice
Report to be considered.
22 OCTOBER 2014
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National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Speaker and the Chairperson
Assent by President in respect of Bills
Legal Practice Bill [B 20D – 2012] – Act No 28 of 2014 (assented to and signed by
President on 20 September 2014).
National Assembly
The Speaker
Filling of vacancy in Public Service Commission
A letter dated 12 September 2014 has been received from the President of the
Republic, requesting the National Assembly to approve a fit and proper person in
accordance with section 196(8)(a) of the Constitution of the Republic of South
22 OCTOBER 2014
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Africa, 1996, to fill the vacancy that will arise in the Public Service Commission
when the term of office of Mr B Mthembu expires on 20 October 2014.
Referred to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration as well as
Performance Monitoring for consideration and report.
Notification of imminent Icasa vacancies
A letter dated 4 August 2014 has been received from the Minister of
Communications –
informing the Assembly that the terms of office of Independent
Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) councillors Mr William
Currie and Mr Joseph Lebooa will expire on 30 September 2014 and the terms
of office of Mr William Stucke and Ms Ntombizodwa Ndhlovu on 31 October
2014; and
notifying the Assembly that she intends reorienting the structural configuration
of the Council of Icasa.
Referred to the Portfolio Committee on Communications for consideration and
22 OCTOBER 2014
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National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Finance
Combined Annual Report of the Supervisors of the Co-operative Banks Development
Agency and the South African Reserve Bank for 2013-14.
The Minister of Higher Education and Training
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 17 – Department of Higher Education and
Training for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 17 for 2013-14 [RP 290-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and
Sports Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA)for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 223-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Chemical Industries Education and Training
Authority (CHIETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 235-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
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Report and Financial Statements of Construction Education and Training Authority
(CETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 233-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Mining Qualification Authority (MQA) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 232-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Banking Sector Education and Training
Authority (Bank-Seta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 220-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Insurance Sector Education and Training
Authority (Inseta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 221-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Transport Education and Training Authority
(TETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 67-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Agricultural Sector Education and Training
Authority (AgriSeta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-2014 [RP 228-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 44 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Food and Beverages Manufacturing Industry
Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev Seta) for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Public Service, Sector Education and
Training Authority (PSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Safety and Security Sector Education and
Training Authority (SASSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the Local Government Sector Education and
Training Authority (LGSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP
Report and Financial Statements of the Health and Welfare Sector Education and
Training Authority (HWSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP
22 OCTOBER 2014
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Report and Financial Statements of the Education Training and Development
Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 215-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related
Services Sector Education and Training Authority (MER-Seta) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 234-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and
Training Authority (W&RSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP
Report and Financial Statements of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 46 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Energy and Water Sector Education and
Training Authority (EWSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Finance and Accounting Services Sector
Education and Training Authority (FASSET) for 2013-14, including the Report of
the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP 218-2014].
(w) Report and Financial Statements of the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector
Education and Training Authority (FP&M-Seta) for 2013-14, including the Report of
the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP 231-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Media, Information and Communication
Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT-Seta) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 217-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 47 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National Skills Fund for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 291-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 291-2014].
(aa) Report and Financial Statements of the Services Sector Education and Training
Authority (SERVICES SETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP
The Minister of Mineral Resources
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 32 – Department of Mineral Resources for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 32 for 2013-14 [RP 307-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Geoscience for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 137-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
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Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Mineral Technology (Mintek) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 72-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Diamond and Precious Metals
Regulator for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 114-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the State Diamond Trader for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 210-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report of the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate for 2013-14 [RP 264-2014].
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
Report and Financial Statements of Sentech SOC Limited for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
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National Assembly
Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport on the Nairobi International
Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007, dated 23 September 2014:
The Portfolio Committee on Transport, having considered the request for approval by
Parliament of the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007, and
the Explanatory Memorandum to the Convention, referred to it, recommends that the
House, in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, approve the said Convention and the
Explanatory Memorandum thereto.
Report to be considered.
National Assembly
The Speaker
Membership of Committees
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 50 of 221
The following committee membership changes have been made:
African National Congress
Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services
Kilian, Ms JD [Alternate]
Economic Freedom Fighters
Ad Hoc Committee to consider the Report by the President regarding the
security upgrades at the Nkandla private residence of the President
Shivambu, Mr NF [Alternate]
Portfolio Committee on Women in the Presidency
Khawula, Ms MS
Ntobongwana, Ms P [Alternate]
National Freedom Party
Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation
22 OCTOBER 2014
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Shelembe, Mr ML [Alternate]
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Arts and Culture
Report and Financial Statements of the Afrikaans Language Museum and Language
Monument for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 25-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Iziko Museums of South Africa for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 109-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National English Literary Museum for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 185-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the KwaZulu-Natal Museum for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 278-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 52 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National Museum - Bloemfontein for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 177-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Ditsong: Museums of South Africa for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 269-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Robben Island Museum for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 199-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the War Museum of the Boer Republics for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 236-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the William Humphreys Art Gallery for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Freedom Park for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 300-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 53 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National Heritage Council for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Film and Video Foundation for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 265-2014].
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the National Arts Council of South Africa for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 163-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Heritage Resources Agency
(SAHRA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 159-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Library for the Blind for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 151-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Library of South Africa for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 200-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
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Report and Financial Statements of the Artscape for 2013-14, including the Report of
the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP 245-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Market Theatre Foundation for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 141-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Performing Arts Centre of the Free State for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 217-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African State Theatre for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of The Playhouse Company for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 155-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Windybrow Theatre for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 193-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 55 of 221
(w) Report and Financial Statements of the Luthuli Museum for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Nelson Mandela Museum for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 261-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Pan South African Language Board
(PanSALB) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 182-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Blind SA for 2013-14, including the Report
of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 197-2014].
(aa) Report and Financial Statements of Business and Arts South Africa for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 128-2014].
The Minister of Basic Education
22 OCTOBER 2014
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(a) Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for Educators for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 191-2014].
(b) Report and Financial Statements of the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRA)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 130-2014].
The Minister of Finance
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 145-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Co-operative Banks Development Agency for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 194-2014].
The Minister of Public Enterprises
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 11 – Department of Public Enterprises for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 11 for 2013-14 [RP 207-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
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The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
Report and Financial Statements of the Universal Service and Access Agency South
Africa (USAASA) for 2013-2014, including the Reports of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-2014 [RP 1952014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Universal Service and Access Fund (USAF)
for 2013-2014, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-2014 [RP 196-2014].
National Assembly
The Minister of Finance
Report and Financial Statement of the Office of the Tax Ombud for the period 1
October 2013 to 31 March 2014, tabled in terms of section 19(3) of the Tax
Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011).
22 OCTOBER 2014
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National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Basic Education
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Quality Assurance in General and
Further Education and Training - UMALUSI for 2013-14, including the Report of
the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information
for 2013-14.
The Minister of Public Enterprises
Report and Financial Statements of Alexkor SOC Limited for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Tourism
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 35 – Department of Tourism for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 35 for 2013-14 [RP 118-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 59 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of South African Tourism (SAT) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Water and Sanitation
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 38 – Department of Water Affairs for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 38 for 2013-14 [RP 309-2014].
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Speaker and the Chairperson
Report and Financial Statements of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 100-2014].
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 60 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 26 – Department of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 26 for 2013-14 [RP 2022014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Onderstepoort Biological Products SOC (Ltd)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Perishable Products Export Control Board
(PPECB) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Veterinary Council for 201314, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Ncera Farms SOC Ltd for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 61 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National Agricultural Marketing Council
(NAMC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 273-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 239-2014].
The Minister of Basic Education
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 15 – Department of Basic Education for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 15 for 2013-14.
The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Report and Financial Statements of the Commission for the Promotion and
Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL
Rights Commission) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 242-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 62 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 183-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Local Government
Association (SALGA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 92-2014].
The Minister of Economic Development
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 28 – Department of Economic
Development for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 28 for 2013-14 [RP 2792014].
The Minister of Energy
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 29 – Department of Energy for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 29 for 2013-14.
The Minister of Finance
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 63 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 10 – National Treasury for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 10 for 2013-14 [RP 184-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Sasria SOC (Limited) for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 134-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Office of the Ombud for Financial Services
Providers for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Financial Intelligence Centre for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Home Affairs
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 64 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 4 – Department of Home Affairs for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 4 for 2013-14 [RP 99-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Government Printing Works for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 268-2014].
The Minister of Human Settlements
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 31 – National Department of Human
Settlements for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 31 for 2013-14 [RP 1522014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Urban Reconstruction and Housing
Agency (NURCHA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Estate Agency Affairs Board for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 65 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF) for 201314, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Housing Development Agency for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Home Builders Registration Council
(NHBRC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Housing Finance Corporation Soc
Ltd (NHFC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 66 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Social Housing Foundation (SHF) for 201314, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Thubelisha Homes NPC (in Liquidation) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Community Scheme Ombud Services
(CSOS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 24 – Department of Justice and
Constitutional Development for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 24 for
2013-14 [RP 284-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Guardian’s Fund for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 285-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 67 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the President’s Fund for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 286-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Third Party Funds for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 287-2014].
The Minister in The Presidency: Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 6 – Department of Performance Monitoring
and Evaluation for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 6 for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Statistics South Africa for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 (Book 1) and (Book 2) [RP 117-2014].
The Minister of Public Service and Administration
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 12A – National School of Government for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 68 of 221
and Performance Information of Vote 12A for 2013-14 and the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Training Trading Account for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Centre for Public Service Innovation for
2013/14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 201-2014].
The Minister of Social Development
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Social Security Agency
(SASSA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 189-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Development Agency (NDA) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 35-2014].
The Minister of Sport and Recreation
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 20 – Department of Sport and Recreation
South Africa for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 20 for 2013-14 [RP 1382014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 69 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
for 2013-14 [RP 151-2009].
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
(a) Report and Financial Statements of Vote 27 – Department of Communications for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 27 for 2013-14 [RP 173-20134].
Report and Financial Statements of the State Information Technology Agency (SOC)
Limited (SITA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 113-2014].
The Minister of Water and Sanitation
Report and Financial Statements of the Breede-Overberg Catchment Management
Agency for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 280-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 70 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Water Research Commission for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 127-2014].
National Assembly
The Speaker
Letter from the Minister of Public Enterprises dated 25 September 2014, to the
Speaker of the National Assembly explaining the reasons for the delay in the tabling
of the (Integrated) Annual Report of the South African Airways SOC Limited for
In terms of sections 65(1)(a) and (2) of the Public and Finance
Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999), as amended (PFMA), I am
required to table the Annual Reports and Financial Statements of South
African Airways (SAA) in Parliament within six months after the end of
the financial year to which those Statements relate. As the financial year
of SAA ended 31 March 2014, the Annual Reports and Financial
Statements must be tabled in Parliament not later than 30 September
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 71 of 221
At a minimum, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) must consider the
2013/14 Integrated Report which must contain the audited Annual
Financial Statements as well as the report by the Auditors o n the Annual
Financial Statements. To comply with this obligation, section 55(3) of the
PFMA requires the accounting authority of the entity to submit the Report,
for tabling in Parliament, five months after the end of the financial year to
the relevant Executive Authority.
SAA is not able to submit the 2013/14 Annual Financial Statements and
Integrated Report to me before 31 August 2014, in terms of section 55
(1) (d) of the PFMA. SAA has made an application for an additional
going concern guarantee the outcome of which is subject to a response from
the National Treasury.
Accordingly, I have had to postpone the 2014 AGM to a date still to be confirmed,
while the Department is in discussions with the National Treasury to find a
sustainable resolution to the financial challenges of the airline.
In view of the foregoing circumstances, I wish to inform the Honourable Speaker
that the SAA Integrated Report will not be tabled by 30 September 2014 as
Yours sincerely
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 72 of 221
Letter from the Minister of Public Enterprises dated 29 September 2014, to the
Speaker of the National Assembly explaining the reasons for the delay in the tabling
of the (Integrated) Annual Report of the Broadband Infraco SOC Limited for 201314.
Late Tabling of Broadband Infraco's 2014 Integrated Report
In t e r m s o f s e c t i o n s 6 5 ( 1 ) ( a ) a n d ( 2 ) of t h e P u bl i c a n d F i na n c e
Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999), as amended (PFMA),I am
r equ i r e d t o t ab l e t h e An nu al R ep ort s an d F i n an ci al S t at em en t s o f
Broadband Infraco ("Infraco") in Parliament within six months after the end of the
financial year to which those Statements relate. As the financial year of
l nfraco ended 31 March 2014, t he Annual R eports and Fi nanci al
Statements must be tabled in Parliament not later than 30 September 2014.
