8th Grade Social Studies Final Exam

8th Grade Social Studies Final Exam Practice
Review (3)
a. sodbusters
c. reservations
e. transcontinental railroad
b. long horn cattle
d. vaqueros
1.Texans raised ________ to ship to markets in the East
and West.
2. Spanish cowboys in America were called
3. In the late 1800s, The United States government
pushed for Indians to live on _______.
4. The first ___________________ was built by the
Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads.
5. After the Civil War , _________ settled on the Great
Plains in large numbers.
a. Chivington Massacre
b. Comstock Lode (mine)
c. Promontory Point, Utah d. Fort Laramie Treaty
e. Sun Dance
6. The _________ was a rich silver mining area in the
Sierra Nevada Mts..
7. The ________________ was an agreement between
the Plains Indians and the United States government.
8. ____________ is the place where the Union Pacific
and Central Pacific Railroads met to complete the 1st
transcontinental railroad.
9. The ________________ is a four-day religious
ceremony to honor the Great Spirit.
10. The _____________ was the killing by U.S. Army
soldiers of hundreds of Cheyenne men, women, and
children who were trying to surrender.
a. corporation
c. Sherman Antitrust Act
e. mass production
b. monopoly
d. assembly line
12. The _________ banned the formation of trusts and
monopolies, but wasn’t very effective at first.
13. _________ means to produce a large amount of a
product in a short amount of time. This method increases
profits by lowering the costs and making the product
more profitable.
14. The ___________ was a method of production
started by Henry Ford in 1913 to mass produce
15. A _________ is a business owned by many investors.
This type of business raises money by selling stocks or
shares to investors, who are paid a dividend if or when
the company makes a profit.
a. Ellis Island
c. Chinese Exclusion Act
e. “Melting Pot” theory
b. urbanization
d. settlement house
16. __________ is the movement of population from
farms (rural) to cities (urban) that began in the early
1800s and became more rapid with the growth of industry
in the late 1800s.
17. In 1882, Congress passed a law called the
___________ that stated that no Chinese laborer could
enter the United States and that no Chinese living in the
U.S. could return to the U.S. once they left.
18. The ____________________ of immigration applies
to ‘old’ immigration and implies that immigrants were
willing to melt or blend into their new home of the United
19. A ______________ is a community center that offers
services to immigrants and the poor in cities. Hull House
in Chicago started by Jane Addams is an example.
20. After 1892, ships entering New York harbor stopped
at a new receiving station on _____________. This final
hurdle was where immigrants were inspected upon their
arrival in America.
11. A __________ is a company that completely controls
the market of a certain industry.
2015 edition
a. muckrakers
c. suffragists
e. Pure Food and Drug Act
b. trustbuster
d. civil service
21. _________ were reporters who sifted through the dirt
and muck to expose corruption during the Progressive
22. People who have to take a test to prove they have the
skills needed for the job they want in government belong
to the ___________. This replaces the spoils system.
23. The __________ requires manufacturers to list
ingredients on packages for consumer safety.
24. When Teddy Roosevelt tried to regulate giant
monopolies, he was nicknamed a _____________.
25. Women who campaigned for the right to vote were
known as _________________.
a. imperialism
c. Great White Fleet
e. Panama Canal
b. isolationism
d. Rough Riders
26. The _________ or “Big Ditch” as it was sometimes
called, linked the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through
Latin America.
27. Between 1870 and 1914, many nations practiced
_______ or the taking of colonies in Africa and Asia.
28. The _________ were a group of American navy ships
painted white and sailed around the world to protect
American trade and business interests around the world.
29. The _______________ lead by Teddy Roosevelt
charged up San Juan Hill in the Spanish American War.
30. Early American Presidents urged the U.S. to follow a
policy of ___________ to avoid foreign wars and
a. Boxer Rebellion
b. Monroe Doctrine
c. dollar diplomacy
d. Seward’s Folly
e. sphere of influence
31. The _____________ was an uprising by Chinese
Nationalists against foreigners in China.
2015 edition
32. ________was the nickname given to the purchase of
Alaska by U.S. Secretary of State William Seward.
