Training needs assessment case study exercise: Group 3

Training needs assessment case study exercise: Group 3
Lead author name: Rebecca Priestley (based on materials developed by Sara
Lead author email: (
Training needs assessment case studies
Overview of exercise
Participants will assess the training needs of a specific
group in order to design appropriate training for them.
30 minutes (ca)
Objective of exercise
By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
Structure and approach
of exercise
Identify training needs of a specific group
Read job description of person
List knowledge, skills and attitudes that the
person would need
Read profile of target group
List knowledge, skills and attitudes they need and
have, and those they need but do not have
using Task 1: 15 minutes
Task 2: 15 minutes
Group presents ideas: 10 minutes
Last updated: 08/03/2016
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Imagine you have been asked to design a workshop for a group of people who have
recently gained access to the World Wide Web and electronic resources. You have a
copy of their job description and the participant profile to guide you.
Task 1
Read through the undergraduate ‘job’ description below and list the
knowledge, skills and attitudes you would expect that person to have in
order to work effectively.
Knowledge: relates to intellectual skills such as the recall, comprehension,
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of data/information
Skill: relates to physical skill development such as those needed to operate
Attitude: relates to the attitudes, values and emotions displayed. For example
interest, attention, concern, and responsibility, ability to listen and respond in
interactions with others
Job description: undergraduate student
Undergraduate students arrive at university to begin studying a particular subject.
Typical activities include:
attending course lectures and making notes
actively participating in course tutorials
doing background reading
completing assignments
writing a dissertation
taking examinations
Undergraduate students may focus their studies more during their course,
specialising in a particular area of interest.
Task 2
Read through the undergraduate profile below. Using the list you made for
Task 1, identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes that this person already
has for this role. What knowledge, skills and attitudes does this person need
but not have?
Trainee profile: undergraduate student
The university has 3000 undergraduate students. They have had access to electronic
resources in their main library for less than six months but there are limited numbers
of computers available in the library.
Last updated: 08/03/2016
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The purpose of this activity has been to identify the training needs of the people
described in the case study.
Last updated: 08/03/2016
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