NorCal Meeting February 2, 2013 MINUTES SATURDAY, FEB 2, 2013 11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. BELLEVUE CLUB, 525 BELLEVUE AVE., OAKLAND MEETING CALLED BY Joyce Krieg TYPE OF MEETING Quarterly Regional Meeting FACILITATOR Joyce Kreig NOTE TAKER Elaine Webster TIMEKEEPER Joyce Krieg ATTENDEES Joyce Krieg Central Coast, Elaine Webster Redwood, Dave La Roche South Bay, Carole Bumpus SF/Peninsula, Bob Garfinkle Fremont, Margie Yee Webb Sacramento, Judith Marshal Mt. Diablo, Linda Brown Berkeley, Kathleen Orosco Berkeley, Lenore Hirsch Napa Valley, Deborah Bernal TriValley, Barbara Truax Marin. Agenda topics 11:00 – 11:10 A.M. (10 MINUTES) CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS JOYCE KRIEG DISCUSSION Joyce calls the meeting to order and introduces Napa Valley Wr iters President and Representative, Lenore Hirsch. Napa Valley Writers is the newest branch of the California Writers Club. CONCLUSIONS Welcome Lenore and Napa Valley Writers. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE 11:10 – 11:15 A.M (5 MINUTES) MINUTES AND TREAURER’S REPORT Secretary Elaine Webster Treasurer Judith Marshall DEADLINE JOYCE KRIEG Minutes from December 1 approved by all Ayes DISCUSSION We spent $870 of the “use it and lose it” funds. $1130 of the original $2000 allotment is left in the fund. Mt Diablo continues to hold $500 of SoCal’s contribution to the Publishing Pathways website. None of this money has been spent. CONCLUSIONS We are within budget. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1 DEADLINE Elaine will add page numbers to minutes. 11:15 – NOON (45 MINUTES) Elaine SAN FRANCISCO WRITERS CONFERENCE Wrap up anything and everything we need to do to make our table professional-looking, worthwhile, and just plain fabulous! Feb 2 DEBORAH BERNAL Deborah thanks the branches for the book covers. She received more than she could use for the threefold color display, so she chose a good mix of genre, branch and designs. Several reps expressed a desire to have the display converted to a poster. Deborah will see what she can do. We have a banner and banner holder designed from PVC piping to act as a free standing display. The structure is light weight and easily disassembled to travel on BART. Other table items will include membership files and maps of the Northern and Southern California branches. Deborah designed Be Our Guest cards , which allow access to any branch meeting at membership rates. There will be a Scrabble game and dictionary. DISCUSSION Our exact location has not been determined. The conference continues t o work on placement. We hope to be right off the lobby, possibly in the same room as the bookstore. Deborah reviewed the volunteer list and procedures. Deborah will send more information and a finalized spreadsheet in the next few days. There will be a copy of the schedule at the table. Volunteers are to arrive 10 minutes before their shift. The Mark Hopkins hotel requires business casual attire. Jeans are okay as long as they’re presentable. Volunteers are required to bring a cell phone and have it on the entire time. There is one badge for the entire conference to be shared by all volunteers. No meals are provided. It is recommended that you bring a brown bag lunch and water. Attendees dine during the keynote address. It’s okay to stand at the back of the room to hear the presenter. We printed 1000 brochures, so hand them out freely. There’s no need for the volunteers to bring supplies. Everything required will be there. There will be a sign-up sheet for membership inquiries. Lunch and late afternoons will be heaviest. No unmanned booths. Linda Brown will be staying a block and a half away, if we need anything. She said to feel free to call on her. Carole asked if we’ll have a business card drop off point. The answer is yes. Tri-Valley volunteers will tear down the table after 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. Linda Brown asked about the tri-fold. She could arrange to have it displayed at City Hall. Once again, can we get an electronic copy? Can we make poster of the book covers? Maybe. Joyce passed around and talked about the brochure. Our total costs were $250 for the table plus $200 brochure. If we get ten new members we break even and the exposure is excellent. Linda Brown suggested we publicize before and after the conference. She will try and get interviews with key presenters and organizers. She suggested we use Twitter feeds to build on the excitement. Kathleen Orosco knows a reporter from Channel 2 news and will contact him. Discussion continued about the brochure. Joyce already passed them around at the Central Board meeting where there were lots of good eyes on it. Joyce will send the branches more information about QR codes. She made some tough choices for blurbs, but she got a good representation and edited them down. Can we post these up on CalWriters? Bob said to put them in a doc file and send to Donna. Leftover conference brochures will be distributed to the branches. Dave offered to include leftover brochures when he mails the Literary Review. Not every branch