Cement and Concrete Group Newsletter Issue 13 – February 2007 Contents Recent News ..................................................................................................................................................1 Literature Bits and Pieces ..............................................................................................................................3 Forthcoming Events .......................................................................................................................................9 Contacts, useful web links etc. ....................................................................................................................10 Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................................10 Please send items to the usual address: (l.black@leeds.ac.uk). Cement and Concrete Group Mission Statement “To provide support and educational activities for those who have an interest in the science and technology of traditional and specialist cements and concretes" Recent News Cement and Concrete Science Papers are invited for the 27th Cement and Concrete Science conference, to be held at Royal Holloway College, University of London, 17-18th September 2007. The conference is concerned with fundamental aspects of the science of cement and concrete. The conference will take place in a residential setting within Royal Holloway College with time available for informal discussion. In addition to the technical programme a Conference Dinner will take place on Monday. Deadlines Abstract 30th April 2007 Acceptance of abstract 15th May 2007 Extended abstract by 30th June 2007 If you wish to submit an abstract, please fax or email (word documents only) a 200-word abstract to R.J. Mangabhai. An extended abstract will also be requested for accepted papers. Although this is not compulsory it is requested in order that a useful set of abstracts are available to delegates on registration. Email: r.j.mangabhai@btinternet.com, Mangabhai@hotmail.com Fax: 44 (0) 208 908 3762 Global Cement Magazine The newly-redesigned 10th anniversary January 2007 issue of Global Cement Magazine is now available for free download from the following address: http://www.propubs.com/egcl/eGCJanuary07nonsub.pdf The magazine includes ALL the latest news, as well as fascinating technical articles and industry comment. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Global Cement Magazine - and for a limited time only subscriptions to the magazine are available for only UK£100 - and this includes a free CD of all 2006 issues, as well as a printable pdf of the 2006-2007 Global Cement Directory - itself worth UK£150. 7th Global Cement Conference Europe Below is a link to the latest brochure - now including the provisional programme - for the 7th Global Cement Conference Europe (formerly the European Cement Conference) which will take place in Vienna on 19-20 March 2007. http://www.propubs.com/ec/GCEweb.pdf (downloads as 'GCEweb.pdf') EUROPEAN COATINGS SHOW 2007 The Nürnberg Congress will be held on May 7 – 9th 2007 in Nürnberg (that’s Nuremberg to the Anglophone monoglots out there), Germany. The congress brings together experts to discuss the most 1 recent research results and industrial developments, covering the entire range of raw materials and processes for the formulation of coatings, inks, adhesives and construction chemicals. The congress will be held adjacent to the European Coatings show, (on 8-10th May). For further information please see: http://www.european-coatings-show.de/main/Page.html http://www.coatings.de 3rd NANOCEM Open Meeting This one-day event will be held in Düsseldorf on 24.04.2007. For further information please visit www.nanocem.org SUMACON As you may be aware the EPSRC grant for the SUMACON network will end at the beginning of April this year. Following the outstanding success and importance of the network the EPSRC has invited SUMACON to resubmit a proposal to continue their activities this time with a broader scope both nationally and internationally. Due to EPSRC policy to only fund networks for 3 years it is a requirement that the follow on bid demonstrates development with new goals, particularly life cycle analysis, and objectives building on our current achievements. A workshop is planned for the 19th and 20th of March to be held at the University of Exeter. The content of the workshop will be broader than the previous events at Bristol and Heriot Watt and also include discussion and formation of a committee to oversee continuation activities including a subsequent application. A series of talks are being planned for inclusion in the event and oral contributions or posters are welcome. It is also planned that a book be published of articles from those who have contributed to SUMACON over the last 3 years. Contributions may be in the form of technical papers or letters dealing with topics from previous workshops or for future presentations. For further information, contact Richard Ball on Richard.ball@bristol.ac.uk SMB2007 The SMB2007 Conference is a joint venture between the Association for the Advancement of Sustainable Materials in Construction ( AASMIC) and Materials Australia and is focused on the entire supply chain and in particular users. International speakers include Rick Fedrizzi, CEO and Founding Chairman, U.S. Green Building Council, Tom Graedel, Clifton R. Musser Professor of Industrial Ecology, Professor Adjunct of Chemical Engineering, Professor Adjunct of Geology and Geophysics, Ph.D. University of Michigan Yale and Niclas Svenningsen, Program Officer, Division for Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) United Nations Environment Program. The conference will bring together the key players that make up the decision makers in the construction industry and interaction between these groups will facilitate examination of problem areas, assessment of potential solutions and pave the wa! y for improved communications into! the future. The conference will raise the profile of materials and identify the crucial areas for product, tool and policy development, as well as move towards setting a national action agenda for the development and use of more Sustainable Materials in Construction. http://www.materialsaustralia.com.au/SMB2007/ Castle Cement Peter Weller will be retiring as Managing Director of Castle Cement at the end of February 2007. He joined Castle Cement in 1990 and became General Manager in 2003. Under his leadership, a new state of the art kiln has been installed at Padeswood. Peter will be succeeded by Mike Eberlin, presently Castle’s Sales Director UK. Cement Industry Update, January 2007. 2 Lafarge Cement UK Jean-Francois (Jeff) Sautin will be relinquishing his role as Managing Director of Lafarge Cement UK as of 15 January 2007, due to internal moves within Lafarge. Jeff will continue in his role as BCA chairman. Erdogan Pekenc has been appointed as the new head of LCUK. Cement Industry Update, January 2007. Code for Sustainable Homes The code was launched by Ruth Kelly MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, on 13 December 2006 at the Building Centre in London. A technical manual to inform the Code is due to published by 1 April. Cement Industry Update, January 2007. Legal Challenge to the Allocation of Carbon Dioxide Allowances The High Court has rejected the challenge of CEMEX to the Government’s allocation of carbon dioxide emissions to its cement plant at Rugby under the UK National Allocation Plan (NAP) 2008-2012. Cement Industry Update, January 2007. Recarbonation project The key result from an internal BCA recarbonation study is that factoring in recarbonation would reduce CO2 emissions impact from the manufacture of cement by around 19%. Other outputs covered in the study include: i) Revisions to the BRE methodology for recarbonation. ii) A recommendation for further research to establish the true extent to which calcium oxide will recarbonate. iii) A comparison of the embodied CO2 in a timber frame and masonry wall and the implications of recarbonation. Please contact Tom DeSaulles on Tel: 01276 608700 for further information. Cement Industry Update, January 2007. Waste Framework Directive BCA has submitted a response to the DEFRA consultation on the WFD. BCA is met the Waste Management Division at DEFRA on 12 January to discuss the revision of the WFD. A CEMBUREAU meeting held on 19 January agreed to focus advocacy efforts at EU level primarily on changing the definition of recovery. Cement Industry Update, January 2007. Literature Bits and Pieces Applied Clay Science Vol. 35, Iss. 3-4, 2007 Effects of sand addition on production of lightweight aggregates from Tunisian smectite-rich clayey rocks Pages 228-237 E. Fakhfakh, W. Hajjaji, M. Medhioub, F. Rocha, A. López-Galindo, M. Setti, F. Kooli, F. Zargouni and F. Jamoussi Experimental study on instability of bases on natural and lime/cement-stabilized clayey soils Pages 238-249 Raymond N. Yong and Vahid R. Ouhadi Cement and Concrete Composites Vol. 29, Iss. 3, 2007 Effects of mix composition and water–cement ratio on the sulfate resistance of blended cements Pages 159-167 M. Sahmaran, O. Kasap, K. Duru and I.O. Yaman 3 A model for prediction of time from corrosion initiation to corrosion cracking Pages 168-175 Tamer El Maaddawy and