080500 - Business Informatics

St. Petersburg State University
Economic Faculty
Field of Training: 080500 - Business Informatics
Degree: Master in Business Informatics
Working language: Russian (a few disciplines delivered in
Study: Full-time
Duration: 2 years
The purpose of the program: prepare highly qualified business analysts and executives,
who are engaged into strategic and operational management, provide them with factbased insights, in-depth understanding of business performance analysis and systems
approach to decision making – using mathematical and quantitative methods of data
analysis as well as explanatory and predictive modeling.
Vladimir G. Halin, Head of Master Program,
Dr., Professor,
Head of the Department of Information Systems in Economics
Program-specific Disciplines
Professors and Lecturers
Microeconomics - the advanced
Macroeconomics - the advanced
System Theory and System Analysis
Gennadii A. Botvin, Ph.D., Professor, author of more than 150
publications, including monographs, textbooks, inventors' certificates on
the design of IP, the justification of IT infrastructure and application of
mathematical modeling techniques
Knut Richter, Dr., Professor, Head of the Enterprise Economics
Department, a leading specialist in the European Union in the field of
operations management and logistics. Author of more than 170
academic papers
Alexander V. Yurkov, Dr., Professor, a specialist in the field of the
world information & data resources, management theory
Vadim L. Abbakumov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, author of books on
economic and statistical research and business analysis of the socioeconomic information
Igor I. Komarov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, author of more than 70
publications on Information Security, Natural language in computer
Ludmila F. Vyunenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor, an expert on the
methods of simulation and application of mathematical methods in the
social and economics research
Victoria V. Ivanova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, author of textbooks on
business processes modeling, design of IP storage and databases
Tatiana A. Lezina, Ph.D., Associate Professor, author of textbooks and
teaching materials on business analysis of the socio-economic
information and the design of IP and databases
Ilia S.Lebedev, Dr., Associate Professor, author of more than 40
publications on Operations research, mathematical linguistics, artificial
intelligence, knowledge bases, databases, algorithmic and programming
Michael P. Chaunin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, author of textbooks on
operating systems and programming
Econometrics - the advanced level
Methodology and tools for modeling
business processes
Decision Theory
The Information Business Analysis
Lifecycle Management for
Information System
Simulation system
Data Mining Systems
Enterprise Architecture
Students will receive in-depth theoretical knowledge of economics and management, business valuation, systems
analysis, mathematical modeling, business process modeling and performance measurement.
Students will be able to increase skills of business analysis and business management get familiar with modern
trends of information technologies and business analysis and study advanced topics in decision-making and strategy.
Graduates work in Russian and international manufacturing companies of all types of ownership, in
departments of information analysis, business analysis or financial analysis of banks, in federal and
regional state authorities, in research, innovation, consulting and analytical organizations, are engaged at
leading universities of Russia and of foreign countries, departments of IT and information analysis in
companies of the real sector of the economy, software and IT companies.
Leading manufacturing and trading companies (including Gazprom Neft, Megaphone, Joint Heineken
Brewery, Nokian Tires), largest domestic banks (Bank VTB 24, Severo-Zapadnyy Bank Sberbank Rossii,
Bank “Vozrozhdenie”, Baltinvestbank etc.), analytical, IT, economic, financial and investment departments
of state authorities, noncommercial organizations and funds, including Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the
state-participants of the CIS.
Applicants from foreign countries submit
 the TORFL-2 certificate (Testing in Russian as a Foreign Language);
 the portfolio of documents including the motivation letter, an essay written at home on one of pre-given
topics, and optional documents approving foreign language abilities, research and publication experience
which are to be considered at the examination committee to select the most qualified and motivated
 a Bachelor diploma, a passport, and migration documents.
The admission rules, the criteria for the portfolio assessment, and a comprehensive list of documents to be
submitted are downloadable from the Admissions Office web page: http://abiturient.spbu.ru
 Master Degree students have the opportunity to create individual learning paths by choosing
from a wide range of elective courses in accordance with the curriculum. Instructors will help to
determine these paths based on students’ professional and career interests.
 In the Master Degree Program «Information business intelligence» students will have the
opportunity study abroad at leading universities – partners of Economic Faculty, including the
opportunity on a competitive basis to receive training on the model of "double degree" with the
Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany) and the European University "Viadrina" (Germany).
 Graduates will be prepared to influence strategy and operations with fact-based insights and an
in-depth understanding of business performance analysis with the systems approach – using
mathematical and quantitative methods of data analysis as well as explanatory and predictive
Postal Address
Department of Information Systems in Economics,
office 309
St. Petersburg State University
Economic Faculty
62 Tchaikovskogo str.
St. Petersburg 191123 Russia
Web: www.econ.spbu.ru
Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens
Office 10, Rector’s Wing
9 Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya
Department of Information Systems in Economics
The Centre for International Mobility Programs
of SPSU (Economic Faculty)
+7 812 272 07 85
Email: TAChebot@yandex.ru
St. Petersburg 199034 Russia
Tel./Fax:+7 812 328 32 91
E-mail: admission@spbu.ru
Web: http://abiturient.spbu.ru