viewing guide 30 days life on reservation

Viewing Guide: 30 Days: Life on an Indian Reservation
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Please answer the following questions. Weʼll use them for further discussion later.
What are some problems that plague modern reservation life?
Whatʼs the population of the Navajo Nation? Size?
Does the size and/or population of this reservation surprise you? Why or why not?
Whatʼs a “hogan”?
What are some aspects of Native American culture that Morgan learns about during his
What are the “two worlds” that todayʼs Native Americans live in?
Why does Carl run toward the sun every morning?
Why is the unemployment rate so high on the reservation? (60%)
What direction is the sheep butchered toward? Why?
There are 80,000 people without water on the reservation. Why donʼt they have water?
How do they get water? How is this similar or different from your life?
Why might Kyle have to leave the reservation? How is this fact of life for Kyle similar or
different to your life?
Why is alcoholism such a problem on the reservation?
What has the reservation government tried to do about the problem of alcoholism?
List two surprising elements/ facts you learned from watching this episode:
One area you would like to know more about after watching this episode: