Spring 2014
Instructor: Scott Roths
Email: sar320@psu.edu
Office: 416 Thomas
Hours: Monday, 1:30 - 3:30pm
Phone: 865-3131
TAs: Eliana Christou exc277@psu.edu and
Cindy Cook cmc496@psu.edu
Required materials: Mind on Statistics , 4e, by Utts & Heckard and a calculator.
Grading: There are 780 equally weighted points.
(230pts) Lab Quizzes
(50pts) Project
(300pts) Midterm Exams
(200pts) Final Exam
Lab Quizzes: Each Tues/Thurs lab activity will have a quiz to be submitted on ANGEL .
The quiz questions will be very similar to the lab activity questions. The due date for these is 5pm of the following day to allow for various conflicts. However, the lab period should provide enough time to complete the activity and the quiz on the day it's assigned. The lab activities are not collected but should be completed and kept as a resource for studying. There will be 26 of these, but only your best 23 will be counted.
Project: This involves an analysis of a data set using computer software and a written summary of conclusions using the techniques covered in class. Group work is encouraged. Further information about this will be posted after the second exam.
Midterm Exams: There are three of these, and each is worth 100 points. They are closed-book, but you may prepare a two-sided note sheet. You may put anything you want on this sheet, but it must be hand-written and not photocopied. Dates for these exams are Feb 13, Mar 20, and Apr 22. They will take place at the Testing Center. See http://testing.psu.edu/ for more details on what to expect.
Final Exam: The final exam date is yet to be scheduled. It will be comprehensive and is worth 200 points. Certain topics will be emphasized, and others will be omitted.
More information will be available later in the semester.
Conflicts on exam dates must be resolved in advance. An unexcused absence on an exam date will result in a score deduction of at least 10%, depending on the situation.
Please allow 24 hours for email response.
Letter Grades: Semester grades are assigned according to this scale. Rounding is to the nearest whole point. Extra credit will not be awarded upon request.
– 99% A
90 – 92% A-
87 – 89% B+
– 86% B
80 – 82% B-
77 – 79% C+
– 76% C
60 – 69% D
0 – 59% F
Computers: Minitab will be used throughout the semester. If you wish to install it on your own computer (PC only), go to www.minitab.com/education . This software is also available online through PSU Webapps: http://clc.its.psu.edu/UnivServices/WebApps
Shared Office Hours (SOH): Graduate teaching assistants for all STAT 200 sections are sharing their office hours to allow for more times to accommodate you. You may visit any of them. Details are as follows:
SOH will take place in 7B Sparks Building.
SOH will first open on Tuesday, Sept. 3.
SOH hours will be 1-4pm and 6-9pm, Monday thru Wednesday, and 1-3pm and
6-9pm on Thursday.
ANGEL Announcements: All assignments, due dates, and grades are posted on
ANGEL throughout the course. You are expected to check this daily.
Academic Integrity: This course will follow the guidelines found in Section 49-20 of the
University Faculty Senate Policies for Students. See http://science.psu.edu/current- students/Integrity/Policy.html
Disability Services: Information for students with disabilities can be found here: http://equity.psu.edu/ods
Course Goals: At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Understand the reasoning by which findings from sample data can be extended to larger, more general populations
Critically evaluate the results of scientific studies
Design, conduct, and analyze a scientific research study
Read statistical summaries
Analyze data using statistical software (Minitab)
Study and understand examples and applications from a variety of fields
Learn independently and work cooperatively