At a minimum, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) must consider the
2013/14 Integrated Report which must contain, inter alia, the audited
Annual Financial Statements as well as the Report by the Auditors on the
Annual Financial Statements. To comply with this obligation, section 55(3) of the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 73 of 221
PFMA requires the accounting authority of the entity to submit the Report,
for tabling in Parliament, five months after the end of the financial year to
the relevant Executive Authority.
As the Honourable Speaker will be aware, on 25 May 2014 the President
announced the creation of the new Department, namely the Department of
Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS). Following this
announcement, the Department of Public Enterprises was informed that Infraco
would be transferred to the DTPS and that the President would issue a
proclamation to this effect.
The proclamation was signed by the President on 26 September 2014 (see
Annexure "A'') giving Broadband Infraco insufficient time to hold its AGM in
time to meet the deadline.
In view of the foregoing circumstances, I wish to inform the Honourable
Speaker that the Infraco 2014 Integrated Report will not be tabled by 30
S ept em ber 2014 as required. The dat e of t he AGM i s bei ng arranged
between my office and Minister Cwele's office.
Yours sincerely
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 74 of 221
Letter from the Minister of Public Enterprises dated 29 September 2014, to the
Speaker of the National Assembly explaining the reasons for the delay in the tabling
of the (Integrated) Annual Report of the South African Express Airways SOC
(Limited) for 2013-14.
Late Tabling Of South African Express Airways' 2013-14 Annual Report
The above matter refers.
In terms of sections 65(1) (a) and (2) of the Public and Finance Management Act
No. 1 of 1999 (PFMA), I am required to table the annual reports, financial statements
and audit report on those statements of public entities that I am responsible
for, in Parliament within six months after the end of the financial year to
which those statements relate.
As the financial year of SA Express ended on 31 March 2014, the annual
report, financial statements and the audit report for the 2013/14 financial year
must be tabled in Parliament no later than 30 September 2014. In order to ensure
that, as the Executive Authority of SA Express, I am able to comply with this
obligation, section 55(1) (d) read with section 55(3) of the PFMA require the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 75 of 221
accounting authority (the Board) of SA Express to submit the annual report,
audited financial statements and the audit report for the 2013/14 financial year for
tabling, to National Treasury and myself, five months after the end of the financial
SA Express is currently in an extremely difficult financial position and requires
Government's financial assistance in order for it to prepare the 2013/14 annual
financial statements on a going concern basis. In terms of the Companies Act No. 71
of 2008, SA Express is required to demonstrate its ability to continue operating on a
going concern basis for a period of at least 12 months after the signing of the annual
financial statements by satisfying the solvency and liquidity test set out in section
4 of the Companies Act.
SA Express is currently unable to demonstrate such ability without Government
financial support. The airline has applied for a going concern guarantee and this is
being assessed by Government. In this regard, my Department and National
Treasury are in discussions to find a solution to the financial challenges of the airline.
I therefore wish to inform the Honourable Speaker that, in light of the above mentioned state of affairs, I am not in a position to table the SA Express annual
report, audited financial statements and the audit report for the 2013/14 financial
year by 30 September 2014. The annual report and financial statements will be
tabled as soon as the request for the going concern guarantee is finalised.
22 OCTOBER 2014
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I trust that the request will receive your favourable response.
Yours sincerely
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Speaker and the Chairperson
Report and Financial Statements of the Commission on Gender Equality (CGE) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
(b) Report and Financial Statements of the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 133-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 77 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Public Protector South Africa for 2013-14 13, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Human Rights Commission
(SAHRC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The President of the Republic
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 1 – The Presidency for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information of Vote 1 for 2013-14 [RP 287-2013].
The Minister of Arts and Culture
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 14 – Department of Arts and Culture for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 14 for 2013-14.
The Minister of Communications
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 78 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Independent Communications Authority of
South Africa (ICASA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 308-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Broadcasting Corporation
Limited (SABC) SOC Ltd for 2013-14, the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Brand South Africa for 2013-14, the Report of
the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 9 - Government Communication and
Information System (GCIS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 9 for
2013-14 [RP 314-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Film and Publication Board (FPB) for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 314-2014].
The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 79 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 3 – Department of Cooperative Governance
and Traditional Affairs for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 3 for 2013-14 [RP
Report and Financial Statements of the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent
(MISA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 302-2014].
The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 22 – Department of Defence and Military
Veterans for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 22 for 2013-14 [RP 298-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Castle Control Board for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 84-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Armaments Corporation of South Africa SOC
Limited (ARMSCOR) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Group Financial Statements and Performance Information For 2013-14 [RP 1582013].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 80 of 221
The Minister of Finance
Report and Financial Statements of the Government Pensions Administration
Agency for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 150-2014].
The Minister of Health
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 16 – Department of Health for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 16 for 2013-14 [RP 170-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Medical Research Council
(MRC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Medical Schemes for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 91-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 203-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 81 of 221
Annual Review of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) for
2013-14 [RP 204-2014].
Annual Review of the National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH) for 2013-14
[RP 205-2014].
(g) Academic Review of the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) for 2013-14
[RP 206-2014].
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 5 – Department of International Relations
and Cooperation for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 5 for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the African Renaissance and International
Cooperation Fund for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 82 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 187-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional
Services for 2013-14 [RP 188-2014].
Inter-Departmental Annual Reports for 2013-14 on the Implementation of the
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No
32 of 2007).
Inter-Departmental Annual Reports for 2013-14 on the Implementation of the Child
Justice Act, 2008 (Act No 75 of 2008).
The Minister of Labour
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 18 – Department of Labour for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 18 for 2013-14 [RP 158-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Compensation Fund for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 274-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 83 of 221
The Minister of Police
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 25 – Department of Police for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 25 for 2013-14 [RP 282-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 23 – Independent Police Investigative
Directorate (IPID) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 23 for 2013-14 [RP 2892014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation
(DPCI) for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Private Security Industry Regulatory
Authority (PSIRA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Civilian Secretariat for Police for 2013-14.
The Minister of Public Service and Administration
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 84 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 12 – Department of Public Service and
Administration for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 12 for 2013-14 [RP 2382014].
(b) Report and Financial Statements of the Government Employees Medical Scheme
(GEMS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Public Works
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 7 – Department of Public Works for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 7 for 2013-14 [RP 333-2014].
(b) Report and Financial Statements of the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Architectural
Profession (SACAP) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 85 of 221
(d) Report and Financial Statements of the Council for the Built Environment (CBE) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Independent Development Trust (IDT) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 121-2014].
(g) Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Landscape
Architectural Profession (SACLAP) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
(h) Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Quantity
Surveying Profession for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Agrément South Africa (ASA) for 2013-14 [RP
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 86 of 221
The Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 33 – Department of Rural Development and
Land Reform for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 33 for 2013-14 [RP 2812014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Ingonyama Trust Board for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 155-2014].
The Minister of Social Development
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 19 – Department of Social Development for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 19 for 2013-14 [RP 303-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Central Drug Authority (CDA) for 2012-13
[RP 303-2013].
The Minister of Sport and Recreation
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 87 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Boxing South Africa for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
Report and Financial Statements of the ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Electronic Media Institute of South
Africa (NEMISA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister in The Presidency: Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Report and Financial Statements of the National Youth Development Agency
(NYDA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Transport
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 88 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 37 – Department of Transport for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 37 for 2013-14 [RP 118-2013].
Integrated Report and Financial Statements of the Airports Company of South Africa
SOC Limited for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 and the Financial
Statements of the Airports Company of South Africa SOC Limited for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements for
Integrated Report and Financial Statements of the Air Traffic and Navigation
Services Company Limited (ATNS) SOC Limited for 2013-2014.
Financial Report of the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Limited
(ATNS) SOC Limited for 2013-2014, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Sustainability Report of the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Limited
(ATNS) SOC Limited for 2013-2014.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 89 of 221
Reports and Financial Statements of the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (CBRTA) for 2013-14, including the Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 256-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa
(PRASA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Reports and Financial Statements of the Ports Regulator of South Africa for 201314, including the Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 211-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Railway Safety Regulator for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 129-2014].
The State of Safety Report of the Railway Safety Regulator for 2013-14 [RP 1812014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Road Accident Fund for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP 255-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 90 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 108-2014].
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the Road Traffic Management Corporation
(RTMC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP 186-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Civil Aviation Authority
(SACAA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Maritime Safety Authority
(including the Maritime Fund) for 2013-14, including the Reports of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP
Report and Financial Statements of the South African National Roads Agency
Limited (SANRAL) SOC Limited for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 91 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Search and Rescue
Organisation for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Driving Licence Card Account for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements for 2013-14.
The Minister of Water and Sanitation
Report and Financial Statements of Inkomati Catchment Management Agency
(ICMA) for 2013-2014, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-2014 [RP 250-2014].
National Assembly
The Speaker
Letter from the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans dated 30 September 2014,
to the Speaker of the National Assembly explaining the reasons for the delay in the
tabling of the Annual Report of the Department of Military Veterans for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 92 of 221
It is with a deep sense of regret that I have to inform you that I am not able
to table the annual report, financial statements and the audit report on those
statements of the Department of Military Veterans in accordance with section
65(1) of the PFMA.
I have been advised by the Director-General of the Department that the
reasons for not complying with section 65(1) of the PFMA are the following:
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Department of Military
Veterans was placed on special leave on 1 August 2014 and is
currently facing disciplinary action. The absence of the CFO has
impacted negatively on the finalization of the said reports. National
Treasury was approached with a request to second an official to the
Department to act as CFO, but responded by indicating that due to
staff shortages they were not in a position to assist in this regard.
The Auditor-General’s pre-issuance reviewer is still in progress and this means
that the audit reviews cannot be finalized in time to table on 30 September
2014. The Office of the Auditor-General advised that the appropriate action
to be taken at this stage would be to invoke section 65(2) of the PFMA, whilst
all efforts are made to table the reports by the end of October 2014.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 93 of 221
Yours sincerely,
Ms NN Mapisa-Nqakula, MP
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the
Constitution, 1996.
Explanatory Memorandum to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
The Minister of Public Works
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Property
Valuers Profession (SACPVP) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 94 of 221
National Assembly
The Speaker
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC) on the Fact Sheet on Monitoring
Compliance with the Financial Disclosure Framework for the 2012- 2013 financial
year – March 2014 [RP 30-2014].
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC) on the Fact Sheet on Actions taken
by the Executive Authorities with regard to Identified Cases of Potential Conflicts of
Interests and Compliance with the Financial Disclosure Framework – March 2013
[RP 333-2013].
Letter from the Minister of Energy dated 30 September 2014, to the Speaker of the
National Assembly explaining the reasons for the delay in the tabling of the Annual
Report of the Electricity Distribution Industry Holdings SOC (LTD) for 2013-14.
The above mentioned matter has reference.
The communique by the Clerk of Papers regarding tabling of the 2013/14
Annual Reports indicated the due date as the 30"' September 2014. It further
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 95 of 221
states that in terms of section 65(2)(a) of the Public Finance Management
Act the Executive Authority may table a written explanation providing reasons
why they are not able to table the relevant reports.
The Department of Energy has six (6) state owned entities (5 operational
and 1 dormant) reporting to the Minister of Energy. The 2013/14 Annual
Reports for the five (5) operational entities were tabled during September
2014. EDI Holdings SOC (Ltd), the sixth entity is in the process of being wound
up as per Cabinet decision of December 2010.
EDI Holdings SOC (Ltd) is unable to table the final audited Annual Financial
Statements for 2013/14 financial year as the Auditor General had to delay their
audit pending the outcome of a taxation matter between South African Revenue
Services and EDI Holdings.
The EDI Holdings Administrator has subsequently informed the
Department that SARS has uphel d the EDIH obj ect ion and expect the
refund t o be paid b y end of S eptember 2014, whereupon the Audit will
It is for this reason that I request an extension for EDI Holdings SOC
(Ltd) to table their audited 2013/14 Annual Financi al Statem ents once
SARS has given clearance and AGS A has finalised its audit.
Yours sincerely,
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 96 of 221
National Assembly
The Speaker
Recommendations for appointment to Appeal Board
On 26 September 2014, a letter dated 29 August 2014 was received from the
Minister of Sport and Recreation, requesting the Assembly to recommend at least
seven suitable candidates for appointment to the Appeal Board established in terms
of section 26 of the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, 2010 (No 2 of
Referred to the Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation for consideration
and report
Appointment of South African National Space Agency (Sansa) board members
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 97 of 221
On 29 September 2014, a letter dated 25 September 2014 was received from the
Minister of Science and Technology, reporting to the Assembly in terms of section
7(5) of the South African National Space Agency (Sansa) Act, 2008 (No 36 of 2008)
that the following persons were appointed or reappointed to the Sansa board with
effect from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2018: Ms Joy-Marie Lawrence
(chairperson), Mr Potlaki Maine, Ms Gaborekwe Khambule, Mr Vincent Gore, Mr
Marius Rezelman, Prof Ramashwar Bharuthram, Mr Johan Prinsloo, Mr Willie van
Biljoen, Mr Eugene Jansen, Mr Simphiwe Hamilton, Dr Nozibele Mjoli, Ms Matsie
Matooane, Mr Omar Latiff, Mr Mmuso Riba and Mr Ashley Naidoo.
Referred to the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology
National Assembly
The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
Report and Amendment to policy on the appointment of insolvency practitioners in
terms of section 158(2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (No 24 of 1936) read with
section 339 of the Companies Act, 1973 (No 61 of 1973), as well as in accordance
with section 10(1A)(a) of the Close Corporations Act, 1984 (Act 69 of 1984).
The Minister of Transport
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 98 of 221
Government Notice 740, published in Government Gazette No 37963, 1 September
2014: Invitation for public comment on persons shortlisted for appointment to the
board of the South African Civil Aviation Society in terms of section 77(3) of the
South African Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (No 13 of 2009).
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
Proclamation No R.59, published in Government Gazette No 37946, dated 27 August
2014: Referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit and Special Tribunal,
in terms of the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No
74 of 1996).
Proclamation No R.62, published in Government Gazette No 37969, dated 4
September 2014: Referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit and
Special Tribunal, in terms of the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals
Act, 1996 (Act No 74 of 1996).
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 99 of 221
Government Notice No R.691, published in Government Gazette No 37968, dated 2
September 2014: Declaration of peace officers in terms of section 334 of the
Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No 51 of 1977).
Government Notice No R.692, published in Government Gazette No 37968, dated 2
September 2014: Declaration of peace officers in terms of section 334 of the
Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No 51 of 1977).
Proclamation No R.63, published in Government Gazette No 37977, dated 5
September 2014: Commencement of the South African Human Rights Commission
Act, 2013 (Act No 40 of 2013).
The Minister of Public Works
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Project and
Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-2014.
The Minister of Women in The Presidency
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 100 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 8 – Department of Women, Children and
People with Disabilities for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 8 for 2013-2014.
National Assembly
The Speaker
Letter from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services dated 29
September 2014, to the Speaker of the National Assembly explaining the reasons for
the delay in the tabling of the Annual Report of the South African Post Office for
In terms of sections 65(1) of the Public Finance Management Act 1999 (Act
No 1), as the Executive Authority of the South African Post Office (SAPO),
I am required to table to the National Assembly, the Annual Report, Audited
Annual Financial Statements and the Audited Report of the South African
Post Office with a month after receipt of these from the entity as prescribed
in section 55(1)(d).
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 101 of 221
Regrettable, I am unable to table these documents with respect to the South
African Post Office by the 30 th of September 2014, and as required by
section 65(2)(a) of the PFMA. I am therefore required to provide a written
explanation to the legislature setting the reasons why the report is not
The reasons for not tabling the said reports relate to the fact that the
Auditors have not yet completed the audit process. This is due to the
ongoing challenges at SAPO that we are still engaging the Minister of
Finance on, and that need to be addressed prior to the conclusion of the
audit. The entity has committed to submitting the Annual Report as soon as
the audit is concluded.
Yours sincerely
Letter from the Minister of Health dated 2 October 2014, to the Speaker of the
National Assembly explaining the reasons for the delay in the tabling of the Annual
Report of the Compensation Commissioner for Occupational Diseases (CCOD) for
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 102 of 221
I write in terms of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) to submit
our explanation and reasons for the non-tabling of the Annual Report and
Financial Statement of the Compensation Commissioner for Occupational
Diseases (CCOD) for the 2013/2014 Financial Year.
The Compensation Commissioner for Occupational Diseases (CCOD) has
informed me that it is not possible to submit the Annual Statement and
Annual Report of the CCOD for the 2013/14 Financial Year owing to
backlogs in the capturing of the source documents for beneficiary claims,
payments to beneficiaries, bank reconciliations with the payments from the
Compensation Fund and revenue from controlled mines and works. In
addition, it was not possible to conduct an actuarial valuation of the
Compensation Fund which is a necessary part of the Annual Financial
Statement and subsequent preparation for the audit of the Compensation
Fund by the Auditor-General of South Africa.
Prior audits of the Compensation Fund had adverse opinions owing to
missing beneficiary files and non-acceptance by the Auditor-General of
South Africa of the previous actuarial valuation of the Compensation Fund.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 103 of 221
There were other substantial governance and management deficiencies in the
administration of the Compensation Fund and the Medical Bureau for
Occupational Diseases (MBOP) that medically assesses the workers and exworkers for compensable diseases.
The senior management team has begun significant business process re engineering interventions which will take another 6 months to overcome the
claims assessment backlogs, reconcile payments and revenue w ith source
documents and undertake an actuarial valuation of the Compensation Fund in
preparation for the audit of the Fund by the Auditor-General of South Africa.
I am convinced that the aforementioned inputs (amongst others) will provide
the necessary base for proper annual reports and audited financial statements
Yours sincerely
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 104 of 221
National Assembly
The Speaker
Membership of Committees
Rules Committee
Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)
Appointed to replace Dr M G Oriani-Ambrosini: Prof C T Msimang
National Assembly
The Speaker
Referral to Committees of papers tabled
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 105 of 221
The following paper is referred to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and
Military Veterans:
The signed Letter of Assist (LOA) 2013-022 for the Provision of Long Term
Aviation / Air Transport Services by the South African Air Force to the United
Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of
Congo (MONUSCO), tabled in terms of section 231(3) of the Constitution,
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Energy for
consideration and report:
Treaty on the Grand Inga Hydropower Project between the Republic of South
Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo, tabled in terms of section
231(2) of the Constitution, 1996.
Explanatory Memorandum to the Treaty on the Grand Inga Hydropower
Project between the Republic of South Africa and the Democratic Republic of
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries for consideration and report:
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 106 of 221
Agreement to the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
(IOTC), tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996.
The Convention for the Conservation of the Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT),
tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Port State Measures Agreement
to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU)
Fishing, tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the Constitution, 1996.
Explanatory Memorandum to the Agreement to the Establishment of the Indian
Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), The Convention for the Conservation of the
Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) and The Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) Port State Measures Agreement to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal,
Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing.
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and
Military Veterans for consideration and report:
United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, tabled in terms of section 231(2) of the
Constitution, 1996.
Explanatory Memorandum to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 107 of 221
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Arts and Culture
Report and Financial Statements of the Msunduzi and Ncome Museums
(incorporating Voortrekker Complex) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 201314 [PR 120-2014].
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Speaker and the Chairperson
Membership of Committees
Mr MS Motimele from the National Assembly and Mr EM Mlambo from the
National Council of Provinces have been elected as Co-Chairpersons of the Joint
Standing Committee on Defence with effect from 15 October 2014.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 108 of 221
National Assembly
The Speaker
Membership of Committees
Powers and Privileges Committee:
Appointed: Twala, DL (alt) (EFF)
Referral to Committees of papers tabled
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Science and
Technology for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Africa Institute of South Africa for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 109 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Academy of Science of South Africa
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Research Foundation for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Human Sciences Research Council
(HSRC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP254-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP1242014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Advisory Council on
Innovation for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 110 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African National Space Agency
(SANSA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 34 – Department of Science and
Technology for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 34 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for Natural
Scientific Professions (SACNASP) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Public
Enterprises for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Denel SOC Limited for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 111 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Forestry Company SOC
(Limited) (Safcol) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 11 – Department of Public
Enterprises for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 11 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of Alexkor SOC Limited for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Letter from the Minister of Public Enterprises dated 25 September 2014 to the
Speaker of the National Assembly, explaining the reasons for the delay in the
tabling of the (Integrated) Annual Report of the South African Airways (SAA)
SOC Limited for 2013-14.
Letter from the Minister of Public Enterprises dated 29 September 2014 to the
Speaker of the National Assembly, explaining the reasons for the delay in the
tabling of the (Integrated) Annual Report of the Broadband Infraco SOC
Limited for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 112 of 221
Letter from the Minister of Public Enterprises dated 29 September 2014 to the
Speaker of the National Assembly, explaining the reasons for the delay in the
tabling of the (Integrated) Annual Report of the South African Express
Airways SOC (Limited) for 2013-14.
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and
Industry for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Companies Tribunal for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Empowerment Fund (NEF)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP160-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Support Programme for Industrial
Innovation (SPII) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 201314.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 113 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the NonProliferation of Weapons of Mass destruction for the period April 2013 to 31
March 2014.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Metrology Institute of South
Africa for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP240-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African National Accreditation
System (SANAS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Regulator for Compulsory
Specifications (NRCS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 114 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Export Credit Insurance Corporation of
South Africa (ECIC) SOC Ltd for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Gambling Board for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Lotteries Board for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 and the Financial Statements of the
National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund for 2013-14, including the Report of
the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information
for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Credit Regulator (NCR) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP75-2014].
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the National Consumer Tribunal for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 115 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Companies and Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Consumer Commission for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP276-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Small Enterprise Development Agency
(Seda) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP258-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Technology and Human Resources for
Industry Programme (Thrip) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 36 – Department of Trade and
Industry for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 36 for 2013-14
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Environmental
Affairs for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 116 of 221
Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on
Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 30 – Department of Environmental
Affairs for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 30 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the South African National Biodiversity
Institute for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Weather Service for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP122-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African National Parks
(SANParks) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP154-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 117 of 221
The following paper is referred to the Committee on the Auditor-General for
consideration and report. The Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information is referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
Integrated Report and Financial Statements of the Office of the AuditorGeneral of South Africa for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 201314.
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Electoral Commission (IEC) on the
Represented Political Parties Fund for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements for 2013-14 [RP178-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Independent Electoral Commission
(IEC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP100-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 118 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 4 – Department of Home Affairs for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 4 for 2013-14 [RP99-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Government Printing Works for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP268-2014].
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and
Correctional Services for consideration and report. The Reports of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to the
Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Legal Aid South Africa for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP52-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 24 –National Prosecuting Authority
(NPA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 24 for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 21 – Department of Correctional
Services for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 119 of 221
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 21 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 24 – Department of Justice and
Constitutional Development for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 24
for 2013-14 [RP284-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Guardian’s Fund for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP285-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the President’s Fund for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP286-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Third Party Funds for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP287-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP187-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 120 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional
Services for 2013-14 [RP188-2014].
Inter-Departmental Annual Reports for 2013-14 on the Implementation of the
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007
(Act No 32 of 2007).
Report and Financial Statements of the Public Protector South Africa for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Human Rights
Commission (SAHRC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Finance for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to
the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements on the Registrar of Friendly Societies for 2012
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 121 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Financial Services Board for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP297-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Accounting Standards Board for 201314, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP119-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Independent Regulatory Board for
Auditors for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP246-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Office of the Pension Funds
Adjudicator for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP139-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Development Bank of Southern Africa
(DBSA) for 2013-14, including the Report Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Combined Annual Report of the Supervisors of the Co-operative Banks
Development Agency and the South African Reserve Bank for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 122 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Revenue Service (Sars)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP145-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Co-operative Banks Development
Agency for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP194-2014].
Report and Financial Statement of the Office of the Tax Ombud for the period
1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014, tabled in terms of section 19(3) of the Tax
Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011).
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 10 – National Treasury for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information of Vote 10 for 2013-14 [RP184-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Sasria SOC (Limited) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements
for 2013-14.
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the Public Investment Corporation SOC
Limited for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP134-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 123 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Office of the Ombud for Financial
Services Providers for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Financial Intelligence Centre for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Government Pensions Administration
Agency for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP150-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Statistics South Africa for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 (Book 1) and (Book 2) [RP117-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP133-2014].
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Energy for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 124 of 221
Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the National Nuclear Regulator for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP153-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African National Energy
Development Institute (Sanedi) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP157-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Central Energy Fund (SOC) Limited
Group of Companies (CEF) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of the
Central Energy Fund (SOC) Limited Group of Companies for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the National Energy Regulator of South
Africa (Nersa) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP209-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 125 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Nuclear Energy
Corporation (SOC) Limited (NECSA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP259-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 29 – Department of Energy for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 29 for 2013-14.
Letter from the Minister of Energy dated 30 September 2014 to the Speaker of
the National Assembly, explaining the reasons for the delay in the tabling of
the Annual Report of the Electricity Distribution Industry Holdings SOC (Ltd)
for 2013-14.