Khaled Soudki Chloride penetration and carbonation in concrete with rice husk ash and chemical activators Pages 176-180 A.L.G. Gastaldini, G.C. Isaia, N.S. Gomes and J.E.K. Sperb Mechanics of hollow concrete block masonry prisms under compression: Review and prospects Pages 181-192 Gihad Mohamad, Paulo B. Lourenço and Humberto R. Roman Computer-aided design for optimum concrete mixtures Pages 193-202 I-Cheng Yeh Efficacy of CFRP-based techniques for the flexural and shear strengthening of concrete beams Pages 203-217 J.A.O. Barros, S.J.E. Dias and J.L.T. Lima Prediction of compressive strength of concrete with fly ash as sand replacement material Pages 218-223 N.P. Rajamane, J. Annie Peter and P.S. Ambily Workability and strength of coarse high calcium fly ash geopolymer Pages 224-229 P. Chindaprasirt, T. Chareerat and V. Sirivivatnanon Effect of specimen size on flexural compressive strength of reinforced concrete members Pages 230-240 Seong-Tae Yi, Min-Su Kim, Jin-Keun Kim and Jang-Ho Jay Kim Physiochemical properties of polymer mortar composites using resins derived from post-consumer PET bottles Pages 241-248 Cement and Concrete Research Vol. 37, Iss. 2, 2007 Composition and structure of C–S–H in white Portland cement–20% metakaolin pastes hydrated at 25 °C Pages 109-117 C.A. Love, I.G. Richardson and A.R. Brough The AFm phase in Portland cement Pages 118-130 T. Matschei, B. Lothenbach and F.P. Glasser Multiphasic finite element modeling of concrete hydration Pages 131-138 L. Buffo-Lacarrière, A. Sellier, G. Escadeillas and A. Turatsinze Enhanced thermodynamic analysis coupled with temperature-dependent microstructures of cement hydrates Pages 139-150 Kenichiro Nakarai, Tetsuya Ishida, Toshiharu Kishi and Koichi Maekawa Experimental limitations regarding the formation and characterization of uranium-mineral phases in concrete waste forms Pages 151-160 Dawn M. Wellman, Shas V. Mattigod, Bruce W. Arey, Marcus I. Wood and Steven W. Forrester 4 Implications of pre-formed microcracking in relation to the theories of DEF mechanism Pages 161-165 S.O. Ekolu, M.D.A. Thomas and R.D. Hooton Alkali silica reactivity of agglomerated silica fume Pages 166-174 Andrew J. Maas, Jason H. Ideker and Maria C.G. Juenger Alkali–aggregate reaction in activated fly ash systems Pages 175-183 I. García-Lodeiro, A. Palomo and A. Fernández-Jiménez Rheology and conduction calorimetry of cement modified with calcined paper sludge Pages 184-190 P. Banfill and Moisés Frias Rheology of fiber-reinforced cementitious materials Pages 191-199 Katherine G. Kuder, Nilufer Ozyurt, Edward B. Mu and Surendra P. Shah An experimental approach for the analysis of early-age behaviour of high-performance concrete structures under restrained shrinkage Pages 200-209 Daniel Cusson and Ted Hoogeveen High-performance concrete with recycled stone slurry Pages 210-220 Nuno Almeida, Fernando Branco, Jorge de Brito and José Roberto Santos Air-void characterisation of foam concrete Pages 221-230 E.K. Kunhanandan Nambiar and K. Ramamurthy Aspects of moisture kinetics of coal bottom ash in concrete Pages 231-241 L.B. Andrade, J.C. Rocha and M. Cheriaf Study on the flexural fatigue performance and fractal mechanism of concrete with high proportions of ground granulated blast-furnace slag Pages 242-250 Li-Ping Guo, Wei Sun, Ke-Ren Zheng, Heng-Jian Chen and Bo Liu Engineering properties of inorganic polymer concretes (IPCs) Pages 251-257 M. Sofi, J.S.J. van Deventer, P.A. Mendis and G.C. Lukey Young's modulus of cement paste at elevated temperatures Pages 258-263 Joshua B. Odelson, Elizabeth A. Kerr and Wilasa Vichit-Vadakan Fatigue behavior of a multi-scale cement composite Pages 264-269 Edouard Parant, Pierre Rossi and Claude Boulay A microstructural approach to adherence mechanism of poly(vinyl alcohol) modified cement systems to ceramic tiles Pages 270-282 A.A.P. Mansur, D.B. Santos and H.S. Mansur Hydraulic lime mortars with siloxane for waterproofing historic masonry Pages 283-290 Pagona Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki 5 Corrigendum to “Analysis of CCRL proficiency cements 151 and 152 using the virtual cement and concrete testing laboratory ” [Cem. Concr. Res. (8) (2006) 1548–1555] Pages 291-292 Jeffrey W. Bullard and Paul E. Stutzman Acta Materialia Vol. 55, Iss. 4, 2007 Solid-state 27Al and 29Si NMR investigations on Si-substituted hydrogarnets Pages 1183-1191 J.M. Rivas Mercury, P. Pena, A.H. De Aza, X. Turrillas, I. Sobrados and J. Sanz Magazine of Concrete Research Vol. 59, No. 2, March 2007 Compressive strength of heated high-strength concrete M. Potha Raju, K. Srinivasa Rao and P. S. N. Raju doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.79 Page start: 79 Seismic performance assessment of reinforced concrete bridge columns under variable axial load T.