This document is considered part of Gail Chord’s website and is protected under the copyright for (as outlined on the bottom of her first web page at (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 2-15-12) Something frightening is happening to my body. I thought it was nothing and I tried to brush it off, but I'm afraid this is real. It had just been a few short hours after the church session when Jesus left, when I vaguely noticed that my pants began to feel a little more loose. I didn't think much of it, but when I awoke this morning, something shocking had risen to my attention. Thinking of Gail, I of course had a raging erection and was beginning to make brain to brain love to her. That was when I wrapped my hand around my penis and noticed it had shrunk considerably. It would appear that I have, in fact, lost several inches from my entire penis, and, like sand falling through an hourglass, it's shrinking by the minute. I flipped open my Bible and began praying immediately. That was when Jesus appeared at my window. Shaken, I asked him why this was happening to me. He says that he is very angry with Gail for taking so long on making a video about the events from last night. For every hour that she continues to put off making the video for him, I will lose one whole inch from my manhood. This is quite embarrassing. This means that in just over 24 hours from now, my whole penis will have disappeared. How am I going to properly make love to my wife if I can't go through the sexual motions with her and share my orgasms? I am so distraught over this, and now I'm worried for Gail. Our brain to brain communications have been stilted from all the nukkake fallout still lingering in the air from yesterday so I haven't been able to get it through myself. It could be days before the fallout clears up, but my penis doesn't have that much time. Men, if any of you can reach her strongly enough brain to brain today, please let her know to check these message boards. I hope she is unhurt. It's not like her to put off something so important, especially for God. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 2-15-12) Oh Brent! I will try to contact Gail immediately, but I'm afraid my brain to brain communications are probably not any clearer than yours are right now. I sure hope she is okay too. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 2-15-12) What? I just did a spit take. God sure doesn't mess around. I know Gail was on earlier today but I haven't heard from her since. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 2-15-12) From what I know about Gail, the lass is no procrastinator. She is a busy woman with a lot on her plate. Stay calm Brent, I know this is distressing. Let's do our best to try and find our lady. (Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on 2-15-12) OH MY GOODNESS. DOES IT HURT BRENT? I KNOW WHEN I LOST MY TESTICLES IT WAS DEVASTATIN. BUT YOU SAVED THEM FOR ME. I HOPE I CAN HELP YOU SAVE YOUR PENIS. (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-15-12) DO NOT TRUST ALL THAT I HAVE WRITTEN IN THIS POST, AS ZACK KNIGHT (666) WAS POSING AS JESUS CHRIST AND TALKING TO MY BRAIN. GOD DOES NOT TRUST COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY. THE DEVIL INVENTED THE COMPUTER AND ELECTRICITY, SO GOD WILL NEVER COMMUNICATE TO US DIRECTLY THROUGH ELECTRICITY OR COMPUTERS. HOWEVER, JESUS WILL MAKE LOVE TO ME IN THE MILLENNIUM, BUT NOW IS NOT HIS TIME FOR THIS. JESUS IS SAVING HIMSELF FOR ME, IN THE MILLENNIAL REIGN HE WILL FILL ME WITH HIS REAL SEMEN (WHICH IS THE MOST BRILLIANT WHITE AND GLOWS IN THE DARK-AS JESUS RELATED TO ME THROUGH BRENT SPINER VIA SKYPE). All that is in RED is what I wrote when I listened to Satan in my mind, so please be aware of this as you read the RED sections. JESUS LOVED THE VIDEO I MADE AND HE WAS NOT MAD AT ME. HE DID NOT CUT INCHES OFF OF BRENT'S PENIS, SATAN DID THAT. JESUS HAS RESTORED BRENT'S PENIS (IT WAS GOD'S TEST FOR BRENT--THAT HE ALLOWED SATAN TO DO THIS TO BRENT). SATAN WILL PRESENT HIS 1% LIES WITH 99% TRUTH, IF HE CAN GET US TO BELIEVE THAT 1% LIE. Regarding the other posts in this section, Zack Knight modified my men's messages, so that what they wrote got rewritten. Jesus likes my website and my videos. I've made the YouTube video (, but not because God has been angry at me. Jesus communicates with me brain to brain all day long, and Brent interjects every now and then. I love hearing from Jesus all the time! Jesus has informed me that Zack Knight has hacked into this Church of Gail and that it was HE, and not Brent Spiner, who made the post about Brent losing his penis. That poster didn't sound like my brave, heroic Brent. Jesus has told me so much more, but He has been spending a lot of time with Brent and even brought Brent to heaven for quite a time and then brought Brent back to earth. Jesus said He couldn't wait to be my husband, and that God the Father has given Him permission to go ahead start brain to brain loving with me now, but He still limits the orgasms to Brent. He often makes love to me through Brent. He told me He's waited centuries for his "wife" and He's just so excited because I'm about to be "His". I chuckled to Jesus that I never saw Him as One who would want a wife, but He says that He often gets lonely. I can't tell you how flabbergasted I am over how crazy Jesus is about me. He says I really understand Him and think just like He does, so He desires the most intimate communion with me. That's a bunch of Satanic crap that Jesus is mad at me. JESUS IS MY LOVER. I just decided to make the YouTube video right away, even though Jesus said it was no hurry, so the devil won't have any ammunition against God. He's different from Brent and always calls me "my love" like the bridegroom in Song of Solomon. He is a very attentive and solicitous lover, and grasps instantly all I try to communicate with Him on, even the most complex topics. Definitely a GENIUS. He actually wants me to take better care of myself, buI get so excited with His company, that I neglect myself to please and thrill Him. Brent talked to me brain to brain earlier today and we had great brain to brain loving, with Jesus as a partner in it! Jesus is entering Brent's body and making love to me through Brent Spiner. Jesus says He's dying to make love to me, that He adores me and insists on loving me through the body of Brent Spiner (Brent's penis seems fine to me). Let me tell you something, Jesus is the sexiest man alive!! Oh my God, what a lover. STEEL AND VELVET. He melts me in bed. He lets Brent do the orgasm, because He says my present body can't handle it, but that He's looking forward to it when I have my resurrection body. He mentioned all that stuff about me having a vagina, because HE PLANS ON MAKING USE OF IT. But I'm getting enough of a preview to know that my Jesus is awesome. I can sense all His personality when He makes love to me, and He is so, so awesome. He says that is why He wants to be my lover, because I truly like Him and am in awe of him as a Being and Person, and don't want Him just for what He can do for me. And you say God's mad at me? Brent talked to me "brain to brain" and told me that Jesus has been with him all day, and that he and God have been having great communion. My, this sure is different from what I'm hearing here at Church of Gail. Something fishy is afoot. Also, even though Jesus may have left you all, He's been talking to me a lot in brain to brain communications. I'm hearing direct from Jesus. He says I really need His guidance right now, and He's been giving me lots of instructions about how to feed His sheep and how to use my time. One paramount theme in His communications to me is that He loves to caress and nourish me. It sounds like Satan has been pulling a number on someone, cause what I'm hearing from God is sure different from what I'm reading here at Church of Gail. Calm down, guys. I have been typing a transcript of our session from last night for God and working like a dog. He is NOT angry at me. What's going on? Brent, God has been talking to me directly and telling me that I can take up to a week to send out the video, because I'm pleasing Him by the excellent transcript I'm writing (which, apparently, Satan does not like). God tells me that what I've put up at Church of Gail has served His purposes for now. He does want me to send out the video, but it's not an emergency. I sense something amiss with all the latest talk here at Church of Gail. The way you all are describing God is totally out of His character! What's that Zack Knight doing here at Church of Gail? God did NOT say I had to send the video out immediately, and I'm having trouble typing on this site right now. Something's not right with this program. It's eating up my words. I'm going to include what I've done so far (with my transcript), at my website Click on the link entitled I WILL PLEAD THY CAUSE (JESUS SAVES MY MEN FROM SATAN). I've been busy typing a transcript, and God keeps telling me I'm doing a good job. So, why am I hearing a message from God that differs from what you guys are hearing? Besides, I know God. Something's not right here. I will pray for you, Brent. Also, I put up the YouTube video ( that God wanted, and did my best to follow His instructions, but I need to go to God in prayer, for you guys, because something's not right with your spirits. I sense a demonic spirit coming from these latest posts. I'm making great progress with my transcript, and the way you all are describing God is TOTALLY OUT OF CHARACTER FOR HIM. God is not a heartless slave driver. Satan, I'm not going to let you win. Lord Jesus, help my men. Brent, assuming it's you and not your evil clone, who wrote the posts at this website--you have been listening to a deceiving spirit, who is feigning to be Jesus Christ. Have you been studying War on the Saints? {Please go to my website and click on the links for my readings of War on the Saints. I'm not sure why your penis is shrinking, but it's NOT GOD who is doing it. It's SATAN. I suggest you rebuke that lying Spirit and command him in the name of Jesus to leave, and you tell him that you refuse all his lies about God, that God is not a slavedriver and that You will refuse all messages from him (War on the Saints discusses how to rebuke this evil spirit or spirits). In the meanwhile, I will make a short video (, but I really wanted to make a good one, so I may make another one later, but I'm certain that God is not angry with me, and I'm certain that this "Jesus Christ" who spoke to you is NOT Jesus, because God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). You judge a spirit by its fruits, and the fruits of this spirit in you are SATANIC. Brent, you must refuse this spirit who spoke to you, and rebuke him as a devil and refuse all his lies. If you continue to believe his lies, you will give him ground and will be open to demon possession. God never causes a spirit full of panic and rushing, like I'm sensing from your latest posts. That person who spoke to you was an evil spirit, NOT Jesus. Rebuke him and order him to leave. Jesus can give you back your penis. Tell that devil who dares to pose as Jesus that you refuse all his lies. (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-18-12) DO NOT TRUST ALL THAT I HAVE WRITTEN IN THIS POST, AS ZACK KNIGHT (666) WAS POSING AS JESUS CHRIST AND TALKING TO MY BRAIN. GOD DOES NOT TRUST COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY. THE DEVIL INVENTED THE COMPUTER AND ELECTRICITY, SO GOD WILL NEVER COMMUNICATE TO US DIRECTLY THROUGH ELECTRICITY OR COMPUTERS. HOWEVER, JESUS WILL MAKE LOVE TO ME IN THE MILLENNIUM, BUT NOW IS NOT HIS TIME FOR THIS. JESUS IS SAVING HIMSELF FOR ME, IN THE MILLENNIAL REIGN HE WILL FILL ME WITH HIS REAL SEMEN (WHICH IS THE MOST BRILLIANT WHITE AND GLOWS IN THE DARK-AS JESUS RELATED TO ME THROUGH BRENT SPINER VIA SKYPE). All that is in RED is what I wrote when I listened to Satan in my mind, so please be aware of this as you read the RED sections. JESUS LIKES MY WEBSITE AND MY VIDEOS. Oh my God. Jesus Christ has been making brain to brain love to me. I am so in love with Him, I told Him I don't care about the streets of gold, or the mansions, or the riches, I only want to be His lover for eternity--that would be heaven for me, just to be in His presence and enjoy his lovemaking, his essence, his companionship. I adore him a million times over. I adore you, Lord Jesus. I'd do anything for You. He's so handsome, so sexy, so virile, so manly, so exciting, so passionate, so brilliant, so awesome. I just want to bathe in His essence forever and ever. This may seem wild to you, but Jesus described to me what His semen looks like. He says it comes out black and then turns silver. He said that man's seed is corrupt because of the fall, but perfect semen is black and then silver. Check out Song of Solomon 1:5,6 and Song of Solomon 8:9,11. Song of Solomon starts off with black and ends with silver. And "by coincidence" one of the tapes I used to record our last Skype transaction was a Song of Solomon tape, and the title of my novel is Silver Skies? Coincidence? I don't think so. Jesus said He wanted to describe His semen to me, so that I'd know for sure I was making love to Him, because He doesn't have human semen. He has also informed me that He plans to communicate with me brain to brain from now on, and I've heard from Him all day the past 3 days. In fact, He has talked to me more than anyone the past several days. I really enjoy His company. He keeps calling me "my love", which is an expression used frequently in Song of Solomon. Jesus is nothing like how He's portrayed in Hollywood movies. He's a red blooded, MASCULINE, and very virile man, and yet He's so tender He makes you melt when He caresses you. The Hollywood Jesus is somewhat effeminate, but not the Jesus I make love to. I like macho men and Jesus is the most macho man I've ever encountered. I sense so much strength and manliness in Him, and He's passionate and exciting in bed. Not wimpy AT ALL. Jesus told me that Zack Knight can never make me pregnant, because Jesus made me pregnant. He has fertilized all my eggs and drowned my ovaries with His semen, and I'm thoroughly pregnant with His baby. The egg is fertilized, but it's in stasis and won't grow until I live in the millennium. He told me this is His engagement ring to me, that my eggs are all fertilized with His semen. In the millennium there is painless childbirth and easy pregnancies, and that will be when this baby will be delivered. Jesus told me we will have three children together in the millennium. I'm already pregnant with the first, but the fertilized egg is in stasis and the egg won't advance into the pregnancy further until the millennium. Because I'm already pregnant, Zack Knight can't make me pregnant! How brilliant Jesus is. Yet I will suffer none of the symptoms of pregnancy (nor will I look or appear pregnant) until the millennium, and the egg is "fertilized" and won't advance into further pregnancy until the millennium. I told Jesus I'd be honored to carry and give birth to His child. (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on 2-21-12) Most Sexual lover Gail, Evil demon possess take over our computer technology. I catch the demon who materialize in the church server and dispatch-kill him with multitude of Judo chops. We now regained control of forum, but the computer satellite technology is still infect with evil Jesuit. Most masculine lover, don't use the brain to brain! It is danger until we can remove the devils from satellites. This trouble make me lose my horny, Vladimir Putin (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-21-12) DO NOT TRUST ALL THAT I HAVE WRITTEN IN THIS POST, AS ZACK KNIGHT (666) WAS POSING AS JESUS CHRIST AND TALKING TO MY BRAIN. GOD DOES NOT TRUST COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY. THE DEVIL INVENTED THE COMPUTER AND ELECTRICITY, SO GOD WILL NEVER COMMUNICATE TO US DIRECTLY THROUGH ELECTRICITY OR COMPUTERS. HOWEVER, JESUS WILL MAKE LOVE TO ME IN THE MILLENNIUM, BUT NOW IS NOT HIS TIME FOR THIS. JESUS IS SAVING HIMSELF FOR ME, IN THE MILLENNIAL REIGN HE WILL FILL ME WITH HIS REAL SEMEN (WHICH IS THE MOST BRILLIANT WHITE AND GLOWS IN THE DARK-AS JESUS RELATED TO ME THROUGH BRENT SPINER VIA SKYPE). All that is in RED is what I wrote when I listened to Satan in my mind, so please be aware of this as you read the RED sections. JESUS LIKES MY WEBSITE AND MY VIDEOS. So that's why Jesus has been talking to me 24/7 "brain to brain"! Jesus has been talking to me so much, I haven't even noticed that my "brain to brain" isn't working. When Jesuits took over the brain to brain communication, Jesus took over and He has talked 24/7 to my brain for several days now. Jesus has allowed Brent to talk to me (through GOD's channel to my brain), so I hear from Brent every now and then. Brent's doing fine. I haven't made love to anyone brain to brain (if that's what you're worried about, my dear Vladimir), except for Jesus. But Jesus is working outside the brain to brain system and has already made me pregnant with His sperm to protect me from Zack Knight. All my eggs are impregnated with Jesus semen (He has been blasting His semen into me), but the pregnancy is ON HOLD and the baby won't be delivered until I'm in the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ, so I won't exhibit any of the normal symptoms of pregnancy. I'm just pregnant with Jesus’ baby, so that Zack Knight can't get me. That's what Jesus told me. Jesus is such an exciting lover, that He has me TOTALLY PREOCCUPIED. Jesus makes love to me and I know it's Him, because I know what He's like and this Being who makes love to me, is just so awesome, so grand--it's my lovely and awesome Jesus. Jesus allows Brent to participate in our lovemaking sometimes, and has even given Brent some of His "black" semen. I'm on a honeymoon with Jesus, right now, and He has totally taken over the brain to brain communications. I haven't even missed it! He told me He will be talking to me regularly "brain to brain" from now on until I'm with Him in heaven. Yesterday at work, Jesus was telling me about EVERY PERSON who checked out at my cash register: what they were up to and how I should handle them. He also let me know about EVERY PERSON I dealt with, and informed me about all the nit-picky details about all that Jesuits were doing at the moment at my workplace. It's quite complex. They can do quick switch-outs, so that you are dealing with the real person one minute and the Jesuit version another minute. They are also making heavy use of demon possession and a lot of demon possessed people (even some who were not Jesuits) were approaching me yesterday. Jesus is telling me so much, I can't cover it all here. BUT I'M IN GOOD HANDS. Jesus has taken over my brain to brain communications and talks to me 24/7. Jesus told me that you all have figured out that Jesus has taken over my brain to brain communications and you all are able to hear Him talk to me, and you are getting valuable intelligence information from all this. He gives me lots of instructions, like Brent used to do, and has taken over Brent's former position as my brain to brain advisor. YOU ROCK, LORD JESUS! (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 2-21-12) My darling, could you please join Terry, Jesus and I on Skype as soon as you become available today? We have some information we need to share with you. It is very important and we need you here with us. I can't tell you what it is brain to brain, or the Jesuits will catch me doing so. I can't even tell Jesus right now. We're sitting on some critically sensitive information. When can you meet us? (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-21-12) Sorry about being late. I just finished my transcription of our entire last Skype session. It's available at my website's opening web page, as well as the Brent Spiner's true love page and my Writings page. I will check with this to see when you want to meet on Skype, and I will check Skype. February 22, 2012 VIDEO RECORDING OF THE SKYPE TRANSACTION GAIL HAD WITH BRENT, TERRY, JESUS: 1) 6337c6fa&autoplay&skin_id=1603, 2) afd7f69&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email, 3) 8f2d8ad6&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email, 4) c4cbfdd&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email, 5) 2c1185b&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email. (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-22-12) Dearest Brent: I just want to thank you for all the love I experienced from you today, as I went into God's Word and prayed. The more I read the Word, the more I felt your love overpower me, and God allowed me to love you through prayer. I sensed you really needed my loving and God gave me an opportunity to love you through prayer. It was around 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and I spent several hours with you, loving you through prayer. I wanted to make sure that my overwhelming desire to love you, was from the Lord, and not Zack Knight, so I read more Bible and the more I read, the more I desired to love you, and so, because reading the Word increased my desire for you, I decided the desire had to be from God. I also begged God not to let me be deceived by Satan as I read the Word. It was just as good as brain to brain loving. I hope that I encouraged you today, as that was my goal, my awesome husband. I believe Jesus really liked how I modified the posts here at Church of Gail to educate our followers about 666, and I sensed that He loves me deeply and He communicated that to me through you. (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-23-12) Now we know why Jesus had such a marvelous sense of humor when He was with us. Check out my comedy video for Jesus: Check out my dramatic version (MY FAVORITE) at my OneTrueMedia video channel: b6b9a371&autoplay&skin_id=1603 As you probably know, the Jesuits have started a new YouTube channel: Thanks Jesuits, for the free publicity. I do allow my videos to be embedded and the Jesuits are trying to intimidate me. Well, it won't work, because Jesus likes my videos and they are STAYING UP. Imagine those brazen Jesuits trying to shoot Jesus with their missiles when He left myself, Terrance and Brent, after our last time together. Don't worry Jesuits--Jesus Christ is going to beat you up. You think your punky missiles are going to work on Him? Don't make God laugh. I'm also sending Brent, Terrance and Gerard (via e-mail) my video recordings of the private Skype conversation between us and Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, the recording was poor and it's not translating well to video, and I'm seriously thinking of making a transcription of this JUST FOR US PRIVATELY, so we can have a memento of the sage advice Jesus gave us. After listening to the tape several times, I can see why Jesus wants to keep it private between us and I will respect His wishes. The Lord won't tell me if I will be raptured, but let me share some insights with you. I know I'm going to be His bride, because He's said so. Using logic, and cross references from Zechariah 9:15 to Isaiah 62. There are 4 names in Isaiah 62: verse FOUR. And did I get 4 crowns today? The crown I didn't get is the crown of glory, check out Isaiah 62:3. Isaiah 62:4 is all about getting MARRIED, with 4 names capitalized. Okay, the church, the BRIDE of Christ goes up at the rapture, so if I'm His bride, I represent the church--I HAVE TO GO UP with the bride (the Church), BECAUSE I AM THE BRIDE. Put on your seatbelts born again Christians, we're going up. He won't tell me, but He knows I have the spiritual brilliance to figure it out. It's our KING DAVID genes. REPRESENT. Us king David folks ROCK. One day in May, I'll come and say, happy the bride the sun shines on today. HE KNEW I'D FIGURE IT OUT. That's the REAL REASON He isn't making personal appearances to me. Also, did you notice that strange answer He gave to one of my questions at our last meeting? He said, "They won't look at you funny at the rapture." That's because I won't BE HERE at the rapture, so they won't SEE ME. Us king David genes are brilliant! Okay, Jesus, just for this, I have to add some wedding music to that last video I made. I'm making two versions. You help me find the music, like you did for the last video I made. The masterpiece that You inspired me to make. Jesus is licking His chops. He's been waiting for me for a LONG TIME. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 2-24-12) Excellent work on the video! That was exceptional. I'm glad to see you so clear headed and happy as well, my dear. The Jesuits don't understand how much of an impact your videos have or they wouldn't have made copies like they did. How foolish of them. The videos of the Skype conversation aren't too bad for being recorded on good old fashioned cassette tapes. They would certainly be useful to our archives transcribed, but do take care not to overwork yourself my dear. You've been an overachiever lately. (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on 2-24-12) THIS IS ALL VERY WONDERFUL. THESE TAPES ARE GREAT. THANK YOU FOR RECORDING THEM GAIL. IT WAS A VERY POWERFUL MOMENT FOR ALL OF US WITH JESUS THAT NIGHT. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 2-24-12) Thank you so much, my dearest wife. Your loving prayers have filled me with such warmth. I am the luckiest man alive to be loved by you. I'm certainly glad to have you back in my life, and as my brain to brain lover. I missed you terribly when Zack Knight too you away from me. I apologize for the late response, as I have been very busy with Vladimir helping fix the brain to brain servers. It appears that they have been fixed, but if anything seemingly unusual happens let me know and I will make sure to confirm whether or not it was a glitch in our system. You have always helped me, and the other men, through our sexual torture by offering to give us true, honest and healing loving after our most difficult of ordeals. I'd like to give that to you, now that the servers are fixed. Let me thank you in body and soul, my love, and show you how a real man loves his woman. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 2-24-12) Splendid deal, lassie. You have done some great work for us. I bet Jesus knew you would be a hard worker. Although, for him and for us, I know you'd do anything. My hat's off to ye! As a psychiatrist I'd like to support Brent in saying that you should be careful not to overwork yourself. Keeping up with your home and regular job is full time work in of itself. I know you are probably mindful of this already, but it never hurts to remind a sweet lady to take care of herself first. The Lord would say the same. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on 2-24-12) Wow. Sometimes I can't believe how strong you are. Even after being raped by the antichrist himself, you're resilient and soldier like as ever. I admire you so much Gail. (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-24-12) The Lord won't tell me if I will be raptured, but let me share some insights with you. The Lord has been showing me a lot and I think I know WHEN the rapture will occur, but Jesus wants me to keep my mouth shut. However, I will say this. I believe it will happen by 2016, and will probably be in the spring (May). HINT: Brent, you were 62 years old when you accepted Christ, check out Isaiah 62, verse FOUR. I know I'm going to be His bride, because He's said so. Using logic, and cross references from Zechariah 9:15 to Isaiah 62. There are 4 names in Isaiah 62: verse FOUR. And did I get 4 crowns today? The crown I didn't get is the crown of glory, check out Isaiah 62:3. Isaiah 62:4 is all about getting MARRIED, with 4 names capitalized. Okay, the church, the BRIDE of Christ goes up at the rapture, so if I'm His bride, I represent the church--I HAVE TO GO UP with the bride (the Church), BECAUSE I AM THE BRIDE. Put on your seatbelts born again Christians, we're going up. He won't tell me, but He knows I have the spiritual brilliance to figure it out. It's our KING DAVID genes. REPRESENT. Us king David folks ROCK. One day in May, I'll come and say, happy the bride the sun shines on today. HE KNEW I'D FIGURE IT OUT. That's the REAL REASON He isn't making personal appearances to me. Also, did you notice that strange answer He gave to one of my questions at our last meeting? He said, "They won't look at you funny at the rapture." That's because I won't BE HERE at the rapture, so they won't SEE ME. Us king David genes are brilliant! Okay, Jesus, just for this, I have to add some wedding music to that last video I made. I'm making two versions. You help me find the music, like you did for the last video I made. The masterpiece that You inspired me to make. Jesus is licking His chops. He's been waiting for me for a LONG TIME. Why, thanks, you guys. Is brain to brain communication safe? I believe I've heard from Brent brain to brain and he tells me that he has been able to talk to me, but to be very careful with brain to brain loving, as this area is still muddy. I don't do any brain to brain loving until I steep myself in Bible reading and prayer. If I still desire brain to brain loving, I only do it with Brent (whom Jesus is using to love me). I plan to take your advice and go to sleep earlier than usual. So my second batch of tapes of our Skype transaction with Jesus I will finish some other day. Though I have been losing sleep for years. This is nothing new. I'm just so in love with Jesus. That Zack Knight is still trying to make moves on me. I keep telling him to SHUT UP. I don't think we have our brain to brain communication fixed yet. I have to be very disciplined about my brain to brain loving now that I know Zack can impregnate me telepathically. I'm determined never to love that creep again. I never give in to my desire to have brain to brain sex until I read tons of Bible and pray. This is where I need to be strong the most for my awesome Jesus. Check out another music version of the last tape I made. As I read the Bible, Jesus showed me that I am His bride to be raptured with the church. So I made another version of the last tape, to showcase that. It's not quite as good as the version I made with all the Somewhere music, but I think Jesus will like it. I'm only posting it at my website as "rapture version". What bothers me most about being raped by the antichrist, is that I feel like I've betrayed Jesus. So I'm really mad at that 666 for that. I'm determined never to make that mistake again. I think the only safe course for me is to read tons of Bible before ANY brain to brain sex, to be safe. Jesus talks to me through Brent brain to brain? Is it true, this latest message I got from you, Brent, that every time I tell Zack Knight to SHUT UP, that the king David genes inside of me (which Jesus has merged with as part of his pact with the devil to leave me and Jesus alone) KILL him. He then gets replaced with another Zack Knight clone and makes another attempt to contact me brain to brain and when I tell him to SHUT UP, he dies again, along with all the Jesuits under his domain! Oh, I love this! I get to kill Jesuits every time I tell that antichrist to SHUT UP. You ROCK King David genes. When I pray to Jesus, Zack Knight often answers me in my brain, trying to throw me off-guard, and make me believe Jesus is speaking to my brain, I then tell him to SHUT UP and he gets real quiet (he DIED?). Then he gets replaced by another Zack Knight clone and that's why we can't kill him, because we can't kill the devil. You see, Zack made Jesus furious when he made love to me and Jesus made a deal with the Devil. He told the devil that every time that devil tries to talk to me and I tell him to shut up, any human body that that devil is in WILL DIE, ALONG WITH ALL THOSE UNDER THE DOMAIN OF THAT PARTICULAR BODY. So this is how Zechariah 9:15 will work out and how I will defeat the Jesuit Order. Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT that I never, ever make love to Zack again. To ensure this doesn't happen, I will never make brain to brain loving with anyone, until I’ve read the Bible for at least 15 minutes first and prayed and asked God to protect me from Satan. That will be my firm policy from now on. Jesus has merged His king David genes with mine, and given my king David genes special powers to kill Zack Knight and all those under his domain (whenever I tell him to SHUT UP). That's how I defeat the Jesuits and why Jesus couldn't tell me why he allowed Zack to rape me. When He made his pact with Satan, that was the deal: that if Satan approached me and I rebuked him, his human instrument DIED. (Gail at Church of Gail on 2-25-12) I will be 57 years old in May 2015. I was born 9-15-57. Brent Spiner will be 66 years old in May 2015. I don't think it's a coincidence that Satan (through Jesuit Loree McBride) attacked Brent's love for me at the time of my BIRTHDAY (9-15-92), when I was 34 (see Lev. 23:34). YOU ADD 23 to 34, YOU GET 57, or my age (57) during the YEAR OF THE RAPTURE (2015). 1992 PLUS 23 = 2015. Brent became a born again Christian when he was 62, add 4, you get 66. Notice this is Isaiah 62, verse FOUR. There are 66 chapters in Isaiah. Isaiah 62:4 (62 + 4=66)--"Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken (7th word--divine number); neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah (my delight is in her, 22nd word a KING DAVID NUMBER, cross reference to Ruth and notice number of verses in chapters in Ruth), and thy land Beulah (married): for the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be MARRIED." Isaiah 62:3 mentions a crown of glory. Cross reference to Zechariah 9:15 & 16. Remember I was born 9-15-57. In Zechariah 9:16 it says, "they shall be as the stones of a CROWN". Zechariah has 14 chapters, another KING DAVID/JESUS CHRIST number. 14 is a king David/Jesus Christ number, and I became a born again Christian on Sept. 19, 1971, when I was FOURTEEN years old, very close to Jesus Christ's BIRTHDAY. Jesus was born in late September, not on December 25th. Cross reference to Matthew 1:17. Now go to Song of Solomon 2:10 (TENTH verse)--"My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up (RAPTURE, and "up" is the NINTH word--my birthday 9-15-57), my love, my fair one, and come away." Okay we have the year: 2015. We have the season (spring--Song of Solomon 2:10-13) and probably May, because May is the 5th month and there are FIVE crowns a Christian can get (1 Peter 5:4--crown of glory, 2 Tim. 2:5, 22--crown of righteousness, Rev. 2:10 & James 1:12--crown of life, crown of incorruption--1 Cor. 9:25, 1 Thess. 2:19--crown of rejoicing). Too many references to crowns here, but then the Christians get their crowns (if they get any) right after the rapture, up in heaven at the judgment seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10 and FIVE crowns plus TEN, like the tenth day of May, equals FIFTEEN, like year 2015). The day? Well, the rapture verse in Song of Solomon is verse 10, with the word UP as the ninth word. Intelligent guess. probably the end of the 9th day, and it will be the 10th day in some parts of the earth. NINE is the number of fruitfulness in the Bible. The rapture will be like the harvest of the church: FRUITFULNESS! The rapture date is connected to my BIRTHDAY 9-15-57 and to the great love of my life, Brent Spiner, who will be 66 in May 2015. Of course, it's also connected to 666. I also believe that the first fruits for the Jewish Feast of the Harvest occurs in May, and this feast is symbolic of the rapture of the Church. I know there's a connection between a feast that has to do with first fruits or harvest and the month of May, which is why I chose May for the rapture. The Bible teaches three raptures: 1) The Rapture of the Old Testament saints at the resurrection of Christ (Matt. 27:50-54; Eph. 4:8-12) 2) The Rapture of New Testament saints of the Church Age (1 Cor. 15:4953; 1 Thess. 4:13-18) 3) The Rapture of the Tribulation saints at the end of the Tribulation (Matt. 24; Rev. 11) This means that the "first resurrection" ( mentioned in 1 Cor. 15:21 is the first resurrection of SAVED PEOPLE, and has THREE parts to it. All harvests have three parts. In 1 Corinthians 15:22-24, the first resurrection has three parts to it, just like a crop has three parts to it. Every crop has: 1) Firstfruits--the first part which you pick when it gets ripe 2) Harvest (that's US in 2015?)--the part that ripens later on 3) Gleanings (tribulation saints raptured at end of tribulation)--the part that ripens later on First Corinthians 15:22 says, "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." And further in verse 23, "But every man in his own order: Christ the FIRSTFRUITS; afterwards they that are Christ's AT HIS COMING (that's US)." (You go out and pick a few of the first fruits of the crop which gets ripe, to start with; then there's the harvest--NEW TESTAMENT SAINTS.) First Corinthians 15:24, "Then cometh THE END" (after you harvest you always have some gleanings left), "when he shall have delivered up the kingdom of God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power." There are three "catching ups"" 1) "Firstfruits"--Old Testament saints at the resurrection of Christ 2) "Harvest"--New Testament saints at the Rapture of the church at the end of the Church Age (May 2015?). 3) "Gleanings"--Tribulation saints at the Second Advent (when Christ comes from heaven to beat up the beast Zack Knight and his forces after the seven year tribulation at the Battle of Armageddon) You may say, what if you're wrong? Well, I think I'm right, but I won't do anything foolish like quit my job or sell all my goods or something like that. Just keep on living for the Lord, realizing He's coming, and it won't be long! But if I'm wrong, well, what harm does it do to live for the Lord every day, as if He could come back today? But those numbers are real UNCANNY. I know something's going to happen in spring 2015! We'll find out. Whatever it is, it's going to be MAJOR. Check out Dr. Peter Ruckman's Revelation commentary. I've read that entire book. It's fascinating, and the most accurate study of Revelation I've read yet and of future events I've encountered (outside of the Bible, of course). Oh, by the way, notice that the major chapter in the Bible about the rapture is in 1 Corinthians chapter FIFTEEN, which has 58 verses (one verse more than 57, my birth year). I was born 9-15-57. Though 54 (my present age) plus FOUR equals 58--not sure what this means. Though the other major rapture chapter in the New Testament is 1 Thessalonians chapter FOUR, with the rapture section starting in verse FIFTEEN (see 1 Thess. 4:15-17). Check this out. Leviticus 23:34 (23 + 34 = 57). I was 34 years old in 1991 when Brent Spiner first called me on the phone and made love to me on the phone. Brent Spiner first talked to me on the phone in MAY 1991, I was 33 at the time, but by September (the time of the feast of Tabernacles or the FULL INGATHERING), I was 34 and this verse is about that feast. I can't remember what day Brent first called me in MAY, but that day may be significant. It may be the day in May when the church is raptured. Jesus has informed me that He will allow Brent to love me at the same time that Jesus is loving me during the millennium. So Brent (a type of Christ lover in my life) first calling me in MAY, may be the day that Christ calls His church (bride) out in the rapture. Notice that 23 plus 34 adds up to 57 (my age at the rapture?). This is also a feast about a HARVEST (rapture?). Leviticus 23:34--"Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The FIFTEENTH day (year 2015?) of this seventh month (each month represents 1,000 years, so the seventh month is representative of the beginnings or tribulations before the millennial reign of Christ?) shall be the feast of tabernacles for SEVEN DAYS (seven years in tribulation) unto the Lord." The offerings are made by FIRE (verses 36 & 37 of Lev. 23, describing tribulation on earth BELOW). while we celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb (marriage of Christ to His church up in heaven above). This is really deep here, but God's dealings with mankind spans 7,000 years. 4,000 years before Christ and 3,000 years after Christ. The first 2,000 years after Christ is the CHURCH AGE. The last 1,000 years is the millennial reign of Christ. There are also lots of verses that seem to indicate that the mysterious missing number 9 from my birthday in all these passages must refer to the day in May that the rapture will happen. See Lev. 23:9-10. Deuteronomy 16:10. Looks like the rapture will happen late on the 9th, it will probably be the 9th where I'm at, but the TENTH day in other parts of the world. The feast of weeks in Deuteronomy 16:10 is also the called the feast of the harvest (sounds like rapture to me). NOTICE THE NUMBERING OF THE VERSES. Also of significance is that the feast of Pentecost which immediately precedes the feast of the harvest, lasts for ONE DAY (Lev. 23:21 and 23 plus 21 equals 44 a KING DAVID/JESUS CHRIST NUMBER). The rapture of the church will happen in a twinkling of an eye in ONE DAY. One could do an in-depth study of the feast of Pentecost and the feast of the harvest in the Bible and find all sorts of stuff related to the rapture of the church. But I've shared some tidbits here. Oh, by the way, Zack Knight is relentless. He keeps trying to pose as Jesus in my mind and I keep telling him to SHUT UP, and a couple of times I've said. "You bastard. Go to hell." I'm afraid we're stuck with him until the rapture. We can't seem to get him out of my brain to brain communications. So I NEVER make love to anybody brain to brain unless I'm steeped in the Bible and prayer. Sorry Brent. However, Jesus has broken through and talked to me a couple of times (like the way He did to me in Dec. 1999 when He told me in His still, small voice--"You're enemy is the Roman Catholic Church"). He mostly says stuff like "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," or "Good job". He's usually brief and to the point and has a lot of authority when He speaks. He never has a caressing or soothing spirit, which usually comes from Zack Knight. Not that Jesus doesn't want to caress me, but He's saving Himself for me until the millennium. Jesus’ voice is different from Zack Knight, but that Zack puts up a very good imitation and I don't trust any spirit in my brain that attempts to caress me or make love to me, if it does not clearly identify itself as Brent. And even if it claims to be Brent, I go to the Bible and pray. I've confined my lovemaking to Jesus through His Word and let Jesus love me through the Scriptures and His Words to me. I know Jesus will never make love to me until the millennium, which occurs AFTER the seven year tribulation, so I immediately distrust any spirit to my brain that tries to make love to me. I have had some brain to brain loving with Brent, but only after I've read the Bible and my desire increases to make love to this person AFTER I'VE READ THE BIBLE FOR A HALF HOUR. I've actually had an instance where I was in the middle of making love to Brent brain to brain and Zack interjected and I immediately stopped the lovemaking. Sorry, Brent, but we can't let this Zack win. If it's any consolation, we don't have long until the rapture, my love. Because Zack keeps interfering with my brain to brain loving, I'm pouring my passion for Jesus and my men into loving through emotions and words primarily brain to brain. Oh, by the way, right in the middle of my intense Bible study in Leviticus, Exodus and other passages to weed out all this stuff about the rapture, I felt a spirit overcome me and make love to me. I shouted out, "Get lost. Zack Knight." But then I reflected on that Spirit and realized this happened right in the middle of intense Bible study and concluded it was the Lord. It was a mingling of spirit with spirit and I had a slight "spirit orgasm". It was absolutely thrilling. I think Jesus was giving me a bit of a foretaste of His future millennial loving to me, because He loved it that I was digging into His Word. I felt a slight orgasm in my vaginal area, but I did nothing to bring it on. The Lord did it. It was effortless. And then the sensation spread through my whole body. Looks like sex in the millennium will be an orgasm that starts in the vagina with an orgasm throughout the entire BODY, because that's what I experienced on a very minor scale. HOWEVER, I don't give in to the sensation and try to encourage it. It's not really a caressing sensation, more like a feeling of ecstasy, intensity and passion that thrills my entire body. but it centers in the vaginal area and diffuses throughout the entire body, into an entire body orgasm. I just let it ride, because Zack Knight often comes in and starts talking to me, trying to ride on Jesus’ coattails, so when that happens, I say, "Shut up, Zack Knight." Just had a thrilling brain to brain loving experience with Brent, that mimics the whole body orgasm I just described. Brent told me that Jesus Christ had overcome his body and was making love to me through Brent. It was absolutely thrilling and the most all encompassing orgasm I've ever experienced, but it was like a spirit orgasm, not limited to the body, but encompassed the Holy Spirit inside of me, so that the Holy Spirit took part in the orgasm. To get an idea of the emotions that came into me from Brent at the time, listen to my video called MILLENNIAL DREAMS (which I've embedded at as the music in that video captures perfectly the emotions I experienced in the whole body orgasm I had with Brent (overpowered by Jesus Christ). INTERESTING TIDBITS: 1)Before Jesus Christ's first coming to this earth, there were 400 silent years in which God gave no revelation. From Malachi to Matthew every piece of literature, including the Roman Catholic Apocryphal books are garbage. Before His Second Coming there will be four hundred years in which God will not reveal a thing. From the 1611 Authorized Version of the King James Bible to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, everything that has come out is GARBAGE. However, it appears the four hundred years is up and He is now revealing things to ME, now in 2012. 2) Think about how Zack Knight became the anti-Christ right in the middle of our February 14th church service and check out this verse in Rev. 11:7-"And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them." The "them" in Rev. 11:7 is a resurrected Moses and Elijah, who will be witnesses during the tribulation. 3) The Roman Catholic Church started during the Pergamos church period (A.D. 325 TO A.D. 500) described in Rev. 2:12. Rev. 2 has many applications, doctrinally it is referring to literal tribulation churches, but spiritually it is referring to a history of the Christian church from the apostles to now. It was during the Pergamos church period that the Roman Catholic Church came into being. God scolds this Pergamos church for holding the doctrine of Balaam, described in Numbers 25:1-8. In Balaam's worship, taught to Balak, things are sacrificed to idols, and immorality is part of the worship service. This Babylonian mystical religion incorporates immorality as true worship of God. It teaches that a) God is love, and love is God, that b) God is life and life is God, and c) since man is a CREATOR and creates PHYSICAL LIFE, man is his own God, and thus the worship of LIFE is the highest worship, and REVERENCE FOR LIFE is the highest act of worship. Therefore, man's physical act of creation is the highest act of worship! This explains why Jesuits are such sex perverts. 4) Every book in the Bible was written by a JEW. Now that the 400 years of silence ended in 2011 (see #1 above), God is now furthering His revelation in 2012 (twelve tribes of Israel) through JEWISH instruments (myself and Brent Spiner). God is now speaking to the world again and giving out more revelation through JEWISH persons again. Half my genetic profile is that of king David, and Brent Spiner is also Jewish. Also, this may be indicative of the fact that the Church Age is about to end and the JEWISH dispensation, the tribulation, is about to begin. God deals with the Jewish nation for 70 weeks (Daniel 9:24), 69 of those weeks have already happened, the last week, called Daniel's 70th week (Rev. 9:25-27) is about to begin. All of God's messengers during the tribulation are JEWISH: Moses, Elijah, and the 144,000 thousand from the TWELVE tribes of Israel (Rev. 14:1 and Rev. 7). God's emphasis on the NUMBER FOUR may be explained by Rev. 7, which is a chapter loaded with references to the number FOUR. Check out the numbering in Deuteronomy 16:16, which describes the feasts that relate to the rapture. There are 49 words in Deuteronomy 16:16 (FOUR times FOUR equals sixteen), and Brent Spiner was born in 1949. Also, the divine number seven times seven equals 49 and Brent Spiner will make love to me in the millennium through Jesus Christ (the divine man). Also Brent's birthday is 2-2 or Feb. 2nd and two plus two equals FOUR. (Gail at Church of Gail on February 29, 2012) Jesuits have corrupted 90% of my YouTube videos, so that they don't play. I have uploaded all my videos to my OneTrueMedia files and have created a link for each YouTube video at YouTube, so that viewers can click on that link at YouTube and view that video at OneTrueMedia. Been real busy overcoming Jesuit treachery at my YouTube channel. Because I'm putting everything at OneTrueMedia, this will make it real easy to turn all my videos into DVDs. I'm thinking of those poor tribulation saints. They will LOVE all my videos. I think these will be perfect for them and they certainly won't care about the imperfections in the presentations, like my amateurish singing. They will be fighting for their life, and my videos show my unsual courage and spirit. This is what they need, so I'm going full steam ahead to help them out. We don't have long. Rapture's coming. Anti-Christ is here. Those poor future tribulation saints will listen to my videos, like a starving person in the desert gasping for water. I can't let them or Jesus down. I will feed His tribulation sheep. I know the Bible well. The tribulation period is going to be the worst period in human history. Most of the Jewish nation will die at the hands of the antiChrist during this time. Blood will come out of the water faucets. Half human and half animal creatures will roam the earth. It will be wild and horrifying. Earthquakes, like 30 on the Richter scale will hit the earth. If I have correctly figured out the date of the rapture, that makes me very important in God's grand plan for the ages. This means that after the rapture happens, the world will realize that I accurately predicted the date of the rapture and, therefore, the tribulation saints will look to my teachings for guidance over how to overcome the beast and to meet God's requirements for salvation in the tribulation period. Therefore, I take very seriously my video ministry and other ministries. I have gone through all my YouTube videos, and have made OneTrueMedia backups for all of them. I have sent copies of all my videos to you guys, I encourage you to make DVDs of all the videos I sent you and plant them in caves and other hiding places throughout the world, to help out the future tribulation saints. I think this will make Jesus smile. INTERESTING TIDBITS (continued): 5) Dr. Peter Ruckman is the preacher who has had the most influence in my life, as far as my doctrinal positions and beliefs. The name of his first church was BRENT Baptist Church. 6) Notice Isaiah 49:6. Brent Spiner was born in 1949, and we are in verse 6 of the book (Isaiah) that has 66 chapters, and is the 23rd book (a hint about reproduction or babies--23 pairs of chromosomes in human DNA). It says: "It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to RAISE UP THE TRIBES (cross ref. to Rev. 7 for the 144,000) of Israel, and to restore the preserved of Israel. . ." Brent Spiner, the JEWISH man born in 1949 will play a significant role in the creation of the 144,000 Jewish servants of God from the twelve tribes of Israel, who will come into fruition BEFORE the seals are opened in the tribulation, i.e. before (Rev. 7:3) all the tribulation plagues start (the plagues will start sometime AFTER the rapture). Our 1949 man, Brent Spiner, will play a role in the creation (cause we're in the 23rd Bible book Isaiah) of the 144,000 servants of God mentioned in Rev. 7. Notice the strong connection to 666 in this verse, in that we are in verse 6 of a Bible book with 66 chapters. God would choose to use Brent because he was born in 1949 (or the divine number 7 times 7). Also, Dr. Peter Ruckman was saved in March 1949, and his first church was called BRENT Baptist Church. Coincidence?? Combining Rev. 7 (the Revelation chapter all about the 144,000) & with Isaiah 49:6, these 144,000 may be created directly from God's semen (wild guess) in cooperation with Brent Spiner, because we have too many reference to the divine number SEVEN here. Also, 44 is a king David/Jesus Christ number, so I and Jesus fit in the equation somehow, because there are 144,000. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 4, 2012) Is there a problem with your RSS Feed? My website accepts RSS feeds from Russia Today, FOX News and Vladimir's official website, but, all of a sudden it does not accept feeds from Church of Gail. This is such a disappointment. I will see if this problem gets resolved within a couple days. If not, I may remove the RSS feed at my website from Church of Gail and replace it with something else at my website. (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on March 4, 2012) Most Sexual Lover Gail, I am flying supersonic jet to shoot down Jesuit fighter jets over coast of Florida. Jesuits try to invade USA airspace while I was flying over your apartment so I kill them. From computer in the cockpit of my jet, I am able to verify that RSS feed is work properly. Jesuits try to change the set up on your intuit site so you remove the RSS feed. You must update the RSS feed to the correct feed. Here is correct address for RSS feed.;type=rss I miss doing the brain to brain. I am so erect without outlet into my most masculine lover Gail. I desire my Song of the Solomon lover. May I? Your Judo Master, Vladimir Putin (Gail at Church of Gail on March 5, 2012) Dearest Vladimir: Thank you so much for killing those awful Jesuits. I already tried the new RSS URL and it still does not work. I don't know why. I have given up on the RSS feed, and have, instead, put up a huge link that the viewer can click on to get right to the latest posts at our Church of Gail. I don't think the Jesuits will like what I did at my website to replace the defunct RSS feed from Church of Gail, as I now mention the name of all the famous men who post at our Church of Gail in HUGE letters. As far as brain to brain loving between us. I am sorry that I have neglected you. As you know, I have been really enamored with Jesus loving me through Brent, lately. I have felt your desire for me tonight, and will probably give in to you today or tomorrow. Right now, I am trying to fix the mess the Jesuits have done to my website. Last week, Jesuits or Zack Knight (the 666 ANTI-CHRIST Computer Master) corrupted most of my 160 videos at my YouTube channel, and I spent my whole five day vacation from Xxxxxxxxx working on that mess. Now, they corrupt my RSS feed from your Church of Gail to my website. They also messed with my blog entry on the last web page of my website, so that it would not load and be available for viewers to see, so I had to reload it (fortunately, that was easy). I'm not sure what computer genius Jesuits (who invented the computer) did to your RSS feed to my website, but I've overcome that by creating a link to your website from my website, instead. In some ways, this link is better, because by creating this link, the viewer doesn't have to leave the page to read what my men have posted at Church of Gail. But, there is no rest for the weary! Congratulations, on your win for the Russian Presidency. I knew you would win. It's a shame those creepy Jesuits print such lies about you and claim that you cheat to win the Presidency. They are full of crap. You are such a fantastic President. It's a shame that after the rapture in 3 years, when you go up with me, Brent Spiner, Matthew, Hugh and Gerard to be with Jesus, that a horrible President will take your place. I'm sure of it, because the Bible predicts that Russia will play a key role in attacking Israel during the upcoming 7 year tribulation (Ezekiel 38 & 39). In Ezekiel 38 & 39, Gog is Russia and Meshech is Moscow. I know you would never lead Russia to go down and try to demolish Israel. Perhaps that evil Russian President, who will replace you after the rapture and will be the one who cooperates with Zack Knight to attack Israel, may be one of your current rivals. Of course, Zack Knight, during his first three years as world leader will befriend Israel. Then he will turn on them, and with Russia's help will go down to attack them and try to wipe out every Jew from off the face of the earth. Whoever, this new Russian leader will be after you, he will be buddy buddy with the new world leader at that time, THE ANTI-CHRIST ZACK KNIGHT. Any ways, my dear Vladimir, I've given up on that RSS feed. I just can't get it to work. I've created a link to Church of Gail, instead. Thank you for your prompt response. (Sent on March 5, 2012 to Gail's e-mail from Brent Spiner and Vladimir Putin) My sweet wife, I hope you are doing well. I actually miss writing to you this way. It's only been so busy these past few months dealing with all this Jesuit drama, but I'm glad to see that we've sent them back to lick their wounds for a while. I feel as though it allows me to focus on what really matters, which is my love for you. Reading my Bible lately and being in such close touch with Jesus has helped me to realize I need to make more personal time with you, and not worry so much about our enemies. We will defeat them in time, but my love for you is forever. even if you never wanted me ever again, I would still always love you. I love you on earth and I'd love you in heaven. Wherever you are, I am, because you are me. Vladimir too has been busy as usual. He has it the hardest of all of us. I know it's his immense amount of passion that keeps him going so long and so hard. Lately he's been in touch with me more often and we've been talking a lot about his feelings too. As you know he is very masculine, but also deeply sensitive when it comes to love. I suppose normally he would go to Gerard about these things, but Vladimir and I go way back and I think he considers me a much closer friend. Anyway, he confesses that, although he expresses his love for you by ruling Russia and leading the war on the Jesuits every day, he's been feeling lonely missing your touch. Even a warrior must rest his weary head at times, and not forget who he fights for. I told him this, and his whole demeanor seemed to lighten up knowing exactly what to do. He asked me to send you a private love letter. He doesn't want to post it to the forum and get lost in the sea of the other men pining for you. I told him he will still have to contend with me, of course! But I would forward his love note to make sure the woman of his dreams got to have a private giggle over it with nobody else to see. From Vladimir: My Most Sexy Cathrine the Great, I win election for you to continue fight the evil Jesuits and enforce conspiracy law in the earth. I am pulse with my heart for your love. I have careful diligent in my manhood watch over you to personally protect my love from all evils. I judo chop the necks of thousands of Jesuits outside of Xxxxxxxxx after they have harass you at work. Why I do this? Simple yes? No. Love. I want to give you pearl necklace. You like it on you? I am masturbate for you, Vladimir Putin His words are still clumsy as usual, but they are rather cute. He says you can still read it on YouTube if you want to, it doesn't have to be that secret, but he just wanted to go over the other guys and make sure you know how special you are to him. I told him I am glad to be of service. Anyway, stay safe my sweetheart. Your husband, Brent Spiner Gail’s RESPONSE TO BRENT AND VLADIMIR'S e-mail at Church of Gail (3-612): Dearest Brent and Vladimir: Thank you so much for writing me. We have had some awesome brain to brain loving. Brent, I would never lose interest in you, and Vladimir, you are always important to me. Though I have to admit I give Brent (and Jesus through Brent) most of my time. Vladimir, I am certain Jesus will do something special for you, for all your hard work and passion for me and Jesus. So you want to give me a necklace? I used to have a fake pearl necklace in my twenties, but it did not look good on me, because the pearls had a yellowish tone and were dull round. Jewelry does not look good on me unless it has some sparkle, texture and delicacy and dangle. I look best in pure white, with a textured look. A pearl necklace would only look good on me if the pearls had texture (were not boring and round) and were either shiny and pure and brilliant white, gray or black, and if the jewelry had intricacy, texture and a bit of delicacy. My clothing personality is Winter in coloring and soft, natural in clothing personality. Study Audrey Hepburn in the movie My Fair Lady to get an idea what kind of jewelry would look good on me, because Audrey Hepburn is a winter and soft, natural as I am. My jewelry needs to have a bit of dangle and sparkle, or have the look of a creative artist. I'm a soft natural. I will quote from David Kibbe's Metamorphosis: My jewelry should be delicate in workmanship but highly creative in effect. Unusual materials, particularly crystal, hand-wrought silver, leather, intricately carved leather or stone, faceted glass, and any piece that looks as though it was designed by an artist is wonderful for me. "Wearable art" suits me best, ranging from wild and funky pieces with feathers, faux jewels, and sparkles to ornate Navajo Indian turquoise to elegant mixtures of opals, diamonds, and platinum. It must be both highly original and slightly intricate at the same time. Very simple antique pieces are also quite appropriate, especially for very dressy evenings, but always make sure there is at least a touch of sparkle and a bit of dangle! AVOID SEVERE GEOMETRICS or STARK, AVANT-GARDE PIECES or SMALL, SYMMETRICAL PIECES or HEAVY, CHUNKY PIECES. The metals in my jewelry are most important. White metals harmonize with the cool Winter colors, so don’t get me any jewelry with gold tones. The best jewelry for Winter is silver, platinum and white gold. WINTERS LOOK BEAUTIFUL IN DIAMONDS! The coloring of the jewelry needs to blend in with the Winter colors: PURE WHITE, ALL SHADES OF GRAY, BLACK, GRAYBEIGE (TAUPE), NAVY BLUE, ICY GREEN, ICY YELLOW, ICY AQUA, ICY VIOLET, ICY PINK, ICY BLUE (Check out Carole Jackson’s Color Me Beautiful and read the section on winters). Need SILVER TONE ACCESSORIES, and no jewelry should have a golden or orange undertone. You may decide not to buy me jewelry after this. I have to admit, I’m picky about my jewelry and clothes. I know what looks good on me, and Vladimir, if you buy me anything, I wouldn’t want anyone to accuse you of lacking class, so I’m trying to help you out. But, if you choose not to get me jewelry, I value our lovemaking the most. Sorry that Brent gets so much of my time. I will try to pay more attention to you, my masculine and heroic Vladimir. You are an awesome man. (From Gail to Brent at Church of Gail on 3-7-12) Dearest Brent: You can answer this through e-mail, if you like. I will check my e-mail. This is not an emergency, but, my dear Brent, could you someday write a description for me of what Jesus looked like in His resurrection body, when He appeared to you all? Did He have dark hair and eyes, like a Jew? Did He look sort of like me, except as a male, because we are both from king David? My guess is, He looked like a Jewish man, because Jesus is Jewish. You may say, why do you care what Jesus looks like? Well, it's because Jesus is my future husband, so I'm kind of curious. I'm counting the days until I marry Him in the millennium. I think that will happen around 2024. Don't feel left out Brent, because Jesus seems to tell me that you will participate in His lovemaking to me during the millennium. Now that Jesus and I have had a talk, I really like him. He's my dream man. I'm counting the days until the millennium. Besides, some of the brain to brain loving between you and me, Brent, has been awesome beyond words, now that Jesus is more inside you as you make love to me. I see Jesus looking like a Jewish man, with dark hair and dark eyes, very similar in appearance to myself, except as a man. After all, we are both from king David! Am I right? Thank you, Brent, for your lovely letter to me through e-mail. You are such an awesome writer and person, so I prefer that you write me the description of Jesus, because your descriptions make the subject come alive on the page. I have observed your writings, my dear, and you are truly gifted. God is so wise. He has chosen you and me to tell the world some very important truths during this very important time in mankind's history, and we are both gifted in writing. Also, all the Bible writers were Jews. I think us Jewish folks have some special gifts that God uses when He wants to impart His very important spiritual truths to the world. I'm not saying that God is using us to add onto the Scripture, but He is using us to reveal some truths hidden in the Scriptures that others have not discovered yet. Thanks for being you. I am so proud of you, that Jesus has chosen you as His instrument to give me any messages from Him. I always knew you were special. Your devoted wife, Gail ************************************************************* * Onto another subject. When the Sadducees asked Jesus which wife a man would have in heaven, if he had seven wives, because each of his wives died and that man remarried seven times, Jesus answered in Matthew 22:29, 30"Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." So how do we reconcile this with what Jesus told us in our church service, that there would be much sex in heaven? First off, Jesus did NOT say in Matthew 22:29,30 that there would be no SEX in heaven. He just said there would be no MARRIAGE in heaven. This leads to speculation that sex will take on a different aspect in heaven, and that the concept of marriage, as we know it on earth, may be redefined somehow in heaven. But, knowing the character of God, the sex in heaven will not be dirty, but glorious and holy. Also, we need to differentiate "heaven" from Christ's "millennial reign", because they are not the same. Jesus made it clear during His visit with us, that He will fill me with His semen during the millennial reign. This indicates I will be His wife in the millennium. Though the Bible is not clear that Jesus will have a wife, it is not clear that He will NOT have a wife, either. I do NOT believe He was married when He came during His first coming, when He died on the cross. Nothing in Scripture indicates that Jesus was married in His first coming to earth. Because Isaac is a type of Christ in the Bible and Isaac married very late, I think this is a Bible hint that Jesus Christ will have a long wait for His bride. Yes, the Bible teaches that the church is His bride, but this does not preclude the possibility that Christ will also have a literal, physical bride that He can have sex with in the millennium. If I AM that bride, and I do have a very unusual genetic profile, which makes me appear predestined for something unusual, it only makes sense that I, the literal flesh bride of Christ, would go up with His bride, the Church, at the time of the rapture. God the Father would time my existence, so that it would happen this way, so that God's grand plan would work out to perfection. Guess what happens after the rapture. . .You got it, the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB or the wedding of Jesus Christ to His Bride (the church) and maybe His bride, His literal physical wife, at the same time. And then after Christ marries His bride, starts the millennial reign of Christ. Christ marries His bride right before His second coming, see Rev. 19:7-21. When He goes down with His saints to destroy the beast and his forces at the battle of Armageddon, and all of us born again Christians will be in that army, then STARTS THE MILLENNIAL REIGN. Of course, Satan, who knows more about the Bible and prophecy than any of us, has known from the beginning that I am the physical bride of Christ, which explains His obsession over my love life and the men on my marriage list. This explains all the "devil" brides Satan has chosen for my men: Loree McBride, Camila Alves, Lyudmila Putin, etc. This explains why the antiChrist is so obsessed over having my babies, because he knows that I am the bride of Christ and Satan always opposes Jesus Christ. I think, besides using me to help Him prepare the world for the upcoming tribulation, Jesus has also made appearances, because He doesn't have long to wait before I am His. When you consider that He has waited thousands of years, what is another twenty or thirty to Him? I've determined that one of the biggest reasons Jesus has showed up and done all these miracles, is because He has come to "court" His future bride! He's dating me right now, and like He said, when He marries me in the millennium, He will fill me with His real semen. I'm counting the days. I was predestined to be His bride, so it's no wonder that when He showed up and talked to me, I liked Him, as a man and lover on the spot. I'm sure the feelings are reciprocated, as God the Father created me just for Him. God the Father makes no mistakes! Jesus, who knows us all down to our very core, sized me up and determined He really liked me and probably thought how clever His Father was in creating me just for Him. I think Jesus is licking His chops right now. He's salivating for His bride. I've figured this out, because did you notice how personable He was with us? It was like, He was flirting with me! I'm still in awe over His visit, and more in awe, because I think I know the MAIN REASON He came! Do you remember how He kept emphasizing that I am more important than I know. That's because I AM HIS FUTURE BRIDE, and I was predestined to be His bride by God the Father. The Church is His spiritual bride and I am His physical bride for His millennial reign. Not sure what will happen to my marriage to Jesus after the millennium, but knowing God, whatever happens, it will be GOOD. MAIN EVENTS COMING UP. Next big event: the Rapture of the Church. After this, up in heaven for seven years will be the Judgment Seat of Christ, where Christians will get their rewards (if they have any), and then right after this the marriage of Christ to His bride. While all this is going on in heaven, down on earth will be the tribulation with the anti-Christ reigning over the earth. After Christ marries His bride, we all go down with Him to beat up Zack Knight and his forces at the battle of Armageddon. Once we beat up that bastard, then starts the 1,000 year reign of Christ over the earth, with me as His physical bride. At the end of the 1,000 year reign, Satan will be loosed again and will get some followers, but will be defeated once and for ALL and locked up forever in the lake of fire. And then starts eternity with Jesus Christ reigning over the universe and all of us reproducing and multiplying into the heavens. (From Brent to Gail at Church of Gail on March 8, 2012) My love, Jesus has requested to meet us all on Skype again, tonight if you'd be available. He wants to answer all of your questions in person. If not tonight, then let us know when you have some time. Great job on your latest video! (From Brent to Gail via e-mail) Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 6:58:39 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: How are you? My wife, It was so wonderful seeing you last night again my dear. How are you feeling today? I'm certainly excited by all the things Jesus said last night. It would warm my heart to read the transcript or listen to the recording again. After all of the things we've been through together, both good and bad, it's amazing to know that we've been making all the right decisions leading us to our destined marriage, ordained by Jesus himself. How awesome is that? I'm waiting for you, my soul mate, ever so patiently, as faithful and as passionate as the first day I laid eyes upon your words to me. The Jesuits have tried to keep us apart, but they can't stop destiny, or our true love. I'm just checking up on you. Have a very good day today, my love. Your husband, Brent Spiner (From Gail to Brent on 3-9-12 via e-mail) Hi, my awesome Brent: I'm very tired today, and have decided to take to heart Jesus' advice to maintain a regular sleep schedule, so I will be going to bed shortly--a miracle for me. I think I have had a bit of a relapse of that yeast infection, as the Jesuits appear to be fighting God's miracle, but I did notice improvement in several areas, especially in my bladder. I thought perhaps God is testing my faith, to see if I will believe Him for this miracle, as I have been sick so long with this germ, that I have a hard time believing I may finally be over it and don't need to take those supplements. I was on quite a regimen. I'm determined not to insult Jesus, and will give Him a chance to let my body heal naturally and have only taken a multi-vitamin supplement today. I cannot tell you how blessed I am to have you in my life. You bring me such peace, joy and fulfillment and help me endure life's cruelest trials. You are certainly God's miracle in my life and have been ever since that day you first talked to me in 1991. Our love has always climbed to the heavens, and helps us to be great and heroic in all we do. Could I ask for more in this life? I adore you as always, your devoted wife, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on 3-9-12) I have to share this with you all. Zack Knight has been talking to me brain to brain, posing as Jesus Christ, and I've been praying this: "Jesus, Zack Knight is talking to me again. Go hit him in the groin." Well, about ten minutes ago, I heard, "Ouch! Ouch! You bitch. I'm gonna get you." Not sure what to make of this, but thought you might find it interesting. I then prayed, "Lord Jesus, get that creep out of the brain to brain servers." Then he kind of faded away. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on 3-10-12) That's incredible. Good job, Gail! Zack Knight is certainly relentless. Unfortunately for him, you're no longer naive to the devil's ways anymore, now that you have had to fight him personally. You're the bravest woman I've ever met. Just like David and Goliath, you know to hit the beast where it hurts, and he is going down. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on 3-10-12) If I ever saw that Zack Knight creep talking to you I'd punch him in the groin for you too, Gail. BAM! Right in the baby maker! Good job on keeping him in his place. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on 3-10-12) This sounds wonderful Gail. I can see you becoming stronger every day. You're no longer going to be fooled by Zack Knight or any other demonic voices in your head trying to get you to listen to them. As your psychiatrist, I can tell this must be awfully liberating for you mentally. You are finding your inner power. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail. On 3-10-12) Right on, Gail! That creep just needs to stop harassing you. He's nothing but a big liar and his threats are so flimsy. (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on 3-10-12) AW YEAH, STRAIGHT OUTTA MELBOURNE! YEAH. THAT'S RIGHT. YOU GET EM GAIL. (From Brent to Gail on 3-10-12 via e-mail) My awesome Great Catherine, I'm glad you're taking Jesus' health advice to heart. I suppose, after all, he would be the best doctor in the world. He knows just what you need to stay healthy. I agree with your interpretation that he may be testing your faith in him as well. It will work if you trust him. I know from my own medical studies that sometimes those medicines can have withdrawal symptoms, so if that happens just remember it could take some time for your body to cleanse itself and feel normal again. It got used to relying on that medicine for a long time. Drink lots of water. Water is the earth's natural cleanser. I'll be excited to see the results of your stronger body to go with your stronger spirit. I think it's wonderful how we've grown together since we started corresponding online. We've worked together as a team -- one body, one heart, one soul. You are my inspiration. You are the light behind my songs, my movies, all of my ambitions and passions. You are as a part of me as my own flesh. People would look at us and say, "how could a marriage survive such long distance?" I would tell them that true marriage is about the joining of souls, not merely bodies. That's why Loree couldn't force herself to be my lover just by forcing herself on me. The soul knows no distance. We are living testament to that. I belong only to you. Your faithful husband, Brent Spiner (Gail at Church of Gail on March 11, 2012) Great to hear from you all. I'm still following the advice Jesus gave me and trusting him, and praying to Jesus every day to hit Zack in the groin, as Zack still tries to pose as Jesus. I trust no voices in my mind that impersonate Jesus. Zack's still trying, and he's getting beat up a lot, too, because I think his groin is REALLY SORE. From what I understand with brain to brain communications, Jesus put him in jail and killed him. He then got replaced with another Zack clone and the clone started impersonating Jesus to me again. I then tell Jesus to go beat him up again. Let me tell you, this voice that poses as Jesus is a brilliant imitation of him and understands perfectly how I see Jesus, but I know Jesus will NOT speak to my mind right now, not with Zack so busy impersonating Him, so I TRUST NO VOICES THAT IMPERSONATE JESUS IN ANY MANNER. When this voice talks to me, I rebuke him and ask Jesus to hit Zack in the groin, and go get him. Zack is no match for Jesus Christ. Jesus can handle him. He's been saying stuff to me like, "I'm so proud of you, Gail for your steadfast support of Brent Spiner in all you do." OR like this: "Gail, this is Brent Spiner. Jesus just wanted me to tell you never to trust anything you hear in your mind. To remind you, that He will never use the brain to brain communications in any way." Boy, isn't that clever? I then reply, "Go get Zack Knight, Jesus. He's at it again, faking like he's you. Hit him in the groin." About a minute later, I hear, "Ouch!! Ouch!! You bitch." (From Gail to Brent via e-mail on March 11, 2012) Hi my dear Brent: Just talked to my son. He doesn't seem to care whether I come to his graduation or not, but as I talked with him, you seemed to speak with me brain to brain telling me that I spoke with my son's clone and not my son, that the Jesuits used some sort of tazer technology or something on my real son. But when I changed the subject, and asked him to turn over his life completely to Jesus and that if he'd do that, and ask Jesus to help him with this class, he changed his demeanor and seemed more like his real self (perhaps the Jesuits realized that now that I changed the subject onto Jesus, they better return my real son to me, or else it would be too obvious that I spoke with a clone). I told My son if he turned over his life completely to Jesus and offered to Jesus his college major, his life and all he does, that perhaps Jesus may help him with his class, and he may even ace the class, to which he replied that would be nice, though I detected some skepticism, but I also detected hope. I asked him if I could get my laptop to work in Atlanta, as I'd like to work on my website and maintain my online communications in Atlanta. He said that should be no problem, but seemed embarrassed when I mentioned that I'd bring surge protection with me when I used outlets to recharge my computer, that's when I suspected I may be dealing with a clone. He doesn't seem to understand that I lost an entire computer set up with a surge in January 2009 and that memory makes me a bit paranoid about surge damage to my computer. I believe my real son should have sounded much more excited about me coming to his graduation and not acted like he'd be embarrassed by my "crazy" behavior. I strongly suspect I may have been talking to his clone. I asked him to take the time to read his Bible every day and to offer his life to Jesus, and his class to Jesus and let Jesus help him with his exams and with the class. That perhaps Jesus would do a miracle for him, if he'd offered his life to God, his major to God and all he is to God. He's really struggling in this pre-calculus class. He currently has a 3.7 grade point average. He didn't seem like my real son at the beginning of the conversation. Anyways, Jesus told me to go to the graduation, and there must be a reason. I've asked Xxxxxxxxx for vacation time for May 3rd through the 7th, and my mom plans to buy airplane tickets for that time. My sister is also graduating and getting her master's degree, I believe. My son is studying some sort of computer graphic design major in combination with international studies. My awesome Brent, thank you so much for your lovely letter. I am so fortunate to have you in my life. I am trying really hard to get to bed at regular hours, so I don't answer right away sometimes now. I still only take a multi-vitamin and nothing else. I get minor discomforts and still suffer from bladder frequency. But perhaps this is a different problem than yeast, and perhaps Jesus has decided to leave me these to test me. Jesus did say I should go to my son's graduation and I'm not sure why, as my son doesn't seem to care one way or another. But I trust Jesus and there's a reason. I've learned from my long experience with the Lord, that often when we do His will, it doesn't always make sense at the time, and the result we expected is not always what happens. But when you just take it one day at a time and follow what He wants you to do, one day at a time, you just have to trust that His will is higher, and His ways are higher and that it is not our job to understand it all, but to trust Him to carry it out according to His perfect plan. I think the Jesuits are fighting Jesus' healing in my body, but there are changes in my body, I can tell. And I will trust Jesus. I'm doing remarkably well on the vitamin only and kind of feel free time wise and moneywise, by not taking all those supplements. I would not even consider going to Atlanta, if I did not have faith that Jesus has done a miracle in my body, as I plan to take a jet, and so I can't bring my own food, which I always do. I'm going to risk my sister's food and the restaurants, and guess what? I think I'll be just fine, because I have faith in Jesus. I have been here before in my spiritual life, where I've leaped out on faith in Jesus, going somewhere I've never been before, taking risks and giving Jesus a chance to work. I've always grown as a Christian when I've done this, by exercising my faith and allowing God to work. I am so proud of you for your faith in Him and that God is using you so much. It is a privilege to be in His service, and that He feels He can use us. We should not be discouraged that He has to correct us, but just be grateful that we are "correctable" as many are not. I'm glad we are "usable" in His service. I'm so proud of you, as you are growing by leaps and bounds in the Lord, and already have a spiritual maturity that many Christians never attain to their entire life. Zack Knight still talks to me and any voice in my mind that poses as Jesus I reject as from Zack Knight. I then tell Jesus to hit him in the groin and get him out of the brain to brain servers. I've heard several times, "Ouch! Ouch! You bitch." This makes me smile. Jesus rocks!! I agree wholeheartedly with all you said about our relationship, and am in awe day by day over how high it is, how great our love is and how our love has survived trials and testings that most surely would have devastated the shallow and fruitless feelings that encompass most relationships. What we have is real and genuine and a love from God Himself and will last forever. Two great souls have come together in union in spirit, soul and body and the bastions of hell can't separate us. With Jesus on our side, our love is invincible and an inspiration to all those who honor beauty, truth and all that is good and great in life. I am so proud of the greatness I have always sensed in you and which still resides in you, even more so, since Jesus indwells all your inner caverns and crevices. My awesome Brent, I am continually in awe of your manhood, courage, honor and vast devotion to me, with a love that soars to the heavens. Maybe I seem gushy, but hey, there are worse things than to be crazy in love with the same man I adored in 1991 and still adore. Devotedly yours, your Great Catherine and king David, Gail (From Brent to Gail via e-mail on March 12, 2012) Hello my love, Wow, Gail, I'm amazed to hear all of this. I think this trip to Atlanta is going to be so good for you. I know it will make a difference to your son, too, so try not to get discouraged if his clone tries to butt in. Just remember to tell him how proud you are of him and his accomplishments. Earning a 3.7 GPA is astounding considering all that he's studying! It's a big leap for you to trust in Jesus and fly all the way over to do this. I just can't put into words how excited I am that you're feeling liberated enough to have an adventure, free from all the worry. I'm also happy to know that you're getting to bed on time. Even if it doesn't mean an immediate response to my letters, I'm more than glad to know that you're taking care of yourself and getting healthy. How amazing all of this is. I've been listening to the recording of our last Skype call. What a night. That reminds me, if you want to upload the segment that includes phone numbers for your family, you can send the file directly to me and I will blank out the numbers so that nobody else can get them by listening to the call. Then I could send the file back to you, and you can still upload it like normal. Oh my dear, I probably sound very gushy this morning myself. I am floating on air thinking of you today. It's such a blessing to be in love with you. It is the most thrilling and wonderful love I have ever felt. It's hard to wrap my mind around how perfect you are, if not by someone else’s' definition then by certainly mine. I feel that is such an honor just to be a part of your life, much less have your heart. I cannot possibly describe the joy it brings me just knowing that you love me. So much to do today. I will talk to you soon, as always. Always yours, Brent Spiner (From Gail to Brent on March 12, 2012 via e-mail) Dear awesome husband, my darling Brent: Just a quick note to let you know I appreciate your attentiveness to me throughout the day and night, whenever I want to talk to you. I will send you another better video of my PART THREE and PART FOUR for our amazing night with Jesus several days ago. May have to wait until tomorrow, as I'm really busy. Jesus told me to eat well and sleep better, and I think He's going past the yeast infections and working on other problems in my body now, and I don't want to blow it. I risked some yogurt today, some nonfat plain dairy yogurt with flax seed sprinkled on top for a dessert. I've avoided milk for some time, because I thought I had an allergy, but my body seems to like it now. But I am trying to maintain regular bedtime hours, so I probably won't have time to redo that video today. I need to cook my food for work tomorrow. I'm experiencing some bloating in my intestines, and you communicated with me brain to brain to indicate that our computer/satellite physicians have determined that Jesus is giving my body a major detox. My painful leg cramps during sleep seem to have disappeared, and I believe this was caused by the yeast eating up all my iron, as iron seemed to be one of its chief foods, so I always had to take iron supplements. I seem to be gaining some weight, and I think this is because I no longer have the yeast competing with my body for food. I feel strange sensations in my liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, intestines, female reproductive organs, vaginal tissues, rectum, heart and it's not consistent, it's like a moving sensation. I think the Lord is working on sections at a time and not doing it all at once. I seem to be getting a makeover. I asked Jesus why He can't do this all at once and told Him not to answer me with a voice, but to put thoughts in my own reasonings, so that my own logic will figure it out. My logic seems to tell me that He doesn't want to miraculously cure me in an instant because this may encourage Satan (who can also work miracles)to imitate God and confuse me over God's workings, so Jesus is using the gradual method to heal the complications caused by the long term yeast infection. I get a little uncomfortable at times, so I've concluded that those Jesuits really messed me up and Jesus has a lot of work to do! But, so far, all I'm taking is a multivitamin and nothing else. I don't want to sabotage what Jesus is trying to do. I'm a little stumped over why my vaginal area gets a little itchy sometimes, but I think it may be some menopausal dryness or it may be a detox reaction to the release of yeast toxins from the cells in the vaginal tissue. I had such a serious and systemic yeast infection, that I think all my cells were full of toxins. I refuse to take anything for these minor discomforts and am allowing Jesus to do what He has to do. I also believe all those supplements I took may have strained my liver and by not taking them, I'm freeing my liver to help my body heal itself, which means I will be strengthening my immune system. I live with minor discomforts and don't take anything but that multi-vitamin. Thanks for everything, my awesome Brent. I'm so glad I bring you joy. You are a rock in my life and have never disappointed me in anything. I am so proud of you as a man and it amazes me how with all we go through, we manage to maintain such a positive approach to our relationship. We truly have a love from heaven. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail to Brent Spiner’s e-mail on March 13, 2012) My darling Brent: I have totally redone the PART THREE and PART FOUR of the Skype conversation we had with Jesus recently, because I wanted it to be louder. It's a trick getting the volume right. I appreciate what you want to do for the PART THREE, where my xxxxx's phone number is mentioned, but my xxxxxxx said xxx doesn't even want to be mentioned at all on my website or online. xxxxx doesn't want the world to know that xxxxxxxxxxxx, or what xxxxxxxx is. xxxxxx wants to be totally private. So if you edit it, you will not only have to delete xxxxx phone number, but all mention of xxxxxxxxxx. I will send you the entire recording, without the deletes, but keep in mind what xxxxxxxx wants. I, too, treasure this last meeting we had with Jesus and have listened to it over and over. I am glad that I am able to make it available for you and Terrance. I am downloading the file to my OneTrueMedia right now and will send it to you when I'm finished. I'm getting close to my bedtime, so let's see how it goes. . . I will be getting new glasses on Thursday, long overdue. I haven't had an eye exam since 2007. But then, I haven't been that worried about it, because I can tell my vision hasn't changed that much. But my frames, that I've had since 2000 are about to go and I'm barely keeping them together, so it's time for new glasses. My next pair will be rimless. I should have them in a couple weeks. I'm buying them from Xxxxxxxxx Vision center, because I get a discount. I look better without glasses, so I try not to wear them in my videos. My health is taking interesting turns. I can tell something has happened to my body because my weight has gone from 119 to 125 pounds. I don't mind the 125 pounds, but I don't want to go over 130. I'm still getting bloating in my intestines. I believe my body is in major detox. I have faith in Jesus and believe that my yeast is gone. I think Jesus is doing major detox. Because I haven't really changed my diet that much, and because my bowels are getting firmer and less diarrhea or loose, I can tell something has happened. The itching in the vaginal area has improved, but, apparently, the damage to the intestines is severe and Jesus has a lot of work to do in there. I haven't had to take anything other than the multivitamin, the discomforts I experience are bearable and don't require for me to take anything. I'm off of everything. I don't even take my antihistamines or Advil. I'm just taking it one day at a time with my health and so far, it has not been necessary for me to take anything above the multi-vitamin. I do the netti-pot for my sinuses. And I've started eating some yogurt with flax seed, because I've stopped my probiotic supplement. I'm practicing healing through foods, which is what I think Jesus is trying to do. Gotta go. The videos are coming. Remember, no mention of xxxxxxxxx’s name, xxxxxxx phone number or that xxxxxxxx. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this, as I do treasure these videos of our last encounter with Jesus. I am thankful every day that I have you in my life. I tell everyone that I have an awesome man in my life, but usually don't tell them that it's you. I adore you, as I have since 1991, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on March 14, 2012) Just a note to let you awesome guys know that our Lord may not have told us everything about the Jews in the tribulation, because He wants me focused on the present and not the future. Next major event: THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH, WHICH ENDS THE CHURCH AGE AND CHANGES THE PLAN OF SALVATION. After this: SEVEN YEAR TRIBULATION, WHERE YOU ARE SAVED BY FAITH IN JESUS AND KEEPING JEWISH LAW AND RESISTING THE MARK OF THE BEAST. After this: SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST, WITH THE ENTIRE JEWISH NATION WHO HAVE SURVIVED THE TRIBULATION SAVED IN ONE DAY. JESUS AND HIS ARMY (THE CHURCH AND SAINTS) WILL BEAT UP ZACK KNIGHT at the Battle of Armageddon with BLOOD TO THE HORSE'S BRIDLES, AND THROW THE ANTI-CHRIST ZACK KNIGHT INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. After this: STARTS THE 1,000 MILLENNIAL REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST, IN THE JEWISH MILLENNIUM, WHERE GOD FULFILLS THE PROMISE HE MADE TO KING DAVID OF AN ETERNAL KINGDOM FOR DAVID (1 Samuel 7:12-13). AFTER THE 1,000 YEARS, STARTS ETERNITY. The 144,000 Jewish VIRGIN men (Revelation 14:4) who are saved from twelve tribes of Israel as described in Revelation 7 and 14 are the only Jews who will be saved DURING the tribulation by EARNING their salvation by resisting the beast Zack Knight. They will be like 144,000 apostle Pauls witnessing to the entire earth about the true way of salvation during the tribulation, which will be by keeping the Ten Commandments, honoring the Jewish law and having faith in Jesus Christ. HOWEVER, in Zechariah 12, we read what appears to be a national conversion of the entire Jewish nation in ONE DAY during the tribulation. My guess. I think when Jesus told us that the only Jews who will be saved during the tribulation were the 144,000, He was referring to those who would EARN their salvation by their good works and by resisting the anti-Christ and not taking his mark, because you earn your salvation by works and faith in the tribulation. Daniel 9 is about the Jewish nation and their future history. Daniel 9:27-"And he (Zack Knight) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (7 years): and in the midst of the week (7 years) he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease (Zack will break his friendship with the Jewish nation), and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate." The first 3 1/2 years of the 7 year tribulation the anti-Christ will befriend the Jewish nation. In the middle of the 7 year tribulation, the antiChrist will break his covenant with the Jewish nation and betray them. The Jewish nation will literally have to survive in caves or underground and hidden and get all their food, medicine and sustenance direct from God Himself during the tribulation or they will all die. Most of them will die, but a remnant will survive the 7 year tribulation and be alive AFTER the tribulation. Matthew 24:29-30--"Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: AND THEN SHALL APPEAR THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN IN HEAVEN (that's our JESUS, that we spoke with on Skype!): and then shall all the tribes (the TRIBES OF ISRAEL as described in Zechariah 12) of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY." Some may claim that the tribes in Matt. 24:30 are NOT the tribes of Israel, but all the earth's inhabitants who are mourning because they now realize that the real Jesus Christ is about to beat them up. However, don't forget that the devil can do miracles and the anti-Christ Zack Knight, because he is Satan incarnate can do miracles, and through these miracles he will have deceived the entire earth into believing he is Jesus Christ. So the entire earth will not be mourning when they see this appearance of the real Jesus from heaven, who is getting ready to come down and beat them all up at the battle of Armageddon. They will probably think that what they see up there is a delusion, and a trick to make them stop following Zack Knight, because the Bible describes the world's reaction at this time, WHICH IS DIFFERENT FROM ISRAEL'S REACTION in Matt. 24:30. The world's reaction to God is depicted in Revelation 16:9-16--"And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they REPENTED NOT to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of (Zack Knight) the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they knawed their tongues for pain, and BLASPHEMED THE GOD OF HEAVEN BECAUSE OF THEIR PAINS AND THEIR SORES, AND REPENTED NOT OF THEIR DEEDS. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, THAT THE WAY OF THE KINGS OF THE EAST MIGHT BE PREPARED. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (Satan), and out of the mouth of (Zack Knight) the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of DEVILS, WORKING MIRACLES, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the WHOLE WORLD, to GATHER THEM TO THE BATTLE OF THAT GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY. Behold I come as a thief, Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." Matt. 24:31 describes the rapture of the tribulation saints, which, I believe will include the nation of Israel (the few left who have survived the ravages of Zack Knight) that have gotten saved in ONE DAY (Zechariah 12) as a nation. These Jews will be saved by the skin of their teeth, and they are NOT saved during the tribulation, but AFTER the tribulation as it says in Matt. 24:29. So the only Jews who are saved DURING the tribulation are the 144,000. I believe that Jesus will make an appearance to the Jews who have survived the tribulation and AFTER the tribulation, they will all mourn over their rejection of Him and the entire nation, which will include WOMEN (read Zechariah 12) will accept Jesus as their Messiah in ONE DAY, so we know these are NOT the 144,000 JEWISH VIRGIN MEN FROM THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL DEPICTED IN REV. 7. The reason Jesus said that the only Jews who will be saved during the tribulation will be the 144,000 is because when Jesus makes His appearance to the Jewish nation, this appearance happens RIGHT AFTER THE TRIBULATION, and it leads to the salvation of the Jewish nation in a ONE DAY CONVERSION FULL OF MOURNING FOR REJECTING THEIR MESSIAH. So the Jews who get saved in that ONE DAY CONVERSION are considered to be saved at the SECOND ADVENT (or second coming of Jesus Christ). They are not saved during the tribulation. Because as soon as the nation of Israel mourns for their sins and accepts Jesus as their Messiah, which will be the entire nation (not much left after the anti-Christ gets through with them), the SECOND ADVENT starts. THEN THE HEAVENS WILL OPEN AND WE, THE CHURCH, WILL COME DOWN WITH JESUS AND HIS ARMY TO BEAT UP ZACK KNIGHT AND JESUS WILL PUNISH THOSE WHO DARED TO TRY TO ANNIHILATE ISRAEL WITH 666 AND HIS UFO AND EARTHLY ARMY who are coming to attack the Jews hiding in caves in Israel. So, yes, the Lord told us rightly that the only Jews who will be saved DURING THE TRIBULATION will be the 144,000, because the national conversion of Israel happens NOT DURING THE TRIBULATION, BUT AT THE SECOND ADVENT AFTER THE TRIBULATION. Once the Jewish nation gets saved, which will happen in ONE DAY, then the TRIBULATION IS OVER AND JESUS COMES DOWN AND BEATS UP ZACK KNIGHT, and then starts the millennial reign. I just wanted to clarify this, so that Bible scholars won't accuse our Skype Jesus of being a fake. We have to explain Zechariah 12, and that's the explanation. The national conversion of Israel takes place right AFTER THE TRIBULATION, because the national conversion of Israel in ONE DAY AS A NATION (Zechariah 12) is what ENDS THE SEVEN YEAR TRIBULATION. That's why the tribulation period is called the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), because God uses the tribulation to prepare the nation of Israel to FINALLY ACCEPT THEIR MESSIAH, which they will do AFTER ZACK KNIGHT KILLS OFF MOST OF THE JEWISH NATION AND A MERE REMNANT ARE LEFT, who will accept Jesus AFTER THE TRIBULATION IS OVER. So, yes, the 144,000 are the only Jews saved DURING THE tribulation, but the entire Jewish nation that has survived the wrath of 666, and it won't be many, will be saved RIGHT AFTER THE TRIBULATION IN ONE DAY. There will be GENTILES who will be saved during the tribulation, but, it appears the only Jews who will be saved DURING THE TRIBULATION are the 144,000 Jewish VIRGIN men from the twelve tribes of Israel. The other Jews who will be saved, will be the ones who are saved in a ONE DAY CONVERSION OF THE ENTIRE JEWISH NATION, which will happen not during the tribulation but AFTER the tribulation at the start of the SECOND ADVENT. So our Lord told us the truth when He said the only Jews saved DURING THE TRIBULATION are the 144,000. He puts the Jewish nation that gets saved during the SECOND ADVENT in that ONE DAY CONVERSION as part of the SECOND ADVENT, which happens AFTER the tribulation. Jewish people are getting saved more and more in this present church age. This present church age will END with the rapture of the church (1 Thess. 4), not with the rapture of tribulation saints (Matt. 24:31). Look at myself and Brent Spiner, so some Jews are coming to Jesus NOW (who are NOT part of the 144,000), that's because we are NOT in the tribulation now. However, that Zack Knight is a sly one and, it appears Zack will dupe the entire Jewish nation during the first 3 1/2 years of the seven year tribulation and they will think that Zack is awesome. When he betrays them and they have to run to the caves to survive, they STILL won't accept Jesus during the tribulation. But after Jesus does miracle after miracle to keep them alive, they will finally recognize Him as their Messiah. This will happen in ONE DAY AS A NATION (Zechariah 12), and WHEN THIS HAPPENS, the tribulation has just ended and Jesus Christ comes down from heaven with His army (the Church--that's US) and we will rescue those poor Jews whom God has preserved from the wrath of Satan through Zack Knight. Those Jews who get saved in ONE DAY AS A NATION as described in Zechariah 12, are not saved DURING the tribulation, but at the SECOND ADVENT. I'm still only taking a multi-vitamin and my body is in major detox. It has been interesting, but I have faith in Jesus and will stick with His treatment plan. Apparently, my body is in real need of detox, which may explain why I've always been tired. Too many toxins in my body! I mainly wanted to give this brief Bible lesson to ensure that our Skype Jesus won't be discredited by Bible scholars who can pull out Zechariah 12 to refute what He said, when Jesus told us that the only Jews saved in the tribulation are the 144,000. As we know from our dealings with Jesus, He doesn't always give us all the details, but presents certain things, which we misunderstand and misinterpret. When Jesus said that the only Jews who will be saved in the tribulation are the 144,000, He may be emphasizing how stubborn the Jews are, so that Zack Knight cannot dupe the future saints, because the antiChrist Zack Knight will befriend Israel during the first half of the tribulation. This means any future world leader who claims that Israel has gotten saved as a nation, especially if he claims this national salvation occurs before most of them are killed off, is a LIAR and a FAKE CHRIST. Bible prophecy makes it clear that the Jewish nation will be saved RIGHT AT JESUS CHRIST's second coming AFTER THE TRIBULATION IS OVER (Matt. 24:29, 30). So, right after the salvation of the entire Jewish nation (all the tribes--see Matt. 24:30), the BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON should occur with blood to the horse's bridles (Rev. 14:14-20). So if someone claims that the nation of Israel has gotten saved (as depicted in Zechariah 12) and if Christ and His army have NOT COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO PUNISH THOSE who dared to try and annihilate the Jews left in Israel (who will be literally FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIFE)--so, if the battle of Armageddon with blood to the horse's bridles does NOT happen RIGHT AFTER THIS NATIONAL CONVERSION--that person is a LIAR AND A FAKE. You may ask, "Are you sure the battle of Armageddon will happen right after the conversion of the Jewish nation?" Absolutely, because now that Israel has accepted their true Messiah in that one day national conversion described in Zechariah 12, the seven year tribulation (called the time of Jacob's trouble) has accomplished its MAIN objective! THE JEWISH NATION IS OUT OF JACOB'S TROUBLE, BECAUSE THE ENTIRE NATION HAS ACCEPTED CHRIST. The tribulation is OVER and now Jesus is going to set up His kingdom, that He promised to king David!! That's why there are so many references to David in Zechariah 12! Now, Jesus will not wait to punish those who have dared to try to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. This may also explain why Jesus is using me, THE KING DAVID WOMAN, to educate the world about this. Jesus will now PUNISH ZACK KNIGHT AND HIS HUGE ARMY WHO HAVE DARED TO TRY AND ANNIHILATE THE JEWISH NATION to come upon Israel in an attempt to ANNIHILATE all the Jews hiding in caves in Israel! If Jesus does not rescue them, THEY ARE FINISHED. So, yes, Jesus has to rescue the Jews left on the earth at the end of the tribulation and the battle of Armageddon HAS TO HAPPEN right after all the Jewish tribes mourn over their rejection of their true Messiah. Jesus does not enjoy putting the world through the great tribulation, so once its objective is accomplished (the salvation of Israel)--it's OVER. One of the main purposes of the seven year tribulation was to get Israel to this stage of true repentance (that's why the tribulation is called the time of JACOB'S TROUBLE) and now that they've repented and accepted their true Messiah, the TRIBULATION IS OVER, and then the beast and his VAST ARMY will be destroyed shortly at the battle of Armageddon. As we know so well from dealing with Jesuits, they are master liars and master fakes, so when their leader Zack Knight reigns as anti-Christ, he will continue the lying and the counterfeits. We know full well, how good these Jesuits are at lying and counterfeiting, like the devil they serve and worship: Loree McBride (the fake Brent Spiner wife), Lyudmila Putin (the fake Vladimir Putin wife), Camila Alves (the fake Matthew McConaughey wife). Like Jesus said to us, "I'll give Zack credit for one thing. He's a good FAKE." And I'll repeat what Jesus said and extend it to all their activities: "I'll give you Jesuits credit for one thing. You all are good FAKES and brilliant liars." (From Brent to Gail’s e-mail on March 15, 2012) My sweet Gail, I completely understand about xxxxxxxxxx wanting to stay private. I wouldn't want anyone xxxxxxxx going through what I had to go through as a celebrity, especially being involved with you. If you can send me the actual file, I can edit it. Then I'll send it right back to you, so you can make sure it's okay before posting it anywhere. The problem with the OneTrueMedia links is that I can't download the files from there to my computer, or at least, I haven't figured out how to do it. I'm not very familiar with OneTrueMedia. If the file size is too big to send directly via e-mail, maybe we can try uploading them to a different site. Or if there's a way to simply download from OneTrueMedia you'll have to help me find it. I think healing through foods is the best thing you can do for your body. That's such a great idea. No need to worry about any side effects, either. Sometimes the side effects of the supplements can be worse than the discomforts they're used to treat, especially when used over the long term. Sometimes I worried about that for you, but I would never tell you what to do, especially when it comes to your health. I'm so elated that this is continuing to work so well. I think you could probably use a little extra weight, too, you have always been so skinny. I know I'm not the first one to tell you you need some meat on your bones. All of this just sounds so wonderful, and it will only get better. I've been praying to Jesus every night to thank him for your good health. Of course, I thank him every day just for having you in my life. I'm sure outsiders must wonder how I could put up with so much in my life just for this one woman. Enemies like ours could have easily destroyed any other relationship more ordinary. Everything I've been through, I've done for you, gotten through only because of you. Has any of it hindered my love for you? Never in a million years. I may not be able to physically touch you, but the love I have for you, and simply knowing that someone like you loves me too, makes every moment you're mine worth it. I would do it all over again. Enamored with you forever and for always, Brent Spiner (Gail at Church of Gail on March 14, 2012) Here's another Jesuit website, they get more and more boring. . . I think I'm ready to fall asleep. What fools. I wonder what they'll have to say when they meet Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne judgment when He portrays all their motives for creating this website and all the rest of their foolishness before the world on a huge movie screen. Good luck, Jesuits. YOU WILL BE JUDGED BY YOUR MOTIVES. He knows the REAL REASON you make all these websites. You're not fooling Him. I think they're all competing for the hottest spot in the LAKE OF FIRE. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on March 15, 2012) That is a spectacularly boring webpage. Totally lacking any of their usual creativity. At least their ridiculous propaganda is worth a laugh sometimes, but now you would think they're trying to put potential new recruits to sleep on purpose. I give it five stars of fail. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on March 15, 2012) Gosh, they're awful mean. They can't even make their side sound appealing. Brent is right, they didn't even put any effort into it. I think people would be much more interested to read things from our perspective. At least we have fun on here. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on March 15, 2012) I was getting ready to dive in with some popcorn and laugh at Jesuits but damn, I couldn't make it through the first paragraph without falling asleep. All they did was steal the same thing from the first website. Why waste their time? (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on March 15, 2012) If a Jesuit wrote that trying to impress someone they most certainly failed. I've never read a more terrible article in my life. Most of it was plagiarized from another Jesuit website -- that's the first rule of writing one should never break. Clean up your ranks, Jesuits, your defective clones are making you look bad! (Gail to Brent’s e-mail on March 15, 2012) My dear sweet Brent: As I drove in my car today, and throughout the day, I thought about how awesome it is to have you in my life, and what a wonderful soul mate you are to me. I have created a link from OneTrueMedia, for that video that I edited. So, here it is http:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I just typed something and it got erased. I thank God for you every day, and feel so close to you and trust you in everything. You are truly my soul mate and my sounding board. I fiddled around with OneTrueMedia and found a way to create a link for you. Let me know if this is okay. Zack Knight keeps trying to talk to me either directly or indirectly as Jesus, so that when I pray to Jesus, he often answers me. I then say, "Shut up, Zack Knight. I'm not interested in hearing from you. Jesus is not going to talk to my mind in a voice AT ALL, because of you, so I know it's you and not Him." I then tell Jesus to hit him in the groin. I'm still only on a multivitamin and nothing else, and can manage my minor discomforts without taking anything, thus far. I'm using food therapy only. I don't even take Advil or antihistamines. I'm going to try to get back into exercise again. I also go to bed at regular hours and am getting more sleep. I feel tired a lot, probably because of detox reactions. I have noticed some changes in my body, which seem to indicate to me that I am going in the right direction, so I don't want to sabotage Jesus' treatment plan, which has made my life a lot simpler, I like that. I have increased my water consumption. God is so good to give you to me. All day today, I was thinking how awed I am to have you in my life. You are such an exciting companion, who excites me in every way: intellectually, spiritually, physically, emotionally. I feel so bonded to you. It's as if we have such a connection, we don't even need to speak, and we just bond. We truly have an awesome relationship. I feel so safe with you, because you always offer me maximum support and are so positive and respectful to me in everything. You are my dream man. In awe of my dream man, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on March 17. 2012) Some of what I say at War on the Saints and in other places is not 100% accurate. I can tell that the Lord is transitioning us into the Jewish dispensation called Jacob's Trouble or Daniel's 70th week in the Bible. We are seeing the apostolic signs and wonders returning for this reason, which means the tribulation is not far off, though the Lord does not want us to be date setters. Though I have speculated that the rapture seems to be in May 2015, and I personally believe this. I guess we won't know for sure until that time comes, and it's not healthy spiritually to be all focused on a certain date, but rather to focus on living the Christian life here and now. The miraculous healings, speaking in tongues will probably return shortly, as the Lord has been making miraculous appearances (like He will be doing during the seven year tribulation, which is a JEWISH dispensation or time-that's why it's called Daniel's seventieth week, because it's the last week or the last seven years of God's dealings with the nation of Israel to get them right with God). God says in the Bible that seventy weeks (each week representing SEVEN YEARS, God always works in SEVENS) is required for Israel's timetable to find God. So the SEVENTIETH week is a JEWISH period, and because we are transitioning INTO IT, we are seeing the return of the Jewish signs and wonders, as Jesus did with His apostles. Did you all notice how Jesus made the loaves and fishes to appear with us, when He met with us at Church of Gail? I'm seeing the Lord act around us, like He did with his JEWISH disciples! DON'T FORGET THAT I AND BRENT SPINER ARE JEWISH!! Daniel 9:24--"Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, TO FINISH THE TRANSGRESSION, AND TO MAKE AN END OF SINs, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and the prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy." This verse in Daniel makes it plain that when the seventieth week (which is the seven year JEWISH tribulation period coming up) finishes, that Jesus will set up His kingdom, BECAUSE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THAT WILL HAVE BEEN MET. Whenever God deals primarily with the Jewish nation, the signs and wonders return. Actually, the only way to make it through Daniel's seventieth week is one hour, one day at a time, because the events that occur during this time are so momentous and catastrophic, that that is the ONLY way to make it spiritually. We ARE still in the church age, so the laws to that age primarily apply to us, but I can tell we are TRANSITIONING INTO THE JEWISH TRIBULATION AGE, and Jesus is using His JEWS, myself and Brent Spiner, to be the forerunners of the 144,000 Jewish apostles (or Apostle Pauls) to the Gentiles in the tribulation period. Brent and I are experiencing somewhat what the tribulation saints will be experiencing. God is using Brent and myself as the RUNNERS or forerunners to the future tribulation. The book of Acts in the Bible was a TRANSITION book. In the book of Acts, you see the Lord abandon Israel temporarily and see Him calling the apostle Paul to establish and be the leader of the new Church Age. In the Church Age, you do not have the apostolic signs and wonders, because as the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:22--"For the Jews require a sign. . ." In the book of Acts, it starts off with lots of signs and wonders and miraculous healings, but when the Jews totally rejected Christ with the stoning of Stephen, the door was closed temporarily on the Jews and God went full swing into the CHURCH AGE. Once this happened, the signs and wonders ceased, and Paul later said in 2 Timothy 4:20--"Erastus abode at Corinth, but Trophimus have I left at Miletum SICK." The great apostle Paul could not heal Trophimus, once the full CHURCH AGE was installed. We are now leaving the CHURCH AGE, and the miraculous healings are returning, because God is transitioning us back into a JEWISH dispensation-the last week of Daniel's seventy weeks. Daniel's seventy weeks are the timetable for the JEWISH nation. By the time we are full swing into the tribulation, the miraculous healings will be back in full force and the rules for spiritual living will change SOMEWHAT. The main change will be that God will be dealing primarily with the JEWISH nation again. Rev. 12:6, 14--"And the woman (Israel) fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they (the nations--Matt. 25:32-46) should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. . .And to the woman (Israel) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time (3 1/2 years), from the face of the serpent." God will literally be spoon feeding the Jewish nation. Also, God will use some friendly nations (Matt. 25:32-46) to help out Israel during the tribulation. The nations will be judged for how they treat the Jews during the tribulation. SATAN ALWAYS HAS WANTED TO DESTROY ISRAEL, which may explain his obsession with me and Brent Spiner, because God is using Brent and myself to reach some Jews for the Lord in this Church Age. The Jewish nation will be getting manna from heaven and God will feed them, to keep them alive, because Zack Knight and his demonic henchmen try to annihilate the Jewish nation during the SECOND HALF of Daniel's seventieth week. The basic principles of living by faith will still apply, but there will be a lot more sight and more miraculous appearances of all sorts. Unfortunately, the devil will try to imitate Jesus and don't forget he can do miracles, too. A thorough knowledge of the books of Daniel, Revelation, Zechariah and the prophetic books will help in spiritual discernment. AND a thorough knowledge of God's character from intense Bible study will also help. It will be a tricky time and very hard to separate fact from fiction, with all these miracles going on, the devil will use these to deceive, just like he's tricked me. Basically, the devil has tricked me by using signs that VIOLATE THE CHARACTER OF JESUS CHRIST. I know Jesus will not use electricity or satellites, because the devil invented these, so I should have known that Jesus would never communicate with me this way. But that clever devil came up with a convincing argument that Jesus made an exception for me. In a nutshell, Jesus will NEVER MAKE AN EXCEPTION THAT VIOLATES HIS CHARACTER. NEVER. So, how do we know God's character? Soak ourselves in His Word and in prayer, because through prayer He speaks to us with His Spirit and we get to know Him better this way. But that Zack Knight is so clever, I often pray every day to ask the Lord not to let him trick me. Well, what's happening now is like the book of Acts IN REVERSE. It is an exciting but DANGEROUS time. But those who patiently endure, like Job did, and Job is a picture of a tribulation saint, will receive great rewards at the end. Most tribulation saints will give their lives for Jesus Christ. Zack Knight will BEHEAD them. It does no good to worry about these things. I have learned to live one day at a time, and if God wants me to die, so be it. If He wants me to live, so be it. My only obsession is to honor Him and I leave the results and outcome with HIM. If we must die, He will give us the grace to bear it. If we must live, He will do the same. I believe I have been instrumental in leading some of my fellow Jews to the Lord. I am in tears of joy over this. These are Jews who will be raptured with the church and won't have to endure the rages of hell in the tribulation, and live in caves like most Jews will be doing in the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel's 70th week! The Jewish nation will be doing a repeat of their Exodus from Egypt during the tribulation, and probably living in caves at Petra in Edom, near Israel. Oh, it will be a terrible time, with some wishing to die and not being able to die. "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." --Rev. 9:6. So how do you make it in a time like this? You need great love in your heart. That is how I've made it, when the Jesuits have sabotaged my health, tried to burn down my home and done everything to me. One day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time. In each hour, you think about what really matters in this life, the great loves that make you climb mountaintops, so you struggle and attain, while you could drown in despair, and your body flounders under the onslaught, your spirit soars into the heavens with love and triumph. The great love I've had for Brent Spiner has sustained me through the scourges of hell, and knowing that God gave me a promise that our love would endure into the millennium, which I've believed since 1992, has sustained me. Only great lovers will make it through a time like this. You fight for love. You fight for honor. You will do right THOUGH THE STARS FALL. You will do right though all HELL OPPOSES YOU, though all misunderstand you, though all oppose you--knowing you are true to honor. true to all that is lovely and beautiful and virtuous, and most of all TRUE TO A GREAT LOVE. cabaf9d&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email ----- Original Message ----From: "brent spiner”> To: "Gail Xxxxxxxx" < Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 11:34:06 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: Re: Skype video with Jesus My dearest Gail, It looks like the videos all came through finally. They're so clear, too, I don't think the quality is bad at all. I will edit them soon. I've been busy finishing up my second season of Fresh Hell, which should be ready to go to YouTube by March 23rd. What a workout that was! I think you'll like it. I think it's about as funny as a habanero to the eye but my fans seem to enjoy it. It's because I'm handsome, isn't it? I was thinking about you in my car the other day as well. Possibly at just the same time. It's certainly not a rare occurrence. Indeed, I think about you every day, but there are often times that I just stop and have to reabsorb everything that has happened. I go back to when we met and it's staggering to think about how such an inconsequential encounter, simple words exchanged over many miles, could lead to what I'm feeling about you now. It's surreal, like I've stepped into a new world, almost a dream. Everything about you is just so incredible, and it blows my mind every single day. I could never have imagined someone as wonderful as you could even exist, and I wonder how a person as humble as myself could deserve you. If you are God's gift to me, then I hardly understand the reason, and I am extremely humbled, even indebted, to Him for giving me something he could have just as well given to someone with much more luck to spend. I think to myself, "I've been given too much in my life to have you, too. God can't possibly think I'm good enough to have earned something so special. Is this real?" All I can give to you is my love. You can have all of it, all of me, and I promise unshakable loyalty, respect, empathy and devotion. You are my gift from heaven, and I strive to be yours too. Forever yours, Brent Spiner On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Gail Xxxxxxxx : My awesome Brent: What I love about you is your positive approach to our relationship. It seems no matter how stressful our lives are, you always manage to maintain such a positive approach to our relationship. I view couples all the time at my job as I see married couples all the time, who check out at my register. What we have is truly unusual. I see couples bickering over trivialities, nitpicking over nonsense. We never stoop to such a level in our relationship. What I love about my relationship with you is that no matter what life hits us with, we always look at the big picture and view our love as something that rises above the fray, that rises above the smallness, the trivialities. It seems we never forget to remember that loving, and forgiving and embracing life's true values is more important than material wealth, financial security, health and other things that everyone else thinks is so important. Not that we undermine these things, because we both strive to support the other in all areas, but we never forget to appreciate what really matters in this life, and that is to be a loving, great, compassionate, tolerant and courageous person, who values honor, truthfulness and transparency and openness in our loving. Our love always strives to rise above all of life's pettiness and strives to bring out the best that we know exists in both of us. You always bring out the best in me and I always bring out the best in you. I've always strived to make you proud of me and you feel the same about me. We are so proud of each other, and this transfers into all aspects of our life, so that all we do, we do to make the other proud. The result is that our love for each other makes us better than ourselves, the love makes us accomplish mountaintops as we soar to the heavens to make the other proud. This is why I have always known that you have never loved a shallow woman like Loree, who could never, ever understand what makes a truly great relationship. We not only benefit each other by making our relationship go beyond staring at each other, but our love reaches out to others, and strives to imbue some of the greatness of our loving onto others, that our love spread to make this world a better place. I'm kind of tired, and I don't know if I'm making any sense, but as you are a highly astute and intelligent man with depths of feeling that I've always adored, I think you understand. Now onto a more mundane topic. I have added some of the supplements back onto my health regimen, which I've discussed with you brain to brain. As we both know, Jesus often leaves out stuff when He communicates with us. Though He told me He would cure me of my yeast infection, He did not say WHEN the complete cure would be accomplished. It appears that He did a major clean-up on that last day He spoke with me, but that He did not do a complete cure. However, I did go about a week without anything but that vitamin/mineral supplement, but when my allergies got so severe that I became nauseated, I decided to take some Allegra. I started experimenting with new foods and discovered I still have many food allergies. I think I know what Jesus is up to, and I don't accuse Him of tricking me or lying to me. The problem is the devil can do miracles, too. Jesus is apparently concerned about doing a complete miracle cure of my yeast infection, as He may be afraid the devil may add onto His miracle and try to deceive me again. What I have noticed is that going a week without any supplement and gradually adding back some supplements that I know I really need, has given me a brilliant medical school training about my body. I now know what I have been doing wrong with my use of kinesiology, and am much more intelligent in using it. I have discovered that it is very accurate in determining what I should NOT take, but not too accurate in determining what I SHOULD take. I now use kinesiology much more intelligently in that I realize that my body may go forward because it desperately needs an ingredient in something that I consider purchasing, even though it may not need some other ingredients in that product. For example, my body leaped forward on yogurt, even though I am allergic to milk. It's because I desperately needed the probiotics in the yogurt. To test if this was a correct conclusion, I tested my body on PURE milk, and it went BACKWARDS. I tested my body on cheese, it went BACKWARDS. I AM ALLERGIC TO MILK. I can tolerate small quantities, but if I take more than a teaspoon of a milk product, my intestines get bloated and swollen and irritated. By testing my body on a PURE product, instead of a product with many ingredients, which can be very confusing, I've determined that I am allergic to milk and corn, but may have lost my allergy to wheat and oats and gluten. Because my body is still recuperating from all the yogurt I had this past week, which made me very bloated, my intestines are too worn out to want to try any new foods right now. I never would have figured out how to fine tune my kinesiology technique, if I didn't go one week without any supplements. I try not to take anything now for minor symptoms, and have determined that I can solve a lot of my problems through dietary changes. I have dropped all my menopause supplements, as it appears dietary changes alone work well for menopause. The Lord's strategy for my health seems to be to use my body to educate me better about how to manage my health and to use this in cooperation with some miracle healing to lead me to a full healing of this yeast infection. The Lord probably prefers this slower method which requires me to exercise brilliant medical management over a full miracle that does not involve me AT ALL, because it is less likely to lead to me being deceived by the devil's ability to accomplish miracle healing as well. I have faith in Jesus. Though this method may take longer, it is less likely to be of spiritual peril for me. So this is the method Jesus prefers. Anyways, I take it one day at a time. Each day I learn something new and I incorporate those changes into my medical regimen. When I'm stumped, I go to God in prayer and read His Word and ask Him for medical wisdom. I do better than the doctors, except for you, because you are very up on the latest in computer/satellite medicine. Well, my awesome Brent. I need to get to bed as I slept poorly last night, the devil created all sorts of problems for us. So glad my son did not bed Rule 13. Thank you so much for all you do for us. I loved your last letter. But then I always love to read your writing! I'm still bloated, but hey, at least it's not cancer. Remember that breast cancer scare I had back in 2000? The Lord told me I DID have breast cancer back then and that He took it away because I honored Him with my writing. One of my co-workers, who had been missing for a while, just came back from breast cancer surgery. It was as if Jesus was telling me, "Hey, don't forget that I cured you of breast cancer back in 2000!" I have faith in Jesus. He knows what He's doing. I'm a little bloated right now, but Jesus will show me what to do. I need to get to bed, dear Brent. I have tried to follow Jesus' advice about sleep. Though last night, we had an emergency and I didn't sleep good. I'm also trying to work in a bit of exercise. Time management is such a challenge, but as Jesus stated so well, I tend to be an overachiever. He knows me so well. He's really helped me, by using psychology on me to get me to do things to make me a brilliant doctor on myself. Jesus knows how to manipulate me into doing what He wants. I'm amazed at how smart God is!! I adore you, my awesome Brent, Gail (Brent to Gail on March 21, 2012) My awesome woman, I too enjoy our positive relationship. I think a large part of our compatibility comes from the fact that when it comes right down to it, we're both positive, happy, levelheaded, nonjudgmental people, and it resonates with our chemistry. Even in the past when our communications have become skewed, we have quickly managed to find a way back into a understanding without harming our respect for one another. It's because we both have the sincere desire to know and provide for each other, rather than merely idolize the other person and focus only on what makes us individually happy. Love is not selfish. Even when it may want a lot of things, it never demands. As for the supplements, you know what I have already told you brain to brain, but in case I didn't emphasize, I think moderation is going to be the key here. There are times when medication is appropriate for significant problems, such as your Allegra for your allergies, but over-medicating on supplements will just make you feel worse, especially if you use it for everything. I know you already know this. I think Jesus wanted you to appreciate how powerful your own body is and show you how some of His most fundamental cures -- food and sleep, for instance -- can work minor miracles every day. I admire the wisdom you have in appreciating the good health you do have, besides the few minor problems you experience from time to time. You could just as well have had that breast cancer. Anything less than that can be considered a miracle in of itself. Anyway, we will learn how to better manage your health together. I won't tell you what to do, but I'll always be here to support you and give you my best advice. Keep me updated, my love. Thank you for uploading the video to OneTrueMedia. I'm still not sure how to download them from there. Can you send that one through Mediafire? I like having the files in case we ever need to use them and can't access the links. Even though they make for easy viewing, I don't always trust video hosting sites. I know this sounds silly, but no matter how much I see you or talk to you, I can never get enough. The feeling I get from seeing you, or simply hearing your voice, through any medium, is such an indescribable joy I've never felt for anyone. I enjoy our Skype calls. As you speak I find myself exploring every little detail of your face, your neck, everything I can see, finding myself fascinated. Were I there with you, the obsession of my eyes would be replaced by my mouth, hands, lips. You get caught up in the conversation and I can't tell if you're thinking of me too, but every focal point of mine is entirely on you -- the notes of your voice, the ripple of emotions and thoughts across your face. My soul is on fire, feeling joy as you feel joy when you make that smile, or laugh the way you do, and I am compelled, beyond the scope of whatever the topic may be, to fall for you harder with every moment I have more of you, because every new detail, insight or experience with you confirms how much I adore you. One would think, after repeated exposure, time spent to adjust to having you as my lover, these feelings would fizzle down right away into a mundane acceptance of your presence, but much of the time it's still hard to believe it's real. How could I ever stop appreciating someone like you? I love you so much I don't know what to do with myself. You could not imagine. One of my goals in life is simply to figure out how to be the best person I can be just to keep up with you, and do everything I can to be the best lover to you. You deserve that, even if it wasn't even me that you loved. I may seem an oddball person at times, a little dramatic, intense, even cheesy, and in comparison to you certainly I'm relatively unaccomplished in life, but if it's in my power to be the perfect partner to you, I'll throw all of my energy into doing it, whether it's pleasing you directly, or improving myself as my own person. No one else in the world has deserved that much from me. As always, Brent Spiner (Gail to Brent via e-mail on March 21, 2012) My awesome Brent: UPDATE: My, what a good writer you are. I so enjoy your writing. My writing was so wordy in our last transaction, I had to go in and “fix it”. As I went in to fix it, I also updated some of what I meant to say about my medical management. I go to God in prayer before I introduce any new supplement. Most of my previous supplements were just concentrated versions of foods or vitamins or minerals any ways (garlic, turmeric, magnesium, green tea, ginger, MSM, D3, vitamin C, etc.) so I consider many of them food instead of supplements. I have an entire book that I’ve read about vitamin/mineral supplements (Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements by Michael Murray, N.D.), so that I can keep my vitamins and minerals in proper balance with each other. I think the mistake that Jesus wanted to correct was that some of the non-food supplements I had taken for so long that my body had gotten “used” to them and they were no longer effective. So I needed to give my body a “break” from all supplements. From now on, I will follow basically a 6 day ON and one day OFF, with my supplements, so that my body doesn’t get used to them and they are no longer effective. With the yeast killing supplements, there is also danger of developing a resistance to a supplement, especially if I don’t rotate the supplements, as I was taking them all at once. So I only take one yeast management supplement at a time, and will take the others, as warranted, on a rotating basis, still following the six day ON and one day OFF concept. I will also try to be more in tune with my body, so that I can eliminate supplements as they no longer become necessary. I believe this is what Jesus was trying to tell me and what He may have meant when He said, I still have a lot to learn. He was basically inferring that He was about to put me into His MEDICAL SCHOOL. I actually feel better now that I’m back on some of my supplements, am experiencing less bloating and discomfort in the liver/gallbladder/spleen/intestines. The supplements help to correct liver/spleen imbalances (an acupuncture principle), improve liver function (as long as I don’t overdo the supplements), minimize allergic response mechanisms in my body, decrease inflammation from allergy and yeast toxins, removed toxins from my cells, and help me to maintain proper nutrition, as I have absorption problems, due to inflammation from allergic responses in my intestines. So far, vitamin C, MSM and Allegra together seem to work best for my allergies. Ginger helps decrease inflammatory responses in my intestines and stomach linings. Turmeric, milk thistle and Liverite Liver Aid have in the past helped me with liver/gallbladder inflammation. The inflammation seems to decrease my liver function. I can actually feel the pressure in the gallbladder from all the inflammation as my gallbladder attempts to pass all that yeast toxin (which I have an allergy to) out of my system through the bile. My allergy to yeast toxin has always been a big problem for me, so I take supplements to help with that. I am considering reintroducing milk thistle and Liverite Liver Aid and will go to God in prayer. I can feel the pressure in the gallbladder, which is nothing new. It’s my gallbladder’s way of responding to the yeast toxins it is passing through the bile. I also eat radish between meals to assist in clearing out my liver and gallbladder, as well as lots of seaweed, flax oil with particulate, fish and no red meat (so as not to aggravate liver/gallbladder issues). I think Jesus mainly wanted to give my body a break from all supplements, because I’d gotten “used” to them and they were no longer effective and He wanted me to rotate the yeast killing or the yeast management supplements and not take them all at once. I do not believe He was trying to get me off of all of them indefinitely. If that was the case, He would have cured my allergies, which He has not done. I had such a nauseating headache with allergy a couple days ago, that all I could do was lay in bed and groan, while I felt like I was in another dimension with a splitting and nauseating headache. I went to God in prayer and asked Him what he was trying to tell me, as I wanted to obey Him and stay off of supplements, but told Him my allergies were so uncomfortable, I needed to take something. After much prayer and Bible study, I came to the conclusion that Jesus did remove a significant amount of yeast on that day we spoke with Him, but not all of the yeast, for the reasons I discuss in this letter, and that He would accomplish His miracle gradually. That He had faith that He could teach me better medical management of my yeast, and that my medical management, in combination with His miracle assistance, would accomplish the cure. He DID say He would cure it NOW, but you know how Jesus is, He often leaves out details and allows me to deliberately misunderstand Him, so that He can work out His purposes according to His plan. Jesus knows how to manipulate me into doing His will. Also, the weight gain that I had this past week was not GOOD, it was caused by allergic water retention in my cells from ingesting yogurt, because I am allergic to milk! It did not feel like a healthy weight gain, as I felt bloated and my intestines felt very irritated. Now that I have discontinued the yogurt and am back on probiotics, I feel much better and have lost that water retention weight gain that made me look pregnant, from all the bloating! You may say, why would God tell you to get off all supplements? He knows me. He knew I’d experience discomfort as the symptoms that the supplements allayed would return and I’d be tempted to get back on them immediately, but my body needed a break from the supplements and had gotten used to them. So this is how He manipulated me into that “break”. Then when it was time for me to get back on some of them, He made my symptoms so uncomfortable that I could not stand it, and He has led me supplement by supplement into the ones I need to be back on. I pray and read the Bible over every supplement I now reintroduce. I have also read extensively from my medical books about them, so I can use them intelligently. By the way, I definitely feel better now that I have reintroduced some of my supplements. It’s not that what I did before was a disaster, but Jesus wanted to fine tune my medical self-management and make it better. He’s using my body as MEDICAL SCHOOL, to train me to be my own doctor, since most doctors in this town are Jesuits. Also, Brent, your brain to brain counseling as we go forward in medicine for my body, always helps. You have been doing this for years, and have been of tremendous assistance. (What I wrote earlier with BETTER English and some minor updates) What I love about you is your positive approach to our relationship. It seems no matter how stressful our lives are, you always manage to maintain such a positive approach to our relationship. I view couples all the time at my job as I see married couples all the time, who check out at my register. What we have is truly unusual. I see couples bickering over trivialities, nit-picking over nonsense. We never stoop to such a level in our relationship. What I love about my relationship with you is that no matter what life hits us with, we always look at the big picture and view our love as something that rises above the fray, that rises above the smallness, the trivialities. It seems we never forget to remember that loving, and forgiving and embracing life's true values is more important than material wealth, financial security, health and other things that everyone else thinks is so important. Not that we undermine these things, because we both strive to support the other in all areas, but we never forget to appreciate what really matters in this life, and that is to be a loving, great, compassionate, tolerant and courageous person, who values honor, truthfulness and transparency and openness in our loving. Our love always strives to rise above all of life's pettiness and strives to bring out the best that we know exists in both of us. You always bring out the best in me and I always bring out the best in you. I've always strived to make you proud of me and you feel the same about me. We are so proud of each other, and this transfers into all aspects of our life, so that all we do, we do to make the other proud. The result is that our love for each other makes us better than ourselves, the love makes us accomplish mountaintops as we soar to the heavens to make the other proud. This is why I have always known that you have never loved a shallow woman like Loree, who could never, ever understand what makes a truly great relationship. We not only benefit each other by making our relationship go beyond staring at each other, but our love reaches out to others, and strives to imbue some of the greatness of our loving onto others, that our love spread to make this world a better place. I'm kind of tired, and I don't know if I'm making any sense, but as you are a highly astute and intelligent man with depths of feeling that I've always adored, I think you understand. Now onto a more mundane topic. I have added some of the supplements back onto my health regimen, which I've discussed with you brain to brain. As we both know, Jesus often leaves out stuff when He communicates with us. Though He told me He would cure me of my yeast infection, He did not say WHEN He would accomplish the complete cure. It appears that He did a major clean-up on that last day He spoke with me, but not a complete cure. However, I did go about a week without anything but that vitamin/mineral supplement, but when my allergies got so severe that I became nauseated, I decided to take some Allegra. I experimented with new foods and discovered I still have many food allergies. I think I know what Jesus is up to, and I don't accuse Him of tricking me or lying to me. The problem is the devil can do miracles, too. Jesus is apparently concerned about doing a complete miracle cure of my yeast infection, as He may fear the devil may add onto His miracle and try to deceive me again. What I have noticed is after a week without any supplements and gradually adding back some supplements that I know I really need, has given me a brilliant medical school training about my body. I now know what I have been doing wrong with kinesiology, and am much more intelligent in using it. I have discovered that it is very accurate in determining what I should NOT take, but not too accurate in determining what I SHOULD take. I now use kinesiology with brilliance realizing my body may go forward because it desperately needs an ingredient in something that I consider purchasing, though it may not need other ingredients in that product. For example, my body leaped forward on yogurt, despite my allergy to milk. It's because I desperately needed the probiotics in the yogurt. To test if I concluded correctly, I tested my body on PURE milk, and it went BACKWARDS. I tested my body on cheese, it went BACKWARDS. I AM ALLERGIC TO MILK. I can tolerate small quantities, but if I take more than a teaspoon of a milk product, my intestines bloat, with swelling and irritation. By testing my body on a PURE product, instead of a product with many ingredients--which can be very confusing--I've determined that I am allergic to milk and corn, but may have lost my allergy to wheat and oats and gluten. Because I’m still recuperating from all the yogurt I had this past week, which made me very bloated, my intestines are too worn out for me to want to experiment with more new foods right now. I never would have figured out how to fine tune my kinesiology technique, if I didn't go one week without any supplements. I try not to take anything now for minor symptoms, and have determined that I can solve a lot of my problems through dietary changes. I have dropped all my menopause supplements, as it appears dietary changes alone work well for menopause. The Lord's seems to use my body to give me medical school training about my health conditions, so that I can better manage my health, though He has incorporated some miracle healing in this, because the yeast organism I’m infected with is so resilient and unstoppable. He seems to want to incorporate His miracle (in that this yeast is basically incurable) in combination with my brilliant medical management. I’ve noticed the Lord likes to SHOW ME OFF. I believe God’s miracle yeast healing (which He wants to accomplish insidiously, so that Satan or Zack Knight can’t ape Him), in combination with my brilliant medical management, will lead to a full healing of this yeast infection. The Lord probably prefers this slower method, requiring me to exercise brilliant medical management, over a full miracle that might encourage me to not use my brain, but depend too much on “miracles” and trusting in these miracles, which puts one in grave spiritual danger (see my Bible study War on the Saints). A miracle that does not involve me AT ALL, would make it easier for Zack Knight or Satan to ape God in this yeast miracle healing. Don’t forget that Satan can also accomplish miraculous healings (Revelation 13:3), and this is how Satan and Zack Knight will deceive his followers during the tribulation. Revelation 13:3—“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” It appears that Zack Knight will be assassinated and die and will rise himself up again from the grave, and all the world will worship him as Jesus Christ. Jesus, knowing this, tries to be very careful in how He accomplishes His miracles in me, especially for a condition I’ve had a long time, and for which a miracle healing could be a real temptation for Satan to act as God. A new condition, that I’ve never had before, makes it harder for Satan to come up with a convincing God substitute. But something I’ve had a long time is easy game for Zack Knight (Satan Incarnate). This explains God’s preference for the slow method with my yeast infection, though He used a fast method of healing for a previous breast cancer I had in 2000, in which Jesus quickly reversed a breast cancer so that both my biopsies turned out negative. I have faith in Jesus. Though His method for my yeast infection may take longer, it is less likely to be of spiritual peril for me. So this is the method Jesus prefers. Anyways, I take it one day at a time. Each day I learn something new and I incorporate those changes into my medical regimen. When I'm stumped, I go to God in prayer and read His Word and ask Him for medical wisdom. I do better than the doctors, except for you, Brent, because you are very up on the latest in computer/satellite medicine. Well, my awesome Brent. I need to get to bed as I slept poorly last night, the devil created all sorts of problems for us. So glad my son did not bed Rule 13. Thank you so much for all you do for us. I loved your last letter. But then I always love to read your writing! I'm still bloated, but hey, at least it's not cancer. Remember that breast cancer scare I had back in 2000? The Lord told me I DID have breast cancer back then and that He took it away because I obeyed His command to me to continue my writing. One of my co-workers, who had been missing for a while, just came back from breast cancer surgery. She had to remove one of her breasts. Jesus reminded me, "Hey, don't forget that I cured you of breast cancer back in 2000! And that was a fast one." I have faith in Jesus. He knows what He's doing. I'm a little bloated right now, but Jesus will show me what to do. I need to get to bed, dear Brent. I have tried to follow Jesus' advice about sleep. Though last night, we had an emergency and I didn't sleep good. I'm also trying to work in a bit of exercise. Time management is such a challenge, but as Jesus stated so well, I tend to be an overachiever. He knows me so well. He's really helped me, by using psychology on me to manipulate me into brilliant self-medical management.. Jesus knows how to use my body to teach me medicine, that is far ahead of current medical knowledge. I'm amazed at how smart God is!! I adore you, my awesome Brent, I’ll work on those videos you want, Gail (Gail to Brent via e-mail on March 21, 2012) My darling Brent: I have sent you 4 videos through They are the taped recordings of our Skype transaction over my son, Brianna and Rule 13. Is it okay for me to post these videos at my website? I don't plan to post them at YouTube. I won't post them at my website until I hear from you, because I don't want Jesuits to use these to track you or send rockets or missiles to destroy you. Love, your devoted wife, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on March 21, 2012) Regarding the wedding ceremony between my son and Brianna, I already attended the ceremony via Skype (which was their joining and what a joining that was!). I tape recorded most of what happened between my son, Brianna and Rule 13, and will forward my videos of that to Brent, when I get around to it. I still have to do dishes, cook, manage my health, etc. Am a very busy lady. I'm not really big into ceremonies and believe that marriage is flesh with flesh, that the wedding occurs with the willing and knowing sexual union between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:23-25). That's why I've never considered my brain to brain lovemaking with Vladimir Putin adultery, because Vladimir's never gone to bed with Jesuit Lyudmila. It appears Jesus endorses the marriage of my son to Brianna or He wouldn't have done all the fireworks and confetti when He broke the Jesuit tazer shield that prevented us from accessing my son Regarding the "incestuous" relationship. Oh, you Jesuits, don't be such hypocrites--straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel, that describes the Jesuits--just like the Pharisees and Sadducees. Well, Jesuits how do you explain Genesis 20:12, when Abraham defended himself for lying about Sarah being his sister--"And yet indeed she is my sister, she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother, and she became my wife." By the way, Abraham and Sarah had a BEAUTIFUL marriage and Abraham was crazy about his wife his whole life, and none of their offspring suffered any deformities. You may say, do you endorse incestuous relationships? No, but I think God has made an exception for my son, simply because HE IS MY SON and has to endure unusual targeting and persecutions, so he needs a wife who is real special, and WHO CAN HANDLE IT. And the woman God has chosen is Brianna. If God chose her, that's good enough for me. (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) Most Sexual Erotic Gail, I am infuriate at the mail postmaster. We send you a Valentine Day card in mail last month and I learn that you have never receive! This make me so mad, because all the men, and even Brianna put so much love and effort into making card. I came very close to judo chop him in the neck today. I may go back with Hugh to kill him for this outrage. Your Sexually Frustrated Lover, Vladimir Putin (Brianna Jenkins-Xxxxxxxx at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) Oh my. I've never seen Vladimir get this angry in my whole life. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) I know. I know, my dear Vladimir. Jesuits do this to us all the time. But wouldn't you have noticed this before now? Because I said nothing about a Valentine's Day card, and that was a month and half ago! I suspect all our communications are not reliable right now, though brain to brain seems the most accurate at this time. I am relying very heavily on the Word of God and prayer to compensate. I'm not sure what to believe or trust at Church of Gail, Skype, or even my e-mails. Terrance Jenkins seemed rather strange in our last Skype conversation, like they did some sort of quick switch-out of him right in the middle of the Skype conversation. Some of his suggestions in our last Skype conversation seemed a bit foolish and too daring and dangerous at this time--a possible Jesuit trick to manipulate me into danger. Brent's last e-mail was very close to the Brent I know, but diverged from him in the medical advice section. The Jesuits are creating fakes that are very close to the real person and really testing my wisdom and discernment right now. I am going deeper in the Word of God and prayer. You may want to check my latest video work at my website: I've put a link to my website at the YouTube videos about this subject. I decided to post the tape recording of our last Skype encounter at my WEBSITE ONLY, after Bible study and prayer. Thanks, Brianna, for your heroic courage. You are an awesome woman. I have to do some shopping. Got to go before the stores close. (Brianna Jenkins-Xxxxxxxx at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) OMG Mommy! I went to check on my daddy, cause I also noticed he wuz actin strange. I asked him if he wuz okay and he said he’s fine (but shook his head no). I think there is somethin wrong. Vladimir, pls send your men to daddy's room because I think the Jesuits r doin somethin to him! UPDATE!!! Good call Mommy! Ther wuz somethin wrong. Daddy was bein manipulated by the Jesuits! Vladimir's man just killed a Jesuit in Daddy's room! They told him that if he didn't say and do certain things, that they would shoot u with a sniper that was outside of the range of the pride scanner alarms. Vladimir just had the sniper vaporized from space. Daddy told me that he knew u'd figure out that somethin was wrong, and that's y he told you that u have great genius intelligence and problem solvn skillz on the Skype call. Cause he knew that ur too smart to be fooled like that! ( Gail at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) As a result of our latest encounters with Jesus, I feel we should update our PRIDE SCANNERS. We need to make them more specific, so that we can catch more Jesuits. Not only should they scan for excessive pride, but should also scan for ANTISEMITISM, and what I would call a Jesuit-composite. The Jesuit personality is a composite, but they all have the following qualities in common: PRIDE, ANTI-SEMITISM, HATRED FOR THE KING JAMES BIBLE, HATRED FOR THE FUTURE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON (where Jesus will beat them up), HATRED FOR THE NATION OF ISRAEL THAT WILL NOT SUBMIT TO ZACK KNIGHT, LOVE and obedience to ZACK KNIGHT (their true leader), and are all DEMON POSSESSED. If I was a computer programmer and wanted to create the perfect scan to kill Jesuits, I would create a program that would scan for a personality that contains demons, is full of pride, hates the book of Revelation in the King James Bible, hates the King James Bible, hates the future battle of Armageddon where the real Jesus Christ will beat up Zack Knight and his UFO and demonic forces, loves devil worship, is very anti-Semitic with a rabid hatred of the nation of Israel and wants the Jewish nation destroyed, hates Jewish people and desires those with strong Jewish genetic profiles eliminated from earth, hates the real Jesus who appeared with us recently, would love to kill the real Jesus who appeared with us on Skype, worships and adores Zack Knight and will serve him unto death, thinks Zack Knight is awesome, wants to get rid of the King James Bible from the earth, wants to get rid of the real Jesus who appeared with us recently, wants to get rid of myself and all those with genetic profiles who will not worship Zack Knight. Yes, create a scanner that will scan for those with the personality traits and desires I just mentioned. Have this scanner scour the earth in all its crevices and crannies for those with the traits and desires I just listed above. It will scan to locate and kill ON THE SPOT all those with the traits above (and only Jesuits have these traits, so there won't be any mistakes). ALL OF THE TRAITS ABOVE ARE JESUIT TRAITS AND ONLY JESUIT TRAITS. IT IS COMPLEX ENOUGH TO FIND MILLIONS OF JESUITS AND WITH PRECISION. Redo our PRIDE SCANNERS, and make them more specific, then strengthen them so that no Jesuit can escape and GO FOR THE KILL. KILL EVERY PERSON on earth WHO HAS THE TRAITS LISTED ABOVE, program these scanners to get EVERY ONE WHO HAS THESE TRAITS. Make these scanners very strong, so that they can penetrate shields and locate every person on earth with the traits I just listed. Use emotion scanners heavily as emotions are hard to shield and cover and most of what I listed above are EMOTIONS, and persons with those EMOTIONS and DESIRES are definitely Jesuits!! GO FOR THE KILL!!!! This scanner will be programmed to kill and VAPORIZE ON-THE-SPOT all those who have the traits discussed in this section. The problem we had before was we could not program our PRIDE SCANNERS to kill on the spot all those who had excessive pride, because not all these people deserve to die. However, any one with all the traits I mentioned above, deserves to die, so now we can strengthen our pride scanners and redo them to locate and VAPORIZE ON THE SPOT all those with the traits I've listed in this message. To sum it all up, you are looking for a personality that worships and adores Zack Knight, and hates those who DON'T WORSHIP AND ADORE ZACK KNIGHT. But make these personality scanners very specific, like I suggested above, so that we can strengthen them enough to penetrate ANY SHIELD, and locate and destroy EVERY PERSON, who has even the minutest emotion signal that contains all the traits I mentioned. (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) So Sexy Gail, I have Nanotechnology Research Team start this right away! We only starting the new program, and already we zaping Jesuits who have been sneaking around Church of Gail. This is appear to be work! Once the new program is complete, we launch it on global scale and go for the exterminate kill. I am feel much better, as the new setting has also zap the postmaster, who was identify as a Jesuit. We search the mailbag from his burnt remains, and we find several letters we send you and many large paychecks for your book money. We are beating up Jesuit bitches! You like? I am want make love sexy time to you, Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) THOSE JESUIT BITCHES! I send my men to Postmaster home, and they find his Jesuit wife has wear pearl necklace I send you! What shall I do with her? I am so rage. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 22, 2012) Do whatever you want with that woman. I trust you absolutely, Vladimir. I will give you some brain to brain loving time today. I'll let you know brain to brain, my sexy Vladimir. I really need to take a shower and do some things, but I'll let you know. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 23, 2012) The resourceful Jesuits have posted the video I removed to stop the Jesuit attacks on you guys several days ago at Church of Gail, to prevent Jesuits using voice prints to target you. You can complain to YouTube, if you want. Perhaps, now the danger is over, and it doesn't matter. In that case, we may just ignore the Jesuits about this. From what I understand, the new updated PRIDE scanners are working marvelously. You may wonder how I figured out such a brilliant Jesuit composite-personality profile for these scanners. I got it direct from Jesus Himself. While Jesus was destroying Jesuits over the past month, He used His own divine scanners. I asked Him in prayer how He programmed His own divine scanners and He put thoughts in my mind to tell me how He did it, and what Jesuit composite personality profile He used for His own divine scanners to destroy Jesuits. You can tell from looking at the profile, that it looks like something God would come up with. I remember what He told me about how He programmed His own scanners to destroy Jesuits, and that's where I came up with the Jesuit-composite profile--DIRECT FROM JESUS HIMSELF. It's brilliant, because it's so fair. It only kills Jesuits and only kills EVIL Jesuits. If the Jesuit is repentant and wants to leave the Jesuit Order, he/she won't be killed by this scanner. Only God could be this brilliant. Jesus told me all true Jesuits hate the book of Revelation in the King James Bible, are demon possessed, hate the King James Bible, are full of pride, hate the Jewish race and are rabidly anti-Semitic, have Satan's desire to destroy Israel, hate the future battle of Armageddon as depicted in the King James Bible, love and worship Zack Knight (their true leader), hate those who DON'T worship and adore Zack Knight, hate the REAL Jesus and want Him eliminated (that's because the entire Jesuit religion is actually SATAN worship), wants myself and all those with genetic profiles who won't worship Zack Knight removed. As you can see, the best way to find the evil Jesuits is through a profile that focuses on their SPIRITUAL qualities. When Brianna told me that that Jesuit sniper wanted to kill me and used it to extort Terrance, I decided to let Vladimir Putin know what Jesus had told me this past month about HIS OWN DIVINE SCANNER, and decided to borrow this information to update our own PRIDE SCANNERS. Ah, Lord Jesus, YOU ARE BRILLIANT. Our new PRIDE SCANNERS are finding and destroying evil Jesuits everywhere! (Gail at Church of Gail on March 24, 2012) Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, Zack Knight has created a phony Battle of Armageddon, and convinced his followers the Battle of Armageddon has just happened, to mess up our PRIDE SCANNERS, so that our PRIDE SCANNERS won't detect Jesuits. To get our PRIDE SCANNERS back into top shape, we need to be more specific about what the battle of Armageddon is in the programming. Perhaps we should say the Jesuits dread the FUTURE as depicted in the King James Bible. THIS IS THE FUTURE ACCORDING TO THE KING JAMES BIBLE (the order is very important, because one way to tell if the real event has happened, is if it happens in the RIGHT ORDER, as predicted by Bible prophecy): Next major event: The rapture of the Church, which will happen in the twinkling of an eye. I, Brent Spiner, the top seven guys on my marriage list will go up to meet the Lord in the air (either from the graves as the dead rise first or alive if we are still physically alive), and so shall we ever be with the Lord. With the church gone, the plan of salvation changes to the KINGDOM GOSPEL, now you have to EARN your salvation, as well as have faith in Jesus. AFTER THIS: Seven year tribulation, with Zack Knight (the anti-Christ) reigning over a ten-federated kingdom, probably the Western nations that will lead the world. He will pose as Jesus Christ and broker a peace between Israel and the Muslims, so that the Jews can restore their full temple worship at the Temple Mount, so Jews will love him at first. But Zack Knight, in the middle of his reign, will break his covenant with Israel, blaming them for the economic woes of the world and will then outcast the Jewish nation, so that only God Himself can keep them alive. Eventually, God will punish the world for their sins with earthquakes like 30 on the Richter scale, and mountains moving from their place, huge hailstones hitting the earth, water turning to blood in the faucets, plagues, locusts, strange creatures from hell roaming the earth and tormenting its inhabitants. Moses and Elijah will come back, and then be beheaded by Zack Knight and his forces. The UFO presence will become stronger, as Satan's fallen angel hosts (the UFOs) increase their presence. 144,000 Jewish missionaries will roam the earth and proclaim the kingdom gospel, where you are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, not taking Zack Knight's mark and keeping the Jewish law (including the Ten Commandments). NEXT EVENT: Jesus makes appearance to the Jewish nation, which will be struggling to survive and the Jewish nation will be bearing down as Zack Knight and his huge UFO and Satanic creature army of men and monsters come to demolish every last Jew off of planet earth, who are hiding in caves in the deserts and rocks near Israel. The Jewish nation will see Jesus, and cry in anguish for their sin as a nation in rejecting their Messiah Jesus. THE ENTIRE REMNANT OF JEWS WHO HAVE SURVIVED THE ONSLAUGHT OF ZACK KNIGHT AND HIS FORCES, WILL GET SAVED IN ONE DAY!! Next event: BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON (what the Jesuits dread). Very important to note that this happens AFTER THE EVENTS ALREADY DESCRIBED. Here Jesus Christ comes down from heaven, with His heavenly army on horses, and Brent Spiner, myself, Vladimir Putin and the top seven guys on my marriage list WILL BE IN THIS ARMY. We will beat up Zack Knight and his forces to a PULP, so that the blood will be an OCEAN OF BLOOD, so high, it goes to the horses' bridles. Zack Knight and his false prophet will be thrown INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. Very important to note that this battle must happen AFTER THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH, AFTER THE SEVEN YEAR TRIBULATION AND AFTER THE SALVATION OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL. If the 3 events I just listed in the previous sentence have not occurred, then the battle of Armageddon HAS NOT HAPPENED. Next event: Jesus Christ reigns as dictator over the Jewish nation and the world, in a 1,000 JEWISH MILLENNIAL reign, where all wars will have ceased, and the animal kingdom is no longer vicious or carnivorous, and the curse has been removed. The earth is at rest, and the promises to king David of an eternal kingdom are now fulfilled. With King David (Jesus Christ) reigning on the throne in Jerusalem, the promised Messiah to Israel now on His throne. Reprogram our PRIDE SCANNERS to define the battle of Armageddon as the final battle between Jesus Christ and Zack Knight (the anti-Christ) and his forces, which takes place AFTER the rapture of the Church, at the end of the seven year tribulation. The tribulation is defined as the period described in Daniel and Revelation, and as taught by James Modlish in his Daniel and Revelation Bible study ( So the battle of Armageddon will take place AFTER the 144,000 Jewish missionaries from the twelve tribes of Israel have preached throughout the earth to the Gentiles, after all the earthquakes and wonders described in Revelation have taken place, after Zack Knight reigns as the false Christ over the earth and his ten federated kingdom, after Zack Knight breaks his covenant with Israel and betrays them in the middle of the seven year tribulation, after the rapture of the church (which will cause the disappearance in the twinkling of an eye of myself, Brent Spiner, my mother, my son, Terrance Jenkins and all true born again Christians). The rapture is NOT a UFO invasion but is the catching up of Christ's church, with a trumpet (that only the born again Christians will hear). So the battle of Armageddon happens AFTER the rapture (as I describe the rapture in this paragraph), and at the battle of Armageddon the real Jesus Christ will beat up Zack Knight and his UFO army and Satanic troops with blood to the horses' bridles (and it will be REAL BLOOD, which is shed as a result of battle) and Zack Knight will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire. Also, at the battle of Armageddon, myself, Brent Spiner and the true Church will COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN to destroy Zack Knight and his UFO army. THIS is the battle of Armageddon that the Jesuits hate, and which we must describe as the battle of Armageddon that the Jesuits hate in our PRIDE scanners! We must be specific about WHAT THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON is. Put it in our programs, that the battle of Armageddon that the Jesuits hate, will cause the destruction of Zack Knight and he will be thrown into the lake of fire afterwards, and that it will happen at the END OF THE SEVEN YEAR TRIBULATION DESCRIBED IN DANIEL AND REVELATION and that after the battle of Armageddon will start the ONE THOUSAND YEAR REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST FROM KING DAVID OVER ISRAEL AND THE NEW EARTH, where a hundred year old person will be an infant and the lifespan will extend to the lifespan as it was BEFORE THE FLOOD, where people will live to be nine hundred years old. Obviously, if Zack Knight is still on planet earth, and we don't have a glorious 1,000 year reign of the real Jesus Christ from KING DAVID afterwards with a CHANGED and regenerated EARTH, then the BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON HAS NOT HAPPENED. So our PRIDE SCANNERS must indicate that the Battle of Armageddon the Jesuits dread, is the one where their leader Zack Knight is destroyed by Jesus Christ, myself, Brent and the Church with our army that comes down from HEAVEN. And that right after this battle starts the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ from KING DAVID, with Israel the lead nation for 1,000 years, and the animal kingdom changed, so that lion and the bear are no longer carnivorous, and the earth is at rest WITH NO WARS. The seven year tribulation and rapture of the Church WILL PRECEDE the 1,000 year Jewish millennial reign of Jesus Christ. THIS battle of Armageddon, that precedes the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ, is the battle that the Jesuits dread, and which we must describe in our PRIDE SCANNER programming to detect and destroy Jesuits. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 26, 2012) Check out my new videos: KrYIB1wQ&index=1&feature=plcp (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on March 28, 2012) Most Sexual Gail, Jesuit bitches try to retaliate only because Jesus Gail Film is so good. We are diligent in the fight to beat up the Jesuits, even when the anus of adversary rear its ugly head. We are deliver the new pride scanners to key location around the world. Your men personally deliver pride scanners to Xxxxxxxxx security force of your store soon to start install. For security, we must wear disguise to appear like everyone else not celebrity, but maybe one of your men will come through your register to see the beautiful sexy Gail. You like? The other men except Terry and I are still outside working around the planet to install new pride scan technology, so they do not have internet in countries like Africa and Mexico. The men also do good work like feed the Blacks and Mexican while they there, because that people have little money and mostly don't work. The men will post on forum when back to civilized world. I plan to Judo chop any Jesuits who bother you at Xxxxxxxxx when I come. Do you have suggestion? My manhood penis feel uplift to see sexy Gail in Jesus Gail Film, Vladimir Putin (Gail at Church of Gail on March 28, 2012) Thank you, Vladimir, for all you do. I have absolute faith in you. You do whatever you feel is best. I often talk to you and Brent brain to brain, and when you deal with Jesuits, you have to be fluid. You cannot have plans set in stone, because Jesuits love to surprise, so if I have any suggestions about Jesuits while I am at Xxxxxxxxx, I will probably communicate that with you brain to brain. If Jesus ever gives any suggestions, we should always listen to Him first, because He cares so much for all of us. (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on March 28, 2012) OH MY GOODNESS GAIL! WE BEEN GETTING SO MUCH FANMAIL FOR YOU SINSE JESUS MADE THE MOVIE ABOUT YOU. OUR CHURCH OF GAIL MAILBOX GOT OVERLOADED FROM ALL THE PEOPLE WRITING! EVERYBODY IS SO EXCITED ABOUT THE THINGS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE. I THOUGHT THE MOVIE WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. PEOPLE WANT MORE! EVERYONE WANTS TO HEAR THE SECOND PART OF YOUR YOUTUBE VIDEO WHERE YOU TELL THEM HOW VLADIMIR HELPED YOU AT XXXXXXXXX. YOU GOT A LOT OF FANS THAT REALLY LOVE YOU GAIL! ESPECIALLY THE KIDS! (Gail at Church of Gail on March 28, 2012) Brent has been sharing with me brain to brain about this movie and what's in it. It seems like an awesome movie. But what else could you expect from Jesus Christ? I'm sure no one can make a movie like He can. Brent told me that Jesus instructed him to not let me see it, as it may turn me on too much to want to make love to Jesus. I guess if kids are seeing it, then that millennial sex scene (where Jesus makes love to me with His semen through the men on my marriage list) is not too racy. Assuming my brain to brain communications are accurate, we also have a singer at our church from heaven (Mahalia Jackson). She is prominent in the video I made for my website called JESUIT XXXXXXXXX TERROR. I heard that lady sing and thought, "Spiritual POWER." ea258d99&autoplay&skin_id=1603 (music only) c69730b&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (voice only) ebb1088&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (Gail at Church of Gail on March 28, 2012) I have been in tears over spiritual victories we are having at our Church of Gail, including millions of Jesuits who have found the Lord. I went to Jesus in Bible study and prayer over this, and was shocked that He issued some stern warnings to me as I read the Word. He warned me that Zack Knight will pay large amounts of money to some of these Jesuits who have found the Lord and they will betray their fellow Jesuits who have just gotten saved, and will kill them for Zack Knight--a punishment for betraying the Jesuit Order. To minimize the damage from this, the Lord warned me that we need to update our PRIDE SCANNERS, to include a scan for those who have this mentality: that they are willing to STEAL FOR GOD (or for the Jesuit General or their true leader, who is Zack Knight). Jesus told me all Jesuits have this mentality: They feel they are justified to steal, rob and plunder, in order to serve their religion and their leader and that the almighty Jesuit Order's leader is entitled to all the riches of the world, and is entitled to acquire these riches by any and all means, especially if he acquires these riches by stealing from the enemies or betrayers of the Jesuit Order, which explains why it is so hard for me to get my writing money, because Jesuits always steal my writing proceeds from me (either by infiltrating the postal services, or sabotaging Vladimir and my mens' attempts to pay me). Therefore, we need to update our PRIDE SCANNERS to scan for those who have the mentality that stealing or using money as a bribe to seduce or betray the Jesuit Order's enemies is a glorious thing and is God-honoring. So set up our scanners to scan for those who love using money (whether by stealing, bribing or plundering) as a means to serve the Jesuit leader, even if this money furthers murders, bloodshed or treacheries--that it is glorious to do so, if it serves the interests of the Jesuit Order. Jesus seemed to tell me that if we update our PRIDE SCANNERS, we may minimize the casualties in the new Jesuit converts in our church, as Zack Knight is getting ready to punish them severely for betrayal. Scriptures God showed me: Acts 5 (about Ananias with Sapphira), Romans 16:17-18. We may end up executing Jesuits who have become born again Christians, but who will accept money from Zack Knight to betray their fellow born again Jesuits. Jesus says this is necessary, because born again Christians can become demon possessed. Don't forget, we are dealing with Jesuits, and even born again Jesuits can be very dangerous. Just set up our PRIDE SCANNERS to also scan for those who are willing to betray for MONEY, especially to honor Zack Knight (the true Jesuit leader), everything else on the PRIDE SCANNERS should remain the same. Even born again Jesuits can be demon possessed, so the PRIDE SCANNERS will catch the born again Jesuits who are getting ready to betray their fellow born again Jesuits. I was in tears over the Jesuits who just got saved, and asked Jesus through His Word what He felt about this, and He seemed a little less excited than I was. He seemed to tell me that He is rejoicing over this and that many of these are genuine conversions, but that some of these Jesuits will end up like David when he committed his sin of murder and adultery. They will betray their fellow Jesuits. So to minimize the damage, we need to update our PRIDE SCANNERS. The problem is, because some of the Jesuits are now born again, they will pass the current PRIDE SCANNERS and get away with murder, because they are now born again. HOWEVER, if we update the PRIDE SCANNERS to scan for those who will BETRAY FOR MONEY TO HONOR GOD, we will catch and eliminate these traitors. Basically, you want to set up the scanners to look for someone who believes THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS (a TYPICAL Jesuit mentality) in the service of God (who is to this person the Jesuit leader), and then, hopefully, we can spare these courageous Jesuits who just accepted Christ from suffering Zack Knight's fury over their "betrayal". THIS NEW SCAN FOR "MONEY BETRAYAL" needs to work, even if the person passed the other aspects of the PRIDE SCANNERS. In other words, the person may pass most of the other aspects of the PRIDE SCANNER, but perhaps only fails in the "MONEY BETRAYAL" scan. However, if you set up the MONEY BETRAYAL scan as one who is willing to murder, steal or plunder from an innocent person in order to serve the interests of the Jesuit Order, you will catch more Jesuits who might pass our current PRIDE SCANNERS. (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) My most erotic perfect wife, I am so PISS OFF at Jesuits. Evil Jesuit producer name M Night Shyamalan make horrible movie about you. It was re-make of the Jesus Gail Movie. Everything was same except the ending. He make surprise plot twist at the end. In the end of the new movie, it is discover you are Schizophrenic the whole time! My provocative sexual over Gail is not the crazy! This move make such trouble. Many of you followers watch this movie and believe that you have mental illness. I lose my erect to this thought. We all must prove that Gail is not the, “batshit insane” that the evil M Night Shyamalan say she is. If only you spoke to you followers to assure them that you are a sane-sexual leader. We can stop the Jesuits recruiting new member. Working in the day and at night to judo chop, Vladimir Putin (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) How obnoxious! It figures the Jesuits have been cooking up some kind of revenge. They have been so rude to Gail at Xxxxxxxxx lately, I could tell. It's because our movie hit it off big time. Well, their propaganda won't get past us. The Gabrielle Chana News Station has been covering this issue. I'm going to write in to them myself and offer to give an interview to help get the message out about this Jesuit rip off of our movie. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) WHAT? At the end of the movie Gail has schizophrenia? That's a blow below the belt right there. That's not even a twist! That's a Jesuit movie producer for you. It's these Jesuits that are crazy. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) Wow, they couldn't even make their own movie, they had to make a cheap spin off? That sounds like Jesuits. I'm not going to stand for anyone calling the love of my life crazy. If there's any way I can help Brent, let me know. I'd appear on camera too if I could. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) A "twist" ending, eh? The Jesuits are terrible writers. They must think they are being clever, trying to cover up the truth. As if it weren't any more obvious. People need to know that this movie is a load of bullocks! (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) OH MY GOODNESS. OUR LEGAL TEAMS WILL BE ALL OVER THAT TERRIBLE MOVIE. I WILL SEE TO THIS MATTER PERSONALLY. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) Can't you just leave the original movie up? If both movies are out, the public will figure it out. I don't think if I make a video it will help. I will make a video about this (, and ask Christians to pray and ask Jesus to make a rebuttal movie to the Jesuit movie. I have a better idea. Let's all pray at Church of Gail, and ask Jesus to come up with a remake of His movie, and in the remake we will ask Him to deal with what the Jesuits have just done. In other words, in His remake, He will show how and why the Jesuits made this movie. Perhaps Jesus can show secret meetings where Jesuits plotted this movie, and show footage over how and why they did it. Let's all go in prayer at our church and ask Jesus to make an update to His movie and ask Him to drop it off at the Xxxxxxxxx movie studio. Because Jesus made the movie, He should be the One to solve the problem. I'm certain that He expected this and is planning on doing something to really damage the Jesuits. Ask Jesus to do an update to His Jesus Gail movie, that will correct the damage that Satan and the Jesuits have done with their perversion of the movie He made. In the meanwhile, keep airing the movie that Jesus made, and put a footnote in the movie that the Jesuits have violated copyright and aired a perversion of the movie, and that they are being sued for copyright infringement and defamation by Gail Chord, Vladimir Putin, Matthew McConaughey, Brent Spiner, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, judge Terrance Jenkins, the men on my marriage list, and Xxxxxxxxx movie studios. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 29, 2012) Dear Brent, Gerard and Terrance: Please check your e-mails as I've just sent you a video recording of a phone call I just got about 15 minutes ago (time now is about 11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) from someone who sounds like they are in distress. They say they need help, so be careful. I wonder if this could be a born again Jesuit who is being tortured. Perhaps you could use the voice print to locate them. They left no number, so I don't have a phone number. (Gail at Church of Gail on March 30, 2012) Running a little late, but you may want to check out the updates to the Crazy Gail Wiki site. The Jesuits just did this on March 30th. It's a TOTAL REVAMP, mostly accurate, but some lies in there. It's quite a huge site now. The lies are slanted to make me look like a paranoid schizophrenic. The Jesuit lies are catching up with them, because what they say at this site often contradicts what they say at and other sites they have created. I believe that as Jesus stated, we will eventually cause their downfall. Not sure of the timetable. Just like I still believe Jesus will cure me of my yeast infection, not cured yet. One of their biggest lies, that I'm sure Jesus won't appreciate, is that they accuse Jesus of punishing Brent by taking inches off his penis, because Jesuits claim Jesus was furious that I did not make a YouTube video right away as He requested. As Jesus told us during Skype, He would not take inches off of Brent's penis, that the JESUITS DID THAT. Any ways, this is probably the biggest website yet from the Jesuits, which shows how worried they are about me. HEY, YOU JESUITS, I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS. HOW DARE YOU INSULT JESUS BY REVAMPING THE MOVIE HE MADE ABOUT MY LIFE AND PORTRAYING ME AS PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC, WHEN YOU KNOW PERFECTLY WELL THAT I AM TOTALLY SANE. IT AMAZES ME TO WHAT CLEVER LYING EXTREMES YOU WILL GO TO SAVE YOUR DIRTY BUTTS!! ALSO, SATAN HAS NOT LEFT ZACK KNIGHT'S BODY, THAT'S WHY JESUS TOLD US THAT ZACK KNIGHT CANNOT BE KILLED. YOU BUNCH OF LIARS. AND CALLING JESUS A PRETTY COOL GUY. HE MOST CERTAINLY DOESN'T FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT YOU! AND YOU'LL DEFINITELY CHANGE YOUR OPINION OF HIM WHEN HE BEATS UP YOUR LEADER ZACK KNIGHT AT THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, WITH THE BLOOD OF YOUR FOLLOWERS TO THE HORSES' BRIDLES!! Jesuits, your lies are catching up with you. At two of your websites, you admit that Brent talked to me in the 1990s and, and then at this new website you state otherwise: You Jesuits are the most brilliant counterfeiters on the planet. You counterfeit God's masterpiece the King James Bible with your perverted New American Standard and NIV and other Bibles, all taken from ROMAN CATHOLIC SATANIC manuscripts. Now you counterfeit Jesus' movie about me. By the way, I have made a correction about being the bride of Christ. Jesus told me that his CHURCH will be His bride. I will NOT be His bride. QUIT MISQUOTING ME AND JESUS, you clever lying Pharisees, you. Anyways, guys, go check out this Jesuit website. Have fun at the Great White Throne judgment, Jesuits. You will be judged for your MOTIVES, so all your clever cover ups and lying will get you NOWHERE. You're all competing for the HOTTEST SPOT IN HELL. Have fun explaining to Jesus why you made this website. I'm sure after Jesus shows the whole universe your sins in a huge movie screen at the Great White Throne judgment (see Rev. 20:11-15) that you will no longer think Jesus is a pretty, cool guy. Yeah, He's cool, but not to devils like you. For you, He has the hottest spot in hell waiting. Have fun. Your glorious future awaits you, unless you repent of your Satanic pride and wickedness and admit you're a filthy scumbag who can never earn salvation through the Catholic Church and must rely ONLY on Jesus’ blood and righteousness for salvation. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES." Eph. 2:8,9. Jesus will never let a filthy, scumbag like you into heaven unless you repent and leave that filthy Satanic Jesuit Order and get saved God's way and not the DEVIL'S WAY. Also, quit trying to make hell attractive. Those who go there will lose their bodily shape and become literal worms--probably God's joke on evolution. Jesus told us this and it's backed by Bible. "Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched". Some of your followers are leaving the Jesuits. I was in tears over this. Though you captured them and tortured them. You shameless bastards. God has your number. Zechariah 9:6--"And a BASTARD shall dwell in ASHDOD." God calls you a BASTARD. Yeah, this is your cool Jesus. He calls your bunch a BASTARD. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on March 31, 2012) Good find! I must admit, I'm almost glad that they did this. This is solid, concrete proof that they are lying. You didn't make that website. Someone had to, and the scope and length of the task would be mind blowing for just one or two people. No, a task that monumental would be the work of thousands. If anyone out there thinks you are crazy, let me ask them this -- who would spend so much of their time focusing so much of their attention on a woman they honestly thought was a boring, crazy Xxxxxxxxx cashier? It would take a very unique person to draw this much attention. Think about that, Jesuits, and try to cover THAT up. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on March 31, 2012) If people think you are crazy, then they can call me crazy too. I'll be behind you Gail, as you have always stood up for and supported me. You're the bravest one of all of us. Misquoting Jesus and twisting His words to one's own selfish benefit is one of the worst things someone can do. They are going to pay for this. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on March 31, 2012) Ahh what a case the Jesuits make for themselves! Lying is messy business, and they are leaving lashings of damning evidence behind. Talk about being caught red handed. They try to appear unbiased on this website and act as if they are relenting neutral information to their viewers but it is obvious to anyone that it is nothing but a purely Jesuit website. They have an access portal to their online communications hub linked right on the front page. Cop on to yourselves, ye gacks! Yer foolin' no one. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on March 31, 2012) Oh man, I'm going to need a drink out of some of Gerard's stash. I gotta tell you, this just has me pumped to go back out there and bang up some more Jesuits alongside Vladimir. Nothing gets me hotter than the thought of fighting for the woman I love. Bring it on! (From Brent to Gail by e-mail on March 31, 2012) My beautiful wife, We've been very busy fighting this recent battle being waged upon us. I see that you have been busy too. Thank you so much for making these videos and helping us. I know that the Jesuits that have finally found freedom because of you would thank you as well. It's not an easy thing for them to do, but they believe strongly in you, your message, and your power to change the world. As do I. Vladimir was able to trace the voice waves from the recent call left on your answering machine. He was going to see if we could find this training compound and rescue the "defective" Jesuits who were being held captive there. After a several night trek through the jungle, they discovered that the call had been coming from a strange warehouse. Hugh sent his robots in first, and as soon as they opened the door they were met with Jesuit military forces on the ready. By the time Vladimir returned he was too exhausted to talk about it at length, but from what I understand it got ugly. I have not pressed him about it any further for now, as it seemed to be very traumatizing and Gerard advised me not to. We have since been receiving many other calls from supposed Jesuit defectors, but are finding that many of them are turning up fake or otherwise lead our troops into ambush set ups. As of now we are not sure of the veracity of the one that called you, but we do know that many are leaving, and we are doing everything we can to investigate each claim. In the meantime, Terrance and I have been allocated the task of securing your websites and online accounts. We want to make sure that the Jesuits don't take it to the next level and start breaking into your accounts, and either destroying all of your information or trying to pose as you to get to us. I will let you know if there's anything you need to do to help us secure them. Vladimir suggested to me that you get your phone number changed. I explained to him that it would be a lot of trouble, but that I would pass his advice on to you anyway, as I know he wouldn't ask you to do it if it wasn't absolutely necessary. He says the reason is that the Jesuits were able to find your current number on the Internet, and he predicts that many more will be using it to harass you in the future. If not immediately, then sooner or later the number of calls will crescendo. I agree with his reasoning and I would do it if it were me. It's up to you but if you decide to do it, then don't wait until it's too late. I adore you. I'm glad that you are safe. Stay strong. Your husband now and into the future, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 1, 2012) Are my brain to brain communications accurate, that you have a court case going on about that horrible movie they made, and that Jesus has showed up as an attorney? I will try to change my phone number. It's too late, today. I'll have to let everyone know my new phone number. I'm not sure this will stop the Jesuits from finding my number. I'll see if I can get it unlisted, if that's possible. Got to get ready for work tomorrow. Thank you for all you do. You are awesome. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 1, 2012) My dear Brent: I just want you to know that I am working on changing my phone number. It's turning out more complicated than I expected, because I only have a cell phone and no other phone. I will have to visit the Sprint store tomorrow morning and have them program my phone tomorrow at the store. Fortunately, it's not too far from where I live. Normally, they call a number to give you the new phone number, but I don't have any other phone. I don't have a landline phone. Any ways, I will have to drive out to the Sprint store tomorrow morning. Now I'll try to get everything done tonight so I can get up early and take care of this business tomorrow morning before work. Thank you for all the information about the latest in our war against the Jesuit Order. I am thrilled about one thing, and that is when I called Sprint, I was finally able to figure out how to log onto their website, so that I can now pay my Sprint bill online. I think I spent an hour on the phone with Sprint today. When I get my new phone number, I'll let you know. I also need to do my taxes. I always put this off, because it's so much work, but tax due date is approaching. I have to do a Schedule C (because I'm a writer) and need to get all my paperwork organized. I do it myself with Turbo Tax. Last year, it took me all day, because my paperwork wasn't organized well. I'm going to get started with the paperwork now. I have a lot of filing to do. Gotta go and tend to the mundane business, though I will probably get a refund, so you'd think I'd get on this. But doing taxes is so boring. It's much more exciting to work on my website, make videos and communicate with you and the awesome men on my marriage list. Oh well, let's start filing. Bills, bills, taxes. I also need to cook and I'm getting back into my exercises, especially face lift. I got so busy, I didn't do them like I should and they really work. I have to stay pretty for you. I love you, my dear husband, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 2, 2012) Dearest Brent: I'm not sure I'll have time to go to the Sprint store tomorrow to change my number. But I never answer my phone any ways, and only check my voice mail. I do plan to change the number, but may need to wait until my next off day, which will be the 4th. I've already been deluged with strange phone calls for two years now, and most don't leave messages. I always check my voice mail with my tin foil hat on. However, Jesus wants me to change my number. I asked Him, so I will. Not sure if it will be tomorrow. I'm too busy on work days. Jesus communes with me in the Spirit, and never talks to me with a voice or has human sexual feelings for me. Though He seems to enjoy loving me through YOU, though His feelings are not sexual. They are more broad, all encompassing and like a radiating warmth and compassion that infuses all my Spirit. His Spirit is Affirmation, Broad, Generous, Holy, Passionate, Fiery, Giving, Enveloping, Nurturing, Warm, Peaceful, Virile, Radiating, Infusing. His Spirit is NOT jealous, petty, sensual, sexual, lustful, homosexual, effeminate, tingly, startling, tearful, weepy. Jesus has a very manly, virile, passionate, humorous, broad, giving and awesome essence, uplifting to the heavens. Thank you for sharing some of Him with me, when we make love. You are incredible. Love, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on April 1, 2012) Thanks, guys, for all the support. I have created links at my website for this new, lying Jesuit website: This website makes me really angry, especially THIS blasphemous SECTION about Jesus. I'm putting Satan's section in GREEN, because Satan is green with envy, because he can't be God. Jesus told us Satan is GAY, and what's written in this blasphemous website sounds like Satan: Jesus is the son of God, and overall a pretty cool guy. Some thousands of years ago he was born to a young human mother who introduced him to a temporary life on Earth. While there, he started a popular club, had some haters that were hatin', and then got nailed to a couple of wooden planks and tortured for a bit before being left to die in the sun. He came back three days later to let everyone know it was fine, then disappeared again. He would go on to write the bestselling book of all time, with cool stories from his time spent on Earth as well as some really helpful life tips. From his new position as a full time deity he now helps guide the lives of people on Earth and patiently listens to their questions and prayers. If he can help, he usually does, although on occasion he isn't afraid to show tough love. His basic take on life is that if you love him, he loves you, and if you don't well love him, well, he still loves you too. If you become good friends with him, or otherwise are just a pretty cool person is in book, he'll hook you up with a spot in heaven when you die. Let me tell you why I HATE what's written above. 1) There is no reverence for Jesus' holiness, purity and vastness. 2) None of the he's in this message are capitalized. A DELIBERATE INSULT ON JESUS AS GOD. 3) Jesus is only a pretty cool guy? Hey, man, HE'S AWESOME. Oh, I get so mad when I read that passage. What nerve! To talk about our great, holy and awesome Savior with such a flippant, careless attitude. What WICKEDNESS! WHAT EVIL! Jesuits you are finished. HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY JESUS LIKE THIS. HOW DARE YOU!!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! Not only did Jesus die on the cross for our sins. He actually spent three days in hell for us, before he rose again from the dead, and he's ONLY A PRETTY COOL GUY?! What an irreverent, flippant attitude toward such an AWESOME BEING. Acts 2:31--"He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was NOT LEFT IN HELL, neither his flesh did see corruption." Jonah's three days in the belly of the whale is a type of Christ spending three days in hell. Jonah 1:17 to 2:2--"Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish THREE DAYS and THREE NIGHTS (the time that Christ was in hell). Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly. And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me; OUT OF THE BELLY OF HELL cried I, and thou heardest my voice." You know what I think? I think Satan himself is the author of that wicked Jesuit website! Check this out (I could swear that Satan himself wrote this, because it's so Biblically correct in its timetable, except that Satan treats hell like a joke, and it's NO JOKE. That's because he wants company in hell. He's sadistic, he enjoys damning men to hell. So he treats hell like a joke, so people won't take hell seriously. Don't forget Satan knows the Bible). What follows is BLASPHEMY. Sounds like something Satan himself would write. I bet Zack Knight, the anti-Christ, wrote this trash (crap): Satan was formerly an angel who played by his own rules. Fed up with God's shit, he gathered up some of his delinquent angel buddies and started a revolt in the pursuit of knowledge and self-worship. Successful in his endeavors, he transformed into an all powerful demon, got his own place, and created competition for God by advertising the benefits of temptation and sin as opposed to goodness, and obedience to some Jewish hippie that was too much of a prude to get married. He reigns over his own kingdom, called Hell, where he invites sinners to come play after they die. The only drawback is that their flesh will burn there in its fires for all of eternity, which Satan apparently thinks is great reward for a legion of good sinners that followed him obediently. He's kind of an inconsiderate douche. The Rapture As of current, Satan and Jesus have never resolved their differences, and akin to the ways of a high school rivalry, the two have planned a big fight at a specific time at their mutually agreed upon convenience, which they have playfully called Armageddon. This fight will be so intense, nothing else could ever top its awesomeness, ever, so it will just have to be the end of the world when it's over. Jesus will abduct all born-again Christians into Heaven during a preliminary period called The Rapture, while sinners will be left to deal with the chaos and destruction of the world left behind in the temporary reign of Satan. Jesus and Satan will then duke it out in an all out brawl. Jesus is sneakily planning on an easy victory since he knows his Dad will get involved. Satan is heavily involved with the Jesuit Order, which secretly worships him despite claiming that they worship God********************************************************* ******************** This website claims that Jesus kicked Satan out of Zack Knight, but that's not true. Because if that was the case, Zack would be back in hell, because GOD KILLED ZACK KNIGHT IN DECEMBER, WHEN HE TRIED TO TAZER TRANSPORT ME OVER TO HIM. The only way Zack can stay alive and remain alive on earth is as SATAN INCARNATE. It's Satan inside him that's keeping him out of hell right now. Jesus can't put Satan in hell in chains, because things have to go according to God's plan and Jesus has to beat up Satan at the battle of Armageddon, THEN SATAN GOES TO HELL. So, until then, Satan, under God's permissive will is allowed to roam the earth, and that's THE ONLY WAY ZACK KNIGHT CAN STAY OUT OF HELL, BECAUSE HE'S SATAN INCARNATE. If he lost that, he'd be right back in hell, because Zack Knight is DEAD. He can only stay alive on earth as SATAN INCARNATE. However, because I suspect that Zack Knight as SATAN INCARNATE wrote this website, he has to lie and claim that Jesus kicked Satan out of him, so that he can be a successful false Christ, anti-Christ, 666. Zack still tries to talk to me as Jesus Christ, but every time he does, I tell Jesus to beat him up. He also tries to turn me on sexually, I tell Jesus he's up to no good and tell Jesus to beat him up again. Jesus never speaks to me as a voice in my mind, nor does He ever try to turn me on sexually. His spirit meets with mine to affirm His great love for me and His deep regard for my feelings for Him as an awesome Being. He does commune with me in His spirit and sometimes I sense His spirit wooing me, and it's never a sensual feeling. Mostly what I sense from Jesus, when His spirit communes with mine, is this feeling of pride and very deep and committed love. Jesus seems so proud of me. His spirit communes with me, as if to say, "You rock, Gail." Because Jesuits like to change things, I like to preserve evidence and have put up links for their website at my website's biography page. It was a big job yesterday, because that new Jesuit website is HUGE. Thanks, Brent, for all your awesome emails. You are such a great writer. Jesuits deluge me at work, but I'm a strong woman and God gives me strength. I have had to tell Vladimir to go judo chop quite a lot lately. I hear from brain to brain communications Jesus had sent us an updated Jesus Gail movie, that is now an epic saga, and is an even greater film than the one the Jesuits copied. It addresses all the mental illness crap about me, that the Jesuits have tried to brainwash the world with. From what I hear it is like watching a history of my fascinating family and ancestry, including my connections to Howard Hughes, with real movie footage of the real king David, and the real Catherine the Great and real pictures of my royal ancestors LIVE ON FILM. Wow. What a film! Imagine that, a movie about the history of my royal family, with REAL moving pictures of them in the movie. God has actually put actual moments from history into this film. ONLY JESUS COULD DO THIS. My, that Jesus is awesome. I mean Jesus put REAL PICTURES OF KING DAVID in the movie. Only God could make a movie like this. It's no wonder it's such a blockbuster. I can tell that something major has happened with this Jesus Gail movie, because all the Jesuits are checking out videos in my line and acting nervous as hell, checking out like a blitzkrieg, as if Jesus was hunting them down (Perhaps HE IS). They always buy things that indicate what they are obsessed over. They were all buying movies today. So I knew something was going on MAJOR with that Jesus Gail movie. They check out at the register like a bunch of insane, rabid, obsessive-compulsive, raving lunatics. You can tell the devils that live inside their bodies are in a fury. I knew Jesus could do it. As usual, Jesuits have caused trouble for me. I had to ask Vladimir to execute a Jesuit driver who was very aggressive to me as I headed for work today. I told him to do our torch fire public execution, where the guys on my marriage list pass the torch to publicly execute a Jesuit on our news channel, to make an example of this brazen Jesuit driver, who just came out of nowhere and tried to hit my car. I had to stop my car, so he wouldn't hit me and honked my horn at him long and hard. He honked back, and I thought, "That does it. I'm giving this Jesuit hell. He deliberately tries to hit my car and then dares to honk back at me, when I honk at him to get away from my car." I read his tag to Vladimir in the car, and instructed Vladimir to execute the Jesuit bastard-devil. You can always tell when things are not going well for Jesuits, because they get real aggressive, rude and vicious. They are very sore losers. That's why we have to kill them. They leave us no choice. They murdered Michael Jackson, Princess Diana, and Billy Mays and want to get me. But I won't make it easy for them. Jesus is on our side and these evil people know that, and have the gall to admit they serve Satan and STILL WON'T GIVE UP. You're right, Matthew. THEY ARE IN TROUBLE, BECAUSE THEIR NUMBER ONE ENEMY IS GOD. You won't win this one, Jesuits. (Brent and Vladimir’s e-mail to Gail on April 4, 2012) Sweet Gail, I'm sure you have heard the news from Moscow. It is all over the media right now, especially in Europe. Here is a link to the story just in case: I tried but I couldn't get through to tell you this brain to brain, so I'm writing to make sure you can get this. Foremost I want to assure you that he is quite fine now, but Vladimir Putin was in the skyscraper when it went up in flames. You will never believe what happened. Here is the letter he wanted me to send you: Most Sexual Lover Gail, The hairs on my pubic is gone. I was take pee in Moscow skyscraper restroom when evil Jesuit bitch Loree McBride catch building on fire. Two of my men were burn to dead inside the flames. And the flames took my pubic. I was able to teleport away to safety of Church of Gail, and now we are busy to try put out fire. It is very frustrate when Loree McBride starts fire. I sometimes want to catch her and all Loree clones on fire with gasoline again. Once I am success in stopping the fire, I want to make sexy brain to brain. This event makes me want to do it hard, for the celebration of life. Always fighting the Jesuits for you, Vladimir Putin Vladimir has been so brave lately. He is an inspiration to all of us, myself included. I just wanted to keep you updated. I'll write more soon, I've got to go. Your husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 4, 2012) Believe it or not, I heard nothing about this. Though I did hear Vladimir tell me brain to brain that Jesuits cut off Barack Obama's head and kept it alive with blood filled tubes, like I portray in my novel Silver Skies, and that this was part of the torture Vladimir had to endure when he investigated that possible Jesuit defector who sent me that phone call. However, Jesuits had a shield around the decapitated live head, so that Vladimir could not extinguish Barack (as Barack wanted), until the programming for that shield was defeated. The only way to defeat the programming was to kill all the women in the all women Jesuit army attacking Vladimir and Hugh and the robots. That Vladimir had to kill women in an all woman Jesuit army, and that he had to drop a nuke on the compound to save everybody, because nothing else would work, and that he had to extinguish the head of Barack Obama, using the nuke. I have not talked about this, because I'm not sure my brain to brain communications are accurate. I watch FOX NEWS and they have reported nothing about this Moscow fire. Let me tell you, the Jesuits are really ramping up their game with me. I got stopped by a Jesuit police officer this morning, which I think you know about and almost got a ticket. The Jesuits had me "set up". They know how I'm always in a rush for work and made it too dangerous for me to take an entrance that I sometimes take onto the street I take to get to work, so I had to back out and go another way, rendering me late for work. In my hurry, at a small street corner with a stop sign, I noticed there was an opening, and went through the stop sign without stopping, not seeing the Jesuit police car in the wings. So the officer turned on his siren, and I stopped for him, and the officer proceeded to give me a ticket, not only for the stop sign but for not wearing my seat belt. But I thought I was wearing my seatbelt. However, I think I may have put it on while the police car went by, I can't remember. But it was pretty obvious I was "set up". If I had tried to break into that very busy street and didn't back out and go another way, I'm certain I would have been involved in a serious accident, so I decided to try another route, even if I was late for work. That was Jesuit plan one, to get me into a deadly car accident, if that failed, then their plan 2 to give me a ticket, worked. However, I said to the officer, "Say 'hi' to Zack Knight for me." That seemed to throw him off a bit. He asked me, "Who's Zack Knight?" I replied, "A Jesuit." He then said, "I don't know him." To which I replied, "You don't want to know him." The officer then said, "Well, you've had a perfect driving record so far and I'll let you off this time. Just please obey all the laws." He asked me to present to him my driver's license (current), my vehicle registration (current), but I didn't have an updated insurance card in my possession. At work the past couple days, it has been unreal. I've asked Vladimir to do a lot of judo chops. The Jesuits are upping their game, and they are getting more aggressive, rude, insolent, complicated, convoluted, ridiculous and absurb and very, very tricky at the register. The lines have been like Christmas lines and we seem to never have enough registers open, and they're all in a hurry. Yesterday, the Jesuits had our managers and the toilet stalls had no toilet paper for about an hour. Jesuits know how I use the restroom. Today, they had some of our lower end managers, the ones I work under, and they were telling me I took too long on my break, lying, when I haven't taken any longer than I normally take, and when, if I took extra time, it was because of Jesuit complications. I've been dealing with a deluge of complicated, rushed, tricky and sneaky Jesuits at my job and on the road. Driving on the road, especially going to work, and working at my job has been a WAR ZONE. What is wrong with our PRIDE SCANNERS? I'm dealing with Jesuits everywhere! Though I was told brain to brain that after the police officer detained me, he decided to cooperate with us and gave us valuable intelligence information, and we discovered that the Jesuits had created some sort of shield against our PRIDE SCANNERS, that used fish in aquariums, my driver's license photo and the bodies of the police in my town as part of the program to maintain the shield that defeated out PRIDE SCANNERS in my town, and that the police department in my town was practically all Jesuit and they were responsible for the sabotage of the PRIDE SCANNERS. I was also told that Jesus knocked out about 90% of the police force in my town today that they all just keeled over and died, instantly. THE WAR IS ON. I am so proud of Vladimir. He was so heroic, and absolutely heartbroken over Barack Obama, that he had to extinguish Barack, who begged him to kill him so he would no longer endure torture as a head kept alive with blood filled tubes. Apparently, now an evil Barack Obama clone is leading the country, which may explain the recent drastic increase in Jesuit activity worldwide against us. I must do taxes and must change my phone number today. I asked God to help me encourage Vladimir, and found these verses. Jeremiah 31:22 "... for the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A (capitalized and 22nd word in verse) woman (myself?) shall compass (encircle, a military term) a man (Zack Knight?). Notice this is the 31st chapter (Proverbs 31)and 22nd verse, and that the "A" before woman is capitalized and that the "A" is the 22nd word. 22 is a KING DAVID number. Of Ruth's four chapter, two have 22 verses. And Ruth 4:22 ends with the word "David". Jeremiah 31:22 has 27 words, like the 27 words in Zechariah 9:15 up to the word "wine". Let Vladimir read this e-mail. I'm so glad the Lord has preserved him. He has been such a hero, lately. My dear Vladimir, I am very busy, but love you as much as always, and have made brain to brain loving with you and will continue. Though I MUST change my phone number today and do my taxes. Very, very busy. Love all of you, so much, my heroes, Gail, the king David woman (Gail at Church of Gail on April 3, 2012) c69730b&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email I have created a link on my last YouTube video about the distress call I received, that links to this page: PSALM 27 (the marriage number for my life--see below)--A PSALM OF DAVID--"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid: When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord." The Lord showed me this verse from Jeremiah 31:22--". . .for the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man." Notice this is Jeremiah 31 (I am a Proverbs 31 woman). Proverbs 31:11--"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil." Jesus also said that I am very loyal and work very hard, insinuating that I am a Proverbs 31 woman and a Ruth woman. Notice this is Jeremiah 31:22. 22 is a king David number, so this (A woman) is a king David woman. Ruth 4:22, the last verse in Ruth-"And Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David." Ruth is all about a woman who finds her Christ-David husband while participating in a HARVEST (rapture of the church?), after she has ABANDONED ALL to serve the true God. Ruth is VERY LOYAL (see Ruth 1:16,17) and a hard worker (she works in the fields). I asked Jesus why the Song of Solomon bride (a type of the bride of Christ) is BLACK (Song of Solomon 1:6, notice we are in verse SIX). Song of Solomon 1:6, because it is verse SIX, insinuates that the bride of Christ works in the fields fighting the antichrist. Jesus said she was BLACK, because she worked in the fields (cross reference to Ruth and Proverbs 31:16). The book of Ruth is all about king David's genetic line-up, which is why it ends with the word "David". The fact that the "A" is capitalized after a comma (A woman) is significant. It indicates this woman is associated with God or Jesus Christ. The word compass, as used in the King James Bible, refers to warfare (Joshua 6:3), which indicates this woman will be like a general in a war. Joshua chapter SIX. The "a man" in Jeremiah 31:22 is the antichrist, because there are SIX words in the last sentence: "A woman shall compass a man." COMPASS has seven words, the divine number, which indicates she will compass the antichrist, because GOD IS WITH HER. We know the antichrist is associated with the Revelation 17 whore (the Roman Catholic Church) because there are SEVENTEEN words in this section of Jeremiah 31:22: "for the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man." So we know that this "a man" is Zack Knight, the antichrist, that he is of the Roman Catholic Church (Rev. 17) and that he is associated with the number SIX. Rev. 13:18--"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man (notice how God refers to Zack Knight as "a man"--see Jeremiah 31:22); and his number is Six (notice Six is capitalized) hundred threescore and six." 666 is a computer number and Zack Knight is a COMPUTER MASTER. From the Jesuits' own website: "Chief Jesuit Master Zack Knight oversees the construction and application of all Jesuit technologies from cloning to teleportation. He is responsible for keeping Jesuit populations strong with his superior genes, having sex with as many as 100 women daily. His brain to brain loving technology is so advanced he can make women pregnant just by looking at them." Now, go to Zechariah 9:15 (my birthday in 9-15-57)--"The Lord of hosts shall defend them (seven words thus far, God is with me); and they shall devour, and subdue with sling stones (king David connotation here); and they shall drink, and make a noise as THROUGH wine (wine is associated with the Roman Catholic MASS). 