(10) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Economic
Development for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Competition Commission for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP149-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 126 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the International Trade Administration
Commission of South Africa (ITAC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP144-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Competition Tribunal for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance information for 2013-14 [RP267-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Small Enterprise Finance Agency SOC
Limited (SEFA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP1662014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Industrial Development Corporation of
South Africa Limited (IDC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 28 – Department of Economic
Development for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 28 for 2013-14
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 127 of 221
(11) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Labour for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to
the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)
for 2013-2014, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP87-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Productivity South Africa for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP257-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Commission for Conciliation,
Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP270-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Economic Development and
Labour Council (Nedlac) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 128 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 18 – Department of Labour for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 18 for 2013-14 [RP158-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Compensation Fund for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP274-2014].
(12) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education
and Training for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 17 – Department of Higher
Education and Training for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 17
for 2013-14 [RP290-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and
Sports Sector Education and Training Authority (Cathsseta)for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP223-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 129 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Chemical Industries Education and
Training Authority (Chieta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of Construction Education and Training
Authority (CETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP2332014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Mining Qualification Authority (MQA)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP232-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Banking Sector Education and Training
Authority (Bank-Seta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the Insurance Sector Education and
Training Authority (Inseta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 130 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Transport Education and Training
Authority (TETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP672014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Agricultural Sector Education and
Training Authority (AgriSeta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-2014 [RP228-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Food and Beverages Manufacturing
Industry Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev Seta) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Public Service, Sector Education and
Training Authority (PSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Safety and Security Sector Education
and Training Authority (SASSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP226-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 131 of 221
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the Local Government Sector Education
and Training Authority (LGSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP152-2013].
Report and Financial Statements of the Health and Welfare Sector Education
and Training Authority (HWSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP225-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Education Training and Development
Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP215-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Manufacturing, Engineering and
Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (MER-Seta) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP234-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Wholesale and Retail Sector Education
and Training Authority (W&RSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 132 of 221
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP229-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Energy and Water Sector Education and
Training Authority (EWSETA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
Report and Financial Statements of the Finance and Accounting Services
Sector Education and Training Authority (Fasseta) for 2013-14, including the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 133 of 221
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP218-2014].
(w) Report and Financial Statements of the Fibre Processing and Manufacturing
Sector Education and Training Authority (FP&M-Seta) for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP231-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Media, Information and
Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority
(MICT-Seta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP217-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Skills Fund for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP291-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Quality Council for Trades and
Occupations for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP291-2014].
(aa) Report and Financial Statements of the Services Sector Education and Training
Authority (Services Seta) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 134 of 221
General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
(bb) Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for Educators
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP191-2014].
(cc) Report and Financial Statements of the Education Labour Relations Council
(Elra) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP130-2014].
(dd) Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Quality Assurance in
General and Further Education and Training - Umalusi for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
(ee) Report and Financial Statements of Vote 15 – Department of Basic Education
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 15 for 2013-14.
(13) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Mineral
Resources for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 135 of 221
Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on
Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 32 – Department of Mineral
Resources for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 32 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Geoscience for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP137-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Mineral Technology
(Mintek) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP72-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Diamond and Precious
Metals Regulator for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP1142014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 136 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the State Diamond Trader for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP210-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Mine Health and Safety Council
(MHSC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report of the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate for 2013-14 [RP264-2014].
(14) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on
Telecommunications and Postal Services for consideration and report. The Reports
of the Auditor-General and Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information are referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for
Report and Financial Statements of Sentech SOC Limited for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Universal Service and Access Agency
South Africa (USAASA) for 2013-2014, including the Reports of the Auditor-
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 137 of 221
General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 20132014 [RP195-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Universal Service and Access Fund
(USAF) for 2013-2014, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-2014 [RP1962014].
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 27 – Department of Communications
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 27 for 2013-14 [RP17320134].
Report and Financial Statements of the State Information Technology Agency
(SOC) Limited (Sita) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP1132014].
Report and Financial Statements of the ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 138 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National Electronic Media Institute of
South Africa (Nemisa) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Letter from the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services dated 29
September 2014 to the Speaker of the National Assembly, explaining the
reasons for the delay in the tabling of the Annual Report of the South African
Post Office for 2013-14.
(15) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Arts and Culture
for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to
the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Afrikaans Language Museum and
Language Monument for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP252014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Iziko Museums of South Africa for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP109-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 139 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National English Literary Museum for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP185-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the KwaZulu-Natal Museum for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP278-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Museum - Bloemfontein for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP177-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Ditsong: Museums of South Africa for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP269-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Robben Island Museum for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP199-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the War Museum of the Boer Republics for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP236-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 140 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the William Humphreys Art Gallery for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Freedom Park for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP300-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Heritage Council for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Film and Video Foundation
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP265-2014].
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the National Arts Council of South Africa
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP163-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Heritage Resources
Agency (SAHRA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 141 of 221
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP1592014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Library for the Blind for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP151-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Library of South Africa for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP200-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Artscape for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14 [RP245-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Market Theatre Foundation for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP141-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Performing Arts Centre of the Free
State for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP217-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 142 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African State Theatre for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of The Playhouse Company for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP155-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Windybrow Theatre for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP193-2014].
(w) Report and Financial Statements of the Luthuli Museum for 2013-14, including
the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Nelson Mandela Museum for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP261-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Pan South African Language Board
(PanSALB) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP182-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 143 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Blind SA for 2013-14, including the
Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP197-2014].
(aa) Report and Financial Statements of Business and Arts South Africa for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP128-2014].
(bb) Report and Financial Statements of Vote 14 – Department of Arts and Culture
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 14 for 2013-14.
(cc) Report and Financial Statements of the Msunduzi and Ncome Museums
(incorporating Voortrekker Complex) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [PR 120-2014].
(16) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Tourism for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 35 – Department of Tourism for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 144 of 221
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 35 for 2013-14 [RP1182014].
Report and Financial Statements of South African Tourism (SAT) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
(17) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Water and
Sanitation for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 38 – Department of Water Affairs for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 38 for 2013-14 [RP3092014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Breede-Overberg Catchment
Management Agency for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 201314.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 145 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority
(TCTA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP280-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Water Research Commission for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP127-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Inkomati Catchment Management Agency
(ICMA) for 2013-2014, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-2014 [RP2502014].
(18) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries for consideration and report. The Reports of the AuditorGeneral and Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information are referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 26 – Department of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 26
for 2013-14 [RP202-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 146 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Onderstepoort Biological Products SOC
(Ltd) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Perishable Products Export Control
Board (PPECB) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Veterinary Council for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Ncera Farms SOC Ltd for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Marine Living Resources Fund
(MLRF) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Agricultural Marketing
Council (NAMC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP2732014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 147 of 221
(i) Report and Financial Statements of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP239-2014].
(19) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Cooperative
Governance and Traditional Affairs for consideration and report. The Reports of
the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Commission for the Promotion and
Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities
(CRL Rights Commission) for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP183-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Local Government
Association (Salga) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 148 of 221
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP922014].
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 3 – Department of Cooperative
Governance and Traditional Affairs for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of
Vote 3 for 2013-14 [RP302-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent
(Misa) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP302-2014].
(20) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Human
Settlements for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 31 – National Department of Human
Settlements for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 31 for 2013-14
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 149 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the National Urban Reconstruction and
Housing Agency (Nurcha) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Estate Agency Affairs Board for 201314, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 150 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Housing Development Agency for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Home Builders Registration
Council (NHBRC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the National Housing Finance Corporation
Soc Ltd (NHFC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Social Housing Foundation (SHF) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Thubelisha Homes NPC (in
Liquidation) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Community Scheme Ombud Services
(CSOS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 151 of 221
(21) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service
and Administration as well as Performance Monitoring and Evaluation for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to
the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Public Service Commission (PSC) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP266-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 6 – Department of Performance
Monitoring and Evaluation for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 6
for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 12A – National School of
Government for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 12A for 2013-14
and the Report of the Auditor-General on the Training Trading Account for
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 152 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Centre for Public Service Innovation
for 2013/14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP201-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Youth Development Agency
(NYDA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 12 – Department of Public Service
and Administration for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 12 for 201314 [RP238-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Government Employees Medical
Scheme (Gems) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
(22) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Social
Development for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee
on Public Accounts for consideration:
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 153 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Social Security Agency
(Sassa) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP189-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Development Agency (NDA)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP35-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 19 – Department of Social
Development for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 19 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the Central Drug Authority (CDA) for
2012-13 [RP303-2013].
(23) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Sport and
Recreation for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on
Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 20 – Department of Sport and
Recreation South Africa for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 154 of 221
General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 20
for 2013-14 [RP138-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Institute for Drug-Free
Sport for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements for 2013-14 [RP151-2009].
Report and Financial Statements of Boxing South Africa for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
(24) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Women in The
Presidency for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on
Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Commission on Gender Equality (CGE)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 8 – Department of Women, Children
and People with Disabilities for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 155 of 221
General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 8
for 2013-2014.
(25) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Communications
for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Independent Communications
Authority of South Africa (Icasa) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP308-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Broadcasting
Corporation Limited (SABC) SOC Ltd for 2013-14, the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Brand South Africa for 2013-14, the Report
of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 9 - Government Communication and
Information System (GCIS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 156 of 221
General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 9
for 2013-14 [RP314-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Film and Publication Board (FPB) for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP314-2014].
(26) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and
Military Veterans for consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to the
Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 22 – Department of Defence and
Military Veterans for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 22 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the Castle Control Board for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP84-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Armaments Corporation of South
Africa SOC Limited (Armscor) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 157 of 221
Auditor-General on the Group Financial Statements and Performance
Information For 2013-14 [RP158-2013].
Letter from the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans dated 30 September
2014 to the Speaker of the National Assembly, explaining the reasons for the
delay in the tabling of the Annual Report of the Department of Military
Veterans for 2013-14.
(27) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Health for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to
the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 16 – Department of Health for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 16 for 2013-14 [RP170-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Medical Research
Council (MRC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 158 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for Medical Schemes for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP91-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the National Health Laboratory Service
(NHLS) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP203-2014].
Annual Review of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD)
for 2013-14 [RP204-2014].
Annual Review of the National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH) for
2013-14 [RP205-2014].
Academic Review of the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) for
2013-14 [RP206-2014].
Letter from the Minister of Health dated 2 October 2014 to the Speaker of the
National Assembly, explaining the reasons for the delay in the tabling of the
Annual Report of the Compensation Commissioner for Occupational Diseases
(CCOD) for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 159 of 221
(28) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on International
Relations and Cooperation for consideration and report. The Reports of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 5 – Department of International
Relations and Cooperation for 2013-14, including the Report of the AuditorGeneral on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 5
for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the African Renaissance and International
Cooperation Fund for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
(29) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Police for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information are referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 25 – Department of Police for 201314, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information of Vote 25 for 2013-14 [RP282-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 160 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 23 – Independent Police Investigative
Directorate (IPID) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on
the Financial Statements and Performance Information of Vote 23 for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the Directorate for Priority Crime
Investigation (DPCI) for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Private Security Industry Regulatory
Authority (PSIRA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General
on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Civilian Secretariat for Police for 201314.
(30) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to
the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 7 – Department of Public Works for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 7 for 2013-14 [RP333-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 161 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Engineering Council of South Africa
(ECSA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the
Architectural Profession (SACAP) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Council for the Built Environment
(CBE) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Construction Industry Development
Board (CIDB) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Independent Development Trust (IDT)
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP121-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the
Landscape Architectural Profession (SACLAP) for 2013-14, including the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 162 of 221
Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Quantity
Surveying Profession for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 201314.
Report and Financial Statements of Agrément South Africa (ASA) for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Property
Valuers Profession (SACPVP) for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Council for the Project
and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-2014.
(31) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Rural
Development and Land Reform for consideration and report. The Reports of the
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 163 of 221
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are
referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 33 – Department of Rural
Development and Land Reform for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information of
Vote 33 for 2013-14 [RP281-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Ingonyama Trust Board for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP155-2014].
(32) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Transport for
consideration and report. The Reports of the Auditor-General and Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information are referred to
the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Vote 37 – Department of Transport for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information of Vote 37 for 2013-14
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 164 of 221
Integrated Report and Financial Statements of the Airports Company of South
Africa SOC Limited for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14
and the Financial Statements of the Airports Company of South Africa SOC
Limited for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements for 2013-14.
Integrated Report and Financial Statements of the Air Traffic and Navigation
Services Company Limited (ATNS) SOC Limited for 2013-2014.
Financial Report of the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Limited
(ATNS) SOC Limited for 2013-2014, including the Report of the Independent
Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for 201314.
Sustainability Report of the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company
Limited (ATNS) SOC Limited for 2013-2014.
Reports and Financial Statements of the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency
(C-BRTA) for 2013-14, including the Reports of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP256-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 165 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa
(PRASA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Reports and Financial Statements of the Ports Regulator of South Africa for
2013-14, including the Reports of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP211-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Railway Safety Regulator for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP129-2014].
