YouNewsTV Marketing Plan

YouNews® Cutest Kids National Contest
Starts: Mon, April 18 at Noon EST
Entry Deadline: Mon, May 9 at 5:00 pm/et
Voting Period: Wed, May 11 to Tues, May 17
Winners Announced: Mon, May 23, 2011
From beautiful babies to toppling toddlers – we never know what cute faces our kids are
going to make next. YouNews is calling all moms, dads, grandparents and relatives to
capture photos & videos of their little ones to share on our Cutest Kid National Contest.
Starting April 18th, website visitors can submit their funny, cute and sassy kid related
photos and videos to the YouNews Cutest Kids Contest for a chance to win one of
four Wii Prize Packs, valued at $200. Each prize pack includes a Nintendo Wii Console
and a $20 Best Buy Gift Card.
After the entry deadline, YouNews editors will select 5 finalists in each of 4 categories:
Silly Faces  Messy Eaters  Kids & Pets Best Song or Dance Video
Voting will run May 11-17 and the FOUR finalists who receive the most votes nationally
will each receive the Wii Prize Pack.
Local Sponsorship Opportunity: Stations are encouraged to include local prizes for
the YouNews Cutest Kid Contest. BIM will seamlessly combine national and local content
so that your local sponsor gets prime positioning. See this example from a past contest:
* Please contact your BIM Local Sales Manager for assistance with national/local sponsor
copy and logos. MARKETING MATERIALS: