x - Bisham Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting held at Bisham Abbey on Monday 13th October 2003
Councillors: Ms M Cooper [Chairman]; Mrs H Belasco; J Cooke;
Mrs M Cubley [from 8.00pm]; A Keene; Mrs A Robson Brown;
Clerk: David Janes
Borough Councillors: Mrs M Cubley [from 8.00pm]
One representative of the Press
Three members of the public
Borough Councillors’ Surgery: Mrs Hooper drew attention to this meeting, to be held on Tuesday
evening [14th] at Bisham Praimary School from 7.00pm-8.30pm
No apologies for absence had been received.
These had already been distributed, the minutes were approved and signed.
There were no declarations of interest made.
a] The Slate Fence: [i] Listing, no further progress to report. INFORMATION [ii] Leaning and
Unsafe Pillars, had been reported by a local resident, the CLERK will request RBWM to inspect
and take necessary action.
b] A404 Layby: The Clerk reported on a reply received from Temple Golf Club. After discussion,
it was agreed CLERK to write to Mr Randall and the Police on similar lines to that of the Golf
Club, and to request suitable convenient dates for a meeting.
c] Bisham Brook: The Clerk reported on a reply from the Environment Agency [EA] indicating
that a further clearance would not now be carried out until 2006. CLERK to write EA informing of
concerns and requesting urgent reconsideration in view of the recent experience of flooding.
d] Bucks CC, Schools Catchment Area: The Clerk had sent a response to Bucks CC requesting
that the whole area of Bisham Parish Council be icluded in the catchment area as previously. A
reply had now been received indicating that the Parish Council’s request will be included in
considerations to take place. INFORMATION
a] Maintenance and Repairs: Replies had been received to these outstanding items as follows:[Ii] Church Lane, Bisham: The Surface Water Drainage was now receiving attention; The
pot-holes had been filled; TWA had repaired the water leak; and the adoption was confirmed.
[ii] Green Lane, Bisham: The subsidence works are to be carried out when the footbridge
work is carried our; the Drainage and Pedestrianisation is still being progressed.
[iii] Burchetts Green Road, Burchetts Green: The pot-holes have now been filled.
[iv] Henley Road, Stubbings: The pot-holes have now been filled; The RBWM Inspector
had found no encroachment at Croos Road Cottages.
b] The Culvert Footpath: [i] Costs etc: A letter, received from RBWM, had been distributed to
members. Members expressed disappointed that earlier information of progress received was
completely wrong. MRS CUBLEY may progress this further on receipt of the reports. [ii] MP: It
was agreed that a leeter should be sent from the CHAIRMAN to the local MP, expressing the
Parish Council’s disappoinment of her lack of support for The Culvert Footpath in preference to
FP9. Both items would have provided safe crossings of the A404 and The Culvert Footpath would
have linked Bisham Under Wood with Bisham.
c] Bisham Under Wood: The Clerk reported that letters had been sent to the 8 residents, and that 4
replies had been received. Generally all were interested in an improvement to the safety of the
junction with A308, although there was some difference as to how this might be achieved. After
discussion it was agreed CLERK to write to RBWM with copies of replies received and asking if
some action might be considered/taken.
d] Public Rights of Way Forum: Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent to RBWM expressing
Parish Council concerns that no Parish Council representatives are included on the Forum. INFO
e] Bisham Traffic Calming: Mrs Cubley reported on recent discussions at RBWM, which indicated
that no reply had been received from the Parish Council. Clerk confirmed a reply had been sent
with a response received from RBWM. MRS CUBLEY will take this up on receipt of copies and
CLERK to write and invite RBWM’s engineer to attend a meeting to explain and answer questions
on the subject of Traffic Calming.
f] Burchetts Green Roundabout: An advertising notice board for swimming pools was displayed
near to the entrance to Cross Road Cottages. CLERK to write to RBWM requesting action to
secure its removal.
g] Parole Bridge, Quarrywood Road: Pillar repairs have not been carried out. CLERK progress
03/40409 [dated12th June 2003] Stubbings House, Henley Road, Maidenhead SL6 6QL
[LISTED BUILDING CONSENT] Formation of new doors to breakfast area plus minor internal and external alterations.
This was considered at the Parish Council meeting on 14 th July 2003 and, as the proposal was unclear,
they objected.
Further clarification was received and The Chairman Councillor Ms M Cooper and
Councillor Mr A Keene had agreed that the PARISH COUNCIL NOW HAD NO OBJECTIONS. This was
03/40701 [dated 14th August 2003] Tudor Cottage, Grubwood Lane, Cookham, Maidenhead SL6 9UB
[FULL] Demolition of existing house and outbuildings and construction of detached house enlarged driveway and
vehicle hardstanding.
