Course Syllabus

SHS 4540-Distance
Summer 2014
Course Syllabus
Speech and Hearing Science 4540-Distance
Introduction to Audiology
Office Hours:
Christina M. Roup, Ph.D.
By Email, anytime! I will be checking my email daily.
Martin, F.N., & Clark, J.G. (2012). Introduction to Audiology (11th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
*Available at
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the practice of audiology. The nature,
causes, identification, assessment techniques and rehabilitation of hearing impairment will be covered.
This is a required course for students majoring in Speech and Hearing Science.
Evaluation of Student Performance:
Student performance will be based on:
 Quizzes (50 points)
 2 Mid-Term Examinations (75 points each)
o Mid-term #1: covers chapters 1-6
o Mid-term #2: covers chapters 7-11
 Final Examination - cumulative (100 points)
 Total points possible: 300
Grading Scale (in %)
Academic Misconduct:
Students are expected to work independently on the course assignments and examinations. Academic
misconduct will not be tolerated and incidents believed to constitute misconduct will be reported to the
university committee on academic misconduct. Refer to the student handbook for definitions of
misconduct and discipline procedures.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities that have been certified by the Office for Disability
Services will be appropriately accommodated and should inform the instructor as
soon as possible about their needs. The Office for Disability Services is on the web
SHS 4540-Distance
Summer 2014
Course Management:
This course will be conducted using Carmen. Carmen is an integrated set of web course tools used to
teach classes delivered entirely online. You will be able to log into the course at
using your OSU name.#. If you are not familiar with Carmen, you will want to visit the TELR page
( The TELR phone number is 614-688-HELP and the email address is . If you experience problems with Carmen, contact the TELR HELP staff first. All I can
do is report problems to TELR, I cannot fix Carmen issues.
Chat Sessions via Carmen:
We will have an organized weekly “chat session”. The chat session will take place on Wednesday
evenings from 8:00-8:30pm EST. Chat sessions will start on Wednesday June 18th. There will be no chat
session on Wednesday July 2nd in observation of the 4th of July holiday. Attendance of the chat sessions is
not mandatory, but encouraged if you have questions or any confusion over posted material. If no
student logs in to the scheduled chat session within the first 15 minutes, the chat session will be
cancelled. In addition, please feel free to email me at any time ( with questions.
*If I fail to log-on to the chat session in the first 5-10 minutes, it is likely I have an emergency and won’t make
the chat. I will do my best to notify you of any change or cancellation prior to the chat start time.
Course Organization:
There is A LOT of material to be read and completed in a very short amount of time since this is typically
NOT a 7 week course. Therefore, much is expected of you in a short period of time.
 Lecture material will be available via PowerPoint presentations with audio companions. The
audio companions are .wav files of me talking to myself in front of a computer, so if they go too
fast or there are mistakes, please be patient!
 Assigned readings should be completed prior to reading the posted lectures.
 You may work at your own pace, reading book chapters and power point lectures at your
convenience and completing quizzes early, if you wish. You are welcome to ‘read ahead’, as the
power point presentations for the entire course will be posted at the start of summer session.
 As previously stated, your grade will be based on quizzes (see below), two midterms and a final
exam. There will be no partial credit and NO EXCEPTIONS for anything submitted late.
The quizzes are timed and therefore require you have read the chapter BEFORE starting the quiz. There is
only one attempt for all quizzes.
Chapter Quizzes (5 points each for a total of 50 points)
 You are required to complete a 5-point quiz on material covered in each chapter. Quizzes must
be completed by the date listed in the course schedule. Quizzes are available in Carmen and can
be accessed by clicking “Activities” in the grey navigation bar (upper left hand corner under the
Ohio State logo). Then select “Quizzes” from the drop-down menu.
Quizzes will begin with Chapter 3. There will be a quiz covering each chapter thereafter for a total
of 12 quizzes (*chapters 11-12 are combined). You will not be quizzed over chapters 1 – 2.
Because you can only earn a total of 50 points for the quizzes, two quizzes will not count towards
your final grade. This means you can either 1) drop your lowest two quiz scores, or 2) choose not
to take two quizzes. This also ensures that if you have internet connection problems during a
quiz, it will not count against you. I encourage each of you to take all quizzes to maximize your
score and as a precaution in case of unexpected internet or power outages. Remember, late
quizzes are accepted.
SHS 4540-Distance
Summer 2014
All quizzes are open at the start of summer session and can be taken anytime – until their ‘end
date’. The ‘end’ dates are listed in the course schedule; the end time will always be 8:00 pm EST.