ordered extra Reviews, but he’ll include the brochures for those that did. The conference draws 350 paid attendees, numerous speakers and 100 volunteers. Whatever’s left Paula and Deborah will give to Joyce to distribute. Bob suggests that the CWC Central Board pay for the printing costs and any PR materials. He will approve the expenditures and Sharon will either pay or reimburse the costs. Margie commented on how many award winning authors among our members and we should showcase them. All agreed. Linda Brown and Bob had a few grammatical corrections to the brochure. Joyce wrote down the changes. Applause and smiles all around. CONCLUSIONS Everything is set, however keep in mind that parking is bad. There are two parking garages. There is parking at the Embarcadero and a cable car ride is $4.00. Remember all expenses are tax deductible. The Mark Hopkins has Valet parking for $50. 2 Round of applause for Deborah. ACTION ITEMS Deborah will send out all the information in the next few days and copy the reps. Deborah will send out parking recommendations. Joyce will get brochure to Paula by Tuesday in PDF format. 12:00 NOON – 1:00 P.M. (45 MINUTES) PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Deborah soon Joyce Tues. Feb 5 LUNCHEON IS SERVED! Let’s use lunch time to share branch activities Don’t forget to bring speaker recommendations DISCUSSION General lunchtime discussion about branch news. A few flyers were made available. CONCLUSIONS Yummy lunch. Gourmet Chicken Pot Pie with Cheese cake and fresh berries for dessert. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Burp! Stretch! Back to work! Branch Representatives completed 1:00 P.M. – 1:45 P.M. (30 MINUTES) DISCUSSION PUBLISHING PATHWAYS What’s the next step for this worthwhile project? ELAINE WEBSTER Elaine outlined the plan, most of which was discussed at the December 1 meeting. As of today: The committee is Elaine, Judith and Deborah. Joyce oversees. Elaine has set up a password protected Discussion Forum for the committee and Joyce. This could be expanded at a later date to include other key players. It eliminates the need of long strings of e -mails and keeps a permanent record. Bob reported that as of yesterday, February 1, Rik Scott renewed the domain and pa id for one year of hosting. He will send Joyce an invoice to pay. Elaine remarked that she had seen that the domain had been renewed. Elaine has already added a button for easy access to Publishing Pathways from the NorCal page and a “Start here” button that clicks through to Joyce’s design. The next step is to create an interactive “Start Here” page from Joyce’s design. The idea is to have her icons come alive and click through to the appropriate sections of the website. Elaine hopes to have this complete in February or March. Once the new design elements are added, Publishing Pathways will be ready for a re-launch. Elaine will amend the Publishing Pathways contact sheet from the branch changes she has and forward it to Judith to follow up further with the branches. Judith will compose a letter(s) to the contacts and confirm commitments. Elaine will work with Joyce, Deborah, and Judith to re-launch a Publishing Pathways extravaganza. Hold on to your hats. Final discussion of whether the website should be open to everyone or password protected ensued. Elaine feels strongly that the site be open. It is part of her plan to draw interest to the branches. There will be no confidential information on the site and no negativ ity. Others felt differently. Margie said that Sacramento’s board didn’t think any presenter reco mmendations or skills banks should be included. Many points of views were expressed. For now, Elaine will make the changes. The discussion will continue at the next meeting, a motion will be formally drafted 3 and voting will take place. CONCLUSIONS We are on our way. The issue of Password Protection will be voted upon. The site is open to anyone now, but there isn’t any new content. It can be password protected at a later date, when a decision is reached. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Bulleted above Elaine May 4 meeting 1:30 P.M. – 1:45 P.M. (15 MINUTES) DISCUSSION NCG WEB SITE What’s the next step for making this a valued tool for our branches? ELAINE WEBSTER No additional discussion. CONCLUSIONS ACTION ITEMS 1:45 – 2:15 P.M. (30 MINUTES) PERSON RESPONSIBLE LITQUAKE! Should we be involved in this year’s event – and if so, how? DEADLINE CAROLE BUMPUS Carole Bumpus fills us in on the history of Litquake. She points us to their website for the full story. It is a nine day literary spectacle. It includes all ages and most of the Bay Area’s literary community. Jane Ganahl is one of its founders and she remains a driving force. How can we be part of Lit Crawl? The event is held on the final night of the nine day event. Lit Crawl takes place at Mission and Valencia in San Francisco. Different groups read. Carole passed out the map for the Lit Crawl. Litquake goes on all year. Check out the website for the San Francisco and Berkeley events. The events take place throughout the Bay Area. The