UNIT TITLE: WILD ANIMALS INTRODUCTION: LEVEL: Primary 2nd Cycle (3rd – 4th level) This unit is appropriate to practice vocabulary about animals and to use the structures have/haven’t got and live in… in a communicative way. OBJECTIVES: CONTENTS To practice vocabulary about animals. To use the worked structures To participate in communication activities Wild animals (revision): tiger, gorilla, crocodile, snake, whale, parrot. Parts of the animals’ body: body, mouth, eyes, ears, tongue, tail, whiskers, teeth, legs, beak. Places: jungle, grasslands and sea. Adjectives: big/small, long/short Structures: have/haven’t got, live in… COMPETENCIES from the English Language Subject: 1. Competència comunicativa lingüística i audiovisual. 2. Competència artística i cultural. COMPETENCIES. Support to other subjects: 5. Competència d’aprendre a aprendre 6. Competència d’autonomia i iniciativa personal 7. Competència en el coneixement i la interacció amb el món físic. Communicative session - peer conversation (picture dictation). - Group interaction (preparing the oral exposition) - Whole class interaction (oral exposition) - Teacher presenting vocabulary - Vocabulary games Steps 1 CONTENTS: DIMENSIONS Esthetic and literary Plurilingual & Multilingual - Description of an animal - Picture dictation - Organization and decoration of the oral exposition in the big cards Activities - different places where animals can live Interaction Material Timing Flashcard games Adult-child Flashcards 15’ Mime the song “The animals went in 2 by 2” CD playerchild Worksheets with the pictures and the lyrics of the song. 20’ Questions and answers with a die Child-child Dice Examples of questions 15’ 1st 2 3 session Steps 4 Activities Interaction Material Timing Description of an animal (using body language). Adult-Child Flashcards 10’ Picture dictation (in pairs) Child-Child Sheets of paper Pencils Rubbers 15’ 5 6 Child-child Oral description about the chosen animal and the partners must guess which animal it is. Child-Child Previous displays of the pupils 3rd 2nd In groups of 4 children choose an animal, draw it (or photo) and write a description (display it in a big card or do an audiovisual presentation) Photographs Crayons Pencils Rubbers Sheets of papers Big cards Computer with PowerPoint and internet connection Final Task 25’ 50’ EVALUATION Criteria: - To understand the vocabulary and structures. To use the vocabulary and structures. To participate in the communicative activities. - Previous knowledge about the animals and parts of the body. Initial: Formative: - Cooperation between partners/in groups. Participation in the group-class activities. Use of the vocabulary and structures. - Positive attitude to the topic. Respect to other partners’ oral productions. Pronunciation and communication skills in the foreign language. Final: DIVERSITY: Further work Story about animals and performance - Reinforcement: Bingo of animals/parts of the body, board games with easy questions… - Advance: Other animals (zebra, Kangaroo, hippo…) and parts of the body (fur, scales, feathers, fins…) ACI: Multimedia activities