33. In China, a _____________ was an area, often
around a seaport, where a nation had special trading
34. The __________told foreign nations to stay out of the
Western Hemisphere and that the U.S. would not
interfere in European affairs. Policy was started by
President James Monroe.
35. President Taft encouraged U.S. businesses to
“substitute dollars for bullets.” This foreign policy became
known as ___________.
a. militarism
c. trench warfare
e. Selective Service Act
b. nationalism
d. alliance system
36. _________ is the type of fighting during WW I in
which both sides dug trenches protected by mines and
barbed wire.
37. The __________ is when nations agree to help
protect each other if attacked in time of war. Any crisis
for one nation affected the other nations in the alliance.
38. Pride or devotion to one’s country is known as
39. The policy of building up strong military forces to
prepare for war is known as ________________.
40. The ____________ was a law that started a draft to
get enough American men to fight in World War I.
a. Prohibition
b. flappers
c. jazz
d. Red Scare
e. Scopes Trial
41. ___________ was the ban on the manufacture, sale,
and transportation of liquor anywhere in the United
42. The ________________ involved a biology teacher in
Dayton, Ohio who taught evolution in his class.
43. A new type of music that combined West African
rhythms, African American work songs, and European
harmonies is called __________________.
44. Thousands of people considered radicals and some who
were not were suspected of being communist and arrested
during the ___________________.
a. Domino theory
c. Vietnam War
e. containment
45. The __________ were young women in the 1920s that
rebelled against the traditional ways of thinking and acting.
56. The U.S. policy of trying to keep communism from
spreading and keep it within existing boundaries is called
a. Stock Market Crash
c. deficit spending
e. Bonus Army
b. Hoovervilles
d. ‘forgotten man’
46. ___________ is when the federal government spends
more money than it takes in taxes.
b. Iron Curtain
d. Cold War
57. The period of tension caused by different ideologies that
sometimes got ‘hot’ between the U.S. and the Soviet Union
is called the _____________.
47. The ____________ was a nickname given to the
everyday American people by FDR during the Depression.
58. The idea that if the U.S. allowed one nation in an area to
fall to communism then the other nations in that area may
also fall to communism like dominoes is called the
48. The ______________ occurred when too many people
were trying to sell stocks and almost no one was buying;
this was the start of the Great Depression that lasted for 10
59. Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain used
the term _________________ to describe the imaginary
dividing line between the countries of Soviet led Eastern
Europe and the democratic led Western Europe.
49. The __________ were poor, jobless veterans of WW I
that marched on Washington D.C. to demand the bonus
payment Congress had promised to pay them (1932).
60. The ___________ was a war fought in Southeast Asia
that deeply divided the nation-many thought it a civil war
and that the U.S. should not be involved.
50. ___________________ were the places where
homeless Americans lived in shacks during the Great
Depression and they blamed President Hoover.
a. Radical Republicans
b. Plessy vs Ferguson
c. impeach
d. segregation
e. 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment
a. appeasement
c. Holocaust
e. Pearl Harbor
61. The ___________________ of blacks and whites in
public places took place because of the Jim Crow laws.
b. island hopping
d. totalitarian state
51. The _______________ is when the Nazis starved,
gassed, and burned over 6 million Jews and six million
others who did not agree with Nazi ideas.
52. The policy of ________________ means to give into an
aggressive nation like Germany. France and Great Britain
did this in WW II.
53. A ________________ is when one person or a small
group of people controls every part of people’s lives.
54. The Japanese attack at ___________________ was the
event that caused the U.S. to declare war on Japan and
enter World War II.
55. _______________ was the Allies’ plan to take key
islands one by one until they got close enough to bomb
2015 edition
_________________________ abolished slavery, make
black males citizens, and gave black males the right to vote.
__________________ or bring charges against President
Johnson because he would not enforce their plans for
64. ______________________ is the Supreme Court case
that allowed the principle of ‘separate but equal.’ to
become the law of the land for the next 50 years and kept
blacks and whites separate.
65. ____________________ wanted to treat the South like
a conquered nation after the Civil War.