Making a reservation - Grateful Dogs Clubhouse

Christmas/New Year’s Holiday Procedures
Making a Reservation
Reservations will not be confirmed without a completed reservation slip and a $30.00 non-refundable
reservation fee per holiday. If reservation fee is paid in cash or check form, we will discount the holiday
fee to $25.
Please make sure to fill out your slip completely, including approximate drop off and pick up times, this is
essential to us. Don’t forget our hours are limited during the holidays, so make sure the times you write
down are during business hours. See attached holiday hours of operation.
A $30.00 reservation fee, per family, is required to make your reservation. This fee is non refundable,
and is not put towards your invoice. This is an additional fee we charge during the holiday. It is given
directly to the staff as a bonus for working so hard, so that you may enjoy the holiday. If your dog(s) will
be staying through the New Years holiday, you will need to pay two reservation fees.
We must have a valid credit card on file to process your reservation.
Please make sure we have copies your dog’s current vaccinations.
During the holidays, we will not apply any discounts.
Checking In
Please note our holiday hours of operation and schedule your pick up/drop off times accordingly.
Remember to allow extra time for check in, this is a busy time and the front desk may be busy helping
other clients.
Please make sure to fill out an overnight card completely. If you are having a friend drop off your dog,
you can download an overnight card from our website at and fill it out for them.
Only bring the amount of food essential for your dogs stay. We will have limited space in the kitchen. If
you bring a 40lb container for a two-day stay, we will take the amount needed and hand back the
remainder to you.
Please have all food in sealable containers. Large zip lock bags work best. We will not accept food in
garbage bags. These bags tear and create hazardous situations for dogs that may have food allergies.
Please clearly mark all food containers/bags, cans, scoops, etc. If your dogs’ belongings are not marked
clearly, we will hand you a marker and tape. We will not be able to mark your belongings for you.
Grooming services are on a first-come first-serve basis. Spaces are limited.
Please remember, dogs being dropped off for overnight stays must be here by 2pm,
puppies and high-energy dogs by 12pm. Please respect our procedures; your dogs will thank you.
Cancellation Policy - Please Read Thoroughly!
While we realize that everyone is under a great deal of stress at this time, please be patient, we are trying
our best to accommodate everyone’s needs. To help reduce some of this stress, please keep us
informed of your travel plan changes so that we can accommodate those that need our services.
Last year we had many last minute cancellations and schedule changes, leaving vacancies that could
have gone to someone in need, had we known sooner. As a result we are forced to impose a strict
cancellation policy, during the Christmas/New Year’s holiday. Please understand that we have changed
the policy so we can better serve all of our clients.
All cancellations must be made 7 days prior to your intended stay.
If you cancel your stay you will not be refunded your reservation fee.
All cancellation fees will be charged to your credit card on file.
Any cancellation made with less than 7 days notice will be charged 50% of their intended
stay, not to exceed $150.00.
If you fail to cancel your reservation, you will be charged for your entire stay.
Please Read and Initial
__________ I have read and understood all of the Grateful Dogs Holiday
__________ I understand that if I give less than 7 days notice of my cancellation I
will be charged 50% of my intended stay.
__________ I understand that if I do not call to cancel my reservation, or do not
show up, I will be charged for my entire stay.
__________ I understand that the $30 fee to confirm this reservation is absolutely
non-refundable, and non-transferable under any circumstances.
__________ My credit card is on file; I understand that my card will be charged if I
do not adhere to the cancellation policy.
__________ I understand that the staff at Grateful Dogs works extremely hard to
prepare for the Holidays and are doing their best to accommodate me,
as well as all of their clients. I agree to treat them with the same love
and respect that they give my dog(s). ;-)
PLEASE RESERVE SPACE FOR: ___________________________________________
HE/SHE WILL BE DROPPED OFF ON: _________________AT: ___________________
AND PICKED UP ON: ________________________AT: __________________________
$30 Credit/Debit Card
(circle one)
(If reserving both Holidays, two $30 fees are required)
*I have read and understood all of the above Grateful Dogs Holiday Procedures; my credit card is on file. _______ (INITIAL)
* My dog has previously boarded at Grateful Dogs:
YES / NO (circle one)
PLEASE CALL __________________
_______________________ TO CONFIRM, THANKS!
VACCINATIONS CHECKED: ______________________________
ENTERED IN KC: ___________________________