-H. Kim, Y.-J. Kim and H. M. Shin doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.87 Page start: 87 Development of high-volume low-lime and high-lime fly-ash-incorporated self-consolidating concrete M. Şahmaran, Ö Yaman and M. Tokyay doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.97 Page start: 97 Surround stiffness to membrane action in concrete slabs J. R. Eyre doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.107 Page start: 107 Strength and hardening characteristics of activated fly ash mortars B.-W. Jo, S.-K. Park and M.-S. Park doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.121 Page start: 121 Effect of pitting corrosion on capacity of prestressing wires M. S. Darmawan and M. G. Stewart doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.131 Page start: 131 Influence of the nature of the demoulding agent on the properties of the formwork–concrete interface P. de Caro, C. Djelal, L. Libessart and I. Dubois doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.141 Page start: 141 Discussion Propagation of reinforcement corrosion in concrete and its effects on structural deterioration C. Q. Li and J. J. Zheng doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.2.151 Page start: 151 6 Waste Management Volume 27, Issue 4, Pages 459-592 (2007) Leaching characteristics of residual lateritic soils stabilised with fly ash and lime for geotechnical applications Pages 466-481 R.K. Goswami and C. Mahanta Characterisation of sugar cane straw waste as pozzolanic material for construction: Calcining temperature and kinetic parameters Pages 533-538 Moisés Frías, E. Villar-Cociña and E. Valencia-Morales Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 139, Issue 3, Pages 407-584 (31 January 2007) First International Conference on Engineering for Waste Treatment: Beneficial Use of Waste and ByProducts (WasteEng2005) Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, France 17-19 May 2005 Edited by Ange Nzihou and Gerasimos Lyberatos Utilisation of MSWI bottom ash as sub-base in road construction: First results from a large-scale test site Pages 471-480 Ole Hjelmar, Jesper Holm and Kim Crillesen Reaction mechanisms in the geopolymeric conversion of inorganic waste to useful products Pages 506-513 J.S.J. van Deventer, J.L. Provis, P. Duxson and G.C. Lukey Long-term reactive transport modelling of stabilized/solidified waste: from dynamic leaching tests to disposal scenarios Pages 529-536 Laurent De Windt, Rabia Badreddine and Vincent Lagneau Environmental impacts of steel slag reused in road construction: A crystallographic and molecular (XANES) approach Pages 537-542 Perrine Chaurand, Jerome Rose, Valérie Briois, Luca Olivi, Jean-Louis Hazemann, Olivier Proux, Jérémie Domas and Jean-Yves Bottero Environmental acceptability of beneficial use of waste as construction material—State of knowledge, current practices and future developments in Europe and in France Pages 556-562 Laurent Chateau Journal of the American Ceramic Society Volume 90, Issue 2, February 2007 Proton SpinSpin Relaxation Study of the Effect of Temperature on White Cement Hydration R. Holly, E.J. Reardon, C.M. Hansson, H. Peemoeller pages 570–577 A Combined 29Si MAS NMR and Selective Dissolution Technique for the Quantitative Evaluation of Hydrated Blast Furnace Slag Cement Blends Heather M. Dyson, Ian G. Richardson, Adrian R. Brough Page 598-602. Early Formation of Ettringite in Tricalcium Aluminate-Calcium Hydroxide-Gypsum Dispersions Denise A. Silva, Paulo J. M. Monteiro Page 614-617 7 Fuel Volume 86, Issues 7-8, Pages 915-1214 (May 2007) Utilization of coal combustion byproducts in building blocks Pages 929-937 Halit Yazıcı Effects of fly ash on the properties of environmentally friendly dam concrete Pages 1208-1211 Gao Pei-wei, Lu Xiao-lin, Lin Hui, Li Xiaoyan and Hou Jie Advances in Cement Research Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2007 Thermal decomposition of nanoparticulate Ca(OH)2-anomalous effects T. Sato, J. J. Beaudoin, V. S. Ramachandran, L. D. Mitchell and P. J. Tumidajski doi:10.1680/adcr.2007.19.1.1 Page start: 1 The chemical activation of pozzolanic reaction of fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue (FC3R) in lime pastes J. Payá, J. Monzó, M. V. Borrachero and S. Velázquez doi:10.1680/adcr.2007.19.1.9 Page start: 9 The influence of temperature levels on chloride diffusion through mortar T. S. Nguyen, S. Lorente and M. Carcasses doi:10.1680/adcr.2007.19.1.17 Page start: 17 The effect of the heat-treatment regime on the