The State of Safety Report of the Railway Safety Regulator for 2013-14
Report and Financial Statements of the Road Accident Fund for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP255-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the Road Traffic Infringement Agency
(RTIA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP108-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 166 of 221
(m) Report and Financial Statements of the Road Traffic Management Corporation
(RTMC) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [RP186-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Civil Aviation Authority
(SACAA) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Maritime Safety
Authority (including the Maritime Fund) for 2013-14, including the Reports of
the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information
for 2013-14 [RP214-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African National Roads Agency
Limited (Sanral) SOC Limited for 2013-14, including the Report of the
Auditor-General on the Financial Statements and Performance Information for
2013-14 [RP125-2014].
Report and Financial Statements of the South African Search and Rescue
Organisation for 2013-14.
Report and Financial Statements of the Driving Licence Card Account for
2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements for 2013-14.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 167 of 221
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Finance
Report and Financial Statements of the Government Employees Pension Fund
(GEPF) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services
Report and Financial Statements of Broadband Infraco SOC Limited for 2013-14,
including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and
Performance Information for 2013-14 [PR 135-2014].
The Minister of Transport
Report and Financial Statements of the Autopax Passenger Services (SOC) Limited
for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Statements
and Performance Information for 2013-14.
National Assembly
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 168 of 221
The Speaker
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC): Assessment of the Implementation
of Policy Framework on the Appointment of Ministerial Staff in National and
Provincial Departments – May 2014 [RP 192-2014].
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC): Fact sheet on the Blockages in the
Filling of Posts in the Public Service – December 2014 [RP 115-2014].
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Environmental Affairs
General Notice No 709, published in Government Gazette No 37937, dated 22
August 2014: Draft national appeal regulations, in terms of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
Government Notice No 639, published in Government Gazette No 37930, dated 22
August 2014: Delegation of powers and duties tabled in terms of section 87A (1)(b)
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 169 of 221
of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No 10 of
Government Notice No 640, published in Government Gazette No 37930, dated 22
August 2014: Delegation of powers and duties tabled in terms of section 87A (1)(a)
of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No 10 of
General Notice No 733, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014, in terms of the
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
General Notice No 734, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Listing Notice 1: List of activities and competent authorities
identified, in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No
107 of 1998).
General Notice No 735, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Listing Notice 2: List of activities and competent authorities
identified, in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No
107 of 1998).
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 170 of 221
General Notice No 736, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Listing Notice 3: List of activities and competent authorities
identified, in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No
107 of 1998).
General Notice No 737, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Listing Notice 4: List of activities and competent authorities
identified, in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No
107 of 1998).
Government Notice No R 622, published in Government Gazette No 37904, dated 15
August 2014: Proper Administration of Special Nature Reserves, National Parks and
World Heritage Sites Amendment Regulations, 2014, in terms of the National
Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No 57 of 2003).
General Notice No 638, published in Government Gazette No 37903, dated 15
August 2014: Procedure for the Nomination of World Heritage Sites in the Republic
of South Africa, in terms of the World Heritage Convention Act, 1999 (Act No 49
of 1999).
The Minister of Police
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 171 of 221
An Analysis of the National Crime Statistics: Addendum to the Annual Report of
Vote 25 – Department of Police for 2013-14.
National Assembly
Report of the PC on Tourism on the Southern African Tourism Services Association
(SATSA) Annual Conference 2014
1. Introduction
The Southern African Tourism Services Association (SATSA) convened their annual conference
from the 7th – 9th August 2014 in Stellenbosch. The conference was attended by industry
stakeholders which included SATSA members, government officials and tertiary education
institutions. The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Tourism was invited to the
conference. However, due to the busy schedule of August as a woman’s month, the Chairperson
delegated Mr J. Vos to attend on behalf of the Committee. Mr Vos was accompanied by the
Committee Secretary, Mr J.M. Boltina and Content Advisor, Dr P.S Khuzwayo.
This report provides a summary of the proceedings on the 8th August 2014 as the 7th was a Golf
Day and the 9th was a closed session of Annual General Meeting for SATSA members.
2. Key issues from the Minister’s Key note address
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The Minister of Tourism Mr. Derek Hanekom delivered a key note address. The speech
was divided into themes, namely, performance in global context, why tourism growth is a
priority, challenges that face the industry, and tourism statistics and evidence-based
decision making. The speech highlighted amongst other issues the following:
2.1.1 The United Nations World Tourism Organisation expects global growth in international
tourist arrivals to consolidate at around 4% to 4.5% this year.
2.1.2 While growth in tourism demand from emerging markets continues to be strong, the
outbound growth from some of our traditional markets is also now showing more
promising signs of recovery.
2.1.3 While the growth forecasts are positive, we must remain realistic about potential wild
cards: fickle outbound growth from some regions, potential airlift disruptions due to the
spread of epidemics as well as volatile and rising jet fuel prices come to mind.
2.1.4 Recently, Price Waterhouse Coopers reported that revenue from all accommodation
categories combined rose 14% in 2013, on the back of solid growth in international
arrivals, recovering occupancy rates and an increase of 8.4% in average room rate.
2.1.5 On the transport side the car rental industry experienced an increase of over 14% in rental
days during the first five months of the new inbound season.
2.1.6 The industry is facing the following challenges:
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backlogs in road infrastructure maintenance;
airlift pricing and the lack of competition on some routes;
visa regulations and travel facilitation;
tourism safety issues - such as those in Hazyview and rhino poaching
2.1.7 Transformation goes to the heart of shared growth.
Issues raised by the private sector to the Minister
The discussion with the Minister concentrated more on the New Immigration Regulations. The
major aspects of the Regulations are that:
(i) Travellers need to apply for visas to SA in person for biometric information,
(ii) Parents travelling with children under the age of 18 are required to produce an
unabridged birth certificate, or the equivalent in the country of origin, for each child.
The private sector raised the following issues of concern to the Minister:
2.2.1 The ability of the new legislation to combat child trafficking is questionable as it is
unlikely that people who conduct human trafficking use airports but are most likely to use
land borders.
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2.2.2 The Regulations have already started affecting the industry as there have been
cancellations already.
2.2.3 There is a need for a speedy rollout of additional visa application centres, particularly in
China. Some operators who generate business from China are extremely nervous and
have consequently stopped marketing anything after October 1.
2.2.4 Seemingly there is no sufficient cooperation between the government departments as the
department of tourism and the industry were not consulted before the promulgation of the
2.2.5 The Tourism Business Council of South Africa indicated that they had written a letter
requesting a meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs to explain the implication of the
Regulations to the sector. However, the ministry had not acknowledged their letter yet. A
request was made to the Minister of Tourism to facilitate a meeting with the Department
of Home Affairs
2.2.6 The concerns raised by the industry were not just anecdotal but are based on concrete
evidence from a study commissioned by the Tourism Business Council of South Africa.
Grant Thornton, the company that conducted the study, has indicated that the New
Immigration Regulation will cause South Africa to lose 21 000 jobs annually. The
Regulations will cost the country 270 000 international tourists annually, and will cost the
country around R9.7bn in lost tourism.
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2.2.7 Regulations will negatively affect family travel as well as school tours and sports tours.
2.2.8 The industry is calling for a 12-month postponement of the implementation of the new
regulations, which are set to come into effect from October 1.
2.2.9 Tourism contributes 10% to the GDP and should be funded accordingly to support
inclusive growth. Limited resources in the National Department of Tourism and South
African Tourism hinders tourism development
2.2.10 Other neighbouring countries such as Mozambique still have very stringent migration
regulations such that tourists’ movements are complicated.
2.2.11 The private sector needs to create partnership with government in order to provide
placement for more graduates.
2.2.12 Robben Island is not properly maintained and government need to improve the state of
this facility.
2.2.13 There are immense challenges with regard to public-private-partnerships, particularly in
state land, with regard to intellectual property, and the Department needs to assist in that
Minister’s responses
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2.3.1 Answering some of the questions from the industry, the Minister indicated the following:
The Minister acknowledged that the new Regulations could have unintended,
negative consequences for the tourism industry. He indicated that he met with the
Minister of Home Affairs, Mr Malusi Gigaba to discuss the implications of the New
Immigration Regulation to the tourism industry. A joint statement was issued by the
two ministers on the outcome of their meeting.
The major resolution of the meeting was that there was no change in the
commencement date and the Regulations are expected to come into effect on 1st
October 2014.
The Minister indicated that following engagement between the two departments,
concessions had been made. These include that people travelling to SA with children
will not need to translate the unabridged birth certificates into English. Furthermore,
the Department of Home Affairs will open additional new visa application centres
where its current capacity does not meet the demand, especially India and China.
However, he indicated that the immigration legislation and its Regulations fell under
the mandate of the Department of Home Affairs and that his Department was also the
consumer of the legislation and must adapt accordingly. The Minister encouraged the
industry to provide more information to his department as inputs for further
discussion with the Department of Home Affairs.
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There will be an ongoing dialogue with other departments and provinces to deal with
issues of their jurisdiction ibn tourism development.
The Ministry will engage the Department of Arts and Culture in dealing with issues
of maintaining Robben Island
He will engage the Minister of Home Affairs about the letter written by the Tourism
Business Council of South Africa;
(viii) The available budget must be optimally utilised before additional budget could be
made available;
There is sufficient cooperation amongst government Departments as issues are also
discussed at Cabinet level;
The country should balance safety and business interest and the issue of child
trafficking is a serious concern that the Department of Home Affairs is mandated to
deal with.
Why are / aren’t the Brits coming? How do we get our largest market humming
3.1 The discussion under this topic dissected the notion of whether the United Kingdom
which is South Africa’s largest market is shrinking, stable or growing. The presentations
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made by various speakers came to a consensus that the UK market is still important for
South Africa and needs to be serviced better. The panel comprised Nadine Rankin who is
managing Director of at AMG, UK-based sales company looking after KZN, Jan Hutton,
Chief Marketing Officer at South African Tourism and Garry Kershaw, UK and Ireland
General Manager for South African Airways. The following issues were raised:
3.1.1 South Africa has only seen 6.4% growth in arrivals from the UK over the past 10 years
but the country is still attracting a comparative share of travellers from the UK. The
country had experienced slight growth in tourism figures from the UK over the past five
years, in the context of the recession, but the Bits were still coming to South Africa
3.1.2 The reasons for a sluggish growth from the UK market was that they were hit hard by the
recession compared to other European countries and therefore all operators who sourced
business from UK suffered.
3.1.3 Approximately, 73% of UK tour operators are experiencing modest to strong growth in
travel to SA. Specialist operators are performing well because they really understand
South Africa and know the differences between the different provinces, lodges and
experiences offered.
3.1.4 South Africa can do more to attract the UK market through ensuring that enough budget
is made available for marketing purposes. Currently, the available budget is spread thinly
and cannot fully service tour operators in the UK.
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3.1.5 The inbound trade must intensify their representation in the UK and embark on more
joint marketing ventures.
3.1.6 South African Tourism must capacitate its UK office and expose the UK trade to the
South African product through familiarisation trips.
3.1.7 SAT has issued a statement about Ebola epidemic to address misconceptions about the
Africa as one homogenous country.
3.1.8 About 64% of the UK tour operators engaged through research indicated that the New
Immigration Regulations, especially the requirement that children under 18 travel with an
unabridged birth certificate, will result to at least a 10% drop in travel to South Africa.
The family market and sports market are likely to be affected the most.
3.1.9 MICE operators also reported looking at other destinations because of the new
regulations, as well as concerns around flight availability.
3.1.10 South African Airways (SAA) pulled out of the London Route and this also affected the
numbers. However SAA indicated that this was purely a business decision.
3.1.11 South African Airways also indicated that a number of airlines had expressed concerns
about the new Regulations, particularly when it comes to family tours, school groups and
sports tours.
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Preserving our Rhino: Pro-trade versus Anti-trade
The discussion was premised on the increased incidents of rhino poaching in the country
and whether trading with rhino horn was a solution to saving the rhino. The relevance of
this topic was that South Africa is known for its Safari-based prowess and a big 5 status
of wildlife offering as a tourism destination. The panel comprised Mr Pelham Jones,
Chairperson of Private Rhino Owners Association (PROA), and Mr Collin Bell, the
founder of Wilderness Safaris and general eco-warrior.
The following issues were
4.1.1 About 97% of the 380 privately owned reserves are in support of the legal trade in rhino
horn; 47% of respondent were confident that they would continue to keep rhino in the
future, while 53% were uncertain, or already considering selling their rhino.
4.1.2 Private rhino owners own 2.2 million hectares of land on which rhino roam, which
combined, is equal to the size of the Kruger National Park.
