BISHAM PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD AT BISHAM ABBEY ON MONDAY, 18th OCTOBER 2004 PRESENT: Councillor Ms M. Cooper (Chairman) Councillors Mrs. A Robson Brown, Mrs. H. Belasco, Mrs. M. Cubley and A. Keene. Borough Councillor D. Ricardo Clerk: Mr. R. Wardle One representative of the Press Ten members of the public AN APOLOGY FOR ABSENCE was received from Councillor J. Cooke 81. PUBLIC FORUM A member of the public asked the Council to note his objection to Planning Application 04/00806 in respect of Apple Hill, Henley Road, Hurley. The property had not been occupied for two years and the drainage system was unsatisfactory as there had been a sewage overflow on at least three occasions. He considered that the use as a Nursing Home was inappropriate. Work had already started on cutting down trees. The Chairman pointed out that the Parish Council could only comment on the Application as the Planning Authority was the Council of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. A representative of Temple Golf Course indicated the Club’s support of the resident’s objection. Members of the public reported a recent accident at The Green when a vehicle had damaged one of the cottages. The residents asked if the Parish Council would press the Highway Authority to provide a crash barrier along the length of Bisham Road to protect the cottages. The Council was also requested to press for measures to encourage observance of speed restrictions 1 along Bisham Road. It was suggested that the Borough Council should be asked to arrange for visits of the Speed Indicator Device (SID) and then to consider the provision of a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) particularly for vehicles leaving the 404M at the Temple Roundabout. Members suggested that RBWM should be asked to locate SID in several locations in the Parish, including Burchetts Green Road and Henley Road near Stubbings Church. Councillor Mrs. Cubley indicated that she was in discussion with Members and Officers of RBWM regarding traffic calming measures. Whatever was proposed would be the subject of consultation with residents. Concern was expressed about the number of heavy vehicles travelling through Bisham Village. A member of the public expressed concern about a Planning Application in respect of The Country House, Bisham Road and the proposals in respect of The Compleat Angler which were the subject of a Planning Application made in 2002. A member of the public was concerned that Bisham Abbey car park lights were left on too long and Councillor Cubley promised to raise this with RBWM. She also promised to raise the problem caused to drivers by certain lights at The Compleat Angler. Reference was made to the problems at the Layby on the 404M which had been mentioned by PC De Haan at the last Meeting. The Highways Agency had arranged for some cutting back of the bushes but these had not been thinned as requested. There was general agreement that any effective action to alleviate the problems would only result in transfer of the problem elsewhere which might be in an area visited by families. 82. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Keene declared personal non-prejudicial interests in Planning Applications 04/00806 and 04/00960 83. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th September, 2004, were approved as a correct record. 84. MATTERS ARISING 62 – Layby 404M. Although the bushes had been trimmed they had not been thinned as requested and the Clerk promised to speak again to the Highways Agency. 2 63 - Cookham Bridleway Circuit. Following the Meeting, RBWM Public Rights of Way PPI and Maintenance Officer had asked for written comments. The Clerk had written to Members but had not received a reply. It was agreed that the Council’s comments could be summarised as follows:Spring Lane is considered dangerous for horses. Alleyns Lane and Startins Lane are considered too dangerous to be designated as bridleways. A number of the routes proposed are in narrow lanes where effective traffic calming measures are required if they are to be designated bridleways. The corner of the junction of Winter Hill Road and Gibraltar Lane requires realignment, as turning is difficult and dangerous. The suggestion to make some roads one-way is unacceptable as that is likely to make the roads more dangerous. The proposed map gives a misleading impression that there are an adequate number of routes. Because the provision of suitable bridleways is inadequate the proposal gives too much emphasis on the use of roads. 