properties of reactive powder concrete A. Cwirzen doi:10.1680/adcr.2007.19.1.25 Page start: 25 Mass transport properties of mature wasteform grouts H. S. Wong, N. R. Buenfeld, J. Hill and A. W. Harris doi:10.1680/adcr.2007.19.1.35 Page start: 35 Magazine of Concrete Research Volume 59, Issue 1, February 2007 Consideration of multi-axial concrete behaviour: the means towards improving RC design M. D. Kotsovos doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.1.1 Page start: 1 Design method for slender columns subjected to biaxial bending based on second-order eccentricity J. L. Bonet, M. L. Romero, M. A. Fernandez and P. F. Miguel doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.1.3 Page start: 3 Shear-resistant design of biaxially loaded RC beams P. Mark doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.1.21 Page start: 21 8 An evaluation of ductility of high-strength reinforced concrete columns subjected to reversed cyclic loads under axial compression J.-M. Ahn and S.-W. Shin doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.1.29 Page start: 29 Dynamic behaviour of concrete in biaxial compression D. Yan and G. Lin doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.1.45 Page start: 45 Long-term behaviour of square concrete-filled steel tubular columns under axial service loads S.-H. Kwon, T.-H. Kim, Y.-Y. Kim and J.-K. Kim doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.1.53 Page start: 53 Tangent Poisson's ratio of high-strength concrete in triaxial compression X. Lu and C.-T. T. Hsu doi:10.1680/macr.2007.59.1.69 Page start: 69 Forthcoming Events 7th European Cement Conference 2007 Vienna, 19-20 March 2007 http://www.propubs.com/ec or http://www.EuropeanCement.com 7th Global Gypsum Conference 2007 Shanghai, 14-15 May 2007 (preliminary dates) http://www.propubs.com/gg or http://www.GlobalGypsum.com 5th Asian Cement Conference 2007 4-5 June 2007 http://www.propubs.com/ac or http://www.AsianCement.com 12th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement Montréal, Québec, Canada, 8–13 July 2007. Contact: Michelle G. Robitaille Tel.: +1 (613) 993-9495; Fax: +1 (613) 993-7250 E-mail: iccc2007@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Website: www.iccc2007.org. High-performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC) 5. July 10–13, 2007 Stuttgart, Germany E-mail: reinhardt@iwb.uni.stuttgart.de SEMC 2007: The Third International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation Cape Town, South Africa, 10–12 September 2007. Contact: Professor A. Zingoni, Chairman, SEMC 2007, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town, South Africa. Tel.: (27) (21) 650 2601; Fax: (27) (21) 650 5864 E-mail: azingon@ebe.uct.ac.za Website: http://www.semc2007.uct.ac.za. 9 International Conference on Sustainability in the Cement and Concrete Industry Lillehammer, Norway, September 16-19, 2007 Contact Prof Jacobson at Stefan.jacobsen@ntnu.no Advances in Cement Based Materials and Applications in Civil Infrastructure (ACBM-ACI) Lahore, Pakistan. December 19–21, 2007 Email: syedalirizwan@hotmail.com (Syed Ali Rizwan) Website: http://www.acbm-aci.org/index.htm 13th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete 2008 (ICAAR), Trondheim, Norway. June 16–19, 2008 Email: Harald Justnes (chairman organizing committee) Harald.Justnes@sintef.no Børge Wigum (chairman scientific committee) Børge Wigum@honnun.is Maarten Broekmans (editor-in-chief) Maarten.Broekmans@ngu.no Website: www.icaar2008.org 11th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components (11 DBMC) Istanbul, Turkey, 11–14 May 2008. Contact: Dr. Nil Sahal, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Taskisla, Taksim 34437, Istanbul, Turkey. Tel.: +90 212 2931300 - 2246; Fax: +90 212 2514895 Website: www.11dbmc.org. Contacts, useful web links etc. More information on the Cement and Concrete Group can be found at: http://www.iom3.org/divisions/ceramics/cement/index.htm Where you can also find a comprehensive links page. Items for discussion by the Cement and Concrete Group Committee s.brooks@ardex.co.uk Please mark the email ‘Re IOMMM Cement and Concrete Group’ Items for inclusion in the newsletter l.black@leeds.ac.uk (Please mark the email ‘Re Newsletter’) Disclaimer This newsletter is a compilation of items sent by subscribers or obtained from reliable sources. It is assumed that the information sources are accurate, and neither I (Leon Black) nor the IoM3 bear responsibility for the accuracy of this Newsletter. You have been sent this newsletter because, at some time, you have requested it. Should you no longer wish to receive it then please email l.black@leeds.ac.uk 10