4.1.3 Private owners do not have the resources to protect rhinos from the onslaught of poaching
compared to the state which benefits from donor funding.
4.1.4 On the other hand there is opposition to legal trade of rhino horn and more emphasis on
increased security measures.
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4.1.5 South Africa has been offered state of the art surveillance equipment to combat rhino
poaching but there has been no uptake.
4.1.6 There is need for better equipped security forces to prevent rhino poaching.
4.1.7 Legal trade of rhino horn will only stimulate demand and this will lead to a extinction of
rhinos in South Africa.
New BBBEE Codes and their effect on business
The Department of Trade and Industry has introduced proposed new Broad-Based Black
Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) codes. The tourism industry has to develop its sector
codes aligned to the new Scorecard. The panel for this discussion was made up of Mr
Marc Corcoran, President of the Southern African Vehicle Rental and Leasing
Association (SAVRALA); Victor Tharage, Deputy DG at the National Department of
Tourism; and Mr Clifford Ross, CEO of City Lodge.
The following issues were
5.1.1 If the proposed codes are implemented in their current form they will affect a number of
tourism businesses that had invested in transformation.
5.1.2 The codes include amendments to the BBBEE scorecard that is used to certify businesses,
and for example, tourism companies that were initially rated at level six under the
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existing BBBEE which have moved up to level two, will be rated level seven under the
amended scorecard.
5.1.3 The scorecard applies to procurement, and tourism businesses will be affected by the
downgrading of their suppliers.
5.1.4 The industry had done well under the current scorecard surpassing its targets and
performing more than other sectors.
5.1.5 The Department of Tourism will be embarking on provincial workshops to solicit
industry inputs into the new scorecard.
5.1.6 The trade was encouraged to participate in provincial consultative workshops to provide
inputs into the new Tourism Sector Codes. A meeting had already taken place between
the Department and the Tourism Business Council of South Africa to map the way
5.1.7 The industry was urged to advance transformation as this was in their business strategic
interest if they wanted to continue doing business with government and its entities.
Surviving a small tourism business: Lessons and pointers
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The session was dedicated to small tourism businesses. The main thrust of the discussion
was on challenges that tourism SMMEs face and how to overcome them. The session
raised the following issues:
6.1.1 Humility, Self-motivation and desire to succeed are ingredients for the success of any
small tourism business.
6.1.2 Tourism SMMEs tend to spend more attention on operational costs at the expense of
6.1.3 There are various funding avenues and government assistance such as the Tourism
Enterprise Partnership (TEP) that can be approached by small businesses for assistance.
6.1.4 Small businesses must be more concerned about cash flow and reinvest into their
business for sustainability.
6.1.5 Small business must seek mentorship from well-established business on how to run a
business and access to market.
6.1.6 Entrepreneurs seeking to start tourism business must identify a niche in their
surroundings for diversification and unique selling proposition.
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PAGE 184 of 221
6.1.7 The business must serve a greater purpose and resonate with community for it to be
7.1.1 The Portfolio Committee requests the Department to provide a briefing on the latest
developments with regard to the new immigration regulations and their effect on the
7.1.2 The Department should develop programmes aimed at developing SMMEs to advance
7.1.3 As part of the transformation programme, the Department should consider a tour operator
development programme for the historically disadvantaged communities.
7.1.4 The Department should engage the private sector to develop internship programmes that
will target placements and proper skills transfer.
Report to be considered.
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The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, having undertaken an oversight
visit to Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd in the Eastern Cape Province on 23 September 2014 reports as
Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd is a public company listed under Schedule 3B of the Public Finance
Management Act (Act No. 29 of 1999), with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries (hereinafter referred to as the Department) as its sole shareholder. The primary function
of the entity is to assist developing farmers and rural communities by providing a variety of
services such as advice and training, agricultural extension services, the mechanisation of
agricultural production, animal improvement schemes and marketing of agricultural products.
The aim of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Ncera) is to contribute to the
industry focused farm management training, farmer support services and the design of franchisetype agricultural business models for farmers and beneficiaries of land reform in the surrounding
The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the Fourth Parliament has
since 2010 been having challenges regarding engagement with the entity, which never submitted
a proper Strategic Plan or an Annual Performance Plan (APP) as required by the National
Treasury and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Additionally, despite the Committee
not approving the entity’s Strategic Plans, which never submitted an APP, the Department
continued to allocate funding to the entity. The entity also failed to submit a well-prepared Turn-
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 186 of 221
around Strategy as was recommended by the Committee during the 2010/11 financial year. In
addition, there were long-standing conflicts among the stakeholders that were never addressed by
the Department, which involved the land reform farmers and the farm dwellers. The former
Portfolio Committee during its 2013/14 Budget Report, recommended that the Ncera, which has
been running at a loss for the previous 7 years and not fulfilling its primary function and
intended purpose, be deregistered.
Objective of the Visit
During deliberations on the 2014/15 Strategic Plans and Budgets of the Department and its
entities on 11 July 2014, the new Portfolio Committee of the Fifth Parliament, having interacted
with some of the previous Committee reports on Ncera including its current Strategic Plan, the
majority of Members of the current Portfolio Committee supported in principle, the decision that
was taken by the previous Portfolio Committee. However, the Committee decided to first
undertake an oversight visit to Ncera to get a better understanding of the situation, to interact
with some of the stakeholders and to also determine the Department’s progress regarding
deregistration of the entity and stakeholder engagements. The Committee agreed to undertake the
visit to Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd on Tuesday, 23 September 2014 to meet and engage with the
communities and other affected stakeholders.
The delegation of the Committee composed of Ms MR Semenya, ANC (Chairperson and Leader
of the delegation); Mr CHM Maxegwana, ANC; Mr ZMD Mandela, ANC; Mrs TMA Tongwane,
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 187 of 221
ANC; Mr TRJE Ramokhoase; ANC; Ms Z Jongbloed, DA; Mr BD Joseph, EFF and Mr MLW
Filtane, UDM. The delegation was supported by Ms A Kakaza, Committee Secretary, Ms N
Mgxashe, Content Advisor, Ms N Qwabe, Committee Researcher and Ms N Diya, Committee
The delegation was joined by the following Members from the Eastern Cape Provincial
Legislature of the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development: Ms N Gqiba,
ANC (Chairperson); Mr T Wele, EFF; Mr Tsengwa, UDM. The delegation was supported by Mr
M Makeleni, Committee Researcher and Mr QN Mafuya, Legal Advisor.
In attendance
The following officials were in attendance: National Department of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries: Mr MJ Kgobokoe, Deputy Director-General (DDG) for Food Security & Agrarian
Reform (FSAR); Mr MS Masemola, Deputy Director (DD): Small Holder Development in Food
Security and Agrarian Reform Branch; Dr SF Mkhize, Director: Provincial & State Owned
Entities (SOEs) Performance Monitoring; Mr B Msomi, Chief Director: National Extension
Support Services; Ms N Mafani, Parliamentary Coordinator; Mr RT Makoloane, Office
Assistant; Ms R Thompson, Parliamentary Liaison Officer (Ministry); Ms V Vika, Parliamentary
Liaison Officer (Office of the Deputy Minister); Mr SN Samuel; Principal Communication
Officer, Mr AR Dietrich, Advisor to the Minister; Ms P Morai, Land Administration Officer; .
Agricultural Research Council (ARC): Dr MA Magadlela, Acting Group Executive – Animal
Science; Mr LF Monkwe, Chief Information Officer. Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd: Mr M Titimani,
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Chief Executive Officer; Mr X Mlumbi, Section Manager; Mr PM Rubushe, Workshop
Manager; Mr W Fourie, Farm Manager
Provincial Department of Rural Development and
Agrarian Reform: Mr M Gidwit, Deputy Director Coordination; Mr SO Mfuywa, Senior
Project Officer Recap; Ms DN Nqhona, Acting Chief Director; Mrs PZ Njemla-Mntukatandwa,
Director; Mr M Msimang, Acting Deputy Director; Mr B Mbewu, Project Coordinator; Mr J
Armstrong, Chief Engineer. Provincial Department of Public Works: Mrs AP Maphoto,
Deputy Director; A Umoetok, Director – PPM. Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
(BCMM): Ms P Nazo, Councillor; Ms N Mqhayi, Coordinator Agriculture & Rural
Development; Mr M Dike, Coordinator Agriculture & Rural Development; Mr V Mbatha, Head:
Economic Development; Ms VC Hermanus, Programme Manager – Agriculture & Rural
Development; Mr LE Simayile, BCMM Ward Committee and Mr V Peter, Standing Committee
Member (LED); Mrs TC Mbilini, Technician (BCMM); Mrs T Msomi, Technician (BCMM).
It should also be noted that the representatives from Jongilanga and Phato Chieftaincies, resettled
farmers, farm dwellers and other surrounding community members were also in attendance
(Attendance register attached).
Engagements during oversight visit
Meeting with the Eastern Cape Provincial Portfolio Committee on Agriculture and
Rural Development
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A Member of the Portfolio Committee delegation, Mr CHM Maxegwana opened the meeting and
welcomed all present. He apologised on behalf of the Chairperson of the Committee, Ms MR
Semenya who had a flight delay and would join the meeting at a later stage. Mr Maxegwana also
noted apologies from the Minister and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
He then gave a background and the purpose of the meeting/visit; and requested the Department
to give a brief background on what lead to the recommendation by the Fourth Parliament
Portfolio Committee to deregister Ncera as an entity, and how far the process was.
The Deputy Director-General (DDG) for Food Security & Agrarian Reform (FSAR) from the
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr MJ Kgobokoe gave a brief background of
the challenges that resulted to the recommendation that was made by the Portfolio Committee of
the Fourth Parliament to the Department regarding the status of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd. The
DDG reported that after considering all the challenges and the parliamentary recommendations,
the previous Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ms Tina Joemat-Petersson,
approved the delisting of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd as an entity; and to incorporate the entity’s
Service Centre (Welcome Home Farm) and personnel into the Agricultural Research Council
(ARC), which is also an entity that reports to the Minister. In this regard, the Minister forwarded
signed correspondence conveying the decision to the Ministers of Rural Development & Land
Reform and Public Works, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the ARC and the CEO of Ncera
Farms (Pty) Ltd. The Deputy Director (DD) for Smallholder Development from the
Department’s Food Security and Agrarian Reform Branch, Mr MS Masemola, further explained
the challenges associated with land claims against some of the land that constitutes Ncera Farms
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(Pty) Ltd and the process that was followed in allocating the 10 farms. The progress on
deregistering Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd was reported by the Department as follows:
2.1.1 Finance and Legal Implications
The transfer payment to the ARC will need to be increased in the Medium Term
Expenditure Framework (MTEF) allocation to accommodate Ncera Farms once the entity
has been delisted in terms of the PFMA. The allocation for 2014/15 for Ncera amounted
to R3. 62 million.
2.1.2 The state land disposal process is guided by the following pieces of legislation which
need to be considered and adhered to:
Land Administration Act, 1995 (Act 2 of 1995).
State Land Disposal Act, 1961 (Act 48 of 1961).
Agricultural Debt Management Act, (Act 45 of 2001).
Extension of Security of Tenure Act (ESTA), (Act 62 of 1997).
Policy on the Disposal of Agricultural State Land.
The Public Finance Management Act, (PFMA), of 1999 (Act 29 of 1999).
It was reported that the 10 state farms will be transferred to the Department of Rural
Development and Land Reform under the Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS). The
transfer will be done by the Department of Public Works.
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2.1.3 Human Resource and Labour Relations Implications
Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd has supplied a comprehensive report detailing the Human
Resources (HR) for analysis by the ARC before the merger. A plan of action with targets
and dates on a HR Plan/change management is being implemented.
2.1.4 Assets Identification
The ARC has been handed an Auditor-certified list of all assets of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd.
The ARC will conduct a validation process on the assets before the incorporation or the
merger. The assets of Ncera Farms (Pty) (Ltd) will be transferred to the ARC based on
the certified Asset Register.
2.1.5 Consultation Process
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is in the process of informing the
Minister of Finance about the intention to de-list Ncera Farms as required by the PFMA
in order to obtain concurrence.
After the de-listing process has been approved and concluded, the Department will
proceed with the deregistration of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd as a company.
It was further reported that a memorandum was being prepared by the Department and the ARC
to advance the takeover of Ncera by the ARC, which will enable the ARC to develop a Master
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Plan. The planned target date for the merger of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd with the ARC is 1 April
2015, pending the approval of the delisting of the entity from Schedule 3B of the PFMA by the
Minister of Finance.
Stakeholder meeting
The delegation was welcomed by the CEO of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd, Mr M Titimani. Mr CHM
Maxegwana, a Member of the Portfolio Committee, in consultation with the Chairperson of the
Committee, Ms MR Semenya, gave a brief background and the purpose of the meeting. He then
requested the Department to brief the meeting on the recommendation by the Fourth Parliament
Portfolio Committee to deregister Ncera as an entity and progress thus far.