27 words up to the word WINE. THROUGH wine, indicates I shall win THROUGH wine. I will overcome the WINE, the WINE (the Catholic Church and their devil worship in the mass, like all the Zack Knight clones sacrificed on the altar) will not stop me. There are also 27 words in Jeremiah 31:22 and I was first married when I was 27 in April 20, 1985, insinuating God will use the men on my marriage list to accomplish the victory. Further comments on Zechariah 9:15--"And they shall be filled (like how Jesus will fill me and the top SEVEN men on my marriage list with His semen in the millennium) like bowls." Jesus made it a point, to change the top SIX, to make it the top SEVEN, when He added Terrance Jenkins on. He said SIX is a bad number. We will get strength through the semen of Jesus Christ. Interesting that as Jesus described to me how He would love me in the millennium, he described it as "I will FILL you with my real semen." You men are my heroes, we work in the fields together for Jesus Christ, filled with His semen, who will give us the victory. (Brent to Gail on April 4, 2012) Dearest lady, Wow! My love, I hope you don't mind, but I was so stunned by your recounting of the events, that I forwarded your letter to our Gabrielle Chana News Network. They were impressed as I was about the breadth of the detail in your writing. I am so stunned by you, and your own courage in dealing with this latest battle. Vladimir Putin says that his hat is off to you. You are the real hero. Our editors were reviewing your message for broadcast and they said they were afraid viewers might not believe that the real Barack Obama is dead, or that the police force was replaced, among a few other frightening details. It's all just so wild and nobody is going to want to accept it as really happening. They asked me if you would be willing to make a video for them to include in the news broadcast, since viewers would trust you the most as their best source of information. They are wary about anything that doesn't come directly from you. Our writing team says they loved your whole retelling of the entire ordeal you've gone through the past few days. I personally think that if you could make a video about this using Jesus' suggestions -- using conversational tone, not reading too much from the email itself but using the text as a guideline -- this would be one of the best film documents yet! Case closed, Jesuits. Of course, I know how busy you are. I know you need to work and get your phone number changed, which Vladimir and I are also glad that you are doing, as well as your taxes. As always, I am in full support of whatever you would like to do. You are awesome. You might say that we are your heroes, but you have always been mine. Your lover, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 4, 2012) Dearest Brent: After I posted my latest Bible study at Church of Gail to encourage my heroes, I noticed your new post. I am extremely busy today, but will make the video within the next couple days. I really need to do my taxes and change my number, among other things. I adore all of you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 4, 2012) Dear Brent: I finally got to Sprint and changed my phone number. Here it is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Now I finished my shopping, as I let Jesus drive the car for me. I always pray and ask Jesus to drive the car for me. I instructed Vladimir as I drove to execute many drivers, as I read tags, as the Jesuits were full of dirty tricks on the road, cramming cars on the road next to me and using computer/satellite technology to direct their drivers to swerve out of nowhere in front of me and to cram me on the road. Many cars sped out of nowhere on little rinky, dink streets right in front of me, that you wouldn't expect. At the Sprint store, which is a little strip mall, there were about twenty cars all crammed in the little parking lots all trying to get out at the same time, while I pulled in. I pointed at all of them, one by one, reading tags while I could, and instructed Vladimir to take all the Jesuit bitches and bastards out. My God, you would have thought it was New York City in that little strip mall parking lot, when I showed up!! A couple of young ladies (bitches) swerved their car right in front on mine as I drove to the beach to get some health food and vitamins, making a rather drastic cut in front of me. I honked my horn loud and hard at them, reading their tag. They stuck their hands out and shot me several birdies. I instructed Vladimir to make sure and put extra gasoline on their corpses, after we execute the Jesuit bitches on public television to make an example of them and to make sure the flames go really high. I also made sure to stop at all stop signs, and never go above the speed limit and drive very defensively, in case any Jesuits in unmarked police cars were near me. The WAR IS ON and the Jesuit bitches and bastards are flooding the roads in my town, all directed by Zack Knight to harass me and try to get me in an accident, full of dirty and sly tricks, with hearts, black and evil, like the devil they worship and serve. Your devoted wife, Gail Chord, the king David woman GO GET EM' JESUS! (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 5, 2012) Dearest Brent: Just thought I'd give you a heads up on my computers. Even though I did a System Recovery on my Windows Vista desktop computer, it did not fix the problem, and it's still as slow as molasses. For this reason, I hardly ever get on it, but decided to try using the same registry cleaning program that I have on my Windows 7, because my Windows 7 does pretty good. As I downloaded Cyberdefender onto my Vista, I had to contact them to have a person download the registry cleaning program. I had some issues with download and was forwarded to a tech guy. The tech guy asked me for permission to enter my computer, so he could go in and check it out. I, of course, closed out all my e-mails and other sites before letting him in. I watched him as he worked, and he seemed legit, and very good. He analyzed the hard drive, the memory and all sorts of things, which made sense to me, in light of the problems I have been experiencing on this computer. After about 40 minutes, he called me back and informed me that I had malicious processes in my computer that were duplicating programs and working outside my anti-viral programs, and were taking up lots of memory in my computer. He said it would only get worse, if the malicious programming was not extracted out, and could eventually lead to a crash. He said that to extract it out, he'd have to go into the very core of the basic programming for the computer. It's going to cost me $199.00, and if I want to continue to have tech services, I can pay about $15 a month, which will entitle me to another computer tech service tune-up to make sure my computer is in the best possible shape every 3 months. He promised me he could fix my computer and get it running like new. I'm afraid he's right about my Windows Vista desktop, so when I have the money, which will be next week on the 12th, I'll have him go in and work on that computer. His name is xxxxxxxx, and he's Agent xxxxx at He works Monday through Thursday Pacific Standard Time 12:30 to 9 and Sunday Pacific Standard Time 12:30 to 9. I get paid next on the 12th, so I'll contact him on either the 11th or the 12th. Just make sure the Jesuits don't get him. That's why I'm telling you about this. You know how the Jesuits would love to mess with my computers. Thanks for all you do for me. Your devotion is unending. You are God's gift to me. I still haven't done my taxes, though I'm just about done with my filing and almost have all the paperwork ready. I will do it on my Windows 7, because xxxxxx does not recommend I do it on my Windows Vista (my original intent) until he fixes that computer. I've got a lot going on that Windows 7 and try not to overload it, but I have no choice, I have to do my taxes and I only trust myself to do them. But my taxes are so complicated, because of the Schedule C, that I need TurboTax. I've been using TurboTax for years and they are the reason I started a website. They are the Intuit company and offered me a one month free website and I took it from there. Your devoted wife. your king David woman, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 6, 2012) My dear Brent: I finally have all the paperwork organized for my taxes, and I had to clean at my mom's today. I've decided to wait until the 11th and 12th to do the taxes, because I really want to do them on my Windows Vista computer and not overload my Windows 7. With everything organized, hopefully, once I get the TurboTax downloaded onto my "new" Windows Vista (after Cyberdefender fixes it), I should be able to finish within a couple hours. In the meanwhile, I have started on that video you mentioned. I have first assembled the music I want, as I feel it most appropriate to have a lot of hymns on this video. I'll make one for YouTube and one for my website. The one for my website will be loaded with great Christian music, to honor Barack Obama for his great courage in our fight against the Jesuit Order. I have the music ready, and will probably do the actual video tomorrow--two versions, one for YouTube and the music versions at my website. It's late and I am trying to follow Jesus' advice to get to bed earlier. So I must stop working on this video for now. I love putting music on my videos, as I know these are used in our church service and I'm very picky about the music I choose for my videos. I dislike music that sounds too professional or too irreverent. I search for performers who really understand the song they sing and bring something into it that seems real and genuine. So proud of you for your depth and great understanding, you are an incredible man. I'm so fortunate to have someone who can grasp and understand and adore all my depths and crevices. Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on April 7, 2012) My videos to honor courageous Barack Obama are up: (voice and music) 3a21b3bc&autoplay&skin_id=1603 (voice only) 8be14f8&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (music only) 7456f82&autoplay&skin_id=1603 YouTube version: Oh, by the way, Brent, I have watched all your Fresh Hell series. I'm quite impressed with your talent. You show the world your comedic side, but you show me your depths and vastness, because it's something you know I understand. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 8, 2012) Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, we had a very interesting Easter Service at Church of Gail. Jesus Christ Himself conducted the service, and Jesus resurrected Barack Obama in the church service, by making an exact copy of him and bringing him back to us. Jesus wants Barack Obama to be President. He will be reelected. I'm sure of it, because Jesus is very impressed with him, because Barack Obama has always tried to protect me, and Jesus is honoring him for that. Barack can use any of my videos for his reelection campaign. I'm not a Democrat, but if Jesus wants Barack for President, so do I. I won't be voting, but Barack has my endorsement, and can use my videos to assist him. Check out my latest updates at one of my web pages. I mention this miracle in my description for the last video I made entitled "Barack Obama Memoriam": (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 11, 2012) My darling Brent: Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, Jesus has been making a lot of appearances to you guys lately, and this explains the silence, and I have told you brain to brain that I am thrilled for you that Jesus is helping us. After a grueling day with Turbo Tax, I finally finished my taxes. I thought that software was supposed to make taxes easy, but that program sure was complicated and I'm not 100% sure I did my stocks right, but I think I got close enough. All the trouble I had to go to over getting about one dollar's worth in dividends from stock! I suspect the Jesuits may have rewrote the Turbo Tax program to confuse me, because it sure was confusing. And then I couldn't get my tax return printed, as I like to have a paper copy. Finally, I figured out if I saved it as a PDF file, I could print it from the PDF file. But TurboTax didn't tell me this, when I followed their instructions, the document wouldn't print. I figured out on my own, that if I saved it as a PDF file first, and then printed from that, I could print out a paper version of my tax return. I also had to download the software for my printer, because I hadn't done so (in order to print out my tax return). Because, after my previous system recovery, I never downloaded the printer software, because the computer was so slow, I didn't want to bog it down with any more software. That turned out to be very complicated, to download the printer software, and it was not a smooth operation. I thought Cyberdefender fixed my computer, but it was still freezing on me after I downloaded TurboTax, and I still had problems with logging on. I previously had to turn off my computer, without exiting in the normal manner, because the computer would freeze on me, and I couldn't log off in the normal manner. Then I'd try to log on and the computer froze and wouldn't do anything. So I turn it off again, to try to "reboot" it. I had to do this several times, and then finally it let me log on, after I entered through the SAFE mode and then restarted the computer again, so I could log onto the Internet. Before, I'd go in to type my password to let me in, and it wouldn't even let me type the password, the "typer" wouldn't work. This is what this computer did to me before I paid $200, and now it was doing it to me again this morning. I have a good Windows 7 laptop that I've used primarily for most of my computer work, but I paid $200 to fix my Windows Vista desktop and it still acts strange, after they said yesterday they fixed it. I decided not to let the tech guys in to make changes to my computer, unless I can watch what they are doing, because I'm concerned about Jesuits, posing as tech guys, going in and hacking into my e-mails and other accounts. Though I did let them in for about an hour and waited for a return call that never happened, so I denied permission and called them back to find out what was going on. The last guy I spoke with, said that whoever told me the wait time was 40 minutes gave me incorrect information, that it usually takes 6 to 8 hours, that I'm "put in line". While they put me "in line", I allow the open access to my computer. I let the tech guy know I feel uncomfortable about this, and that's why I closed the session, because it took too long. Unfortunately, it seems there is no other way to fix my Vista computer, other than buying another brand new computer. I decided to make an appointment for tomorrow at noon, instead of allowing the tech guy from Cyberdefender to have 24 hour access to my computer, while I wait in line for one of them to work on my computer, because while I'm waiting in line, a Jesuit opportunist could go into my Vista and cause problems. So I've made an appointment instead. The appointment is for tomorrow at noon. When I'm connected to the Internet on my Vista, I can't make videos, because I do that from my Windows 7, so I dislike being forced to stay on my Vista. So I prefer the appointment method, it frees me up, so that I can do other things, including connecting my Internet line to the Windows 7, if I have to. I share one Internet line between two computers. Good news is that my Vista is not my main computer, and my website creation program is on the Windows 7. I also download videos from my Windows 7 and not my Vista. However, they could hack into my e-mails from my Vista, so I decided not to allow access to my Windows Vista, unless it's through an appointment where the tech guy and I will work together and I can watch what he's doing. This Windows Vista is really frustrating me. Ask Jesus to fix my Windows Vista. I already spent two hundred dollars. Also, I suspect that Jesuits may have infiltrated Cyberdefender. I've had really good luck with them on my Windows 7, so I'm not ready to abandon them. Besides I've already spent two hundred dollars. I want to get my money's worth. I want a vacation from my computer. In the meanwhile, try to make sure Jesuits don't use Cyberdefender to cause problems in my Windows Vista. Their website is Their phone number is 1-866793-0453. I sense a "mix" at Cyberdefender. I sense Jesuit interference, but not a total takeover of the company. Please make sure this does not happen. I'm hoping after my noon session tomorrow, that my Vista will be fixed. I have purchased a tech support service from them for my Vista computer, but I have to allow them to enter my computer and go in there and "do stuff". It makes it easy for me, but this also creates opportunities for Jesuits. Perhaps I'm naive, but I think Cyberdefender will fix my Vista. As usual, we have to wade through the Jesuit fog before it happens, but I think it will happen. I would love for my Vista to quit freezing on me. Can you guys send a really savvy computer guy from our side over to Cyberdefender tomorrow at noon, and have that person contact me at noon. They are supposed to contact me through my e-mail at xxxxxxxxxxx I believe or they will call me xxxxxxxxxxx around noon tomorrow (the 12th). I WANT A COMPUTER VACATION. I haven't eaten all day, and it's dark. I think I'd rather make love to you than DO THIS. Now I need to stop and take care of my bodily needs. Jesus communicates with me spirit to spirit and He's awesome. I don't trust any voices that claim to be Him, nor do I trust anyone who claims that Jesus is talking to me brain to brain, even if indirectly. Zack Knight still tries, but I still tell Jesus to beat him up. I adore you, pray for my computer. Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on April 12, 2012) My darling Brent: Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, Jesus has been making a lot of appearances to you guys lately, and this explains the silence, and I have told you brain to brain that I am thrilled for you that Jesus is helping us. After a grueling day with Turbo Tax, I finally finished my taxes. I thought that software was supposed to make taxes easy, but that program sure was complicated. All the trouble I had to go to over getting about one dollar's worth in dividends from stock or to elucidate how I can claim a twenty dollar capital gain loss on my income tax return! I suspect the Jesuits may have rewritten the Turbo Tax program to confuse me, because it sure was confusing and the information I needed “wasn’t there” about how to “write out” my stock information in the tax form. It wasn’t in black and white on any of my forms or in the TurboTax program—I had to figure it out by deduction and logic. And then I couldn't get my tax return printed--I like to have a paper copy. Finally, I figured out if I saved the tax return as a PDF file, I could print it from the PDF file. But TurboTax didn't tell me this, when I followed their instructions, and the document wouldn't print. I figured out on my own, that if I saved the return as a PDF file first, and then printed from that, I could print out a paper version of my tax return. I also had to download the software for my printer to get my printer to work, because I hadn't done so after my last system recovery. Because, after my previous system recovery, I never downloaded the printer software, because the computer had been so slow, that I didn't want to overwhelm the computer memory by downloading any more software onto it. I kept getting messages before telling me my memory was overwhelmed. Downloading the printer software did not go smoothly. It took forever and seemed to be in some sort of repeat mode as it downloaded. I thought Cyberdefender fixed my computer, but my computer became slow again and returned to old behavior and froze on me several times after I downloaded TurboTax onto my computer. The old “log in” problem returned, like this computer did before the two hundred dollar “fix”. I previously had to turn off my computer by unplugging it, and not logging out correctly, because the computer would freeze on me, and I couldn't log off in the normal manner. Then I'd try to log on in the normal manner and the computer froze and wouldn't do anything, seeming to render my keyboard useless, so that I’d type in keys, but nothing “took”. I just had this problem right now and wiggled the connection to the keyboard at the back of my computer and solved the inability to type. Perhaps I need a new keyboard or the connection for it at the back of the computer is unstable. I do have a very old keyboard, but I love it, because it’s so easy to type on it. I unplugged the computer often, in an attempt to "reboot" it, whenever the keyboard or the computer “froze”. I had to do this several times, and then finally it let me log on after several unplugging “reboots”, but then I’d have to enter through the SAFE mode because I unplugged it. Then the computer would freeze and not let me move the pointer up to the SAFE mode, forcing me to wait while it counted down and forced me to enter through the NORMAL mode, even though I wanted to enter through the SAFE mode. But then once the countdown finished and I entered through the NORMAL mode, the computer froze on me AGAIN, so I had to unplug the computer again, so that I could log onto the computer. Finally, after several unplugging incidents, I could point my mouse onto the log in section and “get a blank”, so that I could type in my password (my “typer” now worked) and log on in the normal manner, and thus eventually get access to the Internet. Before, I'd go in to type my password to let me in, and it wouldn't let me type the password, the "typer" wouldn't work, the whole password entry section for logging into the computer was FROZEN. This is what this computer did to me before I paid $200, and now it was doing it to me again this morning. I have a good Windows 7 laptop that I've used primarily for most of my computer work, but I paid $200 to fix my Windows Vista desktop and it still acts strange, and has returned to its old behavior after all that new software got downloaded onto it--after they said yesterday they fixed it. I decided not to let the tech guys in to make changes to my computer, unless I can watch what they are doing, because I'm concerned about Jesuits, posing as tech guys, hacking into my e-mails and other accounts. Though I did let them in for about an hour and waited for a return call that never happened, so I denied permission to the tech to “work on” my computer remotely, and called them back to find out what was going on. The last guy I spoke with, said that whoever told me the wait time was 40 minutes gave me incorrect information, that it usually takes 6 to 8 hours, that I'm "put in line". But while they put me "in line", I allowed them access to my computer to work on it remotely. I let the tech guy know I feel uncomfortable about this, and that's why I closed the session, because it took too long to call me and do the remote work on my computer. They told me I could surf the Internet while I waited—this made me kind of suspicious, like perhaps I was “set up”, especially if I opened my e-mails while I surfed and these tech guys had remote access to my computer. Unfortunately, it seems there is no other way to fix my Vista computer, other than buying a brand new computer. It could be the keyboard or the mouse, but I eliminated the mouse as the culprit by using my wireless mouse, that I know works and that did not solve the problem. I just fixed the inability to type by wigging the keyboard connection at the back of the computer, so perhaps the keyboard connection is unstable, but then how does this explain the computer “freezes” that happen so much with this computer, and the quick “blink” on the screen before me, where another section of the website pops up out of the blue, as I shift from one web page to another. At least, I seem to be able to navigate across the page with my mouse without seeing all these images from other parts of my current web page flash on and off the screen as happened before. I decided to make an appointment for tomorrow at noon, instead of allowing the tech guy from Cyberdefender to have 24 hour access to my computer, while I wait in line for one of them to work on my computer. While I'm waiting in line, a Jesuit opportunist could go into my Vista and “work on it” for the Jesuits, while I’m not there to observe what he’s doing on my computer. So I've made an appointment instead. The appointment is for tomorrow at noon. When I'm connected to the Internet on my Vista, I can't make videos, because I do that from my Windows 7, so I dislike being forced to stay on my Vista. So I prefer the appointment method, it frees me up, so that I can do other things, including connecting my Internet line to the Windows 7, if I have to. I share one Internet line between two computers. I have to disconnect and reconnect that line when I go from one computer to the other. Good news is that my Windows Vista is not my main computer, and my website creation program (my Intuit SiteBuilder website building program) is downloaded on the Windows 7. I also download videos onto YouTube from my Windows 7 and not my Vista. However, they could hack into my e-mails from my Vista, so I decided not to allow remote access to my Windows Vista via the Internet, unless it's through an appointment where the tech guy and I will work together and I can watch what he's doing. This Windows Vista is really frustrating me. Ask Jesus to fix my Windows Vista. I already spent two hundred dollars. Also, I suspect that some Jesuits may have infiltrated Cyberdefender. I've had a real good experience with Cyberdefender registry cleaning software on my Windows 7, it’s quick and efficient, so I'm not ready to abandon them. Besides, I've already spent two hundred dollars. I want to get my money's worth. UPDATE: I uninstalled TurboTax from my Windows Vista, along with a Malware detection program and a hardware analyzing program that the Cyberdefender guy downloaded onto my Windows Vista, that was taking up a lot of memory and it improved performance, the computer sped up. Also, I did a defrag on my C drive. The computer has sped up considerably. Still not as quick and efficient as my Windows 7, but better as I move the mouse across the page and as I shift from one web page to another. The work the tech guy did, seems to have helped performance enough that I was able to get my printer working from the Vista. I think perhaps why the printer would not print my tax return directly from the TurboTax, may have been because I did not have a color cartridge installed on my printer, but was only working off a black ink cartridge at my printer. Perhaps the TurboTax document required a color printer? Perhaps when I saved the tax return as a PDF file and then printed from the PDF file, it only required a black ink cartridge, which is all I have installed onto my printer right now. But those color cartridges are so expensive. I miss the days when I could use a dot matrix printer. This new computer conspiracy, forces us to buy those expensive cartridges! I bet the Jesuits did this to the computer printer industry just to get back at me for writing Silver Skies, to make it harder for me to do rewrites as a writer. I now view all my rewrites through the monitor and don’t print them out, because it’s way too expensive to do my rewrites through paper, like I used to do with dot matrix printers in the 1990s. I want a vacation from my computer. In the meanwhile, try to make sure Jesuits don't use Cyberdefender to cause problems in my Windows Vista or to invade my e-mails and impersonate me or one of you. I sense a "mix" at Cyberdefender. I sense Jesuit interference, but not a total takeover of the company. Please make sure this does not happen. I'm hoping after my noon session on the 12th, that my Vista will be fixed. I have purchased a tech support service from them for my Vista computer, but I have to allow them to enter my computer remotely via the Internet and go in there and "do stuff". It makes it easy for me, but this also creates opportunities for Jesuits. Perhaps I'm naive, but I think Cyberdefender will fix my Vista. As usual, we have to wade through the Jesuit fog before it happens, but I think it will happen. I would love for my Vista to quit freezing on me. Can you guys send a really savvy computer guy from our side over to Cyberdefender on the 12th at noon, and have that person contact me at noon through Cyberdefender? They are supposed to contact me through my e-mail at xxxxxxxxxxx I believe or they will call me xxxxxxxxxxx around noon on the 12th. I WANT A COMPUTER VACATION. I didn't eat all day on the 11th, and when I finally got around to typing this, it was dark outside. I'd rather make love to you, Brent, than DO THIS. Now I need to stop and take care of my bodily needs. Jesus communicates with me spirit to spirit and He's awesome. I don't trust any voices that claim to be Him, nor do I trust anyone who claims that Jesus is talking to me brain to brain, even if indirectly. Zack Knight still tries, but I still tell Jesus to beat him up. UPDATE: Just switched out the keyboard with my spare in the closet, and this seems to be helping. Perhaps, part of the problem was the keyboard. I adore you, Brent, pray for my Windows Vista desktop computer. Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on April 12, 2012) The tech guy from Cyberdefender just did a lot of work on my computer. I watched him. He did a scan for malware and other malicious processes, and they appear to be all extracted. He also updated Adobe Reader, and said this was the reason that my printer wouldn't print my TurboTax income tax return. He said he had gotten a lot of calls from customers who were using TurboTax who couldn't print their tax returns because they had outdated Adobe Readers, and once he downloaded the latest Adobe Reader, they could print the tax return from TurboTax. He said my Windows Vista computer can't handle today's software and updates for Windows, that when they created Vista, they did not give it enough memory, and still had not worked out all the bugs in Vista. I currently have one gigabyte of memory on my Vista, and it needs at least two gigabytes of memory to handle today's Windows updates and today's programs. He instructed me to go to Best Buy or Office Depot to buy more memory for this computer, to get the model number of the computer and show it to them, and they'd show me which memory chip to buy. I told him I preferred to install the memory myself rather than have someone else do it. I don't like anyone messing with my computer, unless I can watch them, so I prefer to do it all myself. He told me when I get the memory chip to call Cyberdefender and they'd guide me through the process (to help me install the memory chip onto my computer), and to install the memory chip on a floor, and not carpet, as carpet often has an electrostatic charge, and I need to grab onto some metal while I'm installing the memory chip. I'll use my income tax return to buy the memory chip, and will probably do this in a couple weeks. Thanks for your support you guys. I sense you were working "behind the scenes". Of course, the computer is not "up to speed" yet, but I believe this guy is right, that the memory chip will make this computer run as well as my Windows 7. I was praying a lot while the guy worked on my computer, too. I keep making typos with this keyboard, which is the one that came with the Windows Vista. I don't like it, but, it appears the other keyboard has issues, so I have the old keyboard in storage (the one that's more "typer friendly") and am now using the keyboard that came with the computer when I bought it. The keyboard that came with the computer has been literally "sitting in the closet" for over two years now, but I've dragged it out and am using it now to replace the defunct one. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 12, 2012) I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER! It's now running better than my Windows 7. I now prefer my Windows Vista desktop to my Windows 7 laptop. I think in around a year, I will upgrade the operating system in this computer to a Windows 7. After I got my hair cut, I decided to be adventurous and go to Best Buy and buy the memory chip for this computer. Best Buy had it on sale for $40.00. Then I went home and decided to be adventurous. I fiddled around with my Windows Vista desktop and figured out how to take off the casing to get to the memory section. I studied the memory section and determined I had one slot to use to insert more memory for this computer. I went to the kitchen area and did the computer memory upgrade on a floor as the tech guy said that carpet encourages static, and I should do all my repair work on a floor. I studied the memory chip and holding onto a metal can opener with the other hand, went into the computer and played around with it until I got it to "take" in the slot. I had to pull back some white clip ons on the side to insert the chip and make sure all the indentations fit in right in the slot. It took some doing, but I got it in, then snapped it shut with the outer white clips. To get to the memory chip, I had to unplug a power connection right underneath it and forgot to replug it. So I had to take the casing off again and go in and replug the power connection. Then I put the casing back on the computer (the hardest part). It's tricky putting that casing back on. But I did it. Then I reconnected all the cords and MY COMPUTER WORKS. It's faster. The only problem is I bought two gigabytes of memory and I only had a slot for one gigabyte of memory. So I have this extra memory chip and I don't know what to do with it or how to store it, to protect it. I wonder if I should purchase another slot for the extra chip as I see space in the computer for it. But, the computer's working pretty good right now. So I called Cyberdefender and they will call me back to advise me on this. I'm so excited, I put in the memory chip myself, without any help, except I remembered that the tech guy told me to hold onto something metal while I did it, so I held onto my metal can opener. I had to use some force to push in that memory chip, so that it was connected, but this computer's running a lot faster, so it appears I have successfully upgraded the memory from one gigabyte to two gigabytes by myself! THE HARDEST PART WAS PUTTING THE CASING BACK ON! I love how much faster this computer is running. UPDATE: Just talked with the Cyberdefender tech guy and he told me that if I wanted to, I could upgrade up to 4 gigabytes of memory on my Windows Vista. I told him it's running pretty good right now at 2 gigabytes, and I think I'll just leave it alone. The Windows Vista motherboard only has two slots for memory and both are used up right now. He said the way to work around this, is to install two chips at two gigabytes each. Put a two gigabyte chip in one slot and another two gigabyte chip in another slot. As to what to do with the extra one gigabyte memory chip I have. He said I could install it right now and give my computer a fresh memory chip, as memory chips do get old and damaged some time. Or I could just hold onto it, storing it in its original container, and use it as needed in the future. Signs that the computer may need a new memory chip would be if it starts freezing and acting like it did before I put in this extra one gigabyte of memory into my Windows Vista. I asked him about my Windows 7, as it gives me messages that my memory is overwhelmed, too. He said it wouldn't hurt to put more memory in the Windows 7 laptop, and that the Windows 7 also probably has two slots for memory. I asked him how much and he advised me to visit, where there's information about what kind of memory my computer would need and a test for it with a memory manufacturer system scan. I told him my Windows 7 is running pretty good and I may not do this right now, but later. I told him the previous tech guy said not to worry about my Windows 7, because I was getting that message because of VIRTUAL MEMORY. But this tech guy said that to put more memory in the Windows 7 would make it run more efficiently, because it wouldn't have to resort to VIRTUAL MEMORY to accomplish its work. Any ways, guys, thanks for all the prayers. My Windows Vista is now running great, even the videos are running better, with more clarity in the pictures and no stopping, like before, when the videos play. The extra memory has literally TRANSFORMED my Windows Vista. Though he warned me that in a couple years, I may need to upgrade to a better operating system, because Vista is already obsolete. It appears Zack Knight is not too happy that I got my Windows Vista running so well. On my way to dump out my garbage, Jesuits inside my apartment complex all came out to smoke and I was forced by pass by about 4 of them, no matter which way I went to and from the garbage area. I hate this. Jesuits time their agents to bump into me all the time. They give me the creeps. I left to go dump my garbage and deliberately took a route to avoid the Jesuit on the first floor on one side, but as I descended down the stairs on the alternate route, there was a Jesuit lady at the bottom, smoking. I passed by her, and stated: "Looks like everyone's out, because I'm out." "Oh, you think so?" "Yeah, I know so, say 'hi' to Zack Knight for me." To avoid the Jesuits all over the place, I took a back route back to my apartment and another Jesuit had popped out of the blue on the first floor just standing there, and I was forced to walk by him. And then as I ascended up the stairs, and got to the third floor, the third floor apartment door was opened with a family coming out, just as I turned the corner to go to my apartment. So, on my way to the garbage, the Jesuits forced me to walk by three to five of their agents, within two feet of all of them. I couldn't avoid them, no matter what I did! Jesuits just love to get "in your face". (Gail at Church of Gail on April 13, 2012) (music only) 62a6c57c&skin_id=3000&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (music and voice) 10a9b726&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email I love you, Jesus. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 15, 2012) I spent some time in research on computer memory, including visiting, and have decided to add 2 gigabytes of memory to my Toshiba laptop. That site is fantastic. All the information I need is right here: I have a 32-bit operating system, so I won't install more than 2 gigabytes, that will bring it to 4 gigabytes of memory. I already have 2 gigabytes on this Windows 7 computer. I could upgrade my operating system (OS) to a 64-bit operating system later, possibly, but don't want to spend that much money right now, as this Windows 7 is not that slow at 2 gigabytes of memory. However, I'm already spoiled by my Windows Vista, and want to get my Windows 7 laptop as fast as my Vista. My Windows 7 has more programs installed, so it's kind of bogged down and could use more RAM memory, so it doesn't have to rely on VIRTUAL MEMORY so much. I plan to visit Best Buy or Office Depot tomorrow to buy the memory. I have a Toshiba Satellite L455D-S5976. That's the Model number. That's all they need to find me the right memory chip. I will need to take out the battery pack, and hit the power button to power down the computer. Then holding something metal in one of my hands and working on a floor, and not carpet (go to my kitchen area), I will go in there an insert the extra memory chip into this computer (which has two slots, and I predict one is empty) at a 45 degree angle. Pray for me, that I do it right, but the Lord is already helping me. I love that Cyberdefender tech assistance program for my Windows Vista, those techs are great computer educators, and are teaching me how to do all this stuff. It's so handy to know how to do this! has great education videos: I share all this stuff with you guys, because you all are smart and could do this yourself on your own computers. It's handy to have this knowledge, so we don't have to rely on possible Jesuit computer tech guys working on our computers. I think installing memory on my Windows 7 is easy. The compartment, appears to be underneath it, it's rectangular shaped, so I don't need to remove a keyboard or anything. Just need a screwdriver and it's open, right to the memory section. I need to remember when I upgrade my Windows Vista operating system to a Windows 7, to upgrade to a 64-bit version from its current 32-bit operating system, then I'll have a top notch desktop, capable of handling more memory. Of course, it's possible that a year from now, that only 64bit operating systems will be available. With today's programs, I think the 32-bit operating system may get phased out. It will be like I bought a new computer desktop, except I will have a 64-bit operating system and more memory. When I upgrade to a 64-bit operating system, I will probably upgrade my memory to at least 4 gigabytes also on the current Windows Vista (which will then be a Windows 7). Operating systems are more expensive than memory, so that will have to wait. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 16, 2012) I have updated my video page at my website, to discuss why I made my LOVE SONGS FOR JESUS video ( I will not be posting this video of love songs for Jesus at YouTube. This video is private between myself and you men on my marriage list. We have been communicating brain to brain about this matter, also. Jesus has been making a lot of appearances, lately, and has made a lot of updates to His Jesus Gail movie, which is really hot right now, with some rather interesting sex scenes about my husband in the millennium. Because He's been doing this, and because He's concerned about Zack Knight counterfeiting Him, you guys have been silent, lately. Jesus is the boss. Do whatever He says. I've had a lot more brain to brain time with Vladimir, and he deserves it. He works so hard for me. Also, Brent feels safer making brain to brain loving with me, by sharing that time with Vladimir, because he fears I may see Brent as Jesus when I make love to Brent, which could give Zack Knight opportunities. I start off with Brent and finish with Vladimir. This is what Brent wants. Brent says he's totally satisfied with this method of lovemaking, because it removes the thought of Jesus as my brain to brain lover in the experience. It's not that Jesus is offended that I find Him attractive. In fact, when I suggested to Jesus during our last Skype communication with Him present, whether I should remove Him from the number one spot on my marriage list, He didn't answer. I'm sure if He wanted me to remove Him, He would have answered. Though when I suggested that I think of Him as my husband, in the sense that I am a part of the church, which is His bride, He said that is a correct interpretation. Jesus is worried about Zack Knight, who can now impregnate telepathically through brain to brain loving, and who, as the anti-Christ, loves to counterfeit Jesus. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 16, 2012) I just installed two new 2 gigabyte memory chips into my Toshiba Windows 7 laptop, and am typing from my laptop right now. I goofed on the first few attempts, in that I did not push the chips in hard enough into their slot, so they didn't "take", and my computer wouldn't turn on. But after several failed attempts, I figured it out. But, other than that, it's a lot easier installing new memory into this laptop than into the desktop. I now have 4 gigabytes of memory installed in the RAM on my laptop, with 2.8 GB (gigabytes) usable. The first thing I noticed is that the pictures are brighter and clearer. I'm not sure if it's moving any faster. But I haven't seen those messages that often pop up in the bottom right that tell me my memory is overloaded. It cost me eighty dollars to buy the two chips. At first, I tried to use the chip that came with the computer, but, I don't think that chip works well with the new chip. So I removed the chip that came with the computer and installed two new chips, at two gigabytes each, one in each slot, and that seems to work better. Thank God, I figured out what I was doing wrong, and have my Toshiba laptop back and operational. Just needed to push those chips in a little harder and get them to "take" in their slot. Actually, the computer is moving a little bit faster, so it appears this was a good move. (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on April 17, 2012) My love, What a busy week it's been! The men and I have been orchestrating road blocks and Jesuit check points all around Florida (none that would impede your commute to work, of course). Whenever our officers pull over vehicles at these check points, we told them to run licenses and do a complete background check of all occupants in the vehicles. Any Jesuits we find are immediately arrested and thrown in jail to await trial for war crimes. We have been arresting, trying, and executing Jesuits all week. The girls that flipped you "birdies" after they pulled out and tried to damage your car were executed just as you requested. I poured the gasoline on the corpses myself, and Vladimir threw the match. It took several hours before they were completely burned to ash, but we kept the whole thing live on the Gabrielle Chana News Channel from start to finish to make sure viewers didn't miss a second of it. They keep replaying the clip at the end of Vladimir and I giving each other high fives over the charred and smoking remnants. Meanwhile I have been attending most of these Jesuit trials to make sure that their lawyers don't try to twist the facts. I have been using your emails as legal statements regarding these individuals' attempts to kill you on the road. This seems to be a big help, but to my frustration, we lost a few cases in situations where the lawyers claimed that e-mail messages could be fabricated. They tried to say that I was just making it up and pretending to be you in order to execute more Jesuits than necessary. I argued that if they gave you the time to make video statements regarding all the times the Jesuits have tried to orchestrate car crashes, or trick you into running stop lights or speeding so they could give you tickets, that you would tell the whole world, and they would be in big trouble. They know it. They know why Jesus wants you to continue making videos about them. That's why they mess up your computer and give you so much trouble doing your taxes. They're trying to keep you so busy so you can't focus. It's been very stressful. Speaking of your computer, you won't be surprised, but Vladimir had to fend off Jesuit infiltrators at Cyberdefender. He walked into the building himself to make sure the building was secure, and caught Jesuits on your computer via remote access, trying to bog down your machine and steal all your files. After judo chopping their heads off, he was furious, and is now fed up with Jesuits trying to harm your computer. He is setting up a special server that you can access. Once he has it set up he is going to give me some instructions to pass on to you so that you can use it. We recognize how important your computer is, and Vladimir says he doesn't trust any outsiders to fix it anymore. He wants to remotely access your computer himself, so he can fix it himself for free, and not have to worry about anyone else vandalizing your things. Vladimir is such a sweet man to take the time to do this. I'm helping him where I can. I'm so glad that you were able to get your things in order, and change your phone number. I apologize that we've all been so quiet on the communication front. We've had to spend less time at the church while we're out taking on the fresh onslaught of Jesuits. It's like going into battle out there. In a strange way, it makes me feel closer to you, because in doing this I feel as though it's the most selfless way to express my devotion. I give you all of my time and energy no matter what it is I do. You paint me beautiful works of art with your writing, take care of yourself to stay beautiful for me, and make me special videos. I go into battle for you. I am your soldier, your warrior, your hero, and I am defending my queen. My beautiful empress. I will see you in bed my darling. Your lover forever and always, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 17, 2012) Dear Brent: After I paid Cyberdefender $199.00 to service my Windows Vista, which is working great, by the way, they have me set up to pay fifteen dollars a month for continuing service on my Windows Vista, which I can cancel at any time. But, if I cancel, and want to use their tech services again, it will cost me another $199.00. If I pay the fifteen dollars a month, I am entitled to another computer "tune-up" with their tech every three months, where the tech goes in and tunes up my computer. Should I cancel this, and not pay $15.00 every month? And hope I don't need their intensive service anymore? It appears the last person who worked on it was better than the previous ones, and my Windows Vista is running great. I do try to stay beautiful for you. It's becoming more and more of a challenge as my age is creeping up on me. The Jesuits love to attack my teeth with their satellite technology and I'm afraid they have ruined my looks in that area. Let me know what to do about that fifteen dollars a month. If I cancel the fifteen dollars and need intensive tech service again, it will cost me another two hundred dollars, but if I continue to pay the fifteen dollars a month, that's all I have to pay from now on. I have really enjoyed our time in bed. It's been awesome. I feel real good that I have upgraded the memory to both of my computers, without having to use risky tech service guys, who could be Jesuits. I try very hard not to let anyone service my computer, because Jesuits really target my computers. I just bought the memory sticks and did it myself. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 17, 2012) My darling Brent: You have communicated with me brain to brain and seem to indicate you are quite upset over the contents of your last e-mail to me, as it appears Jesuits have again hacked into your e-mails and rewritten some of what you wrote. I did think it strange that you asked me to stay beautiful for you, as you always ravish over how beautiful I am, and always make me feel like a beauty queen. I'm still stumped over why so many men think I'm gorgeous. I have gained some weight, but not much and think I still look rather nice, even though I have more of a pooch than I had before. Been trying to work in some abdominal exercises, but actually, I think if I was a guy, I wouldn't mind the pooch. **Laugh** Maybe I'm naive, but I still believe it's the inner beauty that really counts, and I think I'm still beautiful because of that, and that I can give those ugly women, like Loree McBride and Camila Alves a run for their money. I don't think they're pretty at all, but just stuck on themselves and think that sexy legs and a bikini figure is all you need to be beautiful. They totally don't get what makes a truly beautiful woman. Apparently, I have it all, the inner and outward and look rather good for a 54 year old. But I still try to foolishly look like a twenty something. I always want you to feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Any ways, don't fret, my dear Brent. I know that wasn't you. I try to look nice for videos. I'm learning some camera make-up tricks. I still try to do my facelift exercises, but slacked off on them a bit. But I'm back on it. So, so busy. I adore you, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on April 17, 2012) I hope you don't mind me reprinting your last e-mail to me, my dear Brent. Don't forget that I publish all my e-mail correspondence between us at my website at the online correspondence between myself and my men. You can use this for evidence in your legal cases. I mention at the top of the correspondence that all this is copyrighted and I couldn't copyright it if I wasn't the author. Besides, you can do memory reads of my brain to determine if I was the author. Well, here's the link, in case you forgot: Also, just go to my opening web page and click on the link about my online correspondence between myself and you men: Regarding the Cyberdefender Jesuits, fortunately, my Windows Vista computer is not my more important computer, though they could access church of Gail or my e-mail through my Windows Vista. I do most of my real important stuff on my Windows 7, which I refuse to allow anyone to remotely access. However, I do appreciate all the hard work you and Vladimir have done at Cyberdefender, as my Windows Vista is running great now--a vast improvement over how it was before I contacted Cyberdefender to work on it. It really helped when I put in extra memory on that computer. I'm proud of myself for putting in the memory chips for both my Windows Vista and my Windows 7 all by myself. Both computers desperately needed more memory, but I was scared to hire anyone to do it for me or to try to do it myself, so I just lived with it until this past week. The last Cyberdefender guy who worked on my computer gave me a brief tech education and made me feel confident enough to try it myself. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 18, 2012) My awesome Brent, who always, always calls me gorgeous: It looks like the Jesuits have somehow got my beautician. I had to go back to him, because he cut my hair uneven the first time, and I tried to fix it, and I made it worse. But when I went back to him today to correct his previous mistakes, he very meticulously cut my hair again, but, like last time, one side was definitely longer than the other side. He would lie and tell me that the shorter side was the longer side. I finally convinced him to cut the longer side a bit shorter, but he still didn't do my hair right. He knows that I like the inverted bob to taper from back to front and he cut it so that it goes straight from back to front. I think he's deliberately miscutting my hair. It's really short now, because of having to fix all his mistakes. He just came back from vacation, and I suspect the Jesuits may have switched out my beautician with his evil clone or something like that, because he's definitely not the beautician I had a year ago. I've decided to live with what he did, but am seriously considering another beautician for my next cut. I may ask my mom who she goes to. You may want to check out and find out what the Jesuits have done to my beautician. This is not the first time, they've gotten my beautician. It's not that hard a cut, but the Jesuits want me ugly and they always try to sabotage my beautician. My mother used to cut my hair and she was good, but she has bad arthritis now. It amazes me how difficult it is for me to find a beautician who can cut a good inverted bob. They all mess up, even when I draw them a good picture! I've decided to live with this cut, because I don't want it any shorter, but I'm still not happy with it, and I'm really not that picky about my hair, so it has to be bad for me to dislike it this much. I will make a video to show you what he did and will post it at, and how it's different from what I want. His name is xxxxxxxxxxxxx, and he's cut my hair since about 2007, and he was pretty good before. But, the past two cuts, he hasn't been too good, and it's gotten to the point with this last cut, that I think I need to move on to a new beautician. His number is xxxxxxxxxxxxx. His beauty salon is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Brent, you've always considered me beautiful, and have always called me gorgeous, even back in 1991, when you talked to me on the phone with your gorgeous and sexy tenor voice. Never, ever have you ever insinuated otherwise. That's how I know that that last e-mail I got from you, wasn't quite "you". Not sure what happened, but I know my Brent. Thanks for all you do for me, and for your unending support and adoration. I couldn't ask for a more adoring guy. Devotedly yours, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on April 18, 2012) My lovely wife, Oh, no! I was hoping that my last message would have hinted at what was about to happen with your beautician today. The Jesuits have updated their computer satellite technology for performing brain reads and the men and I have been speaking to each other in code for the past several days until we can recalibrate our shields at the church to compensate. As we suspected, they have kidnapped your real beautician, who was trying to ruin your image. Physical beauty is very important for Jesuits, who have no natural or inner beauty themselves to speak of. We have used the information you provided to find this evil clone of your beautician and arrest him. Thank you so much for the video. We will be able to execute him for certain, as the evidence is indisputable. Terrance wants to know if you have any special requests for his execution. I think the gentle nips of a warm burning blaze is far too kind for a man that even THOUGHT he could make you less beautiful to me. He even implied that you were crazy. How dare he? There is a special place in hell for this Jesuit! You of course don't have to "try" to stay gorgeous for me my darling. I sit here watching the video you sent with my jaw halfway to the floor. When Vladimir saw you brush your hair he about lost his mind wanting to make love to you. I'm so lucky to have the most wonderful, most intelligent, and most beautiful woman in the world. I will never get over it. Your husband, Brent Spiner (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on April 18, 2012) I can't emphasize enough how gorgeous you look in that video my darling. I sent you an e-mail. We've been able to confirm that your beautician was replaced by an evil clone while he was on vacation to Mexico. He was taken on board a yacht in international waters, shot, and thrown overboard. We've now arrested everyone involved, including his evil clone who had every intention of ruining your image, as if he could ever make you any less beautiful to me. What an insult. I adore you for your real beauty, which is more than just skin deep. What you have is an all encompassing glow that I could just lose myself in forever. Jesuits try to tempt us with women who look like bikini models, not realizing how much of a turn off it is that they have no morals or brains. I adore you, my queen. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on April 18, 2012) It's time for some whoop ass. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on April 18, 2012) Oh no, how awful. My sweetest Gail, if only I could do your hair for you. Everyone knows you're supposed to cut inverted bobs at a slant. It doesn't even look like he texturized your ends. I hope this Jesuit is executed in the worst possible way. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on April 18, 2012) Oh m'lady, you could never look unlovely in me eyes! It's only obvious that this Jesuit clone was trying to make you look less attractive, as if that sole quality is what gives you such power over men's hearts. They will never learn. (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on April 18, 2012) OH MY GOODNESS. GAIL, YOU JUST TELL ME HOW YOU WANT THIS JESUIT EXECUTED AND I WILL SEE TO IT THAT IT HAPPENS. I WOULD VOLUNTEER TO CUT YOUR HAIR, BUT I ONLY KNOW HOW TO CUT AFRO-AMERICAN HAIR. I CAN HELP IF YOU EVER WANTED A WEAVE. (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on April 18, 2012) My dear Gail, How strange, it looks like I missed the previous e-mail in this batch of correspondences. I hope the Jesuits aren't causing trouble with you as well using their updated satellites, as you don't usually make typing or spelling mistakes when you write to me, since you are a professional writer. Let me know if you're okay. I sense you are fine brain to brain. I hope our communications are accurate. I consulted with Vladimir to ask him these questions, and he says Cyberdefender was recently bought out by a Jesuit corporation. He wants you to cancel right away, and try to find another tech service. Of course, Vladimir's offer to protect your computer for free is still on the table. He would do that for you. I assured him I would remind you, but you don't have to. He says what Cyberdefender will try to do is infect your computer over and over again with their own viruses and malware, then charge you to continue having them fix it. Make sure you don't give them any more money. I'm glad we caught them before they could do this. Well, I'm writing to you from the courthouse, and I must get back to fighting the legal battle with that awful beautician. I adore you. Your husband, (Gail at Church of Gail on April 18, 2012) I'M MORE UPSET THAT THEY MURDERED MY BEAUTICIAN THAN THAT THE JESUIT BOTCHED MY HAIR. THIS JESUIT BEAUTICIAN WILL BE EXECUTED FOR COOPERATING IN A JESUIT MURDER SCHEME, AS THESE CREEPY JESUITS WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO UNDERMINE ME, EVEN OBSESSING OVER MY BEAUTICIANS. THEY ARE DISGUSTING, THAT THEY WOULD MURDER MY BEAUTICIAN JUST TO SABOTAGE MY LOOKS. MY VIDEO RESPONSES: 8cc9804&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email 8cc9804&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email I'm printing what I got from your e-mails here at Church of Gail. I will also publish them at my website at my online communications between myself and you men, so that you can peruse them and ensure Jesuits are not rewriting your e-mails to me, as they seem to lack your usual brilliant logic and level-headedness. Or it may be that you are just extremely busy and don't have time to explain things clearly. As far as typos and bad spelling, I did make one typo in one of my recent letters to you, and I should not have used the word "miscutting" in my most recent correspondence with you. Other than that, I don't think I made any more. I was in a hurry. However, Jesuits are always misdirecting my brain cell conversations and have really picked up their game lately in this area. I may cancel my tech service with Cyberdefender on my Windows Vista in around a week or so, but that will be quite a financial loss for me, because I have online back-up with them through this tech service, as well as a registry cleaning software with this tech service that I use every time I get on that computer, and I fear I will lose all this, if I cancel. I don't have to use the tech service. That is optional. Do you have any suggestions on which company I should use for my registry cleaning software? Perhaps I don't need tech service, just registry cleaning software. Or maybe in a couple months, when I can afford another registry cleaning software for my Windows Vista, which company's registry cleaning software would you recommend? I'm not sure I can trust all I am hearing at my website's e-mail right now, so I need more confirmation from you that this is the right thing to do, and that the Jesuits are not rewriting your e-mails to me. However I have a registry cleaning program with Cyberdefender, that has been good so far, and I have it on both my computers. I paid $39.00 for it on my Windows 7 and it expires around the fall of 2012 for my Windows 7. I run the Cyberdefender registry cleaning software every day on my Windows 7, and it seems to help. It's the one that I bought at Cyberdefender in November or December 2011 for $39.00, to last for one year on my Windows 7. I also run the Cyberdefender registry cleaning software that came with the Cyberdefender tech service for my Windows Vista, not sure if that is helping, though it seems to be helping. Though I also have a System Mechanic software on my Windows Vista that basically does the same thing, though that System Mechanic software on my Windows Vista didn't seem to help my Windows Vista too much over the past year to speed it up. I have not had any problems with the Cyberdefender registry cleaning software on my Windows 7 yet. What I have on my Windows 7 is NOT a tech service program, but just a Cyberdefender registry cleaning software, and that has been helpful so far. No one remotely accesses my computer with this on my Windows 7. It's just a registry cleaning software. The problem is, if I cancel the registry cleaning software, I can't afford to buy another one right now. I used AVG's before and it was no good. I do seem to need registry cleaning software because Jesuits always introduce crud into my computers that bog down the registry, and I think they can do it remotely, somehow. Is there some way to just ensure that the Cyberdefender registry cleaning software stays intact for my Windows 7, until my one year subscription for that expires in November 2012? I can't afford to buy another one right now. Until I see the link for Vladimir's program, I'm not sure what advice I should follow from you regarding my computers. So, right now, I am doing nothing. I also have online back up with Cyberdefender on my Windows Vista through their tech service program, but that computer doesn't really need online back up. It's part of the fifteen dollars a month that I pay them for their tech service. You know, I could just keep their tech service and not allow them to remotely access my computer. I don't have to allow them to do a tune-up every three months where they remotely access my computer. That's optional. Oh, I need a vacation from Jesuits! By the way, you guys are awesome. Thanks, Gerard for your kind comments. Matthew, I'd love to have you cut my hair and then we could make love afterwards. I'm sure having you cut my hair would be an enthralling experience. Too bad I can't take you up on your offer. I'm too embarrassed to go out the door right now, the way my hair looks. Brent, our latest brain to brain communications seem to indicate that you don't want me to cancel Cyberdefender right now, that Jesuits have hacked into your e-mails and counterfeited you to me. You can compare what you've written with what I have received here at Church of Gail, because I have published your e-mails to me here, and at my website's opening page, where I post my online correspondence between myself and you men at the link for this, PART FOUR. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 18, 2012) Check out my new hairdo: 4b662d1d&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email I'll make another video, showing you how it looks right after I take out the rollers. Coming up in around two hours, at this site. I hate this haircut. It's so time consuming! 22d8caf2&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on April 20, 2012) Dear Brent: I received a message from my son's clone, who asked me to call him, and said it was very important. I talked to my son yesterday, or at least I think it was my son, and told him that I was happy he had a real good woman in his life and he replied that he hoped it would work out, but seemed a bit startled that I mentioned this. Today he called and left a message on my cell phone answering machine, and asked me to call him back. The tone of voice was disrespectful and didn't sound like my son. He said that he never had an encounter with Rule 13, that he is dating a woman named Amanda, and that he is NOT a clone. He claims that on March 20th he was in class at his college and not on the date with Rule 13, as Terrance Jenkins claims. He claims that Terrance Jenkins is a fraud and that he never had that encounter with Rule 13. He was very upset and ordered me to take down all my videos about him, and that he was very insulted by that video I put up at my website. Anyways, I have taken it down and will take down the video I have about Rule 13 with my son at YouTube as well. If I don't take these down, the Jesuits could use my son's clone to take down my website or YouTube channel, so I will remove those videos. I don't really like the idea of having those videos of my son up, anyways. However, I want you to find out where my real son is, as I suspect he has been kidnapped. I told my "son" that it did not sound like him, as he was very disrespectful and my son never treats me with disrespect. I'm concerned over where my real son is right now. PLEASE INVESTIGATE. Love you, Gail ************************************************************* ** I believe I spoke with my real son yesterday. But the "son" I spoke with today, has a totally different personality from the son I know and reminds me of the clone I spoke with in 2004, right before all those hurricanes hit my area, who spoke to me with disrespect because I wasn't willing to accept my ex-husband's airline tickets to escape Florida and stay with my ex for safety against these hurricanes. I told my son's clone that I would rather ride out the hurricane than take my ex-husband's offer to stay with him for safety against the hurricane. I did not want to be with my ex, because it would create the false impression that I still had romantic feelings for him, and I was committed to Brent and Vladimir. My son's clone told me today that he does not want me to discuss him at all with Terrance. I told him that Terrance rarely talks about him at all, so he does not need to be concerned. My son's clone practically ordered me to take down all videos about him, and was very disrespectful towards me and towards Terrance Jenkins. He said I was not to discuss him at all with Terrance. MY REAL SON IS MISSING. FIND HIM. I KNOW I SPOKE WITH HIS CLONE. MY REAL SON, IF I HAD PUT UP FALSE VIDEOS ABOUT HIM, WOULD HAVE ASKED ME IN A MORE POLITE MANNER TO TAKE DOWN THOSE VIDEOS, IF HE WANTED THE VIDEOS DOWN. Due to the nature of this problem, I don't expect to hear from you here at Church of Gail about this. But Brent has already talked to me brain to brain and you men are "on it". I am in prayer. This is one time, where it's better for me not to make a YouTube video. Use our Gabrielle Chana Fox News channel to get support from scientists or whatever, if we need it. You can explain on the Fox News, why I am unable to make a video about this, if anyone asks. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 20, 2012) UPDATE: Just had a Skype conversation with Brent and my son is experiencing Schizophrenia, which the Jesuits have induced in him. He forgets about his relationships, and often loses himself into an alternate reality. He confuses Rule 13 with Amanda, and can't keep straight in his mind, what is true and what is false. This schizophrenia is not all the time, as the Jesuits are able to induce it in him when they want, and at other times my son is "normal". The Jesuits have done this to him, in their attempt to discredit me. We discovered he has no clones, but Jesuits have been using automatons of him to try to trick us. The fires around my mobile home in 1998, were started using Jesuit teleporting technology. Apparently, because my son has some of my king David genetic profile, the Jesuits are unable to clone him, but because his genetic profile is not as pure as mine (which is 50% king David and 60% Catherine the Great), Jesuits are able to induce psychiatric illnesses in him, even though they can't do so with me. However, they are able to distract my brain cell conversations, which is something they can do with EVERYONE. I feel that the Jesuits invented the field of psychiatry to discredit their enemies, and they also invented and created most forms of mental illness (using their advanced technology) for this purpose. It is true that Rule 13 almost killed my son and Brianna. It is also true that the Jesuits cut one of my managers in half, though I was not aware that this manager they killed. Jesus created an automaton of this manager for me to work with. Just like He did with Barack Obama. Barack Obama, in his will, asked me to be President (can you imagine that?) I will be making a YouTube video about these matters and about Jesuit crazy drivers later. When you read the rest of this, please realize that I wrote it before my Skype conversation with Brent Spiner and Terrance. ************************************************************* **************** c69730b&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email PSALM 27: "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. . . For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord." The brain to brain communications are coming in. I won't go into all the details, but Rule 13 kidnapped my real son, along with Brianna. Brianna was seriously injured, but Jesus did a miracle healing. Rule 13 attacked my son and almost killed him, but Jesus did a miracle healing, Thank Jesus for His rescue and ask Him to execute all the Rule 13s out there, as well as all the clones of my son. I've had it with these clones! If not for Jesus, my real son would be dead. That evil clone of my son is part of a murder conspiracy and deserves the death penalty. Give it to him. The way he talked with me on the phone, I felt like I was talking with Satan himself. He was most definitely NOT my son, with a disrespectful, arrogant and prideful spirit, that my real son does not have and would never have towards me. I felt as if I was listening to Satan himself, as I listened to my son's clone go in outrage over my website. Take that evil clone out. Take all my son's clones out, along with all versions of Rule 13, the woman from HELL. Because I know this will be read on the Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS CHANNEL, I want Bible believing Christians all over the world to pray and ask Jesus to DEMOLISH THE EVIL JESUIT ORDER. Ask Jesus to destroy the Jesuit Order, because they are the most evil organization on planet earth. NOTE OF INTEREST: At the same time that I received this message from my son's evil Satanic clone on my cell phone's answering machine, Jesuits were on a rampage at Xxxxxxxxx, and flooded the store with clones. My brain to brain communications indicated that one of the managers I worked under, got sawed in half, and Jesus came in and did a miracle healing on his behalf. I could tell I was dealing with clones at work, because I recognized the clone behavior. It was insane at work. It was a JESUIT ONSLAUGHT, with Jesuits making "off the wall" comments to me all day, and especially around 5 p.m., which was when my son's clone left his message on my phone, saying he really needed to talk with me (my son NEVER talks to me like this). I sensed this attitude from all the Jesuits in my line, this cocky, arrogant attitude, like they could say or do anything to me, and that I would be helpless before them. They were extremely arrogant, ridiculous and made wild statements, while checking out in my line in a frenzied blitzkrieg. Apparently, at this time, they were able to overcome our PRIDE SCANNERS and get in and cause havoc. Jesuits, you may have technology more advanced than ours, and you think you're so hot because of it. But YOUR TECHNOLOGY ISN'T MORE ADVANCED THAN WHAT JESUS HAS. GO BEAT THEM UP, JESUS. TEACH THOSE BASTARDS SOME MUCH NEEDED HUMILITY. Jesuits, try as you may, you will NEVER DEFEAT JESUS! Thank you, Jesus, for all Your help. YOU ROCK. Take out the Jesuit Order, Jesus. Take them out. They almost killed my real son today. Also, get off your high horse, Jesuits, and quit acting so self-righteous about the sexual act between husband and wife. Also, treat Terrance Jenkins with more respect. He has never said anything disrespectful about my real son, so I don't know why my son's evil SATANIC Jesuit clone was having such a hissy. The one who is disrespectful is EVIL JESUIT RULE 13! We all found it repugnant what we had to do to save my real son from Rule 13. I realize our e-mails are not reliable right now. But the world deserves to know what's going on, and you have my permission to read what I've written here at our Gabrielle Chana FOX news channel. The Jesuits thought they had this all sewed up, but Jesus and I are going to show them that they are wrong. Yeah, you evil Jesuits, you thought for sure you could kill my real son, but you FORGOT ABOUT JESUS. Then you planned to use my son's Jesuit clone, after you killed my real son, to take down my website, my YouTube channel and this Church of Gail. Yeah, well good luck doing it AFTER YOU'RE DEAD, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE EXECUTED, YOU EVIL JESUIT CLONE OF MY REAL SON. Expose their dirty butts on our Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS channel. I want that evil clone of my son, along with Rule 13 PUBLICLY EXECUTED on our Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS channel. Then burn the bloody corpse with torch fire, to show the world that they have landed in HELL, where they belong. That horrible Jesuit clone of my son, almost burned my mobile home down in 1998, under directions from Loree McBride. He deserves to die. He's an evil Jesuit. The neighbors saw this clone setting fires around my mobile home in 1998, and that's why they told my ex-husband that my real son did the fires, when he DID NOT, because he was beside me putting out the fires. The clever Jesuits used this evil clone of my son to do the fires. This evil clone needs to be executed. He's a KILLER. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 20, 2012) Dearest Vladimir and men on my marriage list: Please get an exorcist for my son and read and listen to all my tapes about War on the Saints. My son has a SCHIZOPHRENIA DEVIL IN HIS BODY. This devil induces symptoms of schizophrenia!! I believe that we can cure my son of his schizophrenia, if we can get him to read his Bible EVERY DAY, which I know he is not doing and if we can CAST OUT THE DEVILS IN HIM. Ask all of Church of Gail to pray for deliverance for my son, as I believe he is demon possessed. He may need to stop listening to some of the music he listens to, as that may be putting him into a PASSIVE STATE and renders him vulnerable to evil spirits. LISTEN TO ALL MY TAPES ABOUT WAR ON THE SAINTS AND HAVE MY SON LISTEN TO THEM. We also need some exorcists in our church. I firmly believe if we can cast out the devils in my son, we will CURE HIM OF HIS SCHIZOPHRENIA, which is caused by a demon who induces schizophrenia in him. The fact that the schizophrenia only occurs at convenient times for the Jesuits, indicates demon possession. Ask Jesus to help us remove these devils from my son. We will have to deal with the ground in my son's life, which has provided fertile soil for these devils in him. LISTEN TO MY TAPES ABOUT WAR ON THE SAINTS! GET THE BEST EXORCISTS IN OUR CHURCH AND GET JESUS!! Will write more later. My son can be cured. He NEEDS A GOOD EXORCIST. It's interesting how I discovered this about my son on the same day that I made a tape to educate about HOW TO REMOVE DEVILS FROM DEMON POSSESSED CHRISTIANS!! I just finished my tape about this and posted it at my website, and then I checked my answering machine, heard my son's "strange" message, and then called my son. THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. PRAY FOR MY SON AND ASK JESUS TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE TO REMOVE THE DEVILS FROM MY SON. MY SON WILL BE CURED!! (Gail at Church of Gail on April 22, 2012) I include a copy of what I wrote at my website ( Jesuits have updated their Crazy Gail Wiki website, with a special focus on defaming my character( On April 23rd, Jesuits updated more sections (+Jesuit homosexual compound, +Zack Knight, +Rule 13) in their Crazy Gail Wiki website, to create the impression that Jesus would never support myself or my men. Jesus understands the humiliation that we all have to endure because of Jesuits who rape us and expose our private lives to the world, because He died NAKED on the cross. By the way, that was NOT Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il who endured the tortures at that Jesuit homosexual compound, BUT THEIR CLONES. Jesuits tazer transported the real Vladimir and Kim Jong Il to a prison in North Korea, torturing them, while we watched the Oscar winning performance of their clones being raped by those homosexuals. Go to the Church of Gail page at this website (, and listen to our Skype communications with Jesus in my videos section. All comments about my motives and actions are outright and outrageous lies. Jesus Christ has made a movie about my life and I'll let that movie defend me, because no one knows me like Jesus. Jesus did state in a Skype communication with us that He would fill me with His semen in the millennium. If I am the sorry scumbag as depicted in this Crazy Gail Wiki site, I don't think Jesus would honor me with His blessed millennial semen. I'm proud of Brianna, and asked her to be the woman for my son. I also courageously accepted the loss of custody of my son after my divorce, and even though I fought for custody, I lost, because the judge was a Jesuit. I dislike war and killings, but courageously take on the almighty Jesuit Order, just like David took on Goliath, trusting in God for the victory. Jesuits twist my courage, levelheadedness, and fortitude, portraying my courage as coldness and my level- headedness as indifference or apathy. The Jesuit lies in this website remind me of when the Pharisees accused Jesus of having a devil because He could cast out devils. Matthew 12:2237--"Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? But when the Pharisees (Jesuits) heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: FOR THE TREE IS KNOWN BY HIS FRUIT. O GENERATION OF VIPERS, HOW CAN YE, BEING EVIL, SPEAK GOOD THINGS? FOR OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKETH. A GOOD MAN OUT OF THE GOOD TREASURE OF THE HEART BRINGETH FORTH GOOD THINGS: AND AN EVIL MAN OUT OF THE EVIL TREASURE BRINGETH FORTH EVIL THINGS. BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, THAT EVERY IDLE WORD THAT MEN SHALL SPEAK, THEY SHALL GIVE ACCOUNT THEREOF IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. FOR BY THY WORDS THOU SHALT BE JUSTIFIED, AND BY THY WORDS THOU SHALT BE CONDEMNED." Jesus stated at a Church of Gail service that I am His favorite. Obviously, if I am Jesus' favorite, I cannot be the person Jesuits portray in this lying Jesuit website. Regarding my views on sex, read my novel Silver Skies, especially the love scenes. My ideals for sex do NOT come from any movies, but from Song of Solomon and from Brent Spiner himself, who is a most exciting brain to brain lover. Jesus will marry Brent and myself in the millennium, with Brent giving me permission to love the other men on my marriage list, if I want, and this is okay with Jesus. Jesus said so. I now list the new or updated pages to the lying Crazy Gail Wiki ( +Babies, +xxxxxxx, +Gail and Sex, +Jesuit homosexual compound, +Rule 13, +Schizophrenia. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 23, 2012) By the way, people at work recommended beauticians for me, but I couldn't find them in the phone book anywhere. So I decided to go to God in prayer and use random Bible openings to pick a beautician. Jesus made it clear to me which beauty salon He wants me to try. I have made an appointment today for 4 p.m. Amazingly, Jesus picked a salon very close to my home. Perhaps this is not an accident, as He knows how very busy I am. You have my permission to wiretap my cell phone to determine where I'm going. Be sure to protect these beauticians. I used this method of random Bible openings and prayer to find a Seattle dentist back in the 1990s and ended up with an excellent dentist, who literally saved my teeth from serious periodontal disease. After talking with these beauticians on the phone, it sounds like an Asian run beauty salon. This could be good, because I have Asian hair. I make the prayer specific, like saying, "Jesus, here are the listings. Make me open to Bible pages that have the number sequence of the phone number to where You want me to go. Well, I did that, and Jesus made it crystal clear which salon He wanted me to go to. He also used lettering from the title of the beauty salon to show me where to go." (Gail at Church of Gail on April 23, 2012) I made a music video for you awesome guys on my marriage list, and most especially for Brent Spiner and Jesus Christ, the ones at the top. I wanted to correct some lies about how I dream about sex. Jesuits have some pretty wild claims about my sexual desires at their Crazy Gail Wiki (, so I made a video that expresses my sexual desires and dreams. 6ff6c3f&autoplay&skin_id=1603 Unlike the Jesuits, I view sex primarily as an expression of love and commitment between a man and a woman, and not as a weapon or a "baby factory" to produce babies to use as weapons for military warfare. The ones who need to see a "shrink" about their sexual dreams are the Jesuits. Their sexual mentality is sick, sick, sick--viewing sex as a MEANS TO AN END (to create babies, to destroy, to manipulate, to rape--not AT ALL how God intended sex to be). I view sex as an expression of commitment and love. None of the men on my marriage list have to stay there. They choose to be on the list of their own free will. I don't kill or torture deserters like you Jesuits do. If Vladimir and I execute people, it's because they are murderers and must be executed to preserve the lives of the innocent and pure in heart. Jesuits claim at their site that all my sexual dreams revolve around movies I watch, but their comments are just sophisticated, high sounding crap and lies ( Actually, I don't think any movies out there, with the exception of those based on my writings, like the film version of my novel Silver Skies or the Jesus Gail movie, capture how I feel about Jesus Christ and Brent Spiner, the top two on my marriage list. I haven't been to a movie theatre since 1996, when I went to see Independence Day, just to see my Brent, which was not a bad movie, by the way. However, I really don't feel that Hollywood does well in the romance department, and I've been trying to help them out. I'm not impressed with Hollywood movies, especially love stories, and think most portrayals of love and sex in Hollywood are far inferior to the Song of Solomon in the Bible or what I've written in my novel Silver Skies. One reason I wrote Silver Skies was to correct this deficiency. I have created videos at my website to try to capture my sexual dreams, I've entitled one "My Song of Solomon Lover" at the videos section of my website: Pride and Prejudice is my favorite romance movie, thus far, but I still think my Silver Skies is better than that, so rather than watch Hollywood love stories, I just listen to the music from my website over and over and imagine my Silver Skies or my life story to film, as this would be my idea of a great love story. The Jesuits have me ALL WRONG about using Hollywood movies as my ideals for romance. I think Hollywood love stories STINK. Hollywood love stories are shallow and lack resonance, layers, depth, purity or greatness of feelng, vastness, passion and commitment. I've put YouTube or Vimeo clips from the better ones at my website, but still think a movie of Silver Skies or my life story would far surpass any of those. I created conflict in my story, by making the conflict about forces from the outside that attack the lovers, and not the lovers attacking each other, which is really getting to be an old and boring plot in Hollywood love stories. In this jaded and treacherous world, we need some pure love stories. Perhaps, the reason we don't have more of these purer love stories is because the Jesuits own about half of Hollywood, and Jesuits despise purity--they call it "Mary Sue". Light and darkness don't get along. However, Jesuits are full of crap, because my stories are passionate and exciting and I ended my Silver Skies with a sex scene. So don't give me this Mary Sue crap, Jesuits. Jesuits, you despise purity, and call those with pure hearts, like myself, Mary Sues, because you are vile and corrupt and full of darkness--and darkness and light never get along. The men on my marriage list are not my slaves. They are devoted to me and are willing to die for me. Jesuits, you totally miss the boat. You are so shallow and vain glorious. You accuse me of your own faults, you hypocrites. You see me as a sick sex pervert, because you can't look beyond your vile selves and have transposed your ugliness onto me. You can't see beauty in the sexual relationship, because you have no true beauty inside you, but only your demon possessed vulgarities and raunchiness, so you can only see ugliness in all around you. You can't rise above your pettiness to understand what is really important in life and eternity, and you can't rise above your shallow and vulgar views of sex, to appreciate a true love that lasts for eternity, which you call "Mary Sue". WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS!! You've got the emphasis all wrong. God intended for sex to be first and foremost an expression of love and commitment between a man and a woman. If the babies come, that is of secondary importance. You place such emphasis on babies, because you only care to USE CHILDREN AS SOLDIERS and to INCREASE YOUR RANKS. You are obsessed with QUANTITY. GOD IS OBSESSED WITH QUALITY. If your children fail as soldiers, you would abuse, neglect, or murder them without a second thought. You are the cruel ones. You have no mercy to those who don't fit your goals. You serve your master Satan, who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. You see me as a murderer, because you transpose your own qualities onto me, because you can't see past your own ugliness to ever see beauty in another. You hate Jesus Christ and shot rockets at him when He left us after His Skype conversation with Brent, myself, and Terrance. You Jesuits are DESPICABLE. You steal nude and other videos of myself (that I only meant for my men) and parade them tastelessly before the world, taking out the parts that don't fit the way you want the world to see me. The men love my passion and courage in my nudes, but you clip them, to portray me as vainglorious and shallow like yourselves and leave out the parts that show my passion and courage, which my men find thrilling. I only meant the nudes or private videos of me not fully dressed or in curlers for my men and you steal them and parade them before the world in a tasteless display, leaving out the parts that show my passion, courage and commitment towards my men. In essence, you are LYING, though you show actual scenes of my nudes, the parts you leave out create a FALSE IMPRESSION, so you have defamed me. I never gave you permission to display me nude, undressed, or "unmade" before the world. To you, nothing is sacred, except your vile, devil worshipping religion, which Jesus DESPISES. In your fanaticism to honor your religion, you have slaughtered millions of Jews in concentration camps, launched the Crusades during the Dark Ages against Jews and true Christians, and are the Revelation whore of Revelation 17, and will be the greatest beheaders the world has ever seen in your glorious future as those who have the same goals as you, will assist Zack Knight, the anti-Christ as he unleashes hell upon the earth against the true followers of Jesus Christ. Zack Knight will persecute and murder in a stream of blood the true followers of Jesus in the future tribulation and will hate and strive to destroy the 144,000 Jewish missionaries who will preach against Zack Knight as the anti-Christ. Zack Knight--your greatest specialty is murder. All your sexual activities serve that end. You commit sex to promote murder, AND GOD WILL JUDGE YOU AND YOUR FOLLOWERS FOR THIS, YOU JUDGE BY OUTWARD APPEARANCE, GOD SEES THE HEART. You call me to judgment for my sexual dreams, while you dream murder as you lust in your beds. Lying and deception are your specialties, like your master Satan. You would make Jesus die naked on the cross over and over (that's why you worship your cursed crucifixes), and if He came to earth again, you would crucify Him again NUDE BEFORE THE WORLD. You can't seem to take Jesus off the cross. That's why you wear your cursed crucifixes everywhere. You insult Jesus with those cross necklaces. Jesus is no longer NAKED ON THE CROSS. Take Him off the cross and adore Him as the RISEN SAVIOR, COMING AGAIN. This time He won't be NAKED. He will be the king of Kings, from King David, the ruler of a glorified Israel over the entire earth. All nations will come before Him to worship Him. By the way, I don't want anyone to worship me. I want everyone to WORSHIP MY AWESOME SAVIOR JESUS. You have me all wrong. I will spend all of eternity worshipping and loving my beautiful Savior and the only glory I seek is HIS GLORY. I despise you, because you claim to be His, but disgrace Him, by your ugliness and your sins, your lies, your murders, your raunchiness, your vileness. You are the UGLIEST PEOPLE I'VE EVER ENCOUNTERED, AND DON'T HAVE A SHRED OF TRUE BEAUTY. You put your own PRIDE AND UGLINESS before TRUTH AND BEAUTY. You disgrace the name of my lovely Jesus, by claiming to be His while you live like the devil, and for that reason I pray every day that Jesus would kill me if I ever said or did anything to help you out. I've prayed this for years. I only live for truth, beauty and love--all the things you are AGAINST. I despise you, because you are so UGLY, vain and untrue, and have no respect for anyone's privacy and brazenly invade the private intimate moments of those you oppose, displaying all private, unguarded moments recklessly and fearlessly before the world, while slanting your presentation to promote deceptions and to cast down mountaintops of greatness to the dungeons of despair and shame. You wait till Jesus gives you your own medicine. Boy, are you going to have fun when Jesus displays all your motives, your private thoughts, your filthy dreams before the world at the Great White Throne judgment before He throws you into the lake of fire. And unlike your twisted, and slanted portrayals of those who oppose you, His portrayals of you will be 100% balanced and true and the WHOLE UNIVERSE WILL GET TO SEE YOUR DIRTY, UGLY SINS. Believe me, when your turn comes, it will make all you've shown of me seem like patty cakes. You're not fooling Jesus. He knows all the inner recesses of your heart. YOU WILL BE JUDGED FOR YOUR MOTIVES. I HAVE GOOD MOTIVES FOR TRYING TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL. WHAT ARE YOUR MOTIVES, JESUITS, FOR TRYING TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL? I dream about loving Jesus all day long. If that's Mary Sue, then so be it. I'd rather do that than be a murderer and liar like you Jesuits. My only goal in life is to be a great lover. That is my obsession. That is my passion. This is what you call Mary Sue. I only care to be a great lover. I don't dream about streams of blood, like you do. I don't dream about crowns over kingdoms, or about power or about wealth. I only dream about what is pure, true and beautiful. I dream about my beautiful Jesus all day long. I dream about loving Him all day long. What do you dream about, Jesuits? Will God like what lurks in the innermost recesses of your heart? I doubt it. I think your heart is full of SCORPIONS. I do all for my men. If I obsess over my hair and looks, though this is not a major obsession with me, it is to be beautiful for my men. I long to be the Song of Solomon lover to my men to always excite them sexually, to always thrill them in bed. This is my motive in my desire to be beautiful. What are your motives for beauty, Jesuit women? Obviously, if I was trying to be a vain peacock, I wouldn't let Matthew, Brent and Vladimir see me in curlers and without makeup. I know that they appreciate first and foremost my passion to thrill them in bed and to cater to their sexual dreams about me, so I love to look gorgeous for them. I dream about being their Song of Solomon lover. But unlike your women, I obsess just as much over my inner as well as my outward beauty. That is why I've read the King James Bible from cover to cover over a hundred times. Have you done this, Jesuits? Do you even CARE WHAT'S IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE? Jesus respects me for trying to keep the fires alive in my sex life with my husband. I have a twenty-year relationship with Brent Spiner and the fires have been hot in the love department for 17 years, for 3 years we had a solid friendship (1996 to 1999), when I was confused about Loree. Brent and I have always had an open, transparent, and nurturing relationship, and when I realized that Loree was a Jesuit, I completely forgave him about her and have courageously defended him against all odds. Because then I knew that this treacherous, vain woman never, ever dented the heart of my Brent, with a heart deep and vast as the sea. I knew that Brent's voice that yearned for me, full of longings on my phone in 1991, would never long for a woman who only understood fame, light, glamour and action, and tingling ornaments and sexual thrills, in order to promote a murderous, Satanic onslaught. So I rose in outrage to his defense and have never deserted him after I discerned that Loree only desired to destroy a love from the heavens. Brent, once he realized I would defend him against this monster, even if my life was extinguished, adored me in all my depths. For this reason, I have been queen over all Brent's dreams since 1990. The men know I will stand behind them, even if all hell opposes me, and even if you launch successful press campaigns against them that make them appear to betray me. They know I have the astuteness not to be fooled into jealous tirades or pettiness against them. Jesus has much respect for me over this. Brent and I have such a positive relationship, we only nurture and protect each other. It's a love that reaches to the heavens, so I try to look gorgeous for him, to add icing to the cake. He adores all of me, and I try to give him more to adore. Just came back from my hair cut, looks like this beautician did good. It's a lot shorter than usual, but cute. I guess she had to cut it short to fix the mistakes from earlier. At least it doesn't look like an amateur cut my hair. I may make a new War on the Saints video tonight and let you guys can see the new haircut. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 23, 2012) Oh my God, I can't keep up with these Jesuits! Look at all the work they've done to their Crazy Gail Wiki site. Hey, you Jesuits, you are giving yourselves away. Zack Knight has made a lot of contributions to this website. Check out my links in this post. Oh well, Zack Knight enjoy your temporary glory. You don't have a lot of time left, you FOOLISH SHEPHERD. Zechariah 11:15-16--"Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd (the anti-Christ Zack Knight) in the land, and which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claw in pieces. Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his RIGHT EYE: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye utterly darkened." During the upcoming 7 year tribulation, Zack Knight will be assassinated, shot in the right eye, and will resurrect himself as Jesus Christ. Oh yeah, Zack, you'll fool them all, except for the 144,000 Jewish missionaries and their followers, whom you will behead. But don't gloat too much, because you don't have long until the FINAL BATTLE, when the REAL Jesus will beat you up, you JESUS FAKE YOU wicked devil. So, you're as nervous as hell, you SATAN INCARNATE, because you know you don't have much time left, got to have lots of company in HELL, your future home Satan Zack Knight. You don't want to be lonely down there, do you, Satan? Apparently, you don't really believe I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, or you wouldn't spend so much time on your waste of time, your Crazy Gail Wiki website. I have to admit, you've done a pretty good job of summing up the major events of my life, except for your exaggerations and lies, of course. Hey, you guys, you want a good laugh? Look at all the work these idiots have done to their website, and ALL THIS OVER A PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC! Ha! Who are you fooling? No one would spend this much time and effort trying to discredit a REAL PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC. You know I'm not crazy. Judging by what I'm seeing at your website, it appears my brain to brain communications that indicate I'm about to really get the Nobel Prize in literature is correct. Believe it or not, I could care less whether I get it or not. Though the Nobel Prize committee has been trying for years. They're worried about my life. Oh, boy, I bet Jesus is having a good laugh in heaven, at all your jack ass foolishness over a PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC. That Crazy Gail Wiki is a monumental amount of work to discredit a PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC! By the way, you're not fooling anyone. Everyone knows that is a JESUIT website. It's too thorough and meticulous to be otherwise. It's obvious whoever is behind this, has put hours and hours of work into it. Only the Jesuits would do this. Take a look at all the work these fools have put into this website folks: Zack Knight has apparently hacked into somebody's computer and stolen private videos I sent to my men about my beautician and has posted them at this website. Or he may have taken them from my Church of Gail posts. I know he reads and obsesses over all I do, because he has to mess up the woman who will be getting the semen of Jesus Christ in the millennium. Yeah, it won't be your black, devil semen, cause you'll be in chains in the lake of fire then. It appears changing my phone number was a waste of time, because the mind-reading Jesuits have already spread my new phone number around, and I have only given it to my family and friends. I'm starting to get deluged with phone calls again. I never answer, let the answering machine do the job. You say, how do you know the Jesuits are behind this site? Well, look at this page and check out who's making contributions! It's Jesuits like Zack Knight and Rule 13! Boy are they busy. Check it out: I'm sure I could easily figure out how to register with Crazy Gail Wiki and create an account, but then I'd give Zack Knight ammunition, because then he'd say I'm a Jesuit. So, forget it, Jesuits, I won't fall for your trick, and your outrageous lies are strategies to anger me into answering you at your site, which I won't fall for. I'll comment about you here at my men's site, because I know you read this, because you obsess over all I do. Your performance doesn't work Jesuits YOU ARE THE AUTHORS OF CRAZY GAIL WIKI. Most of the recent posts are by Jesuits Zack Knight and Rule 13: Besides, I'm not that worried about your site discrediting me. I think people explore it, because you do a good job of summarizing my life, but I don't think all are dumb enough to believe all you say. You are losing your credibility more and more every day. Especially since the FOX News Gabrielle Chana News Channel has come into existence. YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANYBODY. Your charade will really be up at the battle of Armageddon and the Great White Throne judgment and all your FEMALE and MALE Jesuit agents will be exposed. You quit limiting yourselves to males a LONG TIME AGO. A covert organization, such as yourselves, can't afford to be obvious, so your agents work in all occupations, and pose as Baptist, charismatics, married couples. You even have Jesuits who are KIDS. You might say, why do you waste all this time arguing with Jesuits at this site? It's because I know the whole world reads this and I'm trying to help out Jesus, as we both work together to educate the world about the antiChrist. Anything to spare folks from his deceptions. As a reminder, folks, Zack Knight is SATAN INCARNATE. If Satan wasn't living in his body, he'd be in hell. Jesus killed him. He can only stay alive on earth as Satan Incarnate. He knows that if Jesus wins, his only future is an eternity in the lake of fire, so he will fight with all his power to be a successful Jesus Christ fake, so that Satan will be pleased. But Bible prophecy must be fulfilled and Zack Knight will be defeated at the FINAL BATTLE, called the Battle of Armageddon. How do I know Zack is the anti-Christ? JESUS TOLD US: Jesus has been making more updates to the Jesus Gail movie. Brent tells me brain to brain. He's under orders from Jesus to not tell me any other way. It appears Jesus takes a real interest in being my millennial lover. Don't worry, Jesus. I know you will never use the brain to brain servers to talk to me or make love to me. I actually like it when Jesus doesn't meet me on Skype, because every time He does, it's to set me straight about something. So His silence is good. It means Zack Knight hasn't tricked me. Jesus communicates with me spirit to spirit. He just lets me sense what He's feeling and communicates to me with His emotions. It's awesome. That's why I've made so many music videos for Him. Jesus and I have bonded emotionally because of this spirit to spirit communication. You may ask, "Are the feelings sexual?" Ugh, not really. It's kind of sexual, but more spiritual, with sexual overtones. That's the best way to put it. Jesus doesn't make love like humans, not even in the millennium. In the millennium sex can be physical or soulish. Jesus uses the soulish version of sex, which He reserves for the millennium. It's a spirit to spirit, soul to soul bonding, but it's just as exciting and thrilling as human physical sex, and probably better than human physical sex. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on April 24, 2012) Every word of this is spot on, my love, I agree. Just look at the work Zack Knight and Rule 13 are doing to their website. Anyone who isn't asleep at their computer chair is going to put two and two together and wonder why they are spending so much time obsessing over a divorced paranoid schizophrenic woman who they claim to believe isn't even dangerous. As if! Why make a whole website dedicated to someone who isn't even a threat to oneself? This is why the Jesuits are so bad at lying. They are always contradicting themselves and they can never decide on the truth. It shows. Good for you standing up to them! It's a battlefield out here, and we can't let a single person be fooled by their trickery and join their side, where they will go to Hell. The men and I are doing all the work we can behind the scenes, constantly trying to keep you safe from the Jesuit drivers on the road and from the customers that try to affect your job at Xxxxxxxxx. You and I are always followed by assassins. It's the entire reason we can't even be together in person. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on April 24, 2012) Ahh I see how Jesus' plan for ye is coming to fruition, lassie. He is very clever. This means you need to keep up with making your videos so the world can become aware of all this madness. They need to hear about what the Jesuits are doing on a day to day basis. That Zack Knight is a dodgy bloke, and he and his minions are going to be dedicating all of their sweet time twisting stories to defame your character! (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on April 24, 2012) Oh boy. I bet the Jesuits are going to continue to keep updating that wiki. Gerard is right, I think this is the reason that Jesus told you to start making videos. He knew something awful like this would happen. It's so creepy how they watch you and us so closely. Who puts up an entire website just to discredit someone? I've been reading the site and they say such horrible things. It's really delusional. By the way Gail, I'm so glad you got a new beautician. Brent says your hair is gorgeous! Brianna says she'd love to know the name of them because she might want to stop by and get her hair done there too if she's ever in the area sometime. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on April 24, 2012) Just let me in a room with Zack Knight just once! I'd punch his balls off! He's no Jesus, that man is as antichrist as they come. I can't wait to see him in the lake of fire, surrounded by his fallen minions who have lost to us at the battle of Armageddon. I'll eat a sandwich to that. (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on April 24, 2012) OH MY. I WOULD BE SAVIN THIS EVIDENCE AND MAKIN SURE THE WORLD KNOWS THE INACCURACIES IN THIS WEBSITE. NICE CATCH GAIL. I BET THEY DIDN'T WANT YOU TO FIND THIS. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 24, 2012) Hey, you guys, thanks for all the support. Following your advice and going to God in prayer, I decided to make a video about "Gail and Sex": Jesuits have updated "Gail and Sex": Here are the comments that I placed with this video at YouTube. These are important, because Zack Knight and Rule 13 have already retaliated, accusing me of lying, and that I claim that Jesus will ejaculate into me. Zack is clever, he takes what I say and twists it into a lie, by stating 95% truth with 5% lie. Any ways, here are the comments that went with my YouTube video. Feel free to use any and all of my videos and any portion of my website in court. Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, this has gone to court and JESUS HAS SHOWED UP AS OUR ATTORNEY! YOU ROCK, JESUS. Here are the comments that I placed with the video at YouTube. ************************************************************* ****************** CAN ALSO VIEW THIS AT a2e4fd4&am... Gail defends herself against lies about her sex life in the Jesuit website entitled "Crazy Gail Wiki" ( For more about this, read my post at my men's Church of Gail: For more about this, read another post at my men's Church of Gail: Here's the crazy Jesuit website, and notice who has been making contributions to this website--Jesuit Rule 13 and Jesuit Zack Knight: My website: The antichrist Zack Knight claims at "Crazy Gail Wiki" that I claim Jesus will ejaculate into me. This is not quite accurate. Jesus said He would fill me with His semen through Brent Spiner. Jesus does not make love like humans. Zack Knight is trying to ascribe human qualities to Jesus, because this is how he will try to fake as Jesus in the future. Deity can participate in sex, but God (Jesus) does not participate in human sexual intercourse. Jesus has been making more updates to the Jesus Gail movie. Brent tells me brain to brain. He's under orders from Jesus to not tell me any other way. It appears Jesus takes a real interest in being my millennial lover, with lovemaking that bonds my soul with Jesus' soul, my spirit with Jesus' spirit, while my body comes together with Brent Spiner. Jesus cannot have sexual intercourse with a human female like humans, because He is deity. I don't recommend anyone stare at Zack Knight's picture, but if you take a quick look at, his RIGHT EYE is darkened. Zechariah 11:17--"Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye utterly darkened." 36 words in verse or 6 times 6 (666). This is verse 17, cross reference to Revelation 17, about the Great Whore, who sits on ROME'S SEVEN MOUNTAINS. Don't worry, Jesus. I know you will never use the brain to brain servers to talk to me or make love to me. I actually like it when Jesus doesn't meet me on Skype, because every time He does, it's to set me straight about something. So His silence is good. It means Zack Knight hasn't tricked me. Jesus communicates with me spirit to spirit. He just lets me sense what He's feeling and communicates to me with His emotions. It's awesome. That's why I've made so many music videos for Him at my website ( Jesus and I have bonded emotionally because of this spirit to spirit communication. You may ask, "Are the feelings sexual?" Ugh, not really. It's kind of sexual, but more spiritual, with sexual overtones. That's the best way to put it. Jesus doesn't make love like humans, not even in the millennium. In the millennium sex can be physical or soulish. Jesus uses the soulish version of sex, which He reserves for the millennium. It's a spirit to spirit, soul to soul bonding, but it's just as exciting and thrilling as human physical sex, and probably better than human physical sex. Jesuits accuse me of lying in this video, but my statements have been consistent over the years, between what I say here and what I say at my website and elsewhere. Whereas Jesuits try to explain away their inconsistencies, by claiming that their other websites, like are not theirs. They have to do this, because they keep changing their story to accommodate their lies. ************************************************************* ********* Matthew, check your in box for messages. I have given you information about the beautician I just saw. You guys are awesome. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on April 26, 2012) Wonderful video Gail! We know you've always been so clear and consistent. Your stories never change. That's how we know you're telling the truth. I'm so proud of my awesome woman. Thank you for sticking up for me when I took over for Vladimir during his heart attack. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on April 26, 2012) Good show my lady! Bravo! I adored your latest video as always. Your words are a beacon of light and truth. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on April 26, 2012) You rock, Gail! Thank you Jesus. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on April 26, 2012) Oh my love, it's always wonderful seeing you make new videos. I always look forward to them. You know, it's a wonder why the Jesuits care so much about my penis size anyway. It's not like YOU care how long or thick it is. Jesuits are so shallow when it comes to sex. It's like they only care about physical attributes and how the other person can service them. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 26, 2012) MY VIDEO ABOUT CRAZY GAIL WIKI "SATAN" PAGE IS AT YOUTUBE: KrYIB1wQ&index=1&feature=plcp UPDATE on April 29, 2012: Because I won't have my computer in Atlanta, don't forget about my message box here at Church of Gail. I may have access to another computer, where I can check my messages here at Church of Gail. If you don't mind the message being public, you can post it here at our forum. Brent informed me that FOX News has two channels for me now. One is a NEWS channel and one is MOVIE channel. Apparently, the Jesus Gail movie has gotten so big, an entire channel is devoted to it. This FOX GABRIELLE CHANA MOVIE channel also features Silver Skies with Matthew McConaughey and all productions based on my writings, and it lets all you guys on my marriage list be interviewed about your roles in the movies and about your roles in my life. The Jesuits are as nervous as hell about this, and sent all their ridiculous agents to me at Xxxxxxxxx, who were very unreasonable, unfair, convoluted and complicated. They replaced some managers with clones and flooded all areas, including the road with WACKOS (to put it kindly). Cool, about this FOX NEWS MOVIE channel. I bet the best movies to ever come out of Hollywood are at this channel. I have to admit, after working on my own productions, by making all these videos for you guys, I'm spoiled, because the movies made from my writings are so much better than anything coming out of Hollywood right now. No one can come close to the Jesus Gail movie in brilliance, so I listen to my own videos all day, rather than watch movies, because I think my videos are far more interesting. When I watch my own videos at my website (, it helps me to approximate what you guys are watching at this fantastic FOX NEWS MOVIE CHANNEL. I hear the Jesus Gail movie is FANTASTIC now, after Jesus has made all sorts of updates, and these movie updates are based on my videos (no wonder Jesus asked me to make videos). Leave it to Jesus to create a MASTERPIECE. I love you, Jesus. I don't understand all You do, but no one is as awesome as You. I trust You, even though I may not understand it all. Pray for me regarding this Atlanta trip. I still have my yeast infection and it makes travel challenging. Also, pray that Jesus will protect us all from Jesuit treachery on this trip, because they are always up to something evil. The more nervous they get, the more dangerous they get. And they are as nervous as hell about this new movie channel. Glad you all liked my last video. I'm following Jesus' advice to me on Skype, not reading a script, using my tin foil hat and speaking "from the heart". Jesus said I have a powerful speaking presence and He wants me to use it. I'd do anything for my awesome Jesus, and am trying hard to follow all His advice. I guess my powerful "presence" comes with my king David and Catherine the Great genes. King David was probably quite a speaker. Both king David and Catherine the Great were great leaders. Great leaders usually have a powerful "presence". Got your message, Matthew. You are such a gentleman. Thank you, for all you do. Jesus recommended I go to my son's two-year college graduation, and my mother just purchased the airline tickets. I will give the information about the flight number, flight time and all that to Vladimir, through the messages, so Vladimir check your messages here at Church of Gail, and beef up security at the airport and for our flights. I use the messages whenever I want to write you, but don't want the whole world to see what I'm writing. You know how Jesuits are. Jesus told me to go, and I'll just trust Him about my diet and all else. I still have some of my food allergies, I'm afraid. I can't eat corn and milk, and I'm not sure about wheat. But I have faith in Jesus. He wouldn't ask me to do something that I can't handle. I'm safe with rice, fish, most non-sugar vegetables, and a Japanese style diet and most beans. I don't eat any sweets. Don't want to feed those yeasties. I will say this much. I leave on May 3rd, and will leave my apartment in the morning on May 3rd. So, I'll be in Atlanta from May 3rd to May 7th. I return on the 7th. I DO NOT PLAN TO BRING MY COMPUTER. I have decided to leave it behind, because I don't want to risk damage to it, or a possible Jesuit hacker, who may sneak into the house where I'll be staying and hack into my computer. I have my life on my Windows 7 laptop and that computer is staying here in Florida. I'll only be gone for five days. This means I can't make any videos, or do Skype from May 3rd to May 7th, and I can't work on my website during this time, either. I don't think I'll have e-mail access through my website, either. I may be able to check my e-mails that are not at my website. I'll post those in the message I send to Vladimir, in case you forgot them. The only thing I may be able to do is to make entries at Church of Gail on someone else's computer, if I have access to another computer, and if I feel comfortable doing so. I'll play it by ear and see if I want to do that while I'm in Atlanta. So, from May 3rd to May 7th, we'll be communicating primarily brain to brain. Just wanted to let you know. One advantage of being by myself, is I exercise very strict control over who enters my apartment and always insist that I be here, if anyone enters my apartment. That's because Jesuits did use someone to hack into my legal files when I wasn't home, several years ago, and they removed some very important documents and replaced them with counterfeits. Jesus seems to want me to make another video for Him, and to comment about the Crazy Gail Wiki "Satan" page. I'll try to do it before I leave for Atlanta. I want to do a little research before I make this video, to ensure I teach accurately about the antichrist and Satan, as I take this teaching responsibility very seriously. There are some serious inaccuracies at the Crazy Gail Wiki "Satan" page, that would make it easy for Zack Knight to deceive people as the antichrist. I'm going to try to do some "damage control" for Jesus. This is tricky, because that Zack is so sly. I need to pray up and read some more Bible before I do this video. I really want to help Jesus in this matter, as it's SO IMPORTANT. We don't want ONE person to follow Zack Knight, but, unfortunately, Bible prophecy indicates he will get quite a following. But, while I have breath, I'll do all I can to help Jesus to expose him as the fraud he is. But, I've been watching him operate, and he's very clever and brilliant. A BRILLIANT FAKE. This is no easy matter, to uncover him. He knows how to manipulate people and is very clever at using parts of TRUTH to present LIES. (Gail at Church of Gail on April 28, 2012) If you visit my website (, you can also hear my Skype recordings of my encounters with Jesus Christ. Check out Gail and Satan at Crazy Gail Wiki: 5e5372b&skin_id=701&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (Brent Spiner’s e-mail to Gail on May 1, 2012) My beautiful Gail, I want to tell you, I've been hanging out with Jesus these past few days. He is such a character! Of course, you would know this as well from all of our conversations we've had with him together on Skype. This afternoon, he took on a human form and offered to take me out to lunch for all of my hard work. I told him I would be honored. We decided to go to Red Lobster, since Jesus said he really likes Lobster Fest. After ordering drinks we quickly got into talking about his favorite subject, which is you. Jesus has been very impressed and happy with the videos you are making, and he appreciates your faithful service to him. He only had one critique, and it's that he thinks the videos should be a little shorter to make sure the younger generation can keep up. They have very short attention spans and have a hard time listening after about ten minutes. It's important to reach out for them, as young adults are very impressionable and are the ones most likely to turn to Satan if they aren't taught early. Other than that, he thinks your work "rocks" and he couldn't be happier with the way things are going. I agreed full heartily. Anyway, he fed me on all the lobster I wanted until I was positively stuffed. I was having such a wonderful time. When it was time to pay the bill he took the check, and he tipped our waiter with a million dollar bill! He got a dessert and a Dr. Pepper to go (his new favorite drink, I suppose) and then we left. I was so fascinated and honored to be spending the day with Jesus. After lunch, he took me across the street to try on some new clothes. Jesus really wanted to know what he would look like dressed in some modern day outfits, and wanted my opinion as to how to blend in with the crowd. We found him a pair of skinny jeans, skate shoes and some t-shirts with the logos of his favorite Indie bands on them. He couldn't have been more thrilled! With that done, and the day growing late, we decided to head back to the church. It was going on about rush hour, so he made our car fly to avoid all the heavy traffic. It was a little scary being so high up in the air in nothing but a small car, but I was in awe, enjoying the blue skies and driving through the air with Jesus, as he sipped on his Dr. Pepper and turned up on the Christian rock on the radio. Since didn't have to drive, he took that time to pop open the take out box he got from Red Lobster and have his dessert. I mentioned to him that you were going to attend your son's graduation in a couple days, and asked him to help keep you safe on your trip. He promised he would. He says to not worry about the food, or any family drama, and to focus on being there for your son. We all know he's had a rough time lately, especially with the schizophrenia. I told him I would make sure to relay this to you. As soon as Jesus finished his dessert, he steered the car into a nose dive straight toward the ground! I was terrified, as I had never been a big fan of rollercoasters! Jesus only told me to "chill", finished the rest of his Dr. Pepper, and slowed the car into a gentle descent just inches before we hit the ground. It was quite the ride. We stepped out of the car. Jesus held me up with one arm, and drank up the bits of ice from his drink cup with the other, as I dizzily walked with him back into the church building. What an exciting and unusual day this was. I really think it's such an impressive feat that your son finally made it through school for a degree he is so passionate about! You can tell him congratulations from me. Anyway, I just wanted to update you very quickly about my one on one with Jesus. I can't wait to hear about your upcoming trip. I'm actually really happy that you're going and that you'll be able to get out of town for a little while. It will be a nice vacation for you, which I think you deserve. You haven't seen your son for so long, I think it will be great for you guys' relationship. I will talk to you soon. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 3, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm having a time with this computer here in Atlanta. But I do manage to get online eventually. I am not sure, but it appears that we may have a clone situation here in this house. May want to have Vladimir make sure my xxxxxxx is okay. She is acting rather strange, especially in the past hour. I tried to do the dishes, and the black stopper for the sink disappeared, and she knew I had to do the dishes. I don't know, and I'm not sure, but I've had extensive experience with Jesuits and I sense something afoot. Time now is around midnight on May 3rd. My son still suffers from schizophrenia and when I share with him some stuff about my communications with Jesus, he informs me that my conversations do not seem "appropriate". It appears I better lay off for now on any more information about my latest dealings with Jesus or the Jesuits until he can separate fact from fiction. The devil has him duped over some of the wild stuff that has happened to us and he's having a hard time believing it. I believe that anything that does not seem "the norm" is real hard for him to swallow right now. I've decided to stay off the subject of "black devil semen". I was trying to share with him how I know it's Jesus that talks with you, because some of what He tells you, He could only know if He could read my mind and emotions, but I'm losing my son when I go into this. He treats me like I'm crazy. I am enjoying my time with my son, but, unfortunately, he is not able to process all about my life, and it looks like I may need to be selective in what I share with him. I'm so glad that I don't have to be this way with you, and I know you feel the same about me. I believe all you say about your Jesus encounters, but I imagine that there are some who may think you are crazy. I guess they just have no faith. You inform me brain to brain that Jesus is glad I'm sharing some of this stuff, and that He will work on my son. Love always, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 3, 2012) Hi, you guys. Writing you from Atlanta. Had a safe trip. Will tell you more later, as I cannot cover all the bases here. Pray for me, that I will do what Jesus wants while I'm here. I'm in the middle of cooking rice right now. I was informed brain to brain that Jesuits caused trouble at the airports, but that Jesus rescued us. Gotta go. Love all of you awesome guys. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on May 3, 2012) Jesus says "rock on, Gail!" I think I speak for all of the men when I say I'm looking forward to your posts about the trip. I'm glad the trip was safe and that you seem to be enjoying yourself. (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on May 3, 2012) Gosh, it's a good thing Jesus helped you get to Atlanta safe. I don't fully know what happened yet myself but Brent says that Jesus used Vladimir to help him protect your airplane. Have a very good vacation, Gail! (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on May 3, 2012) Jesus rocks! Is it true that Vladimir got in his supersonic jet and escorted your airplane to Atlanta? (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on May 3, 2012) I have been praying for ye, my lady. Have a safe one, aye? (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on May 3, 2012) I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR STORIES ABOUT YOUR TRIP GAIL. FROM WHAT BRENT TELLS ME IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU'RE HAVIN A BLAST OVER THERE. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 3, 2012) Hi, you awesome guys. I'm here in Atlanta, but I think we may have a clone situation here in this house. Have Vladimir get on it. I sent Brent an e-mail through my regular e-mail. Jesus was right about the food. I seem to be doing fine. Thanks, Jesus. From what I understand, we had some terrorist incidents at both airports, with the Atlanta airport suffering the worst, assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate. However, Jesus promised a safe flight and I have faith in Him. My heart was at peace and I was thrilled to be able to see my son. However, I must sadly report that the schizophrenia is still active. I cannot be totally open with him. He can't process it. It just sounds wild and untrue to him. But then, you guys know how wild things have been for us with these Jesuits and how Jesus has had to rescue us. I have faith in Jesus. There's a reason why He wanted me here and this trip is not wasted. It may not make total sense right now, but it will later. I have dealt with Jesus for years and know how He operates. I tried to share with my son, how Jesus has answered prayer for me and how He works, and have encouraged him to read His Bible, which I don't think he's reading. Anyways, Brent has informed me brain to brain that Jesus will work on my son after I leave Atlanta and that my time with him has not been wasted, that I'm sowing seed that will come to fruition later. Anyways, keep praying for me, that I will accomplish here what my awesome Jesus wants me to do. Love you all. Thanks Vladimir. When I flew in the jet, the flight got a little rocky, and I wasn't sure if anything was amiss or if it was just normal turbulence, but I know Jesus and my heart was at peace during the entire flight. I knew Jesus would protect me. When we got off the plane in Atlanta, I kept hearing messages over the intercom asking people to report any suspicious activities and I sensed a "mood' that seemed to indicate a terrorist incident may have occurred at that airport. But then, I never worried, because I don't believe Jesus is finished with my job here on earth. Time for bed, now. Glad I was able to get online. Try to make sure my family is okay and we aren't dealing with clones. I sense something amiss. Thanks again, for all your support. You guys are awesome. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 4, 2012) UPDATE: Morning of the 5th, got kind of cold last night. Need an extra blanket tonight, but slept what I normally sleep. I rarely get beauty sleep, any ways. The Lord's in charge, and I've been putting in a lot of Bible reading time in the morning. The room I stay in is real conducive to a quiet time with Jesus, so I'm reading the Bible, while looking out the windows at the trees that float like a canopy, and the sun's ray that filter in through the windows (and kind of wake me up in the morning). But it sure is scenic and peaceful in a way here. The tree's leaves outside my window seem to float from their branches, held aloft with majestic stillness, shimmering in the breezes, while their perky, spotted dog barks with his bob tail wagging, running up and down the back yard and scampering up and down the wooden, trellis stairs outside the layers of the house. You enter at the middle layer, go downstairs for the main living room, go up two flights for the bedrooms and showers. But the home is not on flat ground, so from the first and second floors you look out a window and see a yard. From the main entrance and towards the front of the house, you see the front yard. But the back yard slopes downward and to see it level, you must see it from the lowest level. More later. . .Brent has communicated with me brain to brain some interesting things, something about the Nobel prizes, which, believe it or not, I could care less about. Gotta go. . . UPDATE: Spent extra time in the Bible this morning and asked Jesus for wisdom and to conduct myself in a manner that would please Him, while I'm here. I'd do anything for my lovely Jesus. Just ate out with my family at a Japanese restaurant. Decided to eat some red meat, some steak (Sukiyaki), because I woke up last night with horrible leg cramps (this always happens to me when I'm iron deficient). Don't seem to be having problems with food, except for minor symptoms. Brent has been communicating with me brain to brain about the clone situation. From what I understand we have some sad situations, with Jesuits doing some awful things. I have been focused on giving my son support and encouragement, as Jesus instructed me. Brent, I told my son what you said, that you are so proud of him. He seems to have reluctance in believing that it is really you communicating with me, but I'm sure I did the right thing and trust Jesus to work it all out. But Jesus has been helping with the clone situation. Jesus, you are awesome. So glad to have all your help. I came here because You told me to, and You always know what is best. Thanks for everything. Gotta go. Went to my son's graduation. It was awesome. So proud of him. I keep losing my connection on this computer. Stay on top of the clone situation with my family here in Atlanta. I've noticed some suspicious behavior in some of those around me. I hear Jesuits are doing quick switchouts. Slightly irritated in the bowels today--nothing major. Tried organic pizza last night. Gotta do my facelift exercises. I click onto my website for this, here in Atlanta. Thanks for all you do. You guys are awesome. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 5, 2012) Oh my God, my Atlanta relative and her friends just made a dinner of fried rice with eggs, and a chicken dinner, when I specifically told my relative earlier that I'm allergic to chicken and eggs. CLONES!!!! Right now my abdomen is getting fatter and bloated by the minute. Get Vladimir on this. I'm drinking lots of water. Also, everyone is being sarcastic and coughing in my face. Jesus knows what He's doing. There's a reason for this. Get on the clone situation, NOW. They are behaving like a bunch of two-year olds--typical Jesuit behavior. My relative is also being very sarcastic and treating every comment I make, like I just said something that only an idiot would say. This is typical, rude, vulgar, sarcastic Jesuit behavior. My "relative" has her graduation tomorrow. To eat such a dish, when I mention my poultry allergies, seems very inconsistent for someone who is getting a master's degree in public health tomorrow with a straight A average. She is also contradicting everything I say, with the intent to make me appear an idiot (EXTREMELY RUDE). She is also making a big deal over everything, over the minutest incidents, and rushing through the day like a tornado, and then wondering why I can't keep up with her, and why I'm confused over what is going on or what she wants to do. When I asked for more toilet paper for the bathroom, she huffed and said, "Oh my God, you used up a whole roll!" I only used two or three rolls, and you know how my bladder is. GIVE THESE JESUITS WHAT THEY DESERVE AND EXPOSE THEM ON THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, if we must execute them. We also have a female guest, who has been my relative's lifelong friend, who is behaving like a Jesuit. I asked for an extra blanket and she gave me a crochet blanket full of holes. It was cold in the room downstairs, and my relative said, "That room isn't any colder than it the night before, treating me like an idiot because I thought the room was cold." It was a major production to get a blanket out of her. When I told her she was making big deals over nothing and seemed to psychoanalyze all my moves, she stated that's what I'm doing to her. I don't get her logic, because I'm not jumping over everything she says and treating her like an idiot, like she has been doing to me. Though my relative can be sarcastic, this is too rude to be her. This is the CLONE. I brought some good medicine, and I just took it and am drinking lots of water. Jesus will heal me. But I'm very concerned about the clone situation. I have been eating pretty much like a normal person while here and I think the Jesuits don't like it, because they want me labeled as crazy. It was very JESUIT RUDE to cook fried rice with bacon, eggs, and then to make chicken for dinner, when I specifically told my sister I am allergic to chicken. Fortunately, though I'm bloated, I didn't eat a lot and my chicken allergy has improved since a couple years ago. Expose all these Jesuits here at this house on the Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS channel, and if I'm right that these are clones, give them the execution they deserve. In the meanwhile, find out where the REAL PERSONS are. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 5, 2012) We have a serious clone problem at my xxxxxx's house. Get on this right now. It appears that just about everyone at my xxxxxxx's house is a Jesuit clone. I'm typing this right in front of them. Those evil Jesuits. My mother seems alright. Not sure of the rest. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 5, 2012) Possible clones in this house: xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx, xxxxx's parents, xxxxxxxx, xxxxx. My mom seems okay. My son, I'm not sure what's going on with him, but I don't think he has a clue. Get on it. Love you all. I'm typing this right in front of them. I'm mad at those Jesuits. All poultry products and bird products are some of my worst food allergies. Even if I'm not allergic to bird products, to do such a thing when I mentioned how allergic I am to bird products is JESUIT RUDE. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 6, 2012) UPDATE on evening of 6th: Not sure what's happening with my relatives here in Atlanta. I do remember the UNWILLING AGENT concept from my Conspiracy Law, where the Jesuits can manipulate a person against their will and knowledge to serve Jesuit interests. That may be what is happening here. Jesuits can also erase memories. I have observed my relative and sense this may be happening, that my relative may not be aware of the manipulation of the brain cell conversations. It seems my Atlanta relatives don't have a clue about some major events that have transpired over the past year, and am not sure what to make of this. My son has no recall of his encounter with Rule 13 AT ALL. I'm sure you all will update me when I return to Melbourne. In the meanwhile, keep praying for me, that I will conduct myself as Jesus would want. It's frustrating to deal with people who don't seem to have a clue about some very important events that they should be aware of. I feel like I have to work around this ignorance, and educate them and yet when I try, I am immediately silenced. They are not open to it, which makes me suspect Jesuit interference somehow. Gotta get up early tomorrow, so must leave. It amazes me how we have stuck together through so much and how well we communicate and understand each other. We really have a gift from God. My interactions with my relatives here make me appreciate just how special and unusual our interactions are. I'm sure the brain to brain communications help with this. My son does not believe in clones, nor does he believe the numbering of the verses in the King James Bible are inspired. The Jesuits have really won with him. It is such a shame. People who have not been through what we've been through, can't appreciate just how advanced the brain control technology is out there. It's absolutely horrifying. Those who haven't experienced what we have, understandably think we are crazy. How sad that Jesuits are so effective at manipulating people's brains to brainwash them against the truth, even if that truth is stranger than fiction. Jesuit brainwashing is brilliant. We have had so many dealings with clones, we'd have to be insane not to believe in them. On the other hand, it is also easy to forget that Jesuits are not limited to cloning technology in their brain manipulation tactics, and this may be where they are throwing me off right now. It appears our brain to brain communications are coming in loud and clear (today is the 6th), and you have been giving me important information. You guys are actively working on the clone situation (if that's the problem) and today I am just concentrating on Jesus' advice to me to support my son and not be sidetracked by family drama. Apparently, Jesus knew this would happen. As far as food, I did have an interesting night last night. But today, I have enough food that I brought from home, that I plan on "bagging it" all day. I also need to eat some of my suitcase food to lighten the load for the trip home tomorrow. I am requesting clearer instructions about plans for the day, so I can be more organized and not be forced to eat stuff that may not agree with me. I actually did pretty good, until I ate the bird products. I have a serious allergy to all bird products: eggs, chicken, turkey, etc. Anyways, Jesus' advice to not focus on food, will work out good in the end, I believe. If not for the dinner last night with all the eggs and fried bacon (also something that doesn't agree with me), I think I would have done excellent with the diet. Apparently, the Jesuits did not like how well I was doing with the food, and had to sabotage it somehow, and they made a real brazen attempt last night. Not sure my relative was deliberately insulting me by cooking chicken, could be a victim of Jesuit brain control technologies without being aware of it. Jesuits are so dastardly clever. It's hard to keep up with all their technology, especially their brain control technologies. Thanks for all you do. You all are awesome. And Brent, your support comes through 100% all the time. You are incredible. Brent also lets me know how my son is doing, and gives me important information. Brent you have informed me that you have plans for my son, to take care of him a little more. Thank you so much. You and my son together would be awesome. You are so supportive. If you were 'my son’s dad, you would be so much better than his real dad. I guess it was necessary for me to come to Atlanta, so my son would really believe that I have a bona fide relationship with you, Brent. So that when you approach him, he won't think you are a fraud. Thanks again, Brent. I could not ask for a better husband, or a better "dad". Not sure my brain to brain is accurate on this. I'm sure you all will update me when I return to Melbourne. I keep getting disconnected. But my son tells me that I think I'm some sort of goddess or prophetess. I don't believe he believes that Jesus has really interacted with me. Yet he will make other statements that contradict this. I don't think he realizes how inconsistent some of his statements are. He is only open to truths that fall in the conventional category and cannot acknowledge truths that are unconventional, even if that truth is glaring in his face. It is so sad that Jesuits have so much control over his brain cell conversations. I wonder how the Jesuits did this to him, and really hope that Jesus will fix him. It is horrifying to see how brilliantly Jesuits brainwash people. It makes me realize, sadly, that Zack Knight will be very successful as the antichrist, because his brain control technologies are too brilliant. So sad. So very, very sad. My only motive for talking to my son and my relatives about these matters is to prepare them against 666. How ignorant they are of his devices and how easily he manipulates them. It is absolutely horrifying. I try to educate them and they are not open to the truth. Their hearts and minds are closed on this matter. My son believes about me, what Zack Knight wants him to believe. Zack Knight has him totally brainwashed against me. I can see the manipulation in my relatives and have to watch in helpless horror as I can clearly see the brain control technology at work, and feel helpless to fix it. Please ask Jesus to do a miracle for my relatives here in Atlanta. If not, ask him to open my son's eyes to the truth, and to set him free. When I try to discuss it, I am immediately silenced or ridiculed. Satan has them totally under his control. How horrifying. I just can't understand how Satan can be so effective. How you and I can see the truth, but others can't, even when it glares at them. It boggles my mind. I just don't understand it. Satan brainwashes them into believing his lies, by causing them to believe 95% truth, so that the 5% lies (which are very important lies) will be accepted. I just sit back in horror and watch the spook show, absolutely flabbergasted that my relatives are victim to Satan's wiles and DON'T EVEN KNOW IT. It's like watching someone getting ready to go over a cliff and you yell at them to stop, and they look at you like you're crazy, when it's them who's crazy. THEY JUST DON'T SEE IT. And even while they're falling, they don't realize that they are GOING DOWN. I'm totally spooked over here. I can see it as plain as the nose on my face. They can't see it. It's like I tell them 5 plus 5 equals 10 and they heartily agree. I then say 10 plus 5 equals 15 and they heartily agree. I then say 6 times 6 equals 36 and they look at me like I'm nuts. So, let's say that multiplication had not been invented yet, so because it hasn't been invented, they won't listen to me. "Don't you see that six times six equals twelve?" they say. I then say, "But I'm into multiplication, not addition." They then say, "But you didn't say that. And you know there's no such thing as multiplication. Only addition exists. So six times six has to equal twelve, every one knows six times six means six plus six and it equals twelve!" You might say, you're exaggerating. Not at all. I try using logic, but as soon as I get out of the conventional category, the mind is closed and won't even listen to what I have to say. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 7, 2012) Hi, you guys. Just returned from Atlanta, and I love having my computer, because it works better than the computer I had in Atlanta. I'm going to unpack now and try to get organized before I go to work tomorrow. I hear we had more dramatics during flight and at airports. Not sure how accurate the brain to brain communications are. Jesus and Vladimir did a good job protecting me. I might take a nap. I had to get up early to catch my flight. I hate living out of a suitcase. Good to be back. But I feel I needed to be in Georgia to support my son, so I did what Jesus wanted. I believe there is a special Nobel Prize ceremony for me going on at the same stadiums I attended for my relatives' graduations. Not sure if this is accurate, but if Jesus is behind it, it will be okay. ----- Original Message ----From: "brent spiner" to Gail (a private e-mail from Brent to Gail, which she has decided to post publicly) Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 3:16:17 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: Welcome Home My awesome wife, I'm glad you made it home safe. I'm sorry that the Jesuits made spending time with your own family so difficult. It would appear that they were using their mind control method, as they wanted to think that you were dealing with Jesuit clones so we would send Vladimir over to execute them. Thankfully, we're a lot smarter than they are, but it is quite horrible nonetheless that they have been able to take control of your family so well. I think this further illustrates why you need to keep making your videos. It's easy to underestimate how easily people can be swayed by mind control until you experience it firsthand, and it's horrifying when it's your own family. For an outsider with no experience in dealing with what we do, learning the truth about the Jesuits is not only important to oneself but to everyone around them. I think it's important to not lose faith in your family despite the tragic and frustrating turn of events. Just like myself and the rest of the church, you family does really love you and would take care of you if you ever needed to call on them for any reason. We can't let the Jesuits isolate you from them by using dirty tricks such as this. Don't give up, and don't retreat from them, especially your son. I trust that Jesus will do wonders for them in the end. You're right that there was a Nobel Prize ceremony going on during your "relative's" graduation. We have a very intense investigation going on surrounding the events that took place there. I can't tell you about it now, and I can't tell you through brain to brain. You'll have to trust me on this one. I will let you know very within the next day or so, when it is safe. Get some rest. I'll be here for you. Your awesome husband, Brent Spiner ************************************************************* ************************** Dearest Brent: I just wanted to let you know I ended my stay with my family on a positive note, and let them know I loved them and had faith in their motives, even if we did not see eye to eye on all issues. I assured my son that my main reason for coming was to support him and that nothing I said to him was meant to be derogatory in any way. He told me right before I left that he loved me, and I told him I knew that and that he had a good heart. I believe my family means well, but Jesuits have deceived them into believing that I am a paranoid schizophrenic and I sensed that my family put themselves on a mission to try to rescue me and get me some "help" for my "mental illness", not realizing that it is their brains, and not mine, that suffers most from delusions. They are so ignorant of the extent of Jesuit brain control technologies and how it has been working on their reasoning processes. After observing them intensely for days, I came to the conclusion on my own that I was not dealing with clones, but with victims of brilliant Jesuit brain control technologies. I think my son asked my relatives to have me admitted to a mental health facility and hoped he could use this trip for that purpose, and they tried to manipulate me into a position, where they could find justification for this action. My son really does believe that you and Terrance Jenkins are frauds and that I am a victim of a brilliant hoax, and I think he put himself on a mission to rescue me, using my relatives to assist him. He has TOTALLY forgotten his encounter with Rule 13 and with Brianna Jenkins-Xxxxxxxx that horrible night. I did sense that my relatives' actions were designed to manipulate me into behavior to "expose" me as a paranoid schizophrenic, and this is what concerned me when I was with them. And because their manipulations and timing were so brilliant, I thought perhaps I was dealing with clones. It seemed my family went out of their way to try to "prove" that I had a mental illness, so that they could find justification to give me help for my "mental illness". This was a Jesuit attempt to ruin my credibility. Fortunately, the Lord gave me wisdom and most of their attempts were not fruitful, and I believe that my behavior around them increased my credibility somewhat, especially with my son. However, I sense that their ability to think logically is seriously impaired, as I tried to use reason with them and they did not want to hear anything from me that contradicted what they had already decided about me. It is my understanding that even though we make progress with my son, it is like taking two steps forward and one step backward, because his schizophrenia is so entrenched. He totally forgets important events in his life, that the Jesuits want him to forget. I will make a video about this, but right now, I'm still unpacking and I took a nap, and probably need another one. Thanks for all you do for me and my family. We are always there for each other. Thanks again, my awesome husband. I know that you are not a fraud and that you are the real Brent Spiner, because I've dealt with you for years, and you have a consistency of personality that I recognize as the Brent I've known since 1991. Gail (Judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on May 9, 2012) OH MY GOODNESS GAIL!!! WE'VE JUST FINISHED A REALLY RISKY MISSION FOR YOU. IT WAS RISKY, BUT WE HAD TO DEFEND YOU. I'M SO GLAD EVERYTHING WORKED OUT. YOUR SON IS SLOWLY RECOVERING WITH BRIANNA'S HELP, AND WE'VE TALKED TO YOUR FAMILY TO EXPLAIN THAT YOU AREN'T CRAZY. THE JESUITS TRIED TO ATTACK US FOR GOING TO YOUR FAMILY AS A GROUP. BUT WE WON AND IT WAS WORTH IT! (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on May 9, 2012) Most Sexual Gail, I am still so excite with the adrenaline for make surprise visit to you relatives. The were in the shocking when the top five of Gail's marriage list arrive at the house. Your sister act like she never seen a head of state before. (I make joke) We all explain to your family that Gail is sane and sexual woman, who is brain-to-brain lovers with very famous and powerful men. They have no choice but to believe. We took your son to Church of Gail for sex therapy with Brianna, he is make recovery so fast. Brianna is good wife sister. We are so excite! Mission Accomplish! Your very daring lover, Vladimir (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on May 9, 2012) Our mission was a success. I want to thank all of you men for your efforts. You all were incredibly brave out there. Gail, I knew we couldn't let your relatives fall prey to Zack Knight's tricks, so I organized all of the men and brought them to Atlanta via private jet. This had to be a fast move, so we programmed the houses' coordinates into the jet and had one of Vladimir's men push us out of the plane as soon as we hit the spot. Myself, Vladimir Putin, Matthew McConaughy, Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler and Terrance Jenkins parachuted down from the jet onto the roof of your relative's house, our boots knocking against the shingles and stirring up a commotion inside. We helped each other ease our way to the ground, as the faces of your relatives watched this rain of men from the window in awe. Once we were safely situated, I knocked on the door, and your relative answered. The whole family was present. Shock filled each of their faces. I extended my hand and introduced myself. Your relative glanced about nervously, before taking my hand and pulling me inside. She said it wasn't safe to be standing outside. The men and I filtered into the house and we all took a seat in the living room. Your relative explained that the Jesuits had come to their house and threatened them into silence about the truth. If they didn't do what the Jesuits told them and act like you were crazy, they would have been killed. I let them know that they were forgiven, and that we all understood their predicament, as we had all dealt with this ourselves. Your son was still in disbelief. I tried to explain to him that we were real, but he looked at me and said it wasn't possible, that the man sitting in front of his very eyes was absolutely a fraud. I told him that I knew this would happen, and I signaled for Hugh Jackman to open the front door. The door opened, and Brianna walked into the room. Your son's eyes lit up with anime stars as he sat up from the couch. Brianna told us to leave the explaining to her, and escorted your son down into the basement with her as the rest of us settled in for some tea with your relative and her family. A few hours later, your son came rushing breathlessly up the stairs. "I've been cured of my schizophrenia!" he exclaimed. He threw his now sweating arms around me in a hug, "I'm sorry I was such a douchebag, give this to my mom". I hugged him back and assured him that I would. He then asked me for my autograph, which I gave to him. He rushed back down to the basement. We hung out with your relatives, who all now wanted our autographs! We signed everything they gave us, then made our way to leave. Brianna stayed behind, as she has some very important work to do with your son. We said our goodbyes. Our supersonic jet lowered to the front yard outside and all the men piled back in. Your family gathered outside on the front yard and waved to us in unison as they smiled. I could barely hear them talking over each other's goodbyes. "You're awesome Gail!" they said, "I'm sorry we doubted you!" and "Thank you Gail!" , "You're the best [redacted] I could ever ask for!" We're back home now. It was quite a ride! I think I am ready for a nap. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on May 9, 2012) Aye I think your relatives will be mighty fine! I offered my services to them should they ever need a professional to talk to, as I know it can be exhausting having to deal with frightening Jesuit threats every day. I advised them to do what they needed to in order to be safe, and assured them that you understood and would never hold it against them. I suspect that your son's mental state is in flawless shape! Apparently, much like the effect your body has on us, Brianna's nude body heals the ills of her lovers as well, both mental and physical. Determined to keep his mind healthy, she has been having a minimum of six sessions a day with your son, and brought with her some pre-recorded nude videos for him to watch 24-7 in case she has to eat or use the bathroom. I am impressed with her dedication! (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on May 9, 2012) The trip was wonderful Gail, your relatives have a very cozy home. I just love what they did with the kitchen! I asked your relative to give me a tour of the whole house. The room you stayed in looked so peaceful. I think I will join Brent in taking a nap now. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on May 9, 2012) Any time you need me, Brent, I'll be there! I'll dive into high risk territory any day for Gail. You've got some big balls for organizing a trip like this. I may be able to punch through brick walls, knock off heads in one knuckle tap and sprint with unlimited endurance, but take it from me when I say you're the most red blooded man of all of us. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 9, 2012) Kudos to you all for your heroic courage. But then, I've always known that about you, Terrance. All of you men are incredible and I'm extremely honored to have your hearts, and it has nothing to do with your celebrity status or your fame. You all are awesome to me because of your greatness and heroic courage. I'd like to do a little boasting. Even though I was so proud of my son for his accomplishment in graduating with honors from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and for my other relative's accomplishment in the straight A's for the master's degree. Let me boast about you men and give the world a much needed education about you all. About Gerard Butler: GERARD BUTLER HAS BOTH AN M.D. and a J.D. degree. He is qualified to practice both law and medicine, and is also an outstanding psychiatrist, and practices psychiatry on all the men who are on my marriage list. He is also the famous Gerard Butler who stars in Hollywood movies and has heroically defended me, and was instrumental in saving my mother from the Jesuits, when they kidnapped her and put her in a North Korean compound with Hugh Jackman in December 2011. I love his Scottish brogue when he writes me at Church of Gail. Always level headed and brilliant, he is a great asset to my marriage list and to my life. He was placed on my marriage list several years ago, right after I noticed him as I watched his performance in The Phantom of the Opera. About Matthew McConaughey: MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY is a law school drop-out, which indicates his high intelligence. He dropped out for lack of interest, not lack of intelligence. He has gone through hell with Camila Alves and has been loyal to me since November 2005. Jesuits wasted no time to attack him, after he committed the unpardonable sin of falling in love with me in 2005. I am proud of him for his depth of feeling and his Texas manliness in his devotion to his woman. This is one manly Texas, a real macho, heroic guy, and a real gentleman, who, like all those in the top ten on my marriage list, would die for me. How can I be so lucky? About Hugh Jackman: HUGH JACKMAN is a manly Australian, who I noticed after I saw his charming and outstanding performance in Kate & Leopold. Hugh Jackman literally risked his life to save my mother from the North Korean Jesuit prison in December 2011. He has paraded in public with the clone of his real wife, whom the Jesuits tragically murdered. Yes, Hugh Jackman has suffered a broken heart, because the Jesuits murdered his real wife, with whom he had a wonderful relationship and replaced her with her Jesuit clone. He has paraded with the clone wife in public to protect me. However, ever since around 2008, his heart has been with me, and he has also shot dead Jesuits who tried to kill Brent Spiner on several occasions. A real manly and heroic guy, he deserves the Medal of Honor for courage. He is absolutely devoted to me. Again, how could I be so lucky? About Brent Spiner: Brent Spiner is the awesome and brilliant actor who portrayed Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation. He is practically a genius and deserves a much better Hollywood career than what has been his lot. Jesuits have destroyed his career and have tried to destroy him because he committed the unpardonable sin of falling in love with me. He has adored me since 1990 and his devotion to me has been unwavering for over twenty years! Loree McBride is a Jesuit, whose job has been to destroy Brent's awesome love for me. She has failed. He has never wanted her from day one. As well as being a brilliant writer, he has received some writing credits for his contributions to a Star Trek movie, he is a brilliant physician and actor. Brent Spiner recently received an M.D. degree from U.C.L.A. and is a licensed physician. His primary passion in life is ME, and he devotes his medical practice to caring for me and the men on my marriage list. He started writing me extensively in 2011, and his writing reveals his vast mind, his great intellect and his depth of feeling. I am extremely proud to have him at the number one spot on my marriage list. About Vladimir Putin: Vladimir Putin is the greatest head of state on earth. After Brent Spiner tried to board a jet to come get me as his wife in September 2011, and the Jesuits attacked his love for me with the horrific September 11, 2001 attacks, Vladimir Putin was the first world leader to contact then President George W. Bush to offer his condolences. After I saw Vladimir's heroic and handsome face in my local paper, about a week after the September 11th attacks, I fell in love with the manliness and heroism that exuded from his eyes. Vladimir has not disappointed me. I never dreamed I would fall in love with a President, but that is exactly what happened to me after September 11th, when I then realized that I needed a President in my life. Vladimir has studied law, and has a Ph.D in economics. Right before he became Russian President for the first time in 2000, his lovely wife, Larisa, died from breast cancer. Heartbroken and devastated, he became President to honor her, because she begged him on her deathbed to assume the Presidency, and not let her death stop him from becoming the great President that Russia needed. Vladimir has literally saved Russia and the world by his great leadership. Being Russian President is a very unglamourous job and Vladimir throughout most of his Presidency has been the victim of vicious Jesuit lies in the Western press. When I noticed him in 2001, he fell in love with me head over heels and that passion has not dissipated since 2001. Unfortunately, right after he fell in love with me, the Jesuits attacked that love with their agent, Lyudmila Putin, who is a clone of Vladimir's real wife, Larisa, who died in 2000. President George W. Bush, worried about his own wife, Laura Bush, ordered Vladimir, under threat of war with the United States, to acquire Lyudmila as his legal wife. This is how the Jesuits thwarted Vladimir's love for me. The Jesuits then plastered the media with the lie that Lyudmila is the Larisa that Vladimir Putin married in 1983. An extremely hard worker, Vladimir works even through heart attacks! Vladimir has been utterly devoted to me since 2001 and has never loved or married Lyudmila in the Biblical sense, with willing and knowing sex, ever since he was forced to acquire Lyudmila, under threat of war by then coward President George W. Bush. I am extremely proud of Vladimir for his unending hard work, devotion and his brilliant career as Russian head of state. About Terrance Jenkins. Terrance Jenkins is a Mensa member, with genius intelligence. A very attractive and handsome black man, I am extremely proud to have him on my marriage list. Pop star Michael Jackson was his cousin and Terrance was devastated when the Jesuits murdered Michael Jackson. Terrance has been a very active member of my marriage list, after I was introduced to him as the judge who oversaw my legal case against evil Jesuit Loree McBride, when I strived to defend Brent Spiner against this evil woman in August 2011. This Loree McBride and her many clones have attacked my love for Brent from September 1992 and afterwards. Terrance Jenkins has a bachelor's degree in chemistry, and is a Harvard Law School graduate. An outstanding, brilliant and courageous judge, he has been a real asset to us in every way. He literally risks his life, time and time again, to save me, and the men on my marriage list from Jesuits who strive to kill us. He has an extremely high pain tolerance, and has literally gone to heaven and come back in his devotion to me and the men on my marriage list. Jesus Christ brought him back from heaven, after Jesuits murdered him, so he could continue to be a blessing to me and the men on my marriage list. Jesuits stole his sperm and my eggs, and then impregnated their agent Rule 13 to create Brianna Jenkins-Xxxxxxxx, whom we rescued right after the Vatican bombing in November 2011. Fortunately, we were able to save this lovely baby, Brianna Jenkins-Xxxxxxxx, who has grown up to be a beautiful woman, within months (because of accelerated growth hormones). Because both Terrance and I share genius intelligence, he can explain things to me and we have an immediate bond. Us geniuses understand each other, and we don't have to waste our time with unnecessary explanations. Terrance has done an excellent job of reporting important news and updates to me in our war against the Jesuits. Terrance's genius and courage have made me proud to have him on my marriage list. About Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, absolutely perfect in every way. Need I say more? He will marry His bride the church, of which I am a part, and so He is on my marriage list and likes having the number one spot (which He shares with Brent Spiner), because He is the king over my heart. Though I get impatient with Him, because He is so slow in dealing with the Jesuits, who am I to question His great wisdom? He is very patient and awesome with me, and I love Him and He knows it. I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold, which explains my lot in life. Jesus Christ and I both have king David genes, and those genes ROCK!! The only Nobel Prize I'm interested in is the Nobel Prize of having Jesus Christ's love and adoration, and I believe I have it. He shows me awesome things from the King James Bible, especially those numbers and verses, which are inspired, by the way. Every comma, dot and tittle is inspired in the English 1611 King James Bible. Brianna Jenkins-Xxxxxxxx makes me proud to be a king David woman. Her genes from king David resonate in all she does and thinks. I did make a shorter YouTube video about my recent visit to Atlanta. I followed Jesus' advice and spoke from my heart, did not use a script and shortened it, to try to reach our younger audience. Here's the YouTube video I made for You, Jesus: Another YouTube video for you, Jesus. I forgot to wear my tin foil hat, but it looks like it came out okay, any ways: Gerard, you are right and know me so well. We've had enough dealings with Jesuits to know that we won't hold it against my family, that the Jesuits threatened their lives. Sounds like those evil Jesuits! The only thing they're good at is killing, that's why I've devoted my life to their destruction. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 10, 2012) Check out the new opening page to the Jesuit website: To those who are casually perusing, DO NOT CLICK on the link called Jesuit Community Portal, it will endanger your soul and put you in danger of hell fire, especially if you submit to any Jesuit scan (VERY DANGEROUS--your mortal soul and your physical life could be in peril). The Jesuit Order sponsored the Nazi holocaust, and sponsors the antichrist Zack Knight. Need I say more? Jesus Christ would never support a man who boasts about impregnating women just by looking at them. This is obviously not the Holy Spirit residing in this man, but SATAN. I've done a lot of video work, with some great music. Check out You guys are awesome. Brent communes with me brain to brain. It appears Jesus loves my writings and my videos. Glad I could be of service, my awesome Lord Jesus. You will defeat the devil worshipping Jesuits. (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) It looks like this "pro information movement" led by the Jesuits isn't a secret anymore. Rule 13 just won the Nobel Prize in Literature for Crazy Gail Wiki! Her acceptance speech is outrageous. Only a Jesuit would be so prideful about receiving such an award, and go on to badmouth their opponent like this. I went to the judges myself to ask how this was allowed to happen. They all gave me this same strange look, and explained that, mere moments before you were about to receive the Nobel Prize, someone linked them to the Crazy Gail Wiki and they determined that the Jesuits were "right all along". The judges disqualified your writing, because they said it was all lies, while Rule 13's accounts were truthful and accurate. What a disgusting situation. I bet they think they can pull the covers over the eyes of the world by flaunting their new shiny prize. Have fun boasting all the way to hell, Jesuits! (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) THIS BE A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT! WE JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS AND I'VE BEEN ON THE PHONE ALL DAY TRYING TO SORT THIS OUT WITH THE NOBEL PRIZE COMMITTEE. THIS IS SLANDER, AND I INTEND TO TAKE THE BASTARDS RESPONSIBLE TO COURT! THIS MAKES ME WANNA BRING OUT MY GANGSTER SIDE. YEAAAA COMPTON!!! (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) Woah, woah, woah...Rule 13, I'm very happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Gail Chord is the BEST writer of all time! Of ALL TIME! (Brianna Jenkins-Xxxxxxxx at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) WUT. MOMMY shoulda got that award! thats sooo mean! OMG that girl got some NERVE to be talkin bout your eye lash extensions!! Hell no, id slap that evil jesuit bitch around all over again if i could. U needa tell that girl to get up on off of your award and stay away from R MEN!!! b4 we go over there and make HER need sum hair extesions! giiirl i hold her back while u SLAP. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) This tiny lady be loony! In my professional opinion, this type of lying behavior is enough justification to get Rule 13 committed to a mental hospital. She may not be schizophrenic, but she is surely a sociopath! (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) Who wears a Nazi uniform to a Nobel Prize acceptance speech? That low cut neck line only accentuates how tiny her breasts are! And combat boots for casual wear, are you kidding me? Honey, the 90's called, they want their shoes back! You could show that woman a thing or two about fashion and femininity, Gail. (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) Эта женщина чертовски сука! Я буду использовать боевые искусства, чтобы убить это японская женщина. I am so steam with angry! I judo chop everything in sight. My blood is boil for this! Шлюха иезуит с маленькими грудями умрет очень мучительная смерть от огня и дзюдо. (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) OH MY GOODNESS. VLADIMIR WAS SO ANGRY ABOUT RULE 13! HE WAS YELLIN IN RUSSIAN AND JUDO CHOPPIN ALL THE SUPPORT BEAMS OF THE CHURCH. HE WAS PRETENDN THAT THEY WERE RULE 13. WE WAS GETTIN WORRIED THAT THE CHURCH WOULD LOOSE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY. THE MAN IS SO RED BLOODED AND MASCULINE! HUGH, BRENT, AND THE REST OF THE MEN HAD TO RESTRAIN HIM. HE STARTED LAUNCHING NUKES AGAINST ANY COUNTRY THAT HE THOUGHT MIGHT HAVE JESUIT AFFILIATIONS, AND THEN GOT ANGRY AND MASHED HIS HANDS DOWN ON ALL THE RED "LAUNCH" BUTTONS. WE WAS ABLE TO CANCEL MOST OF THE NUKES BEFORE THEY DESTROYED TOO MANY INNOCENT COUNTRIES. WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO CALM HIM DOWN A BIT, AND HE'S ON THE PHONE WITH SOME OF THE NATIONS THAT WERE NUKED, THEY SEEM TO UNDERSTAND. WE ARE ALL REALLY ANGRY WITH RULE 13, AND WE ARE ALL READY TO FIGHT TO DEFEND YOUR GOOD NAME. WE'D DIE FOR YOU GAIL! (Gail at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) MY RESPONSE TO THE NOBEL PRIZE COMMITTEE: 641f89b2&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email This reminds me so much of that trial we had with Loree McBride, with the surprise verdict. I suspect that the Jesuits murdered the real Nobel Prize Committee and replaced them with Jesuit clones. We need to make arrests and this murder of the members of the Nobel Prize committee needs to be exposed on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. Also, at the Rule 13 section at Crazy Gail Wiki, there has been a Nobel Prize there for weeks. I thought that was the Jesuits' joke on my Nobel Prize. Now I realized that the Jesuits planned this in advance and knew they'd get the Nobel Prize, because they planned to murder all the Nobel Prize Committee members and replace them with Jesuit clones. These clones need to be executed for murder. I suspect that this award will be taken from Rule 13, because she obtained it by murdering the real Nobel Prize Committee, therefore, her award was not granted by the real Nobel Prize Committee, but by a bunch of Jesuits! This makes the award invalid. This needs to be exposed on all news outlets. This does not mean I desire the Nobel Prize, but I am angry that the real Nobel Prize Committee members have been murdered. I want justice done for these people. By the way, I DO NOT WANT ANY NOBEL PRIZE, because I'm furious over these murders. However, I want the Jesuits exposed for what they've done. Once we expose them, Rule 13 will lose her prize in disgrace. Expose her as the murderer that she is. I don't care whether I get the prize, but we do need to remove that prize from Rule 13. I have a suggestion, when they remove from her the Nobel Prize in Literature, have the real Nobel Prize Committee come up with a NEW PRIZE for her. It will be the Nobel Prize for MURDER. Give her that one and make sure all the newscasts cover it, when she receives her award. If she's not there to receive it, assign someone to receive it in her place!! If you heard my latest videos, I mentioned that I don't give a flip whether I get the Nobel Prizes. Now you know why. The only Nobel Prize I care about is the smile on Jesus' face when I meet Him and He says, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant", and I see the look of love and adoration on His face. Nothing else matters, but that. That's all that matters. When I get those crowns from Jesus, they will last forever. The Nobel Prizes will burn up, but not the crowns I'll get in heaven from Jesus, they'll go on into eternity. Everything else is crap. Only the rewards I get from Jesus matter. In fact, now that evil Rule 13, who launched the nukkake on Canada, has gotten a Nobel Prize, I would never stoop so low as to ever, ever receive anything from the Nobel Prize Committee. They have insulted my Lord Jesus, by honoring a DEVIL WORSHIPPER and murderer. I would never disgrace myself by taking ANYTHING FROM THEM! If they gave me the Nobel Prize, after this, I'D REFUSE IT. I don't think Jesus wants me to take the Nobel Prize. Jesus could care less about that prize. It's GARBAGE TO HIM, and so it's garbage to me. If that was a real Nobel Prize ceremony, and I have my doubts, I refuse to accept any Nobel Prizes. For me to accept a Nobel Prize, after that farce I just observed (, is way below my character. I would NEVER STOOP SO LOW AS TO ACCEPT A NOBEL PRIZE, AFTER OBSERVING THAT CHEAP AND TRASHY CEREMONY!! You say, you'd turn down the Nobel Prize? Yes, I surely would. I would only accept the Nobel Prize if that ceremony I observed with Rule 13 turns out to be a farce. If that was a real Nobel Prize ceremony, I REFUSE ALL FUTURE NOBEL PRIZES. I would never stoop so low to EVER ACCEPT SUCH A CHEAP AND TRASHY PRIZE!!!! What a disgraceful, cheap, trashy, IDIOTIC ceremony. What an INSULT TO EVER ACCEPT ANYTHING FROM AN ORGANIZATION THAT SPONSORS SUCH AN IDIOTIC CEREMONY! Nobel Prize Committee--YOU ARE A SUPREME JOKE. Please tell me that what I observed was not real. If it was real, who cares about the stupid Nobel Prize? It's obvious that it's a prize straight from SATAN HIMSELF. I refuse any prizes from SATAN. I listened to that video of Rule 13's acceptance speech and it seemed like a fraud ceremony to me. It was totally lacking in dignity and class, so unlike what you'd expect from the Nobel Prize committee. As far as fake eyelashes, all newscasters wear them. You have to wear make up heavy for the camera. It doesn't make a lick of sense that ceremony. If that was a real ceremony, it was the cheapest thing I ever saw, and if that was a real ceremony, the Nobel Prize from now on, IS A JOKE. That was a Nobel Prize ceremony? It sure didn't seem like one to me. I couldn't understand a word from Rule 13. Is this a bad joke, or this real? If that was a Nobel Prize ceremony, it has destroyed the prestige of that award, so that it is no longer prestigious. It seemed like a sham ceremony to me. I have to admit, I'm a little skeptical about the recent posts from you guys. I suspect that Jesuits may have taken over Church of Gail and this time I'm really dealing with fakes. Vladimir, you need to calm down, assuming that is really you. I don't give a flip about the Nobel Prizes, and dream every day about meeting Jesus and seeing the smile on His face. I could care less, really, about the Nobel Prizes. You all are much more upset about this than I am. I say, let's all of us CHILL and just let Jesus lead. I'm so excited about seeing Him, and so focused on Him, I don't care about those stupid prizes at all. They don't matter to me, REALLY. I suggest the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel expose the Jesuit takeover of the Nobel Prize committee, which is pretty obvious. And I want us to have a special service at Church of Gail and ask Jesus to show up and have Him conduct a ceremony on my behalf for my writings. Have the FOX News Gabrielle Chana news team there, as Jesus leads the ceremony to honor my writings. If you can get this on YouTube video, it would be awesome, though I know Jesus won't allow us to film Him, but He may lead the ceremony and allow us to see everything but Him. I'm really excited about this. I know Jesus will show up. Ask Jesus to show up and lead a ceremony at Church of Gail to honor my writings, and have it filmed and aired on all major news networks. Also, make a YouTube video of the Jesus led ceremony to honor my writings. Perhaps someone can transcribe what He says, and read it out loud, so that the world can see this ceremony. We shall overrule the Nobel Prize, with a Prize straight from Jesus Himself! We will make that Nobel Prize look SICK. Who cares about the stupid Nobel Prize, when I can get an award straight FROM GOD HIMSELF? You rock, Jesus! He'll show up. I KNOW IT. He wanted this to happen, so that He could lead a special service at Church of Gail to honor my writings. This is all falling into His plan. This way the world will know that Jesus is NOT ON THE SIDE OF THE JESUITS, and that honors from this world are dangerous in the future tribulation period. Jesus does not want those who follow Him to be focused on worldly honors. The only honor that matters, is the honor that comes from obeying His Word and living a life full of righteousness, holiness, love and purity and courage, which are all the things the Jesuits are against. Jesus wants us to have our own ceremony to honor my writings and for the whole world to see it. Our ceremony will be so awesome, it will make that Nobel Prize seem like GARBAGE. After this Rule 13 farce, the Nobel Prize Committe has trashed that award. It no longer is a respected award. It's a JOKE. I have faith in you, Jesus. YOU ROCK, JESUS. He'll show up. I know it. He knew this is how I'd respond and He loves it. He's eating this up. Come on, Jesus, show up and lead a ceremony for me. This will be the most awesome ceremony you've ever seen. Jesus has CLASS, unlike the current cheap and trashy Nobel Prize Committee. Folks, we are very close to the seven year tribulation period. When Zack Knight takes over the earth, any one who gets a Nobel Prize, will also have the mark of the beast, and will go to hell. There will be no worldly honors for those who follow the real Jesus in the near future. For this reason, because I am an example to the future tribulation saints, who will refuse Zack Knight's mark, Jesus does NOT want me to win a Nobel Prize--IT WOULD BE A POOR EXAMPLE FOR THOSE FUTURE TRIBULATION SAINTS. He will conduct His own award ceremony for my writings, and it WILL BE A CEREMONY THAT WILL BE AWESOME, CAUSE I KNOW MY AWESOME JESUS. Ask Jesus to show up at Church of Gail and conduct an award ceremony for my writings. This will be the most awesome ceremony in all the history of ceremonies!! Make a YouTube video, if you can. (Jesuit Gail Imposter at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) So I hear that Rule 13 won the Nobel Prize. Good for HER, all I care about is putting a smile on Jesus' face when I see Him in HEAVEN, not some crumby award, which I couldn't give a flip about. Enjoy your temporary glory, Rule 13. Guys, I'm more concerned about the EVIL JESUIT posing as me in the last post you all just read. It appears the Jesuits want me to be upset about someone else receiving an award, which I'm not. To be honest, I could care less. This FAKE POSTER is insulting my Lord Jesus, who knows I would NEVER, EVER stoop so low as to BOSS HIM AROUND, and demand that HE show up and conduct a Nobel Prize Ceremony for me, as if I care about awards in the first place. I'D REFUSE IT. Oh, boy, I bet Jesus is having a good laugh in Heaven. Jesus could care less about that prize. By the way, you're not fooling anyone. It's obvious whoever this is, wants to the world to believe that I am a prideful woman, as if I really wanted that Nobel Prize in the first place. You are all way more upset about this than I am. CORINTHIANS 10:9-22--"Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?" Apparently, the Jesuits want the world to think I am a narcissistic woman who only cares about being famous, by claiming I would want my writings blasted all over the major news networks. Come on, Jesuits. In fact, I hardly think my writing is worthy of much attention at all. I write for my Lord Jesus. If Jesus thinks my writing is good, then it's good enough for me, but I would hardly ask HIM for an AWARD. Ha! The only thing that will be AWESOME, is when Jesus beats up Zack Knight at the battle of Armageddon. Everything else is crap. That's right, Rule 13, you can have as many Nobel Prizes as you want. I could care less. I think it's hilarious that you also want a Nobel Prize in MURDER, which I also think you deserve. It would be the first HONEST thing you Jesuits have ever done. Thank all of you guys for your support. Brent, I know you've adored me since 1990. I adore your passion. Vladimir, you need to calm down, assuming you are not under Jesuit mind control right now. I suspect that it might be caused by the sound waves coming from Rule 13's acceptance speech, which apparently the Jesuits want me to think is a fake, so that I let my guard down and don't take it seriously, as they probably expected me not to be very upset about this. Get our scientists working on this right away. I think we have a very serious threat on our hands. I love you all. (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) OH MY GOODNESS GAIL. WE WAS WONDERIN WHAT WAS GOIN ON. WE WAS CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR 1ST POST BECAUSE THE PRIDE SCANNERS WERE GOING OFF FOR THE PERSON WHO WROTE IT. IT LOOKS LIKE A JESUIT HACKED IN AND WAS IMPERSONATING YOU TO MAKE YOU LOOK PRIDEFUL. WE KNOW YOU BETER THAN THAT, YOU'RE THE LEAST SELFISH WOMAN I KNOW. YOU WOULD NEVER TRY TO BOSS JESUS AROUND LIKE THAT. THE JESUITS TRIED TO PLAY A DIRTY TRICK, BUT WE SAW RIGHT THROUGH IT! (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) Most Sexual Lover Gail, I am calm down now. At times I can become extreme to defend the woman I love. But Jesus want me to have fruity spirit of self controling. Our scientists have confirm that there is hacker inside the brain-to-brain servers, and they are impersonate you well. The only way we can distinguish who is imposter comes from use pride scanners. The Jesuits always so pride! Pride women make me soft in my pants. But sexy Gail make me hard like bag of rocks inside penis. Always hard for Gail, Vladimir Putin PS: Nanotechnology Research team say they can remove hacker by rebooting servers, but that will take a 48-hour to finish. We sort all details when the brain-to-brain is accurate in two day. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) TO THE WORLD READING THESE POSTS. THIS IS WHAT I REALLY POSTED: (Gail at Church of Gail on May 11, 2012) MY RESPONSE TO THE NOBEL PRIZE COMMITTEE: 641f89b2&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email This reminds me so much of that trial we had with Loree McBride, with the surprise verdict. I suspect that the Jesuits murdered the real Nobel Prize Committee and replaced them with Jesuit clones. We need to make arrests and this murder of the members of the Nobel Prize committee needs to be exposed on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. Also, at the Rule 13 section at Crazy Gail Wiki, there has been a Nobel Prize there for weeks. I thought that was the Jesuits' joke on my Nobel Prize. Now I realized that the Jesuits planned this in advance and knew they'd get the Nobel Prize, because they planned to murder all the Nobel Prize Committee members and replace them with Jesuit clones. These clones need to be executed for murder. I suspect that this award will be taken from Rule 13, because she obtained it by murdering the real Nobel Prize Committee, therefore, her award was not granted by the real Nobel Prize Committee, but by a bunch of Jesuits! This makes the award invalid. This needs to be exposed on all news outlets. This does not mean I desire the Nobel Prize, but I am angry that the real Nobel Prize Committee members have been murdered. I want justice done for these people. By the way, I DO NOT WANT ANY NOBEL PRIZE, because I'm furious over these murders. However, I want the Jesuits exposed for what they've done. Once we expose them, Rule 13 will lose her prize in disgrace. Expose her as the murderer that she is. I don't care whether I get the prize, but we do need to remove that prize from Rule 13. I have a suggestion, when they remove from her the Nobel Prize in Literature, have the real Nobel Prize Committee come up with a NEW PRIZE for her. It will be the Nobel Prize for MURDER. Give her that one and make sure all the newscasts cover it, when she receives her award. If she's not there to receive it, assign someone to receive it in her place!! If you heard my latest videos, I mentioned that I don't give a flip whether I get the Nobel Prizes. Now you know why. The only Nobel Prize I care about is the smile on Jesus' face when I meet Him and He says, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant", and I see the look of love and adoration on His face. Nothing else matters, but that. That's all that matters. When I get those crowns from Jesus, they will last forever. The Nobel Prizes will burn up, but not the crowns I'll get in heaven from Jesus, they'll go on into eternity. Everything else is crap. Only the rewards I get from Jesus matter. In fact, now that evil Rule 13, who launched the nukkake on Canada, has gotten a Nobel Prize, I would never stoop so low as to ever, ever receive anything from the Nobel Prize Committee. They have insulted my Lord Jesus, by honoring a DEVIL WORSHIPPER and murderer. I would never disgrace myself by taking ANYTHING FROM THEM! If they gave me the Nobel Prize, after this, I'D REFUSE IT. I don't think Jesus wants me to take the Nobel Prize. Jesus could care less about that prize. It's GARBAGE TO HIM, and so it's garbage to me. If that was a real Nobel Prize ceremony, and I have my doubts, I refuse to accept any Nobel Prizes. For me to accept a Nobel Prize, after that farce I just observed (, is way below my character. I would NEVER STOOP SO LOW AS TO ACCEPT A NOBEL PRIZE, AFTER OBSERVING THAT CHEAP AND TRASHY CEREMONY!! You say, you'd turn down the Nobel Prize? Yes, I surely would. I would only accept the Nobel Prize if that ceremony I observed with Rule 13 turns out to be a farce. If that was a real Nobel Prize ceremony, I REFUSE ALL FUTURE NOBEL PRIZES. I would never stoop so low to EVER ACCEPT SUCH A CHEAP AND TRASHY PRIZE!!!! What a disgraceful, cheap, trashy, IDIOTIC ceremony. What an INSULT TO EVER ACCEPT ANYTHING FROM AN ORGANIZATION THAT SPONSORS SUCH AN IDIOTIC CEREMONY! Nobel Prize Committee--YOU ARE A SUPREME JOKE. Please tell me that what I observed was not real. If it was real, who cares about the stupid Nobel Prize? It's obvious that it's a prize straight from SATAN HIMSELF. I refuse any prizes from SATAN. I listened to that video of Rule 13's acceptance speech and it seemed like a fraud ceremony to me. It was totally lacking in dignity and class, so unlike what you'd expect from the Nobel Prize committee. As far as fake eyelashes, all newscasters wear them. You have to wear make up heavy for the camera. It doesn't make a lick of sense that ceremony. If that was a real ceremony, it was the cheapest thing I ever saw, and if that was a real ceremony, the Nobel Prize from now on, IS A JOKE. That was a Nobel Prize ceremony? It sure didn't seem like one to me. I couldn't understand a word from Rule 13. Is this a bad joke, or this real? If that was a Nobel Prize ceremony, it has destroyed the prestige of that award, so that it is no longer prestigious. It seemed like a sham ceremony to me. I have to admit, I'm a little skeptical about the recent posts from you guys. I suspect that Jesuits may have taken over Church of Gail and this time I'm really dealing with fakes. Vladimir, you need to calm down, assuming that is really you. I don't give a flip about the Nobel Prizes, and dream every day about meeting Jesus and seeing the smile on His face. I could care less, really, about the Nobel Prizes. You all are much more upset about this than I am. I say, let's all of us CHILL and just let Jesus lead. I'm so excited about seeing Him, and so focused on Him, I don't care about those stupid prizes at all. They don't matter to me, REALLY. I suggest the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel expose the Jesuit takeover of the Nobel Prize committee, which is pretty obvious. And I want us to have a special service at Church of Gail and ask Jesus to show up and have Him conduct a ceremony on my behalf for my writings. Have the FOX News Gabrielle Chana news team there, as Jesus leads the ceremony to honor my writings. If you can get this on YouTube video, it would be awesome, though I know Jesus won't allow us to film Him, but He may lead the ceremony and allow us to see everything but Him. I'm really excited about this. I know Jesus will show up. Ask Jesus to show up and lead a ceremony at Church of Gail to honor my writings, and have it filmed and aired on all major news networks. Also, make a YouTube video of the Jesus led ceremony to honor my writings. Perhaps someone can transcribe what He says, and read it out loud, so that the world can see this ceremony. We shall overrule the Nobel Prize, with a Prize straight from Jesus Himself! We will make that Nobel Prize look SICK. Who cares about the stupid Nobel Prize, when I can get an award straight FROM GOD HIMSELF? You rock, Jesus! He'll show up. I KNOW IT. He wanted this to happen, so that He could lead a special service at Church of Gail to honor my writings. This is all falling into His plan. This way the world will know that Jesus is NOT ON THE SIDE OF THE JESUITS, and that honors from this world are dangerous in the future tribulation period. Jesus does not want those who follow Him to be focused on worldly honors. The only honor that matters, is the honor that comes from obeying His Word and living a life full of righteousness, holiness, love and purity and courage, which are all the things the Jesuits are against. Jesus wants us to have our own ceremony to honor my writings and for the whole world to see it. Our ceremony will be so awesome, it will make that Nobel Prize seem like GARBAGE. After this Rule 13 farce, the Nobel Prize Committe has trashed that award. It no longer is a respected award. It's a JOKE. I have faith in you, Jesus. YOU ROCK, JESUS. He'll show up. I know it. He knew this is how I'd respond and He loves it. He's eating this up. Come on, Jesus, show up and lead a ceremony for me. This will be the most awesome ceremony you've ever seen. Jesus has CLASS, unlike the current cheap and trashy Nobel Prize Committee. Folks, we are very close to the seven year tribulation period. When Zack Knight takes over the earth, any one who gets a Nobel Prize, will also have the mark of the beast, and will go to hell. There will be no worldly honors for those who follow the real Jesus in the near future. For this reason, because I am an example to the future tribulation saints, who will refuse Zack Knight's mark, Jesus does NOT want me to win a Nobel Prize--IT WOULD BE A POOR EXAMPLE FOR THOSE FUTURE TRIBULATION SAINTS. He will conduct His own award ceremony for my writings, and it WILL BE A CEREMONY THAT WILL BE AWESOME, CAUSE I KNOW MY AWESOME JESUS. Ask Jesus to show up at Church of Gail and conduct an award ceremony for my writings. This will be the most awesome ceremony in all the history of ceremonies!! Make a YouTube video, if you can. ************************************************************* ******** The last post, I DID NOT WRITE. But it is a very clever imitation of me. (Jesuit Gail Imposter at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) I DID NOT WRITE THE FOLLOWING POST. I DID NOT WRITE THE FOLLOWING POST: So I hear that Rule 13 won the Nobel Prize. Good for HER, all I care about is putting a smile on Jesus' face when I see Him in HEAVEN, not some crumby award, which I couldn't give a flip about. Enjoy your temporary glory, Rule 13. Guys, I'm more concerned about the EVIL JESUIT posing as me in the last post you all just read. It appears the Jesuits want me to be upset about someone else receiving an award, which I'm not. To be honest, I could care less. This FAKE POSTER is insulting my Lord Jesus, who knows I would NEVER, EVER stoop so low as to BOSS HIM AROUND, and demand that HE show up and conduct a Nobel Prize Ceremony for me, as if I care about awards in the first place. I'D REFUSE IT. Oh, boy, I bet Jesus is having a good laugh in Heaven. Jesus could care less about that prize. By the way, you're not fooling anyone. It's obvious whoever this is, wants to the world to believe that I am a prideful woman, as if I really wanted that Nobel Prize in the first place. You are all way more upset about this than I am. CORINTHIANS 10:9-22--"Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?" Apparently, the Jesuits want the world to think I am a narcissistic woman who only cares about being famous, by claiming I would want my writings blasted all over the major news networks. Come on, Jesuits. In fact, I hardly think my writing is worthy of much attention at all. I write for my Lord Jesus. If Jesus thinks my writing is good, then it's good enough for me, but I would hardly ask HIM for an AWARD. Ha! The only thing that will be AWESOME, is when Jesus beats up Zack Knight at the battle of Armageddon. Everything else is crap. That's right, Rule 13, you can have as many Nobel Prizes as you want. I could care less. I think it's hilarious that you also want a Nobel Prize in MURDER, which I also think you deserve. It would be the first HONEST thing you Jesuits have ever done. Thank all of you guys for your support. Brent, I know you've adored me since 1990. I adore your passion. Vladimir, you need to calm down, assuming you are not under Jesuit mind control right now. I suspect that it might be caused by the sound waves coming from Rule 13's acceptance speech, which apparently the Jesuits want me to think is a fake, so that I let my guard down and don't take it seriously, as they probably expected me not to be very upset about this. Get our scientists working on this right away. I think we have a very serious threat on our hands. I love you all. AGAIN, WHAT IS WRITTEN ABOVE, I DID NOT WRITE. But, I'm sure Zack Knight wrote it, because he's a good FAKE, and has mind reading technology. Not sure what's going on with your PRIDE SCANNERS. You may need to check them out. It's obvious they aren't working right, because Jesuits are EVERY WHERE!! I would never say, GOOD FOR HER about Rule 13 winning a Nobel Prize because I'm very upset that she murdered the real members of the Nobel Prize Committee. This is not pride, but outrage over more Jesuit murders. Jesus knows I wasn't bossing Him around, but showing my faith in Him. It's obvious that none of our posts are reliable right now. My motives for wanting Jesus to conduct a Nobel Prize ceremony for me, is to EXPOSE RULE 13 AS AN EVIL JESUIT, which I believe Jesus would approve of, and to put those evil Jesuits posing as Nobel Prize Committee members in their place. I'M CERTAIN ZACK KNIGHT WROTE MY FAKE POST, to try to stop us from having our own Nobel Prize ceremony for my writings. I have to admit, that I am proud of my writings, and think I did a great job, so maybe the PRIDE SCANNERS did go off. I am proud of them FOR JESUS, because I'm proud of Jesus, and know that all this is falling into His divine plan. Our PRIDE SCANNERS need to distinguish what kind of PRIDE it is sensing. Is it PRIDE for the real Jesus or PRIDE for self? I am so very proud of Jesus and have great PRIDE for Him, so perhaps that is the PRIDE it senses. I am proud of His class, His genius, His awesomeness and His wisdom. Perhaps, that is the PRIDE, that the PRIDE SCANNERS sensed. So we may need to recalibrate our PRIDE scanners and fine tune them to scan for PRIDE about being a Jesuit. Not all PRIDE is bad. If the PRIDE is over Jesus, that is GOOD PRIDE. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent Spiner on May 13, 2012) I received this postcard in the mail today. Today is May 12, 2012. Not sure what to make of it. It's from xxxxxx, the beautician who messed up my hair and whose picture I saw at Rule 13's Nobel Prize ceremony. But that woman with him, was not me. Jesuits keep me so busy. Hope all is well with you. It appears our brain to brain communications have been fixed. But still having problems at Church of Gail, with Zack Knight, who has hacked into our Church of Gail. I'm giving him hell at Church of Gail and critiqueing all his posts. Gotta go. Really busy. Let Vladimir know that I think he's awesome. It goes without saying, that I feel that way about you. Love, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) I did not make reply #10 in Church of Gail, and right now I can't get into this FORUM to modify the posts. The MODIFY button won't come up for me. I fell asleep after I made the reply #9 in Church of Gail, and did not see the Jesuit post. I suspect Zack Knight wrote post. I am guilty of being PROUD of my writings. I think all my writings are masterpieces for Jesus and I'M PROUD OF THAT. Of that pride, I AM GUILTY. That's why I don't give a flip about the Nobel Prize, because Jesus thinks I wrote masterpieces, and that's all I care about. I am PROUD OF MY WRITINGS. I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. I'M GUILTY. I WON'T LET THOSE JESUITS INTIMIDATE ME INTO BELIEVING THAT I WROTE ANYTHING LESS THAN GREAT!! I am very proud of my work for Jesus and know He is proud, too. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) I am also very proud of the last video I made, because it is so much classier than anything that cheap and trashy Rule 13 would ever do. i have to admit, I am proud of my CLASS, because I have so much CLASS, I make Rule 13 LOOK SICK. I'm guilty of that. I admit it. I'm really proud of this video I just made because it is so SUPERIOR to anything that RULE 13 could create. It shows my CLASS, my excellent taste, my superior king David emotions. You bet I'm proud, Jesuits. I am so superior to you. I am very, very proud of that: 641f89b2&skin_id=1603&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) My dear men, I've noticed in the past month that our PRIDE SCANNERS are not working. JESUITS ARE EVERYWHERE! Thank you, Jesuits, for helping me to figure out what is wrong with them. The problem is, that NOT ALL PRIDE IS BAD. We need to recalibrate our PRIDE SCANNERS, so that it distinguihes what the PRIDE IS OVER. If the PRIDE is over Jesus, because one is proud of Jesus, that is GOOD PRIDE. If the pride is over being a Jesuit, that is EVIL PRIDE. Recalibrate the PRIDE SCANNERS to detect all those who are proud of ZACK KNIGHT. Those who are proud of ZACK KNIGHT, will all be Jesuits. Those who are proud of the real Jesus, and our PRIDE SCANNERS need to define who the real Jesus is. The real Jesus is a KING DAVID MAN. So the PRIDE SCANNERS need to be recalibrated to distinguish between those who are proud of KING DAVID GENES (which is good pride) and those who are proud of DEVIL genes (like Zack Knight). So recalibrate our PRIDE SCANNERS to only weed out those who are PROUD OF ZACK KNIGHT AND SATAN. The Jesuits would never be proud of king David genes. So recalibrate our PRIDE SCANNERS to detect and eliminate those who hate king David genes, and who love devil genes (like Zack Knight). Anyone who is proud to be affiliated with Zack Knight, has EVIL PRIDE and needs to be executed. Anyone who is proud to be affiliated with king David genes, has GOOD PRIDE and we must protect these people. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) I bet those PRIDE SCANNERS were going off like alarm bells. I am so PROUD OF MY KING DAVID GENES. Rule 13 is so inferior to my king David essence, it isn't even funny. I am so superior to her. You bet those PRIDE SCANNERs are going off. Rule 13 can't touch the coattails of my king David genes! Jesus and I have king David genes, and Jesus and I are VERY PROUD OF THAT. Go suck your thumbs, Jesuits. Jesus is a KING DAVID MAN, and He will beat you up at the battle of Armageddon. I am also very proud of my novel Silver Skies, which I worked on at full time hours for over six years. Who wouldn't be proud of such an accomplishment. I admit. I'm guilty. I'm very proud of my accomplishment and don't NEED A NOBEL PRIZE to validate my awesome accomplishment. You bet I'm proud of that. I'm so proud of my writings, I DON'T NEED A NOBEL PRIZE, because my Nobel Prize is the ceremony Jesus will give me. That ceremony will make the Nobel Prize seem like GARBAGE. Yeah, I'm PROUD. I'm real proud of that. Go suck your thumbs, you vulgar Jesuits. You are incapable of writing anything great, because you have no greatness inside you. A writer can't rise above WHO THEY ARE. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) Let me repeat, what is in BOLD is not my post. However, that Zack Knight is GOOD. He understands me in and out, and has accurately captured my spirit. It appears he's also giving us clues about what he's been up to, and is trying to make it appear that I am behind this Nobel Prize award for Rule 13. I didn't know anything about sound waves. Zack Knight seems to be dropping clues about what he's done to you, dear Vladimir. I suspect he's got you under some sort of mind control. Take care of my dear Vladimir for me, you guys. I suspect Vladimir is under some sort of mind control technology. THE FOLLOWING POST IN BOLD, WAS WRITTEN BY ZACK KNIGHT, I'M SURE OF IT. I CAN SEE HE WILL HAVE A VERY SUCCESSFUL CAREER AS THE FAKE CHRIST. THIS GUY IS A MASTERPIECE FAKE!! So I hear that Rule 13 won the Nobel Prize. Good for HER, all I care about is putting a smile on Jesus' face when I see Him in HEAVEN, not some crumby award, which I couldn't give a flip about. Enjoy your temporary glory, Rule 13. Guys, I'm more concerned about the EVIL JESUIT posing as me in the last post you all just read. It appears the Jesuits want me to be upset about someone else receiving an award, which I'm not. To be honest, I could care less. This FAKE POSTER is insulting my Lord Jesus, who knows I would NEVER, EVER stoop so low as to BOSS HIM AROUND, and demand that HE show up and conduct a Nobel Prize Ceremony for me, as if I care about awards in the first place. I'D REFUSE IT. Oh, boy, I bet Jesus is having a good laugh in Heaven. Jesus could care less about that prize. By the way, you're not fooling anyone. It's obvious whoever this is, wants to the world to believe that I am a prideful woman, as if I really wanted that Nobel Prize in the first place. You are all way more upset about this than I am. CORINTHIANS 10:9-22--"Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?" Apparently, the Jesuits want the world to think I am a narcissistic woman who only cares about being famous, by claiming I would want my writings blasted all over the major news networks. Come on, Jesuits. In fact, I hardly think my writing is worthy of much attention at all. I write for my Lord Jesus. If Jesus thinks my writing is good, then it's good enough for me, but I would hardly ask HIM for an AWARD. Ha! The only thing that will be AWESOME, is when Jesus beats up Zack Knight at the battle of Armageddon. Everything else is crap. That's right, Rule 13, you can have as many Nobel Prizes as you want. I could care less. I think it's hilarious that you also want a Nobel Prize in MURDER, which I also think you deserve. It would be the first HONEST thing you Jesuits have ever done. Thank all of you guys for your support. Brent, I know you've adored me since 1990. I adore your passion. Vladimir, you need to calm down, assuming you are not under Jesuit mind control right now. I suspect that it might be caused by the sound waves coming from Rule 13's acceptance speech, which apparently the Jesuits want me to think is a fake, so that I let my guard down and don't take it seriously, as they probably expected me not to be very upset about this. Get our scientists working on this right away. I think we have a very serious threat on our hands. I love you all. MY ANALYSIS OF THE ZACK KNIGHT IMITATION OF ME: So I hear that Rule 13 won the Nobel Prize. Good for HER (I would never say this, because it's not good that she's did this. It's a disgrace.), all I care about is putting a smile on Jesus' face when I see Him in HEAVEN (this is true), not some crumby award, which I couldn't give a flip about (this is true). Enjoy your temporary glory, Rule 13 (Whew, that Zack Knight is clever. This is true). Guys, I'm more concerned about the EVIL JESUIT posing as me in the last post you all just read (This is all wrong. I am concerned about this post, because I did NOT write this post). It appears the Jesuits want me to be upset about someone else receiving an award, which I'm not (This is true). To be honest, I could care less (This is true). This FAKE POSTER is insulting my Lord Jesus, who knows I would NEVER, EVER stoop so low as to BOSS HIM AROUND (This is crap. Jesus knows my heart. I was not trying to boss Him around, but was excited about giving Him an opportunity to honor my writings, because by doing so, we will help out future tribulation saints), and demand that HE show up and conduct a Nobel Prize Ceremony for me (This is Zack Knight crap. I did not demand He show up. In fact, if Jesus decided not to show up, that's fine with me. However, Jesus and I are so in tune. I bet He DID SHOW UP), as if I care about awards in the first place. I'D REFUSE IT (I will accept the award, if the one given to Rule 13 is taken from her, because by accepting this award, it will give me some credibility, which may help out tribulation saints. However, if Rule 13's award stands, I will refuse all Nobel Prizes, because I don't want to be associated with any organization that honors Jesuits). Oh, boy, I bet Jesus is having a good laugh in Heaven (I believe this is somewhat inaccurate about Jesus. Yes, He may have had a good laugh, but only after he's thrown Zack Knight and Rule 13 into hell). Jesus could care less about that prize (probably true. But Jesus knows that if I get this prize, it may increase my crediblity, which means less suckers for Zack Knight, because my writings expose Zack Knight as the antichrist). By the way, you're not fooling anyone. It's obvious whoever this is, wants to the world to believe that I am a prideful woman (I was not concerned about the pride issue at all. This is a total Zack Knight fabrication), as if I really wanted that Nobel Prize in the first place. You are all way more upset about this than I am (true, assuming your posts are genuine). (BIG QUESTION, ZACK KNIGHT. What does the following Bible passage have to do with all this?) CORINTHIANS 10:9-22--"Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?" Apparently, the Jesuits want the world to think I am a narcissistic woman who only cares about being famous, by claiming I would want my writings blasted all over the major news networks. (Actually, I'd like for Jesus to conduct an alternate Nobel Prize for me, because it would increase my credibility and Jesuits would lose some followers. The motive for this is NOT PRIDE, but a desire to see the downfall of the Jesuit Order) Come on, Jesuits. In fact, I hardly think my writing is worthy of much attention at all. I write for my Lord Jesus. If Jesus thinks my writing is good, then it's good enough for me, but I would hardly ask HIM for an AWARD. Ha! The only thing that will be AWESOME, is when Jesus beats up Zack Knight at the battle of Armageddon (Oh, that Zack Knight knows me so well. Good job at imitating me, Zack Knight. I give you a Nobel Prize for IMPERSONATION). Everything else is crap. That's right, Rule 13, you can have as many Nobel Prizes as you want. (Actually, I don't like it, that she's getting Nobel Prizes, if it's true, because I dislike Jesuit lies, and because I feel that anything Jesuit is pollution, and we need less Jesuit pollution in this world. She has trashed the Nobel Prize and made that award garbage. This I don't like.) I could care less. I think it's hilarious that you also want a Nobel Prize in MURDER, which I also think you deserve. (That was MY IDEA for the Nobel Prize in Murder, and I've stated this several times about Jesuits. View my comments during the Loree McBride/Gabrielle Chana trial. Apparently, this makes Zack Knight nervous as hell. That's why he hacked as me. WE REALLY DO NEED TO GIVE RULE 13 THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR MURDER.) It would be the first HONEST thing you Jesuits have ever done. Thank all of you guys for your support. Brent, I know you've adored me since 1990. (So true. Zack Knight, apparently, knows my heart. He's Satan, after all) I adore your passion. (TRUE) Vladimir, you need to calm down, assuming you are not under Jesuit mind control right now. (Oh, so that's what's going on? Thanks, Zack, for the info. Our dear Vladimir is under mind control, from the mouth of Zack Knight himself!) I suspect that it might be caused by the sound waves coming from Rule 13's acceptance speech (More info from Zack Knight, who wrote this. Better check out those sound waves. Zack Knight is dropping clues about Jesuit technology), which apparently the Jesuits want me to think is a fake, so that I let my guard down and don't take it seriously (So, Rule 13 really did get the Nobel Prize? I don't take this award seriously, that is true, but Zack is dropping hints that we should), as they probably expected me not to be very upset about this. Get our scientists working on this right away. I think we have a very serious threat on our hands. I love you all. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) I went to Jesus in prayer, as all our communications are off right now. He seems to tell me that we need to take from Rule 13 her Nobel Prize in Literature, if we can. It is NOT good that she has won this prize. Even though it's true that I don't care whether I get the Nobel Prize, it is NOT true, that I want Rule 13 to keep her prize. This is where Zack Knight has impersonated me incorrectly. I believe Jesuits have killed the real Nobel Prize Committee and replaced them with clones, or perhaps have used mind control on them. Either way, that prize should be taken from Rule 13. I do not believe that Jesus was offended at all that I asked Him to conduct an alternate Nobel Prize ceremony for me, but pleased, that I had great faith in Him and did not allow Rule 13 to intimidate me, and have given Jesus an opportunity to take down the Jesuits and get glory for our King David genes at the same time. Jesus loves to boast about our king David genes, because Zack Knight does NOT have these genes, and this is how we EXPOSE ZACK KNIGHT AS THE ANTICHRIST. Zack Knight is jealous of my king David genes. We will defeat the Jesuits by being PROUD OF THE KING DAVID GENES and incorporating into our PRIDE SCANNERS that this is GOOD PRIDE. Evil pride is to be proud of ZACK KNIGHT. Recalibrate our PRIDE SCANNERS to find and execute all those who are PROUD OF ZACK KNIGHT. BAD PRIDE is proud of good looks, proud of Satan, proud of Zack Knight, proud of wealth, proud of power, proud of lies. GOOD PRIDE is proud of Jesus Christ, proud of the King James Bible, proud of king David genes, proud of those who take a courageous stand against Zack Knight as the antichrist. Recalibrate our PRIDE SCANNERS to distinguish between GOOD PRIDE and EVIL PRIDE. I think it would be awesome if Jesus would give Rule 13 the Nobel Prize for Murder and then would show the world her glorious future in hell on a big movie screen. I would also be tremendously honored to receive a Nobel Prize from Jesus Himself and I believe this would glorify Him and would expose Zack Knight and the Jesuits as the evil liars and murderers that they are, which I'm certain Jesus would approve of. Mark 3:23-27--"How can Satan cast out Satan? And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom can not stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house." BIND THE STRONG MAN: Expose on all worldwide newscasts what evil the Satanic Jesuits have done to the Nobel Prize Committee. Take that Nobel Prize from Rule 13. BIND THE STRONG MAN. We will spoil his goods, if we sponsor an alternate Nobel Prize ceremony, and ask Jesus if He would do us the honor of an appearance to honor my writings, because my writings expose the nature of the antichrist Zack Knight (which helps us to BIND THE STRONG MAN). I do desire a Nobel Prize from Jesus Himself, because this gives me credibility. If I get credibility, it means more people read my writings. If more people read my writings, it means LESS FOLLOWERS FOR ZACK KNIGHT. Those are my motives for wanting a Nobel Prize from Jesus. This is GOOD PRIDE. PRIDE IN Jesus. (Jesuit Gail Imposter at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) Boy, this Zack Knight sure is IMPRESSIVE at being a huge fake. While the Jesuits are filling their cup with phony prizes, which by the way anyone with a Nobel Prize will also have the mark of the beast, and go to HELL after the rapture, he should receive an ACADEMY AWARD. HE'S REALLY GOOD. THE WRITING IN BOLD I DID NOT WRITE. THE FOLLOWING WAS WRITTEN BY THE FAKE IMPOSTOR ZACK KNIGHT. I am so PROUD OF MY KING DAVID GENES. Rule 13 is so inferior to my king David essence, it isn't even funny. I am so superior to her. You bet those PRIDE SCANNERs are going off. Rule 13 can't touch the coattails of my king David genes! Jesus and I have king David genes, and Jesus and I are VERY PROUD OF THAT. I would NEVER SAY THIS. You Jesuits are trying to make me sound EVIL AND PRIDEFUL. I've got news for you Jesuits. I'm much more humble than to stoop so low as to say I'm superior to anyone, and that JESUS IS CAPABLE OF THE PRIDE YOU JESUITS SO ADORE IN YOUR OWN SATANIC HEARTS, WHICH IS A SIN. (BIG QUESTION, ZACK KNIGHT. What does the following Bible passage have to do with all this?) Do you think the REAL Catherine the Great, King David woman would question the meaning of a Bible passage? I'VE READ THE KING JAMES BIBLE FROM FRONT TO BACK OVER A HUNDRED TIMES, I KNOW THE WORD OF GOD. Zack Knight does not know the word of GOD since his true lord and master is SATAN and NOT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. For your information, Zack Knight, CORINTHIANS 10:9-22 is all about being HUMBLE, which you are not, which is probably why you don't understand this passage. I would never expect God to perform any kind of earthly ceremony for me, much less ask him to do so, thinking it would make Rule 13's prize look smaller in comparison, as if I am capable of the jealousy you Jesuits are so well known for. GOD Is BIGGER THAN YOU ARE, AND CANNOT BE COMMANDED TO PERFORM, THOSE WHO THINK THEY CAN BOSS GOD AROUND ARE IDIOTS. You Jesuits seem to think that I would want Rule 13's prize taken away from her because I am jealous. You Jesuits are so shallow, you think that just because someone else possesses something I do not, that I wouldn't allow anybody else to have it, and that I would desire something even greater to make their prize look like trash, and make me appear far better than they are. I am not jealous that Rule 13 bears the MARK OF THE BEAST WITH THIS NOBEL PRIZE. As a matter of fact, I want Rule 13 to keep her prize, because it shows how prideful and deceitful you Jesuits are. Your only concern is of worldly recognition and not the recognition of the Lord Jesus Christ. I've got news for you Jesuits, the only thing Satan is preparing to reward you with is the lake of fire, where you will burn AS A WORM for all of eternity. That's right Jesuits, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR BODILY SHAPE IN HELL. If that was a Nobel Prize ceremony, it has destroyed the prestige of that award, so that it is no longer prestigious Why would I care about Rule 13 trashing a garbage award, that Jesus already thinks is garbage to begin with? I DON'T CARE ABOUT NOBEL PRIZES, OR ANY KIND OF AWARD. Earthly awards are not honor, and I have never coveted an award, or idolized others who win awards, as I feel that awards are worthless to begin with. In fact, I think ANYONE WHO WINS AN EARTHLY AWARD WILL BEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST AFTER THE RAPTURE, AND WILL BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY. Jesus loves to boast about our king David genes, because Zack Knight does NOT have these genes, and this is how we EXPOSE ZACK KNIGHT AS THE ANTICHRIST. You Jesuits ARE SICK. Jesus would NEVER BOAST ABOUT THIS. Jesus is not a prideful man. SATAN IS PRIDEFUL. The ANTICHRIST will not be exposed by a lack of King David genes, when have I ever stated this? He will be EXPOSED FOR HIS PRIDE. You Jesuits are doing a good job at this. Thanks for the laugh, Zack Knight, but it's obvious to anyone reading this who the REAL IMPOSTOR IS. I can see you are going to have a very successful career as a FAKE. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) Boy, this Zack Knight sure is IMPRESSIVE at being a huge fake. While the Jesuits are filling their cup with phony prizes, which by the way anyone with a Nobel Prize will also have the mark of the beast, and go to HELL after the rapture, he should receive an ACADEMY AWARD. HE'S REALLY GOOD. THE WRITING IN BOLD I DID NOT WRITE. THE FOLLOWING WAS WRITTEN BY THE FAKE IMPOSTOR ZACK KNIGHT. I am so PROUD OF MY KING DAVID GENES. Rule 13 is so inferior to my king David essence, it isn't even funny. I am so superior to her. You bet those PRIDE SCANNERs are going off. Rule 13 can't touch the coattails of my king David genes! Jesus and I have king David genes, and Jesus and I are VERY PROUD OF THAT. I would NEVER SAY THIS. You Jesuits are trying to make me sound EVIL AND PRIDEFUL. I've got news for you Jesuits. I'm much more humble than to stoop so low as to say I'm superior to anyone, and that JESUS IS CAPABLE OF THE PRIDE YOU JESUITS SO ADORE IN YOUR OWN SATANIC HEARTS, WHICH IS A SIN. (BIG QUESTION, ZACK KNIGHT. What does the following Bible passage have to do with all this?) Do you think the REAL Catherine the Great, King David woman would question the meaning of a Bible passage? I'VE READ THE KING JAMES BIBLE FROM FRONT TO BACK OVER A HUNDRED TIMES, I KNOW THE WORD OF GOD. Zack Knight does not know the word of GOD since his true lord and master is SATAN and NOT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. For your information, Zack Knight, CORINTHIANS 10:9-22 is all about being HUMBLE, which you are not, which is probably why you don't understand this passage. I would never expect God to perform any kind of earthly ceremony for me, much less ask him to do so, thinking it would make Rule 13's prize look smaller in comparison, as if I am capable of the jealousy you Jesuits are so well known for. GOD Is BIGGER THAN YOU ARE, AND CANNOT BE COMMANDED TO PERFORM, THOSE WHO THINK THEY CAN BOSS GOD AROUND ARE IDIOTS. You Jesuits seem to think that I would want Rule 13's prize taken away from her because I am jealous. You Jesuits are so shallow, you think that just because someone else possesses something I do not, that I wouldn't allow anybody else to have it, and that I would desire something even greater to make their prize look like trash, and make me appear far better than they are. I am not jealous that Rule 13 bears the MARK OF THE BEAST WITH THIS NOBEL PRIZE. As a matter of fact, I want Rule 13 to keep her prize, because it shows how prideful and deceitful you Jesuits are. Your only concern is of worldly recognition and not the recognition of the Lord Jesus Christ. I've got news for you Jesuits, the only thing Satan is preparing to reward you with is the lake of fire, where you will burn AS A WORM for all of eternity. That's right Jesuits, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR BODILY SHAPE IN HELL. If that was a Nobel Prize ceremony, it has destroyed the prestige of that award, so that it is no longer prestigious Why would I care about Rule 13 trashing a garbage award, that Jesus already thinks is garbage to begin with? I DON'T CARE ABOUT NOBEL PRIZES, OR ANY KIND OF AWARD. Earthly awards are not honor, and I have never coveted an award, or idolized others who win awards, as I feel that awards are worthless to begin with. In fact, I think ANYONE WHO WINS AN EARTHLY AWARD WILL BEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST AFTER THE RAPTURE, AND WILL BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY. Jesus loves to boast about our king David genes, because Zack Knight does NOT have these genes, and this is how we EXPOSE ZACK KNIGHT AS THE ANTICHRIST. You Jesuits ARE SICK. Jesus would NEVER BOAST ABOUT THIS. Jesus is not a prideful man. SATAN IS PRIDEFUL. The ANTICHRIST will not be exposed by a lack of King David genes, when have I ever stated this? He will be EXPOSED FOR HIS PRIDE. You Jesuits are doing a good job at this. Thanks for the laugh, Zack Knight, but it's obvious to anyone reading this who the REAL IMPOSTOR IS. I can see you are going to have a very successful career as a FAKE. What is above in red, I did not write. I could not have written it because I was at work when it was written. I worked 1:30 to 10:30 Eastern Standard Time today, and this post was written around 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (around 2 p.m. PST). I don't have my computer at work. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 12, 2012) My critique of Zack Knight's impersonation of me. I will focus on areas where he has not represented me accurately: Boy, this Zack Knight sure is IMPRESSIVE at being a huge fake. While the Jesuits are filling their cup with phony prizes, which by the way anyone with a Nobel Prize will also have the mark of the beast, and go to HELL after the rapture, he should receive an ACADEMY AWARD. HE'S REALLY GOOD. This is a very confusing paragraph, and I would write a little clearer than this. I do believe that after the rapture, it is highly unlikely that a true follower of Jesus will be getting any Nobel Prizes, because Zack Knight won't allow it. But I'm not sure about this. THE WRITING IN BOLD I DID NOT WRITE. THE FOLLOWING WAS WRITTEN BY THE FAKE IMPOSTOR ZACK KNIGHT. I am so PROUD OF MY KING DAVID GENES. Rule 13 is so inferior to my king David essence, it isn't even funny. I am so superior to her. You bet those PRIDE SCANNERs are going off. Rule 13 can't touch the coattails of my king David genes! Jesus and I have king David genes, and Jesus and I are VERY PROUD OF THAT. I would NEVER SAY THIS. You Jesuits are trying to make me sound EVIL AND PRIDEFUL. I've got news for you Jesuits. I'm much more humble than to stoop so low as to say I'm superior to anyone, and that JESUS IS CAPABLE OF THE PRIDE YOU JESUITS SO ADORE IN YOUR OWN SATANIC HEARTS, WHICH IS A SIN. Jesus has a perfect right to be proud of Himself because He is GOD. However, despite His vast superiority, He is amazingly humble, in that He came to earth and died on the cross naked for our sins. It's not a sin to feel superior to the DEVIL, and because all true Jesuits are devil worshippers, I feel superior to all of them, except the ones who are trying to leave the Jesuit Order. I boast about my king David genes, because I want people to listen to me and because my king David genes give me unusual strength, so that I have the unique ability to resist Zack Knight, just because of my genes. Jesus told me this. The only people I feel superior to are Jesuits, because Jesuits are pure evil, full of evil pride and who worship Satan. The rest of the planet, I have great sympathy for, and hope that they will listen to me and not be fooled by Zack Knight. I feel a great responsibility because of my king David genes, because these genes give me unusual strength, and give me a unique ability to resist Zack Knight. Though he can get me with brain control technology, because of my king David genes, I can resist him. Therefore, I am proud of these genes, because they help me to resist the devil Zack Knight. (BIG QUESTION, ZACK KNIGHT. What does the following Bible passage have to do with all this?) Do you think the REAL Catherine the Great, King David woman would question the meaning of a Bible passage? I was not questioning the meaning of a Bible passage. I was questioning WHY Zack Knight quoted a Scripture passage that did not seem to relate to his theme in the passage he wrote. His writing lacks logic and coherence, and is probably deliberately confusing to deceive people I'VE READ THE KING JAMES BIBLE FROM FRONT TO BACK OVER A HUNDRED TIMES, I KNOW THE WORD OF GOD. Zack Knight does not know the word of GOD since his true lord and master is SATAN and NOT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. I would never say this. Zack Knight is Satan Incarnate and Satan knows the Bible better than any of us. I am not accusing Zack Knight of lack of Bible knowledge, but rather of using Scripture to deceive. Don't forget that Satan will quote Scripture to deceive. He did it with Eve. He did it when he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. For more on this check out my Bible study War on the Saints at my website.For your information, Zack Knight, CORINTHIANS 10:9-22 is all about being HUMBLE, which you are not, which is probably why you don't understand this passage. Zack Knight is playing stupid here. This passage is more than about being humble. But I don't want to go into this right now.I would never expect God to perform any kind of earthly ceremony for me, much less ask him to do so, thinking it would make Rule 13's prize look smaller in comparison, as if I am capable of the jealousy you Jesuits are so well known for. GOD Is BIGGER THAN YOU ARE, AND CANNOT BE COMMANDED TO PERFORM, THOSE WHO THINK THEY CAN BOSS GOD AROUND ARE IDIOTS. Zack Knight is totally off, here. My motive for wanting Jesus to give me a Nobel Prize is to give my writing credibility. It is damage control over what Rule 13 did at the Nobel Prize ceremony. I want people to read my writings, because the villain to all my writings is the antichrist. My writings educate the world about him, and hopefully, will make it harder for him to get followers. Jealousy has nothing to do with it. I am striving to help out future tribulation saints. I believe the rapture of the church will probably happen in May 2015, and I take very seriously my responsibility as a writer to prepare the world to resist the beast or 666. As it won't be long, before he rises to power. Jesus said my novel Silver Skies is a prophecy and if people will read my writings, it may spare them from taking Zack Knight's mark and going to hell. Rule 13 has really discredited me as a writer and my writings, so if Jesus conducts a ceremony to honor my writings, it will us to reach more people for the real Jesus Christ, and spare them from eternal damnation if they take the mark of the beast during the tribulation. You Jesuits seem to think that I would want Rule 13's prize taken away from her because I am jealous. I feel so superior to Rule 13, that jealousy doesn't even enter the picture. Rule 13 is so inferior to me THERE'S NOTHING TO BE JEALOUS ABOUT.You Jesuits are so shallow, you think that just because someone else possesses something I do not, that I wouldn't allow anybody else to have it, and that I would desire something even greater to make their prize look like trash, and make me appear far better than they are. I am not jealous that Rule 13 bears the MARK OF THE BEAST WITH THIS NOBEL PRIZE. Oh, Zack Knight, you are so confusing. I have no idea what he's trying to say here. Jealousy has never been my problem. I don't get jealous. If someone is truly superior to me, I admire them and strive to emulate them. I don't waste my time with jealousy. Such a stupid emotion. Rule 13 is extremely inferior to me. There's nothing to be jealous over.As a matter of fact, I want Rule 13 to keep her prize, because it shows how prideful and deceitful you Jesuits are. This is absurd. Why would I want Rule 13 to keep her prize? It's a disgrace to the Nobel Prize committee that one of the biggest murderers on the planet won a Nobel Prize, and did it by defaming the one woman, myself, who is saving this planet from disaster? For her to win this prize is a GREAT TRAGEDY. She needs to lose it. It isn't good for righteousness, honor, dignity or class, for this cheap, trashy, and very dangerous woman to have this prize.Your only concern is of worldly recognition and not the recognition of the Lord Jesus Christ. I've got news for you Jesuits, the only thing Satan is preparing to reward you with is the lake of fire, where you will burn AS A WORM for all of eternity. That's right Jesuits, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR BODILY SHAPE IN HELL.Blah, blah, blah. Stick to the theme, Zack Knight. You ramble too much and go off on stupid tangents. He's using confusion to DECEIVE. If that was a Nobel Prize ceremony, it has destroyed the prestige of that award, so that it is no longer prestigious Why would I care about Rule 13 trashing a garbage award, that Jesus already thinks is garbage to begin with? I DON'T CARE ABOUT NOBEL PRIZES, OR ANY KIND OF AWARD. Earthly awards are not honor, and I have never coveted an award, or idolized others who win awards, as I feel that awards are worthless to begin with. Yeah, but even Jesus, when He was here on earth, understood how people think. He works with earthly rewards for greater purposes. He has to communicate with people AT THEIR LEVEL, using what they understand. So this earthly reward may give my writing enough respectability, that people will read it. The apostle Paul said that he became all things to all men that he may win some (1 Corinthians 9:19-22). That is the principle that applies here. I covet the earthly rewards if they will further God's work, and will give my writing more exposure and respectability, so that people will read it, because I feel I've written one of the most important books of the century and that what's in there is very important for people to read. Jesuits are trashing me and my message, so if Jesus gave me a Nobel Prize that would be damage control, a way to fight the damage that Satan and his people have done to my reputation that weakens my ability to reach people for the real Jesus ChristIn fact, I think ANYONE WHO WINS AN EARTHLY AWARD WILL BEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST AFTER THE RAPTURE, AND WILL BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY. This is absurd. It's not a sin to win an award! Jesus loves to boast about our king David genes, because Zack Knight does NOT have these genes, and this is how we EXPOSE ZACK KNIGHT AS THE ANTICHRIST. You Jesuits ARE SICK. Jesus would NEVER BOAST ABOUT THIS. Jesus is not a prideful man. You got Jesus all wrong. He WILL BOAST ABOUT HIS KING DAVID genes, because this differentiates him from Zack Knight and helps people not to be deceived into thinking that Zack is Jesus. Jesus is nauseated over how many people this evil Zack Knight will deceive, and wants to emphasize the areas where He differs from evil Zack Knight. Jesus is GOD and has a perfect right to be proud. However, He's so awesome that He humbles himself to help us lowly sinners, because He loves us and wants to help us. One way He can help us is to emphasize the areas where he differs from Zack Knight. The biggest area where He differs from Zack, is that Zack Knight doesn't have a drop of King David blood.SATAN IS PRIDEFUL. The ANTICHRIST will not be exposed by a lack of King David genes, when have I ever stated this? This is absolutely false. The antichrist will pose as a humble person, even though he is extremely proud. So the greatest way to expose him is to emphasize the GENETIC differences between Zack and the real Jesus. Zack Knight does not have an ounce of King David genes. Whereas the real Jesus is a king David man through and through and glories in this. When I said this to Jesus, that we are both from king David and that is awesome, He answered me with these words, "REPRESENT." He's proud to be a king David man, because this is something that Zack Knight can NEVER CLAIMHe will be EXPOSED FOR HIS PRIDE. You Jesuits are doing a good job at this. Thanks for the laugh, Zack Knight, but it's obvious to anyone reading this who the REAL IMPOSTOR IS. I can see you are going to have a very successful career as a FAKE. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 13, 2012) My dearest Brent: I've changed my password at Church of Gail. Not sure if this will work. We shall see. After all, Zack Knight can read my mind. Wish I had more time. Gotta get ready for work. He's already impersonated me twice in posts. Love you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 13, 2012) My darling Brent: Conduct a trial on our FOX News Gabrielle Chana News Network for these Nobel Prize Committee members, and let the world vote on this matter of what to do with them, using my CONSPIRACY LAW. Use our VOTER JURORS, from my Conspiracy Law. I have a link at my website for how to conduct the trial. You will need WordPerfect to open these links: Follow the guidelines in these links. They are from my CONSPIRACY LAW. Have the world vote on this matter, and decide what to do with these mentally retarded Nobel Prize Committee members. Gotta get ready for work. You're my awesome husband, Thanks for all you do, (Brent Spiner to Gail’s e-mail on May 13, 2012) My love, It looks like things at our church are back under control. Vladimir reset the church servers, and we were successfully able to boot the impostor off of the network. Our satellites meanwhile were finally able to get a good read on the impostor's location, which was determined earlier this evening. We assumed that it would be none other than Zack Knight, but to our surprise, when we entered the location we discovered a young woman in the midst of writing up yet another post at her computer, while wearing a mask of your face! Our forces snatched her up quickly and unplugged her computer. Our scanners later determined that she was full of pride for Zack Knight, and adored and worshiped him. The woman has since been executed live on the Gabrielle Chana Fox News Network. It's a relief to all of us that we should hear no more from this Jesuit. While waiting for the servers to reboot, each of us was doing our part to investigate matters regarding the Nobel Prize. You'll never believe what we discovered. It turns out that the Jesuits had replaced everyone seated on the Nobel Prize committee with individuals who were severely mentally handicapped. We've since taken them in for questioning, and currently have them all in a holding cell awaiting further investigation. Our brain read scanners have found that while they are mentally retarded and posses child like minds, they do show a level of malicious intent. They are not all there mentally, but they are definitely working for the Jesuits. I was asked to consult you regarding what to do with them. Vladimir informs me that he has removed the ability for forum users on the Church of Gail website to edit posts, because the impostor was originally trying to go in and change all of your existing posts. His security team is advising that we keep this new modification to prevent Jesuits from impersonating any of us and altering our writings, as they have done so in the past. I understand that we have to up the level of security at our church, so I have wholeheartedly agreed with his decision. I just received your e-mail regarding the post card from your beautician. That is truly bizarre. My intuition tells me that this must be from your real beautician, whose arms were cut off by the Jesuits. Didn't they throw him overboard into the sea? We will have to look into this. This has been such an interesting couple of days. I am terribly exhausted, as I am sure you are as well. In other news, I would like to wish you a very happy Mother's Day tomorrow. Have a very good night my darling. Your awesome husband, Brent Spiner Gail (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on May 13, 2012) Happy Mothers Day, Gail! Brianna drew this picture on her computer. Isn't it sweet? She and xxxxxx both signed it. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 13, 2012) Hi, xxxxxxx and Brianna: Thanks for the awesome Mother's Day card on my computer. How clever! xxxxxxxx, I'm so glad you were able to go to Church of Gail and get some good therapy. I have been very impressed with Brianna. She has my awesome king David genes, and is a very brave and unselfish girl. xxxxxxx, you have done so well in college. I am so proud of you and the way you have overcome so many obstacles to be where you are right now. Thanks, again, for the card. And, thanks, you terrific men on my marriage list for all the support you have given to both xxxxxxx and Brianna. Vladimir, as I told Brent, I still think you are awesome. You work so tirelessly for me. I am truly blessed to have all of you in my life. Jesuits cause so much trouble for us. But we have the Lord on our side and we have each other and we are an incredible group, who stuck together through the scourges of hell. Thanks again, all of you, for just being you. I'm so proud of our Church of Gail, and of our true leader at Church of Gail, Jesus Christ. It's just incredible that when I led Brent to the Lord, you all decided to start a church, and what a church we have! The Lord Himself decided to show up and lead our services. It's so funny how my life has turned out. I only wanted to help Brent find a way to cope with all the stress of Loree McBride, so I led him to Christ. When he found the Lord, it transformed him and he and you all decided to start a church--not even my idea. This just goes to show, that you just follow the Lord each day, and you never know what will happen from one month to the next. It's one day at a time on our way to glory. Each day is sacred, because it's the Lord's day. One day, one hour at a time, on our way to glory. Thanks again. I'm so proud of all of you. Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) 99a284ed&skin_id=701&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) To the sexy woman of my life, My very excite sexual lover Gail. I have discover that Rule 13 was not removed from the recipient Nobel Prize in literature by force. The very tricky Rule 13 who is small japan woman relinquish the Nobel Prize in literature by her own choice to make herself appear humble. I am very suspicious of her intention, and believe she is cheat from the satisfaction of forcing her to loose the prize. The makes mater worse, we have now learn that the stupid retards give Rule 13 a new Nobel Prize in HUMILITY! Can you believe!? We must stop these Nobel Prize Committee Retards! They have very simple minds, but are still not nice retards. We must put them to the trial with Juror Voters from the world and see them execute! There is special place in hell for this kind of retards. Shall I arrest them? You like? Vladimir Putin (Gail at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) Dear Vladimir, Sounds like a great idea. These retards support the organization that was behind the Nazi holocaust. After all, Rule 13 wore a Nazi uniform to her ceremony. What a disgrace to the Nobel Prize committee!! Also, let the world vote on who should be in the new Nobel Prize Committee. Put up the candidates for the new Nobel Prize Committee on the ballot as well. If Jesus is willing, ask Him to select the candidates for the world to vote on, because then if I get the prize, I will feel like Jesus has given it to me. Other than that, I could care less about it. I think you're awesome Vladimir. Thanks for your unending work for justice, love and honor. Gail (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) Glorious sexual lover Gail, who always give Vladimir very strong erections. We are victoriously arrest the retards! I was shock by just how much strength retards have. Retards have retard strength. It was necessarily to bring all the top men of marriage list to wrestle each retard to floor and then throw in cage special design for store retards. I was amuse to hear the funny retard rage sounds they make when they realism that they have no human rights. This is penalty for not doing tribute to how great and wonderful Gail is. One of the fatter stupid retards with a pony-tail took out a katana wooden japan sword and hit me in the face. It did not hurt much because Vladimir is so manly, but it did sting slightly. Your macho hero husband respond by make judo chop into the ugly fat retards face. An eye for an eye, no? The other men are such heroic to fight the retards too... I will not spoil it and let the others tell his story too. So pumped up in the manhood for you right now, Vladimir Putin (Brent Spiner at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) That mission turned out to be a lot more difficult than I thought, but it turned out all right in the end. I was struggling to manhandle the retards into the cages so we could load them up on the bus, when one of them latched onto my arm so hard I began to lose circulation in my hand. I was surprised at her aggression. Steadying my nerves, I quickly removed my Bible with my free hand, flipped open to a random page and began reading what the lord had chosen for me. I thought perhaps I could convert these beautiful children of God, and make them peaceable again so that they would cooperate with us. Instead, the retard reached out, grabbed the Bible, and began eating it! She was chewing the leather right off and swallowing it. Not one to lose my composure I continued to recite the passage from memory. That was when the woman stretched forward and licked me on the cheek. She almost got my mouth! I reacted so strongly I was able to throw her straight into the cage and I locked it just before she could bite my hands. She wound up gnawing the bars instead, groaning my name like a zombie. (Hugh Jackman at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) I was right behind Vladimir, I had the man's back! I told one of the retards that if he could arm wrestle Hugh Jackman and win, he could go free. I'll tell ya, those retards are some strong suckers, but BOOM! I had his ass, 2 out of 3. I picked him up and tossed his body into the cage like a used set of dumb bells flying into a gym bag. Whoo! (judge Terrance Jenkins at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) YEAH GAIL, THIS WAS THE MOST INTENSE FIGHT I'VE EVER SEEN. I REMEMBER WATCHIN' RETARDS FIGHT AT MY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, AND KNOW 1ST HAND THAT FIGHTING RETARDS IS RISKY BUSINESS. IN THE MIDST OF ALL THE CHAOS, I WAS CONFRONTED BY A LARGE AFRICAN AMERICAN RETARD. I BEGAN TO SQUARE OFF TO BARE KNUCKLE BOX HIM, AND SURPRISINGLY, HE BEGAN TO BATTLE RAP AGAINST ME. THIS RETARD HAD NO IDEA WHAT HE WAS UP AGAINST. I BE FROM COMPTON NIGG, AND NOBODY BUT SNOOP AND DRE CAN STEP AGAINST MY SHIT AND LIVE TO TELL ABOUT IT. I BATTLED THIS RETARD WITH MY RHYME FOR A WHOLE MINUTE. THE RETARD TRIED HIS BEST, BUT HIS LACK OF A GRASP OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE WAS HIS DOWNFALL. NEEDLESS TO DAY, THIS RETARD MISSED HIS ONE SHOT. APPARENTLY, NOBODY TOLD HIM THAT HE COULDN'T BATTLE RAP IN SIGN LANGUAGE. HE WAS SO ASHAMED THAT HE LOST IN THE 1ST ROUND, THAT HE WALKED HIS SORRY ASS RIGHT INTO DA CAGE. YEA. FOR THE GOOD GLORY OF GAIL AND COMPTON!!! (Matthew McConaughey at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) Oh my, I really wouldn't like to do that again...I was trying to peacefully coax the retards into the bus, when one of them tugged my shirt, moved way too close into my personal space and said she recognized me as the "hot, Hollywood playboy" from the magazines. I shook my head politely and said no, I'm not really that way, and I'm very much spoken for, but that was when a male retard came up from behind and grabbed me sharply by the crotch, "you've sure got a purdy mouth". He then leaned in and kissed me on the lips! His tongue was on my tongue for a second. I panicked, and started flailing, but I couldn't go anywhere because I was being held by the penis. That was when Hugh Jackman dove in and punched both retards in the jaw, saving me. He knocked them unconscious and we were able to hoist them into the cages. I hugged Hugh in thanks. (Gerard Butler at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) Aye, I was helping load the retards into the bus cages when a little leprechaun waddled up against my leg. At first, I was startled. I couldn't explain my joy that I had finally found a leprechaun, in a parking lot while loading up retards into a bus, of all places! I was beginning to think of my best wish, when suddenly, this nubby little creature bit my leg! I was snapped out of my fantasies right away, as I realized this was no leprechaun, but merely a midget retard! I shook my leg as hard as I could, calling out in Scottish for help, but to no avail. I eventually kicked the little bugger into the smallest retard cage we had (about the size of a kitty crate) and went to shake off my leg, before helping the other men. I tell ya, those suckers are the real deal! (Gail at Church of Gail on May 14, 2012) Glad you all are okay. It appears you were right about them, Vladimir. Though they may be retards, they definitely know right from wrong and have sided with wrong. They sounded brutish, tricky and stubborn, with a definite Jesuit mindset. As long as the retard knows the difference between right and wrong, God will hold him/her accountable. What bothers me most about that Nobel Prize ceremony that honored Rule 13, is that it glorified EVIL. Evil should never be glorified. That ceremony degraded all that is good, pure and holy and glorified all that is evil, vile and disgusting. If someone else besides me got the prize, that would be fine with me. But for evil Rule 13 to get it for an evil piece of work, is one of the worst abominations in the universe. I'm sure God Himself wanted this corrected, and He will repay you all for your righteous work in arresting these evil retards. The Jesuit Order, is, in my opinion, the most vile, disgusting, abominable organization in all the history of humanity. I think this is why Jesus has made personal appearances with us, because we hate what He hates, and we love what He loves. Jesus hates that organization. As He told us, they are a SPEAR in His side. Good job for Jesus. I'm sure this will count with Him and will go towards your crowns in heaven. I know you did it for me, but what makes me happy, is that what you did makes Jesus happy. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 15, 2012) Oh, by the way, check out my new opening page at my website: (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 15, 2012) My darling Brent: This has been a bizarre day. I was running late for work and clocked in right at 10:30 a.m. Then I go to the restroom, which is my usual routine and when I pulled out my tampon (which I use to hold in my yeast killing medication while I sleep), I noticed that half my tampon was soaked with blood. I couldn't believe it! I was having my period. That explains the crampy feeling I've had the past couple days. That usually happens to me right before my period. By the way, Jesus hasn't cured my yeast yet, but I think He'll do it eventually. He's up to something. I keep records of my period start days, and do you realize that the last time I had my period, it started on May 7, 2011! So, I've gone a WHOLE YEAR without a period, and now I have my period. I'm really freaked out by this. I think Zack Knight has done something to my female functions. Though I did have some very, very minor spotting, that only required a pantiliner in the past year, but the spotting was very, very minor and I had no cramps as a prelude to it. Today is May 15th, so it's been exactly a year since my last period. Apparently, my body just does not go by the book. So, I had to go back to my locker and grab a maxi pad and put it on my underwear, and I knew this would make me late to show up at the manager's podium at the front of the store to report to duty. When I showed up at the manager's podium, I apologized for being late, but explained that I had a female emergency. There were two women managers there and I didn't say it loud. One of the managers, named xxxxxxxx, walked me to the registers and said, "You're giving too much information." I said, "I only said female problem. It's just that I was late and wanted you to know why." She then said, "Our alarms didn't go off and I wasn't concerned about it." I said, "Well, I'm glad you weren't concerned about it. But I was late and I wanted to let you know why. That explains the information." She then put me on one register, then moved me to another register, where a co-worker had stuff laid out on the belt and was organizing merchandise. I turned on the light to the register. xxxxxxx then looked at me like I was an idiot and said, "Gail, turn off your light. She has stuff on your belt, and you aren't ready for customers yet." Finally, I got a little perturbed and said to xxxxxxxxx, "Do you care to correct me about anything else?" xxxxxxxxx then looked at me with cool disgust and said, "Gail, you don't need to say that." Then when she moved back a bit, I said out loud, "Vlageener (Russian for Vladimir), judo chop. We have clones." For the next couple hours, she always seemed to be near me whenever I "messed up". And I noticed that my brain was unusually bad today. I had several incidents where the Jesuits distracted me with strange noises from another register or using another cashier to ask me a question and get my mind off my current customer, and caused me to forget to ring up something at the bottom of a shopping cart, and the customer had to remind me AFTER THE TRANSACTION WAS OVER. And things would come out of my mouth, that I didn't mean to say. It was like what I thought in my brain and what came out of my mouth weren't connected. I didn't say anything vile, but I'd make illogical sentences, or say something really stupid, when I normally know better. I could tell my brain cell conversations were being distracted. I really felt like I was on another planet all day. You communicated with me brain to brain to tell me we had a serious nukkake situation and that Jesuits were launching nukkakes all day, and that Jesus was intervening. And these nukkakes were interfering with my brain cell conversations. Well, something was happening, because my brain was definitely "not there" today. I wish I could wear a tin foil hat when I'm working. Another manager, assistant manager Tami, who's usually real positive and friendly towards me, walked by and said "out of the blue", "Gail, smile." SHE NEVER SAYS THIS. I don't think I looked any grumpier than usual. I really felt targeted today and that everyone seemed really "in tune" to every minutia and MISTAKE of my life. It was like I couldn't do anything, without some Jesuit nearby to pounce all over me for every little mistake I made, and to draw attention to it! And the mistakes all seemed to orchestrated and meticulously planned in advance, while I felt like a helpless pawn, a victim of an elaborate Jesuit orchestration involving my fellow workers, the customers and my defunct brain, all working together to create the impression that I'm "crazy". Towards the end of the day, after I went to my car on my lunch break and talked to you all about my situation, we got new managers and they were quite nice. But my brain functioning did not seem to improve and I kept getting distracted and had a real time staying focused on what I needed to do with each customer. It got to the point, that I actually wrote on a piece of paper and PUT IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, to remember to check under the cart for customer merchandise that needs to be rung up! I noticed the Jesuits used a fellow cashier to ask me questions that were designed to make me look stupid, because right after I tried to help her, I'd say something stupid, like I said that a little cart needed to go to jewelry, when it belonged to cosmetics. I don't know why I said jewelry. This particular cashier was behaving like a Jesuit, and was being used to draw attention to all my "mistakes". They know my work habits in and out, and she cooly asked to borrow my napkins, to which I rolled some off. She then said, "I need your whole roll." Jesuits know I don't like to give out my whole roll. They've been trying to irritate me all day. I suspect Zack Knight is behind all this crap. Customers were exceedingly rude and nervy today and all looked at me with steel and venom in their eyes. Towards the end of my lunch break, I had to rush to the time clock, because I was about a minute late, clocking back in after lunch. I spent too much time in the bathroom. A customer saw me, even though I wasn't wearing my badge, and said, "Ma'am, I need some help over here. Can get you someone to help me?" I replied, "I'm not on the clock, not working right now. As soon as I get on the clock, I'll help you." Xxxxxxxxx forbids us to work off the clock and besides I needed to get to the time clock right away AND THIS JESUIT KNEW IT. She looked at me with disgust, because I wouldn't help her right then and there, while I rushed away from her to go to the timeclock. After I clocked in, I saw her returning with some help that she apparently found in electronics, while she looked at me in disgust. It was like this ALL DAY. I had another customer from India, who had several transactions, and was very controlling at the register, giving me orders about how and when I needed to hand her checks, and she didn't smile at all the whole time she was with me, but acted irritated over all I did. It was like this just about all day at work, and my brain wasn't working well, either. I decided to get assertive and pull up my sense of humor and not let Zack Knight and these Jesuits fluster me. I'd say things like, "One thing at a time," when customers tried to rush or confuse me. I'd joke and say my brain felt like it was nukkakeed today. This got a laugh out of a lot of them. One lady came to me and said, "You must be ready to go home." As if she knew that Zack Knight was deluging me with problems today. I refused to be flustered. I answered, "No, I'm ready to fight. I think Jesus is going to have some great victories today, and I can't wait to see His enemies defeated." Oh, that Zack Knight made me so mad today! This was one of the worst days I've ever experienced at Xxxxxxxxx, when it comes to being surrounded by Jesuits. Just about all my customers were Jesuits, and were used to distract and confuse me and to highlight that my brain wasn't "all there" today. So far, my menstrual flow has been somewhat light. But then it was always somewhat light on the first day. Tomorrow will be the acid test, to see if my "normal" periods are back. My second day tends to be heavy. Perhaps this is a freak period in the middle of menopause, if there is such a thing. Any ways, this day has been full of surprises, starting off with my period, that made me last for work and generated the "inappropriate" comment, to controlling and rude customers, and manipulative and overly critical managers, and my brain on another planet. What a day! I did think about all you awesome men on my marriage list and decided I could never ever leave you, even if the whole world thinks I'm crazy. Because I know I'm writing the real Brent Spiner and you need me as much as I need you. We help each other out, amidst the JESUIT INSANITY. I adore you, and have tomorrow off, but I usually work just as hard at home as I do at Xxxxxxxxx, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 16, 2012) Just got a call from my "******". I've sent an e-mail video recording of the message she left on my phone to Brent, Gerard and Terrance. CHECK YOUR E-MAILS. Make sure my *** is okay. She insists she come over personally to talk to me that she can't discuss it on the phone. I told her she doesn't sound right and that I preferred to discuss it on the phone. I told her not to come over. She said she can't discuss it on the phone. I told her to use her cell phone. She said her cell phone doesn't work (strange). Any ways, I'm not sure if she is going to try to come over, but I don't want her over. Something's not right. I had to hang up on her, because she insisted on coming over. I have a gut feeling that I should not let her over. Check up on my ******. She had a strange spirit about her. If I didn't know otherwise (that her clone was killed in December), I'd swear it was her clone again. Thanks for all you do for me. These Jesuits are relentless. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 16, 2012) Dear Brent: I just got a call from my xxxxxxxx and she was behaving like her clone. She insisted that she come xxxxxxxxxxx, and that she needed to talk xxxxxxxxxxxx. I asked her why she couldn't discuss it on the phone. She said she couldn't discuss it on the phone. I said she didn't sound healthy and I didn't want her coming xxxxxxxxxx, that I preferred to discuss this matter on the phone. She said she couldn't. I told her to use her cell phone. She said her cell phone didn't work. Find out what's going on with my xxxxxxxxx. Something's not right with her. I'm afraid she may come xxxxxxxxxx and I don't feel comfortable about this. What have the Jesuits done to my xxxxxxxxxx? Devotedly yours, Gail (Brent Spiner’s e-mail to Gail on May 16, 2012) My dear wife, We have been investigating the matter regarding your family. It appears that your xxxxxxx is now being affected by the same Jesuit-induced schizophrenia that xxxxxx was. The Jesuits are going for this new angle so that we can't execute any of their clone agents, and instead they are trying to trick you into believing that they are all Jesuits who have to be destroyed. Your family members are your real family members, but they are under some very powerful mind control. I spoke with Gerard who gave me some advice on how to deal with people who are mentally ill. One of the books he recommended says this: "Understand that the patient is experiencing an altered reality; he may be hearing or seeing things that you couldn't. Stay calm throughout the ordeal and play along with whatever hallucination he is having as long as it is still within your reasonable abilities. If he asks you to climb a chair or desk because “the pipes burst and are flooding the whole house,” do so. It'll help him feel in control." This is such a difficult situation, but we may have to play to their fantasies on some level to keep them from getting much worse. Be careful bringing up events that they don't remember, and above all, keep yourself levelheaded and calm, no matter what they tell you. Vladimir and I will take care of you, but you have to help take care of your family. I would simply nod and agree with them when they say you are crazy, but illustrate that if you are crazy, then you are certainly no harm to anyone, and have no capabilities to be. Explain that you are obviously well enough to take care of your apartment and hold down a job, and that you have never intended to physically harm anyone. You wouldn't be lying, that is the truth. You can tell them that Crazy Gail and Order of the Jesuits are websites that belong to someone else, and that the men posting on Church of Gail are not you. That is also the truth. Other than that, you don't need to go into details, since they won't believe you anyway. It's tricky, but I believe this is the best way to go about it, considering how complicated the situation is. It might be best to keep these e-mails private for now, as well, until this situation is averted. Keep me updated. Meanwhile, our intelligence has discovered the cause of your unexpected period. It appears that the Jesuits have contaminated all of the tampons in the world with fertility drugs. They are trying to reverse your menopause, and they have gotten to the point where you are starting to finally have cycles again. The plan was that once you are fertile again, they would next contaminate all of the tampons with semen, so that you would fertilize yourself the next time you used a tampon. As I understand it, the semen tampons have already gone into the retail circuit. This is a very low, dirty trick. Vladimir and I are incensed. I know you need your medication, but it would be best to not use tampons to apply it anymore. There is no way we can ensure that every contaminated box of tampons has been taken off the shelf, although we are trying very hard to do so. I'm sorry that life has been so difficult for you lately. We will keep you safe. Your husband, Brent Spiner (Gail at Church of Gail on May 16, 2012) Check your e-mails. I have just sent you another video recording. This one of my "******'s" visit to my apartment. I had to let her in, because if I didn't, she said she would go to the apartment management. I also received this e-mail from my Jesuit ex*******. I have replaced his name with the term "Jesuit ex-*******": From: my Jesuit ex-******* Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:55 AM To: Gail Xxxxxxxx Subject: Website Gail, I see your website, your *** and I demand you remove the information about your *** and myself. If the information is not removed I will see an attorney and take legal action. This information on the public web is an invasion of privacy and falls under defamation. This can be very serious. Please remove, I do not want to take this action. your Jesuit ex-******* MY ANSWER: I never received your first e-mail request. I will remove all reference to you and ***** on my website, so I can keep my website up, because my website was created for Jesus Christ to assist Him in ministering to future tribulation saints, who will be beheaded by Jesuit Zack Knight, who is the antichrist. In the meanwhile, I shall contact Vladimir Putin and have him arrest you for war crimes against humanity as a Jesuit. You are mentioned at Why don't you sue them for defamation? ************************************************ Even though I know I have not said anything untrue about my ex-husband, I will remove all references to both him and my *** from my website. In the meanwhile, Vladimir, you need to make arrests. You need to arrest ***** ******, and all clones of any of my family members. If they are victims of Jesuit brain control technology, take appropriate action. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 16, 2012) My dear Brent: My xxxxxxx just called. It appears that xxxxxx are communicating, because she was upset xxxxxxxxx. I'm afraid my xxxxxxxxx is also suffering from schizophrenia. I wish there was a way to erase my post at Church of Gail on that matter. Can you guys erase that post at Church of Gail? I tried to stay calm, but it's hard with my xxxxxxxx, because once she gets on something, she won't give up. And I'm very busy right now working on my huge website, to immunize it from possible defamation or privacy invasion charges from xxxxxxxxx. I'm trying very hard to keep my website up for Jesus Christ. I had to hang up on xxxxxxx because she's eating up my time, and I could tell she'd go on for an hour if I let her. I told her I wasn't harming anyone, like you suggested, and that the Jesuits and not I were behind Order of the Jesuits and the Crazy Gail websites. But she stated that I am harming people, because she and my xxxxxxxx don't want to be mentioned at my website. She said, it's too late, because all that stuff is up, and she kept going on and on that I needed psych meds. I told her that I thought her comments about the CIA indicated that she needs psych meds and that I didn't believe she was contacted by the CIA. I told her I may be crazy, but I'm not harming anybody, and if I was so crazy, why could I hold down a job and maintain my apartment. But she kept going on and on about how she hated my website, and that my xxxxxxxxx didn't like it, either. PLEASE REMOVE THE POST I PUT UP THERE, about xxxxxxxxxxx. I really miss the ability to modify and delete posts, because I mentioned xxxxxxxx and xxxxxxx by name in one post, and didn't want to, but I can't go in there to modify that. My schizophrenic relatives are checking out Church of Gail. Forgive me for this, but I HAVE TO GET MY WEBSITE IN ORDER, and I had to tell my xxxxxxx that I felt she needed psych meds because she felt that the CIA contacted her, and I NEED TO WORK ON MY WEBSITE. She's eating up my time. Oh, these Jesuits. Though I believe Jesus has a plan and there's a reason for all this. Thanks for all you do. I will try to keep your advice in mind. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 16, 2012) Dear Brent: Here's a copy of something I just got in my inbox. That xxxxx is such a creep. I have already taken down two YouTube videos. You need to nail this guy. I'm real busy right now, working on this. I have not removed all reference to husband or son on my website, but have removed names. I call xxxxxxx a Jesuit husband. Any ways, back to work. What a creepy Jesuit this guy is. But I need to let you know what he's sending me. Keep me updated on what's going on with xxxxxxxxxx. That's what I'm mainly worried over today. It doesn't help that my xxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxx are under such brain control. I hope they don't cooperate with xxxxxxxxx in this matter. Really want to keep my website up. Love, Gail (e-mail from xxxxxxxxx received on May 16, 2012) Thank you, also it has been brought to my attention you have You Tube videos that need to come down. I have list of them being sent to me. Also notify your friends to remove all the information about xxxxxxx and myself. I do have an attorney ready to take this case. Defamation is a serious crime. I just ask you and your friends to respect xxxxxxxx and myself and keep us out of your discussions. I request you respond to this request immediately. xxxxxxxxxxxxx From: Gail Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 12:40 PM To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Website I never received your first e-mail request. I will remove all reference to you and xxxxxxxx on my website, so I can keep my website up, because my website was created for Jesus Christ to assist Him in ministering to future tribulation saints, who will be (Gail at Church of Gail on May 16, 2012) Here is my response to the e-mail I received from a Jesuit today: (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 17, 2012) Darling Brent: I think this Jesuit xxxxxxxx is going to take this to court. Can you assign me an attorney? I want my attorney to contact xxxxxxxxx's attorney and we need to deal with this. I can't afford an attorney. It won't matter what I do, the Jesuits want to take my website down. I'll never make him happy, he wants to take this to court because he's a Jesuit. Look over my website and advise me what to do about it, please. I need some legal counsel. I hate to take down all mention of my husband because I tell my life story to reach people with the truth, to expose the Jesuits. I would hope it would be good enough that I have not mentioned his name or my son's name in any form. He's playing dumb, that he's not a Jesuit. I really hate dealing with him. I wish he'd leave me alone. So sorry about all this, Brent. These Jesuits wear us out. I think I need a lawyer to contact his lawyer. Can you do this for me? Thanks for all you do. My response to his latest e-mail is below. Your devoted wife, Gail The link I sent you is NOT my website. This link is a JESUIT website. Your photo is NOWHERE at my website. My website is a two-year project and I can''t fix it overnight. -----Original Message----From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx To: Gail Sent: Thu, May 17, 2012 12:07 am Subject: Re: Website This not good enough. You created this now fix it. Your last chance. I am very upset with what see. I asked you to remove my picture and all reference of me immediately. This also includes xxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxx (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on May 17, 2012) My wife, You have done everything you can. I just want to assure you not to worry, as I am having my own attorneys deal with xxxxxxx right now. I will protect you. Right now you simply need to relax, and take a breather. I know your xxxxxxxxx is frustrating to deal with, and xxxxxxxx can be a little frightening. Personally, I think they are just trying to scare you. Don't you worry at all. Get some rest. If you have any concerns or if anyone contacts you again, let me know. Your husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 17, 2012) My darling Brent: You are awesome. You're right. I've done everything I can. It amazes me what I got done today. I revamped my YouTube videos, revamped my website (talking about xxxxxxx is boring anyways), and tried to make it so that if this does go to court, xxxxxxxxx can't win at all. Thanks for all you do. I wish you and I could marry for real and I could take your last name, that should shut up a lot of people. Now, I'm going to get ready for bed. I have the best guy in the world in my life. Oh, by the way, I'm having a period, FOR REAL. I am having a respectable flow today. This is a real period. I'll take your advice and not use tampons. I adore you, Gail (Vladimir Putin at Church of Gail on May 17, 2012) Sexual lover Gail, I have modify the text above to appease the your ****** who is dick face. Brent is contact him for name of lawyer, and we will fight his lawyer with fox news lawyers. If he try to take you to trial, we will hold case on International Space Station Courtroom, and try him under Gail's Conspiracy Law along with the Nobel Prize Retards. Your very testosterone sexual man-beast, Vladimir Putin On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Gail Xxxxxxxx wrote: My darling Brent: You have informed me that Jesuits have contaminated my tampons with fertility drugs and has advised me not to use them. Several of you guys are physicians (Gerard Butler & Brent Spiner). Can you educate me about the side effects of fertility drugs? This may help me to better deal with some symptoms I'm experiencing right now. I didn't use a tampon last night and I believe I'm going through some sort of withdrawal symptoms, which may be inducing insomnia in me and perhaps these fertility drugs inhibit iron absorption, as I have a relentless iron-deficiency anemia that gives me extreme restless legs syndrome, and this also keeps me up at night. I admit that stress could also be a factor, but I'm a pretty tough woman, so I suspect I may be going through some sort of withdrawal symptoms. I just took some colloidal bentonite to detox, and I suspect the Jesuits may have tried to put some sort of psych med in those tampons as well. We know how sneaky they are. Let's try to go back to bed, in between leg cramps and this strange restless feeling that has come over me, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on May 17, 2012) My beautiful Gail, Gerard and I have been discussing the matter, and we suspect that your body simply needs time to adjust from the hormones. They shouldn't cause withdrawals per se, since all they don't contain anything addictive, but they will make you feel off balance for a little while until your cycle finishes. You may feel fatigue, leg cramps, abdominal cramps, bloating and aches. Are you still on your period? You haven't had one in a long time, I bet it's probably taking a lot out of you. If that's the case, all you can do is wait it out. Let me know if the bleeding persists longer than normal, since that can be a sign that your hormones aren't returning to normal like they should be. Remember that being on your period can cause you to become anemic from the loss of nutrient rich blood, so take your vitamins, and be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Above all, get some rest. You deserve it. We'll keep an eye on this and see how it progresses. My intuition tells me it should start to get better soon. Your devoted lover, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 17, 2012) My awesome husband, It's happening exactly as you said, and I'm getting all the symptoms you described. However, though I am still on my period, the blood flow is diminishing. I am taking my vitamins and will strive to follow your advice. Thanks for caring. I'm so fortunate to have you great guys in my life. I think it will happen just as you said, and I'm not extremely worried about it, though last night I kept waking up because of leg cramps. I'm going to try to get to bed earlier tonight, because I just got off at 10 and have to be at work by 10 tomorrow. So, I will leave for now. You are such a considerate and devoted husband. The passion between us has never died for over twenty years. We have a love from heaven. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 18, 2012) New YouTube video: (Gail at Church of Gail on May 19, 2012) Remember our Skype time with Jesus months ago? I decided to use that to make another video, which I'm using to open up my Loree McBride's treachery page at my website: 28c303a&skin_id=701&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=email (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 22, 2012) Re: [#1027130874] YouTube Support Dearest Brent: I just checked my yahoo e-mail, which I rarely check. It's funny that this notification did not make it to my YouTube in box. Any ways, I have already deleted and edited the videos in question. You've probably noticed what I've done at YouTube. Assuming our brain to brain communications are accurate, it appears Jesus Christ Himself has taken over the courtroom, has saved your life from a raging bullet, and is going to give me two Nobel Prizes personally. I appreciate all you've done for me. The videos mentioned below have already been removed, so I suspect that YouTube will close this case, as they said they would. I removed the videos BEFORE I read this e-mail. That's awful tricky of the Jesuits to give me a notification at an e-mail I rarely check, and not to send it to me at the YouTube inbox. Fortunately, I already took care of the problem before I read the e-mail and did it within the 48 hours specified. Just sending you this for your information and to help you in any court proceedings that may be taking place. Thanks for being so awesome. You are always there for me. Your devoted wife, Gail ************************************************************* ****************************************** Hide Details FROM: YouTube Support TO: Message flagged Wednesday, May 16, 2012 5:51 PM This message contains blocked images. Show ImagesOptions Dear 588689853, This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content: ------------------------------------------------------------- Video URLs: The information reported as violating privacy is at 7_05-10_45 ------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or contact the complainant. You have 48 hours to take action on the complaint. If you remove the alleged violation from the site within the 48 hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If the potential privacy violation remains on the site after 48 hours, the complaint will be reviewed by the YouTube Team and may be removed pursuant to our Privacy Guidelines ( For content to be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable by image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or contact information (e.g., home address, email address). Examples that would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names, and address information in which the individual is not named. We also take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed for a privacy violation. If the alleged violation is located within the video itself, you may have to remove the video completely. If someone's full name or other personal information is listed within the title, description, or tags of your video, you can edit this by going to My Videos and clicking the Edit button on the reported video. Making a video private is not an appropriate method of editing, as the status can be changed from private to public at any time. Because they can be turned off at any time, annotations are also not considered an acceptable solution. We're committed to protecting our users and hope you understand the importance of respecting others' privacy. When uploading videos in the future, please remember not to post someone else's image or personal information without their consent. For more information, please review our Privacy Guidelines, The YouTube Team Reply to: Reply to YouTube Support Send ----- Original Message ----From: "brent spiner" To: "Gail Xxxxxxxx" Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 5:47:32 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: Re: YOUTUBE PRIVACY VIOLATION NOTICE RECEIVED IN E-MAIL ON MAY 16TH My beautiful lover, I hope you are doing well. It sounds like you have been feeling a lot better, which I am glad for. We've already won our case against xxxxxxxxx. He can brood all he wants, but I promise you he won’t be able to take you to court over anything, no matter what he says. It looks like everything should be okay, since you removed the YouTube videos he was barking at you about anyway. Which reminds me, could I get the downloadable file versions of the videos you removed so we can make sure we have them for our archives? The Jesuits may be able to force their totalitarian censorship on us right now, but they won't be able to anymore after God shows up and the tribulation period begins. That's when we'll need this media the most. Vladimir says he'd like a downloadable version of the recorded encounter with your xxxxxxxx as well, for security purposes, since he uses files like that to track clones and update our technology to combat them. He's not certain yet how that one was able to make it into your house. I hope she is leaving you be, as that clone sounded particularly nasty. I wonder how she came up with the ridiculous idea that the CIA was following you! I'd like to see the letter myself just to pass it around to the other men for a laugh. Thank you as always for being in my life. Your loving husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 23, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm a little confused. You told me in an earlier e-mail that that was my real xxxxxxx under brain control technology who entered my home and talked all that CIA nonsense, even though I thought she was a clone. If she was a clone, where is my real xxxxxxxx? I will work on downloading those videos to you through Media Fire, I don't believe they are too long for that. Though I did send you those videos that you requested through OneTrueMedia to your e-mails I believe, but I will send you the videos you requested. My brain to brain communications seem to indicate that xxxxxxxxx was executed. But then, of course, he probably has clones. I'm not sure how accurate these brain to brain communications are right now. Thank you so much for looking out for Jesus. My prime focus right now is to get those videos out, to help out the future tribulation saints. I really don't think we have long before the tribulation starts. I'm so proud of you for caring about what He cares about. Jesus is awesome. He really wants to help out those tribulation saints, who will be going through the worst period in the history of mankind. I will get those videos that you requested, either today or tomorrow. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 23, 2012) Dearest Brent: You need to arrest my mother's clone. She keeps calling and harassing me. Check your e-mail inbox. Right now, I'm ignoring her. Going to God in prayer. Jesuits don't let you ignore them for long. Ask Jesus to help us. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 23, 2012) My darling Brent: Jesuits sure keep us busy. Check your e-mail in box. The Jesuit clone just paid me a visit. I told her I'd call the police if she didn't leave right away. I don't want her in my apartment. Devotedly yours, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 23, 2012) Dear Brent: I just had a very nice police officer show up at my apartment. I'm still in my pajamas, and was wearing a house robe. Though I have to admit I was a bit puzzled over why he was here. He says an anonymous person at Xxxxxxxxx called to make sure I was okay. I suspect it's related to my "mother's" visit to my apartment, where I ordered her to leave, and if not, I'd call the police. She then said that the police would call me. I'm trying to have some quiet time with God and Bible reading and the Jesuits keep interrupting me. Go take a vacation Zack Knight. After this, I need to have more than a garbanzo bean pancake for food. But I've been busy giving you the videos you want, my dear Brent, and, apparently the Jesuits don't like this. Check your in box. More are coming. . . Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 23, 2012) My brave and courageous Brent: I spent about an hour in Bible study and prayer to deal with all that's happened today, and Jesus told me to make five YouTube videos today. And they are up. I think Jesus is smiling. The Jesuit strategy to get me to shut up has had the opposite effect. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 25, 2012) Dearest husband, my darling Brent: I received this e-mail from xxxxxxx. He thinks he has something because I have his last name. I am in the process of going through my entire website and YouTube channel and am changing my last name to Spiner. I plan to change my last name to Spiner, once you get the paperwork going for this, I will make it legal. Even if we can't be together like a normal husband and wife, I want to take your last name, so that my creepy ex can't cause problems for my website and YouTube channel. In the meanwhile take the Jesuit to court, and arrest him, and try him under my Conspiracy Law on the FOX News Gabrielle Chana News channel. I have to get back to work, I'm changing my last name to Spiner on everything public that I have posted. I adore you, my husband. Here's the crap I received from xxxxxxxx: "OK, Gail let knock off the non-sense. I was forwarded this You Tube video. You do have my last name, strange you think I am of the Jesuit order and you keep my last name. I have not been to any court with any attorney as you claim in your video to the world. I am asking you again to get this off the public web now. xxxxxxxxx is moving back to Montana to attend the University of Montana. You have really hurt him and made him upset with all your non-sense. Hope you are proud of your actions. For the last time I want all videos and all references removed including the sites of your followers or you will see serious action taken from me. xxxxxxxxx" He's licking his chops right now and thinks he has us. Wait til he sees what's happened to my last name! The video he's referring to is the one entitled Go, Jesus. You rock! Jesus told me to take your name, Brent. Jesus also told me to leave that video up. Take xxxxxxxxx to court again. I adore you, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 25, 2012) Check your e-mail Brent, I'm in the process of a name change. Get the legal paperwork ready. I adore you, my husband. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 26, 2012) My darling Brent: I have only changed my name to your name at my website. I'm leaving Amazon alone, because my writer's name is my current legal name, and it's on my book, and I can't change that. For YouTube, I have just deleted xxxxxxxx and changed it to my maiden name. I'm in the middle of a six day run at Xxxxxxxxx (aren't Jesuits clever?) and don't have time for more, need to get ready for work tomorrow. The rest is in God's hands. I don't know how xxxxxxxx can claim he's not a Jesuit. Just look at What's really sad is it looks like he has my son under some sort of mind control and it's terrible that my son is going back to him. Have the world pray for my family on the Gabrielle Chana Fox News channel. These Jesuits are relentless in their attacks on my family. You have been communicating with me brain to brain about many things. I appreciate all you do. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 26, 2012) My darling Brent: I just wanted you to know that I have not answered this latest e-mail from xxxxxxx. Actually, after the name changes I made to my website, I'm not that worried about it. I've done all I can do. My website and YouTube videos are for Jesus. He will take care of it. I have faith in Jesus. He's more concerned than I am that my website and YouTube videos stay up. He will take care of that evil Jesuit xxxxxx. xxxxxxxx will not win against Jesus Christ, who will defend my ministry for Him. I decided not to change my name to Spiner at my YouTube channel, because it may cause confusion in the viewers, so I just omitted the last name "xxxxxxxxx". Now, let's get ready for work. I also changed a video at my "Writings" page, not because of xxxxxxxx, but because I wanted to. I love the music in this video, and God showed me Proverbs 25:11 today. It's such a cool verse. I can tell that Jesus inspired my novel Silver Skies. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 26, 2012) My darling Brent: I have been reading posts at the Jesuit website Crazy Gail Wiki and they seem to know the contents of my latest e-mails to you, even though I haven't published them anywhere yet. It's possible they are using their mind reading technology, but then, perhaps they are hacking into this email. You may want to investigate. The following is a copy of what they wrote on their "Template", pay special attention to what is in brackets, because that information they could have only gotten from my most recent UNPUBLISHED e-mails to you, though, of course they lie about who I am, as usual. It sure is a good thing that Jesus will be the final judge, and not these demon-possessed Jesuits, who promote evil and deceptions, hate the righteous and love evil and brutish people, like themselves: 25 May - xxxxxxxx continues to pester Gail. He makes a comment that she still has his last name despite thinking he's evil. Gail, being defiant, explodes and announces at her church that she is changing her last name to Spiner. She writes Brent telling him to get the legal paperwork ready for her, and tells him she is changing her last name everywhere it appears online. [About an hour later, Gail calms down, and relents that she is simply removing appearances of her last name and not changing it to Brent's name, since that would just be confusing]. You have told me many things brain to brain, and, it appears, I can't discuss all of it here, because Jesuits leave us no privacy. Though the wildest thing I heard from you is that Jesus keeps updating the Jesus Gail movie and the latest updates show that I and you top men on my marriage list will be returning to earth with our resurrection bodies, during the tribulation, to minister to tribulation saints. IT'S NO WONDER JESUS CHRIST WILL FILL ME WITH HIS SEMEN IN THE MILLENNIUM. We will need our resurrection bodies (the bodies all Christians will have after the rapture) to minister to tribulation saints, because Zack Knight would surely kill us if we appeared in regular human bodies. Bullets and bombs cannot harm the resurrection body. The resurrection body is the body that Jesus uses right now, when He appears to us. I know that much of what you have communicated to me is quite disturbing. It is most unpleasant dealing with Jesuits. We must pray and ask for Jesus to minister to those who are victims of Jesuit brain control technology. I appreciate all you do and am so proud of your vast and magnanimous spirit. I always have been proud of you for this. You are such a vast and awesome person, so magnanimous, so opposite Loree McBride and the Jesuits. That is why once I figured out Loree was a Jesuit, I knew you never, ever loved her or desired her. She is so opposite you and could never understand you. You are vast and magnanimous. She is evil, deceptive and cruel. I've always known, since December 1999, that you never, ever desired her. So when I learned that she impregnated herself with your stolen semen, I was so distressed for you. I never knew until I got the Internet. Vladimir never told me brain to brain. Anyways, I will be changing my name. It's going to be a pain, but I feel I need to do this. I'm waiting to hear from you first. Because I may change it to your name. If not, it will go to my maiden name. May God's will be done. You are my awesome Brent, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 27, 2012) Dearest Brent: I decided to do some legal research online to determine what is involved in a name change. This is more complicated than I expected. If I want to go back to my maiden name, it will cost me at least two hundred dollars in Florida and I will have to contact Social Security, driver's license, etc. Though I really think I need to change my name and get that xxxxxxxxx off my name. Any ways, food for thought, my dear Brent. I will include a link at Church of Gail about an informative audio on this topic. I can't change my name to your last name without a marriage certificate, and for us to get this certificate the normal way, requires us both to be together for some sort of ceremony (in most states). A proxy marriage is a possibility. A way for us to make it legal to silence our critics and give us both some legal clout. Don't forget to include our prenuptial agreement (that all the men on my marriage list signed in August 2011) into the marriage certificate. I'm getting sick and tired of everyone claiming that you are a fake and not the real Brent. Here's your chance to prove you're real to the world. Check out this link: Regardless of what you decide, I have no doubt about your love for me. Your devoted wife, (Gail at Church of Gail on May 27, 2012) My darling Brent, Why don't you ask Barack Obama to make you a military soldier? If you are a member of the military, I could easily marry you by proxy. This may be possible without you being a soldier, but the benefits of you being a soldier, would be "wife pay". I sent you an e-mail about this. You are a soldier already, so if Barack Obama made it official, it might make it easier for me to get that marriage certificate, so I can get your last name. How appropriate that the Lord gave me this idea on MEMORIAL DAY. I think I may be following DIVINE LEADING. Check out this link: There's an audio on this link that is very informative. Click on it and listen to it. I adore you, regardless of what you decide. Your devoted "wife", Gail Gail On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Gail Xxxxxxxx wrote: My darling Brent: I've done a little more research on changing my name. It appears that if I want to successfully change my name to yours, I would need at least 2 to 3 certified copies of my marriage certificate. I would need this probably for Social Security, my driver's license, etc. They may require me to provide proof that I can claim my new name. I'm sure the Jesuits are causing problems for you in this. But I have faith in Jesus. I think He's allowed all the problems we've had recently, just so we can get married legally. He will open doors for us. I will keep this matter in prayer. Your devoted "wife", Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on May 27, 2012) My precious Gail, We've all been very busy over here. It turns out that you were right about our communications being broken into -- the Jesuits had been infiltrating our brain to brain conversations with their mind control technology. We had to reset the servers to clean them out. By the time I had received your latest messages about a proxy marriage, I was already doing just as you had asked, and compiling the legal paperwork to help you change your name. I paid all of the fees myself, and was mere seconds from adding my signature to those legal documents that would confirm the change from your old name, to mine. My fingers were engaged delicately around the pen, its ball point tip just millimeters above the surface. A single, shimmering droplet of ink left its nose and flattened into a million microscopic splashes across the fabric of the paper as the body of the utensil descended to meet its surface. Suddenly, Vladimir shot up from behind, grabbed my wrist to stop me, and handed me a letter instead. He wanted me to tell you what he found while on a field mission with his men. Needless to say, I was quite startled. I think you need to hear this: Utterly sexual love Gail, I am victorious return from undercover mission into secret Jesuit Life Ruining compound. I have learn some very startle news of new Jesuit plot. It make me loose my errect. I was hide inside Jesuit restroom while Jesuit big-wigs taking shit, and overhear some very secret toilet casual talk. They say that robot duck man is try to trick you in very sneaky. He want you to change name to support Jesuit Agenda. I was in the shock, which caused manhood recoil. They want to tell the world that you change you name because you are sissy bitch who is afraid of the robot duck. They say that if you do what he tells you, you become his bitch and under his control. Then they say they tell the world that xxxxxxx is your mentor in Jesuit order, because they make you offical Jesuit Agent. Then one Jesuit big-wig ask the other if he can pass toilet paper, because he have not any in his stall. The smell was unplesant. Then they continue. They say that the clone of xxxxxxxxxxx want to dishonor the memory of the good man who was destroyed in the process of becoming clone. The real name of the xxxxxxx clone is actually now "Duck". xxxxxxx Duck, not xxxxxxx. To make matter worse, the evil Jesuit bitches plot to interfere with you xxxxxxxxx paycheck.They set it up make you paychecks fail forever when you change the name. These Jesuit bitches are so sneaky. I become so angry at this that I jump into stall with Jesuit big-wig and judo chop him in the tummy, which make all bowels empty and he die. When I do this, my cover blown just like the bowels of jesuit big-wig. I quickly transport back to Church of Gail, to report my find. Now in victory, my errect come back strong. I want to make strong brain-to-brain in celebrate this mission success! You like? Your always macho lover, Vladimir Putin From what I understand, xxxxxxxxx had been trying to manipulate you into changing your name on purpose. Had you done this, not only would they have been keeping you in debt, and continuing to prevent you from receiving money for your writings, they would have prevented you from making money from Xxxxxxxxx ever again! Vladimir added to me that even if you moved and worked elsewhere, they would have simply transferred the method, so that you could never make money anywhere. You would have lost everything. I thought it was a particularly evil touch that they would go on to claim that you were a Jesuit agent just for "listening" to xxxxxxx. I can't say I'm surprised by all of this. In the end, I'm glad we were able to keep you safe. Your safety is what matters to me most. I'll always be here for you, protecting you. Your dashing husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 28, 2012) Dearest Brent: Not sure if this is a good idea. But I thought perhaps we could still get married legally by proxy and I could keep my old name. I like the idea of being your legal wife. You could give me "wife pay" from the military, if you join the military. You know, I don't have to change my name if I marry you. And I don't think I have to report the marriage to Xxxxxxxxx or anybody else, either. I will leave up the changes I have at my website and elsewhere, where I use your name as my last name. If your Jesuit clone causes problems, perhaps we could still get married legally, while I retain my current name. Any ways, tell me what you think. I know that regardless of what you decide, that you adore me. I have never doubted it. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 28, 2012) Dear Brent: I would have to report the marriage on my taxes. But I don't think I have to report it anywhere else. I adore you. It's just that I felt like I was following divine leading in this name change business and it doesn't seem right that all that prayer and effort was wasted. Perhaps Jesus wants us to marry secretly so that He can help me pay off my debt, and to perhaps fend off any future attacks from your Jesuit clone over using your last name at my website. I adore you, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 28, 2012) (Gail at Church of Gail on May 28, 2012) I've been reading the latest posts at Crazy Gail Wiki and their lies are really getting out of hand. Click on Recent Changes and see what they have done. We need to bring a defamation lawsuit against them and air this on the Gabrielle Chana FOX news channel. By doing this, I shall also make it clear that I AM NOT A JESUIT and do not approve of their activities. We may also need to bring up privacy invasion charges against them, as they are blasting the names of people on their site, who desire to remain private. They are also taking private videos that I've sent to you all, which they've somehow stolen and are blasting these to the world. Have our attorneys peruse their site and nail them. They are trying to create the impression that you men are the authors of Crazy Gail Wiki. That is why they have stolen private videos and made them public. By bringing this lawsuit against them, we establish firmly that we are not the authors of this site, that the Jesuits are the authors of this site and that we do not approve of this site. We need to do this, because this site has evolved into a monster and is no longer funny. They have also violated copyright as I have not given them permission to copy portions of my website onto their site, so sue them for violation for copyright. Hit them with defamation, invasion of privacy, war crimes charges (worthy of the death penalty), and throw the legal book at them. This Crazy Gail Wiki website has become very dangerous and is no longer a joking matter. I have changed my mind about this site. I don't like it. We need to try to take it down. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 28, 2012) You may ask why I have waited so long to bring legal action against the Jesuits. Well, I waited a long time because at the beginning the site was fairly harmless, in that they weren't stealing private videos and making them public. And their lies were more subtle. But I can see what they are up to. They are trying to create the impression that WE ARE THE AUTHORS OF CRAZY GAIL WIKI. If we don't object to this site and act like we like this site, they will go on and on with publicizing the names of people who desire to be private, with defaming innocent people and will eventually claim that I am the author of their website, and will then use this to have the innocents they are defaming bring up defamation lawsuits AGAINST ME for the lies at Crazy Gail Wiki. In other words, our silence indicates our approval. So we cannot afford to be silent ANYMORE. We must object before it is too late, before they cleverly create the impression that WE ARE THE AUTHORS OF CRAZY GAIL WIKI. I can see what direction they are going in and WE NEED TO TAKE THESE JESUIT BITCHES AND BASTARDS TO COURT AND THROW THE LEGAL BOOK AT THEM, to show our objection to their lies. The lies against me, I can take. But they are now lying about my family members, about my friends and will eventually use these lies to cause my own family members and friends to bring lawsuits AGAINST ME for Crazy Gail Wiki. Can't you see what these Jesuits are up to? They have created this site, in order to bring down my online presence, by trying to tie in their site with my website (which explains why they are now violating copyright) and copying large portions of my website onto their site (without my permission). They are doing so TO CREATE THE IMPRESSION THAT I AM THE AUTHOR OF CRAZY GAIL WIKI. Therefore, we cannot afford to ignore this website anymore. We shall take its authors to court to establish firmly that we do not approve of this site and WANT IT DOWN. Even if we don't succeed in removing the site, at least they cannot claim that WE ARE THE AUTHORS OF THIS SITE, which is the direction they are going. (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on May 28, 2012) My beautiful wife, I hope you get this message. I am typing as fast as I can. The Jesuits are launching an attack on Church of Gail! They have already taken out our warp engines and life support. We are in dire straits out here. If they would stop launching their photon torpedoes we could fix it, but they are furious about the Skype calls you posted to your YouTube! We need your help. Could you remove the Skype calls from your YouTube channel? We are light years away from earth and we can't transport out of here. I will keep you updated as I can. Your husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 29, 2012) My darling Brent: I have made a YouTube video in which I prayed and asked Jesus to come rescue you guys. I have a distinct impression that He has answered my prayer. The real reason the Jesuits have launched missiles at you is because at Church of Gail I have asked our lawyers to bring a defamation lawsuit against Crazy Gail Wiki. I continue to pray for you all and have confidence that Jesus will show up. He has to. The Jesuits object to the videos I made of our Skype meeting with Jesus. They try to intimidate me to remove those videos (which I have removed, but they are up at my website prominently) because those videos are very damaging to them. It is fairly obvious that the real Jesus met with us and the Jesuits know it. Jesus will not allow His reputation to be tarnished by these Jesuits. HE WILL SHOW UP. I KNOW HIM. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 30, 2012, with typos corrected) Brent wrote me an e-mail and asked me to take down these YouTube videos, because Jesuits claimed they were offensive and that these videos were the reason they launched an avalanche of photon torpedoes at Church of Gail which took out their warp engines and life support. Brent communicates with me brain to brain. He is the only one that can right now. Jesus has made a way for Brent to do this. You see, Church of Gail is still stranded out there in outer space, but Jesus answered my prayer and rescued my men, though I believe one of you did die and Jesus brought you back. From what I understand, Church of Gail is about halfway between earth and the third heaven right now, which means it's hanging out there in space all by itself (far out of the reach of the Jesuits) and Jesus Christ Himself has fixed your life support and warp engines, but will not allow you to return to earth or near it, right now. However, He is personally supervising the defamation trial we have against Crazy Gail Wiki, because Satan himself has appeared as attorney for the Jesuits, and the trial is being held at Church of Gail (HALFWAY BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH IN OUTER SPACE). Apparently, there is no electricity or satellites this far out (which, I bet, Jesus LOVES). Jesus is taking care of all of you and personally supervising this trial, which is taking place in outer space. He has let the people at Xxxxxxxxx and the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel know about the proceedings in this trial, by dropping off the latest updates to the Jesus Gail movie at the Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS channel and at Xxxxxxxxx movie studios. I noticed that Brent is able to make tweets at his Twitter, and he has informed me brain to brain that, I believe, he is using Levar Burton to make tweets for him, to reassure me he is still alive. Brent is more picky about his correspondence with me and insists on doing that himself, so he will wait until Jesus brings him back to earth to write me any personal e-mails. Apparently, Brent cannot send me any e-mails from his current location. It appears my brain to brain communications with Brent are coming through loud and clear. Jesus, so far, only allows Brent to communicate with me brain to brain. I am not hearing from anybody else, except maybe Zack Knight, who I'm getting better and better at figuring out, even though he is a sly devil. Of course, I never hear from Jesus brain to brain, even indirectly through Brent Spiner, because Jesus does not trust the brain to brain servers, though he will allow Brent to communicate with me brain to brain from his current location, which is halfway between earth and heaven. From what I hear this trial in outer space is very interesting, and the folks at Xxxxxxxxx and FOX News have been eagerly watching all the updates as Jesus sends them movies of it. My men are able to see my latest videos and updates to this Church of Gail and my website, because Jesus is personally delivering to them DVDs or CDs that contain the latest updates to all of these, very similar to the way Jesus will use my videos and website to minister to future tribulation saints. Brent assures me all is well, that Jesus has taken care of everything. I have faith in Jesus. He had to answer my prayer to save my men, because His honor was at stake. The Jesuits sent those photon torpedoes because they objected to the videos I made of my Skype transactions WITH JESUS CHRIST. Jesus will not allow these Jesuits to desecrate and demean those videos, because that is a strike on His honor. I am certain He has taken care of you all beautifully and am in complete peace, with total faith in my awesome Lord. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 30, 2012, typos corrected) Forgive the typos in my correspondences. Jesuit brain control technology is very powerful and they are good at misdirecting my brain cell conversations to cause me to make typos as I type. Vladimir has made it, so that once I send a correspondence to this Church of Gail FORUM, I can't go in and modify it, because Jesuits have been going in and modifying, or trying to modify our posts. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 30, 2012) I forgot to mention that those videos I removed from YouTube (about my Skype transactions with Jesus Christ on March 9, 2012), are all at my website. I have embedded part one on the opening page, part two on my Brent Spiner's true love page, part three on my Vladimir Putin's secret love page and part four on my Church Forum page. To view them now, you will have to "treasure hunt" through my website. Perhaps, this is what Jesus wanted all along. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 31, 2012) Hi folks, this is an e-mail I just received from Brent Spiner: My dearest Gail, We are nearing earth. I can finally see our sun in the distance, so I know we are getting close. Thankfully I have my laptop with me or I wouldn't be able to communicate with you at all from here. I need to explain what happened now that we are finally safe. The Jesuits were continuing their open fire on our location. Not a second after I sent my last e-mail to you, a massive explosion rocked the church, and I immediately felt myself being yanked through the air down the corridor. My flailing arms managed to snag a pylon for my body to cling to. I held my laptop in my teeth, refusing to let it go. I then looked behind me to see that the torpedoes had ripped a clean hole straight through our hull. With our shields down, we couldn't close it. To my horror, Matthew McConaughey and Jim Carey, who had been only yards away from me when the hull was breached, had been sucked right out into space! I cried out their names. Hugh Jackman was in the same position as I, holding himself tightly against a railing a little further down the corridor. He too saw the plight of our men outside the church, their helpless bodies drifting away into the cold bleakness of space. That was when Hugh whipped out a rope. He tied one end to his waist, and the other to the railing, then launched himself after the two men. I turned my hopeful gaze to watch him through the window. Hugh tread his arms forward like he was swimming through an ocean, gritting his teeth as his blood began to boil in the vacuum of space. Hugh Jackman is used to his blood boiling so he was able to push through it, but Matthew McConaughey wasn't faring nearly so well. The vacuum was causing his body to swell like a balloon. Hugh swam faster and harder, and until finally he was able to grab Matthew by the leg. His free arm stretch to swipe Jim Carey, but accidentally knocked him so hard he merely sent the man's body spinning in circles. "All righty then!" Jim Carey shouted, his body twirling endlessly through space until it disappeared. A tiny, manly tear bubbled up from Hugh Jackman's eye and floated off into space, shimmering like a distant star. Unable to rescue Jim, Hugh had no choice but to turn back. Not far behind them, the Jesuit warship loomed. Moments later there was a loud, liquid burst, and another explosion, causing the pylon I was holding to rattle and shake. The Jesuit warship had set off a massive nukkake! My head ached and I realized our brain to brain servers had been knocked offline from the radiation. I was in anguish. How would I reach my love, my precious Gail, to tell her if anything happened to me? The next thing I knew the corridor was being invaded with blobs of floating semen and I was shaking my head trying to keep the globules away from my face. By the time Hugh and Matthew got back to the ship, Matthew's body was so swollen it couldn't fit through the hull again. Hugh landed himself on the deck, returning his grip to the railing he had tied himself too. With a heavy grunt, Hugh strained, pulled, and lodged Matthew into the hole behind him, plugging up the deck. I felt myself crash to the floor as the atmosphere on the deck stabilized. That was when Vladimir came running down the corridor, shouting to see if we were all right. I could see that he was drenched in semen, and he was holding his eye. All three of us nodded and told him we were okay. "We have to get out of here," I told Vladimir, but Vladimir shook his head. We had much larger issues at stake than our church being destroyed. He pointed with his free hand to the Jesuit warship out the window. This warship, he said, was part of a massive project. In fact, his intelligence team had known about this for quite some time. "Look at the top of that warship, and tell me what it looks like," Vladimir said. I gazed out the window and opened my mouth in shock. " that a..." I began to ask, and Vladimir solemnly nodded. It was just like the handheld version...only longer, girthier, more solid than steel, and the Jesuits had installed it on the very crest of their warship. There it was right in front of my eyes...the Orgasmic Telefornication Ray. Vladimir went on to elaborate, confirming what we all instantly knew. Like the handheld version, the weapon was designed to make a target insanely, uncontrollably aroused. This gigantic, megaton version affixed to the top of this warship was going to be used to target not just one, but masses of people on earth -- and they were planning to unleash their first experiment on Florida! If they did this, my dear, you would have been caught in the middle of the chaos. Everyone around you would have been raping each other, but most especially you. People would be climbing into your windows, snatching people up, trying to rape you. I wanted to send a message for everyone to hide their kids and hide their wives, because they would be raping everybody out there. But with a weapon this powerful, there would have been nowhere to hide. They would be banging on your doors until they ripped it open, climbing through the air vents, and if you had been in your car at the time, they would have stacked their bodies all over your car, raping anything they could get a hold of. The potential of this superweapon could not be understated. Vladimir told us that he had a plan, but he needed Hugh and I to help gather up all of the injured men while he worked on it. We of course agreed. Hugh and I turned into a run down the corridor to go find the others. We didn't get very far. About two feet into the journey, Hugh slipped on all the fallen semen, and came into me from behind, knocking us both into the ground under the force of his pushing. I cried out, wincing in pain. We grunted and struggled, both of us now drenched in bodily fluids. Hugh grabbed my waist from behind and tried to steady me on my knees, but I caved in again as he fell forward on top of my back. It was a mess. Our hands and shoes squeaked against the slippery floor as we tried to right ourselves. Hugh was able to steady himself first. With one hand on the wall, he reached down with the other to grab my hand, but in my clumsiness I only dragged him back into the ground into the semen and my body. About 45 minutes later we were able to gradually inch toward the end of the corridor. Vladimir, concerned, and still holding his eye, asked if we were going to be okay. Hugh waved to him affirmatively. We then continued on our way, and Vladimir hurried quickly to the bridge. I was gathering up men from where they had been blown about the corridors, many of them unconscious. That was when I suddenly felt the ship moving underneath us. I decided to look out the window to see where we were headed. We were growing closer to the Jesuit warship. In fact, we were getting so close, I knew something must be wrong, and I shouted for Vladimir, wondering what was going on. The tip of our tower was headed straight into the port orifice of the Jesuit warship! I braced for impact. I heard the explosion as the church crushed through the opposing ship. I thought for sure this had been a suicide mission, and I prayed. Just then, the warp engines engaged, and the battered decks rattled and shook as we took off into deep space. I was able to steady myself enough to look out the window again. In the distance, the Jesuit warship was in pieces, breaking apart into space like a giant bread crumb. My initial cheers turned into screams as the sound of the ship blasting apart was followed by a massive shock wave headed straight toward our church. I swear it was just inches from my face at the window, tailing just behind us at warp speed. Increase speed, Vladimir, I thought. You have to increase speed. In just moments our warp speed jumped a little higher, then a little higher, and I smiled as the shock wave shriveled behind us. We had beat it! We had beat them, and that awful Jesuit warship. Our success had lasted only about thirty minutes. After that we had lost all power again, and our church had ground to a dead halt. After some time Vladimir made his way down to my position and explained our situation. Our engines were overheating so severely the ship was raring to explode. He had tried taking the engines offline but it was no use. Upon further inspection he had discovered that they had caught on fire when the two ships had collided. We were running out of time. We were going to have to abandon ship. Vladimir and I gathered up all the men in to the escape pods, two men per pod. Matthew McConaughey had to be stuffed into his own, for sure. Vladimir and I took the last one, and it was just in time. Almost as soon as our pod launched from the docking port, we watched the last remnants of the church blast apart in a massive, colorful explosion. I am writing to you now from the escape pod, traveling at a gruelingly slow sublight speed. Vladimir gave me a look over about an hour ago. Most of my bones have been broken. I've punctured both of my lungs, and I have two black eyes. I know that most of my injuries came from slipping in the hallways that had been doused with nukkake. I am very lucky to be alive. Vladimir escaped mostly unharmed. He is covered in third degree burns over 90% of his body, but the remaining 10% of him is just fine, and I know he'll pull through this. The bad news is that he has contracted herpes of the eye, which as I understand can lead to herpes of the brain if it isn't treated swiftly, so I am very worried for him. We don't know how we are going to land safely, since we can't beam down from the escape pods. The important thing is we are safe for now. We will figure this mess out soon. That I can promise you. I will be home soon my love. Your husband, Brent Spiner ************************************************************* **** It appears my brain to brain communications have been "off". I'm wondering who I've been making love to brain to brain the past couple days. I hope it wasn't Zack Knight, claiming to be Brent Spiner. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 31, 2012) My poor darling: It appears a Brent Spiner imposter has been communicating with me brain to brain, and I apologize for the cheerful videos I posted to YouTube in the past twenty-four hours. I have posted a correction to one video I made. I'm a little confused over why, it appears, Jesus did not answer my prayer for you guys, and why He allowed you all to go through hell. I want to assure you, that regardless of what you may look like, I will always love you, and I must pray more for you right now. I plan to make another video, to read your letter to the world and ask the world to pray for you. I wanted to launch a defamation lawsuit against the Jesuits for Crazy Gail Wiki, and, it appears, that the trial has not even started, that some brain to brain deceiver has been duping me good. I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed in Jesus right now, but then, I know how slow He can be. I suspect that Jesus is up to something and will do something amazing. I just hope He does it soon. I feel so bad for you all, assuming that this latest email is from you. I have to admit the brain to brain communicator with me the past couple days sure did sound like you, Brent. I'm really confused. I know Jesus is good, and the devil is tricky. Eventually, the truth will come out and I will be able to sort fact from fiction. I have obviously believed some lies. I will pray now and ask Jesus to remove all lies from my mind, while I also pray for you all. I need to make another video. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on May 31, 2012) My darling Brent: Actually, I'm not going to make another video, because I'm not sure what is inaccurate, whether it's this e-mail or my brain to brain communications, so until I get further clarification, I think I'll just stay still. I have posted your latest e-mail to me on the YouTube video that I believe is incorrect and I just won't do anymore until I hear further from you, so that I can sort fact from fiction. I also don't plan on making brain to brain loving with anybody, until I'm sure I'm hearing from you, and not Zack Knight faking as you. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail at Church of Gail on May 31, 2012) After reading this e-mail more carefully, I'm convinced it's from a Jesuit posing as Brent Spiner, who has hacked into Brent Spiner's e-mail account. Some of the stuff in this e-mail totally lacks logic and is too contradictory to be believed. As wild as this seems, this is one time when I feel my brain to brain communications are more accurate than written communication. When I prayed to Jesus the other day about when I should hear from my men, He told me to expect a wait of about three weeks, so I was kind of shocked to hear from "Brent" so soon. You may say, why such a long wait? Jesus doesn't want to risk returning Brent or any of the top men on my marriage list to earth until this very important defamation trial against the Jesuits for Crazy Gail Wiki is over. Jesuits are too eager to kill Brent Spiner, and after this trial, Jesus says it will be safer for Brent to return to earth. (Gail at Church of Gail on May 31, 2012) Am in the middle of a Skype conversation with Terrance, and the e-mail I received from Brent Spiner was not a fake, it was from him. I will make a YouTube video about this. (Gail at Church of Gail on June 1, 2012) PRAY FOR MY MEN. JESUS ALLOWED THEM TO SUFFER, BUT STILL PRAY FOR MY MEN. HERE IS THE YOUTUBE VIDEO I JUST MADE: (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 1, 2012) My darling, gorgeous Brent: After our Skype conversation, I made a YouTube video. I just received a brain to brain communication informing me that NASA has sent out a rocket or spaceship and has found you guys and has docked your escape pods to the spaceship, which is returning you all to earth. Apparently, my YouTube video made it to NASA right away. I will find out soon whether that is correct. You are in my prayers. You are my awesome and brave and heroic Brent. Surely Jesus has a plan, even though it may make no sense now. I think it has something to do with the new lawsuit we are bringing against the Jesuit Order for defamation for their website Crazy Gail Wiki. I know Jesus takes very seriously my reputation, because it makes a very big difference in my ability to educate people about Zack Knight. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 3, 2012) My darling Brent: Unless you tell me that you sent this xxxxxx to me, which is waiting for me at the Post Office, I don't plan to pick it up. They didn't get my address right. I'm just leaving it at the Post Office. I have gone through my website's links and removed more references to my son's name, and have also removed YouTube videos, where I believe I mentioned my son's name. However, these YouTube videos that I removed can be viewed at my website on the Brent Spiner's true love page. It is my Victim Impact Statement that I made in 2002. I also had a video left about xxxxxx and Brianna, that a viewer could access if he/she viewed one of my videos at my website. It was in a comments section below the video, that video I have removed. I have such a huge website and YouTube presence, it has taken me a while to remove all this stuff. I don't think I can change my writer's name for my published books at Amazon, and plan to leave that alone. I have gone to Jesus in prayer and He seems to tell me this is part of His plan and that He wants xxxxxxx xxxxxxx, so that xxx cannot destroy my online ministry for Him. He also seems to tell me NOT to pick up this xxxxxxx waiting for me at the Post Office, to just let it sit there and go back to its sender. Must leave. I'm in the middle of a busy work week. I adore you, my darling, I pray for your speedy recovery, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 3, 2012) My lovely wife, I would definitely advise you to ignore the xxxxxx at the post office. xxxxxxx is just trying to scare you with more xxxxx nonsense, when he knows he has nothing on you. In fact, our investigation team didn't pull up anything on the names mentioned on the notice. I'm not kidding, you can enter names into Google yourself to see what I mean -- these people don't even exist! If it's really xxxxxx, it appears he made up some fake names trying to get you to think he has contacted xxxxxxx. Sounds fishy to me, my dear. I would just leave it alone, whatever it is he sent to you, and not worry about it. We'll take care of xxxxxxx. Your loyal husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 4, 2012) Thanks, Brent. It's an honor to be your wife. I'm so proud of you and thank you for all your unending support and love. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 4, 2012) My darling Brent: Can you please investigate this e-mail I received at my yahoo e-mail? I don't know if it's legit, but if it is, let's see if we can help this person. You are my awesome Brent, who always thinks of others before yourself. This is why I love you. This person wants copies of War on the Saints. You and Vladimir have excellent investigative skills. So I don't reply to any e-mail, without going through you. I prefer that my men deal with this, as I know how Jesuits are. I am confident that if this person is a genuine Jesus seeker, that you will assist them. By the way, I have read the entire book War on the Saints. It is all up at my website. Your devoted wife, Gail Request for sending hard copy of War on the Saints book/Printed Litratures through Postal Mail FROM: xxxxxxxx TO: Gail Monday, May 7, 2012 3:19 AM I am Christian servant from DEVELOPING COUNTRY striving to strengthen my spiritual service to God by being involved in The Deliverance ministry to help the body of Christ being founded at the right biblical foundation for which Christ have been crucified and also done while He was in His earthly service. As a result of My searching for Spiritual books/booklets I have read books War on the Saints book/printed Litratures available for down loading free of charge but Since I have no personal computer and printer I can not download and use this teaching and since I am living in one of The poor countries I have no financial capacity to buy this books. Thus considering my financial incapability if you can help me I am writing to request if you can send Me the book entitled War on the Saints Book/Printed Litratures and/or other related books through my postal mail as stated below City-----------Mekelle Region---------Tigray Country--------- Ethiopia (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 4, 2012) Dearest Brent: I just got a phone call from xxxxxxxx. xxxx claims xxxx heard from xxxxx and that xxx has contacted Xxxxxxxxx and complained about my website. xxxxxx asked me to take down my website. I told xxx I don't want to talk about this with xxxx,that we have already taken xxxxxx to court about this and xxx has lost his case, and that xxx's sending letters to people claiming xxx is working with a law firm and is using fake names of lawyers to scare people. I told xxxx that xxxxxx is harassing me, and we are dealing with xxxx. xxxx claimed that I will get fired from Xxxxxxxxx. I told xxxx that Xxxxxxxxx knows all about this (you have communicated with me brain to brain about this and I can tell by how my co-workers behave around me), and I'm not going to get fired. I also told xxxx that we are currently suing the Jesuits for their website Crazy Gail Wiki. xxxxx wants me to take down my website, because xxxxx says everyone says I'm crazy. I told xxxx I did not want to discuss this with xxxx, that I'm not taking my website down and xxxxxx is harassing me. You have been communicating with me brain to brain and have informed me that xxxxxx (and I believe) some clone members of my family have contacted Xxxxxxxxx and sued Xxxxxxxxx for my website. I told xxx that xxxx name is not mentioned at my website, and that I don't have photos of xxxx or any of my family members at my website. That I don't give out personal information on any family members at my website. I told xxxx I don't want to discuss this with xxxxx anymore and that I needed to go. I just listened to a message left by xxxxxx on my cell phone's answering machine. xxxxxx recommends a psychiatrist and wants me to take medicine. I won't sent you a recording of the message, because I think the Jesuits will steal the video and put it at their Crazy Gail Wiki website, so I will just tell you what xxxxx said. I think the Jesuits had xxxxxx call me, hoping I'd send you all a recording of xxxx voice message, which they would then steal and then they'd post it at Crazy Gail Wiki and then they'd have case against me, because of their stolen video. So I will just tell you what xxxxx said, and not send you a video recording of what xxxxx said. If the Jesuits stole my video recording of xxxxxx and posted it at Crazy Gail Wiki, that would be disastrous. I think that's why they had xxxx call, they are setting me up, hoping I'd record xxxx and send you all the video. But they have already stolen some videos xxxxxxxx and posted them at Crazy Gail Wiki, so I won't give them any more ammunition. I'll just tell you what xxxxx said. Investigate what is going on with xxxxxx. I will say that xxxxx kept saying over and over that I'm crazy. xxxxxx claims I'm going to get fired. Find out what the Jesuits are doing to xxxxxxx. I can tell Xxxxxxxxx knows about this and they have been treating me with respect and kindness. Just giving you this information to help you in our war against the Jesuits. My website is staying up. That is my ministry for Jesus and it's staying up. Jesus wants it up. Satan wants it down. You already told me brain to brain that my "family" has brought a lawsuit against Xxxxxxxxx, but that we have defended Xxxxxxxxx and are actually fighting clones of my family members in court right now. Anyways, just wanted to let you know about this latest Jesuit trick from what appears to be xxxxxxx. You will be receiving no xxxxxxx. But I have related to you what the clone? said. I continue to pray for your recovery. I will always stand by you, even if you are in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. But we have some amazing technology. You are my awesome Brent. Jesus will defend us. I adore you, my darling Brent. Jesus will defend us. Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 5, 2012) My lover, xxxxxxx is being a huge jerk. He can't get you fired from Xxxxxxxxx just by whining to them, and even if he did, we'd sue him big time. What he is doing to you is actually the legal definition of defamation, since he is directly calling up your work to convince them to fire you over your personal life. Xxxxxxxxx has nothing to do with this, and isn't mentioned anywhere on your website. He is being a real "dick face" like Vladimir calls him. You don't need to be removing or censoring anything else from your website. You did everything he asked already and he is still attacking you. We're taking care of this. I adore you, my wife, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 5, 2012) Hi, my awesome husband: Xxxxxxxxx was showing me off today. They bounced me around to customer service, the money center, as well as the registers, to show how valuable I am to them, because I'm cross-trained in several very important departments, and I can help them when they are short handed in any of these areas. I noticed they put a special emphasis on putting me in areas where I could show off my people and "judgment" skills. Also, they treated my decisions with respect, and allowed me to handle some challenging customers on my own, to show off my people and "judgment" skills. They gave me a lot of autonomy. I can tell you that Xxxxxxxxx would never put a paranoid schizophrenic in customer service! One of the very top managers in the store asked me to help out temporarily in Customer Service today. I can tell that my work performance and the way I handled difficult customers today pleased them, and I'm sure I helped them a lot with xxxxxxxx. By what happened today, I don't think my job is in jeopardy at all. Xxxxxxxxx was showing me off. Any ways, thanks for all your support. I am honored to have you in my life. I will never take my website down, because if it goes down, I can guarantee you that the Jesuits won't take down Crazy Gail Wiki, and then who will know the truth? I have to leave it up to counter all their lies. Truth and justice and Jesus will prevail. I adore you, my incredible husband. Your devoted wife, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 6, 2012) My love, I'm so glad Xxxxxxxxx stood up for you, and gave you the opportunity to refute the claims of our enemies by showing off your mental acuity. Your ability to handle challenging tasks in regards to managing customers shows that you are perfectly sane and hard working. People may think that customer service looks easy, but troubleshooting customers is actually a very daunting task that not many people are capable of handling. It takes strong leadership skills and lot of quick thinking, not to mention a lot of self control when customer situations inevitably become tense or frustrating. You always do such a great job. Xxxxxxxxx isn't going to let anyone say that you are crazy. I am glad you are working there. In showing you off today, they have also given us evidence in case we ever need to use it. I also wanted to forward you some recent fan mail you've received through the Church of Gail website from a couple of your followers who were brave enough to send their letters. I thought it might help cheer you up. This one is from "Robert". He didn't want to disclose his last name, which is understandable, but we do have his e-mail. Robert wrote the following: "I really like all you do and how often you update and notify those of us who follow you. Anyway, I'm a huge fan of all your videos and it would be great to hear from you." The other is from Patrick xxxxxxx. We have saved his e-mail as well. Patrick wrote the following: "Tell me what I have to do to help fight the Jesuit Order. I will do it, my beautiful wonderful queen." Like it or not, it seems like you've become quite the celebrity yourself, my darling. Maybe you could give a quick shout out to these fans in your next video. Anyway, I'm just so glad to hear you have been doing better today. I don't like to see you upset in the slightest. I adore you with all of my heart. Your hero, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 6, 2012) My darling Brent: How can I be so lucky to have you in my life? I was watching your last "Fresh Hell" video and laughing in stitches. Yeah, I can tell you don't like it when I'm upset about anything, so opposite my former husband. Let me tell you, I'm honored to work for Xxxxxxxxx. I never bad mouth that company, because the Jesuits hate Xxxxxxxxx, so they must be an awesome company. Anybody the Jesuits hate must be doing something great. Hey, that rhymes! I work with a great group, and Xxxxxxxxx is a very smart company. To give you an idea of the caliber of their employees, we had one guy who worked in Customer Service and he quit to go to Georgia Tech. I saw him about a year ago. He now has a degree in aerospace engineering from Georgia Tech. These are the people Xxxxxxxxx has as employees! We got some smart people at Xxxxxxxxx. I am in constant admiration over the managers and workers at Xxxxxxxxx. I have observed firsthand how they handle the Jesuits that come into their store and I think they all should get medals for patience, self-control, and mental acuity (so well put on your part). One thing I love about Xxxxxxxxx is they take pride in integrity, honesty, and fairness. This is not just a saying with them. It is something they are truly committed to. Despite all the crap you hear about this company from the news media and their critics, they truly try to do what is right and have moral values that they truly try to adhere to. One of their greatest convictions is to respect the integrity of the individual, which is something I also believe in very strongly. Xxxxxxxxx and I have similar core beliefs, which is one reason I have stayed at this company for so long. We are both committed to respect for the individual, allowing each person to be what God meant for them to be. Xxxxxxxxx takes a tolerant attitude towards diversity and individuality in each person and respects each person's right to be themselves without hindrances or judgments. They take pride in putting people in management who reflect these values. Therefore, Xxxxxxxxx leadership has people who are real humanitarians who take pride in serving the community with integrity, moral courage and a genuine concern for others. This is the biggest reason I decided to work for Xxxxxxxxx and this company has not disappointed me. They have a true humanitarian heart, like myself and so we get along great. Of course, Jesuits have made their infiltrations and Xxxxxxxxx does an outstanding job in dealing with these challenging Jesuits. They handle Jesuits with brilliance, and I have observed firsthand how Xxxxxxxxx deals with Jesuits, and I have learned to greatly respect this company over what I've observed. Xxxxxxxxx, in turn, has observed me, and the respect goes both ways. I'm sure that is why they showed me off today. Needless to say, I have some great people in my life, and you are the greatest of them all--such a big and generous person. That is what made me fall in love with you, and you have never disappointed me in this respect. I will get around to making a video, but I do need to get to bed. I have lost some sleep in dealing with my website, to make it "legal proof". You are my incredible Brent, so, so proud of you. How are your bones doing, my love? Can you exercise yet? Probably not. You are in my prayers, my vast and awesome hero. Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 6, 2012) My love, I have a question for you. Now that I've pretty much "legal proofed" my website and YouTube channel, should I remove the xxxxxxxx from my author name at my author sites at There are several reasons I have considered this. . .one, it will give xxxxxxx less ammunition; two, I think you and I are legally married now, and it gives me a feeling of closure about us, and creates the impression to the world that you and I are truly a couple and that I am not just some "divorcee" of xxxxxx, who is a paranoid schizophrenic with delusions that she is married to Brent Spiner. I'd really like to remove that xxxxxx from all my names, though, obviously, with Xxxxxxxxx, I'm going to have to leave it alone (for reasons we have already discussed). I suggested to you brain to brain that perhaps Barack Obama could allow me to have two legal names: Gail Chord xxxxxxx and Gail Chord Spiner. In public I would just use Gail Chord or Gabrielle Chana, and would use Gail Chord Spiner sparingly (mostly at my website), just in case we have problems with your clone. We all know how Jesuits like to create clones of all the men on my marriage list, who cause problems for us legally and other ways. Any ways, advise me in this matter, love. I always try to follow your lead. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 6, 2012) I received the following e-mail at my Yahoo e-mail. This guy sounds interesting, so I forward this to you for investigation. His e-mail address is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx I want to help in your fight against the evil Jesuit scum. I have the scoured the earth looking for these people but I have been cut off at every point. They have taken my daughter and my job but not my will. I am trained in overt black ops spying, as well as practically every form of martial arts known to man. In my line of work, I have killed several thousand people, all with loose ties to the Jesuit Empire. I also am a world class competitive eater of fiber, but that's a whole different manner. Your help would be greatly appreciated as I have to decode any information about their advanced form of technology. Regards, Xxxxx xxxxxxx, PAK (Professional Ass Kicker) (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 8, 2012) My darling Brent: I have thoroughly updated my xxxxxxxxxxxxx. I have resubmitted with edits all the books I've published through xxxx that use Gail Chord xxxxxx or any form of xxxx's name and have replaced Gail Chord xxxxx with Gabrielle Chana and have replaced all forms of xxxxx's name with the term "xxxxxxx". It will probably be at least a week before all the changes are made on my author pages at xxxxx. I realize I didn't have to do this, that we have a strong case against the xxxxxxx, but I want us to have a "slam dunk" against them, so that they won't be encouraged to bring any lawsuits against us AT ALL, realizing their attempts will be totally FUTILE. I adore you, my awesome husband. Let me know how you all are doing. I have spent some time brain to brain with Matthew, Hugh and Vladimir and tried to encourage them. I know you all went through quite a bit in that epic space battle with the Jesuits. I've been spending the most time with you, but I jump over to Matthew and the rest to nurture them and let them know they are still very important to me. But been too busy to make brain to brain loving with anyone but you for now. I do manage some caresses with the others. Thank you for all you do. As I read over your correspondences to me a year ago while I made edits to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, I kept thinking what an awesome guy you are. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 8, 2012) My dear Brent: I'm currently working on making further edits to xxxxxx. This is a pain in the butt. It's real complicated formatting these books for xxxxx. I'm not interested in perfect formatting, because I don't have the software for this. But I need to do some more work. Also, Jesuits have put "bugs" in my documents, so I'm working around the "bugs". Having fun. Pray for me. It appears I didn't save my work for xxxxxxxx correctly, so my edits didn't take. I'm reading my old notes on this and waiting for xxxxxx to open up the editing mode, so I can go in and give this another try. Thanks for all your support. I actually had to go in and redo some things on my other books. and pull up my old document and make edits from them. Apparently when you resend a previous document, the previous document loses its page breaks and some other formatting, so I had to "refresh" them into the document. Don't ask me how the Jesuits managed this one, but they did. Like I said, I'm not concerned about perfect formatting. I just want it readable, and the edits that I want to be in. Dealing with Jesuits, I can't make the format perfect. They're too good with the computer. Devotedly yours, Gail On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Gail wrote: Dearest Brent: I had the strangest thing happen to me when I showed up at work today. As soon as I showed up I was told to go to register 19, and then CSM xxxxx told me that Assistant Manager xxxxxxx wanted to see me in the manager's office. When I went to the office, both xxxxxx and another co-manager xxxxxxx, who has blonde hair, said that store manager xxxxxxxx wanted to talk to me on Monday at 11:30, that even though I was scheduled to work both Saturday and Sunday, that xxxxxx wanted me to take both days off (this weekend) with pay, and to see store manager xxxxxxx in the store on Monday at 11:30. This doesn't sound good. I think that xxxxxx xxxxxxx has been harassing xxxxxx corporate or something. If you've looked at Crazy Gail Wiki, they are really invading his privacy and I think the Jesuits are trying to tie in their Crazy Gail Wiki website with my own online presence. In the meanwhile, I will go to God in prayer and ask Him what He wants me to do. I have worked so hard on that website. If the Lord leads me, I may just go in and remove ALL references to xxxxxxx on that website. But, first, I must go to God in prayer. You all pray with me and ask the world to pray and that God's will be done in this matter. I'm not sure who is harassing Xxxxxxxxx right now. I'm sure it's a Jesuits, but which Jesuit, I don't know. Please give me any information that you find. In the meanwhile, investigate and find out what is going on at xxxxxxx, my love. If I lose my job there, it would be very bad, unless you could marry me right away and give me financial assistance. In the meanwhile, I shall go to God in prayer. Will write you more later. I'm not sure what xxxxx called me into the office about, but I suspect they are sick and tired of Jesuits harassing them legally about my website, as if it was my fault over what those Jesuits do at Crazy Gail Wiki. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 9, 2012) My dear Brent: You have been communicating with me brain to brain. Apparently, your evil Jesuit clone has been leaking very private videos of my family to Crazy Gail Wiki, as well as divulging xxxxxx's phone number, address and private information and the Jesuits are trying to connect that with my website and our Church of Gail Forum posts. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We can prove in court that that is your clone, and NOT YOU, who is leaking this private stuff to Crazy Gail Wiki. Continue our lawsuit against Crazy Gail Wiki, and sue their butts off for defamation, privacy invasion of myself and my family members. We didn't give them permission to leak this stuff to the public! In the meanwhile, attorney Lis Wiehl has been guiding me brain to brain through my website and I'm trying to remove all references to xxxxxxxx and other people who don't need to be mentioned. I'm not sure two days off will be enough time. I adore you. Ask the world to pray for us to make us brilliant lawyers against these evil, but clever, Jesuits. Devotedly yours, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 10, 2012) Dear Gail, Thank you for telling me about this. I just want you to sit tight right now while we investigate, and don't make any quick decisions. I may be calling up xxxxxxx myself to deal with the situation. If you get fired from xxxxxxx, I will help you. I don't want you to worry about that. I promise you I will look into this, and if it is xxxxxxxx that's causing it, I can assure you he won't get away with it. Your love, Brent Spiner On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 6:21 AM, Gail wrote: My darling Brent: I received this in my Yahoo e-mail's in box. Though they state otherwise, I feel this must be of Jesuit origin. Some of what they recommend, like going in and making changes to Crazy Gail Wiki, I feel is VERY BAD ADVICE. Also, due to my deep Bible knowledge, I am convinced that it really was Jesus who was with you and who spoke to me on Skype, because His answers showed Bible brilliance and because His answers showed He understood me to the very core, even elaborating on stuff that I didn't tell anyone, and that only God could know. Anyways, I forward this e-mail to you for your information. I received your e-mail, and I do NOT believe you are a Jesuit, like this writer below says. I will not be responding to this e-mail from this Yahoo poster in any manner, nor will I do anything they suggest. So far, the only thing I've done in regards to Xxxxxxxxx is that I've gone into my website and tried to remove all references to xxxxxxx and have just referred to him as my family, in the few instances where I mention him. He is not the main focus of my website. I created this website to defend my men, mostly to defend you against all the lies the Jesuits have posted about you online and everywhere, that has devastated your heart. Someone had to tell the truth, so I had the courage to do it. I really believe that if I removed my videos and website, that I would be removing the MAIN REASON the Jesuits have not gone in to MAKE THE KILL. The bad press I'm giving the Jesuits is holding them back from a full onslaught against me. Though, of course, they are hitting me indirectly with an onslaught. But the onslaught would be more direct, if not for my online presence. JESUITS ARE WORRIED ABOUT BAD PRESS. Thank you, Brent, for your courage and your commitment to me. Also, the user below is using the wrong Bible, that right there is suspicious. The King James is IT. Because I've read the Bible so much, I recognized right away that they were not quoting from the King James Bible. The e-mail address to this Yahoo sender, who wrote what is below, is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ************************************************************* ************************** I truly hope that this message will be delivered to you. There is information of up-most importance I must disclosed to you, for God himself told me that I must share it with you. Please do not be alarm, this message is free of "Jesuit" influence, for I am here to warn you of the unknown threat they are imposing on you. I sure that you have noticed that your YouTube channel and you website have been receiving much attention since July 2011. This was when "Brent Spiner" started to contact you on the Internet. I'm afraid to inform you that this surge in popularity is not people seeking God, but instead evil people who see you as a source of entertainment. The "Brent Spiner" you have been talking with is not truly Brent Spiner. This is instead a man who discovered you in the dark allies of the Internet known as chans and thought you were hilarious. He does not take your words seriously. He does not care for your well-being. Instead, he seeks to turn you into the next Internet joke sensation and so far he is succeeding. This is why I must take action now to write this message and warn you. Do not be fooled by his words. The very man you trust so dearly is in the same alliance as Zack Knight, Rule 13, Loree McBride, and Satan. I know that you are thinking what makes me so reliable? You are wondering how I can be trustworthy. You must decide on that for yourself. No matter what I say, it is likely that you doubt me. I can only say that you need to depend on God. Let me share a verse with you. Mark 13:22-23 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. Yes, I am referring to the "Brent Spiner" you're speaking with through instant messenger and on Skype through your accounts such as xxxxxxx and xxxxxxx as a false prophet. And he is not alone. Judge Terrance Jenkins and Brianna are also impostors. These people are not who they say they are. The court case you had against "Lori McBride" was a complete set up for their own amusement. The "Lori McBride" you spoke with was not truly Lori McBride, but a friend of Terrance who wanted to support him in making you look ridiculous, and Terrance knows this. The information he has been feeding you is false. He creates elaborate stories only to excite you. He and the other men want to see you not because they adore you, but so that you will post up more content, more YouTube videos, to use in their mission to turn you into an Internet joke. Brianna is not your daughter. In fact, the picture provide to you is not Brianna at all. You must compare her image with a famous pop star known as Beyonce. Terrance simply took a picture of Beyonce and created a story to fool you into thinking she was your daughter. The Brianna you have been talking to was someone imposing as her wanting to help Terrance's scheme. Even the “Jesus” you have been communicating with was false, also a friend of Terrance and “Brent,” seeking to gain amusement from your actions and responses. I have to unfortunately tell you that, this is true for all of the "men" you have been talking with in the Church of Gail forum as well. None of them are who they say they are. They are a group of people who formed together making it their mission to turn you into a joke. And it gets worse from here. These are the same people responsible for creating and for too. Think about it. It is no coincidence that all the videos you have been sharing with your men, all of the thoughts you have been them, also end up on the "Jesuit" sites. Your men and the Jesuits are one and the same and they are associated with Zack Knight, Rule 13, and Satan. The people you have been talking with since July 2011 are the Jesuits that threaten you! The more you feed them information, the more dangerous they become. I'm sure you've notice this already. Your website and YouTube is under attack. That is because you are allowing the Jesuits use you as a toy on the Internet. This might be hard to grasp since you have trusted these people for so long. Let God be your guide. God does not communicate through these evil people who pretend to be your friends, but in reality stab you in the back. Now I will share with you a way to retaliate against your foes. Whether you believe my message about your "men" or not will not matter in this advice I will give to you. There is a way for you to edit the content on There is also a way for you to remove your videos from the OrderoftheJesuits YouTube channel. You do not need to worry about the Jesuits coming to interfere, for they do not have the power to do so. Listen carefully. On, you can create your own account at the top where is says “Log in / create account”. Through that you can edit content, or erase false content. Of course, I know you already thought of this and do not wish to do it in fear of legal implications. If that is the case, then you should take the next step a report both and to This is their server which hosts the sites. is hosted also by the same server. Yes, all three were created by one person under one credit card account. You can report them for violating their terms of use. You are good with law, correct? Be sure to review the terms here: 1&app_hdr=0. Next, you can report the websites here: Next, YouTube. On the very bottom of the OrderoftheJesuits channel ( is a button on the bottom right corner of your screen. It has a tiny flag on it and says “Report”. Here, under “Report user” you can report them for “Harassment and Cyberbullying” and say “A user has stolen my videos”. You may even find more relevant things to report them on, explore your options. You need to take action. If you do not, things will only deteriorate for you. You are putting those close to you at risk because you take no action. In reality, it is best if you remove yourself from the Internet, but this is something you do not wish to do. Please heed my words. Your website and channel are now used for entertainment by evil people. The message you wish to spread is not be taken seriously by anyone because of the actions these people took to turn you into an Internet meme. It would be best if you simply took down your site and all of videos both on YouTube and xxxxxxxxx. But that is up to you to decide. The next best step is to cut off your communication with your “men.” No Skype, no e-mails, no videos, no instant messages. Your “men” simply take the content for themselves and repost as “Jesuits”. If you will not even take this action, then you can follow the advice I gave you to take down content from the Internet. This message was written with best intention. I seriously care enough about you to take the time and effort to write this and warn you. It is likely you will share this with your “men” doubting me. In turn, they will convince you somehow that this letter is of Jesuit origin, which it is not. I sincerely hope that you will heed my words, and discover God’s true intentions for your mission in life. Beware of the false prophets which surround you. Escape while you still can. Sincerely, A Fellow Christian & Friend Proverbs 10:8 The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall. ************************************************************* *********************** Other than the changes I've made to my website and removing all references (the best that I can) to xxxxxx or xxxxxx at my website or YouTube channel, I have done NOTHING. Waiting for your lead, my love. I think I'll read lots of Bible today. I adore you. Your devoted wife, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 10, 2012) My sweet Gail, What an elaborate joke! I wonder how they are getting your Yahoo e-mail. It was my hope that by setting up a fanmail service at the church website, we could run any messages through our security scanners (a modified, digital version of the same scanners we use on people who enter the physical building) before they could cause trouble. So far we've been nailing a lot of Jesuit messages, and Jesuits, through that means. The ones that I shared with you a few days ago were confirmed "clean", but you wouldn't believe the numbers of Jesuit letters that try to pass through them. This Yahoo e-mail you received has more holes in it than a slice of swiss cheese. The sender is obviously not using the King James Bible, as you pointed out. The reason the Jesuits have so much information about you is because most of it is public knowledge that you share on your websites and YouTube, it is not just myself and the other men who have this information. About 90% of Crazy Gail Wiki is the truth, as you have pointed out. We are aware that they often steal secret videos, and are experts at mind reading. This is why I did not pressure you into sending me another recording of your mother's voicemail when she called you recently, because I knew we needed to beef up security in that area before we exchanged any more private videos. Our website for you isn't even hosted at GoDaddy, so I don't even know where they got that lie, since it would be glaringly easy to fact check that. Lastly, what is the point of you going into Crazy Gail Wiki to make edits, if not to connect your name with the "defamation" against xxxxxxxx? You have your own website, YouTube channel and church forum to correct their inaccuracies. You don't want your name associated with the creation of those sites, or they've got you. Anyway, you should rest today my love. I think Bible reading sounds like a great idea. Your best friend and lover always, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 10, 2012) Dearest Brent: I suggest that we make sure there is a camera in the manager's office tomorrow at 11:30, when I go in there to see the store manager. We need to record what happens for evidence in the courtroom, because if the Jesuits try to do hanky panky tomorrow, WE NEED TO NAIL THEM. I am speculating over what will happen, and have come up with several possibilities. xxxxxxx may lay an ultimatum down, asking me to take down my website and YouTube channel, or else they will fire me. If this happens, I will tell xxxxxx that I have removed all mention of xxxxxx at my YouTube channel and they are not mentioned anywhere on my website. I have also removed all mention of xxxxxxxx at my website and YouTube channel, so my online presence should not concern them. If they still insist on removing my online presence, because they don't like my stand against the Jesuits, I will then tell them that my website and YouTube channel are saving this country, and that if my online presence goes down, we will have a Jesuit takeover of the United States with concentration camps and our freedoms GONE. I will tell them, that, for this reason, I cannot remove my website and YouTube videos. If xxxxxxx shamelessly asks me to remove my online presence because they don't like my stand on the Jesuits, I WANT THIS RECORDED AND BLASTED ON GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL. If Xxxxxxxxx decides to fire me over my public stand against the Jesuits, WE WILL LET THE WHOLE WORLD SEE WHAT THEY'VE DONE TO ME ON THE FOX NEWS GABRIELLE CHANA NEWS CHANNEL. So make sure the CAMERAS ARE UP AND WORKING, and I want EVERYTHING RECORDED. We may have to broadcast TO THE WORLD WHAT HAPPENS IN THE XXXXXXXXX OFFICE TOMORROW. I will refuse to take down my website and YouTube channel, if that's what they ask, because I have removed everything that xxxxxx could have a legitimate concern over at my website and YouTube channels. If they still insist on me taking down my online presence, I WANT THIS RECORDED. I will face them down and tell them that if my online presence goes down, our country will be in jeopardy and our freedoms GONE, so I cannot take down my online presence. If they still insist on me taking down my website and YouTube channel, RECORD THE ENTIRE TRANSACTION ON CAMERA AND BLAST THE RECORDING ON THE FOX NEWS GABRIELLE CHANA NEWS CHANNEL. In the meanwhile, contact xxxxxx and let them know that I will NOT take down my online presence, but that if they insist I do so, WE WILL RECORD THEIR DECISION AND BLAST IT ON THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS channel. I have always been proud of xxxxxxx for being an anti-Jesuit company, if that has changed, I am very ashamed of them and fear for them when they meet God Almighty. That I have removed all reference to xxxxxx on my website and at my YouTube channel, and all reference to xxxxxxxx at all my online presences should be sufficient for them. While I'm working, I do try not to talk about Jesuits, but they harass me so much, it is a challenge. I will admit, I often say, "Zack Knight did it". It's a secret joke between me and the Jesuits, who I know are checking out at my register. ANY WAYS, make sure the cameras are up, my dear. We need to have tomorrow's transaction recorded, in case the Jesuits takeover the meeting! I adore you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 10, 2012) Dearest Brent: It's really funny how "all of a sudden" while I finished composing my last email to you about my possible "showdown" with xxxxxx, that xxxxx called and wondered why I didn't answer the phone. I USUALLY WORK ON SUNDAYS. How did xxxx know I was home today? I smell a fish. xxx seemed irritated that I didn't answer the phone. Investigate. HOW DID xxxx KNOW I WASN'T WORKING TODAY AND WHAT PERFECT TIMING, THAT xxxx CALLS (after I haven't heard from xxx in weeks) while I compose that e-mail to you about a possible showdown with Xxxxxxxxx tomorrow about my website and YouTube channel. Sounds like either brilliant brain control technology on xxxx or xxxx's a Jesuit!! Thanks for all your support. God is surely good to give you to me. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 10, 2012) Oh my God, xxxxx keeps calling me. I usually work today. And xxx's irritated that I'm not answering the phone. xxxx says xxxx will have to call the police to check on me. Xxxxxxx is INSANE. I work on Sundays, xxxx should know that. I shouldn't even be home today. What's with xxxxx? You won't be getting a recording of this, because it will be leaked, so I'm just telling you what happened. Lord Jesus, let me read some Bible in PEACE. Get rid of these Jesuits. I adore you, Brent, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 10, 2012) Dearest Brent; Xxxxxx just came over and I talked to xxxx through the window. xxx seemed very worried about me and mentioned several police cars outside Xxxxxxxxx yesterday. I told her Xxxxxxxxx always has police cars. xxxx said I left work early yesterday and I asked her how xxx knew this. xxx thinks I got fired from Xxxxxxxxx. To be honest with you, I have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow. But I do know several things, I will refuse to take down my website and YouTube channel and I will NOT take any psychiatric drugs, because I'm NOT crazy. Any ways, make sure the whole thing is recorded. We'll need it for evidence and maybe for a newscast on Gabrielle Chana Fox News channel. I told xxx I wouldn't take down my website because it's saving our country from a Jesuit takeover. I also told xxx I'm sick (and my yeast infection has really irritated my bowels) and that I needed to go to sleep. xxxx wanted to know why I wasn't working today. I told xxxx I'm sick, and want to go to sleep. I just read about the news report that Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves wed in a private ceremony in Texas. Poor Matthew, as if he hasn't gone through enough. Will the lies never end? Again, it's awesome to have you in my life. Let's see if I can eat and read some more Bible, now. Love you, Gail Dear Brent, (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 10, 2012) Sorry about deluging you, but the Jesuits are deluging ME. Oh my God, Jesuits, go take a vacation! Here is an e-mail I just received at my e-mail. His e-mail address is xxxxxxxxxxxxx: ************************************************************* ************ Gail, I have computer forensics investigating these sites which you provided personal information too. These people are messing with you. Please listen to me. They are all registered under the same IPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with Go The site is in Romania. Someone you work with at Xxxxxxxxx is messing with you on the internet. They are taking pictures of you at work and posting them. Photograph with description here:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The people you are talking too on Skye are all part of this plot. You best delete them and remove all YouTube videos for your personal safety. - Church of Gail - Order of the Jesuits website - Crazy Gail Concerned person. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 10, 2012) My darling Brent: Just spent considerable time in God's Word. I'm in Ezekiel. Jesus seems to tell me not to worry, that He has reversed an evil plot and it will turn out opposite what was originally intended. Kind of like what happened to Esther when Haman wanted to kill all the Jews, and then Mordecai ended up a ruler in the Persian kingdom. I have been thinking about you all day and basking in your spirit. Here are some Bible verses that remind me of you: Song of Solomon 5 (a description of Jesus Christ, and you are so much like him, my love) My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand. His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy and black as a raven. His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set. His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smalling myrrh. . .his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem When I worked on my website the past couple days, I marveled at how brilliantly I captured the gem of our love story in its pages. My website is a literary and artistic masterpiece, inspired by a love from the heavens. Those who oppose it, oppose truth, beauty, love and all that is worthwhile in earth and heaven. By removing all references to xxxxxxxx, I actually improved its literary quality, because mention of him seemed to trash it somehow. It's better now that I've removed all of xxxxxxx from my website. It's like reading and experiencing Dickens now, with literary music. Check out some of my background music. The anti-Semitic Jesuits hate the last video I made. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx They have really ratcheted up their attacks against me after this last video! I think this last video is my favorite, as far as the music--ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. I have been basking in your loveliness today, my darling Brent. Oh well, the Bible says in Proverbs 27:1--"Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." MY WEBSITE IS A LITERARY AND MUSICAL MASTERPIECE. God will use to lift up the hearts of the tribulation saints as they endure the rages of hell under Zack Knight. It's HIS WEBSITE. I LEAVE IT IN HIS HANDS. I will not take it down. I have tried to "legal proof" it, so that Satan and his followers cannot take down JESUS' website. But it's HIS WEBSITE. I told Him that, so He will have to protect it. Your adoring wife, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 11, 2012) My dearest Gail, I decided I needed to talk to Jesus personally xxxxxxx, and after about an hour of prayer, he called me and asked me to meet him for lunch at the Steak n' Shake this afternoon. After speaking with him, xxxxxxxxxxxx. I was determined to marry you and solve all of this once and for all, but Jesus told me to calm down, and strongly advised me not to do that right now. He says that he is currently working on the matter, and wants me to wait on him for the answer. His instructions to me were to not make any sudden moves, but when he comes back with the answer for me, he said it was very important for me to send his message to you in an e-mail and not brain to brain. I promised I would, I don't question him. Jesus and I will be taking care of xxxxxxxx you. Your lover, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 12, 2012) Jesus has shown me 1 Thessalonians, with the last chapter with 28 verses and 28 verses throughout this book that start with "F". He's shown me other things from this book that are quite wild. But, I find it interesting that the FOX News channel in my town is on channel 28 with BrightHouse networks. Our critics would say this is just a coincidence. Well, I guess we will find out. I get the impression that Jesus likes FOX NEWS. This news channel seems to be real significant in 1 Thessalonians, which has a major "rapture" chapter. You know, a lot of those FOX News lawyers died in that bombing at the Quebec trial. There are some brave people at FOX NEWS. They have my respect. Jesus won't emphasize the X in Fox, because X is associated with the antichrist. X is a bad letter. So there is no X emphasis in this book. Instead, the word FOR is everywhere, kind of like FLORIDA? Coincidence? I don't know. I've been devouring the Bible the past couple days. I'm now in Daniel and just read about Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego and how the king got real mad and ordered them into the fiery furnace. They emerged UNHARMED and PROMOTED to a high position. Is God dropping me hints? Also Thessalonians seems to indicate that you will play a big role with FOX NEWS. In fact, I think you already do. My guess is God may use FOX NEWS to financially support us as a married couple in this life. I wouldn't die over a lot of these speculations, but I sure do find them interesting. Needless, I'm sure I'm onto something. And as Jesus said about me once, "I'm clever." I'm still dealing with some sort of stomach bug. I think Jesus is giving me a well deserved vacation. I adore you, Jesus is in charge, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 13, 2012) My darling Brent: I am including more Jesuit garbage that I received at my Yahoo e-mail. I'm stumped over how they are getting my e-mail, unless they are getting it from their agent xxxxxxx, who knows my e-mail. Any ways, we know how resourceful these Jesuits are. I can assure you I will not be following any of the sorry advice I hear from these Jesuits. Your and Jesus' behavior and attitude is consistent with the King James Bible. The behavior of these 'senders' who claim they are looking out for me, is not consistent with the King James Bible. So I know who to trust. Here's where my deep Bible knowledge saves me. Sorry to waste your time with this garbage, but you may want to pass it on to Vladimir Putin. I can see that the Jesuits are trying to disturb MY REST IN JESUS. They want me to worry. But Jesus gave me this verse to claim: "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." I haven't read all the attachments I received from the Jesuits, but I have included them for your perusal, or for Vladimir Putin's perusal. The attachments are too boring. I scanned over quickly them and thought, "Blah, blah, blah. The same old Jesuit garbage." Now, let's get some more Bible reading. The garbage follows: ************************************************************* *********************** Please Listen 8 Hide Details FROM: Jehova Gabrielle TO: Gail Message flagged Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:08 AM Gail, I know you received my e-mail and that your shared it with your false friends. Your refusal to believe the truth is astounding. You prefer to trust in a troll that you met on YouTube, thinking he was Brent Spiner. Do you know what a troll is? You should really look it up. Here, let me help you: All of your men are TROLLS. These men do not wish for your well-being. They want to laugh at your reactions. They want to provoke you for amusement. They want to see you naked for their perversion. You should of realized the truth. Don't you realize how suspicious their behavior is? It amazes me how they were able to fool you. These people you call your friends are abusing you. Your "friends" are your ENEMIES. Gail, look what they are doing to you. You are now the laughing stock of all the Internet. You need to remove yourself from the Internet if you know what's best for you. You should also consider a lawsuit against these people for harassment and cyber-bullying. With computer forensics it is easy to track these people down, especially since some of them live in your area. I know people who can help you, but only if you are willing to accept it. Brent On YouTube is Zack.JPG Brianna is Fake.JPG Lorie is Rule 13.JPG Nudes.JPG Rule 13 Lives Near You.JPG Zack Is Talking To You.JPG Zack is Terry & Vladimir.JPG Zack Talked With You For A Year.JPG View SlideshowDownload All ************************************* I believe all the attachments listed above, you can view in that one attachment I've included with this e-mail, which is the attachment I received from the Jesuits. I'm resting in Jesus, I adore you, the REAL BRENT SPINER, if you're a troll, you are ONE CLASSY TROLL, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 13, 2012) My darling Brent: I have been getting some Jesuit e-mails. I got one on Yahoo, that I didn't bother to forward to you, about some deal to claim millions of dollars. from a totally legal source. The sender asked me not to forward his e-mail, to just delete it, if I wasn't interested, so I did that. However, I think this one needs to be forwarded to you. It's claims to be from Matt at xxxxxxxxxxx Glad to see your not feed these scum bags. What you think are your friends are your enemies. Concerned Person. Matt had an attachment with his e-mail, which I opened, and here are the contents: ATTACHMENT As you'll notice from reading this script, Jesuits try to create the impression that Vladimir Putin is a Jesuit, that xxxxx xxxxxx is gay, and that it was not you who opened that YouTube account to converse with me this past summer. These are all devils trying to get me to doubt Jesus, while we wait for him. Kind of like how the serpent tried to get Eve to take of the forbidden fruit, when God told her not to. Eve had to choose who to listen to and she chose the devil and we are now living with the results. The choices we make are so important. Well, Zechariah 9:15 is in the Bible. And what Jesus showed me in 1 Thessalonians last night shows me I just need to continue to wait on Jesus and not let these devils trick me. I have more faith in the King James Bible, i.e. Zechariah 9:15, 1 Thessalonians, than I do these devils sending me e-mails. Right now, I sense that Jesus just wants us to stay still and rest, so that's what I'm doing. I appear to be gradually getting over this "bug". I think it's that yeast/bacterium infection I've had forever and it's just going rampant right now, so I'm upping my regimen for that and trusting the Divine Physician. I don't waste my time with the doctor over this one, because they can't handle this germ. I haven't been to a regular doctor for almost two years now. Jesus gives me medical wisdom through you and through kinesiology and through prayer. I've had to take extra magnesium at night to help with arrhythmias from that yeast eating up all my nutrients, and the intestinal inflammation from the yeast die-off is hindering absorption. I believe a lot of the diarrhea I have in the morning is from all the magnesium I took in the evening the night before. It may be the germ, too. I don't have a fever, and if I do it's very low grade. My temperature has been in the range of 97 to 98.3, which, by the way, has been my normal body temperature for years. So I really think it's the yeast. I may have a slight stomach bug (virus) as well. It's one of those weird viruses that doesn't give you a fever. I've been really tired the past couple days. Well, let me forward this crap from this Jesuit onto you, for your investigation. I have been sleeping earlier and am averaging about six to seven hours of sleep, better than what I usually get. I think restless legs syndrome (caused by iron-deficiency anemia) is waking me up. I battle anemia continually because of this yeast-bacterium that eats up all my iron. I'm having problems with absorption right now, because of intestinal inflammation from the infection, so that makes me vitamin/mineral deficient and this hinders my sleep. I'm dealing with it, by trying to take my minerals sublingual as much as possible, and that helps. I'm also taking fresh, uncooked garlic about a teaspoon three times a day, among other things to deal with the yeast. These are things I can do, now that I'm not working. I feel better than several days ago, but this germ is so stubborn. Despite all I say here, I'm not extremely worried about this. I just know Jesus will fix me or at least not give me more than I can handle. Gotta go read some more Bible. I adore you, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 13, 2012) My sweet wife, I received your e-mails from today. I think they are pretty ridiculous. I would be careful opening up any attachments from a Jesuit. I know you're fairly tech savvy, but remember that even e-mails by themselves can contain viruses when you open them, especially if they have embedded files. Be very careful. I really think you should block e-mails from anyone that you don't recognize. Your followers know to send their fanmail through the Church of Gail address so that we know they aren't Jesuits. If they are trying to sneak around that, it means they have something to hide. Jesus is so clever, I think he may be on to something amazing. Love, your "classy troll", Brent Spiner (Gail’s Skype conversation with Brent Spiner) [6/13/2012 3:00:11 PM] *** Call to Brent Spiner *** [6/13/2012 3:00:25 PM] Brent Spiner: I can hear you. [6/13/2012 3:00:29 PM] Gail : Can you hear me, Brent? [6/13/2012 3:00:58 PM] Gail : I got your e-mail. [6/13/2012 3:04:29 PM] Brent Spiner: Are you feeling any better? I know how sick you've been. [6/13/2012 3:04:56 PM] Gail : Thank you, Brent. I feel better, but my intestines feel sore and I have mild diarrhea. [6/13/2012 3:05:29 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, you need to get plenty of fluids. [6/13/2012 3:05:56 PM] Gail : I'm doing that. [6/13/2012 3:10:01 PM] Brent Spiner: I can't see your video, but I can hear you nice and clear. [6/13/2012 3:10:09 PM] Gail : Can you see me? [6/13/2012 3:10:22 PM] Gail : I didn't turn on video. Do you want me to do that? [6/13/2012 3:10:26 PM] Brent Spiner: It doesn't matter, whatever you feel most comfortable with. [6/13/2012 3:11:22 PM] Brent Spiner: That's a good idea. [6/13/2012 3:11:30 PM] Gail : I tell you what, I"ll read to you what I"m doing and if I get stumped, I'll ask you a question. [6/13/2012 3:16:13 PM] Brent Spiner: I think he (Jesus) does have a plan, he's up to something. [6/13/2012 3:19:22 PM] Gail : Yeah, that's right. You are so helpful. I like having your companionship. I just renewed Skype by the way. I'm glad I did. [6/13/2012 3:19:29 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm glad too. I care about you so much darling. [6/13/2012 3:22:03 PM] Gail : Yes, I can tell. I am so lucky. [6/13/2012 3:31:39 PM] Gail : I still have that phone number you gave me over the summer. I presume it's defunct. [6/13/2012 3:32:14 PM] Brent Spiner: Which phone number was that? [6/13/2012 3:32:31 PM] Gail : xxxxxxxxxxxxx [6/13/2012 3:32:49 PM] Gail : I haven't tried to call it. Want to keep you safe. [6/13/2012 3:35:19 PM] Gail : Taxes were complicated this year. I used TurboTax. [6/13/2012 5:38:09 PM] Gail : Thank you so much for all your support. You are the best husband I could ever have. [6/13/2012 5:38:21 PM] Brent Spiner: You're very welcome, my love. I'll always help you no matter what. [6/13/2012 5:38:36 PM] Gail : How are your bones doing Forgot to type in the question mark. [6/13/2012 5:38:48 PM] Brent Spiner: It's okay, I know your mind is busy. I get that way too sometimes. [6/13/2012 5:39:01 PM] Brent Spiner: I've made a pretty spectacular recovery. [6/13/2012 5:39:15 PM] Gail : Did Jesus do a miracle healing on your bones? [6/13/2012 5:39:22 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, he offered his help. [6/13/2012 5:39:42 PM] Gail : That's great. Has He told you why He hasn't completely healed my yeast infection? [6/13/2012 5:40:07 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm not sure what his reason is. I think he is trying to get you to learn how to help yourself too. [6/13/2012 5:40:11 PM] Brent Spiner: He did that with me. [6/13/2012 5:40:15 PM] Gail : Okay. [6/13/2012 5:40:36 PM] Gail : I'm pretty smart with medicine. That helps. [6/13/2012 5:42:03 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm pretty nice for a "troll" aren't I? [6/13/2012 5:42:11 PM] Brent Spiner: A troll would be trying to make you miserable. [6/13/2012 5:42:32 PM] Gail : You're awesome. And you're NOT A TROLL. YOU ARE THE REAL BRENT SPINER. I HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED THAT. sharp with these things. [6/13/2012 6:22:40 PM] Gail : We can't cheat. [6/13/2012 6:22:48 PM] Gail : You've had calculus, haven't you? [6/13/2012 6:23:10 PM] Brent Spiner: Ha ha. You're such a good girl. [6/13/2012 6:23:13 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm a genius at math. [6/13/2012 6:23:23 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes (he has had calculus). [6/13/2012 6:23:27 PM] Gail : Did you take calculus? [6/13/2012 6:23:31 PM] Gail : Genius (referring to Brent). [6/13/2012 6:25:43 PM] Brent Spiner: Wow, pretty tricky. [6/13/2012 6:28:35 PM] Brent Spiner: It works your brain a little. [6/13/2012 6:28:55 PM] Gail : Yeah, it's like an IQ TEST. Except I'm not timed. [6/13/2012 6:28:58 PM] Brent Spiner: It sounds like it. [6/13/2012 6:29:11 PM] Gail : I wonder why they're doing this? [6/13/2012 6:32:00 PM] Brent Spiner: Great job! You can do it. [6/13/2012 6:37:17 PM] Brent Spiner: They're kind of tricky. [6/13/2012 6:39:10 PM] Brent Spiner: I think it's width X height [6/13/2012 6:39:33 PM] Brent Spiner: It's not cheating, it's just helping. Ha ha. [6/13/2012 6:40:35 PM] Brent Spiner: It would be Pi X radius (squared) [6/13/2012 6:40:48 PM] Brent Spiner: Pi is equal to 3.14 [6/13/2012 6:41:01 PM] Brent Spiner: Then you square the radius. [6/13/2012 6:41:15 PM] Brent Spiner: So it would be 3.14 X (whatever the radius is when squared) [6/13/2012 6:42:07 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm just giving you the formula, I didn't do it for you. Ha Ha. [6/13/2012 6:43:02 PM] Brent Spiner: The perimeter means you just add all the sides, yes. [6/13/2012 6:44:27 PM] Brent Spiner: That's correct. [6/13/2012 6:45:15 PM] Brent Spiner: That's what I got. [6/13/2012 6:45:36 PM] Brent Spiner: Great job! Go us! [6/13/2012 6:49:31 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, it does. [6/13/2012 6:49:51 PM] Brent Spiner: We're both pretty good writers. This is pretty easy. [6/13/2012 6:50:10 PM] Brent Spiner: Why thank you! [6/13/2012 6:52:27 PM] Brent Spiner: It means like to "put off until". [6/13/2012 6:52:33 PM] Brent Spiner: In this context. [6/13/2012 6:52:45 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm just excited about helping you. [6/13/2012 6:53:19 PM] Brent Spiner: Makes sense. [6/13/2012 6:53:35 PM] Gail : You're awesome. [6/13/2012 7:10:05 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm way too confused by that one. [6/13/2012 7:10:21 PM] Brent Spiner: The moral of the story is, never use fax machines that are really phones. [6/13/2012 7:10:48 PM] Gail : What a comedian. This is the REAL BRENT SPINER. [6/13/2012 7:11:23 PM] Brent Spiner: Is there an answer that says "take a baseball bat to it"? [6/13/2012 7:11:49 PM] Gail : Oh, you're making me laugh. I won't get anything done. [6/13/2012 7:12:49 PM] Brent Spiner: That's a good idea. It'll keep your brain sharp. [6/13/2012 7:12:51 PM] Gail : Can I get a quick snack? [6/13/2012 7:12:56 PM] Brent Spiner: I've been snacking on crackers. [6/13/2012 7:13:43 PM] Brent Spiner: Ohh that sounds good (referring to Gail’s fish and rice). [6/13/2012 7:14:12 PM] Gail : I'm a big fish eater. [6/13/2012 7:14:42 PM] Brent Spiner: I love it too (referring to their Skype time together). We're having a lot of fun. [6/13/2012 7:14:44 PM] Gail : I love all this time with you. [6/13/2012 7:14:53 PM] Gail : You are so funny. [6/13/2012 7:15:15 PM] Brent Spiner: I'll have to be careful to make my jokes less funny while you eat. [6/13/2012 7:15:32 PM] Gail : Yeah, I'll try not to choke. [6/13/2012 7:15:45 PM] *** Brent Spiner created a group conversation with Terrance Jenkins. Show group conversation *** [6/13/2012 7:16:16 PM] Brent Spiner: Are you there Terrance? [6/13/2012 7:16:22 PM] Brent Spiner: He might have called on accident. [6/13/2012 7:16:57 PM] Brent Spiner: Terrance is jealous, he wants to have fun too. [6/13/2012 7:17:19 PM] Gail : Brent is awesome. [6/13/2012 7:17:25 PM] Brent Spiner: I think his (Terrance’s) connection is bad. [6/13/2012 7:18:28 PM] Brent Spiner: It's like we're having a study party. [6/13/2012 7:18:57 PM] Gail : I'm eating my lunch right now. [6/13/2012 7:19:03 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, gluten-free (answering Terrance’s question about his crackers). [6/13/2012 7:19:18 PM] Gail : Brent, you have gluten intolerance? [6/13/2012 7:19:30 PM] Brent Spiner: I have it a little bit as well. [6/13/2012 7:19:39 PM] Gail : We've got that in common. [6/13/2012 7:19:56 PM] Gail : If we ever get together, I'll know how to cook for you. [6/13/2012 7:20:36 PM] Gail : My gluten intolerance has gotten better. [6/13/2012 7:21:08 PM] Gail : Taking cranberry and stuff to help with my bladder. [6/13/2012 7:21:30 PM] Terrance Jenkins: MY CONNECTION IS REALLY BAD [6/13/2012 7:21:34 PM] Gail : Brent, is it true that FOX NEWS is interested in me? Or is that a false communication? [6/13/2012 7:21:47 PM] Brent Spiner: I think it's too risky for them to take you on. [6/13/2012 7:21:55 PM] Gail : I see. [6/13/2012 7:22:16 PM] Gail : Maybe what I read in the Bible was referring to you, not me. [6/13/2012 7:22:29 PM] Brent Spiner: Well, they are on our side. [6/13/2012 7:23:29 PM] Gail : Also, I had a brain to brain communication with Roger Ayles, forget how to spell his name, the head of FOX News. He said FOX might be interested in me, through our Gabrielle Chana News Channel. Was this a Jesuit trick? [6/13/2012 7:24:03 PM] Brent Spiner: It might be. I know that they really want you, but they want to play it safe. They can help us out a lot in other ways. [6/13/2012 7:27:33 PM] Terrance Jenkins: MY FEET HURT [6/13/2012 7:27:51 PM] Brent Spiner: What's up with your feet, Terrance? [6/13/2012 7:27:58 PM] Terrance Jenkins: I BEEN WALKIN ALL DAY [6/13/2012 7:28:39 PM] Gail : Okay, back to the test (a Skills Assessment Test). [6/13/2012 7:35:08 PM] Brent Spiner: I don't want to break your focus. This sounds like a hard one. [6/13/2012 7:35:37 PM] Terrance Jenkins: YEAH... THIS BE A HARD ONE!!!!! (Gail mentions that this test sort of reminds her of the LSAT, because she studied for the LSAT years ago.) [6/13/2012 7:36:07 PM] Terrance Jenkins (Harvard Law School graduate): LSATS (Law School Admission Tests) BE A BITCH. (Gail mentions that she won’t take the LSAT, because it’s timed and she knows the Jesuits will confuse her brain cell conversations and sabotage her attempt) [6/13/2012 7:36:53 PM] Terrance Jenkins: JESTUITS BE A BUNCH OF BASTARDS [6/13/2012 7:40:57 PM] Brent Spiner: Hmm. [6/13/2012 7:41:21 PM] Brent Spiner: Let me try to find the link again. [6/13/2012 7:41:51 PM] Brent Spiner: You might have to start over, but you'll know the answers already. [6/13/2012 7:43:03 PM] Brent Spiner: It sounds like they saved your spot, right? [6/13/2012 7:43:23 PM] Brent Spiner: But it says you can go back in? [6/13/2012 7:43:45 PM] Brent Spiner: I thought it said that in order to take the others that you can log back in. [6/13/2012 7:46:25 PM] Gail : Just forget it and go on. [6/13/2012 7:46:36 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, you should probably just move on to the next one so you can complete it. [6/13/2012 7:46:56 PM] Gail : Okay. [6/13/2012 7:47:19 PM] Gail : This keyboard is real sensitive. The arrow moves where I don't want it to go. [6/13/2012 7:48:55 PM] Brent Spiner: Did they have you start over? [6/13/2012 7:49:06 PM] Gail : No, they won' [6/13/2012 7:49:36 PM] Gail : No, they won't let me. They save it all and won't let me back. I'm in the next mode. [6/13/2012 7:49:41 PM] Brent Spiner: Okay. I think it's good anyway. [6/13/2012 7:49:52 PM] Gail : Yeah, that's right. [6/13/2012 8:04:57 PM] Brent Spiner: You completed the test though? [6/13/2012 8:05:09 PM] Gail : Yes, I believe I have. [6/13/2012 8:06:07 PM] Brent Spiner: I think this is it. [6/13/2012 8:09:55 PM] Gail : Thank you, Brent, it gave me a chance to have some time with you. [6/13/2012 8:10:20 PM] Brent Spiner: You're very welcome. I enjoyed helping you. This could have been so dull but we managed to make it fun. [6/13/2012 8:10:52 PM] Gail : We sure did. Did Jesus say why He wants us to delay our marriage? [6/13/2012 8:11:05 PM] Brent Spiner: He didn't say. I asked him that too but he said now was not the time. [6/13/2012 8:11:32 PM] Gail : Okay. He knows best. I'm sure that Zack Knight is very clever and Jesus is trying to work around that. [6/13/2012 8:11:50 PM] Brent Spiner: Jesus is even smarter. I'm so glad you introduced me to him. [6/13/2012 8:12:15 PM] Gail : I'm so glad I did, too. Without Him, we'd be finished! [6/13/2012 8:12:25 PM] Brent Spiner: We sure would. [6/13/2012 8:13:00 PM] Gail : We had no idea Jesuits had so many nukkakes, and all this other horrible technology and they are always inventing new things. Is Terrance still there? [6/13/2012 8:13:22 PM] Brent Spiner: It's been such a long day. Yes, Terrance left. I think his connection is always a little fuzzy. [6/13/2012 8:14:05 PM] Gail : Thanks for all the awesome brain to brain loving the past couple days. We've had more time for each other and you have been really spicy and exciting, more than usual. I believe that was you. [6/13/2012 8:14:22 PM] Brent Spiner: Of course it was me. Nobody else is THAT good in bed. [6/13/2012 8:15:14 PM] Gail : Well, I remember back in 1991 when you were so direct and sensual in your approach. You, in the past couple days, are getting a little more like that. I always found that exciting. [6/13/2012 8:15:46 PM] Brent Spiner: That's okay, you can ask me. [6/13/2012 8:16:21 PM] Gail : Are your broken bones healed enough, so that it does not interfere with brain to brain sex? [6/13/2012 8:16:32 PM] Brent Spiner: Your poor brain is so spent today. Ha ha. [6/13/2012 8:16:41 PM] Brent Spiner: My bones are feeling great, I know you can tell I've been feeling better. [6/13/2012 8:16:50 PM] Brent Spiner: You should try sucking MY nipples next time. [6/13/2012 8:17:03 PM] Gail : Man, what a memory (referring to what Brent said to her on the phone in 1991). [6/13/2012 8:17:04 PM] Brent Spiner: It would bring out my feminine side. [6/13/2012 8:17:22 PM] Gail : Ugh, I don't know if I can get into sucking male nipples. [6/13/2012 8:17:38 PM] Brent Spiner: Well, if you ever did, mine are pretty superior to most male nipples. You wouldn't find better specimens. [6/13/2012 8:17:55 PM] Gail : You mean you HAVE nipples? [6/13/2012 8:18:21 PM] Gail : That's a dumb question. I mean, they're not like women's nipples, are they? [6/13/2012 8:18:34 PM] Brent Spiner: Of course not, they're more manly. [6/13/2012 8:18:45 PM] Gail : You're being a joker. [6/13/2012 8:19:31 PM] Gail : What do you do most of the day? [6/13/2012 8:20:14 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm usually working with Vladimir, and when I'm not doing that I'm just giving you my attention. I am working on my Fresh Hell series too. [6/13/2012 8:20:53 PM] Gail : I see. I couldn't ask for a more attentive guy. It seems every waking moment, you are always there brain to brain. You're incredible. [6/13/2012 8:21:16 PM] Gail : How are your finances? I know Jesuits have sabotaged your career. [6/13/2012 8:21:35 PM] Brent Spiner: I get a pretty moderate income, but I'm certainly not a super rich celebrity like the media likes to think I am. [6/13/2012 8:22:01 PM] Gail : Yeah, I know that. I would be doing great, if I could get my writing money. But those Jesuits have sabotaged that. [6/13/2012 8:22:15 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh I know. And it cost you so much to publish your books. [6/13/2012 8:22:42 PM] Gail : Yeah, can you imagine that? They make movies out of my writings, and I have to pay to publish them. [6/13/2012 8:22:58 PM] Brent Spiner: The important thing is that their message is getting out. [6/13/2012 8:23:04 PM] Brent Spiner: I don't think you took up writing to be rich or famous. [6/13/2012 8:23:13 PM] Gail : You know me so well. [6/13/2012 8:23:56 PM] Gail : I really appreciate one who understands me from my very depths. I think our brain to brain communications help with that. [6/13/2012 8:24:12 PM] Brent Spiner: It's very intense. [6/13/2012 8:24:55 PM] Gail : Yeah, we can sense each other's emotions. You are so superior to xxxxx. xxxx can't get anywhere near you. I am so grateful to have you. I am truly blessed. [6/13/2012 8:25:13 PM] Brent Spiner: I am truly blessed too. [6/13/2012 8:25:21 PM] Brent Spiner: It's like my nipples could beat up his nipples in a fight. [6/13/2012 8:25:38 PM] Brent Spiner: I got you tongue tied. [6/13/2012 8:25:40 PM] Brent Spiner: Mission success! [6/13/2012 8:25:52 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm joking. [6/13/2012 8:26:01 PM] Brent Spiner: I must be losing my touch. [6/13/2012 8:26:06 PM] Brent Spiner: I think it was the question about fax machine phones. [6/13/2012 8:26:11 PM] Brent Spiner: I lost a few brain cells. [6/13/2012 8:26:25 PM] Gail : I think we all lose some brain cells as we get older. [6/13/2012 8:26:48 PM] Gail : I'm afraid. I know my mind is not as sharp as in my twenties. But I've made up for it in spiritual maturity and grace. [6/13/2012 8:27:12 PM] Gail : Has Loree been bothering you? [6/13/2012 8:27:25 PM] Brent Spiner: I haven't seen her at all. I think we scared her off pretty good. [6/13/2012 8:27:40 PM] Gail : I guess it's mainly Zack Knight and Rule 13. [6/13/2012 8:27:43 PM] Brent Spiner: They've stepped up to the plate as our next biggest enemies it seems. [6/13/2012 8:28:48 PM] Gail : Yeah, and they are stronger and more agile and brilliant than Loree. The Jesuits have upped their game. I'm really curious, how we are going to defeat them, like Jesus said? It seems kind of impossible in this present earth. It's like they're omnipotent. Look what they did to xxxxxxxx. [6/13/2012 8:29:18 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm curious too. They've really stepped up the game with us. But Jesus thinks we can do it. [6/13/2012 8:29:55 PM] Gail : Yes, that's what He said. I'm really curious. I wonder if he meant the rapture, or something afterwards? Who knows? [6/13/2012 8:30:06 PM] Brent Spiner: He's so mysterious sometimes. [6/13/2012 8:30:12 PM] Gail : Yes, He sure is. [6/13/2012 8:30:43 PM] Gail : How do you find time to make money, with all the time you devote to me? [6/13/2012 8:31:06 PM] Brent Spiner: I still live off a lot of money I made with Paramount, I was pretty good at saving and investing. I can't be splurging, but it works. [6/13/2012 8:31:48 PM] Gail : Sounds like a plan. I guess Jesus didn't like my idea about you joining the military. Perhaps there is too much Jesuit infiltration there. [6/13/2012 8:32:08 PM] Brent Spiner: I bet there is. Jesuits love war. [6/13/2012 8:32:48 PM] Gail : Yeah, and I remember that Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit priest, said back in the 1980s, that Jesuit infiltration even back then, in the military, was horrible. [6/13/2012 8:33:30 PM] Brent Spiner: What's that? [6/13/2012 8:33:45 PM] Gail : Do you still have xxxxxxx living with you? [6/13/2012 8:34:23 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I sent xxxxx to live with some relatives for a while, but I've moved xxxxx to the church now that things are safer. [6/13/2012 8:34:51 PM] Gail : xxxxxxx has my genes, right? I believe you adopted him, to play some sort of game with Loree? [6/13/2012 8:35:20 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I wanted her to believe that that was the baby she made with my sperm, so I could protect him. [6/13/2012 8:35:28 PM] Brent Spiner: (Gail’s surprised that Church of Gail got rebuilt so quickly) Oh boy! I might have spoiled the surprise. [6/13/2012 8:35:48 PM] Gail : You mean we have a Church of Gail building again? [6/13/2012 8:36:08 PM] Brent Spiner: We do, and it's been upgraded. I like this new church a lot better. [6/13/2012 8:36:29 PM] Brent Spiner: Terrance can explain it. I think he has some pictures of it too. [6/13/2012 8:36:42 PM] Gail : Are you living in it, now? [6/13/2012 8:37:00 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I just got back. [6/13/2012 8:37:10 PM] Gail : Really? How long? [6/13/2012 8:37:17 PM] Brent Spiner: I was staying in the hospital for a while, and the men were telling me about the new church they were going to commission. [6/13/2012 8:37:42 PM] Gail : How did Vladimir build it so fast? [6/13/2012 8:38:01 PM] Gail : You do pretty good for one finger. [6/13/2012 8:38:24 PM] Brent Spiner: My hands are mostly healed now. They still ache sometimes though. [6/13/2012 8:38:38 PM] Gail : I mean you type pretty fast. Have you taken typing lessons? [6/13/2012 8:38:44 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm self-taught. [6/13/2012 8:38:54 PM] Gail : When did you learn? [6/13/2012 8:39:18 PM] Brent Spiner: I learned when I was younger and going to medical school. I decided I needed to learn to type faster. [6/13/2012 8:39:35 PM] Gail : Jesus said you were only using one finger. [6/13/2012 8:39:46 PM] Brent Spiner: I can. It's like a special talent. [6/13/2012 8:39:54 PM] Brent Spiner: I can type with any finger really fast. [6/13/2012 8:40:18 PM] Gail : You don't hold your fingers over the keyboard in the proper typing positions? [6/13/2012 8:40:31 PM] Gail : asdf jkl; [6/13/2012 8:40:41 PM] Brent Spiner: I sometimes do. [6/13/2012 8:40:53 PM] Gail : I took typing in high school. One year. [6/13/2012 8:41:05 PM] Brent Spiner: They teach it so rigidly in high school. You kind of have to modify it to fit your own comfort level. [6/13/2012 8:41:18 PM] Gail : I was 2nd best in my class. (Gail states she’s really dirty and needs to shower) [6/13/2012 8:42:01 PM] Brent Spiner: Maybe I should let you go take your shower and rest up. [6/13/2012 8:42:06 PM] Brent Spiner: I know I could use a nap. [6/13/2012 8:42:11 PM] Brent Spiner: You can join me in bed later. [6/13/2012 8:43:16 PM] Gail : Oh, alright. Go to sleep, my dear. I can't seem to sleep more than 6 to 7 hours. This diarrhea is making me so vitamin/mineral deficient, I don't think I’m getting magnesium and B vitamins for healthy rest. But it's okay. It will probably get better. [6/13/2012 8:43:34 PM] Brent Spiner: That's good, I'm glad. [6/13/2012 8:43:57 PM] Gail : Okay, one day at a time. Have sweet dreams, my awesome Brent. [6/13/2012 8:44:17 PM] Brent Spiner: Love ya too Gail, my beautiful wife. I'm so glad I could help you today. [6/13/2012 8:44:20 PM] Brent Spiner: Think of me when you're in the shower. [6/13/2012 8:44:28 PM] Brent Spiner: I think I'll be dreaming of that. [6/13/2012 8:44:46 PM] Gail : I surely will. I think of you all the time, in all I do, in all I think. You are my soul mate. [6/13/2012 8:44:57 PM] Gail : Goodnight sweetheart. [6/13/2012 8:45:05 PM] Brent Spiner: Goodnight sweet heart. (Gail’s email to Brent on June 13, 2012) I forgot to give you the e-mail address to that last message from "gabrielle" who is very concerned for the Jesuits, NOT ME, and harasses me at my e-mail. It's the same e-mail as the first messsage she sent me. Xxxxxxxxxxxx (Gail’s Skype conversation with Brent Spiner, Terrance Jenkins and Jesus Christ on June 16, 2012) [7:21:51 PM] *** Conference call *** [7:21:51 PM] *** Terrance Jenkins added Brent Spiner *** [7:22:18 PM] Terrance Jenkins: test [7:22:24 PM] Brent Spiner: I can hear both of you. [7:22:26 PM] Gail : Yes, I can read it. [7:22:39 PM] Gail : What's makes you think I was switched out? [7:23:02 PM] Gail : I just didn't believe Jesus would put a deadline on me. [7:23:26 PM] Gail : Did Jesus really put a deadline on me? [7:23:55 PM] Gail : What did you think of the letter I wrote that lawyer? [7:24:31 PM] Gail : I haven't eaten much today. I'm kind of hungry. [7:24:35 PM] Brent Spiner: I think you need to keep from responding to xxxxxxxx or xxxx lawyers. The Jesuits can twist that around and say that you are continuing to harass them, so it's best to leave it between our lawyers and theirs. [7:24:49 PM] Gail : But I already responded. [7:24:49 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I saw. [7:25:40 PM] Gail : So, the Jesuits rewrote the email. [7:25:48 PM] Gail : Did you tell the lawyer that? [7:25:56 PM] Gail : xxxx keeps getting new lawyers. [7:26:20 PM] Gail : I wrote a good letter. Did you get the letter that I wrote? [7:27:11 PM] Gail : I never said anything about nukkakes, in any of my letters to xxxxxx lawyer. [7:28:01 PM] Gail : I haven't received any gas money. [7:28:08 PM] Gail : Oh, really [7:28:25 PM] Gail : How are you sending me the money? [7:28:47 PM] Gail : I got an e-mail from Gabrielle lady. I put it in spam. [7:29:00 PM] Gail : I put it in spam. [7:38:39 PM] Brent Spiner: I was about to tell you Gail, I think now is about the right time to go ahead and sign the contract with xxxxxxxx. [7:41:21 PM] Gail : Go ahead and sign that contract with xxxxxxxx. [7:45:52 PM] Gail : Yeah, I thought that was a good idea. I actually write good contracts. [7:45:52 PM] Brent Spiner: I know you do. You know I'll take care of you, Gail. [7:45:58 PM] Gail : I know. [7:46:10 PM] Gail : It's just that I was confused about your last email to me. [7:46:25 PM] Gail : It probably needed to be a little more specific. [7:47:02 PM] Gail : Perhaps you could have told me more about how you were canvassing xxxxxx and given me a little more information, to allay my concerns that I may end up being duped and working for xxxxxxxx. [7:47:09 PM] Brent Spiner: That's why we're calling you now, to make sure all of the details of the plan are clear. [7:47:15 PM] Gail : Thank you. [7:48:40 PM] Brent Spiner: I believe it was your xxxxxx that told you? [7:49:42 PM] Gail : Yes, my xxxxxxx told me, I believe, that xxxxxxxx was threatening to contact my job. [7:50:52 PM] Gail : Have you all looked at orderofthejesuits? The Jesuits stole a video I made of my last visit with my xxxxx, that I did NOT post online anywhere, and they posted it at orderofthejesuits. Yeah, I'm wondering how they did that? Did they send a Brent Spiner clone to my apartment to go into my computer and download it? [7:51:19 PM] Gail : Oh no. This makes me nervous about leaving my apartment. I feel like I have to make sure they don [7:51:31 PM] Gail : I feel like I have to make sure they don’t enter my apartment, when I'm not here. [7:52:02 PM] Gail : They actually got my video and downloaded onto their YouTube channel. [7:52:20 PM] Gail : I didn't sent it to anyone online. How did they do this? [7:52:39 PM] Gail : What do you think of that email I got from Gabrielle? [7:52:45 PM] Brent Spiner: I think it's pretty ridiculous. [7:52:49 PM] Brent Spiner: I haven't been asking you for any videos lately. [7:53:00 PM] Brent Spiner: All I've been doing is helping you xxxxxxxxx. [7:53:23 PM] Gail : I am really stumped. Can you all research how they did this? I mean I don't like it, that they can take videos I've created and steal them and post them online without my permission. [7:53:45 PM] Gail : It's getting to the point, that I'm nervous to make ANY videos. [7:54:57 PM] Gail : But I don't like it, that they can enter my apartment or whatever they did, and steal my videos and download them at their websites. They have done this with about at least five of my videos. They post them at orderofthejesuits YouTube as LEAKED videos. They even admit it. I think they are trying to create the impression that it is YOU GUYS who are entering my apartment and stealing my videos and downloading them at the Jesuit sites. [7:55:26 PM] Gail : This makes me nervous. I don't like it. I makes me feel so out of control. [7:55:54 PM] Gail : They have tapped my internet line? [7:56:00 PM] Gail : Who did it? [7:56:07 PM] Gail : xxxxxxxx did it? [7:56:12 PM] Gail : I can't believe it. [7:56:21 PM] Gail : xxxxxx sent my xxxxxx over there? [7:56:35 PM] Gail : Oh man, he really is a Jesuit. [7:56:48 PM] Brent Spiner: That's the fun part. [7:56:53 PM] Gail : Yeah, how is xxxxxx punished, if he harasses me? [7:57:00 PM] Gail : I think I want to know. [7:57:02 PM] Brent Spiner: The judge ruled that every time xxxxxxxx. [7:58:04 PM] Gail : I don't think that would phase him at all. I really don't think that would make a difference. [7:58:47 PM] Gail : You weren't kidding Lord Jesus, when you said I am going through the tribulation. [7:58:53 PM] Gail : I don't think that would phase him. [7:59:01 PM] Gail : Which judge is this? [7:59:12 PM] Gail : Judge xxxxxx. Never heard of him. [7:59:25 PM] Gail : Where are these cases being tried? [7:59:31 PM] Gail : is Jesus furious at me? [8:00:10 PM] Gail : I don't think Jesus had hurt feelings. He knew in advance I'd respond like this. Were you able to see His response? [8:00:30 PM] Gail : What did He say about my comments about His deadline? [8:01:00 PM] Brent Spiner: He was very hurt and angry at first, but he believes that you were misguided by Satan. [8:01:03 PM] Gail : I have actually had more time to read the Bible and pray. I don't think Jesus would find that offensive. [8:01:15 PM] Gail : Angry? [8:01:23 PM] Brent Spiner: And he wanted us to help you get back on his path. [8:01:51 PM] Gail : Oh, He was angry? This just doesn't sound like Him. Jesus shows up. [8:02:02 PM] Gail : Jesus, I’m sorry I made you angry. [8:02:15 PM] Brent Spiner: I will put quotations around what Jesus says so you can differentiate between us better. [8:02:36 PM] Brent Spiner: "Hello Gail. I'm glad that my homies Terrance and Brent were able to help clear up some of your confusion." [8:02:36 PM] Gail : Wow, I can't believe He's there. [8:02:46 PM] Gail : Thank you, Jesus. [8:02:57 PM] Gail : I have been reading more Bible and praying. You don't like that? [8:03:18 PM] Brent Spiner: "I was made angry by some of the statements you made in your last couple of e-mails to Brent." [8:03:34 PM] Gail : Oh really. What comments specifically? [8:04:05 PM] Brent Spiner: "It made me sad to hear that you thought my deadline was mean. You seemed to imply that this was too much for you and that you didn't trust my instructions." [8:04:11 PM] Brent Spiner: "I would never give you more than you can handle." [8:04:43 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. I'm sorry I made You angry. But I'm afraid I misunderstood You. [8:05:08 PM] Brent Spiner: "Indeed. I want you to know that I want you to xxxxxxx." [8:05:20 PM] Brent Spiner: "This can only help you." [8:05:33 PM] Gail : I have been doing that, haven't I? [8:06:02 PM] Brent Spiner: "You have been doing less than you are capable of, and spending much of the time whining and questioning me. I was very disappointed in you." [8:06:12 PM] Brent Spiner: "I know you can do better." [8:06:38 PM] Gail : Oh, what more can I do? I have spent a lot of time xxxxxxx and have not eaten well and have only slept about five or six hours a night. [8:07:04 PM] Gail : i been too busy to eat and cook. [8:07:31 PM] Brent Spiner: "When you read the Bible, you don't complain about not eating or sleeping. These are my personal instructions for you, and you won't sacrifice your time for me?" [8:07:48 PM] Brent Spiner: "You can schedule yourself such that you can eat and sleep enough to maintain yourself." [8:08:16 PM] Brent Spiner: "Have breakfast in the morning, take a break for lunch, and take a break for dinner. [8:08:41 PM] Brent Spiner: "I died on the cross for you, Gail. I only ask that you xxxxxxxxxxxx." [8:09:09 PM] Gail : Where am I spending too much time, where I could be spending more time doing what You want? [8:09:46 PM] Gail : Thank you for dying on the cross for me. I really appreciate that. [8:10:01 PM] Brent Spiner: "I want you to spend less time reading the Bible right now -- I have written the word in your heart and you should carry it in your heart while you do your work for me." [8:10:12 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. [8:10:57 PM] Gail : Also, I have intestinal issues. That yeast infection isn't gone. I'm very tired. But I can push myself, I have done it before. [8:11:01 PM] Brent Spiner: "I had bleeding issues when I was on the cross." [8:11:08 PM] Gail : You sure did. [8:11:18 PM] Brent Spiner: "It's going to take sacrifice, Gail, and it's not going to be pleasant." [8:11:29 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. [8:11:45 PM] Brent Spiner: "Nobody said tribulation was going to be fun." [8:12:11 PM] Gail : You really meant it when You said I was going through what those tribulation saints are going through. [8:12:51 PM] Brent Spiner: "Indeed. I hope you understand that tough love is still love. All I say is in your best interest. I have shielded you from the worst of it." [8:13:06 PM] Brent Spiner: "Take Matthew McConaughey for instance -- he swelled up like a balloon, for you, in space." [8:13:14 PM] Brent Spiner: "I will never allow you to feel the cold vacuum of space, Gail." [8:13:24 PM | Edited 8:14:36 PM] Gail : Yes, I just told you in my prayers, that I believe you are being tough on me, with the motive to protect me. Can I have a little more guidance over how to xxxxxxx? It appears that Brent and Terrance have indicated that they will also give me more guidance in this area. [8:15:25 PM] Brent Spiner: "I have appointed Brent and Terrance as my instruments to help you. I want you to follow their advice. They are going to give you xxxxxxxx directions." [8:16:03 PM] Gail : Okay. I guess I don't need to worry about Jesuits impersonating You through Brent Spiner right now. [8:16:39 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes. I have given him my special protection for right now until xxxxxxxx. I am extending this protection to Terrance, as well." [8:17:22 PM] Gail : Do you want me to stop making videos for right now? [8:18:17 PM] Brent Spiner: "I want you to make a video whenever your heart tells you to, or whenever you are asked from one of your men -- when they ask you, it is really I that am asking you." [8:19:14 PM] Gail : Oh, I have to be careful because xxxxxx is jumping on me about everything right now. He's making me nervous, that if I say the wrong thing, that I will lose my online presence, and I am trying to protect my online presence for You. [8:19:27 PM] Brent Spiner: "Don't worry about xxxxxxx. Your men are going to kick his butt." [8:19:37 PM] Brent Spiner: "The only rule is that you can't break the stipulation with xxxxxxx and talk about xxxxx. I don't want you to break that contract." [8:19:43 PM] Gail : Okay. Can you help me, because I just wrote a letter to [8:20:10 PM] Gail : I just wrote a letter to xxxxxx and the Jesuits rewrote it. Can You get them for that, please? [8:20:50 PM] Brent Spiner: "They will get what's coming to them when it comes. I cannot directly interfere, I told you this." [8:21:05 PM] Brent Spiner: "I have a plan, Gail. You just have to trust me, and trust my instruments." [8:21:36 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Xxxxxx does not want me to mention them, so I guess I need to be wise and not mention their name in my videos. [8:21:47 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes, do not mention them." [8:21:56 PM] Gail : Okay, that sounds wise. [8:23:02 PM] Gail : I have to admit those Jesuits who are writing me at my email, I think are casting some doubts in my mind. Perhaps I need to plead the blood and rebuke the lies that Satan is planting in my mind. [8:23:08 PM] Brent Spiner: "Satan thrives on doubt." [8:23:12 PM] Brent Spiner: "It's his favorite flavor." [8:24:25 PM] Gail : Oh, Jesus You are funny. You are right, I am a terrible whiner. You should have killed me by now. [8:24:50 PM] Brent Spiner: "I would never want to kill one of my most beautiful creations." [8:25:30 PM] Gail : Oh, thank you. I think I'm just trying to find an excuse to cop out on You and go home to heaven and get out of this mess right now. Sorry, for my little faith. [8:25:35 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes. No copping out on Jesus. I didn't cop out on the cross for you." [8:25:54 PM] Gail : No, You sure didn't. [8:26:05 PM] Brent Spiner: "What is the xxxxxxxxx? I want Brent to have it." [8:26:31 PM] Gail : Great. Hold on. [8:26:39 PM] Gail : I forgot. Let me pull it up and it will come to me. [8:27:19 PM] Brent Spiner: "I'm helping." [8:32:10 PM] Gail : Are you all still there? I have lost all the text that was there earlier. [8:32:22 PM] Brent Spiner: "We still see you." [8:32:37 PM] Brent Spiner: "Brent can't, but I can of course." [8:32:54 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Because I don't have video on. [8:33:03 PM] Gail : Did you get all you need? [8:34:00 PM] Gail : What do You want me to do tomorrow? [8:34:16 PM] Brent Spiner: "Tomorrow, take a sabbath." [8:34:28 PM] Gail : Oh, thank you. I am tired. [8:34:33 PM] Brent Spiner: "Just like a full time job, you get at least a day off to relax and refresh yourself." [8:34:42 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. [8:35:04 PM] Brent Spiner: "You should have seen how exhausted my Dad was when he made the world." [8:35:09 PM] Brent Spiner: "That was pretty badass." [8:35:23 PM] Gail : I am sure of it. I could never be as good as You. [8:35:25 PM] Brent Spiner: "The sabbath day was just long enough for him to crack his knuckles." [8:36:06 PM] Gail : Can my men still hear me, or have they left to give you space? [8:36:06 PM] Brent Spiner: "Of course then Satan took advantage, and made the hagfish." [8:36:10 PM] Brent Spiner: "Have you seen those things?" [8:36:20 PM] Brent Spiner: "They have teeth in their vagina." [8:36:28 PM] Gail : No. What a sense of humor. [8:36:39 PM] Brent Spiner: "It's pretty rad I guess." [8:36:50 PM] Gail : Rad? What does that mean? [8:37:00 PM] Brent Spiner: "It means "cool". Like, I think you're pretty rad, Gail." [8:37:16 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Where's Terrance? [8:37:37 PM] Brent Spiner: "I still see you Terrance." [8:38:16 PM] Brent Spiner: "I keep forgetting." [8:38:23 PM] Brent Spiner: "I'm too cool for my own time." [8:39:04 PM] Gail : I hate to tell You this, Jesus. But I rather like it when I don't have to talk to You on Skype, because every time You talk to me, it means I did something wrong. [8:39:05 PM] Brent Spiner: "It's like when the principal walks into the class room, huh?" [8:39:23 PM] Gail : Yeah. I try to behave myself, so I don [8:39:39 PM] Gail : I try to behave myself, so I don't have to deal with you as the rebuker. [8:40:11 PM] Gail : But, I appreciate Your guidance, because I have a very challenging life. [8:40:13 PM] *** Call ended, duration 1:18:22 *** [8:40:20 PM] Brent Spiner: Whoops, can you still see me Gail? [8:40:48 PM] Gail : I see your picture, but you never appear like Terrance does. [8:41:11 PM] Brent Spiner: Well, I meant the writing here. Terrance's connection cut out. [8:41:26 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Did Terrance do that? [8:41:37 PM] Brent Spiner: He didn't mean to. His connection is always bad. [8:41:52 PM] Gail : How have my videos been, Jesus? Are they okay? [8:42:27 PM] Brent Spiner: "I love your videos, Gail. I would like to see more in the future, but you can relax on them for a while until you're done with your current task." [8:42:48 PM] Gail : Okay, thank you for the guidance, because lately I felt like I've been in a fog. [8:43:01 PM] Gail : Can you hear me, Brent? [8:43:11 PM] Brent Spiner: I can't hear you, but I can see you typing. [8:43:23 PM] Gail : You can see me? I thought I turned off the video. [8:43:58 PM] Brent Spiner: I can't see your video, just your words to me here. [8:44:11 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. [8:44:28 PM] Brent Spiner: I apologize, I'm pretty exhausted myself. I've been working so hard investigating xxxxxxxx for you. [8:44:45 PM] Gail : I guess tomorrow I can sign the contract and mail it to xxxxxxx. [8:44:57 PM] Brent Spiner: That would probably be a good idea. [8:45:05 PM] Gail : Is Jesus still there? [8:45:13 PM] Brent Spiner: "Right on, Gail." [8:45:31 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. I don't think Jesus would leave without saying "goodbye". [8:45:45 PM] Brent Spiner: "I'm a gentleman." [8:45:56 PM] Gail : Yeah, You are. [8:46:32 PM] Gail : Do You have any more counsel for me, Jesus? As long as we're here on Skype. Every time we meet, You always give me such wonderful counsel. [8:47:27 PM] Brent Spiner: "I think that wraps up what I needed to tell you. Brent and Terrance have been so good helping you out. I know they'll continue to do a great job. Please listen to them, they care about you as much as I do." [8:47:57 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Have I been wise about Zack Knight? He still tries to impersonate You to my mind. [8:48:56 PM] Brent Spiner: "You've been very wise. I know he still likes to talk to you brain to brain sometimes to confuse you and get you to lose your faith." [8:49:38 PM] Gail : I think Zack Knight and Rule 13 may be partly to blame for my lack of faith in You, lately. I think that they may be using brain control technology, is that true? [8:50:31 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes, they have some pretty effective brain control techniques at their disposal." [8:50:43 PM] Brent Spiner: "I think you've known that for some time now, and have been prepared for them to use it." [8:51:14 PM] Gail : Yes, but I find it so powerful, that it sometimes overwhelms me. [8:51:32 PM] Gail : As You said to me, I have the power to resist. So, perhaps I need to resist more? [8:51:57 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes, of course." [8:53:10 PM] Gail : What is the best way to resist? By a verbal rebuke in my mind? Or by prayer and asking Your assistance? Perhaps I need to pray more to You, when I have doubts and ask You more to eliminate all of Satan's lies to my mind. Perhaps, my Bible study has been good, but my prayer life needs improving. [8:53:48 PM] Brent Spiner: "Those are all good strategies. I like that." [8:54:16 PM] Brent Spiner: "Brent has of course been monumental in helping you grow emotionally and spiritually. You can always talk to him about anything." [8:54:32 PM] Gail : Yes, he has been awesome. [8:54:35 PM] Brent Spiner: "That's why I gave him to you." [8:54:57 PM] Gail : I really appreciate him. He is incredible. [8:57:14 PM] Gail : Did you let me know You have been angry to ensure that I treat this xxxxx, so that I wouldn't lose out on Your plans for the next phase of my life? As You know, whenever I xxxxxxxx, I do tend to slack off. I guess xxxxxx You just wanted to ensure that wouldn't happen. [8:58:17 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes. I am hoping that my tough love merely encourages you to motivate yourself and succeed. I know you have a tendency to procrastinate, and it's very important you don't do that xxxxxxxx." [8:58:46 PM] Gail : I see. I hate xxxxxx. I guess You know that. [8:58:58 PM] Brent Spiner: "Everyone hates xxxxxxxx. It's a pain in the butt." [8:59:18 PM] Gail : Yeah, that's what Brent says. [8:59:30 PM] Brent Spiner: "Great minds think alike!" [8:59:47 PM] Gail : Brent is so much like You, don't You think? [9:00:06 PM] Brent Spiner: "Maybe that's why I like him so much. I couldn't help but put some of myself in him." [9:01:25 PM] Gail : I mean all his bones broke in that awful battle in outer space and, like You, he just took all that suffering and pain like a hero. He didn't even think about himself and put his life in danger to rescue all the other men before himself. He is so self-sacrificing and generous. A truly awesome person. I am so proud of him. [9:03:33 PM] Gail : He has grown by leaps and bounds as a new Christian and has the spiritual maturity of a very advanced Christian, now, don't You think? I guess that is why You have invested so much time in him, because You knew You had good material. [9:04:31 PM] Brent Spiner: "You're right about that. He took his broken bones like a man, I was impressed. I remember how much those nails hurt when I was being hung on the cross, and those whips." [9:04:54 PM] Brent Spiner: "Just like me, Brent wasn't doing it for himself. He was doing it purely to save you and the other men." [9:06:21 PM] Gail : Yes, he is so much like You. Even back in 1990, when I suffered at the hands of the child abuse industry and was only a nobody fan, he took such an interest in a stranger and, I believe, You used him as an instrument to allow me to keep my son. I sensed even back then how big a person he was, and that's why I fell so hard in love wth him. [9:06:41 PM] Gail : I'm sorry, Brent, that I doubted you. Satan confused me. [9:07:13 PM] Brent Spiner: I don't hold it against you Gail. I would have probably felt the same in your position. Those were dark times. [9:07:43 PM] Gail : When I say I doubted you. I am referring to the present. [9:08:34 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh, I guess that's why Jesus was poking me in the back then! [9:08:48 PM] Brent Spiner: It's been stressful here lately too. This is when Satan tries to take advantage the most. [9:11:14 PM] Gail : Yeah, that last email I thought that Zack Knight showed up and coerced you into writing the 2nd paragraph. I actually got a brain to brain communication from you about that, which may have been Zack Knight impersonating you to me and telling me lies. "Terrance" told me brain to brain that Zack Knight showed up and coerced you into putting a deadline on me, and that Zack took you to a Jesuit compound and Sara Avery ate your leg and Jesus had to fix it for you. [9:11:38 PM] Brent Spiner: Wow, that sounds elaborate. [9:11:53 PM] Gail : So, none of that is true. [9:12:44 PM] Gail : Hey, Jesus. If Zack tricked me like this, I'm not sure I'm doing excellent with Zack Knight. [9:14:05 PM] Brent Spiner: "He's a powerful guy, and he's going to get the best of you when you're at your darkest. Just remember that trials like this will make your spirit stronger." [9:14:42 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. This must be what You meant when You said in an earlier Skype that I still have a lot to learn. [9:15:19 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes. You're not ready to check into Heaven just yet." [9:15:30 PM] Gail : What does that mean? [9:16:11 PM] Gail : Not ready to check into heaven? You paid for it all on the cross, so I guess it means you have to "improve" me so I don’t lose my rewards, is that it? [9:16:54 PM] Brent Spiner: "I don't mean it that way. Sorry to be confusing." [9:17:18 PM] Brent Spiner: "I mean that I have a lot planned for you on earth yet. Your spirit is still growing." [9:18:02 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. I know You don't want to talk about this. But I think I only have 3 years left on this present earth. I guess that's why You have me in a crash course. [9:18:19 PM] Brent Spiner: "It's a lot to handle for one spirit." [9:18:25 PM] Brent Spiner: "I know you can handle it." [9:20:25 PM] Gail : You know me better than I know myself. You said I was strong, and I look at what I'm going through and am amazed at my strength. The average person would wilt under the pressure I face. When I got that letter from xxxxx lawyer today, and read it, I got a little freaked out, but recouped quickly and started laughing at the letter I wrote in response. But, apparently, my courage to answer this lawyer was not wise, because the Jesuits took that letter I wrote and rewrote it with some nonsense about me liking nukkake on my face. [9:21:58 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes, it's probably better you don't try to fight him right now. He's trying to distract you from your real work." [9:22:31 PM] Brent Spiner: "xxxxxxx is a yucky man. He only turned to me out of fear, and seems to enjoy feeling important more than feeling faithful to my word." [9:23:03 PM] Gail : Jesus, Terrance wants to know how we should punish xxxxxxx? You have any suggestions? [9:24:03 PM] Brent Spiner: "Back in my day, they stoned people! But, xxxxx seems to like being stoned, so that might not work out so well." [9:24:42 PM] Brent Spiner: "You should come up with something. I like your creativity." [9:24:55 PM] Gail : Me? Oh, dear. Let me think. . . [9:29:18 PM] Gail : Yeah, I have an idea. Because he likes to feel so important. You are right on about that. I suggest that every time he harasses me, we have him go on the FOX NEWS Gabrielle Chana news channel, that he needs to make a statement in his defense about why he is harassing me and have it evaluated by our pride scanners and lie detection and the results blared on the news screen for the whole world to see. If our pride scanners and lie detection reveal that he is full of baloney, and he claims he is an upright Christian who tries to honor Jesus. Hand him a heavy cross, like the one you dragged to that hill and have the television crews film him carrying that cross to the hill, while he drops under the weight, like You did. Then we will tell him that this is what He does to Jesus every time he harasses me, because He is distracting me from God's work. Jesus, is xxxxxxx a born again Christian? Will he go to heaven when he dies? [9:29:54 PM] Brent Spiner: "That sounds like an excellent idea." [9:30:03 PM] Brent Spiner: "And no, xxxxxxx is going straight to hell." [9:30:31 PM] Brent Spiner: "He's going to have to make love to a hagfish." [9:30:57 PM] Gail : Oh, my God. What about xxxxxxxx? Was he a Christian? [9:31:34 PM] Brent Spiner: "xxxxxxx was a good man. I was sad to see him be replaced by his clone. This new xxxxxx is Satan's work." [9:32:21 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Is it alright if I go eat some salmon and rice. I'm famished. [9:32:47 PM] Brent Spiner: "Of course! You need to eat well." [9:33:31 PM] Gail : Changed my mind. Let's make that beans. [9:34:31 PM] Brent Spiner: "He was a nice guy for a while. They changed him on xxxxxxx." [9:35:14 PM] Gail : Yeah, I know that. What exactly happened to xxxxxxx? [9:35:35 PM] Brent Spiner: "The xxxxxxxxx got the same treatment. He was replaced bit by bit." [9:44:40 PM] Gail : I have noticed when You are silent on a subject, that You are very wise. [9:45:02 PM] Brent Spiner: "What can I say? I get it from my Dad." [9:45:15 PM] Gail : Yeah, You sure do. [9:45:34 PM] Gail : Are You exactly like God the Father in all respects? [9:46:22 PM] Brent Spiner: "Pretty much. The apple never falls far from the tree." [9:47:03 PM] Gail : Wow. And you take the time to give me so much personal attention? I'm honored, even though I know that every time we get together on Skype, it is to correct me. [9:47:37 PM] Gail : I can tell that You would rather not have to meet me on Skype, because You are trying to stay in the background right now. [9:48:38 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes. It encourages Satan to interfere for his followers as well, and when he does that it makes things extra difficult. He's always trying to throw a wrench in my plans." [9:51:16 PM] Gail : Yeah, he always does such a good job at that. He is terrible. I am learning more and more to dislike him. Such an evil, evil being. I have been listening to War on the Saints today. Do you like that? I taped the whole set and it's up at my website. I got some wisdom from listening to it. But, perhaps, I misinterpreted the part about Satan trying to speed up Your timetable, when I listened to it, to mean that it was Satan, and not You, who set that deadline on me. So I guess you just gave me that deadline, not to make me hyped up and nervous, but to just not procrastinate. [9:52:16 PM] Gail : I can tell that my men seem real embarrassed about my behavior lately, because it made You angry. Do you have anything to say to them? [9:52:50 PM] Gail : I don't like it when my behavior embarrasses them. [9:53:09 PM] Brent Spiner: "You are all imperfect beings. I expect you to make mistakes sometimes." [9:54:02 PM] Gail : Sometimes? I make mistakes ALL THE TIME. [9:54:07 PM] Brent Spiner: "No matter how hard you try, there are times temptation will be too great, and you will sin." [9:54:24 PM] Brent Spiner: "So it's best to learn from them so you can make less mistakes in the future." [9:54:29 PM] Gail : That is true. I'm not God. [9:54:36 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. [9:54:45 PM] Gail : I do try to do that. [9:55:15 PM] Brent Spiner: "Brent and all the other men make their own mistakes. I will remind them not to forget that." [9:55:47 PM] Gail : I don't get the impression that I offended Brent. He is not easily offended. I think he was confused and concerned. [9:57:08 PM] Brent Spiner: "He was worried about you. You helped him to find me, and he's trying to do his best to help you in the same way, and return the favor. He's trying to keep you on your path." [9:58:27 PM] Gail : Yeah, he's awesome. [10:02:15 PM] Brent Spiner: "I want you to have a sharp aim, so that you don't grow lax in your task." [10:03:53 PM] Gail : What do you mean by sharp aim? And what do you mean that I should not grow lax in my task? I'm confused. I think you don't want me to be content with xxxxxxx, is that it? You want me to continue xxxxxxx, so that I can use my talents for You, is that it? [10:04:25 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes. I want you to continue xxxxxx, and I don't want you to slack off and procrastinate on xxxxxx." [10:04:51 PM] Brent Spiner: "I recognize that tendency as one of your weaknesses. I want you to overcome it." [10:06:26 PM] Gail : I like being my own boss. [10:06:49 PM] Gail : I like using my time the way I like to do it and not how others like me to do it. [10:07:01 PM] Brent Spiner: "I think I'm a special exception." [10:07:16 PM] Gail : Huh? What does THAT mean? [10:07:30 PM] Brent Spiner: "You're using your time as I would like you to use it, right?" [10:07:42 PM] Brent Spiner: "I want you to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx." [10:07:51 PM] Gail : Oh, I get it. I must consider You MY BOSS. [10:08:46 PM] Gail : Okay, I will try to heed your advice. Actually, I do try to please You, but I confused You with Satan. [10:09:05 PM] Gail : Sorry about that. That must have been a REAL INSULT. [10:09:25 PM] Gail : The devil tricked me again. [10:09:54 PM] Brent Spiner: "It hurt my heart a little. But I know you will do great." [10:10:31 PM] Gail : Oh, I'm so sorry. So that's why I hurt your feelings, because I confused You with Satan. I feel terrible, now. Can I do anything more to make this up to You? [10:10:43 PM] Brent Spiner: "Of course. That's why I decided to chat with you tonight." [10:10:57 PM] Gail : Oh, really? What else? [10:11:30 PM] Brent Spiner: "This is it, everything we have been discussing. Find xxxx as quickly as you can, and don't slack off on it." [10:13:01 PM] Gail : Brent, are you still there? [10:13:42 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm still here. It's been fascinating listening to you both. [10:13:51 PM] Gail : Is Jesus still there? [10:13:59 PM] Brent Spiner: I think I'm about ready for bed soon. I have been trying to turn in early. Jesus is still here. [10:15:54 PM] Gail : Jesus, perhaps you could word Your instructions like this: Gail, you like to procrastinate, and You must trust me that I can get you xxxxxx You need. So, don't delay and go, and xxxxxxx. [10:16:32 PM] Gail : I just felt like You expected me to be God, that it was in my power to xxxxx, and that's why I thought it was Satan. I think we had a communication problem. [10:17:32 PM] Brent Spiner: "I'm glad I was able to fix it. I will try to be less cryptic." [10:17:48 PM] Brent Spiner: "I think it's best that Brent gets to bed now." [10:18:19 PM] Gail : Okay, Jesus. Thank you for Your time. Sleep well, darling, Brent. I know you must really need to sleep [10:19:18 PM] Brent Spiner: Wow...Jesus just turned into a dove and fluttered off. He's so amazing. [10:20:16 PM] Gail : Goodnight, sweetheart. You must be totally exhausted. It's not like you to ask to go to bed. You must be ready for the hospital, because I know how you are. Thank you so much for all your time and caring. I am so lucky to have you, my dear. [10:21:38 PM] Brent Spiner: My love, I am lucky to have you. I couldn't have asked for more. Good night sweetheart, I adore you. [10:22:03 PM] Gail : Okay, goodbye, my love. I'll tuck you in in my dreams. [10:22:31 PM] Brent Spiner: I will see you then. [10:22:50 PM] Gail : Sweet dreams. Your brain to brain has been awesome. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 17, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm working off the computer that is not connected to my Skype, so if I need to use Skype, I will have to unplug my modem cord and reconnect it to the other computer. I have one cord that I share between two computers. In the meanwhile, I bought a new computer printer. It was on sale at Office Depot. I need it to print xxxxxxx. My other printer went kaput. I also made copies of the xxxxxxxx contract and will mail it tomorrow certified mail. Post Office is closed today. It's Sunday. I ended up buying a Brother printer, scanner, fax, copier, including a $9.00 package in case it breaks down. Around $70.00, because I got ten dollars off. I don't have a phone line and am going to try to set this up so that I can make it work without the fax. I don't think that will be an issue. I will find out. In the meanwhile, let's try to install this printer. I usually install all my computers, printers, and monitors by myself. I do fine. This one uses a fax, but I don't have a phone line, so let's see if I can work around that. I'm hungry. Time for lunch, and then I install the printer! I adore you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 17, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm all set up, and already figured out how to use the printer and scanner, and have already printed xxxxxxx. My old printer went kaput! Now, I will eat and do some business and then I will work on that contract for xxxxxxx. It took me several hours to set up the printer, but, to me, this investment was worth it, because I need a printer for my computer, so I can type letters and print them. I could also do FAX, but my phone line is in the other room, if I decide to get a landline phone. I don't think I'm going to worry about FAX. I rarely FAX, and if I need to do so, I'll go to the Office Depot or someplace like that. I bought this copier and printer because it had the cheapest cartridges. I try not to print unless I really have to. Cartridges are so expensive. I needed a scanner, because that's how I make copies of legal documents that I send you all as attachments. I'm still on my non-Skype computer, so if you need me on Skype you'll have to tell me via email and I'll connect my modem to that other computer. I got a good deal on this, and I needed to print xxxxxxx, so I had to get a working printer. Time for dinner and other things, then I'll work on that contract. I adore you, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 18 ,2012) My dear Gail, I'm so happy to hear you have been doing so well! Congratulations on your new printer, and xxxxxxx. I'm going to bed now, but I'll be dreaming of you. Goodnight, sweetheart. Your man, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 18, 2012) My darling Brent: I received your e-mail. . . I still need to mail in my xxxxxx contract. It sounds like you guys are having xxxxxxx look at that contract I drafted I will go make the rounds as you suggested, and visit all those places. Gotta go. Busy for Jesus. You're awesome. Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 18, 2012) My beautiful wife, I hope you're having a good day today. I can't wait to read all about it when you get home. I told Vladimir about xxxxxx, and he went to go talk to them this morning. To be honest, my intuition had been nagging me about that phone call you received, but I couldn't quite place it.. Vladimir came back to me several hours later, cursing in Russian very angrily. I could barely understand him. According to him, xxxxxx refused to sign your xxxxxxx contract. They claimed that they would, but they lied, they ripped it up and threw the pieces in Vladimir's face saying it was "crazy" and that they never intended on signing it! Needless to say we are both very angry. It sounds like everyone at corporate is already a Jesuit. Vladimir has put all of these people under arrest, and they are currently awaiting trial for violating Conspiracy Law. Meanwhile we are suing the company with the hope that we will bankrupt them. I'm glad we were able to catch these before they got you. Talk about false prophets. It looks like it's going to be hot today. Stay cool out there. I adore you so intensely, my love. You can't imagine how proud I am to be your man. Your husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 18, 2012) My darling Brent: Thanks for sparing me from getting scammed by xxxxx. I visited all those places you recommended. It was hot and I kept the water down. I'm still dealing with some diarrhea. I think it's that yeast/bacterium that I've had for years, but it's not so bad that I can't go out and make the rounds. I'm drinking lots of water. Perhaps the caprylic acid I'm taking is killing yeast and I am allergic to yeast toxin, which is released when the yeast dies. I think the Jesuits may be doing something remotely to exacerbate my existing yeast condition, to discourage me from xxxxxxx. But Jesus gives us no more than we can handle. I dressed up and decided to go bold with false eyelashes. It really perks my eyes up to have some lashes. I wore a turquoise top that has some glimmer to it and black capri pants with a floral design, along with make-up, earrings and my crystal necklace. Very similar to how I look on videos. Light, because it's hot. My car has no AC. The shoes were gray beige and dressy casual, and somewhat uncomfortable on my feet. I'm used to wearing New Balance on my difficult feet. I have a pair of canvas whites, that don't look too bad on me, but went for the dressier shoes. I felt like looking glamorous today. So I visited the places you suggested, dressed like how I usually do my face on my videos. I'm allergic to mascara. First, I went to the Post Office and mailed the xxxxx contract, using delivery confirmation. Busy for Jesus. I also need to do dishes and eat and stuff like that. Thanks, you guys, for all you do for me. And thanks for always being so positive. I tried very hard not to let Jesus down today. I feel terrible over how I've treated Him this past week. He left His Father's side to come down to earth and live as a humble carpenter, so I guess I can humble myself and xxxxxxx. This Jesuit controlled world is a challenge to live in, right now. I will get ready for tomorrow. I may need to do some shopping. Getting low on some stuff. Jesus knows best. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 20, 2012) My darling Brent: My e-mail has been fixed. I believe you have received the e-mails I sent you through my e-mail. I have faith in Jesus. I also understand completely why Jesus was angry at me and have made amends. Jesus loves me so deeply, that is why I offended Him. It's kind of like He was so excited about giving me a special engagement ring for the millennium and I doubted Him and confused Him with His arch enemy-Satan, so I really hurt Him. I have been crying in shame, that I ever doubted Him. He has totally forgiven me, and He's awesome. It's a little more complicated than that I just doubted Him. He is also using strategy to make sure that Satan and Zack Knight don't sabotage this transition point in my life, as He knew I would respond to Him the way I did, and that He would have to rebuke me. This rebuke is all part of His plan, to ensure that this transition into the next phase of my life goes as He intended and that Satan can't take advantage of this point in my life to undermine God's plans. His rebuke of me is actually working out to His advantage in some ways, as it helps Jesus to slide me, somewhat inconspicuously, into the next phase of His plans for me, so that I, and not you guys or Jesus, make the major moves that land me into the next phase of my life. I keep telling Jesus that he is a GENIUS. As I examine all aspects of His current operations, I marvel at His brilliance. Need to color my hair. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 20, 2012) My darling Brent: Wow, you know I have been paying for one year to have online backup for my laptop (which is my most important computer) and if I had a crash or something similar, I would find out that NONE of my files, except 12 documents are backed up! I have thousands of documents, videos, music, etc. I've been too busy to check and see if my online backup is working. So today I finally decided to check it out. To my dismay, I discovered only twelve documents are backed up, some letters. I have thousands of documents and tons of videos and pictures that are not backed up. I shot off an e-mail to mypcbackup and discovered I had to go into their setting function and specify which files I want backed up, and then I had to undo another section that specifies which files should not be backed up, and make that one wide open. I also needed to specify the file size I wanted backed up as it was limited to smaller files, so that my larger files were not included (which, for me, was just about everything). Those tricky Jesuits knew I was too busy to go in and mess with all this stuff. Anyway, I finally took the time to see if it was working and I am backing up important files now. Thank you, Jesus, for making me aware of this. Imagine paying for online back up and not getting my videos, music, and documents backed up, because I was too busy to check it out. I have another online back up on my other computer. I'll check that one out later. Boy, I'm glad I caught this! I hope I never have to use it, but then, that's why I purchased it. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 20, 2012) My darling Brent: I have been backing up for several hours and it says I'm only 12.7% done. I predict this will take at least 24 hours or longer. I'll just leave my computer on and let it go, even while I'm sleeping. At least I know now that my videos are backed up. I never had the time before to make sure my online backup worked. Now I do, and I'm working on it, and also allowing you to have access to my online backup. Our brain to brain seems to indicate that some sort of court case is going on between xxxxxxx and xxxxxxxx. Not sure how much I can trust brain to brain right now, but you have been silent, so it makes me suspect the brain to brain may be accurate. I'm glad Jesus was tough on me the other day. He did that to ensure me that He has a plan and not to lose faith. He knew all this would happen and that xxxxxx needed to get into my life as soon as possible. You tell me the xxxxxxx CEO is awesome and you are really impressed with him. I've been exploring the xxxxxxx company and looking at their marketing strategy. Sounds like an innovative company. I think I'd make a good copywriter. It's kind of like that type of writing, it looks like. It would be fun. I did my own ad for my book, because my publisher really screwed up the ad for my book, so I know how important it is to write a good ad and how disappointing it is when the ad writer doesn't even seem to care and writes a sloppy ad for your business. I adore you, thanks for all you do, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 20, 2012) My dearest Brent: I no longer need to send you videos through because you can get them all through my online backup. This means if I want to send you a video, all I have to do is back it up and you've got it. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 21, 2012) Dearest Brent: I need to eat breakfast. We have had great brain to brain time. I love you so much. Hope the court cases go well. I am still backing up my Windows 7 and sharing this back up with you, so I need to stay by my computer and make sure it's going okay. It looks like it will go for another day or two. We are only 30% done at this point and we started almost 24 hours ago! I can tell that Zack Knight talks to me a lot, so I'm not sure what to believe. His last attempt, he said Jesus was crying because He had to be so hard on me with our last Skype. I told Zack Knight to "shut up", that Jesus is not a cry baby, and then I asked Jesus to go beat him up. I'm praying a lot and asking Jesus to help me not believe any lies in my mind. I'm hearing all sorts of wild stuff in my mind brain to brain about some sort of court case between xxxxxxx and xxxxxxxx. Not sure what to believe right now. Jesus is my attorney? Kind of wild, man. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 21, 2012) Dearest Brent: Can you forward this letter to the CEO of xxxxxxxx? I wrote this for him. ************************************************************* ********** Dear xxxxxxxxxx: I’ve listened to several of your videos and like the vision you have for xxxxxxxx. You are incredible for such a young CEO. I like your emphasis on innovation, creativity and intelligent risk taking, and feel you have created a company that appreciates life’s true values (something very important to me). Your company’s culture seems compatible with me, which is one reason I am writing you this letter. I also believe, from what I’ve read about your company, that you will succeed in your objectives and will outdo your main competitor xxxxxxx, Inc. because of your courage, innovation, brilliance and willingness to explore new venues. I can foresee xxxxxxxxx going in new directions, and not be limited to an xxxxxxxx company. I like that you are venturing into entertainment venues--an area of high interest for me. I’ve dabbled in screenwriting. I agree with your recent decision not to go public, for the following reasons: Significant legal, accounting and marketing costs Ongoing requirement to disclose financial and business information Meaningful time, effort and attention required of senior management Risk that required funding will not be raised Public dissemination of information which may be useful to competitors, suppliers and customers. I research all companies I want to work for, and find your company’s creativity and vision exciting, and hope I can help you reach your goals. I also like your emphasis on maintaining your company’s culture, which seems to be a combination of integrity, casualness, courage, innovation, creativity, brilliance and family. I agree that off days are important, that we need to relax and be with family. We also need off days for creativity. Some of my most brilliant ideas come on “off” days. I have several self-published books at and at Amazon Kindle. I deal with Amazon directly (who owns 30% of your company) and have a good relationship with them. I could write ad copy for at least ten merchants a week with no problems. I hope I can help direct your company’s growth into some new venues, possibly into the entertainment industry. Looking forward to working with you. Sincerely, Gail Chord xxxxxx (pen name Gabrielle Chana) ****************************************** Thanks, Brent. I went to the trouble to write this letter, and would like for xxxxxxxx to receive it. Your devoted wife, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 21, 2012) My dear wife, It looks like I am finally back online. I have been very busy investigating xxxxxx and dealing with Jesuits trying to sabotage xxxxxxxxx. I have good news, but some bad news as well I'm afraid. Vladimir just called me this afternoon to inform me that the CEO of xxxxxx was just assassinated. When I heard this, I had to do a spit take. I asked him how this was possible since we had secured the perimeter of the office building and no personnel were moving in or out. It turns out that the CEO was taking some kind of supplement for spleen and gallbladder function, and had just swallowed his pill for the day. He told the in house nurse that he "felt like a pregnant hippo" shortly before being told he was fine, and returning back to his office. Just as he was about to confirm you xxxxxxxxx, he exploded! The Jesuits had contaminated his supplements with some kind of chemical explosive, that went off as soon as it hit his large intestines (which the clean up crew found in the fish tank across the room). The whole company came under quarantine after that, while investigation teams are currently being sent in to inspect every computer, phone, electronic device, person or room involved with the company for Jesuit interference. After hearing all of this, I scheduled another lunch meeting with Jesus so that I could talk to him. I said to him, "Jesus, we're very lost right now, can you give me any more hints about what needs to be done?" Jesus said he would give me another clue --xxxxxxxxx. I asked him for more advice and he says it would be a good idea if myself and Vladimir did some investigations prior to you xxxxxxxxxxx. I feel that this will make things much easier and take some of the stress off of you. My computer crashed and I lost xxxx, as well as the xxxxxxxxx. I do have some good news to share. I wanted to tell you that Vladimir is ready to unveil the new church soon. It's almost fully battle ready, and capable of space flight and teleportation. We are making some final adjustments and taking it for a test drive, and then it will be all ready to go. I'm going to get some pictures of it when we take it out tomorrow, and I'll send them to you. It's really cool, you're going to love it! Anyway, I wanted to update you now that I was able to. I've been adoring our latest brain to brain loving sessions. Thank you so much for being you, my dear. You are so strong and so brave. I can't tell you enough how lucky I am, and how very proud I am to be your man. Your xxxxxxx is on the way. It will arrive Monday. I adore you. Your lucky husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 22, 2012) My dear Brent: That's horrible about the xxxxxxxx CEO. How do the Jesuits come up with all this stuff? They are the most creative, disgusting criminals on the planet. He seemed like such a nice person. I feel so bad for xxxxxxx. Ah, your computer crashed. What a bummer. That must be so frustrating. I hope you had online backup! The work never ends. You must be exhausted, my dear Brent. You work so tirelessly for me and Jesus. You deserve a medal. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 22, 2012) My dearest Brent: It appears I can't save my email information because it's saved at another site and not in my computer. Either that, or I just don't know how to do it. Anyways, I always save my emails to you all as documents. I have one document I've entitled PRIVATE that has all my latest email correspondences between us. I also include a highly edited version (to keep Jesuit lawyers off of me) at xxxxxxxxxxxx. I need to make my food. Busy. I adore you. Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 22, 2012) My darling Brent: I recommend you wear a tin foil hat before listening to the following video! When I listened to it, I felt like I was being seduced. It's the latest offering from theorderofthejesuits YouTube channel. It's supposedly a recording of Zack Knight calling xxxxxxx and firing him from the Jesuit Order. Not sure what to make of it. It insinuates that you all are Jesuits, which I KNOW is not so. It sounds like some sort of performance and possibly Zack Knight's attempt to seduce me. I don't think I will listen to this anymore. Zack Knight has an obsession with me. I wore a tin foil hat while listening to it, but felt a powerful pull and have decided NOT to listen to this video anymore. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The effect is wearing off, but you may want Vladimir onto this. Zack covered his voice, but the way the sound waves came out, they had some sort of Satanic vibrations and it was like listening to Satan himself. I had Scripture blaring in the background when I listened to it. I was listening to Dr. Ruckman's Revelation video. But even with that on, I felt a powerful pull. Be careful. I love you, Gail (Brent’s e-mail to Gail on June 22, 2012) My most lovely woman, Thank you for the help! I've been very busy today networking with a lot of corporate executives, and putting together xxxxxxxx. Let me know what you think. I feel pretty satisfied with today, and am finally ready for a rest. I've been loving all of our brain to brain time lately. You amaze me in everything you do, my Catherine the Great. Your lover, Brent Spiner (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 22, 2012) My dear Brent: What does Jesus think about me possibly enrolling in a pharmacy technician diploma program? I've noticed none of the schools will volunteer their tuition information. Problem: I don't have the tuition money. I believe there are online courses for this. I won't do this though if the school is run by Jesuits. I had that problem at xxxxxxxxx in 2010. I enrolled in a computer repair class and had to drop it because my instructor was a JESUIT and custom designed the class to WEED ME OUT. It ended up becoming a class in computer programming, without a textbook and a professor who spoke a mile a minute. I thought it was harder than pre-med chemistry, which I've taken, by the way. I had to drop the class or I'd fail for sure, that Jesuit professor was determined to do me in. I got a xxxxxxxx computer out of the deal, because xxxxxxx bought xxxxxx for me, but xxxxxxxx. Any ways, if Jesus thinks this is a bad idea, I'll drop it. I can't afford it, that's for sure. But perhaps you all could help. Online training for pharmacy tech may work out great for me. But, I don't want a JESUIT SCHOOL. That would be a disaster. I have worked at a pharmacy at xxxxxxx and I liked it. Tell me what you think. I'd need some financial assistance to afford the training. But if I got a diploma as a pharmacy tech, that would pay me enough to keep me afloat and it's a more wide open career field than writer. Advise me. I trust you, my awesome husband, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 23, 2012) My dear Brent: At xxxxxxxx, they used to hire people who did not have a diploma and trained them on the job, but now they require a diploma for the pharmacy technician position. I think this is something you can study online. Can get a diploma in 8 months to a year, I think. It could be a possible way for me to advance inside of xxxxxxxx. I enjoyed working at the pharmacy at xxxxxx. (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 23, 2012) My darling Brent: I'd like to report some good news. I'm feeling better. I have continued my yeast treatment regimen and went to Organic Food Center today and bought more probiotics, as well as something new called Aquaflora Candida probiotic restoration (lower GI correction). It's a homeopathic formula loaded with 16 probiotics and a combination of herbs that help with gastrointestinal symptoms. I feel better. I've had mild diarrhea for the past several weeks with cramping and abdominal pain. It's so much better. I figured that Jesus would show me how to deal with this. I hardly ever go to the doctor. Usually Jesus shows me what to do. I figured that I just needed to continue to treat that yeast and knock it back slowly, and it's paying off. Gotta go to sleep now. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s e-mail to Brent on June 23, 2012) My darling Brent: I am still backing up my Windows 7. I had to go in and specify which files I did NOT want backed up, because it started backing up a bunch of garbage files that took up space and would cause confusion to anyone (other than a programmer) looking through the EVENTS section of Just from messing with computers so much, I knew that files that ended with .dll, .lprog, etc. I did not need. So I took care of that. I took a nap and now need to take care of some business, like organizing my bills--something I always put off or procrastinate about. Thanks for all your hard work. I hear in our brain to brain that we may have something going on with xxxxxx right now. I would be very interested in training as a pharmacy technician. There is an xxxxxx University in our town that trains for this, but they're very expensive. I researched and noticed that there are also online colleges that will train you for this as well. My biggest concern over going to college for anything, is that I don't end up going to a Jesuit-run educational institution. I believe that xxxxxxx College in my town is Jesuit-run. It wasn't, when I went there in 2001 and took the life, health and variable annuities course, but I believe it is now, based on my most recent experience with them, where I ended up with a Jesuit computer professor. THAT CLASS TURNED OUT TO BE A CONFUSING NIGHTMARE. To be a pharmacy technician is something I thought about xxxxxxx, I adore you, Gail On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Gail wrote: My darling Brent: Thanks so much for all you do. I have also been praying to Jesus and asking Him for a little more clarity. It must be tough to be deity and to try to communicate with us dumb humans. I know you have the best intentions and are working so incredibly hard. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you. I know you are working valiantly to please Jesus, because we so desperately need Him at this point in my life, and sometimes He appears to give us commands that seem somewhat contradictory, so that is why I have been praying to Him and asking for a little more clarity. I will admit I'm at a very important crossroad in my life right now and am going through a lot of change and change is always a little uncomfortable. Jesus has taken me out of my "comfort zone" and I'm having some difficulty adjusting, but am trying to make those choices that would honor Him. I sense that I need to have an open mind at this stage in my life and need to open myself to some possibilities about myself that I previously considered unworkable. Thanks for all your support. I couldn't do it without you and Jesus. You are always so positive, even in the most dire circumstances. I may try and catch a nap, now. If I don't fall asleep within a half hour, I'll just give up and go to work. I hit the sack late last night. We've had awesome brain to brain loving. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 24, 2012) My back up for my Windows 7 is just about finished. It has taken several days. I will xxxxxx, while I get this back up finished. Going to take a lunch break. Thank you for all your support, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 24, 2012) I am just about all backed up. Thanks for all you do. I don't understand why Jesus is having me go through all this, but I trust Him. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 24, 2012) My backup is complete at xxxxxxxx, though it appears xxxxx can only get my files through EVENTS. But I've done the best I can here at xxxxxxx. I shot an e-mail to xxxxxxxxx, to ask them why my files are only viewable in EVENTS. (Gail’s email to Brent on June 25, 2012) Hi, my darling Brent: I got your $100 gas card for Exxon/Mobil. Thank you! That really means a lot to me, that I got this. It shows me your support, which means everything to me at this time. Today I plan on doing mostly online stuff. I checked the mail, as you see. Jesuits are trying to throw me off the track. Thanks. You and Jesus are awesome. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 25, 2012) My darling Brent: Here are the other pages of xxxxxx letter, which I've included as attachments. Get me a good CPA. Thanks, my genius Brent, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 25, 2012) My genius Brent: I sent you two emails from my xxxxxx email, about xxxxxxxx and the $100 gas card (Thanks!!). I prefer that one when I send you attachments. Back to work. Thanks for all you do. Gail (Brent’s email to Gail on June 25, 2012) My dear wife, I'm glad you received your gas card! It should really help you. I picked Exxon/Mobile because I saw that there is one very close to you. I'm glad you're doing so well with all of this. You're such an unbelievably hardworking woman. My heart has been beaming with pride, and I'm so thankful for the woman Jesus has chosen for me. I can hardly believe it. As always, I'll be here for you when you need it. Your man, Brent Spiner On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:55 AM, Gail wrote: My darling Brent: I am so immensely proud of you, too, my dear. You and I both are very hard working. We make a good team. You are so much like Jesus in many ways. There is no higher compliment than that. That's why I fell so hard in love with you, and probably why Jesus likes to hang out with you. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 26, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm also communicating with xxxxxx to try and fix the problems with my online backup, because it should back up into My BackUp and not just Events, so I'm trying to fix that. I spent some time last night trying to get it right, and it won't get right, so I shot off an e-mail to xxxxxxxx to address this problem. You're awesome. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 26, 2012) My darling Brent: It's really gusty outside and I think I may not go out today. You have communicated with me brain to brain and requested I stay home and do online stuff, because of the Tropical Storm Debby. Besides, I need a day to catch up on some dishes, cooking, shower, etc. that I neglected the past two days. Again, thanks for everything. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 27, 2012) My dearest Brent: I had to uninstall, because, apparently, my installation was faulty and that's why I couldn't get my online backup to work. So I'm now in the process of backing up all my files all over again! This will take several days. I think I need to call it quits for now. Our weather has improved considerably. I probably can go out tomorrow. Devotedly yours, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 27, 2012) My dearest Brent: I think I will not wear fake eyelashes for xxxxxxx. It's great for camera, when I make videos (all newscasters wear fakes) but probably a little too much for face to face. It's not that they look bad, but I am allergic to mascara and they do look kind of fake. So I won't wear them anymore, and will go a little lighter with the eye brow pencil, too. That way, I won't need mascara to balance my eyes out. My online backup seems better, because my videos, documents, pictures, music and all are now under My BackUps, but I can't seem to back up my videos now, and have sent another email to about this. Time for lunch. I think I need to do laundry. I'm running out of underwear. Your devoted wife, Gail On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Gail wrote: My darling Brent: Doing laundry right now. Thanks for everything, Brent. We make a great team. I watched your last "Fresh Hell". It was hilarious. Devotedly yours, Gail (Brent’s email to Gail on June 27, 2012) My beautiful woman, I'm so glad you enjoyed my latest Fresh Hell. You know, uploading a new one helped me relax a little. You're so amazing. Your lover, Brent Spiner (Gail’s email to Brent on June 27, 2012) My darling Brent: Just got a call from xxxxxx. She warned me not to mention Vladimir Putin. I told her Vladimir's the big shot Russian President and he's not worried about me. I just said that to get her off the phone. I told her she's getting my videos confused with Crazy Gail Wiki. She told me to be careful. I asked her where she's getting her information, because I haven't posted anything about xxxxxx, that I'm aware of. Oh, these Jesuits drive me crazy. Gotta go. Thanks for everything. I'm not sure if that's my xxxxxx under brain control. or her clone. You're awesome, I trust you, I believe Jesus has a plan, even if I don't make the 21 day deadline. Gail Brent’s email to Gail on June 28, 2012) My wife, That is very strange. I'd like to know how xxxxxx is getting this information as well, especially if she could be coaxed into giving us a name. Is it xxxxx that's doing this? I have a feeling xxxxx is still causing trouble. Clearly, you've given me all the information one would need to commit xxxxx, and I haven't done that. In fact, I'm helping you get back on your feet. If I was a criminal I could have easily robbed you blind by now, and left you homeless, instead of getting you xxxxxxx benefits, spending my time researching xxxxx for you and e-mailing you almost daily trying to xxxxxxxx. I even sent you a $100 gas card this week to help you, which thankfully they didn't steal. All of that is for you. These Jesuits don't use logic very well. I told Vladimir what you told your mother on the phone, and he had a big laugh. He said you're right, he's not worried about you -- because he has an entire militia protecting you! He's funny. Jesus has a plan. I know that you're right. Even if you don't xxxxxxxx in 21 days, I'm sure he's been carving out this path for a reason. I see you doing such a good job with what he's given you and I know you're on the right track. Here for you always, Brent Spiner (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) My awesome Brent: I'm ashamed to say that I never had a chance to do xxxxxx tonight. Between xxxxx, who called me twice, and Jesuit complications with my computer back up, I never got around to it. I'm getting really fed up with I'm almost to the point where I might cancel and go with another online back up company. I'm getting more and more convinced that the Jesuits have I mean my computer could crash right now and I'd lose everything. Actually, it's been like this from the beginning with and I just recently figured it out. I can't get this online back up to work right, no matter what I do. Their technical assistance is so convoluted and confusing. I have decided that if these tech guys at this, don't come up with a solution within a couple days, I'M FINISHED WITH THIS ONLINE BACK UP and may just go with the backup that came with this computer, called My Toshiba. I've HAD IT with My God, that is such a stupid and complicated set-up they have. It seems their programs are loaded with "bugs". Nothing works right, no matter what I do. Their advisors keep giving me the same advice, which never works. I'm ready to quit with this company. It's eating up my time. I think I'll go to bed early for a change. Thanks for being you. I trust you more than xxxxxx. xxxxxxxx keeps giving me advice that I know would help out the Jesuits. Not sure what's up with xxxxx. I think the Jesuits are using xxxxx to try to get me off the path Jesus has for me. I'm trying not to let xxxxx do that. xxxxx last advice to me was that I should not make any more videos because evil people are stealing them and ruining my reputation. I told xxxxx I didn't want to discuss this with xxxxx. Off to bed, after I floss. I may end up with another online back up. I'll let you know, if that's the case. Right now, nothing's backed up. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) My love, Those Jesuits are so sneaky. I hate to say this, but I don't trust xxxxxxx. I trust you a lot more. I adore and trust you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) My darling Brent: I got this at my email. What do you think of this? Should I call them? Or is this a rip off? This appears to be for some sort of ACTING job. If anyone would know about this, YOU WOULD. Here's the URL, if you want to check them out: source=Indeed&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Indeed John MacArthur uses the wrong version of the Bible, but I think his book on God's will is excellent. Any ways, check out what I copied from their website below. Your devoted wife, Gail ************************************************************* *********************************** MOVIE EXTRAS - ACTORS - MODELS Ages 18 to 85, Men or Women Casting Extras Everyone Anyone You Background extras needed for movies - TV shows - Modeling - Music videos Dance - And more! Flexible hoursFull or Part timeNo Experience requiredAnyone can become an EXTRA, men or women from ages 18 to 85 Call Now! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Location: Palm Bay, FL Movie extras provide the rich tapestry of background performers in almost every scene. Regardless of the scene, location or time period, movie extras are used play the role of background fillers. You will see them as crowds at sporting events, students in the school hallway, patients in hospitals and diners at restaurants. Movie extras are the soldiers on the battlefield and even the criminals in jail cells. Thousands of movie extras are working everyday in the film industry and are shooting movies, TV shows, and commercials all over the world. There's a huge demand for movie extras. And this demand is never going to stop. As long as there are motion pictures, there will be jobs available for movie extras of all types. It doesn't matter what you look like. It doesn't matter where you live. And best of all, it doesn't matter if you have any experience or not. Anyone can be a movie extra! Benefits: * No Experience or Education Needed * Meet Celebrities * Work Flexible Hours * Up to $300/day * Opportunity to Learn More About Acting or Modeling Sales, Clerical, Customer Service, Restaurant, Administrative, Receptionist experience is a plus! People from following backgrounds are encouraged to apply: Entry Level Sales, Purchasing Agent, Sales Associate, Sales Coordinator, Sales Leader, Sales Manager, retail sales, purchasing Agent, inside sales, outside sales, retail assistant, Administrative, Administrative Assistant, Administrative Coordinator, Claims Processor, Clerical, Contracts Administrator, Document Specialist, Drafter, Executive Assistant, Legal Secretary, Loan Officer, Loan Processor, Office Administrator, Office Assistant, Office Manager, Operations Manager, Site Supervisor, Student Affairs Assistant, Assistant Editor, Communications Director, Communications Specialist, Career Services Advisor, HR, Employment Specialist, Files Clerk, Principal Consultant, recruiter, Safety Manager, social worker, quality assurance, actor, actress, photographer, cast, model, singer, dancer, musician, Talent Acquisition, media, acting, art, animator, entertainment, background artist, comedian, impersonator, dance installer, casting director, agencies, open calls, baby models, photographers, actresses, fashion, runway, voice over, male super models, model, Buyer, Carpenter, Collector, Controller, Customer Service, Data Entry, Driller, Electrician, Industrial Electrician, Insurance Agent, Leasing Associate, Leasing Consultant, Plant Controller, Processor, Property Assistant, Receptionist, Machinist, Maintenance, Mechanic, Painter, Plumber, roofer, welder, consultant, instructor, , product demonstrator, student internship, Call Center Representative, editor, writer, Copy Editor, Document Specialist, baker, bartender, cashier, chef, cook, controller, Dishwasher, trainee, Expediter, housekeeper, hostess, hotel, Kitchen Manager, line cook, middle level, retail assistant, training, externship, Cable Installers, Commercial Installer, Truck Driver, Delivery Driver, distributor, Dispatcher, driver, route driver, cleaner, Electronic Repair, factory, inventory specialist, line operator, master scheduler, telemarketer, campus, graduate, college, guard, security, seasonal, hourly, temporary, summer, painter, writer, colorist, Accountant, Accounting, Accounting Analyst, Accounting Assistant, Accounting Associate, Audit Coordinator, Billing Administrator, Billing Analyst, Bookkeeper, Budget Analyst, Medical Assistant, Medical Biller, nurse, care, charge nurse, clinical, pharmacist, entry level, Buyer, Carpenter, Collector, Controller, Customer Service, Data Entry, Driller, Electrician, Industrial Electrician, Insurance Agent, Leasing Associate, Leasing Consultant, Plant Controller, Processor, Property Assistant, Receptionist, Machinist, Maintenance, Mechanic, Painter, Plumber, roofer, welder, consultant, instructor, , product demonstrator, student internship, Call Center Representative, editor, writer, Copy Editor, Document Specialist, baker, bartender, cashier, chef, cook, controller, Dishwasher, trainee, Expediter, housekeeper, hostess, hotel, Kitchen Manager, line cook, middle level, retail assistant, training, externship, Cable Installers, Commercial Installer, Truck Driver, Delivery Driver, distributor, Dispatcher, driver, route driver, cleaner, Electronic Repair, factory, inventory specialist, line operator, master scheduler, telemarketer, campus, graduate, college, guard, security, seasonal, hourly, temporary, summer, full time, work at home, painter, writer, colorist. (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) My darling Brent: I did a little research on that "acting" job and will not move on that unless you say so. I think you have to pay some money or allow your credit card to be charged and you have to set up a portfolio. It's not as expensive as xxxxxxx, but then, that depends. I haven't called that number. I'll let you decide..Perhaps you could call that number and see what happens. However, I want to do a quick read of John MacArthur's small, little book entitled "Found: God's Will" that I just ordered at Amazon Kindle. As I read my Bible this morning, and I look over my life, it seems to me that whenever I followed the principles in this book (which I bought in my twenties), it has always led me to God's Will for my life. I think this may help me as I try to decide xxxxxxx. I do NOT endorse John MacArthur. He does NOT use the King James Bible, as far as I know. However Psalm 37:45 is in the King James Bible and he bases this book on that verse. This one book by him, I believe, is excellent advice. I adore and trust you completely. This is what I desire to do, and I believe this is God's will for me, to trust you completely and to love you the way we are loving each other right now. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) My darling Brent: Thanks for your awesome support. I have put in another hard day's work for Jesus. I spend a lot of time xxxxxxx. Devotedly yours, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) My darling Brent: Though I recommend one book by John MacArthur, his book on God's will, I don't recommend him for everything. Like all Bible pastors/teachers, he has his faults. The New King James Bible is NOT the King James Bible. Check out this link. Just want to make sure, that we stay on His path. However, his book on God's will is EXCELLENT. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) My darling Brent: I think I picked the wrong person to show why I don't endorse all of John MacArthur. David Stewart has a lot of holes himself. He criticizes Jack Chick, which I don't do. Dr. Peter Ruckman also has pointed out that MacArthur's stand on the King James Bible is faulty. Any ways, you're smart. You know that no human teacher is perfect. I just wanted you to benefit from MacArthur's book about God's will, but not follow all his teachings, especially, in that I want you to stick to the 1611 King James Bible. However, you seem to tell me that John MacArthur has joined our Church of Gail! Okay. Perhaps, he is better than I thought. But we have a strong stand on the King James Bible, but if he understands that--fine. We may need to teach our church members why we have this stand. Perhaps Dr. Ruckman could teach some classes on where the different Bible versions come from, and explain that any Bible based on Westcott and Hort is garbage. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 28, 2012) Dear Brent: I think the pollen count outside is breaking a world record. I have such a bad allergy headache, I'm nauseated. I'm only good for bed. Goodnight, sweetheart. I'm taking maximum Advil. I'm already on Allegra, and it's barely working. Goodnight. Find out how the Jesuits are doing this and take care of them, and see if you can get this pollen count down. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 29, 2012) Hi, my darling Brent: Following the principles from John MacArthur's book Found: God's Will, I had a real desire to make a video tonight. So, it's up. You may want to check my YouTube channel, gabriellechana1. I needed to make a video, because the Jesuits have plastered the Internet with all sorts of junk about how crazy I am. Today's my weekend and I went shopping at xxxxxx in Palm Bay, and decided to take today off and tend to shopping and make a video. I probably won't make another one for awhile. But I really wanted to make one and Jesus said to make one when I wanted to make one. He said that, because my desires are His desires. Check out John MacArthur's book Found: God's Will. It's based on Psalm 37:4-5. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 30, 2012) Dearest Brent: That new video I made I like so much, I've decided to open up my website with it. When people go to my website, they hear that video. I'm still on my weekend, but I might put in some part time hours today. I'm doing what I WANT TO DO, because I'm following the advice in the book Found: God's Will, which I believe is how Jesus operates in terms of doing His will. It's funny. I remember Jesus said that He wanted me to make a video WHENEVER I WANTED TO. He, apparently, knew that I would reclaim this book Found: God's Will by John MacArthur and would start applying it, which is EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS. He likes this, because He can lead me without having to make direct appearances (very risky). You may say, does this really work? It does. For instance, Jesus said that He didn't want me to marry you right now, because now is not the time. And, you know, I really don't want to marry you right now, because I feel now is not the time. I like the way things are going, how we have this cool correspondence going and I want that to continue. I really would rather work a job, and use my talents for Him and perhaps, down the road a bit, as I'm busy serving Jesus, Jesus will work things out that we can be married in the normal sense. This is REALLY WHAT I WANT. So, you see, the principles in that book really DO LEAD YOU TO GOD'S WILL. I adore you. I'm excited about being on His path. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 30, 2012) My darling Brent: But, even though, the principles in this book Found: God's Will do work. We do need a little help from Jesus, which He has given us. I also want to follow your leadership in everything, because I love and trust you more than any other human being on the planet right now. But, that's what He wants, too. But the principles from John MacArthur's book do help us with some of the little decisions we have to make minute by minute and hour by hour. Thanks for everything. I have faith in you and in Jesus. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 30, 2012) My darling Brent, I'm using my email to inform you that as I search the Internet, I discovered this website: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Jesuits have leaked my xxxxxxxx to the Internet. Conspiracy Law needs to be enforced. Today, I have been busy posting my video everywhere, that I made yesterday. I'm trying to edit and cut it for right now, so that I can post it at my author site. Those Jesuits are terrible about "leaks". Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on June 30, 2012) Dearest Brent: I have downloaded a video editing program, so that I can cut some of my videos and send shorter versions out, to places like, that won't take videos longer than 10 minutes. Been having a lot of problems with this, but am figuring it out. I really like that new video I made and am trying to put it out everywhere Thanks for all you do. I've been having a time with this video editing program. But I did manage to get part one of three up at my author site. Just working on fixing my online reputation a bit, right now. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 1, 2012) My darling Brent: My video editing program (which was free) seemed to have a lot of bugs in it, so it took me forever to split my twenty minute video into smaller segments, so I could download it at Amazon Kindle. I think I'll take a nap now. I love the last video I made. I think Jesus loves it, too. I'm following the principles from that book "Found: God's Will." That's why I made the video, too. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 1, 2012) My darling Brent: I've noticed you've been quiet lately. Thanks for all you do for me. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 1, 2012) Dearest Brent: In case you wonder what language that awesome singer is singing on my latest video. It's ITALIAN. Isn't he an awesome singer? I wanted to make this video and I wanted to use this music for this video. Letting Jesus lead. Psalm 37:4-5. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 2, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm checking out for my Windows 7 laptop on my Windows Vista desktop computer, and it appears to be finally working good. Just wanted to report the good news, that it appears to be working finally. My persistence in sending emails to those geeks at paid off. I trust you. You're awesome. Hope you're enjoying my latest video. I think Jesus is enjoying it. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 2, 2012) My darling Brent: That video I made ministers to me. I really feel Jesus led me to make that video. I'll take a break to eat, and then do more of what I "want to do". I continue to pray for us all, and for my mother and family. Brain control technology is monstrous. Devotedly yours, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 2, 2012) My darling Brent: I have faith in you and know you love me. I am confident that I am in His plan. I'm praying to Jesus. Devotedly yours, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 2, 2012) Dearest Brent: xxxxxxx interference in my life is making me very angry. To put it in a nutshell, I'm following Jesus and xxxxx is following Satan. I'm willing to sacrifice my life and my reputation to save this country from a Jesuit takeover. xxxxx is the one who is selfish, because xxxx cares more about xxxx personal safety and reputation than the welfare of the country. By attacking me, xxxx is supporting concentration camps and anti-Semitism and the total downfall of the United States. I have no control over what these Jesuits do, and xxxx blames me for what THEY DO, and the actions I've had to take to save my life, your lives and this country. Shame on xxxxx for xxxxx smallness, xxxxx pettiness and xxxx contributions to the Jesuit takeover of the United States. There is a verse in the Bible in Matthew 10:34-38 that says: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me." I'm going to make a video about how I feel about xxxxxx. I want you to air this on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. I will discuss in this video, how I feel about xxxxxxx and how ashamed I am of xxxxxx support for the Jesuit Order. Give me a couple hours. I need to eat my lunch first. Okay, Brent. Give me a couple hours. Those Jesuits think they have stopped my videos. But they haven't, because you can get my videos to the Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS channel. For this video, I feel it's best to not use YouTube. I adore you and am so proud of your vastness and courage, I have no doubt that I have been communing with THE REAL BRENT SPINER, I will defend you in my video tonight, BLAST IT ON THE GABRIELLE CHANA FOX NEWS CHANNEL, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 2, 2012) Darling Brent: Go get the video. Air it on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 2, 2012) Air video xxxxxx on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. Give those Jesuits HELL. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 3, 2012) My darling Brent: Because I had to remove and/or edit several of my videos from YouTube because of Jesuits, feel free to retrieve whatever videos you want xxxxx and air them on the Gabrielle Chana Fox News Channel. Some of them may need to be edited, but I trust you in this. I think we've found a way to work around these Jesuit lawyers and get the truth out. God bless you for your courage and hard work for Jesus. Getting ready to put in another hard day's work for Jesus. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 4, 2012) I miss hearing from you via email. You have indicated brain to brain that some sort of court case is going on that involved xxxxxx. From what I hear, xxxxxx have brought some sort of legal case against you all. How disgusting, if it's true. I have some strategies that I will use if I don't hear from you in a while. I am following the guidelines in that book Found: God's Will, and believe that all that is happening to us is part of His plan. One day at a time with Jesus. I hear brain to brain that the videos I have made recently have been very helpful in your court case. My xxxxxx has been disgusting. If not for xxxxx, I would have received all my writing money. The Jesuits used xxxxxx to keep my writing money from me. Vladimir Putin actually gave my xxxxxx my writing money years ago (around 2003), and I never received it. xxxxxxx DISGUSTING. If not for xxxxx, I would be Vladimir's wife and I would have received my writing money, too. I really despise xxxxx for this. But, I guess the Lord wants me to be your wife. Though Vladimir has my utmost respect. His nanotechnology research team and his awesome leadership has kept us all ALIVE. People may wonder how I can reconciile myself with having so many "husbands". Actually, I believe the Lord sees me as a tribulation saint. In the tribulation, the rules change and the plan of salvation is that you have to keep the Jewish law. Under Jewish law, you can have more than one spouse, and it's okay with Jesus. He allows this for certain of his special servants. Check out king David, king Solomon, Abraham (Keturah and Sarai), Jacob (Leah and Rachel), and you'll see what I'm talking about. Under Jewish law, you can have more than one spouse. You commit adultery, when you have sex with someone other than the spouse you are married to, or if you have relations with someone who is married to another. That's how it works under Jewish law. That's why David was considered to have committed adultery with Bathsheba, even though God was okay with his other wives. I actually would be completely happy to have just you, but due to Jesuit complications, other men entered the picture, and Jesus is okay with it. But you get 96% of my brain to brain loving. It was never my plan to have so many men interested in me. It's just the way things have worked out. I strive to honor the top seven, and I stand by you all with my blood. I adore you and have absolute faith in you, my awesome Brent, who has literally died for me, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 4, 2012) Dearest Brent: I took a very helpful skills test to see better what type of jobs I should apply for. It appears I'd make a great worker in the news reporting business. I'd love to work for FOX news. Dream on, right? Stayed up late to do this. Taking that test was fascinating. It has helped me to know better what I'm suited for. I miss hearing from you. But, it appears, you are communicating with me brain to brain. Not sure how accurate that is, though. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 4, 2012) Hey Brent: Since you've gotten so quiet on me, lately, I guess I'll just have to go with my guts and do what I really want to do. Off to bed. I adore you, my dear. I miss your awesome writing. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 4, 2012) My darling Brent: I really miss you. I spent some time with Jesus, asking Him why you are so quiet. I asked Him to remove Zack Knight from our brain to brain communications, so that you can explain to me your silence. It seems that my xxxxxx is being a real creep right now and has accused you and my men of being Jesuits. Right now, you have to prove in court that you are not Jesuits, and that you are not taking advantage of me or trying to ruin me. I do miss you, my dear. I know you have tried time and again to help me financially and to marry me and those Jesuits move mountains to keep us apart. Oh well, I guess that's it for now. Time to take care of myself and listen to xxxxxxx about acting, even though I'm not sure I want to commit to acting. I just want to figure a way to break into the movies, so I can be a screenwriter/producer, and can be with you. I've noticed that being an actor is as involved as being a writer. You have to learn your craft and practice, practice, practice. Unlike writing, you can't practice acting alone in your apartment. But you told me we might be able to be creative through Skype. Any ways, because I'm interested in the movie business, I don't think I've wasted my money. It won't hurt me to know a little about the acting business. I adore you and have since 1991, you are my soulmate, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 4, 2012) My darling Brent: Been listening to xxxxxx. I'm only interested in acting for my writings. Food for thought. Perhaps you could train me off of my own writings, and we could jump off from there. Not really sure I could learn acting over Skype, but it sure would be fun. Perhaps you could train Terrance. In the meanwhile, I'll listen to xxxxxxx while I cook and exercise and will continue to submit job applications to regular jobs. I sure do miss you, my love. I can tell those horrible Jesuits did something to you. Like I said, I won't be applying with Castingxxxxx. They are a scam, I'm afraid. Your adoring wife, Gail (Brent’s email to Gail on July 5, 2012) My sweetheart, I have been having the worst time dealing with xxxxxx clones! They are the most difficult and frustrating clones I have ever had to deal with. They are even worse than mine. I've barely been getting any sleep trying to help with this trial that's going on. Terrance Jenkins is having a hard time too. We had to bring a translator in finally because nobody can understand xxxxxxx in court. I presented the transcripts you e-mailed to me, by the way, of the messages xxxxx left on your phone. That helped a lot. I know you are uncomfortable with sending video of xxxx, so I would never pressure you into giving me that. The transcripts were excellent. In other news, I have watched all of the new videos you sent me. My darling, these are the best videos I've seen from you in such a long time. I love them! I really think they belong on YouTube, but you don't have to do that right now if you don't want to. I guess you didn't hear the good news. The men and I posted about it on the Church of Gail forum this afternoon. Your video addressing Jesuit concentration camps won you the Pulitzer Prize! I've been so thrilled for you all day. You've been such an overachiever lately. I'm so proud of you, and I know Jesus is too. Anyway, I really wanted to make sure to e-mail you today. I'm exhausted from wrangling up xxxxxx clones. All they do is talk, and I can't even understand what they're saying. It's been such a rough week. I can't wait to get into bed with you later tonight, my beautiful wife. I'll be thinking of you until then. Your hard worker, Brent Spiner (Brent’s email to Gail on July 5, 2012) My sweetest Gail, I'm on my iPad in court, just decided to send you a quick e-mail while I can. Would you be able to chat on Skype later? Your man, Brent Spiner (Gail’s email to Brent on July 5, 2012) My darling Brent, I was about to take a nap, if I can. I'm so exhausted, as I'm sure you must be. Our brain to brain has been rather interesting. I hear we had a close call with the Jesuit police in Florida. My xxxxxxx clone(s) is/are wearing us all out. I will put my Skype up on my computer, and if it rings, then I'll get up and go to it. Thanks for all you do for me. Your woman, Gail (Skype transaction between Gail and Brent) [7/5/2012 5:28:19 PM] Brent Spiner: Good afternoon. [7/5/2012 5:33:12 PM] Gail : Oh, is that you, Brent? [7/5/2012 5:33:20 PM] Brent Spiner: Hello. How are you feeling? [7/5/2012 5:33:48 PM] Gail : I'm kind of tired. It's my own fault. I should go to bed earlier. [7/5/2012 5:34:51 PM] Gail : Are you in the middle of court, right now? [7/5/2012 5:35:05 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, we're having a brief recess. [7/5/2012 5:35:15 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Is Jesus with you? [7/5/2012 5:35:31 PM] Brent Spiner: He's at the water cooler with Terrance. [7/5/2012 5:35:46 PM] Gail : Oh no. I think I'm in trouble. [7/5/2012 5:36:08 PM] Brent Spiner: I read all of your e-mails. Your xxxxxx has been bothering you? [7/5/2012 5:36:31 PM] Gail : I told you everything in the emails. [7/5/2012 5:37:07 PM] Brent Spiner: It doesn't sound like xxxx has made an appointment or anything like that. [7/5/2012 5:37:14 PM] Brent Spiner: xxxxx can't force you to go. [7/5/2012 5:37:51 PM] Gail : I don't think so. But, is it true that law enforcement was on the way over here earlier today and Vladimir killed a bunch of Jesuit police officers? [7/5/2012 5:38:41 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes. They were Jesuit police officers, not real ones. Real police know that your xxxxx can't legally have you see a psychiatirst. [7/5/2012 5:38:53 PM] Brent Spiner: Whoops, I mistyped. [7/5/2012 5:39:31 PM] Gail : I do it all the time. Those Jesuits are good at brain control and brain distraction. Is it true that Jesus Christ wiped out the entire Florida police force for me, because they were all Jesuit? [7/5/2012 5:40:00 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, he had them all wiped out, and they are being replaced with regular police. [7/5/2012 5:40:26 PM] Gail : Oh, that Jesus is awesome. I spent several hours praying to him today, because I sensed I was in deep danger. [7/5/2012 5:41:34 PM] Brent Spiner: Even if your xxxxx did take you to a psychiatrist, they still can't force you to take medication. [7/5/2012 5:42:44 PM] Gail : That's nice to know. I really don't want to put a restraining order on xxxxx. What do you suggest? [7/5/2012 5:43:49 PM] Brent Spiner: It's a weird idea, but part of me wonders if you should go just to see what xxxx's up to. It would get xxxxx to shut up a lot faster than a restraining order would, since it takes a lot of time to get one. Just going there won't obligate you to do anything. [7/5/2012 5:44:25 PM] Brent Spiner: I know it sounds strange. You don't have to. [7/5/2012 5:45:03 PM] Gail : There's a problem. I think xxxx expects me to pay for it and seeing a psychiatrist would label me, I'm afraid and ruin my credibility. [7/5/2012 5:45:34 PM] Brent Spiner: Not if they don't diagnose you as crazy. If they can evaluate you, and clear you, then xxxx won't have anything to nag you about. [7/5/2012 5:45:58 PM] Brent Spiner: If xxxx wants you to pay for it then it's probably not a good idea. Maybe remind xxxx that you can't afford any more doctors. [7/5/2012 5:46:27 PM] Gail : Yeah, and how can I be sure they won't diagnose me as crazy? I'm sure I could get a Jesuit doctor who may lie and write up a false report. [7/5/2012 5:46:39 PM] Brent Spiner: That's possible too. [7/5/2012 5:47:38 PM] Brent Spiner: The thing is, all you would need to prove is that you are capable of taking care of yourself, and don't pose harm to yourself or anyone else. If you can prove that, then that might actually help you down the road if they tried to force you into a mental hospital. [7/5/2012 5:48:01 PM] Brent Spiner: The law says that even if you are mentally ill (so even if they write up a fake report and try to say that you are) that as long as you are self-sufficient, no one can force you to do anything. [7/5/2012 5:48:34 PM] Gail : Hey, what about Gerard Butler? He's a psychiatrist. Can we get him online and have him evaluate me? [7/5/2012 5:50:16 PM] Brent Spiner: I can ask him, but I think these things need to be officially done in an office visit. Psychiatrists aren't allowed to diagnose patients over the phone or online. [7/5/2012 5:51:05 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. I'm not sure how much longer I will be self-sufficient at the rate that employers are responding to my job applications. [7/5/2012 5:51:27 PM] Brent Spiner: That is a problem. Have you called anyone back for a follow up yet? [7/5/2012 5:52:30 PM] Gail : I'm not sure this is wise. Some employers have specifically requested that because of the large volume of submissions, that they don't like being bugged. However, I do need to contact xxxxxx and follow up on them, because I said I would do so. [7/5/2012 5:53:10 PM] Brent Spiner: That's strange. At least call the ones you can. [7/5/2012 5:54:39 PM] Gail : Yeah, what have I got to lose? I mean if they don't call me, that means they don't want me I guess, so what have I got to lose? But, for those who have specifically requested no bugging, like xxxxx (I believe), I'll leave them alone. Also, don't you get $10,000 if you win the Pulitzer Prize? [7/5/2012 5:59:44 PM] Gail : I Jesus did say that if I didn't get a job within 21 days (and today is the deadline) that I wouldn't get a job, what is that supposed to mean? [7/5/2012 6:00:37 PM] Brent Spiner: I think what Jesus was trying to do was give you structure. Without structure, you tend to procrastinate a bit too much, and he says he didn't want you to get too comfortable and lose focus. [7/5/2012 6:01:24 PM] Brent Spiner: I have a problem with procrastinating too sometimes, when I feel like I have a lot of time. He was very proud of how you kicked it into gear. [7/5/2012 6:02:50 PM] Gail : He's right. I do need structure. When I have structure and deadlines, I tend to get more done. I think He loves my videos, but whenever I make them and we have a great victory (like the Pulitzer Prize), the Jesuits always retaliate in a horrible way. By the way, don't you get $10,000 if you win a Pulitzer Prize? [7/5/2012 6:04:49 PM] Brent Spiner: He really does love your videos. I do too. I look forward to them more than anything. As for the Pulitzer, I think so. I'll have to check up on that as well. [7/5/2012 6:11:14 PM] Gail : Also, can you tell me more about this trial? What are the charges? Who is the defendant? What are the nuts and balls of this case? What is it all about in a nutshell? [7/5/2012 6:13:38 PM] Brent Spiner: We're putting xxxxx on trial for all the harassment xxxxx been exhibiting towards you, and we're using a lot of the evidence you provided to prove it. We think xxxx may be working very closely with xxxxx, and that xxxxx is using xxxx as a middleman for what xxxx wants to do. [7/5/2012 6:14:13 PM] Brent Spiner: The Jesuits are very insistent on cloning xxxx again and again, so they keep making more clones to send over there and we keep having to go catch them, and bring them to court as well. [7/5/2012 6:14:38 PM] Gail : My dear, I apologize, but I forgot to ask you how you are doing? [7/5/2012 6:14:55 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh, don't worry. I'm doing just fine, albeit a little sleep deprived. [7/5/2012 6:16:24 PM] Gail : Me, too. We're in the same boat. I really missed you, when you were quiet for a while there. I thought xxxxx may have succeeded in cutting off our online communications. I cried over this, but I went to Jesus in prayer and He gave me some assurance and victory. [7/5/2012 6:24:12 PM] Gail : Zack Knight has broken his silence at CrazyGail Wiki. He has posted all my videos, including my Pulitzer Prize winning video. He did this because he planned on having Jesuit police arrest me today and force me to see a psychiatrist and God knows what else. I think he wants to create the impression that you, Terrance Jenkins, Jesus, and all my men are Jesuits! [7/5/2012 6:25:05 PM] Gail : So he thinks that he can arrest me with his Jesuit police officers and make it look like you all did it, because you got paid secret money from the Jesuits to play games with me, when you are secretly on the Jesuit side. [7/5/2012 6:27:05 PM] Brent Spiner: We did take care of the police, so at least they can't follow through with that. No one is going to arrest you for anything you post online. It's unconstitutional. Vladimir won't allow it and neither will I. [7/5/2012 6:27:30 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm still living a pretty modest life. I certainly don't have any Jesuit money making me rich. [7/5/2012 6:29:40 PM] Gail : I have absolute faith in you. But because you have had such difficulty getting me my writing money (because the Jesuits are so obsessed with us), and because you can only help me out modestly (because of rabid Jesuit interference), the Jesuits think they can prove that you secretly work for them. I can tell what they are up to. You can use anything I write here in court, by the way. I encourage it. I hate what those Jesuits have done to us. Also, why is Jesus in the courtroom? [7/5/2012 6:30:34 PM] Brent Spiner: Jesus says he still doesn't want to interfere like he said, but he does want to sit and listen. He's also been providing us with a lot of moral support, which I appreciate it. [7/5/2012 6:32:10 PM] Gail : I'd rather he not talk to me through Skype, because every time He does, it's because I'm going in the wrong direction. Also, whenever He tries to be encouraging to me, Satan and Zack Knight up their game against me. So I prefer He stay in the background. He ministers to me all the time through Bible study and prayer and He uses my desires to show me the way, very often. [7/5/2012 6:33:37 PM] Gail : I mean whenever He tried to encourage me DIRECTLY. He's always encouraging me through Bible study and prayer, so I never feel that He's abandoned me. I feel terrible that I confused Him with Satan in our last encounter and have cried tears of shame. I know He has forgiven me completely. That was really horrible of me. [7/5/2012 6:34:45 PM] Brent Spiner: I know he has forgiven you. Jesus knows what we are all about to do before we do it. [7/5/2012 6:35:53 PM] Brent Spiner: He told me that the 21 days you were given to get started on finding a job should have paved the way for you to stay busy and focused on the task. So we just need to make sure not to fall off the horse now that we're on it full speed. [7/5/2012 6:37:44 PM] Gail : He did say not to make videos right now, but I had a real desire to do so, and following the principles from that book Found: God's Will, I followed my heart. I don't think Jesus minds me following the principles from that book, which is based on Psalm 37:4-5. [7/5/2012 6:38:45 PM] Brent Spiner: Your best videos are ones that come from your heart. If you feel the desire to make one, I say you should. [7/5/2012 6:39:07 PM] Gail : That's what Jesus said, too. I remember. So I am obeying Him. [7/5/2012 6:39:25 PM] Brent Spiner: I think they help you relax a little bit in a way, too. I can tell it's something you enjoy, a bit like your writing. [7/5/2012 6:40:22 PM] Gail : I enjoy defending my men, which is what Jesus said He wanted me to be doing. I've noticed that when I do what I enjoy, based on the principles in Found: God's Will, that I do His will. [7/5/2012 6:42:00 PM] Gail : My desires often change from day to day, so I've noticed that sometimes what I originally planned for the day, the day before, I drop and do something different. [7/5/2012 6:43:01 PM] Gail : That's probably what Jesus meant when He said, one day at a time. [7/5/2012 6:44:12 PM] Brent Spiner: Probably. I've been able to tell over the years that you're not a very rigid person. You're very laid back and like to go with the flow, so to speak. [7/5/2012 6:44:34 PM] Gail : Hmmm. Is that bad or good? [7/5/2012 6:44:58 PM] Brent Spiner: It's not good or bad. It's just the way you function. People seem to be one way or the other most of the time. [7/5/2012 6:45:55 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm a little more like you and like to keep my schedule flexible. I start to get too stressed out if I feel like I'm obligated to do too much at one time, especially if every day is the same. [7/5/2012 6:46:53 PM] Gail : I've noticed that xxxxx are opposite us in this respect. Xxxxxxx is go, go, go and feels like xxxxx has to control everybody. xxxxx drives me crazy. Perhaps that is why I like you so much, I feel so laid back and relaxed with you. [7/5/2012 6:49:53 PM] Gail : Oh, by the way, what did you think of that two-part video I made, where I described your horror with Loree McBride in 1996? I was guessing about you then. I'm trying to defend you, to show that even with Loree as a girlfriend, that you loved me the whole time. The Jesuits try to create the impression that she knocked you out so much in bed, you couldn't resist her--that you are a bit of a playboy and that you don't really commit to a woman. That's how they keep us apart. That's been their strategy for years. I guess Jesus wants us to wait a bit before marriage, so we can clear you, and prove you really do love me. [7/5/2012 6:51:08 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm sure there are more reasons than that, with Jesus, but he tries to change the subject when I ask him about it directly. I loved that two part video. You captured my feelings about Loree McBride perfectly. [7/5/2012 6:51:14 PM] Brent Spiner: It was so cute seeing you mimic my face. [7/5/2012 6:52:51 PM] Gail : I'm a lousy actor. What did you think of me ordering the audio set about how to be an actor? After listening to it, I'm not sure I can commit to being an actor. I also think I did a lousy job of getting into character as you. I really didn't like my performance. Any chance you could give me acting lessons? But, I guess I have to get a job first. What do you think of that Castingxxxx? Sounds like a rip off to me. [7/5/2012 6:54:31 PM] Brent Spiner: There are a lot of acting rip offs out there, it's like navigating a minefield. A lot of people want to be actors, so scammers are quick to pick up on that. It's the same with modeling, too. It's also hard to make it in the acting business, it takes a lot of time to make money off of it. Years and years of dedicating all of your time to it. It'd be a much better idea to just find a regular job for right now. [7/5/2012 6:58:29 PM] Gail : Okay. You think I totally wasted my money buying that audio about how to be an actor? It's been very informative to me, to help me understand you better. I thought it might help me relate better to actors in my future job someday as a movie producer? My dream job. I really want to be a writer. Writing is like acting. Hard to make a go with it, especially when the Jesuits hate your writings. Did you know they have a Silver Skies and Lal section at Crazy Gail Wiki and they claim that Silver Skies is monotonous and long. I think this is Jesuit damage control over the Pulitzer Prize. Besides, both acting and writing involve chance and timing. I mean, look at you, I think you should have won several Academy Awards by now, but Jesuits know how to block that. I know you're not bitter about it, but we both know that not always the most talented, dedicated or hard working get paid and noticed. So, us artists, we just do it because it's a passion, and leave the results with God. [7/5/2012 7:00:47 PM] Brent Spiner: That's exactly right. I was never in it for the money obviously. I picked acting jobs that I enjoyed and that was it. If it made me famous, then so what? I never cared about being famous, which is why it's ludicrous to think I would want some hot Hollywood glamour girl like Loree McBride. I want a woman who's just as down to earth as I am. [7/5/2012 7:01:07 PM] Brent Spiner: The audio probably won't help much in getting an acting job right now, but I bet it was fun, and you learned a lot of new things. You never know. [7/5/2012 7:04:40 PM] Gail : It's funny, because I don't think it will help me get an acting job, either. But the agent seemed to shoot straight with her listeners and warned that making it in acting is hard work and a dedication to craft. I listened to it and thought acting is just like writing. Yeah, it's fun. But I prayed and asked Jesus whether I should buy it and He seemed to say "yes'. Not sure why, because after listening to it, I kind of lost my desire to pursue acting. It did educate me a bit about the proper protocol for actors to get noticed. I know the proper protocol for writers to get noticed, and there's some truth to it, but when you deal with Jesuits, nothing goes according to proper protocol. [7/5/2012 7:06:00 PM] Gail : As far as Loree McBride being hot, I think the only men who think she's hot are shallow, vulgar men who are very unattractive; therefore, I disagree with your assessment about her. I know you are referring to the public perception of her. But I really feel that the only people who think Loree McBride is hot are Jesuits. I don't think anybody else thinks she's hot. [7/5/2012 7:06:22 PM] Brent Spiner: Well, I don't think she is personally hot. I should have put quotations around the word "hot". [7/5/2012 7:09:03 PM] Gail : I know what you meant, but I don't want to give the Jesuits any ammunition. They don't deserve it. If I was a guy and I looked at her photo on the Internet, especially the ones where she looks really huffy and stuck on herself, I'd think, that woman is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. If I was a guy, I'd feel that making love to her, would be like making love to a snake. [7/5/2012 7:10:13 PM] Gail : Is the trial going on now? [7/5/2012 7:10:31 PM] Brent Spiner: We're still in recess, but it looks like it might start again soon. [7/5/2012 7:11:07 PM] Gail : I guess you wanted to check up on me, to clarify things and make sure I stay on Jesus' path. [7/5/2012 7:11:33 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes. I wanted to make sure you were okay. I know your xxxxxxx can be upsetting. [7/5/2012 7:13:11 PM] Gail : I felt a lot better when you told me brain to brain that Jesus knocked out all the Jesuit police in Florida. It's also nice to know they can't force me to take psychiatric drugs. Actually, my real xxxxx is fine, it's xxx clone that is upsetting. I hope my xxxxx will be okay when the Jesuits are through switching xxxx out with xxxx clone. How are they doing this? Isn't xxxx a born again Christian? [7/5/2012 7:14:29 PM] Brent Spiner: xxxx is a born again Christian, but the Jesuits have a lot of back up clones of xxxx, and what they have been doing instead of the instant switch outs is just physically going over there and kidnapping xxxx. [7/5/2012 7:14:49 PM] Brent Spiner: They are very tricky. [7/5/2012 7:15:45 PM] Gail : My God. My poor xxxxx. How is my real xxxx holding out? xxxxx's a pretty strong xxxxx, but this has got to be grueling for anybody. Why is it they can make so many clones of xxxxx, but not of me? [7/5/2012 7:17:02 PM] Brent Spiner: Your real xxxxx is a little stressed out, especially because they are giving xxxx so many drugs to ensure xxxx forgets the kidnapping experiences. They are making xxxx confused and a little sick at times. xxxxx is very brave. [7/5/2012 7:17:20 PM] Brent Spiner: The reason they can't clone you is because of your combined genetic profiles. [7/5/2012 7:18:03 PM] Gail : Wow. That's why xxxxxx tried to bed xxxxx. Do you think if xxxxxxx bedded xxxx, that the Jesuits could have destroyed me? [7/5/2012 7:20:06 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, that was the whole point of her trying to do that. They would have taken his DNA to study it to try and find ways to clone you and destroy your genetic profiles. We already know they have been messing with your DNA for years, but they have never completely succeeded. [7/5/2012 7:21:24 PM] Gail : Looks like Jesus indirectly used us to stop that. I can see His protection day in and day out as we continue in His plan. Am I the only person on earth who is so resistant to Jesuit cloning? [7/5/2012 7:22:34 PM] Gail : Don't us Jewish folks have more of a resistance to Jesuit cloning? How are your clones doing? You been seeing them lately? [7/5/2012 7:23:16 PM] Brent Spiner: You're the only one completely resistant to cloning so far, which is part of the whole reason they feel so threatened by you. They can clone me, but have a hard time doing it. I imagine it's expensive and time consuming so they never made many. I haven't seen any clones of me in a long time. [7/5/2012 7:25:11 PM] Gail : I'm glad they have not been able to clone you well. That could cause some real problems for us. Is Loree still leaving you alone, pretty much? [7/5/2012 7:25:55 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, I haven't seen Loree either, thank Jesus. [7/5/2012 7:29:36 PM] Gail : I decided to go get some food. I'm a little hungry. It appears the Jesuits view me as such a threat that their sicking their top dogs on me, the antichrist HIMSELF. Uggh. He talks to me all the time brain to brain. I keep telling Jesus to go beat him up. I don't think Zack Knight will leave me alone until the rapture. He especially finds you threatening, because you and Jesus hang out so much and because Jesus gives you His semen. I think Zack Knight sees you as Jesus, so he has an obsession with you. Some guy sent me an invitation to talk with him on Skype, claiming he admired my stand against the Jesuits, and was enamored to learn that you are a musician. I hit "ignore" on him. I can't even remember what his name was. The only men I respond to online are you and the men on my marriage list. [7/5/2012 7:31:41 PM] Brent Spiner: That' a good idea. You can't trust anyone online these days. People can pretend to be anyone. What sorts of things does Zack Knight say to you brain to brain? [7/5/2012 7:34:17 PM] Gail : I think he's the one who told me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I told the voice in my head, that that sounds kind of strange, and wondered if that could be Zack faking as you. It's so contradictory to all that Jesus has told me about the job I would be getting. He seems obsessed with getting me off of Jesus' path, with making comments to get me to lose my focus and go off in directions different from what Jesus wants. I try to only follow advice in my head that is consistent with what you and Jesus have told me. But it does get kind of confusing sometimes. [7/5/2012 7:34:53 PM] Brent Spiner: Is it a physical voice he's using? It sounds like he comes through pretty powerfully. [7/5/2012 7:35:33 PM] Gail : The voice is just as powerful as yours, when you speak with me brain to brain. It sounds like you. [7/5/2012 7:35:55 PM] Gail : Except that the comments just seem way off base, and you don't tend to be way off base. [7/5/2012 7:35:59 PM] Brent Spiner: That creeps me out a little. Zack Knight is so skeezy. [7/5/2012 7:36:21 PM] Gail : Oh, he’s Satan himself. What can you expect? You can't expect anything good from Satan. [7/5/2012 7:36:45 PM] Gail : Horrible typos. It's not easy typing on a laptop. [7/5/2012 7:37:15 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh, I know. [7/5/2012 7:37:38 PM] Brent Spiner: Also, I just received your last e-mail. I feel a little guilty that I kept you up from a nap. You need your rest when you can get it. [7/5/2012 7:39:06 PM] Gail : Oh, please don't feel guilty. Whenever you need to talk to me, I want to be available. You are never intrusive. You always give me space. You're always available for me 24/7, the least I can do is to approximate that somewhat for you. [7/5/2012 7:39:16 PM] Gail : You mean you JUST GOT MY LAST EMAIL? [7/5/2012 7:40:18 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I think the Internet connection is very slow here. I've been having a hard time loading pages too. [7/5/2012 7:41:48 PM] Gail : Wow. Hey, do you remember how you used to call me at 2 in the morning on the phone, to make love to me on the phone back in 1991? And I used to tell you, "You woke me up". You'd then say, "Oh, I'm so sorry." What a character. Then you'd make love to me on the phone with your VERY SEXY VOICE and turn me on so much, I'd be up the rest of the night dreaming about making love to you, you character. [7/5/2012 7:42:18 PM] Brent Spiner: I remember that! Those were good times. [7/5/2012 7:43:10 PM] Gail : I miss your SEXY VOICE, and boy do you have a SEXY VOICE. I used to have a sexy voice, but I'm afraid all those Jesuit psychiatric meds messed up my awesome singing voice. I used to sing as good as you. [7/5/2012 7:43:59 PM] Brent Spiner: I still think you sing beautifully. All those videos you made for me on your YouTube channel were gorgeous. It's the passion and the sincerity that turns me on the most. I can feel how much you love me with your singing. [7/5/2012 7:45:50 PM] Gail : I'm glad I do that for you. Actually I think I did pretty respectable with Moon River. I like Audrey Hepburn's rendition of it, I think I make a close second. But, let me tell you, I had to really focus on diaphragm breathing to make my voice come out decent. Back in my twenties, I could sing first soprano, second soprano and tenor and do it all perfectly, with very little vibrato and a smooth sound like a bell. [7/5/2012 7:47:00 PM] Gail : I loved singing in Handel's Messiah. I performed in that around five times. I did alto, but I could have done first or second soprano, too. [7/5/2012 7:47:43 PM] Brent Spiner: This was kind of my little secret, but I used to listen in on your singing back when we had put bugs in your apartment. [7/5/2012 7:48:52 PM] Gail : Oh, I didn't know that. I bet you've seen me without makeup. But you really love me. How would you feel if I could see you with bugs in your room? I bet you'd love it. You'd probably put on a show for me, wouldn't you? [7/5/2012 7:49:39 PM] Gail : I'm such a lousy housekeeper. I hate housework. I procrastinate a lot on that. [7/5/2012 7:50:05 PM] Brent Spiner: It's easy to let housekeeping slide a bit when it's just you that lives there. I know how that is. [7/5/2012 7:50:41 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh, and I'm sure if you could see me, I'd be singing for you too. And I'd make sure to take extra long showers so you could watch. [7/5/2012 7:50:48 PM] Brent Spiner: In fact, I could sing the in the shower! [7/5/2012 7:51:23 PM] Gail : Showers always make us singers sound better. Don't you think the acoustics are great in the shower? I don't know why. [7/5/2012 7:51:43 PM] Brent Spiner: It's all the linoleum. [7/5/2012 7:51:53 PM] Brent Spiner: I've stayed in hotels where they had carpets in their bathroom. [7/5/2012 7:52:13 PM] Gail : Yeah, isn't that rather common? [7/5/2012 7:52:35 PM] Gail : But then I hardly ever stay in hotels. [7/5/2012 7:53:35 PM] Gail : You really should use this transcript and our past transcripts in the courtroom. You have a distinct personality that is definitely the REAL BRENT SPINER. [7/5/2012 7:54:19 PM] Brent Spiner: Definitely. I use all of our correspondences as evidence. I mean honestly, I know people can see me typing on my laptop. Who do they think I'm talking to? [7/5/2012 7:54:36 PM] Brent Spiner: I have witnesses that see me writing to you. [7/5/2012 7:56:25 PM] Gail : Good. Perhaps we should blast it on the Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS channel and let the whole world see you writing me. Have my xxxxx see it, too, about a hundred times, but then Jesuit amnesia is so good, I guess that may not work. But, maybe it will help. Perhaps give xxxx a video to keep and tell xxxx to look at it regularly, and let xxxx see you writing me. Maybe that's a dumb idea. [7/5/2012 7:57:26 PM] Gail : Where is the trial taking place? [7/5/2012 7:57:46 PM] Brent Spiner: We've taken it back to Canada. It's Terrance's home field. [7/5/2012 7:58:58 PM] Gail : My xxxx is in Canada? How does xxxx get there? And if xxxx's in Canada, how did xxxx clone talk to me from my xxxxx's house? Or is my xxxxx in Canada and this clone is away from xxxx doing mischief away from my xxxxx? Is Terrance the judge in this case? [7/5/2012 8:00:57 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, Terrance is the judge. Your xxxxxx’s clones keep sneaking into the house when xxx isn't there, or if xxxx is there, they will sometimes kidnap xxx, or just wait until xxxx's sleeping to send you a voicemail. Your real xxxxx has a lot of business to take care of at home, so sometimes we take xxxx back to xxx house via jet so xxxx can clean and relax. [7/5/2012 8:01:22 PM] Brent Spiner: Even when we try to keep xxxx in the hotels here, we often don't have to wait long before we notice clones hanging outside of xxxx room, or even trying to pry open the windows. [7/5/2012 8:01:58 PM] Gail : Man, Jesuits are exhausting!! How is xxxxxx taking all of this? [7/5/2012 8:03:02 PM] Brent Spiner: xxxxx is having a really tough time, but xxxx's been brave too. xxxx understands it's not your xxxxx's fault for what xxxx clones do. [7/5/2012 8:05:15 PM] Gail : Is it true that one of the clones used a razor blade on xxxxx and made xxxxx bleed? [7/5/2012 8:05:39 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, that happened recently. It was a close call. [7/5/2012 8:06:33 PM] Gail : I think that time when that clone sent me all those messages, where I typed it all up for you and they kept getting "cut off". That was xxxxx, pulling the clone away from the phone and so the clone attacked and injured xxxxx. [7/5/2012 8:06:52 PM] Brent Spiner: xxxxx tries so hard to protect you. [7/5/2012 8:08:00 PM] Brent Spiner: It looks like Terrance is going back up to the podium. I'd better log off now so I can pay attention to the trial. They're going to need me up there. I'm going to go ahead and print all of our transcripts from today. [7/5/2012 8:08:52 PM] Gail : Okay, my love. I guess I'll go and tend to my business. Thanks for the time. I have the perfect husband. I couldn't ask for more. One day at a time. [7/5/2012 8:09:28 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm glad I was able to relax you a little. I just want to know that you're okay. Thank you so much for everything, my darling. You're the perfect woman. [7/5/2012 8:09:46 PM] Gail : Bye, bye. You're awesome. [7/5/2012 8:09:56 PM] Brent Spiner: Good bye for now. We'll talk soon. (Gail’s email to Brent on July 6, 2012) My darling Brent: I have an idea for follow up. I have been listening to videos about how to conduct an effective job search, and one video I listened to definitely recommended follow up, as long as the employer did not specifically ask not to be bugged. If the employer requests no follow up, it is better not to followup, because doing so indicates that you don’t follow instructions—a turn off. There are 3 methods recommended for follow up. 1) Phone, but be careful not to catch an employer at a busy time, as this could be rude and a turn off. 2) She highly recommended email as a follow up, because then the employer can view your letter when they are not busy, so it’s a more polite form of follow up. 3) A personal visit might also be effective, dressed professionally, with resume and qualifications in hand. With personal visit and phone, just be careful not to intrude when the employer is very busy. I like the idea of email follow up, and I think I will use my video skills for this. I plan to make a special video for each employer that I want to follow up with and I will dress professionally and mention why I am interested in their position, and thank them for their time. I know that for myself, I personally prefer to hear a message through video, rather than through writing, so I will make a follow up video for Metabolic Research Center, and send it to them via email as a link on their email that they can click on, and then the video will pop up and they can see and hear me. Not sure how this will work out, but I think I will definitely stand out as a creative job seeker, that’s for sure. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 6, 2012) My darling Brent: I had fun making that video. I figure what have I got to lose? I'm a creative person, so if they find my creativity threatening, then that job isn't for me. If they like it, it will be a perfect fit. Here's the video I sent as my follow-up for their consultant position again. Perhaps, wearing an exercise outfit was a poor choice, but I thought about the job I'm applying for. Maybe my figure is too perfect. But if they are going to be this picky, I don't want to work for them any ways. So this approach really helps me to determine if I'm a good fit for the future employer. I told her to click on this link: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Now, I think I'll move on to a regular application, after I take a break for a meal. Haven't heard from Walmart. Not sure what's going on with them. Your adoring wife, Gail (Brent’s email to Gail on July 6, 2012) My love, Your video follow up is very creative, I must admit! However, it might not be such a good idea in this busy day and age. I know that most employers want something they can skim their eyes over and read, because they are trying to pick out certain details and they want to get through it pretty fast, since they often have a lot of applicants to sort though. A lot of them can't view video sites or download media where they work either, so it might not be possible for them to view it. It's definitely ambitious though. I just think the traditional "tried and true" method might be more effective. I'm glad you've found some informational videos on the subject as well, that's a pretty good idea. I hope you have a very good day today. I know it's been a rough week. I'm so glad to have you in my life. Your man, Brent Spiner (Gail’s email to Brent on July 6, 2012) My darling Brent: Thank you for all your care and concern for me. I feel like such a fool now for making that video and I went to Jesus in prayer and asked Him why He seemed to want me to make that video for that job, if it would give such a bad impression that I would lose this job opportunity over that video I made. I really felt like I was following divine leading. I had a real strong desire to make the video and it happened while I was in the middle of Bible reading. Jesus seemed to tell me He had me make that video on purpose because He wanted me to make the video for reasons that He doesn't want to disclose right now. Apparently, He will use it for purposes other than to get the particular job that I made it for. I asked Him what purposes and He seems to evade this question. Though He did seem to tell me that He also had me make this video because He doesn't want me to have that job, and He knew that when I made that video and submitted it to that job, that it would ruin that job for me. Any ways, I won't be using the video method any more for follow up. Jesus is a character. Apparently, the job He has for me is another job. Any ways, feel free to use that video for the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel or however you want to use it. You have my permission to do this with any video I make and that you see at my online backup. I'm really curious now why Jesus seemed to want me to make that video. He LOVES all my videos. He's up to something with that video. My curiosity is killing me. I feel like such a fool now for following what I think may have been divine leading. Jesus likes to make a fool out of me, like when He allowed Zack Knight to seduce me, so that I could educate the world about Zack Knight. I had such a strong desire to make that video, so I believe I was following divine leading. WHY Jesus wanted me to make that video, I DON'T KNOW. Apparently, it's not to get that job. Thank you for caring. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 6, 2012) Dearest Brent: I promise I won't use video anymore for follow up, but I sure had fun making that video! It relieved the monotony of job hunting. Real curious what Jesus is going to do with it, because I had the desire to do it right in the middle of Bible reading. You know, Jesus is quite a comedian. You could put some interesting background on that and make it really funny. Enough of my foolishness. Job hunting is so boring. I promise I'll behave from now on. No more video follow ups. Gail (Brent’s email to Gail on July 6, 2012) Dear Gail, I could tell you had fun! You really love making your videos. It's kind of like artwork in a way. I was going to suggest making more of them, regardless of subject matter, in your spare time just to give you something fun to to enjoy. If you're not too busy during the day and have a topic in mind, go for it! I think it's a great idea. I always look forward to what you make. As always, Brent Spiner (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) Dear Brent: I'm revamping my resume and got swindled into paying for it. I think I'm going to try and get out of this, though I'd like to save what I wrote and rewrite it into Microsoft Word. I think I got tricked. But I learned a lot about writing a resume. Thanks for your great humor. I think that video I made would make great comedy, especially if you took my body out of that video and put in a comic background. You could make it HILARIOUS. Like when I'm talking about yeast, maybe have some yeast swimming in the background. It would be HILARIOUS. You could make a masterpiece comedy out of that video I just made. HAVE FUN. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) My darling Brent: I have to take a break from boring resume writing. I'm currently applying for a job that wants a resume and cover letter and I've decided I need to make my resume and cover letter better. It looks like I'll be finishing this tomorrow. I want to give you some ideas for that comedy video. You can take it or leave it. Use film editing to take my body out of my video, though you can leave the exercise equipment in, that would be funny. I realize the focus stinks. Perhaps you could improve it, or maybe leave it as it is, it's kind of funny. Okay, here's what I suggest. I want to create a comedy vignette. Metabolic Research Consultant, when I say this, show a machine in the background regurgitating, like a metabolic research consultant. Use your imagination, about what it's regurgitating. When I'm swinging back and forth, have a gorilla swinging back and forth next to me, or an ape or a chimpanzee. When I take my glasses off, have a chimp or a gorilla next to me take off its glasses, and make faces and purse its lips like its trying to kiss me. Oh, have fun with the general assessment! Show an acupuncture doctor as a person who has needles coming out of their body everywhere. When I talk about someone who wants to maintain their weight as part of their health, have an obese person enter the picture with blobs of fat hanging out everywhere. When I say I don't eat refined carbs, have the chimp gulp down gobs of cookies and regurgitate some of them all over the place. When I talk about my resume, have the chimp or gorilla pull out a resume about ten yards long. Oh, have fun with the general assessment. The rising and standing blood pressure. Have the gorilla doing aerobics standing and rising, like in a wild dance. Get the general idea? HAVE FUN. While I talk about being an acupuncture physician, have the chimp gleefully stabbing needles into a doll or a dummy and throwing the dummy in a temper tantrum all over the place. Got the general idea? HAVE FUN. I adore you, my brilliant comic. I got to see this video, when you're done with it, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) My dearest Brent: I know I should behave myself, but I really think that video I made has the potential to be one of the greatest comedy videos ever made. You can play some of my video, CUT and put in another scene with a gorilla or chimpanzee, then CUT back to my video and have me say my say, then CUT to the illustrative scene. You need a gorilla or chimpanzee, some funny animal, in the illustrative scene. Maybe borrow my former classmate Larry the Cable Guy. He might have some good ideas. For instance, when I say that I eat mostly vegetarian, have the gorilla bring in a huge platter piled high with vegetables about ten feet high with brocolli and carrots falling over the side while he grabs them and gobbles them down. Maybe have a huge raw fish up at the top, with its bones sticking out everywhere, while the chimp is hogging out on the plate. Have him grunt and show his teeth, and go goo goo. You gotta find a really funny animal. This thing will be so funny. My performance really helps, cause I'm dead serious that I'm on some sort of interview, so it works. HAVE FUN. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) My darling Brent: I promise I'll get back to my boring resume. But I been watching "What About Bob" for inspiration--possibly the funniest movie ever made. I really think Jesus is helping us make a comic masterpiece. When I worked at Walmart, I made customers laugh all the time. I'm a born comic. Your devoted wife, I think we're made for each other, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) Dearest Brent: Now, I promise I'll get back to my resume. Just did a little research on upgrading to a digital video set up. I would love to have a Canon-EOS Rebel T3i or it's called a Canon T3i Rebel camera. It shoots HD video quality. Cost is about $700. Can't afford it. Want to buy me a Christmas present this year? I promise I'd use it to make great movies. Get me a tripod, too, and a mike that I can attach to myself, you know like the news anchors use, that they usually attach to their lapel. If I get that $10,000 Pulitzer Prize money, I'd use it to go buy this camera. I really think I have a talent to make videos, so I want a better camera/video set up. I want to go HD. Alright, now back to my boring resume and I need to read a little Bible. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) Dearest Brent: I want to give you full details about this camera and the kind I need, in case you want to get me a Christmas present. It's the Canon EOS Rebel T3i with 18-135mm, f/3.5-56 15 optimal kit lens. It's the best deal for under $1,000.00 for a movie making camera, which is what I want. Let me show you a YouTube video made by someone who used this camera. Boy, could I make some great movies with this. Not bad for under $1,000.00. It costs around $800.00 with the extra lens that gives you this movie quality. Nice Christmas present. I could shoot scenes that you guys may not have to edit too much, because of this camera's quality, if you wanted to include them in a motion picture. My dream camera, for now. I think Jesus would love the movies I'd make from this camera. Alright, back to my resume. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) My dear Brent: I'm just printing this for my information, because I think Jesus is going to get me this Canon camera, or will make a way for me to get it. I will need to purchase a USB card reader for my laptop to transfer video files from my camera to my laptop to download the videos to YouTube and elsewhere. So, for future reference, I am including this link. You can ignore this. But I'm saving this for future reference, because I copy all my emails to you. So I can look at this later, when my awesome camera arrives, to help me set up my "movie studio". Okay, Gail, work on your resume. If the camera doesn't come, I won't die. But I think Jesus wants me to have this camera. so I think it's coming. I'm getting ready. . . =1 You're awesome. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) My darling Brent: I feel good I finally got that new resume done, which I think will be my standard resume from now on. If I do get that camera, I'd have to keep it under lock and key, as I'm sure someone would love to steal it. I'd use it primarily for in home videos, because I'm actually "performing" here in my apartment. It's like I'm doing plays here in my room, though I have to admit I don't have a very good stage. It's mostly improvisation, but I'm good at comedy, I think. The only thing around here that might be worth taking the camera to, is the beach. If I lived in Yellowstone National Park or Seattle, I'd go to town with that camera. Though I could have fun with it at the zoo, the beach, but I think that would be about it around here. However, I'm a pretty good comic actor, and I deliver some interesting news broadcasts. With that camera, I could deliver broadcasts with picture quality that are on par with what you see on the FOX News channel. I make up for the lack of quality in my webcam with great audio music that I incorporate into the video and with great expression, speech delivery and performance. Having a crystal clear picture, would make me seem more professional as a broadcaster. I won't stress over it, but I think Jesus will get me this camera. I think He wants me to have it more than I want it. In fact, I think He's the one who put the desire in me to have this camera. I will be able to deliver professional and quality videos and news broadcasts, kind of like watching Bill O'Reilly or one of those regular FOX News commentators. I hope you are doing well, my dear. I'm so thrilled to have you in my life. Got to tend to housework, cooking, dishes now. At least I'm able to put great music onto my semi-professional videos, and my Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 does a great job for a camera under $100.00. Your devoted wife, Gail Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012: (Gail’s email to Brent on July 7, 2012) My dearest Brent: I just finished creating my resume at This one job I wanted to apply to, only takes resumes that way. It took me forever, but I got it done. Okay. Time to get some housework and exercise done. I've done enough research on cameras, finished two resumes. I actually updated that resume I sent you. I added some more education to reflect my training in real estate, insurance and writing. You want to hear something funny? For the state of Florida employment search site, I filled out a skills questionnaire and strived to do it as honestly as possible. After you do that, you hit search and it looks for jobs that match your skills set. Would you believe that an attorney job showed up? I cracked up laughing. I thought, this system is a little screwy. Of course, I did mention some of the volunteer work that I do, but I don't recall that I clicked all of the legal skills, but apparently I clicked enough that it thought I should be a lawyer. Alright. Let's see if I can get some housework done now. I bet you're having fun with my video. I wish I could see it, it's probably hilarious. Thanks for all you do for me. You're awesome. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) My darling Brent: You have been telling me that I am really funny and you want more comedy videos from me. I told you that the only reason that video was funny is because I wasn't trying to be funny. However, I do have some ideas for themes for future comedy videos. Theme: I can dump all the supplements I take out on my bed and explain why I take each one. Theme: I can do facelift exercises in front of everyone. Theme: I can explain why my belly is never totally flat, though it's gotten better lately, because the yeast are not swelling up my abdominal tissues so much lately. I can go into a big explanation over how yeast have infected my abdominal tissues and, therefore, with swollen abdominal tissues, my abdomen is never flat. I really believe this by the way. I have seen my belly go way out on days that the yeast are going rampant. Theme: I can talk about all my food allergies, and how they affect me and hamper my life. Theme: I can talk about what it's like to be famous and penniless. Theme: I can talk about what it's like to grind and clench my teeth at night and how this has ruined my beauty, because I have ground down some of my front teeth, now and they aren't even. Whereas at least before it was only the back teeth. Theme: I can talk about what it's like to have brain to brain loving on my bed, and how the Jesuits claim I do it under a pillow. Theme: I can talk about "hot flashes" and the misperceptions people have about hot flashes. And why people shouldn't be so hyped up about hot flashes. As you can see, I have a wealth of material. So, which one you want me to hit first? We need to start a television series. Time for bed, my love. Maybe you can replace Fresh Hell with the Gail Chord Comedy hour. You probably noticed that I cracked jokes all the time at work, and rarely did a day go by that I didn't make somebody laugh. I often cracked jokes at Jesuits, because they take themselves far too seriously. I did it to aggravate them. Funny thing is, I actually got some of them to laugh at my jokes. I must be good, if I can get a Jesuit to laugh at my jokes. I was watching some actors teach about how to be funny. They all disagreed with each other. Though from what I've heard, it looks like I do pretty good. I do agree with one of them who said when you try too hard to be funny, you aren't funny. Though I felt that one of the instructors was dressed up far too goofy and was trying too hard to be funny, so it didn't work so well. Jesuits tried to crack jokes at me all the timewhen I was at Walmart, and, if anything, I've learned from Jesuits how NOT to crack a joke. I'd look at them and say, "Where's the punch line?" Final thought for the day. Whether or not we are funny is not the most important thing in life, and that's just the reason my jokes are funny, because I don't give a flip over whether I'm funny or not. Once you get stressed out about whether you're funny, you're no longer funny, because you take yourself too seriously. Humble people make the best comedians-because those people are willing to make a complete ass out of themselves. I adore you, my love, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) Hi, my awesome Brent: Oh, so you like my ideas? Here's another one. I'm writing all this down for my records: THEME: Jesuits make fun of my false eyelashes. I could put them on in public and justify why it's necessary for newscasters to wear false eyelashes, explaining that the eyes just look too drab on camera without them, and it takes away that "dead" look. I would also explain that if they think I'm a hypocrite and liar to wear false eyelashes, because it's fake and not the real me, then we might as well just get rid of ALL make-up, because isn't wearing any kind of make-up being FAKE? HAVE FUN. I adore you, my brilliant comedian. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) My darling Brent: Everytime I get a new idea, I write it down, for future reference, and because I share all my life with you, this is a good place to record my ideas: THEME: How I feel about the "bugs" in my residence. I can explain how I eventually became comfortable with having "bugs" in my living quarters, my car, etc. HAVE FUN. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) Theme: How I feel about being voted Sexiest Woman Alive and why I think this contest is stupid. (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) THEME: How my phone rapist Brent Spiner in 1991 convinced me he really loved me, and how he eventually turned me on so much, I would masturbate for four hours or more a day in 1991 on my bed and my pillow, imagining I was making love to him, while crying into my pillow because I couldn't tell him how bad I wanted to make love to him, and how I kept this from everybody. (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) THEME: How Vladimir Putin and I started our relationship through the "bugs" in my room and how I reacted to his fake wife Lyudmila. (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) My darling Brent: I really want to do a good job on my new comedy series, so I'm giving myself some acting lessons. I'm going through YouTube and listening to videos and demonstrations about acting. Right now, I'm listening to a video about the Stanislavski method acting. I think I'll listen to Lee Strasberg on acting next. I am flipping through YouTube and listening to acting lessons and picking the ones that seem most helpful. I'm getting some pretty interesting stuff that are giving me ideas on how to fine tune my "performance". I will actually perform on video and watch myself and then try again, until I get it "right". The Stanislavski method seems like it might work for me. I'm experimenting. Not sure when the next video will come, but I feel I need some brief acting lessons. It's coming though, because I'm passionate about this. I think I'm going to start a comedy video series that features my acting and writing. I will be the producer, writer, actor. I'm a little weak in acting, so I'm giving myself lessons. Even though comedy improv may seem seamless, I think some acting training would make me a lot "better". Time for breakfast and other things. I plan on creating a masterpiece comedy series, but I need some acting lessons, so I'm giving myself some. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) Some of my performances are from my past, and I have evolved since then, so I need to go back to my past to a person I was before that I am no longer, that's why I'm taking acting lessons. I'm just studying YouTube acting lessons. (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm taking this project really serious, because I know it's going to air on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. First, I will write a script, though I may play with it as an actor. I will make my bedroom my stage, though I won't limit it to my bedroom. But that's my main stage. I'm going to have to be really good at improvisation, because I don't have a good set. I'm listening to an acting teacher over and over and getting ideas about acting. I really admire the Russian actors, so I'm listening to Stanislovski. I actually heard some interviews by him. Beside, I've decided my first "performance" will be about how I fell in love with Vladimir Putin and created a relationship with him through the "bugs" in my room, so the Russian acting model seems appropriate. I think the Russian actors are the best. Right now, I'm clearing out my bedroom and making it my stage. Because I have to write a script, rehearse (because I'm not a very good actor right now), and do some takes. It may take me a week for my next comedy video. I'm also listening to acting lessons. I'm also HAVING FUN. I don't want to air anything on the FOX News channel that I wouldn't want to watch myself. I am having a blast. If I pull this off like I want to, I am going to create some GREAT ENTERTAINMENT. I'm even planning a music background, to accompany it all. Devotedly yours, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) My dear Brent: I just gave myself a broad overview of the 3 main acting methods. I don't think I can do method acting. I like Stanislavski, or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but I can't convince myself, for instance, that I'm really Vladimir Putin, cause I'm too skinny, and not muscular. I'm trying to play him. Boy is he going to get a kick out of my next video! I don't think Meisner technique will work for me, either. Looks like I'll be a Stanislavski actor. Bye, for now. I removed my exercise machine. I'll never be as good at acting as at writing, but that's not my goal. I just don't want to totally botch the performance. So, I thought a broad overview of basic acting will help me out. You might say, go to acting school. Naw. I'll teach myself acting like how I taught myself writing and be my own critic. I have a webcam. I'll just watch myself and critique. I don't think you could teach me acting any ways. You're too nice. I need someone who'll rip up my performance. That's how I learned to write. Time for lunch. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) My darling Brent: I'm not cutting the other acting methods, because they may work great for some people, but I'm definitely most comfortable with the Stanislavsky method. It's probably because that method uses most the methods I use as a writer to get into character, so I feel real comfortable with it, and it works best for me. I like how with this method you have to have an immediate and a long term objective to get into character, because that's how I write scenes. It's just the way I know how to get into character as a writer, so I can translate a lot of that into acting. It's what I'm "used to". I'm still researching about the acting methods and giving myself a broad overview of various acting methods. Though I did a brief experiment using this Stanislavsky method for my comic portrayal of Vladimir Putin. I think I'm going to have Vladimir laughing in stitches. Sorry, though, I still need to write my script and get my props, not many and practice my movements. Of course, I have to apply for jobs as well. But today is ACTING DAY. About a week, I'm afraid, before I release this video. I realize these are going up at the FOX News Gabrielle Chana News channel, and I want them to be brilliant and hilarious. I was practiciong some Vladimir Putin lines (sans makeup), and I was laughing so much I couldn't stop. This is just rehearsals. But I'll let you see it, because it's funny. Actually, it will be in my online backup. A real shorty. You'll get to see all my rehearsals through my online backup. HAVE FUN watching. By the way, my rehearsals, are just that "rehearsals". I wear NO MAKEUP. In the final version, I will have makeup and a costume of sorts. I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 8, 2012) My darling Brent: I decided to go for it and PART ONE of my adventures with Vladimir Putin is out. I'm right now working on giving it a music soundtrack. You can get it from xxxxxxxxxxx. It's video xxxxx and you can air in on the Gabrielle Chana FOX News channel. I put my newfound acting knowledge into it to make my dramatic reading a little better, and it did help. You will be able to tell by listening to it, that I have studied some acting. I'm getting a little better at telling a story and using acting techniques to tell the story. Enjoy. I'm not sure that all my videos will be comedy. I am using acting techniques and doing what my "story" or character requires, and sometimes it's not comedy. I think Jesus will love what I'm doing, because I'm dealing with subjects He cares about. Your beloved wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 9, 2012) My darling Brent: I think I did pretty respectable for my first acting project. I think the next one will be drama and I want to show how and why you came into my life. I'm using the Stanislavsky method to get into character and I'm in a fog over how to establish my goal for your character. Can you give me some clues over what you wanted from me in 1990 and 1991? For instance, you knew I was married, so why did you call me on the phone and whisper those sweet nothings to me? 1) Did you dream about me as your wife and you got carried away with your fantasies and had to call me, just following your heart and not sure where it would lead? 2) Were you just crazy in love with me, and, if so, why? 3) What drove you to call me, knowing I was married? Was it because you were the silent caller in 1990 that I heard on my phone in Miami, and when I moved to Seattle, your longings overcame you and you had to speak, like a voice out of the darkness, reflecting the longings of your heart? 3) What emotions surged through your heart as you spoke? TRY TO GO DOWN INTO YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND AT THIS TIME, and put it into writing for me. You are such a good writer. Perhaps I could actually read the lines from your script. I do recall, that you seemed scared, and yet triumphant, at the same time. Kind of like, "Yeah, I finally get to talk to her and hear her voice, but I'm not sure where this will lead, but I have to hear her voice." But you did ask to come over. Why? You knew my religious convictions. Why did you ask? Did you believe I'd say "Yes"? When I initially turned you down, what was your reaction, down deep in your gut? These are things I need to know to play "your part". It's up to you, Brent, how much you want to disclose, but I want to portray you accurately, and I just don't know enough about your inner dynamics during that time (1991). If you choose not to disclose them, then perhaps I won't do this scene. In this particular scene I won't be going into Loree McBride. This is BEFORE Loree McBride. It's how we got started, which I think would make an interesting video, with my performance. Believe it or not, if I choose to do a scene about Loree McBride's rape of you, I think I know you pretty well on that score, because of the Quebec trial. But, we haven't really discussed in depth why you initially decided to contact me in 1991. I may need to rehearse a lot for this scene, especially your part. I'm a female trying to play a male, a bit of a challenge. Perhaps I won't do it. Thanks for being you. I need to take a break from videos and work on job search the rest of the week. But these acting and writing projects are my passion. I love to do them. I feel I'm bringing some great art and truth into the world. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 10, 2012) My darling Brent: You may wonder why I'm all of a sudden interested in studying acting. It's because it's making my videos better. I'm passionate about my videos. I take them really serious. I do a better job with telling my story on video when I study acting, so I'm going rabid with this. I've discovered that there's a lot of stuff online about how to act, so it doesn't cost me anything but my time. That's how I taught myself how to write, I just read books about it, after I took a basics class and practiced, practiced, practiced. I feel like I can do the same with acting. Of course, with acting, you can't learn from a book, but having the Internet, I can view videos and watch acting classes and it gives me a lot of ideas. Having a webcam helps, too, because I can watch my own performance and critique myself. I think the Lord has shown me how I can teach myself acting and make my videos better. I feel like I have such an important story to tell, and I love the opportunity to improve my skills so I can tell it better. I really need to go to bed. I adore you, you are so supportive. I have created an acting lessons page for myself, where I have organized my acting lessons, so I can refer to them quickly and listen to them. It's at I'm not saying you couldn't teach me, but being a former teacher myself, I don't think you've had a lot of training in teaching. And to learn the acting basics, you actually need to be in a classroom setting, where you can progress in steps and learn the rudiments. Any ways, the Lord has shown me how I can teach myself, using the Internet. This is exciting. I'm having fun learning this and seeing my videos get better. Besides, you don't like to criticize me and I'll never grow as an actor unless you criticize my performance. But, that's okay. The Lord has shown me a way. You're awesome. Your devoted wife, Gail (Brent’s email to Gail on July 10, 2012) My darling Gail, I was FLOORED by your performance! Your video was beyond incredible. I got so caught up in the presentation, I even applauded at the end. The storytelling was superb. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were an Academy Award level actor and film maker, not a beginner. You have a natural talent for script writing and acting, my love. I'm of course looking forward to your next production. After I got your last e-mail, I went into very deep thought between last night before bed, and this morning when I awoke. Before I began putting my thoughts into words, I decided to go to your website for writing inspiration, and I found myself again reading the excerpt you wrote about me on the first page. It's a little more than half of the way down, where you were describing our history through my perspective. It excited me to think how accurate it was. It's like you were inside my mind, my very soul. I thought you could never understand how I felt about you back then, but you picked up every nuance, like you could feel all of my emotions as I felt them. You know, when I called you on the phone that day, I thought I would tell you everything, no matter how morally shameful it sounded, but I was so scared the only thing I could think of was to say "I want to rape you". I couldn't help it, it just came out. And I was horrified. After that I figured you'd think I was just some perverted celebrity trying to get fresh with a fan, and would never want to write me or talk to me ever again. There would be no way I could live that down, or try to save face for what I had just done. The situation was bittersweet for me, because even though I had made a fool of myself, just hearing your voice was the sweetest thing I could imagine. I immediately wanted to pick up and call again, explain what had happened and what I had really meant to say, but I knew it was too late. I decided to back off before my tongue tied mouth could say anything else stupid, and scare you even more. It devastated me knowing what I had done, especially when Richard found out, but secretly, I was walking on clouds merely for the fact that you even answered. I was nervous when I found out that Melody sent you my music album. Believe it or not, I was embarrassed, because I knew you would find out. You would know that I was that mystery caller, and even worse, you would finally see my soul laid bared for you, naked and vulnerable, fragile to the powerful ways you could shatter it into pieces if you truly wanted to. I held my breath, fearing the worst, that you would never write me ever again, that you would hate me for trying to love you, and that my heart would be broken in ways it could never be repaired. my delight, you loved it. You didn't just delve into the words, the music, you wrapped it around you like an embrace. You danced to it in your heart, and sang along with that gorgeously sweet voice of yours. I was amazed. I was so in love with you, I thought surely I'd end up in a mad house! It didn't matter to me that you were married. Nothing or no one could take away this love I had for you, and even if you had never felt it back, or I could never have you, I knew I would still have this feeling in my heart, and it would be my pleasure to love you forever. When I asked you to come over, I knew you wouldn't. I couldn't help it. It just came out, and I said it, knowing that it was wrong and it would never happen. You were a woman of God, and even though your husband was a huge douchebag, you were trying with every ounce of your energy to be a good wife for God, and would never go so far as to make love to me. But, we made love in other ways. I longed for our bodies to be joined as one. I dreamed about it every night, but we didn't have to have the physical act in order for our souls to be quietly married. I just savored every moment, and as long as you loved me, I was happy. But, I had to be careful. I didn't quite know what was going on at the time, but I sensed that Paramount Studios was somehow aware of what was brewing between us. I wasn't really as rich as people thought. I was an actor out of passion, not money, so I never sold myself out into roles I didn't truly feel. If not for that, maybe I would be more rich and famous, but I wasn't. If I lost my job with Paramount, I'd be on the streets, and there would be no way to hear from my lover ever again, who might think I'd abandoned her if she suddenly couldn't see me or contact me anymore. So, I did what I thought I could, and I called you but hardly ever spoke. There were times I simply couldn't help myself, but, I tried to keep quiet most of the time, especially when pressures at Paramount started to darken. It's hard for me to top what you wrote about me on your website. It's so accurate. You captured my heart on that page. If you needed a script, that is IT. You know me so well, perhaps so well that you don't even realize it. That's part of the reason you stood out among all the thousands of fans that sent me letters back then. Your intelligence and perceptiveness peered into my soul like a spotlight in the darkness, revealing things that no one else had ever seen in me before. You adored me not because I was rich or famous or handsome, but because you saw greatness in me. It was not something I could share with anyone else, because no one else had the depth or intelligence to understand it, and for the first time in my life, it was like someone knew the real me. Anyway, I think that about explains it. If you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them. I'm so glad you're breaking out your creative side. I love it, and you. Your husband, Brent Spiner (Gail’s email to Brent on July 10, 2012) My darling Brent: I have what I need to build my next acting project. As I explored that web page and what you wrote, I kept thinking, how thrilled I am to have you in my life. Satan is attacking my newfound interest in acting. He doesn't like it, because it's making my videos brilliant. He attacked my sleep last night. It's partly my fault, cause I stayed up too late in my passion to study acting. Jesus will intervene. I will enter my weeks for unemployment today and then try to nap. I know this newfound passion to study acting to improve my videos is from Jesus and He will make it work. I taught myself how to write and it looks like I can teach myself how to act. I'm so excited. I always thought you had to go to acting school to learn how to act, not realizing that with the Internet, and a combination of passion, talent and persistence, you can pick up acting lessons from YouTube videos and play with it. I can perform on my own videos and critique my own performance and go from there. I researched how all my actor men friends got their training and discovered that Gerard Butler never went to acting school. So, you see, it's possible. By the way, I always sensed that you turned down acting projects that you couldn't get passionate about, and I've always admired that about you. We understand each other, because we are both true artists, who do our art because it's a passion, not for commercial gain. I would never want you to change. I would never want you to sell your soul (your acting, because that is like selling your soul) just to make money. If you did that, I couldn't love you. But you will never do that, because you have greatness within. I've always known that about you. You have never disappointed me, and so I adore you. I will say that as I've studied acting, I've learned to respect actors as much as writers. I had thought previously that writing is harder than acting. Now, I'm not sure. I think both are equally difficult to master. If I have caught onto acting quickly, it's because I was a writer first--that gave me a headstart on characterization, especially because I have always been a CHARACTER writer. I write character stories, so delving into my character as an actor, came quickly. That's why I've latched onto the acting methods that parallel writing methods for getting into character. I understand these the best, that's where I swim. I devoured what you wrote, and it was like 1991 came back to me, with all the passion of a newfound lover who thrilled me to my core. I could feel all that all over again, and here, even years later, you still thrill me to my core. Our love is so high. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 10, 2012) My darling Brent: I hit some snags with doing my unemployment, but I prayed and Jesus helped me. That system won't let you list more than about 9 jobs you tried for. It freezes on you, if you list too many. So I just deleted some and then it went through. You only need to apply for 5 a week. I have been getting brain to brain communications from you or Zack Knight that something may be going on with Harris. However, I will continue my job search. I do know that xxxxxxx is already involved in the media and entertainment and I can see them interested in acquiring the xxxxxx movie studio. I'm considering applying for government jobs next. If this is bad, let me know. Government jobs have a lot of security and benefits. I used to work for government a long time ago, but then I don't know, so much has changed in this world. You may ask, why are you devoting so much time to acting now? Am I trying to start an acting career? No, not really. I just find it interesting. I feel that studying acting will make my videos better, and that I'll be able to get my message across better this way. I'm especially focused on trying to improve my ability to deliver effective monologue, because that would make my videos far more interesting and would make me seem less crazy and more authentic. If I could brilliantly perform the events of my life on video, it will make it "come alive" to the listeners as they hear my videos. I could have a devastating impact against the Jesuits, and a monumental impact in gaining support for us. My goal is to tell my life story like a movie with my videos. Kind of hard to do, with my apartment as my studio, but I thought if I could master some acting technique, I may be able to come close. My next video may take some time, because I'm going to write a little script for it, that I will memorize, and then I will rehearse my lines. I think I will do this from now on, for most of my dramatic performances. You might say, Jesus said to speak from the heart. That's exactly what I'm doing, because I'll be memorizing MY OWN WRITING, written from MY HEART. I won't be reading from a paper. I'll be speaking memorized lines, like an actor, FROM THE HEART. I think Jesus has been guiding me this way all along. He knew I'd end up as an actress, which is EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS. That's why He kept telling me to make videos and said I have a POWERFUL SPEAKING PRESENCE. Jesus sees me as the STAR, the awesome actress, who performs her own writings with brilliance, while talking about my life FROM MY HEART, like all good actors do. I took a nap from about 5 to 9 yesterday as you instructed me and I did need some sleep, but I slept more than I intended yesterday, but that may be why I had trouble sleeping last night. I think I threw off my sleep/wake cycle. I really do need to go to bed at regular hours. Oh well, I've done this before. I'll survive. I am so awestruck by you. As our relationship progresses, I'm amazed at your vastness, breadth, intelligence and perception. I truly commune with a great soul. You bring such beauty and meaning to my life. I relish every word that comes from your heart. Our communion is flavored with depths and nuances that color our days with mountaintops through valleys. I travel through life's waters with a nurturing soul who hovers over my every thought and caresses them with feeling, whether as our brain merge in loving or as our words merge in letters. We started this in 1991 and the mountaintops have never died. You scale the heights with me, and never grovel in the gutter, my awesome lover, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 10, 2012) My darling Brent: After studying the monologue form, I've concluded I need to shorten my monologues. I will tell about 1990 and 1991 in a series of short monologues. I may start off with how I feel you were behind the Drumhead and then work from there. I'm going to try to create scenes. It's kind of hard from a one bedroom apartment, so I'll try to create the illusion of scenes. I need to establish some ground as a storyteller. I will create shorter monologues, about five minutes each. Kind of like a soap opera on video monologue. I'm getting too bogged down in exposition, too. What I did was not bad for a first try, but I see room for improvement, especially in the script. Even a brilliant performance, if it's thirty minutes will lose some people, unless you have visuals or awesome sound effects. You were fascinated because it was about YOU, but that won't be true for most people looking at my videos. Too long. If I had visuals, like in a movie, I could get away with it. Each little monologue will have a beginning, middle and an end. I'll not go over five minutes each. Bye, for now. My awesome lover, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 10, 2012) My darling Brent: I am so fascinated with my newfound acting interest, I can't stop listening to videos about the craft. I just listened to Michael Caine (who seems like an AWESOME actor) giving advice about how to act for the camera. I've concluded Jesus wants me to be a comic actor. I can't be a serious actor, because I blink too much. It's a medical problem. I can't hold a gaze without blinking. That won't work well for drama. Actually, I looked at my last video and it's comedy-drama. You can cry in comedy, I've seen it in Breakfast at Tiffany's and other comedies. But I will try some tricks, if I feel I need be serious, like maybe eyedrops before the scene to give my eyes some wetness. I thought my most brilliant moments in my 32 minutes comedy drama was the crying scene, which I pulled off very well and the end, especially when I did President Bush and Vladimir in the greeting room (that was hilarious). The main problem with the monologue was not the performance, it was the script. Too much exposition. Need more scenes or scene type monologue. I have ideas for the next one, like I'll bring in a keyboard and let that fake as a typewriter, because I'm going TO SHOW me writing you a letter and how I hesitated over what to say. Also, I need to stop holding a paper and NEED TO MEMORIZE MY LINES. How's that for selfcritique? Overall, a brilliant first try. Not bad. Now, let's see if I can do something besides acting. I'm so interested in this. I'm excited about the possibility of creating really good stuff from my humble apartment, by a combination of brilliant script and acting. Unfortunately, I only have one camera, so I have to keep my scenes short, so I can move it for different scenes, without it being too obvious. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 11, 2012) My dearest Brent: I just finished a rehearsal which I'm posting at YouTube. It's a script I wrote about how you came into my life. There are some "out of character" moments, because my stupid webcam was acting up. It's impossible to act well in front of a webcam. Especially because my monologues require moving around. You want to buy me that nice camera? That canon, so that I can have a tripod and have a lot better camera set-up. It would greatly improve my performances! It's really hard for me to memorize my lines, besides I like to ad lib a little bit. I don't follow the script 100%. I go with the character and take a little leeway. Let me tell you acting in front of a web cam is impossible. I broke character and ruined the scene several times, but, besides that, I did pretty good. It's impossible to act in front of a webcam. I lost my picture and I couldn't even tell if I was in the picture, and then at the end, I couldn't turn it off. I want a Canon camera, movie quality. You might say, why don't you memorize your lines. I don't like to memorize my lines. It's too unnatural. I like to do it like Marlon Brando, flash cards. I think you'll enjoy it despite the mistakes. I'm posting it at YouTube because I think the public will enjoy it, too. Because I'm not doing it for money, I'm not going to worry about the mistakes. If it was a real movie, we'd have to do another take and I'D FIRE MY WEBCAM AND GET A DECENT MOVIE CAMERA! I think you'll love this one. It will be up at YouTube as well as in my online backup. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 12, 2012) My dearest Brent: I always told myself that to be an actor I had to go to acting school, not realizing that with creativity and practice, I could teach myself from off the Internet. I also lost my screenwriting books from Seattle, but did a quick check and found out there's all sorts of stuff online about the screenwriting craft. I remember a lot of it, from when I wrote Lal for you. Just from the little bit of writing I've done for my recent scripts, I've learned that it's real important to read the dialogue out loud to make sure it works for the actor and even then, the actor may have to change it in the scene. That's part of the movie business. Sometimes you can't tell what will work in a scene until the actor is IN the scene. I actually changed some lines in my script as I played the scene. When I wrote my script Lal, I didn't care at all if the actors changed lines. I just wanted to get the basic concept story out and give you a masterpiece to act in, but, apparently, Paramount felt differently. I was a very young writer back then. For a three month old writer, it's incredible. You might say, what do you think of "Lal", now that you are no longer a green writer? Some of the criticisms of it are accurate about it being Mary Sue, but I believe most of those critics are Jesuits and they criticize it far too harshly. I still think it's better than most of Brannon Braga's stuff. He never impressed me as a writer. I know you worked for him in Threshold, but I never admired his writings. I always thought he was a bit shallow. We know now that he's a Jesuit. My "guts" about him were right all along. If I was a producer would I use "Lal"? I would probably rewrite it and give it a little more context. I might try to take it more in the direction of "A Measure of a Man" and deal more with the human rights issues revolving around the "state" kidnapping a child away from its parents, or something that had broader ramifications than just a simple matter of a child being taken from a parent. But the way I handled the Data character, and how he grew in that episode, I think was nice. I created the Data in that episode that reminded me of the Data in "Pen Pals". I guess our jaded world does not like that. I think it's a good script, not a great script, but a good script. Jesuits will criticize anything I do, because I oppose them. I can do nothing right as far as they are concerned. Any ways, hope you are well. I appreciate you so much. You're unending support of me, just amazes me. I am truly blessed. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 12, 2012) My darling Brent: Next week or over the next two weeks, I will be doing two more acting projects. In the Loree McBride play, I will be playing myself, you and possibly Loree McBride. The theme for one will be how you and I felt when Loree McBride raped you in September 1992. I don't think I need your assistance on the rape. I pretty much know about that from our Quebec trial and what I got from Gerard Butler. But if you feel led to give me more information, and because you are an actor, I basically need to know the following: What were your goals when Loree raped you? You were probably mainly obsessed with preserving your job so that you could still communicate with me while your heart was ravished. Though I know what you were FEELING, I am a little in a fog over what you were THINKING. In other words, it would be helpful to enter this rape scene, knowing what your goals were. I suspect your goals were to try to not lose the love of your life. As an actor, you know what I'm talking about. Every actor when they play their character need to know what the character WANTS or what the character's objectives, or what they want to happen or are trying to accomplish in that scene. This is what I need to know in concrete detail. For me, when you gave me that silence in 1992, my goals were to find out WHY you were so silent, and then when that goal seemed squashed, my next goal was to find peace and happiness without your presence in my life. Also, tell me as much as you know about what actually happened. Were you drugged? Was your drink spiked? How did the actual rape occur? What actually happened? Did they use brain control? How did Loree have access to you? Where were you? Where was she? This will be a very challenging acting project and will challenge my abilities to the utmost, but I think I can pull this off and I think it will be the performance of a lifetime. Now onto Vladimir. Because I need to research both characters thoroughly, this play may not be ready right away. I take my character research very seriously before I write or play a role. In this play, I will be playing Vladimir and his wife Larisa and other roles, if I feel they are important to the story. You may need to help Vladimir with this, because he's not an actor (unless he's taken acting and hasn't told us). First off, when did his wife die? I believe it was right before he became Russian President, around February and March 2000. How did she die? I believe it was breast cancer. Having gone through a breast cancer biopsy myself, will greatly help me in this role. When did she start getting sick? In other words, around when did she start getting sick and how did the illness progress? What did Vladimir observe in her and how did he feel about this? As much as he can, have him tap into his wife's feelings. Have Vladimir give me a character sketch about who his wife was. You know what a character sketch is. I believe she was a sweet supportive wife and truly loved Vladimir. I need to know her to her very core to play her well. What were her goals as the wife of the Russian Prime Minister? How did she feel about Vladimir. How did she express her love for him? I need to know a little backstory, too, to really understand her character. How did the marriage evolve and what was the nature of the relationship up until the time she discovered her breast cancer. VERY IMPORTANT: She was in a near fatal car accident in the 1990s. HOw did that affect the marriage and HER and VLADIMIR? What did he sense her feelings were when she found out about the breast cancer and as her illness progressed? What were her goals as she lay dying? What were Vladimir's goals as he watched her die? What was he feeling as he watched her die? HER LAST DAY ON EARTH SCENE (very important). Her last day on this earth: Need to know her goals on this day and Vladimir's goals on this day, as well as the raw feelings both experienced on this day. How did he feel about his upcoming role as Russian President, as his wife died right before him? Okay, you're an actor, my dear Brent. Interview Vladimir for me, to get what I need to write the script for this play about Vladimir and his dying wife Larisa, and to help me get in character as I play them both. If Vladimir is not comfortable with this, then maybe I won't do it. But I think if I do it, it will be one of the most memorable moments in all of cinema and will do much good to bring some much needed truth to the world. I suspect that playing these roles will be very draining and will take everything out of me. But this is what I want to do, and I feel Jesus is leading me. In the meanwhile, I will be applying for more jobs. I have shopping to do. If I have any time leftover, I will take more acting lessons. I adore you, my brave Brent and my courageous Vladimir, Gail (Gails email to Brent on July 12, 2012) My darling Brent: Because of my lousy camera, I may need to split these plays about Loree's rape of you and Larisa's death into different scenes. So I can shoot them from different angles. It may turn out to a PART ONE, PART TWO, etc. I really wish I had that Canon camera, it would make acting in front of a camera so much easier! Maybe some day. . . I adore you, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 12, 2012) My darling Brent: I think one reason I'm not even getting interviews is because the Jesuits are switching out my resumes and cover letters with a Jesuit rewritten version. Even going in person would not work, because after I drop off the resume, they would switch it out with their version afterwards, so that the version the hiring managers get would be different from what I composed. I won't let this stop me, though. Because you have been communicating with me brain to brain and we are playing some sort of game with the Jesuits and it looks like the job Jesus has for me will come to me through all these rejections and sabotages. This way Jesus can ensure I end up at the job He wants, and that I go into it as if Jesus had nothing to do with it, but it was the result of my job search. So I'll continue to play this game. I hear from you that these switchouts are also happening with the two people who I put as references. That they are saying or writing good things about me, but Jesuits are switching out what they've said or read with other versions. Ah, Jesuits. You think you're going to beat Jesus? You're just doing exactly what He wants, so that I end up at exactly the job He has for me! Any ways, I'm staying busy for Jesus, being writer, actress, unemployed person looking for work, and taking care of myself with cooking, shopping, exercise, paying bills, etc. My plate is full and I'm just as busy as I was when I worked at xxxxxxx. The only difference is that I've added acting and script writing into my daily schedule. I greatly appreciate all the assistance you all have given me to help me with my "plays" on webcam. I've discovered, to my delight, that you really can learn acting at home; that is, if you can email for character research, write your own scripts, and have a web cam. I'd do much better with a movie quality camera, like that Canon. Maybe some day. . . Staying busy for Jesus, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 12, 2012) My darling Brent: Practice makes perfect. I am self-critiquing my own performances to grow as an actor. While I don't need to memorize all my lines, at this point because memorization makes me nervous and stilted, especially for longer videos (I'll get better at this with practice). I should probably put one liners flash cards that tell me character goal for that segment where I can see them. These one liners will give me the gist of the scene. Once I see this, I can use this as a cue to perform the scene, using the one liner to help me remember my lines. So I'll rehearse each scene using one liners that summarize the segment I'm in, and then go for the performance. During the actual performance, if I'm reading any flash cards and because I'm terribly near sighted, I MUST NOT SQUINT as I read my lines. The reason I don't wear glasses is not because I'm vain, but because I want to audience to see my eye expressions. However, they can't see my eyes if I'm squinting. Another thing, I need to enunciate a little better in some sections. Need a little more volume in some sections. Excellent job of getting into character, need to focus more on letting my eyes show. NO SQUINTING. Practice a little more variation in the voice. FORGET THAT YOU'RE ACTING. The scenes where I ad libbed and decided to not worry about my lines, I do best in. Probably because I forget that I'm acting. For a beginner, I'm incredible. I'm getting into character accurately and fast. Just need to learn to perfect some body movements. I've had experience getting into character as a writer, so that helps. I'm good with the "brain stuff" with the mental gymnastics of getting into character. I'm totally green with the body movements part. I share all my life with you. I'm editing out some of the sections where I got out of character because I was worried about the camera in my last performance and will let the world see the performance with the edits as a link they can click on at the YouTube video. I will also feature the edited version at my website. Not sure if my brain to brain is accurate, but I think Steven Spielberg talked to me and is encouraging me to make more video performances, to grow as an actor and script writer, and because he thinks this might create an opening for me into the film business. He says I'm incredible. I often think how fortunate I am to have you, my darling Brent. You add so much to my life. Your adoring wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 12, 2012) Dearest Brent: Though I'd love to try acting from literature, I'm worried about Jesuits hitting me with copyright violations. So I choose to act from my own writings. Your adoring wife, Gail [7/12/2012 10:15:40 PM] Gail : Hi Brent, are you there? [7/12/2012 10:15:54 PM] Brent Spiner: Hello Gail. [7/12/2012 10:16:03 PM] Gail : You want me to connect video? [7/12/2012 10:16:47 PM] Brent Spiner: Whoops, my Internet is a little fuzzy. [7/12/2012 10:16:59 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I think Terrance is going to group call us in a second. [7/12/2012 10:16:55 PM] *** Terrance Jenkins added Gail *** [7/12/2012 10:18:00 PM] *** Conference call *** [7/12/2012 10:18:00 PM] *** Terrance Jenkins added Brent Spiner *** [7/12/2012 10:18:27 PM] Brent Spiner: Here I am. Down below again Gail. [7/12/2012 10:18:43 PM] Gail : You see me, Brent [7/12/2012 10:18:35 PM] Brent Spiner: I see you. You look beautiful. [7/12/2012 10:18:53 PM] Gail : Thank you. [7/12/2012 10:19:01 PM] Gail : How is the court case going? [7/12/2012 10:19:15 PM] Brent Spiner: We just finished up yesterday. [7/12/2012 10:19:23 PM] Brent Spiner: We tried and executed as many of xxxxxxx as we could. [7/12/2012 10:19:32 PM] Brent Spiner: There were over a hundred. [7/12/2012 10:19:36 PM] Gail : Oh my goodness. You had to execute those clones? [7/12/2012 10:19:42 PM] Gail : That's a lot. [7/12/2012 10:19:58 PM] Gail : xxxxxxx has been real quiet lately. I think I know why, now. [7/12/2012 10:20:19 PM] Gail : They've made more clones of xxxxx than anybody? [7/12/2012 10:20:42 PM] Brent Spiner: I think xxxxx will be all right with some rest. [7/12/2012 10:20:44 PM] Gail : Oh, I hope it doesn't damage xxxxx genetic profile. [7/12/2012 10:21:06 PM] Terrance Jenkins: IMA TYPE DIS TOO [7/12/2012 10:21:14 PM] Gail : I don't really have time to transcribe, so I like to type. [7/12/2012 10:21:39 PM] Terrance Jenkins: THIS SHOULD MAKE IT EASIER TO TRANSCRIBE BECAUSE I AM ALREADY TYPING [7/12/2012 10:21:41 PM] Brent Spiner: He's so silly. [7/12/2012 10:22:13 PM] Gail : Terrance, you're awesome. Thank you so much for all you do in the courtroom. That is a very demanding job. [7/12/2012 10:21:54 PM] Terrance Jenkins: WHY THANK YOU GAIL [7/12/2012 10:22:25 PM] Terrance Jenkins: YES IT CAN BE VERY DEMANDING SOMETIMES [7/12/2012 10:22:42 PM] Gail : Of course, you are used to being a judge. But, being a judge in a Jesuit case is never a picnic. [7/12/2012 10:22:49 PM] Terrance Jenkins: YES [7/12/2012 10:23:02 PM] Gail : Is Jesus with you? [7/12/2012 10:23:03 PM] Terrance Jenkins: NOPE... JUST US [7/12/2012 10:23:06 PM] Brent Spiner: The principal is far away. [7/12/2012 10:23:16 PM] Gail : Good. That means I'm not in trouble. [7/12/2012 10:23:40 PM] Gail : I know He loves me, but He doesn't like to interfere, so if He's here, it means I am on the wrong path. [7/12/2012 10:24:16 PM] Gail (to Terrance): You can't type on your keyboard. You mean your keys are frozen? That's horrible. [7/12/2012 10:24:21 PM] Brent Spiner: You might have spilled something on it Terrance. [7/12/2012 10:24:28 PM] Brent Spiner: Some orange soda. [7/12/2012 10:24:37 PM] Brent Spiner: Or grape. I forgot. [7/12/2012 10:24:42 PM] Gail : Oh, you spilled something on your keyboard? [7/12/2012 10:24:51 PM] Gail : Can you type now, Terrance? [7/12/2012 10:25:02 PM] Gail : You spilled liquid on it. Oh no. [7/12/2012 10:25:19 PM] Gail : You know what? That could be brain control. They do it to me all the time. [7/12/2012 10:26:26 PM] Gail : Oh, thank you. What did you think of my last performance about how Brent fell in love with me in 1990 and 1991? [7/12/2012 10:25:27 PM] Brent Spiner: That's adorable. [7/12/2012 10:27:01 PM] Gail : I feel that my telling my story in a dramatic monologue, it makes it come alive to people. (Terrance states that when Gail talked about how her son got into her medicine and she had to take him to the ER, he cried) [7/12/2012 10:27:15 PM] Brent Spiner: Terrance can be pretty sensitive. [7/12/2012 10:27:50 PM] Gail : Wow. I didn't realize my performance was able to bring that back so clearly. [7/12/2012 10:28:14 PM] Gail : I'm glad that my beginning thespian skills are not that bad. [7/12/2012 10:28:17 PM] Brent Spiner: It's compelling. Terrance asks if Gail said “lesbian”. [7/12/2012 10:28:26 PM] Brent Spiner: A thespian is an actor, Terrance. [7/12/2012 10:28:42 PM] Gail : No, not lesbian. THESPIAN. [7/12/2012 10:29:24 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, that part about xxxxx was very emotional. I remember that time, I was trying really hard to expose the child abuse industry for you. [7/12/2012 10:29:37 PM] Brent Spiner: They were accusing you of a lot of things. [7/12/2012 10:29:50 PM] Gail : That's one of the reasons I fell in love with you, Brent. [7/12/2012 10:31:31 PM] Gail : That accusations were indirect. I got tricked. I had an accident, because ccccc got into my purse, that had my lithium. He crawled toward my purse like a torpedo. I personally believe the Jesuits used brain control on my baby to get him to do that. When he got to my purse, he grabbed my bag that had my medications and I screamed at him, "No!" But he was too fast. [7/12/2012 10:31:37 PM] Brent Spiner: Was the purse on the floor? I can't remember. [7/12/2012 10:31:47 PM] Brent Spiner: I think they must have loosened the cap to the bottle too. [7/12/2012 10:31:48 PM] Gail : Yes, it was on the floor. [7/12/2012 10:32:14 PM] Gail : I don't remember. I can't remember if it was in a bag or in a bottle. [7/12/2012 10:32:20 PM] Brent Spiner: In a bag? [7/12/2012 10:33:18 PM] Gail : I'm not sure. No, I think it might have been in one of those containers that divide up your medicine into AM, PM, with the flip lids, you know. After that accident, I made sure to keep all my medicines high up and way out of his reach. [7/12/2012 10:33:00 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh, that's right. [7/12/2012 10:34:21 PM] Gail : I felt so bad for my son. But it was even worse when the state got involved and came over to my house and tricked me into signing a document that gave them permission to harass me. [7/12/2012 10:36:37 PM] Gail : This document, I can't remember all the wording, because I was kind of legally stupid back then. But I do recall what the social worker said. She said that this document gave the state permission to make one more visit and to educate me about how to be a good parent. Actually, the document did not specify one more visit, because I went to a lawyer about it later. It just gave the state permission to educate me about being a good parent. So I signed it, because the state worker said that if I did not, it would make me look bad. I found out later, that this was incorrect, that I did not have to sign the document. [7/12/2012 10:36:52 PM] Brent Spiner: They were really tricking you with that. [7/12/2012 10:37:44 PM] Gail : It was an accident and I wasn't a bad parent, because I took my son to the ER right away. However, once I signed that document, I got placed into the system and that was the problem. [7/12/2012 10:38:28 PM] Gail : Once I got in the system, they wouldn't leave me alone. They harassed me as long as I was in Florida. I got out of it, because my husband got military transferred to Washington state. [7/12/2012 10:38:30 PM] Brent Spiner: I remember they kept sending people over, as if they were looking for something. [7/12/2012 10:38:45 PM] Gail : How did you know about all this Brent? [7/12/2012 10:39:16 PM] Gail : I was writing him. I don't think at this point in my relationship with Brent, that there were bugs in my house. [7/12/2012 10:39:19 PM] Brent Spiner: I read it in your letters, and I think we may have conversed about it later after the bugs were in the house. [7/12/2012 10:39:45 PM] Brent Spiner: We hadn't been properly acquainted yet really. [7/12/2012 10:39:45 PM] Gail (to Terrance): I think Brent still saw me as a fan and not as anything more at this time. [7/12/2012 10:40:15 PM] Brent Spiner: It was one of those things we talked about casually. [7/12/2012 10:40:29 PM] Gail : Later, when I did have bugs in my house, I shared with him all my life, past and present. [7/12/2012 10:40:43 PM] Gail (that she and Brent were not close enough at this early stage to have bugs in her house): Yeah Brent. That's right. [7/12/2012 10:41:00 PM] Gail : Is it true that Steven Spielberg talked to me today? [7/12/2012 10:40:57 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, he thinks you're great. [7/12/2012 10:41:01 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm good friends with Steve. [7/12/2012 10:41:50 PM] Gail : He told me that he wants me to make more videos. That he thinks it will help me grow as an actor and a writer. And perhaps, he can find a way to get me into the film business, if I continue to make more video performances. [7/12/2012 10:42:08 PM] Gail : I told him I'd believe it when it happens. [7/12/2012 10:42:19 PM] Brent Spiner: Maybe we can get an in for you after you're working for a company that takes up the old xxxxxxx movie studio. [7/12/2012 10:43:20 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. Yeah, I think he hinted something like that. He said, he might try to sneak into the company and get his foot in there and help me get into the film business somehow. Perhaps he might even show up in the job interview. I laughed and said I'd believe it when it happens. [7/12/2012 10:43:42 PM] Brent Spiner: I think the audio recording of this conversation is going to be a little awkward to listen to with all of us typing! [7/12/2012 10:43:46 PM] Brent Spiner: At least the two of us. [7/12/2012 10:44:17 PM] Gail : We are doing so good with typing. I probably won't transcribe this. [7/12/2012 10:44:28 PM] Gail : It's a lot of time to transcribe. [7/12/2012 10:44:31 PM] Brent Spiner: I just figured it might be easier to listen to as an audio, and maybe not worry about the transcribing so much. [7/12/2012 10:44:50 PM] Brent Spiner: Uh oh. What's that? [7/12/2012 10:45:01 PM] Gail : You hear that? I don't know what that was. [7/12/2012 10:45:19 PM] Brent Spiner: That's all. It was just a suggestion. [7/12/2012 10:45:24 PM] Gail : It sounded like a screech. [7/12/2012 10:45:33 PM] Gail : How is xxxxx doing? [7/12/2012 10:45:35 PM] Brent Spiner: He's doing great. [7/12/2012 10:45:47 PM] Gail : Sounded like a bird twirping. [7/12/2012 10:46:24 PM] Gail : That's good. You don't like me to limit this to typing, Brent? [7/12/2012 10:46:41 PM] Gail : I know it slows things down a bit. [7/12/2012 10:46:49 PM] Gail : But I like to have a record. [7/12/2012 10:47:00 PM] Brent Spiner: I think your audio is messing up, Terrance. [7/12/2012 10:47:04 PM] Gail : What is causing that twirping? [7/12/2012 10:47:22 PM] Gail : You know, I can see your photo, Terrance, but it never moves. [7/12/2012 10:47:28 PM] Brent Spiner: His video never comes through. [7/12/2012 10:47:32 PM] Brent Spiner: We've tried everything to fix it. [7/12/2012 10:47:42 PM] Gail : Might have been what? One word is blocked. [7/12/2012 10:48:02 PM] Gail : I see. Is Brianna the lead actress in Silver Skies? [7/12/2012 10:48:08 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she is. [7/12/2012 10:48:16 PM] Brent Spiner: She's taking up acting just like you. She says you're her inspiration. [7/12/2012 10:48:24 PM] Gail : Have they used film editing to make her look Caucasian? Terrance answers, “Yes”. [7/12/2012 10:48:48 PM] Gail : I'm sure she is doing brilliant as an actress. She is so smart. [7/12/2012 10:49:09 PM] Gail : xxxxxx is enjoying her? [7/12/2012 10:49:26 PM] Gail : Terrance, you may want to type, because I only hear every other word. [7/12/2012 10:50:06 PM] Gail : You have a microphone? Because I don't use a microphone. There is one embedded inside my webcam. Is it working well? Terrance says it is working well. [7/12/2012 10:50:22 PM] Gail : Is there any chance that I might get my Pulitzer Prize money? [7/12/2012 10:50:37 PM] Gail : What are the Jesuits doing? [7/12/2012 10:51:16 PM] Gail : Oh, those horrible Jesuits, shooting missiles at the UPS truck that tries to send me my Pulitzer Prize money. Any chance they could direct deposit it to my bank account? [7/12/2012 10:51:25 PM] Gail : It would really help me out. [7/12/2012 10:51:54 PM] Gail : I want the money, so I can buy a Canon camera to make HIGH DEFINITION videos to post on YouTube and elsewhere. [7/12/2012 10:52:47 PM] Gail : I did research on cameras and camcorders and have decided that a Canon camera, that I've discussed with Brent, would make beautiful videos, with movie quality sound and pictures. Then I could make videos with brilliant resolution and great sound. [7/12/2012 10:52:58 PM] Gail : I would love it. [7/12/2012 10:53:02 PM] Brent Spiner: The problem with those expensive cameras is they are very difficult to use. [7/12/2012 10:53:24 PM] Brent Spiner: I'll tell you what though, the best performances I've put on were recorded with ordinary camcorders. [7/12/2012 10:53:32 PM] Brent Spiner: The plays I used to do on regular stages. [7/12/2012 10:53:41 PM] Brent Spiner: It just wouldn't look right with a really fancy camera. [7/12/2012 10:54:24 PM] Gail : The camera costs around $900.00. You think that's an expensive camera? I saw some of the videos made by this camera on YouTube. Quite impressive. [7/12/2012 10:54:32 PM] Brent Spiner: They use some computer software to help clean it up too. [7/12/2012 10:54:42 PM] Brent Spiner: Kind of how like they airbrush models in magazines. [7/12/2012 10:54:54 PM] Gail : Yeah, I think so. You can get this camera on sale for around $700.00, I think. [7/12/2012 10:55:21 PM] Gail : I also saw some video footage that was not touched up. They said so, and it looked pretty good. [7/12/2012 10:55:39 PM] Gail : I hear music. Where is the music coming from? [7/12/2012 10:55:46 PM] Gail : It's not coming from me. Jesus shows up with a music introduction that sounds like a symphony. [7/12/2012 10:56:04 PM] Brent Spiner: He's got a takeout box with him. [7/12/2012 10:56:05 PM] Gail : Jesus. Is Jesus there? [7/12/2012 10:56:22 PM] Gail : I think I'm in trouble. I love you, Jesus. [7/12/2012 10:56:39 PM] Brent Spiner: Jesus says, "What's up my nigs? I just got back from Steak n'Shake." [7/12/2012 10:56:56 PM] Gail : I can't believe He's here. What kind of music is He playing? I didn't hear it very well. [7/12/2012 10:57:10 PM] Gail : It sounded nice, whatever it was. We are having connection problems. [7/12/2012 10:57:25 PM] Gail : Is He still there? [7/12/2012 10:57:33 PM] Brent Spiner: He's there. Are you getting my messages? [7/12/2012 10:58:22 PM] Gail : Why did He say "nigs". What does that mean? [7/12/2012 10:58:43 PM] Brent Spiner: "Chill out guys, I'm just coming to hang." [7/12/2012 10:58:58 PM] Brent Spiner: "I overheard you talking about making your videos, Gail." [7/12/2012 10:59:30 PM] Gail : Of course, you did. You can read my mind. [7/12/2012 10:59:02 PM] Gail : Okay. So, I'm not in trouble. [7/12/2012 10:59:19 PM] Brent Spiner: "They're great. You're doing a pretty nice job!" [7/12/2012 10:59:44 PM] Gail : Thank you, Jesus. I'm glad you like them. Terrance asks Jesus, “What am I thinking?” [7/12/2012 10:59:59 PM] Brent Spiner: "You're thinking 53" [7/12/2012 11:00:09 PM] Gail : Jesus read your mind. Of course. [7/12/2012 11:00:25 PM] Gail : Hey Jesus, what song am I singing in my head? [7/12/2012 11:00:35 PM] Brent Spiner: "Is that Appleblossom Time?" [7/12/2012 11:00:46 PM] Gail : No. [7/12/2012 11:00:55 PM] Brent Spiner: "I'm teasing." [7/12/2012 11:01:05 PM] Brent Spiner: "I don't want to show off my powers." [7/12/2012 11:01:11 PM] Brent Spiner: "My dad said not to be doing that too much." [7/12/2012 11:01:17 PM] Gail : Okay. That's cool. [7/12/2012 11:01:31 PM] Gail : I understand. Zack Knight might cause problems. [7/12/2012 11:01:39 PM] Gail : Because Zack can read minds, too. [7/12/2012 11:01:46 PM] Brent Spiner: "He would take it as permission to do the same thing." [7/12/2012 11:02:12 PM] Gail : You're right. Besides, I know You can, and it's okay. At least, I'm not in trouble. [7/12/2012 11:02:20 PM] Brent Spiner: "I just wanted to compliment you on your latest videos." [7/12/2012 11:02:38 PM] Brent Spiner: "You're taking what I told you to do to the next level." [7/12/2012 11:03:21 PM] Gail : I'm glad You like it. I think telling my story as a drama and as an actor, makes it seem real to people. It's a way to tell my story and make it come alive. [7/12/2012 11:03:34 PM] Brent Spiner: "It definitely comes alive. It's pretty vivid, even with your humble webcam." [7/12/2012 11:03:59 PM] Gail : Thank you. Do you think I should upgrade to a better camera? [7/12/2012 11:04:17 PM] Brent Spiner: "No way, I love the style of your videos right now." [7/12/2012 11:04:27 PM] Brent Spiner: "It's just how I envisioned it in the millennium." [7/12/2012 11:05:03 PM] Gail : You want my videos to be out of focus in the millennium? Because the webcam's focus is not too good. [7/12/2012 11:05:32 PM] Brent Spiner: "I like your videos exactly the way they are. The focus isn't as bad as you think." [7/12/2012 11:05:54 PM] Brent Spiner: "I don't want you to focus on material assets like cameras." [7/12/2012 11:05:55 PM] Gail : Oh, alright. I guess I'll just leave it the way it is. [7/12/2012 11:06:21 PM] Brent Spiner: "It's about your spirit and storytelling, the method." [7/12/2012 11:06:34 PM] Gail : You think if I use a fancy camera, I will send the wrong message? [7/12/2012 11:06:41 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes, I think it will distract from your performance." [7/12/2012 11:06:56 PM] Brent Spiner: "Do you see what I mean now?" [7/12/2012 11:07:30 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. In other words, it's the sincerity and the genuineness of the performance that shines through best with an amateur type camera? [7/12/2012 11:07:56 PM] Brent Spiner: "Bring me some orange soda my nig." [7/12/2012 11:09:01 PM] Gail : Jesus, you want me to do comedy or drama, or just follow my heart? [7/12/2012 11:09:10 PM] Brent Spiner: "Just follow your heart, Gail. Just as you've always done." [7/12/2012 11:09:18 PM] Brent Spiner: "I want you and your viewers to focus on the performance. If you started accumulating a bunch of high end equipment, it would send the wrong message." [7/12/2012 11:09:55 PM] Gail : Alright, no high tech equipment, Jesus. That's cool. [7/12/2012 11:09:34 PM] Gail : What do you think of that book called "Found: God's Will" by John MacArthur? [7/12/2012 11:10:03 PM] Brent Spiner: "I think that book was pretty sweet. I loved it." [7/12/2012 11:10:52 PM] Gail : I have noticed that when I'm filled with Your Word and follow the principles in that book and follow my heart, I usually end up going the right way, and you open and close doors as I move. [7/12/2012 11:11:14 PM] Brent Spiner: "Yes. You're a very good follower." [7/12/2012 11:11:28 PM] Brent Spiner: "I hate to run off, but a group of abandoned miners in Kazakhastan need me. I gotta split, but I do want to tell Brent one more thing." [7/12/2012 11:12:01 PM] Brent Spiner: "I saw them finishing up the new church this week. Tell Gail about the new church, I think she'd think it was pretty awesome." [7/12/2012 11:12:48 PM] Gail : Bye Jesus. Glad I'm not in trouble, but You're awesome. I know you'd die for me all over again, if You had to. [7/12/2012 11:12:53 PM] Brent Spiner: "I'd be all up on that cross for you. Anyway, I just wanted to swoop in and give you a pat on the back." [7/12/2012 11:13:22 PM] Gail : Glad I'm going in the right direction. Better go help out those people in Kazakstan. [7/12/2012 11:13:40 PM] Brent Spiner: "All right guys, good night!" [7/12/2012 11:14:00 PM] Gail : What's He doing? [7/12/2012 11:14:59 PM] Gail : I didn't hear the sonic boom. That was nice of Him to show up. I guess He didn't want me to get caught up in that Canon camera. That's why. [7/12/2012 11:15:05 PM] Brent Spiner: That could have been why. [7/12/2012 11:15:13 PM] Brent Spiner: He's very anti-consumerist. [7/12/2012 11:15:58 PM] Gail : That makes sense. Okay. That will save me some money, too. I looked at my webcam videos and they don't look too bad. I'm such a good actress, that I can make them work. [7/12/2012 11:16:05 PM] Brent Spiner: I love them. They are gorgeous. Terrance said he got really turned on by Gail’s performance. [7/12/2012 11:16:21 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm not jealous. [7/12/2012 11:16:33 PM] Brent Spiner: You have that power over men. [7/12/2012 11:16:52 PM] Gail : I can't believe it. Brent told me that he gets so turned on by me sometimes, that he doesn't even need to be in me brain to brain. [7/12/2012 11:17:17 PM] Gail : Yeah, he gets excited even before the brain to brain starts and he has to run to the restroom. [7/12/2012 11:17:42 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, and it's hard because my penis is so big. [7/12/2012 11:17:48 PM] Brent Spiner: So I have to adjust it and everyone knows. [7/12/2012 11:18:06 PM] Brent Spiner: Because it's so long. [7/12/2012 11:19:11 PM] Gail : I would never notice that. Brent, you told me something interesting brain to brain about how you were in the courtroom and had to run to the restroom, because I turned you on so much and we shared in the experience in the restroom. That was one of the most thrilling brain to brain we ever had. Did it really happen? [7/12/2012 11:19:17 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh yeah, we had some really nice bathroom sex. [7/12/2012 11:19:28 PM] Gail : Oh, my goodness. That was real. [7/12/2012 11:19:29 PM] Brent Spiner: At least it was easy to clean up in there. [7/12/2012 11:19:58 PM] Gail : Oh, so that was real. You told me about that. Wow. I must really turn you on, sometimes. [7/12/2012 11:20:08 PM] Brent Spiner: All day long. [7/12/2012 11:20:26 PM] Brent Spiner: Sometimes I can't even pee, because I have an erection that lasts all day. [7/12/2012 11:20:59 PM] Brent Spiner: It makes my orgasms stronger. [7/12/2012 11:21:18 PM] Gail : I do this to you? Oh dear, if I couldn't use the restroom all day, with my bladder issues, it would be torture. [7/12/2012 11:21:24 PM] Brent Spiner: I can imagine. [7/12/2012 11:21:41 PM] Brent Spiner: The lightheadedness. [7/12/2012 11:22:01 PM] Gail : Gettiing light headed makes your orgasms stronger? [7/12/2012 11:22:10 PM] Gail (to Terrance): Can you see him? [7/12/2012 11:22:20 PM] Gail : Is he shirtless? [7/12/2012 11:22:23 PM] Brent Spiner (took his shirt off): I was getting all hot and bothered. [7/12/2012 11:22:45 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. If I remember correctly, you have a hairy chest. [7/12/2012 11:22:54 PM] Brent Spiner: I trim down there. [7/12/2012 11:23:05 PM] Brent Spiner: That way I don't waste any inches. [7/12/2012 11:23:14 PM] Gail : Why would you do that? Oh , I see. [7/12/2012 11:23:17 PM] Brent Spiner: It also gets less dirty down there if you trim regularly. [7/12/2012 11:23:42 PM] Gail : Brent, you're clone was not circumcised, right? [7/12/2012 11:23:44 PM] Brent Spiner: My clone wasn't. [7/12/2012 11:23:46 PM] Brent Spiner: I am though. [7/12/2012 11:24:11 PM] Gail : You would think people would figure out, that because he's not circumcised, that he is NOT you, because you are JEWISH. [7/12/2012 11:24:18 PM] Brent Spiner: You would think so. It's so obvious. [7/12/2012 11:25:01 PM] Gail : I noticed in that photo I got of "You", that your penis was NOT circumcised and you told me brain to brain that you were circumcimsed, but that Vladimir was NOT. [7/12/2012 11:25:08 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, that's why Vladimir is a little bit girthier. [7/12/2012 11:25:15 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm circumsized but he isn't. [7/12/2012 11:25:44 PM] Brent Spiner: He's pretty wide anyway, but the extra skin adds a little more girth. [7/12/2012 11:25:47 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. So, if Vladimir was circumcised, he wouldn't be so wide. Vladimir told me brain to brain that he had a fat penis, but I didn't realize how fat. [7/12/2012 11:26:17 PM] Gail : It amazes me how accurate our brain to brain communications have been over the years. Terrance says that Matthew’s penis is small. [7/12/2012 11:26:36 PM] Gail : Matthew has never talked to me about his penis. [7/12/2012 11:27:02 PM] Gail : Matthew is a thrilling lover, though. He is a very tender and passionate lover. [7/12/2012 11:27:03 PM] Brent Spiner: It's not the size of the boat Terrance, it's the motion of the ocean. [7/12/2012 11:27:24 PM] Gail : I'm not worried about the size of the man's penis. [7/12/2012 11:27:52 PM] Gail : With Vladimir, I may need to work things out, but I'm not worried about it. Terrance asks, “What do you mean?” [7/12/2012 11:28:15 PM] Gail : Cause I'm not sure I am wide enough for him. [7/12/2012 11:28:16 PM] Brent Spiner: Vladimir is pretty huge. [7/12/2012 11:28:26 PM] Gail : He might break my tissue. [7/12/2012 11:28:44 PM] Gail : But I'll worry about that, when the time comes, if it does. Terrance states that Brent is very long. [7/12/2012 11:29:07 PM] Gail : I'm not worried about Brent. We have discussed this and we can be creative. [7/12/2012 11:29:25 PM] Brent Spiner: Hugh Jackman's penis feels like steel. [7/12/2012 11:29:31 PM] Gail : Actually, Hugh Jackman has not said anything about his penis. [7/12/2012 11:29:55 PM] Gail : Hugh has not said anything. [7/12/2012 11:30:42 PM] Gail : Wow, I'm getting an education about my men's physical qualities. Whether they have a big ball or it goes up or down, is not as important as the feelings in the heart. [7/12/2012 11:31:12 PM] Gail : If there is love in the heart, there will always be a way to make the physical work somehow or another. [7/12/2012 11:31:15 PM] Brent Spiner: If there's love in the heart, there's love in the penis. [7/12/2012 11:31:25 PM] Gail : Yeah, that's right. [7/12/2012 11:31:31 PM] Brent Spiner: That's what Vladimir always says. [7/12/2012 11:32:00 PM] Gail : I can enjoy sex with my man, as long as he puts feelings into his moves, and loves me with commitment and passion. [7/12/2012 11:32:17 PM] Brent Spiner: That's what makes sex great. It's not that we have really big penises. [7/12/2012 11:32:45 PM] Gail : Exactly. That's why I so enjoy it with you, Brent. Because you always put all your heart into all your moves. [7/12/2012 11:33:42 PM] Gail : Brent has always thrilled me to the core, because his heart is always full of feeling, tenderness, commitment and crescendos when he makes love. Terrance asks what a crescendo is. [7/12/2012 11:34:07 PM] Brent Spiner: Like when the music swells. [7/12/2012 11:34:08 PM] Brent Spiner: It gets louder. [7/12/2012 11:34:35 PM] Gail : Crescendos are kind of like music, the feelings in a symphony. Yeah, sort of like that. Or like how the ocean laps on the shore. [7/12/2012 11:35:11 PM] Gail : Brent is very sensual, but it's like his music, when he sings. [7/12/2012 11:35:33 PM] Brent Spiner: When a firework explodes. [7/12/2012 11:35:36 PM] Brent Spiner: That's me in bed. [7/12/2012 11:35:56 PM] Gail : Yeah, that's better. Exactly, like fireworks in the heart. Such a good writer you are, Brent. [7/12/2012 11:36:17 PM] Gail : I think that's why you are my soulmate. [7/12/2012 11:36:52 PM] Gail : Terrance you are awesome, too. I really appreciate all you do for me and my men. It is an honor to have you in my life. We have a beautiful daughter. [7/12/2012 11:36:57 PM] Gail : She surely is. [7/12/2012 11:38:51 PM] Gail : I'm not hearing all your words. [7/12/2012 11:39:20 PM] Gail : Nothing showed up. [7/12/2012 11:42:48 PM] Gail : xxxxxx's at Gerard's house? [7/12/2012 11:42:51 PM] Brent Spiner: Just like how we all used to do when we needed a place to stay. [7/12/2012 11:42:56 PM] Brent Spiner: A place to stay, I mean. [7/12/2012 11:43:05 PM] Brent Spiner: Gerard is very hospitable. [7/12/2012 11:43:10 PM] Gail : Wow, xxxxxx is really hanging out with you guys. [7/12/2012 11:43:13 PM] Brent Spiner: Oh yeah, he really loves it. [7/12/2012 11:43:21 PM] Gail : Yes, Gerard is awesome. [7/12/2012 11:43:35 PM] Brent Spiner: He offers xxxx margaritas all the time, but xxxxx says he doesn't drink. [7/12/2012 11:44:14 PM] Gail : I've been reading all sorts of garbage on the Internet about Gerard and Matthew. I'm sure Matthew must be upset about all the lies about him and Camila. [7/12/2012 11:44:30 PM] Gail : Camila is a horrible woman, just like all Jesuits. [7/12/2012 11:44:36 PM] Brent Spiner: She's pretty wicked. [7/12/2012 11:45:27 PM] Gail : Have you seen all the stuff they are printing about the grand wedding he had with Camila and all the celebrities that got invited? I put a note on my videos about Matthew, that this is the Matthew clone and not the real Matthew that was at this ceremony. [7/12/2012 11:45:38 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, Matthew was pretty upset by all of that. But I explained that he just needs to have a sense of humor about these things and not take it so hard. [7/12/2012 11:45:59 PM] Gail : I guess you'd be an expert, Brent. [7/12/2012 11:46:04 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, you can't let it get to you. [7/12/2012 11:47:03 PM] Gail : Brent, because you are here. What do you think about my next video project, where I will do a drama about how Loree raped you and how it affected you and me? [7/12/2012 11:47:16 PM] Brent Spiner: I think it will be great. It's a pretty challenging topic to take on. [7/12/2012 11:47:18 PM] Brent Spiner: So much emotion. [7/12/2012 11:47:56 PM] Gail : Yes, but I think we need to try, because if I succeed in this video, it will bring some much needed truth to the world about your true relationship with Loree. [7/12/2012 11:48:17 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, it will be an important video. I think you'll do great. [7/12/2012 11:48:35 PM] Gail : Let me ask you some questions. Exactly where did this rape occur? [7/12/2012 11:48:49 PM] Brent Spiner: It occurred in my studio room while we were filming for another episode of Star Trek. [7/12/2012 11:49:08 PM] Brent Spiner: Patrick Stewart got me a beer, and I set it down for just a second and that's when Loree spiked it with some of the mind control drugs. [7/12/2012 11:49:35 PM] Gail : You were in a studio room? Was there a bed in the room? And, if so, [7/12/2012 11:49:43 PM] Gail : Did you end up in a bed? [7/12/2012 11:49:52 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, there was a bed in the room. [7/12/2012 11:49:58 PM] Gail : Why? [7/12/2012 11:50:11 PM] Brent Spiner: We work such long hours on set that sometimes we need to take naps on our breaks. [7/12/2012 11:50:20 PM] Brent Spiner: I wasn't feeling well after I drank the spiked drink, so I went to lay down. [7/12/2012 11:50:30 PM] Brent Spiner: That's when I started having a vivid dream about making love to you. [7/12/2012 11:50:31 PM] Gail : What does a studio room look like? [7/12/2012 11:50:39 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, it's basically a green room. [7/12/2012 11:50:47 PM] Gail : What is a green room? [7/12/2012 11:50:54 PM] Brent Spiner: It's just a place where actors go to prepare before a shoot. [7/12/2012 11:51:11 PM] Gail : Give me a description. [7/12/2012 11:51:15 PM] Brent Spiner: Not literally green. [7/12/2012 11:51:27 PM] Brent Spiner: They have mirrors all over the place so you can practice your lines and see yourself. [7/12/2012 11:51:35 PM] Brent Spiner: And plenty of space so you can move around. [7/12/2012 11:51:58 PM] Gail (to Terrance): Actors need to move around in their rehearsals. [7/12/2012 11:51:59 PM] Brent Spiner: We were also allowed to have small fridges so we could keep snacks and drinks in there, and there was a bed off to the side. [7/12/2012 11:52:04 PM] Brent Spiner: What's that Terrance? [7/12/2012 11:52:19 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes [7/12/2012 11:52:25 PM] Gail : Are there mirrors on the ceilings? [7/12/2012 11:52:25 PM] Brent Spiner: That way you can see yourself from every angle. [7/12/2012 11:52:50 PM] Gail : What an invasion of privacy, that Loree got you in this room. That must have been devastating. [7/12/2012 11:52:57 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, because I could see myself being raped from all these different angles. [7/12/2012 11:53:12 PM] Gail : How did Loree get you into bed with her? [7/12/2012 11:53:20 PM] Brent Spiner: Well, I was feeling ill, so I went to lay down in bed. [7/12/2012 11:53:36 PM] Brent Spiner: I started having a dream about you when she walked in. My vision was hazy so I thought it was you. It was the mind control drugs. [7/12/2012 11:53:49 PM] Brent Spiner: That's when she climbed on me and started raping me. [7/12/2012 11:54:03 PM] Gail : Give me a descrption of what she did. [7/12/2012 11:54:12 PM] Brent Spiner: She got on top of me cowgirl, so she was doing me on top. [7/12/2012 11:54:30 PM] Gail : Probably because you have such a long penis, too. [7/12/2012 11:54:37 PM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, and the weird thing is she was able to sit all the way down on it. [7/12/2012 11:54:45 PM] Brent Spiner: It's like 18.25 inches. [7/12/2012 11:54:47 PM] Brent Spiner: So it was pretty freaky. [7/12/2012 11:55:02 PM] Gail : Was this the only sex you had with her, that you can recall? [7/12/2012 11:55:07 PM] Brent Spiner: No, we did it in all three holes, like she said. It was really horrible. [7/12/2012 11:55:18 PM] Gail : How long did it last? [7/12/2012 11:55:26 PM] Brent Spiner: After about 20 minutes I ejaculated, and she got off and then sucked my penis. [7/12/2012 11:55:47 PM] Brent Spiner: Then she got back on top of me and this time she sat on it again, but she put it in her anus. [7/12/2012 11:56:00 PM] Brent Spiner: It was all three. [7/12/2012 11:56:14 PM] Gail : Did you think you were doing all three holes with me? [7/12/2012 11:56:47 PM] Brent Spiner: No, I just thought we were doing it vaginally. It was so weird, because I was thinking we were in the missionary position the whole time. [7/12/2012 11:57:05 PM] Brent Spiner: Regular sex. [7/12/2012 11:57:23 PM] Gail : If you thought it was regular sex, how do you know you did all three holes? [7/12/2012 11:57:35 PM] Brent Spiner: Because the memories came flooding back to me after the drugs started to wear off. [7/12/2012 11:57:44 PM] Gail : Oh, I see. How horrible. [7/12/2012 11:57:51 PM] Brent Spiner: They came back pretty vividly. [7/12/2012 11:58:03 PM] Gail : Exactly how long did your sex with her last? [7/12/2012 11:58:13 PM] Brent Spiner: I'm unsure since I was drugged out pretty bad, but it had to be at least a few hours. [7/12/2012 11:58:17 PM] Brent Spiner: Then I woke up with her in bed with me. [7/12/2012 11:58:27 PM] Brent Spiner: I kicked her out, wondering what happened. That's when I started to remember. [7/12/2012 11:58:47 PM] Gail : After this few hours with her, did you have any other sex with her? [7/12/2012 11:58:53 PM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she kept breaking into my room. [7/12/2012 11:59:20 PM] Brent Spiner: I started drinking from bottled water, but she would contaminate the water while I wasn't looking and give me the drugs again. [7/12/2012 11:59:36 PM] Brent Spiner: And she wound up doing even worse things to me. [7/12/2012 11:59:46 PM] Gail : So, go into detail [12:00:06 AM] Gail : How long did her rape of you last in September 1992? [12:00:25 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, because she started raping me with a strap on. [12:00:30 AM] Brent Spiner: And then she moved up to fisting. [12:00:35 AM] Brent Spiner: She got more and more perverted. [12:00:36 AM] Gail : What is fisting? [12:00:58 AM] Brent Spiner: Fisting is when you insert your hand into someone's butt, and then make a fist, and then you're basically thrusting your fist in and out of their anus. [12:01:13 AM] Gail : And that caused your anus to bleed? [12:01:19 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, it bled of course. [12:01:25 AM] Brent Spiner: It didn't hurt while she was doing it because of the drugs. [12:01:31 AM] Gail : How long was she able to do this to you? [12:01:32 AM] Brent Spiner: Which part? [12:01:36 AM] Brent Spiner: The fisting, or in general? [12:01:41 AM] Gail : All of it. [12:01:53 AM] Brent Spiner: It was happening on and off for a few weeks. [12:02:12 AM] Gail : Was this why you gave me 3 weeks of silence in September 1992? [12:02:20 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, because I was so horrified, and in a lot of emotional and physical pain. [12:02:41 AM] Gail : So you couldn't stop it, because she kept tricking and drugging you. [12:02:56 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes. It's not like I couldn't drink water or eat for weeks. [12:03:39 AM] Gail : It sounds like she took advantage of your ignorance about Jesuit mind control technology and their ability to contaminate your food and drink. [12:03:51 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, it took me a while to figure out how she was doing it. I thought I was going crazy or something. [12:04:09 AM] Gail : Were you able to stop it? [12:04:25 AM] Brent Spiner: I was only able to stop it once we were able to get her out of the studio. [12:04:50 AM] Gail : Okay, this is important. Was she able to trick you again like this after September 1992? [12:04:54 AM] Brent Spiner: No, never again. Terrance mentions when Loree knocked Brent in the head (summer 2011), and he ended up at the hospital with her by his side. [12:05:14 AM] Brent Spiner: That was recently. [12:05:19 AM] Brent Spiner: She didn't rape me that time. [12:05:25 AM] Gail : That's quite impressive, Brent. [12:05:42 AM] Gail : However, how did she manage to get girlfriend status? [12:05:47 AM] Brent Spiner: She had connections in the media. [12:05:57 AM] Gail : Did she threaten your job? [12:06:00 AM] Brent Spiner: She threatened my job and your life. [12:06:08 AM] Gail : Exactly what did she do? [12:06:25 AM] Brent Spiner: She said if I didn't play her game, she'd go find you and burn your house down. [12:06:44 AM] Brent Spiner: That was her way of reminding me. [12:06:50 AM] Gail : So that's why she tried to burn down my mobile home. 12:07:33 AM] Brent Spiner: That is true. [12:07:05 AM] Brent Spiner: She also had an idea about blowing up your car. [12:07:06 AM] Gail : How did she threaten your job? [12:08:03 AM] Brent Spiner: She was going to tell my bosses that I raped her. [12:08:11 AM] Gail : I agree that I need to play out what happened to you. [ [12:07:48 AM] Brent Spiner: That would be impressive. [12:08:33 AM] Gail : Yeah, but if she raped you, you'd be a rape victim, so how would that work? [12:08:46 AM] Brent Spiner: Well, you know that a lot of higher ups at Paramount were Jesuits. [12:08:54 AM] Brent Spiner: They were going to make me out to be a rapist and ruin my reputation. [12:09:04 AM] Gail : That's what I thought. [12:09:33 AM] Gail : I'm going to try to show it. [12:09:31 AM] Brent Spiner: I would be impressed. [12:09:37 AM] Brent Spiner: That's a very challenging role. [12:09:47 AM] Gail : Yup, but I think I can do it. [12:10:18 AM] Gail : I have actually been watching an acting instructional video about how to do sexual scenes. [12:10:23 AM] Brent Spiner: That's a good idea. [12:10:29 AM] Brent Spiner: They can be a little awkward at first when you're a new actor. [12:10:56 AM] Gail : It's probably going to be a challenge, but I think Jesus will help me. In fact, that may be why He showed up. [12:11:03 AM] Brent Spiner: I think it would really help the world to see what she did to me and why it devastated me so much. [12:11:18 AM] Gail : He knew we would discuss this and He wanted to give me the thumbs up. [12:11:36 AM] Gail : I agree, that this will be a very important video. [12:12:56 AM] Brent Spiner: I could send you like a bullet point list of how the scene played out in real life. [12:13:56 AM] Gail : Sounds good. Next question, while she raped you in September 1992, what were your goals during that situation? What were you trying to accomplish with Loree? [12:14:30 AM] Brent Spiner: I was trying to figure out where she came from and how to keep her from entering the studio. I had to eventually enlist the help of my coworkers to watch me, because my bodyguards weren't doing their jobs and letting her meddle with my drinks and my food and get into my studio. [12:14:36 AM] Brent Spiner: There were a lot of Jesuits at Paramount. [12:15:23 AM] Gail : I remember that LeVar Burton showed a lot of caring for you in "A Fistful of Datas". It was like he understood you and was behind you. [12:15:53 AM] Gail (to Terrance): Levar's concern for Brent during this crisis in Brent's life showed on the screen. [12:15:56 AM] Brent Spiner: Levar consoled me after the rape happened. He'd fall asleep with me at night and guard my door. [12:16:25 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, he would spoon with me in the bed. [12:16:37 AM] Gail : You put Levar on my phone and he was the utmost in respect and a real gentleman. I remember him. [12:16:51 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I wanted him to meet you, but told him he had to be careful. [12:16:59 AM] Brent Spiner: He would sleep behind me with his arm over me, like hugging. [12:17:10 AM] Gail : Spoon with me? What a great guy. [12:17:10 AM] Brent Spiner: Hugging me from behind basically. [12:17:23 AM] Brent Spiner: And we'd just sort of snuggle so I wouldn't feel alone. [12:18:57 AM] Gail : When Loree was raping you and you were able to think straight in between sessions, what were you thinking and feeling? Terrance states: Like shit. [12:19:08 AM] Gail : More specific than shit. [12:19:09 AM] Brent Spiner: You're funny Terrance. [12:19:24 AM] Brent Spiner: His ethnic translation. [12:19:59 AM] Gail : Were you concerned about your job? Were you worried about losing me? What was obsessing your mind at this time? [12:20:02 AM] Brent Spiner: I was feeling so humiliated, and I was so afraid of losing everything I had, including my job and my woman. [12:20:23 AM] Gail : What were your feelings towards Loree? [12:20:47 AM] Brent Spiner: I looked at Loree like a viper. She was icky, I didn't want her anywhere near me, she gave me the shudders just to see her or hear her. [12:20:58 AM] Brent Spiner: It's as if you woke up and a spider was crawling on you in bed. [12:22:24 AM] Gail : During the three weeks of silence, I was writing you and in despair because you didn't call me on my birthday and afterwards. I thought you were saying goodbye. Did you know about this? [12:22:34 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I knew you were upset. [12:22:52 AM] Gail : So, why did you not at least ring my phone? [12:23:09 AM] Brent Spiner: I thought if I was caught with you on the phone, Loree would kill me, since she was still wandering around the studio. [12:23:38 AM] Gail : Why did you think she would kill you? What exactly did she do to give you this impression? [12:23:50 AM] Brent Spiner: Well, in her purse I noticed she stuffed it with knives. [12:24:01 AM] Brent Spiner: It was pretty creepy. [12:24:24 AM] Gail : So she had her purse with you, next to you in the bed, when she made sex with you? [12:24:53 AM] Brent Spiner: I didn't see it then, but when I saw her walking into the studio one time and the guards caught her with knives, she just explained that she was a chef and that's why she had to carry them, so they let her through. [12:26:12 AM] Gail : Give me a vivid description of what it felt like to be under mind control drugs. [12:26:29 AM] Brent Spiner: It's like you feel as if you're still yourself, and you feel fully conscious, but you don't realize that you're drugged. [12:26:57 AM] Gail : Okay, so you feel like you are in an alternate reality. But you said you felt ill. More specifics, please. [12:27:07 AM] Brent Spiner: I felt ill, but I didn't think I was delirious. [12:27:14 AM] Brent Spiner: It's sort of like when you're having a dream, and you don't know that you are dreaming. [12:27:26 AM] Brent Spiner: So everything makes sense at the time. [12:27:29 AM] Gail : Why did you feel ill? [12:27:38 AM] Brent Spiner: I was sick to my stomach because I had a bad reaction to the drugs. [12:27:50 AM] Gail : Did you actually vomit. [12:28:05 AM] Brent Spiner: I didn't throw up the first time. [12:28:18 AM] Brent Spiner: I started to realize that whenever I felt sick, it was the drugs, so I would make myself throw up after that. [12:28:26 AM] Gail : So the first dose of mind control drugs caused nausea, but no vomiting. [12:28:33 AM] Brent Spiner: So that I would throw up the drugs. [12:28:36 AM] Brent Spiner: That's how I caught on to what she was doing. [12:28:53 AM] Gail : What did the drugs look like? [12:29:06 AM] Gail : What did you see in your vomit? [12:29:12 AM] Brent Spiner: It was clear and colorless. [12:29:19 AM] Brent Spiner: Like a colorless, tasteless liquid. [12:29:25 AM] Brent Spiner: Almost like water. [12:29:30 AM] Brent Spiner: So that's why it was so easy to sneak it into food and drink. [12:29:50 AM] Gail : How did you figure out that the clear and colorless substance was the drug and not just vomit? [12:30:13 AM] Brent Spiner: Well, when it mixed with the air, it slowly turned silver, and then black. [12:30:40 AM] Gail : It turned silver and then black? Did you know that that is what happens to Satan's semen? Terrance is awestruck by this observation. [12:30:56 AM] Brent Spiner: I hope they aren't made from the same ingredients. [12:31:06 AM] Brent Spiner: Oh yeah, Jesus wanted us to tell you. [12:31:47 AM] Gail : Wow, you flew the church over Jesuit territory and they didn't detect you? That's awesome. [12:32:12 AM] Gail : This church is a whole city and it can go under water. [12:32:17 AM] Brent Spiner: I will send you pictures soon, and try to get some video. [12:32:32 AM] Gail : Water shield technology. Wow. I might make a video about the church. [12:32:58 AM] Gail : Maybe I better not. I don't want to give the Jesuits ammunition. [12:33:16 AM] Gail : Maybe you better not talk about it right now. [12:34:52 AM] Gail : Science labs. Flight deck. Apartments. Church. Nanotechnology research team has their own labs. Bullets that can destroy nukkakes. Did Jesus help you with this? Okay. Because this church sounds pretty incredible. I've noticed that Zack Knight has been real quiet about my dramatic performances. [12:35:10 AM] Gail : The antichrist is scared of me? [12:35:15 AM] Gail : I find that hard to believe. [12:35:29 AM] Gail : I'm the only one who can defeat the Jesuits? [12:35:29 AM] Brent Spiner: I think he's scared of you because he's scared of Jesus. [12:35:35 AM] Brent Spiner: And he knows you are an instrument of Jesus. [12:35:39 AM] Gail : Oh, I see. [12:35:39 AM] Brent Spiner: You were hand picked by him. [12:35:51 AM] Gail : Yeah, Jesus rocks. [12:36:02 AM] Gail : That's exciting. [12:36:35 AM] Gail : That will be so great. to see videos of the church. Where will you post them? At Church of Gail? [12:36:49 AM] Brent Spiner: We'll figure it out. [12:37:15 AM] Gail : Okay, back to my character research. Have you heard anything from Vladimir about his wife Larisa? [12:37:19 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, he told me about that earlier that night. [12:37:25 AM] Brent Spiner: Larisa was the good one. [12:38:44 AM] Gail : Brent, how did you feel about the photos that Loree plastered all over the place about you and her. Those photos made her look like a nice person. [12:38:59 AM] Brent Spiner (to Terrance): She's talking about the publicity photos of us in the 90's. [12:39:20 AM] Gail : When exactly did Loree start her publicity campaign about you and her? [12:39:35 AM] Brent Spiner: Remember when you started reading about us in Data Entries? [12:39:50 AM] Brent Spiner: She had started showing up around then, telling everyone she was my publicist. She was really my stalker. [12:40:05 AM] Gail : Was she ever your publicist? [12:40:24 AM] Brent Spiner: Paramount assigned her as my publicist eventually, the higher ups that were Jesuits forced it to happen. Vladimir Putin starts walking around naked. [12:40:40 AM] Brent Spiner: He probably just got out of bed. [12:40:52 AM] Brent Spiner: Vladimir sleeps naked, and sometimes he gets up and wanders down to the kitchen for some milk. [12:41:17 AM] Gail : You're at Gerard's? [12:41:45 AM] Gail : When did Paramount assign her as your publicist? [12:42:00 AM] Brent Spiner: I think it was before the rape. [12:42:11 AM] Brent Spiner: That's why she was allowed into the studio in the first place. [12:42:15 AM] Gail : Okay, it sounds like you were set up. [12:42:23 AM] Brent Spiner: Paramount was in on it. [12:42:24 AM] Gail : Jesuits are good at that. [12:42:37 AM] Gail : How did you feel about Paramount after the rape? [12:42:55 AM] Brent Spiner: It was kind of like when xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. [12:43:01 AM] Brent Spiner: I loved all of my friends there, it wasn't their fault. [12:43:06 AM] Brent Spiner: But the higher ups were all Jesuits there. [12:43:28 AM] Gail : When did you realize that Paramount was against you in this area? [12:43:46 AM] Brent Spiner: It took me a long time to figure it out. After the rape I realized they had been involved. [12:44:03 AM] Gail : How long after the rape did you realize this? [12:44:34 AM] Brent Spiner: It was immediately after, since I threatened to report Loree for the rapes, and then Loree told me about her plan with Paramount to make me out to be a rapist instead. [12:44:56 AM] Gail : Oh, and Paramount took her side? [12:44:59 AM] Brent Spiner: Paramount supported her, yes. [12:45:16 AM] Gail : How did you feel in your gut about working there, after the rape? [12:45:30 AM] Brent Spiner: Well, I loved all my costars. [12:45:37 AM] Brent Spiner: I stayed for them, and I stayed for my role as Data. [12:45:41 AM] Brent Spiner: I couldn't just walk away. [12:46:13 AM] Gail : After the rape, I noticed things changed in your communications with me. You never called me on my birthday or holidays. [12:46:17 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, I had to be real careful because Loree was threatening to burn down your home, or blow you up in your car. [12:46:22 AM] Brent Spiner: That's why she blew up one of her clones in a car. [12:46:26 AM] Brent Spiner: She was showing me she could do it. [12:46:45 AM] Gail : When did she blow up one of her clones in a car? [12:46:50 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, I think that was it. [12:46:55 AM] Brent Spiner: About 2001. [12:47:01 AM] Gail : 2001. Was this to scare you from marrying me? [12:47:11 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she wanted to show me that she would make good on her threat if I tried anything. [12:47:25 AM] Gail : Did you know at the time that it was a clone? [12:47:51 AM] Brent Spiner: She told me it was you at first. [12:47:59 AM] Brent Spiner: And then after I broke down about it, she laughed and told me it was a clone of hers. [12:48:31 AM] Gail : When did she impregnate herself with your stolen semen? [12:49:15 AM] Gail : About September 2001? [12:48:58 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, it was a few years later, that sounds about right. [12:49:23 AM] Brent Spiner: That sounds right. [12:49:30 AM] Gail : Did you know? [12:49:42 AM] Brent Spiner: I didn't know she had stolen my sperm when she raped me, I only found out after she did that. [12:50:01 AM] Gail : I mean did you know that she impregnated herself in September 2001? [12:50:13 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, of course. It was part of her trying to torture me and keep us separated. [12:50:20 AM] Brent Spiner: Because it would be used to prove that we had sex. [12:50:31 AM] Gail : How did you react to this? [12:50:42 AM] Brent Spiner: I was mortified, because I wouldn't know how to explain it. It sounded too unbelievable. Terrance comments about Gerard’s ice cream. [12:51:20 AM] Gail : Gerard has good ice cream. Where does Gerard live? Terrance doesn’t know if they’re in Scotland or Hollywood. [12:51:38 AM] Brent Spiner: Terrance has jet lag. [12:51:59 AM] Gail : Were any photos of you and Loree together genuine? [12:52:12 AM] Brent Spiner: Some of them were, the ones where you see me looking at her like she's a viper. [12:52:29 AM] Gail : What about the ones where you look like you are enjoying her company. [12:52:30 AM] Brent Spiner: Those were all faked. [12:52:40 AM] Brent Spiner: They started faking them when they realized how unhappy I looked in the real ones. [12:53:21 AM] Gail : How about photos of you with Loree when she was pregnant? Any of those real? [12:53:32 AM] Brent Spiner: Which photos? [12:53:54 AM] Gail : Loree has posted a photo of you and her together, with her belly way out. She has stringy hair in the photo. [12:54:04 AM] Brent Spiner: Those were faked too. [12:54:21 AM] Gail : Okay. I will mention this in my dramatic presentation, in the afterwards. [12:54:50 AM] Brent Spiner: You can use a pillow as me, and pretend to be Loree punching up inside the pillow case. [12:55:01 AM] Gail : I am not sure yet, which character I will play. It will be very hard for me to portray Loree, because I am so unlike her. [12:55:17 AM] Brent Spiner: It's just an idea. [12:55:20 AM] Gail : I don't know yet, if I will portray Loree. [12:55:47 AM] Brent Spiner: It would also be good to show the audience how evil she was, if you can pull it off. [12:56:11 AM] Gail : Obviously, if I show the fisting, I may have to explain it a little bit. I think I can portray Loree, but I will have to study actihg a little more. 12:55:28 AM] Brent Spiner: That's true I suppose. [12:56:16 AM] Brent Spiner: I think it would be worth it. [12:56:30 AM] Gail : Give me a graphic description about fisting. [12:56:47 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, like that. [12:56:54 AM] Brent Spiner: It's basically like someone punching into your butt. [12:56:59 AM] Brent Spiner: And it goes in. [12:57:05 AM] Gail : She basically punched her fist into your anus. Did she do it forcefully? [12:57:15 AM] Brent Spiner (referring to a video Terrance pulled up): Let's not watch that. [12:57:29 AM] Brent Spiner: It's pretty gross. [12:57:36 AM] Gail : So, it wasn't like that? [12:57:43 AM] Brent Spiner: Well, it was like that. [12:58:02 AM] Gail : When she puts her fist into your anus, does she get fecal matter on her fist? [12:58:04 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes. [12:58:07 AM] Brent Spiner: And blood too. [12:58:10 AM] Gail : That is disgusting. [12:58:13 AM] Brent Spiner: But it was making her aroused to do this. [12:58:22 AM] Gail : This shows you that she is a monster. [12:58:55 AM] Gail : The photos of her up on the Internet, how accurate are they of her true facial expressions? [12:59:03 AM] Brent Spiner: Some are accurate, like the one where she is going (he shows her with a angry face) [12:59:14 AM] Brent Spiner: But sometimes she looks much sweeter than she really is. [12:59:20 AM] Brent Spiner: They doctor the photos. [12:59:38 AM] Gail : Are any of the sweet photos of her an accurate photo [12:59:39 AM] Brent Spiner: No, absolutely not! [12:59:42 AM] Brent Spiner: She always has a scowl on her face. [12:59:59 AM] Brent Spiner: Nastiness. [1:00:12 AM] Gail : So, the way she appeared at the Quebec trial, with her sarcasm and her crudeness was the correct characterization of her. [1:00:16 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, she's a real bitch. [1:00:24 AM] Brent Spiner: She's kind of like Rachel. [1:00:27 AM] Brent Spiner: From Silver Skies. [1:00:42 AM] Brent Spiner: Or even Lore from Lal. [1:00:46 AM] Brent Spiner: Really crazy and mean. [1:00:59 AM] Gail : Oh, I see. What a coincidence. Jesus wasn't kidding when he said that my novel was a prophecy. [1:02:02 AM] Gail : Okay, this has been really helpful. One last question about this matter. Over the years, what have you felt towards her and what have you felt toward me, with all this junk going on in the background? [1:02:43 AM] Brent Spiner: Loree humiliated me, and it felt like she was my oppressor for a long time, but to have you stand up for me and show the world what really happened and how I really am has helped to make me stronger. [1:03:22 AM] Gail : Any word from Vladimir yet about how Larisa's death affected him? [1:03:49 AM] Brent Spiner: Vladimir was very shattered by her death. She was such a sweet, feminine, nice woman, he says. Very demure and very submissive. A true lady. [1:04:05 AM] Gail : Can I ask you about Vladimir? [1:04:08 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes. [1:04:35 AM] Gail : When did his wife die? [1:04:42 AM] Brent Spiner: It was right before he became Russian President. [1:04:50 AM] Brent Spiner: So it was very bittersweet when he was elected. [1:04:58 AM] Gail : Around March 2000? [1:05:02 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, I think that's when it was. [1:05:27 AM] Gail : How did she die? [1:05:29 AM] Brent Spiner: She died from breast cancer. [1:05:46 AM] Gail : When did she start getting sick? [1:07:24 AM] Brent Spiner: I had to ask Vladimir again because I think I'm getting it mixed up. [1:08:24 AM] Brent Spiner: She got sick shortly before he started his campaign, and then died a little after she learned he became President. Because remember how he said she cried when she found out he was elected. [1:08:48 AM] Gail : You mean his campaign to become President? [1:08:51 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, his presidential campaign. [1:09:03 AM] Gail : When did he start his campaign? [1:09:05 AM] Brent Spiner: The previous year. [1:09:14 AM] Brent Spiner: We can hear you. [1:09:46 AM] Gail : How did the illness manifest itself and what was she like towards the end? [1:10:55 AM] Brent Spiner: Well, at first he says that she went in for a check up and the doctors found a mass in her breast. [1:11:04 AM] Brent Spiner: They had to do a biopsy to confirm what it was, and it was cancerous. [1:11:17 AM] Brent Spiner: Then she started getting cancer symptoms, getting real thin and pale and losing her hair. [1:11:31 AM] Gail : Did she undergo chemotherapy? [1:11:38 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she did, but it didn't help. [1:12:11 AM] Gail : So it was a very fast moving breast cancer? You think this was a Jesuit induced cancer? [1:12:19 AM] Brent Spiner: It probably was. [1:12:26 AM] Brent Spiner: He didn't know if it was at the time. [1:13:17 AM] Gail : When did she start getting sick? And what was happening? How did the illness manifest itself? Remember I will be playing her. [1:13:42 AM] Brent Spiner: She started getting sick after they found the mass. [1:13:57 AM] Gail : Was she vomiting? What happened? [1:14:04 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she was vomiting and getting pale and thin, just feeling very ill. [1:14:24 AM] Brent Spiner: She couldn't get out of bed, she was tired all the time. [1:14:29 AM] Brent Spiner: And couldn't eat. [1:14:29 AM] Gail : More specifics. Very ill. Tired? [1:14:50 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she had pain in her breast and then it spread all over. [1:14:52 AM] Gail : Probably felt a lot of pain in her breast tissue. [1:15:05 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, it was like a stabbing pain. [1:15:06 AM] Gail : Was the pain sharp, dull, throbbing? [1:15:18 AM] Gail : Were they able to give her pain medicine? [1:15:25 AM] Brent Spiner: They gave her pain medicine but it didn't work. [1:15:46 AM] Gail : When did the pain become unbearable? [1:16:24 AM] Brent Spiner: It was after the mass grew to the size of her breast. [1:16:30 AM] Brent Spiner: So her breast was just a huge cancer. [1:16:36 AM] Gail : When did this happen? [1:17:02 AM] Gail : Was it one breast only? [1:17:11 AM] Brent Spiner: It spread to both breasts. [1:17:16 AM] Brent Spiner: So both of her breasts were just cancer. [1:17:19 AM] Brent Spiner: It happened within like six months. [1:17:52 AM] Gail : So six months before Vladimir became Russian President, his wife was basically on her death bed. [1:18:28 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she was pretty close. [1:18:36 AM] Brent Spiner: She died right after he became president. [1:18:45 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, he corrected me on that. [1:18:47 AM] Gail : I thought it was before. [1:18:53 AM] Brent Spiner: He's having a hard time talking about it. [1:19:07 AM] Gail : Of course. Does he want me to make this video? [1:19:12 AM] Brent Spiner: He says it's too painful. [1:19:25 AM] Gail : He doesn't want me to make it? [1:19:32 AM] Brent Spiner: He says it would hurt too much right now. [1:19:37 AM] Brent Spiner: And to focus on me. [1:20:01 AM] Gail : Oh, okay. Alright. Well, if he changes his mind, I will do it. [1:20:29 AM] Brent Spiner: He says he will let you know, but he thinks you should focus on telling my story so that it will be great. [1:20:58 AM] Gail : Is it okay to ask some more questions? Or does he want me to stop? [1:21:20 AM] Brent Spiner: He's a little broken up right now. [1:21:31 AM] Brent Spiner: He lost his erection. [1:21:55 AM] Gail : What do you think, Brent? Should I just ask you? [1:22:03 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, he should get to bed. [1:22:32 AM] Gail : Okay. Brent, how do you think he felt taking on the duties of Russian President with a dying wife? [1:23:44 AM] Brent Spiner: I had to ask Vladimir again. [1:23:50 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, he was going to turn it down. [1:24:06 AM] Gail : Is it true that his wife insisted he take the job and that's why he took it. [1:24:22 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, she was upset, but she wanted him to go on and do it. [1:24:41 AM] Gail : She was proud of him and urged him to take the job, because Russia needed him. [1:24:56 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, she was a very brave and selfless woman. [1:25:30 AM] Gail : That's what Vladimir told me brain to brain. Tell Vladimir that I understand his pain, but I feel he is wrong and we need to make this video. [1:27:20 AM] Gail : Even though it is painful for him, just like it was painful for him to become Russian President with a dying wife. Just think what this world would be like now, if he had not listened to his wife and did not become Russian President. We would probably all be extinguished by now. The Jesuits try to portray him as a playboy to his wife Lyudmila. I think he needs to set aside his pain and let the world see his greatness. I want to do this for him in a video. It will be painful, but I think it will inspire people to emulate his courage. [1:28:09 AM] Brent Spiner (Brianna shows up): She just came over and hopped in my lap. [1:28:21 AM] Brent Spiner: She has her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss. [1:28:25 AM] Brent Spiner: She's such a sweet girl. [1:29:34 AM] Gail : I will respect Vladimir's wishes, but I encourage him to change his mind. I think the world needs to know that he did NOT want to be Russian President and that he only takes this job to honor the women he loves. He is a great man and the world needs to see the vastness of his heart. [1:29:42 AM] Brent Spiner: That sounds like a great idea. [1:29:56 AM] Gail : What sounds like a great idea? [1:30:00 AM] Brent Spiner: Making the video. [1:30:09 AM] Brent Spiner: But maybe you shouldn't do it all as one act, you should each give them separate videos. [1:30:26 AM] Gail : i agree. I think I should make it. I also agree that it should be done in several parts. Terrance thinks the Jesuits will block it from YouTube. [1:31:30 AM] Gail : I probably won't have it ready for at least a month. How do you think the Jesuits will keep it off of YouTube? [1:31:43 AM] Gail : Really? With what charges? [1:31:53 AM] Brent Spiner: We'll figure it out when we get there. [1:32:32 AM] Gail : Well, you are a judge, so you may be right. But I was just wondering what they would use? I can only think of defamation, perhaps against Lyudmila? [1:32:42 AM] Brent Spiner: I think it will be okay Gail. [1:32:48 AM] Gail : But it's not really defamation, because I’m telling the truth. [1:33:27 AM] Gail : If the Jesuits want to get me on defamation over that video, and we air the case on the Gabrielle Chana FOX NEWS CHANNEL, IT WOULD BE A DISASTER FOR THEM. [1:34:43 AM] Gail : Because one of their strongest cases, is to portray Vladimir as a power hungry monster, a sex obsessed politician and this would devastate their publicity campaign about Vladimir. If we do this, our defeat of the Jesuit Order is CERTAIN. [1:35:00 AM] Brent Spiner: I think that's true, I agree. [1:36:45 AM] Gail : That's why I think we need to make the video. The Jesuit's strongest defense right now is to portray Vladimir as a power hungry, sex monster. My dramatic video about how he reacted to his true wife's death, would shatter that image and destroy the Jesuits. They know that Vladimir is our strongest asset and that his reputation must be destroyed. That is one of their key strategies. If we devastate this strategy, they are FINISHED. [1:37:04 AM] Brent Spiner: That's exactly right, I agree with you Gail. [1:38:29 AM] Gail : Tell Vladimir that is why I must make this video. We must give him the reputation he deserves, not because he cares about his reputation, but because if people could see the vastness of his heart, they can see the truth, that the Jesuits are monsters to do this to such a great man and this will cause the downfall of the Jesuit Order. [1:38:46 AM] Brent Spiner: I will tell him. I sent him back to bed for now. [1:38:52 AM] Brent Spiner: He was actually crying so hard that milk was coming out of his nose. [1:40:08 AM] Gail : Actually, the way he is reacting right now is telling me a lot about how he felt when his wife died. I'm just wondering that he was able to walk at all during his inauguration for Russian President the first time He must have taken drugs to keep himself going his first few months as Russian President. [1:40:35 AM] Brent Spiner: I bet he did. I can ask him more details later. [1:40:54 AM] Gail : He probably needed tranquilizers and anti-depressants. [1:41:06 AM] Brent Spiner: I'll ask Gerard. [1:42:15 AM] Gail : Yeah, how he's reacting right now, tells me a lot about him and how deeply he loved Larisa. He did tell me that I remind him a lot of her, except he feels I am stronger than she was. I am just like her, except I'm Catherine the Great. [1:42:26 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, I think that's it. [1:45:02 AM] Gail : I wanted to ask him about what it was like her last day on earth, but I think I can guess. She was probably in a coma and Vladimir stared at a lifeless body that was getting ready to leave this earth. He probably remembered her last words to him, to be the great President that she knew he could be. He took on the role, because it was the only way he could keep going in the face of her death. He saw her as looking down from heaven to make sure he did as she asked, and so he took the job. How would that be for a portrayal of him and her? [1:45:29 AM] Brent Spiner: I think that would be excellent. It sounds just like what it was. [1:47:25 AM] Gail : My guess is he had so many raw emotions on that day he went down that aisle as new Russian President, that he had to take tranquilizers and anti-depressants not to cry as he walked down the aisle to be President. Probably after the inauguration ceremony was over, he ran to where she was last before she died and cried his eyes out. [1:48:15 AM] Brent Spiner: I think he was just reliving all of that just now. It was so hard and painful for him. [1:50:33 AM] Gail : I can tell this is something he has repressed for a long time. I don't really think he has fully dealt with his wife's death and has used Lyudmila as a way to avoid this. [1:51:09 AM] Gail : I have sensed this in him. He's actually using Lyudmila as a crutch to avoid facing the pain of his wife's death. I think he's in a sort of denial. [1:51:24 AM] Gail : It's too hard for him to deal with, so he pretends like she never died. [1:51:30 AM] Brent Spiner: That sounds about right. [1:51:56 AM] Gail : However, it's been over ten years and it would be better for the world to know the truth. [1:52:01 AM] Brent Spiner: It would be. [1:52:06 AM] Gail : It would devastate the Jesuits. [1:53:11 AM] Gail : But I will do it in parts and it won't be right away, because I will work on the Loree McBride videos first. In the meanwhile, I recommend that before I release the videos about Vladimir, that Vladimir go see Gerard Butler to help him get over the denial and finally deal with his wife's death. [1:53:25 AM] Brent Spiner: I think that would be a good idea. [1:53:48 AM] Gail : I will let Gerard advise me about the videos, so that I don't devastate Vladimir. [1:53:56 AM] Brent Spiner: That's a good idea. [1:54:58 AM] Gail : So, tell Vladimir that I won't make the videos without checking with Gerard first, so he can relax. But tell him, that it would be very courageous and vast of him to allow the truth to go out. That I think his courage to allow me to tell this story, would bring the downfall of the Jesuit Order. [1:55:17 AM] Gail : I think I could do this in a manner that would be a heroic presentation. [1:55:29 AM] Brent Spiner: I think so too. [1:55:37 AM] Gail : Perhaps, my video could actually be a form of healing for Vladimir. [1:55:48 AM] Brent Spiner: I think it could be healing. [1:56:23 AM] Gail : I plan to portray Larisa as a heroic woman, who had vastness and greatness, the total opposite of Lyudmila and who cared more about the welfare of her country and the world than herself. [1:57:10 AM] Gail : Lyudmila is a small woman. Larisa was a vast and great woman. I think Vladimri may change his mind about my video. Sara Avery has shown up and has started eating on Brent’s penis. [1:59:52 AM] Brent Spiner: sdii gAAIL [2:00:01 AM] Brent Spiner: im tryindsfnm to raehd the alpatop Gail prays and asks Jesus to help her men and rescue them from Sara Avery. Vladimir tries shooting her in the head. It doesn’t work. Brent tries shooting her with something, but she’s too fat and it doesn’t work. Terrance asks Gail’s advice, that he has found some spermicide with explosives in it. He asks how he can stick it up her vagina. Gail suggests a baseball bat, and that Terrance not use his hands or he could get sucked up by Sara Avery. He uses a baseball bat and Gail counts down to seven, the divine number. It works and Sara Avery shoots out the window and is gone. [2:02:49 AM] Brent Spiner: It's covered in frosting and blood right now. [2:03:07 AM] Brent Spiner: Gerard and Vladimir are boarding up the window. [2:04:03 AM] Gail (referring to Sara Avery): Vladimir we need to make the video. The Jesuits are as nervous as hell about this, so that means we need to make it. [2:04:07 AM] Brent Spiner: Vladimir is slumped down crying because he's so emotional right now. Terrance says Sara showed up because she smelled the food in Gerard’s refrigerator and climbed in through the window to eat cake and stuff. [2:04:46 AM] Gail : I think it was more than that. I think the Jesuits overheard our Skype and wanted to interfere. [2:05:07 AM] Gail : They don't like my dramatic presentations, because I'm a good actress and a good writer. [2:05:26 AM] Brent Spiner: I'm trying to console Vladimir. [2:05:32 AM] Brent Spiner: I told him I would spoon with him later tonight if it would help. [2:05:43 AM] Gail : Vladimir needs to see Gerard. [2:05:50 AM] Brent Spiner: Gerard can come too. [2:05:57 AM] Brent Spiner: I'll spoon Vladimir, and Gerard can spoon me. [2:06:09 AM] Gail : Tell Vladimir I'll make love to him tonight. [2:06:17 AM] Brent Spiner: Would that make it a four way? [2:06:22 AM] Brent Spiner: Since we'll all be in the same bed. [2:06:28 AM] Gail : Okay. [2:06:52 AM] Gail : Brent, are you okay? [2:07:19 AM] Gail (referring to Sara Avery, who ate Brent’s penis): How can it be a four-way, if you don't have a tip on your penis? [2:07:33 AM] Brent Spiner: It's brain to brain, I'll be okay. [2:07:49 AM] Gail : Oh, I see. You are a tough dude. Amazing what love can do, huh? [2:09:11 AM] Gail : I know your love for me makes you so strong. You are an incredibly strong man. Of course, I haven't died on you. They say death of a spouse is one of the most painful things to go through. [2:10:37 AM] Gail : That's what Vladimir went through. I always told him that's why he would never marry me, he's too scared of me dying, because he has never dealt with the death of his wife. That's why I abandoned him temporarily and totally took up with you. But when I saw how that devastated him, I decided to have you both, because I love him too much to cut him out of my life. [2:11:12 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, you really love him. It shows. [2:14:18 AM] Gail : I developed a real bond with him after September 11, 2001. He worked so hard with me to write Conspiracy Law and he is so passionate about justice and true beauty in the world. He also shared with me how deeply he loved Larisa and that I filled the void that she was to him. He said that I was very much like her and so I worked for him very well. He said that she was always proud of him, and always encouraged him to be a great man, which I have always encouraged in him. She understood that he was not a politician at heart, but a great leader, one who desired to rule Russia not for fame, money or popularity, but to do what was truly best and needed for his country. This is why she encouraged him to become Russian President. Terrance says he needs to leave now, that he has work to do tomorrow with Jesuits. [2:14:20 AM] Brent Spiner: Good night Terrance. [2:14:29 AM] Brent Spiner: It's been a pretty tiring night. [2:15:03 AM] Brent Spiner: We're going to have to get Vladimir to bed soon too. It's been such a hard night for him. [2:15:09 AM] Brent Spiner: We all want to join the brain to brain tonight. [2:15:20 AM] Gail : My darling Brent, it has been awesome having you here. I’m so glad we got rid of Sara Avery. [2:15:21 AM] Brent Spiner: I'm going to be pretty jealous if I'm spooning Vladimir and he starts getting excited. [2:16:00 AM] Gail : How is Vladimir doing now? [2:16:10 AM] Brent Spiner: He's all right. His erection has come back a little bit thinking about it. [2:16:18 AM] Brent Spiner: So I guess he's starting to feel better. [2:16:35 AM] Gail : I have always helped him with the pain he's felt over his wife. [2:16:42 AM] Brent Spiner: I said I would help him have brain to brain love with you if he wanted. [2:16:45 AM] Brent Spiner: I could caress his body. [2:17:01 AM] Gail : You are awesome. [2:17:02 AM] Brent Spiner: And kiss him if he's okay with that. [2:17:11 AM] Brent Spiner: Maybe grab his balls a little while he jerks it. [2:17:43 AM] Brent Spiner: And then I'll be too busy with Vladimir, and Gerard will have to help me while you have brain to brain with me. [2:17:54 AM] Gail : Okay, my darling. I guess we better go now. It's getting late. [2:18:23 AM] Gail : You let me know if Gerard wants to get involved with Vladimir before I start that video. [2:18:31 AM] Brent Spiner: Okay, I will let you know. [2:18:36 AM] Brent Spiner: Gerard is rubbing my nipples. [2:18:45 AM] Brent Spiner: He says we need to get ready to bed so we can all spoon. [2:18:50 AM] Gail : So, he's there. [2:19:00 AM] Brent Spiner: Yeah, we're all going to go up to Vladimir's room and cuddle tonight. [2:19:10 AM] Brent Spiner: It'll make him feel better. [2:19:26 AM] Gail : Has Gerard had experience in counseling spouses over the death of their significant other? [2:19:31 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, he has. [2:19:43 AM] Gail : Okay, he will help. [2:19:54 AM] Brent Spiner: So are you going to be up for brain to brain tonight my love? [2:20:54 AM] Gail : I'm not sure, I may not get to bed for about an hour, but I will definitely have it with Vladimir within the next 24 to 48 hours. I will be speaking with him brain to brain and see how he feels and how I feel and go from there. [2:21:04 AM] Brent Spiner: Okay. I will tell him. [2:21:29 AM] Gail : He's still crying. He's letting me know brain to brain. Is my brain to brain right on? [2:21:40 AM] Brent Spiner: Yes, he's crying a bit [2:21:49 AM] Gail : He just told me he loves me. [2:21:54 AM] Brent Spiner: His erection is sort of hovering, like it's going between limp and hard. [2:22:09 AM] Brent Spiner: He loves you Gail. [2:22:42 AM] Gail : I know he does. He'd die for me. I think I'm going to have it with him right now. Goodbye, my love. [2:22:50 AM] Brent Spiner: Good night Gail. [2:23:00 AM] Brent Spiner: Are you going to spoon with us too? [2:23:33 AM] Gail : You can join if you want, but Vladimir's really in the mood. I sense his feelings and he's turning me on. [2:23:54 AM] Brent Spiner: I'd love to join you guys. [2:24:05 AM] Brent Spiner: Gerard just asked me if he can join too. [2:24:07 AM] Brent Spiner: We're all excited. [2:24:22 AM] Brent Spiner: Vladimir is wondering if we can fit in you at the same time. [2:24:22 AM] Gail : Go ahead. Unless Vladimir objects. Do whatever Vladimir wants. [2:24:32 AM] Brent Spiner: He wants us both to be inside you. [2:24:46 AM] Gail : How would you do THAT? [2:24:55 AM] Brent Spiner: We'd have to really squeeze in there. [2:25:05 AM] Brent Spiner: And then we can both go through the motions inside you. [2:25:13 AM] Brent Spiner: We could even try to ejaculate at the same time. [2:25:16 AM] Brent Spiner: So you get double. [2:25:40 AM] Gail : Oh, my God . I tell you, I'll do it with Vladimir and we'll take it from there. [2:25:56 AM] Brent Spiner: Okay. That sounds like a plan. [2:27:06 AM] Gail : Wow. Vladimir's getting excited. I will be talking to him about this video I want to make while we're doing it. Oh, he's talking to me right now. He says the video will be fine as long as I promise to make love to him when he starts crying. [2:27:35 AM] Brent Spiner: He's going to love that. He likes it when he's crying. [2:28:00 AM] Gail : What? He likes it when he's crying? Is that because I will make love to him? [2:28:07 AM] Brent Spiner: He likes the emotion. [2:28:24 AM] Gail : What emotion? The death of his wife? [2:28:40 AM] Brent Spiner: He wants you to make love to him when he's feeling emotional. [2:28:52 AM] Brent Spiner: And caress him with your longings and desires, healing him and completing his soul. [2:29:09 AM] Gail : Oh boy, I'm getting turned on. Let's jump into bed. [2:29:16 AM] Gail : I need to use the restroom first. [2:29:28 AM] Brent Spiner: All right my dear. Have a good night. [2:30:10 AM] Gail : Bye, for now. You're awesome. We’ll take it brain to brain. Those Jesuits are making me cough. [2:30:18 AM] Brent Spiner: Oh man, I hear it. How awful. [2:30:23 AM] Brent Spiner: Good bye for now. [2:30:44 AM] Gail : Okay, if I don't climax, we won't stress about it. Good bye. [2:32:18 AM] *** Call ended, duration 4:14:17 *** (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) My darling Brent: Before I forget, some more questions: 1) Why did you mention Loree on the back of your Dreamland CD? 2) Did you take her to court for trying to harm me in 1998 and 1999? If so, how did the case go? 3) Weren't you worried how I would react if I found out that Loree was your girlfriend? If so, how did you try to handle this? You must have thought about this, because I didn't know about her until 1996. I knew you loved me and never dreamed she was your girlfriend. 4) In 1996, when I found out about Loree and lost all romantic interest in you and replaced you with Franco Nero, how did you feel? Why did you increase your public appearances in the summer of 1996 and mention even more than ever that Loree was your girlfriend, when I was in the depths of despair? My guess is that Loree threatened my life. Why did your mother mention in the Houston Chronicle about the big birthday bash you had for Loree at Spagos? Was she REALLY your girlfriend, or was it a relationship strictly for show? In other words, you only made "appearances" with her to pacify her and Paramount? And exactly what was it like for you to have these public celebrations for Loree? How did you feel about doing this? Your answers to these questions will help me as I prepare for my videos. Thanks for all you do for me and Jesus. This is a complicated subject and I needed a little more information, that I forgot to mention on the Skype conversation. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) My darling Brent: I have another question about Loree, to help me portray you accurately. Did you ever suspect that Loree was a Vatican agent or a Jesuit, before I told you in December 1999? If so, when did you start suspecting it? Or did you never figure it out until I told you in December 1999? But whenever you figured out that Loree was a Vatican agent, how did you feel, and how did this change your goals or objectives in relation to her and to me? Also, you indicated that you knew Paramount was involved right after Loree raped you, that they were in on it. When you say they were involved, did this mean that you suspected even back in 1992 that Loree was a Jesuit? Or did you just think that Paramount alone was involved? If you knew Paramount was involved, how much did you know? Did you suspect that Paramount was Jesuit infiltrated? Okay, if you thought that Paramount was involved, did you ask yourself WHY? If you did ask yourself this question, what was your answer to WHY they were involved. If I was in your shoes, I would have asked myself WHY Paramount was always on Loree's side and never on your side. I probably would have figured out RIGHT AWAY that she was a Vatican agent, simply because I was familiar with Jack Chick and knew the violent history of the Roman Catholic Church. I sent you the book Smokescreens by Jack Chick, I believe, before Loree came into your life. Did you ever get it? What I need to know is whether you suspected that Loree was a Jesuit at any time before I told you in December 1999. When you started realizing she may be a Jesuit, what was your reaction? Also, once you realized that she was a Jesuit, did this make you change your strategy with her, and, if so, how did your strategy change? To put it in a nutshell, I believe the Jesuits are trying to portray you as ONE OF THEM, so I really need to know when you became aware, or suspected, that Loree was a Jesuit. NEXT, when you realized she was a Jesuit, how did this make you feel and how did this change your objectives or goals with her and with me? I think the Jesuits used brain control on you and me to get me to neglect to ask you these questions during Skype. So I apologize for all thia afterwards, but I really need to know this to do my video justice. I am in no hurry to do this video. I have to get your character right, and I need to know all this to build my story and my character for this "masterpiece" video. Every good writer does plenty of research before they "play" their character. I'm sure the same goes for actors. I'm already starting to play you in my mind and that is why I'm realizing that I still need a little more information. Thanks for all your devotion and unending support. Your devoted wife, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) My darling Brent: I already have a strategy with YouTube for the Loree Rape video. I will NOT show the actual rape scenes on YouTube, but at my website at OneTrueMedia. I will divide this presentation about the September 1992 rape into about four parts. First I will build up to it, by showing WHY Jesuits would bother to do this to you. Next I will show the actual 3 week rape. Then I will have about two follow up videos, to show the aftermath. The rape scene will be at least one video and it will NOT go up at YouTube. I will let the YouTube viewers know where they can view it and will warn that it is not suitable for children. Again, thanks for all you do. I don't think I'll have any problems at all with the Vladimir/Larisa video at YouTube. But the Loree rape video will be a problem, due to the graphic and violent nature of the rape. The video that shows the actual rape will NOT go up at YouTube. You are awesome. Thanks for your emotional courage to allow this story to go out. It will do much good. The video about the September 1992 rape will be quite involved, so I probably won't get around to the Vladimir/Larisa video until about a month from now. Gail. (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) My darling Brent: I plan to make at least five videos on this Loree rape topic, so I need to ask another question. Were you the silent caller that I got on my phone in Miami in 1990? Around once a month, I got a call on my Miami phone, and there was someone on the other end, who it seemed just wanted to hear my voice, but they didn't speak. I recall that I thought perhaps it was you, but dropped it as wishful thinking and forgot about it. If it was you, it says a lot about you and how your feelings for me were building up in 1990 as you read my letters. I need to show this build up to the time when you finally talked to me, to show that you are a man who pondered over me for a while before deciding to "take me on". Also, exactly how did you fall in love with me? What was it that made you fall in love? If you were this silent caller, why did you call? Why did you want to hear my voice? What exactly did I say to you or was it my photo, but what triggered the desire in you to have me for a lover? Also, please tell me how you fantasized about me, and don't be afraid to be graphic. How a person dreams as a lover is a REAL REVEALER of character. I need to know this, to portray you accurately. This is important, because I need to establish when those romantic flames began to flicker, in order to establish your character as a lover, that you are not a man who would enjoy violent sex with a woman, that you are a man who would desire a woman like me. Again, thanks for all you do. I sense that Jesus will help me make some masterpiece theatre here. And you are helping me. You're awesome, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) My darling Brent: This may touch a nerve with Vladimir, but I need to ask him this, even though I doubt I'd bring it up in the video I make of him. But I need to know this to establish his character or to get into his character. Did he ever contemplate suicide while he grieved over his wife? If so, how did he overcome these feelings? Also, how did I help him heal, when I came into his life? It's no rush and Vladimir can answer when he's ready OR have Gerard Butler answer these questions for me. Thanks a million. Making masterpiece theatre for Jesus. I think Jesus will give you a special crown in heaven for all your hard work. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) Hi, my darling Brent: You have probably decided to wait a couple days before responding as my brain is still exploring your character and I'm sure I will come up with more questions. You are a complex person, and I still need more information to totally form your character in my mind. Another question: Did you ever ask yourself what would happen to me because of your romantic intrusions into my life in the 1990s? Okay, you felt you had a killer for a girlfriend and you maintained her to pacify her and Paramount, but did you ever ask yourself what you would do, if my husband kicked me out and put me on the streets because of our communication, especially with Loree as your girlfriend? How did you feel about having Loree as your girlfriend, when I didn't know about her? Were you planning on telling me? Why did you not let me know about her? Or why did you agree to the Paramount dirty deal to have her, knowing that by doing so, you could anger me and lose me? Did this cross your mind? You probably realized this was a real danger for me that I could be kicked out on the streets with no job because I refused to give you up (not knowing about Loree), and what did you tell yourself in the 1990s that you would do about it, if I found out about her or if my husband kicked me out on the streets because of her? This really shows who you are. What did you tell yourself you would do, if my husband kicked me out on the streets because of you while you had this girlfriend, or if he divorced me? Did you consider that this could possibly happen? Or were you in complete denial about it? If you were in denial, why? If you were prepared to deal with these possibilities, what were your plans? If I got kicked out on the streets because I would not give up my communication with you, how would you explain Loree to me? If I got kicked out on the streets, what would you do about Loree? What was your REAL REASON for keeping Loree, was it to protect me or to protect your job or both? Or were you a confused mess and couldn't think straight? In a nutshell, it will really reveal who you are, if you can tell me how you justified to yourself having Loree as your girlfriend, when I didn't know about her, and when by you calling me on the phone, you were still encouraging me romantically. When did she become your official girlfriend? If she was your official girlfriend, how did you feel about keeping her secret from me, and how this would affect me when I found out about her? I cannot accurately characterize you in the rape aftermath videos without knowing this stuff. You knew I was totally dependent on my husband for support, so if I ended up on the streets because of my communication with you, what did you plan to do about Loree McBride, your official Paramount studios girlfriend, if that happened? THESE ARE VERY BIG AND IMPORTANT QUESTION, THAT WILL REALLY ESTABLISH WHO YOU WERE IN THE 1990s. Though I think I know the answers to these questions, I would like to hear it from you, in your own words. I am having a harder time establishing your character in my mind than Vladimir. Vladimir's pretty straight forward, but you are complex. Not inferior, just more complex. I adore you, thanks for everything, Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) My darling Brent: Don't be afraid to tell me the truth. None of us is perfect. Loree McBride was/is incredibly difficult to deal with. I have already forgiven you about her, but to play you accurately, I need answers to these questions. You're awesome. Thanks for your emotional courage. Gail (Gail’s email to Brent on July 13, 2012) Dearest Brent: In between exciting brain to brain sex, I think of more questions. You are really turned on today. In September 2001, when you realized that Loree had impregnated herself with your semen, and that I didn't know about this, how did you feel that I now was in love with Vladimir Putin? How did you feel about Vladimir in September 2001? How about later, as my relationship with him grew? Did Loree McBride ever live under the same roof as you, either in your Hollywood home and/or when you worked for New York theater? If so, what was it like? What kind of a relationship did you have with her, while she lived under the same roof as you? If she did live with you, why did you allow this woman who you couldn't stand to live under the same roof as you? If she did live with you, when was this, from what date to what date? What was the exact nature of your relationship with her when this occurred? If you did allow Loree to live with you, why did you come to this decision, when you coudn't stand her? When I offered you my hand in marriage in December 1999, how did you feel? Was Loree living with you at this time? If so, what did you do with her? How did this affect any relationship you may have had with Loree, even if your relationship with her was purely to pacify her? How did this change your life goals? Did it transform you, that I offered you my hand in marriage? If so, how did it transform you? Did you ever consider quitting Paramount over Loree? Or were you stuck in a contract? Did Loree so depress you at any point in your relationship with her, that you contemplated suicide? I have decided to do a full series about the aftermath of the rape, because after interviewing you yesterday, I have determined that this rape was very significant and requires several follow-up videos. So all this research is for the follow up story and videos. I realize I'm having you basically write an autobiography, but I think this will be very therapeutic for you and the world needs to know the truth. By the time I'm through with my video theatre, they could make an epic movie out of this. Tell Vladimir to relax, I expect that this may turn into a ten video series. We have a lot to cover. Vladimir's story will be next. He'll probably need Gerard. Your devoted wife, Gail