64 – Burchetts Green – Noise. RBWM had written to the organisers of the parties making the noise which it was hoped would be effective. 66 - 47 – The Slate Fence. The Clerk had sent to Members a copy of a letter from RBWM Conservation Officer stating that the person responsible for removal of the Slate Fence intended to reinstate it. Councillor Belasco reported that she had consulted the expert who had expressed concern about the removal of the fence and strongly recommended that a qualified contractor should be appointed to undertake the work. It was essential that replacement slates should be of the same size as those existing. The Clerk was requested to write to the Conservation Officer. Councillor Cubley reported on her contact with the owner. An Inspector from the Lands Registry had dismissed the claim of ownership by the person who had removed the fence. 47 – Crime and Disorder Panel. The Clerk reported that Councillor Cooke and Councillor Macdonald of White Waltham Parish Council had been elected for the Northern Parishes. Councillor Cooke was unable to attend the 3 Meeting of Council as the Panel were having their first Meeting at the same time. 68 – Church Lane. Onyx had stated that they were unable to empty the Litter Bin and had asked if the Parish Council could make arrangements. Councillor Cooke had agreed in principle to make arrangements and the Clerk would be talking to Onyx about the details. Members expressed concern that Onyx were not complying with their contract. 70 – Consultation on Planning Applications. RBWM had confirmed that the Council would be consulted on Applications in respect of properties immediately adjoining the Parish Boundary, including the Berkshire College of Agriculture, part of which was located in the Parish. 71 – Guide’s Building, Quarrywood Road. RBWM had confirmed that the lighting provided did not require planning permission. The lights had been left on late because of a default in the timing, which appeared to have been fixed. 75 – Bulb Scheme 2004/005. The Council had been successful in its bid for bulbs which would be planted in the Parish by children at the School. 85. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 04/00806 [dated 15 September 2004] Apple Hill, Henley Road, Hurley, Maidenhead, SL6 5LH [FULL] Construction of a part single part two storey extension to existing nursing home to provide a total of forty residential bedrooms and provision of additional parking. Object. Does not comply with Policies GB1 and GB2. There would be a significant and unacceptable increase in traffic. Drainage of the premises requires inspection. The Council noted that Temple Golf Club had not been consulted. 04/00910 [dated 28 September 2004] The Garden House, Marlow Bridge Lane, Marlow, SL7 1RH [FULL] Construction of a two storey side extension, a detached double garage and conversion of existing detached games room into an annexe. Members to inspect. 4 04/00960 [dated 30 September 2004] Temple Farm Building, Temple Farm, Temple, Marlow [FULL] Change of use of redundant agricultural building to B1 light industrial use. Object. Inappropriate use in this rural area. 04/00953 [dated 30 September 2004] The Country House, Bisham Road, Marlow, SL7 1RP [FULL] Alterations to front boundary wall to include new timber gates, raising of brickwork between existing piers and applying rendered finish to new copings. Object. The proposals would damage the street scene and the materials proposed are unsuitable. 04/00975 [dated 4 October 2004] Cranmer House, Grubwood Lane, Cookham, SL6 9UD [FULL] Construction of first floor extension with front and rear dormers linking existing garage to main dwelling. No objection, subject to the proposed extension being compatible with the existing building. 04/01001 [dated 6 October 2004] Quarrywood Hall, Quarry Wood, Marlow, SL7 1RF [TREES] Consent to fell three beech trees covered by TPO. No objection. NOTICE OF PERMISSION 04/00321 [dated 14 September 2004] 36 Bisham Village, Bisham, SL7 1RR [FULL] Erection of rear fence and gate and fence and gate to side access of property (retrospective). 