2.2.1 Progress report on deregistration of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd as an entity
a) Presentation by the Chief Executive Officer of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd
The CEO Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd, Mr M Titimani gave a background about the area including the
communities that surround the entity. He reported that the entity is surrounded by nine villages
that are under Chief Jongilanga’s Chieftaincy (Imidushane) with a population of ±18 000 people.
He reported that other traditional authorities surrounding Ncera include amaGqunukhwebe
(Phato Chieftaincy) and amaNdlambe Traditional Authority. The area is said to have an
estimated unemployment rate of 80%. Mr Titimani also reported on his employment as CEO, the
development of a Turnaround Strategy for Ncera that was rejected by the previous Portfolio
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Committee, what he did since his appointment as CEO, the envisaged plans for the entity and
lack of financial resources to implement those plans.
b) Presentation by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)
The Chief Director for National Extension Support Services from the Department, Mr Bonga
Msomi briefed the meeting on the challenges that Department experienced with the entity in
previous years which included failure to produce acceptable Strategic Plans and Annual Reports
for approval by Parliament, which further led to the recommendation of the previous Portfolio
Committee to deregister the entity. Mr Msomi emphasised and explained the matters that have
been reported by the DDG in an earlier meeting with the Parliamentary and the Eastern Cape
Legislative Committees. He also explained the process that needs to be followed as outlined in
Section 2.1 for the benefit of the stakeholders.
c) Presentation by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
The Acting Group Executive for Animal Science in the ARC, Dr MA Magadlela presented a
brief background on the ARC’s plans to incorporate Ncera into the ARC’s Animal Production
Institute. Dr Magadlela mentioned that there are various animal improvement schemes that are
under the stewardship of the ARC since 1 April 1995 such as Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo (KyD),
which is an ARC-driven livestock flagship programme aimed at accelerating the participation of
smallholder producers in the mainstream economy of the country. He explained that KyD covers
the whole spectrum of animal agriculture, which is relevant to what Ncera is currently or
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planning to do. Dr Magadlela emphasised that a Master Plan that the Department is talking
about, which is also required by Parliament, will be informed by certain processes and details
that still needs to be provided by the Department and/or Ncera. In this regard, the Department
has not yet provided the required details to the ARC. However, Dr Magadlela reported that the
ARC can in the meantime, utilise the Ncera Service Centre as a base for its provincial livestock
improvement schemes such as KyD.
d) Farms and farmers settled on the Ncera State Farms
The communities around Ncera, Chieftainess Phato and other Chieftaincies’ representatives and
farmers welcomed the proposal of incorporating Ncera to the ARC. They explained that their
major concern was the closing down of the entity, which provides job creation for some
community members. Stakeholders also raised a concern regarding visits to Ncera by
Parliamentary Portfolio Committees, which always go there to listen to the stakeholder concerns
but never follow-up and ensure that raised issues are effectively addressed. Another concern was
the plight of farm dwellers who were born and raised in the state farms and have no other
alternative means of livelihood.
2.3 Site Visit
Due to time constrains it was agreed that the delegation will only visit one farm and the Ncera
CEO, Mr Titimani proposed that it should be Mr Matinise’s farm, which has the most extensive
invasion and is also on the way to the airport.
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2.3.1 Mr Matinise’s Farm
Mr Matinise informed the delegation that his main challenge has always been the group of
people that are led by a gentleman called Mr Albert, who invaded his farm and denied him
access to farm the land. The group invaded his farm since 2008 immediately after it was
allocated to him and the invasions have continued since. Mr Matinise reported that he had
immediately reported the matter to the Department, which was then the Department of
Agriculture and Land Affairs, and the current Department after 2009 but to date, nothing has
been done. He reported that when police tried to intervene, Mr Albert threatened them with his
political connections and the police have since refused to be involved. Mr Matinise also
informed the delegation that he and some of the Government officials that tried to intervene in
the invasions are constantly threatened by the group. Mr Albert, who later joined the delegation
to Matinise’s farm, responded and claimed that they were not invading the farm but occupying
what is rightfully theirs as some have been born on the farm and their ancestors were buried on
the farm.
Committee Observations
The Committee observed that:
There was still conflicts which stem from the allocation of the state farms and this was
the main concern that needs to be addressed urgently.
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The communities and the farmers around Ncera welcomed the proposal of
incorporating Ncera Service Centre to the ARC as long as it will assist and benefit the
surrounding communities and the province on livestock improvement and food
There is a need for continued monitoring of progress on deregistration of Ncera Farms
(Pty) Ltd by the Department and the process of transferring the 10 farms to the
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.
The verification of land claims against the entity will also hamper productivity on the
farms and therefore, needs to be fast-tracked to ensure that farmers are able to farm.
The Committee deliberated and resolved that:
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) should ensures that Ncera
Farms (Pty) Ltd is not closed but deregistered as an entity and the Service Centre
incorporated into the ARC.
DAFF should ensure that the Ncera Service Centre continues to assist the surrounding
farmers and communities including the Eastern Cape Province with livestock
improvement and food production programmes.
DAFF and ARC should develop a Master Plan that will inform how the ARC will
incorporate Ncera Service Centre within its livestock improvement programmes. The
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Plan should include budget allocation to the ARC that will assist the programme for the
benefit of the Province.
The Minister should ensure that a meeting is convened between the Provincial Portfolio
Committee, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality and relevant stakeholders to address
the invading in the state farms around Ncera, particularly those in Mr Matinise’s farm as
well as to address and verify land claims against by some of the people.
Report to be considered.
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Speaker and the Chairperson
Draft Bills submitted in terms of Joint Rule 159
Division of Revenue Amendment Bill, 2014, submitted by the Minister of Finance.
Referred to the Standing Committee on Appropriations and the Select Committee
on Appropriations.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 198 of 221
Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, 2014, submitted by the Minister of
Referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and the Select Committee on
National Assembly
The Speaker
Introduction of Bills
The Minister of Finance
Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B 10 – 2014] (National Assembly –
proposed sec 77).
Division of Revenue Amendment Bill [B 11 – 2014] (National Assembly –
proposed sec 76) [Explanatory summary of Bill and prior notice of its
introduction published in Government Gazette No 38059 of 10 October 2014.]
Introduction and referral to the Joint Tagging Mechanism (JTM) for classification in
terms of Joint Rule 160.
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 199 of 221
In terms of Joint Rule 154 written views on the classification of the Bills may be
submitted to the JTM. The Bills may only be classified after the expiry of at least
three parliamentary working days since introduction.
Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill [B
12 – 2014] (National Assembly – proposed sec 77).
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill [B 13 – 2014] (National Assembly –
proposed sec 77).
Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill [B 14 – 2014] (National
Assembly – proposed sec 75) [Explanatory summary of Bill and prior notice of
its introduction published in Government Gazette No 38106 of 17 October
Introduction and referral to the Standing Committee on Finance of the National
Assembly, as well as referral to the Joint Tagging Mechanism (JTM) for
classification in terms of Joint Rule 160.
In terms of Joint Rule 154 written views on the classification of the Bills may be
submitted to the JTM. The Bills may only be classified after the expiry of at least
three parliamentary working days since introduction.
Referral to Committees of papers tabled
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 200 of 221
The following paper is referred to the Standing Committee on Appropriations
for consideration and report in accordance with its mandate as set out in section
6 of the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, 2009 (No
9 of 2009), and to the Standing Committee on Finance for consideration and
report in accordance with its mandate as set out in section 6 and section 12 of
the same Act:
Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, 2014 [RP 311 – 2014].
(2) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Environmental
Government Notice No R. 522, published in Government Gazette No 37804,
dated 11 July 2014: Regulations regarding air dispersion modelling, made in
terms of section 53(f) of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality
Act, 2004 (Act No 39 of 2004).
Government Notice No R. 549, published in Government Gazette No 37818,
dated 10 July 2014: Regulations to phase-out the use of polychlorinated
biphenyl (PCB) materials and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated
materials, published in terms of section 44(1)(aA) and (aB) of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 201 of 221
General Notice No 528, published in Government Gazette No 37802, dated 7
July 2014: Notification of intention to prescribe norms and standards for the
management of protected areas in South Africa in terms of section 11(1) of the
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No 57
of 2003).
General Notice No 568, published in Government Gazette No 37830, dated 18
July 2014: Declaration of a management authority for the
Ukhahlamba/Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site in terms of section 8 of the
World Heritage Convention Act, 1999 (Act No 49 of 1998).
General Notice No 569, published in Government Gazette No 37830, dated 18
July 2014: Declaration of a management authority for the Robben Island
Museum World Heritage Site in terms of section 8 of the World Heritage
Convention Act, 1999 (Act No 49 of 1998).
General Notice No 570, published in Government Gazette No 37830, dated 18
July 2014: Declaration of a management authority for the Makapan Valley
Serial World Heritage Site in terms of section 8 of the World Heritage
Convention Act, 1999 (Act No 49 of 1998).
General Notice No 571, published in Government Gazette No 37830, dated 18
July 2014: Declaration of a management authority for the Taung Skull Fossil
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 202 of 221
World Heritage Site in terms of section 8 of the World Heritage Convention
Act, 1999 (Act No 49 of 1998).
General Notice No 572, published in Government Gazette No 37830, dated 18
July 2014: Notification of intention to make regulations on national
atmospheric emission reporting in terms of sections 12(b) and (c) and 53(aA),
(o) and (p) read with section 57 of the National Environmental Management:
Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No 39 of 2004).
General Notice No 709, published in Government Gazette No 37937, dated 22
August 2014: Notification of intention to make regulations pertaining to the
processing, consideration of and decision on appeals in terms of section
44(1)(a) read with section 43(4) of the National Environmental Management
Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
Government Notice No 639, published in Government Gazette No 37930,
dated 22 August 2014: Delegation of certain powers and duties to the
director-general in terms of section 42(1) of the National Environmental
Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No 10 of 2004).
Government Notice No 640, published in Government Gazette No 37930,
dated 22 August 2014: Delegation of certain powers and duties to the
director-general in terms of section 42(1) of the National Environmental
Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No 10 of 2004).
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 203 of 221
General Notice No 733, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Notification of intention to make regulations on environmental
impact assessments in terms of sections 24(5) and 44 of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
(m) General Notice No 734, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Publication of proposed Listing Notice 1 for 2014 in terms of
sections 24(2), 24(5), 24D and 44, read with section 47A(1)(b), of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
General Notice No 735, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Publication of proposed Listing Notice 2 for 2014 in terms of
sections 24(2), 24(5), 24D and 44, read with section 47A(1)(b), of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
General Notice No 736, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Publication of proposed Listing Notice 3 for 2014 in terms of
sections 24(2), 24(5), 24D and 44, read with section 47A(1)(b), of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
General Notice No 737, published in Government Gazette No 37951, dated 29
August 2014: Publication of proposed Listing Notice 4 for 2014 in terms of
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 204 of 221
sections 24(2), 24(5), 24D and 44, read with section 47A(1)(b), of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998).
Government Notice No R 622, published in Government Gazette No 37904,
dated 15 August 2014: Amendment of the Regulations for the Proper
Administration of Special Nature Reserves, National Parks and World Heritage
Sites in terms of section 86(1) of the National Environmental Management:
Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No 57 of 2003).
General Notice No 638, published in Government Gazette No 37903, dated 15
August 2014: Intention to determine format and procedure for the nomination
of World Heritage Sites in the Republic of South Africa in terms of section
6(4) of the World Heritage Convention Act, 1999 (Act No 49 of 1999).
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and
Government Notice No R. 597, published in Government Gazette No 37882,
dated 1 August 2014: Invitation for public comment on the draft National
Credit Regulations, Regulations for Matters relating to the Functions of the
National Consumer Tribunal and Rules for the Conduct of Matters before the
National Consumer Tribunal in terms of section 171(2)(a) of the National
Credit Act, 2005 (Act No 34 of 2005).
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 205 of 221
Proclamation No 58, published in Government Gazette No 37887, dated 1
August 2014: Commencement of the Legal Metrology Act on 1 August 2014 in
terms of section 43 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No 9 of 2014).
General Notice 631, published in Government Gazette No 37889, dated 8
August 2014: Invitation for public comment on the prohibition on the use of
marks of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee
(Sascoc) in terms of section 15(1)(b) of the Merchandise Marks Act, 1941 (Act
No 17 of 1941).
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and
Correctional Services for consideration:
Progress report dated 28 August 2014 on the provisional suspension from
office of Magistrate T R Rambau, a regional magistrate at Polokwane, tabled in
terms of section 13(3)(f) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993).
