United States History Date(s) & Periods this lesson covers: Monday -Friday (Jan.7-11, 2013) Competency(s)/Objectives: Monday and Tuesday 1A Cite and analyze evidence that the United States Constitution is a “living” document as reflected in Supreme Court cases, Amendments and Presidential actions. (DOK 3) 1B Analyze and evaluate the impact of presidential policies and congressional actions on domestic reform. 1C Explain and analyze the expansion of federal powers. (DOK 3) 1D Analyze and evaluate the on-going tension between individual liberty and national security. (DOK 3) Student Friendly Objective Explanation The students will understand that the U.S. Constitution has changed over the course of time. They will understand how the U.S. Government functions as three distinct branches with specific powers. The students will understand how the Bill of Rights can be limited in time of war. Assessment(s): Daily independent practice/Portfolio Assessment Daily bell and closure SATP2 questions Eagle Challenge (2-3 Minutes): Monday The students will respond to a Constitution Thematic Essay in teams. The team will develop an outline to answer the question. This question will be a later test question- writing response. We will go over their responses. Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes): The students will be provided an overview of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The teacher will provide descriptions of constitutional limitations placed on Native Americans, Chinese-Americans and anarchist and ask the students to determine government action as constitutional or unconstitutional. Mini-Lesson Monday: The teacher will: guide students through content on the following themes (PowerPoint): (1) constitutional limitations, (2) expansion of the federal government,(3) the limitations placed on individuals and civil liberties, and (3) Powers of the three branches and (4) the clear and present danger doctrine. Activity 1: Activity 6 Portfolio: the Expansion of Federal Government activitythe students will answer questions from examining the chart and reviewing key principles modeled through lecture. Activity 2: Portfolio Activity 7 The students will develop team responses from individual scenarios and develop individual responses. Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes): Students will be assigned Activity 11 # 6 SATP2 question practice from the student Portfolio. They will be asked to read and complete question 1 & 2 from Portfolio Activity 12. ________________________________________ Tuesday (All prior objectives , 7B & 7D) 7B analyze and evaluate the impact of religion on social movements, domestic/foreign policies and political debates. DOK 3 7D Contrast modernism and traditionalism relating to social change. (DOK 2) EAGLE Challenge: The students will complete Portfolio Activity 12 questions 3-4. TTW discuss the correct answers and teach test taking skills. Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes): The students will be provided brief descriptions of (1) civil liberties violated, (2) conflict with ulture and religion and (3) individuals who take on the government. Mini-Lesson Tuesday: The teacher will: guide students through content on the following themes (PowerPoint): (1) violations of civil liberties, (2) Religion vs. traditionalism and (3) the expansion of democracy. Activity 1: Activity 10 Portfolio: Expansion of Democracy interpretation activitythe students will answer questions from examining the chart and reviewing key principles modeled through lecture. Activity 2: Team SATP2 Practice questions as a team. Upon completion, the teacher will review the questions & answers with the class. This should be used as a study guide for test tomorrow. Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes): The students will construct a Venn diagram that address: (1) violations of individuals civil liberties and (2) expansion of American Democracy. _______________________________________________________ Wednesday Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes): Chapter test 1 review Mini-Lesson : Jeopardy & TEST (20-25 minutes) OBJ: 5C Identify and explain migration patterns that developed from push/pull efforts. (DOK 2) 7C: Examine cultural artifacts (music, art, etc.) to contextualized historical developments. (DOK 2) The teacher will: guide students through content on the following themes (PowerPoint): (1) expansion of government through the railroad industry (2) cultural changes/geographical changes and (3) major conflicts with Native Americans. TTW model note-taking skills using the Cornell Note-Taking method. We will elaborate on pg 2 & 3 notes in student portfolio. Activity 1: Activity 5 (Student Portfolio) page 12-13. Activity 2: United States History SATP2 practice/reading comprehensionshort primary source quotes followed by multiple choice SATP2 practice questions. (Native Americans and civil rights). Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes) Western & Gilded Sample Questions 1. Arrival of Chinese Workers 2. The Dawes General Allotment Act Thursday Obj 5C Identify and explain migration patterns that developed from push/pull efforts. (DOK 2) EAGLE Challenge: SATP2 sample question on inventions and factory system (Chart/diagram question from West/Gilded/Industrial SATP2 packet) *Question #2 Timeline on Native Americans in West *Question 7 Primary source quote analysis of Chinese Immigrants working on the railroad Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes): How does mechanization impact our culture? TTW lead a class analysis of the words industrialization and mechanization Mini-Lesson :TTW Model content using technology on: Labor vocabulary Political machines Riots Activity 1: The students will take notes by completing key terms form from Student Portfolio page 9. They will get with their assigned teams and discuss the “Impact” of the industrial policies and present to the class. TTW model content using technology on: Impact of Alexander Graham Bell’s invention, Importance of Elisha Otis George Eastman and the revolutionary camera, The Wright Brothers and the development of the airplane, Henry Ford and the evolution of the car culture. Activity 1: The students will complete a team activity on “Ranking the Inventions”. They will select the “most important” to “least important” and justify their responses. They will present their findings to the class. Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes) Question 2 & 8 from West/Gilded/Industrial SATP2 practice handout Homework: Study for a vocabulary quiz on the rise of big business, the rise of big business and the organized labor movement. Friday Review of key terms…….key terms quiz Obj 2B; Trace the response of American institutions, such as government and non-profit organizations to environmental changes and natural disasters. (DOK 2) 4F: Cite and analyze evidence of political, economic and social changes in the USA that expanded democracy of immigrant groups or other minorities. DOK 3 5C Identify and explain migration patterns that developed from push/pull efforts. (DOK 2) 7E. Cite and explain diversity in the USA. (DOK 2) EAGLE CHALLENGE: TSW review wage graphs and answer a sample SATP2 question. (West/Gilded/Industrial Era SATP Practice questions # 46) Sample Test Items handout # 5 & 7 Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes): Immigration and competition stats from current history Mini-Lesson : TTW model content using technology on the following topics: The “New” immigrant and the Golden Door Immigration (push/pull factors) American response to immigration (Nativism & melting pot) Chinese Exclusion Act vs Gentlemen’s Agreement Comparison to Native Americans and Chinese Americans Challenges of urbanization Catastrophic events (Chicago Fire/San Franscisco Earthquake- Katrina connection) Reformers mobilize Activity 1: TSW Analyze photographs from the student portfolio and answer several questions. Student Portfolio page 16 picture 6, 7 and 8. The answers will be discussed in the teams and with the class. Activity 2: TSW work in teams to answer New Immigrants and Cities Expand page 22 in Student Portfolio. The questions will be reviewed in class. Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes) Interpretative writing prompt Which solution to urban problems had the most impact? Justify your response….develop response in cause and effect chart. Question 1 and 5 (West/Gilded/Industrial SATP2 question practice)