04/00650 [dated 5 October 2004] Quarry Wood House, Quarry Wood, Marlow, SL7 1RF [TREE] Consent to fell horse chestnut tree. 5 04/00495 [dated 1 October 2004] 36 Bisham Village, Bisham, SL7 1RR [LISTED BUILDING CONSENT] Consent to carry out internal alterations comprising removal of two internal doors and plaster board lobby to living room and replacement fireplace hearths at ground/first floor. External alterations comprising nameplate to front elevation adjacent to door . NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL 04/00356 [dated 23 September 2004] The Garden House, Marlow Bridge Lane, Marlow, SL7 1RH. Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the proposed conversion of the games room into accommodation ancillary to the existing dwelling and external alterations to the side elevation is lawful. 04/00738 [dated 6 October 2004] Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Bisham Village, Bisham, SL7 1RT [VARIATIONS] Variation of planning conditions 3 and 4 of approval 01/37916 to vary the times the floodlights can be switched on NOTICE OF NO OBJECTION 04/00659 [dated 11 October 2004] Old Manor Cottage, Burchetts Green Lane, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, SL6 3QP [TREES] Consent to fell an apple, crown, clean and remove a dominant stem of a tulip tree 86. HIGHWAYS Councillor Keene noted that the byway corner of Church Road and Stubbles Lane did not appear to be clear for access. The Clerk was requested to ask RBWM to ensure that drains in the following areas were cleared before the Winter:Henley Road, Stubbings Burchetts Green Road opposite Woodall Bisham Road opposite The Complete Angler Councillor Ricardo promised to ask RBWM to clear the drains in that part of Hockett Lane near its junction with Grubwood Lane. 6 87. WHITE WALTHAM AIRFIELD The Clerk was requested to obtain information on the date of the next Meeting of the Consultative Committee. 88. FINANCE BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD Less cheques outstanding £5735.58 39.50 Balance 4696.08 EXPENDITURE Less - Cheques for signature [748] Leisure Connection Ltd: Refreshments September Meeting [749] Braywick Heath Nurseries Ltd.: Grounds Maintenance August and replacement Crab Apple Tree [750] SDK Environmental Ltd.: Bin emptying July-September [751] Inland Revenue: Tax, Clerk October [752] R. Wardle: Salary September 239.42 Expenses September 83.30 Stationery 16.98 Postage stamps 28.00 [753] Royal British Legion (Wreaths and Donation) 14.50 279.58 12.93 67.52 367.70 50.00 792.23 [other payments] [D/D] 01/05/2004 RBWM: Loan Repayment 1036.92 294.69 INCOME VAT Return for period 14.04 to 30.9.04 1608.64 BALANCE 5217.80 7 89. TRANSFER OF LICENCE The Clerk reported receipt of a Notice of Application to Transfer Justices’ Licence at Bisham Abbey from Anthony Prosser to Peter Bennett. 90. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT RBWM Community Partnership invited Parish Councils to submit ideas to tackle anti-social behaviour in communities. The Council had also begun a review of the Maidenhead Local Plan and were encouraging local communities to engage more effectively in the future planning of their neighbourhoods. 91. LICENSING ACT 2003 RBWM had published a Licensing Policy Statement for consultation. 92. THE COMPLEAT ANGLER The Clerk reported that no decision had been made in respect of Planning Application 02/38990 submitted in July 2002 for two storey and single side extensions and new car parking. The Parish Council had objected to the proposal. RESOLVED: That RBWM be informed of the Council’s concern that the Council were not kept informed. 93. BISHAM FOOTPATHS Members indicated their support of the RBWM proposal to make a Definitive Map Modification Order to show the correct line of Bisham Footpath 19. There was a suggestion that the Berkshire College of Agriculture had unofficially diverted a footpath and had suggested that footpaths within the College Area should be extinguished for security reasons. Councillor Keene had received a letter from RBWM Rights of Way Officer agreeing to make a track in Carpenter’s Wood a Bridleway. 94. DEVELOPMENT IN MARLOW Councillor Belasco reported on the discussion at a recent meeting of the Marlow Society regarding proposals to redevelop the Waitrose Supermarket. RESOLVED: That Wycombe District Council be informed of the Council’s concerns regarding the impact of the development on the Parish 8 95. CRIME The Chairman reported that, at her request, the Clerk had written to the Police Commander regarding a burglary at a property in Burchetts Green. The Meeting closed at 10.30 p.m. Chairman…………………………… Date…………………………. 9