03/40767 [dated 2nd September 2003] Thornhills, Quarrywood Road, Marlow SL7 1RE
[FULL] Demolition of existing house and construction of 5-bed detached dwelling.
THE PARISH COUNCIL OBJECT on the following grounds: - 1] Subject to Flood Plain Policy; 2] Overdevelopment of the site; 3] Disproportionate to size of original ‘footprint’.
03/40817 [dated 12th September 2003] Willow House, Quarrywood, Marlow SL7 1RF
[FULL] Engineering operations comprising walls and terraces and alterations to ground levels.
NO OBJECTIONS, subject to Flood Plain Policy.
03/40840 [dated 18th September 2003] Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Bisham Village, Bisham SL7 1RT
[LISTED BUILDING CONSENT] Re-roofing of existing building and associated remedial works to the interior.
03/40848 [dated19th September 2003] Elsinore, Bisham Road, Marlow SL7 1RL
[WORKS TO TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA] Consent to fell 2 Cypress and to prune 2 Cypress.
NO OBJECTIONS, subject to the views of the Royal Borough’s Tree Officer.
03/40850 [dated 22nd September 2003] 25 Bisham Village, Bisham, Marlow SL7 1RR
[LISTED BUILDING CONSENT] Conversion of loft to include dormer window, ‘velux’ window and staircase.
THE PARISH COUNCIL OBJECT. This creates a three storey property which is out of keeping with
neighbouring properties. The Dormer window is too large and out of proportion and lineage of remainder
of the properties. The Parish Council also object to the introduction of a ‘velux’ window.
03/40851 [dated 22nd September 2003] 25 Bisham Village, Bisham, Marlow SL7 1RR
[FULL] Conversion of loft to include dormer window to front.
THE PARISH COUNCIL OBJECT. This creates a three storey property which is out of keeping with
neighbouring properties. The Dormer window is too large and out of proportion and lineage of remainder
of the properties. The Parish Council also object to the introduction of a ‘velux’ window.
03/40870 [dated 25th September 2003] Orchard House, Bisham Road, Marlow SL7 1RP
[FULL] Construction of two storey rear and single storey side extension – renewal of pp 98/33339
NO OBJECTIONS. However, the Parish Council request the Royal Borough to examine carefully in view of
the latest Flood Plain Regulations.
03/40874 [dated 25th September 2003] Quarry Wood House, Quarrywood, Marlow SL7 1RF
[FULL] New conservatory to side following demolition of existing porch.
03/40875 [dated 25th September 2003] Stubbings House, Henley Road, Maidenhead SL6 6QL
[FULL] Demolition of existing garden room and construction of and replacement single storey extension and
THE PARISH COUNCIL OBJECT as they feel it is out of keeping with the existing listed building.
03/40876 [dated 25th September 2003] Stubbings House, Henley Road, Maidenhead SL6 6QL
[LISTED BUILDING CONSENT] Demolition of existing garden room and construction of replacement single storey
extension and conservatory.
THE PARISH COUNCIL OBJECT as they feel it is out of keeping with the existing listed building.
03/39979 [dated 28th February 2003] Bisham Abbey Golf Club, Bisham Village, Bisham, Marlow SL7 1RT
[FULL] Erection of a new clubhouse to replace existing one.
03/40593 [dated 22nd July 2003] High Rising, Gibraltar Lane, Cookham, Maidenhead SL6 9TR
[FULL] Two storey rear extension.
03/40640 [dated 1st August 2003] 5 Bisham Court, Bisham, Marlow SL7 1SD
[WORKS TO TREES IN CONSERVATION AREA] Consent to crown thin and reduce a weeping Beech tree.
03/40667 [dated 7th August 2003] Stubbings Gate, Burchetts Green Lane, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead SL6 3QP
[LISTED BUILDING CONSENT] Insetion of addiotional rear windows and associated internal alterations to bedrooms
and bathrooms.
03/40673 [dated 6th August 2003] The Vicarage, Burchetts Green Road, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead Sl6 6QS
[FULL] Construction of single storey fron extensions to study and garage.
03/40494 [dated 2nd July 2003] White Lodge, Bisham Road, Bisham, Marlow SL7 1RN
[CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT] Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed raised timber
03/40521 [dated 4th July 2003] 1 Stubbings Bungalow, Henley Road, Maidenhead SL6 6QL
[CHANGE OF USE] Change of Use from Chalet Bungalow to ground floor nursery coffee shop and first floor one ded flat
with additional dormer windows.
03/40578 [dated 14th July 2003] Temple Farm, Temple, Marlow
[CHANGE OF USE] Change of Use from redundant agricultural building to a light industrial building.
03/40725 [dated 19th August 2003] 49 Temple Mill Island, Marlow SL7 1SQ
[WORKS TO TREES COVERED BY TPO] Consent to fell a multi-stemmed Hazel.