Quiz end dates are linked to when the chapter is assigned reading. For example, chapter 3 is
assigned reading for June 18th. You must take Quiz #1 (on chapter 3) before 8:00 pm EST on June
18th. Quiz #2 must be completed by 8:00 pm June 23rd, and so on. All dates are listed in the
calendar in Carmen to help eliminate any confusion.
Quizzes are (obviously) open book; however, once you start a quiz on Carmen you will have only
12 minutes to complete it. You are welcome to complete quizzes ahead of schedule, however,
quizzes submitted late will receive a zero – no exceptions!
Quizzes and Exams and Your Internet Connection
 A stable connection to the internet while taking quizzes and exams is a MUST and is your
responsibility! The instructor is not responsible for your internet connection.
 In the past, students have had trouble taking quizzes on Carmen when using either their smart
phone or iPad. I encourage you to use a computer with a standard connection to the internet
thereby ensuring a stable connection to the internet.
 Please keep an eye on your time as you take each quiz and exam. Both the quizzes and exams are
timed – once you exceed that time limit, you are considered late and no credit will be given for
work completed.
o I can assure you that ample time is provided for both the quizzes and exams, provided that
you have prepared by reading the book chapters and power point lectures prior to taking
each quiz and exam! If you choose to take the quizzes ‘cold’, without preparation, you will
likely struggle.
The two midterm exams and the final exam will also be completed in Carmen. They will be
available one week prior to their due date, but you will only be able to log in once and only for two
hours. I assure you that two hours is more than enough time to complete the exams.
SHS 4540-Distance
Summer 2014
Course Schedule
The course schedule is set up to cover 3 topics per week. Days and dates are provided for each topic for
organizational purposes only – you can work at your own pace. Please keep in mind that 1) Wednesday Chat
Sessions will cover the topics of that week, and 2) quiz and exam dates are firm and will not be changed.
Lecture Topic
Week 1: June 16-20
June 16
The Profession of Audiology
Chapter 1
June 17
The Human Ear: A/P Review
Examination 1 posted (covers chapters 1-6)
Chapter 2*
June 18
Sound and Its Measurement
Quiz #1 (chapter 3) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chat Session 8:00-8:30 pm EST
Chapter 3*
Week 2: June 23-27
June 23
Pure Tone Audiometry
Quiz #2 (chapter 4) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chapter 4
June 24
Audiogram Interpretation
Chapter 4
June 25
Speech Audiometry
Quiz #3 (chapter 5) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chat Session 8:00-8:30 pm EST
Chapter 5
Week 3: June 30-July 4
June 30
Quiz #4 (chapter 6) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chapter 6
July 1
Examination 1 due 5pm EST
July 2
Independence Day Holiday – ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY! (no chat session)
Week 4: July 7-11
July 7
Physiologic Tests of the Auditory System
Quiz #5 (chapter 7) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chapter 7
July 8
Physiologic Tests of the Auditory System
Examination 2 posted (covers chapters 7-11)
Chapter 7
July 9
Pediatric Audiology
Quiz #6 (chapter 8) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chat Session 8:00-8:30 pm EST
Chapter 8
Week 5: July 14-18
July 14
The Outer Ear
Quiz #7 (chapter 9) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chapter 9
SHS 4540-Distance
Summer 2014
July 15
The Middle Ear
Quiz #8 (chapter 10) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chapter 10
July 16
The Inner Ear
Quiz #9 (chapter 11) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chat Session 8:00-8:30 pm EST
Chapter 11
Week 6: July 21-25
July 21
Examination 2 due 5pm EST
July 22
The Auditory Nerve and Central Auditory Pathways
Quiz #10 (chapter 12 & 13) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chapter 12
July 23
Erroneous Hearing Loss
Chapter 13
Final Examination posted (questions will come primarily from chapters 12-15, however
this exam is cumulative and will include questions from chapters 1-11)
Chat Session 8:00-8:30 pm EST
Week 7:July 28-31
July 28
Amplification / Sensory Systems
Quiz #11 (chapter 14) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chapter 14
July 29
Amplification / Sensory Systems
Chapter 14
July 30
Audiological Treatment
Quiz #12 (chapter 15) closes at 8:00 pm EST
Chat Session 8:00-8:30 pm EST
Chapter 15
Finals Week
Aug 6
Final Examination due 5pm EST
*Chapters 2 and 3 are covered in Lecture 2 on Carmen