Направление: Экономика (Бизнес

St. Petersburg State University
Economic Faculty
Master program: Mathematical Methods in Economics
Degree: Master
Working language: Russian (a few disciplines delivered
in English)
Study: full-time
Duration: 2 years
Field of Training: 080100 Economics
Main objective of the program: training of high-qualified professionals with profound knowledge of the modern
economics, equipped with the skills necessary to conduct applied research with the use of advanced mathematical
and computer-based approaches and technologies.
Specialisation opportunities:
Mathematical Methods in Economics
Prof. Pavel V. Konyukhovsky, Head of Master Program:
Game Theory, Optimization models in economic research
Double Degree Programme in collaboration with
European University of Viadrina (Germany)
Prof. Alexey V. Vorontsovsky:
Economic Growth, Capital market theory, Risk Management,
Investment Decisions.
Main Disciplines:
Prof. Nikolay V. Hovanov:
Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty, Quantification of
Non-numerical, Imprecise and Incomplete Information
 Econometrics – Advanced level
 Microeconomics – Advanced level
 Macroeconomics – Advanced level
Prof. Sergey A. Vavilov:
Financial Asset Pricing, Stochastic Pricing Models, Real
Options, Financial Engineering.
 Mathematical Economics – Advanced Level
Prof. Valentina E. Parfyonova:
System Analysis, Mathematical Modelling
 Production and Operations Management
 Supply Chain Management
Prof. Knut K. Richter:
Operational Research, Logistics, Supply Chain Management.
 Mathematical methods in microeconomic
modelling of demand
PhD. Anton L. Dmitriev: Microeconomics, the History of
 Econometric analysis of innovative processes
PhD. Olga A. Podcorytova:
Applied and Theoretical Econometrics, Statistics.
 Contemporary analysis of panel data – Advanced
 Economic-mathematical methods of business
 Mathematical methods and software in the
organization of trading systems
PhD. Eugeny V. Gilenko:
Applied and Theoretical Econometrics
 Simulation methods for economic analysis
 Recent advances in mathematical modelling of the
capital market
 Game Theory – Advanced Level
 Quantitative Risk Management
 Risk Management – Advanced Level
 Mathematical Models and Business Planning
PhD. Konstantin Y. Yermolenko:
Asset management, Business Evaluation Methods.
PhD. Tatiana N. Pervozvanskaya:
Risk Hedging, Mathematical Methods of Financial Engineering
PhD. Anna S. Kuznetsova:
Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Mathematical Methods of
Stock Management
Doctor Andrey A. Kudryavtsev:
Risk Management, Microeconomic Modelling, Underwriting
PhD. Irina O. Rakhmanova:
Economic Systems Modelling, Instrumental and Mathematical
Approaches to Business Planning
Learning outcomes:
Our students acquire deep understanding and vast practical skills necessary in the field of mathematical
and instrumental approaches to economic behaviour modelling. Specifically, upon the graduation, they are
prepared to perform successfully in the fields economic dynamics statistical analysis both on the microand macro-level, financial and product market processes, the optimal management of an enterprise.
Where graduates work:
Analytical branches of banks, financial and insurance companies, particularly, risk-management
economic, financial, marketing, production and analytical branches in various companies;
financial, banking and insurance companies;
IT and analytical branches of investment and superannuation funds;
financial and investment official bodies of Saint Petersburg’s government;
consulting corporations;
economic, financial, marketing, production and analytical branches in various companies; financial,
banking and insurance companies; investment and superannuation funds; financial and investment
official bodies of the local government, consulting companies;
 educational and academic institutions, R&D and design organisations (with the opportunities to
participate in R&D projects).
Applicants from foreign countries submit
 the TORFL-2 certificate (Testing in Russian as a Foreign Language);
 a Bachelor diploma, a passport, and migration documents;
 the portfolio of documents including the motivation letter, an essay written at home on one of pre-given
topics, and optional documents approving foreign language abilities, research and publication experience
which are to be considered at the examination committee to select the most qualified and motivated
The admission rules, the criteria for the portfolio assessment, and a comprehensive list of documents to be
submitted are downloadable from the Admissions Office web page: http://abiturient.spbu.ru
Key aspects:
The students are permitted to take part in the double diploma programme run in cooperation with European
University of Viadrina (Germany) (the «Information & Operations Management» programme, the MSc degree
is granted upon the successful completion). The participation in the programme implies studying in Germany
for a 60 ECTS equivalent time period (classes are taught in English).
The programme involves interactive education approaches (business play, small group classes, case studies).
Lectures are conducted by leading professors from Russian and foreign universities.
Students are provided with the access to electronic libraries (which include JSTOR, Science Direct etc.),
informational, legal and statistical databases.
Contacts information:
Postal Address
Department of Economic Cybernetics, office 416
St. Petersburg State University
Economic Faculty
62 Tchaikovskogo str.
St. Petersburg 191123 Russia
Web: www.econ.spbu.ru
Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens
Office 10, Rector’s Wing
9 Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya
St. Petersburg 199034 Russia
Tel./Fax: +7 812 328 32 91
E-mail: admission@spbu.ru
Web: http://abiturient.spbu.ru
Department of Economic Cybernetics
E-mail: rios1011@yandex.ru
The Centre for International Mobility Programs of
SPSU (Economic Faculty)
+7 812 272 07 85
Email: kozub.irina@gmail.com