Progress report dated 28 August 2014 on the provisional suspension from
office of Magistrate J F van Schalkwyk, chief magistrate at Kempton Park,
tabled in terms of section 13(3)(f) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 206 of 221
Progress report dated 28 August 2014 on the provisional suspension from
office of Magistrate I W O M Morake, a magistrate at Lichtenburg, tabled in
terms of section 13(3)(f) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993).
Progress report dated 28 August 2014 on the provisional suspension from
office of Magistrate M J Kgomo, an additional magistrate at Randburg, tabled
in terms of section 13(3)(f) of the Magistrates Act, 1993 (Act No 90 of 1993).
The following papers are referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Defence for
consideration and to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans:
2014 Second Quarterly Report of the National Conventional Arms Control
Committee (NCACC) for April to June 2014, tabled in terms of section
23(1)(c) of the National Conventional Arms Control Act, 2002 (Act No 41 of
Revised National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC) Quarterly
Reports for the period April 2012 to June 2013.
The following paper is referred to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs for
consideration and report:
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 207 of 221
Petition for 12-month suspension of certain immigration provisions to conduct
regulatory impact assessment, submitted in terms of Rule 312 (Mr J Vos).
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Police for
Draft Regulations for Civilian Secretariats and Provincial Secretariats,
submitted in terms of section 33(3) of the Civilian Secretariat for Police
Service Act, 2011 (Act No 2 of 2011).
Report of the Civilian Secretariat for Police on compliance of the SA Police
Service with the Domestic Violence Act for the period 1 April 2013 to 30
September 2013, tabled in terms of section 6 of the Civilian Secretariat for
Police Act, 2011 (Act No 2 of 2011).
Report of the Civilian Secretariat for Police on compliance of the SA Police
Service with the Domestic Violence Act for the period 1 October 2013 to 31
March 2014, tabled in terms of section 6 of the Civilian Secretariat for Police
Act, 2011 (Act No 2 of 2011).
2013 Half-Yearly Report of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate,
tabled in terms of section 9(n) of the Independent Police Investigative
Directorate Act, 2011 (Act No 1 of 2011).
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 208 of 221
An Analysis of the National Crime Statistics: Addendum to the Annual Report
of Vote 25 – Department of Police for 2013-14.
The following paper is referred to the Portfolio Committee on Transport:
Government Notice 740, published in Government Gazette No 37963, 1
September 2014: Invitation for public comment on persons shortlisted for
appointment to the board of the South African Civil Aviation Society in terms
of section 77(3) of the South African Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (No 13 of
The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and
Correctional Services:
Report and amendment to policy on the appointment of insolvency
practitioners in terms of section 158(2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (No 24 of
1936) read with section 339 of the Companies Act, 1973 (No 61 of 1973), as
well as in accordance with section 10(1A)(a) of the Close Corporations Act,
1984 (Act 69 of 1984).
Proclamation No R.59, published in Government Gazette No 37946, dated 27
August 2014: Referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit and
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 209 of 221
Special Tribunal, in terms of the Special Investigating Units and Special
Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No 74 of 1996).
Proclamation No R.62, published in Government Gazette No 37969, dated 4
September 2014: Referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit and
Special Tribunal, in terms of the Special Investigating Units and Special
Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act No 74 of 1996).
Government Notice No R.691, published in Government Gazette No 37968,
dated 2 September 2014: Declaration of peace officers in terms of section 334
of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No 51 of 1977).
Government Notice No R.692, published in Government Gazette No 37968,
dated 2 September 2014: Declaration of peace officers in terms of section 334
of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No 51 of 1977).
Proclamation No R.63, published in Government Gazette No 37977, dated 5
September 2014: Commencement of the South African Human Rights
Commission Act, 2013 (Act No 40 of 2013), on 5 September 2014.
(10) The following papers are referred to the Standing Committee on Finance for
consideration and report. The Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 210 of 221
Statements and Performance Information is referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of the Government Employees Pension Fund
(GEPF) for 2013-14, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
(11) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on
Telecommunications and Postal Services for consideration and report. The Report
of the Independent Auditors on the Financial Statements and Performance
Information is referred to the Committee on Public Accounts for consideration:
Report and Financial Statements of Broadband Infraco SOC Limited for 201314, including the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14 [PR 135-2014].
(12) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Transport for
consideration and report. The Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial
Statements and Performance Information is referred to the Committee on Public
Accounts for consideration:
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 211 of 221
Report and Financial Statements of the Autopax Passenger Services (SOC)
Limited for 2013-14, including the Report of the Auditor-General on the
Financial Statements and Performance Information for 2013-14.
(13) The following papers are referred to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service
and Administration as well as Performance Monitoring and Evaluation for
consideration and report:
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC) on the Fact Sheet on
Monitoring Compliance with the Financial Disclosure Framework for the
2012-13 financial year – March 2014 [RP30-2014].
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC) on the Fact Sheet on Actions
taken by the Executive Authorities with regard to Identified Cases of Potential
Conflicts of Interest and Compliance with the Financial Disclosure Framework
– March 2013 [RP333-2013].
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC): Assessment of the
Implementation of Policy Framework on the Appointment of Ministerial Staff
in National and Provincial Departments – May 2014 [RP 192-2014].
Report of the Public Service Commission (PSC): Fact sheet on the Blockages
in the Filling of Posts in the Public Service – December 2014 [RP 115-2014].
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 212 of 221
National Assembly and National Council of Provinces
The Minister of Finance
Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, 2014 – [RP 311 – 2014].
Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure, 2014 – [RP 312 – 2014], which include:
1. Vote No 1 – “The Presidency” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
2. Vote No 2 – “Parliament” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
3. Vote No 3 – “Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs” – Adjustments
Estimates, 2014-15;
4. Vote No 4 – “Home Affairs” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
5. Vote No 5 – “International Relations and Cooperation” – Adjustments Estimates,
6. Vote No 6 – “Performance Monitoring and Evaluation” – Adjustments Estimates,
22 OCTOBER 2014
PAGE 213 of 221
Vote No 7 – “Public Works” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
7. Vote No 8 – “Women, Children and People with Disabilities” – Adjustments
Estimates, 2014-15;
8. Vote No 9 – “Government Communication and Information System” –
Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
9. Vote No 10 – “National Treasury” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
10. Vote No 11 – “Public Enterprises” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
11. Vote No 12 – “Public Service and Administration” – Adjustments Estimates,
12. Vote No 13 – “Statistics South Africa” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
13. Vote No 14 – “Arts and Culture” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
14. Vote No 15 – “Basic Education” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
15. Vote No 16 – “Health” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
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16. Vote No 17 – “Higher Education and Training” – Adjustments Estimates, 201415;
17. Vote No 18 – “Labour” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
18. Vote No 19 – “Social Development” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
19. Vote No 20 – “Sport and Recreation South Africa” – Adjustments Estimates,
20. Vote No 21 – “Correctional Services” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
21. Vote No 22 – “Defence and Military Veterans” – Adjustments Estimates, 201415;
22. Vote No 23 – “Independent Police Investigative Directorate” – Adjustments
Estimates, 2014-15;
23. Vote No 24 – “Justice and Constitutional Development” – Adjustments
Estimates, 2014-15;
24. Vote No 25 – “Police” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
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25. Vote No 26 – “Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries” – Adjustments Estimates,
26. Vote No 27 – “Communications” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
27. Vote No 28 – “Economic Development” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
28. Vote No 29 – “Energy” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
29. Vote No 30 – “Environmental Affairs” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
30. Vote No 31 – “Human Settlements” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
31. Vote No 32 – “Mineral Resources” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
32. Vote No 33 – “Rural Development and Land Reform” – Adjustments Estimates,
33. Vote No 34 – “Science and Technology” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
34. Vote No 35 – “Tourism” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
35. Vote No 36 – “Trade and Industry” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
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36. Vote No 37 – “Transport” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15;
37. Vote No 38 – “Water Affairs” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15.
38. Vote No 39 – “Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation” – Adjustments Estimates,
39. Vote No 42 – “Water and Sanitation” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15.
40. Vote No 43 – “Women” – Adjustments Estimates, 2014-15.
Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2014 – [B10 – 2014].
(d) Division of Revenue Amendment Bill, 2014 – [B11 – 2014].
Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill, 2014 – [B12 –
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, 2014 – [B13 – 2014].
(g) Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, 2014 – [B14 – 2014].
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National Assembly
1. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on the Official Handover of
the Lower Mpako Senior Primary School in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, dated 21
October 2014.
The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, having participated in the official handover of the
Lower Mpako Senior Primary School in Mthatha, Eastern Cape on 1 August 2014, reports as
A delegation of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education undertook a visit to
participate in the official handover of the Lower Mpako Senior Primary School in
Mthatha, Eastern Cape on Friday, 1 August 2014.
The delegation comprised the following members of the Portfolio Committee on Basic
Education: Hon N Gina MP (ANC) (Chairperson), Hon N Mokoto MP (ANC) (Whip),
Hon A Lovemore MP (DA) and Hon C Majeke MP (UDM).
The delegation from the Ministry of Basic Education included Mr D Ngobeni: Head of
Special Projects and Mr M Dintsi: Deputy Director, Physical Planning.
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Members of staff who formed part of the delegation included Mr D Bandi (Content
Advisor), Mr L Brown (Committee Secretary) and Ms S Ntabeni (Committee Assistant).
The Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Initiative (ASIDI) is a national programme that
aims to eradicate and replace inappropriate school infrastructure in the country, such as
mud school buildings and other unsafe structures. ASIDI also aims to ensure that all
schools have access to basic services such as water, sanitation and electricity. The
Schools Infrastructure Backlog Grant (SIBG) introduced in the 2011/12 financial year,
funds the ASIDI programme.
The first phase of the programme, which commenced in January 2012, targeted the
building of 49 schools to replace mud structures. The first completed school, Mpatiswa
Primary in Libode District was officially handed over by the President of the Republic of
South Africa, His Excellency Mr J G Zuma on 2 nd October 2012. During the handover
ceremony, the President directed that Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Members of the
Eastern Cape Executive Committee convened handover ceremonies in every respective
community to officially handover schools to communities. The President reiterated that
the envisaged ceremonies afforded Government the opportunity to demonstrate to the
country and the people of the Eastern Cape the strides made in addressing infrastructure
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The handover ceremonies had indeed restored dignity and faith amongst the
communities, especially since the state-of-the-art schools had been built and were being
handed over. The handover ceremonies had been dubbed the “One-School-A-Week”
programme. The programme was launched on the 17th of July 2013 as part of the
celebration of Madiba’s 95th birthday.
The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, Hon N Gina MP, was
requested to participate in the programme by presiding over the official handover of the
Lower Mpako Senior Primary School in the Mthatha Education District on Friday, 1
August 2014.
Briefing Session with the Ministry of Basic Education – Mr D Ngobeni
The Ministry of Basic Education (DBE) welcomed and appreciated the participation of
the Portfolio Committee in the official handover of the Lower Mpako Senior Primary
School. The delegation received a brief background on the school to be handed over and
the “One-School-A-Week” school handover programme. The primary school was the 48th
school out of 49 that was being handed over. The Department still had one school to
handover in the Province the following week in Port St Johns. The programme would
continue in the Western Cape where more schools were being completed for final
handover ceremonies.
The Department spent R 16.478 million on the school. The Lower Mpako Senior Primary
School was 99.9 percent complete with learners occupying the school already. With the
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building and renovations completed, the school boasted four renovated and 10 new
classrooms with a new Administration Block. The school also had a Science Laboratory,
Multi-purpose hall, library, Grade R Centre and Kitchen facilities. The Department had
purchased and supplied the school with 27 laptop computers with various educational
programmes and software loaded. Four of the laptop computers were for administrative
use by staff while the rest were able to be moved on trolleys to various classrooms at the
school for utilisation by learners and educators.
All classrooms, administration block, kitchen, laboratory and multi-purpose hall were
fully equipped with the necessary furniture, appliances and apparatus.
Official Handover of the Lower Mpako Senior Primary School – Hon N Gina MP
On route to the Lower Mpako Senior Primary school, the delegation visited the
Vulindlela Senior Primary School that was handed over on a previous occasion. The
delegation was taken on a walk-about and site-visit of the school and buildings.
At the Lower Mpako Senior Primary School the delegation held a briefing session with
District Officials, local Traditional Leaders, Principal, School Governing Body, Union
and other stakeholders on Government’s investment in the school to be handed over. The
delegation was taken on a site-visit and walk-about of the school before the official
handover ceremony. During the handover ceremony, Hon N Gina MP in her keynote
address, urged members of the community, teachers and learners to take ownership of the
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school and look after its facilities and resources. This was followed by the official
unveiling of the plaque which concluded proceedings.