Exercise The Eviews file capm.wf1 contains Belgian monthly financial data over the 19881996 period. The dataset includes: rpet: return on the “Petrofina” firm, rm: return on the market, rf: risk-free interest rate. The file also contains UK’s FTSE-100 stock index. a) Construct the long-run trend of the FTSE-100 index using the HodrickPrescott trend and plot the % deviations from this trend. b) Construct the excess return variables exretpet=rpet-rf and exretmar=rm-rf. Plot the two variables together. Note: I have already constructed the variables. Alternatively, on the command window, you type: genr exretpet=rpet-rf genr exretmar=rm-rf This generates the excess return variables. Once you do that, click on the “View” button to calculate the mean and standard deviation of each variable. c) Test the validity of the CAPM model by regressing rpet-rf on rm-rf. d) Re-estimate the CAPM model allowing for a January effect generated (in Eviews) as genr jandum=@seas(1). [Note: The financial literature suggests that returns might be higher in January. This is typically the case for small firms and for firms whose price has already declined during the year. Hence, an investor can make money by buying in December and selling in January. The most likely cause of the year-end effect is tax selling; for ordinary investors, the relevant consideration is whether to realise enough of their losses to get some benefit on their taxes. Capital losses are fully deductible against gains, and in the US, up to $3,000 of losses can also be deducted from ordinary income. This last can save an investor in the 28 percent tax bracket $840 on his tax return in April.]. e) Test for autocorrelation of order 12, heteroskedasticity, and normality. Test for parameter instability by splitting the sample in 1992:02. What do you infer from these tests? Answer to part a): Click on the ftse100 series, then choose “proc”, then choose Hodrick-Prescott filter. Then, accept the setting of the package (what the package suggests). The smoothed series hptrend01 gives you the smoothed trend. To calculate % deviations from the trend, type in deviation=100*(ftse100-hptrend01)/hptrend01. the command window: genr I have already done this for you. Then click on deviation and get the plot of the series: DEVIATION 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 What the plot is telling you is that the UK stock market was 12%-15% below its longrun trend in 1990 (UK recession) and in 1992 (when the UK exited the Exchange Rate Mechanism; see for instance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Wednesday) and some 15% above its long-run trend in early 1994. Brief answer to part b): .3 .2 .1 .0 -.1 -.2 -.3 1988 1989 1990 1991 EXRETPET 1992 1993 1994 1995 EXRETMAR From the above graph, the two excess return variables move very close to each other. This seems to suggest a beta coefficient which is close to 1. To get a summary of statistics for each variable, open the two variables as a group. Then click on the “Descriptive Stats” option: EXRETPET EXRETMAR Mean -0.003764 0.001300 Median -0.005510 -0.002904 Maximum 0.165594 0.220758 Minimum -0.231116 -0.116153 Std. Dev. 0.058685 0.047400 Skewness -0.079797 0.876733 Kurtosis 5.096003 7.160984 Jarque-Bera 18.04303 83.25273 Probability 0.000121 0.000000 The excess return on Petrofina has a lower mean return (and a higher volatility) than the excess return on the market portfolio. Brief answer to part c): Note: I have already saved the regression in the icon “part_c”. Click on the icon “part_c”. Dependent Variable: EXRETPET Method: Least Squares Date: 05/20/04 Time: 10:07 Sample: 1988:01 1996:02 Included observations: 98 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C EXRETMAR -0.004991 0.942958 -1.291955 11.51591 0.1995 0.0000 R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood Durbin-Watson stat 0.580082 0.575708 0.038226 0.140278 181.8498 1.959643 0.003863 0.081883 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) -0.003764 0.058685 -3.670404 -3.617649 132.6162 0.000000 Brief answer to part d): Check the icon “part_d”, where the coefficient on the January dummy variable is equal to -0.002519 with a t-ratio of -0.185159. e) Autocorrelation (serial correlation) test of order 12: The model does not fail the test. Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 0.690664 Prob. F(12,84) 0.7560 Heteroskedasticity test: The model fails the test at 5% (but not at 1%) since the pvalue is between 0.01 and 0.05. Heteroskedasticity Test: White F-statistic 3.448676 Prob. F(2,95) 0.0358 Normality test: The model fails badly the test as the p-value is equal to 0. 20 Series: Residuals Sample 1988M01 1996M02 Observations 98 16 12 8 4 0 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis 3.68e-18 0.005173 0.127032 -0.149042 0.038028 -0.483391 5.261202 Jarque-Bera Probability 24.69478 0.000004 0.10 Parameter stability test: In Eviews, choose: Stability tests, then Chow Forecast test and enter 1992:02. The model does not fail the test as the p-value=0.1125. Chow Forecast Test: Forecast from 1992M02 to 1996M02 F-statistic 1.424959 Prob. F(49,47) 0.1125