Ch 8


Ch 8 - DNA Inheritance

BIO 100

Inherited characteristics are transmitted from parent genes to offspring

Genes are parts of the chromosomes

Genes provide the genetic instructions for every organism

– contained in its DNA

DNA molecules direct the life & function of each cell

DNA is passed on from parents to the next generation

DNA structure – was determined by Watson and Crick

Double helix

Composed of monomers called nucleotides

Each nucleotide has 3 parts

Phosphoric acid (phosphate)

deoxyribose sugar

Nitrogen base- 4 possible: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine

DNA Structure - Double Helix

• DNA structure- arranged in a “ladder” configuration

– DNA molecule consists of 2 lchains of nucleotides

– Held together by hydrogen bonds

– Alternating phosphate and sugar groups form sides of ladder

– Rungs are composed of paired nitrogen bases

– Complementary base pairing (purine with pyrimidine)

• Adenine - Thymine (A-T)

• Guanine - Cytosine (G-C)

• The “ladder” then coils to form a helix

DNA Replication

Variations in organis m’ characteristics is determined by the sequencing of the four simple parts of the molecule

The 4 bases are arranged in in any order

– This occurs during S phase of the cell cycle (mitosis)

When cells divide, DNA is copied with accuracy

A chromosomes consists of DNA and protein

– Each double helix is the DNA components of a single chromosome

Base pairing is the foundation of DNA replication

DNA Enzyme

DNA Ligase

Bonds the DNA together; completes it.

Repairs any breaks in the sugar-phosphate backbone

Semi-conservative replication

When the DNA divides, one parent DNA strand and its complementary daughter

DNA strand entwine into a helix formation

Each daughter DNA molecule consists of one new chain of nucleotides that has paired up with the parent DNA molecule

The 2 daughter DNA molecules will be identical to the parent molecule

Semiconservative = means that the two new DNA molecules will each contain half

“old” and half “new” DNA strands.