idea is to consider bringing in more of the CWC branches. Carole passed around information about how and when we could participate. DISCUSSION There is a cost to enter, possibly as much as $75 with an April 30 deadline. Is this date too soon for us to get involved this year? Linda Brown did contact the organizers last year. They indicated that it’s helpful to have a big name and a certain size venue. The participating organization secures the venue and organizes the event. Linda Brown thought that for CWC an event at Lake Chalet, on Lake Merritt or at Mont. Gains Restaurant in downtown Oakland might be places to consider. Linda did talk to organizers last year and indicated that they had an annual budget of at least ½ million dollars and each year is growing. For Lit Crawl we don’t have to pick the place. The norm is five speakers, speaking for an hour. The organizers successfully handle the event. Barbara Truax felt it may be too late for this year. Linda Brown felt with some advertising, we could still pull it off. Kathleen felt that participation would be based on the individual branch. Many branches already have members that participate and they would welcome a NorC al effort. Many felt that if we don’t make it too complicated, that both Litquake and Lit Crawl are doable. Everything together is huge with lots of opportunity to organize, promote and participate. On line, still shows 2012. What’s going on now? The website has contact information. Kathleen 4 said last year Berkeley promoted their anthology. Linda Brown might take on collaboration with Kathleen as the contact person. One idea is to use Mt .Diablo’s on-going panel discussion re: So, you want to write a book? Judith already has all the materials needed for this type of event. The hard part is finding the venue. We might consider the San Francisco Library, which right across from the BART station. Deborah asked about setting up an expert panel. Judith said she’s like to keep the book writing event at the branch level, but we could do an expert panel as a NorCal function. The feeling was that we may not be able to pull it off this year. CONCLUSIONS It’s an option. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Judith will register for a NorCal panel, then get back to us about what’s involved and the cost. Judith Marshall soon Linda will look into what is required for an event in the East Bay. She will also check out the venues from last year. Linda Brown soon 2:15 – 2:45 P.M. LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE AND/OR RETREAT Do we see merit in reviving either or both? If so, what are our next steps? Other endeavors NCG could pursue to provide value to the branches. JOYCE KRIEG Joyce started the discussion with the CWC July picnic. There is excitement surrounding a cake decorating contest with a literary theme. Call it Lit Cake? Deborah Bernal and Tri-Valley discussed a NorCal mixer. Maybe a 3 or 3 ½ hour cocktail party. Some thought we could use the “use it or lose it” money? Barbara Truax said there has been between 50 to-60 people at the picnic. Regarding other events, Barbara thinks we have enough on our plate for right now and should take it slow. Let’s do what we want to do first. Linda Brown proposes a retreat for California Writers Week. DISCUSSION Margie wants leadership to be a component for future events. Our branches need support to reinforce positive behavior. Linda Brown likes the idea of another leadership conference. She also brought up the need for a paid PR person or firm. Joyce likes the idea of mini leadership conferences at our regular NorCal meetings, along the lines of what Kim Edwards presented in December. Lenore wondered if branch volunteer meetings of individuals with the same job might be useful. For instance all Treasurers meet? It might be a good idea to have mentors for each position—a person that would be a NorCal contact for policies and procedures. We could use technology to dispense information. Joyce would like to push the picnic. Can we expand? Guest speaker? Dave said we need more publicity. Can we enhance it? CONCLUSIONS We have lots of ideas that we need to continue to discuss and consider. 5 ACTION ITEMS 2:45 – 3:00 P.M. DISCUSSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE NEXT MEETING Currently scheduled for May 4. Does that sound reasonable? Should we break for the summer or try to have a summer meeting? Venue for next meeting – outdoors? If so, where? DEADLINE JOYCE KRIEG Joyce suggests four meetings a year. The only Saturday that works is the first Saturday of the month. We should consider May for our next meeting, and then we will be done for the fiscal year. The next fiscal year would include August, October, February and May meetings. We decided that the next meeting is for May 4, once again at the Bellevue club at the same time. It was also agreed we should give our sponsor, Carole Levenson, a $50 gift card as a thank you. CONCLUSIONS ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE $50 gift card for Carole Levenson, the Bellevue Club member who makes it possible for us to meet. Joyce Krieg Done. 6