B] Other Items: [i] Limberlost Cottage, Burchetts Green Road, Burchetts Green: RBWM had
replied that a planning application had been invited, if one is not forth-coming enforcement action
may be necessary. INFORMATION [NOTE during this item the Chairman Ms M Cooper
withdrew from the meeting and took no part in any discussion on the subject as this was a
neighbouring property to her own. Mrs Robson Brown took the Chair for the duration of the item]
[ii] Hayden’s Nursery, Temple Lane, Bisham: RBWM had replied that no enforcement action
would be taken until the question of poly tunnels, subject of a planning application, had been
resolved. It was reiterated that the Parish Council was interested in retail operations which had been
introduced. CLERK to write RBWM to clarify this point.
The Chairman, Ms M Cooper, commented that as there had been no meeting of the White Waltham
Airfield Consultative Committee [WWACC] there was nothing to report. However, there had been
reports in the local paper of action taken by the Airfield but not discussed by the WWACC.
A Keene then explained that a proposal had been submitted to the Berkshire Structure Plan ‘that
certain policies should be included relating to the expansion of business and general aviation at
White Waltham Airfield’. This had not been discussed by WWACC and it was agreed that the
CLERK write to the Chairman and request the including of an item on the Agenda of the next
meeting to ascertain why this had not been included at the previous meeting. Mr Keene was
thanked for his work on this item.
a] Parish Plan: Mrs Cubley reported on the present position and benefits of producing a Parish Plan.
She holds a copy of one produced by another Parish Council and will arrange for a copy to be
distributed to members for consideration and discussion at the next meeting. INFORMATION
b] Common Land: Mrs Cubley has received some information from Land Registry, which needs to
be looked at with information the Parish Council already has concerning ‘pieces’ of land. Maybe a
future action would be to consult with a solicitor particularly concerning the many strips of
‘unaccounted for’ land around the Parish area.
c] Green Lane: Mrs Belasco reported that there had been an incident of fly-tipping near to The
Playground and needing clearing as soon as possible so as not to attract other rubbish. CLERK to
write to RBWM
d] The Playground: Mr Cooke reported on actions taken with the school contractor and his lack of
confidence in achieving what is needed. After discussion it was agreed that the CLERK seek from
RBWM to identify 3 reliable contractors and approach them for advice and estimates. Also that it
was necessary to close off The Playground for the time being whilst the necessary repair work is put
in hand.
e] Litter Bins: The Clerk reported that RBWM had been advised of the situation which was now to
be taken up with the contractor. It was reported that the bins have not been emptied. CLERK to
request emptying as a matter of urgency.
Precept no 2
[cheques for signature – signed at the meeting]
[678] Leisure Connection plc: 8/9/03 meeting
[679] Braywick Heath Nurseries Sept. Maintenance
[680] Inland Revenue: Tax, Clerk
[681] D F Janes: Salary and Expenses
Petty Cash
[other payments]
[D/D] 01/10/2003 RBWM: Loan Repayment
B] Audit 2003/04: The Clerk reported that the external auditors had given notice that they intend to
call the audit next year on 30th June 2004, a month earlier than this year.
Berkshire Structure Plan
Letter sent, reply received
Re-constitutuion of School Governing Bodies
Telecommunications Register – Sept 2003
The Berkshire Communicator [2 copies]
A Keene
J Cooke
A Keene
Ms M Cooper
and Mrs Robson Brown
Poppleston Allen, Solicitors .Licence Transfer, Sports Bar, Bisham Abbey
SE England, Reg Assembly Reg Mineral strategy – Consultation Draft A Keene
Public Rights of Way – Progress Reports
Mrs Robson Brown
Rights of Way Improvement Plan
FP8 Bisham [part] Modification Order 2003
Local Plan Alteration
Flood Awareness Meeting 30/10/03
Local Channel
Offer to Host Parish Council Website
Mrs Robson Brown
Mrs Robson Brown
and Mrs Cubley
A Keene
Mrs Robson Brown
and Mrs Belasco
a] Northern Committeee of FRAG: Mrs Robson Brown gave a report of the recent meeting.
b] DALC Meeting: Ms Mary Cooper gave a report of the recent meeting.
c] Winterhill Road: A load of tarmac appears to have been dumped on National Trust land near to
Choke Lane. The National Trust should be informed.
d] Parish Conference – Reduction of Anti Social Behaviour: Mrs Robson Brown reported on this
and explained that there might be an expense to the Parish Council and in the circumstances nothing
further would progress.
e] FP9: Mrs Robson Brown distributed a copy of a letter she had received from The Ramblers’
Association which was to be included on the Parish Council file.
Monday 10th November 2003
The meeting closed at 10.30pm
CHAIRMAN ……………………………………………………………... DATE ………………
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC as the meeting continued “IN COMMITTEE”